The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, December 09, 1857, Image 2

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DUNCA _____ kionh'efaad' tEHJ&" 6$ UTELUGENUBE ft DAILY WEEKLY, - - - wrosULTKSTS'EirsSMI third TAOS FOH SHERIFF. 1E> W-**®''*'-* 3 * For Deputy Sheriff*, r C. C. GKEKN* A OSBORX, For Clerh ofSuperior Court. DR. B. F . B 0 M A B . For Clerk. *1 Inferior Court. D VNTiRL PITTMAN • ZZZgfftiSiit'* £tefai/ooSS aD }... Quarter— A. R. WUJTK NOTES OF Baas of Fulton’ token at Par for all Debt; due Qua Office, New Book and Stationery Store. We are much pleased to Mate that'our ’.f.'zi, Hr.Wnnu Kat, Jong known in this place tee hi* energy, integrity. and boai- wss rapacity, haring mad; arrangements with some of fits creditor* to consign Book-,, •St '.lionery and Fancy Oowli to him oo tale. Mr. Cone of Bnlloch, laid he was opposed to this substitute bffl,.and had drtwn np a counter report; bat this morning,' when he o'offer is, iftvts miwiag from hi* [dcsJ^ ! fie weald like to explain nnexpvre* 1 time back, about :Si» arow reasons fdt that.exjtri ever, seen S' complimentary of himself in the • SorenAh Georgian’ of ysatrnUy. and that would balance ecooaaU between Savan nah and himself. If' would moi< bower, cr. to postpono the cou.-id nt|k>n of this bill until] the. 1st Monday id "June, laughter.) Mr. Fanfare of I’paoa waa willing to give Mr. Cone a reasonable time to find his loet report or make another. He would aay m much for tha Senator from Bulloch fa" the Savannah Georgian had said, as he enter- tamed far the highest respect. He hoped they would only postpone the hill for a few liars. Mr. Ueerry f Ran it*l|>h. v \* alaowilling to giro Mr. Cone saS 'iont tune to find his lost tepott. Mr. Cone, The repott was not kel it was sltlm from me. Mr. Gae-ry. Then, draw a new one. The pcetpone until the 1st of June wo* carried by a v -to uf 16 yeas to 41 nays. A bill to allow tax collator* an insolvent list—amende,! and passed. A hill to point out o-it the mode of ob- tainiae juJj'Stn-nts ih attachment cases JU. Passed. A bill for tlo protection cf femn'e or- in'.snds datag on openry basnessu! the sthr? j p^, n}- rcr.ntly Ctfcd up for that purpose hr cur oil j jjreral asmsduents were proposed and friend Capt. Kian, between Mrears ToraBn-l llKr Wine jj^ussioo, the whole matter was Bines’ House Famishing store. »sd j n[tttv i to a jpecial committee of fire. The Messes. Lauren i Ntwnunk Clothing store, Whitehall street, in this city, sad we trait that he will meet with not oniy libera’., bat geaeroas encaregement. Misfortunes over. *azc miny that sink under thto. but when tbfiv assiiltMch meo a* D Kit, this triumph is short-lived, for *hcre there it :c; ..-limble rewgy, backed with intogrity, a w'ie rril tnds reureoi? pnblw, presperi- :v will seen agtin dawn, as we ftfl it wUl to :.- :i ccf thagentienua referred to.— . Wses. wj yean ago, afar many year* of tcil, M: Kit found himself unable to fill his engagenwats, owing to severe leases and ' d treatment by m of* those in whom be trc- el. be Jtrippad himself ol rresy thing, ■zi tu.-rted it over to lii creditor*. Since . ica * ins ttnppkd i* lupport • large and iezerulent family. Now, h? is about to .u■ r i;,-iia.npOQ bu-joe*. not as a •rinripol out as an ajoU, ta which we trust hr rill j-uroeed. and that h- will yet amass. : -..t weaL'o, at knit a competency for him, *.i sad family. Thor: wh, k.ov wba: have bees the basin's 5 reUtiocs of the wri ter ;f this notice, with (he subject of it, wi l t.u« it, should izoy deem it cut of place in ur editonil calomas. Bo: i- ,ratifies j Mf Cnaerwood .peaking of Railroad a, to see that our cH friend I? not deserted ; ^zzopolkt, and nidlt wasasirnificant fact, -J \ r -* * ' r **' l ^'' h ;. itra rei , ' i oa j that nearly all the opposition to this ceas- c - 2 ’ -‘. =s 0 '' F 5 * 1 !* 33 131 As sjmnm- cami f r r . those living along the line u.:v -here hv is » rnooh respected. ^ of the CenUal and Georgia Railroads. The time hod con*?, when the people of Georgia (should resi‘t monopolies, Jostia woaU be committee it Messrs. Gibson,, West, Thomas and Billups. Several gentK-cuen -poke, among the num ber, Hr. Gtbeon for, and Mr, Buchanan agaimt the Bill. Mr Gtbeon arge d that tbe measure was necessary for tbe protection 'of orphans a- gainst profligate fortune hunters. Mr. Buchanan tho right it onnoceseary, and that it would generally be a disadvantage to tbe orphan. Tha Senate the t adjonrned until 3 o’clock P. M. With the exception of a few unimport ant bill* the afternoon sosioo was consumed in reading hills tho seeond time. HOUSE. The House took up, unfnUhed bosinese cf yesterday, which waa the motion to strike cot all the Roads, in the ‘Omnibus bOi,’ bntjthc *Georgia .Ur Line R Hoad.’ Upon this motion Mr. Underwrwd, was tpcalting when the House adjourned on yebterdij. I nice below the remainder of the «p«eeh. and the balance o! to-day’s dj- bate. €■ ■ ■■ij-:nden:t *f Ski for. u £rasuntr M/liedecvilTe, Dec. 4:h; Wmbrfnti eourfifmsA'uM nth SenaU A hill to render certain tbs eoaspeosation .' ■ f pjor children toe benefit of :i.i teh.