The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, October 19, 1857, Image 2

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MONDAT, Ticnau op Tins ItfTELLIGEjrcBB & EXAMINER DAILY. - - WEEKLY, a 04 tit-r ob latest ssrrssEB tbikd page HOTES OF Ban* of Fnlton taken at Par for all Sebta due thii Office. TtoKra Yeitwdaar Homing, At »boot on* o'clock yrettriV «. .etedamea byttae*r</R»a»£M«*. (ram cur window, we*w ragtog fiercely from *. kimheo, nd«h«a ; V. tie. mttara 0 , our eclccmcdTeilow citaen, Jowph Win- s&ipKtq, Ha»trwnj to the tcen& we urre> rired only in time to ice ttetanJEjae mmr uon of that gentleman, together with al* the tmt-t^pJdingi oahii lot. easeteprf in dtmee.aU of .which wen in Jen than aa hour and * half boned to the grand.— Promptly aa to t Fire Companies, aodciti- reni general!;. were^on the grand, from tic aoarcit; of water in the neighborhood 4 the fire, nothing was doa* that raid ar rest the denoriat element, and which raged re Bendy after its dieeottty, that, saw a few articles of Mr.Winihipb parlor fwrni- lure, everything iu the boose and kitchen was destroyed. This is the third that, within two years 1 that Mr. tVimhip ta*. in cur judgment, to. cm the victim of rente infernal incendiary. Abes; S3 months ago, his 8ne residence on Peachtree street wns set fire to, and eutirdy coseomed. Building m the same rites, on yesterday morning the torch of theincendi- ary was again applied, and ail that is left arc the smoking ashes to designate the spot where his b«mtora mansion, a few hours ago sued, an ornament to cor city.— And, cuy > nti-oUv or two ago, his large workshop near the State depot, was burned to the gtoauL By. that geeriewaa, himsdt, sre advised that Uk first fire was certain' iy the work of aa mcendiarr ■ and is the u of yesterday tasebing proceeded from ■M Idea deal flaw that the first was discov ered to originate in there is no doubt, that the nsx head applied the forth in both icetao* •r . Such being/erft, we trust that our tv -.-lacfi'.ieawdi proceed rigidly and per* - .vringiy to insesfigate thb matter Its : :c !> tbe s- foriunate gendtann who is the safftrer, as wdl as to erer; mem ter of ear coxunusisy: Mr. Winthip'j 1c J consol be ires than 5 i0. f *0 by Uds fire.u there an no insurance upon ibe property destroyed. -MttahMffcawiBSM We find the following io the “.Bising \ /hr Ms ExtmMrif- Intelligencer, Mew York Bank. For weeks, peatman; of the New York City papers tmn been discussing the ptob- ’bilities of a suspension of WfflHHfTjrii»FinfiiinniT-^ * Large Credit* oa “ *■' *" tie*, iwsr, wrw twenty years Tor a it jgsccompfohct.” with oar Mend, and we toll, him oowytaa the time will net he long when we too ahall be heard to say, “throw up your hat,” for the Air Lins Rsilroad is &o- compiiahed. and we can breakfast at hotoS one morning and sup in the evening at At lanta, Go. It may look a wild' fnaey now; but it will became a fixed fact''. Our oclempcrery of the “Biting Sun’’ never pennod a qtore truthful prophecy, as time will chav,Titan when he wroM of the Air Line Railroad, that - it may look a wild fancy now, tat'It wDl becosto a fixed tac' So important sa enterprise, ones underfill > “ neverfaB. lie short time, we shall dtmonatretethistoallwbo, uninfetmed, ven ture to pronounce it a “ wild fancy.” f>\ tottoeeuneetkoefonr icaboani with the mountains, there are no enterprises of simi tar character in Georgia, That ofier to the capital lit greater inducements to invest, than does the Air-Line Railroad. This work, magnificent. io conception, rromwisg--o much not only to the region through which it passes, bat to New \ erk and New Or leans, has been considered by practical uot fancy men, and their verdict upon it 4*. •• it must be construct i; “ and it wUt be, wa can areure our Soath Carolina friends, at a period far from being a remote cue. The Money P*nlf—Measures of Belief No. 3. in my lint communication to your paper cn the subject of the present stringency in the money-market. I presented some reflec tions on the dangerous consequence > to the country of a general suspension of speciepay- Is by Ike Bunks of Ike State of Geotgia. Ieodeaeored to show that whilst such a movement might hare a very selfish effect iu protecting tbs Basks it would be followed by moot ruinous consequences to the great mas-es of the people of the country. The bone and sinew of the land—the actual producers of its wealth, have but little iu common with the great moc-y-making and note sha ving corporations—called Bonks, and when ever these institutions throw out a large cir culation and torn suspend to save themselves —their depredated money is left afl at throughout the couctry— to be bough: aud SoU at Such rates as the necessities if th-- people may require. That monster ev.i bis ita force. Every Bank io Savannah has suspended—the Georgia Riiiroad and 1 : ,n Bank in Augusta are in the sime categ tv —and the Bank of Fulton at Atlanta, r'thc banks of that city, A general euspcuilou has at length bceu re- aolved npon by the tanks and' .we presume % this time' has gone lnt effect, at lent io far is to refuso ipccio for check* on a.pos c ita. Now, the question is,.dots this refiisat or inability on the part of tba banks make a total failure; lu other words, do the banks by'the non-payment of specie on the dep-*» its it stoutly forfeit their charters under tbe constitutional provision, and go immediately into the bands of a receiver ? The follow ing is tba clause in the Constitution of the Statoof New York: “ Tbe Legislature shall have no power to pass any taw sanctioning io any manner, directly or indirectly, the suspension of spe cie payments by any per on. association, or corporation issuing notes of any description.” At tbe first blush this would seam to be the effect; tut a careful pet asal of the above extract warrants no such oonciusion. True, a refusal to pay speoie on deposits is, undor general m- roan tile usage, a suspension ; but such suspension may bo legalized by tho Legislature—particularly in times of gene ral pecuniary distress and panic, whero tbe welfare of the wholo community domand it. Then there is not one word to bo found in tbe extract which we have given, inhib iting the Legislature of Now York from sanctioning such suspension, and the pro hibitory clause merely refers to the refusal to pay any specie on the bants notes issued ly the corporations or associations (hemselets, and col ou deposits, and the Legislature mar, and will, we hope, legalize such suspension. This will bo no rioialiouof tlie Constitution, and the present slate of the whole Union calls for a liberal and equitable, and not a cramped and mere technical construction of the Constitution; otherwise commercial an nihilation mast follow- * on SWISIIWSI, SIS -Bdf. Young America, (with a II wJUj*. W tor of an apple stall at tberrefk old woman, what’s the ;there are none better in New York City, end I will lot you have them at tho rate of three for.two oenta" •Agreed on,"—take* throe bites from one and presents hie dollarbUl inpayment “Can’t Ohango that, Sir.” •Why noil” > fewora*- ■•Never mind, you oan owo it to me.” •All right,' He then wends his way to Taylor’s Sa loon, with a determination this-tlme of bar- ing it ohangtd : calls for an oyster stew, which finished, he presents bis dollar bill a- gain in payment; the nun, without exami ning it, says: “Can’t ohango that, Sir.” “No? well, It's tho host I can do ” the failure of one hundred and twenty.two of the largest home* in tht country, for Utt weak ending the 8th last. Sira that data the timber has largely hurras! ;. HdH 1ST How many (bnd-mothers nnd frugal houiowives knap their pretty daughter* find preserves ibr somo extra'occasion, or some “big-bng” or other, until both turn sour? This scorns to us uiarvoloualy poor eoono- my. The Owners of the steamer Vanderbilt state that they have advices of the engage ment to como by her ou her next homeward trip of 8500,000 francs in gold. IFifffy hut Ricked,—A sour follow says that be always looks under tho marringo bond for tho news of the weak. The Suspension of the Banks- Our correspondent “ Hard Money ” has igain asked the privilege of tohmriring his views oo the present financial cabarra*.- meets to the pabSc, through oar columns, *rd befievbg it la be to the iaterest of the State, to have tho question involved in the prescat crisis folly discussed, we shill allow both sides to bo heard. The Blind Negro Pianist, Tons. This man* wonderful musical genius we j:* pier-d to inform our readers, siO giro s jtr-rs cf bis entertainments during the - uuiag week, at tho Court llotnr. This prodigy ef the taosteal Workl, pet f r~i la the most scientific and correct •inner the cat difficult pieces, of tbe most mtoint musical raxsiirs, lad that too eifhcc: taring -cceiud ir.y instruction.— Be is bhed and ooiy eight years aid, tad astonish all who bear bint, lie will .- vs tos first Uacert on to-morrow night. The Hard Times In New,York. Under the above head the New York Times cf yesterday morning gives a most ilepforaUo pwtare of the present state of | hownmoh balms gnnt So debtTi. aflasri in that citr. S e make the follow* t u fi n( j j t amounts to forty rev mg extracts: *• There was no let up to tbe pressure veatertiay. We are in the m!d*t of Indian summer, and that is about all that keeps the people’s spirits up. Tbe wo:!*— buslines* —gees over the ferry,' op Broadway in the omnibus, in the car, wherev- I a’bankerTnChicagO. er mac, woman, or the shop-girl goes,' i. close cutapanioDi,bip. He will not | *" preached away, laughed away, road ‘Haven’t you any smaller change?’ ‘■No, Sir.” 'Well, you can owo it me, theu.' •A11 right.’ He next steps into a cigar store, lights a five cent cigar, nud again presents his dollar bill. 'Can’t change that. Sir.' ‘Not well, it’s tho best lean do.’ You can owe it to me, then.’ ‘All right.’ Me next stops into a liquor store, orders a brandy smash, Ups it off. and presents mice more his dollar bill. Tbe man looks at it: •Nothing smaller than this?’ ‘No, Sir.’ ’1 am sorry to say i cant obango it ; pay me next time you pass., • ‘All right.' Ha then walks off, not knowing what to do. gqing in debt with suoh sccurity Thioks, however ho will return home and try again to morrow. Steps into the Fourth avenue cars, gets halt way when he is call ed upon to pay; presents his dollar hill, conductor says; 'No smaller change?' •No, Sir that’s all I’ve got-’ 'Sorry to say I can’t take it." so walks away ns though it was no uncommon curreuee, Arrives home and ponders away, with strange thought! in his mind, about the ludar bill. Sets to work and calculates astoiiish- forty seven cents. Ho, however, feels perfectly satisfied, and thinks there is no occasion to work so long ns bo can get credit on BUch security ; be lieves himself as good as many of our mor chants, and conoludes to take eight mouths credit. In five years from'this that youth Feeding tht North.