Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, July 25, 1911, Image 14

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-r m) —r—1| i 11| 11 jli|ij|HWi|ii|| Hnpi 14 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: TUESDAY, JULT 25, Mil. OnULTRY DOGS PET STOCK. ETC. | POULTRY. DOGS, PET STOCK. ETC. | POULTRY, DOGS. PET STOCK. ETC. J on, «n, . word for ad. undar tM. h«d | On. c.n. a word far ad. und., torn head. cent a'JJSS* ol’idi'und.r thlr head. | On. cm £ w R rd'fJTad.2?dJ?'thl. head. I On. «#nt* A Jwd *w a«t« nn<t.r thin head THE GREAT CENTRAL SHOW OF THE SOUTH—JAN. 8 TO 13. 1912, ATLANTA, GA. i nt uncM i oc * i n GE0RGIA POULTRY ASSOCIATION. C. O. HARWELL, Secretary. ATLANTA QUOTATIONS. 3 RHODE ISLAND REDS. FOR RALE—8. C. Rhode Island Reds (one * 25c each; 100 pullets and cock + July 25, 1911. , + (Comet ed by McCullough Brn«.) + 4> Egg.—Frewh .elected, no gu.- T + rea. or dirties. H31tc; ml.«I- + J laneous. I«ffl7c. guinea* and dir- * tlM, X*^I*C. , T t i»£ + t sr W; : M ,lc i- i J Phnne Ivj- 11H.’ •ledmont-ave. 7*22-22 WF NOT August chicks? Rhode fa- land Reds sci now will hatch In August, grow fast and begin Injlnp by January; $2 n -cttlng. Percy If. Whiting, care The Georgian |T23c; roosters, 8ff9a If poultry should be mode a .pedal- ty on tho farm, and tho flock, b* Jncrenaed to a number that would permit the farmer to devote hit »t- tentlon thereto. ,1. the profit received M/P In proportion to the labor boatow- ed would ba largm than that derived from cattle: In fact, eonalderlng that tha fowla on tho fanna really receive little or no attention Advice From Poultry Doctor oda of meneganMOt, yet thaae fan v. wauSSllarwlth tha care management required for horeea, tie, .beep and awlna It la, how, creditable to ouch farmer, that are dlaimeed to learn more, and will make no mletake In placing vector, too largely at first, to a nln experience while learning 'btudneea, and In a few yaare there be a good profit coming In from pout ing. and labor, Carrollton, Go., October 14 to 25—J, W. Stone, secretary; V. J. Marahall, To the Poultry Doctor: M. HENLEY. ANSWER. Tour duck, are too fat. range or a pool of water -a large : to awfin I Inf. t ia too heavy feeding. To tha FoaniT'Dootort Aa I am new and hare but little ex : you for eotne Information. My laylni j Jiang are moulting vary rapidly ant continue to lay. Some ot them aeon ! to have about halt of their new plum' eg*. Mow, I am feeding grain tnorntm < and night and keep dry bran and corn tare or three time, per week, hare a lot of Rhode bland Red alx month, old, that are m heavily. They era certainly U large and finalbut none have laid aa egg. will you be ao I to handle them during title moul Tour, very truly, J. H. STILWELU Griffin, Gl, Jnl^WtU. the treatment they nr# receiving agreeing with them. Don't have mu of the comma#! In tha dry bran. It too fattening. One part eomroeal ■ five parta of bran la enough. I wou not weauier, you van u.uui, too much of tha moat. SCALY LEGS. A reader aaka na what c. lege and If It la a dUeaae. e'r neglect, hi. fowl., and tht. aanu neglect may sooner or later be thi route of soma really fatal dlaease mnk In# Its appearance. Scaly leg. art rough .cale. to appear. Apply a llttli lanl and aulphur to the leg. and In > few day. the .cale. will dlaappeat Keep the rooate saturated with kern eene and they will never return Seal; lege are not rontagtou. or fatal.-tm are very unalghtly end .omettmos s*- ao bad that the fowl get. lame, and of the poultryman. To all Cranks: All letters and com munications on poultry matters and for the question and answer column should be ad dressed to POULTRY DOCTOR THE GEORGIAN, Atlanta, Ga. 8. C RHODI5 ISLAND RED sgf^.6>e 1*. $1, $7.50 and $10 per setting of 16 aggs: Incubator egg* from utility j>snB. $7 ana *10 per 100. See my Whits Orpington ad. 100 line cockerels for sale. $5 and $10. C A. Dobbs, Gainesville. Oa. 1*26*26 ROSE COMB Rhode Island Reds three and four months old; all from prise stock. J. ft. Meredith. 