The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, February 14, 1858, Image 1

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•'hnftf(if . - . -jis . . .-,--1 friSRFtfgi.t- . 5- * • • ,j : : ■ : . : ■■.■.;■ : ‘- v - , ■ •- ;. . - .. • ' '' - a'- ' A- SqilU Jnialligweir & Exptninei*. DAILY ft WEEKLY. BY DUNCAN & LOGHRANE. THUMB OF SOBSORIPTIO*. Dallp Intalllgoncor, par enauin1“ hdvanoa, M Georgia HailEoad ft Banking Company Augusta to Atlanta.. 171 Mile*. .Faro «5 60. RATIOS OF ADVHRTIBISO. Advertising in th* Dally IatoUlganear will b* Inserted at tho following ratal par iqnara of tan Y, v linen. / t #tj Onelniortlon, 80 eto, ..Two « 81»0 .Throe, •• “ J M , Four, « 1 J? Flvo, -; “ Hi ~ Onowook, * «» Ona month, Two, “ Throe » Fonr, Sli, " Ona year, 86 00 '8 00 io oo ■»oo u oo ?»oo no woo*, - -- —j—. •— Special oontrnoU Will bo mado for yrariy adeor tlicmooti ocenpying a quarter, half or whole ““l^AdvortbomonU, from tranilontpononi 00100, 80 00, toius.paiu tu •u™™ u,,art. Whon adrorttlomonU ara ordered In both tho Daily, and Weakly, IF per oaat. wlU ba added VThe priyttewSf yearly »d'^‘« t ^* limited to theli own immediate and MgW '"profiuilonal OsntoioUxoood^f »l* llnol, 810 ®Advo'-ttaoment* notipeaUed atjto .tlmewlll be .. published tlllordotod ont and ohargod at regular, rt Adrortliomonti lniortod In tho WMklypapor nnly will be .ohargod at former, ratal. ctateiiew atmtota GEORGE YONOB, Superintendent Maatttio Pasaixoiti Tarts. 1 Leant Atlanta dallyat.y.t 1000 A.M Arrives at Augu.ta, at J W **•*'• L-evo* AurusId, dally at .* Jl * A. M/ Arrives at Atlanta, at.. 11 •»*> A- M. EvRStNfl Fakskhokr Tins. I ea*oa Atlanta.dally, at IS 00 P. M. Arrive*aiAuguata, at.... 8 66 A. M. Leave* Auguata, daily, at. 4 00 I. M. Arriroa at Atlanta at 1 04 A. M. X3T Thia Road rum in connection with the Tralmof tho South Carolina and the Havau nah and Augusta Railroad*, at Augusta. ... ' ‘ - ^irofessioifti JAS. V. ALltXASDEK. Wit. A. HIIKI.Br. DES. ALEXANDER & SHELBY, Offlco Corner of Marietta A Market atreeto- Jim 3.1968. dwly DR, JAMES M. MORRI8, O FFICE on Marietta itroet, oppoait# Dr. J. F. AlaxandaPa. Atlanta, Uo.,’February 9, 1858 dwtf ^ ‘stone & FITCH, Wditom A AtiantiMStatorSail Bond. Atlanta to Chattanooga, 198 Milca, Fare $.6. ■JOHN W. LEWIS, Suporintondeni. ^■ ThoWcw Good ■ bnve Arrived. W ■’ aM ri. STROM A CPw hare Jnit opaned a L/largowt^tmont of_ nnnn .. Momnsa Pab»*soiir Train, Leare* Atlanta, dally, at........ 1 d6 A.M. Arriroa at Chattanooga at.. 9 45 A M. LearcoChaUanooga, 1 SO A.M. Arrirea at AUanta at 0 33 A. M ; NioriT Pamknorr Train. Loarea Atlanta, nightly at....... 1U 30 P. M Arriroa at Chattanooga at 8 18 P. M Leave* Chattanooga, nlehtly, at. .3 10 P. M Arriroa at Atlanta at 11 22 P. M X3T Thia Rond connect* ea-Jr way with I he tRome Branch Railroad at Kingaton, tho Bsat Tennaiscc & Georgia : aiWl at Dalton, and the Naahvillo A Chattanooga Railroad at Chut anooga, All Wool Merinees !. . . AU Wool Detains-Moaokootor ._„..jDaUlnii PopUnijAUpopaij Bdtnbuiinoa! Ginghams; Print*; BlS&dSSreBhiatog.u.d Shirting. Shatrli; Ladln’fl Clonk,Unlog*) ' Flannels; KorioyR ' Irish Linens: Tablo ldnore; Cotton Btrtpoa; Kentucky/«»•) Batina; Caaalmera; Cloth; Hoileryi Blankets hylho Utoniand; A splendid itook of UlorM; D root. Trimmings. ara -m BR. rr» -mm rap SB 9 Wool, 2 and S Ply; Tapestry; IIall Carpota at reduced prions Atlanta ft Lagrange Bail Bead. Atlanta to Wcat Point.Sf Milea,.Fare «3 50 A ttorneys at I*aav, - a-i-i—tn cjort, U p ptsira, ATLANTA Q W CK lt» Maikhttn UEORGIA. . Jftjaokrjr 30,1RW dvljr IN iELLlGENCEK & EXAMINER JOB OFFICE! Gill) fodberfigetyeqtg* ligii, Butler ft Co. THK PROPRIKTORS haring rs^eatly added to tbe JOB DEPABTMEirr of the B»Uh Hihmenta LAROK «nd VARIED icnt of the LatatStyl** of PLAItl AND FANCY JAMES M. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW JIOUSTOX, TEXAS, W ILL practice in the District and Inter ior Couits cf this State. Caroful attention paid to the inrrotiaoling , j I Lund Titlea, to the buying, ooiling and lo- eating of Land Oertificatci ■''Proraptnca* givHu to the collection of all claims. ■ Kkvxrxxccs:—Hon. Wm- 8elden« Wash* ington, U C; A Austin Smith, Washington, D O; Hon W ra Smith, Wathington. D C; Hon R Johnson, Raltiraore, Md; Gor Win Eaton, Warronton, N C| Her Rd Johnson, Atlanta, (la; W \V Gaines, Now Orleans, La. Trxfts H»rKBEXCKS—Hon P H Bell, San Antonio; Judge Paschal, San Antonio; Judge G W Paschal, Austin; Hon P W Gray, Hous ton; Pi’rkinsA: Kecch, Houston* jinuary 7, 186H. , dwly C0MMI8SI0H MERCHAHTS. m rss tciciAis Ait uu or TENNESSEE PRODUCE, CUTTOS, GROCERIES, dec., Alabama Stroot, (boatb of lb# SUcoa t WrrUra UrpoO.) , A 11 anta, Georgias Good TtoDtMM Momj Uk*a »t pit for Prod—, AtUaU Uoorgia, J«m, SOta, 1UT. New Stock Ooming In tt re prepared to rxeento In a neat and workman, ke manner, etery deecription of Particular attention will be gireo to the Print log of mant, Circular*, Way Bill*, Blank Hotel, Bill Heads, Blank Deedi, Bank Check*, Programmei, Bmiueis Card*, HANDBILLS, POSTERS, Le. D R. T, S. POWELL, QFFICK over Smith 4_ Eriard’i^Dro.- Store, GEORGE O. HULL, Buperinlendont. Mornino PxksRaoRR Train. I.earoa Atlanta dailr at 2 00 A. M. Arrirea at West Point at; 7 38 A. M X^ir«i Weit-Poinldaily-atr,.—4 00A.M Arriroa at Atlanta at. 9*7 A M Evenino Passenoer Train. Leave* at daily at JO® JJ- Arrirea at West Point at 6 28 P. M. rilLDUTUl DIUIIUW “ ' w where can te found daring the day,..and at nigh’ , at his residence on the corn*.* ol Collin, and Jo'os StreeU. Atlnnta, dan- 20, 186S dw3m Loarea West Point daily at 4 30 P.M. AArea at Atlanta at ....10 15P M OT Thia Road connects each way with the Montgomoiy dc Weat Point Railroad W. A. JONK8. *• R- 8° TT J O N E Sift?H OYT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, nffic. in Kile’e Building, Corner of Marietta and Peach-tree Street., A TLA NTA, G EO R GIAF Jan 13 * d2m A.i--’" D — u " Ta gTd'rupply of pUntatlon-BROGANS . • rod F 1 -— MACON ft WESTERN R.R. MAHON, Uoeerolirr 14th, 1857. CHANGE 07 SCHEDULE. On and alter Friday the 18th tho train, will Boots and Shoos. . M j T , -. bo run a» folldw«;;_ :-i Wo lnrlto our » ^‘it*!! tt« ta^n onr prl. Leave Macon l a. m. arr Atlanta -8.15 a. .call, »»dare.atWled »h.n i a.y logout P» M , cnn „ 30 , ijL1 ,.AW. Kinggold, Uurgia, will practice in the following counties: Uotooaa, Uhattooga, Murrar Gilmer, Whitfield, Gordon, Walker, Dade. ‘ Rtftrtntin Moj. W. Y. Hanaell. Mari etta, Hanwll A. Simpson, Marietta, Jatnee R Lawhoti, Bwj-, Dahloticga. *fr i’aiticular attention paid to the colecting burincas. May 96, 1867 dawly aeau, bur I Leave Macon 11 30 a m arr Atlanta 6 20 pm IP&* BeUmber. w* ar. at No 1, Whlteh.f 11 enro Atlanta l_2 night, atr StrMtjHorereaa’a o"ld Hand , April 24,1886 at no l, rrhiwu.i , eu*« ----- -- Como and too u« Leave Atlanta 12 m. arrive at Macon 5,d0 p,m d&WW rwal -!-L* b^!.,. h .:I1 w*«v» lw% run nn StlinilnVtf. JJ0 you W UU V ’ . Do youPay CASHior BOOM! Come HERB to get yonr BOOKS 1 jfbOKS I ! IBITO a - at*. — * ■ Tho night Uaittawill not bo run on Sunday*. , Tho nigh! train from Atlanta connect* with the Central Road at 9,45 a.m., and the South-Western at 11,30,also with the AI banr train, tri-weeklr, which learoa Macon 7,|6 a. m, on Mondays, Wcdttcadaya and Frt- Tho noon train connect, with the Central Road at 11,39 p. m.’ and South-western 11. for Albany and Coin mbit* at 1,30 a. m. ALFRED L. rVLER. Sup’t. Dee 23,1857 d&w. JHE 8UDSpiU%hM on h.nd s (.nd i.| FOR SALE. I , LARGE airsJitmcnt of Virginia Leaf '“daUr^^lUon. thereto,) on. of tlm larcest and most extensiTe *tock of School «nd MlsccllanoOM* Books in the StatOp which tin offers foi up 0 ** B 10 nM)i ^ I Nor U» iB&7 Mrmi—Consisting in part ol Hmithajpl ew RontO to the Houttl^V08 Dultiona, ’ Andrewat An bona, I « - &*_KUpMR At Toberoo, rarring in price and quality, at retail and whaleiale, a* cheap aa the cheapest. S J. SHACKELFORD, Ag'. Hooka, Phcltw, (Goodrten a) «nge *, .