The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, November 05, 1857, Image 2

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luicHigeqw^ & BY DUNCAN & LOCHRANE. “jOIlN lI. STFJXE, Mttwr. r ATLANTA, GKO., ’^uubsday,octTs, usi TKSUJS OP TltR ItfXELLIQEHcER & EXAMINEE. DAILY, - - - - - * $«« WEEKLY, »«• OurmpemAnete/Uu Rettimmr* »m. WtlMM 0*8. «. . 1 hartt that * MMMacai hy D«wui*ti* h i*»m1 to a irfjnB rf A* fjmw «jl sniper rttntatioot t( da Wkwh Xfc* DeowrmSo otnbi in No* Y#*k wE take up the icUttt prior to too eMeosahtne efrcticD, nod nrako it ono of (Mr Baa*. The plan to bo proposed for the modifica- tion of the honking system and haprote, m:nt of the currency, w the adoption by the States of tie independent tmeorieo, aftoi the example of uie Rovernineot. and the prohibition of the iseuo, by the loeal funks, of notes under the denomination of lea dot- lar& The two orajurt* eotaUaod would ,yrnk rirKKTwg ir.okkk J greatly widen the bari, . f the asttalie cur- — -.--l — ***”* iw«jr. and-ttnd to check Uapn kat «mm NOTES OF _ m ; , eions by tie bank*. If the Stile of New i for graptW t'S* c ._- K j ortsTyfewy !:.'■■ — sdu.ita . ■ 7--;W akiil ns jfcrfensss*. .xt as, ibr ojrje'.Toe, a foniir.sst for ___ of Gut. Jonee, who jig. Andrew J.'hi'rOn must beau extraordinary rao.oVhe has had extraordi nary luek. Uierisoapd roeeeas in public lifeoasc been renjuufcabjp. About thirty Tears ago lia woa itfjfcSlwywmu tailor at Laurens Court House. $aoUi Qiroliua, wor» king with Mr. IV-ntoaci that place. \V hen eighteen Tears old he eonld ueither read nor vrito, 'lie moved to Gto. nrille, Two., on font,'when ha opened ai shop us u tailor, jOitjra ts debating cl"b, ntado speeches, and (bowed talent, lie wae ri feted, in a lew year*; & laeinh** cf the Legislature then a rwsntcr of Congress, where be aerred many years. Two or three years siuce be wot flee ted GoTernor of the State of Tennrssee; and it now United State-Senator! Whilst working at Laurens Coart llouee #» journeyman tailor, he fell in love with » girt to the neighborhood oud courted her. Goturnor Johnson tells the story himself The young lady saw something more >o An dy than her mother was able to diwern. She engaged henolf to him, provided he could get her mother's consent Andy went one Sunday tospeak to the old lady. His hi, hi. b- .. : i.-;Ajmptbu of their terticj. After aU, tb heart tailed him tiil tawarda towards night, wintry wunld not be free fh*n the haxatd when bo mustered up courage and popdod of ateSmS? fluctuation* in the amooo 1 the question to the mother. He aaya »he ol cRsrercy, nor eouid the thirst foe excea- broke oat on him in a most torrtbe ' trade site spree ladon be extingui-bed. But our of abate,.and said, '‘you trifling, worth, s.- rcT iimon*, under each a system, would be ragabond, do you suppose I nm goin. .o let ‘ qwntand stwera. my daughter marry a wander^ punvy coentry has been deanly agitated, for r Dlan tailor ? I know what ; uu wai t, you Bans of Felton taiwi *i for ^t York would Adopt toes* imnKiTcmenta. the Dobli douthis Office. ! c.rumpla would axo be foliowod by other And resv JeUmo This gent teuton has rtotmtly. been elected Unitad States Senator by the Legislature of *Jo UteTaS the time of fixe Kestorition, .T.uiN «r)m \h. I. L S_ Kta The Origin of the Bank of Ett{lnnfl. 1 Tto general goTernmen t might afford acme i : -u of Mtnstrebr. "Frccv cbild- . "i c ir," Lucy Kml, the W - »» ^ JM M '■XV, wi Cecls Kcl./V; ; 'i a 7 er ^.by^SSwT^m' ****** are too laajr to work, and y. u nr.- after ™ . bi ro | to ibo tbit tic aiwoiitnitioo,' propertr . Tu. Governor 6*^ the ola t» - -a iarwaMygauartfi i ». I p.m-c-stricken, bad rwolwd to wwftfice the man had four children and tine.- M£f ** • w,'”..,. i.-.hlia trertrt now under construction— ITuawca heriorwno. la alter de-patr. Au- w- ... it. sueb w ptMaiilrhad been really af dy returned tu the rtUsge nwrtmed and cr«,t ...'.ilttyitftahfeigflaea. : d-p^d is uow ancertain. Son# of the de* “Ben. He determined to quit the plan and ! uceirf from u. Sirs- Boobs, an; or -tbs Vjbs-zuxiz • - - 7 l: iBU*.- ibn 13ri« of Sreretary Cobb'. Others again - i - yet baa time to ri:.-, t-- F* “ 3<l I a y (Mt it was the President htaaeif who, o L.;;? ghcoe a: iu fuges that it icily j ptreciriag the impeopriety of the mensure. :T -,7 Aa . : Tuo PhSadriphia press intimates that the , - 2 : mcsKurs was abandoned in juirsuxaee of the ■ up to (he expochi^aBS nrred by tbs 1.r tircmcct .{gw c. ;r r._ iirtiiirg tukntt). T. ? s iutcrertsrg TOlorui tor ova t croii deal cf :u:«*tstfet:«a r,'b'£nj •: the Ear. ohtim,'»odisuofotlen'clo KpOaU* i- ! l v .1 ..:7 7■:?