Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, June 20, 1911, Image 4

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4 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1911. i: E, BIG SiJinS HALTED District Attorney Declares Miss Bulger Was Spirited Away. A “CURE”? FOR BALDNESS The above expression Is one which I* ueed frequently In connection with hair preparation*. Juat exactly what la uoT‘ ! y .idne1.T. h “ e d # ii:«* q and Double Tracks Laid on the hence does not permit of a cure. It la a result Invariably to be traced to the dandruff germ, and-if the condition- ha* become chronic—that la. If there la . June 20. Gibson Oliver and Henry C. Palmer, charged with having defraud ed Albany banka aqd the D. £ H. rail road out of a million dollar* by fala* bills of lading, was called In supreme court today. District Attorney Sanford declared that he was unable to go on because his principal wltneaa, Mary asked a month's adjournment and the meantime an effort will be made to keeper of the defunct Durant A El more Co. a "cure'' Is absolutely impossible. Approaching baldness, seen In falling hair, may always be checked and If the •When the hair folllcI< •"*" BUTTS COUNTY FARMERS USE IRRIGATION SYSTEM Jack son, Ga„ June 20.—So far aa DR. WRIGHT DENIES THAT HE WAS RACING Whll* It was the contention of the street car men who witnessed the mix- up between an Inbound M*«nolla-st. |, .Jaeason, aa., June go ,«ar a* car and a rig occupied by Dr. Jesse C. i known, the duly time Irrigation has Wright and 11. H. Jones, In which both ever been used in Butt* county was Jonas and Wright were .lightly Injured ^^kl.y^mth.^aSSS uSfiSit known and most successful farmars In the state. Irrigated their prise corn pateh. Last year they raised 1ST bush- df Of com to the acre on their farm Just, out of town,-and this season were out fdr a new record. Their prise com ha* been suffering badly on ac count of th* dry weather and they pre pared to Irrigate It. on their farm Is a pond and they Installed a gasoline en gine (Aid secured several hundred feet' of pipe to run to their corn patch. The plan will doubtless be used again by not only these progressive farmers, but others In Butts county,' should the weather remain dry long enough to damage their crops. Deafness Cannot Be Cured and Wright's horse killed last Frday. that the men were racing with a young man named Chastain when the buggy shot across Forsyth-at. almost under, the wheels of the car. Dr, Wright de nies th* statement. He asserts that both he and Chastain eould not have been driving faster than five or six mile* an hour when they ap proached the Forsyth-*t. crossing. He says that Instead of racing with Chas tain, as reported, he and Jones were Chatting with the occupant of the other buggy. He says that the pavement was wet at Forsyth-st. and his horse slipped and veered so that the car struck th* rear wheel of th* buggy. STATE HAS TROUBLE OVER SOUTHERN’S TAX * Another execution ha* been Issued against the Southern Railway Compa ny by William A. Wright, comptroller general, this time to force the payment of taxes amounting to 11,M3.10 due Jeff Davis county. The road tendered part of Its taxes to this county, but refused to pay the balance, whereupon the county authorities refused that part tendered and asked execution against them for the whole amount This the comptroller did Monday. This Is the fifteenth execution which ha* been Is sued against this road this year for taxes. Eczema and Ringworm Cared. Tttterln* la th* only "d#«d ■nr*” cur* for #cj*m*. II I* a fragrant, toothinr, hrallng antlMptio. which Hirer fail*. II la *q«allr «ff*ctlv* in th* ear* of ringworm and all oth*r violent skin and aealp dl**a**«. A*k your dragglat for Tetterin*. If b* haan’t ft, **od &0« to th* Bhuptrin* Oo„ Barannah, ihq portion oi me nr. mere is * way to car* detfnt**, and that la itttutfonal rtmedfea. Dtafn*** la by an /Inflamed condition of tho lining 'of the Enstachlan Tube. and nnleea the Inflammation oat and this tab* rt condition bearing will taken normal forever; munition can b restored to It* 111 he destroyed ten ar* canted by __ _ 'thing bnt an Inflamed Ion of tba mocoua aarfacea. will give One Hundred Dollar*'for —, -jo# of Deafnea* (canoed -bv catarrh) that can hot be enred by Hairs Cathrrb ?ure. Send for circular* free. F. J. CHENEY * COw Toledo, O. Sold br dragglat*, 75c. Take Hall 1 * Family Pill* for conatlpatlon. HANDSOME CATALOG SENT OUT BY G. M. A. i are not atrophied the hair may be induced again to g This Is accomplished by regular ap plications of Newbro’a Herpldde. which cleanses the scalp and kina