--"j I Mitchell*, olnera, Series. Compnsing Kng 0onnKt [ n _ Chattanooga, Tannq Charleston, 8. and Latin Grammar., C.; Barron.h, Oa.r»"d all Horth-Eutcrn classics generallr • Geographic*, Pbdo*ophhe*i cl ii M , W uh Memphli, Tonn. Astronomies* Hisioncs, 8|>slling Boom, Do g»*Tha last eonnecUng Link .of Rail-Road linen Ahitlyacn, Arilhmetice, Dtctionariea, I between New York and the Mitalnlfpl CatachlameVaml Qu.Hion Book., &c, &*-AI- RlrerlJBT j S, ITarStot of Stationery. , Tbli Road 1. now cotanletod,* and opened for "° A uSoral'dedttOlldO m*'l« “ Te *' h '” f “ n L d I mam arrtuulillnn nn,l Im( J OIIIV V. IIBAB0— ATTORNEY AT LAW,—Colquitt, Miller,co Georgia, march 6 1857 wlv | ^OCIlllAX JB & LA MAH —•AT- WO HATES AT LA H-Macon Georgia. a A. LOCHUAKI. J- LAMAB* Having associated thcmselrea in business will devote themwiives exclusively to the practice of thein profession. [JanlRJwly W« rMpoctfully solicit the patronage of onr Sn fk«aeh v (mj eoQDtrj, and cuFtxro them I be promptly and satisfactorily tha tall orders w attendodto. ii. P. Eddy ft Co., (SUCCESSORS TO C. R. HAXT.EITMrk’OO.) ECK, 103 NO CARD PRINTING OFFICE, AND Booll-Blndory, Corner of W hiiehail and Alabama tit., ATLANTA, OEOROIA. G. P. EDDY ft CO., TTaring just added to their "XX form 'former extensive assort ment of B 0 0 K and JOB TYPE, CUTS, ORNA MENTS, Ac., a very Urge variety of new materials,^ tke tat ft tty it*, together ' opeof Hoe's celebrated SBBBB— Cylinder Preasea, > folly prepared than heretofore, to give to all orders forwork In tbelrline—which ire more inuy prepare -w.»w.v.., « dispatch to all orders forwork In thelrline—w they will execute In the best style of the art, at fair prices for Gath. Particular attention paid to the execution 0* BINE.WORK forJUilroad and other JointStock Companies, Transportation Agents, Banks, CoL leges and Schools, Attorneys, Public Officer Merchants, and otbere. Books, Pamphlet#, dialogues, Circulars, Cards, Promissory Votes, Blank Deeds, Cheek# Gjfy £2bertteelr}e»)fs. L M. CLARKL- , , * * CKCC3 Clarke & Or abb, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Agents for collections of all kinds ° tnarl nwwlawia I. For Sale. A COlfinrAHT sepplj of tfc« JcitJyMUUtrt EUREKA OIL it wfcektalltaArt\1\. .Irr* redeetlen made to thoee vrtshSnt tc«*n »c*1r « • ' ,trt :Lfaj EICON LIED, FE03UCE 07 ILL ESSS, GROCERIES. 40 jttthat *taatane,oa Wbtta^tl Bt-j AtUata, Oa. srpUtf S. J. XUA CKEL M laaiii Lard aa4 Can always ea tut strict aHaatioa ^14 to Cnatfwranta as wrery da^Hin, - " ■ *—■ “ tV Orders —yctfefly GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS. A T 47.11EBUINO t SON’S Clothing Mann; .T.factory and Merchant Tailoring CitahlLb t, lor rail sad Winter, ail the latoat ttyier. IKED BAJUjKY t J UST reoairwd, a trti rate article at Bad*y, lor Bend. Fries, $1 per baabH. Bejt. 7, dtt CLAEKE A OR CEB. Whiskey! Whiskey! W'hLtkey uvu. oui.ui viawci,, v CraTStS. Uent’a lloricry, Olores, Traveling Shawl* and Blanket*. Tailor', Trimming*,Ae., for aald a* tho lowest p ice*, to ihecdri trade,at .... . W. HBBRDCO A BOS’i. 40 WhilehaU H-, AtlaaU, Oa. Alio agtnta for Singer* Bowing Machine*. ill * BBLS. Fiko'l Magnolia Whlakwy, jna vUrsccirad and for>U by CkABKB A OKCBB. March 21. USX. WiUJtCl... CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. Adjoining tho corner of Ala. A Loyd Streets, Atlanta, OrtK, R O BIT. H . MAY, Haring removed hi* CARRIAGE REPOSITORY to the above eligi- 0 *™ ola Hand opporit* tho Waablngton rr *t l t J Li. /..ill.:., 2. Wallace ft Robinson Hall, and enlarged bis facilities, is prepared tor fill all orders with which hs may be favored, on as good terms as ean he obtained in AngnsU or Savannah, with tho Edition of Freight. Hit itoek embraces Carriages, Concord Buggies, 4 and 6 reatRoekawayi, Slid* Boats do., Pali Tope do., With and without Top, Paeheej, Top Baggio#, No Top do., . whipVA^T raenees. .ndlnr Wngom, CornoM, of tho best manufac ture and latest stylo _ _ A ihare of patron- ago U respectfully soBeitod. )r Ordert for Family or Plantation Wagons other vehicles filled at short notice. We are also agent for Norwood A Robins* Patent Pan. Atlanta. Oa.. D»c.4» 185ft. NEW CANDY MANUFACTORY -AND- ATLANTA, GA. HE subscriber^wonldinirm the eltitens of At ^rr 11, LIAJDI. dMfqrtu— ATTOK.NEX at’ LAW—Fauburn, Georgia. July 25. 