—Within the last ten or twelve days fifteen hundred or more fut breves, end a number of eheop and hogs from the valloy and southwestern counties of Virginia, hnvo parsed through Winches ter on their way to northern markets. Failure of Muggins.—Something for the auav. In Brooklyn the run oo the Brook- j Crisis—Muggins tins failed. He got in a come upon us in all , l sn Savings Bank caused such a crowd as j tight place, hypoUucated everything in his to obstruct at times tbe passage of the core. : In New York t- a target-company obstruct- J cd the pasrage of the cer all tbe passengers fell to talking of the fully of target expedi- 1 tions while t :e times are so hard. Tbe pan- Friday hut adopted a similar course. We ' ic haunts ail circles. It cannot but be the tore thus left upon our hinds- avestamocnt [' nc topic of conversation everywhere. Ev of paper “ promise* to pay” that may or j failu.c throws some new gang cf out of employment. Yesterday's may tot be much more than “trash. 1T>« [ formidable catalogue, however, including apology for this great crime upon society is j principally drysguo-lsmen, furnishes, forra- thol the tanks will be able to occommcOate the public, and thus relieve the present pres? a shorter list of discharged persons than'might be expreted from ita length. '• The blu-’t of all the bine times has (al ien the d- alere of luxuries; and by iuxu- rl.s we d i u mean tho "rnxments of the roan or woman—diamonds, Jen -y penr 1 ?, ore. How vain the hope, that such grinding extortioners, as Bvnken usually are will at- . tempt to do anythihg so liberal os to re! the public? When were such corporal ever known to do business on pie ;* thatIt is their own after, ^r.d little do tbe; care who suffers," if j arc crashing in. and tho retail stores are in possesion down to his bootjack and um brella. nnd finally retreating to (ho upper story of the tenement he occupied, took stout rope, attache! it to nstroog rafter and deliberately suspended payments aud him seif at tlie samo time out of the window, by shining rapidly down into the back yard and made off at a round rate just as his landlady, two tailors, i washerwoman enmo up stairs to break in the door of bis apart ments. He retreated to the elevator of one of oar warehouses, though be ultimately hopes to pay his creditors ten cents apiece as soon as he sells his ‘exchange’ (bo nos an unpaid bill in Now York city to which lie fondly gives that title.) in the meantime bo is ich ectr,-a ,: -■ l ‘ 1 »*rsal«I«. opals, or gold and silver gewgaws, | writing a pamphlet, urging tho formation ,''•'tl . l,s ai.d rnnsic are luxuries now, as much ‘ a General Suspension and Anti-Paying ‘ " P r ’ n ° - »i at new silk nnd satin dresses, and their ; Debts l nion ’ s relief they are a’ernments. Our great publishing firm- He has sent us his articles of agreement, re crushing in. and tho retail stores are in i ont ' rJ f which is that the fee of ten dollars bo state of thorough stagnation Yesterday 1 ‘charged to' ail new members, whoso stand- the; are but ravel io tho general wreck - The poor man me; be thrown out of ca- ptoytnent. and out cf the means of putting i weeks, h.iv-Vi no nothing, literal!; noth NOTES F BANK OF FULTON A OEOROIA AT) A Banking Company. a, and all gocus ING hf CO. «sr THB ONLY" CHANCE FO|t KANSAS 1 V fy/lht Uit if Dr. HARRISONS ELECTRIC OIL. V^OR Ibt ears of RbtunutUm, Patwia th* U»ek, C Bm*or Sitlt, NturtlfU: Riok, N«rroufi or 0U- II*fidAchf , Df*fn***; rilij: .SVlnfil Affoetioafi.- A 1*0, Spr»l*»; Uiiro*: Liutwfi; Old Sore*; Onmpa; DU- Haas Colic, Cramp in thaltanftob; Painltation; Sor* Vjt. TbU OIL u Ko«a ftt: any kinds or RUinys; la-. lUntniatton, Jtc- AUo. SwfH*dJJolnt*; Weaknea* Of JuinUj Stiuuoa* of Joints;Contrsotvtl Xlusclf*;Ckroo ie Kiduoy Affaation, UiarThca, Jtc. Caution. U* sure and get HarrUon'i Electric OIL* Thero »re other medicines in the country purporting to b* the Mine, but ell without uiy lignatur*, signed in wrltlu|. tic humburs. Th* genuine HI.ECTR]OOIL. cun be U*al at YVout)- b*nry’s Drug Store, Atlanta, Oa. Testimonial*. UK. M. A. HARftlHOX— I think it due jou to My, that l lur* betm rlfticted with Rheumatic Palm in my shoulder, fdr aereral K irs. I could not i»i.e inr hand to my head fi*r the t two year*. Heanug o[ your HJectiic Oil. I ««at and got a bottle; after making a tew application*. 1 raise my hand tiYmy hewl. I had tried Suicide oj a merchant.—.John Buohler, of tho firm of Martin Buohler <fc Co., Phila delphia, was found drowned on the 30th ult.. in the Schnykill. It is supposed that he committed suicide under tho influonco of a temporary derangement. Charles Astor Birdstead, the grandson of John Jaoob Astor—the literary millionaire —tho man whose glore bill is $400 per an num—is now at Baden Baden, where ho has bought a splendid villa, and is aston ishing the natives with his American trot tors- The old folks make the money, and the young ones know how to spend it. tfgr A meeting ie called in New York to * sympathise witn the Indian Sepoys ' What a sympathetic people they are in New York, wtiere a meeting can bo procur- od at any timo to weep with any body rejoice with anybody! Igu. Kansas is a go-ahead Territory. There aro IK weekly journal*? published within her borders. Wo cauuol retrain from ualuu^ thuailcu tiou of our reader* to an iidvcrtifiemeut in thii day's p-upor of the “Ilaix HestGrAtlYc” wf Prof 0. J. Wood k Co , of St. Louu. It will h* "cen that he ha# numerou# rertificatos from pcr«oc» < tho highest character, to the merit.