Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, August 01, 1911, Image 16

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POULTRY, DOGS, PET STOCK, ETC. One cent a word for ads under this head. HIE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS; TUESDAY, AUGUST 1,1911. POULTRY, DOGS, PET STOCK, THE GREAT CENTRAL SHOW OF THE SOUTH— Georgia Poultry Association, C. O. Harwsll, Saeratary. From the ATLANTA QUOTATIONS. + July 24, 1911. f + (Corrected by McCulluugh Bros) + 4* Eggs—Fraah selected. no gill- *r + neaa or dirties, 18019e; mlecel- + 4- lanaoua. 16317c; guineas and dir- + + ties. 12013c. + 4- Poultry—Lire i>er pound: Turkey* 4• 4- 15337 l-*c: ducks. 12 l-«@15c; + + geese, 3010c; hens, 12@13c; rooa- + + ters, 7C*c; broilers, 16320c + 4* each, owing to else; frys, 20@30c + 4- each. f 4* Dressed per pound: Turkeya + 4- 18020c; ducks, 15317c: geeaa, 10 + 4- 312 l-2c: hens, l«@17c; frys, 22 + 4- 021c: roosters, 83*c. + ♦4-H- 5 H"1 1 ■1-I-1-4-H-1-I-H-1-1-H-I START A POULTRY SHOW. Thera la noth ing that can be A JF_. ■ - dona that will an- /i CIV ICC courage and loa fer the breeding of > for atock tue mark,. ouch aa a » live poultry show held In your nearest town. You know n j that It Is not pos- HOtlltfV Bible to get people to go any great distance Into the / lnrtnr large cities to at- M-*Ut,tUI tend a poultry show. Only those with a wall-develop ed case of hen fever will make the trip. So that If we can not get them to go to the shows the next bgpt thing la to take the shows to them. You know tha tmost every one takes an Interest In his home town and what ever Is going on them. The thing to do, then. Is to get the poultry people of your vicinity together and deride upon holding a show In your town some time during the fall or winter. It does not take a very great number of push ing breeders to handle a show. In twct. It often occurs that too many would-be leaders are a hindrance rather than a help. You can hold your exhibition aa an Independent show nr In connection with your agricultural fair, If you have one. The latter la a very good plan, providing your fair Is not held too early In the season. Confer with the fair management and znaka a proposition to them to the ef fect that you will organise a poultry dub, and If they so desire you will take charge of their poultry depart ment, or rmthar put up a show of poul try If they have not been having one. Let them pay the expenses of prises, ettk, and you agree to do all the work Incident to the show free of charge to them, providing ttvoy will consent to fts being run In an un-to-date manner under American Poultry association rules, properly classified, cooped and Judged. Handled in that manner you would soon hava a show you would be proud ot Of course It would toko the first year to get things startod and to get your bearings. After thnt you could locate the weak points and know how to remedy them. Borne of the very best shows In the country are held In this way In connection with tbs agri cultural fairs, but are managed by the local poultry association, entirely In dependent of tha fair board. It Is an advantage to hold your show with the fair If you can, In that way you get many more people to see your exhibit than Is generally possible at an exclus ive poultry ahow. And that la what you want, to gat as many aa poastble, men, women and children, Interested. Where there la no fair within reach, the next beet thing la to organise for the pur pose of holding an exhibition In your town hall, court houss or some empty store room, suitably located and with sufficient light. It makes thn nicest and most attractive exhibition when tha club makes Its own coops all uni form, but where they feel like they can not afford It, the first year, exhibitors c»o be required to furnish each his own coops. Then If everything goea satis factory coops can be made for the next ahow. The regulation Bleed coop for Mediterranean and all the laying breeds la two teat high, two faet deep and four feat long, with partition In the middle. Thls'wlll accommodate fnur.slngle birds or a pen, with the petition out For tha larger breads they should be two and a half feet high and five long. Af. ter one or two ehowe uro held you will begin to see the good Influence upon tbs people of the town and the thrifty farmers adjacent thereto. They will be Increasing their output and replac ing their ecrubs with some good pure bread. Many who were paying no at tention to poultry will prick up their ears, open their eyes and decide to try It on for a season anyway. Will put in a pen of good chickens, supply them selves with all the oggs and young chickens they