- i rand—oo«;.kd by except- .the counties of Lompkio, Datrvja and Kabon and passed. A b31 to vest the government J the iu‘- xload in Board of Commuaxaers— msd; rpre-U order /or Wednesday next. A 11 recreate a Western A Allan Rail- done sooner or later—tbe people vxmldhatt rt. Gentlemen had asked, why out sepa rate these Roads ? He would ask, did it make a rigk‘ measure, emny to mmtnnt for the success of this ffjkt! Is there aay thing wrong in combination I Wbj did the colonies not fight uparaltiy, for the liber ties yen eojoy ’ They combined for suc cess. Ihd that make the cause, for "hich they fought, imny ■’ The South is fighting ™. AW, ^edJ order ofi io ^ H ‘ 1!b a Coo B re *’ fur iu,h - ! Union. Eijoainj is there neglected sections at Georgia ashsj in this bill. Deny tkii, ami he, like the gentleman from Baldwin, wou.d march with bayonet and sword to protect it. The Gentleman from BaUw.n, had mid that Middle Georjnripaid the tax, which built tbe State Road for Cherokee. Tbe Gentle man was mistaken. The money was raised by the sals of state lands, not by taxation. Tis true the Central Ban's raised 3400.000, which th- gentleman »y;, wat paid, oy taxation. Grant this to be true; acl yet how small a pitanee, is ibis compared to the •$j0*),ft00 expended in tbe construction of this Road. Gentlemen seem to doubt that the State will be benefilted by the postage cf this bill, now much hive the Central W - l-.-iday nex >ta.nnsrtu(, Dec. 5, ISA?. SENATE. Miller Inlrodund Dy Buchanan o’. Coweta : A nil re via . rt. claim laws of the State. 1 _ Mr. Pawiou of G.rece: A hill ccm - . . ’.he seavrel Railroadsjin this State, : i ~ ■ . . i:i for Baggage n separate par- 17.-. ir .m any stations, to destination cf the ; _«r.r-r. By the <aaie : A bill to amend tbe laws uffioi* .v.ite :. regard :o mar.atnission of siavu. By Mr. Fields of Cherokee: A hiii to ic- r rrporate the Pasco?. Aia»ua, . nd Bell Minin,’ Companiei. By Mr. Gibson of Richmond: A bill f.r ^ R » itf0ad ^ P rx « laedt, along their lines ? For tea miles on each side of th a : P.:vit. ha* rises lOO pet cent—paying iate ths pocket3 of the owners not less than $10,000,00!). AH that these sections ask is ’.hat as much abou d be done for them. ‘Out side pressure’ had he ?u al luded to. TV. facta in the cane are, that there are 314,000,000 aguiait thu, and nvt By Mr Edanndreu of Murray : A bill j * dollar for it. i he Central uad Georgia ’.U r -f and protection of married women a-,. •. prjridn for tha diitribaiioa,c>f their z-VXj ■ Bj Mr. Fields of Ccerokee: A resolution fa <■ ••■ieua’e re mrct after Monday next, at -j, M . 2- P- Jl. -ad T P. M. and ad- at 1 s’eW*’.- P. M 5 P. M., and 0J ... pr •».•>* far ths appointment, preacribe •* and compensate a 3«a»« Geolog- By ths : A hi!! to ragulst: the da- th-i f Judge* ia casea, and provide for ti' • re! of the aatae. By Mr. Mallard of Liberty: A bill to 'v.:rn;ri:? the 'OhoorW* ntJonfactorisg C .if \i> Tatnai caunty. 1.7 Mr. Mcunger of Dooly: A hill to to alter t.:e cauatitutioo, that the Legislature may iii y law the place or placet, whetc ih* Supr me Court shall hold it* sesnou. By Mr. Payne of Telfair; A hill to amend the- act of 1*54 simplifying pleadings at law. By Mr. Sheppard : To allow the proof of upra accounts B0« exceeding 840 injustice Coomt. Bv Mr. Smith of Hancoek: A hid to Railroads arc here against it' 1 find I am unahi: to give anything like a full report of t , eloquent and logical effort, in a hurried report, if poeaiblo f will try 'o rs;,::t i: in fall at some future time nei.kidedrethsState having bought sour: year* aro, 300 negroes to work the public roads of the State, that these por tions which now sought the State Aid, had not received toy of this work. He then referred to the country thro' which these proponed Roads passed. The Georgia Air Line R. R. would divert trade from South Carolina. The Macon A Brunswick Road would build up Bruoiwick—the noblest Sea Port go oar coast. He alluded must elo quently to the scenery and uoivcrtal wealth aioug tbe Kjjay R. R. Hi* whole speech was a lucid nod almost trteshtable argu. meat ia favor of the principle of this bill, - • ■ out of the coonitution, the pros salon, I u, -‘ t * ,,! rx: ""’J rj ! State Aid,in developing . prrxo ehofl bt twice elected SherSF • ,;h n any term of 4 years.’ By Mr. Stobbs of Bibb: A bili to incor- pitthe ‘Bank of Geor ia’ ia Maeoa. By Mr. Vcuagof Cnioa: A HU to lay .. .: a Lew coanty from Cobb, Casa. Chero- i.eo and Paulding counties. By Mr. Darden : A.bUl to rftjiire eounly cficers to advertise in the Counties where they live. By Mr. Staten of Clynch: A r-*..’