# of hi ? Kest< rative. From posltivo knowledge wc are also enabled to say, that It if in or«ry **n*u whitt ;t professes to be, and wo do not hesitate to j re nounce It the fines? preparation for. the head u.d hair wiiioh has so tar been -devised by hutnniMu* gcnu.,y. IV'o have seen it arrest threatened baldness and restore to the held its original pro fusion of natural and glossy hair, and when the latter has been prematurely tinged with gray, we hafo seen it like magic, restoro tho colors of youth and health. Tho 'distinguished propriety of this, wo might truly say, rairaculoui “Resto rative,” is that it gives tho person who uses it, the same head of hair that they wore in youth, thus acting in strict compliance with the rules of the first and greatest cf all toilet makers—Na ture. No ono who has used it will hesitate t<- unite with us in this testimony to its peculiar merits.— C\ciny(OH find.) VtopL'* Frim-I. Sold by all good Druggists. oct!2dw2 rua bled •rything oUein the way of Patsut Medicln all fail*!. 1 can cherfulff recommend y . — . Klee trio •II to all who may be »IP ctcd with Rheumatic Pains. KrsMctfully, CINTHA STKIPART. Campbell county, Ua.. bept lb, 1867. Q irrijr, (Ja*. Oot. t, 1867. UR. M. A. H4UR1SON-- D> gi mk Vou’requested nie to atate th* eiTect of ftur Kteciric Oil, upon me la«t Spring. My kuie had **n sprainevl for »ome time, aud I hid not been able o wa>k lor several weeks. After making two appll- ation* with your Electric Oil, 1 was enable«i to walk litiiout paiu. aud itav* not felt any pain sine* iit^e who doubt, tfiv* it a fair trial. R**p*;tfuUy. QKO. W. THOMAS. t., ()et. 14,1867.. u-ting y< entirely relieved m* of pain time, than I h.fiv* b»?«n iu t**n ye* Atlanta DK. M. A. HARRISON— rhlfi li to certify that l have b«eo afflicted Rheumatic pains in my back and hip* for ten yeat*. with which I have anft>red greatly. I had not been able to work for some month*, wlieu I commenced UHlng your Electric Oil. I u*ed three bottles, which •• ' • • -- ' — T ■— better at this J. CRAWFORD AUAVTA, 0*., Oct. 14,1867 DRr M. UARRISON- Thu is to certify that I hare been afflicted with In. ftammatury Rheumatism for seyeral week*. MyJMnts was t»*ry muck swollen and still' 1 had not been able to walk cr dress raysrif wi ,...<ut help, for three wtvk* After uving your Electric Oil a short time, or i.ffliteu<l limb w*« entirely relleyed of itilfoe** Newly Organized Dow KtiZpS . Menagerie and q irons I M»gnidrentl; flttoJ up (rit lh* 6«uan of 1867. MANAGER y ;.B. B, DELAND. Equestrian Director W H STOUT. Bing Muter ......J EBSLER CLOWN......: TONEY PJBTOR. Grotesque Merivnan.;. .GARRY DEMONT. Kaaper rf Menagerie,. ..„Prof, BBA8ELY. For Two Dajrs Only—Afterueou and U venlng. At ATLANTA, Monday and Tatidt. Qotobsr 26th and 37th, 1857. Doerk open at 1 and 7 o’clock r. u, PtrfonuuicM * ccmdienc* half hoar afterwards. Admission to see Itlh Exhibitions. SO Conti, Children end Servant! *6 Csiti. AOR AYDPROCESSlbil WIUMiaad.leth.roraiuoner th# h.T °t uhlMUoa, ptseoded by the Mttiioal Chariot; DRAWN BY FOUR ELEPHANT,'. The following ia a eood*na*d pro* gramme of the principal perfomaa c*a glraa by thi. splWdld treup*. Eotr**— 20 hurt*. Comte Som by Tommt Paaroa. w rl H*»w>et 0 ” ,M1 ' * ,Mt ‘ arid pate, (octlddwly) JAH. WALTON. bread in tho r.i'-utha of bimvelf and facsi'y, —bfe v:ry oarttinga ma; have botn paid u o. no; of .aipohdeti tackv. which he svi!! have t„ toll at a to;? of ina ten to ;w;.t;. fire per cent, rut tvhat care there incorn ra tal vampirw a ho hare fattened cn tLr bo:d of the;, for vneb .offering. A know!e<iqe of i: ./;!d notdraw a sbiilinj’- worth of relief. 1 The idea that at; co-.d d :, accom - I pfithed by (hi* etipenno. .t | rer. i —it wm only held out avan iliail-.r. •• I the act vrae doco, and and will never be rei ■ al'xed in their future eperattonv. The u-n.: i aeifih principle of takieg fare cf tefir t rt , infitesrj will prevent it. Thrvhave I to rtfaae to pay spa-w fer their ld;c b-> I came they have far more cot,, than spe- - | Can it be ropposed, they trill now p'uaje , deeper to the mire by increasing thtir icali:- ity for redemption 1 Never. • Testy wi.! pr„- | coed to contract and cotupt. payment from j their debtor!. They will sue their etutoment I to bankznptcy— and in but few cases ’ ™ 7 ^ "r. > T ,.,T I ’“f be ever able to make tbetr own araett • •, notwltluxodlafi the money ■t.fyic/ t, the Sccicty. The Secretary, Usmak, and las other of tU - tv, :.are Ixz Indefaugatle ,ia their .rv tc improre the Fair Ground!, and erwise to alsanoe the Itf.jrei*, and ccm- BilJc Stupeatioci iu AsfUto- >. Ctcsitc i ttal st ■/. Augusta, ot Sap- -■i«y,. aayv: “All tba bantam thii city : w impended, and are arranging tor x ■.nif.rm rate-.f currency aod exchange, aa xi t ttible the crew to rt<-ve forward to •naritet. ^far M, thxr.ic.. Angmti, City and ia- srrance Bonke di-i not ri ~".c3 until tbia The Stole Fair- !n^ f a r ? toe Southern Centra! Agr.cui- , Bevcrcl t ...a. .ilir.g and publishir.-.- hou-ei ing L to bo forfeited if the fee in by any in vent to tba wall, whir the retailers, for 1 advertency paid- . ..... Then there are several proviaioiw, one of- ing—bare n't, e'« they acknowledgi j, toll which squints toward v return to the Sebba b--.A? enough to cover, in profit, half the ! tic J elr ' 'tpo” which Muggins himself claim! a.