The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, January 01, 1858, Image 1

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BIT DUMOAH & LOCHHaMB.’^ ;; “ MOK CEmtTM1)*N88»liU» WUI-1 HK.'.M'N IS UtKT rtgll TjMftntT. IT-"—JKBKIt.. i, m. 1 v i ; ATLANTA* GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 1, 1858 THKUB ON BDBBOBIPTIOM. Dully lutelUgeioer, pvumm In advaaoa, Weekly, •< ■'ll - 00 ct*. Onamonth,^ ^6 00 ;*i o« Tiro, « ;s 00 31 Three * 10 00 ; ,i »o Four, 13 00 1 76 «lx, « 16 00. . 3 00 One year, 00 uatkhoytDTiBTinaa Admitting In the Daily Intelligencer will bn iniertod »1 tbs fallowingrriupre square of- Inn linen. One lniertion, Two “ Thtee, “ . Four, •' Fire, « i One week, i 'Speolal oontraete will be node for yearly adver tlsomeuli ooonpying a quarter, half or whole [ eulnmu. jarr Advertisement* from tranelent poraon* . mu«t be paid In advance.' ! ■ Legal adrerlUemenln .pablUbedat Ibe' nine retoi. Obituary notleeeexoeedlng ten linen oharg ml ns advertleementa. AnnounelngeandldaUe for t oBoe, 36 00, to be paid la-advaaoe. ' - > . When adyerltiemenii are ordered In both the ■ Dally, and Weekly, I* per;eatfowUl bo added V to the above rates. The prlrllege of yearly adrertliera la alriotly I to thilr * “ ow & Immediate ftnd regal at limited . Profeta'lonal'Oardt netexeeedlngaU tinea, 3 15 per Annum* : Advertliementa not apeeUled aa to time will be pnbllahed till ordered ontand charged at regular r *Adrertlaeniente lnaerted in the Weekly paper ■only will bo obaroed at former ratea. ATLANTA,. DECEMBER 1 1867 NEW AMBROTYPE AND PHOTOGRAPH^ BALLERy, Markham Hew Iren Front Building, Whltehal 8trMt, Atlanta, Georgia. i M.wm Ts thin day aneoelateit hlronelf with Mr. J. B. lyonard, * f-ilH.«H«Vend luoateipeflenesa-nitlntn Inthr n, and that they are now prepared to prodnee sent artUtlo audtifi-Llke rioters* now made In I Onion, thn mont artlntlo thnSootbernStaten , ... „ ’ Messrs 0. * S. would say to their Mred;thr t they liaro one of tho best arranged Sky and 6tdo Light* now In wee, uneof the largest end Inert Camertla, aleo a splendidly Oiled parlor where ladlea can enjoy one of llieilnest toowl rianoslntheelty. UdlasandOemle. men are reepeettnlly lorlted ty lrs them * rail. N. n.—Particular attention will be [aid to taking Pictures of Children 1'rlers to suit hard times. Batlsfaetloa or noeharge tppsrntos, Chemicals, Htook, Ao.,.fnralshed to the Hr NEGROES TO HIRE WILL he hired In the bljheet ftn'i th"r C .- J Ik T lildt ■■■ Zmss-mm Lutre, dcceaaed, cnnriating of men, ' boyaand ’jrltto—among them a fint rale boot maker. ‘ Terms—email notea with approved security, paeable on the twenty ffflll'of De cern 1 -er.'. 1858 J. O. WE8TM0RBLAND, Otur’d. Atlanta, Dee.'28, (887- d8t ffir.TDcUets ZKvrctovfi Georgia AaiTfiaul £AanBng Company Augusta to Atlanta.. 171-Mites- .Faro $6 60, ■> GEORGE YONGB, Snporintendont • Moxmxo Piauguni Txain.I ■ Loayee Atlanta daily at..,......1000 A.M. Arrive* at Augueta, at. T tlO P.M. Latvia Augusta, dally at.........2,3ft A. M. H HUi at..........nj# if I-A. M. Arrives at. Atlanta, ■ Etbnino Paoiknokb Tawnt. f-eaves Atlanta, dnily, nt........ 13 00 P. M, Arrive* at Augusta, at. 8 66 A. Mi Leave* Augusta, daily, at 4 00 P.M. Arrive* at At’anta at .’ 1 04 A. M. XST" This Road ram in connection with the Traine of the South Carolina and the Sayan' nah and August* Railroad*. at'Augusta., Western ft Atlantio (State) Rail Road. Atlantato Chattanooga; 138 6111m, Faro $6. JAMES M. 8PULLOCK, Superintendent Morning PasstKoiR Tram, Loavea Atlanta, daily, at ,146 A.M. Arrive* at Chattanooga at., ... .-.9 46 A. M. Loavea Chattanooga, daily, at.. .. 1 30 A. M. Arrives at Atianteat. .