Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, July 25, 1911, Image 12

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NEW CROP SELLS AT SEASON’S LOWPRICES THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: TUESDAY, JULY 25,1911. MARKET NEWS Mr. UnTi K jnn' Uj.'tfu *f •dltlaf market* la Atlanta and the Sootk bu made h^a a rwifnlMl authority la hli *p*culty. RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCKS AND' COTTON MARKET (BY PRIVATE LEA1EP WIRE.) Still Bearish—A Sharp Break Follows an Early Advance. New York, July 28.—Weaknese wai again the dominating feature of the col ton market today. Opening prices were from unchanged to li point* below ye** terday’a close. Poor rabies supplement ing . liquidation depressed both old and neW positions. Private cables reporting a threatened famine In India as a result of drouth was also a factor. American weather was a bearish factor. After half an hour’s trading the decline In new crops was checked and a rally of 6 points fol lowed. Futures and spot were quiet In Liverpool. — ill mi>iv *nvnm>« inn npnmL .... bled the hfgh levels. “The' fresh wave of sell ing was probably due to rumors that the National Olnners* association makes the condition 89.9. At 2 o’clock the market was weak. At the close the market waa steady 3 to 40 points under the closing figures of M Warehouse stocks In New Tork Tues day 69.313; certifies^ 65,341. Estimated receipts Wednesday: 1911. 1910. New Orleans *00 to 400 451 Galveston 50 to 150 543 SPOT COTTON MARK ST. ^ tUnt*. steady; middling 1414. ew Orleans, nominal; middling 14c. NAMIC OK STIM’S Amal. Copper. . . Am. Ice becurltles. * Am. Sugar lief.'. . . Am. Smelting. . . . Am. l.ocomotlve. . • Am. Car Foundry. .. Am. Cotton Oil, . . . Am. Woolen Anaconda Atchison Atlantic Coast Line* Baltimore* A Ohio. *. ^ Canadian Pacific. . . Corn Product*. . . • Chesa. A Ohio. . . . Consolidated Oas. . . Central Leather. . . Colo. Fuel A Iron. , . Colorado Southern. . Delaware A Hudson. Denver A Rio O. . . Distillers’ Securities. Erie do. preferred. . . . ^rr.-ra* Electric. . . Coldfield Con Great Western. . , . Great N. pfd Great N. Ore int. Harvester. . . . , Illinois Central. . . . , Interboro. . do. 6716 4(16 •7 t 4 79% 7*64 79** "Stt s* 67~ 66% i?!* i85 iSS M 246 .11* 14416 62% 105*% 245% 14% 82 146% *1% 106% 246% 14% 81% 144% 3634 1414 1434 17116 iii W 17134 36% 67% 161% 6% 36% 67% 163% 36** i&* 564 ‘Hit 124 13~ tli’S Mi : ill* i iff 14' 7.14. nfw turn, quiet; middling 13.60, Augusta, nominal: middling 14%. Savannah, nominal; middling 14c. Galveston, quiet; middling 13%. Norfolk, quiet; middling 13%. Boston, quiet; middling 13.60. Philadelphia, quiet; middling 18.85. Baltimore, nominal; middling 13%. Memphis, nominal; middling 14c. Houston, easy; middling 13*4. St. Louis, r Louisville, I Little Rock, Total sales, 420,000 aharcsT PAftfB or STOCK. Lehigh Valley. L. A N. . . . - . . - Missouri Pacific. . , N. T. Central Northwestern. . y . . National Lead. .' . . Northern* Pacific.* I .* Ont. A Wesiern. . . Pennsylvania. . . . . raciflc Mall People’s O. Co. . . . Pressed Steel Car. . . Reading Rock Island. . . . . . do. preferred. . . . Republic Iron and S. do. preferred. . . . Floss-Sheffield. . . . Southern Pacific. . , Southern Railway. .. do. preferred. . . . Bt. Paul Tenn. Copper. . . . . Texas Pacific. .... Third Avenue Union Pacific. . . . . U. S. Rubber Utah Copper. .... U. 8. Steel. > . . ^ . do. preferred. . . . Va-Car. Chemical. . Western Union. . . . Wabash... ...... do. preferred. . • . W house Electric. .. Wis. Central W. Maryland NEW YORK. fatten quotations: July Aug. Sept. I