The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, October 19, 1857, Image 3

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Spmda Noltio**, 8 amuel Swan It Oc., .OEOK ATLANTA And Detime in UemoraJBichaufe lean*, ft. Louie, Be' New York, New Or- ■■ ■ LCliartetUm.nml all points is ih# United Stetee. Unourrent Bank Nates (nd Specie bought andeold. Golleetloni »!• tranwtui* and procdeda remitted by Bight Draft n New Yether Nn Bight, tAMVtU SWAS ■ Athnu, idly l>. 1MT r Ni* OrUtiu, on .•M. r. *DBT. dawif bank or raatoi. Hxohmge Office of F. 0. Barber. tUsotwtf Ik* Buk of Fulton *n redeemed *t this alee by Sight Bxeluon on How York, el ene-qunxter p*r Mat preolua, or bukoblo bull or Min *t onttainrtor nor font dloooaoU V. 0. BARBER, i Inker, Melntoih St. Aoguin, Oo. A.W. STOHK, Pruidnt, WM. M. WILLIAMS,CWlfor. bimotosi, Ion. W. Donum, I A. Asmu, BM.ira.KiUM>, | A. W.Btonr Hoard o/Diraatora moot orory Wedneiday ud Urdu at 8 o'clock, A, M. Offering Data, Tueidnye ud Frldojo. I Dago, Wodooodoyi ud Saturday.. i fiiP.Mi , Oalkirr. IHi renal Dan, Wedntedeyi ua ouaraa Book open, Silly, born f, A. M. to I. P. WIL H. WILLIAMS, Oath, Office of the 0»te-City Bolling Mill*. L. A. DOUGLAS. Prop. ATLANTA, OA, Oct. lfirn, 1857, THE BUI. of th* BANK of FULTON, OA, wiU bo rMoiood tt thl* offico, ot par, in pay mint for bill* or otbcrwioe. octndwtf L- A. DOUGLAS. atf*tw»im> gtncgp Cabin Pattage te New Yen Weekly if. States Mail line. rru Mill oylODdlditdo-vkoolotoomokly. * ADOQflTA UOOtoao, .» ». 8. Waoranu FLORIDA, 1100 ton, •• touo Ceowuu. ALABAMA, »00 ton, “ o7lt.S«nane«, WIU Leave lioiMik JT«ry SATUHDAJ,. Thill ibloo arooBOig tbo larg, iloa tbe eeeakaa- •arsauedla ■ or oomfoit—dukini th.U piuar.ila 10 to IP booro, end oro eommended by ■killfil.oarifaludyoUUoaoon. Tkty atari mot’ deilrablecon.eyeneeto Row York. „ Coble Pollogo to Now York ft. Itoorogopiooago to Nov York M PADLKFOHD.rAY k CO., Agonlil o Uaroonak SAM'L MITCSCU., It Broodway, Now York. SaraoBob February I, 1160. abtn Faiiago from Cbarluton to Raw Tor $25,00. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. Mow York Sc, Charleston 8 to am Packota TUrouffb In 48 to 53 Hours. The SW* Fraud in ertrj ibape should be oil pootd. Ws ere led to this remark by a no- Dee going tbs round of the papers, warning tbs public against a bass imposition in the shape of e tile imitation of those eery popu lar medidnee, Dr. H'Lande Vermifuge and Liver Pillt. Fleming Brot.Pitteburgh, Fa. ' art the sole proprietors and manufacturers of these justly celebrated remedies. We would advise our readers before parchuing, to ex amine the wnppore end see that they are •iguod FLEMING BROS. Worms! Worms!! A gnat many learnod tteatUci hart boon writ, taa, uplalntng tha origin or, ud clautfytng tbo worst gutntad In tbo human lyitom. Pmroo- |y any ttplo of madioal ultnco bao elicited more MSta obumtlon ud profound roioarcb; and yat pbyotsiaaa art nry much diridod in opinion on thoiabjocl. It matt bo admittod, boworer, that, aftor ail, a mods of lapolling tbeoe worms, and puttying the body from tbair presence, fo of mon Tslna tbu tko wissst dliquiiitiom u to Ibo Origin. Tbo oxpolling agent hat at length boon found—Dr. M'Lana'a V.rmifugi, proparod by Flaming Bros, is ths mnch sought after ipsclOc, ud has already suparsadod all other worm modi- aims, Its stBoaey being ulTsraally seknowle.gsd by medical practitiooerr • jgf-Pushassts will be cartful to ash for DR. M'LAHK'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE ouaufkoturod by FLEMING BROS, of Pitti- SUM, Pa. All othor Vcrmifugei in oompariiou are worthiest: Dr. M’Lano’o genuine Vermifuge, alio hlo celebrated Ltror Pitta, cu now bo bad tt aU respectable drug iloree. Boat prnuino without At aignatnrt 0/ FLEMING BROS. XT WE an outhoriieil to unounce ths name at B. 8. JOHNSON is u indepeu. dent candidate for Sheriff of Cobb County, at the ensuing election, let Monday in January next jf ANY VOTERS. [Homi-Woolaly. OIW itoamiblp COLUMBIA, 1100 Ton.—M. Bor ft uommftndtr. .NASHVII LK 1600 tool. I JAMES ADGKR, 1600ton. „ T 0Ewan, Command*r I 8. C.'.Tornar Comman'r MARION, 1600 tom, | SOUTHEHNKK, I00C tool ft. Koatcr Commandtr. | Y. M. Murray. Comm' Uav* Ad(*r'* whar v** • v*ry Wednesday * BatnrdaynBM| *ft«rtb**rrir*]af lb* ear* from tb* Booth* Writ “athlfh water.” TabU* anppllad wltb*v*ry luxury—attentive an* eautloua commanders, will *a*ore Travellers by tbix Lina every po**lbleoomfortandaocommodatlon. a'pply to HENRY MI8SR00M Cornar of East Bay A Adgar’afiooth Wharf. Cbarlaatoa.8. C. Cabin PanaiC) fas. HtaeragUp ...8. 4 Valuable Medicine.