Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, December 30, 1911, Image 18

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18 fHE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1911. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. ] SITUATIONS WANTEO FEMALE. STENO-TY'PIST deelree poaltlon. Call IWAJOTTO—PWb unrlns; am al*o_good main 3*49. or addrea* Stenographer,. 4*»! milliner. Boat Fair-st. !« I mill BOHI|l(, Mil Will work st your home w ■ call for work Reasonable. Address K. j W Luekle-si. | cnanKe; mai reierences. Atiorrss eir- , a ,7 no^rapher, 101* Atlanta Nation* Bank ; w ,~ k| '£. Lmta?sEriS KIOK . | Hardware Co.. Spark*. Ga. STENOGRAPHER, two and a half roar*, ..... experience, now employed, want* to! EXPERIENCE' ■'* n "£** change now or first of year. Add re,« j pher.-who can furatoh heat of refar- I tv 1 Box *0 care Georgian. 31 1 cnee*, dexlre. position at onea. Addreaa - .J • Box 79. care Georgian. * tV .' XTKrV-rosItlon by railroad man | barred from service on aeeount of phya-; leal condition: willing to begin at hot- —- - — tom: can furnish AtlanU reference; pra- bjcln J*7'* r T 1: “'“X ?1 fer shoe or clothing bualnaaa. Andreas | 1*0 and IW: will bagtn^for 110 V. E. C., Hi Candler Annex. HIMMMi - or 111.50 21 per week to prore ability: will arrange — - _j ve me a chance, rll dress W. T. O.. care COMPETENT stenographer wlihee pool-, prove the rest, tlon January 1: prefer light work, with Georgian. - JS*w!th {Ihysmian'or V 'dentla{ lk *pEone BT'jANUART 1 competent and experi- Atlanta 43fl Addreaa Mr*. M.. HI Ivy- enced operator want* poaltlon In prl- until January 1. J 1 " ifMf. •CTcttfSl A REFINED, settled lady, experienced In ; Crew-at. housekeeping or asafstlng In house ( _r*r: - elderly SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. PRINTER, competent end reliable, all round man. wants poaltlon on country newspaper; salary $12 per week. Address W. T„ care Georgian. 29 WANTED—Position by bright boy, age IS; have experience In office work. Call Atlanta phone 4187. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE WANTED—Job as collector; can give bond if necessary. Address B. P., care Georgian. pixiawB, win no Yvimiif, 10 gu w wurtv on a small salary; a good worker and ateady. C. B. M.. 721 East Fair-fit. 22 WANTED—Situation by union primer: either out of city or In city. IV. X. earn Georgian. 2 work, will keep house for eMerly couple (Christian people) In or near the city. L A H.. care Georgian. 21 A LADY desire* poaltlon In a doctor’s of fice and parlor*; Is neat and pleasant In manner. Will try to pleaae. Addreie Mr* B. E. F.. Box 19. Llthonla, Ga. 27 YOUNG I.ADY would atay In office and do light stenographic work. etc., at reasonable terme. A. F. D.. cara Geor gtmn. » WANTED—Position In homo as general domestic, seamstress, nurse, cook, ate.; colored girl; well educated. E. 8.. care Georgian. 25 WANTED—A position by a refined. Chris tlan middle-aged lady alck nurse: can f ive tha beat -of reference*. Call Ivy 174-J. « IF YOU WANT a reliable alck nurae, one that will give you satisfaction, write /hnnte Beeke, South AtlanU. or Standard phone *992-B. ** POSITION WANTED a* stenowupher and assistant bookkeeper by lady with limited experience. Address M.. Box 10. cars Georgian. 2* SETTLED, refined lady would like a act tlad place; experienced In hnusekeeplng or assisting with Christian people: nc little children; In or near city. A N, H-, cara Georgian. 21 YOUNG LADY with experience aa ate* nographar and assistant bookkeeper da- sire* position In somh small town first of year. Address Box 24, care Georgian. WANTEDj-A poaltlon by a refined Chris- tian lady aa alck nuraa: can give the beat of reference*. Call Ivy 4274-J. *0 WANTED—Position as stenogrspber and assistant bookkeeper by January l or 12. by experlencaCT atenograrher with office experience also: would like to take entire charge of email office: can furnish reference and will Prove satisfactory If given a trial. Addreia 710 Candler Bld|P LADY with little girl of four years wants home with elderly couple, without chil dren; pooclr. cf m*»na: where good ad- v an taxes can ha furnished. Address Mrs. M. E. C.. Galllard, Ga 10 CATARRH !?Sst. r MWr° FMth B Hoor HlUyar Truat Bldg. ggr WL WANTED—Position aa stenographer and assistant bookkeeper by January 1 or li; have had experience and ran furnish reference: will make good If given a chance. Call Ivy 4571. Stenographer. 20 STENOGRAPHER, rapid, accurate, 8, B. degree college graduate. qualified for high-grade stenographic work or that of steno-secretary. desires change of potl tlon now or January I. References as to qiiallfiratlona and family furnished. Call Ivy 4621-J, after 6:30 p. m. 35 YOUNG married woman takes maternity cases: prices reasonable. Write Airs. Setter. Call Atlanta phone 6625-F. 2* BEST piano player In South Is open for Immediate employment; sight reader and knows her buslneae: playing pictures a specialty. Hetined. card Georgian. 