The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, December 29, 1857, Image 3

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Melliflfqctlr k Sxqtyinelr. tOM, y r Af etrtltftlt IW ” , ikkatHMRH^tw la Mllhtlui* sawara-ar"^*" S.68W! tetellMi, A.—tt iu4>4«* riMUkw>< Ml* It*. mmhMuiu. t*n tf rtujntpw, »k* AAdrrai, »t«. uaiuuMox. WiMlm;, Ktw T«rk. Boii'B MXDIOIHKS PALUCT MXPLODED. •h* »llkil CtMIpIlM It Ml lit tut llii Hit !>>«• o/ utr p«; 4 mtrttm ttraftltftllra, ttblbll Mttt, If '(Mtt'tfkVOMttwpUtt *rUtottlt4 Itftk la tkt TtllMU, ftad thll Ik* Tutor- totted, lu*la| Ikt tt'ftrtr It 41* of a ■at dittttte «atull', kat 41B1t.ll U || I OU Dr BitUn tad Cklktrtlt Pin., tof.tbtr vitk bit nBtaad ralmorary ftadwa, win a* WalmtMitU •V**!*. “V tkt BttUr* aai Oratorio PtUt a)a *t*te*td t* jWwihai lb# tytltm, tltaaat tkt «t*a>.ck aaJ if Mttt It ta IU aataral.UM) a*4 I* tqftMUt Ik. tint MtaoftktklMd.' ■a fMmonftry PlUt ta4 r.tdttt an W Mlfty •tackaailritiatiaa, It rratora tkt ttntat aadktal “Ess, hi Will Our*-Ctntnmyttaa •* nr H.L^ r m |k. 8.a Ml. tad ritra, a. mil t. nraacbltl. ^aikm, a*4alltlktr aWItttaai at tkt airpauait. aat rftrytrfttery tri.*•■ Tkt Blttart tad Oratorio f3Uotera*Ulo»»o la tatty lutaait KplUjay or HU DftftfUt, a onlt IJrar.OompItlal tad Nirr laa 11-“r** et tttty otorftotrr- n, L. B. tooo “4 dotoooaor to Old Dr. «Uk(M Boat, dl.pttitt thora Wtadtrfal Romolloo Ua Ml oan, No. M4 Orood Htno«, N.a York V Ok.. Btwoald tattbpitlW tool*, a terra**! l» Umnattkoaok of bl. potloatt, bat ikon r wldltf atadiut*t*fc? wwKItelW tod ttfttloj .jnploml ad tktu dlttato, 1atu molt* Modloioo. by Hi pro.* Ual MB tartly rutort tkaa to ktaltb. Tboy win oat Watnt. Bora, Traatoitat yrarfto that CtotarapU. atakttand. Pttl.HW-dwIy To Father! and Mother*. Tta kao* bow Utportaat tt It lot yoar oblldrta tbot *m tkoald koop (ood booKb. n*« fro,.o.tly do ». att Mil* panaU drtmd la aiotoloj oa ooco.o t of toftdftart ofthftl) bolotod *tblldna. Wbat a pity It It, wton, by ptopot toto ood romtdl.t, all tb.*o trial* .aadVtablo. oaa b* atoldod. Wtoa .htolth eon b. patktttd to Ikt portal ood Uf. and bopplot*. In tbo •kBd. BttUn tbo koalth of tbo arothor ood yo. ob rlatllbi aoooeolty offortforle, Oodfrey’. Cordi.1 laa^ otbattoiatteataarootltofoterylaa children. W< Latitat y.a, at wo dulra to laiprutt th. eond'tlnn ol tar rata, Upitoart.Dr. Mom', Alm.o.r ood nod \ Alaaaae* U Moardaoe# with Hatmr#'« h V | wlU Raot* *afl Float*. FHEGIiAWOY. Dvrtf ttto arit leal period Uotm'i Indian Root Fttis wlU *• wq*lr*2, *•«*«•• elsane* tb ® (r«« Uoee morbid honors, and thoroughly drive »«nv nil polas, add flu# tan nnd comfort to tba mo* thar. From fo thm^of thaaa PUla, taken two or thioa Muss n week daring pranMOy, will c*um the fc-uothar a sofa and aaey dallvary, and wUl ba aura to r 3iT«n ataut and health; eonstitutloa to tba ahlld. Dr lUvaa'a Ud»an Hoot Pin a art aold bj all daalara to Ntdltlttt. (Dttl.lHT-wlni rra oitwuu TO THB MILLION—Prof, ITood, of St. knoll, hot, aftor yt«ri of doop itudy tnd nntlr. U| rtttoreb, taeooodod In pruontinf to tho pub Uo u trUtlo tuptrlor to any now In nto, and In dood U It troly t wondorfol dltoortry—wt ndrert to bit Hair Ratioratiro; tho only arllolt that h boon oemplttoly taceottful in choalinf tga of hit l^ay look* rttnorlng dandruff, llcblnf, torofala, kt. It rattotw tba gray haodtd to non thin tbt trlgltil hoaaty; add. now luitm to locki already kiaraatl hating tho offoot on mum, birth hair la nndar It glotiy and wary; faitoni ptrmanant- u balr that It loota ot falling, nad many olhtr ^aallUtt which will beoome known u toon u iiod« Tbo pride of mankind It tlngululy dotalopod In fire keeping nnd arraafoment of hit hair; Don tht foot that U It lb* only portion of tho hanu body tint w* eon train In »nj »»Y w * thooMj how Important then, bating ihli portion Uf| eour can, Ihbt wa thould nta Ml Uto maani rthaw bu pitted In oaf bandt to rendu It kaaitlhl and permanent. If you would bota hoautlhl hair, glouy hair, hair trltb lu natural oolor alagutly prwurad ta allrtmt old ago, don't (Ml t* pure koto Wood'# Uair Rotloratlto; -Drily low* 6tat* Quoit*. Bold by Ml Druggtrt. Dtttmbtr 1,185T dwlw ^ "b'tM Ntm w*'tai"irVuern. win Pitni.-Wt eo it. atUtUot tt lirhQgfira and eltltuoi to thu ailrtr Dr SJraSofb. who lonrlably earn a SSTSlafaldMl., wRuthttbu hllh.rt.bu. ii almost tf Ml owUmly lasarabU. p* utnyU, aat painful la applleatloa, ao«l bo •huap u^ia fUM It wfthla tho mob of tbo yoormt. With s4ak aa array of ovtdoaeo as to tho sueeow whish has attoo4o4Dr. Catanaugh's trntmoot of tbo dlitoie Mludod tea. h*. bua broogbl to oar hnawl J OHItOAM AROMATIO «3Mar Aiio»isoms» A »4dtM*M dl«< drib), ofamlM»riy uhtuy 4*olliJoa, unwhaurad kj hlminif udutrMy, •« u* PtUttyia BehMart, Holland. . It u maio ftwa Uo Wo4 WUy Uat oaa W« iMtod la I«fO|w wltk tho oaoonoa or a& aromails itblUa harry of yokaowlodgod «od hxuoonUnarj ttodooloai^ropoetlM.) (Uluu ioogabao acqulrod b'hlghtr ropaUUon, both b Earopo oaU AamrU o•» thoa toy ot bar dluruUo Uvorsgo. It Qrarol, Goat, and RboomaUim, b Obftf us tiOat