The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, November 09, 1857, Image 4

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etail Dealers in ODS, Boot. am) Bho<*. Bonnet., Rib- ud Osnaburgs, Shirtings t'nllroc* Uisc ■) GOODS, in Silk. Black and Motored t. wning a large nod well selected Mark wfor CASH. P. HAYDEN * CO. A SON, LANTA, GA., «( itftk •( lltttil, Cutln«r«« l going to Herring’s >o« vautiof infornxttoo i 9 r*c*i«l lof 6y noil . UEKRING k SOX. VSITOBY, Gr I A, : CO., ges—consisting ot imlly Wagon*, Couroral Baggies. Ilurm-a*, Whips, Ac., Ac HICK War.fl.Nf. mvkky stable*. '.Vith Bnk*. to.] IUek Hatrnt COMPOUN D. A te«*t ••rUla*’ *0#a»ta4a, a 4 i^UIto r*u»*ly inr tk* Wk *u4 tVwlaal WMk«*M,*«cn b*tl ty tb* tua«l pRiinat rtiy«itiaii* la Ka«Un>l. Kn»oe*ai»U America, and U found to b» a aU.«e**rtl tnedwto* in »««h JU#***w. Thi« luasUnubloeotupouu l U*»by It* Certain e«r*iiv* pr>p*ttt*a, pnxtuend In Ibt poor •nuoated victim of Au#***, Life, Health and Joy.] II ha. u.n taUftMM in ilia M. George’s Hospital,' l oadoo, and Iks Huriuc Hospital, Xaw Yotk. l'ncaonanalng U will Ind it to ajpna wall withtlia stnnaoh. TUUraluakla (utw lu th*** parts) and laprovad moda of Preparation, iaoia ftinlfto tha •paoial notioa of Travwltrx, on aeoonnt of It* neat and compact form, thus being al. way* at baud in placa* wh*r* tha Afflicted roijht ha unable to procure th**tt*.vL»iuv ot a phyai clan, or tha otharwlaa ttquUU* ratuvlie-, ur nhera ctoo if obtalnad, tiia article* may not b<* of pur gaslit/ to n*ow*4*ry in /tf/ctlujf « Speedy and Permanent rallaf. ThU Compound U prepared with I ha purest drug* in a highly Concentrated 1 »Utc, and putup in a>ty !* of ncatucM Unsurpassed, and at anetpaa* baralv exceeding tha price which a suffering patient would b« compallod to par for a phyttician'e adrlca, »k» being {ialatabla. Another decidedly great Advnutnse it has orer other*, it that ot occupying but a trilhn •pace, it can alaay* baeoaraalently carried witbou apprehension of it* being injurad In any txunue The Patient it during the day, follows hi* ordinary »vocalion Be Bffeetiially Cured in a short time, and no on# wiser of hi* mUlortuue — Its entire fraction! from any , mercurial preparation. opium, or any other injurious drug, is * dachlaslly great adrantage to the patient, it is par tie ularly Soothing mid Healing. ihe perfectness of the preparation, it* aliutwt taste lea* form, it* pleasant mod* o( admiulstratiou. In ease aud certainty with which the cure m ellected, it* freedom from nauaea, claim far it the contiuui patronage of the public aud pra*ent to tlie uufert nate Arguments for it* u*e and preferance orer Any remedy uf the j re ent day—which muat be and are Unanswerable. .* pamphlet accompaniea tht* medicine, contaiuii full and ample direetton*. to which the attention of the patient 1* earnestly referred. 6#*l’rtc# II per Boy, or six boxr* for •(>. ONLY AGENT IN ATLANTA A. ALEXANDER DRUGGIST. Sii/n of lhe*Negro tl- Mortar, Whitehall IRE! MS MMMMHMK ft. ' ^SjESSSSL ibo*oD, Spades, £«, Cistitcal Pick?, Mattock*. *e., Manil la, Uciip and Cotfia Hope; T~v>- Chdkn.ev -H tan 4 • r -..Ocular tec . ,.oo* •**:* and we., ivi . v- ' ogle and 1 • : j i Riflw, &.r ^ * V'.ae £n- glisa and v - c i*. ’\i Twirt, Taminated 9ioV*'>i.*rel PU* loir, all kind t C> Kepeat* en, Oolt*i No.- .♦! ajI do. CUTTLBtt^, ■/ ul! kind*. Builder*/ HcJMltjj'iera* and all kind! of H^rirrare. kepi constantly on hand “ Atlanta, Dec. 11, 1856. itiiscrllau rttt, you THE COMPLETE CUHE OF CO VC, Hr COL US, ISFLVESZA, ASTHMA, RHUS- cams, spittiso of bloou, a- au OTHER LVSG COMPLAINTS TENDIN'. TO CONSUMPTION. ; ; $ f ? 7bi«cr*?aration • getting-ntou*«»UoT*r yurcoaa . try. lb# aucerou*letter* werecelvefrom osr Yarwi ki | agent*, iafonoing aaof earesedectedio theirn { ate neighbor hool*. warrant a willjbe kept(*trie*.lr>ecre! TRUTH WILL TRIUMPH. Proof—West Point Tcsiiniony War I'oist, lit, Spril 1C. 1»S«. Ur. Burrow* Druggint— On the loth of February I waain Atlanta, and caUei on you for adrtew in a ca*e of Uooorrh«va. .tnd yut gare tue aomeofyour Cotn]oun4. 1 thiuk I promise, to let you know fth* result, which i« aafollowi*— began using it aoyon directe.1 and soou found I wa- cures]. I use*] v,* pot* of the Com pound only. an- over two tuonthAhaye passed and! perceive uo re tarn of the duease, therefore I U»liey>f the cure i* n pwrmaoeut ooe though mine wa* v. long atatplmg ano sever*: 1 hare now profe-J by % trial tha: }■> tr Com jxjundis a certain, safe, and permanent cure. be,-. !