Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, November 24, 1911, Image 10

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10 TIIE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24. 1911. ANOTHER ATLANTA MAN URGES ALL SUFFERERS TO TRY NEW MEDICINE w. L. Darnell Comes to the Front With Startling Report of What New Root Juice Has Done For Him After Doctors and Medicines Had Failed For Ten Years. , it there hue been any doubt In the ercr's representative to the effect that aid soon bq able to produce caeea ive had Indigestion and stomach i tor the post ten yearn," he laid, ave tiled all kinds of medicines minds of Atlanta people regarding the strong claims and startling reports of the many remarkable cures which have been credited to the strange new liquid which, for the past week, has been demonstrated at Jacobs' Marletta-sL store, the following story of Mr. W. L. Darnell, who gives his address as 55 H.ivannah-st., Atlanta, should bear out the reports from other places concern ing the seemingly miraculous power of tho new Root Juice medicine: Mr. Darnell called at the drug store yesterday morning before 9 o'clock and enthusiastically declared his delight and surprise at the astonishing benefits he had derived from the first bottle he used. "t have had Ind trouble "and have J and many doctors, but found no relief. My appetite has been very poor—In fact, I had no appetite at all, I heard s» much about the results which oth ers were getting from the new treat ment that r made .up my mind to give It a trial, although I am free to admit that I had not very much hope of find ing relief. 1 have not yet finished my first bottle, but I feel better already and my Indigestion and stomach trou ble are fast disappearing. I really be gin to feel like a new person, and I want to say I am certain that I have at last found a remedy that Is going to cure me. I do not hesitate to urge all sufferers from stomach trouble and In digestion to procure a supply of the medicine at once and get well." Although the new liquid was Intro duced here less than a wsek ago, many aurh reports are beginning to come In, and the remarkable rapidity . with which good results are felt seems to bear out the prediction of the dlacov- he wool . here equal to the many startling ones which have been reported from else where. If one can Judge the success of the Juice treatment by the amount of It being sold, it has csrtalnly taken At lanta by storm, for there Is a constant stream of people consulting the repre sentative at Jacobs' store from morning until night, and already hundreds of bottles arc at work on various cases throughout the city. “There Is one thing I want to Im press upon the people of Atlanta." said the representative last night In speak ing or the demonstration here, “and that Is, the medicine Is not a cure-all. Persons suffering from every disease Imsglnable have come here to sea me, and I have been compelled to turn many of them away because 1 could not conscientiously take their money, knowing that their cases were beyond the reach of this medicine. The fact la that so many of the most wonderful cures have been brought to light lame persons have concluded that Rodt Juice is a positive cure for every ailment humanity Is heir to. This Is not so. There are many diseases It' will not cure. We can not recommend It for onsumptlon, for cancer or organic heart trouble. Nor do wo claim that It will cure even dropsy or diabetes. But we do claim and are In a position to show proof where It has cured hundreds of the most severe and stubborn cases of stomach, liver, kidney trouble and rheumatism that we have been able to find.” The representative will be at Jacobs' for some weeks longer consulting with sufferers and explaining about tha wonderful properties of this strange new liquid. REMARKABLE PIANO SALE AT WESTER MUSIC CO. The Wester Music Company, 84 PcHihtree-st., who have been recog nized ns Georgia's leading piano house, have broken all null piano records during tbelr manufacturer's clearance plnno sale. Mr. Plano Purchaser, If you are con templating the purchase of a piano at any time within the next ten years, you f an not afford to pass up this golden opportunity without first personally ln- epecilng these wonderful offerings, which are fully guaranteed by the old established house Monday last they advertised rebuilt pianos that they had taken In exchange for new pianos and player pianos at bargain prices. They expected an lm- «"*">««» response, but ware unprepared for the avalanche of buyers that fwarmed In the store within the last fr« days looking for theso bargains.