1867. Carls, Promissory Katas, Blank uooai, choors Way BUI*, Progrnmmoa, Hand and Show BUI* Pot tan, Ac., oxoeutod at short ootico. 3ST-Printing in Ootn and Stt,r«n Bnont* andFiSCT Oolomo I*rs, or on Vollnm, Batin Mnslin, ad., dona In baaatlfnl atyla. Haring likewise connected a Book-Bindery with thalr Printing Bitabllahmant, they are pre pared to exocato ordor* for every daacriptlon at Who waul Ciaiia A Grata haa tt* h./ w01f.ll tow. EeyLS 1U:. .VTK. C *0 BIXBOK MB Tha diaeorcty of thia Writing FBrid wat the result of chemical arridret. Itawmaaaa all «h- fllYH A L COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IK TENNESSEE PRODUCE! W* giro apodal attention ta th* sals of Baeoa, Lard, Boar, Orel*, Whiikay, T.bateo, At, At CossipunenU r**peetf*Dy aeKdted. ' Prompt attention given te Cash Order* RYE A BARLEY. A tot of Ere k Bettor veil eecfte£ far uto hr \aftu WALUCE t soaxxnr. COBS SEAL. TtSTmviredlOO bvebels freeii Core keel te^Ono- J tarskcks wxLLiCi kkotasss. NEW BACON 1 A LOT ef prime nil dried New Bacon, for sale at' WALLACE A ROBIN SON’S. January 16,1858 itl LARD!LARD! I N Cans and Barrels, at lew down price*. 1 Wffl LLACE dt RORINSON. January 18; 1*58 dtf Just Received, a»tor«lc»e4 has te store, aikJ etei for L ix Ut prlcM Tbe erttoto^ 3 Capita raw Linseed Oil, (Ertglieh 2 “ boiled 14 “ do 2 “ winter strain’d pore Epr'mOi 2 “ *W. “ ” wWcOt 20 Bbla. genuine Cfl far Tanners. 10 “ Komn “ “ “ “ assorted Varnishes. “ 95 per cent. Alaobol. Banting Fluid* “ Cnmphens. “ Spirits Turpentine. 20,000 lb9 White lead, assorted. 150 Boxes Glass, assorted sizes., knt-Breabaa, entered Patau, and nil lor Patatcn’ nan. Per mi* by Xtlaita. 'IUr a. Utl. A. XIXmtPCR resalt of chetaieal accident. Itawrenaaaa all ar taka in relation te color, durability and easy dow from th* pun. Whan too thick, add n IhtU rata water. It abcwld not be mixed with other Inks, hot always he pot into dean bottle* an- 1 kept eorkad from the air when noth* ere. lkn Uk will not oorrode tha steal pan, and easaetb* enrpaased ta it* qaaRty by any ink aaaatactnrel ta Europe or Anaarien. J>, Order* ara rarpscttally aelieited, aa we will vnwy m peuuwi, m w» • w pet ap tha abort Ink aa tow at onr ofice, a* it an bapat np in Pkiladtlpbta, Bo*tot. or N Y. JW Null only by Dra. Bigger* A Gelid, At- — Oa. Sold at ail the book itcrcl. r And Toner I ILL attend te any calls it ki* W line of bastaexa, neb atreg- ntattatof_*edoa 4 oorartag of heat-11# " II men,(felted orbited,) laying ef tewttringi \ f the oetarc. whole cr lie git, Ae. UNDEKWOOI) ~k IIAR)' IS, Attorneys at Laiv, Atlanta, Georgia. G i'rtCt to WhitrtalUtrMtorfr A. W.ll.ll't Jtw tlr^Ctorc. t Msrehl4tb,US7.^1y) iHoxt W. H. L'XDtawoon. | r ILiaata, j. laau and rielnity that he has constantly ot hand, at hi* Confectionery and Baking ttublUb tnent, all kinds «f Confection!, Pastriec, Fruits Ac Dal* al*o prepared to farelth every detcription cf plain and ornamental Cake*, for wedding* cr particj, at ibort notice, and on teeommod*tta| terms. Imported wines and br*-"il*i cf all daicriptioai . .:..i v u t..J *t u work in that department—including RULING and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING—in a itrte superior to any aver before don* in thir tec. tion ofthaState. Their Tool* being all new and of tbe latest natural, their Stock of material* the that but tha Northern market* afford, and their work men eqaal to any in tho South, they feel conid'ent of their ability to giro entire tatisfaction, and LUTHER J. GLENN Attorney at Law, Atlanta, Georgia. Wlllattend tho Court* in the Counties of Ful ton, DSKnlb, Fayetto, Campbell, Meriwether, Coweta, Carroll, Ilenry, Troup, Hoard, Cobb, and Spalding. oi luoir ouuibj nv (,ir* , conrequcnllj b#T® Q® bMitancy in lollciung the patronage of their friend* and tha