The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, November 18, 1857, Image 2

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Ixjhfoer. BY DUNCAN a lochrane. "jobs h. WCTmI Miter. ATLANTA, GKO., WEDNESDAY. .NOVEMBER 19, 1M" TERMS OP TH1C INTELLIGENCES * BXMIIHEB- DAILY, - EM UAUil, - • WEEKLY. • - * 00 tarroM latestsews see third pipe FORSHERnY- tm* mm* x^o-we:» For DcyalT Mwrltt. C. 0. OBBEN tc OSBORN, For Clerk of taperlor Cnrl. DR. B. F. BOM AR. For Clerk ot laftrior Coart. DANIEL PITTMAN For Treantr.—C. H. Vf ALLA OK. Far Sumjw.-J. 0. FARRAR. For Tax CWfeOr.-W. H. WINGFIELD For TaxBtnhtT.—A.J. COLLIER For Coroner V. H* WHU'K A Tonaanteean rMJ wall be proud, both of hL Slow and hit gotenmest, u ho eon point to the pnfrtM oad ooble condition of the one. brought about by the fatering core and generous aid of the other. The aetacl amoont which boa op totta’a doe, been loaned! by Tepnmree to Rail Road* now finished or in. jsoeatoof con struction it •16,i81,000. and it it allotted by the CoanieaioMt that the State's liabil ity oay father be ioereated to $18,000,000 eompUte the iinte to erhtett >bo haa pledged her. aaaiatanoe. The security a- gaisat tha ultimate Ira* of this amount 1. a mortgage on an Invest u.u-ft ol rot lets than thirty fire millions of dolUra, which it can not be doubted it an ample guarantee; for, as the Comminiooer remark. in b ; < report, “should the roada in the St ite be ab'e to NOTES OF Base Falbwttakn at Par for all Ported** thi. Office. J0*Ononr first page will be found common ieariow ewer the eignature of'Ter- reoee' hi reply to ‘Facts. ’ Empire Kiaatoek Tbit very popular troupe pky tonight at the Atbeneam for tha lari t-ta* doing their promt visit to Atlanta The bare aonoonoemeat we peemme is aofieiant to draw a crowded bene. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Leonard, together with Prof. Dceahany, will open their Dancing Academy to-day at Hajden’e Hall. Mr. and Mra. L, comeamoagaa highly ro conuneaded as Mag every way qualified ro teach tie moot fahionabla. plain and fancy dances ef the day. Of Prof D. wa cannot tay more than we hare before said in oat columns, of which our citizens hire already had proof anfacieat. They gin a Cotillon party on Friday craning next, when wt hope to tee » Urge crowd present. Our Misenl Wealth. Uatfl a short time ticca, we wart ooap- priaed of the fact that tha mast reliable in. djralitmahad been found of several rich reins of copper in the county cf Fallon. By the polite inritstiao of Judge Strong, we paid a riait on Saturday last, in company with sereral gentlemen to the locality, when opt aratioaa hare already hem commenced to tart wfaat it bettered to be a ndsable depc* it of copper. The property where this is (band is abort teomileascutiiwesto.' the city of Atlanta, in tha comer cf the e .uaty of Tahoe and rtry near the Haa of fa ccas- tia cf Campbell and Fayette, A shaft has already been sank to the depth of sixty fire feeb and a rein cf about right to tea fact (bond, which competent a aminara pronounce capable cf producing abort twenty per cent of pure copper. Jobs Caldwell, Eaq., of Tenaeeeee, wall known in eooneetioe with the Duck Tows Copper Mines, girts i: as kis opinicn after deectcdiog tha abaft and examining the rein, that it would prose a meet saleable mine. The rook which has bwea thrown op from the shaft, and which lies around the top, bean ample evidence cf fa exis tence of the copper ore, encogh indeed, in the opinion cf Mr. Caldwell, to pay the ex penses already .incurred by fa proprietors. We eoaid trace fa rein at least half a mils 00 each side of the shaft. On the ground we found lying a'! about, the go nan er orchreoo friable c.ay tana!]/ regard'd as a strong proof cf a metaiic deposit beneath Frout our owa ubeerrsticu, we feet assured to'recommending, at lets*, a complete and satisfactory test cf this mine, for, if the richest copper rein hr cot found in it, then fa earth ought to take in her sign W hjpe fa' all fa necessary aids may be granted to this '51c*. to tie Fulton Mining Lccpmy. fur f fa results te c rareihs> 1 ( with fa indic*;;,cs. Atlanta ai l t« greatly Unefiteilty their operations bare a few specimens of fa rock » t ,. af '.Sre. Irwin county to pay taxoa U» same Inasid county — Amended by adding Irwin, TeHWt and Lowcdeartphtie* Passed. A bill to change the outity line between Lumpkk and Hall counties-Amends,! sod The order was suspended acd-tt.,. i.lli la. keo op amending* the l!2ili secta-n * * tin 1st attic’s of the eoaitittrtior. The bill proridss that tbs Legislature shall meet an Dually on thedst Wsdiu-Jsy in November nod last for forty dare bnly—unless t-y two thirds rote of the General Assembly. Pass ed—-yea’il, nays 17. Th- House tax bid was then taken op. it proriJei fa' • Tax