The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, September 30, 1857, Image 1

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- ir - AMD EX4MIM E R. BY DUNCAN & LOCHRANE. ERROR CEASES TO BE DANGEROUS, WHEN REASON IS LEFT FREE fn r-oMBAT ITj.-JEFi t. JOHN H. STEELE, Edi M SERIES, VOL. 1 ATLANTA. GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 3u. 1x57. Sqil{) Inielligencer & £xqfriiflei\ DAILY & WEEKLY. DUNCAN &. LOCHRANE On© insertion, Two 44 Throe, “ Four, 14 Fire, 44 On© week. $5 00 8 00 .10 00 12 00 15 00 25 00 tcums of subscription D©Uj Intelligencer, por annum In advance, Weekly^ 44 44 liA-TIOS OF ADVKIITIHINO. Adrertiiing in tho Daily Intelligencer will bo inserted at the following rates per squaro of .ten lines. 60 cts. I One month, 61 00 Two, 44 1 25 I Throe “ 1 60 I Four, “ 1 75 Six, 44 ‘ 2 00 I One year, Special contracts will be made for yearly ndvor lisomonts occupying a quarter, half or whole eelumn. Sff* Advertisements from transient porsons mast be paid in advance. Legal advertisements published at the rites. Obitaary notices exceeding ton lines charg ©d as advertisements. Announcing candidates for office, $5 00, to bo paid in advance. When advertisement* are ordered in both tho Daily, and Weekly, 25 per cent, will be added to the above' rates. The privilege of yearly advertisers is strictly limited'to their own immediate and regulat business. Professional Cards notexceedingsix lines, $16 nuTBnuouiouii uui.'i.ruuuu published till ordored out and charge i at regular rates. ( Advertisements inserted ,n the Weekly paper only will be charg.d at former retea. ATLANTA, SEPTEMBER 30, 1858. Washington, Sept. 22.—Senator Sliddll has reocivod a letter from Senator Benja- min, dated city of Mexico, 4th instant, an. nouncing 'thill he and his colleague had succeeded in mailing satisfactory arrange- meats with tho Mexican Government rela. tire to the Tchuantopee transit route, and that President Comonfort had acted in this matter against tho earnest protest of our Minis tor Forsyth, who thwarted Messrs, Benjamin and LaScre to tho extent of his power, causing them by bis opposition tho loes of a million of dollars. Mr. Ben jamin promises at an early day to set forth all the facta in a proper form, to bo laid before the President of the United States. It is further statod that Mr. Forsyth was OTer-feached by Mr. Soule, who is rep.-O' rented as tho attornoy of tho parties who are opposed to that transit route. Tltojad- ministration haviDg sanotiunod or advisod tho movement wbioh has resulted in tho annulling of tho Sloo and Garay grants, it is reasonably inferred that our Government will take the oonduct of Mr. Forsyth into serious consideration. Senator Slidell has submitted Mr. Benjamin’s lottor to the President. The United States Indian agent at Fort Laramie has informed the Interior Depart' moot that the Mormons have initiated meas- urcs to oontroi tho trado with tho Indians by making settlements every twenty or thirty miles. IIo calls upon tho Secretary to remove them, saying that if this is not done, the Mormons will becomo exceeding' ly troubleeomo, and defeat any policy "off? Government may adopt with the Indians.