The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, October 05, 1857, Image 1

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mmIm eta AND EXAMINER. BY DUNCAN & LOCHRANE. ERROR CEASESfTO BE DANGEROUS, WHEN REASON IS LKFJ FREE TO COMBAT IT.”— iEFFE.-. JOHN H. ST?,eLE/®aiU» SERIES, SOL. 1- ■4-’VW-J---gSP- s L liqericer & £xi|iiiine'r. DAILY & WEEKLY. BY DUNCAN & LOCHRANE. re TKHKI.UV 1DBSOUIPTION. Ball, IntiUlgvtiCcf, p« WwUj r , per In odriare, tt*TK» OK ADVKUTIB1HC1. Admitting lit the Daily InUlllgenoer will be Inssttad et the following retee per «qu»re of >n One lulerlton, Two “ Three, " foar, One week. *5 00 8 00 10 00 12 00 10 00 25 00 00 0U. I One month, *1 00 Two, « •J 25 | Three " 1 50 I Four, “ 1 75 SI*, " _ 2 00 | One year, Special opntruU Will’Ve made Tor yearly advsv tliementl oeeupylng a quarter, half or whole eolums. fW* Adv.rtUamenti from tranelent pereone ■netbepaldln adyanee. Legal adrertUementi puhllehedat the nsna retee. Obituarynotloeeeieeodlng Un liner cbwg ii] advertisements. AnnoaneingenndidAtes lot ofiee, 15 00, to be paid In adyanee. When adrertUementr are ordered In both the Dally, and Weekly, 25 per oent. will he added 11 the above rater. The privilege of yearly advertleeri l« etrlotly limited to the! heir own Immediate and regular btuiosil. Profeutenal Oardr notexeeedlngrlz liner, >15 par Annum. Advertlremente nottF*®^*^ time will be pnbllthed till ordered out end ohargod at regular ratal. Advertlrementr Inrerted n the Weekly paper onlw w|ll be oharted at former ratei. ATLANTA, OCTOBER 5, 1857. Letter from Ex-President Tyler on Gen. Pillow’* Address. We And the following |p the Richmond South of Monday, and It will probably not be the Inst letter that wilt be called out by the late publication of Cpn. Pillow. Tbe South ■ays that this letter, “written with tbe good taste which distinguishes all the author’s pro ductions, acquits tbe Tyler Administration of ■ very disparaging charge. Wc never gave the least credit to the story,'' New York, Sept. 22,1857.—My Dear Sir, ■wing to my absenso from home, it is only this morning that I have been informed of your call upon m« through your paper of the Utb tost., to furnish id explanation to the publio of the extraordinary statement to be found in Qen. Pillow’s late letter, which be bases oa the authority of Mr. Trist, that du ring tho negotiation of tbe Washington Trca-j t/, and to Kcure its consummation. IJmd nsed •*““» ,ho bou "‘ ’ wuk1 10 us D0W $500,000 out of the secret service fund in ATLANTA. GEORGIA. MONDAY MOItXI.Vi.OCTOBER tho tootji. You must convince, not crash, el mistaken judgment or an error.eoos opinion] f At ns illustrate: The cry agaisst the people of the Booth, which? after tho attacks upon their peculiar Institutions, has dono the most to exasperate them, his bten their comparative lack ofen. terprise in commerce, manufacturers, railroads schools, Ac. This has been sounded along the whole f, utier dividing tbe free .Stales from the Booth. It has been printed and preached with industry unparalleled. The public mind in the North and Northwest his been asked tp take it for trae; has been scolded into it, and railed into it, even reasoned into it. To prove the sincerity of the contrast, the free States have gone into all sorts of “enterprise” with very maduess. We have had marble banks "run tip" like the palace of Aladdin, almost in a night, every pillar costing its thousands, every architrave laid in hard carn- ed gold, every brick cemented to its fellow by the sweat of honest toil. Railroads have been improvised. Cities have sprung into existence as sudden (and as fleeting) as so many exhalations. Great factories have