of tho Bladdortod Kldooys, tnd In.fotor* al dsbUlty, Its .tffheU art prompt, dosidod tod inrarUbly rolltblo. And It Is not only a moody for thooo maladies, bat, b ill easts In whish thoy art prodaeod^by drinking bad waUf, which Is al most unlrsrsally tho oauso of thorn, It oparatoa aa t lota prsrontlro Tbo dlstrsMsing offost upon tho stomasih, bowoli and bltddor,'ef trkroUrs or now rosldoots, and mil parsons toaccuitorasd to thorn, produced by th# waiors of ootrly, all car groat .1oUd4 r| rt rg. Uo tho Ohio, Ululsilppi'and, Alabama, from the larga quantity of docaysd rogoUhlo mattor son- talnod tn tbsm, In a stato of solution, is wall known, as also that cf tho wators of limestone ra* glons, b producing Graval, Calculi, and stone ta tho bladder. Tbo Aromatio Bchiedem Schnapps Is an absolute corrective of tbtto Injurious pro portiss of had water, and oonsoquoutly prevents the dlssNscs which they occasion. It Is also found to ho * euro and preventive of Fever and Ague, a complaint caused by tba conjoint effect of vogatau.j malaria In tho atmostphoro, tnd egoUble pvutsssnees In tho wators of thoso die* in as In which It principally prevails. The Ar uo Uo Sehlsdam Schnapps are eoniequsaUy In great demand by parsons travelling or about to loUlo In thssd parts of the country, especially, as well as by many tn every community where it has become known,*on aocount of Its various other remedial properties. £ In all cases of a dropsical tendency it Is gen erally the only remadj required, when it has been adopted In the oarly stages of the dinar*. In dyspepsia maladlts, when taken in proper quantities, as a dial drink, and especially at din* nsr, it is found, by uniform experience, to be em inently efficacious in the most obstinate eases, whin even the'bsst of the usual remedies have failed to afford more than temporary relief. In cases of Flatulencyrit is an immediate and inva riable specific, and it may bs administered in di luted and proporUunate quantities, even to young infants, in all of those paryoxlemi of griping pain in tbo stomach and bowels to whioh they aro es pecially subject, as well m In the cholic of grown persons. A Its judicious adoption In connection with the principal mssli, or when a sense of exhaustion dictates Us use, never folia to relieve the debility attendant ouprotracted chronic maladies,* low temperament, eud exhausted vital energy, by whatever osuse Induced* These are facts to which many of the most eminent medical men both In Europe and the United fltatas have home tesUmony, and which *art corroborated by their highest written authorities. Put up in quart and pint bottles in cases sf one doxeneach, with my name on the bottle, cork and Uo simile of my signature on the label. For sale by all the respectable Druggists and Grocers lu the United States. UDOLPHO WOLPK, Sole Importer, 23 Beaver Street, New York. CAUTION TO TUE PUBLIC. The word “Schiedam Sohnapps," belongs ex clusively to my medecintl beverage, and all oth er* is counterfeit and an imposition on the pub Uo. UDOLPHO WOLPK. DUMCANA LOCHRANE. ATLANTA, DKCKMBBBW. 1841.; Illsoti prim CimJ. ■I. i i ■ Irr OrglM «r TUI IwfgLLIrtRNOd* A Kl | oMutta, Atltau, Ot* 29, IBM. I LATEST NEWa A SEALED proposals. NL United until th. Illh Inal, foi build lug lout bout** OB Ih* lot uuxIi.Md lu oountY |>utpo*« a , tbiM muI * htlf tall,, liutn “! *"t of Atlanta, Th* boat*, to l* of tb<- following *t)iu ,„d dlmwtUt, to-mt j Tit. - lu I AH 3C loot, on* otm, big b with * Mock chimiif, |n th* Mntra of each •■* l-o lit, placet to uch eltintntj, oftuirahl, tit*. ,, f j, building lo It* ditluad iolo IWu ruutitt, with , cltett to **ch room— uo* on mb ti.J* chimney I **ch room tu r*K* ° * uu, " u ' r 'lour and two window.—16 light*, HM it) ill,,. th* eloMlt to b« put up ol tongurd tnd gtoottd |.l,nk, tnd propnl, ,blind ou on lb, in,id,, tb« bu.lding* hi be WMIhtr-hottded in muck ,ty|«, with 1 Inch pUuk, tnd tbt joint, btitento with btUon, 3 tnehr* wide; tbt roof lo he ptopetlj tbteltd end thlngltd, with,ood brail pint ahlngltt; the Boor p auk tube kiln dnal.tua wlgea joini- od and laid down rough; tht fttmc lo bt pul up in good luhitautiil tntnnct aith lioiUtt t, follow.; Sill. 6K 3 inchtt, 0 tor limiort iK k inch,t; .loot tod window p t, 4 XI ittchci corner jails 4 Hit Inches; pla'ct 4X 4 inchrt, ratter, 1 h-l inch*,; joint, 2 XMnchc, the cot, nor |Kt.l. to be tloubln biaced. I'croom mtk ing proptetlt ire requrtteil t« ,t«te the tliort- ttl lime |H>Mible in which the building* con be completed, and, te bund will ba r quit* >1 lo, lha prompt tnd ftttSlul performance of tbt contract give the itamee of their tecuntlei Dr order ol the Juilicet of rite Inferior Court. C. M. i'AYNE, filrrk. Ueo S’, utw. 4p)**a—(Mad Qrwea. Rtcon—rtid*a. B*C*I«* Boiler—Uath*n r .., Coantry ‘trendy- Cam—gM fin $1 bo 0 I 6a I DOOt 6t IT) 0 m IT l« II * M fi» *« *4 I Do «« 6O06OV 40 Postponed Administrator's Hale. V IM. t« fold brfurs th* <ourt Houbm dour at MorKkoton, Fsiiirlo cikunly, witMo the usual bnun of tal*, oo tb* first T«*A«iBjr in March arst, >ud No 1< I In tba Slh district an d 1st o«ciion UiuaJ|| Union, now Kaonla iooi ty. void a* that r .