The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, November 04, 1857, Image 1

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it III# jitpi? * -t* * a _ x| ;,; if; 4*' " PM 1 ■"■■ AN D B7 DIJNOAN & LOCHRANE. M 1 AUINES. “ ERROR CEASES TO BE DANGEROUS,- WHEN LEFT FREE TO COMBAT IT.*’—JKKPEKSUj. JOHW H. STEELE, Edito r NEW SERIES, VOL. 1- ATLANTA. GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 4. J857. NUMBER 32 BAmeHiglee" & gxqhiinelr. DAILY & WBEKLY. b y OUNCAN & LOCHRANE. TBUH8 OF ICBSCBWTIO*. Daily Iotelllgoocor, per annum In ndrnnce, Wukly, » One ineertlon, Two “ Three, " Fear, “ Fire, " One week. 86 00 S Ou 10 00 12 00 16 00 26 00 I16TUO OF ADVKRTIBINO. Adrertialng in the Daily Intelligencer will bo lniertedet the following ratea per eqnaro of ten Unas. 60 etl. I One month, (l 00 Two, “ ,1 26 | Three 1 1 60 I Four, “ 1 76 Six, 11 2 00 | One year, Special contracta will be made for yoarly adret Uaementa occupying a quarter, half or whole column. S*» Advertlaementi from tranaiont persons must be paid in advance. Legal advertlsomonta published at the uaua rattsT Obltuarynotieetoxoeoding ten lines ohary •das advertlsomonta. Annonnoiogcandidatoa for elBoo, $6 00, to bo paid in advance. When advartlscmonts arc ordered in both the Dally, and Weekly, 26 per cont. will be added to the above ratcl. , The privilege of yearly advertisers is rtrictly limited to their own Immediate nod regular baitoose. Professional Card, not sicoedlngslx linos, 016 per annum. Advertisements not specified a, to tinsewil! ue puMished till ordarei out and charged at regular Advertisement, inserted .nthe IVeeklypapef only will bp charged at former rates. ATLANTA. NOVEMBER 4 1857. Baltimore, Oct: 29.—The proclaBintion of Governor Ligon, of this Stale, have proo fed a actuation its tbit city, The following is tin extinct t ‘ I hereby proclaim to the citizens ofBol* t more that, in virtue of my powere and di.* • irs under the Constitution acd Uwa of the Slate, I have directed the proper military officers to euroll and I old in roadiuesn their respective corpse for aolive service at once, amieipecially on the approaching day of election, and X have issued to them fall in structions to preserve the peace of the city, and secure to the legal voters their rights ugaiust the violence and intimidation of the lawless ruffians who bavo disgraces the city and outraged the electivo rights in the re cent election." Mayor Swan, in a letter to the governor' publiched in the newspaper extras this after- noom, protests against whut ho considers an usurpation of tho municipal authority nt.rl donstilutiunal rights, staliug that to bring tho military in contract with the peop'c ou tho day of election, without an oflhiul r> qui sition, would seriously endanger the peace of the city, and lend to serious consequences. The election, in view of which the Govers nor has thought proper to call out the mili tary, tnkes place on tho 4th of November. An Indian Advertisement.-—'"Bohoo .Soo» rsopeband Boss has always on hand a largo stock of Dacca mnslinr. wurwitg ia price from tho cheap but elegant gownpfece of 12 yards, at 11s. 3 8, to the‘webs of woven wind,’ ‘nbrorn,’ and ‘the rhubnem,’ or morning dew, nt Its. ICO the pieco of 10 yards. These latter are so fine (bat the whole p’oco can he passed through a weddiag ring, and when tprootl on tbo grass in the early morning ore eo tmli-tiuguinhable from dew that it is reportod that a cow ate The Turkish Question. j a while wob while grazing without dlacov- The Turkish qnsotbn still liver, though , oring it, Tito Emperor Akbar rtbnkcd hi> complications in this country ami in 6 sti r for Indelicacy in appeariug before him >po bavo almost obliterated tbo in orcst; clothed in only teven folds of this texlu.--. 1 ' —Indian paper. Mortimer Thnnt.-on, -‘D click 1 ,” was marritd in New Hit von (’otinecticut.Friday, OcT- 23, to Mies An '0 II Van (Mere ^irofessioif)^ 6^3. t. iutim\ Vr V gTnlv a v m LK. W, Ringgold, iiturgia, mill praclire in the rilfowing countin': OIuq*hi. Ciintt.f Murray Gilmer, WhiificM, ti Tiion, Walker, Ddd«. Reference*/ Mr,). W. V UlmMI. M »«- etu, Haiunl Ac Mimp*oti, Mariett J .met K* Lawton, E»q , Iinhlonitg*. jBSTParticular attention pai*l to th* colecting business. May'**8. 