The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, February 17, 1858, Image 1

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ATLANTA, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 17, 1858. ffqilj) Iiltelligeiieei* ,& Ex#)**. DAILY & WEEKLY. BY Oeprgia Ball Hoad & Banking Company Augusta to Atlanta. .171 Miles. .Faro $6 60. DUNCAN & LOCHRANE. TiaaMB OF BUB8CUIVTIOH. Dally Intelligencer, par annum In adyanoe, M Weakly, " '• " 8a A U.ATKB OP ADVIflttTIHIBfG, Y Adverllslng.ln the Dally IntelUgencer will bo k Jniarted at the fallowing ratal per square of tan P lines. [ One Iniartlan, SO eta. I One month, I Two “ *1 00 Two, <■ 1 06 Throe > 1 60 I Four, " 1 76 Six, « 2 00 | One year. Specialoontraets will bamadafor yearly advor ) Ussments ooonpylng a quarter, half, or whole ' sotnon. k pSP AdrertUamanti from tramlant periani V,‘ molt bo paid in advance. Legal advertisements pnbllihod at the nine ralaa. Obituary notloesoxcsedlng ten lines oharg ad aa advertisements. Announolngeandldatai for offleo, 86 00, to bo paid In advance. _ Whoa adrartiiamenti are ordered In both the Dally, and Wookly, 26 par oaat. wUl bo added t0 the above, ratos. One Imartlon, Two « Three, ” Four, " . Five, " . • One weak, SS 00 -8 00 10 00 12 00 16 00 [25 00 Monxtau FaiaaKoni Thai:). 1 Leavei Atlsnla dally at 10 00 A. M. Arrival at. Augusta, at. 7 80 P. M. avjB Augusts, dai’y at, ,2 00 A. M. Arrival at Atlan'n, at ,....11 30 A. M. Evening Pabsonokr Tbain. eaveaAtlanta,daily, at 12 00 P.M. Arrivoi at Auguita. at....... .-...8 66 A. M. Leavoi Augusta, daily, at 4 00 P. M. Arrives at A t'anta at 104 A.M. XS" This Jtoad rune in connsciion with the Train! of the South Carolina and t|ia Sevan nah and Auguita Railroads,.at Augusta. > Western ft Atlantic (State) Rail Road. Atlanta to Chattanooga, 136 Miles, Fare$5. The privilege of yearly advertisers Is itrlotly limited to la ' " ' " ' heir own immediate and regular P Advertisements notipeelfted alto time will be , published till ordered oat and ebarged at regular , '^Advertisement! Inserted In the Weekly paper onlv will bo charred at former ratal. The Noxv Good * have Arrived, Morning Pahsknoer Train, Leaves Atlanta, daily, at,....... I 46 A. M, Arrives at Chattanooga at., . ... .0 46 A. M. Limvce Chattanooga, daily, at.... I 30 A. M. Arrives at Atlanta at 5133 A. M Nioiit PXwekorr Train. cave* Atlanta, nightly at 12 31) P. M Arrives at Chattanooga at 8 18 I*. M " envoi Chattinonga, nUhtly, at. .3 10 P. M Arrive! at Atlanta ot. It 22 P.M X3T This Rond connect* each way with the tRome Branch Railroad at Kingston, the East Tenncnce & Georgia Pai'road at Dalton, ond the Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad at Chin an oq ga. 0 II. STRONG A 00., have.Just opsoed a J Urge assortment of BTAPLKIAND YAHOY BUY OOOD8, Consisting tn part, of the following^article, Rich dress Sllkeg Fanoy BUkr; Atlanta & Lagrange Rail Road. Atlanta to West Point.87 Miles,.Faro $6 AU Wool Dolalnai Manchoator Delaine; Poplins; Alapscnfl) Bombasines; Oinghatns; PrinU) Blaached and BrownBhootlngiand Shirtings Shawls: Ladla'a Clonk Idnlags; Flannels; Kerseyai Irish'Linens: Tablo Linen:; Cotton Stripes; Kentucky Jeant; Satins; Casiluisrs; Cloth; Hosiery; ' ' ‘ ete by the thousand; Blanket! by tbo A iplondid stock of Gloves; Dress Trimmings. _ a. a*. 