27 WANTED—A poaltlon as sick nurse by a refined widow: can give the best of reference. Address .M B. , 7 Well ington apartments, 124 Ivy-st. 30 COMPETENT stenographer desires per manent rosltlon or temporary, Ivy S559-K 31 COLORED woman wants work at once; can rook for small family or nurse. Bell, 37744 Auburn-ave, 2 STENOGRAPHER wants poaltlon: can rurnlah good reference. Phone Atlanta 4301. 2 Georgian. Standard phone 3013. AN EXPERIENCED ateriographer desires position now or January I; small salary la begin. Miss Johnston. AtlenU phone 1420, or 171 Woodward-eve. 3 nog, iiuiihuiu HI wum uui ui wwii, wc- ■ires to help family finances along: any thing honorable for three months; ref erences. Advertiser. 12* East Falr-at. 3 ooing oil ICO win,-, SUCh as filing, ad dressing envelopes, circularising and any other kind of office work: am a stenog rapher: have two year* experience, but would like to meke a change. If necee-' sary will take some letters. Salary no object. Address Stenographer, 21 South Moore-st. 3 WANTED—Nursing to do by refined young lady who has had one year's training: price <10 a week. Address Miss L. B.. 175 Kelly-st. 2 WANTED—Position as stenographer by young widow with some experience; f ood references as to character and abll- ty; reasonable salary. Anxious, cart Georgian. 2 COLORED GIRL wants place to work: can do general houaework or nurse. Ad dress Nurse, care Georgian. I WANTED—Position by experienced alek nurse; do not mind confinement. Can give references from the best doctors In town. Address G. O. I., rare Georgian. 3 EXPERIENCED hairdresser and mani curist, now employed, desiree to make a change: good reason. Address A. B as stenographer; can furnish reference. X. Y. Z., Box 19, care Geor gian YOUNG LADY desires position as office girl: think 1 can pleats you; do not us* typewriter: inn furnish reference. Phone reference Box 5S. care Georgian. and real estate work, wishee poaltlon by January 1. References given. Other work acceptable. Address L D. N.. care Georgian. FIRST-CLASS lady piano player, eight reader and expert at featuring pictures, le open for poeltlon. Address Musician, ears Georgian. <7 Mra Longer, 490 Call E. J., Atlanta phene EXPERIENCED etenogropher desires a good poaltlon, temporary or permanent References. Mies V. E. R„ 122 Davts- WANTED—To eew by day or week at your home; good peamttresa and dress maker; 21 and car fare. Addreaa Dress maker, 31 Washlngton-st. 30 SITUATION wanted by experienced ste nographer; references. Address Box 41, care Georgian. 4 ower. with ehltdrgn or In small family. References exchanged. Mra. T. Htcher- son. general delivery, Atlanta. 30 10 usisi wun one enua or wun nou«e- keeplnc or light euci of scarlet fever for sake or good home. Answer Helper, Fort McPherson, or c*H Main 90$7. Do not call before Monday morning. WANTED—Position as marker and ai- sorter In laundry by experienced white woman; age $6 years; familiar with most any laundry work; reasonable salary. Ad dress Marker and Asaorter, Commerce^ WAa$TBI>—By willing worker, a place on vegetable farm or dairy or truck farm* place for me —■“ jet, Mrs. Mu lonssboro, Os. WANTED—Position by a middle-aged Northern woman, an hounekeeper or take charge or scrubbers In hotel or club or take charge of trays In hospital; make myself useful anywhere where servants are kept; ran work also; reference, drees Carrie, Box 35. care Georgian. MIDDLE-AGED white woman wants a position an Imuxe cleaner. Addrens Mrs, L. It. C., 110 Walton-st. - 4 Addrenn Box 14. care Geor- ■ stenogru. tion called for after 5:30 p. m. Address Box 7,1. care Georgian. YOUNG MAN desires position as book keeper. assistant bookkeeper or general office man; six years experience. Strictly Apply Carl E. Farmer* Gainesville, Ga. 29 $160 PER MONTH for my services, with 20 years experience as bookkeeper, of fice man and atock salesman; would be cheaper to you than educating some one. W. CTH.. Box 20, care Georgian. 26 WANTED—Position as chauffeur for J Stevens car; can keep car in -gdod order, or butler; beat reference; between Thlrd-st. and Peachtree forks. Address Q.«Q. H., 10«9 Pcachtree-st. 1$ GARDENER wants position; can milk and attend to stock; understand plant ing. etc. Address M., Box 80, care Geor gian. 28 WANTED—Position as salesman; have had twelve years experience In gro ceries, but prefer a specialty line; can S ve good reference and results guarsn- ed or no pay. Address Salesman* care Georgian. 