1857 «!*wly L C. SIMPSOS-aITOlLNfcV KT s LAV/ Atlanta, Georg' November 8, 18 r >4 J i AT l j A W,—Colquitt, Milk* march 6 l8'»7 .Ity , cv ,* Georg’s V1 V 5lr|iii)g. gglubliatyqei)! a. gtfg Hdbertiggtyeqts. High, Peters A Co. IN , ELLIGENi'ER & EXAMINER JOB OFFICE! TUB PilOPRIKTOIIU having reuntiy atlei to tbs JOB DEPABTJCEBT of the iishm.ntn LARGE and VARIED ussortment of the Latsst Styles tit CLAIM AHD FANCY BL- HfV> JOl pim m mi COMOMIOX KKXCHAJFTS. row nr. resciui US isu IV TENNESSEE PRODUCE, CO TTOH, GROCERIES, <**>., Alabama Street, i rrvwtb or the Smc a Isstin Dsywt,) J ;A tlanta, Georgia Atlanta Gwrrgta, Jeae, : L amar a. LOCHKANK—a TOIIMLS AT L.i iV’-Macon (i<r.r,;o U tj LASSsIt O A. LOCfiRS NX July Tjf, 1857 r’int ILUAM M, DAX FORTH— A'i’TUKNEX A'J I.aW—Fwirburri. Oeorgis. July 36, 1867. Cwwtf €ni>i:hwoou is Harris, A 11 o r it e y s at Law, Atlanta, Georgia. — ' ahallslreet errs A.W.H.ll s .’tw March lUtb, 1867. (dtp) H. U»W*WOOD. I l DV'lut HaRUp, 300 Snclct Meal, ) J) j 17KE5K grand from whits cvttl, far tale by NTtrsrt.rsast** w T Jdm». UIOII, PETERS, A CO. b prcp»r»d to ejtecato in x netit sod trerkman,! ‘ , c tnannor, evtrj daicriptioo of Oatf Wanted. ! H' HE tnab^t to MrtEu* 8r# tbo«' X ta^ tJUMbtia&f o&ta f*r vhidi tb« lalfhcct rub rirn will t« t*i&. HIGH 1*0061 t CO. 1 Ay*cit li, iSST 41a. GAUTKELL & OLENX, " Attorneys at L a'w , uUlanta Georgia. WJlUttend the Court? in the C''-sntie« of Vcl* ton, DeKftlb, Fajettc, Cactpheii, Mrrinf.i.v', CowfU,Carroll, Henry, Trco: . H*:«rd, •• 1 Spnlding. . V riChJ. GARY RILL, j *.CTR»r. i hirst, Fortcerl)of.Waab’ta., Oa. | Forupfly cl li : LIIU# fartieuLsr attention will be given t« the Print Circulan, Wav Bills. Blank Notes, Bin Heaa«, Blank Deeds,. Bank Checks, Programmes, Easiness Cards, HANDBILLS, POSTERS, it, We respectfully solicit the petrocsg* o: onr friends in the city and country, and assart r ben tbatallorderswiiiue.-rempay nndiatisfaet Tsly Canvassed Hams. 1 i'.O Pariarts canvassed aad Bsrger ewred Hem j r»oT«. J. 28 HIGH. PKfKKS A CO. Bran and Shorts, n 10 Cecil. A T Atlanta Mills 35 centf. Joly lit, la. Bran 10 oen(x. SbvrU, b. p£tsbs i co, ATLANTA STEAM MILLS. W K will keep eoattastlTM heads lasts ply of y#i<f Floor—also Pros sndSbor Tne bignest cask priee paid for Wheat at Ihs MUb. JdyYfi-Issa K. PgTER8 A 00. New Stock doming In ©L©TlHia^@ B'liope felt in It two years ago. Wo may add, t o, that its present condition fully justifies tho jr .visions whose utterance ut the time in tuenc columns guve offense to divers wise- aorer. The war left various remoinv, and promin ent among these wav the settlement of the Dnnubian Principalilits; This ir.ut’er has produced an abundant crop of diplomatic 1 quarrels, with a due efflorescence of circulars, notes, overthrow of Cabinets an I Embassa dors, and almost warlike demonvlrath'ns — On one tide, France. Russia, Piusjiu, Sar dinia, and the liberals of Moldavia and Wallachia, desire the uniou of the two pro vinces under some native or foreign priuce, pressrviug still a kind ofnomiuui dcp. nd- ence on the Porle, Ou the other side, Tur key, Austiis, England, and tho native par tisans of old abuses, desire to prtrerro the anolent o-ler of things. After Jl the angry pulling and hauling to which we bavo relerped, tho question lias at last besodeoided by a popular vote of the Pitnoipalltie- themselves. Lsrgeiuuj ri les of all cl lasts; noble’, clergy, fr, euoldera, a d burghtri, have declared in favor i f tlio Un ion. ThtDivau r admiulstfallvo ooarii of each Principality with its chieior Kuimakan will obey this droiaion- Till- Commissi tiers of the differeLt Powers residing ut Buchar est will report site facts in their r«qxv:isc Governments; uud the Co gross oi Paris (which elands adjourned but not dissolved) will again assemble to adopt the gonoral •nilincs of a constitution, fix tbo relations of the new State toTnrkey and tho ret of Eu- ropo, and choose a king to rule it. For this function many candidates are named: Murat Prince Leuchlenburg, grandson of Nicholas, born In 1843 ana yit in minority, and u throng of German princes, th.t inexhausti ble breed of petty sovereigns. Austria, after