■■’-' ’ ' C.v'iir'- White & Cs. couatenuxaded it- But, bowerer, this tnay be, esc thing is certain, that no public m-.asur? ras yet erer indicated by any ad- m aistratioa that wsa received with such nmic 1 reprobation as that of a stoppage of puiac worts at the present time, and for tetuicns alleged. Ail the works commenced wi<! no doubt be persecuted, including the buildings under . the ditaction cf the treaiury, but no new 1 nuuy j w j[j gjj tbeir way into the ctuimaicj . :rs 51 far tun next year. Thaw works already or- ,*- : n;: 'Ire' in tint c'ly as to t dered wlueh hare oct been eomtoenccd, ail! , - ... : :..: r. rchan'jto 1*7 iw ; act nt jw»«t Iox. ' ." cVtheofcr*y«rtt»l TctTi1,le1Fr *** djr *■ UiWmb - ‘ i The Bed Hirer American giT« an ac- •r Auwg orvu due ■tmolepb-., cjan; # frigM(l| , ia , h# of Vfs.’i;. Co httc'ly Cuhuiau, cn the Texas border. For some i 4 Lr-.-’s'xek gto>4 st»i are •’ weeks Clalbntwo Bart and hb son Cbarle* 1 _ tv— had been making thnats against the liven of ‘ .’ James 1!. Wilbarn, Benton Wilburn, Wil- V - -f~-s aa-e a - * r; - for. a--d Jackson MGee- On SoturdaT. ::i Srar.u -. ■ '• th; rearti.; : . A - j' . Saturday, rt. i 1th. Hart end his son vent to the re„ ire-re of SeDtcn Wilburn end told him •'.at ii: ‘.ires had now been iimitad to two .. rets that they would most assured y k : ll him as well as the other parlies above n-tHi re . that hid green them ample warn- it; •0 bare the country, and now they in- ‘.jurej kdilag them whether they w,re wil I r ' :crra--r not. They then went to '-.j Wilburn's and made-sim’lsr threat- They tUu went to a neighbor’s a mile or . - > on ; i.-U what they bud said and 'rein: tic rLburcV As toey passed and ve .icy wodld pc: threats inf, :. :h-.-T started back by the way of V.;. rero t Oa the following dsy Mrs: Wtlreuro iret a ..tde girl to ooe of her or: mjaestiag him to come over acd >t.otl the urtiog of guns near her . :•* irioar.-. Two g -ntiemen wtot, as they . sutered the . .t: they msn>T(rtd the lifeless | and bp- 1 .. - • f flirt and bis --re—the latter bad ' worn -w 1 heeds and ready -'it ana contempt i'com the mother. It sometimes happens that y-uug girls every merchant kept' a strong-box in his iotisa j nnii' when un aoeeplhnee was pte- tented tif liltn, UM dowb Aha crowns and Oaroluses on hisflVru beonter. iGenticincn iooked op their gnid trt thrtycountry bnusc;, or taiveiled with itin their ooachcs. Theso were the hole von days Of thiaree, when a burglar would often Ua able, after a tingle night’s work, to o tiro with a fortuno; and highway robbery wa* a lucrative proicssioo, wbeso‘adepts were styled Gentlemen oftha Hoad.” By the end of Oharlto H’a reign it wa* discovered that it was both safer and more convenient to hare agents to keep the tub of commereiul houses. Mhis uew branch of burners fell naturally into the hands of the goldsmiths, who were accustomed to truflio largely in the precious metals, and wiiohad vaults whore masses of bullion could lio so- cure Horn tire and robbers. It tv is nt the shone of the goldsmiths of Lombatd street that all the payments in coin were rnado- Other traders guv; and received nothing but pnLer. Ol course the goldsmiths, from being the treasurers, soon became the tunsters of the city. Goldsmiths were the raoncy-Ieiuiera lioldiuiitbe furnished the funds for all now enterprises. A goldsmith’s note pass, d cur- r.ut on-’Ohargo for c.tsh. The nobility had to court the favor of the goldsmiths, and Hoy any itself, wheu a government loan wss ceded, privately sumuioncd some of the 'alibi goldsmiths to its audience chaui- Tfcc same reasons which le.1 the comiuus nity together tb;ir cash iuto fiftyimnlla ins stead of leaving it scattered among u thutis- nnJ.nrob led them to see that it would be -till better to keep it in one, instead of fifty. In the Third’s lima the matter was freely discussed, and in 109d it took the de finite shape of a plau for a Xationni have a deeper insight into cheroot'- than j Bank their parents, it was the ixsc, as Col. bouton ^ O! course so great i. change was not cf- acknpwtohges, with Jessie, orfic.i she ran off fcctcd without bitter opposition. A largo with Col. Fremont and ,gin marri-d very | class denouecrei thc-Bank of England” much against the Wishes t-f her father and; with much violence and vindictiveness. To- mother. But MBs W*** Jii not have the ties declare j that were republican umo self-will, or the ahidieg confidence in her judgment and love that M:.