68 Angter-ave. 7-24-7 ORPINQTONSe DIAMOND JUBILEE Orpingtons, a fine sturdy, heavy laying breed; will do well If set now and hAtched In August; $3 a setting. Percy H. Whiting, care Geor gian. * CRYSTAL WHITE ORPINGTON eggs. 13. |5, 810 end 116 per setting of 15 eggs Best flock In ths South. Won three nrste out i of five st rho Georgian’s Poultry show, defeating the ortglnator.wlnnlng sli ver cup tor wtillest male In the dees, bee my g. C. Rhode Island Rsd ad. 100 fine cockerels for sslo st 15 snd 810. C. A, Dobbs, Gainesville, Go. 1-25-80 KELLER8TJIA8R Single Gomb White Or- pJngtons; tip-top quality; winners at lending shows; now for aale, old and young birds. Let me know your wants; I am a member of American White Or pington club and Chattanooga. Poultry association. Geo. M. Moseley, Menjo^Ga. CRYSTAL White Orpington cockerels $2 each. Mrs. J. T. Kbert, Leesburg, Ha. 827 WHITE ORPINGTONS—Five pullets and cockerel from Kellemtra«a; 30 matingx; extra fine April hatch, price $12! Arlefgh Hutcheson, Buchanan, Ga. 209 LEQHORN8. FOR 8ALE— Nice pen H. C. White Leg horns, three hont. one cock. These are first-clnse breeders. A bargain at $6.50. L. G. Evans, Llthonla, Ga. 110 FOR BALE—Thoroughbred Brown Leg horns; moving away. 233 Gordon-st. 771 BLUE RIBBON White Leghorn eggs. 6c each. Day-old chicks, 10c each, white Leghorn Poultry Yards, Smyrna, Oa. 2-14-34 I HAVE too many cockerels; pure strain White Iseghorna. $1.60 each. J. L. Awtry, 169 Ilunnlcutt-at. 178 FIFTY' White Leghorn chickens, two months old, two-thirds pullets; $11 for the lot; In small lote. 40c each. 419 Whltehall-st., Atlanta. 7-26-40 MINORCA*. BLACK BEAUTY M1NORCAS; the . famous layers of the bta white eggs. Forrest Addlton, Flowery Brancb. Ga. 4-8-1 FOR BALE cheap four Minorca hens and one cockerel. James Escott. 210 Sun- set-ave. 201 BANTAMS. SEVERAL nice trios B. B. U. Game Ban tams; strong, vigorous stock: high sta tion: good color; $7.50 to $10 per trio. Carlisle Cobb, Athena, Ga. 7-21-11 PLYMOUTH ROCK*. TO MAKE ROOM for young stock, alx hens and one cock, very choice Barred Rooks; first $10 gets. them. Coat roe 822. Order quick. John F. Stoudenmlre, Flint, Ga. 7-19-20 FOR RALE—Thoroughbred Buff Ply mouth Rocks at 76c per head. Maude Cox, fitockard, Texas. 78 CAPONS. CAPONS—Have four-months-old capons for sale; am prepared to caponlxe young cockerels. Write If Interested. W. H. Stanford, Cuthbert, Ga. 7-28-26 PIGEONS. HOMER PIGEONS for squab breeding. per pair, mated, 11.60, or four pairs for $6. Young homers, per pair, $1; white Turblts, $3 per pair, or three pairs for $5. All Southern raised birds and acclimated. C. R. Shannon, Laurel, Mies. 899 ■OQ8. THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington eggs. 11 per 16. 126 Wlndsor-st. IPhone Main 2611. 7-12-1? MISCELLANEOUS. $6.00 WILL START VOU In the poultry business. Write today and get n\y new method of selling poultry. James It. White, 825-827 Darr-et., Fort Wayne. Ind. f-16-1 REMEMBER RENDOTTE. SOREHEAD CURE—We guarantee o\ir remedy to cure any case of sorehead, warts or pox on chickens. 26c and 60c sixes postpaid. Cholera Specific will pre vent snd cure cholera and white diarrhoea In chickens and all kinds of poultry. 25c and 60c sisea postpaid. Your monejTback on demand If either remedy falls. Reli ance Mfg. Co., Alvin, Texas. 7-22-5 FOR BALE— Eight year-old B. P. hen. and cock, ten year-old Ledford Minor* cat and cock; also some young stock of both. Apply 45 E. Fourteenth-st. at once. i»« FOR BAI.F7 Black Minorca.. White Wy- andottes, also Indian Itunncr ducks. 161 East Fine st. 190 FOR SALE. SCHEAP-Twenty Pekin ducks ntul forty Plymouth Rock chick ens. All young and fine. I>. E. Bond. Llthonla, (»a. 7-25-10 H. G. HASTINGS & CO., Seedsmen for the South. 