Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, June 17, 1911, Image 17

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1911. JOSEPH B. LIVELY MARKET NEWS Hr. Lively'a N yeara* experience of i editing market* In Atlanta and the South I has made 14m a recognised authority la I his specialty. J Reported Rains the Influence. Closed Barely Steady 22 to 36 Points Lower. New York, June 17.—The cotton market opened weak today 9 to 17 points lower. Private reports stated that rain had fallen all over the Texas belt, which was an In fluential factor In the market. Ituntiiss* was active and prices fluctuated after the opening. Cables were barely steady. July decline, and It for once did the '•"ted. If late Information from the :fein belt proves true, there will be a scramble for cotton Jn a few days. Elg crop Is needed." A day'- — •- ~ ,n —- Mrfer.t. ' lively RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCKS AND COTTON MARKET <BY PRIVATE LEASED WIRE.) name OF STOCK. Estimated receipts Monday: 1911. few Orleans 160 to 260 Jalvestofr 100 to 200 1910. 3,617 1,394 SPOT COTTON MARKET. Copper . . Am. ice becurltlae aim. Sugar ttef. . . Aiu. .‘Smelting , , , aui. Locomotive . au». Car Foundry , Am. Cotton on Am. Woolen Anaconda Atchison Atlantic Coast Line •* • bill i imore and Ohio , • .* Canadian Pacific • • • • Corn Product! • • • • • Chesa. and Ohio • • . . Consolidated Gas . . Central Leather . . • • Colo. Fuel and Iron. • • Colorado Southern . • • Delaware and Hudsof. . Denver and Rio O. . . . Distillers* Securities • • Erie „ da preferred .... General Electric • • . . Goldfield Con. ... . . Great Western Great N. pfd. ■ Grant n.Tore Int. Harvester Illinois Central Interboro , do. preferred ...... Iowa Central ....... Kansas C. Southern . • Kansas apd Texas • . . , do. preferred NAMH op STOCK. Lehigh Valley. • . L. and N. . . . Missouri Pacific N. Y. Central . Northwestern National Imad N. and W. . . . Northern Pacific . One and Western Pennsylvania • • Pacific Mall . . . People's O. Ca . Pressed Steel Car Keadlui Reading Rock Island . . . Sloss-Sheffleld . Southern Pacific Southern Ry. . . do. preferred . St. Paul ..... Tenn Copper • • Texas Pacific . Third Avenue • Union Pacific • U. S. Rubber . . Utah Copper . • U.S. Steel . . • da preferred . Va.-Car. Chem. . Western Union . Wabash . • . da preferred . W'house Electrlo WIs. Central .% W. Maryland . . Atlanta, steady; mludllng 15*4. Liverpool, quiet; middling 8.29. New Orleans, nominal; middling 15 5- New York, qulot; middling 18.60. Augusta, quiet; middling 15%. Savannah, quiet; middling 15(4. Galveston, easy; middling 15%. Charleston, nominal; middling 15%. Norfolk, quiet: middling 15%. Mobile, quiet; middling 15%. Wilmington, nominal. Poston, quiet; middling 15.60. Philadelphia, quiet; middling 15.85. Pali Imore, nominal; middling 15%. Memphis, steady; middling 15 6-18. Houston, quiet; middling 16%. St. I ouls. dull; middling 16%. Louhvllle, firm; middling 15 5-18. Little Rock, quiet; middling 15c. PORT RECEIPTS. NEW YORK. Cotton quotations: June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Dec. Jan. Mch. 15.07 14.76 113.65 13.37 13.35 113.34 13.40 15.10 14.81 14.75 14.65 13.66 13.52 13.37 13.27 13.37 13.28 13.87 13.28 13.42jl8.35 33 14.73-75 14.85-87 14.69-62 13.52-53 13.27- 28 13.30-31 13.28- 20 Closed barely steady. lorn 15.20-21 14.84-86 13.79-80 13.49-51 13.62-53 13.51-52 13.67-68 LIVERPOOL. Futures opened quiet and steady. Opening Prevloua Range. Close. Close. .8.08 -8.06% 8.07 8.05' .7.85 7.84 r .7.90 -7.88 7.89 .7.88 -7.63% 7.62 .7.30% 7.30 .7.16 -7.13 7.13 .7.09 -7.08% 7.08 .7.09 -7.06 r .7.08 -7.09' .7.08 .7.11 June . . June-July July-Aug. Aug.