25 Keeper; u*a some cicr.ciu experience; am employed at present, but have a good reason for making a change. Best of ref erences. R. L. CT, 49 West Herrlest 25 TILE LAYER and step bbllder wants permanent position; white; sober; fast worker. State wages paid. Address H. L., Box 25, care Georgian. 28 WANTED—Poaltlon by January 1 as gen eral millwright and licensed engineer. Best of references. No objection to leav ing city. AI!*round_j)lanIng mill machin ist. Address A. L. F\* Route 5, Box 40-X. Atlanta. 28 AN ALLROUND PRINTER wants Situa tion on country weekly at once. No booze .nor cigarette fiend. Single. Sal- S ITU AT I ON S WANTE P—MALE. A FIRST-CLASS man cook wants posi tion in hotel or cafe only. Address W S. Cook, 163 Martin-st. 2< SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. WANTED^-Posltion aa bookkeeper or as- WANTED—Poaltlon at once, by boy of A YOUNG LAWYER, an WANTED—-Sewing to do by the day; al- ^ POSITION liy yuun* lady ntcnugraplier who ha, had five ycare experience; com petent, wilting and not afraid of work- A POSITION to do stenographic work: hove hud two years experience: a good recommendation; can give reference*; hevc ■ new typewriter. Ella Moore, 3 Auguata-ave., City. Main 3722-J. 5 YOUNG lady stenographer wants posi tion at once or by the flret: have had three year* experience; if necessary can furnish references. Call Main 4646-J. 5 WANTED—Poaltlon at once, by expe rienced stenographer. Miss K. I. It . 202 Bprlng-et. 5 WANTED—Cases to nurse by exiierlenced maternity nurse: best of refsrences; <10 per week. Bell phone Main 3260-L. Call Main 3101-J. WANTED—Position ae office assistant, by experienced dictaphone operator. II. O. \V.. 129 East Falr-al. 5 WANTED—rosltlon aa office girl In dentlat'e or doctor 1 * ofrioe. References furnished. Addreaa Mlu C., Bo* 14. care Georgian. WANTED—Position as housekeeper or pantry woman In small hotel by redned, experienced lady. Reply B. T., care Geor gian. < MIDDLE-AGED refined woman would like poiillon aa companion or mothers helper In good heme. _Addre*e Mother, desire* to make change the flret of the new year. Beat ef reference*. Addree* Miss A B. K., Young Woman's Christian association. » FIRST-CLASS tailor*** want* position to make trouser* or helper on coats; hush- ellng a specialty. Answer E. L. P., 31* Sbnp*on-*t. * EXPERIENCED In cutting, fitting, tailor ing and dressmaking; tailoring a spe cialty; out by day or at home; anmewhat SITUATIONS WANTID—MALE. TO HELP those who art out of a po sition or desire a better one. The Georgian prints want ada of not more than 34 word* under this heading tree. A YOUNG LADY stenographer with sev oral year* experience desires poalt'on January 1. No objection lo leaving city Addrers Stenographer. 7 Garden-st. 3 Etcd end accurate young lady ste nographer desire* po.lttcn al once. Ad dress Miss Latham. 22 West Caln-at. 1 WANTED—Situation by good ad and Job printer; would like regular position In city or imell town; union. J. a. B., Box 00. care Georgian. YOUNG 5IAN bookkeeper, four year* experience: beet of references; hard worker end can deliver the goods, desires change about January 1. Minimum sal ary. »;6 per month. Address Box 52. care Georgian 20 WANTED—By first-class white male cook, position with private family or small hotel. A. B„ Box 79. eve Geor gian. 26 WANTED—Position by competent ste nographer, combination salesman, book keeper and shipping clerk; young man of high character and reputation. No bad hablta. Desires to begin work at once. Long experience and well educated. W. R. A.. Bog 112. care Georgian. 29 WANTED—Poaltlon by first-class ma chinist (ten years experience on ell kinds of work); A-1 on automobile and gas engine*: references furnished. Ad dress. D. 8. N„ care Georgian. 19 WANTED—Poaltlon by young man. age 21, as collector, with 2 years experience; can turn lab references. Address M 24., care Georgian. 10 WANTED—Position by middle-aged man aa hotel clerk. Good references. Ad dress O.. car* Georgian- 11 LINOTYPE OPERATOR want# ateady Job In small town; can care for machine; married and no booso. Address O. M., cars Georgian. 22 YOUNG MAN; good education; want* work at once; no Sunday work; atata wages; satisfaction guaranteed. Work, car® Georgian. 22 HONEST, energetic boy, 18 years of age, Uvea with widowed mother: good fam ily; will work hard. Pleaae try me. Y. X. 2., care Georgian. 23 WANTED—The management of a farm by a man of twenty years experience in general farming and trucking; expert in handling negro labor: beet of reference®. Addresn T. N„ care Georgian. 