<>|K*rty of J ibn Oilman. d*oa*a*d. by virtua of an older "f UiaCourt of Ordinary of Franklla county whan retting fi. Ordinary purcos-s. Hold for tba b*u»fll of th* balr* and eradllora of aa'd dacoosed. i An «h* day of e»U.* LITILK, Adin r. IS. I86T «|id n M POHTANT IN FO/f Af ATI' )N, ty «• ■ - _ hick muck suffering in families may 1*« avoidod, sent to married men and those , contemplating marriage Address an- idosgfour stamps, Dr (J. W 4 b DIB CO Brooklyn, N. Y, Nov. 18, |hf,7 d&wfim UU.MAH Hr. LI)HE,-I, tl ,h, wl ; IIUMMIMSION MEIIOHANT, For the durcuase and sals of all kinds of produce irureries and Mcrchandis, will pay particu lar attention to the rcxcuAdi of Plar tation and Family auppliea. 1^* All orders promptly and faithfully al Lsndftu to. Ofliee on Bouth aids of Whiteba street, three doors east of Miehlelj oetUdwtf S am ucl Ewan 8c Co., ATLANTA GEOIIUIA BAsrasnaa Jtnd Dealeri in Cold, Hi leer, Dank Data anil “Damatie Exekunge. Demand Exchange on Now York, N.w Or leini, Hi. Louie, Htetniitb, Chorlciton. .nil til toinuin the 1,'tiiuxl Brain*, llncurrrnt Dank Sole, tml Bpecie boughl tnd told, flolltcuon* mtde etai,where tnd pr Kred, remitted bj Bight Drafum New York or New <, on d*y of payment, IXliOKh (WON 010. r. BODY Allenle, July 16,1867 dtw I YTrtrieU thll city by A. ALBX ANDER. EarefcmOII rorCtaollo la Honei Ob SMardiy l*M « ntul*. tb* property at Mr l*ha W. R*n*om,of RutwU county, AI»Hmt, wu riMently .tucked with cholic In lb* ttreet la Colombo., wu **ry much twolltn. end ham ,n ,,pe,nncet could lit* bu* b abort time uu* lutrtlitred. Tw« ouneee, liquid meuure, ol SurtkB Oilwu tdmluUrarad tnd tn 6tb min. (tea relief wu p«aeeptfHt, nnd in twenty min- t tee th* ttimM wu «nliraly ratlered. TUa mw and Ttluibld mixtura It eerralnly * glMt acquitition to lb* U*t of nmediet bero- lodor* btfor* the public, which, In addition to Uw many niiMa i< hu gi»*n men, it to bo IntMutM* for tho hont, In tbt (■I* ofbotttnd cholic, end tb* remotM o frj.i.. tt g BtTtl gtlhr Wo bar# don* oar Stty In tpntMtg it* good qu*HUu bofor* th* ptH, CM) m Dinfoitb, IftgM & Co., or L K.d;*l> tnd procure tb* my*i (tiling ■uiiiT wDbl Sun. VII, 1*87 dtf hash or rrcnw. 'Bxohsoge Office of F. 0. Barber. ' Tb* **iu of tbt Book of Ttltoa tn ndumtd aasR>»*rteC? 0 .Tj«F nkun Brtl, ^Mttntub St. Atgutto, On Pile HRlTt. g, OMuugb, wt on glod te tot, it feat wtaMtg . -i.totto* far Ut nrodatitu tl tht ee\; ten Itr unMUranli «*• CMltd «UUt. r.try mw wkakuuai It Mtart* lit rtwtli —Chlwg* Dolly jUrtM. F« rtt* 1b tM, tlty by A. AIrtUder, " 1.16*7 dltt /A HOdS^POPLK^BONE8,AND No MlvtuUe! Woodruff sn4 Co’s CooeorU Buggies are far superior to any other Buggy now tu uee. Try one eed you will oover bny any other style of Buggy. They k**| large stock of them on hand nt tbelr Repoeltory, lirt ffin, Georgia l»c S. 1*47. “ EUclric The operation of Ibis Uil i removing rhoumatlo pains and other ills, is indsod astonishing. Liks every good artiele, U bos bass eounUrfolt, entirely ueolsss; but tbo prepa- ratiou of Prof. Do Grath, of Philadelphia, has re ceived testimonisla from Cougressmen, Mayors of Cities, iforchanU, Hotel Proprietors, all of tho highest character, srtostiog its beneficial offsets In eases under tbelr owu observation* It can be had of the agents here, mo advertisement in a&< other column oot* SO, 1867- dwtf. THK GREAT RIWr(»UATIVE Fever end Ague Cured by Dr ITLxne'i Liver 1*11 lit. Afr. Joeolhon Hoaibrnko, ol Woat L'oioa, r.ik Cornu,, HUnola, vrtloo t« tbo propri.ior*, rttmtog Bio*., ol ritloburgb, tbtlbt bod.aHmd .lootl, from o oortit o*d prolraoud ottockol ,rr*r oaa kgao, ood oad woo eon,tettl, rtrtored ra bo*Kb b, tbo u**e< tht U**r mil oloet. Tho*. I’ltio u&qortUooobl, gioot took preptrtlo., ood coo bo ukte daddod od.MUgt (or moo, diMMoo roqulrlog to.t, trolls, rtmodlot ; bet tbt Llrtr hilt atesd ;ro tml Mot tt t roroeo of rtarariag t dtaergaoind Ltr.r b«tib, ottloo ; btott Ibe graM ttltbrll, tb*, bora ottoletd. Tbt aomtreu lormldtbl* ditmoeo Iras t Utw, which to loo, beB.d tbt abut of tbt Boat tmlooct ,b,*lcion» el ibt I'oirad Slttet, ort bow rtedtrod tot, o! euro, thooka ra ibt. ttot, tad porrtr.rtott of <b* 4ltU*fBl*b*4 pb,ticlto vbnw ibti grttt rttdtelBt beoro—o bob. which wiq «Mrto< tt pooterU, ot oot dtawtiag ot grtl|i ( <te- Tblt ratMoobl, Btdlclu tbo.M tlwa,t b* ktpt wllb. to roach , oad oe It, ifpooiooet oflbo to rite. I ijetf- tern 01 dlMOtol Urw, It OU bo tofol, ud k l*ofall, odmtatottnd. ur- Parebottrt will bo corofM to ttk for DR. MTiANB'd OILBBRATRD LIVIK PILLS kmofoctorod by TLRMIRU BR08. *f Pitt.- tooo, Po. Tboro on *tbor PHlt purportingiobo Unr PUI, bow bofan tho pal" “ “ goo ultra Llrtr PilU, olto kit * ow bo bod oil 'at wilAnf Ut ttpaolart of TLXMINl otltbraltd Vorml ago, mb bow bo bad *11 rttyocrabte drug a to rot. /few .-J.t— J—— - [I» yt«Bf» MmUoo ... 6*7 a tuu—fc ... e) a 10 iloru—bush, ... *0 0 Ml U«llf*e— Hw>-14 ... I»i 0 I3J JbV. . . 