The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, October 07, 1857, Image 4

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^wSxiBSPAf^'ckrroiHt 1 ^ ubtT itma* n« IfTtLIIQUcKK * Uilim DAILY. - WEEKLY. K« - » oo iri<»un»f»mut **«*«•*' BmmtuL Dm prtattaflraraMife m*fcMtattSM*M«tafro*tlWoU«M4, \ feb OHMrt HiU, ,*.W S«»fe 4 ImiJ'i . Stora, fro» which pUc* tta “Ostott- ' gesserv #■ Ernmtner'' will tara#ft»r ta fe- iS ffilafrm «*»,Ftfew.fe which ta , 1*1(0 iu Obiita ulfe tta WHMllltMn«rwW,u4ll 0* MM ria* hi* 0WM«nl*M thmio wiib • taart? (sod sriHitaifeuM* Mthlsi to ta •AM' 14* w«r pnpoM «i|MM*t it dto- twth ttat raff toto|Mi a. vwtoNpir to **i*MJt«rwdw**w>>y|ha»*w<iMn<igM. •hhowfh h* Meal protofcjaglj aitw *p ia wwjiMiMMt* wnII grata of Jcith with ulug# povtkow of hot a*, m u HB it with th« rtratort *11 feu «0krt of (nw Wahsoi ,I( M*h trife* eua iihuM tta p*bli« mish ta«jr pajwhiM, I stall then tafita to nfrrt ttat i«»t taro *a Amort. Dtrararattc trjmmphUtFttltMtCmhy Th* wait of the election in tki* emernty on Monday low wta most gratifying lath* gallant Democracy who, in almort *. hop*, ton minority two yean igo, tan oowWotod overs inch of (ton ad, util, i* tit* 1 othhi fo ment of a gluttons sictsry.ttay otaad ■*• . deemed, regenerated, diaSathnBad. from the rale of the America* party. To oar friend* Abroad we apad thee* (lad tiding*. Hopeful, a* for weeks paw we hara toaa, thttweihwld elect the Democratic ticket ia this coea-.y, *« most confess that we did not nnticipite a trtamph *o complete, - and m astounding to oar opponents. But dcMnatned oa r clory. the Democracy en tered into the coatatt with a spirit anima ting them to its achievement, recognising “ ao each wood aafaii," bnt with iron wDI preening forward an til th* great end has botn accomplished. It it with ao train or boentfel spirit, that we write the** linen.— That we are proud of oar success wo ac* knowledge, hat it is s'jsst pride, of which srraoar adversaries hare no right to com* 'plain. In days that are past, they too tan rejoiced, and wo hara been forced by the verdict at the ballot box to sabmit, and “to bide our time.” That tints has" com*. 'The smoke of the battle baa been dissipa ted, ami the Democracy of Fallon stand victors of the field. A aero record of the ifcet would be, and is to ns, wdEcfest for 'the day. ip**' Below wa gin the rote of the county: Tot Governor. ‘ Brawn, MM. hid, t tw. a' For* Congress, CartreD, r 1003. Tidwell, TM. For Senator. Whitaker, 935. Calhoun,76S. For ■ Roprwec tatire. Westmoreland. 921: Overby, ,739. phe—the loss of the Central America. ■Ttarabir it a sprightly, intriHgrat jfoaug _ By Telegraph bnaMactm- Trippe elected to Congress from 3d Dis trict.. Piks, US majority for Brown Spaulding. 16. “ « « Butt* as « *• «* Monroe, 150 - •• Bin Talbot, 108 - Upson 300 “ - “ r—-Xriwtatar K.-Jf. electedSenatoria Crsw( «CCK3 DKSPATGB* Bi’-dwia—Dill oxer L Stephen# 36. Syu* ford elected to the Senate, and Kenan to th* Home. Both Americans.. WOkiason, L. Stephen* over Hill 290. Dougherty—70 democratic, majority- Baker. 3W democratic majority. Sam ter, 200 aacricu majority. Macon, 160 , “ j* . Twiggs, , us democratic majority. Wilheal, than, oauriag upon any for- ■Ml M**iwlsati,a of O«o. Pillow, or defence of ajwif i (tall prorata si on . si in bohslf of otheea, to sotlcs some two or three points ia his sihtrass, ia th* way of explanation, sad if I thaace to go boyoad ibis It will be Geo. Pillow aow says, that, by sgree' —t. Mr. Ttirt aagsgwi p> poy to Geo. Saato Aaaa*VMk ia baad, a* tamest mo- mr, tan thoaaaad dollars,” to induct him to euteftoiu fjUfgttm for u peace; and thalaabeaqasatfy Mr. T, told him (Gen. P.) ‘that Gaa. Scott had famished hiss, (Mr. T.) th* atoagy, aad that ta (Mr.T.) had pail At tea thiurand delists. Being moral, v ceetsl* that Mr. Trist aavav mada each desiaratioo, it is almost asalma to say that I aster’ tuned jjrer a dollar to'ki* for such or any othsr purpose wketersr, aad 1 am very ear* that Mr. T. hadaetadolkr of pahlie money in his pcmmita whit* ia Mtaieo, and nevsr more tbu taEiiI tor hit vary BMdartto upon sss ia hi* private pare*; aad I certify on hMar,tha»I a***r,at uy tioM, paid to Geu- 8**to A ana, or aauttd to bs pud to him, or to aaottar tor hi* as* or benefit, owe deltor or ator*, on aay acooont or in any way whatovsr. Ptasideot Santa Aon* was atth* tia*. aa now, worth mUIione, **i had in that oEe* the inaspoiuible. COD* trelefaUtbapecaaiarymeainofMscoun try. It is hardly probable, therefor*, that h* would havustoopad to piok up a sick of uathoasand dollar* in gold, if ho badac- mdee tally ttaahtod apow on* ia a private walk This blundev of Gso. Pillow grew, noubt, out of soma hint b* confidentially picked *p about haad quartan that I had pud that pterin stun “to aod — tor important information received end to b* continued toon tb* •osray't camps aod (Set my account current with the War Department of (aorot diibunemank, printed by erder of the Senate February 4. 