Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, August 02, 1911, Image 2

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T-H - THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2,1911. HEALTH! MOTHERS Women who bear children and re main healthy are thosg. who prepare their systems in advance of baby’s coming. Unleas the mother aids nature in its pre-natal work the crisis finds her system unequal; to the de mands made upon it, and she is often •eft with weakened health or chronic ailments. No remedy is so truly a help to nature as Mother’s Friend, and no expectant mother should fail to use it. It relieves the pain and discomfort caused by the strain on the ligaments, makes pliant and elas tic those fibres and muscles which nature is expanding, preventa numb- ncss of limbs, and soothes the inflam mation of breast glands. The system .being thus prepared by Mothers Fritnd dispels the fear that the crisis may not be safely met. Mother's Friend assures a speedy and complete recovery for the mother, and she is left a healthy woman to enjoy the rearing of her child. Mother'S IffATIIpDC Friend is sold at MUlHLKu FPIF.NT book for expect- * ant mothers which contains much valuable information, and many sug- UNCLE SAM IS READY Sore, Tender and Aching FEET Instantly relieved and permanently cored by But Legislature Must Approve,|*<Po V* 161**45 gestions of a helpful nature. BRADFiELD REGULATOR CO., i Atlanta. Go. JUDGE-FITE REFUSES TO TALK ABOUT SHOPE Dalton, Qa„ Aug. 2.—Judas A. W. Fite spent a part of Tuesday here en route to Sprlnx Place, where he granted a charter to a corporation. While here he refueed to discuss the controversy with Editor T. 8. Shops of The Dalton Cltlsen relative to the contempt cam against Mr. Bhope. "I have Mid all f care to; I didn’t force Mr. Shone to sign any statement, and that’s all f ran to aay,” he eald. When the'digestion It all right, the action of the bowels ngular, there IS a natural craving and relish for food, "When this le lacking, you may know that you need a dose of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They strengthen the digestive organs. Im prove the appetite and ngulate the bowels. Bold by all dealers. healthTfpope PIUS IS GREATLY IMPROVED Roms, Aug. 2.—Pops Plus began holding conferences with member* of hla ofllclal family again today and his health Is much Improved. It is not be lieved there will be a recurrence of the attack of Influenza from which he Buf fered, hut until hla strength has In creased he will not resume the prsctlce of giving audience*. MALARIA MAKES PALE DLOOD. The Old Standard OttCiVE'H TASTE LESS CHILL. TONIC drives out malaria and bullas t-n the sy-tem. For grown people and children. «9c. At Meora Memorial. Elnro the beginning of the prntrnct- , <d meeting nt Moore Memorial Presby terian church last Sunday morning there bps been an Increasing Interest In each succeeding secvloe. Notwith standing the rain practically every day since the meeting began, the attend ance upon all the evening services has steadily Increased. Dr. A. R. Holderhv, the pastor, has reported several applicants for mem bership In the church, and several more who have this step under ad visement. The meeting Is being con ducted by Dr. A. A. Little, pastor of Westminster Presbyterian church. Strandsd Steamer’s Craw Ssvsd. Providence, R, |„ Aug, 2,—The Point Judith station early today plcksd up a wireless from the Maine Navigation ' Company’s steamship Massachusetts «h*t she had picked up the crew of a three-masted echooner which had gene down oft Oay Head, Mathas Vineyard. It, or Lose Great Moun tain Reserve. If the state of Georgia wants the first appropriation for ths Appalachian na tional park approved by congress thru the passage of the Weeks hill. It must pass Senator Kincaid's resolution giv ing legislative consent to