Oct. Dec. I Jan. i Mch. j May I S 1 II ! |li 13.33 12.66 11.90 11.72 11.70 11.71 11.77 It.86 I3.l1 18.66 12.00 1L80 It.61 11.71 11.86 11.99 18.80 12.40 11.64 11.46 11.46 11.40 11.49 11.61 Tilo 12.48 11.64 11.46 11.47 11.40 11.48 11.63 m3 112.22-iS 18.47- 48 12.66-68 11.64-66 12.00-02 u.46-42 11.46-46 11.82-84 11.40-43111.80-81 11.48- 49 11.88-89 11.60-62111.96-97 I, nominal; minnnnic nc. , easy; middling 13%. a. nominal; middling 14%. le. firm; middling 14%. ock, nominal; middling 14c. PORT RECEIPTS. Port receipts, compared with same day 1 1911. | 1910. New Orleans. . . . GalvMton Mobil*. Havannah 90 525 14 68 3 59 1.434 142 83 330 60 1,378 263 t Norfolk New York Various Total 744 1 3.680 INTERIOR RECEIPTS. Interior receipt*, compared with sam* cay la*t y*nr: 1911. | 1910. Houston Auguata. ...... Momphla©, fit. ltrfJUi*. . ... . Cincinnati 290 I 961 SS 140 456 149 15 86 67 | 130 Total *.l 155 | 1,466 COTTON MARKET OPINIONS. Hayden, Stone A Co.—It would look that a yet lower level la probable before the basis for a permanent recovery la » no chance for lerati __ _ lltlons chunge. Miller A Co.—We continue hearlah. J. 8. Bacho A Co.—We think chances art In favor of higher values for the having at last turned, makes them guess* ers just like tho public were before they Introduced their system of organization, ke tho public were befon their system of organtMMI which has now become disorganised. We think that today waa the time to get away from the short side and luok on till after August tender day. Thompson, Towle A Co.—The short In terest Is being covered every day, and we believe open contracts are much reduced. Rothschild A Nusum—The bureau fig ures will bo compiled to cover July 25, and as conditions are highly favorable. Closed weak. LIVERPOOL Ptst. Range 3 P. M Close. Close July . . . 6.82 -6.12% 6.82% 6.12 6.85% July-Aug. 6.10 -6.80% 6.80% 6.80 6.82% Aug.-Sept 6.64 -6.63% 6.62 6.63 6.66% Sept.-Oct. 6.17 -6.18 6.16% 6.35 6.41% •t-Nov. 6.82 -6.81 6.39% ‘ -6 28% t ““ Dec.-Jan. 6.17 ... .. Jan.-Feb. 6.21 -6.26 Feb.-Mch. 6.19 ^ Mch.-Apr. 6.80 -6.28 6.27 Closed barely steady. NEW ORLEANS. Cotton quotations: July Aug. Sept. rife'. Jan. Mch. May \ m nunrnitt 12.46 12.54 12. 1196111.86 11. 11.70(11.76 111. 11.69(11.75 11. 11.71 11.77 11. tl.82lll.S6 ll. 11.70(11.76(11. 40(13.40118.35 27112.32(12.32-33 ,65 11.65 11.49-65 ,39111.39(11.38-39 38111.39111.38-39 40(11.42111.41-42 49|ll.51 jit.60-51 61111.70111.61-63 a 13.44 12.57 11.94-96 11.79- 80 11.78-79 11.80- 81 11.89-90 11.99-01 Closed steady. U. S. Department of Agriculture Broke Sharply Under Heavy - Selling Fire—Rallied Briskly Later. By CHARLES W. STORM. ' New York, July 25.—Under a heavy sell Jng fire the stock market opened weak and Irregular today with Initial declines which were Increased by further liquida tion following the opening. Union Pacific opened of 189%, or 1% under yesterday a close and rapidly went down to 169. Read ing opened % lower and lost another % within a few minutes. Amalgamated, American Smelting, Erie common and Steel were all off % in the flrtt sales. There were several contributing causea for the weakness. One was the news that a number of wire manufacturers Indicated for Infringement of the Sherman anti trust law had decided to go Into Federal court and plead “no defense;” others were the disturbing influence of the day a European news and the filing of the 8po< kane rate case ordered by the Interstate commerce commission, which were ef fectlve In causing unsettled conditions amang a number of railroads. Profit- - *ympat) market. Within a few minutes after the opening here further losses were recorded In the