Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, July 25, 1911, Image 8

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8 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: TUESDAY, JULY 25,191i. INDIA TEA Iced or Hot The Pure Food Tea ONE TEASPOONFUL MAKES TWO CUPS Published by the Growers of India Tea Lingerie Dresses Look New When Cleaned bySTODDARD W E HAVE such a perfect process of dry cleaning Lingerie Dresses and Waists that they will look just like new again. The BEST way costs no more, ft’s the STODDARD way. A Wagon for a Phono Call W a pay Express (Ona Way) on Out-of.Tswn Onftra of 12.00 or Ovar. a j j-., J 130 Peachtree St. Dixie’s Greatest Dyer DTOOUalU Both Phones Ivy 43 and Dry Cleaner LEYH-FARLOW. Mra. Annta Lejrti announces the mar riage ot her daughter, Roan louloe, to Mr. Alonso Horace Farlow Sunday morning, Judy 23, at tha German Lu theran church, Re». O. N. Nusemann officiating. Tna bride la the eldeat daughter of Mra. Annie Leyh and granddaughter of Mr. C. J. Wldder- ahetm and (a very popular among a wide circle of friends. Mr. Farlow la well and favorably known, being con nected with the government service at the Atlanta postofflee. After a short bridal tour Mr. and Mrs. Farlow will be at home to their friends at 100 West Baker-et. AT BAL8AM PARTIES ARE GIVEN. Balsam, N. C., July 2S.-I.Aet Thurs day evening a moat enjoyable entertain, ment waa given at the Hotel Balaam, the guests participating In a silhouette party. When the pronleo of each per son had been reflected and drawn upon a canvas In one of the elegantly ap pointed parlors the guests assembled for the guessing contest enjoyed much laugllter and merriment afforded by the result. The prise,'a beautiful. bo* of bonbons, wa* awarded to Miss Elisa beth F**on. Borne of those present were Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Jordan. Miss Annie Jordan, Mrs. E. E. Weaver, Mr. Lewi* Jordan, Mrs. F. Neely, Mr. Charles White, Mr*. 8. M. White, Mr. H. B. Jackaon, Mrs. Bloaser, Mlaaes Llnnte and Angle Blosaer, Miss Phillips, Miss Blancho Gary, Mis* Margaret Btakely, Mr. Mc- Ree, Mrs. Godfrey, Professor Godfrey, Mr. and Mra. Haydork, Mr. George Haydork. Mrs. Blanche Davis, Mias I Elisabeth Faxon. Miss Clemedtlne Mon- 1 ahnn and other*. The next attraction will be the open li FOR MISS SUE BOWIE. Miss Sue Bowie, of Rome, who Is the guest of her cousin, Miss M. A. Phelan, was tendered a delightfully Informal bridge party of three tables on Tuesday morning by Miss Phelan. 'The gam* was played at the home of Miss Phelan and the prises Included hand-embroidered French handker chiefs and pretty souvenirs. A deli cious luncheon was served at the card tables at the close of the gam* and a delightful hospitality was dispensed by the hostess, who was gowned for the morning In a smart toilet of black and white voile. Mias Bowl* wore a becoming gown of blue marquisette. MR8. WHITE~ENTERTAIN8. Mrs. Warren D. Whit* entertained at forty-two party on Tueaday after noon In honor of her gueet, Mrs. Robert Hall, of Norfolk, and also for Miss Ruth Vannerson, n bride-elect. The decoration* were In pretty gar den flowers and a salad and Ice course of refreshments were served after the game. An Irish lace collar and Jabot were given for first prise and a hand-painted fan was the guest prise. Mrs. Whit* was gowned for the aft- ornoon In white embroidered mull. Miss Lorena White, who assisted her mother In entertaining, wore pat« green mcssallne. Mrs. Hall was gowned In pink marquisette over Dresden silk. Thirty-*!