The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, February 16, 1858, Image 1

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;3Bjv' ' ■ t; . * • ' . ^ rgft.v . IJY DUNCAN & LOCHRANE "ERROR CEASES TO BE DANGEROUS WHEN REASON IS LEFT FEED TO COMBAT IT .’’-JEFFERSON. , VOL. 1. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 16, 1858. JOHN Hf STEELE, Editor it®. ' 'fiqilU & Ixqwiinej*. J , DAILY & WEEKLyT” "Vi K One In.ertlon, •Two f ; Three, Pour. ['our, Sir, Ooo ;ur, WOO ■8 00 10 00 ISUI0 15 08 •25 00 ». ( DUNCAN ^LOCHRANE. 1 „ . ' phiiois oir sinisoiuPTiui*. Dolly loleUlgeausr, per uua to advance, tS Weekly, “ ' " “ 02. ttATBBOfTdV Id UT1H1N O. AdrortUing In the Daily Intelligencer trill be Ineerted at tlie following rates per iquare el ten line*. ■ 00 eti. Onementh, $1 00 Two, « JJR Three- I Pour, " 1 50 f'oi Five, " 1 75 One week, 2 00 Special contract* will be made for yearly adver tliomonts occupying a quarter, half or whole 'eolumn. tV Advertisement* from transient persons , most be paid In advance. — — r 1 i Legal advert# imenta published at the an* ' rath’s. Obituary notices exceeding ten lines chars ed as.advsrtlssments. Annouacingcandidatsa for office, 95.00, to be paid in advance, When advertisements are ordored in both the Dally, and Weekly, 25 per cent, will be abided to tho above rotor. . L, The prtvilego of yearly advertiser* is strictly ‘ limited to their own immediate and regular Professional Cards notexssedlngelx lines, ?15 perannum. Adrortisomenlf notspeeiOod ns to iiM.omco published till ordered out and charged at rcguMjr .rates, " ' VL Advertlsamonti Inserted In the Weeklypepor iehlr wlllbe ' oalr ertli he oharaed at former rttej. • Till) flew .floods bare Arrives!* G H. STRONG 4 CO., have just opened n large assortment of STAPliBIAXD FANCY DRY OOOIJW Consisting in pniVof the (bl!owlng"articlss, - • • , suBi Rich dross Silksj Poney Silkt). . 'All Wool Merinooe: All Wool Dolainsj Mnnciicstor DolaUug Poplins; Alapaoo.; Dontbuslnes; Ginghams; Prints; ; Bleached and Brown Bhoetlngs and Shirtings Shawls; Ladlo’s Cloak Linings; Flunnols; Korseys; Irish Linens: Table Uncos! Cotton Stripes; Kentucky Jeans; 1 Satins; Oosstmers; Cloth;Hosiery; ■ .^Blankctc by the thousand; "'MA splendid stock,of Gloves; . • 'a Dress Trimming*. • jbl. m. 3353 nor es 9 • •Wool, 2 and 3 Ply; Tapestry; Hall Uarpots at . prices. ^ 00 ^ *upply of plantation BROGANS b invito our ohi friend* and public to giro u* aouLwd are lotiiflod when they learn our f ri- ca£3uil tboy will find it to their interest to bur fromus* Remember, we are at No 1, Wbitehat IVotntis* ' Street,Norcross’e old stand. April 24,1656. ScVAhrUrrn SMmtorg Georgia BailBoad & Banking Company Augusta to Atlanta., 171 Miles. ?o 0". GEORGE YOJiGE, Suporintendwt Sf.!* DR. JAMES M. MORRIS, •. fr fi' Jl;: y-'fi'FICE on Marietta streot, opposite Dr. J, Ifjlyol 2 30 A.M. |» F> Aleinii.lcr'i,/ 11 ?? A. M. F.bfii'ry 9, 1858 dwtf Meusisu I’isBitstmg Thiiu. 1 Leaves Atlanta daily ul .10 CO A. M. Arrives nt AugUi Leaves August/:; Arrives at AUSS EvjlNtNp p'iSSrSOkll 'JaAlN. l oaves AtlenUrdaiin^A....... IV tio P. M. Arrives al Augusta, 8 86 A. 'M. Loaves Augusta, iljn^Witto 4 00 t'. M. Arrives st Atlanjri^t ....... 1 0-t A. M. "137* ThisImaTiuns in connection with the Trains of the South Carolina olid the rjavnn nth and Augusta Railroads, at Augusta. Western & Atlantic (State) Bail Boad. Atlanta to Cbuttanooga, 1118 Miles, Fare $’>. JOHN W. LEW 18, Superiuten lent* ^^ofeggio^l 0£i>Ds. JAS. F. AhKXA.N’DEn. WM. A. EIIHI.UT. DBS- ALEXANDEB & SHBLBY, OITice Comer of Marietta & Market atreete' Jtttl 3, ^59. dwly E A FITCH, by h at Low, fo’A Blork, ap FtAfrji, A77ASTA i^aa^jr SO, owl* JAMES M. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW J/UUSlOiY, TEXJS, W ILL practice in the District and Infer ior C Cou'itscf this .Stale. Careful;attention paid to the investigeting ul Land ’1'iltes, to lha buying, selling and lo cating of Land Certificates Promplnusi.given to the collection of ail iWoMlKd Pashesoer Teai;;, Lcavca Atlanta, daily, at .. 