Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, August 01, 1911, Image 17

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1911. for sale-real estate. FOR KENT—HOUSES. W. A. FOSTER & RAYMOND ROBSON Rea! Estate. Rent Inf and Loan* B#.J Phone* 1031. 1032 !I Edgewnod-avc. FOR SALE. Atlanta Phone 189! 129 CASH AN-n^AND $10 PEIl IV east POINT—A neat cottage of four ‘ rooms end hell, front end back porch: -,-riv now: on level corner lot. Price $1.- ESf on terms of $20 cash and 120 a month TYrtKo years: then the balance at $10 lir month, with 7 per cent simple Inter- £,! Why pay rent when you can buy a Jcme on these terms? See Mr. Radford. lV COLLEGE PARK—Nice 4-root. cottage on lot 80x250, runs through to •anther street: room to build another rnu£o on this lot. Water ond sewerage t,c Installed soon and can get elec tric lights now. This' Is a nice place sn-l the price la reasonable. An Ideal ni.icc for a home. Price $1,600. Terms. g E E MR. HOUSE. MM CASH AND $20 PER MONTH—A beautiful suburban home of six rooms, with nil city Improvements: nice bath: beautiful electric light fixtures; handsome mautcl': floors stained and waxed; stone foundation: level, elevated lot: 60 by IDO allev Tile walks. Don’t mlsa this op- cnrturltv. Payments are less than rent, kee Mr. Houee or Mr. Radford. ’•r. h.. ii4 * - - — $30.00 . 122 Crew-ut 30 00 T-r. h.. 22$ CspItoPave r.... 42 50 T-r. h., 705 West Nortlt-ove 11.50 7-r. h.. Kirkwood road. Kirkwood... 20 00 T-r. h.. Ill IVhltchall terrace 25.00 7-r. h.. 26 Boulevard DeKalb, Kirk wood 27.50 7-r. h.. 116 East Ellls-st 25.00 6-r. h.. 112 McDonough-at., Decatur (ftirrlshed) 30.00 6-r. flat. 228 Ponce DeLeon-ave 37.50 6-r. flat 300 Cherokee ave 30 00 6-r. flat 034 Hlghland-ave. 10.00 6-r. flat 323 Houaton-st 26.00 6-r. h.. 11 Helena-st., Battla Hill... 10.00 6-r. h.. 89 Lawton-at.. West End.. 36.00 6-r. apartment, corner P*eplea-st. and Luclle-ave., West End 60.00 6-r. h„ IS Helena-at.. Battle Hill.. 10.00 6-r. h„ Onlarlo-ave.. West End Park 27.50 6-r. h., 11 Dickson place ... 82.50 6-r. h„ 298 Hlllst 17.60 6-r. h.. 279 87.60 6-r. h.. 131 LaFrance-st., Edgewpod, FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. I J. P. STURGEON & CO.. ! 726-27-28 Empire Bids. { Bell 4375 Main. Atlanta 1279 i $7.000—.JUST A FEW FEET OFF WEST PEACHTREE-ST. we have a new and never-occupied two*»tory eight-room home that we ar® offering at thl® price. This is •tnrm-theathed. hart- wood floors, furnace heated, every thing substantial and attractive. Terms can be arranged to suit the purchaser. we have the most attractive six-room bungalow on the north side. Htorm- sheathed, hardwood doors, extra nice fixtures. For something above the average, both the construction, ap pearance and locality, here Is your op portunity. Con arrange terms to suit. Oa. 22.60 6-r. h., 494 Westminster drive, An* ^ 6-r. *hf, ^VLu’cVle-ave.’. West End !! 8.06 6-r. h., 71 Fast Fifth-st 35.00 6*r. h.. 196 Crumley-st 25.00 •*r. h. f I Arnold-at 30.00 ANf) A LONG LIST of larger and emailer houses and a good list of buslnr “ houses. Come to see ua. galow with six extra large moms and a hall, on well-shaded lot, 50x150, that wo are 'offering at this sacrifice price. Terms can easily be arranged. 10-1 FOR RENT. A.. 201 Capltol-ave $186.00 I »-r.h., 76 Central place ,...$35.00 h. 140 Creecent-ave 65.00 0-r. h.. 233 West Penchtree-at 45.00 h . 139 West l’eachtree-at.... 78.00 I 9-r. h.. 663 North Boulevard 40.00 h . 227 Forrest-ave 60.00 I 9-r. h., 32 Capltol-ace 40.00 WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, giving a good deacrlptlon of everything we have for rent flet a copy JOHN J. WOODSIDE. THE RENTING AGENT. 11 AUBURN-AVE. PHONES <18 MAIN. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. SOME BARGAINS. North Boulevard, near Linden. 8 room, 17.500 Colquitt, near Euclid. 