* guests were present to en joy Mrs. White's i delightful hospitality. MISS M'GAUOHEY HOSTESS. A delightful event of Tuesday morn ing was the bridge party at which Miss Ruby McGaughey entertained. ng bail on Saturday evening, which The affair was a compliment td a will be given In the beautiful new pa- ' group of young girls now visiting In the villon. MR8. CAr"r-8 GUESTS. Mr*. H. J. Carr will entertain at a box party at the Lyric next Tueaday In honor of a group of visitors now In the city. Mrs. Carr's guests will Include Mis* Carrie Burton, of Kentucky: Miss Clo- dle Catron, of Kentucky, and Miss Elis abeth Herring, who ar* her house guests, and Mrs. Frank Burr and her guests. Mrs. Georg* Baker, of Paris, France, and Miss Willie Catron, bf Kentucky. Mrs. Carr's luncheon at the M. A M. club will also b* given on* day next week and will b* a compliment to her bouse guest*. harrellTstone. Mr*. E. F. Harrell announces the marriage of her daughter. Mattie, to Mr. Oharles B. Btone, the ceremony having been performed on Monday evening, July 14, at I o'clock. Rev. A. C. War^>fflriatln*. WE REFUND YOUR MONEY IF YOU KEEP YOUR FRECKLES. Try Wilson's Freckle Cream. It Is Sold Under An Ab solute Guarantee. That th* greatest care should shown In selecting a cream or lotion for facial application la generally .known. But to be able to purchase--* Cream which Is absolutely guaranteed to remove freckles or pimple* and get - your money back from the druggist If It falls to do so, la something new. Wilson's Freckle Cream Is not only a splendid toilet cream, but also a harm less. mild fare bleach. Try a 50-cent Jar of Wilson'* Freckle Cream, nnd you will find that your freckles will perceptibly fade. A second Jar will cause them to com pletely disappear. If It does not do this, your money will he refunded without argument by the druggist from whom you purchase the cream. If your druggist can not supply you. send his name and to cents to the WII. son Freckle Cream Company. Charles ton. B. C.. and a full size Jar will be malted you. “Eugene V. Haynes Co.” The Mark of Quality It U I recognized Taut that good* from this store are genuinely good. We had this Idea In view when the first ar. tScls was purchased for our Initiatory First, wa selected manufacturers with *whom to deal whose product* were known to be superior. And not only this, but to make sure of protection to our customers, every article Is thor- oughly examined before it Is tagged and offereh to the public. In buying from us you have the as surance of not only satisfaction, but of having something recognizably the best. (Eugene Yf Jaynes Go) OP^SBSMiwtsiiaaiaaftMMtte^ lf J city, Mis* Margaret Btorkton, of Jack sonville, the gueet of Mra Robert Har- rtaon Jones; Miss Florence Andereon, of Nashville, Tenn., the guest of Mlssea Mary and Loulae Andereon. and Miss Maud Allen, who te now the guest of Miss Isabella Amorous after a vlett to Mr*. Cyrus Btrlckler. Throughout th* houae there were dec orations of gnrden meet and the prises Included n new hook for top sebre and for consolation. *k|le for each of tho honor guest* there wee a hnnd-em- broldercd card ease. Dainty refreehmenta were served at the card tables at the close of tho game. • Miss McGaughey received her gueatt wearing a becoming frock of whit* lin gerie. Mies Maud Allen wore whit* lingerie, with a big white hat trimmed with pink roeee. Ml** Margaret Stockton waa gowned In white linger!*, with hat of whtt* trimmed with whit* rosea. Mlsa Florence Anderson wore a white linger!* frock, with a lingerie hat. The gueet* Included only twelve friends, COMPLIMENTING MISS HARE. A pleasant little bridge party of tho day waa that given by Mlsa Evelyn Mason In honor of her attraotlv* house gueet, Mlsa Louie* Hars, of Tuakegee, Ala The apartments wtr* dtcorated with vases of cut flowers snd house plants. A dainty mtnu wa* carved on th* card table* after the game. The first prise woe s pretty gold htlpln. The consola tion was a laco Jabot, and the gueet prise was a French embroidered hand kerchief. Only the member* of Mia* Mason's bridge club were Invited for tb* little party. JOCKEY CLUB MEETS AT THE GREENBRIAR WHITE areenbrtar White Sulphur Spring* la a gay and delightful place at preeent, a large number of representative people being there for the summer. Colonel and Mrs. William Lawson Peel have a