— It is plain that tho Mormons aro acting in that matter in violation of law. The information in possession of our Government relative to tho complicity of General Sam Houston with an expedition supposed to be for the invasion of Mexicoi to help the inhabitants of Tamaulipas, who are disaffected against thoir government, is derived from reliable sources. The move, meats being col 'uctod with moro than us sual secrocy, fa —formation upon tho nut jeot cannot os yet. obtained. A letter has been received from Mr. Mas grew, one of the superintendents of the wagon road, stating that he had reached Soott’e Bluffs, and was progressing finely with his'portion of tho road. It is now positively known that Dr. Tato, of Virginia, baa been appointed Sixth Am ditor of the Treasury, in the place of Mr. Phillips; and James Madison Cults, father- in-law of Senator Douglas, has been aps pointed Second Comptroller, rice Mr. Brod- head, removed. - Doubl/ul Iiumora.—'lho Houston (Toxas) Telegraph of the JUh Inst., says that thcro is a painful rumor there, brought from Montgomery, and which there waa credited, to the offoot that in a dispute a few days •inee, in Rusk, Cherokee oounty, L. D. Ev ans, late member of Oongresa, shot and killed L. T. Wight, Sonator in the Logic, lature from Harrison county; L. D. School- field, Esq., of Huntsville, then killed Evans; another man, name not given, then killed Sehool.field; and the last was killed by still another, making four violont deaths in the males. The report eaye the Telegraph, it hard to believe, and without endorsing it, we tell it at it was told to us. The lame minor hai been published in an Arkansas paper, but neither that ncr the Houston Telegraph publishes it open relit, hie authority. It has tho semblance of those wonderful itrange rumors, whieh some. t the country without any The Polftonlng Case in Ala banta. We published a few days ago a statement of the poisoniog cose in Pike county, Ak from the Montgomery " Mm. The follow lug we received from n correspondent in Pike couuty : Onto.v, Pike Co., Ala., Sept. 21,1657. Mr. Editor—Dear Sir: The most fright ful case of poisoniog occurred in the North eastern part of the county, on Sunday, 13th ultimo, which has ever come under my knowl edge. The facta are these: a Pole, a wheel- right by occupation, had been returned to our Circuit Court for gambling with negroes and on that day (Sunday 13th) the principal witnesses hod assembled at the house of Mr Thomas Frazzel, (a very old and highly re spectable citizen, and the owner of the ne groes, and the prosecutor in the case) and forty-one of the whites and blacks partook of the poisoned food. Old Mr. Frazzel, his grand daughter and the overseers wife and child were killed in less than twenty four hours; manyolhers were supposed to have received fatal doses, but have gradually re covered. On taking up the cook, and very severely whipping her, she confessed that ou .Satur day previous, this men named Kumiskio, tho Pole, had given her the poison, and told her • ‘to put it in ttie meal and milk, and it would make them so very sick that they could not appear against him at Court, but that it would not kill any of them.” The son of the cook, (a young uegro man.) confessed that his mo 1 her had told him, ou Saturday night, not to e.,t any bread aod milk the next da;.* ns she intended to poison all the wliitAfamily. You can scarcely form any estimate of the excitement which prevailed at the place on that and the next day, and but'for the back wardness of the family to adopt such severe measures, the Pole would have been burned at the stake. The Pole and the uegro woman have been lodged in jail. The citizens hive only de layed tbeir action ; if the law acquits the Pole, they swear to execute him. Before Mr. Frazzeil died he said that be saw the Pole at the well about noon on Saturday 12tb, the very (dace where the cook confesses to hnvo received the poison from hiui. Yonrs respectfully, A SUBSCRIBER. A negro woman In Rockingham co., Virginia, lately gave birth to a child which was of a sablo hue from tho loins down ward , tbs upper part of his body of a clear wbito complexion. £Irofessiorwl fyi'cV j 6ft]j ftdbertigehjetp. 