.u'ioo i> appoint* commit’ee to take into vn~-■■■ k- ration tbe propcitty of selling the Ui-ifeoo- kee swamp, and report a bill upon this sulject. Matter under final ttmideratitn- A bC! to lay out a oew county from C> lumbia and Waxrea. Laid on tha table for the lawhjHwE&i A bill from Ibe ’/adieisry Commlttoe’ to eo alter the coortitotion ae to redaoathe Bsanbct of fiwatoa tc. the iacompantMe resources of our noble old State. Hippy will be tbe day for Georgia, when all her sons I arn to advocate the liberal policy sought to be inaugurated by our able speaker. Mr. Gordon, of Cnatham, said, Tbe Hon- orable Speaker bad been pleased to refer to the man, whew name he bore, and hi) noble compeers, who twenty yssre ago, labored, and suecstrfally carried out this gnat system of Re' 1 Road in the Bute- Yet tbe speaker had endeavored to kill the system icaugura ted ty these gentlemen. It had been aneer iogly said, that some of those opposing the HR, were too young, to onderttsad its mer its. It would be remembered.bowerer, that in olden times, the giant was slain by tbe baod of a ys«M.. Ho it may be now, Tbe geatleaam boat Troop bad received no quarter, from tbe /Heads of the Mil, for referring to tbe Yatto Fraud. It was not charged that this UU wu os ohJwtiooeWs as that erect /Hud, hot was Oiratbaw fegtAtipa-f$trtoae the MU before fc Hoare. Ha w^tjed atembent of this JfoonetjWatfoov .lie would nnt oon* pn-.plow ths remits. Tbe gentleman firm Harcrvk haa referred to tho Missouri C un- a$INiP gislat ien. ‘t'hte an anfortnnntB refownro, (or this com* promise had been doscunoed fay the South, declared unronstllutioual by the Supreme Coutl, and woa oo longer tlx lair of the land. - V this was the butt ilhrstrution the gen- tletnan couhl draw in favor of his bill, be would Hk* to have him speak again. Those who, in 183S assisted in inaugurating this system of Railroad:, were member* of the legislature and not of the lobby 03 had been asserted. The Hon. speaker had saki that ihe Cen tral A Georgia Railroads had rewired from the State, a loan of $300,000. lie deuied this and would refer ta the tat. He dsplor* ed the enmity manifested by ths Uon. speak er towards savannah. When ever the Htute of Georgia was spoken of ia other lands, Saranruh rvooired her great meed of praise for her tnterprise, and the liberality of her citisoos, but it was left for this Ilall to be tbe scene of, and the Hoo. Speaker tho per son to make an assault upon fiat, interest, and Sav. citizens. Is is to Savannah and Augusta that we on indebted lor tbe pres ent system of Railroads. It has been mid that the buiidiog of the Western A Atlantic It. K., was equal to a subscription of $6,- 000,000 to* the Central Rood ; if this be trne, is it cot also true of the Brunswick Road/ They received tho same benefit* from it. He then showed that most of the taxes which built the State Road, came from the cities of Augusta and Savannah. He reviewed the argument oi tbe gentleman from Bibb, and said that Macon was built up by tbe Central Road, without it, and tbe S. W. Road, Macoa could not exist, and yet the gentleman cried out against tbe Road in favor of the "dear, dear people.” It had been said that competition is the life of trade. So it is, and be welcomed it, but ic tbe name of Justice, don't turn the power of the State against one Road and in favor of another. This would be indeed gross injustice. He showed the advantage a Road backed by the credit of the State would have over any other. The Hon. Speaker bad insinuated that there was a “ wheel within a wheel’' in the action of the city of Savannah, with regard to the Griffin Road. Ia this statement he oniy showed his iguur- a nee of the facts. He then examined the claims of (he Brunswick Road, and showed that in this cose, the State was stopped by the word* of the Maia Trunk charter. He thought there was merit in tbe other Roads, and if he could be convinced that they would not interfere with the R. R. system iu the State, be might be willing to grunt them the aid they asked. The gentleman from Hancock had failed to answer the oble argument of hi* young from Walton—that thclSute hud not the right to gram old on the principles of this bill. The lion. Speaker Lad said that tho bonds of those Co.'s would be paid by the income of the Suite Road. This was im possible, for the income of the Road was already pledged to the Main Trunk. He showed that the value of State bond* was fluctuating, and depended as tho interest cf the State did. upon the action of the Legis lature He warn-d them of tha dangerous poli'7 they were about ir itiati g, and elo quently referred to the eceeea of that nigh),’ when Cburle* tie 5th, in a half crury mood entered a mouastery and asai-ted ia the ceremony of his own burial. II i.v- roetcli was listened to with great interest. The Moose t'oeo adjourned till 2J P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION. Mr. Milledtre having the floor addre***.-! the House at som; length again*: the bill. - Pressure of time prertut* ray giving a report of the position taken by this eb’e Repre-eu- tatire. I huf* to give it in ray next. Mr. Irwin moved to lay '.he whole matUr on the table. Mr. Hirleraau of Bibb iiopeJ the friends of the inea-'urs would be allowed to perfect the bill, by attaching to it ouch jmendra«nt3 as wooid bring to its support many who now eppored it. Before he sat down however, he would notice the gentleman from Chatham v.ho hud said tha: Macon won support'd by the Central ft. R. when in truth it was in jured by the enormous freight*. Tbe Con- teal Road hod a tltdini; ualt. When the ff7er a: Macon was up, freights were down, and when the river went down freight! went Laughter.) He would like to show The announcement on Wcdm 11th, that a deputation of direct Bank,of Utigkipdbadjhadas iut Cabinet, created at P“ lin Fthe erinte were dU—. impression in many quarter* that’ the dlrec- toff proved an alibi. The dfatrldt tdny, tho 12th, nthtilar by how it wu that the Central Road fed and cta&ed Mvcoa. LI2 coa!4h4va a rnrrel of ton hsd applied fot a auepeneion Of the not of 1844, atiuiht to that whiigk in 1947, and this impression p.