^. being entirely free from' ini u nous effect* 1 fee! , great deal stronger thau before I took, the dura«e [i will give m* great pleasure to recommend it to nij friends and the public. With tay be*t resets m, -H. PILES! PILES! PILES! Thii kitktrto intractable ditto", of erery fom ami in tt<ry «fn.j<. CURED BY EXTERNAL APPLICATION ONLY. Dr. Cas-auauKh’s Pile Salve. W ILL never fall in giYtng ininiuiediafe relief, and positively curing the wor«t and most obsiinati caaeaof Hemorrhoid*or Pile*. It is the ONLY INFALLIBLE REMEDY KNOWN iat i* the result of of patient study and Investigation Suffer rhic' will i from Pile* t have ,ay. that • -are ;~*3 mm/ lioc^r » » hand »o ray nei tec the ( , r» «,|Ji •e u-.j ha»t to T.y hea-i I aad . • c,/ f !*atss* Med.cnrs. vo-1 .^*a *Ler'<;:iv r*e.;tanend your Cectric . may ^ iSftel with Rheumatic Pa a* C1NTHA -TKIFAXT i R W. A HlRRVOS- iUta '.he effect of pring ffy kme hxt . I ha*l &■/'• t^*wn able *r •• ten appji any ' tk«r ^ »f< J le«;rei C. b. PARK, Pro-ice* Broker .noi! Pianos! aCtly on iat ^t of pU»n ac : Rof*woo4 -C-.t tt entire Iron Frame, and a. rvYnt&etAowtuti wt -.5«r .r ; market p!Kc», ltd **k-i*e*' time Vi te♦* item. 4 not a£*nta itr any ri.or (*iaMi for ent $*ra »* e a^ i rappiy avee from i-ra macafor-.<* :..y, n«nt« wbi-ra ^.r- c* *t:»re •v..»bs.’. ‘,r.. mi*X ti^e PUi . we *«:J. *rc thfim >f ' * ‘ ; k .“OQJ, Bo*’ »n : Wm. Knihn 4 L- . 3a*'-.- ; Suttway k rout, 5«w \ f A*. Nemtar.. her 4 Bor.*, Biituao**. ta the latter h ** ai*o hive :.r s».< r jr infected »c i pwtette-1 OUBLE SOUNDING BOARD” *— m nprotemet-, airkt^.w^d^ed to be *te n. ,rt4tt tiat La * ere? r.eec ittrodoee<e. • tiie r^-d «crto4 band iaitrojancta for ra.-* ire. wl; ai.'-w tie blgMatprl^ for old tfr , w*pta r.veo in exchange 'or new one*. BARTH 4 NICOLAI, . W'iiiiomi' Pdraifore Store. Pta-htrae A rtA AHL+jS ~r :tr teat I 3-r-i pUv. : i '-.r w/T*:- soathi. wheti T 1 i i*wd three .f pa.3 I iu k-ie-0 »!“. £t~l AT; trr». Ga., >t. ’.4. - .4iT K HaRJllSf/N— I ai» bewn alSicted uitk fa- i" nat-r^ Xbwwaaturn fir swverai week* Ry/nota »►:» a-.'t itu>atfr‘. *t.ff 1 hvl v.' • si t -r dr**4 raya-if wlte/mt »v#lp fwr inrew , , . A ...t/ your L>etr.< «ni a *aor. tune. A DAILY COACH LEAVES MADISON' •' fkttoi/tjt KzrrpU'l, t • . o'clock P- M Arrives at HitTnDn .i . Kteoinf Leaves Eatouton, K! 6 o’clock, P M. Arrives tt Msdiaoo 11 i J W A L- L. MOORE. Run id cotinectioo with the Nifbt Trminao:. '-T.r (yeorgU Rsf! RO*d. *gt.*r 12 _ dwrtf Wince \ XT - O' r,-.a Catawba Wiaea. f-.r *a-» by A H Raklesbrlak. ' - f « a'iwTa ICV. by thw !>>/»a -> * II IfRkltsbrlak, rarrant asm savingitiaonenf tb« bw*t If aotthevtBT ac*TCough Re<lieinaaow befurethv j public. It d.’aioel int'triobly rtlitret and not uu- j fr*>jn<ntly carts tk* r«rw worvt ca*cs. When v -itherO^agh preparation* bav#failsrd. this ba* r*..e-c: the patient, a* l/r«ggi*t*.dealer tin Medicine sand Pby •ieuatean teetify A*k the agent in your nearest town, what hae been hi* experience af the elect* of thi*iaei]i<*.ine. If he ha* be«aieiliogit tut iny length of time he will tell you IT IA THE BEST MEDICN* EXTANT. Below we Jive a fe e ettractsfrom letters we hivere. ce:v».! .ately rsgar li^gthe virtue* of this wutdicinc Dr. S. S. U*.in, of Knoxville, Gs. # myi:— u l katt been using your L itrrttort and Tar very tr• ttnsictly iw eiy prartiet for fkree year* past, ami, ititteilk pltaturt tkat l flats my btlief in itt fcrexjoam ovta attorntm sarcLt* with which 1 an: acquainted for mkuk it it rtiomtnmdtd." Messr» Fitxgerald k Banner*,writing from Waynea vtiJe,N. C.,aay—“TheU erwortandfar ti becoming daily more popular in tbi* country, and *i mn ;c*i LY ao. All ieAo kasstrisd ittpsnk in commrnd ai>ls tsrmt of it, and tayitit very btnejietal it aliscxating tk* complaints for < tshick it it reaom- usndtd." . Ourageatio PickeasDutrict.S. C .lfr.H. P. ilcFaD, assure* us *MTb*-’usesit with great benefit 1 | #»a family, and recommend* it to bis neighbors. rivMan instance of a negro woman <n hie vicinity, who had been suffering with disease of the Langs foryears, atteode-i with sever* cough, who was relieved by the livervortand Tar. Bccbar* the good reports we hear of tai.-.edicine from allpartsof th#. J outh > or a report of the an pru-ng tarss it has performed la the WesUrn and Northernand KoetersStates, w# would!nvlte tb* safj STAS I) THE TEST OF Till A L, without a fear of failureon it* part, to do all-tb* pro pnetor cLim* for it. Full directions accompany each box end all that i* re - jU^ *it# is strict I y toub*»rvi> tbem. an 1 * -areisctr tain to follow. The proprietor refers to the follow;eg testimonial* from gentlemen of character and sUndiug. who Lav* voluntarily giv-n their c«rtiflc»_m 'a it* favor, in re gar>l toitsedicecy in their own Head them The following « from one of the most reliable citi sens of Chicago, tnelate Treasurer of Cook county III. Chicago. Jalr’ifi, lxfib rw. Uvaoaugh—Iwar sir : I wish hereby to inakt known to the adit.