-s Benton bad. She was afraid t • encountor that in- digeation ar.J lowering temper which hud so effectually ciwed Aodv. We de not know, institutions, and ptedietod the rain of tho monarchy. Whigs declared it woa'd Lean, iostrumanl of lioyal tyranny ivorse than tho i star Cl,a : iter, and predicted th* auin of English liberty. The nobility suspected it AdmUnlstrator’* laic. A GHEEABLY to aw Older of tk* Court of Ordinary of Fulton county, will Iwaold before the Court House Door in Fayetteville, Feyettn county, cn the first Tuesday in Fs- hriiary next, withiu the legal hours of sail on Ihet day. the following described Land, to-wit:. ; til .that part of Lots of Land Nor seven and eight, lying wo t of tho - Macon At Western Rtilroad, In tb« town cf Jonetboro'(Fayette county) belonging to the citato of Mary 0. Dothud deceased, containing two acres, more or lees. Tne aho-c Lots lay west of Thoniia Uurtiea’ Stott, and am very lianilsomrLoti for building panoses. Bold as tho property of •aid decease! for tho benefit of the hoittand creditor* of laid deceased. Terms made kuown on day of sale, by SAM’LO. PEGfi. Adm'r. November 3, 1857 wtd ‘‘The Campbells are Coming.” A THIN HUM. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 5th, 6tli and 7th, 1857, Jto?" THBEKNlaufs only ! -® RUMSEY & NEWCOMB’S WOtU.U-Be.NOWJISD ASU ONLY Campbell MInstvo 1 s. THIS Oompanr i* composed of FOURTBRN STAR 1'KRFORMEKS. ooubloiogin on« organ* iiatlun, the best Negro delineators ami CouiedL aus: the most plotting aud beat Vocalists and Raliatlists; the most distinguished and best Ins •trunientalists au«l Dancers, at present engaged in the Kthiopian profession ; and tho Campbell* now, Mover,offer a CHALLENGE to the world to compare with thorn, together with CURRIER’S BRASS BAND of ten talented Musicians, which will play in t'rnat of tho Hall each night, previous to opening the door?. Admission 50 cents. Doors open ut 7 o’clock. Concert at S o’clock. V. A. CLARICE, Agent, nor. 2, Itf57. dlw. however, that Auily had courajo enough to: •« he a scheme to elevate readers above the make tho propositiuu to rap off with bur. Peerage, and the poor were made to believe If he did, it waa rejected. How diff-troat it a u.w device to grind thorn to the dust would hare been her free if Mi-sW*' kui Nevertheless, the iiar.l. was eatablLhed, and taken Ccuroge and encountered the iVrevns | ruined popular favor, by areumetita of her mother I in tend ol being the wife : man bv its maoifeat convenience and utilitv. K-rne poor, plodding, unknown man, os she , h lived and groir-and prospered, and for'a JUST PUBLISHED li Y rTJI)J>'E\\ *1- HUSSEjLE, RECORDS or THE noxrolutionary War i t'OXI'.UMNO THK OFFICIAL MILITARY AM) FI NANCIAL coi:resi*ondrn< e of all cFFICERS OF TUB REVOl.l’- TIOSjr.Y AHMV, From i T.'i tu nil’), containing tho most in* tcrcBimg military, hiatorica , and rtnancial information during that period. Also, the organisation of a'l tho Regiment*, showing the names*, rank,date of conimitiiion, time o/ convunicnce and utilitv. 1 ^nlUiment^and services id oRIcltb and pn- _ ^ A!»o, the general and brigade probably is," she would have been th- wife j koodre I atoTfifty . var/th/ wealth "Ji Hi,” | of a Governor acd Caited Sta'.ei rieatuo.-,: cUnd ba, lived iv d grown and prospered GeDflUlS W - dSllill!ltun, Let', GrceUC, tbo mistress of cer«mo: iea ni NijOvLie. and i •„ ith it ir , , a cc-U'picious member of tl* f^hkua-I WeCUOIl, ailtl lUlCrS. bJe s*x:cty of Wwbtojflon.—G’irmr i' J\u• ‘ C nrr ,_ ntl4ln I In 1776., ’77, and '7S, showing the last trial* riot. 1 { ... , * -at Valley Forge, Franking up the encamp" -- —- J > ur« proverbially troubiesonu. ihitgs ’ rnent, order ol march through DhUadelphia, The Resolute. Jiotnanag*. ih«.*y have a funny way of their i and the piun -f a'tack on the British, nt j own "I espressiog rcscutiuent at cr..bbe<) J M«mim*'uth. Also, nn account of the cap* c,iircgrnp!.y.^ 'lhtrc i* evident nut-chief in j .arc of Fort W ashington, and the horrors *>f tho very .'o- k, ,f theiu-e.-pcciAlIy in th:so ! die rri<ons ant! prison ship of the British, iu qu*:cr. ’ji* /^ical, vrtird, eltish looking.goblin j ^cw York, with a hapen,called puuciuntiot-nurk*. The Com- LIST OF AMERICAN OFFICERS mil with r. half.monkcyuh, i MP H I bONED, y i; ». nt f ” " it), cr a.* if emblematic of Anv- ; SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI, K .' ' ' r,,l ?S !!: -e in a corner. Hxclatna- j j„ J{,w York. I’eniuvlvuai, and' Maryland, uon -•treic.'.vs laio.-.lf into a uicck-agony of | a lUt, ,.f the membeni' namcj, Ac., the half- e.-n.gaL.'n The "hole tribe hnvoa trick of ■■ pay, commutation * and land nets of (he Conti- whieki:,^ cut - ( tic right place mid into the ; neutal Congres.-. A complete list ot all the Wtoog, Which is eiccetiirgly provoking It i OFFICERS WHO SERVED TO THE ih.:^jEud of the War, r*'-tre we think of .t, the more t\o un*. f And acquired tho right «.f hall pay for life, this is the true solutiuu of i commutation, and bud. Proceedings of B4th l he generous donation of the Arctic ship Resolute, to her tu;ije:*ty of (irtat Britain, by the people of the I'nited Sau-.. iia# four.i! an artist wv»:*by o\ thft iubjt<*t. f.ikc “OM lronsrie*« t *’ t-.* Jtc^oiutc ii a histo rical ship. lit tneim- for th»» re ; of fee poet or iht* penc-l of rt. iter.