risen in towering lines, and men have been made glad with the music of industry. From all these have grown the superb mansions of mo nied princes; fast horses,'fast men, fast boys, and fast girls. Such is the reverse of the picture. While tbe Houtli stood still, the Norlh moral on.' So the accusation against the South was not one of words Behold the fruits of the accusation, and draw the contrast for your self. Wc disdain making u party appeal at such u time os this. The curse of journalism, in these days, is the habit of charging every thing bad to party, on'the one hand, or clai ming everything good for party on the other. We scorn auy such purpase. But now, when wc see the whole South — the South without enterprise or resources, as we have been told—standing solid on her ma terial interests, oo her mighty staples, and in her pruud isolation from the blast that swept down so many oi those who have been, tahnts ing and depreciating her, let ns take the ad monition llios furnished lo ns, uud profit by it like wise men, Let us ask uurselves now our bitter re-proa- JirofejwsioBl fityfr&s. A T. IIACKETT. ATI ORNEY AT m L\W, Ringgold,Ueorgia, mil piscine in the fallowing roundest Cotoosa, Chattooga, Murray Gilmer, Whitfield, Gordon, Walker, It,dr. References/ Msj. W. Y. liar sell-, Mnrt- .... .. “l. .. ti.a.i,. |(. elta, llantell A (Simpson, Murirtt l.awhon, Esq , Dahloncga. p5~:'«r;iruiar attention paid Oi th- eoleeling business. Msy 28, 18.07 newly Tv* LAW Atlanta. Georg's November 8, ISM ,lly ATTUIINEY purchase of the political press of the State ’ of Maine. The letter is not before ms, hut I QHV* - itl “ substance of the statement. I “ confess that tho alter absurdity of the state ment bad consigned it to the same class with the maay similar arariptioos and absurdities which have from tiaie to lime been all ege against me and my Administration, and which I have regatded as wholly unworthy of notice. I am only surprised that one so enlightened as Ucn. Pillow is esteemed to lie. 1'iooid have regarded so ridicolous a state ment as worthy of refutation. Five hundred thousand dollars from the secret service fund in purchase of tbe press of the State of Maine! If Gen. Pillow had taken precaution to have looked into the acts of Congress, making ap propriation to tbe contingent fund for diplo matic intercourse, commonly kuotvo as tbe secret eerviee food, be would have seen that tbe largest amount appropriated any one year, daring the time of my official residence |o Washington, did not exceed 830,000, ami that, Inasmuch as tbe negotiation referred to occurred in 1842,there had been at the lime bat a single appropriation made to the food, and that of the session of 1811-2, 1 thiok it would have puzzled Cocker to bare obtained $50,000 out ofMRO.OOO. I will take occasion to add that the fund, although called secret. Is as public in most of its outlays ss toy o'faer food bo'orglng to the government. It is applicable to the many items growing out-cf the neceatiiies offer eigu mlsslont nod the consalar establishment of the Cnited Stoles, which no specific appro priation could well cover. They are caollu jeah, tho very term implying their uncertain ty. Tbe expenditures for then contingencies eater into the general accounts of the gov- - erament, nndsreiranuaUy published,and ab sorb a large portion of the food. It olteo happens that not a dollar Is withdrawn from tbe fund for any confidential object of the government. Bach confidential objects some times intervene in our iaterenruo with foreign countries, and sometimes bnvo their origin withio par own iimilf— contingencies which it may be imprudent at the time to disclose, but which era intimately connected with tbs preservation of peace nod qiletadet Some sach VmttogenCies arose during my official i in Washington;, and 1 have only to ; wko I left that city I directed tbe /of the food fio file awayTo “a‘drawer . Stats Department tbe vouchers for all tUt^xpeoditarai nsde under my orders out otybal fund; and tbs' day has nearly '.onto L l shall b.