having strenuously opposed the onion, now declares that she will nuke any concessions for the sako of pcacr. She has, however, a project or her own, m which she is supported by Eoglsud. This is the administrative oombinntiout of the Prinel- polities, with ono judiciary, financial sod military system for tbo two, but with on in dependent sovereign, capital and court f ir csob. This is a monstrosity, winch tun on ly be set up as a decent retreat from previous hostility to erory form of union. Wo may be snre that the original plan will be carried out, and that the Cabinet of Vleuua will be a consenting party. But the poor Turk! He aan now under stand fcovMhe integrity of bis empire is re- spy 1 1 > Under his uose, and notwithstand Ing hlioppt xition, the I'riuclpalitieo ore res leased from their seoolar depend -nc', and it is possible that even nominal sovereignty over them may be denied him. Tho Porte protests with all its might against there proceedings. In a note addressed to all tho Cabinet* of Europe, the Saltan appeals to the equity of the governmoois lu behalf of his imprescriptible sovereign right*. Ifeis ready to do whatever is requisite for a better ergaoiauion of these province*, and to give allneoestary guaranties for the welfare of the|r>‘ >ftants; bat he will never give his tC' -'theirunion under a prince in be (floated at Parts. - Bat Ihsre is no help fui It. Tbs sick man mast sailer empuUtk n.— The process Isa slow ono perhaps, but out of Europe the Turk mist go.—.Yew York Tribune. ■ Somethin] Hew.—Among tho carious things at tbs Stats Agrieultunl Fair, may bjen, cotton lead oil, cotton seed cake and esed ratal. These aro tho produet of the cotton seed which has heretofore been con sidered worthless, in cooscqueooe of the sup posed impossibility of hulliag it, bat wbioh by an ingeniona invention, the properly of tbs Union Oil Company of Providence, ha* at last bean aceomtdlahed. Tbs is found to be very rich and valuable fur burning, man ufacturing and th* general use of other oils. The eak»,fhsn ground te meal is good lor feeding cows, tn Ihs same as linseed me«l, ’ for which purpose it Is far prefe-ab’e, as it dors not givea^atnfj; taste, and largely in creases tha quan i y and richncasof tbs milk. —Bolton Iranttripi. Effect of Ike BctoH in Mia —Tha mutiny in India Is likely tt affect diaastrendy a vas amount of progressive industry. Within the bat wool* ys*ti tbo amount of the products of other couairisa oouanmed in India has in- erswd from $V0,000,000 to *86,000,000, ~Md hsr native production* bava mote than kept 8.6a wl h It ®very nation tlmt Irsdas with nar baoomm hsr debtor. In 1835 lb* aurpiasprodacaot'India was DtOOOO.OOO; IUTB55 tt exiled •136.000,000. Last tCvaucucr.G iatmtoi’o - RAIL-ROADJEGISTER. : Georgia Railroad, Atlanta to Acatm 171 Miues Fari *5 SC. M»ir.iing Train loaves Atlanta atS.-15 a m undarriYPt Aupuftaatfi.CO p ti Evening •• “ loarcr Atlanta at rt 06 p n> Bud arrives Augusta nt 3.22 a ai Morning Pasa'r. Train lenvea Augusuatft.QO .a m .miarrives Atlanta at 5.30 p-n. UvLsing ,f •' leavesAujfustaat-.Ort at and arrives Atlanta al.1.00 a il GEORGE VONGK, Suporintcn K-r.t. Wcsleru K Atlantic R., Atlanta to Ciumxwn a 138 Mils*,, .Far* f.' CO. Morning Passenger leave Atlanta at 9.00 n t and err. Chattcorvoga nt 5.30 p t Ki^ht “ loaves Atlanta _at 0.00 p r; nedarr. CtaUanooga at 5.10 u ti Mornigng Pasi’r. leavos Chattanooga ct 7.30 a u atiJ arr. Atlanta at 4.00 p n Night " leaves Chattflnni'.^i pt 7.0C p n ar.*i arr at Atlanta, at 2.10 a u. JAMES M. Sl'ULLOCK, Supsrintcndent.J | * Atlanta & LaLransc R. Road. J)It. L. J. ROBKK'fi Medical & Surgical Practitioner, Marietta, Office at hi«re»iderec. G cor^ia. u. J. wkiuht. Attorney at 1. a wj, Albany, Georgia. Mar IS. U57. \V;V1. A. ilAHltlft ? Attorney ;i t I. a w . Isabella, Worth Co., Refers to—Mnj ,T. L. IljrrG, M Hoq. A. li. ILiniell, Thorn>•,;'.g M Oglethorpe; iloo. R. II. C!v*k, Mu* \Y. Uuncan, Atiacta. Juno 2-«Uy. 7 r at ii n; Cc i. J. - JAHKI) IRWIN Willi Attorney at Law AKI.R, Atlanta, Office, front r - -u« over J. It. A lacc’s Store, corner Whitoh..:: »r. i A Mny 23. IS57. . C»? -in. C. H. Wal. MARK JOHNSTON, A 11 o r n e v a t I R W , Cartcrsville, .... FcS.Vi Georgia GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS. A T W. HERRING A S0N*6 aotLiif Kazu S\factory and Merchant TaUtirin; c«t&h2i b n-ent, for Fall and Witter, all the lat«t ftjie*. One of thebest itocki ot Cloths, Caarizneru ar • Vesting, in Georgia, frem which tomahe a seif©* Mon. Shirts, Drawers, Under Ganaecta, Cravatr, Gent's liouitrr, GIotcj, IravoUsg Ehavii and Blanketf. <8. P. Eddy & €o., to c. b. haxlctlk a co.) r: ;gb nb card mmm affsl and BooIr-BIxiciory, Corner of Whitehall and Alabunw tU . ATLANTA.GEORGIA. 