-Sept. Sept-Oct.. . . Oct.-Nov.. . . Nov.-Dee. . . , Dec.-Jan? . . , Jan.-Feb. ; . , Feb.-March . . March-Aprll . Closed quiet. 7.08% 7.07 NEW ORLEANS. Cotton quotations: Open S' 5 ! 33 i |il June f July 15.10 Aug. 14.38 Sept. 18.53 Oct. 13.28 Dec. 18.26 Jan. 13.25 Mar. 13.41 is .15 14.38 [ijf 13.28 13.26 13.27 13.41 i4.8sli4.88 14.18114^5 13.41113.46 13.18(13.21 13.16113.20 12.26 18.27 13.39112.401 14774 (107 14.85-87 15.19-20 14.24-25 14.50-52 13.44-46 13.88-68 13.21-22 18.43-44 13.20-2lllS.32 13.26-27 13.47-48 13.36-38I13.67-58 Closed steady. Coppers Were Strong—Ma jority of Issues Fractionally Lower. By CHARLE8 W. 8T0RM, New York, June 17.—On the strength of assurances that the regular semi-annual dividend will be declared by Valley next week, that stock vanced %. There was brisk demand following the opening and the majority of active Issues responded with substantial fractional gains. The Coppers continued strong, Amalga mated opening with a gain or %. Utah Copper was up %. There was considerable activity In Mer cantile Marine, a heavy demand for the stock sending Its price up to 18, the high est In some time. At the end of the first fifteen minutes of trading pressure waa brought to bear upon the railroad group, and many lost their early gains. In the first trading the tone waa firm and the following advances were noted: Union Pacific %. Southern Pacific % Southern Railway %, Erie %, Atchison %. Steel %. Brooklyn Rapid Transit waa off %. The curb market was unchanged. Standard Oil opened at yesterday's clos ing price. 650, and American Tobacco opened at 410. Americans In London were steady upon narrow and professional trading. Saving Begins at Home ’T’HOBE who save are those who avoid waste In everyday expenditure. This bank has a Home Saving System that Is helping many house wives and others to save their money. Some families have reduced their expenses IS per cent and more, through careful buying, stoppage of waste, etc. They put aside a small sum each day in one of the Record ing Safes secured from this bank—free to savings depositors. Why not get one of these unique safes and try the same plan? AO/ HILLYER A Q£ rr/x? TRUST CO. Capital and Surplus $300,000 90 NORTH BROAD STREET INTEREST ON SAVINGS H-H-H-H-H-H-H £ W6Ei WEEKLY COTTON 8TATISTIC8. For week ending June It. MONEY AND EXCHANGE. U. S. Department of Agriculture- 4.8280 for sixty-day bills. Prime mercantile paper nominal. Commercial bar sliver 63%c, an advance of %c. Moxlcan dollars 45c. London, Juns 17.—Bar sliver steady at 24 9-16d. NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT. ment of the New York Assoclati shows the following changes: Clearing house banks' average lawful reserve. 8522,696.000. Excess lawful reserve. 168.321,760. Loans, Increase 8662,277,500. Specie. Increase 863,866,200. Legal tenders, Increase 37.040,100. Net deposits. Increase 8410,767,000. Actual statement, lawful reserve $532.- 306,000; excess $74,801,260. Loans, increase 8671.894,600; specie. In crease $66,632,000; legal tenders, Increase 87.269.700; net deposits. Increase $419,053,- 200; aggregate reserve on depodlt. In crease $67,027,000. Percentage legal reserve, 29.05. NEW~YORK~CURB MARKET. Standard 011 6600665, American TdbAC; S i '* c It. Wllltston ft do.: We continue our anv'co to sell and keen on selling It. Itenskorf, Lyon «c Co.: With a return of clear weather a higher market Is likely. New York, June 17.—The selling today was moderate from the start and con tinued all day. One particular feature i the selling of August from all sources. 