22 WANTED—Poaltlon aa collector and call clerk, dry goods. P. B. Brodle, 376 Woodward-ave. 22 AM OPEN for clerical or office poaltlon; 20 years experience; give bank refer ence a® to honesty and ability. Q. H., 26 Hast Harr la-st. 22 BY youth of 17: have good education and willing to work. H. F, P., 6 .South Broad-st. 22 I YOUNG MAN. experienced in the furni ture business, also bookkeeping, la open for proposition January 1. Address G. W.. I 19 Forrest-ave. 22 [YOUNG MAN, nineteen, Retiree position In Botne branch of engineering work, , with chance for promotion; experienced aa ! rodman and familiar with drawing instru ments. References. Address L. W. Ciold- eti, Box 38, Xcwnan, Ga. 22 WANTPID—Poaltlon as farm overseer; 30 years experience; good carpenter and blacksmith; can give references. Address W. G. Hardy, Montlcello. Ga.. Route 1. 22 EXCELLENT presner, dyer and cleaner; two years experience; can alter and re- cuff pants; will work for salary or take charge of shop on ner cent basis. Ad- dreg® O. A. Klnon, Cecil, Ga. 22 TWO non-union etage employee* wish work. B. J. L., care Oeorglau. 22 EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR wanle Job. Have had aem* mechanical experi ence. Do nnt mind doing other necessary work around the house; can furnleh refer ence,. P. C. M.. car* Georgian. 22 EXPERIENCED young man Monographer. now employed, wishes poaltlon as pri vate secretary before January 1. Beit ef references. Address Secretary, 324 Raw- ■on-st., city. 22 AN experienced traveling ealesmon, now employed, deelrea a change about Jan uary l. No preference as to territory. Can produet the result,, Address D„ care ((eorglan 20 CHAUFFEUR wants good driving Job; third year In prc®ent position. Addreaa Chauffeur, car® Georgian. 20 EXPERIENCED dairyman wants poal tlon In or near Atlanta: highest refer ences. Address Box 796, car* Georgian. 20 CAN any one anywhere use a flret-claas collector or at anything? Will euro ap- Ppclate It. Uucceaa, Box 28, care YVANTED—By boy, age 17 (white), piece in aome plumbing shop; have no bad habits; can give reference. Address Carl Lillie, General Delivery, Montgomery DEAF MUTE, who write* excellent hand. wiahea work copying or luldresslng en- vein pcs. Apply Associated Cnarltlee, Main 4220 Bell phone. Atlanta phone <91. 90 WANTED—Poaltlon aa shipping olerk. re ceiving clerk or aaleeman, by a young man who has had experience In all de partments: can furnish beat of references. Address Box 214, Cords!*. Ga. 20 SITUATION wanted as operator of mov ing picture machine; four year, experi ence with Power, and Edison machines; now travel.'hg; good habits, Louis Thomas, Seneca, 8. C. 21 POSITION WANTED by a good all-round chauffeur at once; references. Atlanta Phone 2429-F. Bell, try 4177. A. Wilson, fat Fulton-si. 22 WANTED—Poeltlon ee porter or delivery men for etnre, or firemen in flats. Muet have work. W. H. H.. 168Vi HUltard-et. 28 ALL-ROUND cook, pestry or meat, want* work at once, will take family to Florida to work In hotel or anywhere els*. Addreie A. G.. 1*544 Hllllard-st. 22 AN A-1 stenographer and bookkatper de sires permanent i>os:tlon. At present emyleyed Referencaa furnished. " YOUNG larty. beat reference*, want* work , as atte 'ant on convalescent. Will sub- care Georgian, atltute r o Iiekeeper or seamstress six l T COLORED boy. 12 year* old, wants work night and mornings to help pay ex- lensea In school. Addreaa Golder. car* eorglan. 20 WANTED—By young pbyalclan a loca tion; am married; nave had dv* year* practical experience. Address Doctor, Moderate remuneration. P„ 59 P'.tftlmv at et 111 STLER! Your.* man. mpcA and quick «r.*f per,. *wvnc rm«?no** expe- r* v • at Bomc-thina. any f i . 7 ri\y t-n and r« lla- • II HAIUIIVM nwun aung ■■■« motlcal experience In uh* opera- steam. electrical and refriger- glneer In factory. WANTED—Poaltlon aa teacher by young man who Is qualified to fill almost any place In tha common schools. Address Arthur Jackson, Madison, On. 22 to work at one*, either salary or com mission. II you want a solicitor or book keeper that offer* Immediate salary, ad dress C.. Box 200, care Georgian. 24 .w. invalu! ie*ti > v.» *■• >»•< gv. 1 reference ; or t* ht • ... r* * » JWwe **r hotel. *'o c< ■' s; w ** • v ' i in *mar. fam 1> Mis. Wbercoti, Ga. lallon icolorad); 28 y* experience Addren* Wi U:a. Ga. _ IIi.TEtk. ATTENTION'! ram old: lifetime ‘m Hooten. Doug- No. I hotel rrarare- ard steward, 32 years of ex-. *c.ce. derlre« a change from the ho-t hotel. YOUNG MAN, 31 years old, wishes posi tion: a good worker and steady. Give me a trial. Addrass 721 East Falr-et. 31 WANTED—Position' as houseman by re liable white man, aged 30, at once. Hotel or private family; hotel preferred. W. E. B., 123 S. Pryor-st. 22 EXPERIENCED, all-round office man who understands bookkeeping and type writing, would consider change: seek email financial, stimulative Interest In business that will bear investigation. Abreen, care Georgian. 26 UNSATISFACTORILY situated, time 11m- Itod, demand® too great, tho willing worker of many year® office experience connected with bookkeeping and similar duties good at figures. Adaptability, care Georgian. 