1 •!.*> A. M. ! claims. Arrives ntOhatlanooga at 9 461 A- M. j itrrEiixscsa:—Hon. Wm. Seldsn, Wash- Leaves Chattanooga, daily, at I fill A. M. ington, D C; A Austin Smith, Washington, D Arrives at Atlanta at 9 :)3 A, ,M | C; lion W m Smith, Washington. D C; Han NldltT Passe.vof.r Teai.’.-. j R Johnson,.Ualtimorc, Md; Gov IVm llalon, Leaves Atlanta, nightly at ; i2 3(1 i*. ?.l H arrepton, N C; Rev Rd Johnson, Atlanta, Arrives at Chattanooga at 8 18 I*. M | Oas W'W (Jainos, Now Orleans, I.a. Loaves ClmtUnooga, riiohtlv, nt. ,.T]Ul 1'. M’j '1'jxab ItEFEaEFOEa—Hon P H Bell, San Arrivesgu Atlanta at ...It 22 P. M j Antonin; Judge Paschal, San' Antonio; Judge (3?" ThS Road connects«arh way with the jl«W Paschal, Austin; Hon P W Gray, Hava- tRo Me Branch Roilrood at Kingstun, the Katfi ton; PcrkinsA Keech, Houston. Tennessee dr Georgia Poi'road at Dailun, .mil ; January 7,18A8. .. dwly the Nashville Jr Chattanooga Railroad at Cl >t anooga, Atlanta & Lagrange Kail Bead. Pomt.87 Mile?, Atlanta to Weet Pomt.87 Mile?,.Pare ; i i • GEORGE G. HULL, Supcrintenjent. D R. T. S. POWELL, ; Q3TICE over Smith 4 Ezxard'* Dru/ Store, IN lELLIGENCEK & EXAMINEE JOB OFFICE I Tina PuoPRiKTons having rereatly added to the JOB B2FASTKE1TT of the Ertah , llehuenta LABOR and VARIED neortment of the Latut8t,U> of PLAIN AND FANCY a rij prepared to oxocato (a a noat and workman, ice manner, arory description of , Fa'rticular attention will be given to the'Prinl “eg of Way -Bills, ill Heads, "■ Cironlari, Blank Hotes. Bil Blank Deeds, Bank Checks, Programmes, BhimestCards, HANDBILLS, POSTERS, lit, Vic ro«r^tjrnlly..joiifj( tbo patrona/re - of oar fric-cditio ihecitr nnd epantry, and afrore them liU ord«r« will ho promptly andsatiifactorily 0. P. Eddy & Co., •ybero h!» cj»n i o fuund during the day, nights nt W* resideaoeoa the corner ol Ccliinp d Jo .os Street*. AiiaaU, Jau* 20, 185S dtrSm Paesenoeh Train. Leaves Atlanta daily at ,.200 A. M. .Arrived at Went Point at 7 23 A. M Leave* West Point daily at..... A 00 A. M Arrive* at Atlanta at 0 27 A. >1 Evr.Ni.vo Passr.vgbr ’ Train. Lrav»>ii at daily at. 1 00 P. M, Arrives at West Point at 0 25 P. M. W. A. JCtlirS. «. 8. HOTT J O N E SISulH O Y T , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, {»ifico in KileVBuilding, Corner of Marietta and Peach-tree Btreet», ATLANTA, GEORGIAN Jan 13 d2m Leaves Wert Point duiiy at 4 30 P.M.! A T. Il'A^KETT, aTIIjKNHV'AT Arrive* at Atlanta at... 10 151* M. r\ ^ LJ '’ LAW, Kmt'gold, Georgia, will practice ZT Thin Bond conmictd each way with the! in the following cmintie.s: Cotoo.*3, Chattooga, Montgomery *fc West Paint Haitian l. j Murray. Gilmer, Whitfield, Gordon, Walker, MACON A WESTERN R. rT 1 ^ Jc ; I isBffigl‘ M “ j-W .! r :”* n, f u ? MAGON, Bceemher MtJi i;»57. ; ctin, Honseil oc Simpson, Marietta, Juine* H* CHANGE OB SCHEDULE. i Lxwhon.Exq., Dnhloucgn. On and alter Friday the lbth the trainn will h* fii'.i a* follow?: Leave Macon 1 a. in, art Atlanta 8,1 Leave Macon 11 lit) a ra arr /ithnU 1 eave Atlanta 12 night, a:r Macon Leave Attar.ta 12 in a/rivo ct Macon 5.40 p The night UainawiU n?t ivc run on Bund pd^i'articular attention paid to the cMee'.ing liiLsincs?. May 28, 1857 d*wrly TO UN V. IIEAUU-ATTOK.VKV r, © ! ty A'i LAW,—Colquitt, Miller,c» Georgia. J-arn '; 1 :: *k Tho i'nTgill t'l.iu IrSg Atieutu conuccf* • | y] Do you Want to Buy BOOKS 1 Do you Want Cheap BOOKS 1 Do youPay CA8H for B00k81 , Come HEBB to get your BOOKS 1 ;*% SCHOOL BOOKS ! ! - TFHE 8UBSCIUBBR haa on hand, (and it ' .