— been well founded On Thursday, it wa* announced thel Ministers had eon* sentrd to suspend the operation of that portion of the act of 1S44 which precludes the directors from issuing more than a spe cified amount of no'ea, except upon the security of coin and bullion. In the course of the afternoon, the following/ let ter from Lord Palmerston and tho Chancel lor of the Exchequer waa published in Lon don : To Mr Governor and Deputy of Ihe Hank of England. Gentlemen . Her Majesty’s Government bate observed with great concern the sori- ous consequences which have ensued from the recent failure of certain join-stock banks iu F.nnlaod ami Scotland, as well as ot certain large mercantile firms chief ly connected with the Ameiican trade. The discredit and 'dulrust which liavo resulted from these events, and the with drawal of a large amouut of the paper circulation authorized hy ths existing bank acts, nil pear to to her Majesty's Government to render it necessary for them to inform the Bank of England that if they should be unabloin the present emergency to meet the demand for discounts and advances upon approved securities without exceeding the limits of their circulation prescribed by the act of IS44, the Government will bo prepared to propose to Parliament on its meeting a bill of indemnity fir any excess so issued. In order to prevent this temporary relax ation of the law being extended beyond the actual necessities of the occasion, tier Majesty’s Government are of opinion that Ihe bank terms of discount should not be reduced below their present rate. Her Majesty's Government reserve for future consideration the appropriation of any profit which may arise upon issues in excess of the statutory amount. Her Majesty's Government arc fully irn pressed with the importance of maintaining the letter of tho law, even iu a timo of considerable mercantile difficulty; and they believe that for the removal of apprehen- sons which have checked tho course of monetary transactions such a measure as is now contemplated has become necessary, and they rely upon the discretion and pru dence ot tho directors for confirming its operation within the strict limits of the existence of the case. (Signed) PxuiERSTorr, G. C. Lewis. We understand that the principal motive for the application made by the bank di rectors, and for the concession granted by the government, was the enormous drain of gold from bank by the various Scotch banking companies who were very naurally alarmed by the failure of the Western bank of Scotland, ar.d tha consequent run upon tb* other banka of that city, under the pressure of which the City of Glasgow bank gavp way. And the a'arm of tbe banking companies iu all parts of Scotland was bv no means unreasonable. Tl one bank more han suspended at Glasgow, which at one lime seemed bat too probable, a severe panic wonid almost inevitably have spread over Scotland; many of ihe holders of one pound notes, which constitute! so large a proportion of the currency of that country, being ignorant and ill-informed persons, quite unablo to form a rational judgment upon their own value, and coii'e- quently very liable to fall into a panic, which once commenced would be likely to extend to the depositors. In sneb a case it would have been not at all surprising to see an almost total annihi lation of the existing currency of Scotland, which must have been replaced by coin before the ordinary business of the country could go on. Hence the demand, with which, under existing circumstances, and, considering the purpose for which the gold wa* required, tho directors of the Bank of Bngland could not refuse to comply ; and hence also the suspension ot the stringent provisions of the act of lel4, hy the Gov- rnment. It seems exceedingly probable, however, that, as in 1917, the proposed i-sueof notes beyond the specified amount will never take place. There are already, symptom* of a relaxation of that extreme pressure which has latterly p evaded; the panic at Glasgow scetns to have entirely subsided ; the tear*' which it created e-sewliere will necessanfy subside with it, ami probably, in the course i f a lew days, a large portion of the gold which has boon sent, or i* now on ns way to Scotland, will find its way hack to the vaults of England. s SSI fflUSB a«»BHSWf *" *—1 h* hearing of the partiet ia thaCrad- “Bek murder case has been otnoh V with Seven of the prisoners aceussed of trojod the | river, w «U< meved the commitment charge of perjury, but ' was already held ‘ his own confession. D</roi/,Dec 3 1 The fire at Upsilantl this morning dee* '“‘" '‘'“""ngeoDthocasteide of the j Howland It Son, and la supposed to htlvc been acaudiary. Lora $8,000. partially insured. Harford, Cbnn., Deof3. Tha injunction against the Mercantile, Charter Oak, aud Exchange Banks, of this city, wu thi* morning removed, and they ore now prepared to oo business as former ly. All of the Banks aro in first rate con dition. St. Dettis, Doe 3. A meeting was held at Lawreoee on tho •9th nit., far the purpose of considering the action of tho late Constitutional Conven tion. Resolutions were adopted declaring tha Lecoiupton Constitution a gross violation of tha expressed wishes of the people of Kane ns ; a fraud begotten of fraud ; solemnly pledging themselvos to resist to the last aft attempts to thrust4t upon them, repudiating the election proposed to lie held on the 21st of December, ami suggesting that if the Territorial Executive does not immediately oall a special session of the Territorial Leg islature, that Gov Uobinionjcall a special session of the State I,cglnture,at the surlier moment. A resolution recommending the nppolnt- mcnl of a local Vigilance Committee and to eustalu the action of that Committee was al so adopted. O. B. Whitman presided, and spteobes wore mode hy Gen. l/ano, Gov. Robinson and others. Several l’ro-Slavory papers in tho Terri tory havo taken strong grounds against the Constitatioi). •I Teacher Caned'—The Central Georgian of the 2nd inst., says: The pupils of ths Sparta Male aad Fe male Institute recently concluded to give Mr. D E Laird one of the teachers, a caning on his leaving for Virginia. This they did effectually by giving him a gold headed cane valued at $9, not over hi* head, but in hi* hand. Wc have heard notning of the cere, mony attending the presentation but have no doubt it was done gracefully, and smotb* ered in smiles. John Outmnli eembor, 1850, o Slump, was Ihli convicted ihe murder H carried o'vof I nedInUte'watcv'ellfaotnight.' o made to rescue them, but unto 11 o’' clock this morning Ihoy were itill in the ire- *'• —_ I ■ Noaroijt, Va., Due. 4. ~ Ex-President Pierce embarks vm the United Slates steamship Powhaton, to morrow, for Madoria. The whip sails in tho afternoon. tyoihingtpn, Dec. 4. The Locoraptoa Constitstun i* warmly approved of by .Senator Bigler and other h ading Democrats, and it i* understood that toough Senator Douglas i* opposed to it, be will not pi an- himself in upon opposi tion to the Administration. jt i* admitted that the House will organ* izo with Mr. Orr.of South Carolina, .5[Ma ker. and Allen, of Illinois, Clerk. The arin* cipal contest, will ha for offices of Postmas ter, Door-keeper and printer. The president's measure according to the present design, will be sent only to New York, Philadelphia and richmond by mail. St. Louie, Dec. 6, A a meeting at Leavenworth Kansas, on t _1 • V u # the 3Ut ult, resolutions wore adopted sim* wgar shipped from New York to 3»r. for |Ur , 0 , b0je p|scd at Lawrence on tha 19th Sue., and from Savannah to Macoa it cost bito fit 50, ao 1 ’.bit they fed and clothed Macon. A gain, a keg of nail* cost him 12 Jc from New York to Savannah, and from there to Macon he paid 50c. and that Savannah fed and clothed Maoon. (Mach I/iusjh’nr.) On the motion to lay the whole matter for the session, the yea* were 82, nays 57. The committee on the Institution for th: Blind reported—bid recommcndlag an ap propriation of money for thi* inititutioa.— Poaw 1. Committee on Deaf and Dumb Asylum and speeches were mode by Messrs. Vaugh an. Philip*, Hutchens, .Moore, and others. Mr. Phillips advised rallying around the Topeka Constitution, calling it the Magna Chart* of Kansas liberty. A Vigilance Committee is Icing foratd throughout tbe Territory. A letter to the Democrat, dated Lawrence, 17tb Nov., elates that Gov. Walker raid he would call a special session of the Legisla ture, providing the members would tighn a fdedge guirant.'e : ng that they would not go into a genera! legislation. Halifax, Dec 3. The Collins .-teatnlhip Baltic, CnutCom- reeommenioi as appropriation of S8,009 i. j stock, from Liverpool on Wednesday, the addition to the aaual amount. | kith nit., four days subsequent to tbe de- House adjourned till 9* o’clock, Monday ; %*"'**« morning 0. Later from Yucatan. The Mexican schooner Edoardo, Capt, Laferia, at this port, from Tibaeco, via Race, but the line ie interrupted beyon I Pictoo. We Uve consequently, no intelli gence from fit Johns, N; F., to-day. Cincinnati, Dec 3. The Commercial of this morning barns Proceeding* of Connoil. Cot’XOlL CltAUBia, ) Atlanta, Dec, 4th, 1857. f Council mot; Pretent, Uon. Wm. Etzard, Mayor; Counciluieo, Lawsho, Sharpe, Mc Daniel, Holcombe, Peck, Glen and Fames- worth. Minute* of last meeting of Council read and confirmed. Petition of Tho?. F. Lowe, for Vendue License. Grunted. Petition of Geo. Lyoa, .Mrs. M; A. Lee, and others, praying tho ol u cer tain bog-pen, used by tho Georgia Hail Road as a nuisance Referred to the Marsha! with instructions to examine and report as soon as practicable. Clerk of the Market reports for October, 1857 : I2G Beeves, 73 Lamb3, SO Hogs, 4 Veals. Market foes, from A. R. White, $9.25 ; E. ParsjDS, S10.05 ; G, C. Rogers, $8.90 • Walker, $000; J. F. Trout, $1.20; Shiner, $1.10; Cash, $0.40 ; Wardlaw, $3.85 ; Rosser, $0.60 j Taylor, $2 60; Hicks, $0.60. Total $39.65: Also for Nov. 1857. 