The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, November 12, 1857, Image 3

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sp»d>yowo—■ Dr H’Une'i Celebrated Ver mifuge MTAeloiuUr combination, bat very effketnnl, oe th* following »1U alio* te _ Hair Toll, I*”""''"®. ,,M ' knowing, from aapartaaaa, tb* tnloablt qaamte* •IDe. ITUeWt amt Liter PM, prepared hr Iteming (ton,. Pltnbuigh, l bat* for aoina tu»» book tomW*r*4« my doty, nn4 »nd* it bj bonaaM, to naka tboM ortieleo known whom,or I wont amoni toy frlaada. A .bo.t tiara a*o I baaa»a with tb. .... of a jiao, girl, .bo ...«<* '» *•"">»; M with worm, and Ilfor aocptolot at tba and bad ba.n .altering for .onto IwomohUu. Through „ Mtra«atoa aba ona bol.l, .1 ft. oa. b« Of Uen PM which oho took aaaordlag to alraotloaa. Tba ra.alt wat. ih.pi.'tl a largaqoaoUtyofworma, and think. U.UM boa mot. ol tb. nil. -I" ".tor. bar to par- (bat kaalth. Bn n»mo ** il ran ba l.orn.d b^ailllag on E. L.Tb.all, Drogglrt, ootnar of ftutg.r aadUoaroaatiaata. ' . „ — p.fahaaan will ba aarafnl to uk for Dr L[fi!iuP3 0tLSBRATED VViUirOOE iunfioturadhy Floating Broa., of PltUburgb 5? j55 othar Varmlfuga. in oompariaoii aia WMtbiM.. Dr. M'Lnnre g.nulna Llrar PUD, »lao hi. ealabratod Varmlfuga can now ba bad At all raopnoteblt drug itorai. Arne genuine • " S PLUMING BROS. Bank of Fulton. ati.anta, OA., / OoT-'hin 16th 1857. S I N .law of tba grneral iu«r»n.icn if I hartly or unadfiaadly. but haa. W.U aon.lfl jL wn hnt#» »k*n. Wa believe tto inter.rtof our citiaat • require it, ami Ural they W To BUI bolder, wa remark, do not tell th, note, at A aaerifice, a. w. are *b • topev all our liahililiea, "hich .hall bo done u .Mn a. the intareat of the community .hall ' w > uU,lL Director.; A. W. STONE, E W. HOLLAND. JARED IRWIN WHITAKER. WM. EZZARD. eetICdwtf aTcard: Jfusrt. Duncan & Iroehrane:-We will Uhe tha Bill, of tho Bank of Fulton mid giro goad* at tha loweat omh pricoi. October 16th, 185”. (fatting White A Co F lljj Dodd J A A* H Wallace H W Court Bolth A Franklin Harri.on A Boreet T Doonan Brady A Solomon Of ForaacraAgtuawnn Bint A Jock Cualn A Benton SKfifl.UlipSr«*p.'»*«l InapplIwUoA,.apdM, abup m to place It wltbia tk. ran eh of Ike pooraO. ariik aoeb aa otrny of aeUaaaa aa to tba nataaa .bleb baa attandad Dr. Caraaaugk’a Iraatmaat af tba dlaaaaa aUudad ta aa baa hmu broogkt to ear' know!- SStesWHHtlSSr^ For ilia In thli ally by A. ALBXAgPBR. Stffimfc'aij) Stars. Weekly XT. State# Kell line. rpBt lawaad .flaadld^da-wbaalataacnablp. 1 AUOOBIA ltOOtoai, " M.«. Woopxpu FLORIDA. H00 ton., Uaao Cao*“- dl,ABA If A, 1100 too., " O.R. Bcoaca, Wilt JLonvo ItfAUAk Frrry SATOHDA1, ,«a tb.oaa.t,aa* iti’peuedlntpeed.iftfetyer *o® fort—making thafr pMuitila 10 to 50 hoars, and »ro eo»®nnd*d by ikUlfuLenrefulandpollUoffleara. Ttoyofer*no** laalrableeonvajaneato Haw Tori. Cabin Paaaaf* to Naw York., wU RUaraiapaaaafote Now fork/ .W PlDLKVORu.FAY h CO., AfantainHavannah BAM’L M1TOTKLL,1*Broadway,Now York, tfaraonah Pabmarj 6,1860. ibla Panaga from Oh arloiton |o How Tor $25,00. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE l.w Tork db CbarU.ton Itaam Pickai Through In 48 to 58 Houri. The. J Union. Jackaon A Bro W Ranlng A Bon P Haydan A Co A Marauder Q to H Daniel B Brawn W W Rotrk A. Heraehberg, Wm. H. Jonee, J A J Lyneb, CUrke k Orubb, I, J. Parr, Agent, Joieph Thompson, Q. Gilbert, Atlanta,'November i?. ies7. LATEST NEWS. CAPITAL PKIZB $60,0001! TICKETS ONLY $10!! rttMc '•Uevlnc fcNaif will to drawn by S. SWA* I k CO., Naaaaora of tto Fort 0aln« Aaado»f Ut- tary, la aaek ef taalr Lellarlai far Baaaartaa, M«, at ACUUHta. 