‘9 33 A. M Niairr Passrkorr Train. Leaves Atlanta, nightly at 12 30 P. M Arrive* at Chattanooga at 8 18 P. M Leave*Chattanooga, nightly, at..3 10 P. M Arrivoaat Atlanta at ...Ml 22 P.M GP* This Road connect* oath way with the tRoma Branch-Railroad at-Kingston; (he Eait Tennemeede Georgia Railroad at Dalton, and the Naahyiilo de Chattanooga Railroad at Chat* atiooga. LUTHER J Attorney Atlanta, . . . Wlllattend the Court* In the Countteaof Fab ton, DeKalh, Fayette, Campbell, Meriwether, Coweta, Carroll, Ilonry, Troup, Board, Cobb, and Spalding.. Atlanta ft Lagrange Rail Road. Atlanta to Wat Point. SfAtile*,, Pare $3 60 GEORGE G. HULL, Superintendent., 1T.S6 4wtf Closing Out Sale. December 1857* Froth thirdita - CUTTING, WHITES CO.., •Will »ell for Cash their Iramotue 8toek of, ConiliUog of everything tuu^ly found In the DRV GOODS BUSINESS, Together with 0ARPBTIN08, DAMASKS, CURTAIN MATERIALS, BOOTS AND 8HOE8, ft©. Owing lo the decline of flood* In tho . j%'ctv York Market, Wo have boon enabled to buyGO per cent lower than original chit, and are now reedy to offer tho Greatest Barmans Evor offered In Atlanta. , . ilo and examine the prieee eltewhero, then come and hear our prloe* and yon wiU be con* vlnood where you ctn boy tho Cheapest. Goods. Bleached Homespun flrom i^cent* to lteonte. Brown " " * * Calico**, “ "4 Delaines 3 to 50 oentl. 10 cent*. 12oen to. And ovorythjn^io In the game proportion. Deo 31,ISiT .WOITBACO., 69 Whitehall it., near Boarh’eJ DOWNJNQ.HILL 'b5 > Eil BSBb V ATLANTA, GEORGIA. T HE raberibore oflbr it whole.ale or retail, o very oxteneive oolloetion of Ttuit Trooa, CeUlngne aeiit by mail to all applicant* (roool chlr J, e BTER8 H ^ R j )EN & co^ Atlanta, Georgia. November 9,1867 . d4m 0 He!Si?P<§HBA P l! TO TnOSB WANTWO AyRIMB^ Sml article of donblo lolo or wtlttibrogaH9,fal »Hiwo wlllUaythatwo non have InStor* ftl a heavy Stock, and aU of onr own Manufacturing which wo wllljeUattenoontia pair lower than uyhoaio In (hin city will toll .. good an artlolo , -competition wodef)r.«ltber In VauRde Mndc,J Georgia Home-made, or any other nu*o, and warrant them at good at srtiel. as ha. ev.r been offered In thb market or State. All klndt of Boots ft Bhoeo aw proportlooebly cheap and warranted. - ^ Atlanta Ootala. DIJIICK, JOYCE, A 00 co French and Italian. PROF. ETIENNE LAM BERT rOBTWO YEARS PROP. OF MODERN LANliUAGBBINTHB HUNTSVILLE Morxino Paohrhorr Train. (.eaves Atlanta dallv at..........200 A. M Arrive* at Wcit Point at 7 28 A. M. Leave* Went Point daily at 4 00 A. M Arrive* at Atlanta at 9 27 A M Evenino Passenoku Train. Leave* al daily at 1 00 P. M. Arrive* at Writ Point , at 6 28 f, M. Leave. Wcet Point daily at... ...4 30 P, M. Arrive* at Atlanta at, .1016 P Mi r Thla Roed connect* each way with the Montgomery dt Wait Point Rellroad. FOR 8ALE. A LARGE uaortment of Virginia Leaf Tohecco, venrlng in price and quality, at re pul and whole.*)*, a* cheap aa the cheapest. •8 J. SHACKELFORD, Ag. N.ovM, 1867 dtf Netf .Route to the South-tVei Uimphls a Charleston Rall.RMd Com.Uted I Connecting Chattanooga, Teung Oharleetoh, B. 0.j Savannah; Oa.) and all North-Eastern Cities, with Memphis, Tenn. •WTbo last conoootlng Link of Ball-Ecad between New-York and tha Mlgelaelppt River!, mt This Road la now oomnlotod, and opened for atlon of Puiangan and tho regular transportai _ Freight, tad will afford more expedition and lee. expense, than am other rente between the North ButandSonth-Weat. Fauengvrs and 1 will “take lot aotlo* thereof, and govern Him. aeeordlngly. H Passenger Trains leavo Stevenson dally at 13 o , eloek,.A. M., (after tha arrival of tho train Irom Chattanooga and Nashville,) and arrive at Memphis earn* day at 7, P. M., connecting with Pint Clou Steam Paokete to New Orleans, and nil ethar Important point* upon tho Western riv en.