26 SOBER, ambitious man o> ordinary busi ness qualifications, year'a varied ex perience, now enraged In precise and di versified clerical duties, desires office con nection with reputable concern. Active Hustler, care Georgian. 25 WANTED—Position as shlppihg ol.rk: six years experience. A. M. B.. 198 Ivy-st Phone Ivy 4446. 23 YOUNG MAN. 21 years old, with two years clerical experience, wants posi tion January 1; have had some experi ence aa collector. G. F., care Georgian^ WANTED—Some kind of *a poaltlon Im-' mediately; beat of referenced; white married m*n; age 30. V. T. D., 20 White hall terrace. 23 SPECIAL office work for afternoons or evening*, by young men with best of references. Address R. E. B„ care Geor gian. 22 WANTED—By young man. 23 years old. a position as csllector. but If not that anything honorable. Honorable, care Georgian. 33 FIRST-CLASS ad- man deslrea poaltlon at once: experienced at department store ads. Address 8. 8.. care Georgian. 23 CHAUFFEUR wants poaltlon at once; has had three years shop experience; married; fiot looking for snap. Address Chauffeur, care Georgian. 23 SITUATION wanted by white person as chauffeur; capable of making all .repairs and can give best of references. Address F. P. M.. 15 Falrlle-st. 23 MARRIED MAN, 27 yearn old. German, wishes poaltlon at once aa collector and salesman on salary and commission basis; very capable and years of expe rience. A. 2., care Georgian. # 30 YV ANTED—Situation doing anything, anywhere, at any time, by young man; good referencaa. Phone 4792 Atlanta. 25 WANTED—^To change my position by January 1. What nave you to offer to A-l hustler? J. 8. *S., care Georgian. 30 EXPERIENCED office man. steno-book keeper, salesman; good Hablta; best ref erences. Address Honest, Box 79, care Georgian. 19 WA NTED—Position by young man, 18 years old; have had experience In drug store and office. Address T. L. Mobley. Box 186, Swainsboro. Ga. 27 WANTED—Poaltlon by experienced man euok: can give good reference*. Ad dress H. YV. Wright. 14J Frarer-st. 31 I WANT a job of aome kind; willing to do anything; I am a fireman; will ac cept anything; worked 16 year* at one plaee aa porter; two year* at church as Janitor. Address L.. Bax 70. cara Geor gian. <1 AN EXPERIENCED salesman and one who ha* filled Important office poaltlon in connection with large manufacturing concern, will be open for a position Jan uary 1. Address Competent, Box 2, care Georgian. 21 POSITION at anything: most experienced as grocery man. collecting and watch man; wife and two children: must have something. Address H.. Box *9, care Georgian. \ 21 WANTED—Position as porter or janitor at onee: can do any kind of work. All I ask Is a trial. Want work at once. J. H. 0., care Georgian. 31 SURVEYOR—Young man of experience wishes to become connected with some reliable firm desiring first-class service of thla nature. A-1 reference. R. M. B . car* Georgian. 21 CHA UFFEUR want, position operating either private or Commercial car: can glva beet reference; wllllngto begin on moderate ealary. C. B„ Box 90, care Georgian. 31 WANTED—A poeltlon aa traveling or lo cal saleeman. grocer)' or specially; eight years experience. Best references; now employed. 8. W„ II Ponders-ave. 27 YVANTED— Position as butler or porter; ran do any kind of work around house. Address Eugene, 27 Merrltts-av*. 27 POSITION aa ohauffaur by married man; will work real cheap: am a mechanic. Mechanic. Box 49, care Oqorglan. 37 WANTED—Chauffeur'# Job; have some experience; would like to have a Job soon. Addreaa Charles, Box II, care Georgian. 20 Printer, car# Beevea House, Macon, Ga. WANTED—Poaltlon aa cotton grader for cotton mill or firm, where there Is a band, playing slide or valve trombone, elto or baritone: bell references. W. V. McCnrson, Kalrmount, Ga. 22 HORBEKHOER — Hlgh-elas* workman. fire and floor; can furnish New York references; alngta; respectable. J. F Smith, 220 West state-st.. Savannah, Gsl with a good construction company by It", car* Georgian. :lass reference. 21 WANTED—Position by reliable young man, 21 year* of age; am working now. but want to change. Hard hours tha reason of change Beat of reference*. Addrass Reliable, care Georgian. 31 WANTED—Specialty salesman desires a Mac* with good house. Am acquainted with the Southern grocery trade, both re tail and wholesale. O. X. Z.. care Oeor- SPECIALTT SALESMAN who nuke* good desire# connection with a growing manufacturing concern. Salesman. 1011 Atlanta National Bank building. 