0*cr.La, ta wblab ally thay ba.a ra- b»t»4 iLwtr prlacipal tflea. Class 01, Ta ba d/ana la tba ally of AagiatA, On., ta ynb. lia aa •AIVBDAT, lOTdf.lteW Class 62, To ba drawn la tha City of AagniU, Ooergia, 11 pablie, oa AATDBDAT.WOT. t«, ItW Class 63, To ba drawn In tha City of Aagnata, Uaorgia, in pnhiie, on • ATt;Ul>A.Y, NOV. Slat, ,1 «»7a Class 64, To ba drawn in tba City of AnguaU, Oaorg-a. in poblie, on lATl'ODAY, MOV. *«lb, »i»T On tile Plan ot ‘ i SINGLE NUMBERS 11 0.4 00 pritori- Noilr oo* trite U otory »«• “itfUrflci-Bi'robotMl^fo to drown oa ooeh UBomlwWeekly.i Tna naw itaamlblp COLOlfBU, 1100 Tona-k. liar- tj Conmondor. ,/AdUYIl L£ llOOton., | JAMES ADUgR, 1.S0 lee, TDEwan.Ooaimandar | B. C. Tamar Coiaiean’r IfARlOH, MOOtoaa, I BOCTBERVER, loot ton. W. Fo.tar Command,r. | T. If. Mnrrty. Ceaim’r. L.aT.Adg.r , .wb.r»*..T.ry Wcdne.d.y A Saturday: aft.rth. arrlT.I.f tba Mr. from tba Soatb A Wart “othlfb wntor." Ttllee aoppllod wltborory laxory—ottontife *ed cootlooi eootnondori, will *n*ufoTroT«ll*ri bj tbii {.la* *r*rr baMibltoot&fortnndooeomtoodttioc. apply to • HENRY UMSROON Corner of Sait Bay k Adfar'i South Wharf, JJooUfi fee. J N Ryan A Myers Love it MoLendon I) Mayer B Frank ford Miller k Andrews II Braumui'.cr J L> Lockhart II Mahler,brink Ph. Schluchlorerp F. II. Coleman, Perinc Brown, Agrnt, .Malone k Johcion, J. K. Bartlett, Clark Uowellg* J. S. Morton, Columbus, J. 0.’ Simms k Co.', JfcrehanU, Newnao, tia. Immel k Conoingham, John S. Wright, Tomlinson * Barrel, Huonieatt k SUvey, John Ficken, C. H. Strong k Co-, Williams, Uhea k Cw. Smith k Kznrd, Lataron k Newirar., J. Norcrofs, V. Lynch, Samuel Swan St Co., ATLANTA GEORGIA BANE.BRS. And Dcalcn in Gold, Silver, Dank Note! and DomulU Exchange. Demand Exchange on New Vork, New Or |a\n., Hi. Loui., Charlealon. and e l .oiniitn tha United Sutee. UnourreM Bank Noua end Specie bonght and .old. Collrctinn. m.da atarywhere and prx.rd. rera'tied h, Bight Draft on New York or New Orleen., on diy ofpeytnent, iAMB.o eWAX oio- f- »w. At'ente, July lh.BflW L BAHK OP FULTON. Exchouge Office of F. C. Bf.rbcr. The note! of the Bank of Fulton .re redeemed at tbla offlee by Bight. Bxehange on New kora, at oni-qnaiter per cent premium, or bankable fond, or cola at ona-qoartar^er cent dDc,,ooL Bxehaage Brakar, Mclalo.h St. Augurta, Oa. -mm ©p iFyiLT©^. A. W. BTONK,, WM. M. WILLIAMS,Cathitr. DIKBCtORt. Bov. W. Hoilaud, I A. Aoitein, Hox. Wu. Biiaeo, | A.W.Sio;a- Board 0/Director! meet erery Wedneiday end Saturday at 9 o'clock, A. M. Offerin', Daye, Toeeday. and Fridnyi. Diaccent Dae 1, Wedooidnji and Satordayi. Bark open, aeily, from *, A. M. to 3. P. M. ■ WM. M. WILLIAMS, Cu.Ai'r. Office of the Gate-City Rolling Milii I.. A. DOUGLAS. Prop. ATLANTA, OA..Oct. l«in, 1857. THE BU'eoflha BANK of FULTON, 0 \ Will U reeei.ed at thia office, at par, in pay ment for bill* ni otberwiee. L' A. DOUTLAH. fraud in orery ehape ebould be ox< poatd. We are led to thia remnrk by a no- tioe going the round of the papora, warning the poblio againit a bun imposition in the ahape of & file imiution oflhB«;y popu lar medldnet, Dr. hTLane't Vermifuge and Liter Pillt. Fleming Broa. Pillaburgh, Ftt are the sole proprietor! and manufectnrere of theiejuitly celebrated romedios. We would ad?Ue oor reader* before purebaaieg, to ex amine the wtopper* and *** that they are •igoed FLEMING BROS. Eu reha OH lorunoilV in llorscii On Saturday laat a miila, tb. pr Jahn W. Kwjeom,of Ro.hU county, Alabama waa riolenlly attacked with eholie In the .Ural la Uolumbui.wu rary much .wollcn.and from all appearance cobU lira bu' a ahart lima un- laaa rwaaed. Two ounce, liquid meaaute, ol Eureka Oil waa adminiatarad and In firs min. , otea ralief waa pereaptibU, and in twenty roin U laa the animal wu entirely relliTad. This naw and valuable mixture i. centinly great arquiaition to tha Hat of remedia, hare- tofora bafute the public, which, in addition to tha many iwliofa it haa giren man, ia now found t» ha inralnahla for the hone, in tba cure of but* and chnlle, and the ramorai ol gatalaa and natal (alia- We hate done our duty io epreeding ita good qualilic before tba public Cal) m Danfoitb, Nagal ft Ua, or A. K, dye. end procure the neter Itillog i emedy,—O 1 !, Bun, Auguet II, lMf Books! Books!! Books!!! S OROIIO and Imp«w—th« nsw 8a^ Canos, by Olrott. Mwps 8id«, by lbs aether of Alon*. Appletou's Illustratsd Hand Book of American travel. Thr«e yon^* li>*IVft«b«igton T«rritory,Jby5 Jas. <i. flwan. .Prisoner of the Border, by P. H. Meyers. Last Crtti«e, by Lieet. Habersham.