<p«rfectiy willing tohavnthntp ■ " ' ; lbs inspection of any Ml ■ curiosity to look into l find no item for lbs Lcmpapcrs of tho State of pother State—an.1, with a I of the objects of tho ex- lor Dotting to disapprove How littla we could do without her money iu uur cities, her timber in our waters, tier cotton in our mills ? llow we should stand if she should full Jfow we selfishly rejoice in our hearts, in the midst of our distress', that, for our sake, she should be so much better of)' than we, and, P. O. HARPER, , , , „ ., . , , ,, . Attorney at Law, therefore, better able to help u, than «« «* : W# rfJ 0 {jjfc * Gcor; to help ourselvesAj-ri) 1S, 1855, We do not charge it us a rclort upon those who have delighted ill these gibes upon tbe South, that moat of the great distress under which the country staggers comes from ijmr- ters that have beeu to many liot-beds of Ab olitionism ; but we suggest that this is a good point from which to date a rival of fraternal feelings between the Stales if the Union ; From which to 'tart another war upon sec- tionalism: From which to swear devotioo anew to the Union and to the Constitution; From which to recall tbe liauished afiec- tions for our brothers of tbe South : From which to rc-invoke the old relations that made us one in rcligioo, occ in country, one in the battle-field, and one In heart.— Philadelphia "Press," down' those brief exp't- wblch I have for you me to be, yours, Ac., JOHN TYLER. a**th. .ii e»tvty ~ t, the real rt ilnd from of theory Yoa canuat lag It out by r OHN V. HEARD AT LAW,—Colqiii't, Cnorgia march 6 1857 wlv L amar a, lochuane—at- TORNIES AT LA tt'-Macm Georgia uuiB o. * noenBast. July 13, 1857 'ixwtf tiriLUAM M. DAS FORTH--- W ATTORNEY ..\T I.AW—Fairliurn, Georgia. July 25, 1857. t Jawtl UNDERWOOD At HARRIS, Lv~v' IaPvq filbertise^tj^. ' 10edjcijvlU)i IN i ELLIUEiVrEK &EXAMLN'EK K,,lc » “* ut JOB OPPIOE! --..T t.ui.\sie TIIIC PliOPItlKTORH h*vin# rj’satlj iHt*i \o th$ JOB DEPAfiTKENT uf Hi K,ut lixbioBUts IjAHUE »U'l VAEIEIi jiortmeotof tfc« LauitStyUt of tm h it PUI m mi JL (rum 6 K* a. m. lll ! P- m. t/» LAal j'Art sf.tfc Tb« Ml:! V'ltf 1 Jit Lual f-luPl 7 a. C’Ujcc u.’i k *- _ £ y; ; pa*t 7f- PUIW AND FANCY 4 f. 10.—Aomnu ■ MS DAY HOi J:.i fc.—j.. 1 Z3T- Tit letiyj rti aY.*l the #b •••; aii' v>- -■ «bw/luu!» - . ! A. it K. will Afiaeu l Ifk- u ki.!f <. u At ball* AufkhUh At \tw K. X. CLAkXZ. .... „ ITarkei Grubb, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, .in Agent-' for collections of all kind AM.0«iUr» Ia HM JS), fEOSBCi 0? ILL' iMi. GHOGKRIES. AC • t 14AUB4, M WWUitall tl., iUaAU. 6a- IVfWcr-A. :*Ti AtalOr»AJwA/t rt Uai Jtnd -* *-• - - Nffi For irarrvST of e -i, »•. i o —Ott'-s efauu-i at * . st.4 tvj*r4 At t -Ml y i < ( frailer ■$ in itU * ttttotUt, y* : d < ~a+ifLtM>U ■- ••'“I- ^ ^,«!3iaE!S!SWSRttcr a- srTX .rs, liat ti»e sen BAiu.Br: & r« prepared to #x«cut« iaaneatsoi worktuAD, ke manner* ererj dateriptiou >A High, Peters & to. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. “VS Tgr - rraeaxsB as j, .ana or TENNESSEE PRODUCE, COTTO:.