Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, August 01, 1911, Image 4

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V THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEW8: TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1911. Tfae Kind You Have Always Bought lias borne the signa ture of Clins. If. Fletcher, and has been made under bis personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and •• Just-as-good ” are but Experiments, and endanger the bealth of Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cnstorln Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nnrcotie substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relit ves Teething Troubles, cures Constlpntlon and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. TWO TYPO DELEGATES TO Green and Mabry to Attend National Convention—Some of the Business. * In Use For Over 30 Years. TNI CtNTSUM COMPANY, YY MUNHAY •▼SCKT, NtW VOM CITY. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. The Goal WE (osier Iho nit' ” Ural activities of youth by directing them Into channels which develop the physical, mental and morallnloa three fold bland which makes the Ideal type ol man- may not agree with YOUR ambition* (or him, but we endeavor to combine the two to best advantage for your sitUfictlon, (or the boy, and lor the South’s future. . £“5Pah* are tilth, and Rlvenlde Tradition, lowed to dominate oiler lolereilt, but the nccew of oor cnimpipD.hlp teama aeaak volume, toe the lbo». „ .raho ol all the ... make early raaeevalloaa. Addraaa RIVERSIDE MiUrMY iUDBff ■OX 32 GAINESVILLE. GA. Shorter College ROME, GEORGIA Located near Blue Ridge Moun tains of north Georgia. Ideal college for girls and young women. Four yeura r collegiate work. Budding, NEW AND FIRE-PROOF. Art; Music, Science, Languages. Faculty trained in American and European universities. Phytic! Education amphaafaad. 19* acral in around.. Butt Christian influence. For ealalnaiM, writ* A. W. VAN HOOSE, IX. D., Praaidaal At BRENAU COLLEGE-CONSERVATORY the climate la soak that pee can anjoy eoMoor lea—HiaiaaB thenar round. Bcattog, Vkmila. Baakat-baD. ate. arc caocUcatJr provided tor In • park of M acrae. Inchidlnaa larac lake. Excur* akmaaramada Into tba adjaent mountain., mining region., and toTaDulah ratle. la addition, the collegia to and null lea] edvuugra an uni paaaad. For full Information. adJrew BRENAU, c * ln «y'"*. Boi 3 WASHINGTON SEMINARY NORTH AVB. AND PKACHTRKB-8T., ATLANTA, QA. Established 1171. Locatsd Boarding and Day School In boot residential part of Lut year 370 pupils, elgh for glide and young ladle •mall Classes. Individual Training. fifteen healthy Atlanta. life and training. Primary, Academic, College Preparatory Courses. Best ad* vantages In Mualc, Art. Expression. Certificate admits to Vaasar. Wellesley. Randolph*Macon. and other Claaa “A” colleges. Thirty-third year begins Sep tember 14, 1911. For catalogue, addreee SPRUELL MILITARY SCHOOL, Marietta, Ga._ Healthful location In foothill, of Blue Ridge Mountains. Select echool for SO boarding etudents. Every boy gets personal, Indi vidual attention. Home life and moral atmosphere excellent. Military dieclpllne. Physical exercise. Christian teacher.. For catalog and ttrmi write L. M. SPRUELL, Principal. Vanderbilt University "1.000 Students 100 Ksreaas* !*w. Lltersni maw* for «radaata« sad ssirtsSbSin Th*-olo«y. Bend for csuloff. natala«4»psrtm«sl. J. E. WART, lecretary, WashYBto. T—a. Turkey Prepares Ultimatum. Vienna, Aua. 1.—Turkey Is reported to have at rved official notice upon Mon tenegro that ehe will not further toler ate the harboring of Albanian revolu tionists by Montenegro and that an ul timatum is being prepared for diplo matic presentation. It I? Intimated from Constantinople that if the ultimatum Is overlooked an open declaration of war against Montenegro probably will follow. BANDITS HOLD UP BANK; ONE WITH LOOT KILLED Heriem, Mon)., Aug. 1.