—Dating the present week, no lees then six of our friends, who bars been induced to try Professor DeGrsth’s Klcc- trie'Oil for rheumstism, in conequeocee of baring seen this preparation advertised in onr columns, have called upon us to statetbe re mit ol their experiments. These persons as- ■ore ns that their rheumatic pains hare been entirely cured by a few applications of l>e- grath's 'Electric Oil,' and they recommend itr ass to all who are afflicted with any of the diseases which it is designed to cure.—Pror. Adrer. It can be had of the agents here. Set ad- tsrtisement in uotber oolnmn. Bep 11, 1887 dwlm New Store. New Store. Bargains ! |Bargains SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!!! T HE undersigne*! bega leave to inform the Citixen* of Atlanta and turroundin, juntxy, that he baa just opened a Jarge an< ell lelected atockof GENTLEMEN’S, LA- D1E8’, MISSES,OHIL »REN and HOUSE SERVANTS’ BOOTS and SHOES, which h# will aell at prices to compete with the Ghar- leiton and Anguata mirkcla. Thooe in want of any kind of the above mentioned Good*, would do well u, give him a call and examine bin stock, aa Goods will be freely shown and one price asked, ROUT. CARROLL, Agent, Oppo«itei. D. Lockhart’s Dry Goods Store, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. 6,000 pair thi^k PLANTATION BRO- W ANS cheap on hnnd. Planters would do ell to examine them. srp28dw4m .Just Opened in the Same Building. Purls Millinery. ri^UE undersigned wishes to inform thi X Ladies of Atlanta and vicinity, that ohe is now receiving a large and splendiJ assort ment of MILMNEHV andFANCY GOODS for the Fall trade, which she v»ill sell at rea sonable prices. Mrs. A. T. CARROLL, Agent* N. B.—BONNETS made to order, also the DRESSMAKING busines will be carried on. A. T. C. THE BEST SELECTED AND ASSORTED STOCK or Family Groceries IN THE CITY OF ATLANTA, ti to ke found At the “ Atlanta Family Store, ” Wbltvlmll Street, w ROUGE H. DANIEL, Proprieter. AtUntn, Mbj f>. 85f. IdAwy DUNCAN & LOCHRANE. ATLANfA, OCTOBER 19, 1847. LATEST NEWS. Failures In New York. , New Your, Oet 17. Winslow, Lanier "A' Co., Bsnkere, have suspended, end will go Into liquidation. Ohio Election. . ClNCIKWATt, Oct. 16. Obese, black republican,for Oovernor, has a small majority which the ofliciol returns may Inoresse. I'SITATI DISrATCU.. Money Halters In New Orleans. Nuw Orleans, October 17. Dispatches from New Orb-nns Mete that there are no further tuipcoeicms io that city. In this city Sterling has declined again to 100: The Sew Good* have Arrived. C t U. STRONG k CO., bin jiut o^oul a Urge aiiortmant of 18TAPLB AND FANCY DRY CiOODB, Confuting in part, of tbe following »rlicit*, Rich dre«t Bilkr: Fancy Silk* All Wool Marino**; All Wool Dolaina; Manebeitcr Delaia*. Poplin*; Altpacaa; Romkaiin**; Qioghauu; Print*; Bleached and Brown ShMticg*and Bb:rtiug* Shawl*; Ladie’s Cloak Lining*; Flannel*; Kerrey*; Iri*h Linen*: Table Linen*; Cotton Stripe*; Kentucky Je»ofc Satin*; Cutimeri; Cloth; JHoiiery, Blanket* by tb* thooeand; A eplendid stock of Glove*; Dr**\ Trimming*. Complete Music Establishment. AottrrCro Xf e SWAN A CdiTiOTTEAlES Tbo moot brilliant Sebotn* «v«r drawu. CAPITAL FKlifti $6 0,0:00!! TICKETS ONLY $10!! TRjfitexwetsagg Uer, llaOdIM UtMriMteS.pMkw.Utr. at AUOURYA, terp., w aklak ritylks,M..r. b.tM iMr wtaripJ iSn. Class 56, Te be drawn la etty *f Aagmsta, 8a.. ia pab- ile *• SAVVRDAY, OCT. S. 1047 ClasTsr, Te b« drawn la the Olty of AagnsU, Uaergia. « / nbUc, oa Y, OCT. IU lit? Class 58, To t* draws ia Us City ol Aagwle, ricwrgu, is public, on SATURDAY, OCT. 17tM, ll»7. ClaiT 59, To be drawn In the City *f Aagmsta, Geargi* m public, on SATURDAY, OCT. 84tk, 1S»? Class 60, X* It tjftw* latbeCityof Aegadta. Oeerfw ;» yeb SATURDAY, OCT. SI, 1867 On the Plan ol SINGLE NUMBERS! I 4,405 prlBM! Xearly oa* prta* to •very mo* **• * ' 7# be drive vo m«L Ticket*. Mifoiflcvet 8cb*m*’ SATURDAY to 8EKTKMBEK 1 H C H E M K : 1 Pru* *r 9*4,006 1 “ ef 80.000 1 - ef 10.000 iruHaucou SeffSpflngd««dsT! JUST OPENED AND „ READY FOR SAL El M r aum.r or mpiunu uoftu* its now conpbu. ttri I wosU rrapwctfkU, tb. pabli. L> «M end malt, fb.fa — BmM.i mr a as si .tusk of Hardware, Groceries,* <fec., I hi., on bend mum askctiinu at DRY GOODS, CutuieUDg of Mualift*, in *i!co*i*e variety, Uaatifal *' d good. And a large Btock of Mantillettes and Mantillas A tooitimulmcoi ol ’ u «□» w'm- *3 r w mm F.shiontM. and Pretty; Hats and 8hoes, 1 S'rrinesblc mod food look log; DOMESTICS, CALICOES, Am! tmy other erticJo, timovf, io mj lineof ! bui Id «hurt, my stock ie good aod foil ar.d tlr.pri '-a wjil be