1867.] It was lucky, therefore, that the names of and war* never confided to Gea. Pillow,** if ia certain, £rom the ex- ample before as, he would, contrary ta_lh* faith aad honor of ou country, have pub# liriwd thsm in fall, to the ruin of the par- tie* and their descendants. Even Gea. San to Anna, if Gao. Pillow’s credit be worth aay thing, could not now return to Mexico, no matter under what pledges to lead the lift of a good aad peaceful eitixes. Writing to tb* Secretory of War from th* dty of Mexico, February 6, 1848, I said: I have not reported on the inlyeet of secret disbursement* tinot I left Jaiapa; first, because of the uncertainty of oar earn* nranicatnoo with Vera Crux; and, second, the necessity of Certain ex plana loos which, oa aeoooatofotban, ought not to be reduced to writing I may, however, briefly add that I bar* never tempted the honor, con teieoct, or patriotism of any man ;buthave held it at lawful in morals as ia war The WTfeejwfl- SCATTER1NG RETUENS. We have labored hard to gather ante otic inicBigcnc* ef the daetion throaghout the . State. Tbnsfar ou information is meagre, end not altogether reliable. W* give it, however, as we received tt. Taliaferro:-Brown’s majority 87. A. H. Stephens 168, Reid, Senator; Holden, Representative. DeKaib, Brown’s amj.818 Newton, Hill’s maj. 172 . Cotoot*, Brown’s ataj. 900 Jdsa. ticks* Wbitfield,|Browa*si taaj. ISO Gordon, Brown’s maj. 300 #ebb, Brown’* maj. 450 Mnaeogee, /Till's maj. 369 Colquitt, elected He.nttor by two votes. Bibb, small majority Tot Brown. Stohb* and Hardemaa (Americans) elected.— Lockett, dcm. elected. Casa, 915 deraoervtie majority. Floyd, 170 do de la Cobb, GartrsiPs majority, 621. Oglethorpe, 100dero. majority. Goiombia, Aaericao ticket elected. Jaaptr, . '15 majority for American tiekat. Campbell. 160 majority tor Brown— Bollard tad Bell dectod. Wakes, 250 Democratic majority. Rsaososo, 280 msjoriiyfor UiU. 198 for Miller. MiilrdgS and Bartow (K. H’l Waaass, Dsesoerari* majority between 375 aod 400. JWw ife Atomy >«W YariJaaraal. Th* WfMhsd aKMtter».Sew ' : aad IrisHillai Facts. ■ Htetog Isanwd that Mr*. O’Conner, and Let #y*. O. T. O’Conner; h*J retched their hems > thin clty.w* sent our tepettor to glean ahatever they mlgpt be abl* to com municate in tefetoM* to the great cataitro- Time 7:4 ‘ nbouVeevenleta years, acj bow up- quite well except * lame unkte. Tlwy {hwrt , herdtrisf the Chippewa rlvar on the Thl BpMU aft ; Xxvi Ybnx. Dept .28. P. 1 tacjover th- K shtcat co urr ao L-’-ng to-day. it** l^fxcly’sttcnded. Char was. withdrawn, and the race jea* with A ‘mrflif Ridradrs wilk a B*er,-H W pears that a party of gsntkmsa from Angua- u, coasting of Mtmrs. Youog, Andnwa and McComick, whijf hunilBg In ‘ v - id MIC ir« Of lOCURANB. J 4*V -tstoMby HUWvl. llstlCi PI itlMU «f the Mitnvn.’aed ’ an! ^ •‘InttolliiwuEt.tU m—ki 4m* Um tt i ofllee will be paid to l. \V. Duscta, ot sou •|vnt havlnx writls* authority, who tie alone authorised to ssllrot« receipt for th* mm*. 1 O. A, LOUHRANE. »*P>«mbsstl. 1»T, weet to CaKforuit three yean ago, where th* mother, who t* a drrs* maker, wrought with her reedie, earning three ddtara per day, while her son worked to a printing 'office. She had but two children p the soa w|» »»■ eoupnnied her and another abontdx jeri*' 1 old. It WM for the porpoar of sreorlng m«M to educate her chlli«i».sht w*t to Califor. nla, nhne by the idprl* yf btrth they b*d succerded to saving onw two thonsaod dob lots, moil or wbiii was k'st, they having escaped with little move than life. We can bnt hope that tie object of he solicitude— the eiiucstio* of besom—win yet be attnis- rd Mis, O'Canaer aayi s^felt that the res- ■riwul tail fom the 'time the fire* were ex. tirgnisbed She heard the ragloetr my the v**ei leaked above the copper*. Sbe sac- ceded to getting off ia the fourth boat load, which reached the Marine atfiveo'clock but Sad to btpl tor hor life. Pravioua .to leaving the steamer, the soys Captain Herndon cams into the cable, the men at the backelf having given out, and bo- aoogbt the gentlemen, "by their love for their hmsMKodfiteaidei, to help krepthe vast! from iloktog.” A great many of the pese- togrie were io intoxicated, from drinking freely of liquor and going without food, that they were unfit to do anything, end betook thomarlvea to their berths. Among thaw in toxicated was Mr. , who wua rtgartkd to California as the greatest temperance lec turer who had vailed that country. No harsh judgment, however, should be formed from these facts; being utterly prostrated from want of food and nit, they betook thetnseivH to stimulants as a last resort; but it proved in this case—at in most other cast 1 —a ruinous alternative, as many, utterly in- sensible, perished In their bettbs, end others ou drek and to the cabins were too far gone io inebriety to trail themselves of the means of tscaye when overwhelm: d in the yawning abyss of