‘'il daily receiving additions thereto,) one of Ule largest and most extensive stock ofpchonl ’and Miseoll.neous Books in ilia Htate, Which ’-flit, oflora fot sale upon llto most reasonahlo sl’torma—ConsL'tlng iii part ot Smiihs, Olhisted, Bullions, Andrews: Anlhons, I arkcra, Com- stocks, Phelps, (Goodrich's) Angels, Towns, Mitchells, Olnovs, Belies. Computing bug- - «: ILh and LulIn Oramiuars, English readem and 4 clasaicagcnerallv. Geographies, Ph'losophtes, Aslronomlea, Historico, Bpclling Books, Do- < finer*, Analysera, Arithmetics, Dictionaries, Catechisms, and Question Book*, Ac, Sg Ai- with the Central Hoad at 0,45 a.m., and Hoath*Western at 11,30 a.:n,aLo with the A hany train. tri*'vftKk!T, which fcavta M’li*! ; 7,16 r. m,on Mcndayis Wedijpbilaya u.»fl V\ dava. Tho noon train connect* with the Cczifx. Road at 11.30 p. in.' and South-western i*. for Albany and Cclumbu* at 1.30 a. m. ALFRED I.. fVLER.Sup’t, Doc 23, 1857 d&.w, FOR 6A"LE7 — UNDERWOOD At HARD US, Attorneys at Law, acco, varying in prico and ijuali'-y, at j A tlanta, . . ... . GeOfifia. rlbiil and wholesale, ns cheap as tho cheapest, j t\ffice.oh WhiMlmtUtnet over A. vr. U.U’i Js» H.J, SHACKELFORD, A^' * **'** **'■ A LARGE aisoitraent of Virginia Leaf ATo1;.i Now Route to tlie So«tlt- l Vc« MeaiPbis « Gliarttfiton \>)m]Tn“t'. I Connoctiog Chattanooga, Tone.; Charleston, S •o a largo lot of Stationery. _ . * . A liberal deduction made to Teacher* and Merchantman *e quan.ity, at th. JinSl.dAwU WM. KAY. Agent. Atlanta, Ga. Mormomsm! A very InteraiUng work at thla tlmo. catlod Bi " This Road is nrfrr coicpl.tod,' and opened for: Dll. L. J. llOUEHT. tiltt ! Medical & Surgical Practitioner, oipouso, than any other route between the Ncrlh . Mai'icILl, . . ... GoOf''ir. KasundSuuth.Wcs!. Passengers and shipicm , hisra.-id.nce. w»U w tak« Inc notice thereof, and govern tncyi-! • - i .a! P J* wrigiit. Attorney at Law, Albany, Georgia. THE MOnJKOJV WIFE. Life Scenes In Utah. Beautifully Illustrated. P R ICE &5 CENTS!! For Sale by WM. KAY, Agent, at tb. 3STow Boolx. Store Jan 21. JAwtf. . WhtUhall 81.. Atlanta, Ga. Seed! Seed! Seed! Garden Seed* WE have, as usual, got out our lalrge slock of. Garden Herd, and kthoso who htvn bought of ue here- tototJTcInwtte,* to their fine qualities. ,wer- chnnta from tho country, wo particularly m- vite and hope to eecure tho'r trade. We would n'so ask n liberal share ofpatrouago from ourcltiiens Mml. EZZARD January 1*, 1828 DOWNING HILL # * ^L i dS ! r” GEOBotA.^ • nHErobfribora offer nt wholM»I«n» retail. TaVe^exienaWocollection of Ftult Trees, Grii vet, rape Vinca, Ac., Ate. :• Catalogno rent by m«U to all tpplicants freool ch “f^TER8, HARDEN & CO, ; Atlanta, Georgia. November 9,1867 Wm NKGRO SHOEB1 O B BAP! O BE A P II - TO THOflB.WARTINO A PRIMB- Jfajartlelo ?f doubUiol. or W»ltodhropns,f ,i aaythat w# now hare In Stors a hravy Stock, a»4 all ot oar own Hnnufkcturlng ^SSi*a8»tttttSS Yaukee° n S»riej t deorgia Made, . Home-made, “• * All kind* of - • :; UBS OCHRANE & EAAlAK- ri/- OH MBS AT LA H-Macon (iccTgii. - A. L0CBIUU2. J. LAifAS. ' llaviug adsocialcd thcmaelvc* in tmnimw will I ilcvvto thmuFeives exclusively, to the prac'.tce ol j Ihcitf |.rofc»fti:on, [^auLldwiy (treeCiSOftS TO C. K. FIAKLFJTKBtfc'CO.) ok, 123 i ciEO ??.;:*7::i3 BfFics, I3oolx«!Hixiclory, Corner of Whitehall and Alabama tii., ATLANTA, TtEORGI A. O. P, EDDY & CO. former extentive amort- ment of B 0 0 K and JOB TYPE, C UTS, ORNA- MENTS, Ac., a very large variety of new material*, 0/ with (htlattK ttyUi, together 1 one of Hoe'e celebrated ire morefallv prepared dispatch to all Under Preaaea, an heretofore, to W ILLIAM M. D.1NFORTII— ■ AT Geor: I July ATTORNE.V AT I.AW—Fairborn, 1957. Nov 14, 1857 0 slrj £u .... Hjmu, LUTHER J. GLEN N Attorney at Law, iVtlanta, . . . .. . Georgia. Will attend the Coorts In the Coatjtie»of Ful* DeKiill, Fayette, Campbell, Meriwether, C.j Savannah, tin.; and all Nortb-Eaucrn 0 UiM’with Memphis, Tean „ crvuu ,, v .