The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, February 11, 1858, Image 1

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M 1 M Vv ^ ... A If D 1 BY DUNOAN &■ LOOHRANB. “ ERROR CEASES TO BE DANGEROUS WHEN HKAMis IS UK FT FREfe TO COMBAT IT.”—JE FFEKSO/- «V SERIES, VOL. 1 ATLANTA, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 1.1, 1858 NUMBER 114 WelligeiiceF & ExqUiineh ; DAILY & WBBKLY. BY DUNC AN & LOCHRANE. TBBNI OF SUBSCRIPTION* Dilljr Intelllfonoor, por uuii la tdvanoo, 80 Weekly, » “ " » AATBIOIT AUVlBRTISmo. Adrortlilog Is the Dallyflntflllftnoer will be tniertod at Ur* following ntu por equar* of to* line*. OOoto. $1 00 1 71 1 to i rs -■Hi. 3 00 . ...■■yUPH Spoelaleontraete will be mad. for yoarly advor UtemoaO occupying > qaartor, half or whole column. OB' Adrertliementi from traneient porooni ,- rmiit be paid In advance. Ons Insertion, Two « Three, 11 Foot, " Fire, “ One week, One nentb, Two, " Three * Pour, “ Six," !*■ One yodr, It 00 ;i oo 10 oo 12 00 It 00 :»oo mtv 08 pita in lUTSIlvwe Legal adrertliementi publlebed at the n«n» retee. Obituary ootleeeexoeedlrig ten lines eberp ed ni ndrertltements. Annonnelngcandldatee for office, *fi 00, to be peldin advenee. When ndrertliementi nre ordired In both the Dully, end Weekly, It per eent, will be tddsd t e the eboro rutei. , , . . ■ The privilege of yearly edrertlien li itrloUy limited to their own Immedlute end regalu Profeiitonel Oerdi noiexoeedingitl llnei, 111 per ennnm. „ . Adrerttiementi net ipeelded site time will he pnhllsbed till ordered out end charged ntregnUt •a Adrertliementi Inierted In the Weekly paper onW will h* ahanrad at former rate*- ThctRew Goodibare Arrived. G H; STRONG A OO, here Jolt opened n lerge euortment of •IldPLElAgO FANCY DRY GOODS, ’ Coneletlng In put* of the following .utloles, Bloh drou Silks) Feney BUkr; All Wool MerlnooK All Wool DiIoIdb Mnnohealor Dilnlnii PopUnij Alipneei) Bombulnoi; OInghemii Prints; Bleached and BrownBhaottnginndBhlrtlngi * T.A/Um'n PJftok lining#; ShiwU: Udl«'s Cloak Lining** FlanneliiKerioyst Irbh Llneoa: Tabto Uo«dr \ Cotton Stripe*; Kentucky Joan*; Satin*; Cuiimors; Cloth; Hocitryi Blanket* by the thousand; A iplendid itoek of Ulov**; Drexs Trimming#. __ «=3 M jt” JB3 pKT #■» 9 Wool, 2 end 3 Ply; Tepoiuy; Hell Lerpeti et A, eg nod supply of plentetion BROOANB Boots end Shoes. Wo iorlte our oldfrlendi end publlo to giro ui e cell, eod ere ratUfied when they leern our pri* cei, that they will tnd It to thoirdntorert to hoy fromui. Itomoinbor, wo ero et No 1, Whitohel Street, Norerou'i old itend. Come end ice ui April 24, ltit. d * ,w Do you Want to Buy BOOKS 1 Do you Want Cheap B00K81 Do you Pay CASH for B00k8! Come HEBE to got your B00K81 SCHOOL BOOKS I ! T HE SUBSCRIBER bee on head, (end u daily receiving addition! thereto,) one ol Um laigeel end moii exleneive itoek of School tnd MUcoHeneOue Booke in the Stete, which ho offers fui *olo upon Iho moil reeioneble termi—Consisting in part ol Smith*, Olme'ed, Bnllione, Androwet Anlaune, I s,keie, Cum- etoehe, Phelpj, (Goodrich a) Angel., Town., Mitchell*, Olneve, Berne. Compneing Eng* li.h tnd Latin Grammar*, Engluh reeden and daisies generally • Geographic., VMimophlee, Astronomic!, Hietoriee, Spoiling Booke, De fine™, Anelyeeri, Arithmetic., Oictionerl*., Calo-hiema, ond Question Book*, Ac, Ac. Al- eoe large lot of Ktetionerv. A liberal doductioi made toTeechore end Morchente purcheiing by the quantity, et the HEW BOOK STORK I JenSt.ddtwU WM. KAY, Agent. Atlanta, 9a. Mormonism! A very Intoreetlng work at tble time, celled UE mORJUOJS' WIFE, Life Scenes In- Utah, Beautifully* Illustrated. RICE 25 CENTSl! >at Bale by WM. KAY, Agent, et the row Bools. Store An 21, dAwtf. Whitehall St.. Atlanla. »*• Reed ! Seed! Seed! Garden Seed. WEiiave, aa usual, got out our lergo sfoek of Gordon Bead, end who have bought of ui here* tofuro, con attest to their lino quelitiee. Met- chants from the country, no particularly in vito and hope to ircuro theA trail.. Wo would a'eoeejta liberal .hero of patronage from ouroitixena Call and eeo SMITH AEZZARD. January IB, 1888 dtf downing hill ATLANTA, GEORGIA. ■ mRE euberibora offer «t wholeialo or retail, ' S every oxtoneive collection of Fruit Treat, Orapo Vines, ire.,dec. Catalogne tent by m»ij to all applicants Iroeol eb,, J,* ETER8 hakdeN & CO, Allente, Grorgia. November 0,186T iHm NEGRO SHOES! CHEAP! OHBAPI! TO THOSE WANTINQ A PRIME Eratoe lie re fflCrrct or » Georgia Kail flood 6'Bahklng: Company Augneta toAtlanla. ,171 Milei. .Faru JO to, GEORGE YONOE, Saporinlenilotit Moaxi.c PaituroRi Taint. 