neod, besides raising a few line btrdx for the show room. 1 have been a close observer along these lines for years. Not only because I was observing, but because I have been thrown In the midst of these very con ditions from year to year In tho same sections, and I am prepared to say that 1 know of no plan by which ths quality and quantity of the output can be In creased so surety and In such a satis factory manner as thru the show room route, utility croakers to the contrary notwithstanding. Utility is what we want, and that Is the way to secure It. Judge F. J. Marshall, In Southern RurmllaL ORPINQTONS. S. C. WHITE and BuIt Orpington cock-. erels and pullets for sale. E. W. Yates Raleigh, N. C. 7-21-1* To all Cranks: All letters and com- munications on poultry matters and for the question and answer column should be ad dressed to POULTRY DOCTOR THE GEORGIAN, Atlanta, Ga. LEGHORNS tor nue, 91 per neau. rino biocr; i better. \v. T. Fox, Winchester, Ky. 1*0 EXCHANGE—Four Wycoff strain White Leghorn roosters three months old for flee White Leghorn pullets, or S2 V. A. Steed. Talbotton, Ga. I 1-25 MlNCrtCAS. . -w BEAUTY M1NORCA8; the temous layers of the. big white eggs. Additun, Flowery Branch. Ga. 4*l*l CRYSTAL WHITE ORPINOTON MP, I*. 15, 110 and 915 par Retting of 15 eggs. Beit flock In tho South. Won threo firsts out of firs at rhe Georgian's Poultry •how, detesting ths originator.winning ell* ▼or cup tor wmtest male In the claes. Bee my B. C. Rhode Ialand Red ad. 100 fine eockerelR for eale st $5 and 910. C. A. Dobbs, GalnesTllls, Ga. 1*15*10 CRYSTAL WhlteflDrpington cockerels 91 each. Mrs. J. T. Ebert, Leesburg, Fla. TIRED of old breeds? Then try Diamond Jubilee Orpingtons. Lay well, mature fast and are sturdy. 99 * setting. Percy IJ. Whiting. Georgian. x WANT TO EXCHANGE thoroughbred Black Orpington cook one year old (Cook's strain and a beauty) for same kind of cock. G. W. Hlnaey, Apalachi cola. Fla. 117 FOR SALE—Black Orpington cockerels; hatched February 15; weigh 6 pounds; prloe 96 each P. Cambios, Marietta, Ga. 177 FOR BALE—BIx Buff Orpington hens, one cock, for #15, or exchange for White or Black Orpington pullets, offered 925 for the eock in February. Cook's strain. Bargain. H. C. Rhodes, Athens. Ga.: Box 403. <-1-17 RHODE ISLAND REDS. 8. C. RHODE ISLAND RED eggs, 9*. 9*. 96, 97 60 and 919 per setting of 16 eggs: Incubator egg* from utility pens, 97 and 110 per 100. Bee my White Orpington ad. 100 fine cockerels for sale, #5 and 910. C A. Dobbs, Gainesville. Ga. 1-25-S5 ANY TIME Is a good tints to set Rhode Island Reds. Ours is best utility strain of best utility breed. |2 a setting. Percy H. Whiling. Georgian. x FOR BALE—For want of room will eell my entire stock of R L Reds, ranging from two months to 14 months old; extra fine strain, both as to plumage and laying qualities. H. F. Smith, Maxeys. Oa. 7*19*21 FOR SALE CHEAP—Stnda Comb Rsda, 1911 brredlna (took; soma younc birds; also poultry plant complete Must hava more room. C. W. Oauao, Harris, Kan^ FOR BALK—One hundred fine B. C. Rhode Island Reds, pullets and cockerels: eggs fl per setting, 910 Piedmont-are. Phone fry 1191. 7-91*92 DUCKS. A FEW younc Indian Runnar drakes; ▼ery fine: at 11.60 each. B. R. Lockett, Braxton, Oa. 424 INCUBATOR8. WANTED—To purchase Prairie State in cubator cheap: must be In good condi tion. Address Box 401, care Georgian. ^ BROODERS. WANTED—Philo brooder and Colony ooopa; choap. L, 94 Waahlta-avs. 411 ■QOS. THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington efge, 91 per 16. 129 Wlndsor-st. Phono Main 2522. 7*12*12 DOOt. FOR 8ALE—Two male water spaniels, beauties, 12 months old. W. M. J., care Georgian. 200 FOR BALti. CHEAP—Mrs. Gahbott's pugs. They are at 44 Bedford place. Males 910, females 97.50. Fine registered pedigree. W. R. Hammond, executor. 461 MISCELLANEOUS. REMEMBER RENDOTTE. SOREHEAD CURE—We guarantee our remedy to euro any case of sorehead, warts or pox on chloksns. 25c and 60o Rises postpaid. Cholera Specific will pre vent and cure cholera and white diarrhoea In chickens and all kinds of poultry. 26o and 60o sixes postpaid/ Your money back on demand If either remedy falla Reli ance Mfg. Co., Alvin, Texas. 7-22-6 REGISTERED Duroc Jerseys, pigs, gtlta. service boars and brood sown; also pigs tor slaughter. Write for what you want. Double Branch Farm, L. L. Miller, Prop,. MockevUle. N. C. ts4 WANTED—To exchange thoroughbred Cheroqee game ohlokena, feat, sure cut ters and game to the core, for Indian Runner ducks or 8. C. White Leghorns. Box 116, Murphy, N. C. 7-11-19 FOR BALE—On account of moving away. thoroughbred Buff Orpingtons. White Wyandot ten. Brown Leghorns. Mies Jo sephine lAngston. 