6ftij ftdbetfisetiieois. j iijedjcift A t. KiAC'KurrT. vi jjminky at 4 LAW, Ringgold, Ofor^ia, w > 11 practice in the following countiex: Culoosa, Chattooga. Murray Gilmer, Whitfield, Gordon, Walker, Dade. lltfercncu;}A*'). W. V. Harwell, Mari« ette, Hansell &. Bimpaon, Marietta, J:;mfi R* Lawhon, Eaq./Dahlonega. ^®*?articul»r attention pn«J to th*tcolectirig buidneat. . * May 28, 18f>7 tUwly ' i C. SI MPSOtf—ATTO R N E V J # LAW Atlanta, Ocorg’a. November 8, 18. r >4 illy IN! KLUGE,NTiEK & EXAMINER JOB OFFICE! ?. V ClJtBEIL,. m JR H mSEBLm TIIT2 PIIOPIUKTOKS having razezAy aide! Lc JOB DEPARTKEKT <*l i t JLial iiehmema LAUGH*!**-! YAJiJKL* ixortmeotof the LoteitSigh« ' €larke& Grubb. COMMISSrON MERCHANT).. PLAIN AMD FAftCY J OHN V. HEARD- ATTORNEY AT LAW,—Oolqui’.t, Miller,ei. Georgia r.nrch 0 1957 wlr L A MAH bo jLOCIIKANE— AT- TORSI US AT LA H’-Mscon Georgia. U 0. LAMAR. o A. U)CHUA.SX. July 13, 1857 dAwtf UriLLUM M. D AX FORTH-— VY ATTOKNBX AT LAW-Fairburn, Georgia. July 35, IH57. diwtf UNDERWOOD &. HARRIS, Attorneys at Law, Atlanta, . . • • • • ' elry Store. otcr A. W.HaIT# Je March 12th,1*57. (dlj) | W»t E Iios.'W. H. Uxm*wood.| | Wnrt Hamui*. GAHTREDL N, GLENN, Attorneys at Law, Atlanta 1 ■ corgia. Willattend ihe Courti in the Cooatiesof Ful- l«a, DsKslb, Fayette, Csmylalf, Meriwether, Coweta, Carroll, Uonry, Troop, Heard, Cokb, and Spalding. LCCTCTJ. OAXTUll, I e.ClB«a Foraerlyof Wt«b’tn.,G». | Formerly of MeDon DR. L. J. ROBERT. .Medical & Surgical Practitioner, Marietta UeorgiaJ Office at hit residence. O. J. WRIGHT. Attorney a t Law, Albany, Georgia. May 16, ISS7. _ __ \VM. A. HARRIS, Attorney at Law, Itabella, Worth Co., Georgia. Refer.* to—Maj- J. L. Harris, Millodgtville ; Hon. A. U. Hansell, TbuioAirille: Miller A Iixll, Oglethorpe; Hon. R. H. Clark, Macon ; Col. J. W. Duncan, Atlanta. Jnne 2-dly. JARED IRWIN WHITAKER, Attorney at Law, Atlanta Georgia. Office, front roomi over J. R. A C. H. Wal lace'* Store, corner Whitehall and Alabama ill. May 23, 1S67. MARK JOH\aSTONV Attorney at Law, Cnrtersvillc, r . . • Georgia, rib. us, ism. J * , »ir They lore Infamy rather man true Merit. Prior to tho advent of know-notbingism, iu seeking associations men turnod their thoughts to such as would give thorn hon orable consideration among their fellow? men. This political sect has introduced a now class of associations, designed and calculated to produce terror among tho lov. ers of order, peace, and quiet, and to drive them from tho onjoymont of their privilig cs ns American oitizeus, A few days since, Baltimore, the headquarters of that party, was blessed with a gathering of this class of tho faithful.' Delegates attended from lodgos, or clubs, bearing the following namos, indicating their peculiar personal and associate qualitioe; “Tigers, biaok-enakos, stay-lates, plug uglies, rough skins, hard times, little fel lows, blood tubs, dips, ranters, and rip raps,” Fortunataly, no party can long exist, or prosper, whose body and soul is made of such materials, and whose practical operas tions illustrate their characteristic and np propriate names.— Irtish. Cnion. -«..+* WA girl who hod become tired of single blessedness, thus wroto to her intended'- “Dear Jim, come right off, if you’ro coming at all. Ed. Kolderman is insistin' that I shall have him; and ho hugs and kisses me so continually, that 1 can’t hold out much longer.” P. O. HARPER, Attorney at Law, West Point, Georgia April 18, ISM. dlVtt J. A. THRASHER, Attorney at La w , Atlanta Georgia WILL practice in th« foMowin* countie**, to wit: Kulton, Kawton, Haarv, 8p*ldiotf. F*jr»ttr. O'bb Campbell, and Cowfta Offlca on thetaoeond floor of th» ‘"onc^rt Hall, froa 1 n* tb* l*o»t Oflc*- Dec5'68tiwjy. Hutcltius As Young, Attorneys at I. a w , Lawrcncevillc Georgia Will practice id the countiei of Gwinnett, Hall M Iff! Rule.