t* low ac liviog will of- f<?rd Toe I»dice ar • particularly inrited to . girt tot a csl : . • H. W. COWART. (tom 4 \ i' FACTIR E R8, i 'll r K iff isi tt mrejving i 7 T large i</ vf Hole l^*»th er.Calf Hkine, l ining*. Bind ing*, La*u. Pegt, Kit, and everything connected with Lhe Boot and fch bo*ine«*, which wilt be acid at low price* 1 (’•eh. Ali orctr* accoo!j**itied with Caab will be promptly filled with good Goods, and at low rate*—at the Sign of the Big Boot. Peachlreo itroot, Cherokee DLck apSOdlf DIMICK A MIX. SSE1T P.I Wholesa Foreign and tuiM. MuIisunGood. i bam. and . full 0 TOGETHER. w»i I Pwplin., ,nd si; » . resprctfull. ir. of t|.e aixrtt OOOljs « ocfAdlj J. D. WHOL FOREIC nr RUKiii WHITEHALL STJ. | W ill opened In a few dar?. > 1 in ever)- departinenL " j hardware . Five Hundred Local And Trar citing Agents Wanted. SsMims psytsg from ISO to S1S0 pm montk X< batabog or ebano* bo*la*e*. F*raun*ot emplojmao gives aad ae capital required. For. farther pertUst ereMsissspostefs , B Jily-SSlkwIw— Snrekn Oil for Cholic In Hones On Bstanisy lul s mule, th. property of M r Jehu If. Jluuoa,of county, AUbcme wu violently sttsektd with eholi. In th. eUmil In Columbus, wu very much ewoilen, and Irom sll syposraneeecoul 1m relieved. Two ounces, liquid manure, ol Intake Oilwtt sdminiatmed end in If, min- tie. ralief we. perceptible,’end in twenty min. ste. thosaiasl wee entirely relieved. This sew end valuable mixture is certainly t n*it tcqaisiUon to Uw list of ramedie. bere- lofkceMOra Um public, which, in addition to ths mtaj reliefs it hse - given men, ie now found lo bo invtlusbl. for tho hone, io tbo tore of bote and aholie, and tho removal of Insloa and Hal giMr Vlokavo dona oar A. K. dyer, and proonro the never falling feaody.—Cbl. Bun. August II, 1857 dlf eooa haws roe via amicna wire hue — hr. ul the atteatioa of etraogere aod citlteae to th* adrer- WieaeeBt of Dr. Cavaaaegh, who Invariably core* a moat oafafa) dieeaee, aal oo# that hae hitherto been regarded aa abeoet If oet entirely Inettrable. Tl»e ■ remedy Ie etaplo, not palafel to appileaUon, aad ao •heap as to plea* It witUa the meh ef the poorest • With nib aa prroj eH orideaeo ae to tho loeeee* which Ha at tea Jed Dr. Cavaaaegh'a treatmrat of the .dleeae* alluded to aa had lean broeght ta ear kaowl •adge, we tbgtU ha aiagalarly direleet ae a pnbu# Jegraahet, dld wa oel brta* the tab 'fere ih* pekUe, aad arge apea the i 4 trial.—CmCiao Daht Danxmeeio I Far eolala thlfatlyby A. ALIXAVfOIR. Piano Fortei told $60 cheaper than at any other Home in Georgia. H BRAUMULLER, Whitehall St, Atlanta, •Georgia, haa the excluiro agency for the jastly celebrated Piano Forte*, manufactured by Haines Brothers, 1 ■"■“Grorestoon k Truslow. >New York. - “ NUNNS k CLARK. j ; Of Hoinei' Pianos tho editor of the Nea York Musical Review, sayr: “We are satisfie*! that their Piano*, by their du rability, excellent quality of tone ami superb fin ish, will soon secure the most enviable repuu* tion.” OROVESTKEN k TRUSLOW’S PIANOS buve taker the first Premium in the Crystal Pal ace Exhibition, for nine points of excellence, be- i&g three and four points of excellence more ban the oldest and moil renowned houses re ceived. Ntuuu k Clark's world renowned Piano* tnre received the first premium in a number of differ ent Fairs and Institution* on this Continent, as well as st the World's Fair in London. pST I *a*e call at my house and examine for ourself. Good instrument* for rent, and second iand taken m exebrnge for new ones, for which the highest prices are allowed. ALSO, Wholesale and Retail establishment in Sheet Music, and Musical instrument* of all dcscrip' tioni. U. BRAUMULLKB, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga., Sign of the Drum and Gold Piano. Atlanta, Feb. 2, 1857. C II K 11 0 K K E S L* [{ 1 N G S ■mm j NOTICE TO RAILROAD -Si TRACTORS, , ; Office of liic \ ickiriiurg. Shreveport' pic steel. w, end Texas Uailroad Company m . La U APPROXIMATION PK1ZKB 4 8400 approilmatfag t« 900 0K< ir ffcte. ' two <‘.m;oa rf ri>i ! »Utto! lUrlRttr:. Hi 1 SX> ! f * o'ftt-,’-! tveotr Hjj , R4* txkkr Ires tr-a-f- J ot tt/* e*j’ ■: *•*.’ be lua«. TOt .udiOf tbe f FL 5 ttittf 400 ’ Cri/ri* Uet, Tract lay'.uf C-arni i i *ec*.ioc er p*rt tb*r*’ p* par. 0A»h it/'. p*rt in fa* ;Voa •<bt ytt crat honu* of cr,a,fm.aj r* by tf.* cf»C*r«.pj*C i« .