* I'*.' paiuting cow on exhi v .*i;ic:i at Rjrles’ ^e*y. -uglr. to and will rr.-. *ve ;:;c atUntiun I ■ . .*« tiurs, boti: iroia the interest tint at:.»ei.* to tho S’.hjeet, and ’h*> taeiits : t 1 ;’, ;> ork of art. Mr. Simpson, ti»e ha- . lij* i^usly cbj>crve ‘ t v -< sthetie j •• 'p-h- , in his t iforu- to prereont the • -Captain H "txt*»*n ?tfers t*;*- r. to U wen TtctofllT' Pt::*— AI sestxal ineral^T* cf the Hoy among other3 the Pri».• <>1 M u the erutre of ih& picture, r•••- . Captain Harwtein, the feeling existing between tli*. I l at Britain. Admiral S ie repntatton. stands a which whisks hi: half 'iiabhrecaT: ta, Morgan Coany, to ‘ Ak.'X'BSKJWM* W ILL laav* DaUy after th* arrival of th* Day Train from Atlanta. Faaaangenby thia route will avoid 10 to U houra delay at Union Point. Leave Athena at 8 o’clock, A. M, artiva at Madiaon in time for the up-trein to Atlanta, and down.train to Auguata. Persona going to MilledgaviUe, WILL AVOID 13HOUR8 DELAY AT MADISON Dlntance S8 Miles—Fare •a.SO. SAULTEil &. IVEY. STaaiOrmce-— Franklin House, Athene, and CarapMl’a Hotel, Madison, oct 18,’57. daw8w. LAWSHE & PURTEL, merchant Tailors, WHITEHALL STREET. ATLANTA G cogo HAVE ON hind a fino mtock of very rich Good* for Gentlemens' wear, that they wil! make up in tho very latest style of cut and finish Try them and see if they don't gi?e you pits. aprlCdtf Fulton Bank Money Taken at Par. W E w?ll take FULTON BANK money at par, in payment for all debt* due us, or for produce of any description that wo have or sac. WIM.IAM9, RHEA & GO. o ctl7dw Tflio New Good i have Arrived. C \ II. STRONG A CO., bare juit opened a /•large assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY DIIY GOODS, Consisting ia part, of tho following articles, Rich dross Silks; Fancy Silks; All Wool Merincoj: All Wool Dolaina; Mnnohoitor Delatns; Poplins; Alopaca^ Bctnltvaino*; Ginghams; Prluta; Bleached and Rrcwc Sbvotings and Shirtings Shawls: Ladio’u CUiL : : nings; Flannels; Kcrsoycj Irish Linens: Table LUxitu; Gotten Stripes; Kentucky Jeans; Latins: Cnssimcrs; Cloth; Hosiory, Blankets by tho thousand; A splendid stock of Olovos; Dres*. Trimmings, •o _-mu m ji» je: tt am 9 \ v/ool, 2 and 3 Ply; Tapestry; Uall Carpets at retlaL'od prices. Also, a good supply of plantation BROGANS Hoot* 1 and Shoes. Wo invite cur old friends and public to give us acall, »ed are satisfied when they learn our pri* ecs, that they will find it to their interest to bur from us* Remember, we are at No 1, Whitehall Street,N'orcross’s old stand. Come and sec ut. April 24, 1556. diwly TlieCoim»t;iiu* Arrived. t thft *ui»icrib«r has received, amt bat cheaper than any other perAou lu Atlan ta. the larse^t ftock ot g<jod4 ever ottered to th« puMic, amt take due untie* that I inll for caah only, pricti. I hire bought more yoods than I Ol teu'.tol, ,.i l-.ok, tUlermined to *ell them and l am «ure y*u will be pleaaed- , Tew Article* h*low ami hope lout ennuiriug for them—such a Alum, Sulphur. Catnphiue, Cbee*a, (’rr rkers, F-vrOia*, jtoapft, Kaieinfl, Candies, i’aints. Oils, niankata Sho«a, lA>ok to Hats, your intereat Wollow-wa Whiskey, ifraody, e, and sail cu the aubseriber, and look at hla foods before yon purehasa ! xnrl py i s'.p. tl. vt«r) : that i.- JOtnethibg uncanny in I Congrc. am) Lnitcd ■Ue type- at tiluvi. For example: viel'.it'd, triaiivi't - a rcsturdti i -‘■ii since, to exhibit the wotd "tiironfr’’ spire of our of- cf expert and slul- | Tobkcc-i, i Bnul', A'cr.vfljlt., “ j key, «:h*valtcr 1> oaalailo evi T. llariin*. W « oct our ’’pot-b.-eji,,” unless we , i Coti.ul- rt -hr- Pvs V s -|,I i wish to be hung on them in effiey before the “jPortameu-h -no C (‘.ipt .uHisisio* ?** ® f “ s ' ,roir ni; i<‘—Ycii/e T i- Tl I and Itr.llt!- I , !•..., > •lijiunof them, raying .they wcuid take,, . .3 ar.J eive 'he:j another hear-1 ^,' : y’' " tv3J .rr. 1h y criered cne c.f th* McGee* ;r ti- breiia f lie perpekeof lyicg him.. , , , va i . : -re ■ 7 S-..4 List th«t heshouid i“ R '- Ur.Otu re I titcl MW N »~j u: or be c-tled , wbeitastA be ,P r ‘ .has nttair. -re’ - to-re. . would t»‘.s bh chance, i* 4 <•»»•"«“« l>7 •«* shetchrs ofth • ■■ - . i i_»- fired eight goes r. him an{xc«m scenes in the Crimea, and no drub •: :ar*l and has not been f hn j'/^m eff .rt wFl exterd his n-putatioi ..l !. : . . kaovra W'letbar hs wa-* I * R ^ Cls Cwli, «tryLit: tiguresin thr* pictur ; - Tbev then took Jani-s are actual ot-he pvivone who-. •< :u. re Wiioorn, Jackson .Vie- ■ P arl ln , tn r interesting ceremony, and tb ■ . M:G-'. and proceeded in ire, long' . "c-cou.c .-re At Mr John Tbonip-1 memento ol the ;a.-.;, i , ngravir.g r Freer, they staved over' :: pecu rar intor-st l r An . they stayed i . .rough the intercc’idot of ;.-.c th-y liberatef James Wii- . .—,dtd over the river A short •;.