railroad group. Southern Pacific. Atchi son, Great Northern preferred. Northern Pacific and a number of other railroads, which opened fractionally off, sold off to a full point loss. Southern railway acted in sympathy and lost % In the first few sales. Penn sylvania opened unchanged not Influenced one way or another by the announcement that the road contemplates spending 82,- 000.000 in improving the terminals In New York city. . After fifteen minutes of trading the list had steadied somewhat. The curb market opened dull and easy. Standard Oil off 2 points, American To bacco off 4. There waa considerable profit-taking on Americans In London and the ,* general market tone was weak and Irregular. | The unsettled conditions disappeared during the morning, the early losses being followed by brisk rallies. Union Pacific, Lehigh Volley, and other stocks made ; rains of about 1 point from the lowest. : The majority of the list showed only frac tional losses at the end of the morning. Brokers in London traded t »th ways, polling some Steel and buying and selling j •Erie. Rock Island and Union Pacific. The / j continent waa a Igftre seller. • MONEY AND EXCHANGE. New York, July 25.—Money on call 3%. Time money unchanged; sixty days 2%, ninety days 2%®3. six months 8%tf>8%! Posted rates: Sterling exchange $4.8519 4.87. with ^actual business In bankers' hills nt $4.8610094.8615 for demand and $4 8415194.8425 for s!xty*day hills. Prime mercantile paper quiet at 3% per cent. Commercial bar silver 52%c, a decllng of %c Mexican dollars 45c. London, July 25—Bar silver steady l-l«d lower at 24 3-16d. MINING STOCKS. Boston. July 25.—Opening: North Butte S3. Esst Butte 12%, Nlplsslng 7%. Giroux 6%. Wolverine 112. LOCAL STOCKS AMO OC.NDS. TJPS FLASHED FROM WALL STREET. (From Hayward A Clark.) New York, July 2S.*^-Carpenter, Baggot A Co.: If stocks sell off. we believe they are a purchase. Would buy Steel, Smelt ers and Can preferred. Also hear Union Pacific preferred has great possibilities for a long pull. Important foreign banking Interests are taking Atchison stock steadily since re port* *howlng com crop along thrjt sys tem Indicates a big tonnage. ^ New York Financial Bureau Temporary Irregularity is possible today. If you are hung up we would buy to average on weakness with stdp-order protection. This Washington news has assumed definite foYm Iff rate reductions. It is evident that the bearish professionals are going to try to get the market down to covet. We do not believe they will get much “ ^datlon. 9W-Jones Co.: American stocks In London heavy % to % off. Interstate commerce commission hands down < sion In long and short haul cases ordt...._ 23 per cent cut In commodity rates. Ar bitrary market limits will not be fixed by railroads hereafter, but commercial oondl- NEWS AND GOSSiP OF THE FLEECY STAPLE. (From Hayward A Clark \ Nt\y York, July 25.—Carpenter. Bag«r 0 t A Co.: Liverpool was due unchatmlu 0 * iS lj tn 7 t ,| P ler on 4 ufu * t and l HtF**low« 71 ff',. b * l,nce - Opened »tead,lueTu At 12:15 p. m. was ea*v lf»s ini,— and 4(p5 net lower, ported a decline of * Later cable, £ ported a decline of %©IU from 1215 ’ “•Spots, lrr «P ll »r. Ynolit. lower, £|£ dllng,7.14, sales, 7,000; American, 6 soo- Imports, 9,000; American, 1,100. Great Northern, Northern .*-•«»«.. u other roads In Spokane rate case for In creased rates. Moroccan situation nearing a crisis. Negotiations between Germany and France so far prove futile. Steel in vestigation reveals agreement of steel plate pooL Conference on woolen sched ule between Democratic senators and In surgents today. Twelve Industrials de clined .22; twenty active rails declined .41. and ATLANTA LIVE 8TOCK MARKET. (By W. H. White, Jr., of White Provision Company.) Quotations based on actual purchases for the current week. Good to prime steers, 900 to«l,100 pounds 5195%. Medium to good steers, 800 to 1,000 pounds, 4% 05. Good fat beef cows, 1.000 pounds. 