* t for boflditf U.e» v« stvndioc frea *.L» vest * j i an>« t Tothe Citizen ofciwinnett, Jack- son, Franklin, and the adjoin ing counties. W 5 would respectfully give onr warmest thank* for their liberal patronage.and we hope from th# general eatiefaetlou given in onr former ope ration* In Dental Surgery, to demand a large pertfon of their practice In tho future, We are now re- Ivin? a now and fine assortment of Dent*U Jfate- __al, Lutrumeuta; end we teel aeaured, with tlu ud- vantage of from *lx to ten year * regular practice, we ean give full eatiafactlon In all operation*. R. II y will open hi* offie again In Jefferson, the first of March next, and daring hi* absence this winter, aM calls will be attended to addreaa William W. Eaton,at JAwrenceville, Georgia. D/f. WII.UAU W EATON DR. ROBERT EATHOM November?, 1864 4w BTATE FAIR To be held in Atlanta Oct. 19th to 24th. ALL ARTICLES STRICTLY EOR EXHIBITION WILL BE TRANSPORTED PREE. DOWN freights od Stock must be pre-peid »t point of shipment on this Uoud—to h» re funded on return of Stock with Sicrciary Camuk'a certificate that it was exhibited on the Feir (.round. Return Fuir Tickets will be sold at one- heif 'lia uiual rules—good from lGth to 26th. JAMES M. SPUI.LOCK oct!0dl3tw2t Supt. W. k A. It. U. TOUT HOUSE SHAVING SALOON G entlemen desiring a good *h*vc, hair cutting, and such other attention to )ur persons’as tsay be had in all fashionable barber'* saloons, can be accommodated at all bourn by giving the undersinged a call, at their ealoon in the Trout House. They are prepared to furnish, at short no tice. AN EXCELLENT BALL ROOM BAND. R. McCOMBB, late ef Miliedgeville. Ga JOHN WALTON, late of .\ugueta, Ga July 15, 1857 dtf 409 Vaunt Man Wanted, MUBDIATELY, to travel in th* Southern end Western States, es ifcnte. Salary, . .0 pet moa'th. end expenses paid. For per. Ucaltre, eddroee, with stamp eodasod, E. 8.0IB80N A 00, Exeter, Roekhuhem eo. New Hempehire. 1 M October 7, 18&T diwtf Raiwway Negro. ROUGH! to tho c.mmon Jail ef ( Forsyth county, tt C etnming, I Jail of oa. I* r ohjui tuuuiT, ii w -uaratug, Bep- Jm timber 13,1«67,by. Jacob Martin, Esq, e ntfTo man sieve, ly tho aemo of Fetriek, whoesytht belonp to Mr. Wiley Lyons, re- tidin, n ter Centos, Madison county. Missis. ^fSitrick it R likely ftilow, tboht 16 year, old, t»rk copper color, lad wears whiakarv When * tiken up, hie clothe* were eo torn es sot to limit of deecription. Ho is about S feet 10 or tl inches hi,h. end vrifhe about IM pounds, je he wpi|hod SOI potnde at the rejekte.ia reqseated to come forwwd, - - —-yjnoj chaises end lake him away, tritt M disposed of a.-cordla, to WILLtS 8TAG08, Jailor. Cramm.fle., Oct, 10th, IM7, •ct 18>'t7, 1 . w4U tigS. Matte* .iPH ALLpotwe Uidahted to the Arm of J. TBXASHER A J.J. octMwl® Ad’nr. of 1BASOXX NEGRO SHOES! CHEAP! CHEAP !! « T0 TH08B WANTINO A PRIMK -fc article of double >olt or vetted brocaci.Fgl we wtui tty that we now hero In Eton' K a heavy Btook, and all ot our own Manufacturing which wu wilt eoll at ton coots u pair lowtr than day housA In this city will cull as good ua article —competition we defy either In Made, Georgia Made, Home-made, or any other make, and warrant them as good eg article aahu ever been offered in thla market or 8UUO. All kind, of proportionubly oJSp and*w^ante? 0 ™ All goodl pure haiodoful repaired frooofeharro Atuillgn of JIJ<7 BOOT, PoanhUoe Street Atlanta Georgia. DIHIC,. JOTCI, k CO GENTLEMENS Furnishing Goods. Clothing I Trunks, Valises, Clothing!! T HE undersigned reepectfully inform, the drinne of Atlanta end the sunuundiug country .thattire, ere Queuing, on WHlTJEBMIe STRBR T ia OopL Kidd’e mw DuOding, oppoeito ths CLOTHING, and ’ GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS. Tbo Stock having been selected with aa da) care foe this market, they fl*tt»> theoedreo thatthey can offer inducement, to buy. rvequel to any Hones in the city, A liberal than of pattonige ie reepectfully eoliclted, as no peine wQ ho eptred to ae titty tho moot fastidious. idwasd a Lass nos. luaax n*iii LAZARON dk NEWMAN. “ «#4>9 booi* of ti ;rlioa of tb* *anh temiy l>e»a < d> brl a ■.VEBtst# rta V be let n»<2 eoae.-le-iog '-Le luttr- aa-7 {* c-'lii* anrk . it voali be (iiffivait to txiw a&otttej p >tl tL- V-getber eo lropt-ag ta coomctora a» ILi* -*,t. a' r.oedi CootmeUKt #f rMhewfitr- 1 .;' * p*rr,eij<r* hr* to .ot l i*. lLi» 'r-.r'l nil es-mjAaa.T i» ielenaiia*-a ’ .itc^ -> -•» garment* will be a mj .< Tlsere.j f ca*h o= hf.o: ml apart io lhi» ^crV Profile* ’ r ;at.e*r.4 n» u.a t t- »e+v. a: It'doff'v vle-e at» '’.r’.fcer .Lf^naaU< a mj l-e ot ilber by pereuul ajj/iice .•o.uco Whole Tickets #10: Halves #5; Quarters #2.60. Plan of the Lottery TLe Sumbrr* frem 1 to 80,040, eorreepoodinf wi\E these* Suaben od th* TlekdU printed os eeparate alip* of ptper. irt entucled with email Ifs ■ !