** and Kcgulafitm* ot Al lan in PoftGOffice. T UK 0&* rn'll bc oj>cQ fur fJelivery ol mailft from C L i, iu. vuui 12 skl—hall put one I’, id. !f- hidf-put pextn tn. 'fhe %i4ilj$on>gWeei tin W. k A. R R. viU ! Agents for COl lectio UK of all klDtic clow at balf-i’Ut 7 a- tci-—vin AtixsU A Le- W AndUttlcri la ■ps/tTp. Vi. M,S btt, e*a tins ast. AsguU at» »©«■ fawAt uf LLu t.i*D5, l j'. ic ~ ’u AocurtA ks.-2 txjoad, it 6 p. a. GKOCERILS. AC L '■ IjA Y HO / It.',—Office Lpectnd at 6 45: At Umu« f idfftaad.oa UTLit^uai. it as.’*jbu, tta. ic —<* cr.*«i at < p. is* and civ*cd at 6 SO p. m. \ f^Baooa. Lard »a*l Cor* a'ray# strict par 7L.C 1*1. XT prtM ol bniiiitu n tbit office ! attwatkm paid to <-jnri%ux**u «•. ertry dtuziptum. clerk Ldt* txtaket it' yromptir 'JrCtrr «Sc 1 ***• aadcanJaZly Cam MEDICAL SCHOOLr-ra: COLLEGIATE •>UUCS cVttiLfcTtnti OC tti taber, xzi clvs«i oo tlw fint cf far- t alltrw abroliittly ntetmorj u> toe pvUic writs© that tL© bocrr- of doffing the wail* l»t lirh-uj ohaerreA T. C. HOWARD. P. H., AG^ta, Ga- l .-e prepared to execute in a neat a ke manner, erery detcriptioc of High, Peters A €o. SEED BARLKn . T 1ST rtctJMcJ, a ^ -**t -nfrV© «f Barky. O fur £e*i. Pri^f} per bcabcL Se?t, drf. CLARKS A ORURB. Particularattentitm will fce given to the Print ing of Ciroulars, Way Bills, Blank Votes, Bill Heads, Blank Deeds, Bank Checks, ^Programmes, Business Cards, HANDBILLS, POSTERS, tc. COMMISSION MEBCHAVT8. roRvtHE rrRCHAhx xsu tiu cr TENNESSEE PR0Db€ COTTOS, GUOCEHiES, rf-c„ Alaiblaraa; stroot, (fivatb t>:‘ 'l.r.a i W„Mn, I*rpst.) Atlanta, Georgia Good Tea a- • re - Ufcra a: ft: Proiaot AOemaGnrra Joo*. Vr.u. IWT New^Lird. • _ .tcL-rs In Hb,it«btlsnb m slot oftLt SEW LABS. . I.IEft CLARKK A HHVhb Who wants any Bye- t L Greblr uxt 11*5 bwioti* By., for Set4. wfcscL they w ill «:t low. ~ b»y..‘A Ui7. : Georgia Hama. ■ ( ’ ljt£K; Lu . _« r#».rK a Lot oi v_/’ G“orr**A‘ w.- r<'. (14 6 *«|.t U, l*j:. 300 Sacks Meal, We respoctfully solicit the pstrocaire of our , T SJouti iroui white corn, for axle fcy friendtin tho city and eountrv. and aaiure them , ^ " une * {j ‘ HIGH. PETERS, k CO. tho city and country, and uiure them thatall ordor* w;!l be promptly andiatisfactorily attended to. — mil t ERLS. Pilte’4 Magnolia Wbi&ey, jer -—'Jrtttiyti tziA fsr ok t7 -HRKE A GECBB. Mxrtl 21. (1. P. Eddv & < «.. Wanted. .*L»« to parrlkAw L-: wt-ct the hi HIGH I'ETB r« tLct >e»t : 4 CU & 300 Barrels Flour. use let mle WO i.i—...- .3. r I,'. :. -■t isktandsa Mean V. D. CATfXtiS, K». •-v V H., MD. . *cgM .. CVIVEBSITT OP NASHVTLUE. T’CE : DiCtL LEPAKTMEXI , , reaUt M; tks Frw Pr*ucie*r, C<wr«e, Oc-«hcr ili, :VST. Atpirt-. ■ : Arp!/ PALL TKI C0LLSGI71E bBPAT *»* Mu-LiiAJir Jjwjjtvi*. ■*- 7<h* a ^tlMpsrUnasfMwsrikr, ; <**««. «*. *» pa tens. *. t:, gW- UitBatetkm vm Utfii the tvs Dcfartsavts. . * , B. K./Oii: -'eperiteaie^ Mg 7 -16a -osaam -. - HLDSCiL L G HT A»alGKn* cf Win WKIMSM ca kf/SD w£S teruuu JAM£FJOSZ9. U. It., tre.Uw J. L. VDbSUL 11. {*-, KVw joeur c 3v<w v 5i a. i-mtm THOMAS' SOn, M. D, PwrJ GILEfET S-TASCE. X n# rvcbu tor SteMettsx *0 GCiTlVXA'T Ji. >’On if p?:-!K*£. Tbt Vwrohw art U*t C2ier:?r Rowydal. * ' ^ ' i-. ’x.i. » . -met The P*. s SeoLt •UDa&ptvj'iisk] . ks»<I fret ol expenc^.t ‘ (.-’L'CCIXSORS TO C. K IlAN!XITLR'4;tO.) E.‘ X. JOE iij JifiD Fr.;NI!N3 CFFJE: Book.