222 Uordon-et. 437 FOR BALK OR EXCHANOB—A fine trio of Mammoth Bronxe turkeys; these tur keys are last year’s birds ami are some thing flne; will sell or exchange for White Plymouth Rooks. These turkeys have laid over 100 eggs each this season. G. n. Pel .a Per here. Hooch ton, Ga. 2*1*24 H. G. HASTINGS & CO., Seedsmen for tho South. 16 W. Mitchell St. Phones 2568. ONCE TRIED ths "Red Comb" Poultry Foods are always used. A trial, then you are a "Red Comb customer." RUBT'H EGO PRODUCER Is a sure thing for starting the hens to laying. Rust's Haven Climax Condition Powders should he fed to your flock once or twice a week In a mash. It will aid their digestion and prevent bowel complaint. Price of both the egg producer and the conditioner. 1 pound package, 25c; 2'* pound package, 50c; postpaid udd lc an ounce. Rust’s Roup Pills for roup and pigeon diseases— a box of 50 pills, 25c. CONKEV’8 NOX-I-CIDE Is Just the thing for a din for poultry. It Is an Ideal dixlnfeotant for the poultry houses snd for the household. Price, l pint, 36c; 1 quart, 60c; H-gallon, 90c; gallon, 91.50. ALFALFA MEAL In what you need when it is unhandy to get green food for your flock. Just pour not water over It and mix with mash. 7 pounda, 25c; 50 pounds, 91.25; 100 pounds, 92.25. MR FANCIER: If you have poultry, you are sure to need foods, supplies and remedies. Phone us your orders, as we are headquarters. Four deliveries dally. SINGING 62.60 CANARIES. NORSKS AND CARRIAOKS. Dne cent a word for ads under this head. FOR SALE A Klgh-cla»s Welsh anj Hackney pony, 690 pounds; well broke. A flne roadster and a beauty. C. H. Ash ford, 166 Peuchtree-st. 1 241 WANTED A second-hand A No. 1 bug gy in good condition. Phone Slain 4K74. 7-11-11 ragon j Sta- ll-ll FoR SALE—An extra good horse and mule; weight 1,150 pounds each. Guar anteed to give satisfaction. Must sell at once. Also two two horse wagons and harness. Louis M. Johnson. V Auburn* ave. Phones 5401. 454 FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. One cent a word for ads under thfa head. gar. 26 South Pryor. Will buy or sell your furniture, household goods or pl*"os. Phone Main 1424. l-ll-il ATLANTA SAFE CO., 64 Houston-eL. Special prlcee on new and eecond* hand eafea. Repairing and repalntlnx. Phone Ivy 411*. *-7-« NEW RUBBER TIRES put on your baby carriage. Robert Mitchell, *20 Edge wood. Phone Ivy 3979. 7-6-5 FOR SALE—Two new mehogany Colum- bla grr.fonolas; finest made; sell at at contract price of 1200 each. Will sacrifice for cash. Address Graffo, Box 4. care Georgian. *** SHOWCASES, wall caeee, counter, and a big etock of odd piece, store fixture, will be eold at low price. If bought et once. Southern Fixture and Cabinet Co., 344 Lee-lit. 7-7-5 SPECIALS FOR WED NESDAY. IN our July clearance eale of furniture, carpet,, rugs, curtains, ranges and refrigerators you will find Just ths goods you ara looking for at greatly reduced prloes. \ AJfERICAN FURNITURE CO„ (2 Peachtree. H. N. Goldsmith, J. C. Acton, L. A. Witherspoon. Jr. FOR SALK—One mahogany prescription case, two 7-foot marble floor caaee, mi- hoganiaed; two 9*foot floor caaes, oak; one cigar floor case, one tobacco wall fixture, one small candy ease, all ha good condi tion. Guy Holcomb. 192 Peachtree-sL Ivy 1099. 7-29-22 APPLE VINEGAR that will make and kaep pickle,. George W. Howard. Col- lega Park. 243 LtrjHN picture machine. 6160; will eell for 6*0; party leaving city: aleo new hoe, rake and eeven-foot ladder. Mrs. MacMillan, 112 Blmpson-et. 272 BOILERS—One 30 and one 40-horsepower steam boil ers that are in good condi tion. Now insured by the Hartford people. We offer these *at big barj^ains to make room for improve ments. The McNeel Mar ble Company, Marietta, Ga. 7-28-23 FOR SALE—Second-hand Majestic Goal or wood range. Phone Ivy 4946-J, or call li West Harris. 7-19-16 HAT RACK, Valcan heater, saa stove, for ■ole cheap. Call Ivjll62.J. 7-29-29 946 DIAMOND oluatcr ling, tnrquota# cen ter, surrounded by very flne out and pure white diamonds; unredeemed pledge; sacrifice price 926. D. A. Tobias, fne., 9 East Alabama-st. FOR SALE—2.300 feet H-lneh by IH Inches brand-new eonveyor chain for •aw mill, with eight ooupllng link,. Price 1160. Coat 1294 to make It. Box 397, Waycroee. Oa. 7-81-15 SECOND-HAND .SAFES—Bmall, medium and large; home safee 915; Hall'e hank and firs-proof eafea, vault doors, etc. C J. Daniel. 