101%, Porcupine Central 86086, Butte alltlon 19%019%. Nlplsslng 1O%01 Greene-Cananea 7%j07%, Kerr Lake 6 6%, International Rubber 27027%, M hattan Transit 2%0218-16, tfnlted Sta Light preferred 8%08%, Giroux 707%, BrTtlehColumbla 5%05%.Ohjo Copper 1% “ T|%01%. that there was selling short interest h on _~-- was no support to July above 14.90. Com mission houses were good sellers and the srnJper* generally sola. McFadden brok ers and other spot brokers, as well as Itlordan, Brown and Mitchell, were notice nhle buyers of July under 14.95. Judr the short Interest In winter positions large and general, with the long Interest concentrated. The private and government reports of Ing. hut the bears used It to advantage In summer and winter months. There was no evidence of support until lato In the «lay when there was cotton bought bv Itlordan, Mitchell. Brown, Wilson, Martin and others. The area which rc- r»iverUrain ,n Texas only produced about •50.000 bales last year, but Jrom the talk and selling on the floor you would Im agine that general rains had occurred over all of Texas and Oklahoma, so we believe that a general rain has been dis counted to a great extent. It Is purely a weather market, and for the present^ should be bought on dips and sold onv* bulges for a turn only. It Is thought that some lines have been put out In the late months that will stay, believing prices are too cheap for the coming crop. With general rain over Sunday, do not fear a eerlcus decline Monday. a® ,he ? nd nubile generally are short and will buy nack on further breaks, fearing a large amount of the damages can not be re paired by general rains now. If we should not haye general rains over Sunday we may look for a substantial advance. CHRONICLE’S WEEKLY REPORT ON THE WEATHER New York, June 16.—Advices Indicated that where rain has fallen the precipita tion has been very light as a rule and • ver a large portion of the belt dry weath er has prevailed. Reports of the crop, however, as a rule are favorable, but from McCullough brothers FRUIT AND PRODUCE LETTER Atlanta, June 17.—Peach receipts during the week have been more liberal, but ow ing to the active demand have cleaned up to the mutual advantage of both snipper and handler. Cabbage, beana and new Irish potatoes are short of requirements at exceedingly high values. Other vege tables in normta supply with fair prlcea. No apples In the market. The few grape fruit coming la selling at advanced prices. Market has been bare on oranges for ten days. No Floridas for the remainder of the season, and the California stock that will be obtainable will sell at strong advances. Lemons continue high tnd scarce. No change of note In bananas. Pineapples selling high, with market well elenned up. The demand and prices for large watermelons very satisfactory. Can taloupe receipts equal to demand and con sumption with prices good. Live frys scarce and high. Lggs plentiful and showing a decline. Dressed poultry of every kind selling Wow at lower values. A limited demand prevails for butter. SATURDAY JULY 17,»SH ftosIi&orSont'c i.. i t liftM »<•*• tkA.«gh po&u of.miiiU au Steateaus ane^isdu^aMsf ir^, O tu*n (J pvu f ‘ fwlthth* ifiVi GDI LIST LOIR; WHEAT THE LEADER LONDON STOCK MARKET. Stock quotation*: STOCKS-— Closed 1 -2 to 7-8c Off—Corn and Oats Closed Frac tions Lower. THE WEATHER 8T. LOUIS CASH QUOTATIONS. Wheat—No. i red winter 97HCIIH Corn Oata MH Chicago, June 17.—Favorable weather and fairly liberal receipt! caused a small decline In the (tart In the wheat market, but offerings were llsht and the louse, soon were recovered on moderate buying by commleeion houses. Trade wu llsht. with the local crqwd wilting for a lead to follow. Liverpool closed Hd to Hi higher agalnet the untu.