„,p«„, JN.wNi.r, SgiSto^ I Hoary, Troup, Heard, Cobb, aod o’clock, A * M., (after tho arrival of Irom Chattaiiqopi aud Na*hvillo,) and arrive .u Mcmphil sarno dity at 7, P. Ai., connecting with Pint Class Steam Packets to New Orleans, ami all ether important point* upon the Western riv- ♦ floods consigned to RaiLRond Agent? »t .arlcstonur Suvannnh, will bo forwarded to' Memphia and othtr point*, by Express Pnigkt Train*. ^arFrcight iti charge of tho Aihun’e Express Company, 1* carried over thii route daily, by tho Pawonger TraluB. v F. C. ARAIS, General Sup’t. •Through Ticket* to Memphis, Ac., fold at Wilmington, N. 0.; v CharleHton, S. C.j Augusta, Savannah, Macon, Atlhuta and Columbus fla., Montgomery, Ala.; Chattanooga and Nashville: Tenn. x - ®(uTo connect with tho "Weixern Train* ou t i* Hoad, pa*aengor»,wui take the Night Train* from Wilmington, N. C.; Augurta, Cl'Atjanoc-ga and Nashville, Tonn\; and the day train* from ObnrteRon aad Kingsville, S. 0.; ar. J Atlani-s Qa. April lit- oij. .Way Id, IS57 WM. A. HARRIS, Attorney n t Law, Isabella, Worth Co., floor pix. Rdfcra to—MoJ- J. L. llarri*, Mllledgenl’e : lion. A. II. nan.-ell. Tbomruriile; Miller A Hall, Oglcthorpo; lion. H. II. Clark, Macon; Col. J. W. Duncan, Atlanta. Juno 5-dty. order* for work in theirline—which they will exeeato in the beitityleof the art, nt fair price* for Cub. Particular attention paid to the execution 0. FINS WOKK for Railroad and other Jointotoek Companies, Transportation Agent*, Banks, Col. leges and School*, Attorney*, Public Officer Merchants, and other*. Book*, Pamphlets, Catalogue*, Circular*, Card*, Proaiuory Hotel, Blank Deed*, Check* Way Bill*, Programmes, Hand and Show Bill* Posters, Ac., executed at short notice. ^6*r Printing In Gold and Su-vea Baovin ana 1’A.ncT Coloubo Ibk.*, or ohYeUem, bails Ma&lin, ac.. done In beautiful style. Uavir.g likewise connocUd e Rook-Bindery V with their Printing Kstabliihment, they are pro- parod to exeonte order* for wry description of woik in that department—including RULING and BLANK HOOK MANUFACTURING-in a lyde. cuperior to a*y ever before done in this *ec- tioc of the State. Their Tori* being all new and of the latest pattern*, iheir Stock of materials the btti the Northern market* afford, and their work men equal to any in tho South, they feel confident of their ability to give enure satisfaction, and High, Butler & Co. COMMISSION MEECHAHTS. ro-h 7UK PVUCBJUM AXZ> SA-LZ OW TENNESSEE PRODUCE, COTTOH, GROCERIES, &c., Alabama Street, (Sautlk &f the Hzoua k ’Xniln% D«yci,) A t la at a, Ge org i a Mo cry t»kec xi par for Prods* Atiuiui Georgia, Jsse, 201s.. IM7. New Stock Coming In '©mrmm GENTS FURNISHLS'G GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, A T IT. HKRRUi'G £ SOS’S OathiB* ««< Tkfactory and Merchant TaDorlng c*tabiL*h ment, for Fail and Winter, all the iatept nij't*. One of thebe;t stock* of Cloth?,* ir.i Verting?ih Gc<rgia, from which tomuie a fc>«- tien. Shirt?, Drawer*, Under Garment Cth\ ate, Gent'i Ilojiery, Glove*, Traveling .cL.r;e and Blanket*. Tailor'* Trimming*, Xc., for *ale at the ioweil p icci, to Lhe<a*A trad* f tLt W. IIEBRING k SON’S. 40 Whitehal! it., Atlaata, Ga. Al#o agent? fer Singer* frewing Machines. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY! Adjoining the corner cf Ala. 6 Loyd Street*, A. tlnnta, Gro, R O IJ VT. H . MAY, Haring remored hi* CABB1AGK DEPOSITORY to the above eligi- 1 oliiitand opposite the Waahington Hall, and enlarged hi* facilities, 1* prepared tor til all order* with which he may be favored, cn a> good terms a* can be obtained in Auguie or Savannah, with the addition of Freight. Hi* Block embrace* Carriage?, Concord Buggies, 4 and 6 leiatP.ockawayf, Slide Soat* do., Fall Tope do., With and wiuoQt Top, Pachoc*, Top Buggiee, jjdlar Wagon*, , No Top do., Cornes*, Whips, Atw, of the be«t manufac ture and latest ityle - A ihare of patron age U rwp^ctfully wliri tod. >r Order* for Family 0 other vehicle* filled at *hon noiic- We are also agent for Norwood Patent Fan. Atlanta; Go., Dec. t. Ml. ^.5beHiaeli)6i[)t2. *. U CU.XKE Clarfeefc MT imnaatr.v « ' 6jflj |i5beHi36h)e.