1 Leave. Atl*nta daily at ....IU00 A.M. Arrive, et Augu.ta, at 7 *'0 1'. M. Lyavia Auguata, daily at 2 30 A. M. Arrival al Atlanta, at 11 30 A. M. Evinino I’aaaEtroEB Tulls. 1 eaves Atlanta, daily, at 12 tin P. M- Arrive, at August., at 8 f.O A. M. Leave. Augu.te, daily, it 1 00 1*. )1. Arrives et At'ente et. . I 01 A..V4. QT Thi. Road rum in connection with the Triim of the Houth Carolina anil the Baran nah and Augusta Railroads at Augusta. Wcitern & Atlantic (State) Bail Boad. Atlanta to Chattanooga, 138 Miles, Fare $5. JOHN W. LEWIS, Superintendent. Morkxno Pabsenorr Train, Leaves Atlanta, daily, at I 4A A.M. Arrives at Chattanooga at. 9 40 A. M. Leaves Chattanooga, daily, at.... 1 3i) A. M. Arrives at Atlanta at. 9 33 A. M Niout Pa08knokr Train. Leaves Atlsnta, nightly at 12 30 P. M Arrives at Chattanooga at 8 18 P. M Leaves Cbattsnonga, nuhtly, at. .3 10 P. M Arrives at Atlanta at. II 22.P.M IST This Road connect!ea:h way with the tRome Branch Railroad at Kingston, the East Tennessee & Georgia, 51 spread st Dalton, and the Nashville Sc Chattanooga Railroad at Chat* anooga. Atlanta & Atlanta to West Point.sf'Mites,.Fi •Hn 60 GEORGE O. UIJLL, Superintendent. Morning Pa6HKi*gi;r Train. [.eaves Atlanta daily at. 2 00 A. M. Arrives at West Point at 7 28 A. M Leaves West Point daily at 4 00 A. M Arrives st Atlanta at .0 27 A. M Evening Passenger Train. Leaves at daily at 1 00 P. M. Arrives at West P-int at G 28 P, M. Leaves West Point daily at 4 .10 P, M. Arrives at Atlanta at. 10 16 P M. BTThia Road eonnecU each way with the Montgomery Sc West Point Railroad. MACON & WESTERN R. R. M At JON. December 14 th. IH67. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and alter Friday the 18th the trains will be run as follows: Leave Macon < a. m. arr Atlanta 8.16 s. m. Leave Macon It 30 a m arr Atlanta 5-20 prn f eave Atlanta 12 night, a.r Macon 7.16 r. m. Leave Atlanta 12 m. arrive at Macon 6.40 p,m The night trains will not be run on, Hun days The nigh*, t tin from Atlanta connects with the Central Road at 9,46 a.m., and the Boath.Western at 11,30 ajn,also with the Al bany train, tri-weekly, which leaves Macon 7,16 a. m,on Monday*, Wodnstday* and F ri days. The noon train connects with the Central Road at ll t 30 p.m.’ and Southwestern R. for Albany and CjIumbus at 1 30 n. in. ALFRED L. fVLER.Sup’t. Dec 23,1867 d&«. ft’ofeggioi)^ G^lrDg. I gHijfiiig ^gf^biigliiTieipg. Jin. y. ALrxANiita. wu. a miEt.nv. DBS. ALEXANDEB & SHELBY, Office Cqrni r ofMoriellu 4 Market etrecti- _Jmi^3, 1858. fflvljr “STONE &. FITCH, Attnrucyi ut Lnv?, 0 ;yt CE It. MukP|m > l Blotl, u; l't,!i«. ATI,A .VTA oBauou Jinutry UO, JAMES M. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW HOUSTON,.TEXAS, W ILL practice in ti»e Uirtrict sad In w lor Cou u t f this .Vtoto. Careful .attention paid to tao investigating ol Land Titles, to the buying, soiling and lo cating of Land Ccrtidcatw Proinptnosi giv.n to the colloctioii of aii claims. RK«Bisorn:-—Hon. Wm Holden, Wash ington, D C; A Austin Smith, Washington, D lion Wm Hrmth, Washington. D C; Hon R Johnson, Baltimore, Md; Gov Wm Eaton, Warrehton, N C; Rev Rd Job noon, Atlanta, Go; W W G.iiui‘8, Now Orleans, La. T.xas RHKEnr.xciB—Hou P H Hell, .Ssn Antonio; Jti igo 7 J aEchal f Anionic; Judge O^W Pueehnl, Amtin; Hon P W Gray, Hous ton; Perkins Ac Kcech, Houston, january 7, 1868. dwly DR. T. S. POWELL, O FFICE ovor Smith k Kzxard’i Pru- Store, where INTELLIGENCER & EXAMINER JOB OFFICE! 