* Good* consigned to Hell-Road Agente at Oharlaaton ur Savannah, vrUl bo forwarded to Mtrnpbl* and other points, by Bxprei* Freight Train*. ^ £&• Freight in eharg* of tho Adam’* Bxproea Company, is carried ovar tbl* reate daily, by tha Passenger Train*. • ' ff, 0. ARMS, General Snp’L ' Huntsville, Ala., April 1st, 1657. .•Through Tlekote to Memphis, Ac., fold at Wilmington, N. Oq Oharloslon, 8. 0,- Augusta, Savannah, Macon, Atlanta and Oolnmbai, Oa., Montgomery, Ala.) Chattanooga and Nashville; loan.:— %S»To oonnoet with tho Western Train* on t It Road, par rengers will lake the Night Trains from Wilmington, IS. 0.) Auguste, Chattanooga and NnehrUIo, Ttnn.j and tho day trains from Charleston and Kingsville, 8. Og and Atlanta, April 1M. ’ ~f dtf. 8MITH ft FRANKLIN, Product and Cotnmisticn MercMtnU, end Dtaltrt Family and Plantation Qroctriu, fe. Marietta Wtrcct,. * Atlanta, Georgia r. smith. r. franklin SMITH ft FRANKLIN, ^■ccnTIc; country, tfcsl they ut)3x) ^■towrecvtrtnganJoMolDg, »nd wIllkMpln i , a ij’.endtd stock of FJLtm,10ROOSHlBS,\ grofe?sioi|^ *?T;HACKETT, aiturNBY AT XjLw Law. Ringgold, litvrria, mi[l practice in the fcTIcwing counties: Cutoo**, Cbaiteoge, Murray Gilmer, Whildold, Gordcri,'Welker, Dede. ' Rifertncu, Mej. W. Y.HtneUI. Mari etta, Hansetl Sc Simpson, Marietta, Jamee' R- Lewhon, Esq;, Dahlimega.. 1 ^W-iVtlceder attentten paid to the eolceting May 78; 1857 dawly T C. SIMPSON—ATTORNEY AT Ji.L.VW Atlanta, Georgia. November 8,1864 dtp J on nr v. heard- attorney A*r LAWr-CoIqnitt, Miller,c*. Oeorgio march 6 1867 M . wlv AitiAk tc lochrane—rir- T0KNIB8 AT LA (V-Meeon Georgia. u a. Lima. July 13, 1867 \I7'ILt,IAMM.DASfFORTH— Yt ATTORNEX at LAW—Fairborn, Georgia.' ‘ July 26, 1867. diwtf UNDERWOOD h HARRIS, Attorneys at Law, Atlanta, Georgia. O FFICE.oa Whlt8hft»itr#8t over A. W. BrU’i Jew •lrj Store. Merebi: Hoe. w. H. Uemutwooo.j GLENN at Law,. Georgia. DR. L.. J. ROBERT. Medical & Surgical Practitioner, Marietta, . . . . . Georgia. Offleeat hiaroaldeneo. G. J. WKIGHT. Attorney al LTw , ^ Albany, . . . . . Georgia. May 16, 1957. WM. A. HARRIS. Attorney a t La w ,< IubeUft, Worth 06., Oeor r , MRP r Refon to-—MaJ. J. L, Uurrii, MHUdfe»me j Hon. A. IL UaqmU, ThonuiriUe; MiUer A Hall, Oglethorpe; Hon. R. H. OUrk, BUooo; CoL J. W. Duncan, Atlanta. JnneS-dlj. JARED IRWIN WHITAKER, Attorney at Law,- Atlanta, Georgia. Offloo, frost room, over J, R. A O.H. Wal lace's Store, corn or Whitehall and Alabama its, May 38.1867. MARK JOHNSTON, A 11 o r n ey at Law, Cartersvillo, .... Georgia. ~ 'ill, IMS. ikwQ IN i ELLIGENCER it EXAMINEE JOB OPRIOB ! THE PUpPOTETOUS haviag reeeatly added to tb* JOB DEPARTMENT of tb* Betel. lUbnuata LABOB and VAHIKB _ ntof tt»Latal8tjU> of PLAIN AND FANCY High, Peters A Co. COMMISSION KEECHA1TT8. ru rcacaasa ut sslz or " mr produce, COTTON, GROCERIES, die., * Alabama BTtreet, (Booth of the Haeos 6 UTmUts DcyA,) * Atlanta, Georgia AUanta Uccrgia, *«m. Xxk, 1 B. It. cum.. Clames uraub, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Agents for collections of all kind* , . And Dealer* ta wued, mm o? Hi usds. OROCBHIES. AC at that -U.te>C,oo WUtekah EL, attest*, Oa. •SJteAaTUidaBdCoraalnya as hand. Mrtet attaattew ag VO ar.ilgtraunf envy 4Merf*tfca, **4 lhaitnsM ineotir ut>. 6-ttnicc.cItH, eUctteOJas OtasJally BlU-Tu Ccat. are prepend to oxoento In a neat aaderatkataaT he manner, every description of: lngM tad "‘“* BU “ ,,lllb *8 lrn> •* fttal Way Bilk Oiroalan, Blank Bot«a. Blank Deed*, Bank Cheeks. Trogrammei, Btuineis Cards, HANDBILLS, POSTERS, fte. ^• MapactfnUj aoliclt the patronag* of — friend* in tho city and ooantry, and unn ih«B ha promptly and tails&etorilj 8. P. Eddy & Co. (SCCCESaomTOC. K. lUNlJ-JTER'tlCO.) BfiHJGB NO CARD PRINTING 8WIC8, AND .CBoohsiSlxulonr, Oormr of WkUeAoll and Alabama *4*., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. -G-.