* f rtih Leaves, by Fanny Forn. Temporanre Leomres, Dr. Nott. 2 Medical Information for the Million, or lrae Guide to ho«lth, by C. D. Hatnmond, M. L>. , Life and J/ini.stry of Rev. C. II. Spurgeon. Lifo of R«v. Spoacor II. Cone, D. D. R-jse of Ashurit, by Mrs. Marsh. Just received and fur sale by J. J. RICHARDS k CO. cct. 30, 1867. dawtf. . llooks! Books!! Ethel Somers, or the Pate of the Union, by^a Southerner. Bpergeon’s Life and Ministry. The Profeasor—by tho author of Jane Ryie. Virginia Illustrated—by Porto Crayon. Schooldays at Rugby—by an old boy. Married or Single—by C M Sedgwick. Boat Lifo in Kgypt and Nubia, and Tent Life in the Holy land—r*y the author of Primes Travels. The Dead Secret. Nothing New—by the author of John Halifax. Portune ol Glencore—by Chas Lever. The Magio Stall an autobiography of A J Da The Hunger-Hob of New York. New Toxic, Not, 10. The hunger mob congregated Ihie morn ing in ibe Park, to the number of twtuty thoueoDd. Inflammatory epeeohfi werede- IWored, and a i lot atcemplftl, which w«s promptly euppreeied by the polico. Io the Afternoon about fifteen hundred soldiers entered tbo Park. No further outs break baa been attempted. Tho corporate autborilie* har. appropri ated two hundred and fifty thousand dolluis to carry on the public improvements, nod thereby fuinUh employment lur thousands of the poor whose wan.a unforiiiuuteiy in- doce them to join in the movements of the hunger mob. Charleston Market. CuxKLKaTOX, Nor. 1(1— K M. Sales of cotton to day 1.000 Imlns, 1,400 of which were sold from 12 7-b i , la cents. Prices. Columbus Market Cou-xots, Nor. 10— ft. M. The offering stock of Cotton i. my i ght, and the market firm. Strict Middling 11 3-d a 11 1-2 cents. Mobile Market Mobile, Not. 10. Seles ul coltou for three' 7.200 bnk-s. k Ail qualitieo have considerably advanced — ■ iii"’K!,ay^"xoVaaetlq. Middling quoted at 12 u 12 1-4. Sales to-day 2,000 bale, at li m | i- e , New Orleans Market. New Oklcexs. Nr r. 10. Sales of Colton lor post tor > days l’J.eOO bales. Middling firm, at 12 c.;;itj- Siir- lir.g Exchange improved, and Xeiv York bight one per cent, discount. New York Market. New Yobk, Ncv. 10. The cotton market is firm, with sales ol , 700 hales. UplanJs 12J t -13 c-r.'.“. Fiuiir, < and wheat firm. Corn buoyant. Other or- v cles unchanged Augusta Market. Augusta, Not 11- Cotton—AII offering has been sold s', prices about i better than yesterday. Bostox, Nov, 7—The money market clo ses very bright, and the feeling is one of greater ease and buoyancy. Choice paper] ( 7 is rat- d at 12 per cent, but there is very lit- { lie of it offering. The stocks have further accession to their specie reserve during the , »- week, as will be shown by their next re-! c~V turn. tin Wasiiinoton, Nov. 6-The WnrDcpirt. i twk. <tr.. m^nt has received diapaiches confirmatory VJ-. : Vsrn iv.te. •.'a of the previous reports that the Mormons . .v,V$f.Jodo r*u* : t* are bent on resistance to the United States , troops. The appointment of the army aui if tick Jl’ST OPENED AND READY FOR SALE M V BUPPI.V OP HPRIKu aonD? now romplnu, and 1 would raepoct inviu tba pwMia to call and at nr* tna tko Bonldoo my fiood stock of Hardware, Groceries, < I btvt on bond wim atUction* ot DRY GOOD Cooniatilig ol Muslins, In onenti,. beautiful and good. And a largo Hu* MantUlettes and Manti A good aaaartment af ■mm «3» air m> maz ok FashlonaMa and FraUy; Hats and Shoe Serviceable and good looking ; DOMESTICS, CALICOES, Aod every other article, almoet, io my lioao. basinets. Io abort, my stock in nod aod fall nod tbe price* will be m low in Uviogwill af ford. The Ladies in partiealarly invited to give me a call. H. W. COZABT. More Stw Hooka! Irvinjf’i Life of H*Mbington, voL 4—c!o*ing s military career. Lite of Charlotte Bronte, author of Jane Byre Dynevor Terrace, bj the author of the Heir ol Redclyffe. The Heireu of Greenhunt, by Mrj. Ann S. tephtnf. Currer Luulge Reeder. Grace Freetmn, by Mrs. Ford. Cannibals All! or Slaves without Masteri, by lorgo Fitxb'dgh, Carolino Va. lertnaay, it* Uuivenltiei, Theology and Rell* n, by Schaff. Tbiugi not generally known. Dre«i Scott case—complete. Tho American Form Bwk, by Tate and Sa-.da. Oodey'i Lady’s Book for July. Just received by J. J. RICHARDS k CO. June 20;h. 1567. Paper Hangings! _ and bnnntlfulas.orlmelitnf wall-pnpnr,, .hade, and Src-icrMni, jait recited aod for >nlt the Book A Music Store of May I. J. J. KICHARIIS ft CO. " Electric Oil."