401 Empire Life Bldg. x-7-22 FOR BALE—At a bargain, one rare old Cremona violin, made by Antonio Stradlvelue in 1716; In ftrst-alae* condi tion. Address or call on John W. Wllle- ford, 319 Ira-iL, olty, after 6 p. m. 433 TYPEWRITER BARGAINS—Remington No. 10. leather oaae, good aa new. Other machines doing fine work #10 up. 605 Fourth National Bank Bldg. 440 FOR SALE—"Land of the Sky" postcard, 36c per dosen. J. W. Wiley, Montreat, N, C> I FOR SALE—A good mute, harness and wagon. Phono Main 1474. F. I. Stone A Co., (14 Atlanta National Bank WHOLESALE HOUSE leaving city will sell 1U office fixtures at half prloe for cash; bookkeeper’s desk, two rolltop desks, four Remington typewriters, safe, adding machine, etc. Address Scoff Ian. oars Georgian. 469 FOR BALE—Two very valuable contracts In Standard Real Estate Loan Company for less than face value. Address P. o. Box 928. * 495 WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. One cent a word for ads under thle head. WANTED— fIVe pay hlghesL cash prlcee on household goods, pianos and office furniture. Cash advanced on consign ments Springe 1*8 Auction House. IS South Pryor. Bell phone Main 1629. At* lanta phone 1129. 4-19*19 WE PAY highest cash prices for house hold goods, pianos and office furniture. Ckah advanced on consignments. Central Auotlon Company. It East Mltcheii-st. Bell phone Mafnt4t4. 2*29-29 WANTED—One second-hand hearse or funeral car; state price and length of time been In use. Y. P. L., care Georgian. 411 CA8II PAID for your old school books If salable. Don't let them accumulate and beoome less valuable every day. We will buy anything in use In the state. When In need of school books, new or second hand. write us. We are headquarters. Southern Book Concern, 71 Whitehall-st. (next to nigh's.) 7-31-29 WANTED—-Second-hand typewriter desk and revolving chair. Call Main 3739.^ SECOND - HAND concrete mixer in good condition wanted at once. Dahl’s, 123 Peachtree. 8-1-30 MISCELLANEOUS. One cent a word for ads under this head. COLLARD and cabbage plants at Roden's —129 Whitehall, Mam 3439. 7-31-6 DROPSY. One cent a word for ads under this head. DUOPb Y CURED—Gives quick reiltf. stops short neaa ot breath In 29 to 43 hours; removes all swelling in 15 to 20 days, and generally effects a cure In 99 to 99 days. We guarantee Just what we say. Consultation and examination frea If unable to call, write for symptom blank, testimonials and full particulars. Collum pro|i» Remedy Co., ill-12 Austell Bldg., gtlanta. Ga. PALMISTRY. One cent a word for ads under thle heed. madams Pauline! . CLAIRVOYANT. SCIKNTIKIC PALMIST. 134 Ivy-sL: apartment B 10-1-61 MADAME ELMER. CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST. til Whitehall*sL The unequaled. 2-13-4 ONE or two nice rooms, furnished or un furnished; modern conveniences; nice neighborhood; references exchanged. Ill Capltol-ave. Bell phone Main 5571-J. 7*11*4 FOB RENT—-To family with no email children, four connecting unfurnished rooms; city and flne well water. Apply at 26 South Delta place. 368 THREE connecting rooms and backyard for rent; gaa In kitchen; 82. 74 Whlte- foord-ave., Edge wood. 999 THREE unfurnished upstairs rooms; all conveniences; 912.50. 997 Highland-ave. Ilouston-Copenhill car. 345 THREE connecting rooms, 105 Rawson- st; pantry and sink. *72 I WILL rent two exceptionally nice un furnished connecting rooms, bath. etc. Young couple would And It very desir able; Presbyterian preferred. 150 FOR RENT—Three connecting rooms to party without children. Conveniences. 2*3 East North-ave. Ivy 1220. 404 FOR RENT—At 433 South Boulevard, three or four unfurftlehed rooms with private bath and front and baok porches: all modern convenience,; rent reasonable. Adults only. By owner. Phone Main 4632-L. 7-41-33 FOR RENT—One handsomely furnished front corner room; must furnish first- class references. Apply st once. 400 Cen- tral-ave. or phone Main 6149-J. 2 THREE ROOMS with bath at 222 Crew- st Walking distance. 42S FOR RENT—Three large connecting ropms, gaa, bath, cabinet mantels, large and cool verandas, good neighborhood: three car lines; only #10. 440 Crew-st. 442 FOR RENT—Two rooms for light house keeping: all conveniences; separate en trance. Bell telephone Main 5492-J. 43 Gordon-st. 2-1-22 FOR RENT—Rooms, unfurnished; part of house; suitable for small family; price reasonable. 435 Peach tree-st. Bell phone Ivy 4427-J, Atlanta phone 152. 1-1-39 WANTED—ROOMS. One cent a word for ads under this head. WANTED—By a young lady employed. large unfurnished room, second floor; modern home; privilege parlor; two meals. X., Box 2, care Georgian. 426 WANTED — Four unfurnished rooms: modern conveniences; near Buckhead car; no children. Address R. M., care Georgian. 441 FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. Ond cent a word for ada under this bead. Ill WEST PEACHTREE—Modem fur nished rooms In private homo: plenty of shade and porchee; 91 per week upward. 