2 WANT Elk—Position as fireman > Addles* ilotel, cut* Gee— ran give good references. Address Box tg 15, care Georgian. * Harris, 117 Garden-st. WANTED—Poaltlon as pip fumlBh best of reference; three years experience. Fitter, 370 Oakland-ave. i, imvu iidu Addree. Pipe years experience with Address R. E.. P. FIRST-CLASS prescription clerk, nc employed, wishes position January Good references. "Reliable, Box 80, ca Georgian. years of age, as clerk In grocery or gen- Georgla town or city; am married. — go to work at any time. Address J. A. M„ care Georgian. Janitor or porter. Ion, Box 4, care Georgian. WANTED—Poaltlon as WANTED—Position by’ experienced U- c^nspii ongim-cr. Am also an nxpert machinist; would travel for reliable ma chinery house, erecting or soiling machin ery. Address Machinist, 60*£ South For- PALMISTRY. One cent a word for ada under thla head. MADAME PAULINE CLAIRVOYANT. Address Box 42, experience; strictly sober; no < _ _ smoker. If you need such a man. ad Address G. A, WANT-Et)-^Position by a first-class meat cutter and preen grocer who can take , charge of business if necessary; out of f town preferred. Address, A. 8., 497 Pul- I Jiam-sL. Atlanta, Ga. 3 f WANTED—Position by young man. white, aa surveyor's assistant. Transit or level, rodman and chalnman. Best rec ommendations furnished. For particulars Call Decatur 389. 3 RAPID, accurate stenographer desires position with some rellame firm. Steno. 1018 Atlanta National Bank Bldg. 3 WANTED—A position by a boy, 18 years old;, prefer place In supply department; references furnished. Address A. B. S.. care Georgian. 3 WANTED—Position In office, where striot.attention to duties ap preciated* 17 years old; live with parents. Address Foster, 189 Rlchardson-st. 4 i : > POSITION wanted by young man 19: beat references; experienced soda and cigar clerk; also In front drugs, and simple of fice work; willing to apply myself to gain experience in something else. Address E. Norman, 63 Crew-st. 4 * 1 i — „ „ -..a. .. SITUATION wanted by Ice plant and stationary* engineer with best of refer- ences. Address J.-W. Singleton, Box 36, Wadley, Ga. 4 BRIGHT, experienced chauffeur wants employment; has some mechanical ex perience; do not mind doing any kind of work around the house: can wait on table. P. E. M., care Georgian. 4 EXPERIENCED’ salesman, general office man. Including typewriting, billing; etc., desires immediate employment with re- liable concern, in or out of city. Address E. B. L., 63 Peachtree*st. 4 A 16-YEAR-OLD BOY, reliable end de- pendable,. would like.regular work. Call Main 4260. Associated Charities. 4 WANTED—Position where honesty and reliability count by competent, settled man who knows • the. city and can give references. .Would leave city. Address J. M. F , 137-Walton-at 4 WANTED—Position"'as night watchman: _ can furnish.references. Address M. P. S., Empire Banking Company. 6244 South Broad-lt; ' ,4 BOY, 16 years of age, wants position as delivery boy. Address J. E. S., 110 Walton-at. 4 WANTED—Work by white man, 30, able- bodied; railroad shop experience, fire man, labor foreman; sober; references. Harry Maddox, 44 Martln-st.» Atlanta. 4 i GOOD colored man wants a position. Can drive auto and can do anything around house, and am willing to work soon and late. Address rear 100 Forrest-ave. 4 YOUNG MAN. 24, desires position with some chance for advancement; wflllng to start on moderate ealary. W, C. YV., 728 East Falr-St. 4 •Vi A P 10-H EXPERIENCED engineer desires connec tion with reliable firm as engineer or su- ‘ of water or electric power neer, 1018 Atlanta National WANTED—Positlon as bookkeeper and yard man for coal and wood yard; X. V.. Box 10, care Georgian. WANTED—Permanent work In first-class restaurant In city. Address A. G. M. care Georgian. 3( Hobcr and Industrious, with years of ex S jrlence: best of reference. Experience, ox 279, care Georgian. 30 connect with a reputable Journal: can In, vest small amount of capital. Addreaa Newspaper. Box 25, care Georgian. YOUNG MAJj, 17 years old. wishes Job as soda water clerk or atock boy;.can fur nish first-class references. Address “Any thing," care Georgian. 31 WANTED—Position inaeoti: for <3.50 405 East at onci to a bill t . .. „ day. Address F. W. A. rst-st., Rome. Ga. WANTED—Position 'at once as barber: white; can furnish references; will wort for reasonable salary. Address XXXX A WANTED—A position on a good country weekly paper by an all-round printer: will work cheap. Address Printer. 