4«4%. Medium to 800 to good beef cows, 700 to 800 pounds, 2%~04. Good to choice heifers, 700 to 800 pounds, Medium to good heifer*. Wo ) pound., 1* 04- Ado ve represent ruling prices on good quality beet cattle. Inferior grade, and dairy typea aelltng lower, . Mixed common eteera. If fat, TOO to ... pounda, 40414. Oxen, medium to good, If fat, (3404V4. Mixed common cowa, If ‘ t, 600 to IM pounda, 41604. Mlxr/I inchea, common to fair, 400 /to 700 |ounda, (3t0(3i- Good butcher bulls, io Prime hogs, 140 to S00 average, Jood butcher hoga, 140 to 140 average, 0446. Good to choice plga, 10 to 100 100 average, . Above quotatlona apply to corn-fed oxa. choice Tennesaee lambs, 404. Medium to^good lamba, (340434. God fancy aheep, Cattle reeelpta lighter. Hardly enough coming In to supply demand. Light choice cattle around 860 pounda bringing tti top. Medium to good cattle In fair flea also In good demand; while grass cattle of inferior grade are lower. Commis sion man are anticipating good market for anything showing quality for some time to come. Tarda are about cleaned up and ready for fresh arrivals. Hog market about steady. Fair sup ply. Quality holding up vary satisfactor ily. Good many Tennessee sheep and lambs In yards this week sold promptly at price about equal to week ago. LIVE STOCK MARKET. Chicago, July 25.—Hors—Receipts. 14,- and butchers, S4.4904.47M; rood heavy, S5.40O4.4S; rough heavy. I4.1SO4.40; light, : 4.4004.00; pigs. (5.2404.45; bulk, (4.440 Cattle—Receipts, 4,000. Market beeves. (5.1007714; cows and helfe. 04.00; stockera and feeders, 13.1004.40; Texans, (4.7004.10; calves, 15.50CS.00. Sheep—Receipts. 15,000. Market steady; ..stive —‘— ** *' • '—*“ SS.7107.1 "S^Hsaaw sulaOMatoM.I.OnuHr Q 4m, (J mb,, MOYBE A HOLMES' OPINION. am low Nsw Orleans, July 25.—The adjustment of spot prices to new cron view* Is atIU • denreaalnic factor, particularly In the Knglliih market where spot quotations are still nearly a penny n j>ound over the price of new crop futurea. Spot prices In Liverpool were lowered 8 points today; due. A cable from a house that Is consid ered the best Informed says: “Conti nental selling and bearish feeling caused decline.” In the present bearish temper there la. of course, also much bearish news of a sensational character. Thus a cable said: “Prospect famine India." Thla may be the outcome of an unfa northern half of the cotton belt, generally cloudy In the southern half, general show ers. heaviest In north Texas, north Ala- , bama and Georgia. Temiierattires are considerably lower In the northwestern quarter. Indications are for generally fair and cool In the northern half of the belt and continued unsettled, showery weather In the southern half. Pallas. Tex., wires: "Boll weevil and army worms have aiqteareil as a menace to the cotton crop. Hundreds of com plaints to that effect coming from the principal cotton district* of Texas Heavy rains yesterday In many sections, some as much as 8 inches.” The market showed a tendency to react In the first hour, hut the absence of stsm- , t Ina and consistent support Is a surprising J K iture after a decline of 2c. It must j V that a bearish bureau report on Au-if MP$9 _ gust 2 Is confidently depended upon f*»r | sellers In the way of putting out hedges, a further decline. In the secoml hour < Provisions were firmer, particularly for there was a bad break on rumor that Ns- (lard. In which there was good buying of me -t.