-iour.t of their clerks’ .‘alaries. It is the : tr) hxvr already experimentally enterod- am?, or ..ton wor.-c, with the priDt and i He tells us, in a foot note, that a twelves : idler 1 . In one of the latter hou. *s ' month iniercalculatcd just Dow, making ail ;; o- ; i ee, t,.c —tve are positi ely ■ oolleatious and business transactions illegal •i j;-d : •' hf it g the lrst week less than Void during three hundred and sixty* -17 waste : including orders from the five days and six hours, is just what toe country, where tta average daily rcc-.ipte, , community need. Perhaps it ii. We look N ." re'ti.cwet from 550 to $70 daily, upon Muggins as "eventually good.”-* .: 1 this is ,a.y an example of the state of Chicago Press! under toe present pressure in limtlar - • “•-•buwDti Tin Musas. Hvarns-.—In relation to toe t ' ; n|v;n the dry- . tka suspension of' this bouse, the Nesr York f . J« It very marked. The whole- C.frier tars: ■i.ii alert are doing very little. Ono of them Lambert d, Co., in Chambers street, n expedient which, we pro- oo imitated II- pr,posts to The suspension of Hirper Brothers on Thursday, is one of those events for which th.js-r w!io know them best, were not pre pared, e'.t-o in these times. With bondi T-N 1 . u . . , i . .. . pareu, in tne«o times, tvittibonai nesentte toettatrtof, butat Li mortgagee on productive real estate in r^ 1 nft.a to ..,T?^,i t ^ 1 for non tba*' four times the tlie I till l! !if” ’®ilVtoT !' “mount, and ooly aiking to hare their line a ,- t !*, 7“^’ Ot ‘iincount restored *itbin $5,OX) of what ! ;; ;..; f ten or fifteen bond ed it .hould ta-and with tbe roleatn assurance ' , : r0 °“ r 't't tha ‘ »M asked, they must eus, ICC. a heavy dealer, need so and ^iictarge Iretwoen six and 800 ? w ' ,, • • ... i persona in their employ—they were ooldly 'o, . r v ,u-‘' e 2‘ 1 remitted to go b, thh board; and thus : 1 ° r ,S? VW compelled to bring distress and want among • V 1 foreshadiwed ft Brooklyn n he case : thousand nenoot. who w.rediroctl. inaz.e no t. probabl7 t Special Noiicc?. Bunk ot Pultoti. ATLANTA, «A.. ( Octjbib 16lh, lrtft7. ) * of th** ouspension cf th*' Ranks in lie Oourtry, thf* undeMfgnetl, as DirucUfr* «>t the HANK OF FL'L'J’ON, haveorilt'rutl a' suspension of specie payments b* the Bank In doing so, wc have not acted hastily or unadvisedly, hut have well consid ered tbe atep we have tak»n. We believe ihc interest of *>wr citi/on.# re«juireit, and that tiny will stain u*. To Bill holder* we remark, do not sell the notes at a sacrifice, as wc am abundantly able to pay all our liabilities, ..which rholt l»o done n* soon as the interest of the community shall require it. Director*. A. W. STONE, E. W. HOLLAND, JAAED IRWIN WHITAKER. WM. E//AARD. OCt I Cdwtf l"CARD^ Meters. Duncan if’ Ijochrant :—We will lako tho Bills of the Bank of Fulton and give goods at tho lowest cash priccB October lfitb, 1857. (Aittiov White k Co l* k <1 T Dodd JlUo M Wallaca H tV Coiart Smith A Franklin Harrison k Utsaut T Doonan Brody A Solomon G I ForeftcreAglMiwitit Butt \ Jack sms&mi FOR ILL DEBTS DDE THIS Mrnm*m'w.izxm3m oct. Ifi, *57. *ltf* MCOliflMTION LINE. W I’as, equal to their outiUcdicg liabilttire. Tlus will tbe general saSbiog be increxsed, and tbe mn»l deplorable ttaula to to; brought about.. The Bxoks of toe State of Georgia have* cemented a great wrong, cue as uocaliel , , . f.r, as it irei i.-utrageoo! by tbe course thev . u tvery ctov.efexnto.tor!,woo, we are Uf# ^ n bare d-r-e it to .biaid • ^.ar-qctosuuuwra. Weexpecttoo ^,,*1,,. from ^ natural rcu.t. of the a large number of from* frem a dm ^ Uea d ,, n:e. raexitette Ftir. Moat brandy ^ ^ lht[E ^ |rw th , It , jf .. we we route toem aU, cot only to our ^ oto f# „ h b „, ot . ■ , - ■ ... , eereral thousand pcrious, who were directly of tone p */>r trir I who learning in the morn- , f , J ,v . .u i vns« j- .j (iependent upon them For employment — ilj? that «be had r.^‘n dischar^eo, irent k- *u; . * i. i .. o r- *r, i thrrui* a rim k,sair, ' v ho l “ henofitteu by this MjMtoml Did It L.;c;. and cat her tr.roat. A run for help ,i u.j I ma ^ e k>an ^ which refused to aid them or; ** ; had already commenced upon tne •.hildrofrti . 0 _ _ * - Aid Socio'.v, The Hum-: for tbe Friendless, « f' cr . .. . j , 1 ar.l th. other charitable institution, of the ; „ ® u * \°, ft". R ? h *» ‘» a ,.-v. Tbe intelligence office# are crowded ' . h “ . i .a-, a! precedent. We cannot.tagin to ersun,er»tf» the people thrown out of bo§»- l-?« Ly thi- terrible ^finmcial revalsien, k fi ’n? that our in almost every <?arv*!i!i Le. w the truth, while, from whole if.da'-‘.ry our information i : w (,cr wr^uM, w/»ere ear eiduo^ai! T?; , ** J 7 ta ' V fl I ot the State, but bare brougi, at -t ran extend rbail be gladly extended I i all who may faro: U with a Call. prostrate toe pry[*rty, product- and credit wretched Democratic Jubilee iu Conn'y. Ot •■' t—rrow right, we aee it stated in ness in ail its fe.rful ihapra upon a:, wise prewperoos and hippy people. With this condition of thing, staring Oglethorpe j ftxx, toe Legislators of G->.,- gia will be calW open br these corporation, to pas* measures to relieve them fr madness—absolute madness and tbe most egregious fully must have prevailed at the Hoard of Direction which perpetrated tbia namelesi act. Wc ere- quite sure that no failure ever took place here, which has ex# n'j't j'-retifi d io rediicirg it KrCiter or fiWaUiyj The f Iliowing, however, whl e IU coo«quence» to their employee are ■ - ■ Huch in absolutely to make the heart blood. And all thin has been accomplished ia con* r statement wfaieh I ? < l acn ‘f ,® f ‘ ^ ni ,° » bonk par- :en thousand risen ” r ; j*nd the. Praudant of a Wall (treat Bank f . ,. -T u c . •_«_ ! lacking tbe nerve to look in tbe face a week oaring tour tlfous' i }r !t ? v ' t,Ke “‘ wbich “ li K ht present him in a * le«* fav.druble atpect than some neighboring inatitotioo. to tabo-ar __ are compile i from definite data which we pqh.iehed. c-* st, that *.h^. democracy of |jq£ tbei/ eooduet. Let our Oeneri. 