6iUj !l3beHigeh)ei[|tg._ iigfe. Butler A Co. run P (tOPfllfSTOR 8 haring raeantly added to th« JOB DEPABTKEKT of tb. Eiul llibmeute LAK92 end VAKIBb | mortmeutof the Laint Stylt,| PLAIN AMD FARCY COMMISSION KERCHA23T8, rot rre r r. ronis* a an salx or TENNESSEE PRODUCE, COTTON, OllOC’EHJES, etc., Alnbama Stroot, (^o«Ur of the tUooo U W*»urc r*e;* V) A tlanta, Georgia »r. prepared te exeeote In a neit and workman, xe manner, erery dtioription of Particular attention wlllbe^iren tothePrinl log of c ii 0,1 l a ^-. BIUb, Blank. Jfotqi. Bifl Head*, Blank Dceda, Bank Chocki, Programmes, Basineii Garda, HANDBILLS, POSTERS, Ac. : found du irig the day i _sad "• 'MPeetfulH iclirit the patrenafe of onr ineailna thoeity and country, and ar/are tbcxn t.ip. tall ordori will be promptly and»atufsetorily Jan* 20, 1563 dn3rn . W. A. JONI3. a. B. H.-TT J O N E S 'db H O Y T , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ‘‘ffiro in Kile's Building, Cornor cf Marietta and P<mch*tree Bireete, ATLANTA. GEORGIA* Jtn 13 d2ra T. IIACRETTV AT ruTTNE Y AT LAW, Jting$ohlj Georgia, will practice intho allowing counties: Cntnosa,.Chattooga, Murray Gilmer, Whitfield, Gordon, Walker, Drde. References; Mvj. W. Y. Hsnscil, Mari- etta, Hanrell dt Himpson, Marivtto, Jiunr* R* Lawhon, Kst)., Dahlonoge. /ar: ’articular attention paid t*» the ejecting buiinrjjj. May V6, 1867 dvwly J OHN T. HI* A ICO— ATTORNEY AT LAW,-Culqt -Colquitt, Miller, cj Goorgi; vrlv («. \\ Eddy A Co., (WCCOSORS TO C. K. H/V! KTTKR’Ja OO ) CXJ33 ND 6iRD'?llS*i::;3 OFFICE. Boolt.23indoj*yr, Corner of ff hitehall and Alabama tU., ATLANTA, GEOKG1A. G. P. EDDY &-C0.’., former sxtcn?ire assort* ment of II O O K and JOB ttpe.cutb, o'rna MENT8, Ac., a very large variety of new materials, 6/ th* lattit tty lei, together with one of Hoe's celebrated T OCIIUANK 'K JvASIaW -..47’. J_j-7'OAA7L’.V AT LA W-Ma^n Gewgia. O A. LOCnitA.ViJ. J. LLV-S.U Having associated thcmrelven in bufinew will devote thein* A lvcs exclusively to the practice oi then profession. [a/an:3dwtj Cylinder Presses, ire more full7 prepared than heretofore, to girs dispatch to all orders for work in theirlioe—wbieh they will execute in tho best style of the art, at fair prices for Cash. Particular attention paid to the^ieentiono. FINK WOEK for Railroad tud other Joint Stock Companies, Transportation Agent*. Banks, Col lege! and Schools, Attorney*, Public Oficer Merchants, aod others. Books, Pamphlsti, Catalogues, Circulars, New Stock Coming In GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS. A 7 W. liEKi'.n-'O & SOyj Clothing Mara, Jkfictory and Merchant Tailoring estabHih men'., for Fa!) acd 'Vinter,' all the latest styiw. One of the best stocks ol Cioths, Ca«*imer« u.o Vestinffiin Georgia; from which to cuke a stleo* tl»a. Shirt'., Drawers, Under (iarments, Cravats, 'ieoi’i Hosiery, Gloves, Travthog Shawls and BUnkei i Trimmings,ie., for sola a*, tie lowest ice*, to ihteatA W. UKREIKG AS05'S. 40 Whitehall st, Atlanta, Go. Also agents fr-r Fir per* lowing Machines. CARHIAGE REPOSITORY I Adjoining the corner of AU. k Loyd Streets, Atlanta, G-a. K O B J T . Hi M A Y , Harineremoved bii CAEP.IAQB JVf HEPOSITORT to the above tligi-<gf£9gK ole stand opposite the W f astj?sgtonS!2^2ZI. liall, and enlarged his facilities, is prepared tor fill all orders with which he may be favored, on as good term? as can he obtained in Augusta or' Bavanosb, wits the addition of Freight. His stock embraces Carriajo*, Concord Burgles, 4 and l loatRoekawayi, Slid* Seau do., Fa!! Top* do , With and without Top, Psebeee, Top Baggie*, ndlar Wagon*, Kc Tcp do., Cornei«, Whip*, Ae., Ciiy ftdberiiselwfc. R. u. ct-taez. t r. atom Clarkefe Grabb, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Agents for collections of all kinds Asad Dealer* 1st EICON UBS, F&5DDCJ 07 ILL M OROOEHIES. &C At the* -Idsteal,os WhiUbaUft., Atlanta, Ov •A-baeon, fckrd and Com ilvm os haad. fUKtX atUbtioa joM to Go%+L{vwsUw mrj deeeriptios, aod ?