Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, July 25, 1911, Image 13

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: TUESDAY, JULY 25,1911. The Georgian is the leading Want Ad Medium of the South, carrying more paid Want Ads than any other Southern Newspaper. Below are the Jigures showing the number of Want Ads published by ail the Atlanta. Newspapers for the week endino July 22, 1911, a period cj six working days: 7he Georgian carried 2,484 Paid Want Ads, Journal 1,878 Constitution 1,028 Want Ads. NOTICE! - ... NO ADVERTISEMENT will be dlucontlnued on phone order,. Kindly notify thin office !n writing when you wlelt to Mop your ail. HELP WANTED—FEMALE. One cent a word for ad* under this head. ii’i SECURE positions for stenographers No charge for our nervlces. Cell to see The Monarch Typewriter Company, ,7% Peachtree-et. SAS-Jl HELP-WANTED—MALE. , >pt wanted that can do light altera tions in ready-to-wear In a live Georgia town Write now for little later contract 1° T W., Box tt. care OeoVglan. 4.24-60 vc \\TED—Bright girls between 1« and !2 rears'of age; attractive occupation, with good salary and rapid advancement; no previous experience, necessary; appli cants must live In city with parents or relatives and must be able to furnish sat- W £™ TED “: 8 ! 1 ' f 00 * 1 franlte cutters; monumental and building work. Good JV -very Saturday. Clark's Monumental \\ orks, 'Americus, Ga. _________ 7-24-14 WANTED FOR U unmarried men between .25; cltliens of United Slates, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, reed and write the English lan- 5H. Information, apply to Ite- crnltlng Officer 23 u WhlteWl-et., At lanta. Ga.. or 411 Cherry-st.. Macon, Ga. 4-7-1 SHOP Boy wanted. System. 24 North Broad. Massengale Bulletin SITUATIONS WANTED—PEMALE. ered. Call Main <451.. WOMAN with recommendations wants place as servant with small family; will room on lot. Address Lula Johnson, Hills WANTED—Salesman for city I State where last employed. Ad Satlftfactlons Box 33, 'care Georgian. 203 kinds of commercial work, stenography and typewriting, duplicate letter*. en velope*; manuscript* copied: out-of-town order* promptly executed. Stenographer. ‘ ‘ Kiser Bldg. Phone Main II WANTED—Toung man. combination ate- •elativea ana mu« uo «ui« iu lurninn b»i- Bookkeeper* to make ftnc'nry reference* aa to character. Ap- teneral ln off,ce - Ad- Mv In person at IS Auburn-ave.. Atlanta. <*• p - O. Box 152. Cedartown, Ga. 7-12-i WANTED — Houaekeeper; middle-aged woman, to act ae houaekeeper for com- nanv’a residence. For particular* addreaa Cordon, Graham St Milner, Tallulah Falla, Ga 7-21-15 job and cylinder pre** feeder*. Apply Foote St Davie* Co. 7-22-10 WANTED—Ladle* to learn the newest and best paying work In existence, Ml'drcHBlng with the Hermann perma nent hair vraveu only place in the South whereircan he teamed; position* wafting In bfnt narlor* for competent girl*; big money fn private practice; exorbitant ices paid; we alao teach manicuring, fa- —* 8 and chiropody; or by mail from WANTED—Combination man to run turn- ing lathe and molder and do some bench work, building frame* and mantels. 2& t€ „ waKea *»nted. J- T. Duncan. Box 300. Montcsuma. Ga. 7-25-29 WANTED—Bright, quick boy at soda fount; must have had some, experience; reference* required. Box 122, Albany, Ga, WANTED — PORTER MUST ALSO ASSIST IN PACKING. ENTER- PRISE MANUFACTUR- Moler Collage, 51 We,t MltcheH- COMPANY, 36 W WANTED—Govsrneas by September 1: reference# requested. Apply Mrs. M. E. Marr. Council, Ga. Cleaner. 7-24-10 WANTED—Servant to do cooking and housework tor family of two; reference* WANTED—By small Northern family In Florida, middle-aged, reliable white woman, good cook. Hne location and nlffi^ant home for right person. Address T R C. Crowell. Eagle Lake. Fla. HOUSEKEEPER for widower and five children. Address Box SI, Abbeville. S. C. 1«4 WANTED—At once, colbred maid of neat appearance. Call Apartment 6, 12 Cap itol place. 7-25-12 WANTED^A white nurse for a four- vear-old boyr must have references; a - for the right party. Mr*. Vederlck apartments, Whlte- ily. 52^ Caplt Apply 719 Pled- ALABAMA. 