-n yesterday here. Broomhall cable, that the strength In Liverpool was due to prtvete bullish c* ble, from Chicago on winter wheat, lew favorable report* from Roumr tatlon* of lighter world ,hl ■mailer American shipments Com opened heavy with price* He to He under last night’s dote, because of od rain. In the central states corn belt. ...ere was a slight rally on buying .on resting orders. , Oat* wers H©Hc lower with practically te same Trade wi . —. cally wiped out the losses trading. Provisions opened strong and fraction- _lly higher with the Sc advance in the price of hogs at the clock yards. eral receipts end an absence of demand for old wheat, put a Jinx on the wheat market today, and at the dote price* were He to He under hut night’* dote. The weakness In coerse grain* and lack o bull support were lectures of the mar ket. Following a little support early, which caused a bulge, the market sold downward pretty steadily, but recovered again and ended tha day He above the low, Lanyon. of St. Louis, bought both the July and September option*. He Is the man who recently tried to buck the comer In May wheat. . _ . The com market waa a weather affair and good rain* In the central belt caused It to close He to He lower than last night's final figures. Trad* was active throughout the seeelon. Oats were fairly Arm moat of the day: but the price change* were Irregular ami the cloee waa about He lower. The oata pta. MO. Market sta b*eveir»S.IS««r»; cows and belfars!*f9.& £8.10; etockem and feeders, $4.9005.40; Twrana. $4.9006.86; calves. $7.OO08t75. Hbeep—Receipts, 6,080. Market steady; native and westerns $8.6004.86; lambs, •5.0C 0 7.00. the dose was about %e market followed com and wheat to a **FYovSloM were dull, with prices prac- eaJly unchanged. Hogs closed 6c hl|h«r. • LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. northeastward to Illinois and Iowa, slightly Increased force, and Is accom panied by generous rains In the upper Lake region and on the Rocky mountain slope. The largest amount received waa 1.04 Inches at Chicago. A few local show- era also occurred In the southeast quad rant of the storm, apparently. however, caused by a slight secondary disturbance that seems to have formed on the south Atlanta coast. Rsln occurred at the following stations In the coton belt: Atlanta, .20; Blrtnlng- ham. .76; Montgomery* *18. More cloudiness prevails In the South than for some time, and conditions have become slightly favorable for light local showers at Atlanta and vicinity tonight or 8unday. Rome rain also occurred on the west side of the northern storm, namely, from Durango, Colo., northeast to St. Paul, but over most of the Rocky mountain re CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Grain quotations: _ L-_- WHEAT*i. Close. Close I i;3 1 SS Dec. CORN- July 64% Rept. 66 Dec. 64% OATB- July 88% Sept 89 Dec. 40% WORK J’ly f>6.25 : B m“ 1 J’ly (.15 S'pt. 8.30 Dee. 1.00 Jen. T.MH 7.95 Kintt- J'ly. 8.87H 8.30 S'pt. 8.28 8.25 Jan. 7.65 2.56 R R 1 ¥ 38 88H 39H 82 H MH toi i.ll 1.20 2.15 i.15 1:8* *:8 V 7.98% 7.96 The Canadian storm has moved east ward to Calgary and an area of high atmospheric pressure Is entering the country on the north Pacific coast, with rather low temperatures from Roseburg north to Seattle. GENERAL FORECA8T. Washington, Juns 17.