Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, June 17, 1911, Image 16

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re THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1911. L SOCIAL; NEWS Personal Mention Has Returned From Washington Schoo, u Mina* Mari* and Lucy' Pardua have. — returned to their home in Carrollton,, after an extended vie It with relative* here. Their cousin*. Charlsle and ! Dwight McClain, returned, with them ■ for a short vl»lt. I Mia* Elis* Hansall will attend the! State university commencement in Ath- . ens next week as the guest of Miss' Susie Dorsey. Upon her return home. ■ _ Mis* Hansell will be accompanied by J g Miss Dorsey and Miss Marlon Nicolson. I I whom she will entertain at a delightful I party | r Miss Kat* Felder, who has been Inj 6 New Tork a month, visiting Mr. and | B Mrs Thomas J. Felder and Mr. and, f Mrs. Grantland Rice, will return to At-j a lanta Sunday and be with her sister. | 9 Mrs. Logan Williamson. I Mis* Lillian Viola Moss's- ■ urday for New York. g'’r - van-1 1 nah. She will be Jolr d later by Mr.| J and Mr*. J. Hunter Leversedge. the| ' party to spend some time at Atlantic j * City hod other resort* on the East 1 coast. Ml** Moseley will return to At. J lanta and re-open her dancing classes I on September IS. i Miss Elizabeth Anderson, who Is vls- I Itlng Miss Ethel McKay In Macon, was complimented with a delightful after noon party on Friday. Mr*. Ben Dasher, of Macon, spent Friday and Saturday In Atlanta, com- , Ing up for the Alpha Delta Phi conven- - tlon. Mias Luey Bryant, who ha* been a . student at Agnes Scott college for sev eral years. Is III of fever at St. Josephs • Infirmary*, but Is steadily Improving. .. Mrs. Osorg* F. Payne and Miss ; Gladys Payn* are at Tallulah Falls for * a few days, from whence they leave for i other summer resorts. ■ Mr. and Mra J. E. Loveless will leave Sunday for a trln thru the Northern . states and to Niagara Falls and Can r. ada. Mr. Loveless will attend the na tional session of the J. O. U. A. M. In •' TUlln. Ohio. Mrs. Rosalyn Blys* Thomas will leave next week for an extended trip East, '■spending some time en route with her ■ mother-in-law. Mrs. Oeorge H. Thomas, of Arcamac county, Virginia. Mra, J, F. Wilson, of Memphis. Tenn., - is spending some,time with her parents, i Mr., and Mrs. J. P., Edwards, at their " home. 94 West Fifth- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker, whose f Wedding wns a prettv event of the ' month, have returned home from their ’ wedding Journey nnd aro at homo to thalr friends at the residence uf Mr. ■ and Mrs. John 8. Cay on North-ave. • Mr. and Mrs. Sadden Float and chil dren leave Sunday for Chuttannoga. Miss Mary Gud* will leave Sunday : for Chicago, where she will spend the summer at the University of Chicago. Misses E. 0. Nix and Cleo Lucks left Friday night for St. Simona Island. Profsssor and Mrs. A. Pauli willjeave - Atlanta Tuesday for New York, nnd , i sail from there on June 22 on the Hel- llg Olaf for Europe. They will go <11- . root to Copenhagen, Denmark, to spend • tha remainder of the summer. Copen hagen, Denmark, the. hlrthplnro of Professor Pauli, nnd his home until he J came to this country some years ago.j Dr. W. A. Starnes will return home from Indian Springs the last of the . week. . ’ Mrs. WHIIs Grist leaves for Dalton •Thursday as the guest of her sister, ’ Mrs. J. A. Ray. Miss Alma Willoughby entertained at MISS DAISY LECRAW. She has returned home after spending the year at collage in Washington, D. C. Miss LsCraw is now at In- i to Clayton, Ga„ where they have a charming summer home nea rest,” and where a number of house parti** will be entertained by dian Springs, and, with hsr parents, goes soon tling under the peaks, which is called “Hill-Ci th* Misses LsCraw during th* summer. afternoon din, a brido-elect of June, the other members of the party being Miss Annie Wlnshlp wns host on Friday night nnd May Hardin, Miss May Jones, of Cnn- ton; Mis* Caroline Crenshaw, Miss Janie Johnston, Miss May Ilarton. Miss Harriet Wilkinson, Mrs. A. M. O'Neal. Mrs. D. C. Delaney, Mr*. Chancellor Thornton and Mrs. William Weathers. ' Mrs.. John M. Cooper entertained nt a box party at the Lyric Raturday nft- ' ernoon In honor of her guest, Miss Then