—The operation of this Oil rsmovlog rheumntlo palai and other ills, li Indeed aiwniihtug. Like every good srtinU, It bu Uh eoooterfell, nolirnly ueeleu; but tha pnpa- raUn of Prof. D* Orath. of Phlladnlpbk, hu ra enlrvd tullaenlals from CoograHman, Meyer. * cities, j/erchnnts, Hotel Proprietors, nil or the Ughsilekaneter, attsetlag it* bsneieml effecO in mtu under their own observation- It eaa be tad of tho agnate btn. ee* ndvertlramenl in *o- dwtf. **l to, mr. No Mistake I WnodnSnsd ne’e Csunrt Bugglee net ru enpeitor tssa, ether Bngg, no» In on.- T-, •HI nerse bay nay *Uer etytn nf Buggy They V ‘nrgs .tcet ef them an hud at taelr Repository, .-Bn,Outfit. MT JlBnt . the pm- WE are authorised la uuooonce name of B. 8. lOBNHON as an indepei deal ctitdidau forBkerlff of Oobb County, at the tawting eloctioc, lit Monday in ftnuaty I Rost. MANY VOTERS. kT^H I /MiEt: .evo.'nv 7».oo0 1.600 . 1,600 1,000 APPROXIMATION FBIZK1 4 rrt<*» Of .*400 tpproxMDitlBf to tep.ow ar* 1.J00 A ftoQ M,U» “ 1^00 ; Wi i».c«o *• »$• fjJ T.000 ♦* 6W 1M 6,000 a - *6 •* 8.650 L.j l.M* J? ftf. I ICC ,0V) & 4p0 »M**s *raocn:!«i( U MXO.WC A hole Tickets 810: Halve* 81\ Qiiurtern 82.50. Plan ot the JUotterF .. The yeast.,• fron. 1 to M.tWO, eo,,..j*adlnf *lih l Ns.ab.ri -v ttie T sl.l. pnat*d o» H,.nli Ridp» Of p*p«: •ccire’.** 4 . with «*aU tl* »*to« »sl TV' mt prii«,*lmJUr:y. prints a»4 §m!ink pna-.ri In RDC'.tt: wh**l '■i* wh**' o:t*4. 88<lR68wtorU4r»w» „ w— . xc* oifcvr wbvtl Th* Nats tor A«a cat Lrtu.e-'i am*. *ih!b:t*4 tc th* i r*2'<t«r*J t/ p* C>38iiniMion*ri .»?wl RfUMtvb* Nan tor drawn. ThU Mi*»v*dKav.l *11 tb* Pr1*to *r* draw* pr*e*to- hCk* dr*' - >d to th* 3t X F.r*x*iaf!t ifT.etotNc li:k tho** l;ct*U aa*k*r*d II. , _ ul **ch to *fiUlM vc %V)> . th*$26,000 PrU* tbo** 1iek*t« al ’ , , I nnm~H*r#d 146 6-i ifcl will **tb to •Btitlwl 10 tho genera! preparations are such that no JJS“"dwt'aM' rdii* fears are entertained as to the result, ; s.iSooi’m Leonora D’oreo—hy OPR James. The Atbelirsge—by Mre Otiphnnt. Aug 17 J J RICHARDS ft CC puintmcnl of Don .Napoleon Escalan'e fpe-1 eial Minister to Wasningtcn, un the 'Iran- ! sit route question. It is said she wishes to ! secure its enjoyment to the whole world j under the protection of the great commer cial powers. Nicaragua Transit Route. fVaihington .Vor. 0. —Tho government of Costa Rica has 6eot a special envoy to this city to treat on the subject of the Nicsraqua transit route. Movement* of Sen. Walker. Acie Fork, Aor. 9.—The Poet of to-dey, slates tlist Gen Walker will sail from New Orleans du-ing the ; resent wrek, iu a fine etcamer, wi.h a largo number ni •■migrants, au abundance ol provi-ios s and ammunition, and with all the mc- -Anry i- quipments for his sucer ssful landing and ef fective operations in Nicaragua. I ol. Duncan, of the army. i. in command of the artillery train. The Hunger-Mob of New York. A'eio York, Aoc. 9.—The hungM-mob of this city have threatened to drag Maji-r Wood from bis office, units? soi" rclirt is niendid to them; and they al-o threaten to take possession of tbo Sub-Treasury. Savannah Market. Savannah, Aov. 9.—Saies f co't-'t; 652 bales; the principal sales at l'2j ce.t.— There ie a good demand, end the made' firm. RUNAWAY. From thnuodvrsigood ia Jaauary 1U7, ray b-y 801., hn is about li yearn cf eg* wight aod elegantly fbisad to a negro dirk smooth skin, prominent cym end Urge white tnnih. H* i» pnenitsg l',rough tbs «/fss-tra voder forgnd permiu, ssd the ns turned name of JACK I undents ssd io A Pent*, when kt ban bean publicly employ ed forth* last I* months. He ia prabnhfy aaw in thn neighborhood cf Atlanta. M oa tha Bute Raid above. FIFTY DOLLARS Howard hs&nd f r his apprehension and ncah addstional eom- poonatioa will ha gieeo ta tb* treubln of hit cnpli a mny requiro. If be has beta btihsrad by toy owe, tad preof te eonvictstn af th* fad is produced, th* pmaa giving iasormatiaa will b* rewarded tad natasfiod far hb troahi* t* th* extent sod enlu* of the segra A. P. POWERS. •can. iulv Wwtf fi UOMAS F. LOWE.—GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Par tb pure bis* end sal* nf all kinds ol redoes Orerorint aid Merehindit, will pay particu lar mention so the rutcia x of Pleiuaon end Fem'ly euppliea- cr All orders promptly aod faithfully at tendeu to. Office on Booth rid* of Whitehall slraot, thrse doors sent of MitohoU. artlAdwtf Whi. A. 611 (few _ LOCKHART'S. Being detenuinfNi to redoeo my Steel of f AU k WINTER B8Y GOODS, Before going North, I propose ts seiJ xriy articles in mj line at 10 per cent, on cost, for Cmu. J. D. LOCKHART. Atlanta, November 7.18oT. d&wtf “ Bank of Fulton. e time ... • - J will s« S,*.rmsn«l by .. ,, ' s-jr. (.