The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, November 03, 1857, Image 4

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■HP ymtcwruygc HI Rib- tilt* GMdtsluala each knk) Iti Certmla taft * Lile, UealtkM4 n has tm toetoito um at. omw’i Ho«pit«i,( Utera,etethe \ marine llaapital, \. Saw Turk. Pancaa uslsf II will flo4lttoa*ree wall pith Ov« * —. **• - la theee parti) an\ ttuouch. TbU valuable (u« laprovaJ Mode of Prcpanrilom, ewmttaa4i lUelfto tha »pedal twUc# of Traveler*, on account of Ita Mat u4 eoupaet form, Ilia# being al- nj! at band la plat* what* tha Afflletetl . or the oth< an If ofctelaad,Ika . ... alltj ao Mcecaary la affecting a Speedy aud Penaauent ef, Thu Compound la praaarad with tha pnraat •gala a highly Concentrated l., aaiputep to a.tjlc of aaataaaa llnsurimaacd u> murpnaiuiit 1 at an aipanaa barely exceeding the price which a Soring patient would ba compelled to pay for a yilclan'a advice, alio being palatable. Another cidadly grant Advantage a trlff in hanalon of ita being Injured In any manna The Patient »ea U during the day, follow this ordinary avocation > danger of notching eoM. will need no physician, IMtent jKeftfclttt*. oodmen'ii Cherry Ibcpeotoract h Ik. final Ktmtdy wkitk it taking Iktplon of ait diktri. N * country whan multitude* are annually carried oil by putmonarydUeaaM lilt mum* W unwun to enlarge upon tha maria of a REMEDY, wMeb.lf taken tn time, will aaaura rilly prevent tha end consequences loo often '’coughs, colds and influenza; and the various TRAOHIAL AND BRON- CHI AL affections that become whan neglected. ^ I0H iU* 7: ■ OTYES' .to in .t a i a. RATED icptcliaJffrirkey L fi (> O I) R U P F a, ca, \re receiving every Variety ot carriages—consisting o Family Wagon*, Conc ord Bnggica, II;trues*, Whip*, Coaches. Side-Seat 3uggie*. Kockawap, No-Top ttuggie*, Ilach-W agon*, Tep-Bttsgie*. xosraKEN siAis IROS AXLE*. for i, 4 aad 4 The beat anti coat d4>«a-EE»iFEnra . Oct ’•lot to Partiea Pnrchasin durable no* is use! fe, N. Pike’s Magnolia Whisker. ClMlVUtt, Ohio. 'I'HE ae4cnigae.i. manufacturer and A (ola ecoerieto? of tha shave brand of I WHlffEY, weald i . naU resyacdaUy iafsra his ate purchasers of this celebrated brand that tbora hu appeared la the Charleston aad ether Sraihera askn a eouatarfeii of tko oboTt WWM 7i being a no iaoaou imitation, branded tarilartehis broad; it pasm under tha aaat of h i, DjhV HagnoSa Whlrtj rineinaati .Ohio, and ;^tr nun.i rtsailer la AS. Pika. At then U so pan/ is tbit city of tko samsof S. 5. Dyke it ii inxaadod to iaprae aad deceive tboao oho ooald perrhaee tha gcaeiae tread. 1 taaln thii itataamt to pot partiea on their guard, ai than an nml paraaao in tha aaat and west making aa mulattos, aad naisg aty same ohh a alight alteration. Ibara analyted aerersl samples of tbit caastarftat bread, aad bud that it coo taint a deadly police, Ihia fees alamo impair mo to osa- tioa thapohiicloproaaottboaaoboaraUabtataba deceived, aad prrnet tho aril main attending tha ua af hla p dtanana I al latum. I also kere- by randan tha aaulutaitm af my bread, that I oil! ansaras* than to the fail extant af tha law. The genuine S. H. POM'S Magnolia Whiaky is loitliiad tram tha beet ^aaUtiea of Bya and Cm, aad b ovras tai baa Croat any deleteriooo or ob- ooxboaa tompoasd, H being n para aad healthy baranga. Many panto hare recently coalmen ned making o brand of Whbhy cattedMagnolia, hot Uwyan aa iaihutot of tsy mada bread, io ba eanfni aad Ac., Ac hack tTActifs. UVKKV .-iTAaLC. With 3r*kr, tail R*c! w Ifliiarrtl t /I by eorrespon HAUljWAltli A IRO\ ARE! GILBERT, CLARKE & LEWIE J^eowiae Swede*Amer>»s end Beffned, Horse-*hoc, Boondy SiTuru, Sheet nad Boiler IRON. Cut, (lurans, Bll ter and PLw STEEL. Cu:, Wrought and Horee- fhoe KAILS. Boiler Rivets, Kuttj, Wwh- ere—CueeooBtjud Eolith CASTINGS. Euslishi American HARDWARE. CHEROKEE BLOCK, PLACET P.i£ STREET, gat tha ally reaaiae Mamalio WiUkr - shad SradHb ud dStaM oaly by me the U tiled Sretob aad f SAK’L s. pike, 5a. U Aid Syeaaeero at., CiaoUaati, Ohio. Jaaa lt-daoly. Tobacco, Tobacco, J L'bT reeetvtd dirrct ffxa Vbfio»,u choice bt ai TOBACCO, uxncng which u s few hoxee of th*i juttlr celebrated Bread K NBAB TWIST, saperior to tny in th:e ci [ocU4dwtf] T. f. LOWE Piano Porte Eepsirer and Tuner, liriLLatteod to uy calls in his g*nm V » line ef bqiieeee, weh m rtf- jBywifj tlaiiftf of eetiea, covertag of has- Vi f I !• and Ceatiaaoos CHAINS Mill Iruoj, Blacfcimiu’* Tools, Faracr'i Tool*, Agri- cuitorul Implement*—c o a- i i s t i a g ef Corm-shul’.crt, Straw Cutters, Plow*. Order* from «ity aad country aolrited. Share^'z Spade*, kz, Cart steel PioVj, Mattocks, at.. Manil la, i’vap am’ n :t:* dope; Tc - Bloelw, ' ild larin r^’l'.irlar u.