-P-T-E-DD Y ft'C.O^, tTavlng jut added to their Jtl former exteuiv* assort. former exteuiv* assort- mentof B 0 0 K and JOB TYPE, OUTS, OBNA MBNT8, Ac., a very large variety of new material*^*^ lUlaUtl tlylw, together an* of Hoo'tcelobrated Cylinder Pr.uee, fally prepared than heretofore, to giv* to tu ordore for work in thelrliso—which P. O. HARPER, Attorney at Law, WeitFoint, Georgia April IS, 1866. diwtf more full’ dlfpotoh to olHR I they trill execute In thehutstyle of the art, mil fair price* for Cash. PartlesUr attention paid te the axeenttos 0. IFINB WORK for Rellroad and other JointBtack I Companies, Transportation Agtnti, Banks, Col- logeo and School*, Attornayi, Public Ofteer Msrobaate, and other*. Booki, , Pamphlets, Catalogues, Cirtnlars, Cards, Pmsiiiory Notes, Bluk Duds, Cheek* Way Bills, Progtimmu, Hand and Show BUM Puton, Ae., Mooted at short no tic. i ^0-Printing In Gold and Saras Baonaa and Fanor OoLonan Inxi, or oa Vollno, Batin | MuRn, M., don* In baantifnl stylo. I Having likowlio connected a Book-Bindery ■ [with thtlr Printing Establishment, they ere pro-1 pared to exeeate orders for orary deecription of work in that department—labladlag RULING and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING—in a Hutciilu* da Young, A 11 o r n o y s at Law, Lawrencovillo, ...... .Georgia. WIU practice In the conn ties of Gwinnett, Hall Walton, Foriyth and DoKnlb. Any hnslnou en trusted to their care trill be .resolved, with' pleas- style enperior to any ova* before dan* in this see- of the State. Their Tool* being ok of i tioa of the State. Their Tool* being alt new and of the latest patten*; thalr Stock of material! the beet the Northern markets afford, and their work, nun equal te say in the Sooth, they feel confident of thetr ability to give entire satisfaction, and are and attended te promptly. ANIBL H. 11 consequently have ns hesitancy In soliciting tb* patronage of thtlr friend* end the public. i*.Ordori for work, 1* either department ol NATHANIEL H. HUTCHINS,(Jr. ISAAC M. YOUNG. July 37; J867. Eu I R. W. B. RIYERS ha. removed b m Office .to Whitehall atreet, over Alex* n» Drag Store. May 13, <867 J dewtnW ItalOrdona . their buinoM, from any part of Georgia and neighboring States, will moot with promptattea Atlanta Oa. Fob. 34,1BI7, (dAwly.) 1\V. T. C. Campbell da Bro., JUROEON aadMoobauica) Den- tao^SSS Otists, are prepared to perform all operations In the prefestlon with durability and sklU. UW-OBoo oror Alexander* Drugstore, White Hall it.. W. T. 0. CAMPBELL. 'O.P. CAMPBELL. Atlanta, Jan. 34 dtf D R. tt. T. PULLIAM having re- lurael from a visit to Virginia will sumo the practice of hie proletsion in the oily of Atlanta and its vicinity. Uan be fooi d at hisotfico nt all boon,except when profewicunlly engaged. W Office WASHINGTON HALL.' oaptSdwtf SVSPJEJVJDED HaffeTK Taken at Par GEORGE 1. DINIE J HB subocribet will eall eightor ton Net. tb eHoure and Lot whepoon ho now i in tho City of Atlanta, end a lug* etc of Family Groceries, payable in Georgia Rail Road Bank Bills nd rather then mis* a trade, at Nli PERCENT PREMIUM ■tor*, i ■ ■ ■■ which th* at* oSsriog at prtew that wiU oomptte with any bou* lath* olty, and ask attar* of pat ’AN, UNIVERSITY,- AT FLOR. ALA:; AND LATE FROF. OF BMPH18 FEMALE COLLEGE ENtiE, AJ M MEMPHIB LITERARY A ND SClENTiriO IN8TITUB. &#., fto T)RO|\ L. will opwn claiyM in tha abova V Languages In Atlanta, Decatur, and '®ii I ■ JD TO HI RE, t ja or 16 Negro Men, to 1 work U tha AUateona Gold mho.