\ CiBOCERIES, d-c„ ’ ftSI r*oaiv*l,i first raU article -f Darin, J I« Mi. frit*, >2 HvhafiktL twy t - *• CLABfil 4 eiEZB. A-t toni'eys at Law, Atlanta, ...... Georgia. O FUCK 00 WWUhalUtrMt user A. W. H,lt’» elryHU,!.. M»rcU17tb,18S7. (Cl/) Bos. «' H. UnnawooB.i |Wmi HirrJ. (iARTUEEL it GLENN, Attorneys at Law, Atlanta, Georgia. WUUttcnd the Courts iu the Cvaotios of Ful ton, DoKhlb, FeyeUe, Cimpbell, Meriwether, Coweta, C err oil, Honry, Troup, Heard, Cobb, and Spalding il 1 111 w> Particular alien lion will he given to the Print 1 1 At'abima J9t root. Circulars, Way Bill*. ' “ f ;t « *»c»« a we-t.rn i-,--. Blank Notes, Bill Heads, A 11 a n t New Lard. TaMato-vifBtetuT* tor rat*,a, wielctait is ; r*tail, aHt f *•« XTB LAfcb. • Dm. 1.11-5 CLAEiTR i OKrr.D Who wants any Rye dart, a OraM U. IX R.r It*r *Q1 mil !•* ‘»j- Way Bills, a. won*. Bill Heidi, Blank Deeds, Bank Cltteks, programme:, Business Cards, HANDBILLS, POSTERS, &c. DR. L. J. ROBERT. Medical & Surgical Practitioner, Marietta, Georgia. Office Rt biaresidence. G. J. WRIGHT. Attorney a t L si w , Albany, ..... I Georgia. ■May 16, 1857. \VM. ,\. it ARRIS, Attorney n t Law, Idabella, Worth Co., Oecr^ie. liefer* to—Maj. J.-L. llerri#, MiJJed/rtviUe; llun. A. II. Il&mell, Tbotaaivi'.le: Miller - Hail, Oglethorpe; Hon. 11. II. Chirk, .Ms m ; Col. J, W. Duncan, Atlauti. June 2-dly. y JAKED IRWIN WHITAKER, Attorney at Law. Atlanta Georgia. Office, front rvomx over J. H. A C. II. WrU iRce’e Store, corner Whitehall »uJ Auiai»uja »*.«. Mrj 23, 1857. MARK JOfINST0N, Attorney at Law, G'artersville Georgia. Ktb 185(1. .liwiy We fipoctfully lollelt (be p«ror.$gc of our frlendiin the city end ttouatry, and Raeure them VhRtellorderi will be promptly «r.d*ei»$f»rterily attended to. G-eorgia Georgia Hams. riLaZKr. a i.zvbb v v.t, DNIYEN8ITY t-he jtedical nmutmar* 5 1 yoaber Id; th, I, M JWialtaiy Afqiyui TEE COLLi.'iUTE LEPAT1 urUnaSKOn-n in Xuuuir lvvm.ra,C 8«p-«ah*r' U. 'TT» Ckaaieal anm,aa JDtctiv** tab ta Scaastike aW MBEtanl 5 tremioey tsLotL*ri fnifilH ymr Urns airs Wq*.. i gaagao.att^ 115 per tana. ptr lAABmAniom .are <3*EcsdaouU tha taro Di)uiti—if. jt B. K. JOHNSON, I m i-5ta University of Lsoiitaaau umcl itPixrsart. T BZa**c*lCivaraVl*cttreal* IS* anmanl vis crere*a«.«ltO)msr..Wrerefi < Yaaa,lM7. ■I’rr •TTT-rr»‘T-»- nnYr ITirrS y CfMirf’-A < H*z.» . m. n- 300 Sttckn Meal) jpJUI.-I* ;;r.'j’ fr-a white rent. V : TlMjLES StOSt. IL I i A. B. CIS AS. M I», f*rrl>tanr«fD j OCHATC3 A. JsOTT, M. d., 1 (i. V. Eddv ii Co.. T If IIIOII, PETKRS. 1 Oats Wanted. ’. M iiicUey Whiskey iii'.H na- a on /"ILAEKL t ORYEE tar, -ut receirsd il BbD. McHtrU.'« Extr» Dir tilled Con. W ciikey. n.4 fur $r1» ebe«p. bareh 21. (SUCCESSORS TO C. H HA.VIUTKR'R IV I'yv ANI» BoolJL»331nciory, Owner of 3 hiUhall and Alabam i s. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Canva^ed Ham-. ■ ur.TArfti k*jJ cures Hem • >- ilir,ir. PKTKHS A CO. Alii K VAIUC .WM C BOB&SOS Wallace & Robinson Bran unit iavssi: y hortfi, K. PETEK- G. P. EDDY & CO. H aving juit Rdiio<i to '.Lt;r former exten«jvt airort- ment of B 0 0 K a«td J 0 B T V P E, C V T b, OUNA MENTc, Ac., a very large variety of new caf*rialf ; o/ thelattn ttfUt, together with one of Iloe'ficelebrated ATLANTA STEAM .MILLS- Wfty'SJ . i’ll a <Lt. t cjui. pr Julylo—a Rf»t*y «.s Laud a large -»up- —alio Bran knd chert?. paid for Wheat at the a U. PKTEHS A CO COMMISSiON^ERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN TENNESSEE PRODUCE! We pvt rpseeial attention to the $ale tf Barer., Lard. FJour, Oraix, Whiikey, Tohacto, At., Ac. Cjaiir&JM&U refpeetiolly tolicisel. Prompt RtCttticn gtroz to Caen Order* Cylinder Prruti —R-hicb } art, at dif patch they will execute tc the be«:styl« fclr.pricef fer Cash. ParticaUr attention piid :•* the execution o.: FINE WORK for Railroad and other Joint Stock uicc:, fjr.l Companie*. Tranfiportt-tion Afeot«, Rank-t, Col- ! One offe lej;*? and Schools, Attorney New Stock Coming In ^Q'-TYiyj.Ci GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS. W .HKHKISO .