- J D. Wester, president of the Wester Music Company, stated this morning: "Our stock of rebuilt pianos Is rap idly, being depleted, but on account of the fact that wa were unable to ac commodate so many prospective buy ers, and also owing to the congested condition of our stock, we have decid ed, after mature deliberation, to let our entire stock go—Including used pi anos, discontinued styles, shopworn goods. In fact everything on our floors —at terms and prices absolutely un heard of and unnpproached In tho his tory of piano selling In Georgia. We are grateful to the piano purchasing public of this city and vicinity for their Instant and Immediate response to our announcement of manufacturer's clear ance sale, and by way of showing our appreciation we have decided on thla atep and propose to give every pros pective purchaser In thla city an oppor tunity of buying a high-grade piano at an actual bona fide saving. Don’t let this opportunity go by! Don’t wait! Don’t hesitate, but do it now! and come before our stock Is entirely picked over. Everything goes—nothing re served." ••• AMUSEMENTS ZEMO MAKES ASTONISHING ECZEMA CURES IggBMgggBBaB ASSISI 1 The Globe Clothing Co “WE PROVE IT." I nS Every day ZEMO gives relief and Rj* cures men. women and children In every | city and town In America whose skins j are on fire with torturing ECZEMA'#15 rashes and other Itching, burning, COMING TO THE GRAND. Scene from "Alias Jimmy Valentine," Liebler & Co's, successful pro duction, which comes to the Grand for three days, starting Monday and playing a matinee Wednesday. Reading from loft to right, are seen Her bert Fortier and Edmund Elton. Manager Arthur Mattice, of the Grand, has made arrangements with the representative of Liebler & Co. and Warden Moyer, of the United States penitentiary, to present this play at the prison for the benefit of the convicts there next Monday afternoon and this will be the firet time that a complete production has been put on it* entirety at a Federal prieon. The scenery, properties, all accessories ' id handled I Music will by the working be furnished by and equipment wilt be taken to the prison ani crews of both the theater and the company, the prison orchestra. Lindsey Hopkiht, of the Overland-Southern Motor Company, has of. fered to co-operatc in the venturo by tendering the use of enough auto, mobiles to convoy the entire troupe to and from tho prison. "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm." Rebecca of Sunnybrook-Farm"'will bring her message of cheer-and sun shine to the citizens of Atlanta,, where she will be seen at the Atlanta theater beginning next Monday. Seats are now selling for her stay of one week. The dramatization of the book, which had, perhaps, the greatest sale of the last decade, for everyone loves Rebecca, and wants to know all about her, was made by Kate Douglas Wlggln. author of the book, and Charlotte Thompson, who has several stage successes to her credit. The play Is In four acts, and Its personnel Includes all of the people who were made friends In the reading of the book. The dramatists have not confined themselves to tho earlier ad ventures of Rebecca, but have taken what they listed from the newer "Chronicles of Rcbefcca,” In which further .Incident* In the career of that unconventional young woman are re lated. The plot revolves around Re becca's life at the home of the Sawyer aunts, Miranda and Jane, who take the girl because there are so many children at liur home (her mother Is a sister of tho delectable old maide), and who are horrified at the pranks and life of the young girl, who has come Into their home. But Rebecca's loving and lovable nature asserts Its power-even over the hardened charac ters of her kinswomen, and when the lost curtain falls she has not only conquered their liking, but has made herself tho center of the world for them. Tho Incident of the soap sell ing, In which Rebecca was aided and abetted by her chum, Emma Jane Per- “If married women should work for a living outside the home marriage would be easier,” says Mrs. Robert M. La Follette m Anniversary Number THE LADIES’ WORLD Mrs. La Follette’s story is a brilliant contribution. Every woman (married or not) should read it for her own sake. It is close packed with interest. December Number OTHER NOTED NAMES - In this number are Champ Clark, who contributes an eloquent appeal for charity and peace among nations; Edith Barnard Delano, whose