7-25-32 CAPABLE MEN FOR TRAFFIC AND INTERSTATE COMMERCE WORK WITH THE SHIPPERS AND THE . GOVERNMENT. Large salaries and rapid advanesment for those who can. qualify. Call on Mr. Stapp, Room! 713 Piedmont Hotel, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and after 7:30 p. m. today and Wednesday, where necessary qualifica tion* will be explained and application* received. 7-26-21 WANTED—Grocery clerk of neat appear ance. If you can’t make good, do not apply. 2 Jra-at. 222 ENERGETIC colored cook for construe- tlon camp; good wages; good neat veg etable and pantry cook; pot washer. 1018 Century Bldg. 7-25-47 particulars. Great opportunity. D. Wil kinson, Falco, Ala. 273 woman will buy. Begin canvaaa at once. 8amples by express. 10c. Wynne Broom ipany, Elmira, ti. T. 131 WANTED—Woman to do laundry on Place Wednesday morning. Apply 153 Fast Tenth-at. ' 7-25-33 wanted—Refined lady to aaalst wlth *pw!ng In nice home. Call Mam Jo right party; jptgffr lady 35 years or older. Address Assist ant. Box 333, care Georgian. . WANTED—Experienced girls to wrap kisses in candy factory. Apply Pied mont Candy Company, corner Petera-st. and Madlson-ave., .between 7 and 9 a. m. WANTED—SALESMEN. One cent a woru for ads under this best*. SALESMEN wanted to carry in South, on commission basis, a line of medium and high-priced shirt* manufactured by a prominent firm In northern New York: only those with’ experience and personal acquaintance need apply. Address Ability. Box 19, care Georgian. 7-22-M Room 303 14 war, of age. In off lee or ml Need work and willing to begin on am,II ■alary. N. D. B., earn Georgian. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED—By expert stenographer, poal- tlon. few hour* day; not public itenog- rapher. >17 Umpire Bldg. It STENOGRAPHER with some experience it TOUNG .WOMAN of refinement would like poelllon with private family et once ae eeametreaa; also experienced In houee- work. Addreaa R. B. Box 45, care The Georgian. 17 WIDOW wanta position aa houaekeeper for widower Who bee children; no ob jection to leaving city. Addreaa Mra. G. « . care Georgian. 37 WIDOW of refinement with eon eight yeara old deeirea poaltlon aa house keeper; city preferred; changed. L. M. W A-l STENOGRAPHER, emploved at pre* ent. desire, to make change; beet or ref erences. Miss L.. 414 Warhington-xt WANTED—Position by refined and well educated Northern lady * aa assistant bookkeeper or clerical work. Addreas M. L., Box 7, car# Georgian. uiiaiBuiviiiiiK, iiciiimiiuninK, cniiorcn » Clothes a specialty. Addreas Seamstress. Box 14, care Georgian. » 25 YOUNG LADY atenographar with expe rience desire* position; willing to assist In office work. Address Stenographer, 489 East Falr-st. *4 LADY, good hand sewer, wishes employ ment In private home or with dress maker. M. H., Box 101, care Georgian. WANTED—Position to do housekeeping for a small family or widower. Ad dress M. C.. 171 Cspltol-ave. 31 WANTED—Position as ofTIce girl; no ex perience. but willing to learn and do my best. Address I. E. M., care The ~ rglan. 35 YOUNG LADY desires position as music teacher In a small town; best of refer ences. Address B. P., Box 41, care Geor- WANTED-Plaln sewing. Childrens dresses a specialty. Prices reasonable. Call Mr*. Gruber, 648 Glenn-st. Phone Main 4142-J. ' 26 WANTED—By colored woman, position era! housework; wr*“ 266 Jackson place. % WANTED—Poaltlon as housoksepw In a “ — v “ned mld- hotsl or boarding house by rsflned i ' rldow with experience. ‘ Bell phone Main nil- uon ub companion; can reaa aioua, iooa penman and can play; would'travel or ~~ anywhere; references. Address Mrs. Kewanee. Miss. 26 LADY STENOGRAPHER, thoroughly competent, having had several years experience, would like position where work Is not heavy, with salary 1n pro- P ortlon, or would accept temporary work y the day, week or month. Address Stenographer, 141 lvy-st., city. Atlanta phone 4328. 