—Forecast until-7 p. m. Sunday: Virginia-Showers tonight and Sunday; moderate temperature. North Carolina—Unsettled with showers tonight or Sunday. South Carolina—Unsettled, with showers tonight or Sunday; slightly cool In the southern portion. Georgia—Unsettled, with local showers tonight or Sunday. Florida—Unsettled, with local showers tonight or Sunday. Alabama and . Mississippi—Unsettled, with local showers tonight or Sunday. Louisiana—Increasing cloudiness; prob ably unsettled tonight and Sunday. Arkansas—Unsettled, with ahowers to night or Sunday; cooler in the north. Oklahoma—Unsettled tonight; cooler Sunday. East Texas -Unsettled tonight and Bun- ly; coeler in the northwest. West Texas—Generally fair tonight and Sunday. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. For the 24 hours ending at • a. m., 76th meridian time, June 17, 1911. MErtan STATIONS OF ATLANTA DISTRICT (.25 (.» 7.55 I.3TH 5.27H 6.25 I.22H 7.65 7.50 PRIMARY MOVEMENT. WHEAT— 1911. 1910. Receipts ....... 'Shipments 893.000 297.000 ' 292,006 .816.000 CORN— Receipts Shipment* $$6,000 469,000 ' 444,000 860,000 CHICAGO CAR LOTS- Following are receipts for Saturday and estimated receipts for Monday: I Saturday.) Monday. Wheat Corn .,«•••• Oats . Hogs 21 474 474 11.000 28 880 184 41,000 NAVAL STORES. Savannah, June 17.—Turpentine firm at 52: receipts, 152. host ns firm! receipts 8.280. Water white. 27 26; window glass, t7.ll' Atlanta, p. doudy. . . .Chattanooga, doudy. Columbus, dear. . . . Gainesville, p. doudy. Greenville, p. doudy. . Griffin, cloudy xMacon, dear. . . • . xxMontlcello, dear. . . xxNewnan, doudy. . . Rome, clear. Tocco*. dear. ...... West Point, p. cloudy... {vilmlngtan. . Savannah. . . Atlanta. . . , Montgomery. Vicksburg New OreTans, . Little Rock. . . Houston Oklahoma City. DI8T. AVERAGES. American Sipeltlng.. .. AnacondaV/ Atchison.* .. .. .. Baltimore and Ohio.. .. Canadian Pacific.. .. .. Chesapeake and Ohio.. rvci IIPUO sasssa » • ’ -* Louisville end Nashville New Tork Central.. .. Norfolk end Western.. . Northern Pacific Ontario and Western.. .. Pennsylvania Reading Rock Island ,. Southern Periflo Southern Railway do. preferred St. Paul Union Pacific.. .. .. .. United Stole* Steel.. .. do, preferred Wabaah do, preferred IQpenlCI'se 70HI 70H 8% 124 H 18 M i; ip 21^ 7! i TIPS FLASHED FROM WALL STREET. tlons. Scattered showers have occurred tn Oklahoma. Arkansas. Alabama, Missis sippi, and northern Georgia C. F. VON HERRMANN. Section Director. Weather Bureau. (From Hayward A Clark.) ■w York. June 17.—Carpenter. Beggot „ „o : Looks sa tf the reaction might go some further, hut think the conditions are all favorable to higher prices later, end would hold stocke and on any weak spots buy St. Paul, Southern Pacific and Erie. New York Financial Bureau: Realising In the market le producing the reactionary tendencies. It may continue today, but there Is not much stock coming out. ac cording to the shorts who are trying to cover. The tone of the market Is good, lie the large Interests ere not averse a moderate recession, they will be found supporting on further weakness. Would buy good rail* on weakness. Pres* tervlew Andrew Carnegie denounces John W. Oates' testimony In sted Investigation and Indorses Judge Gary. Charges made — — *- lock Subway of Tri-Boro ........ ..... . :r pa*s*s sec ond reading in senate with Indications of ultimate passage without amendment. Censue return* show large advenes* In output of manufactured goods. New cor poration being formed In the South for cotton yarn merger with 126,000.000 capi tal continuing 1.000,000 spindles. Brad- street's report 212 failures for week, aaalnet 232 last week. New Tork bank* gained 210,000.000 on the week's currency movement. Idle car atatlatlca for the fortnight ending June T show practically no change. Sixteen trust companiesi wW be represented for first tint* In today * bank statement. Twelve active Industrials declined .02: twenty rails declined .22. Weekly trade review* report slack con ditions with activity awaiting crop out come. Federal Utilities Companv lncor- pnrated In Virginia with capital of 15,000.