7-9-7 ROOMS FOR MEN—One and a hall blocks of postoffice; down sod upstairs; all front rooms; now and handsome furniture. Can reserve till tho 1st Phono 1913 Main, or write 8. B. H., care Georgian. 7-22-22 FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room: , steam heat and electric lights. 396H Peachtree slj apartment 3. Phone Ivy 29S2-J. 7-29-19 FOR RENT—Large, cool furnished rooms: desirable location. (3 East Cain. I4< FRONT ROOM, second floor: In prlvatg home; bath, electric lights; one door from Formst-ava car. I9« Piedmont-ave. ivy 2929-jT 244 FOR RENT—Furnished room In private homo. 19 East Harrls-st. 7-29-46 TWO furnished rooms for light house keeping. 222 Capltol-ave. Atlanta phene 6952-F. 272 ONE nicely furnished front room: all con veniences; private family. Call Ivy 4941. 22 West Baker-st. 7-29*23 FOR RENT—Fumlebed room with us. of bath In Corinthian, apartment 304. 409 FOR RENT—Berverml untarnished rooms for llEbt housekeeping. 323 8. Forsyth- et. 414 FOR RENT—Nice front room. In flat! seoond floor; for one or two gentlemen, 46-B East Cam-at Ivy II23-J. 42* FOR RENT—Two rooms completely fur nished for light housekeeping; use of bath snd phono: one block from Luckie st. 110 west Harris, Apartment B. 1-1-4 ROOMS and apartments for rent, fur nished or unfurnished; the best place In olty to Uvei close In; I have several connecting throe-room apartments for light housekeeping, with all conveniences. Now Is your chance to get steam heat for Winin'. Atlanta phono 8904. D. E. Evans, li* Spring. 3-1-4 ONE furnished front room on upper floor, convenient to meals and the best car service; electric lights and oath. 194 Lee-st.. Weat End. 422 FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front room, convenient to bath; suitable for young man or trained nurse. Close In. 371 Whitehall-st. 1 2-1-14 FOR RENT—Furnished room In private home. 19 East Harris-sL 8-1-29 DESIRABLE front room, first floor; north side; private home; with owner; con venient to bath; for gentlemen. Phone Ivy 1620. 3-1-19 NICELY furinahed room In private home, suitable for business gentlemen or cou ple; walking distance; north side; refer ences required. Call from • to 6 Main 527. 1-1-37 WANTED—FURNISHED ROOMS. One cent a word for ada under this head. WANTED—Furnished room by young business woman; would like breakfast; prefer West End. L., Box 700, oare Geor gian. 412 WANTED By elngte gentlemen furnished room, with or without board; near Grant park. . Address Box 731, oara Georgian^ WANTED—Three large or four small rooms (August 20), furnished, with the exception of china and silverware: must be in excellent condition and good loca tion: would consider renting a nice home of about live or six rooms, furnished. C. J. C„ care Oeorgian. 430 WANTED—Pleasant room without board; prefer somewhere between Ponce De Leon and the Grand. J. 8., Box 150. care Georgian. 1-1-10 WANTED—Three rooms, furnished for light housekeeping; near In if possible. Best of references must be given. Ladles, care Georgian. 439 WANTED—Furnished room In private home by young woman; would assist with light duties for board while on vaca tion; must be reasonable. Address A. K.. care Georgian. 445 PERSONAL. One ••*■*»( • word for «3ts '»o«ter this oessling SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34 Wall-at., has an expert fitter and It wlU cost you no more to have him fit you, and It means Insurance. 9-24-19 WE REPAIR any safe any time. John N. Todd Company, It North Pryor-st. 5-24-24 PEACHTRF.E Hairdressing Parlor,. 3411 Peerhtree-st., over Elite theater. La. dies bath room. Switches made for 31. Phone Main 2366. 7;26-44 boar!? 179 Peachtree. LADIES—Ask your druggist for Chiohes- suv or 3 Chlches j( your druggist. ters Diamond Brand Pills S3 WEST BAKER—Newly furnished and has all conveniences. Ivy 4065. 7-13-64 CLOSE to business; board and nice, clean rooms: all conveniences. Ivy 2259-L. 19 and 21 East Cain. 420 LADIES and gentlemen can get Arat-elaae steam-heated rooms and hoard at the Falrleigh apartments from 16 to 22 per week: dose In; everything new and clean. No dogs. Atlanta phone 3900. . D. E. Evans, 1*2 Spring-st. 2-l-« NICELY furnished room for young man of good habits; with or without board. Apply *74 Ea»t Ltnden-ave., near car Une^ DELIGHTFUL, targe room, with private bath; aleo single room; reasonable; ex cellent table. 