25 MRS. JENKINS. No. 2 Elln-st., does cur- COMPETENT lady stenographer desires temporary work during summer, by day or w#ek. Main 1M4.L. 17 WANTED—Position as manager of rooms in hotel by middle-aged lady; compen sation reasonable; references. Box 323. East Point, Ga. 27 SITUATIONS WArtTIO-MALC. YOUNG MAN (II) desires position In big dry goods house or any business house a* show card writer. H. C., care Oeor- lnexperiencea. oesiree position as as sistant in a drug store.’ will accept any reasonable offer. Prefer city. Druggist, 107 Capltol-ave. ^ 23 WANTED—Position hh office assistant; “ tairtee; nlrfeteei care Georgian. GARDENER went* ’ place; understand Address M. I. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. Addreaa 120 South Boule- YOUNG man. well experienced, want* a position a* clerk or assistant book keeper or hotel clerk. Will accept night work. H. H. K., Box 87, care Georgian try farm. 1018 Century Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. FIR8T-CLA88 dressmaking and altera tlons at 16 East Ellia-st. Bummer prices. Address Mrs. M. 8. WANTED—Position as pianist or piano teacher; testimonials and references furnished; three years experience. Ad dress Music, Box 81. care Georgian. 27 WANTED-rPosItlon by experienced sick nurse; confinement cases; esn furnish the very beet of references. Address J. O., Box 96, care Georgian. 28 WANTED—By competent office woman, position; widow and must have work; references. Address Mrs. R. 8., care The Georgian. 28 WANTED—Petition a* nurse by eettled • colored widow; very fond of children;, want work At once. Effte Thomlln, 164 LADY, beginner In stenography, but with other office experience, would stay In office and be generally useful, for mod- 8ITUATION wanted by middle-aged lady ae light housekeeper or nursing the sick. References given and required. Address L. D., 71 Lake-ave. 29 YOUNG LADY, eettled and experienced. wishes position ss stenographer end bookkeeper; gilt edged references; will ing to start reasonable to show what can do. Address Worker. 220 Whltehall-st.. Atlanta. 29 PUPILS of any age tutored In English and mathematic*; rates reasonable. Phone Teacher. Ivy 1898-J. 29 WANTED—Poaltlon as housekeeper In first-class hots). Address L. E. M., R. F. D. No. 1, Milledgevllle. Ga. 29 WANTED—By lady owning typewriter. Copying of any kind and envelopes to address, at home. W. B., care Georgian. 16. care Georgian. dress C. D., Box Main 4240. Atlanta 891.' WANTED—Bv young man. position with firm; good worker; want to real estate learn the business. Georgian. Address Worker, carj WANTED-Position by young man with fo\(r yesrs experience as grader of. cell ing. siding and flooring; can also run tim ber-machine. State wages In drat letter. Addreas P. 0.‘ Box 124. Perry, Fla. 22 WANTED—Position of trust by young man with several years experience In stenography and general office work: ref- TOUNO MAN wahts Job as soda water clerk; ha* had about" two years experl enee. Address Rods Water, care Geor glan. 2! BOY of 16 wants a position In office work and collecting; have had some expert ence In both- L. Q., care Georgian. 2! WANTED-*-Position by experienced man billing and shipping for two weeks good collector;' A-l references. Lawton-st. C. 10< working In house. Answer quick: must have work now. Ernest Jones, 145 Cur- rler-st. 29 WANTED—Small set of hooka to keep after hours by an experienced book keeper. Addroee B. K. \V., care Geor gian. 29 YOUNG MAN stenographer with some month* experience, desires position; work with wholesale grocery house pre- fr^cd Address R. R., care Mr*. For- yth.,18 Markhnm-St. 29 WANTED--Work by young colored man of experience to do cooking and general housework; best refsrences. Apply to W. Armstrong, rear 217 Rprlng-st. 29 WANTED—Position as soda dispenser: can give best of reference. Call 5032 Atlanta phone, or address F. J. Ashworth. 188 Courtiand-st. 29 WANTED—Poaltlon at once by experlsnc- 350 to 8200 a week; exclusive territory. SSlaift^lS 1 * #B ** Work ' Address L. M. Moore, 761 Candler annex, Atlanta. 