54 Beeves, 9Lambs, 2 Kids, 21 Hogs, Received for Stall Rent, $1.20 N. B. Tho Butchers pay no fees for No vember . J. D. WELLS, Clerk. Petition of P. G. Ifossant, praying Coun cil to refund $3,00 street tax, paid by him or 1857, on tbe ground that ho is not liable to Road duty. Petition granted and ordor- ed that a check for that amount be issuod in bis favor. The Finance committee report that they havo examined tbe following account* and rocommend that they bo paid. A, W. Owen, Holland School, $114 00 James Hefferman, Publio Buildings, 12 50 T V W Rhode*, Lamps, Gas, Ac., 8 75 J 51 Holtzolaw, " “ 6 25 Atlanta Gas Co., 11 “ 29 60 Street Pay Roll, Streets 253 87 A J Barke, •• 16 25 T V W Rhodes, “ , 7 00 B N Williford. " U 00 A J Burke, Publio Buildings, 21 00 " Markot, 9 25 B N Williford, Police, 52 00 D C Venable, 18 50 BN Williford, Costs and Fees, 54 06 TO TUB MILLION-—Pro/, Hood, of St. Louts, hu, aftor Otars of Jtcp study and uutlr- tag research, sacossdod in presenting to the pub. lie *n article superior to uynow la aso, and in. deod it is truly a wonderful discovery—no advert to his Mair Restorative; tbs only utlols tha) bos been completely succorsful U cheating ago of bis gray locks, removing dandruff, Itebing, scrofula, ao. It reitoroa tbe gray beadad to mora than tbe origloed beauty; adds now lustres to locks already luxuniol; haring tba offset on coarse, harsh hair to render It glossy and wavy; fastens psrmanont- ly hair that is tools or falling, nnd many other qualities wbteb will become known as soon used. Tbe pride of mankind is singularly deraloped In the keeping and arrangement of bis hair; from tho fuel that it is tho only portion of the human body that wo ran train in any way wo eboose; bow iinporteot then, haying this portion, left 0 our ears, that we should uso all tba moans solanco has placod to our banda to render It beautiful and permanent. If you would bnvt beautiful hair, glossy hair, hair with its natnral color,elegantly preserved to extreme old ago, don’t tail to purehaso Wood’s Hair Restorntf —D-lly Iowa Slate (Incite. Sohljby all respectable Druggist. December 5, IS57 dwjw Special Notices, A GOOD COMPARISON. The Ror. Wra.RouUtt, a well known Methodist C!er- ry*"*B reuMln/ nt X»plee, <lr»w$ the following anm* Ic# but »pt compfariROu butween Dr. UcUtie'i cele brated Vermifuge, prepared bjr Fleming ijfoi.. of rittftburgh, IV, anti * i«rr«t; * ’* A ferret. wl.oo pUced fat th* entrance of » rat le, onters the aperture, travel* along th* po/uag*, bcltea upon tbe rat, exterminate* hi $ existence, srri tlraw* the animal'* defunct careara to the light. Arid in like mauner Iut* I lound Dr. MeLaa«'« American Vermifuge to operate u|>on worm*, thoeo dreadful and daugerau* tormantora of children. Thi# rentedr. like the ferret, eater* the aperture of the mouth, travel# down the gullet, lajr# hold ef the worm#, ehakea the life out of the wptllM. aweepeclaan their deu, and carrie* tfcelr carcaeira clear out of the irn. ila, at lea#t haw beon the effect of the Vwtul- m mj children.’’ — Purcbueri will b« careful to ask for Dr. or LA SCd OIL FI Hit A THU Y F.R.MU'VOS, manufactured by Fleming Broi., of Plttaburgh, Pa. All other Vermifuges in comparison uro worthless. Dr. M’Lano’* genuine Liver PUD, also his celebrated Vermifuge, can now be had at all ro.<poctable drug shires. Hone qennint without the eit/nathre of FLEMING EROS. them that has never heeaatUlned In the tame K rled In anj other house. Having no agente to re* rn him seed every year, those sold by him ara en- M»V of Ui#*eaacu's growth, aud cannot Im» Riirpakxiti either In quality or purity. MKRCHA.NTd tuppllM on the must reasonable l#rm# In bulk or in paper# ready for retail. Descriptive catalogue sent on application. K Buwr, Nurseryman audSeod Grower. R k’«*d Warchoubo No. 9ft and K!4, Market Bt, above h, Nursery and a»e<t farm oa the Darby Road, PblU delphta, Panu. ' dco 7,‘Wlm HXECUTORiS SALE. A QU£KABLY to an order of the Court of Ordinary **■ of Gwinnett Coanty, will be sold before the Court llouie door in the county of Worth, and SUtt of Geor- gta, within the legal hours ofiale, on the Ut Tueedar in Jnnuary noxt„ one Lot of Lind, No 1n2, in said county, containing *IW acres, mora or less. Bold a.i the property of We hart Whitworth, late of Gwlnaett county, decease, fbr the benefR of the heirs and cred- ltors of said decerned. Terra# read# known on the day ° f 1h A. WHITWORTn. Ex’r. fiMopfATS LIFE PILLS AND PHtKNIX BITTERS. IVI Trethe unprejudiced, who mteeni hoaMh n*' hleaeluc, the Life Pills anJ I‘hi. 1 • Hitters are oonlldaatly recommended as the best» loine now before tbe public. Th*y remove alinoet • perceptibly all noxious accamulatlone fhm the »t. *eh and bowels, and all imnuritles from the blood— Imparting life and vigor at the same time to every part of the system, and thua reatoiing fheeuerglet of both bmly and mind. Office W5 Uroadway, W. D. M. D., Proprietor. $50 Reward. OLEN from the aubei hanue, In Cobb county, on tho of the let (net., a large bay light made, 10 years old, and ligh, has a little white in his fore v _ ^ STOLEN from the subscriber, at \Mlig Shanlec, in Cobb county, on tho Unlcht ‘ ‘ ' ' HORb’K, rather ll„ about lfl hands hig head and a email lump on his shoulder, (tho loft shoulder t think.)