*- —-filing was scattered. : Wheat 700.000 bushels CEREAL LISE WEAK AT MARKED DECLINES Wheat] Corn and Oats Slump After an Early Show of Strength. IT. LOUIS CASH QUOTATIONS. Wheat—No. 2 red winter 82 011 Porn 64% oat* (new) 21 t r „lcn« ... . „ being the fairly good export business of vesterday coupled with today's firm ca bles. Prices were up %0%c. Trade waa small. There was some black rust gos sip from the northwest being handed about the pit. Porn was up %Cf%c on an Improved demand and smaller offerings In the pit. Oats were fractionally better. The tone wan steady and the trade was light and scatterest with a fair commission demand. Provisions were stronger. The Cudahy Packing Company’s brokers were trying to buy September lard, but the offerings were limited. Unloading by local longs and the weak ness In corn caused the wheat marker to turn weak late In the session after hold ing firm and higher nearly all day. Rather bullish foreign advices and good export business had caused s firm feell THE WEATHER’ CONDITIONS. Atlanta, July 25.—The area of high at mospheric pressure yesterday eentral In the northwest has moved southward with increased force and now covers the entire Rocky mountain slope from the Dakotas to Texas, with the atmospheric pressure above 20.2 Inches, and accompanied by a marked cool wave that has overspread the country. The temperature haa fallen considerably In all sections. Including the cotton belt, except along the gulf and south Atlantlo coasts. Atlanta recorded a drop In tern- K rature of 10 degrees, from 76 yesterday 66 this morning at 7 o'clock. It Is also decidedly cooler throughout the lake re- S on and Ohio valley. Temperatures above degrees at 7 a. m. continue only along the south Atlantic coast from Hatteras to Jacksonville and over the Florida penin sula. Light showers fell during the past 24 hours In portion of the cotton belt, east- for export, corn 105,000 bushels, oats 145,- 000 bushels. Grain quotations: Prtv. Open. High. Low. Close. Close. above iow point for the ‘day. The de- Jan. 6.25 . cash spring wheat was good was off %c to Sc. There was good buying on weak spots, showing that has friends around certa' corn has friends aroun< FOR SALE Atlanta Bonds 4 !-2s Also Other Good Municipal Bonds and Bank Stocks. Phone Main 1174 Georgia Mortgage & Trnsi Company •OBK — J’ly 16.10 K’pt.16.60 Jan. 16.76 I.AKD— J’ly 1.27% 8.27’ 8’pt .8.25 ern states and lake region under the In fluence of the northern storm that haa moved to the lower 8t. Lawrence valley. Fair weather prevails In the Rocky mountain region ..... moderate ... Jnds. South Carolina and Georgia—Fair to night and Wednesday; slightly cooler in the southern portion tonight. Florida—Probably (air tonight and to morrow; slightly cooler In the extreme northern portion tonight. Alabama and Mississippi—Fair in the cooler-on the coast tonight. Washlnaton, July 25.—Forecast until 7 p. m. Wednesday: Louisiana—Fair tonight; Wednesday cooler In the southeast. Arkansas—Fair tonight and Wednesday. Oklahoma—Fair tonight; Wednesday warmer In west. East Texas—Generally cloudy tonight and Wednesday. West Texas—Generally cloudy tonight; Wednesday wanner In the north portion. KIRS J’ly 1.45 8.47 8’pt 6.57% 8.62 Jan. 6.10 f.IT 1 CHICAQO CAR LOTS. meridian time, July 15. «TATtOS«8 OF ATLANTA DISTRICT Atlanta, p. cloudy. Chattanooga, clear. Columbus, cloudy. . Gainesville, clear. . Greenville, clear. . Griffin, cloudy. . . . xMacon, cloudy. . . Montlcello. clear. . Xewnan. clear. . . Rome. dear. . . . Spartanburg, clear. Tallapoosa, clear. . Toccoa. clear. . . West Point, clouily, ton. A«ves Georgia Railway A Electric.. 