( iOS-.S ci..tking Has BYE k KAEI.EY. L Beiiffy er^i udV. for »> Vy ITaLLaCI k AOKXSON A A£] WH1SZET! wynsyrFY»* »)OrW\ LbU gacri Irax^tae Cora Vbiekey • siUire, for auk o» mjwtiLW mnw ne;: 3 4 WALLACX k BOBLXSOS K'M$er tf iwHtaanr. * - . J-rsfetaortf TkyittofT Pktbetorr, A-2LRT S VXMX ii. fwiaitiilm U JUtaVmy. TL* rxxzk !jt TKute^ag wfUtoeieaeath* **cc»4 is OtitV-s. . '• iy«faf r*7*dtMsja* Samoa*e texMrW- Ti« ftez-hr — . th* CUr.:« Eotpul Tza -iOetU umatytsy t i.tsifrt*of nww.i ' timinri Pwismery tt XbtJZwm, UcUSMwiS be Mt$- r*- dkiy La in* . til* let Cf (KUelttT, «t*< kod 'Ahtr nl^cu, vtthottta S8S 1SJSS7’ mtettltal Vy tut lcrtiAdm SAVANNAH MEDICAL Clltf. ce tie firvt Tacadxy ia Harem. TO* KrelimisarT Eacram a. tfti 0;fal-v. ■ PACT1.IT; Pahli.- Officer i Ye ■j% J. A. TIIUASHLR, Attorney a? r. a w , Atlanta Georgia, WILL pr»ctic# in tii« foUo-- Faltoo, Newtuo, lUur.T. Vky*r»* C»mpb«U, $ud Covete Office on tti«*en5on t ■ . - rt Hal', ax the !*out Office. i*»- i* H * i Word for the Ear f Single Men.—it strike! us that there is a “n-ortil of wlsdtm” in the following quotations—bilef as it b: Every school boy knows that a kite would not fly nnless it haJa string tying it down.— It is just to in life. The man who is tied down by a half dozen blooming rrepon^ibilities, and the mother, will nuke a higher and stron ger flight than the bachelor tvliol having nothing to keep him’steady, is always found ering in the mud. If ycu want to rise hi the world, tie yourself to somebody." CfAUfllcns ZHmtovy RAIL-RbAD REGISTER *um<* (he practice of hit protp«»iou in the of Atlanta and its vicinity. Can befouiU athisoffice at all fc«»or«,except when pnvfcMionatly engtRcd. taromre Washington hai.i •eplftdwtf Georgia Railroad. An, ID Alum. 171 Hm, 1, so. Uorutuf Van'r. Train laarc, Atlanta at S.45 a m anil arrira, Auguitaat 5.00 p m Bvantafi " laarc, Atlanta at5.60 p m anJarriveiAugu.Uat3.22 a m Morning l'au'r. Train leave, Augn.uat6.eo a ra amlarrivea Atlaeta at 3.30 p m Bvaolng " “ leave, Augnilaat 5.00 p m anjnnivaa Atlanu at3.60 a m UKOHOK Y0NQE, Wfsiera R Atlantic R. Road. Anan. to numuiai U. Uura.. .riaaOST*—» Homing PaiMoger leevea Atlanu Night at 2.11a anJarr. Chattanooga at 5.36 p leant AtlenU at 6.06 p hud OR. Ohatuuoojja at 6.16 a in Meralgeg Pan'r. lean. Chattanooga at 7.30 a m and are. AtlanU at 4.60 p m lahvea Chatunoogo at 7,60 p m and are. at Atlanta, at 3.16 am JAMES M. 8PULLOCK, flight Allanfa & LaGrange R. Road. Anan. to Wm Peurt it Mnu .53 so Morning Passenger leave. Atlanta at 3.30 a o ud Weal Point at 6.35 a u ■ laavea AHanU al 4,45 p m West Point at 16.60 pin “ taavea Waal Polat at 5.66 a m and are,hat Atlanu it T.561 a " leave, WeitPolnUt.12.43 pm . and ore. at AUaaU at 541 p m CBORtlK HUM,, SapreiatanJant. Kvealeg Morning Evening llacou ik Western Railroad. ro ATUKVA 1M SI;iu.,p.aa ft oo. Pacingtr Train I.n«a" AUanU at 6.15 »u anj. htr. at Maeoa attl.06a> Macon at *-0(p'u and nit. in Atlanta at 84}'pm E. TOOTE, Snpertttendiat. 11 tire It in a A. Young, Attorneys at I- a w , Lawrenceville, Georgia. Will j r.ictico in tho counites ut Hwinnctt, Hull Wffilton, Foriyth and DeKaib. Any bu*ine*r cn- trurted to thoir care will lo received v» ith plca«- ure nod at ten do J to promptly. NATHANIEL II. HITCH IN S dr. ISAAC M. YOUNG July 27, 1S57. D U. w. B. RIVKKS ha* rcmovfid b i« Oflic® to NVhi»chill orrr V<*»rn- der’« Drug Btor**- May 1H, d*wm20 DU. M. U1UKS03 CAUEKft. Atlanta Atl.vnU, t;». Oftco Wbitobvll * R Pi* J;in$ 25th. lH57-i&«U W. T. C. Campbell A. Hro., tUU, are prepared to perform all