1* US It (Ihm-ee ... lit • 16 dandle*—Tallow ... 10 0 tb Adamantine ... U 3 l- Cbickcn#—#*cb ... 1*1 0 16 Kgg*—dot, ... )• 0 m Flour—Huparfina ...3 bil 0 * 71. Family Extra . . .t 76 a 1 Y$m Factory, Fodder—cwt .. 1 lute 1 tu ... 7.', Feather*—ft 60 (Jin—Holland—gal, ...I 30 0 1 76 DomMtic, Ut Htjr—cwt, ...3 00 0 It'. Iron—American <1 Hwaadoe, .... H0 1‘ Hand .... »0 6) Hoto* Mhoa, U«r .... H 0 ») Indigo—ft. I 000 lit, Madder—ft, .... tote 16 Lard 13 l» Molaeaee—»*«U, ... ua b" Mackervl—bUl ..*13 0 16 No I ... 16 « 1" No 3 . ... 10 * IS Meal—buah, .... 60 a 0# NaiU—kvg 6 * 6} Oinaburt*—jd 13a 1*1 Oat*—fiushra. «* <0 Oil*—Lamp. .g»i* — • — • • .... 1 » * 3 IK MachioeT}V-^*— - * - • Potatoe*. . IrVlu.... ....) 16* 1 Of 1 1 1 i i ii 64 « 1 Of Rie*. . « Cottetus* tsv7. In «*efc at AlMibVTA, sute4 tksLr y iUiticdlanfous. IBooks, Books, &i. ?! SVSrEJS'MtED UJlJYK Taken at Par BORGB hTdINIBL. r pil E subocriher will aril *ight<»r irn Negroes X. ih ellouse and I*nt whepeon ho now re des jq tbo City of Atlanta, and ■ large stook of Family Orocerjee. payable in Georgia Kail Koad Bank Bills nd rather than miss a trade, at N K PKU CENT PI IF Mill M CAHBOLLTO N M A90NIC INSTITUTE. JOHN K. LKAK, President. , THE exereises of this Inst tutinh •eri'l op^n on the first Wmlneoisv in January, 18'« Th* course of ly will be thorough arid extensive, both in Male and Frtxulu Departrum's We have a large building, gooJ socit ly and a location as healthful as any in (Georgia. Board Jf per niorifn, tuuon reasonable. We hope* receivers we will endeavor lo drprrre*- M bersl patronsfe n| th« Masonic Fraternity nne tbs public generally- Wr will make it U> ih interest of *11 who patronixn th* ImUtution For parttculavs address John K. Leak, Oxfuid (ieorgia, or the uridcrsignt-d at Csrrolllon tieorgia. H. D. THOMA880N, W. M. J. T. MEADOR H W J M. REDWi.NB J. W Nov at. 1857 Halt. .In sacks, .••••*.*. iugav. .Clarifiod Crushed Hrown bugsr iyrup. .gal.. . . 4Uei .Cast..Dl German, Eng. blitter Hleell. A Americtn Spin's TurpenUne !>*•—!b rdiow-D Wheat—bush, *e»«ew*o* Whiskey — Ke*Wt**rt*« ... Old Rye . II* a (0 m 80 a to • . 13 a 1 lu U SWAM A CO/S LOTTERIES- Nt-w sod Brilliant Scheme! CAPITAL PHLZB $ 6 0,0001! T M -olWote* hteo* .10 W 4r*wa V, 0 IWoB 100 , itikmn U tk* fert (Mae* ‘ \j»tWrUa far Mere U tSUS «4y U ’lass 6ft, T* k* draw* la tb*Mtr of Aagoau, Uo, ra rtL lb co ■ATOOOAT, DBC. A 1B.T Class 66, I-;t*Sdtowa la tb* CUT *f Aagaara, Ooooflo, a •ATURd/tVdKC. g!, I Class 67, Tt b* draw. 1* Um City *f Aogotta. Orngta, la Mbilt, tt B4TC3UXAY, DBC. If, lift. Class 68, To be drawn U Ih* City of Aagxsu, Gwor/gU* t> * abUe, os • AVOBXIAY, LEC Mtk, Hit On the Plan ot SINGLE NUMBERS 11 B,«00 evisMi Resrly *w m-s* u every nine TIcSva Btfmlw*1 iv.bMnel 7* im 4nvs tm essk matuwiat u Dicnturjt .rra* *,. H .mf,^i 1 •• #» 00,000 - J •• */ uw* \ •• w «, l •• *4 lone 1 •* ef ».«*j 100 “ 1M UrritonRATiu* PRIZEI I ytltai •: kv'X| syyrwZMMUaf «• |«0,0rorv 1.300 i M+jm|* go,ooo *• \y*j \ •* VA •• IG.OOG •• SOO i •« 144 “ G.0C4 •* •« l “ ITS “ 4,000 M 400 i p>0 *• 4.000 *• 400 Unitruth’i In Crap. 1806 tk* MMlt gwtnlly, tod tk* Uow «p«8M 7* “• “rirad ra «U udwitmlot tb* tirtct, ol u tb* t*b*trlb*r la nady u *U [low u •fblblt bit (tack if flood, u well at tbt arc rtytettf ttraitor*. T. W. 7TI8T M !^-®t*d 0k>r* *4 tb* *«w Paraltart 8 . e. Mt*tn. I. A. A J. B. Vllllrt. Ptaabtrt* . A JUST PUBLISHED! M tbic V taiba, U, tb* autbvr of tb* L*ara blbtet. tfaitt. by iht tutbot of tb* Ibitltt*. Isformtuon .boui T.iu, by Bnmux. Tb.Ktyrtan.ol il„ MmooIc Arab, by w_j, ! f "'■‘Ht'c Atralogy- rredley ■ Legal Atlnm rwd't hero, I)«k-r^i»a tdilkia. Hpurgeon’e Sermons IIM serwa. Bledsoe's Theodicy. Received and for sale by Nov 18 J. J. RICHARDS 4CO. 1838, Grier** Georgia Alnutnaa < TO, COCNTEV MERCHANTS. I P ao, with tn gin yoar cotfomrr, tn Al. m*B*c worth htticf. you can get a rapply of tb* abort, tt Ibt Btok and Matte Stott J.J. KICiiA AD8 A CO., Nor I* Atltau,Qaargit. Books! Books!! Books!!! S ORGHO sad loipee—the sew Sugar Goose, by Oleott. Moa-fiids, ly tk* aether of Aim. Apabtcrn’i Liasuaied Hoad Beek of i travel. T-res j G. £wa*. »iA*WsehifigtcQ Tec rllcry, by Jos. J . 22 Ih 10 tft I 00 7ia I Si 10 a Hi 78 a 88 .124 0 H a SO lUiscccla ucous. Piano*! Piano*! Piano,! W r ; keep constantly on 1 sssurtment of plain alsgsntly finishsd Kosswood "Cso 're" Pianos, witbibs entire Iron Frame, and s the latest improvementawhicb ws offsr for tale at th* lowest market priest, and allow purchasers any rossoasbl* time to lest them. We ar* not agents for any maker, but par chase Pianos for our own account, and supply ourselves from such manufactories only, the in- struments of which give us entire aetisfsotion. Among the Pianos we sell, are those of Chirk- •ring d Sons, Boston ; Wa. Knobs A Co„ Belli mors; Bteinway k boos, New York; Hewaaa, Brother d Bons, Baltimore. From the latter bouse w* also hare for sal* their lately invented and patented, r DOUBLE SOUNDING BOARD” a. rmjwt.m—^ «n improvement, acknowledged to be the mot important that has ever been introduced. VVeheve good second bend invtrumeotf for sale ur hire, and adow the highest price tot old instru* •neats, , when given in exchange 'or new one*. BARTH d KICOLAI, at Williams* Farnltor* Hiort, Peachtree street Atlanta Geo., Kov. 30, ISM. dwly. ioe 49 r * U tnSerss ewr aaay tnewds sad ar ^ "* **** aeoe^Uea U “ k “ *“-> »<*d«t»CteB. In. s rZs u ' UraMra, a1 mej rtrf. 7 — ?"