0. P. EDDY & CO., H aving jurt added to their foruor extenfive aesort- t of B 0 0 K and JOB TYPE, CUTS, OKNA ME NTS, Ac., a very large variety of new aateruui. of l^e lau*t ttyUt, together with no of Hot’r celebrated Cylinder Preaaea, iro more fully prepared than heretofore, to pira iispatcb to ail orden»crworkin theiriine—which th^y wiil hie*;te la tho beat ityle of the art, M fair j ri.’ef f r Cash. Part! Tt’.xr vttentbs p«?d t the execution o. FINE WORK f*.r R&iirjad a^d ctbei Jo.nlStock r.uipaci’.*, Trantfsortation Agenta, Basks, Col ls ."u* and Eoho3s«, Attf-rctyr, Pithlie Officer Mer-hvnts, and ••thcr*. Books. Pamphlets. C&Ulogvts, Circular! Cards, Pronuaeory KoUs, Blank Deods, Check* U 0 B’T, H • MAT Way Bills, Progratamss. Hrtad and Show lilts Oarinr ramorsd bit CARRIAGE Potters. Ac., txe-cud a: ,bortt>'.«:«. I AEPOSlIOKY to tb* *Wv* «lip- '• Bros** | pjogued opposite the WafLicgton V T T «ECBB UarkeA (irubb, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Agents for collections of all kinds' lad Dealers la BiCOII MBS, MfOiS Of HL EISDi GROCERIES. &C At CM* >lditaad«M WhitehallAStnau. Ga. and Con ahrai For Sale* A COSATJNT iwfh‘ tf ttajctHjjMfoUitd R UllLKA OIL at wlekrsk atdn tttl ah* JLczh- usrvEBsrry of sashyule. T'HR J/ED.CaL DEPARIMKHT opcu So- . , rate 2d; th* Fre* PnEa&ur Como. <»=Ooailb,'ikj-. AsclTta PAUL F, EVI,J>»n. sMtolfkMiiMMhaii.. Prlmn^A’an;! 7Il f crjI -l-ETIA1E DEPATKESH, Wist- sStllss. si SeusM8*IM-rw USX ’'era XiLLnaar Ij.Trrcf*. ■—*- _ _ SEEDBIUEYI TUST reed red, a first nlo irltet* ot Strata. J (or Bud. rriee. S3 ecr kukd. , Sept- 7, itS. fvrSewd- Priee, $S for tasks CLARKE A GRUBB. New Lard. ThnadsnlrsedbaT* JbraS>,atwhslcM2* w mail, slot of fit. 5FW LARD, n—■ l.tstt CLARKS A OP.rrr.B Who wants gay Bye. ‘ uhaln't Georgia Hams. i/I > DHLS. Pikt'r M**»»ls* WtusAtj, jar and for^n'.e hr aw * . CM.KJLE k GECBB. Wfaiskeyl Whiskey! Whiskey ftLAJlKS A GE'JBB tire jnft H VyBMi. McErain't Extra Copper DietiBei C*-rs Whmkmr, acd fer rale ehaap. Blanch 21. Bank of Foitca hae dci*ared a teal- a«iml dh-ideniof fire per eesu, payable ax ike. ; r Banking fioare cn dez.czi. t Atlanta, Jane H, lB57^dt£ U. WILLUMS. CaaWev. ALEX- X. WALLACE.. -TM.C SL0*I5£05 Wallace & Robinson GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AX'D DEALERS IS — CcowcBcoautEu- It*, it e-tzititoi a e—irirt* t A.,s-s\ JT.w\-... c,.an* i* Zcuxccr- I&2, m Smcr.Lc - - Arr.ral-.arat Enxckcascd a £ n 1'* ! **** 7 7 re***”. ” . --irirrp, irajtiri, tool, *!» per trotl U T ps,-tr, tee., fU per tw-_ fST Lwt Sni.c-i i*t ’tri tvt Sta6*xu la ti* tw« bmrtxitti. 'fB, E. JO.nrscy, z*tsT±**A*t. up74!a CaiTenifrof LobUIi i t XUXALLBAKtML* 7. T EZXzieSkZ CtrsT-e r-f m (Lie >y - . -t* «(C cvKxnezsa «JiGMIaaVv F*»« be^ *7... . tod rilitertc,VARK iz iLf pzsiwg Xtrtt. JAX£* H. T> FretActef S**.:.-■ • JoL.OOCIZU U. efUcttlsvr*- WARsersnon; M- 9a*x*ef. A. n. cxmas, il IK. :■ txW.x-* o; CUUtr^ GCPTArtA A. 5'Jrr, X, D. t MtMKS cf Xa*erU - tew JCfeiswM C ¥017. it t-Trsttmer cf Xaatcmr mcrstAS Best, x. Il, ot cir.SirxViisbe, I s)., taacsxtr* 9 .ee Aatea? Ttt r*wK» farP wtfcl| «• mpta •= it* mscxA Vamij .n Qctc&tx. TL* /aec.hy are Tutllsg fhjmcAzs ui nt CtiritR l‘>*j.Ut , _ 7Le £-.:»? RectofjrtjylL* Frcfrsaor* So ri*- n^azlAMdfataxyjxaexiLA. SAVANNAH MEDICAL CLL6E. ra th* firit Tawriap Is Eirenhtr text TL* Preli^tsas-i Lonmt oa I*tb OcteSer. Tailtr’s Tritxs&iags.Ac., fur ttl**tlb* lowest ITEX.VESSEE PKODCCP'I Ta-CLIT; r ices, tU the rost traae.t: ! w. ......■' R. D. A .-sold, hi. 1/. Praxlli* W.Eas*. W. UERRUfG A SOS’S. PW^aTwhOirT, tMZZ i^Tt ? -*-M. D, '■ - * n * • Cuks^w ’ *'• 1 n <0 Whitehali ft., Atlanta, Ga.