«|f^ For Sale. newafa. LTQRD, •eylltf i/Ml COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Agents Car collections of aif itiniU And Dealer • 1 n ilm wD. mm 6} ’ll rjROCERIKS.AC HIM. -14.t»Bi5;« Wtn»k^I 8-^, Uu.u. , rr.„_ ... ... HJUM. toJ .rfCraU.m « ®£h iam f * • attesSiee paid to Coeri|tfiBMeU«i. ever/ \ o r’ .r^ Th* foflowiag ajtiike %nc EnsliiAt^Mi promptly ml*■ Order* reap**tfaUy * vtoH Tl¥ LlUdOOu Oil, fEhgUiH 0HtrA^Aair*!<teSr*&4-r*rCM Q ^boile«i “ V * 6 M winter Just Received. seed baAlkt t J UST received, a fim rale article of Bariev. Cor Feed. Frke, $ J per Sept. 7, dtf. CLARKE k GRUBS. Whi»fee|r 1 Wbiikojl Whiskey* 10 Who wmti at Bye. * k (irokli tai liO K.*». *'r^ £ji 1 Pike'* Mafxc-A vl/rvrrei'»s4 for**ale 17 AJ.EX. M.WAlI.Arc.. ..•«nf,CBL»2iy60N Wallace & Robinson GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS 15 TENNESSEE PRODUCE! We rive Bpecial attention to tfif »aie cf Bacc/u. Lard, Kour, Grain, Wh*?key, Tobacco, A*., A t. Ccn/ignoect* reepectfnil/ eolicftei. Proapt atwrctirc given to Ct-> j: « «-•. • do * "nnter strain’d pwe spr’m Oi A “ “ wWeOi 20 Bbk. gemjK Gil £» Tsnnera. 10 ' Bs,r'Jgf> “ “ . “ ~7— ■^tseoned V*tsfifes. t>5 per ceaL AloefcaL Burning FMd. hi - Caspheae... 10 “ spirits Torpentfaie. 20,000 lbs White lead, assorted. 150 Boxes Glass, assorted sizes.] Vl Til wall** nn*«r«i PiU... ..J .n 1, m .rni P Utu, u4 »a fer F.'s'.rr’m. Per u. .itir a. a aizxjuwa TBtiMxmtjof mtWritiag nsii ru th. nnll ef chwhul tteitas. ' Itnraam >11 Mi. « iaki fertiuiea t*«dar, dsMhSu, aai u>; *-» fiat th. pn. u« skisi, >4J > lint, rafe wuk. It tbenli s»t fcs Mix«l iviu 0 thw Iain, Vm livtji h. pot isto cIms icttlu is) hyg: wki Iron th. hir vta cat in aw. 1>G sit. rrisl tst Kvrefi. ti. .Ml pet, Md nrpumi a iu qssilt, ijtaj isk Kortf. hr AsmtIo. Or fer. *« rcEr .M, u wt wia Cr(d.r> i P- 1 . 5 ? Oi» »kri Iak u lvr >t ,<ar eCe., u ii ■SHHSHLJ I >b b. ps; B, la Phifei^-hi*, Eshsb. »> 5 T. BYX k BAJJLXT. ; tVUtdt sal, fc. Dr*. Bigger. A Guild, Aw A *<* •• *& * wmm&ghi. \r • s u, g*. Ssiiu >u th. A g.ptn y.U-if, . T3)Z:ffOS.j. Mireli.fik CORK JttAL. ' PUtfetioL W»gca« j — m c—tta- J. PianSTJ orU _ fi.iL'i/TS'SV | UI7ILL attend to any eaUein hit - NEVTBACON U M-.rfh-.~h A LOT of pri«ae w«i; drjtd ,*~\ fei (tk tt WAUACB A EOBLNSO.VS. F878 fitf of huisMX, tseh u reg. i Utticgof tcGea, sov«4ag of ksra- B.S’JS, j a»Tf,:f»h*lorhiSsi,) Ujiag il aswitrisgt V, il.or .ia^t' * - LARD!LARD! Kobia.’ I > C.m auLBuxeb.iii inw itma rrir.., In Wallace *-k<'ipjnk(in. I J«UkUT.'ir,a»i s:i tie oetsve, viol, or .iagU, Ac. Esbifeetioa girst i* ever, lajUhc* .f a. isitgi. All worknsishf. ?»!ag bp tbs Asa. At Bwlao.d Prktf, fiViSl trier. »in:4 V. left u Jfeestl W71- ; !i*ae’ Porainn Glen, oa Psuhtneet^ Aib*. NEW CANDY MANUFACTORY -AND- BAMJEWy ATLANTA, 0A I tee. 20, -54, ivlv. TOMA it r A CTTr e B F ;New Orleans Groceries on: yi^T B tit btw receiving • of At; CO\S»lG\ME\T Tli# fir#! trrival of th: 1 N'e* Crop ATLANTA. AT consequently have no heeitency in soliciting the ’the public. of their friend* and rder* for work, in either department ol their buiinc**, from any part of Georgia »*nd neighboring State*, will meet with prompt atten tion. Atlanta Ga. Feb. !0, 1557. (ddwly.) Uuta itnif riclnity that he fca* c- • han«i, at bi* Cvafectiocery and Baking »» C^oulcction*, Pa»tri«>, Fruits Kc ; Seage. Abbott* Co., EAVE sew iz fhvl«*8. bx'*. ock.ef r.* * < uETHll JdoUen.’, Iwvwj. -Sr He ie .1*0 aufigfeA toferairhev.r, !• • rrr r . tt Urge 1« cf Self talh- , o.Ctu'Sitaa Liaiiiga, Bind- . .cp. Lieu, Peg^ Kil, etfi w I -vn-thiEg eotaeefei with. 1b e Boot icd SO V.isoe**, *fc:eh wia Of. eclfi >: tow trip* ; Oh*. Alorien «eoaap>aj*a wi'i Cteh wUl be . . . , ■ —, . - -pmrplj S^tS with. py*l Crocks, >rU >t tow of plsla »aa orciaeaUl C>k.