6-room Bungalow A.. 5,500 Colquitt ond Sinclair. 6-room Bungalow 4.500 East Elevcnth-at„ near Juniper, B room* 8.800 Jackson, near Ponce DeLeon, S room, 6,500 Veriado Way, 3 fine Bungalow* $4,200 to 5.600 Elizabeth-,t., 8 room, ($200 casth) 6.000 Lawton near Luclle, 8-room Bungalow 4,250 Olenn-st., neur Grant park. 0 room* 2.250 Waddell, near Edgewood. 6 room, 5.000 Waehlto-ave., near Euelld, 5 room, • 6.000 ALL THESE BARGAINS are new and up-to-date houaes. and can be bought on easy terms. Ring u* early In the morning for full particular,, and you will buy n home. WILSON BROS, 701 Empl re Bldg. Standard 4480. M.L.PETTY&E.L.HARUNC Heal Estate. 32 E. Alabama Street ON QUEEN-8T., near Gordon-,t.. In We»t End. we have a 6-room cottage on an extra nice lot that we are ofr,rlng for a quick sale on very easy term, for 13.500. Thl, I, one of the mo,t attractive and convenient cottage* In West End. W, would Ilk* to show It to you at once. - ON BASS-BT.. between Capltol-eve. and Fmser-st.. we have a modfrnj-room cottage, on a let 50x200. that we are offering for a quick Mile for $2,900; 1500 rash; $25 a month. Thl, lot ha, alley on the aide and rear. Plenty of room on the rear for aome «mall houaea, which would bring In a good rental.’ ox EUCLID-AVE. w, offer a new. modern, l-room. 2-story, elate roof, brick houee for 15.350; $t00'»,h and $35 a month. Thl, lathe blgeat bargain In tho way of a modem homo to bo found In Inman park. ns* MORELAND-AVE.. near Ponco DeLeon, we hav® two modern S-room t-story houses that are just being completed. We are offering thee® houses on very easy terms for 17,606. $2,850—Just off the car line we have a new and never-occupied seven-room bungalow, on comer lot. 55x150, that we can sell on very attractive terms— in fact, terms so easy that it will sur prise you. House and station both A-l. see us for particulars. | $2,506—For one hundred and twenty-live (125) acres less than fifteen miles from tho center of the city. Fronting on main road about six hundred 460- feet. Will exchange this for vacant or improved city property. FOR SALE—REAL E3TATE. FOR GALE-REAL ESTATE. $2,250—For five-room cottage near the comer of Lee and Gordon-ata.. West Knd. Small cash payment, balance $22.50 a month. THE CAR LINE. Thl, I, In Fulton county and fronts on eherted road over seven hundred (700) feet: entlr® tract It In high state of cultivation good assortment of fruit tree*, r* bearing. Improvements consist of three-room house and a barn, arrange terms. ‘Til *.S $1,006-$! 60 cash and $10 a month will buy a four-room cottage Just off the College Park car line. Level, well- shaded lot two hundred (200) feet deep. FOR RENT—HOU8E8. E. RIVERS REALTY CO. 8 W. Alabama-st. FOR RENT WE have a beautiful 6-room apartment In the Byron. 210 Woat Peachtree. Thl* apartment I, up-to-rtate In every reaped 256 COUBTLAND-8T.. ten room,, two •torle,. two bathe, hot and cold water, gaa and electric light,; <<9 per month. 406 SOUTH PRTOR-8T.—Eleven room,. two etorlea. all convenience,, houa. In perfect repair; 142 per month. 232 SOUTH PRYOR-ST., live room,. esc HOME SEEKERS ARE YOU In the market for a home? will) u, at once. LISTEN: Do you _ . . ... ... .... .— urh, paid for or half paid for? If ao, let u, build a bouae on It to ault your Idea* and arrange term, like rent or eaeler. Houaea wa build rang, aecond to none In point of workmanahlp. material and beauty. Aak our cuatomer*. Plana and apeclflcntlona will coat you nothing. • , . GATE CITY HOME BUILDERS REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. 401 Rhodaa Building (oppoalta Oaa Office). Phone Main 671. DILLIN-MORRIS CO. ■ G09-.10 Atlanta Nat. Bank. Both Phones 4234 BARGAINS IN BEAUTIES. A MAGNIFICENT eight-room two-story home on Nlnth-at. for $6,760; haa everything the ben and th, cleanest workmanahlp. Good. term,. The eleva- lion la great. The neighbors ar# Itrat-clan, and tho home all you could aak. it-room house: every convenience; line $600 caah and 140 per month. Thla 489 WOODWARD-AVE.