152 154% do preferred 91% ,.; n Attgr.ta A West Point R. R.. 132 1574 00% (IH American National Bank Atlanta Cnal ft Ice common. 1M Atlantlo Cool ft Ice pfd./... Atlanta Automobile Ass’n... Atlanta Rrswlnx ft Ios Co... jH Atlanta National Rank....!. Ml Atlanta Taxicab-Co. M Central Bank A Trust Corp.. 145 S ecatur Street Bank xposltlnn Cotton Mills ]„u ourth National Rank 240’ 1 Ijj! Fulton National Rank 114 ,,, Geontta Ry. ft Rankin* Co., (tit* . Hllljrer Truat Co 1,2^ jjj i« Realty Trust Co 0714 Sixth Ward Bank ] ijifl Southern Securities \ 7% g Third .National Bank 276 *2if Trust Co. of Georgia^......, m Atlanta Gasllibt 1st 5s joju .W:. 1 ! 1 * ini Ilf CHICAGO CASH QUOTATIONS. __ 12% ..Oats^-No. ( now II6MU, No. 5r # aw n BiflWK , "’* k "« I whit, , , . whits 1146 standard IM60l|£ LONDON STOCK MARKET. Following are reeelpta for Tumdav and estimated receipts for Wednesday: (Tuesday ‘ Wedn’arfaj Wheat Corn . Oat* . . Hoga 1.079 1*6 364 36.600 •54 101 319 31.000 PRIMARY MOVEMENT. WHKAT— 1 1911- 1510 R*<**!pta .... Shipment* . . . . . .' 1.294.SO# . . .1 547.44* 1.204,nf-O 478.9-10 OollN— i i Receipt* .... Shipment* . . . . . .f 349.000 . . J 602.000 175.000 493.000 Wilmington. . I ChsrW - ion. . j Aug -m. ... ' Favarrah. I j Atlanta. . . . . . VISIBLE SUPPLY CHANGES. Rtmar** : Ha In has been general In Texas. Lmii- , . «- , .. Mo"* and central districts and scattered tollowing shows Bmdstreet b weekly dtnr" n other portion* except Okla- . _ visible supply changes In grain for the Mrci>tin and Charleston district* v< * . .-i-xwwiK w •*, nre lower In western and! •••-;» Wheat, increaset 4.26L£«f bushel*. Ic utra! portion* of the belt. Corr. decease 2.479.600 bushels. 1 * - * oats, decrease M9.900 bushels. 8tock quotations: STOCKS— Amalgamated Copper American Smelting Anaconda Atchison Baltimore and Ohio.. (Canadian raciflc Chesapeake and Ohio.. .. Denver and Rio Grande Erie Illinois Central Kansas and Texas Louisville and Nashville New York Central Norfolk and Western.. .. Northern Pacific Ontario and Western.. Pennsylvania.. .. .. .. .. Reading Rock Island Southern Pacific Southern Railway do, preferred 8t Paul Union Pacific United .States 8teel.. .. do, preferred abash. preferred , Open METAL MARKET: N«w York. July 24.—At tho motel »x- ch.ipx,. Iixlny trailing waa quiet. Conner ”l“t in .Sent,-tuber 1124112.15. Tin 41.210 Lent! 4.45ft 4.55. Spelter 1.74$ COTTON 54(0 Oil. .11 ,..t,rln.„ : I 5.456<5.«5 6.54ft *.00 ! 5 4Mio.«S C.5S4V51 5,54415.61 5 54H6.54 i 5.4SUS 44 5 .' -*i5 4! , 6.34f»S J« SrtiUI 5.(24,4.24 . | i.Cs, 5 (S 6.(14,5.12 I ! 1 5.1.U-. March : 6.44ft5,42 i 5.27ft3.2? * Soleo. 11.540 IkutMs. CARPENTER, BAGGOT ft CO.'S r DAILY STOCK LETTER N4W York, July 25.—Stocks, wars well supported on tho unfavorable news this morning and this Indicates that the large Interests have the market well In hand and ars disposed to Increase tholr hold ings on all declines. The market Is get ting In shape for a big advance a little later, when tht also of the drops Is as sured. NAVAL STORES. Ssvsnnsh, July 25.—Turpentine Arm at 4946054U; receipts. 1,(11. Rosin, nrm; receipts, 6,0(4: water whits; Brown. Drakeford A 6a.' cable; ke ^rn!'. r t.’d n asp week and 2,710 last year. S-g-SF OkUhoma clear GdiWTSK Journal of Commerce: As the mark.t continues working to a lower basis i™ futures more mills show a willingness tl make concessions to customers who orde? goods ahead, but there Is still very f,, £.