waten. No marks of inebriety, however, were ob served in the officers. ». aptain Herndon and Mr. Van Rensselaer arc spoken of as calm and self-possessed, and having borne them# reive* with great courage. Mr?. O’CouDcr speaks in the highest term? or the lamented Mr. Van Rcosseilaer. who took charge of the removal of the ladies aod childrea, and aided in letting them down from the steamer, and think* he held the rope which dropped her safely into the lifedtoal. Young OHJoocor «« standing on the bur- ricanc deck, and raw Mr Tan Retjsellacr on the wbeelhoose wbm the fatal plange wet made, tic raid the pasn ngers seemed recon ciled to their fate, aud ottered no outcry, when the steamer rank. Before this, however, most of the passengers were preying to God to have mercy upon their scab ; while tome few cursed and swore horribly. After they had been ■ to the water tor ao hour—one of the passengers attempted to get upon another's raft, and U'C'onner beard the occupant swear ho wuuki biow bis braius out if be did not get off. The lots of such a man is no poblio calamity. From the time 'he ship went down, for several hours, ihure a cratinual cry going up from the struggling mam of human beiegs, such ts no one tan imagine, who was n-rt there, aod perfectly in* diseribabic. 23dlnst„ encountered awry large black bear, and nere attsektd by it with * degree of ferocity aeidotu exhibited by the grUlly bear of thS'-Bock) MoimUtis. 1 hey had itatttd on their refrmj homeward, and whiio ascending a strale, or deep ratine toward tuns set, discovered a bear standing upon theium- it of u ridge turns distance from them. One of the party, Mr. G. 8. McCormick, dischar ged bts piece at the *01x0*1, whan it made to- ward* them at a rapid pace. Arriving In their midst, it sprung upou Mr. McComuo, toar- isg him from his horse acd wounding him la- a dreadful manner-. The rest of tbs party immediately dis mounted, bat for some length of time were unable to render their, comrade usa:etam.e, on account < fth« bear having him in a position tint to discharge their guns at the ferpdouj brnte whjtld have . still mew itnperilni hi* lire:- - Finally, Mr, Young dubbed bit rifle aod struck the bear upon the head, when It im mediately Ift ,go J(a deathly grasp nppo Mr. MeCotmlqtaqd sprang hpbo Young with ro- donb’ed ferocity, ti-aring and wounding him in inch a fearfnl manner th'at fears are enter tained for hh recovery, The tliird party succeeded in despatching the ferocious creature, bnt not before reesiv- tog several severe bite* and having two of Mi ribs broken. The parties succeeded in reaching'* Ipggerb shantyabont midnight, nod were bronghthome the next day in a disabled condition. The bear weighed, when dressed, upwards of 1,000 poundi!—JCou Clairt (ff rs.) Trie- graph. are authorised to aaaaunt* ih* «.m* of B. 8. JOHNSON at ak indsptu- dsat eaadldate for Shtriff ot.Cohb County, at th* ensuing sfevtion, 1st Monday in iasuaty naxt.... M4NYVOTBR8. Lol* dfoo/rx —It related that while in Montreal Lola visited a writ-known cm fcetionery establishment oo Notre-Dim* street, and while there was annoyed by the . entrance of several yoeng army officer*, who, under th* pretense of baying thing, gated pertinaciously aad enplea* f . antlyatfeirLola. After(ubrctUingawhile, • / Mia* Montex walked up te the saloon tad asked—“Midanybow much do these per- Hev only answer, at first, ok of earpri**; hot, on th* q*e*- "tion being repeated, *b* ws* told, “ Os* shilUagand sixpence.” “Bereit is, the*, 1 said Lola; “I would not wish that thew gentlemen shoo Id lose * single copper ia gratifying their curiosity by euring at me.” The officer# retreated in eonfunio*. pnrehase valuable infonnation or sevtieoo voluntarily tendered me” [Mexican War Corrssroodeooe, ilouse Document, No. GO ge 1085.] . Aod again, it Washington, June 28, 1848, oa rendering my account current of seertt disbursements, sad asking for * final settlement. I raid: , “I an* randy logo, confidentially, into all those different sums of receipt end d'sburae- aseat with th* Prmidnt, the Secretary of Wax, or any otbfr member of the Cabinet I am under as obligation of private aod poblio htnor, according to tb* usages uf nations and anti**, not to dweloee name* and circumstance*, except as above'’ * * * “Oa th* plainest principles and wage* at astiona sad war, and-tbe practice of our own Government, in reepeet to inrit lit* burtemtnli, I can, in » few boon/' Ac.— I See Senate's Executive Document, No. 34, page 38,’ordered to be printed February 4. 