3B3 rm? @ » Wool, 2 and 3 Ply; Tapeatry; Rail Carpeta at ieed prices* ii trood supply of plantation BROGANS and Shoes. Invite our old friends and public to giro u« Morning Padsekoer Train. eaves Atlanta daily at..........2 00 A. M. Arrive* at West Point at 7 28 A. M Leaves West Point daily al -1 00 A. M Anivcs at Atlanta at P 27 A. M Evenino Passenoeb Train. Leaves at daily at.........I 00 P, M. Arrives at West P*.int at. G 2S r\ M. Leaves West Point daily at......4 30 P. M. Arrives at Atlanta at 10 15 P M. rar This Road tonnocta each way with the MnntRomery Ar. West Point Rnilroad. L and are latlifled ebon thoy learn our prU iat they will find It to their interest to bur pi, Romembcr, we are at No l t Whltohal tract, Norcross'e old stand, April 24» ISfifi. ' Do yon Want to Buy B00K81 Do yon Want Cheap BOOKS 1 Do yooPay CASH for BOOkS ! %■ Come HERE to get yonr BOOKS? MACON & WESTERN R. R. MAIIOK. Ucccmbcr I41K. 1857. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and alter Friday the 18th the trains will be run a» follows: c'ave M^con * a. m. arr Atlanta 8.15 a. m. Leave Macon II 30 a m arr Atlanta 5 20 pm ‘ eave Atlanta 12 niglu, a.r Macon 7.15 a. m. leave Atlanta 12 m. arrive at Macon 6.40 p,m The night trains will not bo run on Sundays. The- nigh*, t ain from Atlanta connects with tho Central Road at 0,45, and the South-Western at 11,30 ajn.also with the Al bany train, tri-weekly, which leaves Macon ,15 a. m, on Mondays, Wednesdays and f ri a is 80H00L BOOKS ! ! T HE 8IJB8CRIBRR hu on hand, (and is daily receiving addition:: thereto,) one of UW largest and moat extenaive stock of I’chool and Miscellaneous Books in the State, which ho office for sale upon the most reasonablo lermx—Consisting In part ol Smiths, Olmsted, Bullions. Andrews: Anthons, /’arkeni, Com stocks, Phclpa, (Goodrich t) Angels, Towns, Mitchell..Olnevs, Serbs. Comprising brig- li h nod Latin Grammars, English readers and classic, genersllv. Geographies, FMIusophies, Astronomic., Histories, Spelling Book*, De- finera. Analyacra, Arithmetic*, Dictionaries, Catach!ams,ar.d Question Books, Ac, Ac. Al ■os largo lot of Stationery. A liberal deduction made to I'cnchcrs and Morcham^urehari^by <^“$g * l ** J*n2l,dftwU WM. XAYjffl Tobacco, varying in prico and quality, at retail and wbelemle, oa rhenp an the cheapest. Mormomsm! A vary Inlorestlng work at this time, called _ |) ^ tjbue jnonjmoJY wifje Life Scenes In Utah. Beautifully .UlUBtratcil. PRIOR 25 VENTS!! For Sale by WM. KAY, Agent, at tbo STeW Bools. Store Jeu 2Vd*wtf. "• Whluhall S’-Atlanta. O*. Seed! Seed! Seed Garden Seed. rge sfock of Garden Seed, and ,„eso’ who have bought of ut he re- to their fine qualities. Met- chanu from tho country, wo particularly In- vlu. and hope to secure tho'r uadc. W. vronld a'«o ask a liberal, ahare of patronage from our citizens Call and iaa SMITH & EZZARD. Januarv IB. IBM d,f - L beoolc :hWwi®45^ ^-.Utlonjad^rrithnU HyehiSp MdwanuKET _ DIMICK, JOYOl, * 00 w HOTEL iSbI Shrabrttrvs 3Utrrctor» GEORGE YONGE, Superintendent JOHN W. LEWIS, Superintondent. GEORGE G. HULL, Superintendent. Tho noon train connects wilh the Central Rood at 11,30 p. m.’ ami South western It. for Albany and U.lumbut at 1 30 s. in. ALFRED L. 1'Vt.ER.Sup’t. Dec 23,1867 d&w. f^ofessioifli 6^3. JA8. r. ALrXAKIlEK. WM. A. HtlKLUY. DBS. ALEXANDER ie SHELBY, Office Corner of Marietta A Market street!* Jan 3, 1858. dwly o DR. JAMES M. MORRIS, ) FPI0E on Marietta itreet, oppoiite Dr. J. F, AleKAodoriii. Atlanta, Oa., February 9, 1868 dwtf STONE 8l FITCH, Attorneys at Law, kFKICF. in Maikbao'a Bkck, op ATLAaVTA JAMES M. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW HOUSTON, TEXAS, W ILL practice in tho District and Infer ior C CoUfta tf thia -State, Careful attention paid to tho inveatiratiog of L&nd Title*, to iho buying, selling and lo cating of Land Certificate* Promptness given to the collection of all claim*. KKFK&tNore:—Hon. Wm Belden, Wash ington, D C; A Austin Smith, Washington. U »*; Hon Wm 8mitb, Washington. D C; Ifon It Johnson, Baltimore, Md; Gov Wm Baton, Warrenton, N C; Itev ltd Johnson, Atlanta, (»a; W W Gaines, New Crleans, La. * Tixis lixrBRcvoES—Hun P If Bell. Win Antonio; Judge Paschal, Sun Antonio; Judge G W Paschal, Austin; Hon P W Gray, Hous ton; Perkins At Ketch, Houston, january 7,1858. dwly DR. T. S. POWELL, O FFICILover Smith A Etxard’i Dru< Store, vrb< ‘ -‘v.-—*— /where hi can le fouad du ing the day, and and J Atlanta, Jan* 20, 1868 dwHm W. A.- J0NS8. a. 0. HOVT JON E S7&.TH O Y T , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, t'ffieo in Kile's Building, Corner of Marietta and Peach-tree 8treats, ATLANTA, GEORGIAN Jan 13 d2m A TT!! A Clft ETTVA'PI • y at m LAW, Ringgold, Georgia, will practice in the following counties: Cotoosa, Chattooga, Murray. Gilmer, Whitfield, Gordon, Walker, Dade. Rtjtrtnct*} Msj. W, Y. Hanseil, Mari- ett« r Han*ell A-Bimpson, Marietta, James lt* Lawhon, Esq , Uahloncga. p^Particufar attention paid to tho colecling business. May 28, 1867 d*wly ^3t#3jt)>5er)r3. IN.ELLIGENCEK & EXAMINER JOB OFFICE ! THE PROPHlETOnS having recently added to tbs JOB DEPABTHEI7T of the BaUb llibment a LARGE and VARIED uiortmeniof the Latett StyUt of PLAf^ AND FANCY ute propored to exocute In a neat and workman, • ke manner, every description of Particular attention willheglvtn to the Print lag of Circulars, Way Bills, Blank Notes. Bill Heads, Blank Deeds, Batik Checks, Programmes, Business Cards, HANDBILLS, POSTERS, U. We reipectfully solicit the patronago of our Dieodsio the city and country, and assure them thatall ordori will be promptly and satisfactorily G. P. Etltly & Co., (3LXCESSORS TO C. K. IUXI>TrKR** CO.) BOX, JOB KD CARD FRIKTSNO OFFICE, Booli’Etudory, Corner of Whitehall and Alabama tie., ATLANTA,GEORGIA. Q. P. EDDY ft CO. former extenslre assort ment of BOO K and JOB TVPE.CU TS, ORNA MENIS, he., a very large variety of new materials, 0/ thelateijmuf j together with one of Hoe’s celebrated JOHN V. 11 BARD— ATTORNEY AT LAW,—Colquitt, Miller,co, Georgia, march 0 1857 wlv J OCHltANK & LAMAR —AT- 10 tty IES AT LA ll-Micun Georgia. 0 A. LOCMIASI. J. LAUAR. Having associated themselves in business will devote themselves exclusively to the practice ol theiu profession. [Jonl.'tlwly ^yiLLIAM M. OAXrORTlI - ATTOUNEXAT LAW-Fairbarn, Georgia. July 25. 1857. ,1 AWtf FOR SALE. LARGE usantmcht of Virginia Loaf 8 J. SHACKELFORD, Ag v Nor 14. 1857 dtf UNDKRWOOD & HAKI IS, Attorneys at Law, Atlanta, Georgia. ' mch.on Whitehall,tract ever A.W.H>U*sJe» rIryStore. >Urcb 1-th, 1657. (dlT)' • ' Wm Haeris, 0 New Route to the suutii'-Vea arlestuo Hall-ftoad CompIelM I Connectin^cSailanooga, Tcnn.; Charleston,-S. €.; Savannah, Ga.j and all North-Eastern Citlos, with'Memphis, Tcnn. SIT The last connecting Link of Rall-Roid between New York and the Mississippi „ Rivor!^«C? This Road is now completed/ and opened for the regular transportation ot Passengers and Freight, and will afford rnnro expedition and less expense, than any other route between tho North LUTHER J. GLEN N Attorney at Law, Atlauta,' . ...... Georgia, Will attend tbo Court* In tho Counties of Fob ton, DoKalb, Fayette, Campbell, Meriwether, Coweta,Carroll, Uenry, Troup, Heard, Cobb, and Spalding, Bast and South-West. Passengers and shippers them- will “tako lue notice thoroof, and govern selves accordiaglv. M Passenger-Trains leave Stevenson daily at! 12 o'clock,A. M., (after the arrival of the train from Cbattauooga and Nashville,) and arrive at Memphis same Hay at 7, P. M., connecting with First Class Steam Packet* to New Orleans, nnd ail other Important points upon the Wostern rlv- eri.