the dan druff germ. The destruction of the germ doe* away with the accumula tion. of scarf skin and thus eliminates the most common enemy to beautiful hair. Sort, glossy. Huffy hair can not grow on a scalp Infested: with dandruff any more than a delicate plant can grow on an aah heap. The scalp must be kept clean and free from dandruff. The best remedy for doing this Is Newbro’s Hsr- piclde, which receives the highest In dorsements from professional men, the stage and the best people everywhere. Hrplclde Is sold and guaranteed In one dollar else bottles by all druggists. Applications obtained at all flrst-class barber shops and hair dressing parlors. Address The Herpldde Co., Dept. R., Detroit, Mich., Inclosing 10c In postage or stiver for sample and booklet. Jacobs' Pharmacy, special agents. THIRTY LAW GRADUATES - ARE GIVEN DIPLOMAS At the graduating exercises of the Atlanta Law school Monday night tho degree of LL. D. was conferred upon 30 graduates. Among them were Paul Donehoo. the blind coroner, who has made such a remarkable record, despliO hla affliction, and now holds his degree In law as well as bslng an accom plished musician. Miss Minnie Ander son Hale Was 'fhfe 'Only woman to'be graduated. This class la the largest since the re organisation of the school and during hit remarks Monday night Hamilton Douglaa, dean of the school, called at tention to the fact that the school was started as a night school, hut now had been made a regular day school with a two-year course. Hon. Spencer R. Atkinson. ex-JUdge of the supreme court of Georgia, made the principal address of the occasion. After the exercises at the Grand opera houee the young lawyers adjourned to the University club, where they en joyed the annual dlniltr of th*' gradu ating class. TESTIMONY IS RESUMED •i IN LOVE DIVORCE SUIT A* i —■ — ieduratlpn sad could-be regd with proflt City, Orsa, June 20.—Taking I by nny parent or teacher. The llluatra- itony In Sidney C. Love's coun-jtlons are handtome and worked out In fSei One of the handsomest school cats- logues ever Issued by a Southern schortl th* curs, la now being sent out by Colonel J. C. Woodward, president of the Georgia Military academy, at College Park. It Is a work of art from begjnnlng to end. The subject matter Is,, a lucid exposi tion of the most modern theories of koMls Hall's Texas Wonder, of 2»3* Oils*- it.. St. Lonla. She eontd hoe in the garden and put out' a washing for ala and dona the uld not taka a 11.000 for “ “ PURVIS. Baker of testimony In Sidney ter action for divorce agalgat Artist I excellent "manner. The catalogue and Burne-Jones' moat beautiful’ woman jits contents are an Atlanta prndutt, as was resumed her* today when Mrs. j well as the Institution which Is told Frances Bumes. mother of Mrs. Love, cam* Into court. The hearing* were halted last week because of her illnee*. She will testify today. More sold than all other brands com bined. SAUER'S PURE FLAVORING EXTRACTS. Because they flavor BEST. Ask the housekeeper. about. Revival at Comer. Comer, Ga„ June 20.—Rev. C. M. Dunaway, of Atlanta, 'come* here on Wednesday night to start revival serv ices. He wllloe assisted by local min isters. Professor Hamp Sewell will conduct the singing. MR. GIZYCKI—GET THAT? WANTS TO BE LET ALONE CHioago, June 20.—Count Josef Gl- syckl. of Vienna, has determined to light the divorce case of his wife, who was Miss Eleanor Patterson, of Chi cago, and with that end In view has (lied a counter charge of desertion against her In the Cook county court*. Despite the countess' charge of India, cretlons on the part of her husband, Glsyckl contends that he was a model husband. He further alleges that the Italian courla have already granted a divorce to him and that the courts of this country have no right to meddle In the affair. Orme-st. Line—At .Work in Forrest-ave. Work Is in progress double-tracking the Orme-st. car line In Carnegie way and Caln-st. The Improvement la to enable better service on this line. It has been reported that this line would be extended out Orme and other streets to the Atlanta Steel Mills, north of Fourteenth-st.. but oflldals of the Gedr- gla Railway and Electric Company say that extension Is not contemplated now. Double-tracking of Forrest-ave. be tween Jackson-st. and Pledmont-ave. I* nearing completion and will proba bly be finished this week. Between Peachtree-at. and Pledmont-ave. this line will not be double tracked for the present, thru agreement with the prop erty owners, who have In mind a plan to widen Forrest-ave. for those two blocks. In a short time the Lakewood line will be reconstructed from the point where It crosses the South Pryor-*t. line on toward Lakewood. This work will probably be finished before Sep tember, when the extension of the Buckhead line 21-2 miles north out Peachtree road will be commenced. “SON OF MILLIONAIRE” CHARGED WITH CHEATING Chicago, June 20.