^e3ittasee« |fwtyUf iM^a OriersfsiysstfsH; dearsrfall/ £li*4—F»r Csax. REED BARLET t J lffiT reeeeved, a trrt r»te artWe ef Barley, for 5«*d. Price, $2 p« botb-.L H-ept. 7, dtf. CLAE.EX k ORCBB. lYJetljcl ^berti3flh}e!)i For Sale. fr,SI? redaettes aide to thcee wtsfc! ..aeplttf Just Received. T HE I*2.rrlf»«j tu h (Un, uj dn tu it Ur, rnau. Ike foUeelc, 3 Casks raw Linseed OH, (English 2 14 boiled “ “ do 2 “ win ter strain’d pore epr'mOi 2 “ “ “ “ whaleOi 20 Bbk genoino Oil for Tanners. Hhlikeyl Wtaitkey! Whi.kcy C LARES A GP.CBB bar. j.«t nreirti ;• ° 1 Bill. Hell rain's Extra Copper Dbtilled Con. Whiskey, and for sale cheap. hard 21. Who wants any Eye. Clark# k Cmkb Lsj 1*0 basUls lit, ferSbei. wfc'iefc key will e%II l?». f>pt. 3 «*;. 20, BULB. PtiV* Magnolia Whiskey, Jus received and for sale by Ct^KO A GRUBB. Kmii 21. AJXI. V. VAUJ.CE... Wallace & Robinson cowmissioVmerchants, A5D DEALERS nf TENNESSEE PRODUCE! We give special attention to the nib of Bacon, Lard. Flour, Grain, Whiskey, Tobacco, Ac., Ac. Consimments reepectfaliy seacried. p9~Pr'.mpt attention given to Cask Order* BYE k BARLET. I aet*I ft , as LUCA 1 W0BI.KJGX. Rosin assorted Vaeiiaet. 25 per cent. AlaohoL 20 Banring FitXd. 10 “• Campbens. 12 “ -I'irit! Turpentine. 20,000 lbs lead, assorted. 150 Boxes Glass, assorted sizes.! 5a.Bnua«, Kim) S>lieu, mA tar Pxinten' tue. let t, -itu.u.M. rf .m;. . nnxypn 63C l&te-ssai ij^x. Tie dlecorczj of Ale Viitiof Fluii *u tB« rjtslt of ebcaieal oodicst. Iimrauaoi UI t-i. or ioli txrtluioo to color, SsroUIit; taS can tow from tS« roa. Wins too tijri, aAA a UxtU nin valor. It ibouU aot be mixed vfrb otto, I&kt, botalvaxebi pot isle clexa .bcafci ao* 1 Xopt eorfced from the air vba lot Ib^um. l>ii txi viil eot eorrodotbo >toelpoa,ssd cxeoctbo ««po«*l fa: iu qoaiit, kjaxj ixk narrtlrtnrvJ la Earopa or Amtrieo. Ordtm art rerperAIJ, K'jeitod, u n rd pe: ip tb* abort Itk aa lev at r./ cS*s, a. It 03 be pot op ia Pkilaia-ph!*, Boitos. or S Y. Made ool/ b, On. Bli^n A Gxild, Au ok itore*. »«*,«*. BoU at UI ti* boo] Marebl. dti ttoosys. el ti. be.t nanefao- ) A L tile ^Afu> tore aod latott it;i. A .bare of patroa* • ge i» refpoe'.fullr rolitited. 5r i*L. D.-Jcn for Foaily or f’iacutioo Wagcot other rcUe'es filed at enrri DotV’f. V.*o are eUo fer leorvood A Robtc' ranot Tie. -e. 0» . r.e.t, MSC. NEW BACON ! OT'ftf Biime weU dned New B»co», If et 'VAU.ACE 4. R0BIX8O.V8. Joitarr If, :edtf tiaaoitaU S^miSftmer TT7TLL attend to aay eaBs ia hit »» line cf kosintai, ruck aireg. xlalitg of oetiox, ooreriag of ham. i m LARD ! LARD ! a?*d RerreIs, a* low down prices, by U V I.LACE Sc R0RLN8ON. Uary If; 1358 dif Sew oBeanifflGrocenes on W 1Z.I.IA.H M. DANCORTII ATTOKNLX f L.\ W—Fairborn, Georgia. July 2S •867 1 awlf UN1)ERH OOD'& UAH . iS, A t t o r n o y s al.Law, FOR SALE. A I.AROB a.uttuient of Virginia Leaf Tobacco, rirying in price anJ quality, at reuil and whale lale. oa cheap aa the cheapen. H J. 8HA0KRI.F0RD, Ag„. Nor Id, 1857 dtf New Route to the HoutUaiVes iletaphTs * UnarUstoa Hatl-Koad Oiunpl^tH I Connecting Chattanooga, Tonn.? Charleston, B. Savannah, Go.; and all North-Eastern Atlanta. wbit.t.iuti. .lryflarr. Jlarchlj iio.t. V.'. H. rvoiawo^n / LUTHER J. Attorney -Vtla-.ita Wilhitiond tho Coa::? in ton, DoKtilh, Fayotto Cowou, Carroll, Heary Scalding. Gcorria. ! ViV; Hs am l, GLE NN a t Law, . . . 'Qcorgin* stb* CattMle. of r=l- Catnp 11, J'.«rit»eib , Heard, Cobb, and ,uw u-ir I>R. L. J. UOBEttT. •'ThV'lut e'Mnec*ing <in Unk of Bail-Boad ! l*!'.ulica! & Surgical UraCtitiop.Cr, betwaen Naw York and tho MDiUilppi River! This Road!*now completed/and opened fer the regular transportation of Passongors and Freight, and will afford moro expedition and les* expense, than any other ronto between the North Kut and South-West. Passengers and shipper* them- will “take Jue notice thereof, and govern lelroo accordingly.” Pasionger Trains leave Stevenson dajly at 12 o'clock, A. Mi, (after the arrival of tho from Gbattauooga and Kaihrillo,) and Arrive at Memphis aome day at 7, P. M., connecting with First Class Steam Pockets to New Orleans, and all ether important points upon the Western riv en.