-Bind.ory, Corner of H JiiUhall and Alahamc t, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. G. P. EDDY A CO,. H aring added to their fvrmcr extentive :■ cri men t of BOOK and JO B T Yi’E.CllS, CRN* A ME5TS, Ac., a very Urge variety of new- materia!f, of tht latcti ityltt, together with one of Hwe’scoUbrated CanvB6»ed Hams ks*.ge* cginvvfci u,d s a car cured Ha a , +* HIGH, PETERS A CO. Am 4 lirun and Shorts at.:.. Mil!. 1 Eran Ui cetu. :at*. K PETERS Whiskey! Whiskey! Whitkey C LARKE A GRABS bare-ju« received 21, ;L»Irt<V '»:• -t- Bhl«. McLvkit't Extra Copj-cr Dbtidied Curt Whiakey, utd for aale . kart ALEX. M. WaLUCL... TTM.C JtOSDUC* ATLANTA STEAM MILLS. 2 will keep cvcitanC/ on hand t Urge rs; y t ply of y.-A Floor—also Bras and Shortf. The hight-t cuh price paid for Wheat at \X Mills. Ju!j20—dGm R. PETERS A CO. Wallace A^obinson Cylinder Preiiet. ire more fully prepared than heretofore, to gi-i dispatch to all orders for work in theirline—which they will execute in the beitslyle of the on, ; fair prices for Cash. Particular attention paid tu ‘.be ex* ration o FINE WORK for Railroad and other Joints;-: Companies, Transportation Agent?, Baak.*, Cv - logos and ScbooU, AiUrneyi. 1';: Vfzrc: Merchacti, and oih,ar. ; . Books, Pamphlets, Caudeynex. Circulars New Stock Coming In j j -i j 123 GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS. HERKISO a SOS’S Ciotieax Mats. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN TENNESSEE PRODUCE! W* fire special attention to the n^t vf Bact-x, Lard. Flour, Grain, Wtukey, Tobares, iu, Ac. Conripsisfeati rexpectfuliy tchtiua. Prompt attention gives :c Ct»k Crum RYE A BARLEY. !, 't <■' Hj- k rd’ s&vLis!•a.'., WALLACE 4 i;- A 1 " • Jv;a;ury and Merchant Tailoring establi h- u.ui.t, tor Fall and'Winter, -—l the latest style.'. One of th f l»e«t itock; ol Cloths, Cassimcrc.* ai. i N c/tingMn‘ic- r^;:v, fn.m which t<>makt a k.:cc- . Drawcrr. V-icr tramwau, Crae »ts. whiskey: whiskey:: fOW “ Wbksiey **• rV-i'J Mor« kod ft>: «.>• <* reaeusanle term*. 'A WALLAO. 4 HoBLVso.N. H * Abbott— \ wxMUkwt,kevamst { Cards, Promieiory Notes, Blank Deeds. Chocks Way BliU, Progrrn Blank . Programmes, Hand and Shov Bills Postera, Ac., cxemtod at short notice. ^P*Printing in Gold and v:ilv£:i Lh >..* and FavcT Colored Ivks. c: Y:. Muaiin, tc., done In beautiful style Haring likewise connected u Book-Bintiery witn their Printing EstablDhmsnt, they are pre pared to execute orders for every description of ‘ * RU : • T.'.u.m;sg.',A-., 1.: W- HERRING A SON’S, -ih WhiiehiU AuLniu G ^r SUgu-F ?ewu;g Machines. Seago, Abbott \ Co. adrut&gee. t'Ttlssnsi.rj to the dw**#; rvi iiJiiT it •_* Aripbiti** •twr, ers l iia<*tit tsv , 7BBSudi Tie* vt tke Cha -ci-ljj, jt A ?r-.i. fcsrt«4airecM' SAVANNAH MEDICAL CLL6E. ^ HE Let-tsres tr£l< . «> the tm Tseeiay Tc Nv The Freiimmary I^ectaresci FACCLTYr R. D. Arawd. M. D.. P. it. W. G. Bofioch, iL D- J. Q. Hvwud, K. D» Jar’Ak Harrl). U. D J. B. Read, M. D. Jc-seph Jcntf. M D*, J. J. We*. H. D~ Cuakud Lectrres -us} be tttf AAivwsvi x. the Cixy H.-rp-.taA This InjgUdiay nx'dste crer l tt patient#. F«r i kr* addreot J. G. HGWABl work tn that department—♦ + : RULING and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING—in etyle superior to any ever before done in this ssc- tion of the State. Their Tools being all. new and of the lateit patterns, tbeir Stvck of materials the belt the Northern market# afford, and their work men .equal to any ia the South, they feel conSdeot of tbeir ability ;o give entire satisfaction, r.rs3 consequently have no hesitancy in soliciiir.c the patronage of their friends and the public. SHIRTS, tbeir business, from any part - f Georgia neighboring States, wilt meet with prompts: tion. Atlanta Ga. Feb. 20, 1S57. . , ATLANTA Dry Goods Emporium! Cutting, White & CO No. 69, Whitehall ^i.. (near Roark.