operation* in the profe«»fion wRh durability and skill. .750- Office over Alexander* Drug Store. White Hall ft.. W. T. C. CAMPBELL G.P. CAMPBELL. Atlanta, Jan. 20 D R. u. T. PULLIAM ha turned from a vi#it to Virginia mg nil Card for tile Ladies. T HI8GREAT TURKISH PERIODICAL REMEDY—For the iraaedialo removal ol lllwtt4irtiana^jmgulariti«a^Pvnl<|*ua fieri, (Falling ofthe Wotnh.) Lriirhorrhca or Whites die.. Ac. i Three Fills have never in a single matoncr failed in producing the incuses- Too much cannot bo laid in their favor. No woman can enjoy good health when that particular part of her peculiar organization i, deranged Sickness et stomach, hrtdirhr, languor, debit- ity, pain in the heed, aide, end beck, tree of appetite, CMtivrnne, See , are toms of the •ymptoma which attend irregular menalraiUon. An certain as time or* the-.-, Tilla le remove' one and nil ef three vyrdptame. Be erne and get the genuine, which hoe our tigneture on etch box. Tbete Fills may be hid by nihhensing Dr. Snnflov it Go., and indeti tg Si; the Fills, will be sent hv vptum moil. N. U—Ladies whose health will not permit Fills a ofaniueveane of family will find ihrsr successful preventive. Ladica who are pregnant, should not use these Fills, as theyire sun to bring on mis- caniage. though no injury to health would low. Address, DR. HANFLOY ta GO., t'iacinnati, Ohio Feb 10 dwtf VAlsV. THB nobaeriber offer* the Wi ton HaltHoM lor sale. TUa situated on the Bast a ,100 fret ofthe General ia Urge and spacious, and hi ef about Twsttw-Eve Thuoa annum The /nraiture and Axtunt f>w with the Hotel One-half the the prcpzty, in cash er young nagr nee value ofthe property, in cash e, young aecreea, will he required at the time of sole—the balance ne lime, if satisfactorily secured. OcttilAwt JAMEi Eft LOYD. Mcrcbxnti, und otter* Book*. Pamphlet*, Cauloguei. Circular*. Cards, PromUiory Kolas, Blaak Deeds, Check* Way Bills, Programmes, Hand and Show Bills Posters, Ac., executed a*, abort ootire. S#* Printing «o Gold tnd Silvcr BitG»rr snd Fa*ct CoLor.RD Lhks, oronVelina, Sstir Muilin, *?-, done in beautiful style. Having Hkeirieeeottneeted a liook-IIindery wire tbeir Printing KsUblMbment, ibey are pre■ pared to exocute order* for every description j-f work in that depsrtaaoni—InetedinR RULING and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING—:! H Merchant laiitrir.e criaKi.h 1 Wir ter, H\ the laieit itylu. o* Casf .-rret ar. H ;.z, ilia »b«.-h U‘iuxi.c a te>c* iwer«,r:.dct Cnxxii, Seago a Abbott—) / Wn C MUbLihtpi itt t>cu BtM »t i \ late of GaftaUa, Trta AUacU. 1*52 Seago, Abbott & €o. P„ Is. Araold, M. Is., P. M. Kotjoeh. ii. Is., W. J. G, Hoearf.-K. Is. Jar as Earrit. M. Il }. B. Erei. II, I). Josef a Jener. M- Ir. J.vre,% K- Is.. Clxeiral Lercrrs, wid bt ii. City BonJtal. Ttai La,: PijaKAsgy, kaucaMsdoea, . Chsmdtnj, Demacrentre. daErendat vrffl. Bliale el'CCXSSORS TO SEAGO * ABBOTT. COH MISSIOJf KEECHAHTS,—Especiaiiy i« tr-4 «us -1 Tennessee Proense—alas C1C7 a ocs- i*-aa-. *u- v. i r t L;nu. Grocene* anJ c; St*. t-c it. i • r-9 J- A f L- Ut ;:i:iyci i ‘ON.' '• ►•.. Atina-jh. i. :: t » Sorisg MaHint* (V:! style superior to any ever before docs in tkii *oc> ‘ ;b« 3 “ ' tlon of the State* Their To>l* being all new std of tbe lateti patterns, their Stock of materialf tho bttt the Nurtbarn miketf tifford, Mil tbeir work, con eqnal to any in the Suutb, they ftclcvnf ler t oftbelrability u give entire latiifactioa, mi! consoqueutly matc bu hesitancy in «cliriUn^ the pstrone^o of tkf '.r friend 4 and tbe public. ^5^w0rier»fu: *ork, in alther departsaon: '* - --ny peri of Georgia and neighboring 5ut««, nil. meet with rrr-mj.iatton tlon. At!ta:<i Ve.. 2C,’•5*. ( ddw,v M 4 i HERRIN* 4 * •niKTSw Blanks! Blanks’ Blanks! ATLANTA Dry Goods Emporium! Ciutiug, White A CO N g.