Collectors shall take in payment oi tax* s the bills •n Bank- hi ring general cir culation and consider'd go>l at the tiro*' — Tha Governor in y ordu a refusal >f any a net profit old 1-2 percent on tlsi-1 bills he may d«tu uuaafc and the collectors original cost, it will ba sufficient to meat the j are allowed 30 sd.iiii-nal days to make out interest oo tbe State Loan and provide for t r0 .. - , . . . J . . , i \lr Buouauuo of Coweta offered uo tha final extinguishment of the principal' • 1 * debt,” Thus far the romnarJcs"wlWrcll* amoedment applying the provision, of the . a • . . . . . ... F.:i* rsralw r . ‘km rj*aw THAT \f" hare been finished Vcvo prcmptlr mr: Vhe.'r bill only t • >ba year 1957. Mr. Hill of liabilities to tl- State, from heir own'tafa j T ™!’ 1 »“ »a*"dm«nt apt lyhy > h hogs, and as i air profit) are constantly on j provisions cf the biU to tbo State Troxsu tbe increase, there can hardly Lad nb: re.-, County Treasurers fared tho petition of R.v W. H Robert, praying that the extra tax as defaulter on it be r*« ’Denxiolng in ths Post Ofle* oaths It th Jx; ‘wbabenefitted by thla Road, oppoaed iti -ThnRkllaf Coamlitae, totarho* **»*«> * HIT OF LETTERS In the laat Legislature. No man Is mote devoted to the intereet of hit constituency fan 1 But when private interests eon- j his house and lot In the city TfiM-seWt fa puhlio weal, duty, and A# j milted, report. obligations of hit oath as Representative, That they Ue v lufieidared the petition, compe led him to forget eeotione and devote mid Hod that tho petition occupies the same liimeolf to the wolftro of the Common- j eitumi ia of sundry others vrhoowa proper- wralih This bill reoeivid tho Executive 1 ty.ii*. iho city, many of whom have paid tbe veto, tonimry to the personal preference | donbIts tux as defaulter* ; therefore, they of tho Governor, duty to tho State com j oonnot ro ommend granting tbe petition, pelled him to sacrifice personal bias. Tho j Report received uud adopted. Uorernor says “The Stata holding the j Tho.Police Committee report, That Mr* keys of tho Valley of the West, should ; 0 Martin objected to«mve where he was use hit power jnd project a eyeteiu ' of I assigned by your (’ommiltce, and on that ac- Aa* November, Hit. Anderson Wo W 4 Lowers Felix Adams John Leans? J A Andesron M J tm« Martin T A Mien Martha mite Jlarchmsn G W Jaxandet M Dr Mathews Arthur rinftrong Jonathan Morcus H M Alexander Henry Metcslf John \V aul tho sfli.vts of tho State Ro*.i. The ameudment* «e:e adopted a'd ih» bill parsed. Thia acd tbe proceeding bill ;de. *! to be immediately ent to the Vi,t»• A biil to corteoiodate the efii.-e.) of Ac-j. bot that this will eoctiru ■ until th y are en tirely reiiaved. The Commission r <;*iloe it ae a fact highly crtdltah-'e to the Ra roods of Tenoeeeee, that they have uniformly met tbe interest on fair Stau debt, even ct a time when their Roads were payirg nothing. , tary of Senate and C lerk of the and heavy expenses were accruing f *r con- I laid on the table foe. tho presout. strnctioc. Surely thia ih iuld silence the j A bill to extend the act approved 183G ehunorr of fa opposition that th.* State will for the issuing of attachments and Garnish- bo ruined by embarking on snub a policy ] meets, to ail tha Courts in this Ftasa. Pees- She has it in her power to demand as much el. tecarity »r she may deem requisite. Why A but to simplify proceedings in bail refuse then, we may ask, when thus protect- cixe'. Pasted. — ed, to stretch oat ter munificent resiit.nce A bill to collect interest on open account-, to those who are by natore entitled to h* r Referred to fa Judiciary Committee, cherishing are? A bill to Ly cut a new county from the We hare already in fa columns of oor j counties of Ware and Appiing. Passed, paper, urged tbe Legislature, now a eetnb e-i; Conriderable time was consumed in dis- Milh djeviite. 'o give this «uijec: their ! *.he policy of making new count'.'?, attention. Two Governor, have success- j was urged by Messrs. Gibson. Dawsm’ Railroads so as to advance the interests of her own sea port’’ Tho bill was not in harmony with this principle. This R. R. woulJ cost *2,000,n03 to con-truot it.— Wl ere was tho money to come from 1 If men desire to adrancc the interest of South Carolina and Charleston, build thi‘ Road The R It. -ystom in Georgia were inten ded lor Georgia's benefit, and not for South Carolina, anJ we should legislate for the weal of our own Slate. It was absurd to =ay that the produce coming down this Ruad would seek Georgia markets, since would that be at right angles to its course j l lie Governor's ro tsage corered the whole ground Private interests must yield to tho j puhl c good. If Dr. Philips, a man of known ability, ami devoted tohia own sec- tier., c old expose, l feel »ure that I stand on safe ground. Unhoped the numbers would art deliberately, for of regrets tor. la e to rectify the error Mr I'ndrtwood—Why does this gentle count resigned. Thors is a vacancy which we recommend to bo filled BtiolctJ, That the Relief Committoo bo instructed not to pay any Relief unless tho applicant has resided in tho city uf Atlanta f.