- Walton, Forsjth and DeKalb. Any bosihe-* trusted to tbeir c care will be received with picas ure and attended to promptly. NATHANIEL H. HUTCHINS. Jr. ISAAC M. YOUNG. July 27, 1857. CfitbrUrre BCrrctors? RAIL-ROAD REGISTER. Georgia Jlailroad. ro Xvunr* in Milo S5 sa. Mornin- Pur'r. Train leaves AllenU at 3.45 a m Evening aedeiTtTeeAnni.uet3.00 p m . , AlUnu at 3.00 p u laevee _ ted'errive, a m Morning Pase'r. Train laevee Asg«Uel3.00 e m anderriree Atlenu at 3.30 p n Krening " " leeveiAngaiUet3.00 p a anderrireeAtlasU el3,00 a. a OKORUK YONUE, Superioundtot. Western & Atlantic R. Road. Hum to Cu.msooos I3S Milo.. .Feu *3 00. Uototlg Peeeeoger toaree AtleeU tt 9.00 a w end err. Ohatuaooga at 5.10 p m Night ” laeree AtleeU at 9.00 pm aad err. Chetuteoga at 5.19 a m Morntgog Pue'r. leerei Chattanooga at 7.39 a tn end err. Atlanta at 4.99 a ae leerei ChetUMhga at 7.00 p ■ aad erf. St Atlanta, at MS a M J AMIS M. 8PULL0CK, Sop.rioUnJ.nt. Night Atlanta & LaGranse R. Road. An*tn.\f« Wen Poitr It Mno....reu S3 as. _ r leeTCS Atlanta at 1.M a is •ad err, at West Point et MO a M leeres AtteaU ntd.lipha aaderr.etVutPolntatlO.OOpn . !,*vm Fointnt 3.00 e m end err. et AtleeU uf.itaa tseVu WeitPotetellMSpn aad err. at Atlanta at 0.11 p UEORUK MULL, BapsrtMeadent. Macon & Western StiSroad. vtc0» ro Att>«te iL Mu.u..,.,„ > reM 04 Oh Pauengar Train lesm AtleeU aU M3 a ■ ' end am at Mason dl It.Otf au lee roe Mosea at (.00 p ■ aed A%MU i* Ml B. FOOTS, D It. W. B. RIVERS lias remote J b is Office to YVJiitrhell iirc.l.mrr Aictrn tier's Drug Store. May 13, 1857 _ JselnSO DR. H. DICKSON CAPERS. P ROFFEIWhU Prors.-lsosI ^srTKSs lo Ilia clt.L-n. of X'lseu. Oric. truuhsU St , ->«. Ur. alpl.jl Store. AtlanU, ('•»., Jao« 25th. U57«dA;wtf >V. T. C. Cnmplieli U Bro., L-CIU1EON" enJMochenicel Den- IM i i with 'tilt#, aro prepared to perform operation# in the profe: lion w durability and skill. Office over Alexander! Drugstore, White Hell at.. W. T. C. CAMPBELL. G.P. CAMPBELL. Atlanta, Jen. 20 d D U. It. T. PULLIAM hetntg h' tunic 1 from a vbit to Virginia wtll re sume the practice of bis pro!rk*ion in tin city of AtlanU end iu vicinity. Can be foui d et hieolgcc at ail bourn.ciropt when professionally engaged. far Offioe WASHLNOTOaN HALL. scplftdsrtf Found. The isbteribsr he* Ju#t foonfl out ths Grest Se;r*t ia dolaga seecessful bosleeM, to soil che*p have • ■Mall profit, aad advertise sad M tbs psopl* know what hsh*has got, sad oeestieaslly ftv# tb*m tb# prises, sad only ooe pries, sad hsve no frteed# to roll ebsspsr to tbso saf psrsoo else. I bnvt jo«trse#»v* sdslsr(«lot of Boots sad ttkoro,- for Ud«ro. M»s, Boys, Gfru sad Chlldrss, sll froth from the uuuaf**. lory. Crockery tnd UIsm ware, Ofto*. I'ott, Skilists, Knives sad Fork#, rocket Knives, rmbretfaw, Tovder, Shot, Usd, 00, Tsrpsntow. White Usd, Suftr, Cot<* Mslssses. tsslt, Brsndl, Wfae, UU, Hum, CoidisU. Whiaksys of srsry kia*T, Klee, 1 obscco—in tad 1 can sot toll yo« sll I keep ia eos advertisement, but Asst forget I five 1 pounds of best OoA* for« lsr,, land • pounds rot a dollar, •are ko bring tbs Cash, wa keep Se Boole. Cd “ tsbeUbtteet. Whitehall and Mil roa«- dol sod be Cornorof . W. KUAKK. 1857. LOOK OUT, 1S57 ■ sf Whitohsllsn rr Good#, during this year fbr the rose* snoust oner - ths.n any other bones (n AtlanU. amongst I may hsf&uld tfagar, OtfajhlimiJiH, Bag, Id.Ureala ItleaU,eseept Dr, OeeSa. Qlre eeeU eel *hell Mtteeee/etUeet the feeta, If joe tell . (deal,.