* Goods consigned to Hall-Roid Agents at Charleston or Savannah, will be forwarded to Memphis and other points, by Express Freight Trains. pSPFreight In charge of the Adam's Express Company, U oarrled over this route daily, by th* Passenger Trains. F.C. ARMS, General 8nf<t. Huntsville, Ala., April 1st, 1557. •Through Tickets to Memphis, Ac., sold at Wilmington, N. C.,* Cbaileston, S. C.j Augutti, ,8arannah, Macon, Atlanta and Columbus, Go., Montgomery, Ala.; Chattanooga and Nashville; Team **-To connect with the Western Trains Muriel ^0Ore at hiarosi Georgia. O. J. WIUGUT, Attorney n t Law, Albany, Georgia.. fil&y U. 1357. tv.u. A. UAUUl!?, Attorney fit L, a w , Isnbella, Worth Co., Refers to—Mnj. J. L., Miliedgevuie ; nou. A. l(. HaniML ThrmasriUr; Miller A Ha.i, Oglethorpe; lion. It. li. C'iark, Maoon; Col. J. V,. Duncan, .Atlanta. Juno?-d!y. NEW CANDY MANUFACTORY —AN!>— KC ,VL. zm ATLANTA, GA. r Pnl! (Cb**r!i.?r voLldioit.rm 'be eitii.r,. *f A: n..a . .v- ■|qoiifectiou5,Pn«tr5eg, Fmlfe*. c ^C3|^0) Abb0tt& CO.. CO.M^IGXMEXT, Tae fire; arrival of the New Crop AT ATLANTA. Way Btlle, Frogrunmee, Hand aK Show Blue Poeterl, *e.. .ic-nted at ikon notice. ... ... . ^W-Frintint In Gold and SttTxa Btevcxt U* :* afa» p«;«*d u fanlek exetj deeripian • and Fa*ct Cwii'l I»al, or on Volina, Satin . of > I 110 p>Ut. for voddirp, or Mn'Un, f r., dono 1c btarrtifnl stylo. !,«««“,'« , - < ‘ rt col;;., and on aecommodatitg liiTitjliicviioeonnoc^d a I l5 , r=i '_. , • .. .... Uonk-itinderv _Isaporled vise! and hn-iia. of ti! defrriplioDi with their rrlntinj; KWabliebtcent’ they ar. r re- E&SHfgfewBfy* ‘ bend. Alr>,, . HATE tow la store a choice ( driwk ef a*w crop of Sew Oritatrt JM&lutii, 1 Syrop, Drown Sugagor, qaal to any in the South, they feel rounder of their ability to give entire satisfaction, anr con*e-^uectly ktve no basiur-ey in soliciting ;Li patronage of their friend* and th* public. i^i.0rder.# for work, in aither department : their business, from any p.-rt cf Georgia an; neighboringStates,will meet with proaptattea tlon. Atlanta Go. Feb. 25. 1S57. (ddwly.) *nt; au>4 with the cash omfiiy ar.eaded i r ‘. l. vale.'- T-t. SCth fU. Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! i-'trnsriTtmE: FIR11TliRE!! rfCXTH TE1X Cf THI Cosmppolitsu Art Association. ran rxxovt Dniwldorf Galery ofPainUanl Turchaked at a Corf e/tlSG.OQO! afd yewn-’a tr(iu> gO’crtrx£*> statce Of „ THEGREEK SLAVE!! '■ bo braft! in any etht* Gfryi a ark A. Aiao, ttoitan, vuk *». r soon »!ti etoek of Co3m. Salt, Tolaroo, Gaidiot, j wt,,U #£**> “ PUtiixp, 1 ■ .tr. SHAGO, ABBOTT 1 Cj. “l Br T- ,w ; ”=7?^ tb. Prtmina. rujy Seege and AtWlTi ten a Pnr* I S T » t ” >B !« f 8a,<toW> (jti and NltebUl knell. I r. t Y A ;: d».:nuitc, trb teUenb* bafara tie .'annarj t Hii dtf j Uo5. U vLd: tan* tk.avardi 1 ! wiU takfpltro. Txuxi or Srajrximcx—Every rabarriber ti three dcuars li entitled to a ctay ef the Urge men,(felted or buffed,) laying of cxvrftriagi If *v* »v«u -lagU, Ae. the octave, whole or tU m Sitiiffatk! fiTK. in irtfj iutase* e. Be •kary.. All vork wxm»t*d. Toning fay th* dan* at 0*4on ad Prices. ordtn ahcuJd bo iafl at Hextra. WC- liams* Putrituro Stora, ou Peachtrt* it- Atlas, to. Go. • to. Go. 2<rr. JO, *U, dwly. T O 31 A -\ t FAtTUtEK » m E are near receiviof a -t- lex,, lot of dole Ijtti* er.Caif Seica, Lining*, BisG* inq*. Into, Pep, Kit, and _ __ ..erythin* connected with tb. B«n md Ft fa=*:ne*i, which w-JJ h< a;id u low price. Caih- AU order, areempacied with Ctah wiB fat prvmptiy filW with good Gnoda, and et lew rate*—at th* Sign of th* Bif Beit, PemhtK— nmt, Cbcrokw Bicek. DIMirK dc Mix. BRILL! A HT PROSPECTUS' 1 Ofnll Descriptions. B LANKSOf be had at ill limes, at the Best HE icbifribers have enhaud are now opening a large and carafuliy ixIocUd fitock from th* Northern Manufactories. eurrent.YIoncy Bought. We wfil buy the totes cf the Tenneosoe Banka,'aUo, Kentrrkv and New Orlfana. HE AGO, .ABBOTT & CO, November N, 1857 dtf Examiner & IntcllSccr; Attorniea, .Sherifis, Clerk* of Court*, »r.d Ordinaries, cnn'be furnished,Jat short notice, any favorite form of DEED, WRIT, or PRO 6 EriS which they rn*y desire: andallFORMS >J legal initrumente, commonly in use, are al ways on hind, to be *oid at the Kmeut pricer. MUr.ta, M v bureaus, fcorreUrri, Wfc>h>tar4», dr lead* atd ’hairs-of any derired pattern and price. A 1: j-sr.