241 West Peachtree. Ivy 1969-L. «4 NEWLY furnished room* with boartL HOTELS. One cent a word for ada under this head. FOR SALE—Desirably located and best paying hotel In olty. Blue Ridge, Oa. Address O. N. Hackney. b-34-66 FTR8T-CLA88 FRIED CHICKEN supper served at the Thomas House, North Roswell, Oa. Iff 8UMMER RESORTS. ' _ One cent a word for ads under this head. WE CAN dAVE you money at several hotels In New York, and aleo at several summer resorts, both at seashore and In mountains. Can glva discount of 34 per cent. Address Resorts, Box 4, cars Geor gian. XXX COLUMBIA HOUSE, Digby. Nova Beotia. Modern conveniences, excellent sendee, courteous treatment; boating, bathing, fishing, a A. Jordan, Proprietor. 7 j lf WILTON LODGE, Tumersrllls, Ga.. near Tallulah Falls; superb climate; excellent ISre. Wiley C. Howard. 7-11-47 HOULES FOR RENT. One cent a word for ada under this heed. FOR RENT. HOUSES—Call, writs or phone for our rent buUetla. Ralph o. Cochran, 1, South Broad-et 4-1-11 FOR RENT—Eight-room house; large corner lot: all modarn convenience*. 33 Sells-avA. west End, 3*7.60. C. H. Led- ferd, 21 Whitehall-st. 7-29*42 344 NORTH JACKSON-ST., near Foriest- ave., eight rooms and basement. George Nelson, (ot Walton Bldg. 7-19-4* SIX-ROOM HOUSE, double tenement, for mSSViIj 0rmwooa * to HOUSES FOB BENT. PABTIES dealring to rent houses, flats or rooms may secure lists of all property for rent In thle city by ap plying at tha Information bureau In our furniture de partment. No charge for service. J. M. HIGH COMPANY Department Store. FOB BENT—A nice modern bouse and front room. Phone Ivy 6054-L 8-1-9 FOR RENT ON SOUTH SIDE—Nice six- room cottage for rent, with large lot and barn on It; Immediate poaeeeelon. Phono Ivy 3813. 7-il-lS FOR RENT ON SOUTH SIDE—Twelve- room house, on large lot, with bam and fruit tree*; within eight blocks of center of olty. Call Ivy SSll 7-31-2 FOR RENT—One tix-room house. 111 H. Georgfa-ave. 111. Apply across * treat. FOR RENT—One Mvea-roora house, thor oughly modern; large barn: 925. 124 Formwalt-aL Phones 4224. Mr. Georjj^ WANTED—H0U8E8. One cant a word for ada under this head. WANTED—To rent, houae of fourteen or sixteen room,. Addrew P. O. Box 269, Atlanta. 461 APARTMENTS FOR RENT. On, cant a word for ada under this head. FOR RENT—OUR NEW FIVE AND SEX- ROOM APARTMENTS NOW READY. STRICTLY MODERN AND FIRE PROOF. HOT AND COLD WATER. AND VAPOR HEAT. A. W. FARUN- OER. *04 NORTH BOULEVARD. 252 FOUR OR FIVE ROOMB-Oood location; unsurpassed transportation: reforsncee given and exchanged. Ivy 1090-J. 7*29-29 FOUR or five room* npper apartment at 16 Garfield place. George Nelson, 193 Walton Bldg. 7-39-44 WANTED—Two gentlemen with furniture to ocoupy modern apartment; rent rea- ■enable. 11 West Peachtree-at 4 ■f FOR RENT— BU8INESS PROPERTY. Ona cent a word for ada under this head. FOR RENT—Storaga epeoe. 10x44 feet; reasonable. W. P. Gore, 174 Decatur-et. 7-11-14 FOR RENT—Fireproof etores and lofte In ^G^eenfleld buUdlng. Call Oraenfleld, Mein BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. One <*»ot r word for *ds under this hendinr START A BUSINESS of your own: spare time; no advertising; no capital required. Outlay stamp* and ■tationary. Field unlimited. Profits rest with you. Particulars. H. Constancy. 44-49 West Mltchell-st.. Atlanta. 7-21-17 FOR SALE—Printing buslnea* machinery and all printing outfit; wlU sell cheap; come and make offer. J Chomsky, IS South Broad-et. 7-25-29 FOR SALE—Lumber and budding ma terial business. Including yards, shops and machinery. Situated in one of the healthiest and beat business towns In Georgia. Will sell entire business, or to right party will sell half Interest: a rare business chance. Addreea Lumberman. Box 500, eara Georgian. 20* FOR SALE—Bottling works In one of the beet towns in Texea, with population of 34,444; good territory; only one other plant here; plant cost more than 36,044: 32.040 cash will handle It. For further Information, addreea Box 379. Temple, Tex. 7-Sl-lf FOR SALE—Meat market; equipped with new Shannon fixtures, cash register, fan. and Is one of the beat stands In town; have good reason for selling; rec ord of business done since opening; snap or man with small capital. W. P. Gore, 174 Decatur-aL 7-21-14 OPPORTUNITY — MODERATE INVESTMENT, 40 PERCENT ON YOUR MONEY BY JANU- ARY 1. ADDRESS A. B. C., BOX 30, CARE GEORGIAN. 450 - “ ” MEDICAL. One cent a word for ada under this head. DR EDMOND80.VS Tansy, Pennyroyal and Cotton Root Pills, a aafe and re liable treatment for painful and sup- 117.14 WANTED—To trade land or horses for second-hand car. P. O. 259, AUTOMOBILES—Three or four up-to- date late models for sale or exchange for real eetate. Atlanta phone 1S90. 175- 177 South Forsyth. 7-23-66 IF YOU WANT to buy. eell or exchange. More then 60 cere to select from, from 1304 to 63.004. Atlanta phone 1890. 176- 177 Bouth Forayth. 