Peace, of- Birmingham, nnd Mra. T. 8. ! Zlrkle, of Staunton, the guest of Mrs. * W. M. Zlrkle, the other members of the ' party Including Mrs. W. M. Zlrkle, Miss Aurelia Zlrkle, Miss Augusta Oardlen and Miss Irene Lempkc. Mrs, Howard Walter Dexter, of Val dosta, Is the guest of Mrs. M. J. Har rell at the Hotel Aragon. Mrs. Alsx G. Houstan'nnd family are In Mississippi for the summer. J Miss Katharine Ellis and Mlsa Mar- v gsret Hawkins sailed for Europe Sat- '• urday. Mrs. F. A. MoReynolds, of Chicago, l Is spending the month of June with • her alster, Mrs. H. VV. B. Glover, East ,Lak*. Mr. R. Ogden Qlovsr, son of Mrs. H. - W. II. Olover, who passed suceessfully hi* examination for Annapolis In April, . left Tuesday-to enter the Naval acad- due' Club, given by Mrs. George Wlnshlp, In special compliment to Miss Munger, of Birmingham, a member of the house party. Miss Elizabeth Rawson left with Mrs. Ha|-ry English Wednesday for Atlantic Beach, nnd Is at the Hotel Continental. Mrs. W. H. Meacham, who has been delightfully entertained as the guest of her sister, Mr*. E. A. Holbrook, re turned Saturday to her home In Chatta nooga. , Mrs, Myra H. Boynton and Mr. Hay- good Boynton are spending several weeks at Tallulah Falls. During their absence Miss Martha Boynton la the guest of Dr. and Mr*. Charles Boynton. Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Lambright and children will motor to Indian Springs Sunday. Mrs. Lambright nnd children will remnln for two weeks at the Wlg- wnm nnd Dr. Lambright will return home Sunday night. emy. ry Master Hugh Holcomb left Saturday rooming for a six weeks stay In the mountains of Georgia. They will be at Rabun Gap. Colonel and Mrs. Robert Lowry and Judge and Mrs. Parda* left Saturday for Washington to attend the Taft re ception on Monday ovenlng. Judge gnd Mrs. Newman and Mr. and Mra John Grant are other Atlahtn people who will attend the reception. Miss Margaret Havarty returns Mon day from school tn New Jersey, and she will be accompanied by Mlsa Flor ence Wall, of New Jersey, who will he her guest. Mrs. Howard Palmar 1 * houee party of young women remain with her thru Sunday, laving Monday for their "home*. Among the affairs of the week tag which they have been entertained, rln addition to the various Alpha Delta tPhl affaire, was a theater party which >htra, Palmer gave Thursday night, an (automobile party at which Mr. Joe North Carolina to spend the remainder of the summer, Misses Maud riok, of CuUodcn, and Clara * m nr., u , Gainesville, will he Miss Carolyn Per due’s guests during the Phi Mu con vention next week. Miss Marian Fisldsr has returned from a month's stay In North Carolina. She visited In Charlotte, attended Da vidson commencement, and was a guest of friends In Raleigh. The last few days of her stay In Raleigh were spent most delightfully as a member of a large house party, entertained by Mr. Tom Southgate at "Southgate Cabin." Mra J. W. Fielder and Mlee Allens Fielder left Saturday for Alabama to ■pend three weeks with Mr. and Mra John Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Inman and Mr*. Phiniay Calhoun are Atlanta guests In Flat Rook, N. C., for the remainder of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Atkinson leavs Saturday evening for their summer home at North Hatley, In Canada. Mr, Ktnntth McRae left Friday for New Haven to attend Yale commence ment, where hie brother, Mr. Floyd Mc Rae. Jr., will be among the graduates. Mies Katherine Boothe will give box party next Tuesday afternoon at the Lyric In honor of Miss Krakinn Frnxler, a bride of the week. Mr*. Frank Woodruff, of Jackson. Tenh., who has been spending the past rew months traveling uUtoad with -a party of friends, sails for homo on June 12. Mrs.'Frank Dancy, of Baltimore, who I* th* guest of Mrs. Joseph T. Orme, will leave Tuesday with Mr. Dancy for Athens, where they will attend the graduation exercises of their son, Mr. Frank Dancy, Jr„ who graduates from the University of Georgia. Mr. and Mr*. Dancy will be at the Georgian ho tel during their stay In Athens. Dr. and Mrs. John Sommarvilla, of Washington, D. C„ with their little daughter, Louise, are th* gueits of Mrs. Sommervllle’s parents, Captain and Mrs. Edward 8. Gay, and will're main with them until July ,1. Miss