-v cr;--.' the a volley of rard, aodtnorr.y aftorwuds the .t.n ' "iibum, Jackson acd Bowie r.- found near the read lifeless— : eo 1 bodies perfectly riddled with hearts as It reproiento on.- Hghtfu! epocus in our of the must ilc-1 nrained ever s: Eiutragua.—The Washington Sto’ :- !;.i* been perttitie! to copy the following extract from a private letter to a gentleman ia »U- city, dated nan Joan, Sept. 27. Th*- ! t!ft is from a v.ry resposible source : •‘I bare iearr.ed from fsrties interasted, that last month Colonel Manud Gross, of I praw ,B,D -J Sp:ni:ai:i.-.—Sir John Cone, nho re- n’-it H r --a., appeared at the counter re't> Middletown Bank some days ..'hdil'nij r.f it. hills, demanded tho V* • “”d ; t. The profit of tho bank inthe tr -octren a a- tar two hundred percent fv thomand Jo’lars. The bill* were paid t J ,im in 1 -.jj and hi carefully wrap- ' ' ‘ ''‘7, where they have, res fie returned them to .... Court of Claims I l.i live tar- rtorjti m of the hr.lf.pav acts MUlaitF of the old Congress tor the benefit of lbs | ba,l .buu 1 11 Kills III' Ok'FICKItS OF THE REVOLUTIOBiT Virginia half-pay anti land law.; the reasons win.I, ■ .1 ,o lb' passage of the Act of July 5, toffti. hy Congress tin- natnen ot the Virginia | d.,rgo. »nt\ f*e\ At the earner cl Whitehall an<l Mitchell , <n til sraff.m y.inl for eustonx « free ef WIIJ.UM WRIGHT KOAKK. recpivut! laud, with n ; : intcr*’^ling account otthe military land districU of Ohio, Kentucky, and Tunueoscc, the location of warrant!*- eurvey^. etc. B^7Ciiwj©s?asisr PENSION LAW S OF THE UNITED STATES A* they now exiit. with commentaries there* «n. N uk on the ihe services of the various! da -.*(s «'f re volutionary ofllcern, with an ex* tensive list thawing the ti-r c they di d, &c. Oco larso 12rao., Vul, of GOO Pages, j PHIOB $1.50- This w.-rk ia m-endedns a book of refer*’ I ence tu ih.t historia i and scholar, ns well a« j I'urnishiiig a thorough guide to jM Mons claim* j iug title to lind or pensions, ft rn the services j •»f then forefathers during the Revolutionary War. Tho volume contains the names of over oU,0»'(> officers and privates ot tho Revo- lu sonr.ry Army, and should be in the hands * 'let hi iu; for Kvery Larif. .JicpardV Great Benefactor. Tl'. SiTEST rBEIODIC-i’L RSKaDT KVKIl UIS(0VKItl'.I) 1,000 Boxes Retailed Monthly. TlsoJIenrfactor I* infalltblo for thr immedlste moo t.-il-t Obstruetioo*, Irrrj{uUriti«», l'rolarsui Uteri falling cf the worab. I^uchorrhea or Whits*. »u 1 al tliotliseaKtfS peculiar to (emalcs. Thl< ha* never in a ainzls ca«B failed In pro* <luc.iDi{ the Menses 1 hare received many Isttersof recommeu'hvtion, which all say “It la the bs*t remedy w« hare e»er used." .Sickness a! itomoeli, hea'lacbe, lannuor. debility, j*alns in the bevd, side and back loei ft appetite, eostirenesH, #rc., aresomeof the«ymptoni which attend irregular Meusturatinn. This remrily ia certain tn remove one and all of theie symptoma. tho bank pinne*l up in the fame slip? that he ! ot a '^ the descendants of the brivc men who rc p e;v’3i f with the Fame marks. The savin"* 1 'ought under the basiur of'76,that the actions : aving* bank interest would have bo»-n nearly S2,« New V"P.x, Oct. 25 -Gold i^ dull. The Speck broken buy it at \ nr.d fell it at A Wir:.„( : .*r, Nov. 2. }.=£ do cicla! informa- i* .* relative t. Lx? pu:g- y>"ct\, and tmY\ 1 then* can ’>• r.o definiv ' ’...iifetlfctlOB. - t violai.vo • e^'A : t>c p>maUt*d t'* •/) un f • 2 :utiv* d r* appro La t;*L the.-? i= r v.T, to Uiirvt . may r.t ’ . .t ‘j>tA t/j the . t. zc ar. j Seer * . ibe Martinez army, came way of the rive; Cfrom Seg ; p*>wder. Aa oonr. wa* t-j L- pu the town,the all the powd:r tlut iL-y * ire- even went so ur to^3C .. tar a.', the o*.' **•' • via* I ha- ct o r.<* •.« r CoVa R julf i;. DecemL.r 11,-.:. < % i*h diet, w!.-.n *re transit take L 1 *w frji-v confirmed. Nrw Oct. .^0.—An examination . r , |<ulw into the condition of th • Inland City Bank, • t,y us. *f New V ’ r k, - hows it to have b- a in* j PjrAgcri*..'. • *wiii«:h, it*i aineta conaistin^ of only | ydlago in th. Sfuei J.’.o ired d dlan? in cop[>cr^. f - . a ^‘^ ; of thrir avccstors may not escape reminiscence -f thvir de#ccndauu, w»h.v must retain this work as a memento of their brave deeds and ptlicnt sutfurings. u * PER MONTH can be easily arned by acting ox* Agent for of the aliove Book, and other highly puiar work* of standard merit, published r’tw AdvjrtiHeruente' Aiim t; OKEEAUJ •ttatui'- i (Jit f. C A A !' ‘ 'rare' ih rr'.r.v Jr/-. /. • . 1 ■« 6 S 1,1 ' " «* ; .. i. -i |, Jr crt7 uro rex;e: -( »«•» jM!«rda 7 for tk"| wb „ t .ok part withO ■: "Ot'e.iStaw ML„ t ,owork nr: th; L ‘—'..-rev r.rxt, Vj it nesasary, tut | j, , f , 4 p . u , rf , .-. -. .• rid ; of J/vjhod .o preranta*., Uotu 70 ,,V r ,i g ■ Y •* • •: ’■ : ' >.(.;;'.o in Baltwaw.