! will give thoaboru reward for tho horse and thief, with proof to convict him, or $110 for tho hoyio, and $30 for tho thief delivered to me at ray residence. L. KKNDRrCk, Acwortb, Georgia. December 6th, 1S57 daw Ira* NOTICE. . SOUS Notes made by tbe undoraigued nnd Thomas Uallard and F. S. Fitch iccuriUcs, pay ably to C. A. Rsmeoy; said notes being eight in number, for fifty dollar*each, due 26th inst. The considera tion of said notes have failed, and I will not pAy thorn unless compelied by law. Z. B. ULALOCK. December 1, 1857. w2m NOTICE. . indebted to tho , Parr, Into of Jfurray oounty decoaeod, aro r. quired to make immediate payment nnd those baring demands will render them in, according to law, to mo, in Attnnto, Georgia. L. J. PARR, Executor. December 0, 1857 dwtf * tianai [32] New Advertisements! caSiphene Burning Fluid! •S5 XD 5J3 $ FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER TERMS LOW FOR CASH, Ta E. KIPLEY. P.S.—A liberal discount by the Bbl. Dee. 9, 1857. dirtf made to tbo Court of Ordinarj of Fnlton county for tears to seU part of Lot of Land No. 0 in the fourteenth dt*t., of (originally ltsnry,) now Fatten county, belonging to tho (state of Klioda Carter,deceased, ASM0N H. ALMAND. ~ Dc :. 7, 1857. Adm'r with will Aanexed. >’. Alexandor, appllai for lettort of Admtnls tration on the estate of William C. Fureron, late of said county deceased. tfiTheee are therefore to cite nnd admonish all tad lingular the kindred end croJtors of raid deceas ed, to be end appear at toy othee wlthiu the time rtseribed by law, to (how cause (if any they .are,) wbysaid letter! should sot bo granted the applicant. Given under lay band officially at of fice this 7th day ot December 1857. JOS. II. MBAD, Ordinary. Salary, I’aupera, T V W Rhodes, J D Wells, W C Barker, I O McDaniel, 3 T I’caeock, “ Seago, Abbott A Co., " J It Fitts, C It Barney, Incidental*, O H Jones, “ Police Pay Roll, Police, 13 00 53 00 2 25 1 00 6 07, 2 00 40 109 12 16 00 240 00 Vera Cruz, report* having been spoken on I 'h 3t ptaining mill sxo factory of Mead the Drib ult, hy the Gam peachy armed ( £ C«-r « rr ‘;" t " n . ™ tlestroyed by ichooner C .nnna, with three wn-k- ljter [ f‘ ,a on Tuesday eight. 1.00* $8,000—no intelligence from the Yucatan const, and J ,-11* .1!*„IT th* progress of th* political war in Ihe in *” “ tenor. Th* news is of grtst interest nnd impor tance. ceadiory- Several other home* were like bet on fire the fame night. At Ripley, Jackson coanty, Yi., nine building,, ir.eloding fix stores, were burn- Sira! bad been Lomharded tnd captured ed * few nighu sine.. Lora $25,000. by th* armed veaseta aeat out from Cam. peachy,and was now ia tho Lands of the revolutioniiti. Ikirrrs, Deo. 3. The jdry in the caw of the owners of tbe steamer Mcnemon Hanford, returned a geo- , |*: 1 .ri-MUIIIWH »iwii*'#l'»| iwtisilirii SS Moll" are given, nor have w« i „,| re ,dict of guilty against Edward C. further intelligence of too distracted condi tion of things at the capital. Csmpeaehy yet held oat, but was still, OB tbe 18th, sore bMUged by Mm govern ment troops, under command of Colonel (taped e. During the whole of tho day until mid night, heavy cannonading wu hoard both from tho fort* of the town and too work* of tb* beootgert.—H. O. Fieagnnt. MaxrataL, Dec. 3. At a gmt Irish mooting held in thio city tart nigh t Mr. D’Arey McGee wa* onon- itnow chosen as their candidato for s scat in PulUntent itthe eootag tlectfon. Hanford, comrnauder of the •laamer, and s technical verdict of guilty against tho other owners. T’bc rase on exceptions, goes to the Boprcme Judicial Cotrr>. Capt. San ford give bail la $6,000. IpruieviM.c, Dts-1: _ Tb* examination of Miller, whoso rovo- ttions in rsgord to’tbe mnrder of Pucol D. Craddock, In the month of August. 1156, caused much tzeitomea t here, is now pro gressing. H# UHs s prsuy straight stow, acknowledging that ho participated in ths murder. Publio opinion, howevsr,is sksp- ticst, and strong corrobontMon will bo rs qsired to salistaottato his testimony. 31,075 03 Report receircd and adopted. Tbe Committee on Street* ta whom wu referred the memorial of A. W. Watts, re port, Tint it seems from information received from the committee on streets, for 1856, that A. W. Watts built tbe culvert on Pryor st, near K. 51. Seago’* store, without any defie aits contract with the city authority. That it was also considered mainly beneficial to a few persons. From the reoords it appears that tbe matter wu before Council sundry time* in tho spriog of 1856, and wm finally disposed of on the 18th April, in that year, by an order being granted for 860 75, being out.half of tho reported coot of said culvert, The report of Street Committee,on that day, is herewith submitted. As tbe matter seems to bars been thorough^ investigated by the former Coonci), yoar committee report ad verse to the memorial. Report reeeired and rdoptad. The Relief OornmUtee to whom tree in ferred tb* petition of Mrs. F ’ *r>ison preying aid to support bars •* untily of da children, rvport that w> - - <ivess|. tad rim condition of said family, *u far as w* toe able*and find tbtm hesllby and ahta to work to some extent, therefore, wo report adverse to granting sal* petition. Report received nnd adopted. Council adjourned lilt Monday evening 7th imUnt JAB. McPHEBBON, Cl’k. Tothe Voters of Falton County. Fm-low Ciiirnxs:—Bolnr n Cnndldate for re- ei-ctiun to the office of Clark of tho Inferior