‘. Whitehall >?.. inrar H ( Mating. WHITE .1 Cl-.- :r. * tnetb- 1 Vw...f again -ailing tbe U'.tLiwL •-. ptUTuW . to .:.r.: .v* -rrcut t i>ry . tf* Con*' Atlaxu. Georgia. Our Stock: V, c it M«re. yp bbdi tleju' Tesnoooce baccs 2i Hit ribbed ride*. ‘ bid* prime plain Ham*. * Tierce* extra .r agar cured eaacaMed Hast. : • packagtw hn!f-btrrcl* and kar» of choice Family Lard. 4(M) h»c* Kitra ily Tlwr. buittii ;r*t utiie Cere. 25*' barrel f Flit key. rsrio&i fcmtdx. atriaW ever l M patksti. For Astkr J lar» aidrt«.» J. w. HOWARD, i Medical College of Georgia. at ACccgrrjb 3 *vHE Twcctv 8ixth Cocne rf hsosn, iw i thu lnnccBst. vr-Ji enmaraca on MON- aY.i the SJ .Vcreancr next. EmCntss PvafraKr«' AaataarG.JLNBW TOM, M. D. -. Acntomr. H. F. eAMPSELL.M;:iET~ * Suvfwy, L.A. DUGAS. M. D. : innaaifi and Pnew sd iltiieiat. L D. FOHD. M. D. Matena Medics. TyrgmieiMiHMul '.ARV7N.M.D- W ! U t i ihif Su^rxr. 10 bl t? SHgar-r -.uic Xc.mei. 7 bbdi Cuba M-lxxpev. R te* Adtcaatit* sed rt^rr iknauae. 5v Brae* :.M‘.rt«si Jobareo. *•' Ct.* Hrrj c:*, .MtisCU. Ctttt* and bait Jzrjprudtnce. I. P. GAR Otmtetr.Zf'znddwxMx \Y, laLt* J. A. EVE, M B. Fhyaiology and Piuhalsg x*I Aamkay,’R.T. . aod Ja- l M iMILLER. M. V. 4 tf ‘ — i tacg.2.. Ofall Descriptions. E L.AN KS OK A LL DESCKIPT!ON>. pen he had a* ail time*, at ‘.he Examiner & intelligencer 'bemirtrv ssdPha^arv.ALEILMEAJfff, K. O. . ... P«B«;sus ir of A nafeav, R. CAMPBELL, M. D. .. . Assutant at Jatoon,3- P SIMMONS, JE. I). Cliucol Lrettuw, vriiihf ddireredfaitkc City; HcsqiiiaJ and at th* Jarkaaa atrest HsqdtaL Fc, isr who> ooorsr. (1<>5. * Mntriculatiic lirirei, (to be takes aacr) Is — • Pot father parocslrev apfJy u snv rerenhsv Bird, Eye l.ime. | of the FstaJty; «te We sr, Abl j lor tie »a!e of>tr. P. L Eogor’i irdr-sve L.U.C, fs.: C}> ia 5 bnabel barret,, war- aug312m» .1 u-c loE looaeur. —J - f »aj«k.r qaalitv voj '— —— '■ *"- .rntareR-ereid^jgtajJUmkyl S.i A. & CO. G’HE cu)pri.(tK ig t&to Mill Stono, Rultiuc C lolhs Ar. 1 Tt*f&ucwiag <£AGO A ABBOTT. T P CARVUL the Car .Attomira, bkentC«, Clerks of tVuru, and Ordinaries, can bt* furnj*hed. at *hort notice, any favvrilt form of DEED. WRIT, or PRO- CENSwhich they may dwire ; stidsUFORMS ot lepNl instrument*, ccimnonly inun*. »ie al- way* on hand, to l*e*old at the lowiwt price*. \ Ailauu. M w noet Ribb Boawt Plutsw. Um«5cl* xr?d Dcj.e 1 .- Mcir Antique Tr.uttrjn AU Won! Delaine - Cotton ani Wool. Merino, Ducal Rube> ar.J HUi Head DreafiW, Black and Celtred Tr.r Calic.t Lincey H me«r Poi de Cbec.. Pxranxaua. RUnk«t*. Negro Uoodt. A X Call and ioe ’ r r.r-c- \ .* -k- ran Lias-ard Oil, do winter r train'd paresprmOB while j-2t» hr ’- eet'yik---1 10 ' U.vdr, Tazmers. Varnishes. Oil E, M. SEAGO, f LXX'lIvtOgTOSEACO k UtVEXStf WILL COXT/S'CE TBE PRODUCE COD- j MISSION BUSINESS, I AT HIS NEW COMMODIOUS FIRE: PROOF BUILDING, Fron: etAilaatx Hotel.aaiooit-toort«Fa'.JonHotsh*. I ATLANTA, GEORGIA. t*L.Th* a«ual Facilitltaofftiwd to ^hij-per*. * rfapeetfuLr«olieit*d <»ct. tfth, !W (4hwly.) t ‘ Hay- lAABhVhSoMli Rlr#rH*f,tBM'3r* • a*, to «mo| Aliaillll IIl V-v **•« b' B WAGG AHR-n k tv : NEW SUMMER GOODS—A :rt Amnio Un vs.m: J ot* ,id1 i^aatitol *tvle*.;ar recsiv New Bacon. '■ cutting, wurh ki, 10 Q bhd. Rficen t-hu'f* I7a»* n bifel ait b. May II h*nte • r! F r« k proef Safe*, flj ut. t -i tairi at York ynoMVr tt., A kC« SEAGO, ABBOTT l CO. Se?t etebar, 11, I SAT. v lwtttr e'.fiewbcre. . L. CUTTING. INIS WHIT1 . A PANT A. t rnlMin-liamsFactory Yarn. * Tallow. Three dc»*t choice Yeairot H*n.» Ten bale* Factory Yarr Three Rami* TaJlcv. Four barrel* Car Greace.