-rtmect of Ce-tre, Work, Sab>ou “ ' '—iltagere's,Corner and Side—Sofas, It SJiT* I n. ad iaion to the *.b •eekly fupplics, ni examine ear rn J 8 WILLIAMS, r to Gil&itt A Clark*, i reeltr** »J t ia Hoad, pauangori will take the Night Trains ‘ “ , CliatUnooga from Wilmlogton, N. C.p Augusta, and NaihviUe, Tenn.; and the- day tralos from OhariHton and Kingsville, S. C.; and Atlanta, G». April lft. dtf. J. H. SMITH, JAKED IMVIN WiltTAKKR, Attorney ut Law, Ltl.mtft, Office, front ro ,r.» ov-r J. K. A (’. H. Vf... lace’* 8tore. corner Whitehall and Aiabttca *u. May 21*, 1£j7. ~ MAI IK J GHIN STO N, Attorney at Law, Gartor.-ville Gcorcia r.h.Si, J»M. j V. O. HAHl’ER, Attorney at Law, WestPoint, Georgia April 19, loSi. damf E. M. SEAG0, Birds Eye Elute* We are Ageat* fer the rale of Mr. F. L Reger’s Bird*.eye, put up ia 5 buihei barrel*, war- ranted fail measure, and cf lopericr cuallty to or.y other lime acid in thi* market. Ordar* by :he Car load irbi be filled at kiln prira*, br ^ 6., A. & CO.' d : ToU«I! M Stonea* Bolting ClolhAj Lc. » are alas ageeti for Mae. Kern* k Triable. BoKi- rge rtcck, we* a»o.-*, VI, laperters aeJ fubiicarc ia-} rwalen sa Frva«t Barr. Co-, L roe aai Ceepes ViU ftooe* Bf'luaf Celt*, k: Drier* c* *T;| >-» faitb- faU« rterby tkea at *phrei Prod*4(4 and Commhtian Merchant, and DtoUri in /Vimi/jr ond Plant at ian Grcerritt, Cft- Merielt* Stri-et, Atlemi, (iconic J. H. SMITH. WOULD reapeetfaUjannouDee be eiUxeni of Atlaota aod su tandlog eoaatry, that they the are effariag at pricee that will compete with aoy home to the city, aod afk a »bare of pat ronage. They wiUjrlvespeolal attention to the tale of Be ooo, Urd, Flour, Grain, Tobacco, Ae., Ac. CooaJfameQD reepectfur tolleitid. ^.Proopt attention riven to Ca«h Order*. Hiore on Uarielta atreet, In the buiMtog Iformeriv occupied by G, D. l’arr. * December 12,1WT 20 Pookagcs Glass Ware, Jost Recoivcd eej (mw“" it •«,“ ** 1 -*—*'*8, [article «f double eole or v.lUd brogane.ppj • K<n villi **7 ^*1 w# nn " h*re in Store »_ . hMtry Stock, and *11 ol onr own MuofutnrUg which vo will toll nt Un coni* * pair lower than innyhoKO In tble olty will toll at good an artlela -Competition wo defy olth.r In VnnLco Made, Georgia Made, Home-made, br any other make, and warrant them u good at article aehae am boon offend ia thi* market or BUU. All kind, of it K jgis^jar. .^5r sm II node poreha»*<of nevepalrod free ofohargo . Atutelgnof BIO BOOT, Peachtree Stmt mMR ; K( joYO*, * OO fROVWS HOTEL, [OppoeiU the Paaeongrr DmW.> .tACONViii. ..GEORGIA B, B. BBOWN * E. I8AAIJS. Proprlelrn B- F. DENSE. Baperinundont. ri.hJ7 \(~\ Bm bole now con Jfeal for e»l* 1 by )U iUaO,ABBOTiaCO- ItkUII ® Y tho Bubecribor of the moot modrrnthTJ etyle*. and will be eald *8 per eeutLfl than I ban ever before been abletoeell lu> Cash. Alio, China end Queen* Ware, Plated Caatorc, Plated Candlntielu, Fork., Spoon., Tea Bette, Britain do, China Flown Yaica, izc„ to which I would invite the al ien Son of my farmer patrono and oepcclally the Ladica to call and oxaminr, T. U. RIPLEY Nor. I*. 1857 ’ dff LAND NEAR ATLANTA OKK hundred acres of Lud near Atlso ta,lytog bstwMn r«Mhtrs* ana Mantua Rnad*, It offsrsd for Ss)s, tbtrs *r* »l'tj am* of vsry hMvjr tluiUr, forty term 0 f , *xe*lt#ot cUarod land, aboi l thirty a itm ,._ I* bottom. Thoro art flit hundred rh» i«# Apptv trvcB.of tho vary brtt sofretton, Vrsldrt th# abort, thoro !