—A youth who claims to be William Bpreckels, of San Diego, eon of the millionaire, le under arrest at the Harrlson-st. police sta tion, accused of attempting to beat the LaSalle hotel. The young man en gaged a aulte of rooms, ordered Ameri can Beauties and music to lull him to sleep and got away with It He got In wrong when he attempted to get $50 from tha management. Eagle* to Leave For Charleston, Macon, Ga., June 20.—About 50 mem. bers of the Eagles will leave here this afternoon for Charleston, S. C„ where they go to attend the tri-state conven tion, which will be held June 21 and 22. The delegates will be from the states of Georgia. Florida and South Carolina. Macon hopes to entertain the conven tion next year. Tha Ocmulgse Is Low. Macon, Ga., Jun* 20-—The Ocmulge* river la lower now than It has ever been before at thle season of the year since the government weather bureau Was established here many years ago. Th* water stands 0.8 on th* local gauge, whereas 6 or 6 feet Is the usual meas ure at this season. The flood stage Is 18 feet. with lungs full of the dear, crisp air, mind full of superb scenes, and heart full of satisfied hopes, you return content—-until another summer brings its opportunity to go again. Ask someone who's been there! Colorado is near you—you would be surprised how quickly it can be reached on the Frisco’s splendid Southeastern Limited City and C a modern electric lighte'd chair car and a handsome electric lighted dining car serving the kind of meals that only Fred Harvey knows how to prepare. A vacation in Colorado can cost lets than you think. With reduced round trip excursion fares, and with splendid hotels providing acommodationa at rates that most anyone would consider reasonable, you would be surprised how little you need to spend. Oar Colorado literature, beautifully 111 unrated, li fun what yon ought to have In planning your trip. Let me tend you tome fra* book* now. Writ* today I end if 1 can help you In any way, picas* aay IO. A. P. Matthews, District Passenger Agent 6 North Pryor St, Atlanta,Go. Nag roe* Found Farmaria Money Macon, Ga„ June 20.—Last week J. Barton, a farmer, who lives near here, lost a roll of 2405 on Poplar-at. while In the city trading. He adver tised extensively for the loat money, hut received no Information. Thla morn ing Ipcal police arreated Charles An derson and Phil Chapman, two negroea, whq found the money and refuted to give It up even after warned by frlenda that the police would get them. Find Booze in Ditch. Anniston, Ale., June 20.—Sheriff C. T. Brooks pnd Chief of Police N. T. Glea son have made life ao Intereitlng for Calhoun county tiger* that they have taken to the wood*. Monday after noon Sheriff Brooks and Chief Deputy Borders captured a barrel and a half of beer and aeveral pints of liquor In a ditch near the Hillside,cemetery. It I* not known who owns the booze and no arrest ha* been made. Father Gunn to Europe. Rev. Father John E. Gunn, pastor of Sacred Heart Catholic church, leave* Atlanta In a rhort time for a two months* vacation abroad. He will leave early In July and return early In Sep tember. While abroad Father Gunn Will tour England, Ireland. Scotland and France and may also go to Rome. Teachers Elected. Macon, Ga., June 20.—The board of education yesterday afternoon elected teachers for the public schools of thla city for the ensuing year. Practically alt of the teacher* who served last year, and who made applications for their positions, were elected. There will be but a few changes. To Remain in Macon. Macon, Ga., Jun* 20.—Dr. E. C. Dar- gan, pastor of the First Baptist church of thla city, who was offered an Im portant chair in the Southwest Baptist Theological university at Fort Worth, Tex., has announced that he will prob ably remain In Macon. Hla Anal answer In tha matter I* withheld until a return from the Eaet, when he Will meet ofll- cials of the Texas Institution. Mr. Roger* on Vacation. Rev. Wallace Rogers, who for four years has been the pastor of the Col lege Park Methodist church, has been furnished by hla church with the time and money for a vacation In Europe. He leaves Tuesday night for Niagara Falla and will sail from New Tork Saturday for the British Isles and the continent. He la held In very high es teem by hla congregation, as this token of affection would Indicate. Save