244 North Broad-st. 2 COLORED man wants work at once as porter. Janitor or laborer: I am honest and reliable. Please write at once to R. Coleman, 14 Yong*-st. 1 YOUNG MAN, 32 year* old. want* t, learn automobile buslneas; have had eg perlence with all kinds or machinery; will start cheap. Address J. B. W„ 370 Oakland-ave. POSITION wanted by salesman to sell medicine on the road; best of refer encee. Address J. T„ care Georgian. st., Atlanta. Ga. WANTED—Position as collector or sales man: no commission basis. H. E.. Box 10. care Georgian. GOOD CARPENTER *111 accept any kind of work, a poly William Southard, 33 Pledmont-ave. 21 EXPERIENCED and competent book keeper open for responsible position; am aim a rapid and accurate stenographer; WOULD like position with wholesale grocery house; no boose nor cigarette*; gilt-edge reference: six years In railroad agency. Addreaa Z. T. Russell. AUatoona, BY’ young man. 22. clerical experience; prefer some branch of publishing busi- pass. Present employed, hut desire a -range. References. P. O. Box 111L I WANT a Job of eome kind: willing to do anything; am not afraid of work; atrictly sober; Christian. M. G., 72 Au- buro-av*. 2 perienced In clerical work; now em ployed; desires change by January t; beat references. Address P. O. Box 427, city. clerk or office assistant; know city ' roughly; good references; want por tent poeltlon. Address K. R T„ care WANTED—Young man without any bad habits desiree position aa soda dispen ser and front drug clerk; three years ex- K rtanca In first-cuas Atlanta drug store; at of references furnished. Address U. Box 20, care Georgian. 2 AUTO MECHANIC, first-class driver, de sires ateady position In or out of town; magneto* and carburetor* my specialty; will work reasonable. Address Mechanic. P. O. Box <49, Atlanta, Ga ( ao .onice wor-. me, coueci ana some stenographic work; nse typewriter rapld- beat reference furnlehed. Addreie R a., Rox to. care Georgian. 2 POSITION wanted by experienced me chanic to assist in perfecting Inventions Phone Main COLORED MAN wants to work as mi-. chinlst’s helper ana do other neeessary work around some’garage: wants work as soon as possible. Address C, T. F., 340 Gypsy Psychic Palmist " CAN be consulted on all subjects v.'v Forsyth-st.. opposite postorflee. 12-jLj MEDICAL. One cent a word for ada under this he** DR. EDMONDSON'S Tansy. Pen—. and Cotton Root Pills, a saf# .n 7 J' >y * 1 liable treatment for painful * pressed menstruation, Irreeularitl*. , up .' ro?.!'VaVk tr ^rndso^*i\{Xr' &»a Chera,3lS - 8 ° Uth 5R. SALTER CURES Chrome cT^aM,' Cancers, Tumors. Ulcers. Disease*”.; Women, Nervous Debility and p r „,„5 lf rlon. Epilepsy. St. Vitus Dance Dniili’ ’ the Blood, Kidney. Liver, Hm.,* ga and Bowels. Dyspepsia, Indf?,, 1 ' MV,,, etc., etc. Honeet and' confidemui treatment. Afflicted, write or "au ! Medicine furnished. Char,., e Evidence of Buccesa furni.cj; -—- -an*ulting M. T. Salter. M™ h « South Broad,-Atlanta. Ga. :OLD3. catarrh, cough, consumnu™ This Is the schedule 63 out of every tSi EDUCATIONAL. ANNIE GAR-TRELL MEMO RIAL SCHOOL OP MUSIf !AN ACCOMMODATE twenty mer. bearding girls for music and also reti re school branches, beginning with n.s ertn January 1, lth. Desire pupU, ge from six years upward. School), SERIOUS RESULTS come from truss,, ' lerly fitted. John B. Daniel, st 34 , has an expert fitter and It will no more to have him fit you, ud s Insurance. 1-14.1, DR. H. E. CARPENTER, DENTIST. 422 Atlanta National Bank Bid*. Successor to DR. L. D. CARPENTER. 11-11.14 FINE PHOTOS. EECIAL HOLIDAY offer. eee u*. 344 Auburn-ave. 11-29-32 FINE UMBRELLAS. MADE lo order Fine bandies. Re-cor erlng. repairing. Harry Brlfts, 5 VI, duct place,. successor to Paul Burken 11-20-11 twelve years experience: good worker and sternly. Address T. K., 27* Piedmont ave. i YOUNG MAN with three years experi ence In department 1 store desires posi tion; have good.reputation; present em ployer for reference; good reason for mak ing change. Address Box 122, West minster, S. C. WANTED—Job as,soda dispenser, or cigar clerk; can give good references, esa S., Box If spell ’orere. i care Georgian. YV,\NTBD—Position as collector by young man. nineteen years old; best of refer, ences. F. A. Raymond, 342 Courtland-sL I AM a business man and a business getter. ~I am a salesman, too, and un derstand selling methods, wholesale anil retail, to say nothing of office routine. I Uke Atlanta and I want to locate here per manently. That's why I am talking to some live business organisation wanting a man like I am. Since completing my education at the United States Military academy,, at YY’est Point, I have been In the automobile bualness, stock and bond business and In promotion and corporate organisation work, together with land development propositions. I have made good. But I want to do better and am open to a proposition. Address K. E. L.. Box 900, core Georgian. 5 LINOTYPE operator wants a steadp job in small town; no boozer and can tak< care of machine. Address Operator, 40 Bartow-str, Atlanta. i WANTED—Work of any kind; porter, butler. Janitor or coachman, at once. Apply to T. W., 81 Alexander-st. 6 WANTED—Any kind of honorable work at once. Must work. J. YY’. T.