pnhlic. Wg,-Order* for work, in olthar_departmont ol alrbt mm.wru.i. iw, ..... department - their boHne**. from any part of Georgia and nsighhoring Stats*, will meet with prompt atten tlon. Atlanta Oa. Feb. 28, 1857. (dAwly.) Merchant a purehtainghj £J«*di*, than any other route between the North- XEIr RVUR. “j™ , , I Rut and South-Weat. _ Puaengersand ihlrpcrt Jan2i,dftwU WM. KAY, Agent. Atlanta, On. I ftMl»»UBVHuri>ww« — will “take tat notice thereof, and govern Mormonism! . A very Inlereitlng work nl thU Umo, cnllod ' Paasenger Trafn* learo Steronaon daiir at. 12 o’elook, A. M„ (after th* arrival of tha train from Chattanooga and Nashville,) and 'arrive si Momphla tamo 3ay at 7, P. SL, connecting with TIME JUORMOJY If IFE Life Scenjs In Utali. Beautifully Illustrated. Pint Class SteamTaoketa to Now Orioan*, and mil othor Important points upon tho Westorn rir- era.* flood! oooalgnad to,Rail-Road Agonta at Charlciton or Savannah, will bo forwardod io Momphla and other polnta, by Expreia Freight Freight Incbargo of tho Adam'* Expre** Company, l* carriod ovar this ronto daily, by the Beautifully Illustrated. o«» PRICE 25 GENTS! l\ . Au F,0.ARMS,O..erel sup’t. For Sale by WM. KAY, Agent, at the TKTexNr Booto. Stoi?o J M 21, dAwtf. Whltahall St„ Atlanta. O*. Huntartll*, Ala., Aprlllat, 1857. •Through Tickets to Memphis, Ac., aold at Wilmington, N.O.; Cbarloaton, S. Oa Augutta. Savannah, Macon, AUanta and Colombo*, GaP, Montgomery, Ala.; Chattanooga and Nashville: T *Sl,To oonneet with the Werteru Trains on t la Road, paaaongera will take tha Night Train* from Wilmington, n* O.; AuguHa, Chattanooga — | and Nashville, Tenn.; and tho day train, from WE have, ta usual, got out bur KingrrUlo, 8.O.; and AUanta, largo afock of Garden 8wd, and ^ ri , , iU vthoeo who have bought of ueltere- —— Seed! Garden Seed. DU. L. J. ROBERT. Medical & Surgical Practitioner, Marietta, Georgia. ^.Office at hUreiUonce. G. J. WiUGHT. A 11 o r n o y at Law, Albauy, . . . . . Georgia, Stay. 18, 1857. Will. A. HARRIS, Attorney at Law, Iaatalla. Worth Co.,... ........ Jlaotgle. ltrftra to—Moj J. L. Uarrn, Millclgtriila; II,m. A. U. lien,ell, Tbomasrillo; Miller A Hall, Oglethorpe; ITon. R. II. Clark, Macon; Coi. J.’ >*ew Orleans Groceries on CONSIGNMENT, Tbs first arrival of the New Crop AT ATLANTA. Seago, Abbott & Co., HAVE sow ta non a eheieo ef new crop ef New Satisfaction given ta every Instance or te charge. A U work warren tad. Tuning fry alt* Year down at Bad mead JW-An octet abwwld Utaft a: If cure. W!!- Ilama* Paraitara Store, «a Paucktre* au, Atlan ta. G*. cot. 28, ’56. dwly. O'M A it CFACTl'BE R S E are now receiving i Fancy Artiel**, Ac., Ac. Raring rooutly returned from tho North, wbare h* laid ta a One nock of Fancy Articlasaad are. ry thing eaceaaary for aarryieg on his candy man ofactory h* would inform connty dealer* that ha i* prepared to furnish candle* at wkolasalt at 28 coat* per pound. Order acco mpaaied with th* cash or good eity .reforencei promptly attended to. L. VALENTINO. Atlanta, Nov. S8th 855. daw-y PUTUVITOTIB Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! Ofall Descriptions* B LANK80F ALL DESCRIPTIONS,can > had at ail timas, at tho Examiner & Intelligencer COffiJEnJEET'Jt Attornies, Bherifis. Clerk# of Court#, *nJ Ordinaries, ran bo furnishedJtt #hort notice, any fa write form of DEED, WRIT. orPHO^ CEStfwbich they raty desire; and all FORMS ol legal instrument#, commonly in use, arc »1- \riyi on hand, to bo sold at the lowest prices. A tlanta. M - w - FURNITURE!! Irown Bngigar, Chatre, Prime, Fully Fata, And Fata, And will b* ta rec«l,t, weakly, ef farther Con- rignment* from their friend* in New Orison* dor , , large lot ef Beta Leath er, Calf Skins, Linings, Bant- 1 tags. Lasts, Peg*, Kit, and m-ww, everything connected with the Boot and Hi twain***, which will be sold at low prices Cash. All order* accompanied with Cash will he promptly filled mth good Good*, and at low ratoa—at tha Sign of tha Big Boot, Peachtrr*. street, Cberokoe Block. aptodtf