7-22-26 WANTED—First-class salesman to han dle a specialty line at once. Good thing tor a hustler.. Addrees 22 Peters-st. 7-21-71 tVANTED—Four high-class specialty salesmen for Southern territory to sell to retail trade. We want men with abil ity to produce a large volume of buslnese and can furnish best of references. We pay-* Igrge commission and furnish ad vance expense money. The applicants must be men 6f strict Integrity and gen-1 1st personality and be able to qualify In every respect. Apply to J. M. Jenkins, I 920 Austell Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. EXPERT boekkeeper and (eneral office woman, now-employed, dnlrea poaltlon with rellabla whole,ale concern, prefera bly a manufacturing buxlneia. For fur ther particulars, phone Decatur 121-J. 24 of work. Addrkae Immediate, WANTED—Position ae houaekeeper ... hoepltal or eanltarium by one who hat hurineee me nicer In F. B., Phone Main MAN with fifteen yeare experience In the lector, acquainted with city; all or part of time: references. Addree, Collector, rare Oeorffan. • If A-l LADY etenorrapher deelree perma nent poaltlon. either In or out of the city. P. O. Box ISI, city. M WANTED—By lady of lone experience, pupil* to coach or private pupils. Ad dress 76 West H«rrle-*t. 14 , dren's clothes a apecii .. 7*25-i O': »• » day and ntreet car fare. 1 * A nonA..-<t, Allnnte tlm tt East Caln-at. References required. HELP WANTED—MALE. her shops i IK lor - WANTED—Men tb take thirty dayr prac Ucal course In our machine shops am * crept food positions In the automobile buitr.e,,. Charluttq Auto Bohool, Char' WANTED—Men to learn cott In our sample room. Twi complete chuns. Hich aaUried Ljne. ^Charlijtte Cotton - School. oks n I POSi- CLar* 4-M» U and 36. ‘ capers al coi ni, quart*. _ After 20 years service can c , *6 per cent c * Service on board. JOB PRESS FEEDERS WANTED—; alao > f >ung man to run automatic proving P r <-M. Apply Foote St «Davlsa Co. 7-22-9 w7 »uw waning ai lop wnia, icam me Darb^r trade; thousands have become sue- shop owners by our system and to us for barbers; few weeks quail- no dull aeason; no strikes; cash Saturday night; commission ami in addition to wages amount to ")°re than moat mechanics earn; tools f '>n Apply personally or from country tnall. Moler Barber College, 53 West 'titchell-st. " ANTED—Competent foreman for con crete form work. Must be able to read prints. State experience and **!- expected. Address C. A. D., P. O 335, Atlanta 106 ^ 14 to if. to^worlc’befofe and’after*^aeKSf . r ur» in town 4,000; full orphan preferred. "ANTED—Good, reliable colored boy to w Main cooking and housework: per- “ant-nt posRior Apply III Sew Kimbsll. 7-24-20 '""•w iruGA, (. fMeM. from railroad, Alexaader- Oe., i: North Pryor. ,-21-15. SITUATIONS WANTEO—FEMALE. * SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. 0 TO HELP those who are out or a po- 4 sltlon or desire a better one. The 1 Georgian prints want aa* of not more , then 14 worse uniter idle needing fr„ IF YOU NEED # stenographer or typleL rail our employment department ana tell ua what you require. No charge for our service# to elthor party. The Mon arch 'fypewritar Company. Phono Mam WANTED—Poaltlon by refined young lady aa govern*#* in a private home; thro* yeara experience aa teacher of pri mary gradea; Beet references. Mis, 61. Dennis, Mods, Oa. 22 AN undergraduate nurse of experience wlehea to aecura caeea In city or coun try; term, reasonable; reference, fleet claee. Cell Clara. Writ *24, 22 HIGH-CLASS dreaemaklns and altering - don* at It Eaet Caln-at. Ivy 1254-L. 21 WILL do plain sawing at a reasonable price. Mrs. J. L. Sexton, 704 Vfood- ward-ave. Call Main 4160. 