16 W. Mitchell St. Phones 2568. •'RED COMB” poultry foods are sit good, end the chickens know that they sre the foods that are all food with no grit, shell or waMe. IF TOIJ ARE INTERESTED In poultry call tn and let us show you our com plete line i*f foods, supplies, and reme dies W> sre always pleased to have callers flow AR-»fT a nice singing canary? We have a beautiful lot on nand. Price $2.50 each "ESSO" recarbonlted charcoal Is espe- rlalh prepared for poultry: It will aid their dtg’Ktmn and should always be kept before j—jr Hook Price, 2’--pound para- ag" !&e\ 1*1 pet'ind* 50c. 25 pounds fl, 50 pounds $!.;&, 100 pounds *3 50 ONLY a few Sag., pnlm bulbs left, snd the price ts still 1<V p*r pound. If the\ revent K# Phone e will tell > DUCKS. INDIAN RUNNER DUCKS—Pair li ft trio 98.50. Exhibition .took. 15 to 120 each. Vfah River Poultry yards. Magno lia Spring*. Alt. 784 FOR SALE -Fifteen Indian Runner duck. --two drake, and thirteen ducka—all for 1.12 50. Al.o three almost grown In dian Runners for II 25 each. Hill Crest Poultry Yard.. Mra. L. F. McClelland. Ftone Mountain, Ga. 6-19-2J FOR RALE—Indian Runner ducka. one year old; also ducklings, dlth. 69 Angler-ava. 7-24-8 INCUBATORS. FOR RALE On* 125-egg Peep-©‘-Day Incubator for $8; in good condition. Oak Dean Poultry Farm. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bummey, Stone Mountain, Ga. 7-17-11 DOGS. FOR RALE—A full-blooded Scotch Collie female pup five months old; with pedj NORSKS AND CARRIAGES. Pne cent a word for ads under* this head F*OR RALE—A high-class Welsh and Hackney pony. 690 pounds, well broke, gentle and a beauty. Cheap for her class. C. H. Ashford, 166 Peachtree-st. 141 CII) UK', IIUI5B muni. fiCllim mils sound; prefer one that will stand without hitching; huggy must be In food condi tion, equipped with top and rubber tires. In reply describe fully and state lowest cash price. Address Family, Box 81, care SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. WANTED—Clerical work for evenings by young man Setting a profession. Expe rienced bookkeeper. Address L., Box 102. care Georgian. 27 WANTED—Work by a man of experience. Will work reasonable, and accept any thing that Is honorable. Address Nathan, care Georgian. 27 WANTED—Position as cotton buyer; ex- rlenced In grading; best references. Box 47, care Georgian. Address Cotton,' BANKER, young man, quick calculator, excellent and rapid penman, wants po sition In hank or office; good appearance and unquestionable habits; will go any where. Address Hanker, Box 47, care Georgian. 27 YOUNG MAN with one year experience desires position as bookkeeper, or as sistant. Can furnish references. Ad dress G. II. H., Box No. 94, care Geor gian. 27 WANTED, hustler, 1 i years office work of references. Now employed. Kirhurdson-st. 37 EXPERIENCED tailor or bushelman must have work at once. Address Tailor, 61 lllll-st. 22 I WANT WORK. Am out of employment. Was for many years deputy clerk of Fulton superior court. Will work for nominal aalary. W. L. Venable, Llthonla. Ga. 27 rill begin work at good reference. Address J. W. B.. Box 400, care Georgian. white; age 28; married; best references; now employed, hut desire change. Ad dress O. H. P., Box 85. Kylvestcr, Ga. 28 MIDDLE-AGED MAN, good worker, so ber, seeks employment; most any kind. Best references. Box 600, caro Georgian. COLORED MAN COOK wants position at once; steady and sober. Address Cook, 90 Reed-st. 28 BOOKKEEPER would appreciate position (single or double-entry); furniture store preferred; young man (22); first- class reference. \V. P. Q., care Georgian. YOUNG MAN (19), high school educa tion. desires six hours employment per day; let me call. Address Jv Harris, 372 Hprlng-st WANTED—Position by young man of common education and some office perlmye; must have work at once. dresa J. K., care Georgian. NOTICE—-Strong and healthy young man of sixteen wants position sa an office boy or collector. Am neat and not afraid of work. Can give good inferences. Call Ivy 654 or write V., care Georgian, RELIABLE dressmaker will go to your home and do first-class dressmaking. Dressmaker. Box 111, caro Georgian. 