—Six-room cot FOR RENT. 8TORF8 127 CENTRAL-AVE.—Hera w* hava tha first floor and a portion of th* third floor, 12.004 or 13,000 square fact, that wa can rent reasonably. la $500 below Its value. I3.;r,n GETS new * lx-room bungalow one block from Gordon-at.; $300 to $500 caah and $30 per month. Ready to occupy In a week. 3.W on.MOND-BT., between Hill and Grant: six-room and hall, with four more room, framed In, ready for plaiiter. Lot 50 by 110. All atreet Improvements. North front. $1,600. on very easy terms. Xr> ;01 ORANT-ST.—Nine-room two-atory furnace-heated homa; nicely located. Close to school, church, etc.; haa a line large lot: can bo had for $5,000 on good term, or would exchange for smaller place. . 3S COPF.XHILL-AVE. la a little beauty: alx room*, two stories; two seta plumb- In*; panelled walls, beam ceilings, quartered oak floors, fliahogmny border, gran- Ho front; corner lot; overlook, all Atlanta. 13,100. Terms, or exchange. MIGHT-ROOM TWO-8TORY BUNGALOW—North end of Inman Park; haa every modem feature; la double-floored and storm-aheathed: two sets plumb- If*, would take smaller property or vacant lot In exelninge or jell on easy terms. Thla home la beautifully located and among good people. Price $4,500. *3 copenhILL-AVeT la a pretty flve-room cottage, on a lot 75x200, covered with young fruit; la elevated and love; haa brooding house. colony houaM, hen nine, etc.; small barn; haa all convenience*, and a bargain at $8.,60. Would take KOO ,i | ot ln exchange. Thla would pleaae a poultry man to death. IN hntutlful Weat End Park we are completing a very attractive east front l rnvalow of alx rooms. It la nlcgly arranged, tastily tinted. An «h*d In waxed «rh Enxlleh; book cases with art glass door, laid in copper, club grata, drop brims, ttvo seta folding door*, box benches, hlg closets. It has everj thing that tend, to make a complete homo and Is on a lot 54x298; 14,160 on good terms. 3V. acres arTbiFf-room homo >4 block of city line; $8,009 for quick aale. Masy payment,.. . — Acreage on Car Line the MARIETTA CAR LINE, near Smyrna, we’gw** ***** "*** about 3.oco ftet frontage on the car line, well adapted for .^uMIvlolon. Ajj 0 * 1 ****** •b°ut four feet above the road. TheN^hJ^mone^ In thla at $200 per acre. WF. HAVK been HARD AT WORK for' the past few day® listing home® for •ale We have them now—anything you want, from th® humblest cottage to a reach tree mansion—close In and away out. n . .. IF Tor ARE IN THE MARKET FOR A PLACE, call on ua. T\e will do our t ost to pica*® vou. We can’t advertise some of our best fn*«—the ownor* y c »'t let us—and if w® did you wouldn’t know much more about them than jou now. Call us un or come to see us, and wo can tell you all we know in a few minute,. Keep our phene busy and the bby® In the office, too. *0U are *ure to courteous attention and a square deal. HARRIS G WHITE 327 Grant Bldg. » Phone M. 2473 Bargains in Real Estate $3,750—OX TERMS of $300 cash and small monthly pay ments. Now and .never occupied home; nice stone front j Ursa varnmin, nicely tinted walls, gas fixtures and beatitifnl biihinet mantels. Lot lias beautifully nnd already fenced. This ls a real bargain, and has to be seen to be appreciated. L. A. WOODS empire building bell phone main uus 493 PEACHTREE—8 tor®, about $0x60 feet $$5.00 HOUSES. 360 LEE-ST.—Hat; newly papered: five rooms $22.50 104 IVY-8T.—Fourteen rooms $75.00 90 W. FIFTH-ST.—Nine rooms....$40.00 153 WHITEHALL-ST.—Kin® room®.360.00 60 HIGH LAND-AVE $32.60 339 CENTRAL-AVE.—Just renovated; seven room® $25.00 329 CENTRAL-AVE.—Seven rooms.$27.80 19 E. NINTH-ST.—Furnace 116.00 738 OLENN-ST.