22 NEAT, honest colored woman will travel with white people; good nurse. Pscola Johnson, Wlijder, Ga. 23 WANTED—Sewing by middle-aged lady; will come to your home. Addrea* 1141 E. Falr-et. 32 WANTED—Poaltlon In pantry or linen room or ae weltreee or chambermaid In bptei. Addreas Hustler, 337 LIttle-at. 83 WILLOW PLUMES mad* out of old one*. Write or cell at 9 Fem-ave.; Capltol- ave. car. stop Vanlra-et., come eaet. 22 WANTED—Position as lady assistant In dentist or doctor’s offica; beat refer ences. jyidra** Mr*. E. B.. care Georgian YOJJNtf tADY stenographer deeirea posi tion In email town; north Georgia pre ferred. Address C. D. H., car* Georgian^ WIDOW of refinement, culture and ex ecutive ability deelree poeltlon ae houeakeeper In hotel or nice, refined home; could leave city; plea** etat* par ticular, In flret letter. Addraee H. M., rare Georgian. , R WANTED—To M m*M end laundry work by tha day. Addreee Work, Box 10, care Georgian. ** COMPETENT eettled nuree wants em- ptoymOnt at once; beet reference*. Ad- dm* Nuree. Boa 200, care Gaorglen. 22 CONTRALTO would like to he euhetltute 1 for earns one Vhq le off on vacation; have etrong voice • and experienced In eight reading. Addreee Singer, care The Georgian. 12 , LADY will edit and correct manuscript*. compos* article* from /?***, *l*o typewrite them; take dictation IP typewriter or shorthand; will report e*i>e- f claUy for the preaa or Individual*. IftC' nrjfrjipher. Room 303 K!*er Bldg. Phone j WANTED-By an -*PfT!2nced •ij'L maternity and children; r I£,* on * b ” , ea' 1 *" Nur "' ““"“' "S f A. Ooodwln, Atlanta, Qa. TOUNO LADY Of) from the North de- alree poeltlon e* meld or seneral house work at once; reference,: willing. Ad dreaa J. L. J., care Georgian. 16 one that will give you Mtlafactory eery- icea, addreaa Hattie Bccka. 144 Urown- avc, South ^Atlanta, or_ Bell, phone Ivy S' WANTED—A poaltlon to do a little houaework for a cripple: anewer at once, •a I need work. Call Main 1*55 and aek for Hardin. a* the child to be with mother, an ran car# for It at my own home, w, ( G„ Box 46, rare Georgian. WANTED—By experienced bookkeeper five bourn dally work. Rapid wlfh pen, typewriter, clerical work. Anawer. glv- * -•— of bualneea. Beat of L„ care Georgian. If GERMAN gardener and farmer, married, wlahee employment; wife take charge In If dealred. Addreaa Garden. II I the* h'ouss .. cars Georgian., 39 WANTED—By’ an experienced traveling salesman, peel ton with tfholesale grocery house of Atlsnta; salary 'Or commission. Address Energetic, care Georgian. 29 WANTED—Position by licensed druggist incian. euner lntuaumg, reconsirucnng or sun^rintendlng electric light plant; can S ve best references. Address B. If. J., nx 11. care Georgian. 25 SITUATION WANTED by young lady place. Call 6542 J farm or gardening; stats pahlculgri O., 271 Pledmont-avs. u COLORED MAN wants position as por ter, office man or In garage. Charles Holmes. 14 Yonga-st. 22 LICENSED GRADUATE In pharmacy acy Is ist 16; registered In Georgia and FlorhL years experience; good references; em ployed at present. J. C. Jessup. Montl- ijiiywrnur, ciriii yeara experience, now employed, desires better position; railroad work preferred; understand phonograph. Addreas 8. B. Wardlaw, 22 East Cain-at. it keeper; none but permanent aidered. Earnest, 67Vfc ip**t WANTED—By an experienced, sober bar ber. position In shop in Atlanta. Ad- ress A. D. Box 90, cars Georgian. 24 FIR8T-CLAS8 bookkeeper and account- Address Honest Mon, 290 m ■ ii, pqEiiifin aa mini waiunninii m other light work. Address X. Y., Box 10, care Georgian. 24 FIR8T-CLA88 meat cutter wants posi tion at ones; can fufnlsh references. 201 Whltlock-ave., Marietta, Ga. 26 PRINTER—8ober, all-round man, wants position as ad compositor and make-up man on small dally or weekly paper. * per week. Address X. Y. 55., Box 100, cere Georgian. WHITE CHAUFFEUR wanta position two and one-half year* experience; can furnish best of references; give m« ‘ f-*— —- ‘ * *-ess 26 WANTED—Poaltlon In any honorable business by young man, aged 22; from North Carolina, willing to start at a ■moderate salary. Address L. E., Box 164. .cars Georgian. , IT I MU8T*HAVE work; experienced In of fice work, typewriting and graphophone operator; willing to do any kind of work: references. W. W., care Georgian. 26 Address Reliable, care Georgian. WANTED—By energetic country lad of good habits. 