2U WANTED—To rut. fit and sew by the day; $1.60 and street ear fare. Address Miss W. U Goodwin, general delivery, Atlanta. 18 ye recent graduate of an Alia business college, a position as office as sistant or asatstant bookkeeper: no salary expected until efficiency and competency are proven: not afraid of work or long hours. Write J. C. B., caro Georgian. 29 A MAN of 46. good education and address, desires position where ability and In tegrity will he appreciated. E. C. F.. care Georgian. 29 WANTED—By young roan of experience In office or grocery clerk. Address J. Jackson. 68*4 East Alabama-st., city. 29 HIGH GRADE male stenographer and general office assistant wants temporary or permanent work. C. A. N., 12 West Ellts-st. 29 POSITION as spectacle and eye glass fitter; experienced. Optician, care Geor gian. 29 YOUNG MAN, willing to work, wants a position at once. K. R., care Geor gian. 29 ISN'T some fsmlly or party gdtng on a tour next month that would like to se cure the services of an experienced, com petent, sober and careful chauffeur? Have driven all the well known makes of gaso line cars References ss to charscter; demonstration of competency. Multiple Disc, care Georgian 29 WANTED By man. 24 years of age. wife and baby to support: must have work. Address J. R. Moxlcy, 21 Fort Hood place. Atlanta. 29 COMPETENT colored man wants house- cleaning by dsy or hour. Good porter or janitor. Good references Apply H 142 East Baker-st., Atlanta. 29 MAN AND WIFE, former employed, lat- r splendid housekeeper, manager. Id run rooming house for rent or ghat boarding house for expenses, no children. Economy, cars Georgun. 24 TO INTRODUCE my work, I will clean, AUCTION SALE of furniture. A. Sprtn ger. 2S South Pryor. Will buy or soil your fulnlture. household goods or plsnos. Phone Main 1538. I-H-83 hend safes. Repairing and repainting Phone Ivy 4111. 8-7-47 NEW’’RUBBER TIRE 8^ put on your baby carriage. Robert Mitchell, *29 Edgcwood. Phone Ivy 8076. 7-6-5 FOR SALE!—Two new mahogany Colum bia grafonolae; finest made; sell at at contract price of $200 each. Will sacrifice for cash. Address Graffo, Box 4, care Georgian. *** SHOWCASES, wall caaes, counters and a big stock of odd pieces store fixture* will be sold at low prices If bought at once. Southern Fixture and Cabinet Co., SPECIALS FOR WED NESDAY. IN our July clearance sale of furniture, carpets, rugs, curtains, range* and refrigerators you will find Just the goods you are looking for at greatly reduced prices. AMERICAN FURNITURE CO., 62 Peachtree. - Hi. N. Goldsmith, J. C. Acton, L. A. Witherspoon, Jr. MULTIGRAPH—Hardly used at all and good as new; will sell cheap. Apply J. Frank Beck, 806 Empire Bldg. 7-24-3 Fortress-ave., Atlanta. FOR BALE—Box ball alley, or will ex change for pool table. Box Flow ery Branch, Ga. 7-19-21 CABBAGE and collard plants, 26c per 100. $2 per 1.000: tomato plants 75c per 100. Rodens, 129 Whitehall. Phone Main 3438. 7-21-4 FOR RALE—Gas range; perfect condition. Coat $35. WtU sell for $14. C. O. Har well, 113 North Pryor-st. Phone Ivy 1062. FOR HALF,—One gaa cooking stove; only been used a few months. Can be seen at 120 East North-ave. Phone Ivy 1030-L., 101 FOR SALE—Wood mantels; our entire stock of/ mantels, tiles and grates, di rect to builders and contractors. Price $3 up. Thompson Mantel Manufacturing '* mpany. corner Stewart-ave. and Wells* nt. 7-22-66 DUNTLEY PNEUMATIC CLEANERS remove dust and germs from rugs, car* pets, curtains, floors, etc. Bold on monthly payments tt desired, or rented by the day. C. J. Daniel * Co.. 40S Empire Life Bldjr. SECOND-HAND BAFE8—Small, medium and large: home safes $16; Hall's bank and fire-proof safes, vault doors, eto. C J. Daniel. 