•*• and placed :n oa* Whee. The firat 246 l‘n*e*,*inllarly. prlst-f ac* eoatr^wd "t placed lo aaoth*r «h**i. Th* • htfliar* the* rveolved, and * uatnbena dfava | upoc lh< vm Ih* «b**i of K*mb*r«, aad at lhe*a»e tlm* • , or hr lel’^i ^ rif* i* drawn tram th* other wb**l Tb* !»sml>*r S*pt24!ra C 0 TOl SG. PrMlcent I aod Vt»« drawn oat ar* op*o*4 and *tbi6:t*d to the 1 - ■ r t - - ■ r-p— ~rrr-r,-■' "T audteu'-e, and r«fi*t*rod by in* Comnii»«to£*r* , tL* • C’IIUjIAS * • LU“ Le OL..* Ja - ’ • —v_. j— rv.. M f-nu uimcIi •GeaniaoSwodor', Aaonrox . * * d R«4n*d f Hor*o-at«« t LON-!^® 0 ^, Sqnott,-' £a**t aad j Bo Uer IKON. Ca*u ( >enuL, Blinar aad CBL,Wro«gkt aad Bone- thoe >*A IL£ Boiler Rivet*, Non*. Waak- •ri—CaMooa&ty cad Kafiifk CASTI>*G5. Troc*, L^g, Wagoa, Pcmp aad Conuoaoaj CRAWS. Mill Iron*, Bladuaiib** Tool*, Parnsar'* Tool*, Agri- roitarai Lmflomcct*—c • t- * i * t i a g cf Cora-tboUeri, Straw Cstxen, Paowo. N%wOrd«n fro BILBEBh CLABKt Dealers,ia English 4 Aneriesh HARDWARE. ^ crxaoxxx BLOCK. rLeCDTttl. RTKXBT 1 AUauta, Ua. giisb am. Taseiute foie, aS kinds; a err, CoiToSowJU. CCmUT,tfa. E ailiacu,* Howuekoopen aJ bhdHrtSa aouettstjy #■ fcoa* city asd.ecustry tobeisei. ties to. Dee. M, ISM. kki* pcrtlon tnewce to m< W. HERRLNH k SON, 'mr*. IT a a promuing. Term*, t . . - r ,fl . . . for*) to tl»^higbe•t bidder, 379 acr«* of land, embra eing the Cberoke* Spring*- Thl* valnabl* and b«»u tiful place should bv known to appr#eiate it* the waUra are highly efflcacioo*. **p*cUlly In female diMOJte*, f)y*p*p«ia, Kidney AOeetitm*. Eruption* of thetfkio, Ke. The tnalyei*made by tbevtninrut f'rot MEAN.-', prove* them eimilar to the CheUinjrbam pnngi of Knglaad Thethnnng village of Rln/jgt.lfl .1 only 1 *» mile*, ono th* State Rail Ks*ri **oo yard*— JThe open land i* very fertile, laelodlng an »*rchard of * “ * eelected fruit—euch as Apples, f, Apricot* and lirapee ic« of the place is well unoern. evriue. uw third caah. th* balance to on* and 2 year* with int*r«*t—Dm* given to f*ther prva •ot crop. Also the tract of land known a* the th-be trmet, adjoining the spring*, place. conUining 140 acres.— Thiai* a handsome ana declrable residence The im iroremeot* art) all good. The dwelling large, out muse* Ac., orchard, Tau Yard, and fin* spring*. 60 or 6 a«ree of open land, very fertile—poas*s*inn given on before Christina* next, sale positive. Al»n, 100 acre* of land, near Ringgold on Taylovs oidge, fertile and not too *teep to cultivate. 8 acre* eared, balance heavily timbered. An excellent fre* me aprlnr on thi* tract. Terms fnr the two latter ,ct«. one half cash, the balance in month*. Titles all the above guarantied. The owner of saul lan d* «ide» in Louisiana. J-1». TENISTOV, Agent Rotggoid, tla , Julj '*t, 1867—dffiwtf. Improved Cotton Gin* and Threshing Machine*. r HE undersigned having removed their busines* from Morgan County, Ua., to Atlanta, brg leave o inform their old patron.’ and the public generally, that tber will continue the Manufacturing of lotion Gin* and Wheat Threshers on their u*«ul extensive scat* Their Gins are well known and universally ap proved in Georgia. South Carolina, and AUbama---al* to part* of lexa*, Mississippi, North Carolina. They are made of the very best material* and no expens* is spare-1 to make them convenient aod durable. If yon are ia*»*nt of agoodCotton Gin or wheat thra*b«r, or der from u«, and w* mil s*U a» low a* any other Man ufacturer* of equal repution, and will deliver themat the purchaser's resl lence or ueare*t R. Its Iwpot fr** of charge for transportation. Conti act* may be uadi with our traveling or local Agents, or by direct orders We have an abundance of certificate* a* tothegooT pefonnance of our Gin* and Threshers, some of * hteb may be seen on application to Agent*. All Gins warranted to perform well. Repat Approximation Prlx«*.-lt* ing and tb* two *uece*dlng Namber* t* the** dr* w lng th* firat 17 Prise* will be entitled te th* 96 Ay K ximatioa Prixa*. For *xaapU;tf Tl*k*t H*. 11266 w* th* 140.000 Prite. tho** Tlckete namWrod 11, 949, 11248, 11261,11242. win *aeb be emitted te 9724 If Ticket ho. 660 draw* th* 120.000 Prte* '.bow* Ticket* numbered 648 , 649 . 