(tu, Nna: ,r th»'.dr»»> th. *N,«» FrlM — Washington, Nov. 9,—(,osta Rica has ; rfr.nkp!.. sr tb- ■zv.'xe ar.*icj it. xoo.ooe .“n officially advisrd our govcr.iu cut of the ap- : .si. mtb No. t, tn..nnUtbnTiek*u vbsr# tbenna 1 ---••■ -.. ‘ • „• ,-j, n 1 vlllb- sntilMto *U. If tbn Neater •ni. y'ss* No. 3, then nlitb. tUk.t. »h.r« th. Nsue SK.od.ia J*i!lS>«.a'.!tl.d to I'M ted so on to C Crliite'-r. o' ; .».(« vtll b. said nt tbs foUoetnj nt»i wUcJi l* it* r'.ik . C*rUflo*t*of ?Mk*f«of 10 Whcl*TUtoM 980 • •* ,lOH*lf ‘ .... 4, I |10 Q i*rUr 1 • lOUfhlh •• A ordering Ticketi or Certificatet, Bnelote your money to our address lor tht Ticket, ordered, on receipt ef whieh they will be fcrw&rd*d hj ffrit siaU. Tb» Li»t of Drawn Namtori and Priwi wiil to i*at ioparch««ri immediately after the dnwinf. i*^Purcb**eri will pleue wr.U their li^nn* tar-» j lnin, and give their Poit Oflto, Couaty and 8late. 9A.R«meiBtor that every Drift if drawn, and payable in fall without deduction. New Book Sc, Music Store, J. RICHARDS k CO., keep a Wholesale and Retail cheap caib, Book, Music Fancy Store, on WhitehalUtrcet, Atlanta, Qa. fefc. Orderi per mail promptly attended to. Katablished Nor. 1,1856. dwly Harper’s Weekly, ‘ TIIK IiBST! THE CHEAPEST! Specimen copies of the above excellent.Pape be toen at our Book a Musie store, where we receive and forward sabieribeni name*. pAril 8. J J. RICHARDS, k Co. Landroth's New Crop, 18*6 A V.'VnV'-'JTsI/'C; r v,-w nCNV-U 0 /. . - The public generally, and the Lauiv* especial Iv, are invited to call and examine the variety of Sec«l, a* the subscriber is ready at all timae to exhibit hi* stock if Seeds—ai wall as the new styles of Furniture. T. W. W KST ^feifoed Store at the new Furniture d- Messrs. F. A. k J. S. William* Peachtree. Now Route to the South-YVett g«B! Rssnpbl, ft Chet Oannestlng Obstuioog*. Tenn.| Cbnrleaton, S, •!.l Savunnh, Un.; tad *0. Natlh-Knetern Cities, with Memphis, Teas. #-Tbo lest eouneellag Link of Rail-Roed between New York ted the Mississippi River! This Hoed Is now completed, end opened for the regular transportation ol Fni.ougari and Freight, end will afford more expedition and leu expense, the* »ny other route between the North East and South-Wait. Pmongers nod if ’ will "tnke lot notion thereof, nod govern selTMOCCordingly." Pusenger Train, lure Stevenson daily tt II o’elook.A. M„ (after the arrival af ton train Irom Chntteuoogn and Nuhelllt,) nod arrive el Memphis seine any tt f, P, M., connecting with ___.AH Prise, of 11,000 end under, psid lm- meiielely after the drawing—other Prim* nt th, ajuel time of JO day,, in full wlthont dednoklnn. All fommaniratioo, atnetiy confidential. Order, for TieksU should t, mat in early. t Urret drier, brTlek.l, or CertrSestss, Is 8. SWAN ft Co., Auguste. Go. >Vlio Wauts Money ? jfiESn. $ 6 0,0 0 0 May lie obtained by risking |10. Halves nud Quarter Ticket* IN PROPORTION. a&siPBiB 'iBOTrarf - ACADEMY LOTTERY, fiy Authority of t\e State of Georgia. On the llavaua Plan of Single Numbers. 30,000 TICKETS. 3.'2sO Prizes, amounting to|2I5,2G0. D. B. PLUMB & CO., BROAD STREET, AUG ST A, OA WHOLMALIAW>l«rAXLD*AL*R8 IB Drags, Medicine*, und Chemicals, DYE WOODS b. DYE STUFF8, Oils. Poiau and Paictets’ Aitidan, Varsiabss Window Gltes and Putty, GUne Ware. Franch, end American Perfumery vFme Tn'let end Shaving Bospe. rise Tooth end Hair Brashes. Paint Brushes, Bwrieal end Dental Initrvmente, TRl bsEB. SLPPORTERB OF ALL KINDS Speee, Bnufii, Manufactured Tobneca, all the Patent or Proprietary Madieincee nf the Day. Superior lake, Pore Win*, end Brandies fo- Mod lest Purposes, Extract fnt Flavoring, Chicn T o» Ut and Fancy Articles, ate. XW Wa offer goods equally u low u the; can b* obtained from any similar establishment in thin section. Warranted It be Pure, Freeh, and Genuine XT Orders from the Country prompt!, filled and stlintectioB guaranteed with ragerd to price end quality. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS wit' receive particular tttastion at all boxnof the Jay er n'rht. frr»- i dwtf Statement \ Showing the condition of the BANK OP PTT.TON', Atlanta, Georgia. October J-:. 1-57. Resources, Kota* Diseovstad. Xxctaac* os citor ciuas, da* aad rtzi:t£ > malar!:j. New y ri Charleston, Savasaah, Atjwii, kt,, Do* fr*K Banks, oa demand. Cash oo hand, m; Gold aod 5Lr*r*Cois ' td : 5oi*s *f othar Barks, and Cbaeks. | :.:j} ; Kxpoosos, Banking Hoas* and Let, Fcrastar* aad.f.xuraa Oailt, Proton Charletton Market Charluten, Xw. 0 —Sales of entu duy 1,700 bales (SOO to arrive) at advancing j 30CCB ff^To J. F. WINTER, Manager. mulnlmr. luj ei-ni. 0uf L(jUerj „ Macoo, Ga. (Small SebtmeiJ every Saturday, and in Savannah, Ga, prices- GouiJ middling 12} cenis. New York Market Aete York. Aov. 9.—Snlee of cott m 200 boles; Lp nndi 13J(7r, 13J cents. Tl.e very light stocks restrict orcrations. Flour firm, 15,500 barrels sold; Southern uncltaii,'- fd nnd Ohio dcc'ined 10 cents |-cr barrel.— Wheat firm, with sales ol 54,500 buibob. Turpentine heavy, nt 39(^40 cents ,R ce heavy. [private nisr.vTcn.; Columbus Market. Columbm, A'ov. 9.—Very little cotton of fering-market firm—holders a-k 1j cents for good lots. Stoop* Of tht above BiQ, ef Exchange,^sJjDiKesxted^tntsa^thtee^ifeJU: Denbtfnt, bat rappeasd ge«d, Cent-derai bad, Liabilities, Capital Stock, 60 par xzi. paid La Circalattos, Do* Depcuters " Bank*, Diridaads aapaid, Proits, JgCTO IJ k,U2 ti 9.9ii tc 465 I Sic:so: os 49.95S 45 l»r>T4 l S ; M’s u ! «2 *4 ! 4r!4! to ilJSJxW* 4s ACCOMMODATION LINE, STATS OF GSO&GIA, Falun Cmtj — Parr-nally apywar^d, A. W. St. 0 1. ftra-i-Wt,*..., ys B SI. WiIIiMBt. Cash»*r of tto Bmak'vf Faitcz. aad mad* cat* ti*: th* fanc^in* itataxaccti* im*4 m tru* t* tto baat of ttoir kaewkaf* and toliaf. A. 17. STG5E, Pr**id««u Y, WILL Ta II c C**»i*r Swora ta aad tatoantodpthii Slrt day af Ouba*. 1W. I Ya G. FORf TTH, X«iry ?oU : £. From Madison, Morgu Coamy, lo >t]ffinpnii iBuiu upj pv {, a « pa«, uumicvuoj "i»« Pint Cits, Steam Packet, to Naw Orlaoni, and all olhar Importaot point, npan thn Wentarn rle- era* Goad, eontignad to Kail-Road A cent, al Charleston or Savannah, will ba ferwnrdwl la M.mphis and ether peinte, hy Kipraei Freight Train*. SMT*Freight in charge of the Adara'e Bxpraa Company, Is carrlod over th!* rente daily, hy tht Faieeogct Train,. T. 0. ARMS, General Bwp't, DuntsvlUn. Ala., April 1st, 1*47. •Through Tickets ta Memphis, ft,., told tl Wllmlngtob, N. C.; Cbarlaiton, S. C.; Augntte, Havkanab, Moron, Atlanta and Colnmbns, Go., Meotgnmory, Ala.) Chattanooga and NtehvlUw Trim. C«-To oonnoot with tht Wnatern Train I a* I liHand, paiteagon will taka th* Night Trains ftem Wilmington, N. 0.; Auguste, Chattanooga and NatheUlo, Tean,| end th* dap trnini from Cksriwtsn and Klagivtllo. 8, Oq and Alluta, at. April 1st. dtf. 1 mproved Cotton Ginn mill Thrc*hlng Rlucliino*. I YHK ondar»lfn*J haTto* ratuorel thair bu»ir.p*e from Morfao County, U*., to Atlanta. Iprt, to Inform thrir old patron* and tb# publi** f»orral!j. that tb*r will rontlnu* tb* MtnufHitur c,*. f <'* ttoo (iin* and Wb*at Tbr#*b*r» on tbair u«a*l oxt#nRi»r *e«J» Tb*ir Uin* ar* **ll known and un>v*r»*lir rj irorad in U*orjta, »(outb C»roliu*. and Alttoma- *!» npart* of T**a*, Ml**l**ippl, North Ckrollni. Thrj >r* mad* of tb* r*ry bait matariaU and to Uapar*dtomak*tb*meonT#b!*nt«nddcr«bl*. IT r,-u i grain want of a (oodCuttoa Gin or wh*at tbra«h*r. or d*r from u«. and w* will *«11 a* a* any ottor Mar. ufaeturar* of *qoal r*pntlon. and wtU deltrar ttoir a- tb* parcha**r’« widwac* or n*ar*#t R R. Dtpx*t fr*# of chart* for tramporUtion. Contract* may br ma '# with . u: travsllnf or local Afacta, < r by dlrvct tr.'crw \T* hat# ai> abnodaneaof cartificatr* a* tu tbt. jtoo'. p#fomanf# of our Gin* and Thr*ah«r#, ion# of which may to *a*n ''n appliaation to Aftnta. pip All Omu warr*nt#d to parform w*ll. Repair* on* at abort-otie* and In tb* b*ittnann*r, J081PH WLVSHir JtCO Acl nil n litrat or * * Sale. A GREEABLY Io no Older of tboCoort of Ordtoarv of Fufton coanty, «1U to »old tofora tb* tvnrt Hotr*odoorlnth*C<t« of Allan la, on tb* Oral Ten :»y in U*eamtor nazt, within tb* l*gal hour*uf *a't on that day. tb* one-third lnt*r**t In tb* following t* of land, to>wU: 674 ncra* fronting Irwin *lre*t, nnd n^)nln!ng J. 