401 Empire Life Bldg s-7-83 and typewriting or tor nooxseeping ana penmanship. Address Scholarship. B. W. Cor. Central and lAFrance-eL, Atlanta. Ga. 7-26-1 FOR FRESH FISH, live and _ Chickens, eggs, fresh meat. Ice-cold mel ons, cull Garner Market, 260 Marfetta-et. Atlanta phone 1464. Bell phone Main 8641. 7-26-13 ONE 300-foot steam-driven air com pressor with duplex steam and com pound air cylinders; new model and first- GAS STOVE for sale; almost new; used but three months. J. P. McCormack. 194 Plum-st. 194 FOR S A LE—Purchase money notes for suitable Sunday school or clul practically new. No. 6 Radiant Home heater, absolutely perfect condition; used four months. Address Bargain, care The Georgian, or phone Ivy 76J-J. 7-25-17 FOR SALE. CONTENTS OF NICELY FURNISHED rooming house of eight rooms; have a house right In the heart of the city wBh cheap rent and furnished at a bargain. Call at 26 Luckie-st. at once. 198 $100 DIAMOND RING, two blue white and perfect diamonds and one beauti ful pure white pearl; unredeemed pledge: sacrifice price $65. D. A. Tobies, Inc., 9 East Alabama-st. WANTED—We pay highest cash prices on household goods, pianos and office furniture. Cash advanced on consign ments. Springers Auction House, 21 South Pryor. Bell phone Main 1628. At lanta phone 1126. 4-10-19 WE PAk highest cash i hold goods, pianos and Cash advanced on consii Auction Company. 12 1 Beil phone Main 2424. Icea for house- office furniture, isats. Central Mitchell-at 8 26-26 u» 1 R ?^,vr r ir„,.fs, A n RD ^«rtr'^ ■inn. 105 Kaw.on , *—wit: all conveniences: near two THREE large connecting room*; electric llghte. wmter: near car line. 87 Syca- niore-et., Decatur. Phone*. Ivy I802-J, Decatur 311. 7-13-38 NICE furnished and unfumlehed room.; convenience*. 128 VVe.htngton. M.ln 4839-L. ' , FOR RENT Three connecting first-floor rooms, adjoining bath; private family, lovely neighborhood; Inman Park. Ad dress J. W*. C., care Georgian. 7-22 28 FOR RENT—Near In. two unfuuii.hed! rooms for light housekeeping. 17 East; Falr-.t, T-33-32 ; FOR RENT -Furnl.hed or unfurnlehed. first floor room. 151 8pring-st. 1-22-26, FOR RENT—Three unfurnished upa»lrs • rooms: gas. hath, phone, electric lights: j f!?.«0 ft>7 Hlghland-ave., Houston-Co-1 penhlll car. W THREE connecting rooms and back j*ard for rent: gas In kitchen. 74 Whltefoord- ave.. Edgewnod. $8. FOR RENT-Three connecting rooms. furnished or unfurnished; Grani pork section. 317 East Georgia-ave. ( -26-l« HANDSOME front room, furnished or un furnished; steam heat, with or without. meals; private family. 20 Carnegie way. j Apartment C, block of Candler Bldg. 7-25-2** FOR RENT—Furnished and unfurnished ^'Tooms at 96 Routh Pryor-st. 212 FOR RENT—Three nice ronme. hot and cold bath. Nice location. Ivy 2«81. 321 FOR RENT4-TWO or three unfurnished rooms; housekeeping privileges; two car lines: walking distance to town. 354 Can- Itol-ave. 222 ROOMS WANTED. _ One cent a word for aa* unqer this uead. WANTED-4Two or three unfurnished rooms ana bath, near good table board. Must be modem and reasonable. Phone Ivy 3549-J, evenings. 7-25-23 AGREEABLE COUPLE, without children. want couple to take half of a $10 or $12 cottage, on car line. No children. Answer at once. Companionship, care Georgian^ COUPLE without children want half of amall cottage, on car line. Will pay half of rent. No children and agreeable partlea only desired. Companionship, care Georgian. 219 FOR RENT— BURNISHED ROOM*. Ona cent a word for ads under thla haad. 152 WEST PEACHTREE—Modem fur nished rooms In private home: plenty of shade and porches; $2 par week upward. 