- - :t oar • v< j and we- teL. - A z -.ecc* Sheeted 2arr. ~ H, Rifles, Ac.—cocjLK • '( Fine En. gllih aad is Twist, Tamizuued 9'n> ! ovrel Pis tol*, all kind JV.’j Repeat- er*, Colt'i IT3.7 /. -JjI do. CUTTLCrix, o' a!) kind*. Builder*/ Hcxjjhj jpen’ and all kinds of Hardware, kept conitsmtlj on hand 7 tuiigw w Hwuui| «wre. wtu uarei uq pujutUIB, ill «a*e hUaaelf from grieved feeliuge by an expo- are, aud Be Elfectnnlly Cured in a *hort time, aud no out wiser of his mUIortnoe.— Its eutire fresdom from any latercorflal prvuarutk», opium, or any othsr tnjorioos drug, Is a dscitledly great advantage to tho patient, it is partic ularly Soothing aud Healing. .ho perfectness of tfcs preparation. Its almost tasto less form, Its pleasant mode of administration, 'he ease and certainty with which the euro ts effected, it* freedom from names, claim fur It the continued pat rr nofe of the public and present to the unfor lu nate Argument* ent i*J- pamphlet accompanies this medicine, containing full and ample directions, to which tho atUntkm of the patient L earnestly referred. Al'l’ncs SI per Box*, or six boxes for 16. ONLY AGENT IN ATLANTA A. ALEXANDER DRUGGIST. Sign of iheZNtgro ii Mortar, Whitehall Street. Out PRECURSORS OF OONSUM: AND OF DEATH. Th« Balnm qutotn the mott riolint cough in the course of * few hour*, enabling the patient who may bar* been kept awake night after night by the onotinnal recurrence of paroxyema t\ ENJOY CALM AND REFRESHING SLEEP. It loMone tho cough—relierea tho tightneaa of tho cheit-au J rapidly mitigate* all the lymp* toma attendant upon an IRRITABLE CON DITION OF Tl« ORGANS OF RESPIRA TION, Aaa family medicine, it hii already acquired a high reputation in the weat,and ought to oc cupy a place iu every firmer'! end planter’! medicine cheat. The following original letter wee banded to ua for publication;* remedy which can elicit aucb encomiums, mint be a good one: Gaivtartox, Taxi*. April 26, 1856. Dr. O. O. Whoduxw, New Orleana; My Dear Sir.—In juniee to youand a duty 1 owe to a lutTering, end I may aay, a world of coughing people, I al.te what your inseluable Cough Remedy—your CHERRY EXPEC TORANT—hat done for me, when all other remediee hare failed to gire any relief. In the fall of 1817. Using in Si. Louis, where I base resided moat ef the time for the laataixteen can, I took a aetere cold which nettled on my ,ungi, and waa confined to my bed, and doted end twittered by doctor* for teveral week*, but finally got on my leg* again, but not cured of my hard coughing, and rattling and tickling in my throat, which cuntinuep incessantly for more than eix months, always the worst in tha winter. My friend* insisted I h d caughed enough to kill a doien common men, end that I must be in tha last stage of consumption. . I mado up my mind that I must cough my life away. I left St Louis in December last, to travel and spend the winter in the South.— When l called at your store in Vicksburg, you will recollect, I was coughing so hard I could ■ret make my business known. You said you TRUTH WILL TRIUMPH. Proof-West Point Testimony. POUT, Ga., lpril.16,1S66. On tht 10thof Vabnurj l wo*In JUlaato, at&ea)Ud on joafor adviev ua ea»♦ of Gonorrhaia, and yon fare maaomaofyoar Compound. 1 think 1 promiatd Ublatyouknow f tht result, which la at follow*—I l*f*n crijf It aoyou directed and aoon found I waa cured. I u«ad ‘, s pot* of tho Compound only, and over two months have paaatd and l pereelvo no re- tern of the dlaeoA*. thtrefortl believe tha cart la a £#rmanwo! one tboufb mine was. ao lonf ataodinf an*:' •event l have now proved by a trial that yo ur Cora K uq 1 it a certain, aafe, and permanent cure, beeUtea in« entirely free from injarioa* effect*. I feel irea: .leal ttroo^er than before I took the dlaeaae. will give me great pleasure to recommend it to mj friend* and the public. With my boat respect* and thank*, believe me to be your obieut servant. O H. thought I would not slight you and your medi< cine to much aa not to try it; and ir. thankful- nets shall I ever remember the day I did to. In but a fow days, it began to allay and diminuh my cough and tickling in roy throat, and be- f ire I had used more thin three fourths of the contents of that bottle I was entirely cured, and for weeks I did not even rabo a cough, tlougl exposed day and night, in all weathers, in tra*- veling. However, in March, while traveling in North Carolina, I took a severs cold, end my coughing commenced again,aud alto the tick ling in my throat, at intervals; and betoro in) arriving in New Orleans, on tbe 11 , inst., on some night, my coughing would commence and continue lor an hour or two. I soon pro cured another