the purchase by Uncle Sam of Jl.OflO acres of land In Fannin, Union. Lumpkin and Gilmer counties. Every state In th* Appalachian *y* tern from New Hampshire to North Carolina, excepting only Georgia, has granted consent for the aqulsltton by the national government of lands with- 1n their borders to b* used for forest reserve. Georgia, thru Congressman Gordon Lee, was fortunate enough to draw down the, first appropriation un der the Weeks act, but the government will not acquire the land In north Oeor. gla until the legislature glvea consent. It Is not expected there will be any opposition In the legislature to the pro. posed forest reserve, which Is th* first Indication of conservation on a prac tical beats In Georgia, but the legis lative session Is drawing to a close and both houses are swamped with Mila many of them untouched even by com mittee Antlaeptio Healing: Oil A soothing antiseptic discovered by an Old Railroad Surgeon. All Druggists re fund money if it fails to cure. 25c, 50c &$1. SIDE COTTON JVISION BILL Southern Democrats Would Like to Postpone Action on Measure. Washington, Aug. 2.—With the cotton tariff revision bill debate In progress In ths house, which Is expected to pass the measure tomorrow, senators are already beginning to discuss their line of ac tion. The cotton bill Is not Included In the voting agreement recently reach ed by the senate for disposing of legis lation preparatory to adjournment, and It la already apparent that the bill will bscome the subject of sharp division In the Democratic ranks In the senate. Many Southern Democratic aenatora would like to find a way of postponing action until next December and are ar guing the desirability of hearings. They contend that the passage of the bill at this time would injure the cot ton manufacturers. The Insurgent Re publicans and a large proportion of their Democratic colleagues refuse to concede delay. COLDS CAUSE HEADACHE. LAXATIVE BFIOMO Quinine. the world-wide Cold and Grip remsdy, re moves causa. Call for full urns. Lock for signature of E W. GROVE Me. Heliosis Camp Masting. Wayeross, Go., Aug. 2.—Tho annual holiness camp meeting begins here Au gust 17, to contlnus thru the 29 th. The meetings will be held at the large new tabernacle erected at Winona Park. Workers for this year’s meeting are Rev. Charles A. Bromley; of Georgs- town. Miss.; Rev. C. C. Davis, of Evans ville. Ind„ and Rev. Preston Roberts, known as the Texas cowboy. CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children. Tin Kind You Have Always Bought Bears th* Signature of Paris Msdlclss Co.. Dry4«s. Mala# St. Loots. Mo. OMrtfrilM bstfefof my vfffc OX. POKTIK’I ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL si I mod • ■$•«•» port •I (So day candor Isrg » limps of callous to form. 1 ull every eao who iulferi with sir kind of sklo Iron bit, how weiaorlolljr DR. PORTER S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL feltU. (ttfMd) MRS. LAURA DUKTON. Made by Maker of x Laxative Bromo Quinine Atlanta’s charter bill won a day upon Its final consideration Wednesday morning, when Walter McElreath, of Pulton, asked thst the bill be placed on second reading and recommitted. Mr. McElreath's action, acted upon favor ably by the house, came shortly after the house session opened. Placing thn bill on second readlhg before It was sent back to committee places ths final action upon the bill a day ahead on the calendar. No bill can be read twice In the same day, and putting the charter bill on the tecoqri reading Wednesday may have saved It from a silent death thru lack Of final consideration. THE STOCKHOLDERS Fear They Will Lose Millions in Distribution of Stand ard Oil Shares. New York, Aug. 2.