—Posses to- day are scouring the woods near here for two robbers, who with another man robbed the First National bank of Har lem. The third bandit Is dead here. He wax shot early In the chose and all the booty wns found In hie pockets. The bandits were pursued os a result of their own daring. After robbing the henk, one of them nred a allot which brought Marshal Taawell. Tax well killed th« men with the loot. D. W. Green and E. B. Mabry, At lanta's two delegates to the enth session of the International Typo graphical union, are getting ready to go to San Francisco for the convention. August 14 to 19. In Its annual report, the executive council of the International, compoaed of Jams, U. Lynch. Hugo Miller and J. W. Hayes, states that, with the present condition of the trade, the council Is of the opinion that the amount paid per week to the pension ers can be Increased from 14 to IS with entire safety, as there has been a marked Increase In the balance In the pension fund during the year. The council further points out that the organisation has quite a number of members who have not been continu ously affiliated with the International for twenty years, but whose total affili ation foots up a greater number of years than twenty, end that applies' tlons had been received from such members for pensions, but under thi law the executive council could not ap K rova or aueh applications. A "It might t well," saye the council In Its report, "to broaden the law In this reaped and authorise the executive council to ap prove such applications for the pension, Instances where the council Is satisfied that the applicant did not reafflllate with the union In order to secure the pension. For Illustration, If an sppll cant hie continuous membership o twelve years, then a break of two or three yean end a subsequent contin uous membership of eight year, or more, the pension Be granted." The council etatea further that It "does not believe It was the Intention In any way to make the pension fund also an out- of-work fund or a sick fund, and that If the International desires to inaugu rate aurh benefits they should be ere ated ae separate proposition,” Objection to Increasing Amount. In speaking of the proposition to In' crease the amount paid pensioners, which. It le believed, will be carried at the convention, the council qfatea that the great danger will be In a diminu tion of the receipts caused by a bad year In the printing Industry and which might appreciably lessen the total amount earned In the year by the mem bers of the organisation. Ae the re ceipts ere based on one-half of one per cent of the earning* It 1* explained "a noticeable leaeenlng of the total amount earned would result In a cor responding decrease In the receipts to the fund. But It may well be that If the convention concur* the amount pay. able shall be Increased a* specified." There were 101 pensioners on the roll May 31, 1911, an Increase of 140 In the year. The ages of those drawing pen sions rang* from 41 to IS years. The greatest number of any on*, age Is 114, who are 10 years old. and the next greatest number Is II. who are 11 years old. The balance In the old age pension fund May SI, 1911, waa while the balance In the fund June 1, 1910, was I277.69S.SI. Eczema and Ringworm Gnred. t only “dead sort" cur* for .. _ fragrant, toothing, hotline ■ntlMptio, which noYtv fall*. It la equally - - ^nro of ringworm and all aad scalp dlaasaoi. Aik Have Gone to Florence, Where Missing Heiress’ Fiance Lived. Roms, Aug. 1<—Mr. and Mrs. Francis Arnold, of New York, parents of Doro thy Arnold, ths beautiful young heiress who mysteriously disappeared Decem ber 12 and has been mleelng ever since, were reported today to he living