-:—1 inat I have been troubled wit! the piLe for twenty years or upwards, and at time mo*t *e»*re.y And during a recent and exce**dingly . painful atta-’A. a frien-l pri>cured a Uu of your FaIv* i anda*ked m* to give it a trial I did »o. Not, houev j er. with the etpectation of beaefitticig my disease, foj j truly. 1 h*.'. tne-1 %n many application* I had lo- JJ.TtfUf i«f?jiciUfG. Woodman’s Cherry Expectorant h the (Irent llrmfili/ u'hiek is taking the place' of u I Others. 1 .\ .i I’lMiiit r v wlu r.’ multhudcd an* annually! rairi.’.l oil l»y pulmonary it ie scarce- 1 ly urou-aary l*> »mi1avj;o Ujion «ho merits o! a KUMtJDY, which, if taken in time, will osnur*, •ally prrvout the suil iMnncijuniuu’u too often uridtuy fmm I comma, and influenza! am! the varioui THACHf AT< AND UR0N1 C1HAI. ath’ctionH that hecomo when neglecteii the PRF.OrUaOKa OF CONSUMPTION AND OF DEATH. The HftUftm quiet* the moat violent cou^h in the course of a few hours, enabling the patient who may havo been kept awake night after night by the continual recurrence ot paruxyamti to ENJOY CALM AND REFRESHING SLEEP. It <oo»ens the cough—relieves the tightness of the rhost-aml npiiily mitigates all the symp toms nitruiUnt upon an 1UHITAULE CON DITION OF THE ORGANS OF RINSPIRA TION . As a family medicine, it has already acquired s high reputation in the west, ami ought to oc cupy s place itt every farmer’s and planter's medicine chest. The following original letter was handed to us for publication; a remedy which can elicit such encomiums, must ben good one: CiALvrsroN, Tkxas, April 20, INftG. Uk. O. O. W'oohman, New Orleans; My Dear Sir:—In justice to you and a duty I owe ton sutlcring, and I may *ay, a world ol coughing people, l vl«te what your invaluable Cough Remedy—your CHERRY E.YREC TO RANT—has done for me, when all other remedies have tailed to give any relief, lu the fall of 181?, living in *St. Louis, where I have tesided most of the time for the last sixteen years, I took a severe cold which settled on my lungs, and was confined to tny bed, and dosed and b/istcred by doctors lor several weeks, but finally gut on my legs again, but not cur« J i f my hard coughing,and rattling * t -klitigin my throat, which routinuep* incessantly for more than six monP'i, always the worst tn the winter. Mv friends iusuted l h d pDUgked enough to kill a dozen common men, and that I mu»t be in the last stage of consumption. I mad-.* up my mind that I must cough my life away. I left SR Louis in December hurt, to travel and spend the wiut* m the Jouth — When I called at your store in Vicksburg, you will recollect, l was coughifiP so hard I could not make my husimv- kuo«i • \ ou said you would cure mv cough. As votl gnome a bot tle ol your CHERRY EXPECTORANT, I thought 1 would not slightyou and your medi cine so much as not to try it; and ii. thankful ness shall l ever remember the day I did so In hut a uw began to allay ami diminish my cough and tickling in my throat, and lie- fore 1 had used more than three fourth- content* of that bo’.tle I was entirely cured, ami for weeks I did not even raise a rough, thougi exjie.ied day and nignt. in all weathers, in tra veling. However, in March, while traveling in North Carolina, I took a severe odd. and my coughing commenced again,. <nd al*o the tick ling in my throat, at *nt« rvals; and before my arriving in New (Ricans, on the 11 -, imt., on some night, tny coughing would commence and continue iur an hour or two. ' soon pro- ured another I’Otile from you ^ ..* than two days I wa* entirely relieved 1 am now determined to always k. ep a i otcJe ou hand and in ;he commencing of a cough.u ve- lew small do*es will reln-vt* it eut'rely. I now fully satisfied t is tin- it/F. (NOL’CH REMEDY now kiuwnto the w.mui .nd it i; duty you owe t » the coughi: * and alHicted part ol the human family, to yut m in dv within the reach ul all. It* on be upon the toilguevof tens ol thousindsol v lu I and coughlers, hnpp in.-dv ns your l!v jo'Ctofani shoul! be br./Ught lore tlie public. I iin.dea* .-ir, respcctfolh youi.v, R. .!. U< iiDW \ RD; pf Mi. Louis, Mo. !3TFor Mb’ by .SMITH \ E'/ZARD.and Druggist* generally 18. I8. r .? di wGm TAYLOR’S \b \ W- miklog a** ot /oar 8*1 vs, I o jtt-tj-. » well asu I mwit cb**-rfail/ ui*k« xbl* *tat*ta«at, b*h*vm< it io* both to /&or*«lf »n i such a* nay tv afflict*.! with tbi* mo*’, trjrmj at 1 p*.a?ul :«•**► I .to not h*«ital« ««/ that i coui.'Lr jour pr^paratioii an tuvaluatb r.^'.v for thePi Mo*; iinc«*r*ly your*. 11. N. iiKAl.I). . NVv. 20. ISV Oljr. Boob! Books!! Books!! *brt« }rart Wa* - - T«rr;v ry, by .. Sirac rioonar of tb* R' r&or. u . V H Mayer* fy Imi Crffive, by L:euL IU *r*SA . V**4 Leave*, by Fanuj for:. rmMraoe* Leetar#*. Dr-N'-" I tali'.aJ rnfortaat:/iC fvr «•** M * I de to b«allh, by C. V Hazato .