- j . v ,„ v ] :l u „ ; to. prubah. : tu»t th* rere-.rat will t* re-! , 0 dr: , .J., ,j,. Te „ : , j ... . , [to reuke Ca« Hu Vijp, aud ha* aent 11 ffi'-n -,r V, .71. i.-r. uuv-r - f « ! to San Car.M ‘ t the lift of No-1 .. Ini fcW(: arc going t> v i halt. r of the O.urt ii *y,wil be jo!d Or in Ctiaaville, • th/* f;-it Tu «d%y in Iaauary '• ► >' .f rile an th *t **•' ; rortt in jot of Jaml, ' •' l :n the Cet Diitrict, and find < .i e-Lr ty, .i.d .,rie sixth interest .rral 5. n.L.d I/,! ui I.and, of S’.epL* ‘.r, „.,i H-. 1 i -is the proper’y of : i.; t:.i Lerefit of the hur* and jf - .1 d‘retir.J. .• known on day • f a-iltt. ROBERT M. CLARKE. .Vlm’r -anted in » verycily, town and Lmon. For f’ataiogues and [ particular.-, fddre--» | PI/DNKV A RUSSELL, Publishers 7'.i John-itreet, New York. Novinbu t. IW7 d4t—w4t i To the (Jitizd3 ox >winu&tt, Jack son, Franklin, and tho adjoin ing counties, \V f K " i r^«;«-ct;.!|;y giro uur warmest thar.k* v ’ firth- r UV,rU taI.-va^'o at.-l wo hop« from • • J '.t. ... r.ujerttof Denf-t .Vale* •' . ' ' I titsnrH, with tin wl- *lx to Us year* rnrijlhr i-ractleo, wa «fa “..on li. All uj^ratiui.., «n hli ofllo r»,’a,n ;n .!♦ ir*r*(,n, the rjrixt Bad during h ; » ftb#Giic* this will bo Attrtiid*>d :•> u*Mrt**« William iwronc"T'llo, a. 1>U. \i fLLI AM W*. EATON lilt. UfiuKUT KATII02V Plantations for Sale. 1 VALUABLE PLANTATION^ situa* ted in Dougherty county, viz; One 4i miles from Albany, on the rirsr, oon- iag l'JOl acres, neaxiy the whole of wbloh is un der fmec, and highly improved, 1000 acres in a state of high cultivation, Tho building* are all new, substantial, and well arranged for oonvenL once. The whole tract is well watered; it will be shown by tho Overseer on tho promises. Oae 'j miles from Albany, containing 750 acre# —250 acres in cultivation—buildings new. One !>\ miles from Albany, containing 750 acres, 150 acres in cultivation—buildings new. One 7 mile- from Albany, containing 500 acres, -00 acres in cultivation. One miles from Albany, containing 1500 tores, 500 Acres in cultivation—buildings new. vlho one Plantation situated Baker in county, 10 miles from Albany, containing 1000 acres, 400 acres in cultivation—buildings now. These Plantations are of the first quality, well watered and healthy. Iboy will be shown by the Overseer living on tho first mentioned place. Trrtns to suit purchasers. I can supply each or all of those Plantations with Coro, Fodder, Bacon and Stock of all kinds, if required. cinrti, ir required. WM. W. CHKKVEK. Albany, Oct.27, 1^57. wtf. Kew Store. New Store. vang i ‘*r, t hinge * —T:* li’L’d ! HI. a U • tv.xc 'I'irnujtji oa \ cr*- re-iopt/.d, '/ Oxford G ui.-i a^nd -• i vyt»-hltjd- pow*-r Be at l ghtboa clear* r iL*ight \ui-. the LiV*: r *.»l prcv^hLci of luiury *xi tU l.nitel .Staue than the fart that daring ibe fiscal j ear en- a;rig Jaoe In), 1666, ire <rjpori».<l silk t., the of ether silk l' xa\* to the value of 66/J17 115, Let it.c-Ji.6io;wthNM«u/msii. !* 7 *-?.*• * P*’ e * n, • .CjmMs: iite atofHlxir orcr thin.-KTea rsiUtoo. ‘S** ft* Sg™*! away «itb Ibe ««klth of toe country Bii.timirtSm. rree in W.-sbir.^ton ab - ?ul<er, nr.4 it u bei ci'd that J.U irrelruc- j ,r.» -.rill be «'ieh a* to lead to tho adjuit- I rre--'. f:tic C ;.'itral- eiina qtliretion ir. .1 Ezlrv/rdir .urenter chtlreiy iaiu/actorj to the L'lit di . HtxtM govern.-ent. j t.’.ili wbi;li it rtxliy ' ’ Tb*>«a<55,Dt in tie treareory aobjutt toUIttie \/>J, ke-«,e - re ilrafi, U ■»".».?■r-2,W>. Tb* rteeiptre cf tie j aoo of Mr. W naMiac c week t • ins Jlocc'aj loot, were $’UlfXjO- j Lick, in that •: .ln'r. ■ rajrel tl , J FrUaj. fi;b i i»t. Sooruk wire maje ( Mexican stBiI Tewu* .New*. !urn*>li.itelj, ocil for fi-.o d»,t t-,t* ,ein ,i. Wre;■; • ,, .> rev. 2.— Huiflori%f the ! wa* continued orcr.. roujf!j and raounUir,- r. irrintnt of Pxeaidont Coaoafort are 1 -;u* co-intry, without nnj ti lir*i .if t-!i ere.-,- again rip*. j neg out, allfinogb »T»r n ,' ir.drsd peraena Lecor Gorauch, Cbjef Engisetr of ik* J were engaged in v*kinp for it. ’Vhetberi' '■ -a Ciu* and Mexico railway, 14 about la, bad been (W-vurod bj tk : w;id beaaire, cf which th'.ii: are a iionitw.r in Ike racuntaiM, or had l«n earn i off by • me m:.!irioa- peraon. Hern- >1 ile*’in«l to re-f.-.ain n mja-*- rj. The tearcb eat, bowerer, ontioued, acd on tie aiith day ibo ku c wanderer waa found oa Uoolc'r Urrek, atKJul fire ■ swap free, !:l* horn-. When found it war welt and hearty, haring mtoiatoJ on irro^kn sod bvrriei, and when called by hia f«tbei tbe little fellow ran off down the creek aa Cut aa be eould go. It-eeniedbe did not wiaii to hi c.ogbt, baring apparently en* joyed bia ale daye’ ramble amaiiogly. *Yo more “Stow Coachtt.’