—Five rooms II7.I0 161 RANDOLPH—Five rooms $16.10 S. B. TURMAN & CO., Broad and Alabama-sts. FCR SALE—REAL ESTATE. RENT-Pnying Property. $1,900—RENTS FOR $281. WE ARE OFFERING three good four- room negro houses, well located, In good condition, stay rented all the lime, on lot 100 by 104; has loan on It of $1,000; mors than 16 per cept. 86.750— RENTS FOR $800. THIS PROPERTY consist® of one eight- room house, two six-room, two four- room and two three-room house®. In the best negro renting section of the city. These houses are continuous renters and pay more than 1& per cent on the In vestment. $*.500—RENTS FOR $9*0. POSSIBLY the best piece of negro rent ing property In Atlanta; now renting for $80 per month, but will easily rent for $100 per month, a® other houses In local ity are renting at this rate. Will pay 18 per cent. $5,000—RENTS FOR $60. WITH ROOSI for six more houses. This properly can be made to pay :o per cent on the Investment by boilrtlng up the six vacant lota, 50 by 100 each. There ore now ten four-room houses on lots 60 ay 100. An entire block, with four cor ner lots. $10.500—RENTS FOR $110. NEAR PEACHTREE-ST. we have an apartment house. In good condition, with nil modern convenience*. Will pay about 15 per cent on your money. WARE & HARPER 724-6 Atlanta National Bank Building. The Georgian patron who run, hi* want nd twice doea more than (Imply double It, pulling power—lie Increase, It Indefinitely. Tho well-pnatcd woman rend, Geor gian Want Ada. She know* It I* tha quickest way to get a maid, cook, nurse or washerwoman. Moat women, how. ever, complain that a good girl Is hard to get. It la, unleaa you read Georgian Want Ada WILLIAMS-HARTSOCK COMPANY Rea) Estate and Building. Fourth National Bank Bldg. I’hone 9106 Main. FOR EXCHANGE—On Nlnth-st. we have a splendid eight-room. two-story horn®, furnace, double-floored, storm, sheathed, lot 60x18d feet to alley; all Improve ments; excellent neighborhood; will exchange for smaller house or vacant lot. What have you? HERE Is a beautiful Inman Park lot; has a frontage of fifty-four feet and runt harlf f'OO fpot • tiles shflrla ♦ rana nlnt-utarl ahruit four font ahnva ttm atrsf-t’ will FOR 8ALE—REAL RSTATg. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. EXECUTOR’S SALE WE WILL BELL before th® cdurt house docr on the first Tuesday In August. which la August 1. house and lot at No. 264 East Huntcr-st. This lot Is 70 by 140, and It will be Sold cn terms of one-third cash, balance in on® and two years, »t I per cent interest. Th® ndnse rents for $25, and it is a good pl®c® of property. ■ated between Moore and Iflli-sts. ALSO AT THE SAME TIME and place we will sell W5 Crew-et. Thla property consists of a two-story house with a four-room negro house Ih the rear on an alley. The lot Is 41 by 20$. and the property is Tccitted between Georgla-ave. and Hsss-st. Thl* property ha* a $1,700 loan against It. due J&15. at 6 per cent Interest. Purchaser can assume this-loan and pay the balance In cash. ON CLEBURNE-AVE. (Inman Park) we have a beautiful vacant lot which hat a frontage of sixty-five feet; It faces cast; we will build you a house her® according to your, own piars; you make a cash payment, balance In monthly notes. Here’s your opportunity to get what you want. LAND, LAND, LAND WE. HAVE fine country, fine people, healthy nnd all right. We want to cut our farms into smaller ones. We want more white people, and if anyone can make a respectable cash payment, they can get five years on balance, 8 per cent annually, on most of these farms. 283 ACRES, 0-room residence; 3 tenant houses,‘$80.00, 1*1 each. 120 ACRES; 1 tenant house, 210.00; 1-4 cash. 901-2 ACRES; 6-room residence: 1 tenant house; 227.50, 1-1 ensh. 200 ACRES; 2 tennnt houses; $15.50, 1-2 cath. 100 ACRES: 9-9oom residence; $20.00, 1-4 cash. 100 ACRES; 4-room residence; 1 tenant house; $20.00, 1-0 cath. 400 ACRES; 4 tenant houses; 217.50, 1-4 cash. 1,000 ACRES; 1 residence; some tenant hnuies: $25.00, 1-5 cash. 500 ACRES; 2 tenant houses; $12.00, 1-4 cash. 4151-2 ACRES; 1 tenant house; 210.00. 