*r the last six months. Council proceeded to tbo election of po Herman to fill the vacancy occasioned by tho resignation of G* Martin, which resulted in the choice of TV. D. Harriron who was sworn and entered on the duties of his of fice. Council adjourned. JAMES McPHERSON, Clerk. lively recommended the granting cf State aid to those seotiocs of the Slate standing So much in need of it, and hleh cannot wall be developed without it. We cow paint aa addition!, reason for aelkn by car General Assembly to the case efTen- Berate, aow by her wisdom, placed far a- Revne js and other), that this section ol country was too poor to tax sufficient to support a Senator am! Representative i.t fa Legislature and that no section of tL State should desire u new county, wide" was unxtve to pay its proportionate sha'c to defray tha expanses of 'ha State gtrsrn- TI1E HUE sTEAT DISCOVERY OP "1 HE . ill!.—It seldom occurs, that wa no tice, under any circumstances, pstent medi. oinfs, re»tottttve», or any thing ot the kind, fur we haw prrjo .ic) agsinit mast ofthem.- Ilul csn.lor cumpelj it: to invite nttrr.tion to the advertisement of Prof.-Wood’s Hair lle- reoiative in the the lest celuoin at tho bottom efths third page of thi* psper We are no juvenile t) require unjtbing of tho kind, but lor? . invtsncce of its ujo lisve rome lo'nr knowledge which elm si ,erurs us the* it is n tovereig 1 trmedy against die heir ecoming msn approve of this act alone Ot Governor prema'-urely grey. It is not s* lUj^ftyef’but Johnson's 1 head cf Gecrg-a ia bet Railroad system.— : men’.. Tbe friends of the met sure urged ca •Why ihaald ws rensoln behind her its oar a rrexua for tbs passage of t: e ses tbe eiten ttoproremeDts. Wu bare «ve«u ;e;tio: s i cf country a p-ortion of the pe iple "f 'jjxs cf the Stale with-.-at anv oui.'e: f r their seettoc had to traverse to reach thair’TJotijt prodace, will the Leg s^mre not tend a .Hoarse, and tha scarcity oi conveyance), boipieg hand, when fay cry :ut to them for , A Fill to iegahza curiam jndgemeots in assistance? There is fa immense territory Ccorts of Ordinary in admitting wiVs pro, lying in fa counties o! Franklin, Hart, Madison, Jackson, Hater.ham, '-all, For- A bill conferring tbe rights of maturity ijth and Gwinnett, that might by, the f_s- : °-’ Adolpboi Anderwu of the County of ter leg care cf aur Legisiaton, b.*"mado oae j HarrU. Mr. Hill of Harris urged, as a of the met: pcps'oas and productive p*;r- tions of oar State, increasing both her taxes and her wealth. And thes there is the ether teasen why this young man should have the privilege! of manhood granted to bln. the fact that he had a wife arri itahv—gold immense* territory lying in Southern Georg a reason that Mr. 3ocbansn of Cowrta ra fat demands and should receive the means C P? C *<1 ;o t'-« hid from principal, bat would of her own develpment. For one, we are uomistakeabSy in favor of tbu policy and stsrd ready now and hereafter to mniniatix. i-:or,i tf the baby. The Mr. Milledge—I approve of other acts of the Governor, but this one particularly. Mr, Underwood—He did not see why capitalists would not give is much lor the State Road ufierjjfs charter wa) granted as now; for all the privileges secured to them by charier, and the Ulgbwassee rad did not interfere with any of the chartered rights of t c TV, k A R.R* Ibis unjust legislation against N Eastern Georgia would always keep that peup'e poor. He stood the defender ■ f tho rights of (.very section of this State. And if this \V k A R It was to continue to interf.rl with the rights of tho people,^_he..would s-sy let i*. go, the soojtar-fa'Setter. ift ficke.t of Gi liter did not think he ought to he taunted with his opposition to I the bill. si. ee his convictions of duty im pelled him to tie coune. 1’e was a Geor gian, and had the fee'ings of a Geoigian, and wished to contribute to the prosperity of kis ow.. State in preference to any oth er, and he wou'd support no measure, which j in hi, opitti n, militated sgainst fa inter ests f Georgia. Still p.r.ding the discussion, tho Uouso adjourned un'il ten o'cisck Monday morn-** nits application a) directed the etfeci drcdiiced ui ths >k:n. which bring)outlthe original natiyscolored hair, without ,titln-*a , an 1 give) a glo»v and natural appearance We liava aeeu pern'hlwho have uw-d it. and tney sro much pleased with it Examine the advert aament -Missouri Republican, Sold by all respectable dreggirt) November 10, 185? i!