7 mxi . ■ J fk* let- ,s! -. e_ ... ... '•* Hrniy .1 H i - —Ir, the bold, courageoos, i brillton: -,-.ult u;*m rre.r in the rough end ! ■j( -toorpe iutrol .xdebratieg tbe late giari- out v eter; i-, that C UM; and in toe fitaSe tt large, by a torch.:got prucrarion Ac , to i .ex ngien. On toe intenatiog oeeaaioD, tbe Hoc. Rober: faom’a*, sai t..« IIjo A 11 Assemol; look careful ; into all tbe fact# ■lent, impuUi or in det*te. b-.fure they eanctioa such an iniquity a* La* in been perpetrated. With yoor 1 ehal! hereaf er cooetdtr. 1st, tbe present Banking system Religion was designed to regulate the hustings tin , r - theeverv day life of those who profeae to r,, ioexhauatible vig- lx ' w snbjecti. But in bow many instan. nr.d invincible tenacity and - «? does the "fruit" of Christianity, aa ex r; kind of warfare, Henry A. 1 cmplified in the ordinary dutiee of men, ut- 1_ •- ... -• i|„ terly fail to commend the gospel to thoeo bo have never felt iu power 7 " Is Mr good ?" naked a bank officer of Wise ha, f.w equals in our history, heart i, fut! of gemrOft-, manly impulse*, end -is (0 r-d iaa p-rfect roli»oo, from which a. r , . _ni ‘ o ir 7" r 1 th* lav.i of light end burning thought. j v Erector, the otbei SwpUtwwBl both apeak, and* ~rt>al ,e- , jnd. the im^rtaoeq of approxunottng to a , g„ wi#e cons-ami;. Though his physical friend of ours. vitauoo baa a**o extended to tMdtmoffsej, j ntetaifie cmeoev. 3d, tbe effect of forfri’- »;.-em : much rdu cd, and attbefim vjrw you mean God-ws - ias.i of gbt and burning thought* i* Director, the other day, in th* heering of • “That dependeon whether _. . _ -ward or mau-ward,” was generally, of t.Jc .o‘,a'c to bo present, aod i tog all tbe charters of tbe suspended Banks- ‘ f rbids 'be idea of gre it effort sfiihsr of 8ody ’^1® answer. ’Ood-ward," continued tho partimpat* to toe ftotiva). T " fjl W# regret that we cat uot be is Lexington , ——- — and iota ifee, gai'eal democracy of Ogle- — ^ ^tagy asd Col. Regers, of * ■ , ... . a- i toe Nuaragaan a’m; ■ pc in ee«bratiog their rxtory. “■ 1 - - ‘ - - * o’ >mt on* count; in toe UKHD MON'KY or nr; ' 1 bis larg sto-tlirg eye* glering , Wrector. "Mr. is‘good.’ No man svildl in his skeleton bead, a>d bis long, I 10 '' ur Cburcil ia sounder in the faith, er pare arm! hangieg loosely down bis lank ' r r *f 1 oflener in our meetings, or is more .» » my, fyogb: a duel with body—j it does bs oe»*-r appear to he |t ‘ benevolent, according to bis means. But ■Jt’Jiry. Yi e : n - atfi [ttt 25. Ism is, oa Monday, tne 12tb ' ret, inaulise. tor due live or pensive, bat to “»'-werd I am^ sorry to say tbat Mr. — Stae, ■'here j«t.. dw'aocs thirty paces At toe first ce-iseJ#»» volume awl current, there reft*' r»'h*r tricky." " ir.ii r ub-*l '* denmcrscy had as bard a . fir; Co . Henry reteired a eevere wooed in throigh hts thin lips n torrent of idea,, that I a4 wlcre w« t achwsud a victory ftil'»r« with '.he on* that was th'Uid, when hi* challenge was witWrewn j **'mi like a crowd rustling out ofaj llr. Spurgeon and his Vulgarities. -Uo> Wc couvere* with those we love through ] homing tbratie. to press «o cliwcty upon on* tower*—with (boa* we worship through the ‘ another a* to create e paiofnl appretieneion store. From Madison, Morgan Counvy, to ' ^a.’X'XS.'Xid.'VfiSe ILL loavr Daily after the arrival of the Day Train from Atlanta. •ngtrultv thi* route will avoi«l IU to 11 tii-lay at l’nion Point. Leavti Athens at fi o’clock, A. M, arrive at Madison in time for thn up-train to Atlanti and down?train to Auguaii- J’ersons ^ning to .Millftdgevillr, WILL AVOID KIU0LR8 DEL V V AT MADISON DhfanceW .All I cm—fare 8*2.oO. SAIT,TER & IVFsV. Sra«bOfmiO**—Franklin House, Athens; ami Campbell’s Hotel, Madison, oct l. r »,V*7. dAw8vr. S US P11.S'J) Is D 1U1.VK Taken at Par i;eorgeFD:Ii\iel. rpHE subscriber will sell eight or ten Negroes, I the House and Lot whepeon he now ro- ioi'fs, in the Oily of Atlanta, and a large stock of Family Groceries, payable in Georgia Kail Road Bank Bills w-im.w« 9 nnd rathvr thin mien e trade, at ONE PER CENT PREMIUM, net. 15, '57, •llff- CarriaEc 1‘alutor. C HAItlJ'.-t FAtfH. tor* mot ' r^spff'rtiully to I'nlurni the co zen* ot AtlsnU aud *?ir- rouu-Jios country, that h« i» ful!v prepaied to'io ali kindit of i ATT I**- I’ainting. Pie* a* ijire me a » runt nr work to j '••iw, end my cbsrg* tf faction, fiho? in toe rear of T. D. I.yn** <>V f i. , .