7-22-57 FOR SALE—One four-cylinder four-paa- senger Maxwell. One four-cylinder two- passenger Whiting runabout; both cars in ilrst-class order and fully equipped; rea son for selling, want to'purchase large high powered car. Address P. O. Box 117, Greensboro, Oa. 7-29-2 FIVE-PASSENGER automobile, 80-horse power; fully equipped: one-third leas price. Phone Main 1676, Address O. B. 6.. Box 614, Atlanta. 6-1-21 MONEY TO LOAN. One "cent a word for ads under this head. MORTGAGE LOANS on Atlanta real es tate. Established since 1299. 8. B. Tur man A Co., corner Broad and Alabama- sts 4-1-28 MONEY SUPPLIED SALARIED PEO PLE. women keeping house and other, without security: eheapeat rate,; easy payments. Offices ,11 principal cities. D. H. Tolman, room 624 Austell building. MONET TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Lowest rates; no delays, buy purchase money note,. Charts, Herman, Boom, 201-203 Temple Court. 4-1-1* FARM LOANS placed In any emonnt on Improved farm lands In Georgia. The Southern Mortgage Co.. Gould Bldg. 7-18-2 CLIENTS have fund, for loan* city or t3rLe3BS3,-& %SSSmW* . 1 WEYMAN & CONNORS. ESTABLISHED 1**4. Mortgage, on Real Estate, t-l-8 ESPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND any amount; 6 per cent Write or rail S. W. Carson. 14 Smith Broad-et 4-1-17 7 PER CENT money to lend on enburban property. No delay* Addreea P. O. Box 432, Atlanta. x WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on At lanta and nearby property, either for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for pur chasing purchase money notes. Foster & Robson, 11 Edgewood- ave. WISH TO BUY eome purchase money note* Y. X., Box 3, care Georgian. 464 WANTECh-MONEY. One cent a word for ada under thla head. WANTED—To borrow of private party 314 to (24 sixty to ninety day* Can give bankable security, win give 31.54 discount. Addreea P., care Georgian. 1-1-24 PURCHASE MONEY NOTES. One cent a word for ads under thla head. PURCHASE MONET NOTES—Seoond mortgage purchase money notea bought by ua. Fulton Investment Company, Oreen. Tllson A McKinney, attorney*^ ^ LOST AND FOUND. Ona cant a word for ada under this bssd. W. M. CO IL FOUND—I clean ajl kinds of ruga and carpets; make them look like new; cheap for cash. 144 Auburn-av* Ivy 3115-J. 4-13-41 LOST—Thrse-link gold watch fob: Ini tials F. L. a.; near College Park. Call at 250 Marietta-st. and gat reward. 7-9-1 LOST—On Marietta-st., ona packaga of papers wrapped up in souvenir book of R. M. Rosa Co., containing bank notaa» letters and other valuable papers. Return to 55 West Mltohell-st. and gat reward.^ LOST—Wednesday, pair rimless specta cles from auto In north Atlant* Bal lard case. Reward. Antoapex, 304 Can dler Bldg. 417 LOST—One pin; garnet tatting: on Whltahall-st. or to West End car, or Ashby-st to Oglethorpe-ave. Val uable aa heirloom. Phone Weat 665-L.^ LOST—At the American National bank or on Pledmont-av* car. a email black puraa containing oim flva-doltar bill, two ona-dollar bill, and aome am all change. If found, please return to 138 Uyrtle-st and get reward. 8-1-18 LOST—Small paokage Sunday afternoon on Marietta car leaving Atlanta at 2:20. Call Ivy 2669-L. 429 LOST—Friday, the 3*th. original letter, _patent No. 316178. Send to or phone Thomas Knight, *3 Oaetleberry-at. Phone Bell Main 8110. 453 LOST—One white beaded beg with sum of money and key,. Call Ivy 4341 and receive reward. 457 L08T—On Grant park tennis court. Sat urday afternoon, black silk umbrella, silver handle, engraved F. A. S. Return to Fanny Bpahr, 176 South Pryor, and receive reward. 46* FOR 8ALB—RBAL K8TATS. One cent a word for ada under this head. FOR DALE—Four-room house on River car line. 64x144 ; 31.444; no cash payment John Cany, Germania Saving, Bank, 3 Whitehall-,!. 7-18-16 VACANT LOT for aala or exchange, on ■oath sldo; good white section, 70x120, for 31.000. Small payment and terms to suit Owner, Box 340, care Georgian, x FOR BALE—$100 cash, 916 plr month for five-room cottage; good level lot; white neighbors only; on west aide near new school; would exchange. Price 91.760. Ad dress Owner, Box 700, car# Georgian, x PONCE DE LEON PLACE. Lot 50 by 160. East front, near Greenwood-avs. 91,176. Bargain. J. Low Zachry, Bruns- wick, Ga. 7-11-13 MODERN 7-room cottage, on lot 62x189, with gas. water, electric lights, ate., also home at 124 Forrest-ave. Apply Owner, 551 Bouth Pryor-st. 7-29-11 FOR SALE BY OWNER—In Hapevtlle, Ga., one attractive eight-room bunga low; east front shady lot, 100x300 feet. Thla la a dandy; 31,000; terma. J. T. I-aaaeter. Phone East Point 373-L. 7-15-43 FOR BALE—Some flne propositions In beautiful Florida home properties. In cluding one specially fine truck, fruit and poultry farm. G. W. Hinsey, Apalachi cola, Fla. tit FOR 8ALE—192 acres; 12 acres cleared, balance good pine land with clay sub soil; about 200 hearing orange trees on place; four-room cottage, rood barn and other outbuildings; located five miles west of Orlando, on good clay road. For price, terms, etc., address Box 259, Orlando, Fla. S20 12.000 will buy a nice two-story brick, 7-room dwelling with servants' house on lot; north side; corner lot: J600 cash, t>a)ance to suit. Owner building larger louse. Apply 49 North Broad or 370 Spring-st. 7-29-14 .... FOR SALK-REAL ESTATE. NORTH SIDE — RESIDENCE FOR RALF ATTRACTIVE, well-built. 