bottle from you aid in leas than two days I was entirely relieved again. I am now determined to always luep a bottle on hand and in the commencing of a cough, • ve ry few small dotves will relieve it cnfrely. I am now fully satisfied it is tbe bxst COUGH ^.REMEDY now knjwuto tho world and it is PILES! PILES! PILES! Tits \it\ rto intractabU disease, #/ every form and in every stage, CCRKD BT EXTERNAL APPLICATION ONLY. Dr. Cavanaugh’* Pile Salve J U-L never foil to giving i mm mediate relief, anJ positively curiog the worat aad most W baliuaU eaaea of Hemorrhoids or Piles. It is tho ' ONLY INFALLIBLE REMEDY KNOWN here or elsewhereforthe Piles, aud Is the result of years of patient study aud investigation .Sufferer* from PUea new have a remedy at baod which will STAND THE TEST Of TRIAL, without a fear of fallareon It* part, to do all the pro prietor claim* for tl. — Fall directions accompany each bos; aud all that is requisite is strictly to observe them, and a eureiaeer tain follow. i proprietor refer* to the folk gentlemen of character and standing, oluntarily given their certificate* In its iav rbo hare , in i gonl to its efficacy tn their own eaaee. Read them. Tbe following ii from one of tbe moet reliable eftl tens of Chicago, the late Treasurer of Cook county III. Chicago. July 35, U66- Dr. Cavanaagb—Dear sir : I wish hereby to make known to tbe afflicted that f have been troubled with tbe Pile* for twenty yeara or upwards, aud at times Atlanta, Dec. IS, 1854. NOTKK. THE ONLY CHANGE FOR KANriAH ! j By the Cu of Dr. I/AJUUSO.VS ELECTRIC OIL. Iftiscrilain roue, ■NORthuewreef Rbwomutivm, ?*>•• in the Back 1. Braaetwr Side. Nenraigia; *ek. Nervous or Bil L-vus Headache; Peisy, -Vfinai Atteuw - —SSSpj.tV.V.- S l i51LS!** < p5;Sto2?ltot : r0H THt coMrtsr* curb orcouau.< * TS52 tl I colds, injlubsza; asthma, bros iltliif ef action, iqeeelas am,(fitedtr knSnd,) Laying ,{ uvatrisga k, tkeMUea, vketesraiagte, So. Firirfmtan giran ia erery iantesc. .r aa tkwgn. Alin tin cures tod. Taslng by ah* at g.4uaS Price*. rW* AC orSara akenU U Ml at Menu. W.i- .vej 1 f unitor* Store, es Peachtree it, Atinn to. a*. err. 2». 'SA. inly. BMOB-Floai^-Corn-Peas-Oat* 7*.*M pansls gsed nav Tenaaaae* Bnco*. 26,066 lie. rto Arparfis* Flov, 1,666 Inukafa (004 Wkito Corn, *66 toahala So. 1 Pan* Iff vMUsl 466 bubals Black Seed Oau, 2*6 In,kola good Wkito Corn ManL Tko akoe, artteto will be soli at (sir ourket Wire for Cask, or good M W 66 <ay no toe. My - • I will Store all prodace loft ouyetkorWare' Hcue la tko city, aad res be iaanrod^/ desired. C. D. PARK. Muck 22. Predaao Brokv '-are, or goto HMH oar frerakoua ia rary luge, *sd Ii irindste Prodnca ot lev rettc., AS ; vitfc ao ia u atf* {rare (re aa Dans VAU UiLE CITY PKOI'ERTV FOR SALE. THE sUtoribcroean tko Wukiag xt Boll HcM tor aate. Tko Hotciia frtesJ*} oe the East nod within fret at the General Paareege - c S. n aad apncaou, and baa a cub euatom if . :t Tncnty-Sr# Tbaoiaak Dot. Ian |-r • Tho Fnnutve aad firtmee wdl bo tan Trttb tko Hotel Onr-ttalf tko ertee of the property, in caab or yoatag nogroaa, will U requited at the tj»a of aaho—tko k . a net no tine, if aatiafuiorily socared. Octlddtwt JAMES LOYD Window Kbade* A Sploadad Vanaey—«a r, t ,Ure. J„, „t cetred aad to sale, fare low, by ' .Xas/s. La. HtUer^a Wn.UAM HairJgy(,*, Mw fWltni|lLnbg. I^kflsi, Dirtsaisc. mmA toettarttotooU/ofiMUi'. 1'nc.S’ — xtendtoleaKnif ao,14a*Cra«, u—uVL !*£.**?s’tS’JKsUsj qggpBr* aaorwyrbetr WkotoaloCeto Eywe- TbL OIL Is r> d fir any Utoestkis. me. Ai*o -wr-iLpi 7. - -----—- — Jotale; guSoete af J(kint*.C«tra<t*4 x■»♦•>* C**»•■>&- im Kldcay Afftctoon, Diarr^a, *r. Cm at ion. Be tzrm and get Hsirrlaon’s Electric OIL. There are ether toalie* - m the e**xstry jery.rtinf to be the asm. bat ad without ay signatarr signed in writing. ari>hambac«- Tbe gesaiae ULMGTKtC0!t- caobeiaia*. Vtrt- berry's Dr-g Autre, Atlanta, Ck TfriitimonlaH. D?- if A. HABIKAON— I think it da# jer. w **/, that f !o*v« be<M» iff! rh*i with AneanMtut Pan** In tn; «n-.u/ler, for aetera, CHIT IS, SPITTl.SU OP BLOOD, tt ALL OTHER LUSys COUP LA! STS TENDIN', TO CONSUMPTION. Electric Oil, l and f .t>.ul*» after maaing a few anpHaatt'.ud f wisriiUrtod U rosea my haa-1 to my bend. 1 U-i tr^i rrarythia* s£*e a thw w*r cf Pateat Ue iutn**. stel »d fa.>t I can char tally raabaaoeand |uAi KXeeir • Oil to all who may be efiJetod with Rheamatle P*ir- enctfaUy, C1XTUA .-fltlEaHT Hi county, 0; Camptoll , Ga.. «eft », 1SJ Oarrt:s Ga , Oct 9 WT DR. ¥ A. fUBBL-iO*— Dts* sia . requested me to etnte tha affsc*. f.t J*»it Elect etc 'Al. agon ma last itori eg. M j i»n*« been apra-ned for some time, aad I hod no; booe »•■* a frit far severof’ vtvk.