661, 642. mllcoab U 0*mle4 U. $200. and so oo aeeordia* Vo th* abov* tehene 8,000 Fnu* of 810 wlu h* determiood by vh* la*t Iguroofth* Number that draw* th* $60,000 Pm* — l or example. If tb*N«mb*r drawing th* 840.000 Price end* with Ko. 1. th*n all the Ticket* where tb* nam bor *nd»in 1 will be entitled Vo 870 If th* Numb*: •ud* with No t. then all Ike tukel* vk*n tne .Sum her *nde in i willb* antitted to $29 and so oa lo 0. Certificate* of Pa*kagv* will be eoM at th* f*Uewtn« rate* which i* tb* nik : C*rtifieateof Package of 10 WbeleTiekete . .980 *• 10 Half • 40 •• 10 Quarter MO In ordering TuieU or Cerltfieolee, SnsloN roar money tv o*r aiirw* for th* Ticket* ordered, on receipt of which they wili t*e forwarded bj first mail. Th* LUv of Drawn Nambar* and Prixer will b« sent toparnhaseri immediately after tb* drawing. $3R.Parch**«re will pleas* writ* their rigna- tnre* plain, and give th*tr Poet Ofijc, Couaty and Bute. Remember that *v*ry Pri«* it drewn, and payable in full withoot dedaetien. d^LAll Prixer of $1,004 and under, paid im mediately after the drawing—other Pri«*» at tb* axaal tim* of 14 -lay*, in fall withoat dedoction. All eommanientionr xtrieily eonfidential. Order* for TiokeU ahonld b* rent in early. Addre** Order* (or Tiekflt* or Certifies tea. to S. SWAN k Co., Atlanta, Ga. Who Wants Money ? 8 6 0,0 0 0 *2# Mst lie obtained bj risking $10. Halves and QuarterTickele IN PROPORTION. it a« WHITEHALL STREET. ATLANTA. GA., and Ore reeriving Ca. ; CONI MISSION MERCHANT, For tb« 1 T4 •'** * fXci * reoe-vlag fia; y.toe largest aafi meet etefast fteefc of CkGk* end..!, of.I! kfad. of | Or.XttlM »-d Mi rchandl? . tell, pay parLCU- i Hat * and Caps, icyenor mate a»e ft**? tttiag et!rt* etc ftr attention to the rrr.f Ha r of PIoEcaliofc an'd t Wbojoease. t^-Tolwneg flow* Usieort OGltea I W• late*: a. w*y» t« keey lx non a good noch cd SaouU im »*vie*, wk.ek w« wili eel] a* tew oi THI LOWB^T f»rC i promptly *nd f&ilLfuHy Ftmilv xuppliee K& Ail order tended to Office on south Side of Whitehall ftreet. threcd.- rr earl ofMiPhcll. octl4dwtf Cigar and Tobacco STORE. T Ut srBSCRIBEIllbegr r- ref erf illy to inform the Citizen* oi A *r tar- roandtng country, that he haejae "w » • large addition to hi* former fci-rko. Fl$M CIGARS TOBACCO. JKN7TF, PIPES. >NbTf P.t XB.«. MATCHES, AC., AC Which i> offered at Wholesale or R«txiiat vsai^&w Pnxenfi desiring anything id my line vriil do well »o call and examine toy Stock t*forepur- chaair g cUcwberr. RP* Store on White Hal Street.. •'pofitc the Iitciligencet effic*. JilHN riCKK.N. Atlanta. March 14, lt5T dert Situation Wanted as a Xeacncr 7 A NY prr-*oq dcairou* of eixp’ *.£ the acr« i.'A* ol a tcachft to ukc c hirge e a Common Englinh School, can oe a comae- di’ed hy applying t Ate* large n—k cf loiter'* Trinteg* • ke* *»te*M|kJlttekl*M Mi owlfty Coaa, a better * o one ehoald bur Clo-tbing beforo going toHerring^t*- W,j^«acwtfut theaalecf CXGEJCs 8ETO« MACHIXli. Aav «we wa&tiai iorowoeet* , there Mac Use kawti. aa.) w.U re**.ve-. by •« cr ofifirwMteg ky i2L ••ng*r*t* w.nuag a son. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, Notice. riAHE Stockholder, of the CANTCN Ml 1 N1NG COMPANY OF OEOR0IA us hereby informed thot M» eoeeeimeiil ol.One Dollar and Fifty Cents per this day een ieeied on all the Slock of the Company, k nd payment required in three equal m.tell- ments, on the ISth ef Noeember. Deeember tnJJtnuarr followinf. J. L. KEITH, riee ly Canton, OeL 8th oc(14wYl ireeh Arrivals .It the Alania Dili’ GOODS EMPORll kL Cutting, White a Co., HAVE just receieed t fine assortment ot 811,K ROUE8 A'idl T IU.E8. entirely new UAVADERE SILK ROBES. Plaid and Stripe 8II.KS in new etylee. Also e new let of Cloth end Yeleef CL11AK8, whieb we in. rite the Ladies to cell end examine. octHdlw C\ W. ft Co.,89 Whitehall et. G EOBOIA Cherokee County—Whereas John M. Adame ipplias to ma for letter, of ad ministration upon tha aetata of Jana Adana lata af >aid county, deceased; Than an tharafora to cite aad admontrh all and singular the kindred and creditors of said de railed, to be and appear at onr Court of Ordina ry to be held at Canton on tho Id Monday in No- , ember neat, theo and there to ikow route, if ear they hue a, why laid Uttan ihoald not be (ranted tha applicant Oiran under my bend, tbit 18th September, ,8i7. JAMBS JORDAN. Orl’ny. ooL 8, 'j*. w89d- (~i EOBOIA Cheroxea Cenniy -Wbaraai Nancy VJ |(. (lunar appliai to no for letten of Admin. Dtrotloa upon tho acute af William P. Garner, lata of raid county, dooanttd t ■ Than an tbarefan lo cite aad eimonlih all and tiaiulw, the kindred and oredltsn or laid de canted, to be and appear at tha Court of Ordina ry, to be hold la tad for mid county, on tha re- oood Monday In December next, Urea and than to show onaae, If nay they have, why mid letters ihoald sat ha (ranted tha applicant JAMBS JORDAN, Ord ny. n,’H. wdSd, than are th«rafaeate olta aad. Sanalib alt eoraoae SVBbTNEDR— aat bo (noted t .