— I CjWWX.'Kf: “•Tj ^*7pplrto R-W. Tno«l-S0N“ — ddwqj* SipwfalUadftq ilUftiftcaa, eg* , From tho flat* . Booth, and tho many me heaped upon him by Uto moot scholar* In Alabama, Tonneau doe* not heftate tngreute _,i who will take Irtaone under Ud areur to knowlodgo of tho UngtW|«. okenand written. Three are taught by . per fcufcn of fifty, lesson* In ate l«*wn» will be given If ro» mjHK For X~t '.kly Ut-r! - i c. ftffi, fait and faithful re port of the Now York CatUs market, each week. The report alouoi* worth twice the rekserlptlon Deoomber It, HIT wttH to eall and nrnoMAa f. lowe.—general 2 t;amm ‘ “ “ I;OMMISSION MERCHANT, For the guehaee and ealo of all kinds of prodneo and March an die, will pay particu lar attention to the.moiaa of Plantation and Family (applies. All orden promptly and faithfaDy at landed to. Offioe on Sooth tide of Whlleha street, three doon out of Mlohtelt , «et!4dwtf TMPORTANTINFONMATIGN. by I infemiUeemay I men and those I Xwhich much suffering in femiUumay | bn avoided, font to mimed ■tempo, Dr 0. W ADDISCO] N. Y. Nov. 18, 1867 dAw6a tO-/ -. DANIEL PITTMAN, GENERAL INSURANCE AGEN T I3B8PBCTFULLY inform* hi* frtendi, thattn rVftttar* he will ha found during bulnea boon, thoottreefMreatk'.S.'lwiaA 0*., Aittama not, Atlanta. Atlanta, Jut. U (dawtL) OAMPHENE Horning FlaId! AND T Of all Descriptions. B lank s of all descriptions, can be had al all times, at the Examiner & Intelligencer Attornies, 1 Sheriffs, Clerks of Courts, and Ordinarieo, can be furni*hed,|at short notice, any latorUt form of DEED, WRIT, or PRO. CESS which they may desire -, and *11 FORM8 of leg*) instruments, commonly in noe, an ai- way* on hind, to bo said at the lowest price*. Atlanta. M w E. M, SEAGO, SUCCESSOR TO SKA60 * LA WREN CF WILL OONTWVB TUB PRODUCE COM- MISSIOR BUS IS ESS, AT HIS NEW COMMODIOUS FIRE PROOF BUILDING, Treat of Attest* tlotri.aad east door tePattoaBoaw, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. tS.Tfc*MualT»llltle*ot*ndte6kt»*i*. Urdu* uSetf aUy solielted. Oat.Itth.llM. ' (Otwly.) To UiuienA SMhManufkcturt eru.—tWo have a fine stock of Window 800 Sacks Meal, THRESH ground from white core, for tale by r Jana 34. HIGH, PETERS, A CO. Canvassed Hama ICO Packager caavaasad and Saga* eared Ham •ter*. ft 21 HIGfl. PBTER6 A CG. ATLANTA STEAM MILLS. W B will keep eonstastly on hand * large eap. ply of food Floor—ateo Bran and Shorn. I The highest eatt price paid for Wheat at the Jnly24d-d6m R: PETERS A CO. New Stock Coming In CENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS. A TW. HERRING d-EON’E Clothing Mann -Lfartory and,Merchant 7aUoring esuMLb meat, for Pall and Winter, *U the Utea nylea. One of the best itock* of Clothe, Curimcreeu,a Vesting* in Georgia, from which tb make’ a telco- tion. Shirt*, Drawers, Under Garment*, Cravat*, Gent*i Hotiary, Glove*, TraveUsg Shawl* and Blanket*. Tailor’s Trimmings, Ae., ter cate at the loves p ices, to theeasA trade, at W. HERRING AEON'S. 44 Whitehall IL, Atlanta, Oa. Also agenu for Slngen Sewing Machine*. SHIRTS, M ADE to order. Alto, a lagra stock of SIA% DT MADE SIGHTS cu hand, by W. HERRING A BON. f \ F BANK OF FULTON dc GEORGIA Vy KAILROAD Sc Banking Company, taken al. par, for all debt* dot to. and all good* •old by C» H STRONG & CO. Oct, 17ddcwtl. For Sale* SEED aAII.IT t J UST received, a tm ret* artiete of Bertty. for Seed. ■ ’ iij Sept. 7, dtL for Seed. Price, *2 per I CLABKR A GRUBB. hew Lard. Tbeaedersigaedhtt* for select wholesale to retail, lUtoftae NEW LARD. t>— Mill Ct.AKKR A GBUDB Who wont* any Eve. Cratb ha* IM batttS Bye, far* Georgia Hama. . BBLS. PUS'S Magaoila