«"> *ny desire^ manlfesled io anticipate the value that buyers are talk, ing o/Tand the great bulk of sellers will not name prices Yolow the level that ha, h”" prevailing- Actual cotton !• scar« and high, and splnnera qa a rule will not name prices on a.still lower level when many goods are already priced on the b*aI* at which futures are quoted ' First notice day on August cotton Fr|. day, July 23, Rtordan has attracted, much attention this morning by his buying. The buyine looks good. Not much Inclination to «e|f Thomas J. Freeman, president of Texai and Pacino, save the cptton outlook In Texas Is the best he has ever known. He declares the damage by the army worm has been over-estimated and la not likely to be a perceptible factor In the Injury- done In the Brownsville district. Following are 11 a. m. bids: July, 13 jo August, 13.40; October, 11.71: December' 11.71;. January, 11.70. New Orleans, July 24.—Hayward ft Clark: The weather map shown generally fair In the northern half of the belt wit- much lower temperatures, generally cloudy In the southern half with general show ers, most extensive In north Alabama and Georgia. The map - Indicates generally fair and continued cool weather In the northern half of the belt: cloudy and showery In the-southern half, particularly the south eastern quarter of the belt. Liverpool spot house says decline wa, caused by continued selling end benrlnh feeling. Our Liverpool people wire: "Think the market near bottom for the present.•’ The Louisiana state department ef ariculturo says: "In most places entten WEEKLY WEATHER REPORT. Washlnaton. July 25.—Moderately root weather for tho season prevailed over the greater part of tho cotton-growing re gion. Mean temperatures were below normal except along the Atlantic coin and over the western portion of east Texas, where temperature was about nor- mat or above. The greatest deficiency was six degrees at Birmingham, and the greatest excess waa five degrees at Pen Antonio. Mean temperatures ranged from 74 to (( degrees over the eastern, from it to (0 over central and from 71 to 90 de- S ees over western portion of the cotton It. The lowest mean temperature w», 74 degrees at Knoxville and Chattsnoon, and the highest *0 degrees at Del Rio, Tex. Precipitation occurred throughout the cotton reglqn except that there wes none over the- southwestern portion of east Texes. Tho weekly rainfall exceedrd two ‘ ss in some parts of every cotton pro ng state, but there was less than half .Jtch over tho middle and western por tions of North Carolina, the northern por tions of South Carolina and Georgia end In a few other scattered localities. More than four Inches of rain fell at a few widely scattered stations In Texas, Lou isiana, Arkansas, and Mississippi. The greatest weekly rainfall was 5.10 at Port land, Ark. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET. Coffee quotations: January . . February. March. . . April. . . May. . . . Juno . . . July . . , August. , September. October. , November. December enlng. I Closing. :fl4.60© 10.05110.43 ft 10.49 . 10.50®10.65 10.6M10.49 . I0.5»©10.40lw.69©10.70 , I0.40et0.62 I0.69fil0.70 . 10.40© 10.45ll0.70@10.TJ , 10.60©10.70!10.?0 . 11.4tBU.70m.60 . 11.(9011.50111.60 . lLMOtl.lO 11.(4011.17 . 10.(0010.95 10.92010.94 , io.7ooio.09|io.5oeio i; , 10.61010.5(110.6(1110.49 NEW YORK GROCERIES. Nsw York, July 25.—Coffee steady; 7 Rio spot, 1M601SV6. Rico, firm; don tic, ordinary toprime, (640416.. Molqi steady; New Orleans, open kettle, >(041. Sugar, raw, strong; centrifugal. 4.((©4.49; muscovado, I.M©(.*(; molasses sugar, l.410(.7S;rennsd. strong; standard, granu lated, 5.(5; cut loaf, 4.15; crushed, (.10; mold A. 1.70; cubes. 5.40: powdered. 