Court, st tho onoulDg election in January next, your support *t tbo Ballot box will ho thankfully reetivedby your obediont servant, nvo. 18, td. C. M. PAYNE. BANK OF FULTON. Kxcltaitgo Office of F. C. Barber. Th# notes of tho Bank of Fulton uro rodoomod fat this office by Sight Exchaogo on New York, fat ono-quart«r per coot premium, or bnnkablo funds or ooln at ouo-quarter por c«nt diicount. F. C. BARBER, xrbnngo Broker, McIntosh St. Augusta, Oa. sr# suthoriivd to snoousca th* Hon. GEO. D. RICE, as » Cfaodldit# for Ju’ift of ths Bios Ritlge Ctrcolt. »t tb* falectioo which *■*" o tha flrst HootUy In oUnusrr Mxt. dwtd Postpoucmcut! I N conioqnence of the woatbor, th* MURD00U DRAMATIC CLUB will not perform until Saturday Breoinr, Doc. 18th. W. A. CHOICE, Mansgnr. December';, 1857 dtf MURDOCH BRjjATld (ijilB] SECOND SEASON! Grand Performance! Wednesday Evening, Dec. 9th, 1897. BlackEjed Susan! Songs, Dances, &c., state secrets, OR “ Clothes has Riz! ” READ THE BILLS 07 THE NIGHT' GEORGIA, Gwinnett Couty. To A!l Whom it may Content. \Jkf H&RKAR, H.H McOlsn* fa^llfafa tofor fit* if torsofg«h/(fUn«htpof thonoraonartfrotortf of Ttmpr Adfatifa* MeOaoc, m UW|iUmftU ehU4 of Tsmfy MeOlang. Tb«M »r« thmfora to difa art ndmofatsh nil prions eeoMtMl to show imm st Ik* Jfanvtry term isilof thfa Cour* of OrttMr/ for soM •oUBif, why ssid lot* Ursfaho-14 utatbo (rsatfad. Olvta •»udsr my hfafad at offio*, this Dm. ilk. 1*17- W»t O T. KAJtmmW, Ort y. GEORGIA, Fmjlk Ctaity, .To all Wlvm it may Concern. wrr Oil Monday^ 21st Dec. 18,>7. W ILL bo sold nt tbo Into roiidenco of O. J). Parr, deceased, in tbe county of J/arroy, all tha personal property of said citato, consist ing of Com, Fodder, Ilories, J/ulos, Cattle, ic. Sale to continue from day to day until all |j johl, L. J. 1’AltH, Executor. December 5, 1857 dirtf ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W IIJ tiffore the Court House door in the City of -Ml ota, on the 1st Tuesdiy io January neit.1 Lit, dUtingnisbeii as port of lot No. 16, of block 4 of tho 14th district of originally Henry now Fulton eouu ty, originally bind lot No- 70, eoutaiug 3-A 0 f *n sore, more t*r 1cm, and bouatied north by part of lot No. IC, south by Faith Alley, east by a lane tea tent wi Je, ami west by part of »ald lot No. 10. Sold as the pru- pert) ol Jo«*ph K. Bishop, lata of DeKalb County, .ie* ces.e I. Sold for the benefit of the helm and creditors of said deceased. Terms on tbe day ol sale. JAMES II. BURN, ) . , fM WM. II. Illtsswilj., I Aihn’ra. i**ci,is57. " .m,. GEORGIA, GwlunfU Coanty. W HER RAH, William II. Bncevell of said bounty. Guaidia nof Richard W. Martin, will apply for letters of dlsraisiion from said Guardianship at the February Terra next, of the said Court of Ordiosrr. of aald county* O- T. liAKF^riUKV Ord'y. Dee. 6th, 18S7. wflt Deo. 6th, 1867 . w j m HOGS,'PORK, BON ES, AND F OR SALF. in quantities to suit tho trade hy 8BAQO, ABBOTT A CO. DOT. 18, tf. Lost Scrip! Lost Scrip! |70OiKi , ““ and Vinrinia JUil Nos. 3,140 fer $300, dale*! July loth. 186:1 “ 3,148 •• 200, » •* *. “ 3.164 « 100. «. .. . *• 2.168 “ 10d. “ •• •* •• 2,159 " 100, «• .« u Tl.e finder wiU receive a LIBERAL REWARD, by Nov 23, ’67-dtf returatne tha a > this Office. atfsTIHfehip gUncs, Cabin Paisa go Io New York 135,00 Weekly H. States Hail Line. rrilK new and splendid >lde*whfe)aUam*b!pa* A AUGUSTA lftOOtona, •• >1.», Wooobcli FLORIDA. 1300 tons, “ huac Caowstt. ALABAMA, 1300tons, •» C. R. Pmsvrs, Will Leste Savannah Every SATURDAY. TbesesblpsareamonatheUrveston tha eossf.un* surpasssdinspeed. safety or comfort—makmr their P****f #, l n ®0 to CO boars, and are commanded b* skillful,earefalandpolltenfllears. They offci a mo*» deslrablseonveyaneeto New York. Cabin Passaca to Naw York Htser«fvpasia|etoNew York PADLKFORD, PAY k CO., A*entri n SaTRunab - SAM*L MlTCHRl*!.,iaBroadway.Naw York Savannah February 6, I860. shin Passage from Charleston to New Tor $35,00. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. Now York A Charleston Steam;Packata Through in 48 to 58 Hours*. ISoml-Woolxly. |; Th* raw ■U.m.blp COM'BMA, 1800 Too*—Jf. 8-r. y Commander. lABHVIl IX 1600 tons. | JAMEH ADfltR. 1600 tons T D Kwan. Commander I 8. O.^Turner Comman'r MARION, teuton., BOtrrilEKNtot, lOOCUnl W. Foater Command.r. | V. M. Mornr. Ulaiu'r. .ton M(«’i wharv.t *v*rv , WtSsiMi, * laturitarl •ft.rtht.rrlHlor tb* oar* from tb. ao*ih» VnI "»t blfh wst.r,”*. • with «v«ry tninrr— »U*ntlv* in* caatlom commtoiten, will (raan Tr*v*ll*,> bv thU Un* .v*r/ po»lbl**omfort kn<t*o*ominxl*tlon. •vplrto HKNRV M188R0ON Corntr of bit Uj * Ad**r', tteuth Wbtrf, _ . , ' Chat to*tan. S.O. C.blw Paraage, taa. ■taerag* «. COMMISSION MERCHANT. FOK THE PURCHASE, g if* aod Storage of Pre<lne*,E P poito '.the Wutem 6c AU»n. tic Raibotd Depot. November It, |g67 Jswtf 8ALT. K A A s«ek* In store and for stle bv iJUtf JOSEPH WIN8HIP. Not 1157 itawtl BUTTER AND CHEE8E. A LARGE supply on bind or superior quality, and tot sal* bv JOSEPH WIN8HIP. Nov ii, 1157 dawtl 8A8H ; BLINDS fa DOORS M ANUPAOTUEBD toordrr, at onr shop over Wiiwhlpta Iron Works. UOS. WINSHIP fa GO. Atlanta, No* *5,1167 dw*m Iron! Iron! A LARUE Stock of Etowah Manuals!.- luting and Mining Uvaptny's Iron, con iu, . *<-.