—Two- months iftar to tha Court af Ordinary e< ia .to tell the real tute af HXP8ITJ bocribf-T. N J’ F.YA?C8. Eter.otvf MrexnCo. •fpll»fi*u Georgia. SMITH * i f- nu>KU5.' ^mith iV Franklin. YY^ori.P rr>p:ctfuliy announce to Uie ciiiT/n* of Atlanta »«tl tho xurrountia, untry. that ihey aro n * r«Cfiv;ng and g. eiiti will kerp .n H’rt .* bpirn.:.^ t FAMILY CiROf'ERIE.r they . xrc c-tfrvuif at pneei that wil* c with any hoaxo sn thr city xr.J ivk a ehxrr , : paf- Our Lott«riM draw iu Macon, Ga. (Smai ! ronace. Thcv will give *}»e<ial aitcnuor. i^ ‘ ‘ ‘ * ‘ the *ilc cf B.4CON, LARI). FLOUR.GKAIN XnBACXO, Ac. Ac. CoD»ignmeot4 respectful L-iU.1 &T 1’rompt attrition g t ■ CAfitflM.'ll- ui:Ks. Store on Whitehall *tr**i, i fhebui ding known a* Davie* Hal!. Atlanta, m;r«\ iioisk, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. BY M. SIHFSON ft W. J. KILBY TI'NJiff tiodrmfned having «*p<nc\l thoFf L* TON HOU8E, in thi* city, dteugr. ma king it an agrieahle noting pl»c« for the trttailing pthlaa who nay favor item with lhc:r patmnagf. O'er th* domestic • flair* of the Houk*. Mis* 8aXa« wh»>*? fiperienea and *W;': :n hiMftl buaincte, ar* well known, will proud?. Mr. T. C. Duval, their clerk, wul alwar*. l«* found pnvmpt and attentive m the office. The fTLTOTI* UOl’SE « th* nearest h*u*e on the *oaihwo»t *fdc f*f the Drpr. — ^ 8*rrante wtit h* ur-attcnd«ncc at the IVpet n i/*he the amvtl o» wach train, from tke »tSv»« ( Two fir*t rat* larery Slablo* ar* r **r where boro**, ctmif**, and heggic* ar* for hire. The anderwgncsl ask only tor a trial, a* st u thru intention lo piwatc and m*nt a liberal •bar* of pttroniga from th* travelling puhbc, glMPSO.N A KILBY,5| iiianta. a*pi ldawtf RY. By Authority of the State of Georgia. On the Havana Plan’of Sia|lr Numbers. ISO,000 'TICKETS. 8.28ft Prizes,aiuountiug to$215.2fi0. f|« Prlxe* Parabl* Without Drdurtlon AHDER80H k SON, Konagen. SUCCESSORS TO J. F, WIXTBK, Manager ,1a. (Ski Bchcm**} *v*ry Saturday, aad In Saro&aak, G (Lorga Scheme*J about th* 15th ef *v*ry necth Class cc, *■ Draws 0«t. 14th, 1857, xt Artuery Hall. 6avanoah, Georgia, under th* sworn rapertc- tandenea of W. R. Symons, Esq. and J. M. Prentiss, Esq. Capital* of $60,40$, 150,000, $14,604, $5,646. $4,000, $5,000, S prites of $1,400, 5 of $50P, 1 OC of $100, 100 of $50, S000 *f $30, and 72 Approx* ImatKm prises amounting to $3,760. Whole Ticket* $10; Hulycs $5 : Quarters Mi AO. Ix>ok to ronr intcrc?t m<l compare tliis scheme with any otlier. Bank Rote* of sound Banks taken at par. Cheeks on Raw York remitted for prixe*. Address orders for tiekets or Certifeater Paskages >f Tickets to ▲SS1RB0I k «0V, Managers. - Maean ar BaTanaah. tJeorgv* WfO ODRUFF & CBOo, Are rcceivino- every Variety of carriages—consisting ol Concho. Side-Seal Su'gfies, Family Wacom*, Kot kawsft, No-Top Bu«l«, tonrord Knrric,. nurk-Wajons Top-Bucrics. Harnc, Whip*, > ortHuk> K*ia m aid IRON AXLES, sriKjm: Wit* UraLa, ias bn COmaff* or Wsgoa. fr- Uf ta order at afcrr. r.-43** W*fkwi W W lVOODBI PF, Crlfltn, Ca Pianos! Pianos! Pianos! Dmifs! Drugs!! Drape!!! f !arr*?v L maay friends eed p*trT.o«,'th»i xbtt h* iacreaeed their eteek ot Dreg*.ChMeU-ai*. J*a:ns«. ml.. IFtodow G>a*«. !*er(emery, Fancy Ooc<.% *e-J evpry thing tie* ateeuy feuad ta a fint rh*» I>nr Store, which they will tell at their useal ]o« rat** U r or abort time. T>#4r stock cf W»o Urjest ta the ^enth*ra country, aa Ug*wo* terwe of delivery, th*y defy cvwpetit W* vomW orain call Ui» atteatKv# oftit* y*cu* u> Tfiyler’e aoti-uyspepti* tbxir Ke b*hm» of tale yean hoe w maay ardeot (Head* ae :fci> Oet ol XL* thousand* of pyeyeptice to wiora her* ae-.M tbu Medtctoe, we hare heardaoa* •*» it did then oogocvl, had we know ef maay is thl* city aod woaity vrh«, from the very* of th* grave, ha** be<a n * perteet health. W* u; Dm* ttiip Uh Med tela* le made, aad •• ar* koowa. »»- cootradlctteu; Give a* a eaN fivrru s v*iz %}.«•. eel U, *67. «tewty, ~ TT Notice. ATI yoreoae haviag_6usiae*> vtth t6* laWrswtaj wilt lad him at the War*-W«eeor ffieor* of Ceyt V p Tarr, wltk whom he bo* made *ormaaeeit ha “ *’“ Jaw Ft chaUnge RUNAWAY. From theundmicnad in Jmatr, 1857, ■ nit boy 801., b. * .boat XL tear, of i f » • ifht and alafanlly foimad (or a arfra dark araooth ain. prominentrtaa and Intf* whit* teeth. Hr ia paeawf ihrrufh tha eounUJ under for fad permit!, end the aa. Osnabcns. t turned sama of JACK 1 undenunJ JCSTRKDyiD,aa4 ibaUaaaataati, tea, .. WM. “ * a large let of Oeaah*ry*. from the Athew Maaafae W for fib* lo* 11 month* lie ie probably now i» .th* nmgbborhood of Atlanta, c: on the (teat* Road abort. FIFTY DOLLARS RawmrJ ..affared fo, hia appeahetuion sad tnah additional coca- pan ration «B1 ha fina ae tha tnmhia of hu rapts-a may requiro. If bn hasbaen hsxbjaad hy any owa, aud yeoof tt coaeictaon of tha fact fo paodmotd, tha paeaeo fi.tof iaknmstiao will bs rewards! tad astia tod for hie troubla to the axfoat and ruhia of tha negro. A. P. POWBM aana. MttM - lam let af Oaosbam, ham tb. lUia. Haa.fu rartaf Ot., te ba raid a, Itearary ,riaa»- Mia aadra Oaria' IMI, Whitehall V:\SSlX . w. wiLUAira.jxii. Mtu* aou/yuuutxtt WUUjum, Rlr>a tb Cm., [SucemantoJ. C. WSUamt it Oa.) atHIOAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Andpnrtiealarlr far tha tala ar OraU, Bnona, UN, floor, faatSan, aad Teaaaaaaa Predtua eM!