—Fearing that they will lose minima In the distribution of Standsrd oil stock, as was ordered by the United States supreme court In dis solving th* trust, shareholders will get together for their own protection, It was learned today. Apprehension Is also fait by hsokerage houses which are carrying shares of the Stnntlard Oil Company of New Jersey or sub sidiaries for customers. The secrecy which hae always char acterised the BtandarJ Is being main tained end no explanation as to the distribution of sharre will be made by officials of tho corporation or Its coun sel. While nearly all. It not all. of the 9.000 shareholders are at eea, especially In ths matter of fractional divisions based on relative values, the Standard only reiterates tta first brief announce ment of its intentions to distribute Its stock. WHITFIELD RETURNS SHOW AN INCREASE _0F $42,878 Dalton, On,. Aug. 2—Tax Receiver Rroadrlck has completed his work for the year and hae forwarded hla report to the comptroller general. The digest shows an Increase In property values over the county of 142,17t. The Increase would have been far greater had It not been for the quar- tcr-mllllon-dotlar fire which visited Dalton April ». The Dalton district. In spite of the conflagration, however, showed a slight gain—11.110. Of the thirteen militia dletrlcts In the county eight showed a gain and five showed a Ins* over the returns for last year. The dog population Is decreaalng. there be ing only 932 return^ for taxation, as against 9J0 last yea”. The total tax ARKANSAS^ Mild, tunny weather, bracing pine scented mountain air, wholesome out-of-door pleasures—golfj and drives, lides and climbs over the splendid Government built mountain toads—you're bound to be benefited by these ideal conditions for rest and fecreation alone. Combine them with the most wonderful of all cura tive hot springs (owned and supervised by the U. S. Government) and you could not ask a Itrongcr guarantee of health—or pleasure. You cannot stay ill long here. Every kind of accommodation, from the most magnificent hotel to cottage—at all prices, ^ FRISCO LINES offer you a quick direct trip of thorough comfort to Hot Springs, via Birmingham and Memphis. A splen did train leaves Atlanta at t:20 a. m., Birmingham 12:20 p. m. and reaches Memphis 8:95 p. m. same day. Another through train leaves Atlanta 4 p. m , Birming ham 10:39 p. m. and reaches Memphis 7:10 next morn ing—making good connections In Memphis for tht short ride to Hot Spring* Electric lighted equipment of modem chair can,dining care, Fred Hmey tneali, and finest drawing room deepen. Through deepen Atlanta to Memphft, and Memphis to Hot Springs. Let me tend you more Information about Hot Sprinn, Ita apleodtd botela. hi allot water*, pleasure*, etc. 1 will al*otell you coat ot ticket and male up a complete acbedule. Write today. A. P. MATTHEWS, District Passenger Agent 0 North Fryer St, AtUeU, Ga. •4.521,4 WITH FINGER PRINT CLEW POLICE LOOK FOR ROBBER New York, Aug. 2.—With finger print* a* their sole clew, the police to day are searching th* city for the man who shot David Bllverman. a Jeweler of 1873 Madlson-ave. and escaped with two gold watches yesterday. A third batch which he dropped had »ome finger marks on It. The »how case from which th* watches were taken also had mark* of the theft'* finger*. Silverman's condition I* serious. FUNDS ARE SECURED McElreath Has It Read Second Time, But Doesn’t Move Up Conference. . He Wants Tom Watson to Tell Assembly Fifteenth Amend ment Is Void. 8enator Felker sprang a surprise on th* Georgia senate Wednesday morn Ing shortly after the session opened when he Introduced a bill providing In fiat terms for th9 disfranchisement of negroes t and followed the bill by a reoolutlon a Inviting Thomas E. Watson to address the legislature upon the sub. Ject of the legality of tha fifteenth amendment to the national constitu tion. Watson has, according to Senator Felker, maintained that the fifteenth amendment was never legally adopted, elaborating hla arguments and iheortea upon the question In hla various publi cation*. Senator Felker believe* that Wotaon should be given a chance to ex pound hi* views to the state legislature. The resolution will not be acted upon until Thursday. An effort will. In all probability, be mode to have th* bill taken up out ot Its regular order. Te Enlarge Bt, Bfmona Hots'. Wayeross, Ga., Aug.' 2.