%■!, M D if# and Ministry of K*v C. Ji. Sfur/r >f* of Rat v Speorm 11 C >De. D b to*« vi AilNnt, by Mr*. M*r»h. aft rae«ve*ii ao4 for «d* by J 1 RICHARD" A CO fc. Z9, 185;. " 4*w;f M'iuduw Shade*. S|4so«iiJ Yiristy—all ecmpleta. Ja*t rt . •J and for rale, very low, by ...A Sprit 2i. F. A. A J. 6. WILLIAM| ThcConntl ha* Arrived. O ': *• \.p •* s<r b*r b*‘ r*«*iv*d. v& I a • *. * t&aa *o/ o’h*r prrw»u i* All** •a ari»*t or -war '.ff«r*4 to tbs -• -* au'. uo trAtsm ttat i *«ll Urt «a*b onl/ *6 : »t par.» nsfm Wi(M taor* gnod* Uuo I | 3 t-O-.S-l. KJ.'i I **r. .»riLiD—t Vt Mill tMCl C*ll i Awi 'sms u*'. I *«j ur* joa viB b* ‘ * •non to i«* 6kuik«t M>*m, Isp.s U Hat*, /ojrioUr*.'. Molko* v Wbiskay. Broad/. Ft* At* Crut*f> -arliv, ^ap. aod a.U on Urn onkatrUm, •ft! look at hi* f**4« sol of* yon purtbnm Via*, (<is. f *p*, • 1 aa4 tool .or *a-i fl lrl f'S r.osVooof fr** of JAM WRMUT IffMlUf* •ttL. Toall.«••*/, laTiiors.savsiora Try the Medicine!! B. W « r ■ «4 In I.moiI And a*jl*<t bo*.that coajb vbiebi* doily v**k*oi&j J oar : -o«tlt«tl*)B irritatlaf yotr throat aaff laaja a ad i avltlagoa t hot droo44iMa**.Coaaan/tios, vb«o »otoothiafa»4b«*li»4*r*a*dy easbv obtaio*d a< Ur. Ho%oro’9jroft Liv*rv*rtaad Tar. Beware of Coumurfoitomd But Imiutions! Tb# fasaio«artLl*ie*lrM4 AvnvwBoons,oa tbi *arrav*d wrap pornronndonoh bottto. rrK«ll pot >ottl*,or*ix bottlaafor 96. Hold whole ia!*aad ratailby 1CHOVIL A MEAD, lllChortraafft. bat. Coot load it. Loala.N.O. aotsAosmroa vsi.aocTMasilTam. tovboQ allor iar• aad »pytisotiaa* for Af*aelaa n««t haaddrtMad Mold ala* by A Aloxaadar, Atiaat* 0*.. J. Raatm.AtiasUOa , Blalock* Cawo/alrbura Oa. W J® oaa, PalatattoOa. . W. I Swoa, Campballtoa. r l% R Kobarla, Villa Kioa, Ho.. Hal* *, La mo tar * Co •«*>r> 3*. :l A Boyla.Ceam laj Ga E Jtoaa* at.-**. UoUm (dAwl j) BROWN’S "HOTEL, [Oppont. th» I'nwnftr O'fnt.) >i uo.v, ceonui E. E. BKOWN * E. ISAAC*, Proprirtor. 11 ¥. DE.VmE, Sap«,intciuleat. I*n 17 -'tUwl,' t: . .’.etiiins for Kverjr Lady. ..X«par(]’« Great Benefactor. tesiisifiiimioDicuiKBO] avea BIKOTHED - 1,000 Boxes Retailed Monthly. Tb* Rraafoatdr u InfolhbL for tha HnuadlaU mat vaiof rjhstrwtMM, IrrafalorU*#*, fndapna lUrl fail ag of tb* wash Loot bonbon or WhUaa, a ad *1 tha liaoMM p*w«U*r to fvnaL*. TU* ratoady has arose ia owasL cast failad ia pro- dart of tha Macaw*. I hova itsalvad nuy Isttar • of racoasiaodaLao, which all my »*I4 io tha boat r*nady *• hcr«*rsr «*a(L" ' '■* ‘ ' ' Lofwor dahiUty, palo* ia tha baad, otdo aed bach loot H OMWtttc, aaatlvaw***. ho., uooomo a(thatymptcvi whUfeattcadln*falarMaaaUroUaa Tbi* nmmty U Ki«b»r 1 Yat«* ( l*t« tnvta’jrr of Coogr* frota tb* dpnogfirli!. (11 *.)di*triet, **y* Jacksonvill*. 111., Nov. 15, I'ii.'i Dr. Tho*. II Cavaoaojb—I**r Fir : Th* pre^ar*tiou CavAHAtija • Fi!»?alv-. which /on farai*h*d, I found of jr**t *«-rnc*. prfslucmg *n -**/ and *j»«*-l/ ear* l do not b**it»t* to rocommaod it a* *n irralaabl* rem*dy for th* Ptl**. lUspactfully RICHARD YATES Tb* following from R*v B F Briatow, i« »«afaci*ot «i,mm*ndatejn in it**lf : •J*ck*onvill*,III., I»*c*inli*r 15, IIM Dr. Cavanaufb—Ieoneaiv* it to b* a duty 1 ow* th* afflicted to mat* known th* Invaluable virtue*» r*OMNlial *fBet*ney of j.-uf I'll* dafv*.’’ 1 w*« ! *«T*ral w**k* «or*I/ atQietwd with that painful and oathaom* d***4J*. th* l‘il*«. After having i-thau*t*d rnj patience in trying variou* pr**crl{dion* of phyii elan* and other* without receiving any benefit, by th> • tronf racommendatioo of your 8*1- «y my frl*u<‘ th* Hon. Richard Yat**, I wie Induced to try it. I a happy ia *ayioj »n application of your »a|v# for Ihn day* parfoctwl ao *ntir* cur*. R*«[wctfuUy /our*. B F. BRlHTOW. iacktonvil f»r.T. H. Cavanaugh—Dear 8ir ^Having for tim* heard of the eure* pertorme-l by your Pile .Salve, I recotmn*od*d it to many person« tngiveit a trial and tb*y have reported thviaaelva* to to* a* entirely cured, or fT*aUyr*U*v*ii by it Yon/*, truly, it city a few day* ago. wa* *uffeiiOf internal/ with th* pile« i mentioni cay condition to you, aaklnf your advice. You reoot moo .*d your PU# 8alv* taymj It would curt m*. tne-t it—th* effect wa* Imme-liaU, and I am now w* I tsdiev* it to be, a* it proved in my ea*e, an invalu bL rvmady, and a ear# cur* for tbatdiwa**, tb* I'll*; and *« »aeh, recommend it to other*. Tear*, truly, J. W. HAS AOS. of 8t. LouL. Uo. 43f Price 91 per box. For •*!• in Atlanta, by A Alexander, sod by druffiat* ant dealer* generally Dr. T. H CAVA.VACOH, 8ol# Proprietwr. an. n 1667. fdhwlv l 8U D»uU Mo CHEROKKK SPHiN5s WILL &&nLjK*&Er flrat da VV HapUmbar next, (if not privataly dl*p*»**d ol ,*• fora) to tb*blofc**t bidder, 3J& acre* of land, *mbr* clog tb* Cherokee Hpring* Tbi* valuable and beeu tiful place *houM ba kaowa to appreciate it* vain**— the water* are blfbly eflteacione, especially In f*mal< HJntrut JUftfCcfuf. W , ’> art*— •aw and aD ef the** eyaptowM. 