| Whisky! Wldthyll Wfebkr! Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! Ofnll Descriptions. B LANK80F AM. DESCRIPTIONS*.r-r be bad ai nil timc/ r at iltc Examiner & Intelligeuccr PUTTING, WHITE A CO., take thi- mtih'-d L' g: a^ain calling the aitcnticvQ of the paHifl, wa::y, to vnttr large as#cnmtt;i c; Dry r*>0(if, aau Boot# aid Sb :*e.«. v hlch they nre now ccciting and opcxh>£. aaJ will coctiose ic rf>- eive weekly,- the newe#t ftylt? is market. SUCCESSORS TO SEAGO A ABBOTT. : COMMISSION XEBCHAEII-. : txe tait cf TeiDetroit Prodaeo—al>: itaut supply of Lime, Grcceriei uj ether Sts- i JiS*! f ’<* ®*vlt. at _ .is i ri"ih» Sr.-'jo 6 Aibuift Corner, Atlacta, Gewgia. Our Slock : Wc have dow : in Hart. IbO hhi# clear Tetaciiee Itxcoz 29 fchdj ribbed ride*, bbdi prime plain Haut. t> YXeroes extra St^ar cured cj.nt»a>*<.i Htaa. M package* half-barrel# zt>i her* «d choice FasaiW Lar i. -‘C Bap Extra Faitdy F]our. 1PW buabeD prims white Cm. birreir Wtiikey, rar?-.-* b:iz. Ir I >5 ba^j Rio Coffee, j bed# Soger. 10 bbl* Sufar-bowe M.laiiei. 7 ihi# Cuba Molu#r«. A- Bwxee Adataar. tine atd Sperm C ot aits, f-f- L> ttf sMorted T.-bawo. 60 Crili Hemp'ute, Mac:i-”a. Oottefi xad bale Rcpe. 40 Bate* anl coil# ca^gls. a’f? mary other articles la 15 barrel? \ .crpr. Medical College of Gee tr At. ursnrAi"^ v -'asaa T HF TncLrir Cccxae cf ia lL* ■- ri-rim rw^«Kaa»ence MON DAY. tlic id m:-!7 cttl. Aa-.laaf. li- }'. I -A i*. Sarg^rj. L. A I»L UAri. ioetiiEtte sriJ Prr roaD. M. It. Ms'.erit JWja; TbrnpAUffi Joreepradtsor. T. P. CARVlSeJtJ O Jeletric? ‘arc aiteam ot UW faau-J. A. CVK. X. D. PavKtJagr tc' Pathol M.JMJL1.ER. M. D. Chcnitssrj cv. Pfc*.-a,, rt . M. D. DcaoxrinttirtJ ' aig M. V. ' ^ Aswul ; IV.- ; . . , t aj SIMMONS. M. b lYr.tciJ Lectores wjilbedrittsa. Hrepiul end a, ire lteU-a rt«S Fc f-jt Tthv.r coarse, $103. Ze Mi^tralsiiMi Ticket, (to Tm fur.herpuaees*ra lyai, he I of ffic I'ccutty; cr.u ‘ * I P.1 tegJlSo* Silk Rebel, IRack aci cvlore-i blia* CheeiUe liorjtrei chi SEAGO A ABBOTT. Just Recei f PHB iiniAraignedha# sa tion. A li m# jicmk-v rw ie-JowtZf AItornies, SheritL, CicrU of CourL-, • :d Ordinaries, can be furnished, m shurt notici'. any fnvoritt form of DEED, WRIT, or PRO- » CEtiS which they may desire; andallTOHM^ ol lrgAl instruments, commonly in ua», arc al ways on hand, to be sold at tin* lowest pricer. Atlanta. M w Bay >*s. Broche. Cheoilla Bon Ribbon.. Flo E. ffl. SEAGO fCOCEaSORTOSCACp h I AWROIiT WILL C0ST1SVS ms PRODUCE COX-' HISS !0 X BUSIS ESS. AT IMS NEW COMMODIOUS FIRE PROOF BUILDING, Frftn;»f AlUnia H<»tPl,tth!r.*T; err tpFnlt^aHuir, ATLASTA, GEORGIA. t§h.Tb#u#ual FacHii:»*..ff . . • bq-js:* • r$#p$eifuQTsotteitf: OcL Iflth. Ik5«. . :VmJ» Bonnet Plumes, Bra«#eli and Bu^rlc La.:. Mi ir Antique Xroatninp. All Wool bclainr, Ct'ttcn n \ Woe!, Merino, l 1 :*a I Robe * and ^!xeA ilejtJ Dresfei, Black and Colored Frii.rt- Calico Linn) H. Pet Je Chcs:. Paramatta. Blanket*, Xegre Good#. Ac i. aul tee !.r Ac#. .• Birds Eye Lime. . « k:t Ageau for the sale cf Hr. K L Roger Bird#~eyc Lime, pci up in 5 bcxhtl barrel#, va;- ; ranted fall acaaare, and of #aj*eri-r qwalixy to . acy other lsmteold ia this market. Order# by the Car jua j wiU be felled at kiln price*, by —— A. tfe CO,. Mill Stones, Boltins Cloths, Ate. -0 Bbls. sreiinine Oil for TaonS W» are al>o afrst# tc: Urn. IT*. L'crr.* a TnsotvJe. Baiti- 3 Coiki raw Lisiscd ■" i oiled ” ‘ irm ter strain'd p 115 . hsporter# aad it Freseh 8«rr, Go. ■ sod C*oj»c9 MiU Behluag Ckt'VLs. Sr C»r >x» ad-lreaaed/lo l« rill be faath- | ftAsi fteUtod by ibm at oatufacrtrvh pne** A.JtCo. mmu we «u cv^a- iz-1 Letter eleew here. J* L; CUTTING. LINUS WHITE. J A. BANT-4. ibleet * Barrier rro»( j-,'.., r,. • tui], .1 Uej .1 Xr» Tort pnret Jr ? . * * U SSASO. A*BOTT A CO. SefUSiber, 11, 1S57. Ro.