* Airo agent? for Slopen Sewing Macbirw.' n L \J » iwtwAiiij) ivura'i. v BtHwCt, k. D rekpt attettlu* f.rea U Cl Orders j ^ %" j J. B. Bad. >1, D, ObCeri-ts, fisrger,, kcutmj. Fs/» Mareria Mtdita, ties.:, try, rtn’er. area.!, j RYE fit BARI,FT. A let ot Ere k Barley we.: urwt ft, ule t, i Jearth Jc-ter, At. D*, ! * » *n’*« w jLLsci k eot.'rvjov. l j. J. Wert. M. D„ ! vnntTTT' wrgrcT-PT^ : Cia™ Iwaret wi’J W reyalswty Atltnnd i I OQfWT fuc Cm vuun. u, I Ui* Cry ItTij.Jattutka wvL a— -- 4-n.fufaet. .at for ti r*»—rat:, t.—Y. 1 moist* veer IS", pitlet's. F-r fwrll.r.- r:■ Ira »»••!« WSLLSCF. k tSURNRlN tars ajlrrr. J G.llvWARD.Dra.- liARhlAGt REPOSITORY l |JS3Efc?mmJSK} Medical College ofGeoTgia, Atuvta to Wiwt I’oiv illUN , • 13 60 «1 from iU.OOO.oOOin — „ in 1856. Th« prwtnt war puli a fitop to all Utlylrs*. Gsn. Haskell, or Tsbotstw. who btsly , h*ovnt insane, is mid tob* fut t*eov*N Morning Fns?cnper leave* Allanti at 3.30 a tn and arr, at Weit Point at S.25 a m Evening “ leaves Atlanta at 4.4j p li and West Point ut 10.00 p tn Morning “ loaves West Point at 3.00 a m and arr.‘a* Atlanta a! 7.66 a iu Evening n leaves Went Point at 12.45 pin and arr- *t Atlanta at 5 3*4 p m ^GEOBUE HULL, Superintendent. l>. O. I1AKPKK, Attorney at Law, West Point Georgia April IS, 1855. aa*. u Hutchins Ac Voting, Attorneys at Law, Lawrcuccvillc, Georgia. Will practice in the co Walton, Foray th id DeKalb. Any bu-i trusted to their care will l j ith pic; Macon bi IVcstcrn Railroad. Macon to Atlanta 103 Milks... Far* 94 On j PafAenger Train leave? Atlanta at .5.15 a tn I ' nn.l nrr. at Macon at 11.00 n ia ! . “ leaves Macon at 3.00 p tn j and arr. in Atlanta at 8.36 p K. KOOTB, Superintendect. and attended to promptly NATIIANIKL il HUTCH IK**. Jr. ISAAC M. YOUNG. , 1857. D ll. W* II* RIVSRS ha* remuytd t Office t> Which* I htrcct, over V**xrn J dvr’? Drug 5“or*. Hf>7 .'i-vtt.20 Ult. il. UltJK>G.> t kl nBOF»:R4h : APr.te**» l* X of AtUaU -Htce \»attru»i; •*. Lit c VV. T. C. CampLell .V. Kro.. U . & A . R. R. OFFIC K, ) Atlanta, Oct 17,1857. $ WTOTE^ of Fallen lUik. and Georgia fUUroad and j Btnklrr ('nmpany, r.c»iTed »t par. Ly thi* Ageu 1 cy, lor Freight T C. HoWaHP. ti#t», arc prepared t«> perf j oi'eratii n? in the profes-sion with *- fc 4-LlXU-7 j durability and .firfrOfiice over Aiex iud r* LirugSt jro, White ! Ifull sl. W. T. t\ CAMPBELL o.p. Campbell. Atlanta, Jnu. 20 » : i idT' Printing in G.La an.* hi un i Fancy Colorbd I*k*. or on Mu»’ir, ac.. done In ber-atifuJ ityl Havir.jf liaewioe connected Book-Bindery with their Printing E»tabii«boent, they *re pre pare iexecute orders f-.r erery <le*chpiion cf work in that department—including RULING I BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING—in a v vie eri :>r to xzy c% or before done in this 5oc- ..••n ot thf Mate. Their ToMi being aii lcw i if tbe'late?; : atterns. their Stock cf material; tho 9tH the Northern market; afford, and their work men t *-any in the South, they feel confident of their ability to gi ve entiro jati^foctioa, and consequer.ily hire no he?iUncy In soliciting the patronage A their friend* and the pubiic. frier* f-r work, In either department cl their buiiner?, from any par*, cf Georgia an i aeighbi-rieg States, will meet with promptatten tion. Atlanta G\. Feb. 20. 1S57. (dAwly.) Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! Ofull Descriptions. Adioitixhg the renter of A1&. k Loyd Street*, AUoau. Ub*— Seago, Abbott A Co. J (SUCCESSORS TO SEAGO * ABBOTT COSMX&SIO* JEERCEAETS S.prauU, fo- u>e fait Tecne?e«e Preduce-—olao keep ir.t- •taot e«f ply cf, Gri*cer.« and- ethler 5ta- pi* (ioodi. at Seafx A Alinrttl C<rr%*-, Auanta, Georgia. ! Oar Stock: We hare bow in More, j 190 bbdf clear Ttcceefce becea tide*, i 2i’ bhif rbb-d fide# i 5 hhd# prime plain Haxt. __ I * Turn. *xir» Sux 1 ' «rwt rnvsiwd E»»-. ’ M. VII.LE P. tt. D. o! the >.«•. Einafir- I - i (, p^k»p» hiif i.xrr»i, xni s.p <rf eboitt an ra i i»i*„ rtj 1. u ** _ .. ^ 1 4W bag* Extra Pamxly Fl<*ur. Hall,and enlarged hii facilities,!! prtpered tor fill al. rders with which be may he favored. < !