7-6-7 FOR RENT—Three rooms, furnished for housekeeping; hot and cold water, bath and gas. Phone Main 2763-J. 7-22-8 FOR BENT—Two large comfortable (Irat- floor furnished room.; private bath. 318 Washington-.t. 103 NICE front room, second floor, for one or two gentlemen; close In. 46-B- East Caln-st. Ivy 3328-J. 117 ONE large and one small room, furnish ed, combined, ao rent to two or three young men. $4 par week; now vacant: also one front room. Atlanta phone 4109. 87 Carnegie way. 7-22-37 FOR RENT—One nicely furnished room; private home; all conveniences. Call Main 2958-L or apply 228 Capltol-ave. • 7-22-50 ATTRACTIVE ROOMS In modern «part- ment. Th, Hall, apartment 3, Baker and Spring. Ivy 3339. 154 YOUNG MAN wants two roommates: close Peachtree*; $4 monthly. Address Mate, care Georgian. 152 IN beautiful north side home, large heat ed room, with strictly private hath; conveniences; hot water. Ivy 599-.I. 7-24-t6 TWO. furnished rooms for light house keeping. 232 Capitol-ave. Phone 5853 -F. SEVERAL beautifully furnished rooms just off Peachtree; reasonable rates; three car llnes; meals close. Call Ivy 722-J. 78 E. North-ave. 7-25-7 FOR RENT—One nicely furnished room In steam-heated apartment: private family. Phone Ivy 42SS-J. t44 Ivj-st. Apartment 8. 7-25-14 TRAVELING man's wife In West End. on car line, will rent room to business wo man or man. Address B. II. L., core The Georgian. 195 FOR RENT—Two first floor front rooms, furnished complete for housekeeping. 71 Willlamsst. 7-25-24 FOR RENT- Three connecting rooms for light housekeeping. 20 Brotherton-st. 205 FOR RENT—Two large, airy, connecting rooms, nicely furnished; steam-heated apartment. 164 Ivy-at.; apartment 6. Bell phone Ivy 5095. 211 NICELY furnished front room for gentle men or couple; north side; modern; •team heat; reference given and required. Phone Bell Ivy 2483-L. 146 FOR RENT—On* nicely furnished down stairs front room. 66 West Peachtree- st. 7-26-18 7-20-1 Tiro delightful, coo! room*, elngle or en •ulte; private home; beet neighborhood: excellent table. S5« Capltol-are. Atlanta rhone 1485, GENTLEMAN can aecure room board close to bu.lne.. pert of elty< 21 East Tain. 7-M-2# BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Ol- r"">-~ -pro for ada under itn. TWENTY room., furnl.hed, •TAStt & b .w Georgian. ^ START A BUSINESS of v 0 u7~~„: .pare time; no advertising; no c an T.^I required. Outlav atamn« 7.20-IO Field unllrai . ! Particular., an< j Mltchell-st., Atlanta. BOARDEP.8 WANTED at 18 Capitol place; nice room*, excellent fare, at $4 per week. H* PLEABANT ROOM and board for one. with hot and cold water, at 24 Weet Baker-st. Try 1788. 7-24-11 WANTED—Few boardere In strictly .pri vate home; best locality of Uapftol-ave. Address L. Z.. care Georgian. 7-25-22 NICELY furnished room to a couple or young men cheap If taken at once. Re fined private home with family of two. 78H West Baker-st. 7-^-l9 THREE-ROOM apartment; separate en trance; private bath; shady veranda: completely furnished. Ivy 99. 214 NICE large rooms and board for couple or two young men and aleo table board. Apply 19 Forrcst-ave. 7-25-46 FOR SALE—Desirably located and beet paying hotel in city. Blue Address O. N. Hackney. 6-24-58 . ork, and also at several summer resorts, both at seashore and In mountains. Can give discount of 30 per cent. Address Resorts, Box 4*. car# Geor gian. *x* COLUMBIA HOUSE. Dlgby, Nova Beotia. Modem conveniences, excellent service, courteous treatment; boating, bathing, fishing C. A. Jordan, Proprietor. Profits rest wUh vou a H. Constangy. 44-46 West —at!! FOR SALE OR TRADE, for cash nr estate, wall located igtablUhid a t '*l business. Good reasons. Other bu.i* Oe«d for doctor-druggist. Bo* Savannah, Oa. *9? SAL&—A_ nice lunch stanil st Deeatur-.t, Come quick. A bar»Vi„ .? 