-—The Mayor of Hew York baa reread notieet to tbe pro;,tie- ton of the omcibci liner of that city, requi ring all "onmibutae tola drirw at a rpted not ICB than *ix toliee an boor.' Few of tbeomnlboi Cnee in Fbfldelpbia wkl a mage cm half that ipaed. oryir.iara rorp in the I'niud Suits. .thrarci’- aueceaa ha* be:n ironfirioed. I.i^'bit I'intiita had been captured at Te- p*c, and all of them would be shot. From T-xar we learn that Major McCul loch 'k-air-. any complicity with Nicaragu an affaiia. The rur, upon the Ga’reaton flank had aided, ’the Bank continued to redeem ii, note, with aeectc, but refuaed depori- t*M until it cow reeeire newe from .New V. York aud Foreign Escbaaee New YwuG Not. 2—Foreign Exchange ’ it: at 7 1 -2 to * per cent. Contidef- anai'.-ijr is Mi (g the effect of lb* new* I tkt new* by tho next ,tenner ii eagerly’ awaited. re .-.irUr. 1“ A<lininia(ra«»r’a hale. GBEHAIII.Y 1 hiii 1 iiiili SAVING SALOON G i ENTLEMEN r'ctirisig a b-mmI shave, f hair culling, gurh other attention to stir persona a* ray l»« had in all fashionable bar.-r t -< sal j-jns, can he accornrnodate<l at all l.ourv by Riving tho umlcningrt! » call, at • heir sal/ron in the Trout House. They are prepared to furnish,' at short no* ■A'/OrajnwJ'of Fulton w'natyrereili'be'anhl I AN EXCELLENT BALL ROOM BAND. 1 II. McQOMBH, l:,ir cf Milledgerillo, Oa. J.IIIN WALTON, late of Augu-ta, Ga July I*. 1857 , dtf the“¥Far selected awn ASSortTKI) STOCK OF Family Groceries IN THE OtTY OAATLANTA, ir to Ire foaad at lb. “ AlUmia funnily Store," mo. 13 Wlillalaall fltreol. OKOBOen. DANIEL, Prepneter. A flute. May *, IH. ldaw, T t-i* - -Ufl Jlo i-e Door in Atlanta, arid r* iirjir. cn dir firat Teeaday in January nett »na L .t. f Land, No. 187. in Ihr I7lh Dia- -rret rf (Iirigical.y Henry, now Fulton rnunty. ■aid Isit :a titua teal arithin f .ur la-lea of tge rity ft Atlanta; aold a. thu pryperty «f A*hn F' Mima late of cud county drceaa*d, to the - 'nrf.t ’ f ii:,; haiia nt nld •>,rra*rd, and fur the puqoie of a final .cttlument of ami aata-e. TH-JH. ¥. flllLIH), AJm'r. N'.Temnar JPI8I57. wiff Aduiinietrutnr’H Hale. 4 GKEKAbLY Oi an Or* re cf the Court ,n\_«f Oitflnery of Felton rn v ?. will he aold nn Ult fdat Tucaalay in Jin n next, before the Court Hnese Door in 11. of Atlanta, nnenr^'-f,aliin>t38y.'ai> 1 age, add at the property ot Mare C. ftotWI iDceaaed,for tie benelt of the bri/a and eraditori of Mid decraaed. Tarma toada known un day of aaie, by HAM’L U. PEtHi, Adm'r, N-wemsn S, 1887 wtd Bargain*! Bargains!! SHOES! SHOES I! SHOES!! I HIE umlmignotl hogu loavo to inform the Citixens of AU^ats and surrounding ntry, that ho hna jZ'l opened a large and well selected stock of 63 VfLEMEN’H, LA- 1)1 EH’, MI-8E8, OHIt.oREN and H0U8E HERVA TB’ BOOTS and SHOES, which he will ach at priccu to eompota with the Cbor- h ston and Auguaf.'innHv^a. Those in went of any kind of tfco aimj mentioned Goode, would do well to g ro him a call and'examine hia stock,at Good* will be freely ahowaand one price asked, i ROB CARROLL, Agent, Opposite J. D. Lockhart's Dry Goods Store, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. ft,COO pair tliiek PLANTATION BRO- AN8 cheap on hnnd. Planters would do well to ex amino I hem. s<p28dw<2n Just Opened in the Same Building. Pnrlft MUliiiery. flAUE underaignad wiabe* tu inform the J I.adiea of Atlaiua and wieinity, that ibe ia now rrri'ivinit a lanje aud aulemli I aaaort- raentnf MII.I INEU” ividFANCY GOODB for the Fall trad*, l.i - 5( iho will sell at raa* HUiable pricra. Mr*. A. T. OfiBBOLfc, Agent N. U.—iiO.VNGTO aide to order, alaftha DftEhH MAKING bueinr* will b* carried or, A. T. CJ. Notice. THE copartnarrbfp heretotora exlatlag between Dean A (iUbarl, ti hereby dUaolrad by ntutael eonHnt. V. Dean wiU MUf* tb* btulneu of tb* concern. •- L. DEAN. L. Y. OILBBBT. The undanlfncd bating tbU day anteiad Into oopartaanblp undar tba tiaaaa aid Ira of I# Dean A Co., are prepared ta tarry on tba mm bind ef buifnau hantafsra •aniarUo.lby Mum. Omb A OUbart at Ua Pollan Jftlla. Aagd-wlm ;b. DEAN, IF*. JfABKUAM, !*“M .-nor duml. Orutce or tuw Inteluoxncxii d;Kx- ; Aoiixix, Atlauta, Nor. 8, 1847, j Applet—Dried.. t>. Green, Ilasou—UiJcJ, B*egbi« Butter—Ooehen^... Country,. #1 8(1(33 OU .......3 00 03 60 171-0 18 170 18 .to.... 3b 38 O KO Brandy—Cum—gal,', 76 Fine,. tr tl 00 0 6 UO 6 Mutton C of ton—lb, Corn—buah Ooffen—Hio-ft Jar a, Cheat*. Candla*—Tallow Adamantine, Cnickena—each, Egg*—doa Flout—Superfine, 3 50 0 3 Oo Family Extra Yarn Factory Fodder—ewt, Feathera—ft, Gin—Holland—gal Domestic, Hay—cwt, Iron—American 40 8 a 7 100 II 40 O 60 I hi O 18j IB O 13 16 a SO 30 O SB 20 O 38 13(0 10 16 0 18 ..9 00 0 3| . I lUtO 1 30 ' 1 0(1 ,. 1 76 O 3 35 .. 00 ..3 00 a 325 4J .. 64 0 - .. OO ..1 000 .. 