* Goods consigned to IWil-Road Agents nt Charleston *»r Savannah, will bo forwarded to Memphis and other points, by Kxpross Freight Trains. . Freight in charge of the Adam's Express Company, is carried over this route dally, by the Passenger Trains. F. C. ARMS, General Sup’t Huntsville, Ala., April lit, 1857. •Through Tickets to Memphis. Ac., sold at Wilmington, N. C.j Charleston, 8. C.; Augusta, Savannah, Macon, Atlanta and Columbus, Ga., Montgomery, Ala.; Ohattanooga and Nashville; ^ES~To oonneet with the Western Trains on tUKoad, DU. I,.-J. HOB HUT. Medical & Surgical Practitioner, llariotta, ... Georgia. “OBlcest hisrasidanoe. t la Road, passengers will take the Night Trains from Wilmington, N. C.; Augusta, CliMtanooga and NoshrlUa, Tann.; sud the day trains iron. Charleston and Kingsville, 6. 0.; and Atlanta, Qs. April Is*. 4tf. J. H. SMITH, Product and Committion Merchant, and Dealert in Family and Plantation Groceries $c. Marietta Newt, Atlanta, Georgia J. H. SMITH. WOULD respectfully aunottoes t< tbs ettizttu cf Atlanta and »ur-| roaodlnc country, that aawinow rscriring and op^ntna, and wui kr«p in store, a splendid stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, which bt Is sffsrlDg at prlesa that will compete with any boos* la ths city, aadiaabs a ahara of pftt rosace. Be wlU'flvsipaeUl attantlon to thsuls of Bo * Hoar, Oral •©©.Uid, Grain, Tihaeoo, 4o.,&c. .. ..speotfuv solidud. attention rivtn to Cash Orders, iwre on Marietta strset, la ths buildtag (formerly oeeapled by C. D. Parr. December 12,1867 20 Package* Gloa Ware, Jnit Received I Y the Subscriber of the moat madern®} ‘ ■■ iW > a 1 ,las, and will bo told 26 per cent _ than 1 havo ever before been able tnsolt to: 4>dSh< Aim, China and Queens Ware, Plated Castors, Plated Candlesticks, F.uko, Spoons, Tea Setts, Britain do, Ohina Flonrs Vases, &c n lo which 1 would'invito the at tention of my former patroi.a and espccialiy tho Ladies to coll and axamins, ' T.R.RIPLKY. Nov. I*. 1857 dff LAND NEAR ATLANTA brtwsea rnehtrsaasa Marietta alfcesdtergal^ than at.i|3tjr Iio,. IV. u. UxesHiroon.i G. J. WRIGHT. Attorney at Law, Aibmiy, ... . . . Georgia. May 19, IS67. nhorotoforo, to giva dispatch to all ordsrsforworkin theirlino—which they will exocuto In the boat style of the art, at ftlr prices for Gath. Particular attention paid to the execution o« FINE WORK for Railroad and other JointStock Companies, Transportation Agents, Banks, Col leges and- Schools, Attorneys, Pnblio Officer Merchants, and others. Books, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Circulars, owui jrazopoiew, vawugguci, uircuiars, Cards, Promissory Hotel, Blank Deeds, Checks Way Bills, Programmes, Hand and 8how Bills Posters, Ac., executed at short notice. pfr* Printing in Gold and Silvxr Bronxx and Panot Colorxd Inks, or on Vellum, Satin Muslin, sc., done In beautiful style. Haring likewise connected a Book-Bindery with their Printing Establishment, they are pre pared to execute order* for every description of work in that department—Including RULING and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING-in a style superior to any ever before done in this sec- tion of the State. Their Torii being all new and of the latest patterns, their Stock or material; the best the Northern