DIM1CK A MIX. BBZLLIASlPBOSFECftfSl tag the reason, which thrj wffl *e3 to cash hwy- sn at llper aentlawar man tha nun* goad*'— be bought ta any other Georgia market. Alee, an ample stock of Coda*; Salt, Ttbaooo, Candle*, Ac. SBAOO, ABBOTT A CO. Occupy Beeco and Abbott’a building, oorear Few- lyth and Mitchell atnata. Jantmry 2,1558 dtf racxra teas or mx Cosmopolitan Art Associate. m ramors DnstcldorfGalcry orPaintlug*! Purchased ai a Cost of $190,000! AX9 POWXS’a TOELO EEXOWXED ETATTE Of THE GREEK SLAVE!! Ra-purehaaad Unix thowaand etliarr, with re vere! hundred other works ef art, in Pain tin gi. i. it’-, ' L, .VIM UJ aw, U. I , , Sculpture* andBroneem rempria* the Premiumt tabaawardwdhy th*sabsaribaoof th* 1 TBE robteriber* have on hand land ar* now opaniag a largo and Jcartfully aalactad Stock from tha . Northern Manufactories, cnmpnt Money BonghL We vrfil buy the notes of th» Teanouoe Banka, also, Kentucky and Nrw Orieana. SEAGO, ABBOTT * CO. Nortmber II, 1*57 dtf Be»t Safes. Wardrobe*, Boreeat, Bacntaryt, Waihrtand*, Bird* Eye Lime. Wo are Agent* for the sal* of Mr. R L Rogar’a 1 Bird*-ay. Lime, pat np ta 5 buahei barrel*, war- droll mm ‘ ** ranted fall tammr% and of fmpmr a*ali*J U I uy other limt sold in this toarkot. Orders by I *k. a.. L.J >ni k* ATInA n< VtH ftnppL V* I UT VWH liaiWWWHi*** ■■■■■ — * —— idr, . the Car load will be filled at kita pnee^ by Beditcadi and | S., A. d- CO. 7h*ir* of any doaired pattern and price. A 6m Mill Stone*. Bolting Cloths, Ac. BAiortincni oi Centre, Work, Saloon and To Lotte _ . itaau tor Hob- a*T.t* - etc ** er * ,,COr,1 * r * S ^ Sid *“’ S<>tU ’ T *^ *»• M«ri. k T^-aUe. BUt*. In addition to the abort Urje #tock, wt j ’ Ub?w1 ^" are receiving voekly inppUos. The puttie are In- j Deolert ta Free** Barr, Oo. W. Duncan, Atlanta. June 2-dly* JARED iMWIN WIIITAKEU, Attorney at Law, Atlnnta, ....". Gcorein. Office, front room# over J. R. A C. 11. W5I- lace’s Stole, corner Whitehall and Alabama its* May 28,1857 fgflgttsl&thoifl who h#*e bought or us pero-1 : Ct IT T HI XT tJfeSSltto.t to their fine J . H. SMIIH, chant* from tho country, **. P Pnduaand Vammlnicn Merchant, nnd IMalere (n vite end hopo to KKurc thcr ttsde. ^ would alio ask c liberal aharo of patronngc | Btrcct, Atlanta, Georgia from our eitUcn. C EZZ A RD. J. H. SMITH, r.imatv 1 WOULD rMpeetfullyannouoet hillzt S rounding country, that h. I - ' -— - ChBASg, Wa I SOUKnow rewiring and opening, and w...... r — 53? *1^ &**> mi *31,®?!/* I I itnie. a anlandld stock of FAMILY OROCSillVS, ATLANTA* GEQHG1A. |wh!^ k* Is .Hiring a* prlow that will compat* t HEcuM^reofTmat mhq)o.a|a oT retail, Hth»; h.« th.V snog.*. »•!»>» J?* coUeeUon Of Fruit Tre^ rewg.^ datotogno’rent’by*' m*U toaU appUcanta,j fnoo! chM $, , £ TBR9 HA nDEN & CO. AUanta, OootglE. November 0,1867 ■ d4n MARK JOUNSTON, Attorney at I*a,jv r Cnrtcrsvillo, . ■ . HGeorgia. l.b. rs, lilt, dA-tf E. M, SEAGO, BCtXESSOBTOSKACO k UWRENCT Will COST1XUE THE PRODUCE COR MISSION BUSINESS, AT HIS NEW COMMODIOUS FIRE PROOF BUILDING, Front of AtUata not*l,aidn«t door to Fniton Honw ATLANTA, GEORGIA. ataal F*elUtto#offar*d to Shipper#. Ordan leth.iWA. (dhwly.) riled to call and examine onr itoek. F. A* 4 J. 8. WILLIAMS, Kaxt door to GUbert k Clark#, r»echtmn^^ . ^Burial Ca«#». *>»e awe prepared to fernuh Fiik'i Metallic Buri tofoe ax»d fi»epa# KUi FImm#, Boiuttf Cloth*. Ae. Ortoc# ed4r»—»d te c* will be faith- i f»Uj #x»eit+d by them r* BOBofaetar## prieea. 8., a. A Co. al Case#, ferviccat partmect. Nor 15,*$»-dwly HerlarV Fateet Fire k Baffler k..l .. Ware Ya^ — , — — _ Cbaanopo- litaa Art Aesociatiou, whs awbaeribw baton th. 2»ih cf Janaary 1558, a* which time th* award* will taka placw. Team or Brxjaarmax ; Krery nhacrihcr of three doQan b aatitlad to a copy of th* larg* and aplaadad Steal Eagreviag, entitled “ Kanlfwi Dwnny,’’alaotoaoepyafth. Coamcpoliias Ar* Jonreel oa* year, also to a certificate :s lhaawirJ ffVBIUa* UOT J 1 aital frV • WiUMMiV SM M!