&**w Special Notices. MACON A. WESTERN R. R. •It c )||, :,ov. 1’4th, 1S37. G3ASQE OF 8CHEDULE. Ua ui... .. .if Sun Jay ittb tho tr»' ni till xvc . *: 2 i. x- Arrive nt Atlanta IMS*- m. iT“ .V: ■■■v 12.15 m* arrire Atlanta6.05 p.L-.. ..•a ** »*:"tt\ \ 2 (night) arrive Marun h.OOrt-a Atl?.-e?a I').30 a. [ i rl * M tra'n? will cot ba rua .i SumUjfl, v.'.i rber r. vj b?t*v«5Gn Stations to tilt's op or . vfj.fisseritfor* ALFRED L. TYLER, Superintend: TtfuAiaorira-: : U, isi; ddtirlt Public Meoting. Made, Nov. 14, If57. A rcr; ""'ah’-t rortioo cf tbs eitiiens met t toe City Hall, in take into consideration for it on bill tao-ed A resolution was taken up the these who promots it, and w? btliere that an i)l»t«ro consider no bill incorporating j tho propriety of abolishing fa City Court iatelSgent people will approve any proper i Charches, Hotels, Fire Companies Ac. | *’f A * anta. action fair ageots m»y tois co ir. It may he said by tac-se who object to State aid, fa top fa case of Tdcnenee, her State securities have been sri iag at » dis count far sereral years, owing » the -xtca- added fitstt Aid tc Railroads ia Tennessee--- Success of the System. A e hi7e h-fore us s eopy of tfi* R, j>.rt recently male to th Legislature cf Tennet- *"■ b 7 fa C -wankstoaer cf IUilr-ed), snd Uve f./nod it to interesti-.g and Tshabls ioessjeot, cooUtn.-g x large sxo'ur.t of uxefal isfcrmati.-n retatira to fa system of Stats Aj. tT.pied Uy Tsenesree fa the benefit t f her reveral Railroad C-tmpxniee In perusing thi* Report, we are »t one* •track with the mmsose henefiM which have fobowed stnee the iniugaaration by the Gov- ‘rtmeot of Tennerees of her wise and lib- erai policy, o( fostering osi tncrcragiag Internsl Improvemsat Mr. Psyne sofas wi b stiaute suet owes jam tbe eooditioo of •ech and every tnterpns* which hs, receiv ed the Vwoefia of State eeeistssc*. sho wing fa Ifraat rapidity with which by the Stsiee timely eii, they w«re st occe pai in proesw of cocetroetion, end their promptness t- me*’, their liabilities to the State. A usodid examination ol the ad rants geo os re- (ults.dseaiied by Mr Commissioner Peyneof Tctibmsm, cannot toil to present tbe State sid system antt favorably, not oo ly to Georgia, bot to other Southern G.a moo- weal tbe, Whrt was th* eoodiUon of Tennessee be fore tbit system wte commenced! There were not quiet three hundred miles of rued in th* whole State, tbs transportation cf her pr?>laoe to marks* was chiefly by tbe ex pen •ive process of rim or wagon conveyance, her people wereflscksd op in tbl mouateint or vsllsjs, withowt tbs meats of u»»tli£ig t and her rich laadsjwtrs comparatively un- appraeiattd sod valueless; under ths prisent system,sixteen hundred mile* ofRailroud will eooo traveru an arts nearly twenty tboaaanif square mil**, lets than that of Georgia, developing every ^section of tbe State, opening channel!* for lb* eaBTtyanet of prodaca tbwngjbort all the >• gth and breadth of the had, and tuui, bringing bar aoO into* rapid demand, to an extent hitherto undreamed of. Sorely mob a change ie arif-svidectiy beseflcial ia be character and worthy ef amalatioa by Tao- i aietar Statra. Ear aagaeioo* po# •ie* of Use State's iiatiilty u so mar.y en terprises. Tost •hi* is tree catnnt b.) de nial, but the causes are many which hare’ caj'pired to this resalt Tennessee was in- debted nearly 96 0X1,000 at the tistetht «ys’em of Scale e«d was cemmencoi; w . such a liability she »t occe ioconed tver $16,000 000 for Ptailreed porpe*?. Cap- Jets become distrustful ar. i *. e ?.r of S ate fell. Added tc th ; «, the Railrccd boed* were chiefiy ir. the b.aJj cf c ctrac- UsTT anlk-oa 1j rvc.1 z i up-r* ’'em arc reedy t take much I'n in ca*h liur. even so (.rdicary i sc rot. Georgia wi.uhi be di&reotiy eitua ed.— H r pressnt Stale debt M merely i. r.irti wmetkieg ver two mil.i ?. 1* * *» unwise f* r the Le-.isUture t ■ *it»r.-i xtiDtacce to even oae f urth f that si/d, T-crt'-'t gate, much :es.«. iaie-.d, t at wwid bring ebout t> !e-.sfi;ial re.-u •. *. ich we -i*• re erred eb v . 'cc'. . sbll ty as ir o'd itci ag.-rrj-. ecoid trt afiec cr *itat ■ <e:c tie.- r .-tat- tredit at lee*-, -o -.b'a r. t.» e ■ d, we a.-* williag that th t e t .e ,.*. of <■ •• gi* stall tcrxtecd-u to.fa rx-e*.- w. t .-e icdicxtcd. 'Ye invoke the e»rr.*et t ■ * ler. atico rf ut Leei« : »tore to ih?-■* feet', at * fc'pe they return ’n their h* rr.'e they will t-anguarate a p>•!icy that will .• w: our Stale with unaumbere i be*-:-*?, ectitic them *., tbe of % £r»tefai ;«t:. p’e forrrer. M*. Dawsjo of Orsece w* Jaiioia.