> good term; a* can he obtained ia Auguita i Sarancab, with the addition of Freight. Hit ftock embrace* Carriage*, Concord Baggier, 4 and A seat Rockavay*, S lide Seal* do., Fall Tope do , With and wxthont Top, PacheeA. Top Buggier, diar Wagons, No Top da, Whipi, Ac., ndiar Comei age is reffpectfally solicited, )r Drier* for Family or Plantation Wagoci | other vehiela* filled at short notice. We are alto agent for Norwood A Robinr’ i Patent Fan. Atlanta, Oa., Dec. 4, IShft. ! CHISOXfiM dc ABMR. nNegro Brokers. 1 Decattir Street, near the Tront House, Atlanta Gec*?!c A ihore of patron* buahel* prime wluie Com. 1 )1-A N “ * s < >F A LL DKSCRlPTIONt'.can j IT/ILL pay cash, for Negroes, and buy and sell y be had ill time*, at the | \ » on commission. 60 likely yowic negroe* . O T i 11* J wanted, at thi* time, for which the bignest cash , Mummer &: Intelligencer rn o«. u 11 1*^6fswij: o', w. adair! M ‘ JiS borreli WLifkcy, variuai Lrtni 116 bog* Rio Cofee. 5 bhd* Sagor. Id bbls Scgar-hcn»« Molassc. 7 hhitCnha Maluvi. CO Bcxc* Ack&annsc and Spars Caxdiea. 6C Boxei a**orted T. noccr. 5& Ceil* Henspjute, Manilla. Cotton aed hUt Roj.. 4.‘ Bale? and coils hoggin. 15 barrels Vinegar, o.k> many other articles in oar line. SEAGO A ABBOTT. Birds Eft l.ime. Al UL'is HE T*fn;i Sat- C u'ar f I^ctu « in _ !?ik teti .-n. c«»rtr;cncc on MO D\Y.v*.etJ Alv<2>ott i>cxt. T*~. j u*PrAt« : t-i.AnlU‘c.j G.M.NEW TON M. V- A^.Rtorav FT F C\\IP $EL!. M, D. Kurjery L A U f.’AA M: f lr*u ui*a and Prtu*> <4 kxt^.nc. L. TL FOBH, M. D. 1 M» f .* Mr: n, Th*rif*at ? c« a** t MtJtcai • Jon?-roidrro-; J, P 1$aH\ IV. *f. I) j Ubf'.rtri** i i > cf Women Tn - | fast* J. A. J.VF i!.a Phs*i? Jog* t*d PdtivsiogicJ Aaoh-'aay, H T. .—LLER. M. D. ChetLian and Ffcaraacy BAN S, M. a ^ I>ew«n»trai wof A natjttj, a ‘J ARP BE L L kmawtan: Dc*0Of«:rat*w ci jLiAfcay, i. B. SIMMON? 4 , J/. l» Chcicai L^ctsrce »3‘Se Je’rvercJ in the City *^d at :h .* Jarltvn vtr-it Hffeywpsi- Fec for wh c-crw(. ^ Mamcn a ur. ucaaL ^ b+ uken; v6. Fag further paructL'ore ar ply to xoramm.^r %4 the Facu ty; -.r to LP. GARVIN. ■ofJlimw l‘cau Attornim, Sbcrifl*. Clerks of Courts, and 1 UrJmaritv, can be furnished, at short noure, any form of PEEP, WRIT, or PRO t 'ESS which they may desire; andallFOKM> • >t leg*d ipstiument#, commonly in use, ar« al-! wavs *>n hsnd, to Resold at the here*t prices, i Atlanta. M w NEW CANDY MANUFACTORY -AND- Just Heceiced. Wr are Agent* far the sale of Mr. R L Reger'; > T nK 6m ia «»e», saledtn in <m Bird*-eyc Lime, put up in i busk*; barrels, war-, * *\ , !<2aw*s articte ranted full measure, ard cf reneri.-// abiItit tr ! a Ll'XS rffiW JLIR5C6Q Oil, (KRg|ij'r. ATLANTA, GA. O XOTES V\R. si. T, Pi F BANK OF FULTON & OEORGIA L ' turn. 1 fmra i > PULLIAM having i'ltmi* wi:l lwt* ud ririxitT tbu n* k*s evmrtraUj oc hud, at hi, Cufratiourj ud Dakin, wtahluh- mant, all kind, of ruled full measure, rad Mr other l:at .old — this mrak.t. Order, he th. C« lead »ill he filled ra kiln price,. V j . S.. A.^CO Mill Stone*. Bolting Cloth*, kc. Wt are alee ages:* Ut Mao. •ra. Morris Jt Trisable. Haiti. . laportrr# ul ten ia Fresah Barr, Co- liken at par, for all dthuduclo, and all go:ds of Uliiila and tt* vicinity. sold by O. H STRONG A* CO. Oct, 17dAwtl. 1 GENTLEMENS Furnishing' Goods. Clothing; I Trunks, Valises, Clothing!! rjlHB undersigned respectfully inloima the citixens of Atlanta an 1 the surrounding country ,»hattb*v are opening, on WUITr.UtiJ.I. STREItT n. Oapt Kidd'* new Building, oppojitc the M A. W, H.R llep't, an entirely new anj well .fleeted stock vf Fxshi .nsM' Heed v made CLOTH* NO, and GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. The block haring been sch-ctrd with espe cial carcfor thi* market, the; Hitter hrtmelvc, that thor can offer indiuenteul* t.> bujeraequa to any House in the city, A liberal chare nf patmnagr is retpeetfiilly enlicsted, a, nn pain* will be spared lu sahil) the moat fa*t dious. SDWXso s. uiSAkox. sane xtwvsa. I.A7ARON (t NEWMAN. orlD.llm ill but Can le Oui d athiauifi.e at , a-hon pr>‘r»*i -natty engaged. BT tilEre WASHING TON HAM . aep'.Mwtf Li Ml bhAllO) ; Confection*. Pastries. Fruits kc 1 9,„ It* ti *l»u prapared to fureUh .rarj draeripUM ora.: K tuv» prtrat . 1 '* COM. 0 f pira* and ersusutal Oakes, for weddings er a. X. a Co. Ol.ttiS,, .t shaft ootiee, a*d os racatamedatiag — boiled winter stnv? * genuine 0 rare . penult Korin aosOrtcsl . 