*‘.7-ig*»«r At. I. rartel,. ,ut ‘ ?t!***7 of rtort nknuw U aok. oa * ««nr—*>»*♦ oxb kt»**i tn> bunt. ■ IU* KIOTH A I2ZAJU NOTICE. T WO moetba ef er d*le s|>|<bc«t>on w.JI be mad* to Ibo Ortiinar; «»i C’h#.u«** Count/, fur 1*-at# i« •ell tlivUipi b*|uofinc lu the eeUte of M .T U.jlh* ei of said count j, demae**! I)*i, 44, w^u. WU W. W.FLKM1NG, Adiu’r NEW AUCTION HOUSE BY THOS.’F, LOWE, Whitehall near MitchcUSt, Atlanta Oa K I~, in ad iitton totba *So»e, wl I glva partlc uleret'enikon to ihv patrhsov end a* • of ell kind* otrrod uce, Oncer .*• Mercbsod!**, oed Ne groes, lor i’JkuUtlttn ur Kamil; uae. Order* redjectfully solicited enj prompt!; end 1 4 ith NEW AMBROTYPE AND PHOTOQRAPHIC GALLERY. Slarkhasu New Iroa Front Bnildlnr. Whitvhsi Htnet, Atlanta, (Jeurgis. thu d»y satdp-istai blmawlf out, Hr ) H- (onnerd, on* cf the c/l<la«l eml iou-t ox|ichane«o aitlata In KU Union, end that thvy *•# now prepared ta prndneo the m< at ertUlii- and Lf# Ue Piciurt* now mode to thsHuntbem dtaUa Usaara C. R H. would say to tbelr Mandi R* t thvy have oos of th# beat arra nisi .Vky end ri«*a l.ifhia nowin as*, sneof th* Isrgeatend AnratCatnvia a apWndldly fitted parlor wfavr* led^e canaoj >; i»n* of thefinait toned n*o<<«U tb* city. 1 a tie* atid ( >eaile an ere rvepv tiul'y Invltwl tr ^ivr ibvm a rad H. H.—rarticnlar attention will b* |ad t« teklog fkturea of CtHldien Tucee to »u)t ban) limes FetUfeeiloner earbarp Asperates,ChemtoaU, Stock, he . furnished to ihs M. A. CtXipfF, J. 8 IXUNARH, asv.14. IT « twtf NO DB08. js' .' jCr flk.M-ane • -ronx BALI ra qaiuUtht l« nit tk* trad*, KhT 8SA00, ABBOT! * CO. Igost Strip! Lost Scrip! awAAi> tu| J ,nMM «dTt»giM».tun Yul’ iS, « » - nsMsiesessec Enffsc^srsa. Iktrind Mttt tf htd »tM Albu ‘ I btlwtt, twktrat ttt WlrttU. Fat ton Bank Manejr Taken . at/Par. i TTTE win tab* FULTON BANK nn W prodora, in ptymtnl fot Ml 4*bl* dut ■*, for Article, of my dtoriptioa thu tt. bit. tilt. WILLIAM, RHEA * (X). •el IT dw BANK XUMNcV. *- AH<Bj£ M. WaiLHa-aop Jqtntfor Du Dank of Condon a Cantina. DAN IKL PUTMAN, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT R KBf BCirULLY Inform■ bit fritndt, tbtt In future be will he found daring basinets heirs, the office of Messrs. 6. fiwaa i Co., Alabama reel, Atlanta. Atlanta, Jan-U (dawtf.) MACON 41WESTERN R. R. MACON, December 14th, 1867. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and alter Friday ih# i 8th the trains will be run at follows: l*eave M*con is.rn.srr AtisnU 8 16 a. m Leave Macon 11 30 a tn arr Atlanta 6 20 pm > wt* Atlanta 12 night, *:r Macon 7 16 a. m. Leave Atlanta 12 m. arrive at Macon 6.48 p,n The night Utiua will nit be run on Nonday*, The night t ain from Atlanta connects with the Central Hotd tt 9,46 s.m., tnd the Soutb-WeetevQ at 11^0 a.m, also with the Ab bany train, td^weekiv, which leave* Mteon ▼.16 a. m,on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days. The noon train connect* with the Contral Road at 11^0 p.m.’ and Booth-western R.R fo? Albany and CJamtas at 1 30 a. m. ALFRED L. fVLER, Bop’u Dec 23,1867 U4w. French and Ifalfun. PROF. ETIENNE LAMBERT KUK TWO YK4H8 PHf»F. OF MODKR.N I.WiCAGEH fVTMB* Kf.'NTHVlLLE FEMALE COLLKOE. HrJtNTHVII.l.E. ALA.; LfiO. EX - PROF. OF THE WEbLYAN UNIVERSITY, AT FLOR. KNCE, ALA:; AND LATE FKUF. Of THE ME v PH IH FEMA1.E COLLEGE AND MEMPHIS LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC IN8TITUB, dtc , Ac P ROF. L.will open classes in the above Languages in Atlanta, Dicslur, snJ neighboring citiee il dreirrd. From the flu lermg eurrees met Wy him in the largest Insti tute* n| Irartin.g in the Sooth, and tbs m-.ny tnceroiutns besprd upon him by the most prominent scholar* in Alabama, Tenaeseee. end other Histes, he doe* riot beertaU in prom- tiing all who will lake lesson* under turn a full and accur U knowletigsof the la •'fn a gee. bo!h apokrii and wntun. Throe are taught by the Orel Hjeura. (Terms. $ per eeeeton of fifty lessons in Claseee, Private lessons will be given if re quired al lha residence of the pupils. For terms or furtUvr information apply by letter or personally to ETIENNE LAMBERT Atlanta, Georg* Residence*! Dr. E. N. Calhoun's. N. D —Priucioals of Hemintriee and Col- j leg s desiring lo hsvs French Claeee* taught, ; wj H f t*a address as abovs. Amsmcan plcss# copy. Nov. |A. 18*7 dAwtf I *00 *-!