1-4 cash. 157 ACRES; 2 tenant house,; $20.00, 1-5 cash. 125 ACRES; 1 tenant houaes; 215.00. 1-5 cash. 125 ACRES: 2 tenant housea; $20.00, 1-5 cash. 525 ACRES;- 8-room residence; 5 or 0 tenant houses; 220.00, 1-4 cash. 007 ACRES; 7-room residence; 10 tenant houaea, machinery and gin outfit; $2,000 cash, balance divided on 211.000. 100 ACRES; 0-room residence; 2 tenant houses; $46.00. 1101-2 ACRES) 0-room residence; 1 tenant house; $40.00, I 1,705 ACRES; good many tenant houses; $15.00 per acre, 1,100 ACRES; good many tenant houses; $1.00. 0S1 ACRES; good many tenant houses; $10.00. $00 ACRES; nearly all timber; $10.00. ONE MODEL FARM^ 535 acres; nine-room residence, twelve tenant houses, one cottage, new store house, gin house and shop; on 20 acres hag made 37 bales of cotton. Worth $50 per acre, but will sell for $35. Purchaser pay for goods and ma chinery. 976 ACRES—Nice home, waterworks; lies well; gin outfit, six mules, one horse, two buggies and two wagons and all plan tation tools, etc. $40,000. Plenty of tenant houses. 1,600 ACRES—Ten-room residence, about 25 tenant houses in good shape. Only $32.50 per acre. IF YOU WANT A HOME, we will be glad to correspond with yon and help you to secure a home before they go any higher on their farms. Write or call on E J WILKINSON & CO. ' TIGNALL, GA. running back 2,166 fret, with a three-rcom hmte* on If. This redd runs off t Howell Mill read, about a half mile bdyerd the water worka. at Sp'lrger’s store. The property ean be Inerted by our large rale sign being on it. Terms ca*h. This ta a nice acreage tract, and for further “ ~~ ■ details kindly call on th® undersigned RALPH O. COCHRAN 19 South Broad. WHICH IS BETTER? TO BUY a hnuse already built, paying a good profit to the one who hullt it. and ha*.been living In It long enough to enjoy nnd It* freshness, and now sella It to you when It need, repair,: or to build your own home, planned to suit you, enjoying It* newnets, and make the profit yourtelf. If you should wint to sell? Honestly, which Is more sensible? If you want a •’hand-me-down" houao you can get It. for there are plenty of ’em for gale. But If you want a home, planned to meet your Ideas of cotnfore. see us. That’* our business. We build home*, not house*. Fulton County Home Builders $08-8 Candler Building. EUGENE C. CALLAWAY. Prea JUNIUS W. MILLARD. Secretary Middle Georgia Farm D 4 rv ACRES of land located 8 miles of Barneavllle, In Monroe and Upson OT’U counties. In fine section, on public road; good community, etc.; too acre* In cultivation, 100 of which la fresh. Plenty wood; running water; good well. Land Ilea well, toll mulatto; very productive; 7-room dwelling, good barn, 5 good tenant house* with bams: 100 acres In pasture. Thl, plico Is well located; farms In *ame community can’t be bought. Plane Is offered cheap for quick sale, at price 29.500. Will rent for 20 bate* cotton, nnd la a fin* home. Write at once for full description. Address C. C Thurmond, Forsyth, Ga. Beautiful Suburban Homes UNQUEgTIONABLY Decatur I* Atlanta’* Onset suburb, and a better place to live than most part* of Atlanta Fine schools, pretty homes. Urge lot*, all city ■J^vsntiie,.