- COTTON SEED OIL. VVHUII suuns «* uvviiuno III Mia IllUYOniem Into eight compared with th* seven days last year, In round numbers, 18,000, a de crease under th* same days year before last of 48,000 and a decrease under the same time In 1101 of 58,000. For the sixteen days of June the totals show a decrease under last year of 6,000, a decrease under the same iierlod year be fore last of 80,000 and a decrei the same time In 1908 of 122,000. For the 222 days of the season that have elapsed the aggregate Is ahead of the 222 days of last year 1,367,000, behind the ■ante days year befort last 1,824,000 and ahead of 1202 437.000. The amount brought Into sight during the past week has been 26,127 bales os against 43.184 for the seven days ending this date last year. 51.176 year before last and 81,780 same time In 1208, and for the sixteen days of June It has been 67.828 against 117.837 last year, 157,418 year be fore last and 125,860 same time In 1208. The movement since September 1 show: receipts at all United States ports o 8,422,088 against 7,111,488 last year, 9,774, 788 year before last and 1,129.681 sam time In 1908. Overland across the Missis slppl, Ohio and Potomac rivers to North ern mill* and Canada 911,124 against 772, 648 last year, 1,176,081 year before las and 745.423 same time In 1908. Interior etocka In excess of of the commercial 684 last year, 105. 111.633 same time in levs; southern takings 1.999,000 against 2.044,290 year. 122.142 year before last and 1,919,144 same lime In 1902. These make the total movement for the 289 days of the season from September 1 to date 11AJS.4S7 against 10,056,121 last year. 18,237,754 year before last and 10. 975,481 same time In 1908. Foreign exports for the week have been 31,000 against 78.110 last year, making the total thus far for the season 7,280, B lnst 5,747,821 last year, an Increase 2.837. Northern mill takings and Canada dur ing th* past seven days show a decrease of 10.720 as com par (Ml with the corre sponding period last year, and their totel takln — ' 7,116. .. —North, South and the season have been 8,991,130 agalna 4.074.2S0 last year. These Include 1,968,. 257 by Northern spinner* against 1.950,. 3 *Btockk at the seaboard and tha 21 lead ing Southern Interior centers have de creased during the week 20.971 bales a* against a decrease during the correspond ing period last season or 702,248, and ara now 147,227 smaUer than at this date In 1910. Including slocks left over at porta and Interior town* from the last crop andr the number of bales brought Into sight thus,far from the ns “ to date Is 11,661,429 **„.... the same period last year. World's Visible Supply. Secretary Heater's statement for th* week ending June 16 of the world's visi ble supply of cotton, made up from spe cial cable and telegraphic advices, com- B e* the Dgurea of this weak with last. t ysar and th* year before. It shows s' decrease for the week Just closed of 124, 829 against a decrease of 121,761 last yea: and a decrease of 172,527 year before last _ _ ora, June ir.