4.44; diamond. 6.35; confectloners A. 5.20; No. 1. 6.10; No. (. 1.15; No. (, 4.10; No. 4, 6.05. Cham, steady; white milk specials, miomi; wholemltk faticy. 113401166: skims, specials. 916: skims,-fins, SHOIV6; full gklms, 6660734. BUTTER, POULTRY AND EGGS. Nsw York, July 14.—Dressed poultry, dull; turkeys. 1(0(3: chickens, 110(7: fowls, (014; ducks, 11. Live poultry, un settled: chickens. 100(1; fowls, II; tur keys. 11; roosters, 916; ducks. 11; lesss, ?. Butter, steady; creamery specials, It: creamery, extras, 11: state dairy, tubs, 11 0(4; process specials, (116. Rgga, quiet; nearby whlti 19; nearby, brown fancy, 2 firsts, 22025; firsts, 17©2L NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET. Nsw York, July 24.—Wheat steady: Sep tember. 911409(16; December, (41(0(1; spot No. 2 rod (now). 9164 e. I. f. New Tork. 9(16 t. o. b. _ ~ irn quiet; September, 4114; December, ; No. I In elevator, nominal; export No. 1. 1964 t. o. b. Oats weak; natural white, 4704416; white clipped. 4714041. Rye quiet; No. ( nominal. Barley firm; malting, nominal. Hay steady; good to prims, 11.(001.41; poor to fair. I'leOll lO. Flour dull; aprinir patents, (1.0004.(4; straights. I4.40O4.M; clean. (1.9004.26; winter patents, (4.4O04.7I; straights, (4.00 ©4.25; clears, J(.47.7/3.70. , ' Beef firm; family. (12.00012.U. Pork easy; mess, (17.5001900; family, (14.00© 14.54. Lard^qulst; city steam. 7.(4; gilddle Tailow quiet; city In hogiheads, I; coun try In tlercts, 11606. Cloned steady. Bales ll.lto bofs. LIVERPOOLORAIN MARKET. Wheat opened 16d lower; at 1:J» p. ra. Mras unchanged to lid higher. Closed Ho *°Corn *opened M<! lower: at 1:10 p tn was 14d lower. Closed lid to !4d lower. ATLANTA MARKETS. FOGS—Fresh candled eountnr. 1701© BUTTER—Fresh country. W©15c P °DRESSED POU LTRT—Drawn, heef JflL.'SofS;. p £x5SA d: .oi?c n, Tur?m 0 \2&i'poUl5&T—Hens. MO'fSc: ne*j SSLWJ& pay ( Grape fruit, 72.50OS M per iches (2.000 2.60 per crate. CsnUloo JJ ^ l un M d.^nrr7ind»iJg 1 per car, according to *l»« 75cO>1.00 per crate. W- 2.00 crate. Tomatoes. teM*- rates. (1.KO140- IRK dozen. Pineapples. e. Onions, (1.25 Per bu , l'«- g. 11.7502 00 per bushel else Peoche SOcOd.L. -- . per pound. Beans, round green. H per crate. Squash, yellow, per .Ix-bMBi crates, 75c0(1.00, Wetsnnelons dull* 1 (40.00^40.00 per ear. according to sue. slxhasket crates, (1 14020c per doxen. 1.00 per crate. Onl Irish potatoes. 11.71 SItOVisiuna _ __„ t by RTilta Provision CoraessTi hams, 10-1 average. 1714c. h.m.,ll,14_.vera f -.^ w • NOVISIONS. Corrected I Cornfield Cornfield Cornfield skinned hams. 17 $«rnfleld plcnle hams. 4-1 sversn Corn (laid break f*xt bacon, arent* 24c. Grooera style bacon, wide or narrow, Dixie fresh port sausage. Ilrk e» *«* 25-pound bucket*, lie. 20c. Jones Flexotype letter Co.. 444 Candler Ann« Circular letters perfectly type written. Small Job printing work. Including electrotypes, done on or dor. Correspondence para our estfmatea and sample* '” others tn similar lino. Work guar anteed. The American Audit Company F. W. LAFRENTZ, C. P. A. President ' THEO. C0CHEU, JR, 0. P. A. A. F. LaFBENTZ. ▼ice Fre*. and Secretary. Tressnrer. T. P. HOWARD. C. P. A. 2d Vice Pres. NKW ORLEANS—Matson MgcM. PHILADELPHIA—BsllovM-Strstfor^. WASHINGTON, D. C.-COlerado Bulls III?.1ya|(KEK—Pianklnton Bank Bj»(- NEW TORK—14* Rroadway. MM St an1 llh ATS t Waldorf-Astoria ( CHICAGO—Morqiietfs Rulldtng h. is roN—Kxrhange Misliatng ATLANTA—Fooru* Nsilonr.f Hank I tn titling Itl. tlMoAD-Mt.inM Building H^l.TiMtiUE-Kevssr HiilMtr.g. »A>? FRArtCISCO—CUns Sprsrksls LON DO is? E. C-W Gresham St C. B. BID WELL, C. P. A.. Resident Vice President.