„ 21 Weat - Mltchell-st. 5 YOUNG GERMAN. 23 years old. wants situation; will do any honorable work. Address G. B.. 472 Courtland-st., Atlanta. 6 COLORED BOY, fourteen years old, wants to work way thru school; now In the first grade; willing to begin aa soon as echeol opens after Christmas. Please an swer. O. W. Watkins, 246 Myrtle-st., At lanta. 5 WANTED—Position , by young man not afraid of work. Prefer machine, ^electri cal or airto shop. Strictly business. Ad dress H. W.. Williams Hotel. 6 WANTED—Chauffeur’s Job: will work for board and lodging until learn; nine teen; hard of hearing. Will take Home other good Job. State price. YVilllam L. Mfddlenrooks, Porterdale, Ga. 5 PRINTER; 21; with one year’s experience In editing weekly: open for. position. Want opportunity to make good. YVI1I V. Jones, EUavtllt. Ga. 5 YVANTED—Poeltlon by young man who haa aome knowledge of typewriting, bookkeeping, traveling and general store work. Muet have -work by January 1 1215 Address Fed, Box 213, Westmlneter, 8. C. < YOUNG married man of good address. reference and bond, want, a poeltlon at onee a* clerk or collector. B. j.. Box 10. care Georgian. 5 YOUNG MAN. eighteen, with good edu cation, and knowledge of shorthand, desire* pwltlpn., Moderate salary. Ad dreaa M. 8. C., care Georgian. g SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE AND FEMALE. WANTED-By a settled colored man and wife, a poeltlon aa butler and cook dur. Inc winter In Florida; good references. Addrese Krank Beeke. South Atlanta, or phone 6093-B Standard. i\ •FINE NECKWEAR. SPECIAL holiday offer. 60 North Bros*, st. Kennody & Thrupp. 12-1-95 HAIR CUT, 15c. 3 VIADUCT PLACE, between Peachtrw and Broad. ll-JI-l LOBBY CARDS. Foreyth Thetter. W. B. STOUFER. Orpheum Theater. Atlonts, Ge. LADIES' and gentlemen's tailoring, alter Jng, repairing and pressing; mst-clu, ^c?»f!ilf teecL E 8ora ' r ’ 4 h-jw! FORTUNE TOLD—Past and future, lore. marriage, business and all affairs of Ilf. carefully treated. Send blrtyate and F In stamp*. George Millet, Box ,22. St. Johns. Newfoundland.«« LADIES—ASK your druggist for ChlctH- tor Pill*, the Diamond Brand. For * years known as best, safest. alwayv rdU- bi*. jSuy of your druggist Take r., other. Chichester* Diamond Brand nft are sold ny druggists everywhere ( i] jJ FREE—Wonderful revelations and an swer to three Important queatloire. HP; blrthdate and stamp: dime for M>«r- Cabals;" I will surprlae you. Madere Jareese, 1240 Callfornla-at., Denver, SECRETS of the future «ye*led fre'- mall blrthdate. three Rues ona.flv« cent stamps for postage; reading wh--' r prise you. Prof. Herman, Box 511, Eh*,!, wood, Colo. 5 " SEWINO MACHINES FOR RENT. On* cent a word for Ads under thla he»- WE RENT new machines With emgtu set of atuchments for 12 fu montn. also machines repaired; prompt d.llvOT- Both phones 1292. Singer Sewing Mact ij Company. 79 Whitehall- " DRESSMAKING . One cent a word for ads under this Ms* DREBSMAKINO neatly done. We sppf«' elate your patronage. 1 Hayaem«| ^ MATRIMONIAL. . 25c a line for ads under this lre^ WEALTHY banker'B Wldow', 50, woall marry. A., Box 35, League, v 0, % TO UNO MAN and wife want position with small hotel as cook and housekeep- ar or with aged couple or private family; boat of references; willing to go anywhere If transportation It furnished. Address Louise, care McHan Grocery Company. Ellijar. Ga. MAN, and wife want position at once: willing man lo cook or butler; wlfe to maid. Phone 5920-L AtlanU. if 221-A Clarke-st. g DROPSY. On* cent.* word for od* under this head Relieve* shortness of “jvs oiwiii, wuvs ,o pay uoweiung in in to 29 days Writ fur narl rea-onable wages; not afraid of work, lieu la ra CoHom Dropiy Rauredy S‘lii • Sddrasa A. P„ care Georgian. 21 Austell flldg.. AUanti Ga y i.jslji LOST AND FOUND. -OST—Six railroad mule*. Please.M, 1 *!' J. C. am, 2*1 West Second-*!- IS-24-1* LOST—Collie pup. about half bl* golden, with four white id of tall, blase down face U*t J", comer West reachtre# and bj* 1 *",. sta. Receive reward by returning m er. * West Sixteenth-st., or call ' ; turn to 606 Austell Bldg. Reward — -GST—Sunday morning, *>**,.*1*^, set with five diamonds: owner« Inside; return to 224 Peachtree, r KlriNl! WeneF' UMATISM co^t u:F Fifth jgs TRAYED oiTsTOLEN-One horbC buggy. Small bay pony, with ' ■ era on left hip and two on left J»*;■ p.^4 •pot on nose. High wheel. in' ‘ ' tggy. Finder call both phon" ’ ,, trker, 162 Comerott -t ■- . LOST—Young ladieU tapestn' Mt" 1 , 1 ^ trimmed with gold <"rd. string*, between Weslvlew TCW' • piny's Peachtree-at. store ery theater, or In theater. J(pf; reading From Grandma to DorottV' *, ry Xm»- i>ll or phone c. O- East Alexander-et. Phone FOUND—Left In Davis 41 M* ow™ner r 1?,rS^%;.ran’;. 1 T/cn^ l3 ::. villa Farm. Ivy 4I52-I.