1125. Parti., man to*£. rilD ,?I FOR SALE- In the great south Georeii and at Helena, a central point, a eery business with well established trad.'' If you have about 12 6(H) and m™'B: neea, write Box 16. Helena. Ga. 7-25-25 WANTED—A nice three or four-rhv, barber shop in 2.0(H) to 5,000 population south Georgia town; ding 140 to 170 o.r week. Address C. L. w“ 828 EquluSS Bldg.. Atlanta. Oa. ^ FOR SALE—Printing business, machinery and *11 printing outfit; will sell eheno come and make offer. J. Chomskv South Broad-st. MEDICAL. One cent a word for ade under this hem DR. EDMONDSON'S Tansy, Pw,ny ro ,.i and Cotton Root PUIs, a inft and ™ liable treatment for painful and sin' pressed menstruation. Irregularities .n/i similar obstruction.. TrlaT box by m »;i 60c. Frank Edmondson 4b Bro., mien" factoring chemists, 14 South Broad-st Atlanta, Ga. i-'l-tt MADAME PAULINE. CLAIRVOYANT. SCIENTIFIC PALMIST. II, apartment B. Irr-rt ; 10-1-sf MADAME ELMER. CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST. 168 Whttehall-st. The unequaled. FOR KENT, HOUSES—Call, write or phone fur oir rent bulletin. Ralph O. Cocuran, 1* South Broad-st 4-1-21 FOR RENT—Nice six-room cottage; near car line; south side; nicely tinted wall.: bath, gas: excellent condition. 822.60 per month. Cottaam. Box 100, care Georgian. FOR RENT—Nice O-room cottage; near car line: »outh side: newly tfntad wal'»: ,<ath, gas: excellent condition; walking distance: 12- 60 per month. Cottage. Box 100. care Georgian. -Five-room house. Uu nn-7 1 DCYEII-I UUIll V'/iiaBU owner. .Call Main 5*18, Atlanta phone 587. 1-24-1 p Or”reNT by OWNER—Modern north hide eottngo; six room, and bath, 818. . HOUSES FOR RENT. PARTIES desiring to rent houses, fiats or room, may .-cure list, of all property for rent In thla city by ap plying at tha Information hureau In our furniture de partment. No charge for service, ,T. M. HIGH COMPANY Department Store. TWO new 5-room house., 112.60 each. AP' Ply Moreland-ave. and Fast Falr-it. 102 TOO. 199 FOR RENT—Raven - room cottage, doss In; all conveniences. 77 East Falr-it. rhone Ivy 2087-J. 25 ? rlvate -26-42 WANTED—Two bright flrat-floor rooms In best locality; very cloee In; nicely furnished; complete for light houaekeep- Ing; b>* couple with amall Infant; not over $15. Write fully. Addresa W. A. K, care Georgian. 7-25-6 WANTED -By couple large, airy room with or without board. Permanent, cars Georgian 186 APARTMENT FOR RENT —47 East Caiu-st. Five rooms, first-class repair; $25 per month. References re quired. Apply Owner, 509 Centurr Bldg.; telephone 1270 Main. 133 for housekeeping; West muat be private houae; no other roomers: nice neighborhood. F. 8., Box 45, care ton. Flowery Branch, 7-19-22 CASH paid for your old school booka If aalable. Don't let them accumulate and become leas valuable every day. We will buy anything in use In the state when In need of school booka. new or second hand. Write ua We are headquarter*. WANTED—Peafowl feathers. Address, stating prices, Mra. Ruth Erwrln. ClarkesvTlle. Ga. 212 MATTRESSES RENOVATED WE ALSO BUY feathers. Call Hollings worth Mattress Company. Atlanta phone 1175, Bell phone West 429-J. Address 27 Lee-st DROPSV. One cent a word for ada under this head. hours; removes all swelling In 16 to 2a days, and generally affects a curt In 64 to 90 days. We guarantee just what we say Consultation and examination free If unable to call, write for symptom blank, testimonials and full particulars Collurn Inopsy Remedy Co.. 612-12 Austell Bldg. Atlanta. Ga. ■ui|BU|>nii2 iiitvu. uimu ». LfBinvi. bi It Wall-st. baa an expet t fitter and It will cost you no more to have him fit you, and It means Insurance. 6-24-19 WE REPAIR any safe any time. John N. Todd Company, 86 North Pryor-st. 5-24 24 ter Pills, the Diamond TEACHTREE Hairdressing Parlors. 84H Peachtree-st., over Elite theater. La dles bath room Switches made for 11. Phone Main 2855. 