-T Committee. M:. Mallard of Gratae was added t*. oa the Lanatic A« !u:::. I. -v* of abience was iranted b rr.eirir^ra f.r a few day?, Ii - S "ato ihpo adjourned til; *.te j . ::k Monday mirdieg. _ flO'SE. fue ndoSctioa of the H .U5«5 briu^.. ^ * r. tht- ciectijn Pricer a; 3 r’v.cck r n Monday next we* returned from 'he S^naw wit', the c.'ccwence of too: bedy. Iho o'., to iocor^rftte tbe iiirbwus** Pwiil cai '.’ompany waa reported by *ht? ci mmutee wuh vit comment In?* uL-ence being g:acud ? •••ie ix^ .r/m-’rra the Huu»e t k up thia Ra'lro^d vl: and coc*uoDed The whole morning to its The Meeting waa organized by calling h;3 flon’r \T*in- E«ird to tho Chair, and re* quciliog C, C. I!ovieU, Eeq., to act t* Sec- ! r. tttiy. The Chairman explained the object I of tha meeting. I On motion of Dr B V. .Smith, a Commit* | f wire appointed to report bn?'* P. C a ’.J, nil he hrp . thi* rrevare B Hiygx-}, B M . S { J Howe':: J V ; m th A M Wai% Manning C.tami:- Tbe : r«turue»i iomittoef, aticr retiring a.ri made .he l’.iiowiog Pt.-Jv'd, T i^.i **• pinioa^ofthi* me::- i* cof S-.,*r.‘ r a--d Keor^entatite res : wi-i.'M of a large nv.-prity i.f :b'..*« cry, by having he C.7 C tirt of Arlantti repea!- w'.ng ainen^m^'jt wa? effered by i>iicuMOM of the Liver. tr2T* When '.htf celebrated Dr. F.aih <J9:.'a:cJ that drenkezzest *.-.idbeire. hi enunciated a tmrh which thi esp«rli*.:a -‘. I cbservatlon medical men ij every da; c.Lflrmiag. T tr.*-.y apparent / iuraro ei:oircj of thoie who indu'go in the ii"» of epirltae^i way t tbui eccjun f e.i f* r The true c«u»i : i condu: which i» taken f.r infatertier.,!? very {reqoent dimied it&te of tho Vs.:. Eg organ ia the human ijatem, whe doraDgol, product# a mora frightful ca'tlofjtf cf .iiiaa*?# And if, ln#tead of applying recceilf* to tho manifejtatiora of disc xro, as I3 too often tho ca#o phyaloitm would preicrxhe with a riaw tc tbo nrig.n?l cxu#e, fewer death# roui.l rcdui*. from diseasej induced ty a deranged itato -f ths Liror. Threo-fourtha of t: a . ../.sea enucer&tei under tho held ofCoc- •z\ r, Lsro their io.?t ia a dl'eued Liver.— I»r. uar.o’fl celebrated Liver F.'''. pr.'pared hy Fuming Er:5-, are a certain euro. jSir Purchaaeri will bo careful to ask for PH. M'i.ANE’u CELEBRATED LlVER PILLS micuf-u'.ureJ by FLEMINO HP.OS. cf Pirn Sl ug, 1'a. Tkere are ether Pllla pur o.'ticg to Liver PIE* now fcof^reth: public: Dr. M'Lace’.- genuine Liv$r Pi’.:#, also hi# celebrated Yormi fuge, can cow Uo bad all respectable drug store? .Yon? rmittt'n? t'trlouf rA" signature of r-i; FLEMINO DUGS. New Advertisement!!! PRODIGIOUS RUN! 1 . ! EVERV NK 1 HAT HAS SEEN THE SOUTH-WESTERN ; c.„ - aider it. M:. Kerxu u:* wanteu ’• ts*; : BaMwi: vu.I , 1 }U«- ,-r.or J .in.* -x t i * n*. ot Le be ref..::t I *.. Mr. P-lce-i f Gilmer 4! fee greu: I ta 'Lis R. R. * e - taw Raid. Hs sxul tnis R*.»4 v a 4 turn a :4e from « *..* e tra.L* fro-u the great vel.ey si» l tks L ll uuLl ir.j :re Higbwaiiwe ur markets J ii.c West, Crrritpondmtt ef lAt /fa r{• Eriminrr. Mrxidoxt!!.!.*. Ox., '*•..*•;r*la; i Moraiug, Nov. U. lrtfi*. ’ f SENATE. siuj iuc' zr*. liy Mr- Farabro of Upson : A l... : , tbor'xe the issuing uf attschae' t) ir, c, delicto j meki* a eonneet'ng link betweeo Mem- r,ls xod Ctiurlatnu sl-.rtar 'haa by the W ; 4 A P. R Mr. Fuin f L'r.fa raid the pe-'fle of bis s-cti'.a had no ecaasible mor- »,-,d i.eedeil this Road It was -ign* *.Lat tide «e«iju of fhe State begrxn'.id eq-.i 'r , -^* 1 wit* utter seettoas Mr Ur.lerwr/H of Floyd did not ibit k the public good ibobl! be periled : , indivuiaal proeperity or ’he j.r /. ■ r-rity of vj particular seection. But t'e people f N E,stern Georgia had boea tor. By tbe came : To prevent iho distribution j T'tjf denied their just duel upon the talec- of Intestate E-.tates under ne.-tain re«tro- P*«* * r * i: fa’ measure militated against tines. If tbe 'deceased leave a widow and j P ab 'i 8 * t4 *’- The wrongs this portion of children, tbe widow by giving bond and se- l State bxve suffered by the thwarting c! cority may administer on tbe estate. This j tbs« rneaxure, are greater than our forefelt, dr/e not prevent fa iwoieg of letters ®?j er * suffered from Great Brittain. Tbu administration to others in care cf !b, wid- coarse, was wrong acd upjuit to that por- ow's second marriage I tion of cur citizens acd a disgrace to the By Mr. Oerdon rf Walker A r:>- iuiion I State it »M not true that tbb Road wax autbofieieg tbe Goverror to bartion cv-ain I air-line te*. veen Memphis and Cliarler. females it tbe Penitentiary j tot The route by the <V A A K R, was By Mr. Hill of Harris A L.I ;, r •'.* i x*.!-.«! 35 tailes shorter than by fa High*- relief of Lewis J-cev. Richmond Turner waesee Railroad By refesing to grant thi. A t they ar«.. reby r queetei *a intro ■ acd bare passed, a bill ‘t-r that p'l! 1 Dollar Weekly I jurit vommcncfiil puMi»hin? in Murfieesboro, rvnneMe*. it * Mxyci r ail minr vhol-j That they have of ‘he city of Atlan* .- fT.-ncca, which can uj flict with tbu cons After t*aitl a:iicu<l“ recaiv».