cottage In Florida row. Mr, nnd Mr*. William H. Kiser and their children occupy one of the cottages nleo. Among the popular Southern women at Greenbrlar White le Mm. Wil liam P. Coleman, of Macon, resrnlly a visitor In Atlanta, nnd a sister of Misses Winnie May snd Fanny Maug ham Hill, of Macon. The event of the past week at th* Greenbrlar White waa the meet of th* Greenbrlar Jockey club. One of the moat Interesting feature* of the race* and competitive riding exhibit* wa* that for the viola Allen cup, participated In by women. Th* cup wa* won by Mr*. John Thayer, of.Charleston, la*t year, and muet be won two consecu tive years before It becomes the per manent property of the winner. The boxes were gay and bright with handsomely gowned women for th* ve- rioue meet*. Among thoee who en gaged boxes for the entire eerie* were Colonel William Lawson Peel, of At lanta: Mr. John P Branch, of Rich mond: Mr*. Albert Ordway, of Wash ington; Mr. L. V. Miller, of Baltimore; Mr. William H Kiser. Atlanta; Mr. L. I) Drewery, Cincinnati. MRS. BARNErTO ENTERTAIN. .'Ire. John 8. Barnes will entertain the member* of the North Side Em broidery club at a matinee party at the Lyric on Thursday afternoon. The member* will please meet at the Lyric promptly at 2:13 p. tu. EVA L. WILSON, Secretary. FOR MRS. WILLIAM SCHRODER. Mra. William F. Spalding will enter tain at a delightful bridge luDcheon Wednesday at her home on Sprlng-»t., In honor of Mr*. William Schroder, a lovely bride of June. The guest* will Include only twelve of Mm. Schroder's close friends. IN HONOR OF MRS. BROOK8. Ml»s Marie Houstan will entertain Informally on Wednesday In compliment to Mr*. Shirley Brook*, a charming bride, formerly Mlsa Laura Bartelle. Mlsa Houatan’s guest* will Include the nlembers of her bridge club, whom she has Invited to meet Mr*. Brook*. FOR MI8S BOWIE. Mr. snd Mrs. Ulric Atkinson will en tertain a little party at the Lgrlc Tues day evening, followed by inrpper at the Capital City club. Mlsa Sue Bowie, of Rome, will be the guest of honor, hnd the party will Include Miss Bowie/ Miss M. A. Phelan, Mr. Edward Austin, Mr. Edward Peeples and Mr. and Mra. Atklneon. MISS EVELYN MA30N TO GIVE LARGE BRIDGE PARTY Mia* Evelyn Mason will entertain at a bridge party of eight tables on the afternoon of Thursday, August t, In compliment to her gueet, Mtee Louise Hare, of Tuakegee, Ala., and also for Miss Ethel Willingham's guest, Ml** Bailie Frank Thompaon, of Hawklna vllle, Oa. BOX PARTY FOR MISS WOR8HAM. Mra. E. M. Hortne will entertain at a box party at the Lyric Thursday after noon In honor of Mis* Mattie Lou Worshaw, of Forayth, who Is the gue*t of Mr*. Lee Wnmbam. Mfs. Hortne’* guest* will Include Ml** Mattie Lou Worsham, Ml** Cobble Vaughn, Mis* Marian Vaughn. Mis* Mai Hortne and Mr. Laurence Horlne IN HONOR OF MI88 THOMP80N. Mias Ethel Willingham will entertain next Tuesday afternoon at a bridge party In honor of Mlsa Sallle Frank Thompson, of Hewklnsvllle, who will be In the city Friday for a visit to Mlsa Willingham. FOR MRsTkELLEY. Mra. Henry Leonard, Jr., will enter tain Informally on Thursday morning In honor of Mm. George Kelley, of Bir mingham, the guest of her mother, Mr*. Austin, on Forreet-ave. BOX PARTY FOR’ MI8S REESE., Mrs. J. P. Windsor entertained at a box party at the Lyric Tuesday aft emoon In honor of Ml** Anna Brent Reeee, of Kentucky, who Is tho guest of Mrs. Sutherland at her home on Bpr)ng- »t. Invited to meet the gueet of honor were a few of the young friends of the hoateee, who were Mies Ethel Willing ham, Mis* Georgia Windsor, Miss Lucy Windsor and Miss Alllne Wellborn. MI8S MARIE~D|”nKIN8’ TEA. A delightful affair of the week for the school girl set will be Miss Marie Dlklne* tea on Friday afternoon at J o'clock at the residence of her mother. Mm. 8. C. Dinkins. Mis* Dorm Candler, of Dallas, Texas, will be the guest of honor, and the re ceiving party will consist of the hostess, the guest of honor and