Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, June 17, 1911, Image 8

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8 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: r SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1911. XF Delightful Bathing at St. Simons Island The ideal place to spend the summer months. Delightfully cool and breezy. One of the finest beaches on the Atlantic Coast. Every convenience for bathers—both day and night. Electric lights in bath houses and on the beach. Street car line from boat landing to hotel. Automobile and launches at moderate prices. The pier is 500 feet in length, affording most excellent fishing. A fine amusement pavilion, 60x100 feet, with all conveniences. JF % ISNOWOPEN THE NEW ST. SIMONS HOTEL IS NOW OPEN New and modern throughout. Large, commodious rooms, all supplied with telephones, electric lights and run ning water. Dining room comfortably seats 1 50 people. More than 600 feet of porches and promenades surrounding the hotel. Rooms single or en suite. Beautiful cottages (operated in connection with hotel) rented at reasonable prices. For rates and information, write Owners and Managers BUNN & GIBSON St. Simons Island, Ga. $ % NOW IN FULL SWING 6CHOOL8 AND COLLEGES. 8CH00L8 AND COLLEGE*. Royalty’s Return From Ascot Races Marks Beginning of Ceremonies. London, Juno 17,—Tha coronation ■cR.on !■ now In full awing, having op«nrd today with tha return of King Gaorga and Quaan Mary from Wind sor Caotla, after having npant four day. out of town attending the Ascot rare maatlng. The return of the king the beginning of will extend until July 1 The royal couple made their entry Into London In aeml-atate and their re turn was the signal for an enthusias tic ovation. They arrived at Padding ton station and drove from there to the palace escorted by a detachment from the Life Guards The weather was excellent and large crowds turned out to hall the sovereign and his con sort. SAN DOW 18 TRAINING KING FOR CORONATION CEREMONY London, June 17.—That King George la In active training for the coronation became known today. The arduous du ties of the king In the three hours cere, mnny on June 22 will be a terrific strain and hla physician advised him to under go a preparatory course In athletics un der the guidance of Eugene Kendow, the famous strong man. A Dreadful Wound from a knife, gun, tin can, rusty nail, fireworks, or of any other nature de mands prompt treatment with Buck- ten's Arnica .Salve to prevent blood poison or gangrene. It's the quickest, surest healer for all such wounds; as also for Burns, Bolls, Soros, Skin Erup- (11*0 lor numi, isoua, oorei, Bum nrup* tlons. Enema, Chapped Hands, Corns or Piles. 28c at all druggists. See Happy Jack at rink. AGNES SCOTT COLLEGE DECATUR, GEORGIA Six Milee from Atlanta Retldent Studente Limited to SOO Letters, Philosophy, Science, Home Economics One of three colleges /or women South of Pennsylvania admitted to “The Association of Colleges and Preparatory Schools of the Southern States,” and whose gradu ates are admitted to *The Southern Asso ciation of College Women.” Catalog Sent on Request. F. H. GAINES, D.D., LL.D., Pres. WHITFIELD MAN ANXIOUS TO BECOME A TEACHER cants for state teachers' license stood the examinations given at the court house. The desire of J. A. Seymour, a young man of the northern part of the county, to obtain A license was shown by hi, distance of about nine miles, missing the train he Intended coming on. He arrived at the court house Fri day morning In time to take the exami nation. If you are not satisfied after using according to dlrecUona two-thirds «of a bottle of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, you can have your money back. The tablets cleanse and Invigo rate the stomach, Improve the digestion, regulate the bowels. Give them a trial and get well. Sold by all dealers. Meet me at the Lyric- Little Emma Bunting. CANADIAN EXCURSION Eight-day tour of Canada and Niagara Falls; npecial Pull man train leayes Atlanta via L. and N. Saturday, August 12. One day in Cincinnati, one day in Detroit, one day in Buffalo, three days in Niagara Falls and Toronto, Canada. Three-hun dred-mile run through Canada, 300-mile steamer trip on Lake Erie, 100-mile steamer trip on Lake Ontario, Great Gorge trip; every meal from start to finish at best hotels and cafes, state room and meals on steamer, every necessary expense for only $49.75 for the full