1. V1LUAMM. J;«0. BHEA <L VAJAKti BAKES Will Una*, Rhea*. Co., (Soeuuortlo J. E.WiUiauu & Co.) :snr*a*L coxMuaioi mercharts, AodfutkaUrly for lk* tt Unit, MM, Utri, Tl'.ar, ttuktti, ul Tnlwu PrnAiM lUTil!;. Atiuawa kaiWip, foctlwnM,i Mar Ik* Tnat Hmn, AllMU, ttwrffo. AtUsfo, Ifot. If. M. 8prt0f* of Log lead Th* thriving vlllaf* of Rli _ L only 1 miles..and th* 8tat*» Rail Road 600 yar fli# open land 1* very fertile, including ao r*rehard4<f 16 acre* of the »o*t #*Letwl frait—each a* Aople*. Peaab**, Pear*, Plume, f.'herri**, Aprievrl* aiwl firape* sow very promising. Th* balance of tha the* i* well timbered. T«me. ot* third cash, tb* balance in en* end 2 year* with In Ureal—Tim* given to gather pre* eat crop Alao the treat of tend kaowa a* th* Uobe tract, adjoint the eprlngs, atece. containing 110 acre* — Thie L aheoAeome nod dmirabte rwAdeoee The Itn nrev*tse»U are nil good. The dveiling large, out botuee 4c , orchard, Tan Yard, and floe "fringe. 60 ot CO ear** ef open land, very fertlk— yo*«aeeioa gtveu on r before Christmas next, sale poeitiv* Alee, Iff) aeree of land, aear Riagjol ! on Taylor* etdge, fertile and net ton ,>np to eelUvaU. 6 acre* eer*d, balanae betrlly timbered. Af excellent free •o* spring oa IbL tract Terms for the two latter act*, half cash, the halaoce in M moothe. Title* It the eVrve gaorantied. The owner of eoW law de •lee in Ism Is ion* J. (*. f TOUffOM, Agent RcAgr-M, O* . Jaly ’*t. IIAT-dAwtr M. Taylor**, f <*.,. HAT AID CAP K> .HIVE, Iiimm. i larn ifotk of foahloaabfo foil llol. I, Ko. 21, Wkitaboll tumt, door to Umho A Bro.'i Jwwriry Start, hJ win koop oo bond o l.rfo .apply of Iko ooolwt -o l but ftjrbo o' lUfo tad Capa, la wkbh wo UtIM tho otfon- (I >■< of tU pokUr. Tho Ugboit ruh prUm poll for fort, Atiufo, May *.»*»• f*Awl NU PtTENT—NO HUMBUG, Hut will efTertually Curo I)j<peptia, Liver Complaint. NKRVOl’S DEBILITY, ad a majority of ilueasux arising from .t di*o :red Liver anil Stomach, such at CONSTIPATION, ACIDITY UF TUB STOMACH, Flowing of UloMi to tho Head. Fullne*. o Weight in Htomacb Heartburn, Sour Eructations, Sinkiny or FtuUeriny at the Pil of the Stomach, Hi: nil l El) Oil bIFFICVl. T II ur. ATI! IS Fluttrriwj nt th* Hart, Dull Pain in la, Hmn, Chokiuj nr Sujflcutintj Sent at tom when in a ly in'/ posture, Cold Feet and //<»»»</•, J)epress\i,. of Saints, Frightful f)rr tv>♦, and Sndilnt Flushes of Heat. Perionr, even xufferiag with Dy*pop>ia, can itbiiafety eat tho moatiniligaetihlceuhst.mcehu i take one dose of the ELLX1K after it, nnd feel no unplearantnerj whatever. Directioiiff. Take one table*poonful threo timer a day, fif teen u.inute* after each meal. The bottle must bo very thoroughly shaken be ro each ilo*e, til tho sediment is in juipen.«ion, SMITH & EZZAKD, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers, ATLANTA, GEOUL1A. Prico $2 per Dottle. Atlanta, May Vtb, 1S56 ^Messrs. Emkh A Eunrd—l do certify that 1 have beer: L: uany years uffilctod with Dy.q.ep .via, and in ltd worst formi to live, and have tried from to time, all rueh remedies us have been re. comineodod, not inly patent medicines; but tuch as were recommended by skillful Physicians, and have found none to give relief for but a short time, and was seeking to procure something f »r relief, when I was informed of Taylor* Elixir, and baring been so often disappointed in such as I had tried, I did not care to try any thing more, until through persuasion, I bought a bottle ol Taylor** Elixir, and in two dnys,' # f'.und a wonder ful change in my feelings. I continued taking, an l still improving.tii! 1 usod one bottle, this bus been more than a year, and 1 have during that time had better health than I huvo enjoyed for 15 or 20 years before. I feel iafc in rocotmnonding it as a permanent cure for that disease. May 21. JOSEPH H. MEAD. Atlanta, December 10,1856. Messrs. Smith it* Euard:—To those wbu are in tare.