1847] And that account baa beta definitely tattled oa tb* principles i bad proposed. k word xs to Mr. Trist—long in print* fife, aod straggling with bonormhl* pover ty—whom Gen. Pillow has so wantonly dragged before th* poblio. II* ia represen ted in tb* address a* tb* eoaniag end ms- fignaat genius wbo instigated me- other wise * good enough sort of man—to arts of injustice aad persecution! Tb* officers-,ip, Mexico (tod Mr. Trim, a distinguished Wert Pointer, stood with them before the enemy, tb* brave ansoeg tb* brave) witl aril* to bear this character of their senior General aad Iris companion, the negotiator. No naa era*, more admired than the latter tor his quiet, nnebtraeiv* manner aod ami ability. Ife wa*«agtriy received and hon ored by All foreigner* of distinction, diplo mat* ud other*, with whom he cam* into contact, and seder on* signal disadvantage negotiated a meet important treaty, which era* tar* gladly accepted by th* Stoat* sad O'Conccf says he waj ou the poiu of giv ing op, wb-.n the light of the Ellen suddenly appeared, aod to a minute alter he wot picked op A onu-wr of persona died s'oegfide the vessel before they could be got board, aod be was iiinwdf <o much exhausted that be could not hatesurrited nui-h longer. When the rope was dropped be was unable to bold oo to .t, hot jocctt-lcd io twitting it troood bit waist, and it wa? xu'ccly docc before he wvs bnoid. The saiiori were exceedingly ex pedition? in tbs wotk of rescue, am) aa kind us prwible to the --hip-wrtckel; opeuiog their elicits aod freely giving them supplies from their wurdrof*. The meeting of the survivor? ou board the Empire City is described s- exceedingly af fecting. Only four persona on the Marine found their friends rife. Mrs. O'Conner bad for fire dayt supposed her son Inst, and recei ved him as ‘•life from the d*ad." The Comaai ku ArrlveWl teijtotsrejrt stort or |Mda STU Irttsa t* th* Ditccctry of a Library in the Tombt of Slemphit.—M. de Seauley, a member of the French Institute who has passed some timo in Egypt, sod is very conversant with iu archeology, states in the Courier de Paris that an important discovery hat been nude in one of the tombs of Memphis of a whole library of papyruses, which fortunately waa saved from destruction by the agent of the Museum, who bought the whole lot. Mr. Bird, of the Museum, hss as yet only deciphered only one of the curious manu scripts, which tarns out to bo a complete history of the Royal dynasties registered under the number 18 and 19 in Hanotho' Chronological Canon. The celebrated Se- sostris belonged to on* of theeo dynasties, and the tamo period comprises tha history of the occupation of Egypt by the Hyksos or shepherds, who kept Egypt under their sway for age* —London paper. ■ JttTii u. atth* city—— r , ’ ‘it, for the purpoi.v f ‘ flu ,t. {lUrcht-e it Committee oY arhaniiembn f>\ \V. w'Bddvrin, P, J.immili; A. I. btrnes, U. A. Hsrslnin W. A, Qithtw, p. -Youinp Owtof tu (hi-large number nlj Iktlies oh" the Commillce •us any tickets to the sr* expected from a dsam It propsi not to ladles, but take this method of inviting sml solleitlng the company of tho'lsdice (eieraliv. MANAGERS. • M. W. Baldwin, IV. liamrs, Hon. J. A. Hayden, Dr. If. Ii, Angier, W. A.Grehsu, Hon. C. H. Strong. »»* I tai euetrM wtU ke streeeU. t will sntkMkt srtleMkelew sad be** »ee*teeee euteaen esgalrtif for tkea-eeek set «SE n * pL. &, SSK; Sulphur, C. A. Haralson, , \V. Hunnicutt, J. Bstoee, J. Malone, H. Flynn, FLOOR MANAGERS. . Vounf, A. J. BsrnM, W. A. Graham, P. J. Immcll, C. A. Haralson, AUsnls, Oct 2, 1837 lUwtil Crasher? Serdtaj, Bate, ■ jear tstarsst UeUtw.wsre, tui salt SSL. So»p. S- tftrtvfiata, *ltr, -ittr,' CffiBtlUa, Faints, OllB, Tferolib)*, Sytupffi, BGUowt, AdtUb, Ttew. • latllcog Crock*r/, QlffiMWffilW, Whl.k#y, Wlat, fiOA* . Cord! kIi, CifelBfi, Ona», on (ho atbaoriboi tad look •t hU fooda bo for* jon purebaaa la aaotkor PUtoU ’ for far Oops, that you And Hotaoapna, after* fteaaala, wardajron KorMpa, havabooa Kp. Jtakaa, ohoatad. bad abont It At Ibocomor ol Whltoban aadlMcktU *K5M ,tMf iU WWUHT ROARX. dlf Wnnled, S IX JOURNEYMEN TAILORS. .Two Best—l _ two Pants toil two Vnthsude Apple immediately to . LAW8HB A PURTEL1, Atlanta, Oct 7,1857 dSt LL BUSINESS antiusled to thern.tvlU receive their best attentiun. ihetsl Ctrh advances made on all ranjign- mentr when desired. . W. B. GRIFFIN, HUGH O’NEILL, axrraxNcis. Jeckten, Millsi & Verdery. Augur's, ’la. Poullain, Jennings dc Co., “ « Miller & Warren, Conely, Force 4c Co., •• Chimichsel 4c dcm, •• Ltmback 4c Ccopsr, -• Auguste, tugXHdanCm' 600 Voting Men Wanted, J 'M MEDIATELY, to travel to tht Southern [and Western Steles, as agents. Salary, th per month, and expenua paid. For par. tieulare, address, with •lamp enclosed, E. 8. GIBSON A CO, Exeter. . Rockingham oa., New Hampshire. October 7, 1857 dawtf In too oaiMr/ It In indiaponMble t« a mc«aa of cl«fin* lot the boadaof ehlldron, nod Utlug the foua<);itinu of 0 rijorottf frowthof hxlr. Sold br Dra^titg p ; ,.l J. Taylor’s, Jr., BAT AMO CAP EMPORIUM, Ie now opening a la re* • tock of feohlonabls tell Bate aod ICapi, No. 29, Whitehall’ itreet, next door to Lawalio A Bro.'e Jewelry 8tore, ood will keep constantly on hand a targa rupply of tht neatest and beet itylci of Bote and Cops, to which we iuvite the atten tion of Ike j-ubue. The highest cash prices paid for