*. A/uraakwg two a^pU w Jtb yoer ElectiU OH. I woe enaotoJ to aaIt fXJ, I at pais.'ted have sot Mt aay pa;n risce m\. x ATuarra, Ga , fkt. it. 1 hi: DR M. A. HAJtRiiV/5— This le to certify that 1 have bees aflLcted wl Rheumatic polo* .a my book sad Wpe far tea yeere. with wbkb f bare »o£«fw4 graatiy. I bad set been oak to week tor scene tooelks, who* J coanfiwived as law your Ktoctrk OIL 1 U*4 three botUee. whken entirely relieved toe nt pels. I osa beuer at this Usm, than I bare been is tes years. j. ouLwrost* kTLSTtA, Oe.. Oct. U, 1MT t,£ r E. HAP.RUON— This le to mmtUff that J have been afflicted eitb la* flaeunatery «hWMti—/ov several weeka M/jemto been . Mjmlt wltbmt brtf . Hs hktem- week* After sassf yew Electric Oil a short time my afflito M limb was estire^y relieved ef etiffaem pale. (aeUAdwly) *" — JAB. WALTON. A DAILY COACH LEAVES MADISON tBmmUne EscnieL i At l o'clock F7jE Jiirivts at £«tonttm isu Eroaiog \ Leaves Ea teuton, At 6 o’clock, P.M. AnfoeatMa'iwtelli P. M. t. W. & L. L MOOBE. ft«n re couwcuo* with iko Wight Treiu <*. tho Ocorgia RaU Road. •SMt !2 dwti 300 Barrel* Flour, to.iwd.n* mie. m WmneL _ * eFtone- Aloe, mlnem toe rasneks $ Than .5 J 9. OUICOUB numarosaletters wereceiverrcm oarvartoue ;gents..nfortamg as of cares effected is thetrimmad beet.if not the vuv nwrCeagh MedktseaGw Wforetbe public. It almost invariably reliever and not frequently cure# tko very morel eases. When all ktherCcangbprenneattossaavefailed. this has reliavao the paUaat. at rtregfleU,dealers in if s iledieiaesaud Phy <af time be will tail yo a rr m the butt medicne extant. Bvtow we give • tewestmcUlrom letters w* htvere< v‘.6»diat»iy regardisg tbe virtues of this medic *1. S. Oilin, Cti Knoxville, Go., rays;—"/ Vise been usingyonr Liemnort and Tar very uneietly is my practice for ikree yean f-iei, a a ie till pUaeure that / state my belief in trrxajf/arTT ova* motin ststuxw with which 1 scqsefntod/or mkuk tl tl recm Meaars. V iii|tr»M 4 Basse rs N*t“«-Fit«feraid4Besaer*,vrrtUof from Waynes dlla s. C ,**/—"The U erwortandTar ie becesuai lolly mmm pep alar is this eosatry, and max trrr tv to. Alt *:io bate tried it epeak in commend able terms of it, and eayitis very bene/ie*al alleviating tbe complaints for mbicb Hit reef, mended.” Our sgeatio Pickea•District.N C , Nr .-i. R Ifefal uaresostkatha 'aseeit with great beaefit f- cws faeQy, end recommend* it to hie aeigbbore, rives an l ostosce of a asero woman ia hle'rlcialty, who had beea «affarisgwith disease of AheUsgx foryenr*. .tuntecwith ,.t—, Ma|k,«koit,r,ll*TM ij ihi Lsrerwcrtsmt 7nr loe.'toaia. Tot t of the s« k*a,.rfors»f ia if. W.atora aa* l.ort-ra.odRaaUraaut-, ncretelarlt. Ik. nil ****M>«»W*k a«o-H .ack retire T.all,*»«ay, *.r*aora,aiTnor,, Try tbe Medicine!! a j • War.pd |. leuiosl ABdnegiect set that easgh vhieUs dully wmkenlsc yow#ac»o*UWitos,{rriUtte| year throat eM luan l **}Vi\ ia ** M ***** 9 ^'l*'**.Ceoesmpttoa plm *■ Cre.tert*ite*a45re*laHteKtea*i Tk* (tesla—rtlilalaLCMAnrewireaa*,.a Hu Mfreca*mrre*arewa6aMfcka«Us. * frU.ll pH atetia,craft WMaafcr M. (tteckcl BROWN’S HOTEL, [Opcoaite Ik* Paaacagrr Dapof,) diwir Jaa 17 . r f of yau endesked me to give it a trio! I 4M so. Not, ho we v ef, With the expectation of bwueflttiag my disei truly, I had triwl •<> many appUeatious 1 had loot'eon fftlenco la ail. But in making nee of yonr Salve, I am, > fares lean judge, a well man. I moet cheerfully make this statement, believing it due both to yourself and such ad may be afflicted with this t to say that \ consider jour preparation an inf alaable remedy for tbelM »s. Moet sincerely yours, H. N. HXALD, The Don. Richard Yet»s, late membor of Congrem from the Springffeld, (11 s.jdietrict.eaye , \ ■. m./'iiauisi, aa»l . Jacksonville. 111., .Nov. 16.JB66 Dr. Thoe. Q. Cavauaagh—Dear dir: The preparation, Covauoagh's Pile Salve, which you furnuhed, I found of great service, producing an easy and speedy core I do not hesitate to recommend ft as an irvaiaat * remedy fer the Piles. Respectfully RICHARD YATES. The lollow lag from Rev. B. F. Bristow, is a •■■dent recommendation In itself: JacksonviUe,III., December 16, ISM. Dr. Cbvanaagb—I conceive it to be a duty I owe l_ tbe afflicted to make known tbe invaluable virtues and rumedialefficiency of your “Pile Halve.’ 