*, for .odaiags or : fii., EAVS ae. •> i: :r. » rt.i-* Pg y;. ! r»w—cube Sign sf rio. Bt» Bovt. fwrdos.x: ilort notif.,>a4oa »oeoic«ood.:in{ c,r C ~V r ' s ’4«4He vtrtet, Ckeroin Blxi. ttrior. I224s5fe-U*’* ■ -L-’.l-lotf UtMaf-— A *"IT. Iitforled wine* end Vre-4i.. of »?! de.rri[ t:tr r S’-'V. : ~Pi»rfY'fi'irr gSTvgSrgSiSvs-l for medlreiparpoiei,*;.,, >;..,* on hssd. hto:, ■ kff»i. ?ncox»." ! SRlIiI.TAflX BBOSPBOXUS I e.LBine Sf icien Cirer*. ^d oboi«ch.«:tg To- .irh*)», POCtia TCUt or TZZ ylSvAjPcur*•»"***“**‘r>:' fossopoIitM Art Assedatiaa. n»vinsrefentl,r.t»m«dfrfttth«N\rii:,»6err Airi Fair,i ,, he laid in > fine itock of, .4r .ir’.,>nd tet- And »:•; b* 1> r*f r.i,t. weekly, of farther Cw. • i’O08*ldorrGat(?ry orPhintlngl! r/ thing neccHor) fcrcorryli^tB hi. ai:dy fj.n , ri^icnt. frea their hr.rc.S*r Orltnr* -tar- • rvrfkated of a Cast pf'AlBi),0OG! m>etor,li« wonldUformoennt,de»l*r>>'-»'• K.i* : <rcii.*.Mon, whtokfere wfiffeB t;.s bay-'X-',0 PStoEK'* W0EL3 irsoVxtD ,rg*CS t* ptacarsd to fMni.h oka JU. >t m it err« 10 per ee»t fewer fe.a tb.MiM f J - J t'-t THE GREEK SLAVE’! «nt» perpsend. JTWBfht» »in« Gwrgis «!».:.• A>»- i B-q>nnLu«(l'tr*X' tkssaurf golhrifwto w. Order aoooap.niM with the-m org: - , «. ucpwit.xt of CsShg. Salt. Itbnrf., Ovtitr. ’ -r»t*( kBSjwl«haf-birkf sfart, inpaimino* rafarenerpromfaUsxaci lo. SHAGO, ABBOTT 4 .'•’. ; S.-i'.jtBrw ahdB'ocee* ceasnriea th. Pre~ L. YALFX7J VO . 1 Or-apy Se»er .r,d AMtott.hstMieg.wrv > • twaj-J*»y 0*«!*srihL»rf *, Atlanta, k#T. *«th 855. d.«-j . rrth an. MitfeGl Orwe. ^ Art Awe.4b ■*.. wsb t£Uegbt tetn it.' FD JFLX&X’FXJ’H.E! ~ , JaAsnty 1.1.5. -O l-;h < Janaarv lain, ai wsia fe. th.iweru Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! Of all Descriptions# F URN ITl'Rffi!! h'ft OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, can f Safe^f » had at all time*, at the SKAGO, ABBOTT * Occupy end Abbott * bnudieg, m ; irtb an* r.rv-’* | January i. !iii fnrrrul Monty BoMfbtT j * t»« ! Ateaw,' He wi.l bqy the Uctee .**i tee, Tfxn*«<NU z* ‘ THE tshfcriben'hae* tnlw»4 ft | Vv- ! U«te a feasiii'sp.M B—.t.#- « Northern Manufnciorie*. 1 .. ; wstorf as4OaosapeHtu GaSen.*. r w . j !- ltaaHS.*«e#«katfer».aeytSj*aavlian | „,V* » f * As'hfe fer u>. .41. tt .... 8 L *"f». * j -h.r.»,TihMnoi only retwitw a rrtosiii tkrt. I BhJtoa;.L.«,pats? la(kiplMwar-, 1mb baafej. tin WantAIte Lu- • raste-l fuu meafere, ana of njtntT ^ualiYy to j * x “ ’ !•**.»««’i n.r„.b I.«rr by j t W0 DOLLAR ART JOURS V , ' \ 7 nr, I NAL, oae t**t. Ehd, ii *Lc trtKtw Wardroboi, * Bureau*, Socretarv*, W a.n*tandi. ot legal inatrumente, commonly in use, are al- rlted to call and examine our itock. ways on hand", to b« sold at the lowest price*.} ....A. % 4t J.S^W 1L, L. IA5? s‘, 4 ""Atlanta. M w Veat .toor to Gilbert k Curb?. iV* *£.ir*<. Barr, st Mill j-tcoee. ke Ori*Tk to nn w-Jlbe faiti*. JAUKD IRWIN WHITAKER, Attorney at Law, Atlanta, Georgia. Oftieo, front room* over J. R. k C. ii. Wal lace'* Store, corner Whitehall and Alabama *t*. May 2S, 1S57. J. H. SMITH, Troduee anti Comwitfi'cn Mtrthont, n>--I DtaU Family and Plantation lirottritt, ijr*. Marietta Street,., Georgia J. H . SMITH. WOULD respectfully announce U! the cjtlzenj* of Atlanta and roondlnx • eountfr, that h * now receiving and opening, ard will »,**!> in itorjja •pJendid^itock of FAMILY. GROCERIES, he is egsrlng at prices tbit wilt with any house to the city, anoguks a share of pat ronage, con, Lard, iTour, Grain. Tobsceo, fcc., kc. — v ‘ * fort 20 Paokages pinso Ware, JutBeceivcd S Y the Hulucril'or of the morl iDodcrnlifJa a'.ylea, and Bill bo .aid 25 pep ceillcJ lhani ha.e over before been able to .ell loi Oaab, Alio, China and Quern. W»rr, Plated Callow, l’laled C.ndlicicte, rathe, Spoon., To. Sol:*, llriium do, Chiu. Flow n Va.ce, &c., to which I would invito the at- l.ntion of my fonn.r patron, and oapectally th. Ltdio. to call and oxainino, T. K. RIPLEY Not. lfi. 1857 :d/r sign of 810 BOOT, Pooahtre# Btreat aicyita. -: plMlCK| joyok.A 00 s HOTEL, tot# tho Plirengrr