fun. Atlanta, October 7,1897 dtf The New Good a hare Arrived. C H. 8TU0NG A CO.,, have just opened a •large sisortment ef STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Consisting to|art, of tbs following article*, Rich dra<j Silks; Fancy Bilks; All Wool Merinocs; telaina; Hancbeattr Dalalat: CFThs names of 55,090 of tho*«‘ who tervad in th* .revolution have been placed on the pension rolls since the I8tb of March, 1818, aad ou the 30th of June last only 346 of tbit number were reported living. WThs owners of the steamer Vander bilt state that they have advioes of the en gagement to tome by her on hor next home ward trip of 3,500,000 franca in gold, g. Ate tori everybody boo heard of “ Wood 1 UoirRetioraliet." That tha >ord ,< Battontiv*, in tb it out, ia na misnomer, wa bora tha testimo ny of individuals whoso elevated position In tbs fable character as gentleman, road they publicly assert in the last degree reliable.— 8everal of these ‘ hare letted, personally, tha hair ling of, and oartify preparation wa are now*spetki Io tu sousing aficaoy in the moat pnblia monstr possible. Tbair certificates can be seen at the proprietor’s,Depot, 312 Broadway, Now York, and oaet seen aad preparly appreciated, w* have ’ ' will impresi arsis con vie oo hatitatioa in raying they lion an tha most skiptical t Raotorativa It, doubt!*#*, tht bttt orlicia of ite All Wool Dalolns; PopUnr; Alapooas; BotaUiino*i Giaghsms; Prints; Bleached ud BrownSheeUegsudShirllnxi Shawls: Ladle's Cloak Linings: Flannels; Ksnaysi Irish Linus: labia Linens; Cotton Btripos; Kentucky Jean*; Satins; Casslmart; Cloth; Bosisry; Blaakoto by tho thousand; A splsndid stock of Uloves; Dres- Trimmings, CARPETS, All Wool, J and 3 Ply; Tapestry; Bell Carpets at reduced prices. AIm, a good supply of plantation BROOANS; Boots ud Shoes. We invite our old frioado aod pubtio to giro us o coll, ud are satislsd whan they learn our Pvloso, that th*/ wfli dad It to their interest to hay from os. Remember, we are al No. 1, Whitehall strsat, Norcress' eld stand. Coweud res as. Oct 7, 1897 dtf blMolutloii of Copih'rtnegwnlp. T HE undersigned hara, thb day, agreed by mutual consent, to dioaolv* their buainen connection onder tha nama and style of Don- wody, Arnold.and Co, and said name shall only ho used hereafter to dose out tho busi ness Arnold A Skelton, of tho late firm, will carry on tht business at tha tame place, nndor the name of Arnold A Skelton. C. A. DUN WODY, 0. W. ARNOLD, O.P.8KELTON. Kceewell,8epl. 38, 1867 dltwtl’ kind ever yet predated. rg-It dees not dye, bat gif M life, health ud beaaty to tho doooying, foiling end deed, resto ring, u if by magic, last which was supposed to b# tmeorasably lost. Hsods nearly bald, ud othsrs nearly white, at* dally batog changed to their pristtma beauty, ud facts covered with pirn- teg u a rasa, ail by tha ate of Prof. Wood's Hslr Rsetorativs Far tala at 114 ifarkat street, ud by all Iiraggiiu.—Chieaer Timet. Bold by all good Druggists. (I) Soph 8, dw2w Special Notices. tho ootmtey. For tbi* great oarric* bo it •dll witboet reward. WINFIELD SCOTT. A letter tram Austin, Texts, lu tie Gal veston Herald, gives an account of a stmt firht on the morning of the Iritis, between Major John Marriwil, of the State Oaxdte, end Dr. W. 0. Phillip*—’Jte cam*, rtvenl articles idol appeared in tb* State Uaxette ard Sentinel. Tbc writer ups : About nine o’clock this moraine, mail crowds of iodividaaia might bare been teen standing sround the corner*, *11 looking out acd expecting a difficulty. Wh-o Dr. Phil- tip* raw Major Manball earning np.the street, be placed himself at the comer where Mar shall would be obliged to pas*. Aa Marshall came, op, Phillip* drew his revolver sod riot st Minbaul' Then th* fikbt cutnmruc*J t each shooting slterustely; one of Mnrefanll’a shot pairing through Phillip's c«t risrve > no other damage wa* done. As «ood a* they fired all their shot*, they threw their pistols swap and clinched, when the town snthoritie* interposed, acd the **- isUsoti were taken bon* by their respective friend* Tbare »st tooridenible raejumeot st tbe time, aad it i* generally feared that the matter ku not ended jet. P ARTIAL DBAFSESS AND DISCD Ah BBS from the eer^-Dr. llsrtly generauly oBere to sttsad *11 persocs tntTsring from affeetloae of th* ew at hla offlee, 7(0 Broadway, New York, withast charge antll vared, thereby proving hie tb* deef ini tnrlsts ex- Infltctton of k: 4 ParitianLeiyr-rfn n recent French tow nitof “*ep*raU6u of.jssperty,” brought by M. B. against hi* wife, the batata frodnrtd three hundred MU* which ta tad topny to oo* jrtf. Three of tha I'nm are awfeBowa: 1. Malukcff cage* with artificial apritp, reioMloe* Bayadere* • to Dicta* wta * In Pompadour, 1,800 If. 2. Prtlieert* Jiota* to bide eaid cagt*. 3/XK) fr. h. WmkbH* , petticoats, with fioaoort, frnrt Booth of May to the tod of June, 2D60 ft. Sflh» - - tanefi wf hot Rckoeta. Tn Braoouiartm so* t* Ttxxarrx*.