*J a:.J adops D lermiiies to Patronize it rpHB ••South Return Daibr tVVfkly” i* x printed tn 2 5 39 inches n size, and \* ful of Uiigina! and wall se'ect d reading of the : m* rralt It ii *1 Literary arid Family p**an<L*il t * li» uiefu!, ai.d »nteruining. eider tnat every may not he deprived uf it, ll i* pub.iihej at H . ’he meeting adjourned. V/M KZZ.\RD, Chairman. T, S ere lacy. §1 A YEAR. PROCEEDINGS OP COUNCIL* ( iiAxnr.r., i Atlanta Nov 13,18^7. f 1 ' f/»Uxc:. . o', present, Hon. Wen. Kszard, j .M iy : —Councilmen, Law a he, Simpson, Me* | Daniel, Farrar, Alexunder, Hlea and,Farns* \ W» must hivo n hrge nuhscription lUt t iiifiifi it. Hcnd f ir a nr rciraen c pv. Addrvfi* HUGHES A GLLLEV, Murfreej boro, Ten n r^PubJiihcre will pie*.iec»py unti* let uf n. vry, an*. charge «mr to this otTice. j'f-mber 1^,1857 ddcwim -»= - ^flhiitn ftfrtiTfWnt. Orstct or tm« &Kx- AMI.VER, Atlanta, No? *Vj*\Wlu j Malone Jeremiah Maguire Lawience Merrotl Wm Mendel M W Middleton U H 3/abry T W Murphey Jaa Moore L 0 Miller J J Moragan Jnu S Marion T 1) Morgan Amanda miei McGraw Wm McDanel Jno SicCvrtcy JacuLb McOriffE 1, Me Ken non Jno ll McLendon Jno Wanrtcn Jno H Nolani E M Horth Atloiphui Norton J L Oglesby Katie miaa Owen Uriah Owen P Is or O W Pain Jaa N Petera O Paraona M E Pan key Peter P Parka D W n-ra Parish Wm Pate Richard M Petro llaviah M PoIIara Patrick 2 P well Tho. I, Price R 13 Dr Phillips W II, M D Pomroy Col II M Uigsdalc M M Kfives J W* Reives A II mn Rodger* A J R iberts P H Roberta mary rm* Richardson- Levy mim Kogei4 Elisa Rev Robinson F. inr* Rower Ja« R Rice 0|-helia ii»i«a ituthert.ird • t'ua rnifit SaundereChae W 8 ppirgton O \V \ pine*—Dried Green,.... - llaaon—Hide* Ragging Rutter—Goaben,.. Country Brandy—Com—gal . Fine Reef—ft Mutton • Co* ton—ft, Corn—bueh, Colfeo— Rio-ft Java, Cheese Candles—Tallow, Adamantine Chickens—each, •do*, ... $1 fid (it 2 6o 2 OU rd 'i 6o . I7J0 iu . 17 41 IS 86 & 8u 76 $4 t-0 M 6 Oo iCd 0 6 a 7 .. 11 <3 11^ 40 (3 t'U ... tii 6i iyj IM di 111 14 a 18 20 & 36 20 f3 12} G 1> (x Flour—Superfine S 60 (3 2 76 Family, , Ultra,.. | Varn Factory Fodder—cwt, i Feathers—ft ' (*in —Holland—gal, Domestic, Hay—cwt, ! Iron—Ainarican 1 tttveedrs, . Band Horae ^hoc, tier.. i Itiilig'i—lb ! M&ddo;—ft I Lard j Mola*at:s—Cuba,. ..‘2 76/3 . I IP fa 1 76 60 1 76 ^ 3 26 Id) 2 03 & 2 26 • & (i ^ . r>) u. . l 0U6* -hid,.. . Mackerel- 1 No 2 No 3 , Meal—buuh NriIb—ke.j» . S OanaburM—yd... ' 1 l.ltri—buuh,... . (Jile—Lamp. .[ uJ, . MhcHu | Potatoes. .1? b. Norther ! Hwcet.. . ... 4 r >a 10 ib dO C* . 1 26 n '2 uo 1 26 a 2 00 Kir. alt In nick., 1 00 Hugar. f'i. Jhcd,. . . *vn Suge tid • W • C Dr G izlango (r \Y 3 (rates .M ( m:sj Gates \Y H GiL’fi EhiaVteth inr. G niche; J VV U.J’ow Join Gonard Th.ttldo-fi Gaulding U V.' Giliuirt John Gjosi <•; w Gdkay G I. Gunn L W G ilert J f, G.lbert Wm (JoJdamith T Grady k Nickelsvi Greer «1 L IL.nn M M ir. Ji Hamby M i* 2 Harriaon T 13 Harria-ui P F Hancock M A d o Harr s Wm Hide G \V llunlar D Hopkka L s Hya’t 14 Houghton J li Huggins Nancy mr<. Hole, mho J L Hcr.jchsw H J I*w:n John 2 Jones E L b nkihs H fl M J mr Jcr.e* PL 2 Jones E I. tr.iss Jihmcn Wm 2 J ncj J J Jdinton it M Jones Saran ror* Knight T l> Kinj; J II K.lly Pa trie'; T. LenneJy Ann i.v% Lef-'er J D V Lenjir hi i. Leak II it I. siio I; Laliapim Chi* LafiW Wm Pcrjjca enquiries f 2/arsgta L A inn Hvxto'i 1. nirs riftv.jer M £ m»a Hoifon Zidox Bmdet* W C Bivago Thus birns WiUy Hn-ith Thov J Hpauldi'ig W W Wpovry Jordan bmdl.M (i Hrnith Edr.f.! Mm th Mary V m ? * tipear Elizabeth nrs Pa.i’th L:ui'a L mri Ktwckton W M ( I btakHuaa Hrrong II V* Hheers *4 H -!un Sro ri'ifhan E inbr t!. m:» Htarr Ii* - ub Tarrcnta W W Taylor J II Turner Bin Turner I S Fcraoling Jno Tomlinfon Th ,u Thiv* r N I I’hoMpsun-B K Thompson W;::ia T 1 •'~.a r T (Uro'.in* tnta Thompfon James mr V..u,<b.i - J Juris* 1 Vsa Mn H Wo-1 a rook I S rnr .1UJ 1 011 7 *» it I 75 10 a lt?4 l.AWSHE & PURTELL, Merchant Tailors, WHITEHALL STREET. ATLANTA 1* cogti HAV'E (»N hand a fine stock uf v t ry rich 1 the -very late,it v them au-i seo a*y!o of cut and f they don’t giro aprlGJtf iWcw Store. i\cw Store. Bargains 1 Hargai ».v! SHOES! .SHOES! T lUt uu.leTiig-.reJ . Citfar.s of ' * un>', *: MtinvA i SHOES!!! '>ve to inform tho ind surrounding - e* : 'I large and .xEMILN .S. J* A- ’N f,n.l HOL’sR ’ BUMf-Toi. ty! -h : i with tl e < ; i i;. Wft ! .TV J izu V* siren Dish WJkcr H C Walton Jno T Walker R C Wclh J T Word Auaton Walker Samuel mrs Winn Lcuur. Wilkca J B Wa.Mrip P </ V. lutaker J i3 inrs Whtpp'.c ii Wh icker A H \)r White C Young P L ■anyof tho abora lettc: *111 r lea h T 0. HOWARDPostnsvfer. 