—carpenter, usgf A Co.; Liverpool was due 4 higher July and 1 to 2 higher on new crops. Opened quiet 1H higher on near and 3 to 4 higher on distant. Closed quiet l to 1H higher. Spots quiet at 2 points higher: middling IJ9; sales 4,000. Including 2.900 American; speculation and export 300; Im ports 2.OO0, American 1,700. damage by continued drouth boa been very serious. The Indications for rain not so good today. Whether rain comes or not. wo must not forget there has already been much damage Oklahoma cloudy'to dear; no rain. Miss Giles makes the condition on av erage data June 11 27.6 against 86.3 two weeks ago. Dallas. Tex., wires: "Rain and hall at Mill, Comanche, Browns, Palo Pinto. Ste phen, and Eastland counties. Average two inches. Orandbury one Inch. Following Is the statistical position of .. This Week. Last Week. Visible sup.. American In sight week Since Sept. 1. Port stocks . Port receipts Exporta .... Int. receipts Int. shlpm'ts Int. stocks .. $.781,841 1,688,841 49,699 11,416.366 266.267 12*678 88.486 22,997 8,244 164.268 ”57844,456 1,700.466 62.844 11,349,236 278,931 18.271 88,888 89,888 *.926 169,018 SOUTHERN INVESTMENT GO. INVESTMENTS—BUYERS AND SELLERS* Cotton MlllSf Oil Mlll«2 Fartlllxora, .Plants, 8tocki, Bonds and Notea. Raal Batata and Loans* Let ua invest your money where It will be absolutely safe and Hive you food position. Bell Phono Main 665. 1ST 27710.8(6 1.698,846 52.649 10,037.055 $44,686 11.779 7M7S 197.106 12.663 167. IPS ment for the week ending Friday, June 16: Week's aalea .. Of which Amer. For export For a peculation Forwarded ... Of which Amer. Total ntocka .... Of which Amer. Actual exporta Of which Amer. Stocks afloat .. Of which Amer. TiTTW *6.660 600 60.000 04.000 750.000 015.000 7.000 "& 4.081.000 8.261.000 105.000 110.000 lfTor IsoT 900 8.800 72.000 67.000 1.149.000 1.046.000 6,000 2,000 44.000 4.061.000 8.408.000 94.000 64.000 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET. Coffee quotation!; January . . • < February. • • March. • • • April. • • . May. . . . . June. • • . • July August . . • • September. • « October. • • • November. • • 1 scomber Closed steady. Sales 9,250 bags. Opening. | Closing.""* 10.66 16.49010.50 mm 10.49010.50 10.49018.68 10.60010.66 tO.*6*401O.9f 10.83010.90 10.664d10.70 10.50010.61 10.50010.61 10.5lgl0.62 10Y1 10.95 10.8.5 10.70 H 10.83* io .;:"r 10.60010.65 10.52010.65 10.480 10.50 10.61010.52 FOR SALE Multlgraphe rebuilt. In good oonditlen. Rsssonabl* nrioes. Cochran A Maany, 651-2 Can. dlar Annas, Southern Represen tatives. THE FLEXOTYPE COMPANY. 5.43 .. III 5.40415.42 4.4104.43 •.14(4.14 6.5001.22 8ul*s.~10,2dO barrels. The American Audit Company F. W. LAFRENTZ, 0. P. A. President. THXO. COCHEU, JR , 0. P. A. A. F. LAFRENTZ, ▼ice Pres, and Secretary. Treaiurer. T. P. HOWARD, 0. P. A. 2d Vice Pre«. NRW TORK—100 Broadway. 33ril Strand NEW ORLEANS—Maleoa Blanch* 5th Ave. (Waldorf-Astoria). I lllLAnEM'llIA—BsIlevua-StraUorfL CHICAGO—Marquette Building. WASHINGTON. D. C.—Colorado Build- “tlNTA-F^rNsUo^Bank Mjl J'AUKEE-PUnkin.on Bank Bull* RICHMOND—Mutual Building. 8A B N ^ ffC,SC0 - CI * U " 8A1.TI5JORE—Keyser Building LONDON? E. C.-60 Gresham 8L Bank C. B. BIDWELL, C. P. A., Resident Vice President. BONDS FOR INVESTMENT FULL. PARTICULARS ON REQUEST THE I. B. McCRARY CO. TSrTT Audit Company of the South 627-628 Candler Building, Atlanta. C. J. METZ. C. P. A., President. All Work Done Under Direct Supervision of CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ALONZO RICHARDSON & CO, CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS emhb- wnm Mum, ?.t f which Amer. I 112,000 94,0001 54,000 New Orleane, Ls„ June 17.—Hayward * at AbUtn*. Temperatures continue high. Horns good showers In Alabama, particu larly north Alabama and Hast Tennensee. The map Indicates cloudiness for Okla homa, Arkansas, north Louisians, and north Mississippi. Partly cloudy to fair