—Fv.-fx.* Vt April 11. SEAGO. ABBOTT, A CO ‘.'o ]<-r cfr.;. Alcohol. Bnraici; Fluid. CairjfiicuL a'jihrit- Tr.:;<ctiuc. •- NV riiic assorted.. . 150 Bdicr iSUtrs, &.-soruid riaae.' : • xa.lrMtM.c-.. retrain!,, aad aB oitklaa fir Psca'.vr* r-x. 5 -: Hi* kv . . f > ‘ . , u.T ;ur a aUBMBMW w i.tXVJ Janes H. I’arfer. SLACK SliS©^©^M5C. T: I r-.».-cT,re n tku tVriti** FToiA was ta. ItSfiW TaswiaUcth- i* :nrelat.*<*a tc arvtv. | Atlanta Dry-t.ooJ. lint per turn Koi« arding A. Commission Mtr arrival of j Chant. Inks, butalway; ** pu ;»to SAVANNAH. GA.. hart ccrkwd is at the a.r uber. tut la uae. Thk ps’su« m.v.k. taiyStrwt—ilately Ink “* * ' — c« Ieftn*:' I +$.) liberal adriHfJ node ou all CARRIAGE REPOSITORY! AJjstsiag its corett ot Da k yi Etrre-j. ^MT* T5« Bank ot Fultou ka, JMlareJ a Mm.- j .. annual JivUeaJof fiva parraot.. payakt. at ikeir ' la U It I . 11 . .vt A v . sijnnsnU. krraiEyCC 4 -."aUrt. Huv t _ , - _ Fa Yr-ua*. Ko-a, ^raatafc. fta —N F.nta#. u f 6 Cbeer. be. A»*r mar i.*' if iMofj c will net v mrpawetd is ,«* ^ualuy iu Ktrvp* tr Awtrica T t* This rr*dt tie .^!pei,iaA wait V x:.t lab i i+i r.- IUy*ri. n*; JfVkr* ar* rerjtanfvU,. > l.nted* as .-«• will Jeba :«rf ‘ put up ^ tN*ee lac a* > w at our fOtw. x* W ft befut up m I'br.adclf i.;a, B~* N T. Banking Ucu«o on detboad Atlanta. June lfi, 1857.—dti- WM. M. WILLIAMS, CMhier Xoctcr ro Fnnucr#. I lVirH to Uuv tbolts UoJ)oA Whit, ahret, repalar* I, >HU MI..I Hire. U 8.BtiOO_ Jus- v Joor M th. Iikw Hare. JV.I:;:;/ CORK WH- 3>a tMkal.trwk Con Nret ia Ore trauuck > nowxfox. Uriignatinu. n* i*etfk.Uy reooaiat*aJ te t o poaUni* that pat UarUg ram£'T*i ki» OAXHIAUE REPOSITORY to tar aboee aJigi-f ide stand t pioitr tbe Washington. Hall, and enlarged h;s fac.’.itief, ;* rreparri tor fill ail order* with w h'.ch b* may be f*vcr*d. cn as good terms a* caa b-e obteiced it Anpm rr T II F. BEST SELECTED! A.VE ASSORTED STtH'K OF 8tnuMh. with tb< aJJil; Htsitxk .mhrerev 1 Frefcli ’ taaJfifretH SiiJa FaltTor* PashSti. HMat.eaij. Cirnrir. C-onvnM Buggi.i Stauia^ Wi'.k mad aithwt Ta|s T-'f_Bugjrer. Cl.AS! GLASS!! GLA8J’! 328Boxoau v U’ I tar. It litre ut, Of-ths resits st’ Family Groceries IU£ a«:s stuTa A nakaa. CITT OF ATLANTA, VYindow Shaded j 4re W. fa..j . I A b pi** l>d > uriu^MU cwiupMu* Just ra- he feuad at tk# i c^rv‘ S far Wry lc w. by teed my ta recsYMmeeako* all of tbe votnpaa to teureeafilemee, 1«U> refer r<% to Owtr report*, aed tbeir pwwopiaees la re^v-tadiag to their laeeeo ►} tbe Lie fire la ibi* place WM. \URKI1AM Atlanta, July l*t, ISM. Fire Insurance Agency No Top Whip*, he, \ of the lot macufac- tur- latr*t *tyl*. A share of patron- j age D re*peetfully eaRaitod. >r Orders fer Family or PUaUlicn Wagon* ether vehicle* filled at short notice Wo are also agent fer NotwcnmJ a Robin* ; Patent Faa. Atlanta, Ua., Dee.4. XS5fi. I -AHemla Family Stew,” ^ winLiang- AUaikta Shaving Saloon. f^HEUEKTtBIDlf ct^iCtv o< Atian- lUkinfi croritaiibe , , Hartford Wre Insnrance <’o. Capital Stock, f500,0Ck) ' 618,000 .Elua Insurance I'ompaur li.wo^r [CHISOLM & ADAIR. Negro Broker*. . liar Street, near tbe Train! ITouae, Atlanta Georgia. YVblteball Street. GEORGE H. DANIEL, Pr*pn,:*r. Jlitksu, May 6,255. lias, Paints. Oils, lie. Tb*~ National White Lead and Capital Slock. Assetta, ISIS. -luaurancc Goupauy 616.000 IT IU. pop cuh, (ceifacrMs. aad ka, and rail IV so MOuaiaplM. H UkaT, ymg Ptgrew $3Xt,v0QL it*. 81X395 can be Ind ia cilhsrcf iho abov* Campania* at as low rate* as other rreponvibl* C lion to N, *jrosre.«re» a Ore. OOreh- ItkSVa Jali 4aatad, at this ttaso, Nr wkkh tb* kSkwl'ca print vriUk* redd. W. A. CHISOLM ’ Oft. II m*. ItawljJ U. vr. ADAIR, c