— Tba following wu handed as by n bvoltar arntB, He takas Iron ta obituary notice teat btm for pwbiicoUon. Spaakingof ttadto- ana* of wbtoh tb* parson died, the writer aay*: “H*dtodefTi/edtino*mney (Ty. pboid portfmonto.”) Tire di***M tad noth- iag to do with the pratrat prertnr* in lire mowxy XMrkett—JfaMUt Tima. fiffi The p »s**ng*n ef ttaCwtnl Axmt- ieawho weratokra on heard tta'Emntre City from th* Marin* haw pwewted Copt- MtGewaa wife • htnltnwto gold chroooiw- rter watch wta hVkty wwwghtehain, aa a totan of ttair ertawD fir hto abto and ha. eowdort taring tb* late destrs-ilve CFTb* Cantbarit or Spanish fly, to n Da tive at California. Large carntwr* df this intact were otamta some day* ago .on th* “blood* hwyend tho Guadeloupe, fh Clara county. Ttaj can aontetims* ts mio there, iviaiwid.-in duster* of awarm*, torg* ensogh to fill a pint mtarart. They are a* easily canght as any other bortto. and oa Ah* powdar of camliaradie* i* told in onr drug atorw at * tprj high figure, there seem* no reason why th#** little bog* should not ta a remnrkabto commodity bthsiti connect Urn ahstevsr with uy perssa > uy pel advertising to curs dsafusu, usithsr huh* givan a certificate permission for th* publication of purporting to emanate from him, and euoot, therefore, bs respomlbts for uy alarming eons*- qsssces rcrelting from niheots and dsiparaUcn. lest ofmtmay raay noth* material to soma pericnr, hut th* deprivation of oMsfthonwrt important of thi nsnsre oaght to bs rogardadud treated with mors tbu ordinary »oHet<n<to— Deafness, notes to th* head, ud all ditagreuhls dlwhargs* from th* oar spaadily and parmnnut- ly removed. With sat earning th* tout pato or In- convenience. A core I* all eas« gnaresUaU where malformation dost not oiteu Thirteen y eon’s sloe* sod almost undivided attention to this branch of ipoetol practice hac eaabisd hla to redoeokls treotmuttorooh a dogres ofsneetat ■• to Hod tha most eontnnad and otatlnste oarai yield by a steady ttustion to tho moons pre set! bod. Ihofollowluf testimonials are •uhtaltted with oonSdaaoo. Tbay will *how at least la what re- tlautlon Ms pcofeMbwal qaalilesUon* are held br aara* ofiko moot dtetingnbhad rntdiesl man if rths eoantiy; TESTIMONIALS! “I bars had Iks pteorare to moot Dr. Hartloy ta tta praetles, and hart bran fod ta forms to- vorahlecpioten ofhte ehsneter, both I* prof**, lion sodas a — "W, IL Pamela, H.D^Pnt p® j “Frew my toteKsan* . tare found kiedepovtsaewt to taoorreatad ‘* a “- to City AsUre, Now Tsrii. Ilk- Plantation for gale. For the pnrpoM of efoiing my buainua ini Georgia. I oiler for sal* _____ ths place known aa tbe reeiJenca of Andtrson Ingram, lying tn Wilk inson and Lantena counties, containing 2000 •errs, 1200 opon, the balance well timbered with oak and hickory. On tht those place ia an ractltonl dwelling, ■ good grist mill, negro cabins, gin houa* and screw, ud all necessary out buildings. Any on* wishing such property will find it to tbair advantage to call soon on tho subscriber, at tha ntidtnc* of Nimrod J* Brown, or address him at Cool Spring P. 0, Wilkinson eannty, Georgia. JAMES INGRAM. October 7, 1857 w»t* xRATT'fl AMERICAN INDUSTRY, A Monthly History of Commerce 1RA k IND(J8TRy PRATT’8 AMERICA A Monthly History of Finance PRATT’S AMERICAN INDUSTRY, A Monthly History of Mnnntootuees. PRATTS AMERICAN INDUSTRY, A Monthly History of Indnatitol Pursuit* PRATT'S AMERICAN INDUSTRY, Show* how to Manufacture Goods. PRATT’S AMERICAN INDUSTRY, Rhowa how to prepare Qooda foe Mtrktt or PRATTS AMEBIC •mpii J'osf Punning.—Nix Irri,ittn» ran a ten mil* foot race in BoflkW !«t week. A apaekaaly rtN Saturaipi* Indian named Emith completed I traotorat, appUra At ; n f.ft vtv ininntea thfrtr.twn I liras to ofect * *t - tta diatonce in fiftynitx ininnte* thfrtytwo. aUf •ecooda. • ATI the cthaya were nearly snjeumuthraty.! taw. \/ trd 1 o**b*7, m' ...rrwfeirfr^V ■ ii/g r.Ufffr* *- it. 4 fili ir*1rlt* -.d AN INDU8TRRY Bbow* bow to Detect Adulterated Good*. PRATT’S AMERICAN INDUSTRY, Show* - Defect Commercial Fraud*. PRATTS AMERICAN INDUSTRY, Show* taw to'Detect Manufacturing Fraud/ PRATTS AMERICAN INDUSTRY, Show* bow to teat tta parity or tnlsnof good* ' PRATT’S AMERICAN INDUSTRY, 8ho*l how to Examine and Pordtaw Good* PRATTS AMERICAN INDUSTRY, Show* how mode are Adulterated. PRATT’S AMERICAN INDUSTRY Show* taw to test tta Purity of Grorertra, PRATTS AMERICAN INDUSTRY, Show* bow to tiet tta Purity of Uquore PRATT'S AMERICAN INDUSTRY Show* the Addrtrt * bodae* of 2JSDOO firm* PRATTS AMERICAN INDUSTRY, ffiaraasffiSBsagaSr. aHBnr la a Gtide tta Defector for tta People. PRATTS AMERICAN INDUSTRY, (ton ta rtcwtta by aanding .On* DoUar Fitte 4c Co, PrtHfeir* and Proprietor*, 617 Benton Hlrest, PhlladsIphto.Pa. Tarmae 8U# p« annum;$lta in adranc*. K6TAB psreaaw fwntehwiw owlteMs informs- ' tioo PraU’s Aossriaan ludyitiy, will bspaid - 'tet-uriaM millpsr word for ttaaanw. i«v| m: (.w&BnfijtV'jiitKtr, y phalli Tailtirs, li 1+tlHALL STlifU 'j JhVeAHtA.. ■ '"Pl“ W. B. GRIFFIN & CO Coininissioii Merchants. AND AUCTIONEERS, AUGUSTA, GA L. MAller’a Hair litvigorufot. - For itteojthsnlng. Itretorlnr, DarksalDX, ami pot- pstaatla* tb* besaty of the hair. Price 24 crut. t-r bottle. It arsaleatssscarf an,t damlrnS; imparts vl- Ulltj to lb« ivutfi of tha hair: Ip nil# tlcor en4 ludtrp ro thafibr#*; darkPna thtifi If too light, MJ. Dfiy’fi fit., Nat aap}. 