*aw*l-i of prtahnaa, also to a free admissive te the Duo- itldcxf aad OeeaepoUfisB GoUenes. , Thu# it is seen tAot for every three dollar* paid, the #ah#eribpr not ealy receives • spies did three dollar engraving, bat ebe, the beasttfallj ilfei- rated TWO DOLLAR ART JOUR” NAL, OEM rear. Each eutocritar i» abo prerreu ad with a earticat* ta tha awards of Prwtaianu.r which a vataahl* work ef An, ta Painting cr Sculptor, cay k* receired Inadtiticn, thaa giving to ovary subscriber an equivalent to tha value tv. dollar,, a , at short notice. Wo have tocured tbo | t of a compcwot perron to attend to this da-1 it. F.A. A J.S. WILLIAMS, Brptaabar, U, 1857. - — * Peachtree areet | James Carter, TV a certificate gratia. Any on, of tbo lauding gi Jfagaxtaei is farn ishad.taataadaf Eagrartag aad Art Joaroai, desired. .Nopanto la restricted toaaiagia iharr- Tbeaa taking 8v* taatnhw ihlpa, mailting 815 are entitled to ea extra Engraving and rixtick*:- FaU parttaalarv of th* Asaociuur-n are tho Art Jwaraal, which coo cairn ever sixty tplca didSagravings, prire fifty cent* par naiaUr.— — ‘ to all perron* who P. O. HARPER, Attorney at Law, WestPoint, Qeor|i» f April IS, IS55. •W. T. C. Campbell & Bro., S URGKONJondMechanical Den- mm«ssi dits, are prepared to porform all operation* in the profe#*#lon with durability and ikilu U?Trill’gift#peelat att#oUon to th##ol# ofBa ‘, lioar, Grain, Tobacco, Ae., Ae. SS». lf “J,«toS-.h0 rt .- Store on Marietta itrest, 1a tha buiMiag |form.rly ataraa L December 12, 1E5Th Rail it.. over Alaxandar* Drng8tore.Whlt# W. T. 0. CAMPBELL. Atlanta, Jan. 2C G.P. CAMPBELL. D R. II. T. PUIXI.YJI haring turael from a *uit tit Virgitiia will Rntnia A PiuuB loMHorwtltodteoajl at wo now have In I blot ourownMxn i ,Y tho duhacribor of tho moH modem! k itjle*, and will b* aald *6 per coni' i thanl haw over before boon aWotoaell ■Ll-^VreTTi^re taaS I VMdaTfttu; lo whleh I wonld Invito tho at- ^rilltaMMgoJd to^rtldfrl ton tlon _of toy fbrmwr_p.tom._anJ repcciallj tho Ltdies to (tail and examine, tnilunnwta T. H-.BIPLEY. Nor. 18. iW -W LAND NEAR ATLANTA TO THOSE ' (txasr**- a heavy Bio SoopoUtlonw; if M’S HOTEL, A I ft *B, IsX AUli, PropitatoT. . ... i—. turn* Ihe preclicoofhu proloaaion m tho city are, JaitBeoeiVed of AtUntn and it* vicinity. ~ Gan b* tout d at hiatlfico at all houre,excopt when profoaaionaily engaged. Cf Office WASHINGTON HALL, •tpihdwtf .. Alio* China and Queen* Ware, | Castors, Pitted Candlesticks, Forke, Teh Bella, Britain do , China Flowrs Dll. . M. BABER, HOM<EOPATHI8T. phFFlCE and Rooms in Dt. Pomroy a of l Flic*, opposito Petti* Stable. Nr l ‘ 'Ml Ihnadradaentoftand aaar Allan batwvan Peeohtw* a*o Rarirtta - ' 'or 8alo, there an *Uly rr timber, forty sere* of ' • ’ tl thirty a tree j’ovomllor 20, 1857 dhwty CAMPHENE Fluid! j. n. tni.Li.tus. solu.vo «*bee. WILLIAMS ft BAKER, (SuKcstort to KVIiams, Rhea «f Go-.) GENERAL fTfc) MERCHANTS, Athenrum HS JilBdRuiMinj, Decatur 8troct. At «*■“ lanta, Georgia. Prt-mpt and |>arlicular atten t-on given to the talc of (Stain. Heco n , Lard. Flour, Feather*, and Tennessee Frodnrc gen craily- Jan. 87, 185* dtf COMMISSION MERCHANT FOK THE PURCHASE. and Storage of Ftoduoe jJHfaq >op poito the Western ft Atlan tic Railroad Depot. November 11. ljg7 dawtf B GBK WHEAT FLOUR, Oanfibuira, Y’arna, bhcetinga. Shirting*. Atlanta Female College. X HE THIRD SESSION of thia „ Inatitntion trill com nence on N Df " rer.^-^ 100 Kep Nails; Adamanune Candles, -fill f -.ala DAY. the 18th in*t Wa hare fitted up the basement of the Presbyterian Church with a naw fleer, and new desks, affording t much mote commodi ous and comfortsb'e room than tho one occu pied last year. We will occupy this room temporarily till arrangments ean h* completed for erecting permanent College Building*. Term* the same as heretofore published. Jan 13 d*w3m J. L. ROGERS, Pn*. BUTTER AND CHEESE A LARGE supply on hand of superior gu. Wrapping Paper. A LARGE lot.jort receired of aU sixea and ^qnal lira, and lor tale low. by tat! 23. dwtf WM. KAY, Agent. Hannilla Paper. A VERY fine assortment of the