Mrs. B. C. Din kins. Presiding at the punch bowl will be Mlssea Lydia McBride, Lawaon Hf and Rosalie Davis. The girls assisting will be Misses Hascl Wood, Grace fltms, Helen Rhor- er, Ruth Moore, Helen Btewart, Wyck- llffe Wurm, Virginia. Hoffman, Epple Clark, Allle Candler and Mary Murphy. COMPLIMENT FOR ATLANTA GIRL. The Montgomery Social World of re cent date haa the following comment About a charming Atlanta vteltor: "An Interesting visitor here now and one In whom Montgomerlans are very much Interested Is Mis* Adelaide Cun ningham, of Atlanta, who Is the guest of Mist Carrte Leo Hurter and Mlsa Janette Hurter. Mlsa Cunningham la a daughter of Mr*. Susie Everhart Cunningham, formerly Ml** Suets Ev erhart, of Montgomery, and the hosts of rloee nnd warm friends of the mother are extending a hearty welcome to the attractive daughter. Mtee Cunningham la receiving many delightful social at tentions and ha* been guest of honor at a large number of email affair* given In compliment to her.” THAT AWFUL BACKACHE “Pure as the Drifting Snow Snowdrift Hogless Lard marked the fust great advance in purity of shortening and relief from hog lard and other unwholesome ingredients. It has many imitators fighting for your patron age, FIGHT SHY OF THEM ALL! Snowdnft is one-third less expensive than lard, goes onc^Aud further and produces much finer results in cooking. ALWAYS use Snowdrift Buy in tins only. Avoid snow-FAKE labels. The Southern Cotton Oil Co. BeS&SSES; Sold by all Leading Dealers Who avoid Substitution Trade DINNER FOR MISS LANDRUM, Dr. and Mrs. K. G. Matheson will entertain at an Informal little dinner on Wednesday evening In compliment to Mis* Ida Landrum, of Louisville, Ky„ who la visiting In Atlanta aa the gueat of Mia* Emily Wlndhlp. PICNIC ATIMLVER LAKE, congenial party of young people will enjoy an automobile ride and pic nic at Sliver Lake Thursday evening, the party to be chaperoned by Mm, Dixon McCarty. Personal Mention Mr. and Mr*. Le* Womham have a* their gueat at. Ormewood Court their alster. Ml** Mattie Lou Worsham, of Forsyth, who arrived Saturday and will remain with them Until Friday, when she will leave to attend a delightful house party to be given In Apalachee, Oik Mies Cobble Vaughn, who spent th* past week aa the gueet of Mtee Claire Ridley at Ctatrmont, has returned home, But will spend the coming week with Mia* Ridley.. Mm. E. M, Chapmen and Mleeea Ro sabel and Ruth Chapman have returned from a etay of several weeks at Frank lin Springe, Tenn. Mrs. Georg* Kelley, of Birmingham, Is the gueet of her mother, Mrs. Austin, on Forre*t-ave. Ml** Evslyn Mason entertained the member* of her bridge club on Tueaday afternoon In honor of her guest, Miss Louise Hare, of Tuakegee, Aid. Mr. and Mra. V. V. McBride entertain Tuesday evening at a buffet aupper In honor of Miss Jessie Wagner and Mr. William Lanier, who will be married soon. Mr. and Mra. Georg* Crouch have re, turned home after spending their hon eytnoon visiting the Eastern retorts and are at 1 Hlll-et. Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Brown announce the birth of a son at their home, 19 West Peachtree-et., on Monday, July 24. Mrs: Brown was before her mar, riage Mis* Luclle Cox. Mies Elisabeth Herring le spending the week as the gueet of Mm. H. J. Carr at her home on Hlghland-av*. Lieutenant and Mr* Kelton Pepper and family, who have been stationed at Fort Clark. Texas, are In Atlanta on a six months leave and ar* with Mm. Mary Howard Meador on Peachtree-et. Mr*. Pepper wa* before her marriage Miss Mabel Gentry, and ahe le being cordially welcomed by her many At' lanta friend*. Ml** Bessie Burkett haa aa her guests Mis* Lalah Cowden, of Rockmart, and Miss English Patterson, of Barnwell, B. C., who arrived Monday night. Mm. Boyd Cole, of Nashville, who Is also the tueat of Mis* Burkett, will remain with isr another week. Mia* Margaret Stockton, who spending sOme time aa the guest of Mr*. Robert Harrtaon