In atriet seclusion In Florence, where they went after their arrival upon the steam ship CarpatHla. Owing to the numerous and mysteri ous circumstances which Indicated that Mia* Arnold hnd been seen In Florence shortly after her disappearance from her parent*' home In New York, report* that eh* may be found there have been revived.. It was In Florence thnt George S. Grissom, Jr„ of Pittsburg, fiance of Miss Arnold, was living at the time of the girl's, and It waa to that city that a brother of the girl/ rushed as soon as she left her home. Indorsed by more Pur* Food authori ties, expert chemists, chefs and house keepers than any other EXTRACT In the U. B. A. "BAUER'S." GRAND CANADIAN TOUR A SELECT And personally conducted party will leave Atlanta August IS. in a ■ r Tld Pullman train, for right day* «*f intensely Interesting travel, visiting Cii ■ irr.atl. I»efr»dt. nuftalo, Toronto. Canada, and Niagara Falls 149 75 pave **ve-r> n*. e-w-uiy expense for the whole tsvir, including transportation. Pull map. hm.-ih, 600-mlle steamer trip. Great Gorge trip, etc Greatest of- "t This ail will » oked Names furnished Hoorn for n few more Mate reservation not appear again Call or address for foldera. etc . J ;ent. No 4 North ITynr-st., or Frank Hammond, cara cara Atlanta LEON MEYER IS DEAD AT WHITEHALL-ST. HOME Leon Meyer, aged 7«. for 17 years a resident of Atlanta, and formerly sec retary of the Oppenhetm Cigar Com pany, died at S o’clock Tuesday morn ing at hie home, 162 Whltehall-et., fol lowing tn Illness of over elx month*. His death was due to natural causes combined with the advance of age. Burvlvlng Mr. Meyer are four daugh ter* Mr*. I. H. Oppenhetm. Mr*. H L. Rneenfeld, of New York, and Mlssee Lillie and Sarah Meyer, and a son, Manuel Meyer, of Chicago. Funeral arrangementa will he made after the arrival of relative! from New York. READ THIS. One email bottle of Hall's Texas Wonder cures Kidney and Bladder trouble*. Gravel, Diabetes. Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Weak and Lam* Backs, In all ages. Write to Dr. E. W. Hail. ISIS Ollve-st.. Bt. Louts, for local tes timonials. Sold by all drugglats. CHICAGO MUST FIGHT FOR LOWER GAS RATES Chicago, Aug. 1.—The fight of the city of Chicago to lower gas ratea to consumers likely will have a long ca reer In the courts ns a result of the fit. Ing of a suit b> the People'* Ges Light and Coke Company, to wipe out the entire ordinance recently passed, by which gas rates were to be reduced on a sliding seal* for five year*. FOSSILED MEN MET ONE DAY -LONG AGO IN SOLEMN CONCLAVE-AND SAID "No Man How Groat His Skill, Should Advertise,”—As If Advertising Was A Sin! To .this day the “hobgoblin” tales many so-called “ethical” men tell of us, BECAUSE WE CUT PRICES AND ADVERTISE, would do credit to a “black mammy|s” wildest dreams. Many so-called ethical men join popular lodges, sing In the choir, get their names in the paper on every occasion, seek “boosts” whenever free, and influence ask. Yet they say, because we ADVERTISE, we have horns and are closely allied to Satan. We simply choose the sunlit paths of truth—ADVERTISING-—and pay our way. No sane, sound reason has ever been given why any honest man should not advertise. ADVERTISING TELLS—LEADS THE WAY—SHOWS THE PUBLIC the latest scientific, hy gienic way to live, and tells of modern skill. The slow-thinking man in his office of cob-webby ideas doesn’t know the MODERN WAY that gives you modern dental skill at LOW PRICES. We, THE SOUTH’S LARGEST DENTAL ORGANIZATION, buy thousands where they buy dozen lots of materials. We pay cash. We choose the WORLD’S BEST at half what the small man pays. We even buy SHEET GOLD at less than others pay. In a Georgia town a so-called “ethical” man said to an elderly lady in his chair: “I can’t match your lost tooth from MY MATERIALS.” She