95 per ceri Burmtisr Cnicpiier.d Spirits TorpastJBe. do ’mOi whale V: inttcrs. tss. s wital. BANK AGENCY. AE®s Mo Agent Jot the Ranh of Camden S Carolina' Office al Ha Haro A Robiotooa WorehuUbo— corner of Hunter ami Pryor atrtot*. AtUota, Oa. will give prompt attention to eoUectlous generally TraCTTON. B EFORE the Court Uoutedoor, in this city, oa Solo Diy. in November, at 11 c‘clock, a Negro man of middle age, smart,ectlre—of sound mind eud body, for Casti. S. J. SHACKELFORD, V. )t. fiw». 30 1«4T. dtf. Books! Books!! Books!!! S OR'D HO and Impea—(he new Sugar Cants, by Oleett. Moss Side, by tbo rather of Alone. -1 Illustrated Hand Book ot American Hammond, 'T.c.n.Sf Prisoner of tbo Border, by P. H. Mayan. My Last Oral.., by Utah U.Wnkam. From Ustis, by Fahey p arD . Temnaranca l.tctar.*, Dr. Nett. . MsdftalTtiMMItatfa, tbs Mintei, or Traa (laid* to kaaltb, by 0. D. “ 1,1 fa and JtTtr 1 UfkaMUr. Roat of Alhw J att rocalrod »ct.ii,mr. ;D8 6 O' “ 4 «if. W. U. UKIFKIN dc i U„ AND AUCTIONEERS, AUGUSTA, GA. A LL HU.SlNE^d entruiir.1 to tin n. will receive their t*e#t attention. Lil*cr:tl C»»h ndvauces made oa ail <vi.*ig«» ments when deaired * W. 11. GRIFFIN. Ill'll 1! O’NElLli.J REFFRENCCji. Jtcknm, aMillrn A Verdery. \ugua’a,'l«. Poullain, Jennings A C \ 44 Miller & Warren, Concly, Force 4 Co, •• *• Chtm'.charl llean, *' l.amback A Croper, “ K dlugusta. ausm^lawdin" 5UCCESSOH TOSKAGO 4 UWRENCF WILL CuSeiSm THE MISSION BVSiyESS,, at short notice, aid ou aecokmeuitlag — I 20 000 IbsWhitO kud BSSOriOtl AT HIS YEH COMMODIOUS FIREM*™'- „ .. l-2Sr£rJ2Ti5liJR!£.~ - ! - - - pDAnr lilTII nilT • Imported wine! o»dbr»-iie« of altdracrirtioui »»a»uy ra hasd at Xow lnet yrire* i hUUr Dl lLDIMi, , for medicalpurpoM*a,kep. olway» «n ha*4. Also, SEAGO, ABBOTT 4 CO. 1 rent of Atlanta tlotjl^»ntfns'i*. .tear to Kaitoafleuif, | gcacint SpagUt Cigara, ana cboiee chswing To- • SepUmear, 11,1S67. ATLANTA, GEORGIA* ■ Sareo—togtthsr wlu: * largt assortment of Toy*/ ■■ **'* r**UM***t»r+i toSktrpvr* 'Ti™ j f taf r Article*, it.,li. ! VenlbOn-ham% Factory Tarn. A {ra* .ib.1.1 I Having reeently returnee frem th* Norik, where . Tallotv. * I • th . 1 .... I^s t*«*i’ J, Ik > |.tir..<^.ra.k .1 t.waw iottJu.aJ... 1 - 'Xat^-Lr-sici, ooiered P&xz.U, oud oil artiH Piisten’ zee. t\ r **!• hy »»a. «.» e. :otr.a. j.:ftaKWa { he laid m a fine stock cf Posey Artidesaad it* ‘ To tviaEierfi N SftSlt MuiUllHCturr j rj ikiagoecwsoory for#anyiag<« kii candy mas 1 <*l ju—Wo have a tine stock of Window afactory he would»Afana eocuty dealert that he is j Ola;*—rangingiu site fram 5 xltt to 40X a® inch-j prepared to fare tab caadies at wholesale at St ‘ ‘^tlb Putty—all of which we wil ! rer sound. AUo.J.OOi telllovr f* r cosher ihort credit. Vt.SS. 1S3..V, SM1TIFA K7 7.APU Sotic (o i'll rmt*ra. f tVlSI! to bar ..lotce RsvJio.t Wh*tf «hr..t r*jxl» 1 ;> All'.; mat a*t p:,ee. J- V. .»t.; s - N»U «lfv»r to the Hwtw 1 cent! for pound ! Orden areompaalod with the cash or ge*d city ; refarasoei promptly atuaded to. L. VALENTINO. Atlanta, Ntr. Mth *66, diw-y Three ifiiret choice Tenuoa Haxu. Tea bales Factory Yarn. Three Barrels Tallow. Fcwr barrel* Car Greasm—For sale tv A prill 1 SEAGO. ABBOTT, i < James M. Carter *’for *»lc br Hity. r H»y. in 7lor* an* 4 , t* arrive -r AKMn k CO jJ.M-vr ■_ _ New tt nt nu. 1 OH hbci«, ebcioe article. Stiw. Dam# a&4 1 Shoulder*. latt rtc*ix** %n4 it r %*U by V%y II F. M.SfAiil). Conmioifli M*k oat ! / \ K:»KK$ Will »r»<v.: tly rtreul^i t .r any xukU ‘ \ t in i! .» market L. U tLitio FTrajgiT-prajB: FIRMTIHE!! Best Safes, Forward in* k Commission Mer chant. SAVANNAH. GA- |f*ti Jes**’New B»«k, Bsv . lately cecxpiee THE labscriben have on hand M j by J.UfesteU, B^-) id ra. o.w epuiog a larga ud m, - P. S. Liberal advances made oa aS in. iarafaTij la’.rraed Sttv-k from tb* M 1 \ tiomaenU. Northern Manufactories. I Rsrntc*cci~ratta*.Hot,**.kCo.. jok»Uj«- : Pc-t. R-%bt B. \o;bj. Sarooaah, G* S J Bajari. E*^.. ILkov. Ga . T B. OLvtt. F« . *»«rv eesOa mar 1C *6!-ai4e ly* m R^c^ajXt'mc. ; re* d.i.-rrcri cf iti, Wriuag Plaid was :k. : rosatt of ;kc-_:rti aeeidasa. Itsaryaaaaa atl U. I ra lake ia rtl-.- - to mlor, dentuisy assd tit. *.!