•*• ewensUnf te W hole Tickets $10: Halrefi |5l iQuartcra %(UBO. Plea of llso Lottery Th# Nemhers Uom 1 te 40,000, eerreeyending nth thee# hum Seri *e the Ttehets printed ee repereu eiipv of payer, ara enet/eled with small Ua lebea end pl*e*<t ieoea Wheel Th* firvt i«i I'naee.a.wliexiy, pnnted end eneireM ere p*anM to another wheel- Th# wbeelaere thee rwvolvod* endsnsuBherlsdr*< ir+nM Ua wheel of Ncmhera. end et tha»esao Ucri Prw it Craws lroei the ot&er wheel Th# Poacher ae9 Pr>»e drawn out sr# opon-d uH exhibited lo U# eudieneo, end raftrtcrod b/ <a* Otnalsetoeers , the Prtaa betas y'n^ed egslntt the Kssaber drawn. This n;*r*ttobTi repeated oatii eUlha Prise* ere drown oot. Approxtsnntlon Prloea—Tb# twe preoeed !*( end the twe snecoodlnf Hoteberste thoee draw, tag the first • Prise* wtU bo entitled te th# tl ip proi.mation Prtavt for example. If Ticket He 1 0 1 drew* lha 140,000 Prlta, tbcee Tickete nuaabwrad 111 34t. 11344. 11341, 11343, will eeeh be eotiUed Vottlj , If Ttrkai So 449 draws tb* 820,000 Prise thee* Tickets bjkVarad Ut, 449, 441, M2, will each be eelitkd te •249 acd so o& eveordlng to ibe shove Mboxna 4,M9 Prttea ef 820 will he determined by thelns^ figure cf tba Nsaber tbnt draws tbs 200.000 Prise.— Per etsisple, If tbsHsmhsr drswiag the 200,000 Prise ends vnth No 1, thee ell the Ticket# where the s«a». bar #ad«la 1 will be entitled to 230. If the Ksaaher eada w.tb Ke. 3. the* ell the tick at* where th* Ni bar end* ta 3 entitled te 820 aed to oa te 0. Certificates ef Packages will he sold et Ue feUnwlng rate* which Is Ue risk : CerUfieateefPstksgecf 10 WbeleTtchete f 20 «• »• 10 Half * 40 U “ II0 Qeerter BO ~ « lOUgkth •• .. . In ordering TickeU or Ceritficaia, Kr.rlos* your money to ear address for tbs Tickets ordered, on receipt ef which they will be forwarded by first mail. The List of Drawn Numbers and Prises will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. Purchasers will please write their signa tures plain, and give their Post Office, County and Bute. MguKemember that every Prise Is draw*, and payable in foil without deduction. mfc.AU Prisee of ti.OOO and under, paid Im mediately after the drawing—other Prises at the esaal time of 30 days, in foil without deduction. All eoman&irations strictly confidential. Orders for Tickets should be sent in early. SO4rose OrServ for Tickets er Gertiiestee, tn 8. 8WAN A Co., Augusta, Go. fiffirttParaoea rsMdtfcf oner Bestgoorry sis. wr The Sew Co«* a hare Arrives. C fL STRONG A CO., have isit epeoad n •largo assortment ef •TArLfc*AMDjrAJICT OKT OOOD»,fc Censisting in port, ef the follow lag'erodes. Rich dress Silks; fusy Siikr** AH Weo! Merinom; AU Wool Delaine; MemAeetos Deiains;* Poplins; Alspacse; Bomkaetisee; Ginghams; Prints; Bleached aed Brown Sheetings ood 6kmitg» 6bawls; Ladle's CJwoJt linlQgx,* 7 FtonneU; Kerseys* Irish Liness: Table IdwfTb ; Cotton Striper, Kectodty Jeans; gulu; CrtriBrtti a«i. Hrtteri-; Blankets by th* thousand, A splendid stock of Gloves; Drees Trimmings.* -AO- n- *c rw- tm . rataraOriiT 12 R/ ' T ‘ P * , y ** L '^’ u “ A., a good tapplj ol pUtuuio, BE00A5B Bootetod Bkow. W.* cox oUfrimMt ut to r >. ot t rail, and ut uliilri »h*s U... tetrt on pri. cm, rirat tW, will tod it to Ibw'.otertrt ra bo. frtaot. BtBmtWr, », tn at St 1, Wkirabtl Biratt.NsrtroM't old ,raid. Coat u>d m tra April 14. UU. „ n •>’ U* ttartaTT} P. D. Karen. Kj Ua Cralu, by Lima. H«Wtb»B Lrarra, try Tuny Pen. L»- Sea. BMtra, raranMteo, tj . ^ Hfflimi. er Tim Gmd. u, tmlUey by C. D. Homaeood, H. D. Y J * * b ** f 7 ^ Her. c. H. Sporgeom Lue of Lev fipcseer U* Cone, D. Roe* cf Ashnm, by ilru Jest reewtredsod Ivr sole by WLIVW. IBook.: Book.!! ZIMbMiotuo, a tb* I ole ol ra* Cck*, by t Gcornca'i Lilt tod kisiitxy. n* hrteaeer—by tb* ulfcor ol loo* Eyrv Virciu* Iliattrarad—by P«ru Crtyco. ScbMUayt at B*{by—by ta eld boy. Monied er SlaftM-by C M tedfmidt. B.M UI. ia JKfypt ud Sabi*, ud Tut LUb tb. fiotylud—by lb* tatberr cf Prirttt TratMt Tb* brad Surat. S'.lira. Sew—by tb* *atb*r ol Job* BBS Pcrtact tl f) Ira ora—by Cba* Lorre. Tb. Uo t :t Bias u utotitfripby ol A J Ora UiLm Irene ty 0 P B ItSuf Tb* Athaliap—by lire OUpbut. J J RICH A I P.ICHABDB A CC .New Book 4e Marie Store, J i. RICHARDS 4 CO., . Ud Email ebrac ratb. Atl.i by tddrmrtcf b i BROWN'S HOTtL, [Opposite the Poeeenger MACON, GEORGIA E. F.. HROWN 4 E. IHAAUM, Proprtetrrs II- F. DENHE, HopmntendenL Jan 17 davrly Joseph Hinship, COMMISSIONS M EHCHA N T. Putt THE PL.Kt.HABE, [YW U* a r >d htoreg# of Produce IffiBW p poitc ibe Westwn 4 Atlu- tie Roi*ruod Depot. November II. 1867 dawtf More Prizes than Blanks. Every other Ticket a Prize! RtpUtered Honey Letten »t our Biik. Capital Prize $50,000! ANDERSON k SUNS LOTTERT, ON THE HAVANA PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS! Jasprr County Academy Lottery! [By kothority of the 8t»u al Georgia, j CLASS PF Draw, Ut of Jtotrary, 1888 CLASS GG draw, IMh January, 1RM. la public, at Moons, tit. coder tb* iwont tuperint.ndanee of K. C. Bolkiay aod Jotepb Waterman, Eaqra Tlokf U, Wholes 210, Halves Vo, Quarters $£,50. ratmi rxrxBLi oiisoit dmemos. Oulr 30,000 Dumbcrs, 15,600 Prize*! New Store New Store, Bargains'. Bargains!'. SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES'!: W T HE undaraifirtd.'tr.f, lea., ra mforai tat Ciuivn. of Atltau uul ounovnJnt eoootxy. tbtt bt bat jurt ot*o« . !.». ^ W.U ralvrted Mock of OENlFj.EHE.VB LA DtEB , MI-BEB, CHILDREN and HOlHE HERVANTB- BOOTS tad BH0E8, which bt will ran il price, to rompera with the Cbu- Iraton and Aofoeeo Buriat*, Thot* tc want of kind Of tb* tbo.. mrabowd Good., would do wMl ra fanflua t rail u>4 titan* bt track, tt Good, will bt fraoly obawn tod ne price raked. KOBT. CaRBOLI.. Aftnt, OppornU J D. I-oekhart'. Dry Good, Htorv, " bneWII Btravt. Atltau. Gt 6dK>0 ptlx thick PLANTATION BRO- ANB oa hand. Pttctxra would do w«n to ritmitra theai. mpSadwta Jwt Opened in the Same BaUdine Paris MUlluery -rUIE undrraifiMd wtebra u iafora tb, |_ Ltd let of Ailanta tnd vieinitr th.t Mw ‘ rmimt a Itrfe ud *pleaded amen "“•M MILLINERY ud FANCY GOODb la th*FaII trad*, wbicb Mw will wli al rra- Mubit pnera. _ CARRJLL, AgooL N. B.—BONNE Id nujt to oedex, also, the DREeS MAKING hum otm will h. ctrrwd u A.T C uk Email ebrap eub. Book, If mat* Praey Bran, ot WbltabaUttraat, AUaata, Gi. ba. Ordtnewr aailorawMlvtumdrara” K*t*bti*b*d Kov. 1,1366. 7,,, Paper Iianfiop! A iXf, ud braatLeriutertamit ot —" ritwi. iktdw .ud ira-HCMB*, jut raecivod tad fee tala oi tb* Beck A Matte Bran ol May L J. J. RICHARDS A CO. Cigar and Tobacco STORE. SUBSCRIBER bepnca wiSafuIli 1 ramfona th* Citaeotcd Ath-iu ud «t> sounding eountxy, that h« bat j sd neatvud * ltifc tddiuon to bi* lonaar Htvra . - FIDE CIGARS TOBACCO. SNUFF, PIPES, SNUFF BOXES, MATCHES. *C, 4C Whioh it oSnrd it Wholraait or fajj u Ysai sow saiess, PexeoDi 4ea:ring ocything tumy tine wi\ d» •fll 'o coll and examms my Stock before po> cbam&f eUewherv. I3T Btoroen White Hoi. BtreeLocmoeite the Ifitehigencei ofocr, 11 . , iOHMFICXSH. Atiaata. Morch If. 185.7 *4*. *» proreffi Coiion Glut and Throttling .ifarhlnta. T H* aaAacabgnal Utw removed th*tr borioaes f.Ctt Marges Co*arty, C* . u AtUsU. bar ui tetcffn, tbwr *14 petroot eod Li# f^fchr r teat tas; efi. eaoc&BV te# ef Cattes ®tnv aai ^bael Tirosharx ntlar vase, ex'.encv* •dtoie That* Ota# ere well btu.wa *^ *ofr#r*el>; et pros*! in Oeorgaa, fwtti Coral, aa ead 4 late a e eb • 3 r^rLi of Tea at. Miaataai^i, S«rte Carolina They erv tuaU of te* very bn#', material# a nr<aom •a #yerwi te mob* lb«x wevoattet end Aera*'.* If ro% art Is west ef a good Co-ten Or* or wbnet teresber 'or ter from tt. «ivi w.l. saZ s« lew at es v etfcsr Mac. wfaatamrx cf sqnti mfiuon. anfi wiil d#:!rsr ll#c a. to# yerthoeer t rewdwac# os nnorevt E IU Usyet frws ef emerge fo: Iren•yorteti'** CcsV:art* cay tenoAa •Ilk ©er UevnlAf er lacs'. Agstu cr by Atrsr. erteya a’ahavaar absnlsnee of #wrt:ft<otM *• tc tkc rood pefaneacee ef ear ttte# and Tbreratert, some of wktek me; be eees epylieatvws tc Agwcte. Wfc. AU tti*t war rested te perform weal Rex Ingot ebsrt .eUcaooA to u .# . .#h JOrJtrB ?rot DfGrati’s Practice. J Shenf eared in me night by DeGraiVt ELECTRIC OIL. umo rtuM him EEYsgg KtttVrara, *«, a, ara *sol .e-.-olb. ,s Betti. Ill ( • V” * l -* era*. :*|wli Hers fa, ne r.lolo. f no l 0 .e:. is .^Irz 000 feiottl Lome I tv. farte.7 k "*“ A 3K 1 * tt ** i tmC *‘ Oku If EtTStR, «. D r *L47 CURE—Cltwe XU vase’tarn—Mr. tte Uectr 4 Jcwajt I» CKsClTU, Lit. ni£S —CXonte «*r«*x Apr-teu . i My ills lira . . rx Ma *•« cotag his THE boBCEIMTTI* I rnwof — io - ZiTuJ ioe at two» . .... . lbooo rn*»a*/M 40 — 440 ipfVaS'fl 4K.W .. 12,404 . i.fioc xooc . 1400 — I0ioe« y.m ir je» 500"* N». tk/I SALT. Rttkt in itort ud far tilt by JOSEPH Vi INrtHIP. 367 dtwtl BUTTEO AND CHEESE. A LARGE .apply on bud ol tapraior nullity, *ad fur rat, b, JOSEPH WINRHIP. Nov U. 1137 dtwtl , 1. taorrtirt. twraillvj tn_._— ttt. t*i Tb. It 000 Art.*, dltlt.’. d.t*rsu*d »• lit tu: d.tri tf ttM iMter tbtt drv*. twrtpiul—<f :> , ■■ ndt iitbu. tbt* ermr odd oamoee Herat : .ut ra m’HM u ii ra, if it u u —»« hw | r>ra rawbvr tutn .lit to raUiUt I* M H I* I tdd ura u oay Mtor yttf, tht tUkK wt. draw. Btbk Mom. of tnud Brakt rakra tt pw. Cbrakt « Jn York rwultui for prirat. Addrvtt if dart for ttakati or Ctrtlkrat *f ' Pwktno )f Tiekttt M Anoaoi a to>. ituiwi. lira** at Strrantk. dHr|lt BEST SELECTED ISb ASSORTED STOCK OF Family Groceries IN THE CITT or A!LAD TA. I. I* bo f*,nd ol ur * Atlanta Family Stores'’ MO.I3 Whitehall Itrrrl. GEORGE U. D A.M EL, Propn*t*r. Atiuu, May 6, >H. idtwy SASH BUNDS A DOORS M ANUFACTURED tn order, tt our tbop artr Wimhip'i Iran WarLt. JOH. WINrtHIP A CO. Atlanta Now 36, IM7 dwtm . lYMUra A Robin -oat rmwee at HunUr rad Pryor rtrwtt, Atitnta, 0*. •01 g|r* pramptattratiM t* raUradn* (worMly SO fswagta Qlaa Ware, fut Eaoeived S YtboHabrarib.rofth.BOM nodranl Mylra, tnd will b* raid U pry com than! htrt rrwtofort bran tbhtaoMI Ca»U..AIra, Chinn and Quran. W.^, Ptktri Craton, Pltud UaWb, r«b» Hpoont, Tra BrttaBHul. A.,cbteTF,^ Yura. e«- 10 "Mkh I wo«M Inriu th* at tention of my L'tmtr patroni and awacUU* tho Ltdira to oMI tad tzttnla*, ^ ' tattoo rXml S COILS ROPB, 28 Wxtt fine Toko***, fi bogs Rio Coffee, Noils aseerteil sites. 3a> CUart. *U brail, l»»T-4wtf $20,000 Wanted I A LL ptenet iadabiad la lb* aadtrtlca*d will touftr a brra by ouklif UtaMdU.* pay Mat, a, tb* abort Mount wart tonlnd. HUHNICCTT d 8ILVIT. bra ». 