^higher than Atlanta: healthy, cool and In every way a delightful ^'If yoiutro looking for a horns of your own, let m* show you what I have t< 1. Sell you at a reasonable price, and on easy term*, on* of saveral home* : now own, all new nr nearly »o. I . Sell you a beautiful lot and let you build on It or hold aa an Investment. Sell you any on* of my pretty lot* and build on It to suit you. and guar antee to save you from $600 to $760. aa I have th# lota, can negotiate th* loam and discount your note*. All thl* mean* money to you 4. I want you to get a FREE book which I am *endlng out to advertlie De catur, Issued by our Board of Trade. There »r* many newborn** now being built In thl* hlfh-clts* district. I ran show you th* nropertle* at any tint*. Simply can Dtcafur 413, or addrws W. II. H. Hamilton, Decatur, Oa. Aak mo for tho FOR GALE—REAL ESTATE. North Side Bungalow. $6,500. ON TERMS of $1,000 rash and balanca $40 par month, will buy a well built six-room bungalow; all cow iences; fusnace heat: large, level lot; hut section. See ua quick. W. L. & JNO. 0. DuPREE, Real Estate. Empire Bldg. Bell M. 3457. Atlanta 930 Peachtree Road Building Sites UP. ONLY about 15 minutes from heart of city, cars. Come out to Take Buckhead PEACHTREE HILLS PLACE BUILDING U going on. Lots arc going. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO HOME BUILDERS. AMERICAN SECURITIES CO. OF GEORGIA. R. W. BARNWELL, Manager. 621 Candler Building. Phone Ivy 1858. HURT & CONE 501 EMPIRE LIFE BUILDING. PHONE MAIN 914. JACKSON-ST.—Large nine-room brick veneer home, Just off Ponce DeLeon-ave Thla Is equipped In everything that la up to date and modern. Including fur- —“i, hardwood floor*, etc. We can quote you a very modest price on this place and will sell on essy terms. NCRTH SIDE BUNGALOW—Right In the very beet section on north side. Large tix-room bungalow that I, modern In every respect. All th* room* are larn and haa a wide ha through the center. $4.75(7. Term*. FOR SALE JOHN J. WOODSIDE ATTRACTIVE SMALL HOME. $04 West Fourth-st. Corner lot, nice elevation • water, bath and c®s; rldewalk* down: 9300 ca»h; $12 a month and Interest. Price only $1,300. 12 Auburn Avenue. TH08. R. FINVBY, Sales Mar. J. P. GLORE, 307 Peters Bldg. THE best modern cottage with flv* larf rooms and hall, with east front. In th heart of West rmi or house aa first payment. norm ui imimi; spiennia .-room noun,. bam, ete., on good road; several nlc* fruit trees: some bottom land and plsnty of timber. Will exchange for Atlanta prop erty near asm* value. Bills in f he Senate Bills Passed. The following bills war* passed by the senate: By Senator Copelan—To make un lawful to attempt or to Influenca a Juror. By Senator Hill—Ta establish th* Homer school district ln Banks county. By Senator Spence—To place the authority for the artlon of the militia, upon their being celled out, upon the governor and the military authorltlvee. By Senator Crawford—'To relieve or dinaries from quarterly retuna on *a- tatea valued at lest than 1600. By Senator Shlngler—To Increase tha number and fata of atata bank exam iners. By Senators Kincaid, Edwards and Bills Introduced. Following bills were Introduced ln th* house: By Messrs King and Cook, of Mont gomery and Telfair—To make It un lawful to exchange cotton seed between August 1 and December 1. By Mr. Lord, of Jackson—To require Judges of the superior court to rotate.. By Mr. Daraey, of Spalding—Requir ing judges of superior courts to report certain misdemeanor cases. By Mr. Adams, of Hall—To permit weekly newspapers of this state for transportation. By Mr. Kent, of .Montgomery—To amend th* road lawa of Montgomery county. By Mr. Harvey, of Wilcox—To amend t act establishing th* city court of Abbeville. By Mr. Kent, of Montgomery—To create a new county from Montgomery county. By Mr. Cabanlaa, of Oglathorpe—To regulate the compressage of cotton. By Messrs. Chaney and York, of Cobb —To amend th* charter of Marietta. By Mr. DeFure, of Bibb—To amend section $0$ of the code of 1010. By Mr. DeFore, of Bibb—To amend th* constitution ao that tha legislature may prohibit bearing of certain arms within this state. By Mr. Elder, of Oconee—To amecd the act Incorporating the town of Bo gart. By Mr. Montgomery, of Jeff Davis— To amend th* act Incorporating Hazlo. hurst. By