1350. Crier’s <jiL-orKl:i Almiuiac TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS, I F sou wish to give your custonins xn Al. m mxnxo worth havirg, you or gel o supply oi ths tb m*. xub3 B -ok am] Muric 8tor. oi J. J HICHa A Lis a co,, Nov .8 Atlanta, Georgia THREE NIGHTS ONLY!!! AT HE NEUM! Motvlny, Tuesday ami Wednesday Evenings, Nov. 1.3th, 17 t!i and 18th. THE.0R10INAL EMPIRE MINSTRELS! AND R. H. SLITER. THE CHAMPION DANCER of the world together with TEN STAR PERFORMERS! A Li .MfeQ to e-n’* Chil lrtn ao>! Vi» ctot#. g@_See Programmes. All&aU, Nc { NOTICE. J THK Atlanta r’air (Cutting uni Hhirs w/.i.’i • • 5ing Walo^n, recently k«pt by Me sra Itom .' ( nu'** 3 f reg»Par mooting of Council %lin*"n and Ravn^a’7’in 8hnp, hasbavn rr« ar.d confirmed ^rn vp ! to the room in the re rof Mr Wright Pe’..iion received from Wei. B. Chapman, ^(ir^rnry fitore, in Mj. McMiehae’a Building. Agent for E. JehnioD, to retail Spirituous 1 I/rpiora ia the east pert of the (Holland f MPORTdNT INFOK IIou*. or. Alabama fttreet. Petition gran- j f J which much suffering ided. Kent to married Panic! CTLsis! Panic! Pr;.;. received fr -m W. H. Bagwell, eb ...Ir. trat he was a partner of Wm. Husk :t l.o obtained'* License to retail, » on Alxbama street, and that tbo said Wm. Husk has abecundod, Ac. Tberoforo -*a-r l.'jiuct! to permit him to retail in own use, under the Licerne tjr en out Wm. Ilurk, a tens plating marriage it amp, Dr G. W. A DDI8CO.\fjR E yn. N V, Nov. 18, lSf*7 dficwQm Tboec who want Money had Letter try to obtain it by purchasing a Ticket in ANDEBSON & SON’S LOTTERY, On the Havana Plan of SINGLE NUMBERS. and Salorpn Hart of ii,'*:r:« ffanty By Mr. West of Lowndes : A hid forth* protection of female Orpfceoa This bill protect* fa proper*.v of femele orphans from tbs creditors of speed-thrift busbtsds. A bill sp much seeded ia tbeee oar degene rate days ought to pae*. And the Legisla- tan <* to crowded with young men, ceod- datee for the matrimooial stata, that th* fear Of being beld rewpoctibls, by thoes whose fx- rot they would win, fur any opposition tc tbfa tseeeure, may dxiv* them to it. support and entor* its passage. Bull on He Third Rtadii y A biU so arthorit* tb* apperiotmeut of three eoiairriatiorwTe to rrutcut tb* county ins* between tb* osuntlai of Miller, Early qy stands rindinatro before]the world, ia thel and Baker eoosoae—laid ou tb* table fbr pratxeal developoMrt of tb* tenitwy under I fa preeeut berjoriadictice. I A bill to i eospei fa omen efcatUe iu charter, tbe people of the; section would b; driiou to the necessity of fu.diDg en outlet through North Cero!ir.x. This could be done without touching Georgia.. Build this P--.t(l and the people of North Caroline would seek a market in Georgia end North Eastern ' ieorgia would poor iu products into oar sea-port. The produce o! tbi* i etior, has been materially depraved for wact of * markH. A >l«ni<l of this charter was* denial of tte uvu-sl right* of the people of this section. The countie* interested in tide Rosd were Un ion, Hall, Lumpkin, Usbersbunsnd Rabun Tb* W, tl A. R. R. wa* a grand enter prise, bat when it interfered with tbe nato- ral rights of any of tb* citistn* of tbe State, i t become* too Maas. Mr. ifilUdgeef Illcimond, s«ld that Dr. Phillips wbo «u boa om eftbeceut^a thep«i rep^rty of William Malone, orphan Peritton granted oa Lia giving a new bs»nd ! *T J.»b;» Malon* dereaaed; these tie, tbcralore end security in term. Of th- law. I '' ,w , ,Dd J *,'j raoni * b * 11 !' n ‘ u \ u ' ,b * ' . ir rv «» ■ kindred ami ill c^ntamed of aaui P&UU^n received irua L. Mcmaoa pTtJ" j n?h«i/ ukjecticn* in my cffica, if any they ing Conneii* to aid her in the luppori of 1 or ave, on cr befora the jtveond Monday in ftmtly, which wa, referred to Relief Com- | • »«<.. " b r l*« u " of , l 0u V' i n'. h JS 1 ibi.yld not be granted the xpplicsnt. Given m , ur.rier rr.jr hsntl, xt tfficf. thi. lfehrixyot Tee t .'ounce t.uirimtttee ra-port, that they I \, T GEORGIA, Campbell conuty. To alhchom it maj content: \\T HE U EA^. Eiihnem Pray tpplira to me Yy f* r fe'ten of Ouaniieeoebip of have exnmiarl the followiog account, and rre .mroetid that they !.<• paid. ft.< ■ I1BAVPR8, OxdinxD' Police a* fir- J C M I/!wnrdi J Gbarch. 0 W Dxvfe. J B Evans. W II Rice, W S Hancock, 0 h Ilaygood, J M Morris, J T PraeocY A <: W H Roach, M E Heggie, luiide* to'), H >yden A UaaJ.y, V . Ac .Street. Wells, Ac , Incidentals: street.; Pen pore. COTILLION PARTY. M EttSRf. LEONARD A DUEhBZR. RY wiU (tv. their opening Cetillicn rarer •< Harden's Hall,on Friday night next, Nc<vrmb*I JOtn. Dmeing to commcnr. at 7 o'clock P M. Tickets idmitting * Gentleman and I.sdh f.O c nla. Nov le, t*'.7 i*St M C Devil, Joenab Kent, W J Dickay, i F AlexandiT, Pan pa Police, Pauper# JUST PUBLISHED! ebl* V.aghn,by tbeertb. * heLvtnp Xiihgtler. Quits, by rbs eothov of p «. Inform the , about Togo. renin Tbo Korsun.