200 r.t 45 0 $18 O 15 a 10 a 60 a Swaodea, Band Indigo—ft, Madder—ft Lard M olacaoa—t luba,. Mackerel—bbl,... No* No 3 Meal—both Naila—keg Oenaburea—yd Oat*—biulto...... Oila—,.. ...... Machine: j.... Polatoca. .Irt>.... Nortlicii. ... Sweet.. . ... Rico ...... Salt. .In aaclu, .......... Sugar. .Clarified Crushed, Drown Sugar, Syrup, .gal Steel. .Caat. .Ill German, Atner. blbrter Stcell.. American, Spirt'* Turpontlno T*a*—ft Tellnw—ft,. Wlniai—bulb,.,*.,... OS a 75 Whiskey— HaW»^«,„........ 33 a 374 Olo Rye, 75 a 1 60 . 13 a t»4 . 35 a 40 . I 35 a 2 00 . I 38 a 2 60 3 00 .3 a 2 60 . 00 a 1 00 1 60 ..I 40 ..124 a .. 14 a .. 10 a .. 70 a .. 20 a .. 13 a 20 16 7 a 10 a a 10 00 a 1 00 75 a 1 35 10 a 124 iA2SI-AT3?ia FOR ALL DEBTS DFETHIS UJFS'XCK. Carriage Painter. pHARL&t PASEL t*£« mo»t fully prepared to <(a all kiadfl of I'rbt ritjjtt I’nintiriff 2’lcato giro tat a rail. I war- raut my work to plwwa, sud tny cbsrjt to giro sails* faction. la ths r*ar of T* D. Lyaas' Ktora, Decs* tur itrevt. rot. >5 '57. __ dim* Situation Wanted as a Teacher A ny P-’rstn desirous of emploving tlo serf lo w of~fi teacher to take chargeX n Gommor English richoo), can t»o acomuii da»« d by applying to the attbacribor. JOHN P.EVAN8. Ebonoxer, Morgan Co , ^•epSOdwtt Georgia. Landreth’s Kew Crop, 1950. The public generally, tad the Ltoiu* eepeolal It, are incited to call and utmlnt tbe Ttr-ety of Seed, at the eubieribtr is ready at til time: to exhibit bta stock ref Seeds—as well at tba naw styles of FnraUars. T. W. WEST. tKto-Sssd Store at tbs nsw Furniture : C. Msssrs. F. A. A J. S. William*. Peachtree. C it Bsnjamin Franklin and Prof. DcGratli. Franklin brought elactrietty from tbs hearsns to earth, but it remained Tofi&of. Dx Oairn to •pply that electricity, to the relief of dUeaeodnnd lufferingmortali—dueaMJ that heretofore bellied tbe pbyiiciane' old treatment, such aa Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Paina, Stiff Joints, Deafness, Swell, lugs, Palsy, Piles, Skin Diseases, Ac., are now cureil by Prof. DcOratb’i Electric Oil in on* and tiso days. Read thie latter from a Physician who has practiced sloe# 1816—(too woU known for comment); Prof. Di Onsrit, Philadelphia. Sir:—At lntsrrals, during thirty years past, mj wife has been subject to rheumatism of the most riolsut east—(say four times a year]—so soran as to make It necessary to administer luge doses of tho tinetura of gniacum and morphia, and to rock her like an Intent la a luge rocking chair, to induce any repost. Having frequent correi. pondeoce with mV sou, )No. 103 Chutaut street, of your oily,) I informed him of an stuck sbo had about tho middle of last month, [January,] which wu of such sorerity at to completely pu- alyso tba system, lie, In his anxiety ter bit mothar’s welfare, taut ma a bottle of your Bloo- trio Oil; but aa I am on* of the practitioners of medleine ia this place, and not aprottlyW ta nny kind of patent medicine, X did heelteta to girt It a trial; howarar, on refteotlon, I concluded ta try it, which I hid rt prr.iona, directly up to tbe litter, and aftar tha third or fosrth application •ha became rather paeslre, and before one-third of tha bottle wu need, not n single restige of th* disotM remained in -be system, and she still con tinues wsll, although ibo rodsout a distance of fourteen miles without a renewal of tny of tha symptoma. I therefore fMl It my duty, ter ths sake of suffering humanity, and alto fully batter ing that merit, undar all dreumttenoat, should bo rawudad, to forward thla testimonial. I am yours, truly, Joaera P. Biaurroa, M. D, Naw a*«T»a P. 0„ Burlington Co;, N. S. P. BJe-Any eommnnleatlon for ma will ha ra- etirod by’addressing to tho oara afmy ton, [mer chant,] 103 ChMtnut street. PeiUDELmta, May 16th, 1880. Prof. Da Orath.—I hart bean tha victim many yurt of a Rheumatic affection, and lest tha uta of my limbs. I eonld net mitt my hand to my bud, in short, I wu totally helpless. I applied your Kir rtf oil, and Ir/ort / tad aud one Oct. tU / t-di prr/trtly rutlrtd. Yon may refer nny snfiorer to ma HRS. E. HUTCHINS, Seventeenth and Thompson street. Mrs. Hutchins It well'known In .Philadelphia and can be addressed on tha fulfiKt by any on*. Far sale by SMITH A EZZARD, sola agantf ln Atlanta Oaorgia. PROP, CHA8.11*0RATH. 39 Booth Eighth street, rblUUtpbte. jtlltoU, Oct. 30. • ■’*» dwlm. NEGRO SHOES! CHEAP! OBSAPU « to those wanting a pbxmb^. ullel* of double solo or Wtltedbroeani.lW wa will! rey that wa now bava In Bloro* K a heavy Stock, and all ot our own Manufacturing whtekwawUlitUatUucsnisa pair lower than ant hoot* to thla city will tall aa good an erttele —competition wa defy either In Ystateea Made, UeergU Made. UuM(*Mldr, or any other make, and warrant (ham as good at etlUteukesavtrbotuofftrad In thla market or State. All kind, of prorortbrneR^ciSp a^wuSSteS 0 "* AllxoodspurehasVdofusrapalredfraeofeharge Atthaslgn of 010 BOOT, Psanhtrt* Btreat Atlanta Georgia, VtMlOu JOYCE,* 00'