Jennie Hutchins will leave Mon day for Toccoa, where she will spend aeveral days aa the guest of Mrs. Jef ferson Davie. Mlsa Emily Groover, who has been the guest of Mlssos Cara and Jennie Hutchins for the past few dnys, will return to her home In Columbus Sun day. Miss** Willey and Clara Hudson leave Monday for Savannah, from whence they sail for New York to •pend several weeks beforo going to Virginia Beach for the summer. Mra. Peter Erwin is spending some time os the guest of relatives In South Carolina. Mra. T. B, French and Mrs. John Oliver will leave Saturday. June 24, for Wrlghtevllle Beach, where they will ■pend a week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gately returned home this week after a delightful vis it to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swift nt their apartments In Brettnn Hall, Broadway and Elgiity-slxth-at., New York. Mr. and Mrs. Eugana Callaway left Friday for an extended trip to the Great Utkes. Mr. and Mrs. Victor 8mith left Sat urday for Suwnnee. Ga., where they she will attend the Twltty-Martln wed ding. Mias Ruth Brooke, of Memphis, and Miss Abigail Davis, of Wetherford, Tex., of Randolph-Macon college, repr*. sentlng Mu chapter, who have been the guests of Mrs. John A. Perdue during the convention, return to their home* Sunday. THE ARMY ON THE BORDER Force Thar* Would Not Last Long in Modern War, Captain George A. Schreiner, In The San Antonio Light. To the casual observer the army Is the man, and the man the army. To see a husky Infantryman beat time with his feet to a parade march; to see men alt their horses as If part of them, and to behold artillery handle Ite pieces with the precision) of clockwork, 1* apt to bring the conclusion that the laet stage of perfection has been reached. But back of all this lie a multitude of other things, chief of them that vague and elusive quality—organization. This Is the thing that has received attention - here. The personnel of the army has not, for the very good rea son that It does not need It. In the abstract It Is the best of any army. Tho General Wood, chief of staff, seems to think that the officers are Inclined to be lasy and aelflsh, and the enlisted men bound on robbing the national treasury, both of them would pass mus ter anywhere without particular effort on their park But there Is no use In harping on thli day In, day out. The army has no trouble In getting nil the encomium It wants. Almost any society column will admit hat the officers ara dashing nnd polished. The annual maneuver storlea give them the credit for being Intelligent, zealous and efficient, ant press dispatches by the score have ac quainted th* American public with the fact that they do not lack In courage. The sam* applies to the enlisted men, society column matter duly excepted. No doubt the clttxen who has seen Gold Fillings . $U0 Gold Crowns.. $3CO Bridge Work . $300 Set of Teeth .. $4.00 All other work at prices to correspond with these, until Juno 15. PHONE M. 32*7 p. l COLEMAN, Mgr. New York Dental Parlors •uecaaasr ts Rad Cross, 2S 1-2 and 32 1-2 Psachtra* St. C. C«{4EEOHAM. wmnT" ,he ‘ r C0Un,ry h ° me f " r ,he ,h * «*'•"» « a review felt that hi. army was a mighty thing and would give a good account of itself. Physical ly, it looked very fit. and numerically Miss Bessi# Pavlowsky, of Adairs- vllls. Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Gluck. Mrs. Allison Grsons Is indisposed at the residence of Mrs. Louise Spalding Foster on Courtland-st. Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Piters have as their guest Mrs. Clarence May and Masters John and Clarence May, Jr. Miss Mauds Whsslsr and Mr. Sssarey Nunnally will be married Saturday evening at the First Christian church, an Informal reception to follow the ceremony. Miss Mabel Gray wlil spend the week, end with Mrs. It. I*. Akers In Mount Airy. Miss Ethsl Clarks, of the Theta chap, ter. Lawrence Institute, of Appleton, Wit., who has been the guest of Mrs. John A. Perdue during the Alpha Delta Ph! convention. Will leave for her home Monday. Miss Donthy Richardson of Wis consin, who Is the guest of Mrs. John Perdue during the Alpha Delta Phi convention, .will leave Monday for Ma lt may have created the impreaslon that it could -lick*’ anything. The thought that