said, “I WILL GO TO DR. GRIFFIN, OF ATLAN TA,” and this so-called “ethical” man said, "No—not him. He ADVERTISES.” And this UNTRUTH he added: “His work is poor.” This man, uninformed, unknown to us, simply repeated the “FAIRY STORY” handed down to him. This lady, aristocratic, blue-blooded and who traces her ancestry to fighting clans of Scotland, said: “I KNOW DR. GRIFFIN. TO HIM I GO.” Advertising publicity tests the worth of any CLAIMS. We work no students—no men learning how—only graduate men of finished skill. DR. GRIFFIN’S PERSONAL INSPECTION ALL WORK GIVES DOUBLE PROTECTION. Our Work: The Proven Best 1 Our Prices: Lowest Known Our prices are based on fair profits, honest work and best materials. We promise no free work nor impossible low prices. Established nearly a quarter of a century. Patronize proven worth. / Perfect, Close-Fitting, Modern Set of Teeth, Only $5.00 Germany Leads the World In Scientific Research Germany compels examination of children’s teeth in public schools, and saves absence because of ills, and in creases learning capacity. American parents and cities are not so thought ful. Germany wants good soldiers and sound men, and begins with the child and watches its teeth. Oefele, the famons German scientist, proved appendicitis and catarrh close ly related to bad teeth. Professor Pfluger showed people with decayed teeth to be dangerous to themselves and others. Dr. Rose proved children with de fective teeth to be much less able to support the labors of the school room than those not affected, and children learned faster when “oral” mouth conditions were perfect Moller, of Berlin, showed 40 per cent of tuberculosis infection came through defective teeth. He proved to Iho German government that persons with defective teeth succumbed to tu berculosis infection easily. . Germany protects her children by enforced inspection of teeth. The investigations were governmental and not by dentists. How long will America sleep on? Gold Crowns, 22k, teeth carefully covered $3.00 Best Gold Fillings, only $1.00 White Crowns, match teeth, $4.0C Silver and Amalgam Fillings, 50c Bridge Work by Specialist. .$4.00 Aching Teeth Treated and Filled $2.00 to $3.00 Teeth Cleaned and Polished.$1.00 Orders Taken — Set Teeth De livered Same Day Dr. Griffin’s Personal Attention to Riggs' Disease, Loose Teeth or Diseased Gums. Modern Scientific Methods. EXAMINATION FREE! DU E. G. GRIFFIN’S Gate City Dental Rooms 241 Whitehall St. Phone 1708 Established 21 Years ATLANTA GIRL A VICTIM OF WHITE SLAVE TRADERS Chattanooga, Tenn., Aug. 1.—Charged with engaging In the white slave traf fic In regard to the person of Bertha Haney, J. C. Dodson, A. Wlleon. Sadie (.'amp. Beetle Caldwell and Cordle Jackson have been arreeted here. The victim, who li fourteen year* old. claimed that she was taken. In custody at the depot by the Jackson woman, who promised to take her to Atlanta, her home, upon the following day. The girl etatea that she was taken to a re sort where the other two women were staying and held for five days. The two men and three women are held without bond. MEMPHIS SERVICE IMPROVED. Southern Railway now operates through sleeping car, Atlanta to Mem phis, via Birmingham on afternoon train. Lv. Atlanta, Terminal Station, 4:10 p. m. Ar. Memphis, Frisco Station, 7:10 a.m. FATAL STORM Visits TAYLORJeOUNTY, TEXAS Abilene, Taxae, Aug. 1.