• free ti« ;<a. Mhaa to* tki-k, add a Kttl'a rale water. ItsboxUset la auxwd with ether , Iik<. ketatoaysk. fat.itt. ej/exa brad*, ar i I a.f: crakrl froia tb* aix-btb Mils asm. This lax will t t rr:<!«tb« nnlfu, ud era cot K- rasyurad ta its qcatity by ary tak traaifaetarc. is Rarof. er Atatrira. Criers ras resytctfaUy soikitW/ as v, w;P. pat ap the abere lek *< low at six i-ier. ,s s ra be pat ap ia Pkiiadsfpila, Bason, will. Groceries at Prime Coal.- , T ill 11 will eel! his ptaaent at.-ck I of FAMILY and PLANT ATI' ljf lilt' I- | R1C3, at --'.at and Freight, for Bdts -if il.r ; Dankot Fulton, orGcoiffialtuil.! road & nanklng Com puny. I! • will likewise- r.xe vj the I ilia of tha um- ' Hanks, in („TO,‘nt of dobta duo the ratals ot l'. D. Pair, dffraaul. L. J. PARR, oe'>7dwtl A*-so. CORN MEAL rr-Tc-KlT 2*) buk'ioll I’dn M*»! 11 11-..ft * a - WAUratCa* A HOHJ.VSON fTardrebci, Berea ns, SSctstAxH, Bis athatuda, BedateaJ: aad ' Chairs of aay desired pattern at i prire. A fine ’ aiKrtmect ot Ceutre, Work, Saio** and ToUette I Table*—Kugere's, Corner aad 5ide—Sofa*, Tare* j a-Tete, etc. Dt* In addition to tha above large stock, we vita;. Uk»ttta« Bags! Bags! Bags! AT TBI Corn'.Exchange Bag Mannfaciory, 129 & 127 Broad Street, H. Y. New nady for the Fell Tndi Ckn, *orC««h. to,(60 raw S llu. Drain Daga, 21,(M •' t" " “ / 66.000 Saoond hand 2 Ud J By. Its PtinCOr- dar. J . . \ 27.000 SoMlMi Daga of atINn mlowi Uwh. 11 2ra"Ara<Sra *5»bodw«b kga, *B alsaa, daolgaofi '*Sr?V«d*ra axtaajofi s^tu aaalaaaa aod «os ’*'*''** b. a cuKxx,.ryofOato,. Kesienation ■ * : U mmm ..... tuu ! wiraraiTi.gwraklyr.ppBu. ThopabtioaroU- ,oJn frier u fur their l.b*. r *« pair vAOx#. ae4 wjqI j Tltod to call^nd axamtua PUT rcetullf recam ea«al t* ibvm to oanuaiie that pat j i»K*to bU >uecexwir, Wl. N U ANUlPl. Alt I urel «oj tu rec^mnba^uef al I ol tb* Cftaipat »e * • yfiurcfiooft.'.veen, Ute refar yoa te tU*ir reports | •.o' tb*4r rneaptMM tu -••yoausoctothvir Woe* by - tURkttAtf. % ; A Gant a. ) aly l>t, ISA? Fire Insarauce Agency. I flatlet meCwd the Ageecy of the Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Capital Stook. *500.000 Aasata, 018,000 .Etna Insnranco Company. Capital M^ok, 11,000,000 A*MB, . 610,000 Chartered 181$. Phoenix Insurance Company Capital. $200,000 Aaaatta, 313,395 Iaouraoea eso be had in sti User of the above Onaspanie. at u low rate* aa ia any ^-’^"•ATSisfs^ ‘ Wo, liar ttag RUNG ULNIFR, KSOXV1I '.K, n^VSfiES. Si ita. G». Marche, dtf. ^ L. Miller’s Hair 1 avigoratST SfaJ. raly by I'rs, Rincn A Ooitd At a. Soli ra all tha botk il 1-ltOTO*. ikeakrM: tsikns that. :l W&ii . ,«sr.» w fiattiuMt; na« the i'ra- atuksir ( ' ■‘%dt raid, mod rashes -.Isstau sett, atltrWas la turner ateteis^aasaakaa.. «ra>t oft rao- is; tbs todtd cksUrva. eat ktw tho CrasOittaw. yrR.srERUMt Usw,<m«f ,h. u-j .11 uu HiuaBaoe.O' ud Saaoaca La- Sd. Pt.-s tu, b>w v.-rt. 1 aior. lata of Taakacoc, Air tea. wtJ! bo baswr ra«. It—ita. sjTPrsaajssr Taskagoc, all frieoda Ud or .Beer, at tb* Lasa-. Hum, whan tkoy bars as pit aeo«B«»d*uot for two hoodradud fifty perrons. 3. S S. LAKIBR, Prepriaterra naisras as., a lira la, Sts Burial Cases. Ik * u* praparad to Umiak IWt’a MeotUo Bari al Cat**, at abort aottea. V* bava aorarad tho aarrtea* af k MOOMMlMeHS toaOsadto Ibis d* paitoarJU ^IXfj.S.WaUAJl8, Net 2i,'S*-dwty Puebtra* srrac Paiits, Oils, Ac. The NatiannI White Lea* and a ss^. ■ee ever the OUihttf Stere of \ <Mte hearafToei • te It A. IL tte U, July 1, Mil »' ltseef bastaaea, asrrg* L SiassSaEtsfi'sal tb* oatava, who!* er ilijte, he. JsrawsLtsr— r»«tM nr so* Taudaua^nadasid .. AyAnardaca sbaitd bs wTat Ihfisn. w !- ttaoy fhndma Sura, as B^cbtra. At;. .- ta. O*. aaw.2S.tS. roloimOaaaOakTbteaWa*? WtmMvOlaM. Dre- ua>ui^ff»le>1 Ihstrsmssta, BtusheeaCeaery nri* stafiSiS mA ^ *UM*Surau Ooslddtwt fsawi HTI PteFEBT V " SALE. _ libraoffeiatkr Washi-g HaBHotstlo<t*W. 'tie if > -- 4 nd on th. Cast and wtihm fret af tb* GVnraal Pasanrr- Iwgasod aparinoa. *isd b.a • c>>h r< *0^1 (fuUt Tasoetf-Sr. Thor.snd l) I- tvv- per UU.Ct Tb* Fareisur* and ds'u « wll b* Uiti web th* Hotel, cno-b.i- -k* vn a, *1 Oka psopaty. is* rasb ot ? t SIC ’*S' "- •i 1M nqaiftel a!the um* J t* • — «b. ba *' o* " m iAiIsaiom