another force, just aa large and Just as good, could be put In the Held in little time must have borne the Impression that this country has nothing to fear from any foe. Most probably the man who experienced these sensations has gone home with the feeling that adverse criticism of the army Is unreasonable and unjust. The force now concentrated at Fort Sam Houston would not last very long In a modern war.. On May 29 It num bered Just 12,435. The seemingly num berless mass of soldiers seen in the division review of last Saturday count ed about 10,500 In all. With a view of showing just how small this ••large” forc.e Is, let It be stated that In the assault on Petersburg, June 19, 1864, no less than 11,386 soldiers were killed and wounded; that In the battle of Gettysburg more than a division at full war strength was wiped out, the total loss being 23,001 men. These are the losses of only one side, that of the Un- con. and then goes to Pelham, where ion army. Taking Into consideration very particular and are always Dr. Clarke has his Maxwell 30 time little it up Dr. L. B. Clarke bought one of our Model E-A four-passenger touring cars last September and has been using it ever since in his practice. Some people are about their automobiles giving them attention, been too busy driving miles a. day to give it any attention. In fact, yesterday was the first it was ever looked over. He had a time to spare and asked us to clean for him. We simply cleaned out the car bon from the engine, looked things over and found the car in excellent shape. A busy physician gives a car hard service. Dr. Clarke has been running it in all kinds of weather, night and day in a practice which takes him from East Point to Brookwood. He never opened things up, but ran it as he received it from the factory; \ Perfect design and plainness of Max well engine make such service possible. Like other Maxwell owners, Dr. Clarke is a Maxwell enthusiast. Perfectly satisfied, too. There's everything in being satisfied —in feeling secure from vexatious car troubles. The best of brains and material en ter into Maxwell construction. Is this the kind you want? Maxwell's the name. s t United Motor Atlanta'Co. 207 Peachtree Street Atlanta, Ga. the killed end wounded of the Confed erates lost in th* engagement* men tioned, the total* arc more than dou bled.. Possibly It la now clear Just how small a division la. How amall the regular army Is can beet be shown by the statement that the number of ef fectives that could be assembled by It would light th* battles of Gettysburg and Spottsylvanla and then be no more, about 41,000 man having been placed hor* de combat In these actions. Special attraction at rink. SAVANNAHDEMANDS BETTER CAR SERVICE 8avannah, Ga., Juna 17.—The peti tion representing the case of the people of Savannah against the Savannan Electric Company and demanding Im proved street railway facilities and re duced fares has been completed and was this morning forwarded to Atlanta for the consideration of the state rail road commission. The petition contains practically 70 demands for better serv ice, and particularly that the fares to i the suburban resorts be reduced. At attempt will be made to have the hear ing of the case transferred to Savan nah. Commission Cancels Order. Washington, June 17,—The Interstate commerce commission canceled Its or der suspending Increased freight rates on live stock from Kansas City and points In Kansas to 8t. Louis and other Mississippi river crossings. Today's order allows the Increase. Bash Made Captain. John putney Bash, an Instructor at the Georgia Military academy at Col lege Park, waa commissioned by Gov ernor Brown, thru A. J. Scott, adjutant general, Saturday, as captain and quar termaster In the Fifth regiment of in fantry. National Guard of Georgia. CONGRESSMAN STEVENS FAVORS THE WOOLEN BILL Washington, Juno 17.—Representa tive Stevens, of Mississippi, opened the debate on the woolen bill In the house with a speech In advocacy of the meas ure. It was stated that Representa tive Underwood has Instructed the Democratic members that he wishes to have the debate on the bill ended by the forepart of next week ho that the meas ure may reach the senate early. 36>vden hthia WATER “The Greatest of All Natural Mineral Waters”