-ted I would state, that during the past sum mer and autumn I was teverely affected with indi geition. It continued about three montbs~md stomach felt as if It bad broken rocks in it—I ha- diarrhe**continually and was much rcdoced. A this time I heard of Taylor's Anti-Dyspeptic Bllx ir, I tried it, and received immediate relief. M food digested well and my diarrhcca reaied y once. I can but think it a vsry valuao.c emed for that difleulty ay 21 WALTER.M HATCH. Morgan, KirUputrick, A. Co. HAVING opened a new Ware room on Peach Tree .v-reet, would call the attention of tho public to thelrfttoekof Furnttnr*i«mbraclfisCibiD*-t War* In tlllt* varletle* Lhalieolevery klor! .Istuagee,/'. MattreeeeeofHprlags, Hair, Moss, Gotten andy! CATHARTIC P1L1.S O PRHAl'K by their powerful Irtfluencb on the internal viitcrn to purify tho blood and slime late it Into healthy action. Ther remove t! e ouatructiona of the stomach, bowel*, liter, and ott er organs of the body, and, by rcatoring their irregular action to health, correct, wherever they exiat, such derangements as arc the lir*t ruusr* «>f disease. An extensive trial of their virtues, by Professors, Physicians, and Pationtsjias »lumn cures of dan gerous diseases almost l«yottd Imliof, wero they not xulwLnntiattd by persons’of such ox alt ptl position and character as to forbhl the viisjiicion of untruth. Their certiti ates arc publiahttl in my American Almanac, .I’.lch the Agents below tiffined are pleased to fumiKh free to all inquiring. t!vcnea.i is frequently the aggravating cause of Piles, and tho cure of one complaint is the cure of both.^No person can feel well while under a costive habit of body. Hence it should be, as it can be, promptly relieved. Fou Dyspepsia, which ix some time* the cause of Costiveness, and always uncomfortable, take mild dotes — from one to four — to stimulate the stomach ami liver into healthy action. They will do it, and the heartburn, body bum, and soulbun i of dyspepsia fill rapidly disappear When it has gone, don’t forget what cured you. For a Foul Stomauh, or Morbid Inaction of the BotceU, which produces general depression of the spirits and bad health, take from four to eight Pills at first, and smaller do^cs afterwards, until activity and strength is restored to tho system. Fort Nervousness, Sick Headache, Nausea, Fain in the Stomach, Bach, or Side, take from four to eight pills on going to bed. If they do not oper ate sufficiently, take more tho next day until they do. These complaints will be swept out from the system.* Don’t wear these nnd their kindred dis orders because your stomach is foul. Kou Scrofula, F-hysipblan, and all Diseases of the skia, take the Fills freely and frequently, to keep the The eruptions will gener ally soon begin to dimmish and disappear. Many dreadful ulcers and sores have been nealed up by the purging and purifying effect of these Fills, and xomo disgusting diseases which seemed to saturate the whole system have completely yielded to their influence, leaving the sufferer in perferi health. Patients! your duty to society forbids that you should parade yourself arouui the world covered with pimples, blotches, ulcers, n res, and all or any of the unclean diseases of the skin, because your system want? cleansing. ' To Purify the Blood, they are the best medi cine ever discovered. They should be taken freely and frequently, and the impurities which sow tho seeds of incurable diseases will be swept out of the xystem like chaff before the wind. By this property tney do as much good in preventing sickness as uy the remarkable cures which they arc making every where. Liver Complaint, Jaundice, and all Bilious Affections arise from some derangement — either torpidity, congestion, or obstructions of th* Liver. Torpidity and congestion vitiate the bile and render it unfit for digestion. ThU is dixastroua to the health, and the constitute n Is frequently under mined by no other cause. Indigestion is tno tymp- tnm.•Obstruction uf the duct which empties the bile into the stomnch causes the bile to overflow Into tho blood. Tltis produces Jaundice, with a long and dangerous train of evils. Costiveneos, or alternately costiveness and diarrhoea, prevails. FcTeriah symptoms, languor, low spirits, weariness, restlessness, and melancholy, with sometimes in ability to sleep, and sometimes great drowsiness; sometimes there I. severe pain in the side; the skin and the white of O.»eyes become a greenish yellow; the stomach add; tha bowels sore to the touch; the whole system irritable, with & tendency to fever, which may turn to bilious fever, bilious colic, bilious diarrha*a/dyxcntcry, Ac. A Medium dose of three cr four Pill* taken at night, followed by two or three in the morning, and repeated a few days, will remove the cause of all these troubles. It is wicked to suffer inch pains when you can cure them for 25 cents. Rheumatism, 'Jour, and ail Inflammatory Fe vers are rapidly cured by the purifying effect* of these Pills upon the blood and the stimulus which thev afford to the vital principle of Life. For these and all kindred complaint* they should be taken in mild doses, to move the bowels gently', Cut freely. As e Dinner Pill, this i* both agreeable and useful. No Pill can be made more pleaaant to take, md certainly none haa been made more effectual to the purpose for which a dinner pill ia employed. PREPARED RY DR. J. C. AYER A CO., Praotioal and Analytical Ohemiftc, LOWELL, MAB8., AND BOLD BY A.Alexander, Atlanta, Oa., and Druggl rally. dec. 11,1 856. dAw4mms Hatfttt jzfalrtwfs- Dr. MoLAN’XPS “ CEI.EI1U ATHf Y E It M I FUG E Liver pills. Two the beat Preparation* of tlie Age. They are not recom mended as Universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their ‘ name pur ; ports. The Vermifuge, for expelling Worms from the human system, has also been administered with the most satisfactory results to various anim;. 