18 years old. position where there Is a chance for advancement; will ing to begin at the bottom. Must have work et ?nce. Address J. fL. tara Geor gian. poaltlon In aom* whnlnal* houae with object of coins on the road later. Will- Ins to basin at tha bottom and work herd. Addreaa "Bli," rare Oeorffan. II WANTED—A poeltlon a, stenographer bv youns Utdy. C. H.. .141 Luekle-at. II COLORED WOMAN, widow, wartta food nurae'a place at onra. Very anxloua to fat work to do et once. worn wen iur iree tmice apace, with prlvllefe of taklnf order vfork. Call after « p. m. Mm C. Iv>- till. read to'write for'ati"old lady realdln* fn city. Address Miss E. O. B.. 60 We*J Peachtree piece, Atlanta. S9» lady deatrea position to HOTEL MAN wanta position ae assistant steward, checker or any other poeltlon with a reasonable valary. Will pay 10'S of first month’s wages for poeltlon. Ad dress Henry Dolan, 111 Love-st.. city. 29 WANTED—Work; place as driver of wag on. place aa painter, or any kind of work, by young man of 22; willing to work. Apply will Brown, Neal House, 41H Decatur-st., or call Associated Char ities. 35 WANTED—General houaedeanlng; drop card to 892 Auburn-ava. Wjll call at once. J. W. P. A SETTLED white woman wants place ee nurse for tick or for children, or to assist’with houaework. Not an expert cook. Apply to Associated Charities. Main 4260; Af Atlanta 391. governess to Iwgfn work Beptembar 1; broad experlsnc# noth aa teacher In pub lic school and as gOvamess; can also tsach shorthand and typewriting^ as well as literary; salary reasonable. Write 0t once. Governess, Bex II, ear* Georgia p. LADY, experienced violin teacher, would like a class hers and also out of town. Special attention will be begin ners. Address Teacher, 13. E. Purllioi|j 11 1UVJ vv Tunis jfUEiii'Hi aa uuufvsiYjMi , am raflned, a clran houaakaapar and Ifrraahle; would fo anywhere refer- ncea. Addreaa Mra. Y., Kewanee, Mlae. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. r<> HELP those who ara out or a po- allien or daslra a better one. The Georftan prime want ada of not more than tt worn* under thla beadins frae A COAIPETENT account ant and credit man ifi open for engagement. Sal ary $125.00. Can deliver the goods. Address P. O. Box 828. 384 WANTED—Poeltlon as shlpplhg clerk, buyer, salesman, by ,^-l yellow pine lumberman: now emtHoyed; communica tions confidential; salary 8100 par month German Prime, care Georgian. 21 WANTED—Position, ss salesman; long experience In clothing, shoes and gents furnishings; best references ss to business qualifications. Address A. J., care Geor- YOUNGj MAN stenographer deelree good position; employed at praaant, but de sire change; experienced In lumber work n ml filing Addrees Stenographer, Box 15, care Oiwrgtan. 14 EXPERIENCED stenographer (young married man) desires position; high- grade man with excellent Indorsement; only flrst-clasa position would he consid ered. M., cans Apartment 2, .89 West Peachtree. 24 COMPETENT colored man, wanta poel- I tlon as butler; have had some automo* Iblle experience; willing to do both cheap. Good references. Apply M. H., 142 East IHaker-st., city. 24 POULTRYMEN, NOTICE! Experienced poultryman wanta position. F. C. 8., Oxford, Oa. 22 WANTED—Poeltlon as chauffeur or fire man on any road; A-l references. Ad dress C. B. 8., care Georgian. 22 experience; also have some knowledge of bookkeeping. Now «m- ployod. Minimum aalary IW per month. Addreaa G. E. 0.. 145 Peachtree-at. II YOUNG MAN. jTyeara oid’,’derinraToTTl tlon aa hookkaeper; thoroufhly compe tent. Addreaa C. w. H„ ear, Geor- flan. 21 POSITION by married man. 24 year* old; will conelder any offer with reaaonable aalary. Can five heft of reference#. W. T. C„ care Georflan. 31 iw travellnf. ther on road eaa K. H„ : wlahes or ata- Box 41, want* work as watchman or other I If hi work or any eort. Notify Aiaoelated Cnartllee, Main 4244, Atlanta 111. 