Kto<| OEOBOIA E. IHAAOri, PreprtotcTX _ «wtat#ndont. ■jY':--- . .Uwlr LAND NEAR ATLANTA ONE hoadred aer«» ef land near AG-wi S lying butwven IVaohtree aun iUdet’.ji ..fads, i* cjrw«d far 4wU, there are acres ef very heavy timber, forty »«♦* of exoeUeoVelwwd land, abont thirty * me la pottmn. there are-five hundred c* YARN TOST, rewind, and bUI Jhada good piitMloa yaalon, TihlMiTB piiicetoa Kaoloij, whloh l iBiSriKw MARK JOUNSTON, Attorney at Law, Cnrtcrsville, . . . . Georgia. P. O. HARPER, . Attorney at Liv, WestPoint, . . > Georgia y ddwtl April IS, 1855. -. \). T. C. Campbell A Uru,. S UHGKOSNndMNbamcal Den- — lUis, i,reprcpred:o p.rform all operation? in tao proiw.ion with durability and thill. WifOQc. over Almuindere DrogStore, Will. CAMPBELL. VT. T. C. G.P. CAMPBELL D U. K. T. PULLIAM having re- tumod (n>u> a visit to Virginia wilt re sume tbo prnclicc of his protoMioa in -the eitj of Atlanta and iu vicinity. Can bo foul d a: hiiofiicc at ail houri,except when itrafovsionallv engaeod. taro^B Washington Ball. se]>15dwlf E. M. SEAGO, SCOCrSSORIOSPAliO hLATTBESCT WILL OOSTIXVB TEE PRODUCE COM- MISSIOX DUS1XESS, AT HIS NEW COMMODIOUS FIRE PROOF BUILDING, Front of Atlanta Hotel..bdo.xl door to Falton Booio, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. g^.Thf ui«ual r*uli|isieaerwi to Shippers. t»rd#rs »hACtfaUy»(>ti<*itnl, OcL l<th, 1456. (d.Wly.) J. r„ WILLIAMS. * BOIXI.Va RAKER. WILLIAMS A BAKER, (.SurCM.rori to Wiiliami, Uhta d- Co.,) GENERAL COMMISSION g.rl) MERCHANTS, Athcneum SiNUOmlding, Decatur Street, At tanta, Grorgia. Prcmpt and particular attro- turn given toiho tale of Grain. Bacon, Lard. Flour, Feather.,.ml T.nnrareo Prodqe* won- Orel!.*- J«n.27, 1858 dtf IBnrinI Ca>««. —We a-, prepared to faraith I’u .'r Meuuir Bari' alCuM,at.bort notice. AVa bare eecared lb. j i.rviee? of a cnnspei.nt per-oa to .trend to thi? d.- F. A. A J. S. WILLIAMS, Nov 25,'56-dwlv Peachtree sre<t. i - fending AS -VyuttM rvooitfSigreviag «.xj An Jesmai, Her.itr'. -.trtl Ftr* fc I'... r r *c4 ft,r. tfemtix oa bead at ?*. V- :: .-*t !■• 1 a c- : ABV-'-Tt 8 •». BopteKodr, 11, f.cT. Joseplt Winship, I James M, Carter, B Atlanta Female College. 3 HHE THIRDf I liutituiion w : ON DAY, tho bweir % DU. . M. It.4 HKB, HOMOEOPATH 1ST, , O FFICE anti Koomi in Dr. Pomrov * cl- lico, Opposite Petri* b’uble. Auiember 20, 1857 <l*»rly C-VMPIIENE Bnrniug Fluid! FDR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER TERMS LOW FOR T. B> BIPLEY, P, S.—A liberal diwouutby tho Bbl, BMitwr. _ • - m HE THIRD 8ES8WX of thi* 11 com nonce on l$th irut. We, havo fitted up the bwement of the IVabytorialKCIburch with a new flc*er, and new ileskt. affording a mjcfo more commodi* on* aitil comfoitah^e roornlhsn the one occu pied las* year. Wo will occupy thia room temporarily rill arrangmrnt* can M completed fur erecting permanent College Duildinga. 'l\»rm« tho same a* fceirtobre pjiblubed. Jan 13 dA w3m J. U ROtiERS, Prta. Wrapping Paper. LARGE lot,ju*» received nf all utraand eual.tiiB, and for halo 1 ow. by - ■ . » n . . to*- J txtt 23, Jwtf WM. K AT, Agent. Hauuilia Paper. A VERY jurttol at the New E VERY fine Maarttuem of the above, t hand on coungnmonu Price low ■ Book Store, bv Jan.23.dwtf vVM. KAY, Agent. f I MPORTANT INFO K.VATION, by «? ^.whiqh much m tiering in farm lira may be avoided, edit to monied men and then contemplating marriage. Addrew »rt-> r*c*qrgfour alampa, Dr G. VV.1UD18CO»JbE BwSvIyo, N. Y, N#v. 18,1*57 ddtnCm LL oar good* will ta .old at low price* fbp A LL oar good. to iota rath er eoaalry Predaoe. rv. <30| JBBOTt A CO. nr COMMISSION MERCHANT FOR THE PURCHASE, EvVCfr and £tc-r*g# cf Pre-duce op pone the We»4eni 6i .4tian- tic Railroad Depot. November 11. 1S57 davetf itJBK Wh e aTTEoCr, Osnahurgs Varna, t* heelings, t^hirtinjrw. From the Mor.tocr Cotton Mill*; ti'mrar Ats«i C'fY-e. n.iur and k(i4a**r» »V SS jrcp 100 K#p Nails; A iamanune Candlea, AH f*"»r 8ale by JOSEPH WINSHIP, ianuarr A. !S?»S dtf hevi, h » pwKn ii mrrisiad to a feel* thtrt - j 7i.r*+ takitj iv* mtabrnnhlpt, Hziinizp fid j a.