new serial begins in this issue; Edwin Markham, who contributes a special poem; Strickland Giiiiian, whose lectures have been heard by hundreds of thousaiulsof Americans; John Luther Long, Florence Morse Kingsley, with stories appropriate to the Christmas spirit, and many others of equal note. This great Anniversary Number of The Ladies’ World has something for you. ON EVERY NEWSSTAND THE LADIES’ WORLD NEW YORK scaly, and crusted skin and scalp hu mors. ZEMO and ZEMO (ANTISEPTIC) SOAP, two refined preparations, will give you such quick relief that you will feel like a new person. Wo give you three reasons why we recommend and Indorse ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP for all skin and scalp eruptions. 1st. aratlons tbal tlon and are pleasant and agreeable to use at all times. 2nd. They are- not experiments, but are proven cures for every form of skin or scalp affections whether on Infanta or grown persons. 3rd. They work on a new principle. They do not glaze over the surface, but they penetrate to the seat of the trouble and draw the germ life from underneath the skin and destroy It. this way a complete cure Is effected in any case of SKIN OR SCALP ERUP TION. Indorsed and sold In Atlanta by Frank Edmondson & Bro., 14 S. Broad and 6 N. Forsyth St. kins, and the object of. which was to buy a piano lamp for the destitute Simpson family, when bread and bacon and baked beans would have been in finitely more appropriate, brings the Element of love Into Rebecca’s life, and with' the close of the play comes the intimation of wedding bells for her and “Mr. Aladdin.” The company which will present "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm” Is one of the best sent out by Klaw & Er- langer, and their name Is guarantee for the finest of caste, and the most elab orate and beautiful productions. In the cast are Ursula St, George. Sam Reed, Alfred Hudson, Jr., Maud Ream Sto ver, Loyola O'Connor, Fannie D. Mac- Collin, Virginia ChauveneL Ruth Find lay, Clayborne Foster, Gladys Waddell, Lillian Ross. Sidney Blair and Henry "Alias Jimmy Valentine." "The expert doesn't live, whether a square .citizen or a 'crook,' who can open one of our safes by the sense of touch," said the manager of a big safe company. The manager wan discussing tho feat performed by Edmund Elton In “Allas Jimmy Valentine." His position was sustained by an officer of a national bank, who also declared that It was an impossibility to open a safe with a modem combination by the sense of touch. Nevertheless, it Is a fact that hun dreds of police officials and detectives who have seen "Jimmy Valentine" in their comments on the play have none of them referred to the Impossibility or Improbability of the safe-opening scene. In Mr, Armstrong’s play. In which Mr. Elton will appear at the Grand next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Jimmy Valentine, the hero of tho play, opens a vault In the last act to save a human life and thus reveals his Iden tity to a dctcctlvd, who has been trying “get him." At the Forsyth. The bill at the busy Forsyth, this week seems to have struck the popular chord, for the attendance records meas ure far past tho regular standard of the theater, and there has to be some- thlngout of tho Ordinary to create such a condition. The bill has much to It that la pleasing. The songs and comedy sayings thla week, as contributed by the several acts, tickle the public fancy, and there Is, too, that sort of genuine novelty that appeals with a terrlffc grasp. The greatest hit on the bill Is the contribution of Stepp, Melillnger and King, who present one of the best vaudeville stunts that has been seen or heard here. One of the young men Is a remarkably clever banjolst, the other Is a good comedy singer and pianist, and the third Is one of tho best handlers of comedy songs that ever appeared at the Forsyth, Tho trio la scoring a hit that Is tremen dously popular. Another act that has had much to do with the success of tho week Is the contribution of Joe Keno and his pretty partner, Rosie Green. There has never been a duo at the Forsyth that has become so pop ular as these clever people. Bowers, Walters and Crooker, Toona’s Indian company, and Rita Gould, are pleasing In their work, and other acts make the bill of real worth. For Thanksgiving week, starting with Monday matinee and Including a big special matinee on Thanksgiving day. the bill win be of the usual Forsyth quality, headed by the famous Four Mortons, vaudeville's cleverest enter tainers. Sam, Kittle, Paul