* aa good a M1U.MTK a* can t* louaJ anywhtrt. A good barfatu will bo xivon. *•" a&ULT • v , - . a An. i Atlanta, G#or f u,Dao Al'QUTKIt dtf YARN YARNS! J UST ttr«lvtd, and will kwi eonetanUy eo had a rood aaeortooot of Tknad from th. rinooton Factory, which I will nil at tha ngnlar arket price. Tl f ■ LOW, Agcai. SiwSbsM, uir. iTtf 3, a. a Co. yrcctsroRTosexGO k tAViuaitir I wm COST1SVE THE PRODUCE COE- — i V a*.ri Jfi fUESlOS RUStS ESS. j ™t‘ ‘ TfiT' wSSSj^ ^ Fi UldO TbBOTI A CO. AT IIIS NEW GQ1»®DI0US?FIREUs" ' PHOOF HUIIJHXG, — September, II, \V. T. C. Ciiiupb(4i Bro., durability and »ki!h • ^Pjfdfilcs over Alexander* DrugStcre, White Hail st., W. T. C. CAMPBELL. G. P. CAMPBELL. A il.vnta, Jan. 2 A dtf D ll. K. T. Pl having rv- lumel ' from a vinit. to Viiginia will •utne the practice of hi* profession in th# city cf Atlsnta and its vicinity. Can !>e foui d at hi**'lfipo At all hour*, except tvhen prnt'eifiiivnally engaged. Or Office WAbHl.NUTON HALL. •splAdwtf IlH. . 31. IMIir.Kt. HOMCEOPATHiST. , ^bFFIOB and |{t>onu in Dr. l’omroy • cf- l Jfiff, op|w«itc P**tti* Static. November 20, 1857 datvl y CAMPHENE Burniug' Fluid! ^ a FOB SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER TERMS LOW FOR CASH, T, R. RirLEY. P. S.—A liboral criscppat by iho Hbl. n«v. p my. W HEAT, Ptaa aod Uva for cal. by „S>OW0, ABBOTT <# CO. JknuiyJ, llii dtf Front of AtUnta ll.*t#I,»ndn#vt doortoFullos ATLANTA, GEORGIA. t^.Th#u8n») r%c5iili#to9#r#»i loSbly^tr*. «r? Joseph Wluship, «kwu ) J. T,. WILLIAMS. ROLLIN'} BAKF-R. WILLIAMS & BAKER, (Successor* to William♦, Rhea ri* Co..) (iFNF.RAL COMMISSION MIHH'HANTri, Atheneum lui!»!ing, Decatur Street, At lanta. (mirgU. 1‘rtmpt aod particular »tten. t'un given to the «:!<* of<»rain, Dscon, Lard. Flour, Feather#,*i.d Tcnnewee Fr,oducf grn em-iv Jan. 27-. t«.M dtf Atinla ioiiSle CoM COMMISSI) >N MKKCHANT ,-n^s roK THE PLKL'HASF;,— xt'd Storage cf l*rv*dcce. iBM&Aop poito the \\ crttin fc Atiau-* La* Hail read PrpcL “ ivrmher 11, 1S'7 ,!iwu UK WHEAFFLOrp. rnahurgo, 3am*. J*htr ir James M. Carter Forwarding & Commiision i'rr- chant. SAVANNAH. GA.. Jen#*’ N«v R1.n1 R*» S;ro#i—(Ut#ly eeecyled by ; leftnc-L, J F. S. Liberal adtsiueej made on all cok* Hstten, i R Ycunf. Fj»^ On.—N - Oa H. Ohr*?. C**., Aa#n at: 10 ‘IT-.'.Jkwly the V —■ NEW AUCTION HOUSE flAHC THIRD SESSION of thi* , J[ Institution wril com nence cn v" MON DAY, the 18th in«t. Wc have fitted up the buement of the Freehyterun Church with a new fixr,. and r.eur derk*. aiToiding a much more cornra<vh. ! out and cornfort*h'e room than the one occu pied U*t ye*r. NVe will occupy thi# rtn-m ! temp'rarily till arTangment* can l*e completed i ipr erecting permanent College Budding*. Term* the fame a* heretofore pcHi*h>*-L i Jtn 13 dAw3m J. L. KOtiF.RS. Pnx. I 100 Keg* N*i;r, A Umar.tin# Ca TH OS.IF. LOWE, Whitehall near Mitchell St, Atlanta Ga r T' F I . - *4*itiou toxb* win gtr# ptrvc- 1 . t; *r*:'<a -c»* te th# j*crchi#« *e4 u# cf al' VwfkMOi*, *si .V*. J“>F.FH WINSH1P, <ki Wrapping' Paper. \ LARGE lot. just received of ail *ixc* and qual ur*. and ivit^ale low. b WM. KAY. Agent. Maunilla Paper. A VERY fine towwtment of the above, ju#t to hand on ronaignramt. I*ri?e low l the New Hook Store, by Jm 23. durtf WM. KAY, .4genu rv. I bo 4TC p ooiitei 51 ore f V BUTTER AND CHEESE. { L.tnr.K . up. iv hand ot *cycnot X\_quality, »t’.J : r #»*' *i Joseph wixstnr. Nov 24, IS.'? dawvi SALT.J ^ A A Back* in ati rc'irfi for aal« Hr t)l/U * jom:fh \n inmiip. No. 24, *-'7 a’avrt! iron! Iron! a l.MUil' Mv'ck cvi r-iowah Manualsv* /X tunng ami Mining Company’# Iron, con rtantly ou ha* * ,al Manutaotuien pnre, by JOSEPH WTNSHIP. November 11. 186* »l*W' A.r FEATHERS. of fb-'i# F»*tb#n. f .- 8*1 bn*BPH ,HL\>aU*. ' r.c;<\, THE BEST SELECTED IS'.I ASSOUTEI) STOCK OF Family Groceries -IN THE CI7T or A7LAATU, li to b< fonnJat th. u Atlanta Fatuity Store, ” Whitehall Street. GORGE U. UAiMKI- « Proonttar., tfiy 6. tij. ldewy MrOltT.tNT INFOA.WATIIN, t _ hich mueti eufforinx m familir. m*y avoiilw], aent in marrird men *nj thn.. vniitcmplatin, metriiqr. A J Jrf-* rn. _ 'ich'.gfaof et*m|v, Ur ti W (DDHCPMBE Urw‘.