—A hundred- room addition and from six to ten more four nnd five-room cottsges. win he erected for the new St. Simon Island hotel this fall and winter to furnish the needed apace for patrons next season. The hotel' was erected by H. D. Bunn and B. B. Gibson, of Wuvcross, and haa not known a dull day since the seasen began In May. Tho plan* f-r the Im provements will Involve tho expendi ture of from $2.1,909 to $30,000, Departure Removes the Last Mark of.Old Haytien Government. mh Port Au Prince,. Hayti, Aug. 2.—The ■uceess of the revolution Is compI|tte. The departure of President Bimon on assurance that his departure will be protected by American warship* will remove the last mark of the old gov ernment. The Jatls are filled with political pris oner*. who are treated with the great est brutality. Exiles are secretly en tering th* capital, awaiting a chance for pillage. The British worship Melpomene and the United States cruiser Des Moines are ready to land marines to protect foreign resident* when the rebel troops enter the capital. The feeling against foreigners Is very strong. The property of American railroad tllders at Capo Au Pnlx haa been de stroyed. Including sawmills, and their mulea stolen. The National Railroad Company ot Hayti haa entered a claim against th* government for between $70,004 and 1100.990 damages for Interference. BEATTIE ILL REMAIN Plans to Remove Him and Bin- . ford Girl Are Aban doned. Richmond, Va„ Aug. 2.—Plan* to re move Henry Clay Beattie, Jr.,\nnd Beu- lah Bln/ord from the Henrico county Jail have been abandoned by the *tate authorities nnd they will remain there until taken to Choaterfleld county, Au gust 14, tor trial. Il-nry Clay Beattls la In a solitary cell nnd tho Blnfird woman wa* placed today where she esn have no conversation with him. Beat- tie expects to be free In a short time ’ter the trial Is begun. Mayme Shaffer and Ida H.ldreth. tho women brought here from Norfolk yes terday to mnflrnt statements which they had made to the police, were al lowed to return home. The women kept a house In Norfolk In which Beat- tie and tho Blnford woman lived from time to time. They denied having said that Beattie told the Blnford woman in their pretence that ht would get rid of his wife and go away with the Blnford woman. Three women will be made to ear before the- trial Jury, rank* of all aorta are sending In let ter*. and two or three alleged theatrical firm* have offered tho wnmatf a "stage career.” BBT-Tg~r5f»IT~ "aaK.Vthsaifc.-t., ., TRAVEL TO Texas, Mexico and California THE COMFORTABLE WAY, VIA New Orleans and Southern Pacific Co, (SUNSET ROUTE) Oil-Burning Locomotives No Smoke, Dust nor Cinders Electric Block Signals Dining Car Service Best in the World Pour Daily Trains to Houston, with Direct Connec- tions for North Texas Points. TWO DAILY TRAINS THROUGH to CALIFORNIA Through Tourist Car Service From Atlanta to Los Angeles and San Francisco. Low Rates to All Western Points Ask for Information and Literature. A. J. DUTCHLR, General Agent, 121 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga. On the Minute Plumbers We employ only first-class plumbers. Work guaranteed. Estimates cheerfully furnished on new woHt. Repair work at reasonable prices. Prompt service always. NOT IN THE TRUST Co-Operative Plumbing Co. Phonst, Bell Main 3986, Atlanta 1701 TYPEWRITER STAND 100% PRACTICAL J&SSSSBSSWftiSiW&'SIFSi (JhiArtSteel writer SUnd and O It ®o*>t* Inis—rive* offlet r*a<* ■ ocr {••W'BnOwTLW&a irtttsn move ii iron ot^o *uuy«»D( tioBcrr for n wiek'inrarrvfcrk . Lot m thaw you—oo 14 day* r imp* tti* ctcoofraptor da mart r FOR JOHNSTON SHAFT trial Dalton, Os., Aug. 2.