7-26-44 The effect your sd gains by repetition Is a valuable om- Ira a natural effect, and sometimes more striking In Its way thin large type and spare The Georgian patron who runs hla want ad twice does more than simply double Its pulling power—lie Increases , It Indefinitely. / APARTMENTS FOR RENT. One cent a word fur ada under this head. FOUR-ROOM upstairs apartment In north side residence section. Phone mornlnge. Nelson. Ivy 4988. 7-19-15 WANTED-Good-natured, unincumbered lady to share new modern five-room apartment; good neighborhood; with own er; give phone. Owner, 917 Empire Bldg. 177 FOR RENT—Desk space In new Journal building, ground floor. 6 N. Forsyth-st. 7-22-68 I WOULD like to communicate with mm* one who teaches elocution, dramatic art. bhyslcal culture, model posing, fan- dancing, voice. Address Box 6;.|, rwr* Georgian. i?,q IF U STAMMER OR HAVE any other speech defect, nee us for Perfect Speech. Backward Children Helped. “THE FON-LIN INSTITUTE." Augusts, Go. 1114 Broad-st. Upstairs 7-22-40 carpet.; make them look tike new; chete tor cash. 146 Auburn-svs. Ivy 8136-J. LOST—Throe-link gold watch lob; ini tials F. L. G.; near College Park. Call at 250 Marletta-at. and get reward. 7-1-4 L08T—On Whltehall-et between Rich's Finder call Main i LOST—Sunday, gold brooch with email diamond In osntar, flower design, on Rawson or Capltol-avo. Return to i»7 Cspltol-svo. or coll Main 267t-J and re- eelva reward. Ill LOST—Friday between Inman Park and Lyric theater, or at theater, diamond bracelet set tn platinum; suitable reward Georg. Coates, 8 Dlxla-ava. Phone Ivy “"76-J. 1-13-i LOST—One gold itlekpln between On- LOST—Wateh and eh.ln In basement of Candler building Saturday afternoon. Return to 502 Atlanta Natloanl Rank building and get reward. 1-3. 3 LOST—One female bird dog. white, with left eer lemon color. Eecaped from pr. J. C. Wright's veterinary hospital at No tional Stock Yards Notify and reo'i'o reward. AUTOMOBILfiS. _ . . One cent a word for ada under this head- WANTED—To trod# tend or homesi lor second-hand car. P. O. 268, Perry. Fu^ FOR SALE—1310 model Ford cylinder. Stcvene-Duryea. with two bodies, tour ing and limousine. This car cost Ij > In June, 1810, and Its condition Is peu^: Owner has purchased fitearn.Kntl and we have title car for ■ale. Will ma« attractive price to those Interested. " reel estate deals considered. Phone ijj 4021. or call at 30-32 James-st. » Steams St Co. naleeman. Must bo In good conoro and a bargain. Address Box 100. “I: Georgian. ^ ; : COLUMBIA AUTOMOBILE EXCHAN^j 297 Edgewood-ave. Ws buy. MU exchange mad autos. Write for eotnpje Hat of cars on hand. Let ua »«« car for you. Storage free on car* aale. I MORE THAN 50 csrs to select from, Ifoo 8200 to nWT. Atlanta phone 18W- 177 South koreyth. ' . AUTOMOBILES—Three or four UP date late models for sale or exen tor real eatate. Atlanta phone • .1 ^ 167 8outh Forsyth. ^ BUSINESS DIRECTORY. STOVE REPAIRINO. DAN, THE FIXER. THEHN STOVE AND I Ailsota pbeuc 223*. Bell pboi RETAILED AND REPAIRED. ROUNTREE’S, r "^V«F" 1 ALt PHONH8: Bell Unit) MB. Atleate 1834 FIREPROOF STORAGE. tt'R *TO:tR IIOUSRMOI.U GMOllfl sod olancs. Wsreknue. 533 7-, end -tl 8Mge- wond-eve. Ogle# 12 A*ibnrp.ev#. Jobs J. DRY CLEANING. Sanitary Dry Cleaning Companv. BOTH PHONES. d-U-l ANNOUNCEMENT. BEGINNING Monday, W 24th, we'will operate i high-elass repair depa^' ment in connection with auto sales rooms at No. 1 Auburn-ave. George Coggins, master mecnam". in charge. Georgia A'jt’• mobile Clearing House, tv 4584. 7-22-49 FOR SALE—One M-H P tM7 * automobile. In perfect condltl-’C- ^ . painted, including top and 'i 1 .4 vuru a barenln at 31.500 tHf Addrees ■' g,., National Bank building, or rail , 4664. -ED—To exchange F or ^. ■ condition, for motorejcle on. State whet you Os. Me'- I HAVE s four-cylinder flve-ses' . car, with net top. hearty n»Tj5 !,irf gins* In perfect condition. _r _ f mode; eil in g'’0»l working^ ^ ,. <r ' v Bhcwt luv>ng B»»ntablo » , ar; Vm J Jmt nail car or lot xchsnge for stock grocerJcj, rmall car or to* Of «. value. Neirnsn* G*.