17—<13ra. Bacon-Flour-Corti-Poae-Oaf-! 70*000 pounds good new Tonnossco BaoMU. 90,000 lbs. good Superfine Flonr, Cuution to Parties Pitrchasiug 8. N. Pike’s Magnolia Whiskey, ClnclnutKl* Ohio. solo proprietor of tbe ahove brand olfi WHISKY, would retpootfiilljinform'hit! customers and parchusers of this celebisted brand that there baa Appeared In the Charleston and other Bouthern markets a counterfeit of Ibe above - Whisky, being a poisonoofi imitation, branded S. N, Dyke’s Magnolia \ <nd of her names similar to 8.1^. IMko. An thero ia no parly in this city of the name of S. N.Dyko it isiutendod to itnposo and deceive thoaowbo would purehaie tho genvine brand. I moke tbit itatmnent to put parties on their guard, oa there aro several persons in (he east and west making an imitation, and ahing my name with a slight alteration. I have anaiy tod several samples of this counterfeit brand, and found that it contain* a deadly poleon, this factalono impels mo to c&tu tion the public to protect thoso wjio are liable to bo it-elred, and prevent thoovil reaulta attending, tbu use of his poisonous imitation. I Also here by fiution the counterfeiters of my brand, that 1 will prosecute them to the full extent of the law. 3,000 bushels good White Com, sNo. I Peas for plodt«a2, 000 bushels 400 bushels Black 6eod Oah. 300 bnshels good White Corn Meal. The above article* will be sold st fair market Wice for Cash, or good SO or CO day rotes. .My warehoui* is rory large, and I will Store uli cindsof Produce ot low ratos. All product) lef; with me is as poft from fire as in any other Ware- House In tbe city, and can be insured if desired 0. D. BAKU, //arch 3.1. ' Pm.W* TlmW * d from the best qualities of Rye and Porn, and is warranted free from any deleterious or ob noxious compound, it being a pure and healthy beverage. Many parties have recently commenced making an imiuti of tuy made brand, so 1 gtt ihe only genuine MngnoHa Whisky made in the Uaittd Stntos, and distillpd only by me SAM’L N. PIKE, Jio. IS A. 20 Sycamore ft., Cincinnati, Ohio. . Juno 18-dfiwly, MALE and FEMALE SCHOOL. To the Citizens of Atlnnlu THANKFUL to iuy friends ot Atlaiits for their liberal pstrqnsg; ’ w.'Ulii rcep.-ct for the past session, 1 fully solicit an inertssrd pilronsge for the next session, wniclt will coin- raencoon Mondsv, July 20th, 1857, Onr rooms •re Isrgo snil airy, protected hy n piaiia lift) feet long from the sun. Every attention possi ble will bo paid to the manners and morals of every pupil committed t> iny cere, end a thor ough and practical education imparted. A rigid but parental ditcipline will in' en forced. No one need apply for admission for their children into this echool who do not wish their children governed. It. ROGERS Principal. R. H. A JA8. E. ROUE 118 Assistants. Mrs- E. C. It. & Mill L. M. itOG- ER8 Assistants Fomeln Drpattircnt. TKRMB rXK SESSION Ot t\t£STY 1VKKKP. FI RMTI ltfi!! Best Saf- Tlllte snbficribcn' have on hand and uro now opening a liurgo and Ub • c.vrofuily eolccied Stock ftum tho Northern Mouufuctories. Waidrobes, Buroftuaj SecroUuye, Wnt>hitand«, liodfitoadfi and Chaim uf any desired pattern and prico. A fino ajFortmcnt oi Centro, Work, Saloon find Toiietto Tablea—Etagcro’e, Cor nor anil Side—Sofa*, Tito* a-Toto, tic. In Addition tu tho above largo *tock ? wo are receiving weekly mippUes. Tho publio are In vited to call aud examine our etock. P. A. dte J. S. WXLLIAfifH, Jfflii door to Uilbvrl U CUuko, l>acbtrer»t., Atlanta, oa’ (loading and Spelling. Arithmetic. Geography, History Grammar Philosophy Choinictry, .^Igobra, metry Incidental Expenses.. X3T Tuitionjiftyable qaartf rly. jdj!0d3m iaj and IU 00 , Burial Cases. pared to furnifih Pick's u prepared iemeus of tt eouipotenl portion to attend to thil do* partment. F. A. A J. S-WILLIAMS, No? ItS/orL-dwly Peachtree greet. Waro-Houio & Gommiaaion Merchant ATLxANTA* GJKOKOIA. jJjAVING_ronted that apacloua Fire- Proof Waro-Houio, recently ereotoi on White-Hail itreet, will attend to the 1 tonco and Sale of Cotton, Corn, Lard Bacon, nd ail otherprodneo with which ho may be favor- trade of Georgia, ho fiattera himself that be can ghreiotUfootion ia the sale of all produce; and alio in the purchaso of allarticlei which tho coun try may require. T. DOONABT. Dfecumber 4.1854. fiOdwtf NEW CANDY MANUFACTORY —AND— ;atlanta, ga. lanta and vicinity that he has constantly cb hand, at hid Confectionery and Baking eeUbliak- ment, all kinds of Confectioua, Pautrie?, Fruits&c He is al-io prepared to furnish every description