=:£S»sJsr"~ Atfoate. Mar. 18. M. Tobacco, Tobacco. Mty. [oetlddwif] T.F.LOWa Xembert of the Legulttaro! Boarding He I CAN ramlebOfoca tha Imffobture wi yadBowl.dwrtMtha Lsnelatars. tUMrorOr. with oottfcttnhb loom, waaant laadmaf tho JAR. A. OOSK.Y aetltdwlm V a will «>n»tenUy kaap aa hard nn naeeri oaet of alafant'y finished and plain Rorawoai warranted F-.ano Trnar. with the entire Maealiie Frame, ud ail th.lataetimportantimpraemneote mada by Newman Rruber A Son,, and rarieu other makara ef relefcrity, which w. o*ar far rale at the lowect market pnoan ccJ allow p«r. chaeara any reaeonabla lime to leu them, freed innramanti for u . or hire. W, allow tha hifh • rat prite lot old Pianoa. whan fieaa la atehaafa «K new awac. haRIB d NICOLAI. j&fust Kirkpothek'i Farr:tore Store. Peaahtre* itwl AUacSaGer .Kct.Jfi.m. fiwly. ^ L&ndreth'» Hew Crop, 1666- Th* p«H;e g*uerally, an* the Loams ^ ly. are luvitml to rail an4 examine the vorrtty of StmJ, of the eabeeribor it ready at all lima* U axbibit his stock -.f Seeds—a» wall as ibe aew style* of Furniture. T. W. WEST fetraSeed Store at the new Furniture Sv'V C. Me#«rn. F. A. A J. S- Williams, Peocktre* - * st? i -iii**m an Wm. LGOROOI. ~ TAYLOR’S Asm-tormsnm X0 P vTEXT—NO HUMBUG. Bat will afiaettaUy Cun Dy<p&pst(i. Liver v FDYA Complaint. BILITY, > KRVOl'S DEBI Aod* moyority ef diseases arieangfram a' 4Uer- 2er*x Liver aad Sic coach, mek ae C0HBTIPATI0M. ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, Flewi&g ef Bl<ne« tc tha Head. Pallneec e Weight ia Stoma**, Heartburn, Sour Eructations, Sinking or fluttering tt the Pit of tie <*»—r-h BVRkltb OA DirrtOCLT MMXATBIMi rtaneriaf at tie Mean, M Pnim in tic Bonn, CXalnne ar Safiminf fcaetina ah* in a fr- Wt.r». (W Taat am4 Benda, b, .wi.. trite, Tryfta/nl Ami, raut Snidan House Furnishing Goods. TOKLOTBOV ft BANKS RESPECTFULLY inform their frianoi an. patron that they an aew raeaiThu a ear j Urn araert aaat of BOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, awii ing ia part af Conper, Tin, BrittmnnU an* JspsnnU W»w, Willow and Wood Ware, W*- trr Cooler*. Bird Como, FisJs- IngTocaie, Nelli, T sr “STOVES at «rary patteru nnuttdU paw- iStn won. GAS FIXTURES, OlaUa. bam Ao-t GARDEN ENGINES and PUMPS, tha Downi A Ca. Manufactory, Albany.— ta nnplaaraitnara wkatenr. Directions. Taka one tahjaapaanful three liraai a day, Af. taea adantra after each meaL Tho botda mutt be Ttry tboraufhly ihakanbadera eerh doeuuw- til tha wdimaotUtt euepe—* -- SKITE ft: I Sole Prvprtettre ATLANTA, Gi Prise U par B«lia. “ri Anjawri, Maw Hh.lMdf Baaar*. Arall A tawd-J do cartity Until kaea bean tar many yaore ifttrUad da. mad ia ite want rente u lira, a Dec ta time, all each remedhfoa aaranraradad. aat raly patent randt at ware rarammandtd by cUBfU Pkynhdaaah rad bare farad nana ta r^t rejttf far bninihortthne, raa laakini U pr.- I wai infocmau < Wa hare empteywi experienced wotfcni lug, ButSariag, Qu and Steam fluia* will raaat with prompUtwntiau. (MU aad aumina out sttak, first door earth of EaBrand, Wkitehnllet-, tin af tha Stare and CaOaa Pel. . Atfoau, Kay Id^UA dwly. haring bean aa .(tea dtrapfetoted in rateh aa I id tnrad, I dM aat care to try any thfaxmaeu rata thra&fh pnreunda^ I benyhi a battle at Taytet'iEhxir. and ia two da. tjforad a wonder ful thnufu lu my foaUaf.. f rat Baled takian, wtall Tmpraeiag,till l uad ,na battle, tUe kai , man than a year, aud I bare dninw that time had baaar health tana I ksn tnjoyad for If art* yuan before. I foal safe la i Unsapdrmcniitcurefaelbiidlnnnee. May II. JOSEPH H. MIAS. Atura, Daramhar IS, ISM. Jaw. Smith d Xteardr—To thaau who are il- tecuetad I wauld ethtt, that dartn* tha I mar aad sstuma [wane lie that durfux tha pact aum- aararwly aSaated with faedi. •haul thru# mraths my naaaneh fob ae If U hadhrakeu roakeu’lv^lhad “ and wut muahrsdueud. At fired dlgaetud wuU ud my dforrhnn aaaaad at asaa. lerahutthfokItuuttyrsh^M satdj. vary TSliaMs WALTIB K. HAT#