—A large area of Taylor county waa damaged by a storm which claimed two lives here last night and probably Injured Ilk others, in Abilene house* were unroofed and the city left In darkness thru the night. Dr. Hollis, on* of the best known physl. clans of the town, Is one nf the dead. Why Are They Using the L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter? Why are ninety per cent nf the public stenographers, .mechanical *n. gtneers. Insurance offices, hardware concerns, automobile firms using the L. C. Smith A Bros, typewriter? Why did five mechanical engineers employed by the Dupont Powder Company, of Wilmington, Del, de cide that the L. C. Smith A Bros, typewriter wa* superior to any other machine on the market. Our com petitors know why, but they won’t tell. Write, telephone nr ask for cat alogue. H. M. ASHE CO., Southern Dealers Y. M. C. A. Building, Atlanta, Ga. On=the=Minute Plumbers We employ only firat olase plumbers. Work guaranteed. Estimates cheerfully furnished on new work. Repair work at reasonable prices. Prompt service always. NOT IN THE TRUST Co-Operative Plumbing Co. 19 8. Forsyth Street. Phone*, Bell Main 3966, Atlanta 1709 Excursion 1 VIA Southern RAILWAY Thursday, Aug. 3 66.00 JACKSONVILLE, limit 6 dry. 66 00 TAMPA, limit 1 days 66.00 BBUN6WICK,_ <6.00 ST. SIMONS, limit 9 days limit 0 days 66.00 CUMBERLAND, limit 6 day* rtouler tral ihkcE special mm from atlakta pie. Arrive Jacksonville 7:1 passengers for Brunswick, st. Simons and Cumberland will l>* handled on regular train leaving For further Information call on or addreea James Freeman, District Passenger Agent, No. 1 Peachtree- st.. AUanta. Sharctburg to Have Bank, Sharptburg, Ga., Aug. 1.—A bank with a capital stock of 626,000 has been organised at Sharpeburg hy J. R. Colo and A.R. Ingram. It will he ready for business about October 1. Spalding Superior Court. Griffin, Ga., Aug. 1.—Spalding supe rior court will convene August 7, with Judge Robert Daniel presiding and J. W. Wise, solicitor, looking after the state's Interest*. A heavy criminal docket will be dleposcd of at thte term. Philadelphia Dental Rooms, »'/■ Whitehall -at. Dr. F. J. White, manager apecialisaa in extracting with vitalized air. Tha only office In Atlanta that manufacturer* and administer* our own preparations. Made fresh dally The heat In thorough, high- grade. artistic platework. Unsatisfactory and complicated case* solicited with guarantee to Improve over old plates or no charge. ^0TEL8ANP R E SO RTS. FOR YOUR VACATION Go to BERMUDA •20 Up Round Trip F^om New York Toura Inc. Hotels. Shore Excursions. Lowest Rates. Twin ecrew 8. 8. “Bei mudlan,” 8,630 tons. , . Bilge keels: efectric fans; wlrelese telegraphy. Fastest, newest and only steamer landing passengers at the docs In Bermuda Temperature cooler than In the Middle Atlantic Coast Resorts. T«n- nio. Coif, Fishing. Bathing. Sullln* and Cycling. MIDSUMMER TRIPS Go to QUEBEC Via Halifax, N. 8., most delightful crulra of 1.500 miles. Magnificent »cen«r>. .Northumberland Strait, Gulf and River St. Lawrence and far-famed Saquesay . River, 6. li. ••Trinidad" from New York 1 July 8th and 22d, August 5th and mh. and Sept. 2d, 10 a. m. Returning from Quebec July 14th and 28th, August lltn and 25th and Fept. Ith. , „ j For illustrated pamphlets with full” 1 * formation apply to A. E. OUTERBRIpGE ! d CO., Qenl. Agts.. Quebec S. S. Co.. Ltd- » Broadway. New York; THOS. COOK d !»ON, 246 Broadway. 640 Madlson-ivt- 563 and 264 Flfth-ava.. or any Ticket Agent, or QUEBEC 8. 8. CO.. Ltd., Que bee. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J . . SHERWOOD INN, Old Point Comfort. Vi. (Fortress Monroe). Delightfully r Most charming and healthful "P™ R America. Hotel beautifully located i fined and In every'way attractive • rand entirely modern throughout } VERY moderate Special weekly (all yagr. Write for booklet F M ningtmm. Manager. uuit isumnt. for LIQUOR j DRUG USING SSBSS523 ,0 B#H A*«.< AlUfii^JI TYNER’S DYSPEPSIA REMEDY Conjtipation. Indigestion. •r eating. Heart Flutter. H.ertbur"- 6Cc bottle, at drug etoree. - Veteran* Hold S* U 2? B ' Forsyth. Ga., Aug. 1.—The j 1 "" , reunion nf the Confederate vet ^ of Pike county was held at Spring* comp grounds a few oa>» A great many citizen, were help make the occa»lon an enjoj one.