WhUkoy, Ju* eirelaal for>*te hy CLARES A GRUBB. March 21. Wbiahey! Whiskey! Wbiakey C LARKE A GRUBB hare Jut received M Bbl*. MoDvaU'e Extre Copper DiaORed Cora Whiskey, and for tale cheap. March 21. AW tl. WALU.CZ WR. C EOB1SSON Wallace ft Rsbima )0 I NEB A L COMMISSION MERCHANT3, AND DEALERS IN TENNESSEE PRODUCE! anaieeffieeeete cfMalriEach work iesaheUutU] We edr, tpeeial attention to the cole of Bacon, Lard, Plonr, - - Grain, Whiskey, Tobaece, Ac, Ac. nmeete raepeetfelly aoliated. inapt attention given te Cask Order, BYE A BARLEY. WHISKEY! WJU2RRTII . OQnn fckb *“* Twmreree C<»* VU*w. b foWU Store, lad forealt ee naibeUttere g»i»ti«Wallace a *obikiux. (da!**, tidjcccteiu DOWkwl cfrcaJihgctfor. Bent rtted pail to tiyli. a#l^a_.JA 29; 1867, **"***"*& CARRIAGE REPOSITORY I Adjoining tho corner of Ala-4 Loyd Street*, Atiantm, O-o. R O B»T. H . M A r; Having removed Ms -CARRIAGE W-WM9. RKPOSIYOUY to the above ellgi-Og^^K ole stand opposite the Weeblngtoo2Z_^X-. HeU, end enlarged his prepared tor 'fill all order* with which be may be favored, on as good terau as can bo obtained In AngnsU or Savannah, with the addition of. Freight. Hls stock embraces Carriage*, Concord Baggies, 4 and 6 seetRoekavays, Slide EeaU do. Fall Top* . do., With and withont Top, Whip*, Ae., | of the best masnfao- v - ton tail latest-Style A share of patron age U respectfully solicited. Pach' gdlar Wagons, Comets, Orders for Family or Plantation Wagons thortnstici) other rehiclet fiUod at We are alto agent for Norwood Patent Fan. Atlanta. Oa.. Dee, 4. (264, NEW CANDY, MANUFACTORY -AND- ATLANTA, GA. a. linta and vicinity that he has constantly on hand, at hU Confectionery and Batting eetaUisk- ment, all kinds of Comfectlons, Ptutriea, Fruits bee He it else prepared te furnish erery desdHption of plain and ornamental Cakes, for weddings or parties, at short nolle*, end on aeeooaodating terms. Imported wines and bra-dje* of all description! for medical purpose*,kej>; always on h*nd. AUe, genuine Spanish Cigars, and choice chewing To- ttcoo—tepnber with t large utoranent of Toy*, Raving recently returned from the North, when be laid In t fin* stock of'Fancy Artieluand ere- ry thing OKetury for Mnyicg on Ut etndy man nfactory he wonldlnform eoenty dealers that be It prepared to furnish oudlos, at wholesale at 24 cents per poun A Order i accompanied with the cask or good city references promptly attended to. L. VALENTINO. Atlanta. Key. 24tk 8». d»v-y FTTRUITU UB1 FUBNITUBE!! Bent Safes, THB nbecrihers hire on hand ' are now opening * large and ’ ” ' vted Stock from the Northern Manufactories. Glass—raoftaglutl** from 8 P<16 to 44M 44 Inch, e*. Also, 2,404b Patty-all . . of which w* sril teUlew for eathor short eredit. Nov. 22, 1444. SMITH A BtCARD Nottc to Farmer*. I WISH to hay -notes Roland Whlu wheat, regular ly at ths cat ast pries. RM.IKtOO. A eg. 4, Keit door te tha reltoa Bouse. gJl. | AfiBftlet Worth Ktm AftSUe Uml UtXUj New Bacon. abates article, Mm. Bams and 100! >. Cbosmlwtoa User ut O RDERS WIU bv promptly sutaUd lor aa, artiel te this marks! K. M. stfotOO mrinu. —~— .Burial Cascft. * era prepared u fbrelth Fisk’s MeuUte Bari al Casas, at short notice. W* hare secured the terriers of e competent peraca to attend te this de partment. P. A. A J. S. WILLIAMS, Nov 24,’44-dwly Peachtree meet. TCKItusetsedtOO buthtte I J bare, eta g Mil I ' 11, it II4 A 1.1 T ^HIS subscriber tsrtc; r»<:krM t . tarlv-ui Inanr.:! r ’ n-PM Wat %atia(, t»hithi*eaSSo*?ratonilcjhi* tWak to hi. frtaata tot thalr literal patreatf*. nmi ml ». pcctfaUr raaotawatA te tteca te aestJuM that nt i ttaMto hW ataaaaatr, DX. K. L. A!fGld. * AS1 Bate a»j ta racoactadlc^ all of tha Cntaia&la * t roorcotUldtaea, u to rotor too te tteir report*. Atlsntu, July 1st, I FORSALEBYTHE TERMS LO 616,000 >!