24 yeara experlenea In ell. Ject. Can Inveet few hundr, Addreaa Bookkeeper, care Y. r WANT poaltlon aa foreman of olanlnf 24 YOUNO man from Oeorfl- dealrea poel tlon In Georfla town as bookkeeper; now employed by larte audttlnf company. Oeoraja. Tai y. Okie. 24 WANTED—Poeltlon aa pumplnf entlnerr for aoma out-of-town water work# by a licensed enftneer of years' experience. Beet of references exchanfed. Addrees A. L. F,. R. F. D, 5, Box 40. Atlanta, Oa. 24 WANTED—Work hr a man of experience. Will accept anythlnf Addreaa Nathan, care , WANTED—Poaltlon maclat. erencea. ... , . ley-ave.. Blrmlnfham, Ala. -Poaltlon by reflsterad phar- mple experience and foodraf- Idresa uTm. Nelaon, fclf En«- BRIGHT, eneri out-of-r State, Bo: , enerfetlo hoy wants J the-etate city. Addra >x 56, car# Georftan. of the fol . form, tean. driver, eolleoilnjt for country doctor nr clerk In drees A, Ga. F. D. Calhoun amlth and wood workman; alate wa, w? WANTED—Poaltlon by colored hoy aa .... — laHafly, IU HirSTLINO, enerfetlc younf man. afet It. must have work; am axperlenced In clerical and fcneral office work; beet „f references and habit*, it., Box 21, earn Georftan. 24 WANTED—Poaltlon aa combination book- R t promotion: qualified Inspector, yard reman or ahlptdnf clerk; flit-edge ref- irencea. F. J„ Box 10, car# Georgian. SOBER, competent chauffeur, eolored, now employed, want* poeltlon with auto company or private owner: careful driver and good mechanic. Addreaa Frank, care MIDDLE-AGED, sober and trustworthy man of fair education and ability, who la employed In forenoons, wanta pltca to POSITION as double-antry hookkaeper or BOY (It) Wanta a home where employer will send him to school. Roy Bummers, 105 Walton-at. 21 WANTED—By youns married man, poel llon aa city salesman or dark In retail grocery or dry good* store; must have WANTED—Poeltlon aa chauffeur; have had several yeara experience In auto re pair work; heal references. Address A W. Hill, ft Prior-at., Gainesville, Oa. 23 WANTED—Job fo drive an E-M-F *0 or a Cadillac 20 or Packard 50. Address Tay Bright. 44 Ceniral-avo. 22 privata switchboard; several year* ei- erlenee. Addrera Mlaa Agnes, 17 Orme- D. No. 1. Mlnedgevllle, Gt ter wants work aa chamber mild „r w>k In aom# small family, or work In of- c# building. Ella D., care Georgian. 22 place by German family; man for farm | Reference* from some of i work and wife for washing, eta. Addrees end Arm* of the city. At T. K.. 27$ Piedmont-eve. 22 ployed. Ooed reaeon for Poeltlon on farm or country WANTED—Poaltlon aa hualnaaa man ager. office man or Bookkeeper, with a A-t BOOKKEEPER with two yeara #x- perlence, age 21, wlahea poaltlon at once; good reference. Addreaa Book keeper A , care Georgian. 27 Address 4 W. K.. 6 WANTED—A position aa ovars*ar on farm, or team drlvsr, or collector for country doctor, or clerk In store. A Dean. Calhoun, Ga. WANTED-A bright 18-y*sr-pld wants a position of some kind for tha summer. Good reference*. Call Main 199. Address V., care Georgian. ■ rq; ri'jiw imjrr, innimBcr: OYfr fifteen year* experience In hack of house, open for position. Steward, 96 South Pryor-st. WANTED~*By smart boy, position In of fice or store at ones; am out of school; mother's only help. C. W., care Georgian. PRINTER would like to have work In good country office. Address Printer. 221 Fourth-st., Macon, Ga. |8 ALL-ROUND printer wante situation; country preferred. Address E. R. H.. 604 w. Fortjr-flrat-ft.p Savannah, Ga. 26 produce the goods; experienced; write me.* Address Box 65, Folkston. Ga. 24 YOUNG LAWYER want* to form a part rershtp with an established lawyer In some county town. Addre*n P. O. Box 102. Boot wick, Oa. 27 WA NTED—ppslt ion by good, honest. hard-working negro, from Akin, 8. r. Neve* been In trouble In my life. Ad- dres* James 8mall. 746 Auburn -ve. 27 POSITION WANTED by honest, sober young married man with a wholesale dry good* or grocery house; have had re- POSITION wanted aa ateno-bookkeeper by middle-aged man of good character; no bad habits. Wants permanent position. Address B. M. No. 441 Grant-at. 34 dress C. H. W. the J>ent men t nre*#*nt em- ... change. Ad- care Georgian. 27 sltlon for a well advertised line __ Best references furnished. Address Auto Salesman, Box 46, care Georgian. COLORED CHAUFFEUR wlshoa position with some good family; have had four year* experience In auto work. R. A. Mc- Clartj*. 