and Clara Morton have been vaudeville headliners for years, and there Is no other com bination like the set. Fred Warren and Matt Keefe, both of whom are stars In the minstrel world, and who have scored strong In vaudeville, are on the bill, and there are other acts that will moke the show one of powerful appeaL At the Lyric. With Saturday night's performance, •The Traitor” will close Its engage ment at the Lyric, "The Traitor," as is well known. Is a story of the Intensely dramatic times Just after the war, and deals with the doings of tho famous Ku Klux Klan. Interwoven there Is alio a very pretty love story, and the comedy furnished by the -darkeys of the play lightens and brightens the more somber hues. The company Is a capable one, each role being portrayed In an entirely satisfactory manner. "The Tmlion" will be aeen at the usual Saturday matinee. EIGHTY-NINE WHITEHALL STREET A Pre- Thanksgiving Sale of Suits and Overcoats The Greatest Suit and Overcoat Values We Have Ever Offered Suits and Overcoats Suits and Overcoats Suits and Overcoats $10-°° $ | 7-50 $15 .00 Regular Fifteen Dollar Values Regular Eighteen Dollar j Values | Regular Twenty Dollar Values The Globe Clothing Co EIGHTY-NINE WHITEHALL STREET Next Week's Show. "Mrs. Wtggs of the Cabbage Patch" comes to the Lyric next week. So log ically true to human nature Is this THIN FOLKS MADE FAT Good, healthy flesh can only'bc gain ed by the use of the proper food, to gether with natural nctlon of the organs of assimilation. Nine people out of ten In order to weigh as much as they ought and be perfectly heilthy, should use Saniose, the great flesh-forming food and health restorer. Weigh your self before commencing to use these little tablets, and see how your weight increases from week to week. Samose does not contain a particle of starch or pepsin, nor Is it any nauseat ing preparation, such ns Is usually rec ommended to make people fat, and which docs not build up good healthy tissues. Samose has valuable fiesh- formlng properties, tones up and strengthens the whole system, helps the food that Is eaten to be assimilated In a natural manner, and absolutely re stores health to all the organs. the results from Samose, maey- will return your money without any quibbling. GEORGIA MILITARY ACADEMY The South’s Most Splendidly Equipped Prep School Invites prospective patrons to visit and Inspect the school while In session. Dress Parade on Thursdays at 3:30 p. m. Tho standards of work and discipline please parents who wish ths vsry bsst for their sons during the critical, priceless years of youth. Graduation admits pupils to Colleges and Universities without examination. A few new pupils may be admitted January 3 If application Is made In time. COL. J. C. WOODWARD, A.M., President, College Park, Ga. play, so genuinely good and lovable Is Mrs. Wlggs, and so stirringly do pathos and comedy succeed each other, that there Is little wonder that American, English and Australian audiences have taken so kindly to the dear'optimistic old lady who has created no end of fun for the past eight seasons from one end of the United States to the other. "We are all glad lo know 'Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patfh' and all the little Wlggses. They are a family of which America may well be proud," says The London Tribune. In fact all of the London dramatic critics took kindly to "Mrs. Wlggs." With one ac cord reviewing critics treated the piece, not as a play, but an a picture or life, and all are unanimous In declaring that "It Is clean and wholesome, and presents In a most conelng manner the Joys, sorrows and romance* of ctose-to-nature people.” AGED SYRIAN INJURED BY STREET CAR FRIDAY his head and a few cuts, he escaped unhurt. Immediately following the accident he was rushed to the Atlanta hospital In Greenberg & Bond's emergency am bulance. Later It was stated that Ma- loof* Injuries were not serious, and that despite his advanced age, It was believed that he would suffer no per manent 111. Real estate of all kinds can be disposed of thru The Georgian. The Oeorglan rm estate columns can bo profitably used hr people who wish to sell, rent or exchange property of any kind. -year wa* leap year.—Chicago i When an optimist lose* his Job he is *P' to become a backslider.—Chicago News Simon Maloof. aged 75, a Syrian rorr. chant of Ik* Dccatur-st., was knocked down by a street ear about 8:3D o'clock Friday morning at Decatur-*t. ■ and Picdmont-ave. Except for bruises on CHENEY’S EXPECTORANT CURES COUGHS AND COLD*