—Th* fund for the Jneeph E. Johnston monument to bo erected here wa* Tueaday morning completed, when th* hoard of county commissioner* decided to appropriate $219 to the monument.* don* after a committee, constating of Meedsme* F. B. 8hum*te, IV. C. Mar tin and F. W. Elrod, from the Prysn H. Thomas chapter, Daughter* of th* Confederacy, had appeared before th* board and asked for the amount needed to round out the sum of $2,S90. The chapter ran now secure the $2,999 ap propriated by the state st the last **•- *lon of th* general aesembly. The monument I* being designed and will soon be erected here. Aside from the •fate and the county making contribu tions to the fund, the city also gsv* $350. BODY OF BAGGAGE MASTER IS FOUND IN RIVER Augusts, Ga., Aug. 2.—Robert C. Bhlrer, bsggsgemsatrr on the Bouth ern railway between Augusta and BraitcbvUle, B. C.. was drowned tn the Savannah river last night. Hi* body wa* recovered tht* morning, the watch man at the Southern rall«ay„dtacorer- tng It floating near the bank. Bhlrer wns scheduled to go out on hta run at It o'clock last night and he could not be found. About midnight he wa* seen on the trestle. It I* supposed that he wa* walking the trestle and fell Into the water. He lived In Orange burg. 8. C„ wat 29 year* of *ge and unmarried. « COL. ASTOR’S WEDDING MAY UPSETF0UR HUNDRED New York, Aug. 2.—Th* marriage of Colonel John Jacob Astnr, head of the Aator family In America and reputed to be worth 1190.999,909, to Mlsa Madeline Talmagc Force, hs elghteen-year-old fiancee, probably will take place In New pert, R, I., or Bar Harbor. Maine, according tn fr'enda of Colonel Aetor. Colonel Astor ta prohibited to many In New York state again during the jlfetlme of hta former wife, Ava Wil ling A»tor. hy the decree of, divorce granted Mrs. Aetor. Th* marriage will likely uke place In the autumn. Thru the social position of the brtde- groom-to-be, his wife becomes a social arbiter, and the fact thst she Is but a debutant* may ca„sc factional strife In the "400." Clnti • 0*ti lbs To'tdo Mill! Firnlirt Co., IC48 fcri FI.. Excursion Southern $8.00 JACKSONVILLE. Hunt 8 dry* It 00 TAMPA* limit 8 day Jlmltllw limit t day* $6.00 BRUN6WICK,_ 16.00 >T, 8IMONS, 18.00 CUMBERLAND, limit 8 day* F lood returning on any n within limit. IHrttE S.’ECIIL 1RAIM$ FROM illlllt • » P-.5; w 1:49 p. m, Coaches, white peo ple. Arrive Jacksonville 7:1! a. m. 9:99 p. m, Coaches, colored peo ple. Arrive Jacksonville 7:19 a. m. oc&l l _ from A'ttanta only. rassengers for Brunswick, m. Simona and Cumberland will be handled on regular train leaving Atlanta 11:10 P- m„ striving Bruns wick 7:49 a. m. Kor further Information coil on or address James freeman. District Passenger Agent. No. 1 Peachtree- tt. Atlanta. BLUE PRINT PAPER, T-squares, triangles, curves and other drawing material at Jno. L Moore & Sons', 43 K. Prond-St.. Grant bldg. $14.00, “stTlouis and RETURN, VIA SOUTHERN. Saturday, August 12. final limit Au- K ist 2T. For further Information phone nln 142 or 142. Clly Ofllce. No. I Prachtreo-st. STREET 'CARCOMPANY ORGANIZED AT WAYCR0SS Wayeross, Ga., Aug, 2.