221-a Clarke-st. Atlanta phone EXPERIENCED BUTLER wants a Job. Address Hawk, 884 Houtton-at. Thonn Ivy 8986-J. 24 work preferred, phone ! pair man; can do upholstering, reflnlsh- Ing. pipe work of all kinds; also licensed —rlneer. Address E. P. O., 31 Murry l-ave., Kirkwood, Ga. 2i LTCEN8ED DRUGOI8T, recent graduates Inexperienced, desires position as as sistant in a drug store; will acecpt any reasonable offer; prefer city. Druggist. 167 Capltol-ave. 23 Me WANTED—Poeltlon by feur. Addrees H. W. Georgian. WANTED—Poaltlon as chauffeur or re pair man; high acho«>l graduate; do not drink, swear nor use tobacco; am expe rienced and can furnish best of refer- J. W. H.. 71 81mpeon-st. ences. Addr< COLORED MAN wanta poeltlon as chauf feur; have had five years experience; reference. Paul Haunett, Ilf Piedmont- ave. COMPETENT double-entry, bookkeeper wants position with large firm or cor poration: ten years experience; refer ences Address P. O. Box 1)43, city, if - j WANTED—Position as butler In private er home by experienced colored man; best mplcyed. Spencer Pe- gton-st., or call Ivy or salesman, or the two romblsetf; ran furnish satisfactory references; future prospects considered more than Immedi ate salary. Address P. O. Box 1143# city. WANTED—Position as butler, cook or porter; beet of references. Address E u«n. .•..«*«.«» R.. care Georgian. 28 |schools, four year* repair carpenter and I all round mechanic. New York real e* WANTED — Position with wholesale house; anything with good future, derstand hookkeeping. Will begin small aalary. H. A. Mam ' at , Atlanta. nnlng, 66 Garnett- good reason* for wanting to leave pros ent employer. Addrea* C. C., care Geor gian. 34 SODA*”DISPENSER, thirteen yearTTx- YOUNG MAN <20> want* to learn the perienoe; married; beet reference*: Ice, grocery business; elx month* expe- cream and *yrup manufacturer. Addrea*'Hence; honest and hard worker; state J. A. B.. care Georgian. g«fwbat can pay. Addreaa L. W., care The Georgian. 27 AMBITIOUS young man (20) desires po sition Ifi soma office where ther# Is good chance for promotion; can furnish beet of ggnsa °Ti AN all-round printer wante situation in country office: have had yeara of expe rience In both new* and Job department*, and can furnish any references that may be required Addrea* Typo, care Times. Ludowlcl. Ga. 23 WANTED—Job a* well digger In vicinity of Atlanta or anywhere: long expe rience; expert blatter. Addres* Well Dig. ger. care Box 66i Fort Valley, Ga IT FLORIST AND LAND8CAPE GARDEN ER—Twenty year* experience In green house. fruit and vegetable* and the 1m- prevement of ground*; sober and Indus trious; b#*t of references; seeks position. Gardener, ear# Georgian. 2t tate; now employed, but desire change; or any other good employment; sober, g —— ifcrences. Addrees Oscar. YOUNO LADY (II) front'the North de sires situation as maid or house maid st once; previous experience. Address J. T. J., care Georgian. 22 WANTEP—Position by young man <24> with two year* experience as teller In bank and one year In Insurance office; of good address, education and character; tne salary Is no object: desire position where conscientious service will make fu ture possibilities; A-l icference*. Ad dress K. R . care Georgian. 21 WANTED- A position as night watch man. Can furnish the very best refer ences Address W. D. A.. Box 164, ca*-e Georgia. 27 BOY til) wants Job in city; must have work at once; no bad ha6lts. Address Bonnie Hambrlck, East Atlanta. Ga. 21 \V ANTED— Poal tlon by "boy T19)" ss'offtco boy from 3 o'clock until night and Sat urdays. j. a.. Box 10, care Georgian. 23 agon, right watchman or any WANTED—By colored a cook in boarding house or private 1 lly or "baching" men. Want work l must have It. Addrees Ct ‘ BOOKKEEPER with four JUNIOR DRUGGIST, experienced pre scription man. first-class soda dispen ser. wants position. Beet of reference*. Address or call C. L Alien, care Battlo Hill Pharmacy, Atlanta. Pell phone ffe*t MU •»». BtrailJ BIIUBUCn,.' - He much an object as good home. Addfe* L. J. P„ car# Georgian.