eight days. Greatest offer ever made. Make your reservation now. Party limited. Address J. F. Mc Farland, Asheville, N. C., or Frank Hammond, The Georgian, Atlanta, Ga. “The Victor" WOOLLEf’S SANITARIUM OPIUM and WHISKY OddlC treated. Oft* 90 non* parlance abowa Uu< t aaaaa are curable. Patients alao treated at tbell konee. solution ooolMenttaL A book an the subject free. DR. B. M. WOOLLEY ft BOM, He. O-A Victor SaalUrlaaL Aftefito, Oft. Make your State and County tax returns now and avoid the rush. Oae Beadred aad Tweaty-elxtb Year.. Thla college la well endowed, enabling it to maintain the highest. standards. It offers complete 4-year n Ancient and Modern Lan In A BjL Science and Court* for B. A., B. & and J B. S, degree with Engineering. Candidates from accredited Itted on certidcate to Expenses reasonable. Terms and , catalogue on application. Writs to HARRISON RANDOLPH. LLD„ Pm Charleston, S. C. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. A POLYTECHNICS!^ T HE Oldest School of Technology In tho South* 64 Professors and Instructors. 737 students. 20 well equipped Laboratories. Next session begins Wednesday, Sept 6,1911. Departments: CML Elects* * ArehIU ' chine £ Agriculture, Horticulture. Animal Industry. Botany, nents: J. College of-Engineering and Mines— ■ctricai. Mechanical and Mining Engineering, ore. Mechanic Arts, Technical Drawing. Ma- _ _ J*. AUiinmi iiiuuiu/. douw/, Entomology. Chemistry and Metallurgy. Pharmacy. IIL Academic CoUege-HUtory, “ ** * L Latin. C Veterinary Medicine. Expenses: Free tuition to residents of Alabama; 120.00 to non-residents. Board in dormitory and with private families. For catalogue and further Informatioa. address CHAS. C. THACH, LL. D., President, Auburn, Ala. HOTEL8 AND RES0RT8. HOTELS AND RESORTS. NATURAL jliNERAlWaiR? Magnesia-Iron Cathartic-Tonic A E. E. Howl Bishop of Methodtat Church. Kaahvllla. Tenn.. Mjat “TATE SPRINO WATER Is the boat for all disorders of the Stomach, Bowels, Liver sod Kidneys.” PrieM I Cm * 1 H «*•-. crews Mild S3.00 I DemUeha. 12.50; 90-ksi. be ml.. 5.00 MODEWr HOTEL OPEN ALL THE YEAR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET MAILED TATI SPlING COMPANY. Tate 8prla«. Tennessee /-GEORGIA MILITARY ACADEMY-. The South’* Moat Splendidly Equipped Boy a’ School• Georgia School of Technology AM ENGINEERING INSTITUTE OF THE HIGHEST RANK. lOGO f«tt ibon ms kvsL Spbndld plant and equipment. AdranesdeourM. In Mmhsnicsl. Electrical. T.xtUa and 0*11 En- slnMrias. Enatnamins ChwnUlir, Chwntattr and ArchitMtur*. Tha demand for tha achool'a (raduaUa Is much xiuuur than the supply. Cost rssaonabia. Dormitories. If Free StXelorekipe are .Ivan to each count. In Geerria. For Information, add rasa K. 0. MATHESOK, U. D.. PraaMaal Allaata, Ga. SEABOARD ANNOUNCES ANNUAL WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH EXCURSION Tuesday, June 27. 88.00 round trip, good alx days. City Tlckef Office, 88 Peach- Fhiladelpnia Dental Rooms. 36 Vi WkltshftU st. Dr. F. J. White, msaagsr. epccislltes In ex- tr set lag with vitalised air. Tha only office la Atla&tft that msnnacturea and administers out own preparation. Msds fresh daily. The it la thorough. high-grade, artistic platework. --satisfactory aad complicate* casta solicited with guarantee to Improve ever old platte or ao charge. Biding bicycle and skat ing on wire 60 feet over lake — free attraction at Lakewood. Destiny in every boy’s lifo years of age. G. M. A. create in the pupils of splendid manhood^ tlon by parents who tho best. Elegant lured home life, a group of about 13 oversight. Selmct cUmatej arteeian about 1200 feet, ere, three eoareee lege, technical life. Military depart Army officer. is fixed between 12 and IS has the rare power to tho spirit and purpose Invites critical inspcc- ~ ijish for their sons in every detail, cal- tesuher with every boye for study and and limited. Ideal water, elevation experienced teach- preparing for col- schools or business ment under' U. S. imrecSt gedbg| a military a by only $360 per year. Eight miles from Atlanta, the-heart of the South. COL. J. C. WOODWARD, A. M., President, College Perk, Ga. COLLEGE-CONSERVATORY SUMMER SCHOOLAND CHAUTAUQUA summer term June ui second term juiy £>. i nr recre- if and pleasure, of a mountsla summer retort, with the collegiate advantages. Special aerie* of lyceum lectures t—at-r nr ® n d splendid courses in music sod oratory. The great altitude gives a grand climate, cool and invigo* rating daring the heat of summer. 