Mr. Hall, of Bibb—To appropriate *5,000 to the trustee* of the University Georgia, $25,000 of which shall bo t/aed for an Infirmary for the univer sity, $15,000 for an Infirmary for the (State Normal sechool, $16,000 for an Infirmary at the Normal and Industrial college at Mllledgevllle, nnd $10,000 for an Infirmary at the North Georgia Ag ricultural college at Dahlonega. JOSEPH ALLEN IS DEAD; FUNERAL WEDNESDAY The funeral services over th* re mains of Joseph Allen, who died Mon day night at hla home, 419 Washing ton-st., will be condueted at 10:20 Wod- ttti nesday morning from th# residence by Graham—To remove the ten-day In- 5* r ’J?’ 9’ Hammond, In th# absence of ... .. ... ... . if . I Mf Vr T. T no « naotnn $h* l.'lrut careeratlon clauee in th* commitment JJL ? ’. L ,' th * First of the insane. Presbyterian church, of which Mr. Al- By Senator Sheppard—To regulate ! en h*<l member alnc# ha camo the Increase of the capital etock of life •» Th ! ,nter - insurance companlea. will, be In Westvlew cemetery. By Senator Spenca—To authorise Mr. Allen, who was i0 year* old, civil authorities to call out th* militia j fame to this city from Greenville. 8. C„ If the governor can not be communl- where he was well known and promt- WORTH $5,000, but must b® sold account owner® leaving town; $4,250 on term®. Beautiful home in Weat End; good location; all convenience®; hot and cold water, houe® three year® old; nice fixtures, sliding door®, fine garden; lot 50x175; four bedrooms, bath, hall, dining room* kitchsn and pantry. LOVELESS & COMBS 611-2 East Alabama Street. Bell Phones—Office, 1161 M. Residence, 3470 M. rated with. By Senator Whitehead—To amend an net Incorporating th* town of Hull. BROKER’SlLAYER enters p LEA OF NOT GUILTY New York, Aug. 1.—Paul Ocidel, tha 17-year-old bell boy, today In the court of general Seatons pleaded not guilty to the Indictment charging him with the murder of william llenry Jackaon nent. serving there for a number of year* as Are chief. Boon after coming to Atlanta he became connected with the Atlanta waterworks and remained there until the time of his death. He was a Confederate veteran and rfter making Atlanta his home he joined Atlanta camp No. 169. United Confederate Veterans. Members of that ramp, as well as many othera, will at tend tho funeral services. A special deputation from the waterworka de partment will alao be present. Surviving Mr. Allen are hla wife, live In the Hotel Iroquois, with th* privilege daughter*. Mr*. J. A. Reed, of Ac- Of withdrawing the plea or entering a worth; Miss Gena Allen, Mrs. B. F. demurrer by next Monday. Stark, Mia. C. J. J. Stutorman and Mrs. The youth displayed more Interest In I h. H. Stevens, all cf Atlanta, and two the case than he has at any time since sons, Horry L. A. Allen and J. P. B. Al. on his part haa the boy's mother from Hartford. She | K. of P. Barbecue. tvas In court today and watched her Cartersvlll®. G®., Aug. i.—C®rter«vil!e boy anxiously from behind the rail ®ur-1 Lodge, So. 42. Knight® of Pythla®, will rounding the spectators benches. * ‘ “* New Store at C«rter*vlll®. hold it® annual barbecue at Meadow- view farm, the homo of Mr. Pyron. three mile® from the city city, on August Loses® Optra House. Carttravlilt, Ga., mu0. 1.—W. \V. Daniel, of this city, ha® Iea«e$t the Grand Open house here for the season of 1911-1$ and esptets to m>en the house on or about iscuu, iwn»f?n# <j$ kins* nit*, uuv luuis »g* September 15. The theater i® the prop- ctntly of Chattanooga, will b® the man- trty of J. R. Smith, of Atlanta, And was oger. completed about a year ago. Cartersvill®, Ga.. Aug. 1.— 1 The South- Mill Supply Company, a branch c*f for business In the Bradley building In this city about August IP. They will car ry a $30,000 stock of stood® and \V. T. Mc Leod, formerly of thi® city, but more r®-