1 subject to Worms. The Liver Pills, for the cure of Liver Com plaint, all Bilious De rangements, Sick Head ache, &c. Purchasers will please be particular to ask for Dr. C. McLane’s Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills, prepared by ft ftoi. Shack. CAHPKTII, Ilt OH.AC., 'T‘ Wlc«b»WHb*d#». Wrij«T*»w Curtain*,D*m».k . Morale** Paadi.Oirt *n«! T***#l«, I/ep*. *e.. A* — WIMKiW PAPEKlNfl, HOl’KK |»0, Firt-bo*r<Mo. Tli*/*tlllroo tlaut their Hbop, South r>f (Isorgin Railroad Sgho re, *n*l a’-prepared to do all klndx of woik <-oQoeelel rllh , .h*irhaelo*M.*ti#b** m*hiOff*nl-»ptlrDjyFuf tilvn. aMklaf MaUrasae*. Upbofeteriae. ko. Th*y letj. r r,onbaariMetallenart*K,a*** l aa'i mak*. up. Vi-itlee Mahogany, Wala at,aodot hei CHAIR FACTORY, ai*M*larg*dtbeiriiiaaeta«toriiif*hop*AtD«' tator »u<!e»a"*pplyMnfgaa'eoriflaalCotUgeV’halM, hflrth • •J *UBtH*'1*te*d, together with aParLjlAaof Callr/ Ware.ef theti ivain*aafa*tare,iaa«yi|'tr*~ Ity&io' • *1. • lfc4.*',.toewm*a4..'«4tariafaodffRi«lriorfiMa)*tlt<] Cott* •;^*l‘.*,fer« * ‘erto *oytoh> na 1'ru* the Frxtl. Dv^Wrt*. 6M»f Oinnbergii. J ri*TRF/!WVKO, a*4 *hall e« eelaiitty *>n l.emt atarg* lot *f Oeaaaerge, from the Ain**. M«Nuf*e terlog C« , t> b* #t totUtj prime. WDM V. IDM^Vfen OicfftKder Olfte* Hall, Whitehall at, AUanU, Oa . EUREKA OIL, The Greatest Discovery of the Age. From the ColumbuaNun. i nrw remedy recently introduced to the public, i- htartling our community by the wonderful cures that are being effected by it* uw It has been tried incaae* of the most vio lent cholic, on sore breast*, cracked nipple*, tet ters, eruption*o'*th« skin, ulcer*, *ore leg*, ul cerated sore* of long standing, sprains and bruit e.-*, in every instance where we haye htard of it* being used it lias proved to be a sure and speedy remedy. To its former high character, i* now addedthat of the destroyer of the hot in that val uable animal, the horn* Who would be with out so good a .Samaritan for the ailment* ot mar and beaut, as tbe Eurrka Oil. It can be bad in this city at the store of A- K Ayer, nnd .it the drug store of Dantorth. Nagel Ai Co. If is a discovery of southern origin, and ix manu facture I ami sold at wholesale by (r. W. Croalt k I’.ti, at the city of Atlanta, fla. Head the following nolo nddrrtsed to us yesterday : CoLL’MBiB, is A., July 21,1857, ! think it my duly to inform tho public thro’ your valuable paper, of a most remarkable cure which was rfleeted on a horxc of Mr*. King's, which was taken in Broad street, and pronoun- cud by knowing ones to lie hopelessly affected with the Bolt*. I administered Eureka oil, and in a very short time the horse wa* entirely ro- loived, to tho astonishment of a crowd of spec tatnrs, merchants, countrymen and others, who had been attracted to the apot by the agonies of the animal. By giving thia a place in your col umns, you will confer a great favor on man and heart- CHARLES V. SMITH. Afflicted pencil I culled to see a Lady from Alabama, who Mad come to Atlanta on a visit. When I en tered tho room, I found her sitting in • chair with the glanda of her neck so much swollen nnd inflamed, that she could not turn her brad to the right or left, to speak so as to be heard neroa* tha room. I prevailed with her to try Eu* r ka Oil. She consented, and commenced by rubbing it well on the throat, and gargling fre quently, and to rny great astoniahment, in threo day* *he pronounced herself effectually cured, and left for Alabama with a good supply of the justly celebrated Eureka Oil. Sold only by S.J. SHACKLEFORD, Solo rig’L Try.It, Everybody! A Lady in this city who wan awfully afflicted wiili Inflammatory rheumatism from the bottom of the left fool up the same limb side, both shoul ders. and down the arm to the ends ol heaffn g< r*. Could not walk, hut lay in bqd tormented wi th the mo*t excruciating pain day and nigh*. I recommended tp r to try the Eurekt Oil. She readily agreed to do an and commenced rubbing it <*u the surface three or four limra 4 day, and in aIkiui five days she was entirely relieved of inflammation and paiu. I was an aye witneae of the wonderful ctlrets of this oil. end affirm the above u. be substantially true. S. J. SHACKLEFORD, Agent. August II, IHA7 dtf SLOAN & 0ATMAN omtu IN Italian, Egyptian fc American. AND EA8TTENNKS8EEMAKUIK TOMBS, UBNS Si VASES, Marble Mantles AMD .FurulBtilua iW.rrbir. AllorJ.r. proapllj'.llM. *t.n room oppotlfo OwrgU Kmllrnd I> pot, Atliafo, 0*. Mum t llli-dwl lyu/mirtuj sole proprietors, Pitts burgh, Pa., and take no other, as there are various other preparations now- before the public, pur porting to be Vermifuge and Liver Pills. Al! others, in comparison with Dr. McLanf.’s, art- worthless. TheGENUiNF.McLane’s Vermifuge and Liver Pills can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores. FLEMING BRO’S, 60 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Sole Proprietor!,. Solti by|-*mith 4 Kttard, Atlanta, Ga. I* A. Alexander, ** “ !