—The street railway proposition fir IVaycres* I, fast reaching a head, and before much mere time passe* a local company with ample capital will apply fer charter. Th# franchise under which It la pro posed to operate win exrlre In Novem ber, which means thst something defi nite win hsv* to Ije dene to save the cash forfeit. It ta prepared to connect Way cross with Ptackshear and XVarss- boro by a suburban lino, ns well as to ATTESTICI- establish an amusement park at iom< Ws d«. I convenient print along the Battllx I rtvsr. The question of transportation' mV, lw Is one that has long bothered Wavcros*. dcifsrsI more especially elnce th* unusual SKAR: growth In reetnt year*. L. J. reopen ylih ui. George IV. Deen. Din Untt. John IV. vrtt. Pennett. J. L. Walker. A. M. Knight. ‘ J. Ml Ctrx, Leon A Wllxnn nnd other* Interested tn the nA*e company. $18,00. DETROITANDre- TURN, VIA SOUTH ERN. Saturday. August 12, final limit Au gust 27. Phone Main 142 or 148, Clly Ofllce, No. 1 Peachtree-,t. INSTITUTE T0BEHFI D AT COVINGTON A"G, 10 Cevington, Ga.. Aug. 2—The Ptate College of agriculture hi* advised the people of Newton and Adjoining coun- ; ties that they will hold the farmers Institute bare on August 10. The program Is ns follows: Morning Sr,»'cn—Introductory re marks Colonel L. L. Mtddlebrnok "Specialized Farming," J. M. Hart, pro, fezsor of dairy extension nt the state College of Agriculture; “Care of Farm Animals," P. F. Eahnaen. etr.te veteri narian. Afternoon Brsslon—-"Profitable Farm Animals," M. P. Jnmnrtn, professor of animal husbandry at State College of Agriculture. NEGRO CONVICT KILLED BY THE SHERIFF’S POSSE Weynesboro, Ga, Aug. 2.—The negro convict who shot and killed Georg* Deck, a guard, at Elllsona bridge, was killed by the sheriff's posse Tuesday afternoon after a chase of several hours. He was near a creek when shot and fell In. The body has not been recovered. The r*her negro convict who escaped has nut been captured. In selecting a Piano, your first consideration will be that-of tone. Ours are noted for their tone excellence, CABLE PIANO CO., 84 North Broad St. T. LOUIS $1 A ROUND TRIP v I ft-AUGUST 12 Farmers Union Elects Officers. Jackson, Ga, Aug. 2.—Tho stockhold ers of the Farmers Union warehouse at thelp annual meeting held here today elected directors and officers for the ensuing year a* follows; President, 8. J. Smith; secretary, F. L. Walthall; dl. rectors, TV. E. Foster, J. A. King, C. B. Bankers, H. t>. Gray and T. N. Brown- |pc. The affairs of the warehouse are reported In good condition and atock Is said to be a good Investment. Veteran* to Hold Reunion. MoDonough, Ga, Aug. 2.—Prepara tions are being made for the annual re union of the Confederate Veterans as sociation of Henry county, which will be held at Shingle Roof camp ground on Thursday, August 10. Cholera Discovered on Steamer. Odessa, Aug. 2,—Six case, nf cholera have been discovered on board a Brit ish Steamer at the port of Novorossysk on tho Black sea. - —I .3 A Wonderful Offer en Publications for the Pries of One Wliot ros3on is there that prevents you from tak- ing advantage of tho many excellent offers wo arc mak- ing from time to time to subscribers in order to induce them to tend in thoir renei-.ala to The Daily Georgian? Wc approciato yon ns a reader of Tho Georgian, and to chow this wo are makiag yon the following offer, which h without a doubt the greatest offer ever made to sub scribers by any newspaper in the South. Here i» tb* offer. Tho fo'lowing nine magazines free with eao year's subscription, $1.50: HERE THEY ARE: Price. Georgian ...$4.60 Uncle Remu3 1.00 Hamptons I,. 1,60 KcOall's Magazine .60 Spare Moments 25 Gentlewoman 26 Needlecraft ... .25 Gcod Stories ... .26 I Parra Press Magazine ,25 Metropolitan and Rural Home.. .20 $8.06 V7e can not substitute other magazines for any of the abeve, and cash must accompany all orders. Maga- lincs may be sent to d fferent addresses, if so desired. Now is the Time to Pay up Your Subscription For You Receive the Magazines Absolutely Free The Atlanta Georgian v Circulation Department Atlanta, Georgia “The Victor” DR. WOOLLEY’S SANITARIUM OPIUM and WHISKY tun tit confcle. FzUcsts zlzo treat'd A * riltttlra coaadeauil. A toot os ths ssbleei taji ua vriw.T.w-/ g SOB, So, r.-A Victor SzattartOJ*. *«*»•»■