2-Vtore I. r(y „, house on South Prado. An,lev £23? within half block of Piedmont pariTTS extension of Courtland-et. car line ST. ery convenience, furnace, gaa. leiinJ™ stf fe &^ t WnZSUX r T gett, owner, 1031 Candler Bldg. ’ 7-29.2* ALE—Beautlful six-room bungalow inPbeorg?»*° t *‘ -aQg FOR SALE—New eight- room house in Copenhill section. Owner will sell at a sacrifice. Terms. Ad dress Box 900, care Geor gian. 3 FOJt SALE—Four-room house on lot lift by 128 in Hanevllle. Ot WIIl payment of I10J down and monthly rnents to suit. The house Is very conUn- lont; price 3L604. C. L Daniel, 141 South Forsyth-st. Atlanta phone FOR.BALE^Mjr pretty home of six room, FWrbum car and twenty-flve acres on lino, two miles below College Perk; shady grovel some fruit. Owner, phone East Point 109, party L 451 12 PER CENT SIDE INVEST- CORNER GROCERY with five-room cot tage, on lot 50x110; leased for 410 oor onth; for 13,000; on terms. Owner. •00, care Georgian. EXCHANQE—REAL ESTATE. One cent a word for ads under this hesd. S^SSSS S3? SBTS ■cotton: near car line; give location.Vie and price. Owner, Box 1000, care Geo” gtan. , IF YOU are looking out more for a regu lar payer of your notes snd oonslder th« cash payment loss, 1st ms know; 1 don't pay anything down, but 116 monthly sure on tho very day. I want Ore or tlx-room cottage with some Improvements and large lot or acreage preferably In eastern suburb. Address Homsseeker, oars The Georgian.401 WANTED—Six or seven-room cotter, near St. Paul church; muat he cheap and on easy terms; don't enewer units, you gtve description and plica. J„ cert Georgian. 7-31-13 10,900 In cultivation. Tracts „ terms 140 to >100 per acre, one-tenth down. Balance In five yearly notes; can ■how you 100 bushels of eern to the acre: no fertiliser over needed; It foot above sea level: no fever; all drained; tremen dous crops sow on this land: the soil Is as god as River'Nila. Cali on 8. A. ea, Sugarland, Tex. M1-2J FOR SALE—Boat farm* In south Oeorels. Easy terms. J. F, Danish, Coolldf*, Ga. 7-14-14 lN SELL you large or from 112.60 to 120 per soo tha crops on them. Jan Milledgovtlle, Ga. ■mall farms acre Come amea L Sibley, 7-11-17 FOR SALE—166 acres of An# tannin* land with 40-acre pasture. Two-horn farm on each side. Ah In high state of cultivation. Well stooked with hofi. Three mhos from Mlllon. Ah Implement* necessary for farm. Address P. O. Bos 126, hlillen, Ga. 4-1-14 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. STOVE REPAIRING. DAN, THE FIXER. SOUTHERN wTOVi AJ4D SUPS LI CO. Atlanta phoaa 2236, Bell phone MS. FULL oTBEET. PHONES: Bell Mels 1675. Atlanta 1M WE STORK P H<?USEHOLD R OOObS tl4 wfe* TOST A^nT’vlW Woodsldt. RAILROAD SCHEDULE. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. arrival and Departure of Passenger Trains, Atlanta. Tralna marked thus (•) run dally. cept Sunday. Other trains run dally. Central time City ticket office. I Peaohtree-st FOR RENT—HOUSES. IP YOU are looking for an in-1 * vestment. I have a lot in Peach- 4 tree Heights that I will sell at a real bargain. Leaving city rea son for selling. Answer ’ Quick, Box 130, care Georgian. 1 M. L. THROWER, 39 North Forsyth St. FOR RENT—APARTMENTS. . E. HARRIS-ST.—An attractive »« room steam-heated flat. Well tenants t. Splendid eervice. si* ;xt two months. -,, 5( • ».«* houses!** ' ,55 m 10 Rooms—480 N. Jackson-at M Rooms—133 Myrtta-at. Fft Rooms—154 Richardson-#* L oo Rooms— 5 Brown place S oo Rooms—279. Moreland-av* 00 Rooms— 34 Orange-st Rooms—134 Wlndaor-eL «*„ Rooms—615 West Peachtree-* • |f;o Rooms—254 Rawson-st. .. 60 oo Rooms—307 N. Jackson-at Soft Rooms—347 Rawson-st Rooms— 76 oft Rooms—ISO Formwelt-SL «o« . Rooms—160 Mllle-et 4 Rooms—401" Euclld-avs «j.;ft Rooms— 11 Dixon ptaea .;sft Rooms—162 Oak-st. ■ ■ ; rt 00 Rooms—225 South Boulevard J0 ,>ft ” |5 M 225 South Boulevard Rooms— 75 E. Flfth-st. ■■■■■■■ Rooms— 41 Ponca Del-eon way Rooms— 44 Wlndsor-st. Rooms— 14 4 Rooms—112 4 Rooms— 10 Coopor-st. 4 Rooms— ’ 6 Rooms— ' 6 Rooms—21.- 4 Rooms—134 W. Baker-sL ; mm . 20 44 ISM to M u i