Jones, will leave Friday for Covington, where ahe will be the guest of Mre. P. W. Godfrey for a week, returning later to again spend some time with Mm. Jones. Mis* Maud Allen, who has been the guest of Mr*. Cyrus Btrickler, and la now the guest of Miss Isabelle Kuhrt, will return to her home In Montgomery Saturday Miss Tracy L'Engle, who Is spending the summer abroad, was entertained while In Parle by her cousin, the Vis count Clounde L'Engle. After a stay In the French capital Mlsa L'Engle la now touring In Bwltsarland. Mist Jessie Hopkins, of Paducah, Ky., who ha* been the gueet of Mra Linton Hopkln* for a short time, left Monday afternoon for Athena. Mm. Howard Carey, of LaGrange, ar rived in Atlanta Tuesday to visit Mrs. 8amuel Tupper. Mite Mary Niles, of Marshallvllle, who has been summering In Clarkea- ville. |e visiting Dr. and Mra George K. Nile*, at SIS North Boulevard. • Mite Caroline Wallace Brown, of Philadelphia, arrive* Tuesday to visit ‘ Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Morton’* Gap, Kentucky.—"I raf tered two years with female disorders, my health waa very bad and I had a continual backache which was simply awfuL ' I could not stand on my feet long enough to cook a meal's victuals without my hack nearly kilUng me, and 1 would bare such dragging sen. satlont I could ■ hardly bear it. I soreness in each side, could not stand tight clothing, and was irregular. _ I waa completely run down, (fit ad-j her cousin, Miss Emma B. Sharpe, rice I took Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegc- Mit* Oret* Woods, of Tennessee, who table Compound and I-irer Pills and i* visiting Mrs. A. D. Kiser, was the am enjoying good health. It Is now honor guest at a Lyric box party on more than two years and I have not Tuesday afternoon given by Mr. Otis had an ache or pain since I do all my Barge. own work, washing and everything, - Mr. Dick Cooksey Is spending his va- and never have the backache any more. c * ,,on »< "rightrrtit* Beach. I think your medicine it grand and I Mr. William F. Spalding, Matter Wil- praiso It to all my neighbor*. If you £ Spalding, Jr, and little Mies think my testimony will help Others £""• *F« a,n 9 «• the eueeta of Mm. Backache ia a symptom of organic weakneas or derangement. If you „ — hats backache don't neglect it. To: Cleveland, Ohio, and will take a trip get permanent rellelf you must teach I on the lakes before returning bom*, the rpot of the trouble. Kothing we I during their absence Master Thomas know of will do this to surely as Lydia Phl,, P Hinman, Jr., is the guest of hi., E.Ptukham'* Compound. j WPSTSSJS'a^ Mr * ,ud H Write tb Mrs. I’lnkham, at Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kleer, whose I I.ynn, Muss., for special advice, marriage wa* a very beautiful event of Your letter trill be absolutely J“ n *. wln remain In New York until COiitkU-utiuL and the advice frori Wednesday, when Mm. Kleer’* father, uuticc tree- captain James W. English, with Mr*. _ and Mm. B. F. Mattingly, at their home In Louisville, Ky. Or. and Mrs. Thoms* Philip Hinman left Monday morning for a abort trip to Harry English and her father, Mr. John W. Cruft, of Terre Haute, Ind„ will sail on th* Olympic for a delightful trip abroad. Mr. and Mrs. Kleer will return home Saturday and will bo at the res idence of Captain English for the pres ent. Mist 8allle Frank Jhompeon, of Hawklnsvllle, arrives Friday to visit Mies Ethel Willingham. She will be delightfully entertained while here. Mias Sawyer, of Atlanta, Is th* guest of her sitter, Mra Black, on Twentieth- st.