24 buildings; M beautiful lawns; pri- boating. Numerous excursions points of Interest add daily variety. Splendid meva'i forest! lake'and to adfacs diacent mountains, and for overworked la opportunity lor on teachers to recuperate physically and advance their studies without Impairing theii for the next season. Write Immediately for Bulletin. Fall term begins Sept 14 Early r tlons are necessary. Address H. J. PEARCE, If T. J. SIMMONS. P. 0. M| 3 , Gllnttlim, GL COX d3> College and Conservatory Delightfully situated In a beautiful suburb of Atlanta, with most invigorating climate, Cox College and Conservatory offers many advantages to students from nil puts of America. College professors from leading American and European universities maintain broad courses of study and high standards. Tho union of Cox College Conserva tory and tha Atlanta Conservatory affords tha strongest Conservatory faculty, with the largest and most efficient equipment in the South. Enrollment past sms Ion of the two institutions, over 900 atudrnts in the Various departments. 69th Seaaloo begins Sept. 12,191L For catalogue, illustrations ar.d general Information, addrean COX COLLEGE AND CONSERVATORY, College Park, Ga. OCEAN VIEW HOTEL W. H. ADAMS, Owner and Manager Pablo Beach, Florida 17 MILES FROM JACKSONVILLE The Most Accessible Seaside Resort for Atlanta and Georgia People to Visit It is Perfectly Cool and Comfortable at the Ocean View During the Warmest Weather The Finest Beach and Surf Bathing on the Atlantic Coast Two High Class New York City Fireproof Hotels UNDER ONE MANAGEMENT HOTEL ARLINGTON 25th St. Near Broadway 12-etory hotel; all convenience,. Strictly up-to-date, handsome, ly furnished. . Five min ute. \o the new Penn. Station, convenient to Subtraye, Elevated, all aurface lines and point, of Int.reat, EUROPEAN PLAN Single Room $1.00 to $2.00 WITH BATH $2.00 to $3.00 SUITES $3.00 to $5.00 AMERICAN PLAN 82.50 to 85.00 THE VERY BEST ACCOMMODATIONS AT MODERATE HOTEL BRISTOL 49th St Near Broadway New, (elect, evt-rj modern appointment All room* light and airy. Within live min ute, from the Grand Central Station. Con venient to Subwaya Elevated, all surfaM linen and all ,hopi and theaters. ONCE A GUEST ALWAYS A GUEST Hotel Raymond, 42 EAST 28 STREET NEW YORK 2 Blocks East of Broadway You want .the best value for your money when you buy your Piano—then buy direct from the manufac- PllT*OT*fi CABLE PIANO CO., 84 N. Broad-st. KuftWE&tNMP THE CULVER OF THE SOUTH, gTEVESk,. 7th. Offers all the advantages of a amviuor camp achooL Careful instruction in Um el-men U of naval drill under • naval Instructor direct from Culver. The brat 1 28th Street Subway Station at the door. 2 block* east from Hudson tubes at Cth Ave. and 28th Street. Five min utes to Grand Central Stations at 42d Street or Penn. R. R. Station at 7th Ave. Convenient to theaters and ahoi especially suited for ladles New York alone. I ahops; visiting SINGLE ROOMS $ .50 ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. HOTEL DENNIS ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. _ The new fireproof addition Is a model for comfort and convenience. The entire house now offers 350 guest rooms, each 01 which is connected with private bath «>r has running water. Hotel Dennis Is »»ne of the Beach Front Hotels still maintain ing an unobstructed ocean view. WALTER J. BUSBY. Along the Ocean and Boardwalk HOTEL RUDOLF „ ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Capacity 1,006. Open throughout tie year, offering every appointment, com fort and luxury. Sea water In all ba ,r ; 1 : “ * for use of both* HVmVMPMPOrcbeitra aoloiats with frequent social ever Famous grill and cafe in conjunction SHERWOOD INN. Old'kolnt Comfort. Ve.imm*** bo ' MLt ! ,nd term * (Fortress M'*nr«.e». Delightfully cool. 1 1 * ‘ Moat charming and healthful spot In America. Hotel beautifully located. Re-! in tut/tnn. It la mi unentailed opportunity for any boy to spend his Summer Tjouths with the rrw»ot profit, pleasure aad advancement. Writs at ones f ir prV.n. memtkBi and citekf to lined and In every way attractive. New i . . ., V fv \f*i- and entirely m«**Iern throughout. Terms HOXJ6E and ANNEX. IL J. PE ARCH, President, P. O. Box 32 ? Gainesville, Ga. mj VERY moder. ail year. Write for i ninghJtm, Manager. ekly. op F. M. bu saehusetts Ave. and Beach. Atlantal City, X. J. Elevator to street Open all year. F. P. PHILLIP-*