1 ! was for several weeks sorely afflicted with that painful and outbsome dssease, the Piles. After having exhausted my patienee In trying various prescription* of pbysi dans and other* without receiving any benefit, by tbe strong recommendation of your naive by my friend, the Hon- Richard Yates, 1 was Induced to try it. 1 am happy in saying so application of your salve for three day* perfected ao entire cure. Respectfully yours, B. F. BRISTOW. Tbe following is tbe voluntary testimony of an emi nent physiciuh with a large and extensive praetke: Jacksonville, IU.. November 13, ISM Dr. T. II Cavanaugh—Dear Sir: Having for some time heard of the ears* performed by your PUe Halve, would core my cough. Aa you gaceme a bot tle of your CHERRY EXPECTORANT, I Itetfnt JKfBtcuie CATHARTIC TILLS O PKRATK by their powerful influenna on the Internal viscera to pirrjfy the blood and stlmt tat* it Into healthy action. They remove t.« obstruction* of tho atomnch, bowold, liver, and organa of the body, and, by rcctorinK their irrr^uiir organs of the body, and, by rc«tur(nK their lrreirmar action to health, gorrert, wherever they exUt, such derangements ss arc the' first cause* of diaense. An exteniive trial of their virtue*, by Trofsisort, Physician*, and Patient*, has shown cure* of dan gerous diseases almost beyond belief, were they not lubstantiattd by persons of such exulted, position and character as to forbhl the suspicion of untruth “ bed In n»y American Their ccrtifi ate* are publUl Atmanar, ,hich the Agents below named are pleased to furnish free to all inouirimf. Annexed we give Directions for their use in the complaint* which they have been found to cure. Fon CosTivuNEfii.—Take one or two PiUa, or such quantity as to gcntlv move the bowels. Cos tiveness is frequently the aggravating cause of PiLBfl. and the euro of one complaint Is the cure of botn.fflKo person can fool well while under a costive habit of body. Hence U should be, a* it can be, promptly relieved. For Dtafrfsia, which is sometime* the cause of Cotlirencsi, and always uncomfortable, take mild dose*—from one to four — to stimulate tho stomach and liver into healthy action. They will do It, and the heartburn, bodybum, and toulbum of dyspepsia will rapidly disappear When It has gone, don’t _or a Foul Stomauw, or Morbid Inaction of the Bowls, which produces general depression of the spirits and bad health, take from four to eight Pill* at first, and smaller doses afterwards, until activity and strength is restored to the system. ForNrrvouskbm, Sick Headache, Naubia, Pain in tho Stomach, Back, or Side, take from four to eight pills on going to bed. If thev do not oper ate sufficiently, take more the next dsy until they do. Theso complaint* will be swept out from the system.^ Don’t wear these and their kindred dis orders because your stomach Is foul. For ScaoFDLA, Erysipxlas, and all Dissasts ally soon begin to diminish and disappear, dreadful ulcers and sores have been healed up b; the purging and purifying cfleet of these Pills, am some disgusting diseases which seemed to saturate the whole system have completely yielded to their Influence, leaving the sufferer in perfert health. Patients! your duty to society forbids that you should parade yourself arouni the world covered with pimples, blotches, ulcers, sires, and all or any of the unclean diseases of the skin, because your system wants cleansing. To Punmr thi Blood, they are the best medi cine ever discovered. They should be taken freely and frequently, and the impurities which sow the seeds of incurablo diseases will be swept out of the S itera like chair licforc the wind. By this property .*7 do as much good in preventing sickness as uy the remarkable cures which they arc making every where. Litre Complaint, Javndicx, ami all Biliout Affections arise from some derangement — either torpidity, congestion, or obstructions of the Liver. Torpidity and congestion vitiate the bile and render it unfit for digestion. This is dieastroui to the health, and the constitution is frequently under mined by no other cau&e. Indigestion is the symp- tom.#Obstruction of the duct which empties the bilo into tho stomach causes the bile to overflow Into the blood. This produces Jaundice, with a long and dangerous train of evils. Costivencss, or alternately oostiveness and diarrhoea, prevaila. •Feverish symptoms, languor, low spirits, weariness, restlessness, and melancholy, with sometimes in ability to sleep, and sometimes great drowsiness; sometimes there 1« nevere pain in the side; the skin VERMIFUGE - - akb 2’ LITER PILLS.' Vwo af the treat Preparations of tha Ago. They are not recom mended as Universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name pur ports. The Vbrmifuge, for expelling Worms from the human system, has also been administered with the most satisfactory results to various animus subject to Worms. . The Liver Pills, for the cure of Liver Com plaint, all Bilious De rangements, Sick Head ache, &c. Purchasers will please be particular to ask for Dr. C. McLane’s Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills, prepared by^ .1 if A )AjOA. duij vs u z w'frdsrjffyavas! pan of tho human family, ti> > ut so valuable * | th# wholo 9tem mum* * tenden<y to fever, remedy within the reach of all. Ils pr use* wifi may turn to bilious fever, bilious colic, bilious •oon bo upon the tonguesof tens ot thousands ol | diarrhoea, dysentery, Ac. A medium dose of three •oyful and coughlcss, ha} py sou)». tio great a ! it four Pills taken at night, followed by two or three remedy aa year F.ip«t.iram should b- brought i In the murnlnc, and repeated a few Jajj,will teniorr before the public. i the cause of all these troubles. It»» wicked to suffer I am, dear sir, respectfully your?. R. L WOODWAlUl, oFSl Louis, Mo. arret ule by tiMJTH At Druggists geneially. may 16, 1657 dAwfim TAYLOR’S AJJTH-WSIPlim© such pains when you can cure them for 26 cents. Rheumatism, Gout, u>ul all Inflammatory Fe vers are rapidly cured by the purifying effects of these Pills upon the blood and the stimulus which NO PATENT—NO HUMBUG. Bat will effectually Cara Dyspepsia., Liver Complaint, NERVOUS DEBILITY, And a majority of diseases arising from a diso; dered Liver and Stomach, such ai CONSTIPATION, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH. Flowing of Blotd to tbe Head. Fnllnect o Weight in Stomach, Heartburn, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit kindred complaints they should be taken in mild dote*, to move the bowels gently, but freely. Aa a Dinner Pill, this is both agreeable and useful. No Pill can be made more pleasant tp take, and certainly none has been made more effectual to tho purpose for which a dinner pill Is employed. PREPARED BY DB. J. C. AYEB 4c CO., Practical and Analytical Chomiata, LOWELL, MA80., AND BOLD BY A.Alexander, AtlanBi, On., and Druggi rally. dec. 11,1 856. d*w4msj« AWUVAUJ sole proprietors, Pitts burgh, Pa., and take no other, as there are various other preparations now before the public, pur porting to be Vermifuge and Liver Pills. All others, in comparison with Dr. McLane’s, are worthless. % The genuine McLane’s Vermifuge and Liver Pills can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores, FLEMING BRO S, . 60 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. of tht Stomach, HURRIED OR D D/rr/OULT BREA TlffAt ft.Iltriny at ik. Ihart, Dali Rain la Ik. Utau, Choking or Snlfleating Ruuation. wA.n im a I ing pottar., Cold Fui wad Hand*, Dtprenti. of Spirit., Frightful Driami. and Sudden Flunk.. ./ Heat. Person*, cren (offering with Dynreptia, can with safety cat the moat iadlreitiblaanDatancaand taka one dot. of tho RL1XXR after It, and feel no nnptoasantnesa whatercr. Dircctious. Take onotablospoonfnl throe timer a day, fif teen mlnatea nfter each moal. The bottle moat bo Tory thoroughly ahakea bo re each dole, i til tha aadlmont U la luspearion. SMITH A EZZAHD, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Pries $1 par Belt]*. I raeoan«Dd«d it to «aar pvnoos to glva It a trial aad tbty hats toffortod tba«salvs« to mo as satlrslj E. J- DUNLAP,*- D. Cblcafo, AufostSO. mb. Df. T. II Cavsaaofh, (Prosaal.l Dsar Sir: Wbaa I am rod la this cltj a fow dayssffi. »M saltmoi la tea self with tho pilrn. J meatiooej y coaditioa to yoo, asking yoor advieo. You mom l par box. _ Alsxaador, aad by drogglsto a0*1 daalors -csasralJ Dr.T. If CAYlNACOH, 8ola Propristcr, aa- 27 1147. fdkwlv I Ht. UnlM U 0 II K R 0 riFTPK IING'S rot ulo ia, b, A irtUy Ir.t ter vyii-L h. »id, «*•, l.. M 3.ptaaib.r a.ll, (11 aolprl.tUI, di.uted ■*r-J Vi th.alrh^t bi>ld.r,2i9 ter*, of U.4, . Hu Cb.rakl. Iyrtte<- Thl.relotbU aad Atlabta, May SlL, ISSd SJf.Mn. Smith A Euard—I do certify that I K JMC.r.o uni ■■ a teteiaiia * uu toitiij hunt, l ,r* bean for many years afflictad with Dyipep . a [ Q . .. •ia, and in ita worst forms to live, and bars triad from to time, all inch reraadiei as bare boon re- commanded, not inly patent medicine*, bat inch aa ware recommended by skillful Physicians, and bava found non* to glva relief for bat a abort tlina, and waa saoking to pr^cora somethin? for relief, whan I was informed of Taylors Elixir, aad having been so often disappointed in such aa 1 had triad, l did not cara to try any thing more, ~gmf < ” ht a bcttla ot until through parsuasir.n, I bougl Taylor's Elixir, and in two davi,)fuund a wonder togi, _ and still Improving, till I usad one bottle, this has bean more than a year, and I have daring that time bad batter health than I have enjoyed for 15 or 20 years before. I feel safe in recommending it as a permaaant cure for that disease. May 31. JOSEPH H. MEAD. September fore) to the bli IheCherol ^ _ place «boai4 be’hoove to appreciate iteYal* peeloJl/ lafeouU it. tijU. .»ck». , t y , rr^i *«“/ Ateotlo.,, Kmpltote of 44 th. iaal/ffanote a, ih. reitoret fnt PpriOfs ai Easload. Th.Ihn I. 0.1, I V Bin, tel It. HU Jh. owbU.AU htjIhuU, . H Kin Iff to, nut .ktol frelt—rate a. AmIm, ante Um.lteillUg.iff KloggUA -UU Roll XooA SOO judo- 'to, tedaAteg aa ffrteanl .1 „ rt»l frail—rate aa Ante., rtetew. Pun. Plana, Vkwrite, A,rteote ate Orew* HururrmdnUg. n. toUora of lb. teM. te nil tteaterel. TmH.ra.lliM rate, th. teuttet Iu .te ate 1 ,wre with latmat—Tin. gina to gftkw area fan rat era,. sire Ure u**t of tote hares aa It. ate. Mat, aAJrf.lte th. ■,.!