** «z:urM ta aa«xtr* Ecgrarag acd uia. w FpArvxalm oi it* A&i&xvaca are g:rv: i * t tha Art J c«n»L wtkh ecctaisr ext? rixir rj.4ta | dH K-agranspa, pr.<* tfh oezut*e rexs be r. — J >f*eeisEara>.-j:t:« wCJ #♦»: ~tc all pernra* w*ta ; iwirs to fvbtcrif, oa receipt cf Sr# 1 ,-wir:p* JJ recU- C. 1. DFRBT, J tzsmtj C. A. R S-45 Broadway, Now Xcrk, c* YTH. BAKNKSy Hoa'y Sac*y Da." Ii—-dtf Atlanta, flkergia. Forwarding on Mer-, ehasf I«n proved Cotton Gins .and QivivvVn A . I ThrcthUif Nlachlnos. _ . , . . '• 'T'HK ttrmM rrrr.'r^i ib*cr J. ’ **“#.. ? to iaisrsa ii*r t’ii fcoi ti* gwriLLf, P, S. Liberal v*in*n.vjt es3«i/ c*) non- REF tb*y * ..F.ntRSNX’R'* K’C*ra. K khL £s», RoFt Yodn*. t»; S. SUyart, . RprcS ri#. P R. *>' • +*i WaA*i lW*r» tztSnlr vjaud YhK r are r<i kM*a a&d *sf»fr»aily ap ' rrYw+i is &»xth Ouedea, a»^ AkHns--.* | iti -kTt» fL iLMe:mr;;-v SoTtS CatoLu. Tk*J - sr»k# vbi»n izri deraVJ.- {ft*} •, it k *»^Cc*'ta ul*Ar *aat t w# riliioD m Ttf* a# air cti*r lua NEW AUCTION HOUSE . , ^ J afaata^re if rey-stira. ac*4 fair*? iXta a. T H O S . F , LOWE, ( Ftrrfcam 2 # rmUce* or omrtfi K. Jt. Iwyat — - - - - ] ef <#r trv«a?crtaWt:- Cqacan* aay U smc# j nta ear tr»r*L^f a: kvcal Afoeta, cc by i rt*/: erd .1 Whitehall near Kit ohdl St-, Atlanta Ga M V K- L., to addifliv. t? tb» »Vr*. *i5I sr-** TAT 4 .**- 1 • t'*K*lhaparrhe*. art w-f tU BUTTER AND CHEESE. A LARGE ntpply on h*nd of .uperaw quality, aod for »lo by Nov 24, 1857 JOSEPH WINSHir. dawU SALT. ST AA Sackv is vtorejand for a.ic hr OV/U JOSEPH WINSHIP. Nor 2*,185T dawrt Iren! Iron! f&Ity f HE chaeiiHi, axii b‘#- :tv>9 vt Family *u» re'fwti'iilly azl f* l\b BEST SELECTED 0X9 ASSORTKD STOCK or. Family Groceries INTHK.J cirrorAij.jj.Ti,- I. to b« found a 1 tb. v “ Atlanta Family Stored’ LARGE Stock of bworah M.uoaf.r- turing and Mining C.rap.itj'. Iron, conj atantly on nrioa, by WINSHIP? Novemborll, 185. FEATHERS. Jvvsru wtxsair. ffhlttball Street. EORGK U. D.VNTKL, . Prvprl.t«r. Atlanta,'May 4, Aid. lfe.y ' BACON a LARD. A NEW SUPPLY. BY JOSEPH WINSHIP. bank agency. Ate Mo Affix! for tie Bank ef Otmdat S Carolina. Oflee at WaUaoe A Bcbbtoc Warebcnre- OOTtr cf Hunter and Ptyer .treat*, Atlanta, Ga. 3 O O ffi STALL FED BkEYES. UR Subscriber i* in vrtnx of a S UE Subscriber it in vrtnx of a Urgv QOin- lity of No. I, Fat ft» wiuco h« psfcraaac# «! #ar &a» nt I^psabsr*, Mwk i say b# i*+» «# apybmUo: to i£nU 03- AE 0<a> warrsEtoa to parfam w#0L XnolK Uia tkmmtxit*tsi uuhttteat. JOfcgH WIXHI? It OO. irusu LtS-ta; 5335s3ruS3*r KSOXVlILil. XSSNS3SEB. M b. 8fESUBS LANISB, tatocf th. 1*. tltr Bocae, Macca, So and Semperc La. iln, fete of Tnxhagea, fie' ea, «1U V. bwyy »! trfeedi and co .car* at tie Umar Bear., when they hare ample accesse-feura fer.wrc hcadred and fifty pavw. 6. * i LANIER, Prvprfeiot*. whukeyi WHissn:: o QAl** Wfe good Taurem Crn WhMh.y, u — • »UU-8are. and ft# tola re r—stofetoreav. Stotjt WllUCS h N08LV805V NOT HE. laxe cf Jtfarray nt ily dtoaaaed, ark re. qaired payment aed three havtog dtmasda MUm'Jvi lhaa la, acccrding talar, 5 immtnAtlanta, dtotgU L. J. PARS, Executor. Dvaahn 18H V dvtf ^1000 Howard, paj ibe highrai Market preca, d.hvtrad to thu City in any number from ihm time co'd Ixl of July next. EDWARD PARSONS. .Jan-U, 1*54, dAirtf Hardware paper. A sd:JKIORoiiklaof H.rdvrare pto . .for mfe rt few tarn hr &«*«** Wit BUY, Pa the uighi ef the 18th iett- rystetue: a.fe-^b^SwreofJptopbMi’dw . Hr . vm nUrsi. ant jSSjlj v the ascent af $U,8«0 and 4,i» dollan-u >»»h, tohwa Brnuflia . Among lha Gocdi there wtio'T4ccM Wtttrbeajac«tly double rmv, 14>flirt?watchen,nearly ail daohfe.ere, and many bring marked “Joeeph MUlvr, MtU- «ig«Tlife,Gm, wri’bex » bwg* amertmvat ofJv»- Cry cf aUMnii- IwSanoTlbeaJwvertwar-J of ONE TH0CSAHD DOLLAlW fbrtbe rerereiy A mUSsHla^