-a ivtag rsusliu* tb* Aguesy ufttu Hartford Pico Insurance Co. Capital Suok. 6500,000 Areota, 618,000 J3tna Insurance Com Oanitai Stock. Charter^ 1B19. PkeunU InuuumnoejC^uimeiny Anuta! SliS95 on bo W to oitboref On ‘ at n tow ntooaa toaay Wardrobes, Bareact, Bedsteads and Thalr* of any desired pattern and price. A fit* , Work, S*lo*n end Teitett* S EAtfOrABBOtT^ltO: - GROCERS AX9 COnOSOOH HZBCHANIB, {Seago, Abbat*s [Comer,) ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WILL keep constantly oa hand-a supply of Feathers. Ba con, Perk. Lard, Flew, Meat. Corn, Oata, Peas. Whret, Po tatoes, Cabbage, Rngar, Coffee, Molaaare,8edt Candle*, Wb iakey, Fine Liquors, Tabtcte. rssious brands. Soda, Bagging, Rep* caf all qnalitiea. Brooms, Cedar Ware. Grain Bag*, Veete- Matches; and a large stock ef Roger'i brated Bird-Eye lime, freak from the kiln. AU of which will be eold on tire accommodating terms either for cash or coon- try produce.. Current Money. We are taking til the Reorgie Bank I ill* si per, aleo, the bill* of the Aouth Carotin* Banks and tire Bank of Falton- Enenrreni Money Bought. We will buy tire note* of tbs Tennesm Banka, also, Kentucky and New Orieana. SEAKO, ABBOTT 4 00. November II, 1867 dtf Bird! Eye Lime. ”W« are Agents for tt* sal* of Mr. R L Regor’e Birds-ere Line, pul up in i bttthel barrels, war ranted fall measnre, and of reporter quality te any otter lime told te this -market. Orders by the Car load trill b« filled at kite prices, by 8^ A.4 CO. Mill Stonea, Bolting Cloth*, Ac. Wiiw oito fec*«u tor M«a- «t». Morri* h Triabl#, * Hi., lafffrton ooi Dmion i« Frratk Dart. Barf ter rroof eaa «k prtwoy 1, A- k Ca 100, ABBOTT A CO. jpBwt&f'* n» k Banter «uaUy oa hftadfttSftto York SEA Scptcaber, 11, ISA?, Veniuon-hagna, Factory Yam, ft Tallow. Three Aosta choice Vttira Hem*. Tun bales FaeWryTtn. Three Barrels Tallsw. Four barrels Car Areata.—For sate by April It. 8SAQO. ABBOTT. * James H. Carter, Forwarding 4 Commlaaion Mer chant. SAVANNAH. GA.. W-ls Jews’ Sc* Block, Ray Street—(lately tutupM byJ.lraursuU.lrt-) P.S. Liberal adzanat nod* on allccm- Table*—Btagere’s,Oernar and 8ide—Setaa, Ttte^ u-Tutu, etc. fO" In addition te tb* shore large steak, w* are receiving weekly suppUes. The public are In vited to eall and axastne ear stock. F A. a J. a VTU.L1AS8, Kext Acer t* Mbert A Out*, Pueabtnc tu -Tattaa, H SIMULA Oa. Jobs lagw- JU” !i.J SlUCKMLfORD. I maSSSSSi 40 Mamed Utdlw U“f« d i.sss,w E swR?a>J ■. . . - Hl-Y P1LI* Ahfc «r Whtaw'toMtoftft in eTS.rni iCp : a «nv.ip4ttgteia<^w. . ■HfomcUmvaticB.Rad acrempaw iedtofaB dacctiso* for we. Pace *1 per P,K* tbeuld noc be tekeo to ferns!; s durixg tie £r*t ihrae awntire of prog- nancy a* they are —Tffnw rn» aton itoinj bat at any other low fteyasnlremihm - Btendin. M. D^ .agfy Agtst fewtknUnM 8le*ee and Canada*. ■ '■ ■- ■" ■ ■ Alao isC rreebed tl ti* ■ fretb r-/.j cl R-rcci’e Fc: cnfaiiirg pcreiirre efemre I tile to there frulru who, owing to hxtxte ad I Hfr cr phytiea] maifornuiaon ere acapwdtxtad, from safe le-pcodactioo. Pries gg mmt ky In.e itndy i •fust Receivedt L itlgvjricM. Tb* 3 Casks raw ~ i'n u boiled 2 2 20 Bbls. 10 Oil,(EngliA do Oi leOi assorted Yaaife*. 95percet AleaioL Bunting FUde CamphcML SpiritB TtapatfiBe.J 20,000 lbs White lead, assorted. 150 Boxes Gtosa, assorted eases. k^-Breabeu, colored Pal-re u j ir ^. for Printin' are. Farretehy Stktau. Way t. 201. 