*(>. »*•«•, wulalalte IM Ihutethtaterea. tte Aralretoto rraiarai. mvaar - ' 1 “ ‘ — Wunrff iMhra Alra, 100 sure .flanA, arar XltntH re To,ten . . Th. la — VHt. Th. a.teteg Awf., ret I, lea aaat Ktete. arar KlnuoM re T.jtere ■Mtaring a.thteuut. Tmwfreth. ter. latter tllM rettereik5eite|ttn*ie!wte!B^reart^w!ra1 LAAtLiASJjAUatJitlitatUtHggtu^u^mg^ tetetaterarere||teriterareteff|lu<i WB88BSaagw Ni.DDKMhnfeoo' t-'isyiS’tt'ffi.-a '»tfo. 23, Whitehall (treat, Acre to Latth. A Brc/t pVMUUf OISW W| 'AUwte, May. I,U»T. (U*l Atlabta, Deecmbcr 16,1866. Jlturi. Smith t Euard:—To tbora who an in Mrartte I mold rtete, that dnriag tha peal tom oar and autamo I wu t«rarely affected with indi gtrtlon. It Motinasd about three mouth*— md rteraach fait aa If It had broken rocks In It—I ha- diarrhaiaccaiinaally ud waa maeb radacad. A Bill M. this Urn* I heard af Taylor'aAnti-Dyapaptlo f Ir, I triad it, ud rtcalrad tmmadlate relief. food digested wall ud my diarrheas ceared j :au hutlhlak H a rary Ttluo-t a mad one*. Icaa lor that difficulty Vay 31 WAIrTffR M HATCH. Morgan, Kirkpatrick, k Co. HA VINO opened a new Wart ‘ ore on Peach Tn* Street, would ,U tha attention of th* pnbUeti ■ ■ ' Mart War thsfrMatec! WturreltwM.aatenelaaCaHaot Wart Is allltt carte ties. ChaUt.f.rary kite ;Xaaag*r. m tUttnw..ot,pri.g., flair, Jtrea,Cretca aad"’ reSSStofWiseewvsneiflriWflvflfls, ■sew* 1 rmhMidia. TktetUlleca- ((Sts tbelr Asp, C SESsUm Nakagxay, Walaat^adother woadCtf OBA/M FACTOR r, rat.atBodeUad.tegatkarwIth alter!. rl.,.f uoRI tfctlro'wareum(actan,laaa/gua' a tiii^iffimiiiliVfriliiifwiiai alyl, hi th. Oiaabcrgn. vcrPfltcnvtri, aad rhaQ aorataatlr toff •> hud OSM U tar Daria’ flail, WMMhaflV!A«Mtti>£6 EUREKA OIL, Tho Greatest Discovery of tho Age. From the Columbus Sun. A new remedy reccn'ly introduced to the .public, i* startling our community by the Jirful c wonderful cures that ore being effected by iu uic It has been tried in cotes of the most vio lent cholic, on tore breasts, cracked nippier, let ters, eruptionso r tho skin, ulcers, sore legs, ul cerated aorcs of long standing; sprain, ami bruit et, in every instance where we nave hoard of ita being used it haa proved to be a sure and speedy remedy. To iu former high character, ia now addedthal of ihe destroyer of the but in that val uable animal, the horse Who would be with out so good s Samaritan for the ailments ol man and beast, aa tho Eureka Oil. It can be had in this city at Ihe atoreof A- K Ayer, and at Ihe drug aloro ofDanforth, Nagel & Co. II is a discovery of southern origin, and it manu factured am! sold at wholesale by G. W. Croalt h Co, at the city of Atlanta, Ga. Rcad the following no'e addressed to ua yesterday : CoLriiDca, Ga., inly 23,16A7. I think it my duty to inform Ihe public thro’ your valuable paper, of a most remarkable cure which waa effected on a hone of Mre. King’s, which waa taken in Bread street, and pronoun ced by knowing onea to be hopelessly affected with the Doll*. I administered Eureka oil, and in a very short time tha hone wu entirely re- leired, to the astonishment of a crowd of spec- tttors, merchants, countrymen end others, who had l«rn attracted to Ihe epot by the efonies of the animal? Uy giving this a place in your col umn*. you will confer a gseit favor on man and beast- CHARLE8 V. SMITH. Afflicted Read! I called to ace a Lady from Alabama, who had come lo Atlanta on a riail. When I en- tired the room, I found her sitting in a chtir with the glands of her neck so much swollen and inflamed, that she could not turn her head to (he right or left, lo speak to as to be heard •cron the room. 1 prevailed with her to try Eu» r ka Oil. Hhe consented, and commenced by rubbing it well on Ihe throat, and gargling fre* S uently, and lo my great astonishment, in three ay* she prouenneed herself effectually cured, and left fir Alabama with a good supply of the justly colabrated Euraka Oil. Sold only by S.J, SHACKLEFORD, Sol* Ag t. Try It, Everybody I A Lady in this city who wan awfully afflicted wilh Inflammatory rheumatism from the bottom of the left foot up the eame limb aide, both shoul ders, and down tha arm to Ihe ende ol her fin* gera. Could not