->7 Cat* in k Denton Tho* J Malone Jackson A Bro W Herriog A Bon P Hayden A Co A Alexander Geo li Daniel B Brown W W Roark A. Uenchberg Win. XI.Jodm, - A J. Lynch, Clarke 4 Grubb, L; J. Parr, Agent, Joseph Thompson, Q. Gilbert, J N Beach Ryan A Myers Lore A McLendon D Mayer D Frank ford Miller A Andrews II Brautnuller J D Lockhart II Muhlnnbrink Ph. Schlnchtercr, Vo II. Coleman, Parinc Brown,. I gent, Malone A Johnson. J. K. Bartlett, Clark Howell, J. S. Morton, Colutulm- G. Simms A Co., J/erchants, Newnan, Gn., Imrael A Canningbam, John S. Wright, Tomlinson A Barnes, Smith A Ezzard, Hunnirutt A Silvry, Lataron A N’uwmnn. John Firken, J. Norcr --. C. If. Strong A Co*, P. Lyn<*h, Williams, Rhea A Co. film* Negroes. The subscriber will pay cash for aboat 20 likely negroej, persons in any part of the .State wishing to sell, by writing, describing negroes fully nnd stating lowest prices,i will be visited. Call at Washington UalL* A. B. McAFEE. Atlanta, July Id. d*w3m. Cannon Ball Exploits and Feats of strength by theHrroataus artistl Grand Principal act of HORSEMAN SHIP, BY OT. Pastor puioutinf end Uoioilu I,, p, rim,ala, bjltr. Bark I.,. Blsjanl act of EQUITATION, BV MAD LBAUUH. Oraeafulj .od ArUitle Boru- umuihip bjr tho jroutbtol Otmett. Illustration, of th, Gr.elaa Ar,- n». hr th, Cornpuy, hudtd h» W. Peator. atwpl. Cha» and BardU A,t. by O. Demote. I I'Vi. 11 ‘“<rod»*« hi. o^,. br.tftd Trlok Horn, BLACK DIAMOND. Tumbllnehyth,Company. Th. celebrated Trick poor, Orpnan Bov will bo introdnood ln(o Uo fling. Alio the Olown and hi* comic tool* only 80 inches high, and go thro' wl i? 1 h * ir wonderf al porfonaancM Tb« Persian Equilibrium called la perche. By n\ n. stout and Gerry Daaottl ..Two Greet Clown,. '* MR. TONEY PASTOR, The Great V.oke, Clown, who,, (Mlu, for luvretla, now Btorie, and mirth-creating Hits at tho tiroes, hare been «o extensively e pled and gat’d by all the other Clowns in the country, will open an eatlro new badge! of fun, or* ranged to suit tho yoarlUT. To* oey faaior will also delight the an dlence by slngl g his favorlto ditty of "llaa woybedy soon my sifter, 1 ? as sang by him more than tOO tint** in all tho groat Clrcusos of tho World, with tho moatovorpow* eilog applaoso. * Tbe Fe*tneh Grotesque. GARRY DEMOTT, Will Introduce all those Antics, Puna, Ttieka, Wlttidsmaand prac* tloai Joke*, which have establish ed bis reputation as the first Con ic Performer in the King. A terrific oontact with WILD BEASTS, by Prof. BEA8ELY, who will enter th* d*n of Lions, Tlgors and Loop ards. The following list comprises tho wild animals now sxbibtingln Hay bit’# Joint Menagerie and Clreus; C Kour Colossal EPH ANTS, Forming tho team of tho Great Bond Chariot, Ten magnificent Dons Koyal Bengal Tiger. Black BraxiUlon Ti ger, Leopards, Panthers, Cougar, . Ocelots, Tiger Cats, btriped ad Hpotted Hyenas, Grizzly and blaek Bears, .CarosIs and Dronodarlea Lamas, BurotessCow and Alpaosa gray and bl’k Wolves, White Coons '< Badger*, Porouplnes, and a wU d«rn*sa of B’rda and Monkeys. For further particulars, too largo iMstorlal and Do* •criptive htbograph* of the Company^ oetlPdw Atlanta Atheneum. r. 11. Harper, Manager. Wl/.I. OPEN FOR SIX NIGHTS ONLY On Monday Evening, October 19th, 1857. With a Full and Efficient STOCK COMPANY; From tlie best Theatres IN THB eLTSJIOWa Notice. THE copartnership heretoioreexisting between Dean A Gilbert, is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. S. Dsau will settle the business of tho concern. I„ DEAN. I,. 7. GILBERT Tk« nndcriigncJ liaviog this (lay eulorwl tot, c-jpartnerehip utuler th, name anil firm of L Dean A Cn., are prepared to earry on tho tarns kind of* heretofore carried on by Jfestrs. Dean A Gilbert at the Kulton Jflllt. Aat-6—wills L. DEAN, Ike. .UAHKHAM, J N0RCR0S9, J A HAYDEN. New Advertisements! W. A A. R. H. OFFICE, J Atlanta, Oct. 17,1857. > mrOTH-'i of Fulu.a Bask, and Georgia Kaliroad .od A « Backlog Company, rseoivH at par, by tbia Agsu ey, lor froight. T C HOWARD, oetlMwlf Agant. Upbolaterlng and Maflrati E»- tubllsbment. AfATIXA^K^ from (the eb*ap Htraw, rikuck and Cotton, to th* pur* I'CALZn HAIR M»ttr«*«**, war rsnt*d *Qp«rior to »ny srtiei* *v#r eff*r*dln thi* P*a2i-. I hgIf_sJ»Y oa band, Hair Bolators aod Pi!- Iowa, Ppir*l spring Coneh** and Loangsi Also th* World r«oowr,od Mplrsl spring Mattr*****, with II*U• Otr*♦* to ira^eh. wb eb n#v*r fall to pl«ta«* tbo»* f jnd of r,OOD aioepiag. J sro aAo m Upholster old HoUb, flock*rs, and covtr tnotn with Hair, Cloth, Pinsbor ttroeatil, at the shortesteotl»A. Htoro Atlusta, »io J Neverum's ftolldtog «n MatlotU strrat, a, 0*ovgla. ooilbdwtf * 1). M JOVSQ. .. • tbrir diattoguirned reprearauuw, tits- St preti,»prak totUtn, oo to-raorrvw night, *urd» of praise aod eocouragatuent. la their tnniapii orri ttoftoam;, thedttihcra- •; of Oglethorpe hart won brUwtMtlfe* oo mptruhoble renowu. Manfully did tba; maintain again<t w-vere oddf. principle* dear tottery dcoecrat, aod glsriooaly did th*; triumph. Out hundred cbreri for Old Ofkttaarptl He quoted tta weU-known ,toiyofa le» cap-! »T » ««<•• H*nr; a. Wit* wifi do *U too tain who ora ordered com* eaUare in the I '-* lklo g natefury to ta d ue for too next riogiofj pU^ng card* b; tta llgtt of a Inn- J*"». 0“ «T«7 ImagmoNa »ob|e«t- “extingtiiih that niaminator." *r«l : F' lltia . rotigwn.pbiloaophr.foralpianddoft •it inrprited to Bad that tta; pud oo alien- j °>«dic e’kin, ilav*r;aod Moruooum, rdu- tion to fail order, altooofb it «m rrr toted! »nd o;iter*-and do it will, too, ex- actio nod again. Tta Utateoant, perariw t petrung no romroor.-pUo* ideal or Iter so* . * • r typed phrawf, tat gtring ootMtUfig now, striking and original, in a qnaint, queer, foroibl* alyl*. 