• J. V. Woodbury. " ’ •• Win. Root, Mariett, “ 4 K. C. Kllington 4 Sou, Joueaborn W. 4 L*. Bennett, Fayetteville •• r- “ J. KoxM'Ur, Decatur, “ H. Li. Griffin, Palmetto, W. B. Str*n, Campellton K. N. Kuseil), Villa Klee, Camp 4 Chrixtlan, Fairburu, Htiilfwell 4 Brown, McDonough “ “ J. M. 1^*4 Co., Stone Mountain New and Important Discovery in the Science of Medicine P ATENT OFFICE SEAL (JS GREAT Uritimn, lliplomc t!r I'harmacip Pharma- cicn dr Pari., anti Imperial Coll.g. of Merit- cine, Vienna. Sold wliolesale ami rolail In Dr. H. A. BARROW, member uf the Imperiu 1 College of Vienm, and Royal ChdlfRe ofSur *eon«, London, who may lie pennnally consul ted at hi. re.idence, 157 Prince .treat, Terr block, we.t of Broadway, N. V. from 11 a. m. till 3 p. m. and from 4 till 8 p. m. Sunday. e\ copied, un!e« by appointment. TrlCHcmar No. 1. I. a remedy for Relaxation, Spermatorrhaa, and all tho diitrc.iing conaequencee nri.inif from early ahune, indiscriminate too lonn resilience in hotdimatea. It haa reatored boil, ily and sexual itrength and vigor to thouund. who aro now in tho enjoyment of health and the funetioua of manhood; and whatever may be tbe cause or disqualifications for marriage, they aro efiectually subdued. Tricacnmr No. 2, complefoly and ontireljr cradicatca all trace, of (iononhnxij»jlh in ita mild and nnd aggravated forma. GlcoU, ilricturia. Irritation of tke Blad dcr. Non-retention of Urine, Pain, of tho Lion, anil Kidneys, and thin, disorder, for which llopaivi and Uubcbs havo n long been thought an antidoto' Trlcscniar No. 3, it the great continenl'al remedy for Syphilis and Sec ndary Symptoms. It also constitutes a certain cur. for Scurvy, Scrofula, nnd all (,'ti- ■vneons Eruption., removing .nd expelling in i. course all impurities from th. virus stream, to as allogetherto eradicate tho viruaof disease and expel it by insensible perspiration through th. medium of the pore* of the akin and urine. It is a never foiling medy for that class ol diaordcra which Engliah Physicians treat with Mercury, to the inevitable destruction of the pa tients constitution, end which all the Barsapar- rilla in the world cannot removs. TRIESEMAR No-|l, 2, and 3, are prepared in the form of lounges, devoid of taste or smell and can b« carried in the tvaiscoat pocket. Hold in tin cases, tnd divided in separate dotes as administend by Valpeau.Lallaman.Xoux. Ri- cord, Ac, Ac- Price *1 each,or cases in one for $9, which saves *3, and in $27 cates, whereby there is e saving of $0, None are genuine unlesa the Engravings of tbe Beils of the Patent Office of England, the 8eali of the Eeole de Pbaracie de Puis, end the Imperial Collage of Vienna, an affixed upon each wrapper, and around eaehcaae. Imita tions are liable to tho levenat penalities of the law. i Special arrangement, enable Dr. Barrow to forward immediately, on receiving a remittance the $9 and larger tat cases of Prieaemar Free of carriage, to any part of. the world, securely packed and properly addreaaed, thus ensuring genuine European preparations and pfofoctins tha public from spurious and pernicious imital lions. Attendance and consultation from 12 a. nV. tilt 2 p. m. and from 4 till 8 in tha draping, tb Prince Bluet, a fow blocks west of Broadway NraWj^^ndllWdiwI; DESIRABLE CITY BEfllDBXOB't FOR BADE! v TUX undersigned offers for sale a deri vable nOUSR and LOT, on Kartells Street. Tbe IIoase la built af brisk, and j i four rooms on the first itory, and four above together with a large lining room ia tba baatnaul, and also a large cellar and servant, room. Tbe Host* baa all tke modem eonvinltu- get about Ik There la a fin* well of water on the lok Possession given Immediately. Par partlenlen apply to tho inbeerlbor on tba i— Augustlfl, 1S17, J. c. Will i m contain* To Painter*. In n fow dnys wo wlllbe lu receipt ef 13,1001 St para White Lead—which « rillMmui, i< in fall wefokl and fart. All kinds of Colon; td palmer's Ursibfi of every vertoty. Also, ter vley ef a taar qualify than hare orer baton ha hept la this market. MUXB A XZXABD.