above, just to hand on consignment. Price low at the New Hook 8toie,bt J.n 23.dwtf WM. KAY . Agent. FOB SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER TERM8 LOW FOR , BnparjntondmL t M PORT ANT INFO KMATMN, by which much attaining infamtliraniay I h*avoUad,a*ntto named men and then (Ii 1 be aruiuou, avuv u> w«n~ ** v — —«• —— i I contemptating marriage- Addreea en*^ ttctoegtoutHamp*. Dr G. W ADDISCOjIbE Brooklyn, N. Y, Nov. 18, 1*67 dftwfim A LL on, good! wilt he told at tow price* for Joseph Winship, | Forwarding & CommiErionOf er- chant. •jrerere, OOpMt wifi b* ***t — ilreirs to rabrerib*. oa receipt of fra pottage —15 east*. Address ■ c. L DERBY. Actuary C. A. R 5*5 Broadway, Now York, cr WJt, H. BABSES, Hcu'y Sec’y Bee 25—dtf Atlanta, Oaotxta. SAVANNAH. GA, I SCT',. Jane.' Saw Bloc*, my re re, .. — Street—(let*iy oasayM fryd.IarMMU, tog ) p.S. Liberal advances toads onaUcor.* _Partaa.Hattee.AOa, JeAata«er. .Eeg. taraaaah, 6a—8 I .TO. Era , Itofrt a. Toaac. «*«■ »£*«>**, From the M.mtom Cotton MiJU; Sutrar and (’off.-e, Fl'Ur and Vic*; NEW AUCTION HOUSE THOS. f) LOWE, lm proved Cottou Glut .and Tbrechins ntchluei. rpnc aw4*rw(wad harlag newre.’. tteir frmstaare . frees #tnu CkmoXj, te, to lUoato. W* tort lafew lb«r oM putrvci os4 lb* yaMW frcmT.j. ttot ttoy will coatia«« Xk* MaaafacianasaS Ctotoa fiiu obi fku« TOruakaru e« iter imiS nt«wt« #«ala Tter Cim or# vtU tea iai uh«n#Si ap ■rw#d ia Caorpo, Saath Carotea, a»4 AWtooot- ato is raTJ oi T«aa, ILuitt!;;!, Xcstb <btnJI>a. Tt*j art ate* of tto vary tool motorfcls a «zp«v« btMrriUMtouiHiN#i#riiBtt#41tttkk UJ*u - - or * -- - - tfkttutn of#q • n W*i « • v r w j , WfiiwhtU BMT IBtcheUSL, atl«nt« Oft l.-ur and Rice; r , „ hdMeaiepMatwre, wlU ftv. putt*. Mtdaaaca ft Syrop 1 1 . alarat'aotlra talba parekaaa aui rata ef eft 1 friad* ol credtire, Crorerta*. EarebaaSUe. aad 5r- rres .<T rw.uaoa or Family era- .. nrdcre resreXatiycohStadaadprojajttrtodf-nh ianuarr 8.1858 Ail tor Sale by •H WIN8H1P, JOSEF! I fatly encode* t*. dtf THE Quality, anti tor salf hr S 7 JOSEPH WINSHIP. Nov 24, 18*7 dawtf 500 SALT. Sacks in storotacd for sale by * tfPDU U'lVMi EPH WINSHIP. da wit BEST SELECTED AND ASSORTED STOCK I 0F Family Groceries ' IN THE CITY OT AtLAHTJ, It I* bft f a ft n d at lit g, Atlanta Family Store,” Iron! Iron! A LARGE Stock of fcvowah Mantafat- Hii toting aad Mining Cemitany** iron, con} man lit on hard, *5 Manufacturer* rtice, ’ JOSEPH WVN8HL Novwmbe.ll. 185* dhW*' Whitehall Street. • GORGE H. DAJiPBL, rropgtoUT. | Altaata.'.May I. *5*.Idhwp FEATHERS BACON ft LARD. A NKW SUPPLY, BY JOSEPU W1NSUIP. 8TALL FED BEEVE8. X HE Subrariber ia ta want of a ler*. owan- tity of No. I, Fat Baavra, tor which ho pap tho highest Market pric*. delivered m in any uumbar frera thin trot* until EDWARD PARSON& dftwtf BANK AGENCY’. AUcss Mo conar of Hutac and Pryor TriajItijNsjltt'.Bifcati llhia^-.,..-^ 11*1 of July cexL 1 JuLll.lftU, Hardware Paper. hi >■■■ nararei w* unre. it... agsedOmoa Wear wheat Ibretare.ey ladwawiOwllaaiawaa say Ohar frlaa- ,aa|reparlre. aad rrin daffrer thcoal e yaiiaare. ■ irearearere »- re Ml OI ckatre br tmaapartattaa. Csiltuuss; W», vita aa* travrltag ar lacai SgraU. re fry dtrret ardore Vtharaar atutdiueoof rertiieatre aa tatfrcrwl raft in earCta. aa* Th»ra>»ff, soresaf whl.h ■aybareaeraai^ratioatohraota. M. AH Cwa aareaatad to yortars evil. E*|alr- lc2a* ab*rt,atw* to* ■■ th aaahtaar. xaaya wrxHg a ca nuivs nsva. L*h,r’. _ KNOXVII Lfi. TENNESSEE. - fur two hundred and fifty nrvana. * 8.LAHIKB, Proptiatora. rsi , ■ Cm* Chtakoy, u NOT »SE. A ut cerasoa iadabara l > the artafra of C. D. Aj «t • - “ ir”' id I, rUt* of Jfarray ret aty lnnani, are re- qutand to makaliawadiaft papmast and thaa* haring donad*willreatoilhara ta, aeaerdtoR toiow. ta^toAUtota.i-2^ D -araAxr UST iwU SIOOO Reward, | WW to-aaa- to w jp . ppwmm : wrav.v - - ft AyJftftBk J fffl PIjA-' V7V * ’ «B8)Bl|AaffSCS^te£M!g _ iast- ,-iMBW was tnured- l amd 1.500 AtokL CRlft, “J«pk MOhr. Mm- aaasartwrat afjrr- -the abavs reward *f