—Birmingham Ledger. Mra Clarence Houttan and Miss Ma ri* Houetan have returned from a stay at Clarkesrllle. Mies Anna Brent Resse, of Kentucky, I* spending some time us the guest of Mra Alice Sutherland al 70 Bprlng-at. Mra Emma, L. Culpepper, of S4 Park-ave., who wa* operated on for ap pendicitis Sunday afternoon at Bt. Jo seph* Infirmary, la doing well, Mlsa Alio* Mute was hoeteea at a box party at the Lyric Tuesday afternoon In honor of Mias Katherine Reynolds, who la being delightfully entertained at the guest of Mies Georgia Rice. The J ueets were Mlsa Katherine Reynolds, Use Georgia Rice, Mies Madeline Mc Cullough, Mies Elisabeth Hawklna and Mtee Lina Hopkins. Mr, and Mr*. T. J, Butltr’a bridge party Tuesday evening will be a com pliment to Mr. and Mr*. Herbert Marcy, of Bristol, Tenn, who are their house guest*,, and for Mm. Boyd Cole, of South Carolina, the gueet of Mis* Bes sie Burkett. Mine* Mattie Wilson and Jennie Du- Boae, of Athena, Ga„ are spending sev eral week* at the Majestic with their parents and'are being delightfully en tertained In an Informal way during their vlalt. Mre. Thomas Gilmer, of Louisiana, 1* In the city, visiting Mm. Stephen Bar nett. EASTMAN. Mr. Blondell Arthur le this week vis iting friends In Rhine. Mr. snd Mra. J. L. Pennington have returned from a visit to friend* and rela tive* In tha North. Ml** Rosa Waite I* visiting relative* Hi, nru TiiomR relative* in mm cny. Ml** Rose Baker very delightfully en tertained the Forty-two club recently. Mr. Hoeea Williamson, of Hagan, spent K rt of th* week with homotolks. n Julia Peacock, of Macon, la vlslt- g her sister. Mm. H. C. Smiley. Miss Johns, of Dublin, made a short visit to Mias Luclle Baker. Mlsa Essie Cotter, of Hawklnsvllle, I* visiting Mlsa Bessie Mae Daniel. Mr. w. R. Hall and family left Satur day In their auto for Fltsgerald and Tlfton, to vlalt relatives. Mias Carrie Belle Edward* and Ml** Rose Baker have returned from Indian Spring*. 8ANDERSVILLE. Mr*. Garner Summerlin 1* entertaining several young ladles et a house party. They are Misses Martha and Virginia Brown of Balnbrldge, Mlsae* lluth, Louis* and Llixle Brown of Tennllle, and Mis* Elisabeth Ruahtn of Forsyth. Mm. C.- D. Shelnutt'a houae party as sembled recently, the members bring Misses Bertha and Myrtle Shelnutt of Walnut Grove, Misses Alma Tucker and Edith Hyman of this place, Messrs. Ham ilton and Hawthorne Hare of Duluth, tertalnme pleasure. __ urday Ur _ arrived, they being Mr. and Mra. Lewis Archer, Misses Lila and Rosyllne Archer of Raleigh, N. C, and Mr. and Mrs. Eu- iimu UUUIBD7, ui uenmurn, r>. l. Sadie Tarbutton, Lucie Phillip* and Kittle Wllllamaon assisted the host* kane, H. Smith. Senator A. O. Blalock and Mrs. Blalock* of Fayetteville, guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Davla. returned home Monday.* Mr. and Mrs. Dan C. Harris. Airs. Lura Rogers and Miss EfTle Shcwmake left for Hendersonville, N. C., on Monday. i the guest of Mrs. William ForCbfMn^ 6 & & m m it' & We are sending our Representatives to tell you about GflSCO They have a message for YOU They know how the chef* of the leading hotel* make their pastry; they have seen potatoes French fried in Crisco that would almost melt in your mouth; they have seen white cake made with Crisco that is equal to Angel Food in whiteness. When one of our Crisco repre sentatives asks to see you, will you not spare him three minutes of yourtime l Cusco is put up in sterilized packages. Never in bulk. Any product that has to be worked into your food—or any product in which you immerse food, as in frying potatoes—should, above all things, bt clean and wholesome. Crisco comes only in sterilized packages. No hands touch it. No odors get to it—no unsanitary pad dles, boats or tubs. You knew, you are sure that each and every pacluqje of. Crisco is whole some. It is so pure that it keeps sweet and fresh. Dip out a spoonful and look at it Let our represent ative show you Crisco. You will like its very appearance. It is crisp and flaky. It it white—a pure, cream white. The color and flavor are entirely natural —there is nothing artificial about it Crisco requires no experimenting. You use it where you now use butter or lard, and in just the same way. When used as buffer, add salt Spare a few momenta for our Representatives. It will repay you.