the Babies. ? I NFANT MOETAUTY is something frightful. We can hardly realize that of all the children horn in civilized countries, twentytwo per cent,, or nearly * one-quarter, die before they reach one year| thirtyseven percent., or mors than one-third, before they are five, and one-half before they are fifteen I We do not hesitate to say that a timely use of Castoria would save a ma jority of these precious lives. Neither do we hesitate to say that many of these infantile deaths are occasioned by the use of narcotic preparations. Drops, tinctures and soothing syrups sold for children's complaints contain more or less opium, or morphine. They are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In any quantity they stupefy, retard circulation and lead to congestions, sickness, deaths Castoria operates exactly the reverse, hut you. must see that it hears the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher. Castoria causes the blood to circulate properly, opens the pores of the skin and allays fever. Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher® Dr. A. F. Peeler, of BL Louis, Mo., says: “t have prescribed your Castoria In many cases and have always found It an efficient and Bpeedy remedy." Dr. Frederick D. Rogers, of Chicago, IIL, says: I have found Fletcher’s Castoria very useful in the treatment of children’s complaints. Dr. William C. Bloomer, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: In my practice I am glad to recommend your Castoria, knowing it is perfectly harmless and always satisfactory. Dr. E. Down, of Philadelphia, Pa* says: "l have prescribed your Cas toria in my practice for many years with great satisfaction to myself and beneGt to my patients." Dr. Edward Parrish, of Brooklyn, N. Y, says: “I havo used your Cas toria la my own household with good results, and have advised several patients to use It for its mild laxative effect and freedom from harm.” Dr. J. B. Elliott, of New York City, Bays: "Having during the past six years prescribed your Castoria for Infantile stomach disorders, I most heartily commend its use. Tho formula contains nothing deleterious to the most delicate of children.” Dr. C. O. Sprague, of Omaha, Neb., says: "Your Castoria la an Ideal medicine for children, and I frequently prescribe 1L While I do sot advo cate the indiscriminate use of proprietary medicines, yet Castoria la an. exception for conditions which arise In the core of children.** Dr. J. A. Parker, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Your Castoria holds tha esteem of the medical profession in a manner held by no other proprie tary preparation. It 13 a sure and reliable medicine for infanta and chil dren. In fact, It Is tho universal household remedy for infantile ailments.”. Dr, H. F. Merrill, of Augusta, Me., says: "Castoria Is one of the very finest and most remarkable remedies for Infants and children. In my opinion your Castoria has saved thousands from an early grave. I can. furnish hundreds of testimonials from this locality as to Its efficiency' and merits." ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. Awfciabfe ftrparfion for As- T -..-IO Promotes DigeslionJClrrft* ness <ind RestXontalns nciuicr Opitmi.Morphine non'liocraL Not Narcotic. jfxvteroua&umrnaa hmptn SmJ m Ancrfert Hemedy for ConsHpa- tion. Spur Stomach. Dlanftn Worms .Convulsions,Feverish- ness ami Loss of Sleep. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Exact Copy of Wrapper. The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY *TRMT. NEW YORK ©ITT. HOTELS ATJD^RESORT8.^ HERWOOD INN. Old Point Comfort. V*. (Fortress Monro#). Delightfully cool, loat charming and healthful spot In America. Hotel beautifully located. Re- ‘ led and In every way Attractive. New id entirely modern throughout. Term* VERY moderate. Special weekly. Open all year. Write for booklet P. M. Cun ningham, Manager: LOTS OF CHICAGOANS WILL SEE KING CROWNED Chicago. Jun* 20.—Five thousand five hundred Chicagoans are in London to day for the coronation of King Oeorge V, according to eteamahlp companion’ computation*. Not all of them will wit- ne*s the ceremonlea from grandatand aeata. however, aa a majority went *ec- ond and third claee. HQTEL8 AND RE80RT8. HOTELS AND RESORTS. Looea Seat in Parliament. London, June 20.—C. F.. Ma*tcrmnn l member of parliament from Northwest Humvees. ha* been unseated and the seat declared void as a result of a peti tion to the home secretary's ofllctr. However, the decree setting oeide the a?nt does not hold Maaterman guilty of election frauds. SUPREME COURT OF GEORGIA. June 15, 1911. Judgment* Affirmed. William* v*. I’err^; from Baker su perl or court—Judge Frank Park. Walters A 8 “ * ~ “ “ tiff In error. Pope A Rennet, contra. AtF Charlton. Payne, Little A Jones. Lawton A Cunningham, for plaintiff in error. Trmvls A Travis. Adams A Adams, con tra. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Com pany vo. Smith; from Pennln—T. A. Brown, judge pro hne vice. William Butt. D. W. Bluir. for plaintiff In error. O. R Dupree. Gober A Griffin, contra. Strickland v*. Brotherton; from Ca- toosa-Judge Fite. W. E. Mann. W. H. Payne. Jr., for plaintiff In error. Sam P. Maddox. James R. Rosser, contra. Arguad and Submitted. P. L. Morgan v». State: from Laurens. Hiram Moore vs. State; from Chattooga. Pan Grant vo. Bute; from Glynn. John Watson vs. state; from Jasper. 8am Drew vo. State; from Chattooga. Johnle Key vo. State; from Webster. J. C. Cooper et ml. rm. W. X. Parsons et : from Pulaski, gouthem Cotton Mills va. T. et a!., receivers; from Pulaski. FhliadelpMa Denta 1 Rooms, 30Vs Whitehall**!. F. J. Wlilte. disk after, epvclall*** Is •*■ trtt tinr with vitalised sir. The only uffira i* Atlanta that :nan»iaeturr* and Administers out own iitvparation. Mad* fr**h dally, ’tha br at In thorough, high grade. *rti*tir platawprk. Unsatisfactory and rdmplirat** «*»*• aollrited with „*usrantv* to itnpruv* ov«r uld plat** or so (dare*. Skating! You’ll like it. Changes In W, & A. Office. Dalton, Ga., June 20.—A considerable •hake-up occurred in the local freight office of th* W. ft A. road her* Monday, the changes being occasioned by the resignation of Chief Clerk T. D. Rldli who has accepted a position ss assist ant cashier of th* bank of C. L. Hard wick & Co. Mr. Fielding Klemitter ha* been promoted to chief clerk, end hi* itace a* cashier has been taken by esse Greascn. Why Have Catarrh or Asthma? It has recently been discovered by a very prominent European physician, that Asthma and Catarrh ar# no longer Incurable, as he has discov ered by a combination of drugs that they can be completely eradicated from the system. ' Full information about this wonder ful discovery, with sample, can be had absolutely free of chare# by address ing Mr. C. E. Williams: No. 108 Ful ton Street. N. Y. City. Month's treat ment, $1.00. Get the skating hug. OCEAN VIEW HOTEL W. H. ADAMS, Owner and Manager Pablo Beach, Florida 17 MILES FROM JACKSONVILLE The Most Accessible Seaside Resort for Atlanta and Georgia People to Visit It is Perfectly Cool and Comfortable at the Ocean View During the Warmest Weather The Finest Beach and Surf Bathing on the Atlantic Coast TYNER’S DYSPEPSIA REMEDY FOR Constipation, Indigestion. Fullness alt ar sating. Heart Flutter. Heartburn. 50e bottl*. at drug *tor*s. Koelcy It LIU I UiniVTIe | for LIQUOR and JG USING IDRU^^^H fall, .fcimoriiiir zxtxxxwm ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J, PUWTIC ClTYpN. J. The Leading Resort House of the World PARTICULARLY ATTRACTIVE DURINO Juns, July, August and Septembsr Atlantic’s Great Summer Season Capacity 1100. Two Blocks of unobstructed ocean front facing South and overlooking th* fa mous Boardwalk, 400 privat* bath*, each with sc* •nd frcih water, wait* service in b«Sth American Rolling Ch*lr*. Theatres, Pier*. ' ; etc. Oar J 081 AH P'ding, Motor- HOTEL DENNIS ATI-ANTIC CITY. N. «l. The now fireproof addition fa a model for comfort and convenience. The entire house now offers 350 guest rooms, each of ~ ?h is connected with private bath oi running water. Hotel Pennta la oiu of the Beach Front Hotels still maintain ing an unobstructed ocean view. WALTER J. BUSBY. GOOD ROADS MEETING HELD ATCARTERSVILLE Cartsrsvifl., Ga.. Juns 19.—Eighteen county commissioners and ordinaries of couni!** on th# Johnston-Shorman highway between Atlanta and Chatta nooga met here Monday at the Invita tion of the local Chamber of Com merce to attend a good road* meeting The visitors were given a dinner at lb* Along th* Ocssn and Boardwalk HOTEL RUDOLF _ ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Capacity 1,000. Open throughout th* year. Offering every appointment, co™' fort and luxury, gea water in all I* 1 !'; no extra charge for use of both., all rooms overlook th* sea. Orchestra of soloists with frequent social even-. Famous grill and cafe In conjunction Il lustrated booklet and terms upon re- i Ut 8. Rukeyser. Mgr. Joel Hillman, rreo PHILLIPS HOUSE and ANNEX. sachuaetta Ave. and Beach. Atlantt City, N. J.. Elevator to street level Open all year. F. P. PHILLIPS Park hotel at 2 o’clock: The object cl the meeting was to get the oo-operati<-: of alt counties In the movement for i highway and to bring tba road tan Bartow,