of plain ffihd ornamental CakwjJ for weddings or parties, at short notice, and on cccommodatlng terms. Imported wine." *nd bra-dles of fill description! for medical purposes,kep* always on hand. Alio, geuaine Spanish Cigars, und choice chewing To- Dacca—together with u large assortment of To; Fancy Articles, Ao., Ao. NEGRO SHOES! CHEAP! CHEAP!! ^ TO TBOSB WANTING A PRIME ^ Mlsrtiris of double sole or welted brogsns.fftf 1 K«s will! ray thst we now hsvo ia Store' M s hesvy Stock, sad sit ot oar own Maaafscturing which w* will tell st tea eaote a pair lower than any houss la thil city will sell as good so.article —competition ws defy either in Yankee Made, Georgia Made, Home-made, sr any other ranks, and warrant them as good nr srtiels ss hss sver hssn offered la this Dsrket or Stats. All kinds of proporU™S^?fesp sou'nterernt? 0 * All good* pnrehissdofaa repaired free of charge. At the tiga of BIO BOOT, Vesnhtros Street. 1 Atlanta Georgia. 1, 19*9, DIMICK, JOYCE, A Co CHEROKEE SPRINGS FOB BAX.B. 11 TILL be *oIfl, st RlonoM, Gl., on tho Or.t Osy o YY Ssptsnbsr asst, (if not privately dispoted of bs fore) to tho hi jhret hiddor, SJ9 oeres of Is nd, emhrs •ItifUtoCtwrokragprlsgt. Thlstrslntbls and boss ttfml plAMfibooUb* known to appreciate it* Yktue— tb* watota are highly aOaacioufi, «*p«cU!ly in dtNOMir, Dyapamlfit Kidnay Affectifroa, Eruption* ef tha Bktn, Ac. Tba analyita mada by tha eminent frof MKA5d, prove* them limtlar to tba Cb«Uii>ib«tn Pprlnga ofEaglaod. Tbatbrivi ,M # t« only 1X taltae, and tba State U only IV taliaa* and tba Btata Kail Read M0 yard*— Tba open land ia iW fertlla, inelndinf an orobard of II acre# of tba mo«f aaleetpd fruit—each aa Apple*, “ ~— “*■—*' Apricota and flrapafi PtaabM, Paara. Plara^Cbarriaffi, ApricoU and On now vary promteiDg. Tha batonca of tba place la timbered. Tama, one third ce»h, tbe balance in and 3 yeare with intemt—Time given to gather pnta ^Alaoltbe tract ef land known a» tha Cloba tract, adjoining tba aprtoga, place, eenUining 140 naraa.— TWitaabandfioma nwf doairnble ro-ldonce The Ira arorcraenta ore aU jpoA The duelling large «rat Boaaaa Ac.,orchard, Ta^ Yard, aod fine apHnf*. 60 or W acree ef open land, very r«riil*-poa**«toa giran an r before CbnetnuM ndlt. tale positive. Alao, 100 acxaa af land, wear KluggolC on Taylor# caltirata, S aerre An excellent free w&saSSBam cub, tba balance In If months. Title* -all tbo above guarantied. The ownar^f eaid leeda eidet la Lonlelnn*. J. 0. rXXlftTCN, Agent. Rotggcld, Oa-g-Jalj «4t,m7-dAwtf. Having recently returned from the North, where he laid in a fino 5tock of Fancy Artiolemnd'eTf' ry thing neceeau-y for oarrying on hie candy man oi&ctory he would’nform county <1 taler* that he la prepared to furniah candles kt wholcaoloat 20 centi per pound, Ordara accompanied with the eflH or good city reference* promptly attended to. - If. VALENTINO. Atlanta, Nov. 80th 855. daw-y House Furnishing Goods. TOMLINSON & BA NES RESPECTFULLY inform their Menu, and patron itbat they nre now receiving s very largo assort oentpf HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, oonsil ingin part of. Cojtper, Tin, Itrittannia aud Jnpaunin Ware, Willow and Wood Ware. Wa ter Coolers, Bird Cages, Firm ing Tackle.; Neiti, Traps, 1DTOVBS ol < form. well. " ‘ As., Ac.; from the Downe A Oo, Manufactory, Albany.— We have employed experienced workmen to carry work dons South, and all orders for StUle, Roof ing, Guttering, Gaa and' Stesm Fitting will meet with promptattentlon. ,0*11 and oxamlno onr atoek, tret door south of Railroad. Whitehall*!,, sign of ths Stovo and Ooffts Fot. Atlanta, Msy 14,1188. dwly. Murguu, Kirkpatrick, & Go. mrartrt^^UAVING opened » hew Ware yMMIHrsoir. on Pe-.rli Trer.Street,would ^-^^wssll thesttenllon of.ttis public to thslrfltoekof p’ariiUtirs.sBbrselnf Csblntl Wsrs lnsllttovsrlttles,Chsirsorsvsryklad:| l aon(M,0. Itettrosssssfdprlnge, Hair, Ross, Cotton sndul Sbiiek— CAnPKT6,RUOS,AC„ T«, "urteinsdismssk, Cornices gQQ Btnste « ras Jtlwjte WbLksy fsrsals loss I by., g. E.SXXSO.Csretotulon nsrebsst. •iff ■ HAVB ON I. . --, t (tool* fin 0't.v j !0 -fe* • * !- '3 ! ISnisk Ttj 'tril ? ■ ft 42 71H ImS To the Citizea of Gwinnett, Jaok- - son, FxaaUin, and the at(join- ing count!mi- . ' ,‘~ sirs wustArsspsetfully ulveobr werasst thanks sY inibstrliUnl irtrons^s and ws hope from the xsosnJ estl.tectlon *1 von In onr forme* ope- ntloas la Dsotel Bor*srj, to <) emend a Urge portion ef their pnutlos in the rotors,- We ere now re ceiving s iraw end line assortment of Dent*! Sfstc- rial, Instrsmrata; end we frel sssored, with 11.i tA sen use of from sis IO ton ytwrs rrgnlsr prsr.iirc.w- sen *>»> fell satisfaction In nil op«r»iloi.«. H.U.. will open bis ofio again In Jefferson, lb 'first of Marsh next end dortli* bis sbssnos ltd winter, s'I rails will ire «lend.<t to s.liIrtsaWllilnn K/ITO.’i APJLA DU ItOlfXKT BATIION Hesmb.rt.llM tw 800 Barrel* Flraur, I set r«ra4rs4, e*4 tor seU, MS Hefrels