1367 Jwlrt REMEMBER, Dm ae, utt ♦via Iron! Iron! A LA ROC fltork of kvowsh Mmatlsiv taring and Mining Company's Iron, com stantly on ho* •?,*» Maomfactmrrs pvi'e, JOSEPH WINSHIF* ffovemhet II. 186* daw" NKGRO 811 OKU! CHEAP I CHEAP!! . TO TR08R WAKTIBO A PRIMI^ Wltrtlrtt «f doublotoU or w.lud brejurPfl 1 0!». will! ray that wt mmw ban ia Star*' hi • hoary Stork, ud MI *1 oar in Maaafkttartat wkieb wo will o*U »l tea raau a pair lowra thu any hou* la Ik It .tty will mU at (rad aa artIMa lortprahten wt d*fy Mthra la Yanhaa Made, Georata Made, lloeaa-made, •r ray *Omt wakt, ud wtrrrat ttow ra (rad ra trtteteathatinrhraa aSerrd la Utt market ra Atl kind, of 'I Hhooa IBrtl I warrrat*4. •••dipaiNbattdaf at rraalnd fro* »f thwn th*Mym *f 910 SOOT, PraUtrw Bwrat A Urate Our (la. 9afK ^ JOTOr , 00 D. B. PLUMB & CO., BROAD BTBBET, ADCDBTA, GA., TYRoussiLKAJCDaxTAiLDaaucan is Pngs, Mcilclnes, sad Chemicxls, DYE WOODS a DYE STUFFS, Oil*, FtinU ud Painter** ArUrito, Varambw Window l.lto* and Fatty, Glut Warn, Truth, tad Aarancaa P.rbnin. Fin* Tr lrt ud Hbann, Boapa, Pina Tonth tnd Haw Broth**, Putt Broth**, RwrwuaJ end Dental /natnomenta. TRUneES, BUPPORTBBa OF ALL KINDS •pita*, rtnoflk, HmfutatM Tohraa*. aO th* Potantor Profawtetr Madteisca* of tbt Dty. Saparira {aka, Par* Wine* ud Braadirafor M*d- teM Purpraw, Kxttart fra rUTannf, Chic* Tfd- l*t and Fancy ArttcJra, ate. ty Wt rStr (aodt aqually ta lam at th»J can to abtelatd (rota any aimiUr raltblahiarat la thl* rackioa. Warranted te it rare, Prttk. and Grmaiar OT Order, from th* Country nrotaptiy Sited and tatedaetteo faaiaawod with rafud ta arte* aad aaahn. PHTBClANr PRESCRIPTIONS wUl utter I pwtkalu trtraitwn at all hoar* of th* day ra atebt,far- 1 dwtf «y»y. H srut.Uq . I: ,r«tsi„.,A' CfltAf “N. Cr. , : sls'.ioLe . I*fy *t ttobirard li-tt* 1 *“ * CAITIOS—Tirru, m lati&a* I, ra tto r»r«t*l.M o. is, aisinnf ni ysK-c &*m towtr*. vary *n wtrtbto* ' U-xie.;LA.gluyb l.l, ura • IrlerUi *00 rr«*t teraMt ft bfttoifftintrat irws ,cur Qmuw .. . lb. rtft. -ft. tto; , P, ^ t,_ T k - *-ftfttjn-,by .tortr. a. scrifTS u?I duerart* from il, ftbft* rra u. l—■ -y- * Ir- ft. t tbtftlftllj lory u.« brti l* tto nbfd bftft* -• '.‘-o >;*■-. fmtofti u aralte. ,L . - ■ £»; asAA m -o tb. - a*ter* ft.'-r*-' .JT^e t—< o’ I — r»tof. 1 trail. p.-Dcura > ten,? * ■“ . € .«r? tt a tolC *^r, ksiZHuS ^ eeotreetEi t .xtwi, •f CAA sj \t» kg ak«i loertl lUxqti ia I tian • u if;..flails *f (ha H' *83t^St1l334 h4c(t 2 VNAl t* -f rim>• | 004 Otew XU mg i# oeori; »«rie*t’T«7*-u. H. MtiWlMTM. D CAtTluS—IWe nf at xl* r<; uWuca ' tax ~y Tiw r .S-if jl *#• 2# a**, it** i Ifd Cooes 013 4 *^*i <ntt to, raqjrtiit at rent tu, a-. t Tb'. iftCte.- m raft ftTtouy rwnl rMactiy Pk:tftIftdyb|ft,H SM 2t. lira, a rest ruCrtia-l tftl ft .rs.rsf m ratrf* ft !»• A> MW m»a.' CLtftJ* W.ttoftl toratl Ito rauraiy. I Stfam&!i(p 5Mnro. Cabin Paiaa#« lo New York $*5,00 Weekly TJ. 8tatee Kail Lina T'fil 0*w oo4 iy2eo4i4eidw-w^e#'.etaamskiys 1 AWiClTA lAASteas, •• M. 8- Voaemru riAJUIU. 2220 teas, " MaaC A1.A1AM1, 1200 teat, •• C. M. Will Uevo Savannah Tt*ry &ATVRDAJ. Tbeee s Alps areosooDg ibe Urge ft so tbs eoost.ui aerya#ee<lae^weA, safet; er itaUfi-eokiattM yodoagwata 20 U 24 beers, e»4 ere tsuiisM 2 uaif*l.*erefele*fiywllt#ah*wra Tbejeferemee OeeireOleeoawyeatei* Sew York. Cable feeaogs U New York 81a •UerofepaoMhfete Saw Tort 84 rAUIftkroi^. r AT 2 00 , AgweUt a hmul 1 AAMX MlTfHCJ .il BraeOwey^few York, lavaaaak FeWaary 1.1240. Putt#* (rate Chuteatta te lev Tax • $25,00. CXITED STATES MAH LINE. Hftw Yarh db Cbart««dam HaftaTraktU Throuf h In 48 to 53 Hoars. COL CM K A, llOt T.ra-11 VftNBniLE IM4 toftft, ft ASH AMI*. IMtlftra T D Kwaa, CeeamaMov I 8 CTxnor Cmmi MACON', UM too*. I aOCTMULNKM. 1 ttc te V. Footer Oomnsaioe. | F M Mar my. teas Loo re A4|w’i wMarvaa erwry WefioeeAejr * latorfiay) efUrtke arrivahf tho ease from tho 2mU A Wen "«8 ■myyUftd wlU iWJ tftftftry—ftltftfttt.. »•< — -— wtUftraaifttrtraUftr, ty >»» Window Bbodes. |o»M»5* A Rpteadld Yftriray all raateate. date I*; - T- - < S$^ a HUT artanoon erararte Ira. to, a dte«*.to^^ c tort to MMTU a cuso, ra.^A-^ria Ken Spring Goods!! JUST OPENED AND READY FOR SALE! M Y SUPPLY OF SPRING GOODS » now complete, ud I would rraptcthUr mm* th* pablt* m call tad atoint then^— Braid** my ante ttock al Hardware, Groceries, «tc- 1 her* an bud tom* -lirrtnnt tf DRY GOODS, Cansttist alMuteum, in tltetuir* nrwty, branUfal ud food. And t Itryt Stock of Mantillettes and Mantillas. A food n**oitai«ai of B #9 Wft Nto- XEC TR" smJ Fubjoathlt ud Pretty Hats aud Shoes, SrarKWhlc aa) ftxrt lookia#; DOMESTICS, CALICOES, And «T«7 other irtk'k. kloott, in my linacd butestw. In thort. my stock it food and full aad tbt priftY* will be u low at bring will aft The Udx* ara particularly ranted ta H. W. COZABT. taoail LAWSILE A PURTELL, Ifcrcliaat Tailors, WHITEHALL STREET. ATUANTA (Uorf*a« HAVE ON hand • lar mock of rery rich Goode In (teaItemen*' wrar, that they will Dftkft up In tb* rraytelrat ttrto of cal ud ait Try tbaa lad tn* if tirnr ir»1 gh, yea Da