'n “ “ ' “ ** *- -** ‘^ '.raet; iac ih other ' mortal, ho" n, and 64 ac adj i.nlog tto corporation linn, nnd adj lnlng Ninnet, whllakor nnd Jobnaoo'* lota nnd on* bou** and lot known a* tb* Ire man lot Ail • b* atov Ltrg, Schtmti; about tb, Urb el *1,17 metth. OIrsb dd Pra.i Sot. l«th, tS57, at; Armory Hall S v,nsuh, Georgia, undarth, iwora ,uperia. tsndenra cf W. R. Symone, K,q. and J. M. Cvru'.il i"i tf n M00, »s«,oee.»io,fio0, #s„*o° 14,00(1,1 ’ 103, : prite. of $1,000, fiof |J0« 100 oftlOO, 4 CoffiO, JOOOofIJO, aodllApprot- ixst, T., ti re, amounting to $5,100.* tVUoJp Ticket* 810; Halve*, 5 Quarter* 50. Look to your interest and compare this schema with any other. ltank Note, of ,onod Bank, taken at par. Check, on New York remitted for priiet. "Addra., >rd,ri for ticket, or Certificate af Package, if Ticket* in ANDERSON ft SON, Manager,, Macon or navanuah, Georgia. \T7ILL lea?# Daily aftek th* arrival at the Vv Dty Train from Atlanta. Panaangereby this route will avoid Id u II kanra delay at Union Point. Leave Athene tt fi o’clock, A. M, arrive at afadiaon in um* for tka ap-tnis te Atlanta, and downrtrein to AtgnaU. Petnona going In Mlltedgweflla, WILL AVOID ISHOURB DILAT AT MADISON DUtguioe 98 Milt*—Far* *9.50. 8AVLTER * IVEY. Sts** Oruo*—Preuklin Hooan, Athont and Camphell'a Hotel, Madines. oct It. ’t>7. dawtw. Ill tola to to* properly 01 vae eeiaie 1 lace, deeeeeal, foeihe beaafit at t tore nf cold deceaeed, and for the teti.emeat of aJmlnletreUoo. T aa day of wit by tvkk,lUT. Inna* mad# kaewn 300 Barr«U Flour, i, J art ret. Ived.aad for tale, IN BamU tewllra ■eye,* .near, Abe,a^ The dolden Prize. 0 ,NE of the large.tll't.*t'. ’Vnnkly P» >ppre*f th. d-> - it I * -- Uu»ito, contefnlvg lot' •■• ...« ni ‘ • ■•ailitiR maltcr iwk. v lVrm« "* $% par yrnr-Tu t lub«. a ,c >i*»* # > vj- plfi $15. Knch mtocittoi » r » >' '«d lo * Otft, worth trO'.i $11" *MH' In ') Id -hich will be tent . r.k j 1 ■<( 'he nhocnption • money Bin run .. 1 Fra*. Agent. \V .niod. It k.i I'c ftohUahere, Non. 41 end 49 W- fl.t Huiinug Now York. N«v.t,IUT> wit SHAVING SALOON G \ KNTI.EMKX t'etuing a good ahnia, ( htif cutting, and nurh other aUe&iion to tur |>er«t>na n* it ay to had ia all faahionabl* barter'«#a! »m*. can be accommodated at all houn by giving the un<lcraing*d a call, at their raloon in tha Trout Houa*. 1'hey are prepared tft fiirmah, at abort do- •e. A\ ft.XOKI.LENT BALL ROOM BAUD. K McCOMBS, late of Milledgevilln Oa. IOHN WALTON, lau of Augueta, Oa July IA, ISM dtf To tlie Cltlzes of Gwinnett. Jack sen, Frank Un, and the adjoin ing counties. \\’ k would rtMp*eifuily gtv* oar warm«*i ttonka " lot tb*lr i'.toral pptroftatf*, at.d w* top* from th* f*o»»;al *aUa£a«fctca ‘gtvan la <mr fananr op*- | r*i. oq* to lVnud drnctty* tomand a larga portion ci ibeir pract'.c* ta ta.. futnr*, W* ar* now r* c*ivla# a n. w and fit** udwortttoa*. of ACat* r al, 1 AatruaieoUi ard we itol M*ur*d,wUh tto *4- wastago of from alx to ua yaarw rvgular pra*Ua*,w* *an (iv* fa.I talUfacUou In all oparattcoa. U. 11 will hit ott* again la Jaftkr—a, tto flr»t uf March r*tL aad during hia atoanaa thl* winter, a'l cal:* * ill to altocdwd to addma Wllttam W. Eaton, at Uwtm tawlP*, O*org1a. DK. WILLIAM W. SATUH OIL ROMSMT KATH02V House Furnishing Goods. toxunson a Ranis RESPECTFULLY iafeern thair Moon aad patna that thay are naw reewiviaga vary large lucre oaatef H0C81 FCRHIflHEHS GOODE, eoasli Ingiayart ef Cniiper, Tin, Brlttannla and. Japannla War*, W illowv and Wood Ware, Wa* '.ter Cooler*. Bird jCafCR, Ft*b> Inf Taekla; Kelt*, Trap*. I **c. “STOVES *t rraey notura womatod u per- lorta waU. GAS FIXTURES. Gtehw. Lamp,. An., *e.; GARDEN ENGINES and PUMPS, Si tha Dawn, A Ca. Wnttwy, Albany^ Wa kare amplrrtd txilll—lS verhteaa te earry ca aiy daecripdeaaf Otwpee.Tta aad Shoat Irea work done Snath, nnd Ml oeSre* Re StUl*. Rrat lag, Gntteving, Gas and Steam fitting will i With nrematotteaUta. OaU nod innix rtweh, tret deer tenth nf RaUreoA, Whitehall,V, rignof th, Steve oak Owfc* fK Atlanta, May li.lttk. My. THE BEST SELECTED 615 ASSORTED STOCK Of Family Groceries in rat CUT OF dlLAtfTJL. tl l* h • full tt thn* “ Atlanta Fondly Stored’ MO. 13 waiishstll Street. GORGE