8*ch ia Htair A. Wi*«, aa h* oppsorad to Wo*hi*(to* City a tow wtekl red .n gjvl od Ogtstoorpe. WtU , ^ ^ia tills an Koftah jouraal givt-i n dt- itat. tKa lndioK exit, uie; ma; cnlv reree to Tbas* who lie upon rotev whltn ;nupg,are ma; our Irtends ia tbateount; rejoice. : tenteor txpbaatiOD nudchgftbii dtotinrolab- . render more dretruetive tb* conflagration eery apt to Ha opon thorns whan old. d wall tua; o*r galiant Senator Toombv *d pulpit orator in referent!* id this charge . «»»>■ • » 3 - ,X '- *- v "—* — — •’ 1 T> "” '• “ L -’ — *>“ •- t*R_ Tbe lino. U*nr; Tollman, an old *it*zftn of Hath, and former!; Attorne; Geo. aval of Main*, boa itfi that ptara for Texas, taking bt* ftmll; with him, and parpotini to male* ita “Ion# nor” State hit fatan boor. W We learn from tta Salem Sentinel tbat a man Baaed Barnet died to tbat ett; od Satada; morning from tta effects of lb# bite of a Urge rattleonake twelve hou re after sgoi—jiUkmoni Enquirer. tb# wound rii Inflicted. tog the difficult;, cried oat, “Aloft there, doate tbat glia.* aod toimedlatol; to* light »te JSLo«L2ag»» «7 Wend*,’’ raid Mr. Spurgeon', - wbtn I get Into tbe polpitl ny, •doate that [Em."’ . Groceries* at Prime Grab rnflfl Hubacrthre will nil bis ptSMitl stock J of FAMILY and PLANTATION OKI). nSfUKH, at coat and Freight, tor BUI, »f lbs Bilik of Fulton, or Georgia IluII- road * Banking Gompany. Hr will likewise raroreellb* ill* of to* ram, Btnki, to permmt *f debt* da* tta sets!* of C, D. Ferr, deceered. U I. I’ARR. *#U7dtrtf Agent, rnltoa Bank Money Take* . ' at Par. > W E wlB take FULifoN BANK meney st parkin payment tor all debt* do* os, or tor predate of any description Out wa here tor mto. WILLIAM, RHBA to CO. 00tl7dwtf, A New Cliemicnl Preparation D AHnY’H HROPItkACTin FUIIB Th* inf it powerful ti'niufFCtlng sg*nt knowu. D* strojfi uulirix, iof*ctioui, otlcpiiv* fvlurs, scri H s* crstions, w^e.gbl* An<l ffintmal poiAoos. ApplivfiU fr*»h wound*, it, pr*v*nt*th* production *>f l»urtf*l intttfrsnd th* pr<**«4 of Ksling imm*dist*ly «skes jilaef. it tUatuM oM sorM ami ulc*rs and usually cau*«« Ivroitaiiat* eur*. l*r#v*nt* Injurioa* *(f*«ts from’-dveared t*etb. !u washing and bathing ltk**pffi th# kin healthy, aoft and wliit*. RamwlSf*'* trem ointhlnf. Maiigoant csrM HcarUt sn<l Typhoid f*v*ra haw naver btFo ktiown, wh«r* it h*a b4»o n»wi; and prop* •rly applied pr*v*nta thf spread of tb*iu. Travelltors in unhealiby dietrict# may r*o<lfr th*ir klwplngapart- rotate limithy linm*>tl»t*ly. it has be*n uaed by th* h**t i’hyslriant ?u city rn-1 country with unqoallflsd *uce*»s. Ap inphlvt with lull directions, aoeompa Manufactured only in tb* laboratory of Prof J, Daiby Auburn, Alabama Hold In Atlanta at all tbffi HrugHtortk auf^wfim I,. Miller’* Hair Invlgorator. for strengthening. R*ktorlng, Darkvning, and p( pataating th* beauty of ih* hair. PrleffiSi c*nta psr HottU. It rradteat**scarf and dandrul; Impart* ti- tahtj to the root* of tb* hair, lead* vigor and luatra ro tnafibrsa. dark*nt tb*a If too tlglit.or gvawlag gf»y; fMtsaath*m If falling out; raatws lh«m if aL fftji ibed, and roak*s th* hair mft, ailky and wavy. In tb* nurrary It la »ndl*p«niabl* a* a ramoa *f «Ua«- lag th* hoada of eblldrtn, and laving tb* fouadatloa ui a v goruus growth of balr. 0fdd by Druggists and ' L ‘ Wkatoaala Depot MTATK of UBORGIA, OcKalb County, T O tb* Clark of tb* Inferior Court —J*«*pb F. ( , of tho 131st District, G. 11. toll* b*fora m* as aa •stray* small, SorrtlMarc, marked with th* collar, right triad ffiot trliiU, a atar (n h*r fortbsad, *l*v«a ot tv*lv* ywavs old, appraisal tab* worth fifty dollar G v*o under my hand and «fileial slgaatar*, thla 92 day of aaptcmV'cr, 1147. J.B. WlLWH./.r. A trua extract from tho latiay Book. AUX JUBH8UH, 0.1*9. S IXTY day* altar data, MtUeftilow will ho m tb* Court of CampUtl county, for loavt to *o! th* r*al **tat*k*loegio| to John Mult, UU of AM oouaty. fimtMud. nd*B*pt.fiO, JfifiT. Mtlfi WIIJJ8 HfSMAn, is*r. . D.B. THE ' Popular American AotresB, haa been engage*) for thi* occasion, and will appear every night. *STAmortoon will copy tiR forbid. Atlanta, Oot. 14,1857 dtf Firemen’s Ball! A BALL will be given Jk. k; ATLANTA _ . _ CO, NO. 1, at tta Cito l ^■ , ■ , Hall, on ka Slit instant, for tta purpose at reisingfamls to anskls theta to purehue al new Engine, COMMITTEEJOF ARK\NOEHBNTS. W. W. Baldwin, P. J. ImmeO, A.J. Ilarnrs, C. A. Hutlaeo. W. A. Urabem, D.'Young, Owing to Ita large oumtar ol ladisa wta are expected from a distance, toe Committee deem It proper not to taue an; tistata lolta ladies, but taka tbia method of Inviting and •olisiting tta company of tta ladisa gensraU;. MANAGERS. H. YY. Baldwin, - W Bunt*. Hon. J. A. Hajdaa, Dr, N. U Angler, W. A. Graham, Hon. 0. H. Strong, C. A. Haralson, Robt, Wtototo (I. W-Hunniautt, Dr.4. A.Tay, A. J. Barnss, Dr. J. Gilkari, I. J. Malone, W. L. Eixitd, J. H. Flynn, 0. H. Jonre. FLOOR MANAOERS. D. Young, A.J. Barnes, YY. A. Graham, P. J..ImmcU, C. A. Haralson, W. Berne*.; Atlanta, Oct 3, 1(57 dawtd OF THB SOUTHERN AORIOULTUI qp BE iMlotr win told tta Anaaal. X u. Oetobor llttb tote to. -Tin nratlre u rasa, by col. H. n. JohaMaraf AY'»rt*, •>» Tbij «d, at It o'clock, A. M. 04. Tb.oBrcf. ol thi tba IUIWs to Alton traaMtaRertMesend . to aairtaa too fair —tne. iwtroao, nan tbe Road Hum ItaaMlat.. day, la tdfasco. ArttotM any b. sautgred totboMreoMboEwret*. ^Vba Koet.ty*. days wtU oorreyart ran tb. Ralmid wyot. to tb, J'.If artlcloi for the Mr air Uroaodi two ot JlHaCAtlAK. ttsentuy. ^ to our old r DAVIS to HOLLAND.