walk, but lay in bed tormented wi Ih the moet excruciating pain day and nigh'. I recommended her to try toe Eureka Oil. She reedily agreed to doeo end commenced rubbing it on Ihe surface three or four timea a day, and in about five daya she wu entirely relieved of inflammation and pain- I waa an aye witnen of the wonderful effrete of this oil. and affirm tha above te be substantially true. H. j. SHACKLEFORD, Agent. August II, !8ft7 illf SLOAN & OATMAN DCALMS IH Italian, Egyptian k American. AND I SEEHARBIK TOMBS, URNS & VASES, Marble Mantles iFurniohUsa jBattm, AUerdara pr*aaptly;iU*d. kguWar* rotres eaaerlte Georgia B blasts, Oa *621,41' Sole Proprietor!. t Id b) Smith Sc Frxartl, Atlanta, Go« a. Alexander, “ “ :< .7. Y. Woodbarr. •• •• “ Wei. Root, Msriett, “ 4 R. C. Ellington k Ron, Jonesboro. W. k C. Bennett, FayetUvlll* “ " J. Ro>ffeter, Decatnr, 41 8. B. Urlffln, Palmetto, *, W. B. Swan, Campellton *6 • *». r«*u, nainpeuwa R. N. Roes I Tl. Villa Rica, 1 k Brown, MoDonoatb 44 ’ Co., Stons Mountain 14 New and Important Discovery in tbe Soionoe of Medicine. P ATENT OFFICE SEAL OFGBEAT Uritian, Diplerae da Fharmaci* Pharma- cicn do Paris, and Imperial College of Medi cine, Vienna. 8old wholesale and retail by Dr. H. A. BARBOW, member of the Imperial College of Vienna, and Royal College of Sur- gconc, London, who may MjpcraonaUy consul ted at his residence, 167 Prince street, few blockc west of Broadwiy, N. Y.from lUm. till 2 p. ro. and from 4 till 8 p. m. Sunday* ex cepted, unless by appamlmcnt. XrlcHeninr So. I. Is a remedy for Relaxation,8pcrmatorrhcca, and all the diatrccaing consequences arising from early cbuie, indiscriminate excesses,or too long residence in hot cHmmtee. It hu restored bod ily and sexoal strength and vigor to thouands wh* are now in the enjoyment of health and the functions of manhood; and whatever may be Ihe cause ot disqualifications for marriage, they a re effectually subdued. Triesemar No. 2, -» completely and entirely eradicate* all traces of GonorrhiM Jbolh in ils mild and and aggravated forma. Gleet*, Strictures, Irritation of tha Blad der, Non-retention of Urine, Faina oi the Lions and Kidneys, and those disorder* for which Copaivi and (^ubebe hare ao long been thought tn anUJotu* Trlcueinar No. 3, ie Ihe great continental remedy for Syphilis and Bee ndary Symptom*. It also constitutes a certain cure for Scurvy, Scrofula, and all Cu- •moat Eruptions, removing and exptlliiSgia is cmiree ail impurities from Ih* virus stream, to as altogetberlo eradicate the'virus of disease and expel it by insensible penpirmtioAthrough the medium of the pores of tha skin and arias. It ie • never failing mady for that dess of diaorden which English Physicians treat with Mercury, lo the inevitable deetructson of th* pa tient* constitution, cad which all the Sarstpar- rilla in tha world cannot remove. TRIESEMAR No.|l, 2, and 3, are prepared in the form oflnsengee, devoid of taate or amell and can be carried iq tbe waiscoat pocket. Bold tee, and divided in separate doete es in tin case*, administered by Valpeao,Lalleman,Xoux. IU- cord, Ac, Ac- Price $3 each,or cases in on* for $8, which saves *3, and in $27 eases, whereby there ia a saving of $6, Nona are genuine unleae the Engraviaga ot, the Beala of the Patent Office of England, th* Beals of theEcolede P ha rad* daParia, and the Imperial College of Vienna, an affixed upon each wrapper, and around each ease. . Imita tion* are liable to tha severest penalities of th* law. Special arrangements enable Dr. Bartow to forward immediately, on reoriving n remittance the $9 and larger size eaaee of Prieaemsi Free of carriage, to any part of the world, securely packed and properly addressed, thus ensuring genuine European preparations sod protecting tha public ftom spurious and pernicious ImltsJ tion*. ' I Attendance and consultation from 12 a. a, till 2 p. ra. and from 4 Ull 6 in tha craning. 16 Prince Btract, a few blocks was! of Broadway *’ MJSSLiwSLhSlL* New York. DESIRABLE CITY RESIDENCE FOR SALKS TUX nndaraignad offers for act. a deal- rails HOUBK and LOT, on Marietta Street. Th# Host* la built of brick, and _r fear rooaaaontha first story, and four abeva together with a bug* dialog room In tha baseman I, and alio alary* cellar and * errant* room. Tbe House haa nil tha modem convanian. aaa ahoat It. There i* a fins wall of water on tha lot. Peatestion giran Immediately. Ter particular* apply to tha subscriber no bajof Augett2S, 1I4T. J. C. WHIT A, To Pftlmiri. U-staw dayawa wlllh—laracaltt oUt.IMt . pur. White i-eed—which ws •ili.arawillcb, .rJImriuklandpuH, Allklnds ofOelesit )J 1 arit Brushes ef every rerlety. Alee, , ar- ' •?,»*»?» 4MU&. k»»0 over hafost wnimua