H. DANIEL, AtlhRU, May t,$$$. Uht’"' BOARD OF Directors: A. W. STONE, E. >V HOLLAND A AU-n-if I Hon-WM. EZZARD. JARED IRWIN WHITAKER LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Wm. Exxnrd. Atlante, Gk Wilier C. Gre-n. Ne»-York, Wm. Mnreton, New York, E. W. Atlanta, A. W. Stone. Al'.asti, Jared lrvvic Whiiaker, Atlanta, The* L. Thom,*, true eo, A. Austell, Campbel ton, Mend th Collier, Atlanta. A, W. Wheat, Campbelltca J A. Hayden, Atlanta, W. M. Vt ill ami, J. E. Williams Ailanu. Joseph Thompson, Atlanta, T. A. Lyona, Dallas, Georgia T. A. Lyons, trattee, Dallas, G**rgia, A. B. Foraytfc, Atlanta, W. G. Foray h, Atlanta, - P. K. McDaniel, Atlanta. Daniel Johnson, Atlanta, Mre. E. W. Hanna, Atlanta, J. R. Wallace, AtUnu. Geo. Lyon, Sen., Atlanta John Farrar, Sam’l Walker, Fnlton.'eonnty, Joa P Logan, Atlanta JaaM Caihonn. Atlanta, Gabriel M Johnson, Campbell oonsty, Jit F Johnson, Jonesboro, L J Ganrell. Atlanta. A W Mitchell, Atlanta. G L Warren, J.nraborough, W W McDanul, Atlanta, I 0 McDaniel..Atlanta, John F. Walton. Atlanta, Searo, Abbott A Co., Atlanta, F J Perkereon, Atlanta L H Davia Atlante, Jm Winship, Atlanta. H L Corner, Atlanta, \V C Parker, Atlaata, W W Roark, Atlanta, W. 0. Patera Atlanta, Inmel ft Cacningham, Atlanta C. B. Strung ft Oa, Atlanta Z- A. Rice, Atlanta S. B. Hoyt, Atlanta F. B. Coleman, Atlanta Williams, Rha* ft Co.. Atlanta. W. T. 0. Campbell. Atlanta Thraabnr ft Lo enjoy, Atlanta, Thoa G. Simma Niwuaa Wm. Waltne, Atlanta David Mayer, Atlanta Robe W*. Simma Newoaa. W. llarring ft Son, Atlanta. L. Dean, Atlaata, Pulton But Monty Take# at par. VTTE veil taka FULTON BANK money W atpar, ii pay arent foe oil debte due oa or foe crodact *f any dtecriptioa that w* hav* ta W1LUAJVB, RHEA * CO. octlTdw CarrlRgr Painter C 1UR1J21 FASKL tege moat TWE—lf»li» t* lifont tto ntiMM *t Atlnntn *nd *nr- renndlag Utotf. ttot k* It tmXLy prvpnrtotnd* nU U*U *f Cnntag* hunting n****|t««»*B «JL 1 ns mni my w*ck to «*d ttoig* to gtrn ton tMtto*. Stop In tto t**r*f T»Dh Iww, Dm» Sa.ih k FraifiK , lgar “^ R , ^ tt OCLDre^tdfun, oywMi., .MIE B.BeT'RIBER^T. (ring and -1 inform the Citreenk ot A4. v pf, u . , I rounding country, that bn hu jar • JZu ,u— large edditron te ha forme* Block USE CIGARS W°»s. a 1 t hb H, ' BtCR,BKR ^ *• mg errantry, that they are now ramWing and' - 1 opening, and win keep ut Coen,* |T*ki PuBcaUrJKatlct.| A LEperama indebted M tha firm af Brawn Prism fo* Lamhav. will ptaau coma rarwnrd and amtla, a* tkab anetwaW wO ha plant ia thn hand* of tha law if net rnriltd la thirty isya car mean fata pay and ba paiA JUIpmaouaidmiaf LnahaemoaLtaaD can-i aa, sand tha teaaay.aa wa ouU foe cub oolyj | Arena nod Dey Lurebtt ol all daaeriMiaaa ca ■HHbo, flamiitng Lada la thtir yard t tha Lifting* Uncev Affyate,Nnv.l,li$T IP i«i 520 10P e:o Jo 120 Jo SOO 105 do 4 do ;oo do 10 dd 1 do IPO do n-o do CO 100 do 1 do *i do 5 do 5 do 50 do 3 do 5 do IP do IP do 10 drt 10 CO 10 do 10 do so do 5 do 5 do I# dc 5 dc > do 10 do do 10 ds 5 do 5 do 10 do 5 do 5 do 5 do 10 do to do 5 do 5 do 5 do* 3 do 30 do 'do 3 5 do 6 do 10 do 5 GO 10 do do 6 do 2076 Sh*tt* kXOC.HT. • I.riftj 55.000 ti.fOO 12.0 0 50.000 50,; 00 400 10.CV; l.frO I 0 lO.CeC' lO.OiO 10.000 It),(.00 ICO 200 500 .00 *,000 3 0 500 1.000 1.000 1,000 1.000 '.,003 ,<:oo 8,000 500 500 . -.JNOO 5tO 8C$ I. 0G5 S0.1 1;C00 600 50 1,000 500 500 500 1.000 1.000 500 5C0 500 500 J, 0l0 5tO 500 ficio 1,000 . 5CO ■ J.CfX' 5t0 500 *2076 mock ef FAMILY GROCERIES, which they ‘ igatanraa that will compete with tut' the city, aad uk a dare ol pat- Thay will give uncial ill notion to tka salt cf BACON, LARD, FLOUR, GRAIN fOBACUO, Ac. Ac. Onrrigameote rrapnetfolly aeiicited. Preapt alientton made ta CASH OR. BU,' Store on Whitehall itraet. tnthfboil-! diagkmwa a* Datin’ HaR Atlaata. Seatg-lrf T HE Aaaala af luihera Mctkedua, a vaiaa- hla Rank, hy R*v. Ohaa. F. Deenu, D. D — Jilt nnlvnd, sad ter ml* hy . 3. J. RICHARD# ft CO. AUutetJlly ilk. TOBACCO. SNIFF, PIPES. S.NKFF Bt Xr.A. MATCH ►>. AC, AC Which ia uflered it WhalaaJg or Retail m VSHY JOW rthIMS. Peuoem dnairiag anything lumyBcu niL d- end 'n call aad uanuan my State h -AJ er- tknmog ntenwheio. CF- Blareco White Hall Stmx.oft,‘rt. i5« Ute^raffira. Abaata,klornh li, 1$ST dm.