1 , result ef tturetiri —aa— re inks teretetten tenter, mSwATZ •«frerethapML_jnre*UkWma £2 Pfr Itahotddnet be steed wtttettes Uta.betshrey.W pnl tern ctean brtths and kep certad from tharirwba net in use. Ibte Iik wfll net werede tha steal pea, nad caxxctb* is its quality by any Ini I Qrdma are waprerihHy aeBritnd, aa we wIB pat up tte abevetiak aa tew al ear cSre, red forex Y. ^Pbfladriphte,Beaten.reX I. J*"Mads only by Dr*. Btegen A Guild. At- ntvGa. SridatelUheUjwrereT^ ■ MarehA, did — tefeisaKlF -T* — ^**il j Ilf 7 •***«• *»»8 Tearing >y the Yuardanu nt guatri „ XyAAredwt sfouald W UR ri Hirer*. WX- ^Ft=! Pnaehtnaafo, Attan. nev. 24, ’ll. <w3y. Bacon-Flour-Coru-PeofoOatgi 74,444 .»it Is «>* d BOW 24,044 lbs. good 2,404 bushels g 444 bnshaltli 344 btuhals good White CcraKaaL Tb* ebevu artidre wffl-be told at fate cuiktl ♦tes ter Oath, re goad 24 re 14 day Beta*. Ur ywfi iaigte and I,will StecnaX preriibeaa* ia kinds af Predaeset tew ncafo: AX yredare la* with ret is as sate frare fire as n anyt«hreW*re Benre b the efry. red eaa ba tearebd lf daalnd. March 32. t o maTCFACTWbtear. •eO. Rftht B. TdftftC, I»q J. DxYArd, figfImn, 6ft-; r. B. Ohm. Bn. ni 6ft mt M*M DR. . M. BABER, HOMfEOPftTHIST. a FFICE and Rooma'.te Dr. Ptimey’a cf- free, eppositn Pntis Ptthlo. oretnbrr 20, 1857 dawly NETCRODKIBTSToRi: OnlOi Cor tr where Peachtree, Deedwr<t Mar Oa Street* cents (ogct&er, MR WHERE wifi be found a GOOD Cat STOCK ef CROCKERY, CHINA INI W GLASSWARE, alas Sores Plated uAvvn.w vnvvib*ai| WIUG* A GLASS WARE, rite SOvre Plated W , T *’ Tabte Outiery, Walter*, Am, which vfll be end at FAIR PRICES. WeaoikUa call from aaywh* arete want *f tha abore good*. AOaata.Nre. 23d. 1UT. dwSa. NOTICE. AxiifteUtr h» iha.eatete nf 0. D. baring danaad* a-iU noder them te, asoredteg L.J.PJ PaeemhreAlW dwtf On Alan day. Mil Dec. 1867. 1-tAely Smi idErfr ouis's lomdST KNOXVU ’aS, Y>>* V *FSSKX. \1R. STERLING LAME ., lata cf tta La- [U nbr Hcnse, Macon, 0- and Saapeoa La- alar, late of Tastagec, Air -aa, will be bappy te meet an friends and cs- mm at the Lamar Hcnse, where they hare ampte aeceaaedatiut for two handled and fifty p ' tLa: top, Lata Pegu, Kit, , and crerything connected with thu Beet and rh betinees, which wiR be told a; lew picae » Hath. u Al Crffrea tepmpanted with (toft wfii b( prompUy ffllsd with good Good*, and al tow mew-re the 8ign«r tire Big Beat, Pftektare street, Cherokee Bieck. « aptridtf, DiMICK 4 MIX. JIST EKIEIkEU! S- A K LASIBB. Preprieeura. MACON ft!WE8TERN R. R. MAI-ON. Uec-mbsr Igth. 1857. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE flu and alter Friday the ISth the trains mil I be ran at foliowc Lware.Mueon < a. aa air Atlanta 8.18 a. re. Louts Macon II 90 a m art Atlauta 420 pa ' care Atlanta 12 night, mr Macon 7.18 a. a. Leave Atlanta 12 a. retire al Macon 6.10 pja Tho night treiuawiU not be ran an tandaya, Tho nigh twin boa Atlanta connects with the Cental Road at 9,46 a.a., and the Booth-Western al 11X0 ojn, atoo with the Al bany train, tri-weaklr, which leaves Macon 1,16 a. a,on Monday*, Wednesday* and f ri The noon train coatnacte with the Cantxal and Bouth.trreternR. Road at 11 AO p.a.’ fat Albany and Coin ahtt* at 1.30 a. ta. ALFRED L. rvLBR.Sup’t. Dee 23.18*7 \ ddtw.- -NEW AUU^iSN H0U8E ’ TH08.!F. LOWE, Whitehall near SCtchell St, AttoatoGh W B arc new recaringn large lot cfSeteLreth- rr.CalfSkea. Linton, Bhft ACCORDEONS1 BftgsssAbmdSi panics tic*:“dcUltapredMiyteriia-1 tinStivbnmKitcira. Afractlor Frtn.-h 1 deem. Fbuncj, VbLnt, Bowa, Onitsia, fli BtaJea.TbmheeWteea.rea. AU afwUft wfflW HBbeaa re nX the threw al I B. BRALXCLLIR’8 Mote Skin WhttihaU 6V, alga ef tha Big Drum OotStettTpmua’ WCTSflR^Uttrarin, re » trend tapoeter \m any arttrie ever tlTllulle ttia ftggfC? »«»«?>»*. Mr Betteredm E&Sgaisstahsss eft the ttertsateetit*. ■ teem te 2. ITi in line Bell tan ft 3Mala etiare itirete-O*. retaftftT RR«*n ^■m ii iii ii ■■