<lrn. N. Y, Nrv. 1S, 1S-7 A — 6m » 1.1. .>'-r will b. volt at lav phr«< f«t <a,hor country PrxSrc. iu r^o, iBBOn'.* CO. n? BACON & LARD. A NKW SU1T1.Y. BY JOSEPH WINSH1P. UaN'k'au>:ncy." " Mo Whim's®, Aprntfor the Bank of Ctmden S Carol.ju OSr. at ir*,tfr« A Enhlnecce Wanhooro— cursor of Banter and Pryor ctnoti, Atlanta, O*. #Ul|tlT8KWHMK3U:3M«vU«tiC5JlUM8ly. s o o STALL FED BEEVES. T HE Butvcrihtr u in wist cf a largo quart- tttjefNn. 1, Fat*. for which bo -ui pay the higheet Matk.l, price, delivered in thi* City ui any riarnbrr fmm thi. time until !m of July nrvt. EDWARD PARSONS Jtn. H,1»M, dAwtf llardware Paper. A SUPERIOR nrtictf cf Hardwire paper f Ill , for m!, u low rate* by Jw *8, dwtf WH, KAY, AjttL iadiptftdK! Steel Bagrmriag,mtiued -Htnifut Detuny,"atfc to* copy of tha Coaa.p»lii»a Art Jtarn*. 1 one year, alto te a twtiir*s« tf th. avert rffrt=uuaa,atfeto afreeaeaiaak* te tie Daa- retder; tud C»nnepe!:tai GaBertft. ftfr it la tree that fer every three dcltar, paid, tbe rarer.-:bernst caly reretvet a rplenaid three TWO DOLLAR ART JOURS > AL, on year. Lack *«b*cnbcr is alao pt«MaL »i with a oertieata is tha award* tl Pmsiuxa*, y which a raluahia werk of An, in Palotitg at Swlpto# my ba ra.*«4T»i is aifitiou. the* givixg to every rebaeriber as aqmirakci to Ut t*1m ( fir* dcUrn, ana a etnifieale grui*. Ary oc« of th* kadirp %l JltgtrM !• tea. iob«L mstood of Eagrartsg ta.i An Jcferfeal, darlrad. No jvntt i* t**&iet*4 to a risgl* ihar* - Tbo*« takirgSr* meabenhif*, resitting $’5 ar* astitlad to an extra Rsgrarisg and fix ticket* Fall particular* cf th* Anodatics ar# giTaEl • th* Art Journal, which esstaat or*? *ixty *p4<a- did Esgrariaga, prio* fifty ;■#/ :aab«r ’ ' "* b* oast to all i pence* who dpt if fir# pexugi SpwcisMa ecx lkt de*ir* tc rubfcriW, ca fttocpj li m:u. Addnu C. L. DERBY, A:tzkry C. A- R AkS Broadway, New York,et WJ/ r H. BARNES, Hco*y Swe'y *h—dt/ AttiRtl fear Dor J>—it/ Atioato, freerxio. Improved Colton Giu an Threshing Machine*. T SX eioerahct me—! hnw I.—K KcefU Cctaly, 6*.. to atfaiu. fa, la izlara ti*r t’.i pttrra* asd lb» pott* f*a«raUT, •.hat they wCl ceatrrc* th* lUatfactericg*f Chile* C,a* ui 0~b#»l ThrMhor* ca thoir oo! tiiMtir* maol# Thoir ‘iio# ar# r»’.i ltm u4 *=:*#r*al>a* prc##i ia w#ors'A* fectb t*r»tr&a, aod lUha*a-’*a :t paru pf T#ia*. Kt«#k*ipp4, Xert* Care^sa. Tb#? ar# b*j* ft.' tb# »#.-? t^t eatenai* a‘ #vr«aM * *par#d to »ak# tb#a eo*#*ai«*t aod dsratl#. it ?«« an i» oi a good Genoa Gta er wheat thmh#r, cr- -♦? tress it, ui r* viUacU u !:* u ut c-tbox kUa- ixsrrt ot *vtt*I aod wtC d#Kv«e tbw at • pcrcham- • raaidesc# or mcni 2L R, Inpct fr#o ihaer* f« traa#portat>oa Cost: art* sea? be wad# G*»# aai Thr#*h#r*, u=« of w KS B*J b# H*l 8fpll«tM to Agizlt. ti. on Guu *rarroot#d te p#r?ersa v«a. lUfolN eruxg Laxnat. raartus uSSfUT KSOXVIILE, TSHNK8BJ0 M r. SfERLIhO LAXU ., tf to of tu Ut nier Ebnt^ Haeen, 0. and Sen peon La- aiee, lira of Tuiaegee, Ale xa, will be happy to me*r all triend. and eo mn at th* l.—. Uooa^ vUra they bar* ample accommodation ' hundred and fifty*. S. AA LASIRH. Pvofrieior*. wHum: WRiuxx.!: OQnn kto It*B«t*w Cera arb*4#7, la Stem, ud for ab M.twieul!* Ufa*. *#pt u w*uac« a rowna ji* NOT fJE. A *.1 woou indehto I > to. eeUw of C. D. l»t late cf Jfarray rr r tty deceaeod, ere re. qnirad '« make immaditr paymaat arid thorn havirg \l snaada vUlrenlcr lh*m ia. aeeoHiag vo fa w, >«, ia Atlanta, i fairtla. L. J. PARR, Executor. D earin 1657 Jvtf mOOO Reward, On the night of tho ISth toll*, the Jevrixy Stcrtof JomphMiltfr litiltnlcevUle. Ua., WU tatend* aat v>jde if th. aiaouns of *17,000 tad 4,501 doltf’-ilv iSaeb, taken thtrefroa. Among the tkvdi live viTt 74goM w*tcbee,tscatly doubt* cam, tit vUrer vatthce, Mdrty all doibl. race, ini many bring marked “Jeaerh Miller, itill- bcaUu a large* edgeriitf, Ga, Tmiila* »large am. rtmeol of Jew. elry of all kind*. I will pay tbe abort reward of OSEIHOCSAKD DOLLARS for tb. recortry ^a!ST^*“ 4 KSWiirifo, Jtsvij jj, W!> dm|