* of tbo Idt^ Arab, by tbe sd/hof <f Fcott’s Analogy Ftsdley'a Legal Adviser. Field’s berajf Boob— revised sdition. Hpargcon’s Memons Hid i fiepon tesuTod sad adopted. •IU 90 BUdeee’o Thsoduy, ' 'Wl'' Nov 11 J series. Received and fsr sal* by ■ J. lUOHARDfi 4 CO. JASPER ACADEMY LOTTERY S j dti -as 1 3S* !R “Sr* t By Authority of the State of Georgia. aulri d.i •. a ft.ick, r :s pries a ■J (I t.o-ii* Will be freely and op- 5,fini AN 3 veil 11 ROUT. CARROLL, Agent, i I* Lcrkhait’) Dry ' !a't: Whitehall ftreet, AtlinV'. th, pair thi-k PLANTA I K)tS B|(U- chetn ..11 hnnJ. Planter) v. . iM , rt.mtno them. aipSSdc u T' Just Opened in the Same Building’ Paris Millinery UK umL rignsd v.irhca t > i ,f •, i -<, LaJie.i of AtUnU anti vicin y V:\l she is now tx-eviving p. large ru I a jlc„.:i’ -twaort- mrnUf MILI IM KV ami FA.NlV u.puIM for the Full trade, winch e!ie w ll *?il at res. aonaldj price*. »»rs -‘is T CARR ILL, Apent. N 13.— lJv>IS N L l’i3 ihslIc .j order, a.s», tho URKS3 MAKING buainess will b« cartieJ v n. A. T. C. DANIKL PITTMAN, JENEHAL INSURANCE AGE NT huaioetf* hour*. . kfuturo ho will ba icand .... ? tho uGco cf MoJirs. 3. Sirrtj A tract, Atlanta. Atlanta, Jan. 13 NKGRO SHOES! CHEAP! CHEAP!! - TO THOSE WANTING A PRIME pjf larticle of donbloioleor w«Ucdbrof»Tnb,I»l3J 1 miwo willl say that wo now have in .Store 1 M* a hfHivy Stock, and all ol cur own Manufacturing which wa willieU at ten cents ft pair lower than any homo In this eity will soli as good an article —competition wo defy either in Yankee. Made, Georgia .Made, Home-made, or any other make, and warrant them as good a? article as haa ever been offered in thU market - Stale- AU kinds of Boot* db Shoos proportionally cheap and warranted. Aligoodapurchafiedofus repaired fr^c of eburgo At tuosign of BIO 0007) Fcafthtioo Street Atlanta Georgia. DIMICK, JOYCE, Jk CO JUST RECEIVED! AC C ORDEONS l S UCH as ujt»d by the Cample streis and other travelling Mu u sic Com panier, tho sound of them precisely imirn. ting tho human voico. Also other French Ate .r- demfi. Flutinoi, Violins, Bow*, Onitar?, Flute?. Banjos, Tambourines, etc. All of which will l» j sold cheap io suit the timer, at II. BRAliMULLER'3 Music Storo tVbitahall St., sign of the Big Drum oct 31, 67 dwly. LjHiolHterlng and NttUran r.n- tablirihitieiit. CLASS 33EJ. ,A,Dr*wa December 16th, Ih67, nt Armony Hall, Savannah, Ga„ under (he awarn super, tendance cf W. P. Hjmon* & J. M. Pron- tiaa, n»<j’a. CAPITAL PRIZE $60,000. Ticket.—Whole* | 10,U*|r..i 0\ » ur ic 1 • 82,-70 Prizes Payable without Deduction, Only 1)0,000 Number*! :i,2H0 prizes! 1 Prix« of l ” 1 •! 1 I 3 6 mo 100 3000 r,v l 000 boo 100 40 30 .imations 3286 Prizes emuuDlirgtu •223,2(0 Dank Note, of XMed Beak. Uksa xtsor. ChNks o* New fork remitted fa pru*s-_ Ari-lru. it into hr tickets er Certlfieel* ef Paekags* rf ttsbeut* _ A/ATrHArWK^, fruro the cbwp Hir»w. hbuck kud C«>ttoo, to the pure L'C/ILEH llMIt U»ttr»a.v«, % Xl >aat«4 euperlur ia ear artle!* e?er effertdln (UU I hnTf also on land, H*!r Bo!«ter« and !*}!- Spiral Ppitixf Coarhe* ari l (.ounftfi. a’eo tho World rooowoed hplral Spring BwttrAM**, with lied tale to match, wti cb noer fill to pWruvtht'fw f^nd COOD Bleeping. I tia-aiio nicparfd toUrbolateroll Sofae, ^ecktro, •sad corer them with H»tr, Uoth, i'lushcr UrLtgy . oft tbo aborteatooUce. aldtore lo J..Norrru«w a Rulldiog.' o Marietta i*t ota, Otorgia. cctlWwtf P. M VotXt. Drugs! Druca!! Uruifa,!!! T iRK endfralrned would racpactfuily n'erm thw'*. many fileuda ao i ratro&a, »U at the/ hare larval/ maoy frUude aod ratro&a, t .•Baaed their atrd'tr of Drug*. thmrfo*?v Paints, (i.ln, TVIndow t»hm-Perf^m«r7, K«i»«y Ktodet and atcry tiling elao obuiIIj found ia a flrit tbo* Brug which they will tell at tbeir os talitiw rate* for ca*h nr fhert tine. Their otnekot W't'u ’.'iir Clan I- tbo Urge* lo the Hanlhern country, and train the advno •gala „ Tayier’aonti IlytpeptU Slate. No Me>lleibe ef iat< year* hoe eo many ardent fntnda aa thia. Oat of ti.*e booronda of Hyipaptica to whom we have aoM tbiA Medieloa. wa bare heard aont *ay It did them no goc-d‘ V aod we know af uraey la thU elty aed vtafclty who, • of tkig — • from the verge of tk* grave, haw been raatorad to eeVeat health. We say tbeae thtaga her* whare li e ItelMiM ie mad*, end wo era kaawc, and cUtUo^e aoatwdlallmi. Ulw oae soil. > mna uizim eet- dawly. UKOktilA, uharaita Uanaty, \TtrHERRAB, James M. FitM-r tnd W ^ W« ‘ Us P. Lawfeon apply fur letters of *<1- mmistrstion upon ths r.lalo of Allsn ) ewfeon let* of said eewnty d eetsed: ife*.* ere, tfesrv- for*.toaiteand ediaen’tS sit eoMersei to nek. known thotr otyteUons, u any Iksy they lu v X within lb* Urns prracrlud by law, why a..e letten ehould no t be granted tho appUunts. JAkOn JORDAN,OnUn.ry. N« », IM7 wind , .a--—v. -.