-ir *■ assorted A’i •• 05 jier cent.. “ a °” Burning Fluid. ___ Cainphecc “ spirits Turpentine. : >00 11>? White lead, ussoxted. 150 Boxes Glass, assorted sixes. ^ tvLred Faist% and. tH A (oz Fainter«* nre. r *- w AtU&u. Vav e. i?»:. '\IUivx Nuvlb R:i liny rr Umj. •: . -h Atlanta Dry-Good^ Ktuporium TER GOODS—A f: * AlBU. J*B. 1^,1 ' Acsv Bacon. inn bhd* Haeon. chotc* Ailicte, mo—. tU IVJv Shoul-Vr*. iu»t rccvtreJ nod fa: by Mat IS H iLsRAtiO. h owbi ^. o V«- X K W eS uMM KR OOD>—A fr« h errivel of! w and beautiful Myk.*, iuil reoeived by CUTTING, WHITE A CO.. «j». Whitehall Si. Yenieon-hams. Factory Yarn, * Tallow. Thro® del ex ehoict Vesuron liia# Tea haier Factory Yam. Three Barrel# Tallow. Four barrel# Car Grca#e.—Fccaelebv April U- SEAGO, ABBOTT. A CO O," RPPRS Will b*. f .rrm r t!, Notice to Farmer*. 1 WISH to buy Choice Rv\no4 Wbilc «Umt, rug a. a ly #x the market jlrtcr tX!.SPt'X> Aoj Neat door to U»# Kulfoa H#u»- CARRIAGE REPOSITORY! '! A ioisiag the Mrser ef Ala. k teyi Street», Atlruiln. Gn. Janies M. Carter, The discovery of this Wciliiqr- Fljid re#alt of chem.ral aociicaL. w ink#, ia rdati-'S to cclcw, t flow from tie fwn. When too. rain water. U ibc uii he Ink*, hut always bw p«t into kept cvrkcd frr-n the air Iu ' rart-aiwo.i ia iu ; - alt it in Borcp KOB’T. H . MAY J tr.lU.AtT S. E08l\>O\ r UST recetvad a fina lot ol while LeU, Un# OU an J Turpentine. W. W> R04RE. llavicp removed hli CARRIAGE REPOSITORY t. the above elirt- t»le ftacd eppofite the Waihingtbn. Halt.and enlargetLhi# lacihtie#, rden with which he may Korwartim & ('ommitsionMrr chant. is.VVANX.VH. G A.. g»-!r Stm Rk4A, Bay Stmt-^Utolv cerayrod by J- legervett, K#q.) P, & Liberal adrancts made cn slices* vpe cr America. Order# are ir*p<7XfuUj pat cp the xbt re Ink 34 1 an be put op vaT " only by Dral 1 au. Ga. Sc-hi ail the heeSV Marcbk, dif ulaments* Rmatsxc KTWSXCT* —Fatten. Hatton. * Cts.. Jcka lager £1! all c K M. 8LXGO, CemmloAi-Mi taorchnn: ^ood termi ax can be obtained in Aapu*ta Savannih, with the addition of Freight- llit stock embraces CarriagM, Concord Bujsicf. »,li prepared tor | *• '*o«ig. Uf. Sevaeanh. Ga—X iv bn tii-Ami ^ Sag-. Rrrcv, Ga T. H Ofirav, Cm., Xmet. AiirSs vhtUv fetiato lew J < and * #eAlRochaw*y*, Slide Sexto Keflignalion. I Fall Tope j Pachee*. qdlar Waponi. With aad without Top, CoruM been actlag, ULe#U(l« metht»d xi rvtotning hi* tbanV tohu Weed* for their libvrol (•klmaar'. 4a,J ipectfuUy reromwawl to them toconl>u|tt that pat reaage to hb *eeoe»v»H. PH. X U WulkH All 1 aeai wj ta reemwmewUni all ol the Oruapaa<t eeahieece, Iqiu refer jem to their reptma. te year eeafl deece, rerev yem to tun aad tUetr prointoton U) revp-va l egto their the lata (toe 4a «Mi fflaae fV MAI Arietta, ialy let, IUT Top Whip., Ac., cf Ure beit maiufe--- are aa3 Istesl ,tvl« A ikon at age i» TMpMtfkUy eeUeUsd. H J*. SrJere fee Family »r other vehicles ilWet (Xert rates Aft fHE B E S T sp S ELECTED ASSORTED STOCK OF Family Groceries IN THE ■ OtTT OF ATLAXTA, tr t3.l1 f e 1 a A el the AtUmtef Family Store, M Men cheep wMeky, #ut reoeired aad ta arrin ISO barret, J Teaneeeee white whieky. aed eCw Fire Itminsnce Bericg waned the Agnej etth “ ’ re Inti eo good urmt, else fteeh gtenriei <ufh U Sugar, Coffee, VeUmt, Sol Rice, Tm Powder, Shot, Neig As, I A AVI eoucladed to thee, et New Terkee*. geM, a yta weal call quid Atiesta, Ueorgie, Jose 11 Ua Mfow rafts iponeiWs Cotuvsnieo. by tion to N. L. ANtUK“ AUtsU.Jsl7l.W7.