markets afford, and their work men equal to any in the South, they feel confident of tholr ability to giro entire satttfaction, and consequently have no hesitancy in soliciting the •gjj r • *^e public. _ 'rders for work, in either department ot their business, from any part of Georgia and neighboring States, will meet with prompt atten tloa, > AtUnU 0». Feb:’20.1667. (diwly.) High, Butler A (!o. C0HHIS8I0N IIEBCHA2JT8. vox Tax ruacwASS Ajru SAX.B or TENNESSEE PRODUCE, COTTON, GROCERIES, <te., 1 Alabama Street, (Bwutb of til. Msco. h WtiUrs A tlanta, Georgia New Stock' Coming In moimoK!© GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, One of the best stocks of Cloths. Cammerwar.a Ycitisg* in Georgia, from which to make a teleo tisn. Shirts, Drawers, Under Garment*, Cravat*, Gent’s Hosiery, Gloves, Traveling 6kawD and Blankets. Tailor's Trimmings, A'e. - , for sale at the lowest p lees, to theca«A trade, at W- HERRING A SON’S. 40 Whitehall sL, Atlanu, Ga. Also agent* fer Blogers Fewlng Machine*. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY I Adjoining the cornet of Ala. ft Loyd Streets, Atlnn ta, Gra. ROBJT, H, MAY, Haring removed his CARRIAGE HEPOSITORYtotheabove eUgi- ole stand opposite the Washington Hall, and enUrgedhis facilities, ie prepared tor fill all orders with which he may be favored, os as good terms a* can be obtained In Augusta or Bavannsb, with the addition of Freight. H is stock embraces Carriages, Concord Buggies, 4 and 6 seatBcckAways, Slide Seat* do., Fall Tops do., With and without Top, Packets, rjdlar Wagons, Corneas, i°n; s £: Whips, Ac., ' e heat manufae- of the tore and latest style A share of patron age is respectfully solicited. Orders for Family or Plantation Wagons other vehicles filled at short notice. We are also agent for Norwood A Robins' Patent Fan. G%„ T>*<*.4. 1*5A. NEW CANDY MANUFACTORY -AND- ATLANTA, GA. lanta and vicinity that he has eocsUstly os hand, at his Confectionery arid Baking eetabllsh- ment, all kinds of ConfcctiouB, PaBtrics, Fruits Ac He is also prepared to furnish every description of plain and ornamental Cakes, for weddings or parties, at short notice, and on accommodating terms. Imported wines and bra- Her cf all descripfton* for medical pon>ose*,kep. always cn hand. Also, genuine Spanish Cigars, and choice chewing To bacco-together with a large assortment of Toys, Fancy Articles, Ac., Ac. Htving recently returned from the North, where he laid in a fine stock of Fancy Article; and eve. ry thing necesssTj for carrying on his candy «n» 'ftdbertisehienjls. B. M. CLAKKE..... - F. GBCBB Ciarke& Grubb, siffvrrcutr/hv Mr.*.,— . ' For Sale. COMMISSION MKU^HANTS, Agents for collections of all kind* And OMlars li BACON MO, mm W ALL E5L3, ft ROCE R IBS. ftO Atthd rWiUud,c3 WhUchaQBL, JLUaata, Ga. tard and Cera always ca h*a4. Strict atleotloo paid U. OntlgamtatU ol every deoeriptv-o. aa^ RemitUaeM jeon>tJ r cade. Orders ree&ect/eLy elicited, aa dcartfoUj ilfed—Fcr CaSX. A C §£!?IA£ySAP&IJ*, th * Jws^Ijreelsbsted E UR EKA GIL at wholes*}* »tt'ttSL Am reanctloo made to those wich<p» u *el’ mSj*. df. /. SHACKELFORD, •** 1 ** 1 . . • Agent SEED Bi&LET J I l r 8T received, a first rate article of Barley, for Seed. Price, $2 per bucket Sept. 7, dt£ CLARKE A GRUBB. Whiskey! Whiskey! Whiskey C LARKS A GRUBB have jut received U Bbls. Mellrahs's Extra Copper Distilled Coca Whiakey, and for tale eheap. March 21. Who waati any Eye. CRAs k Grub* has IM baiUii Rji, forfemi. which hey wH] oe'J low. gtpt. 22 )U7. *)( j BBLS. Pike's Magnolia Whiskey, jus vUreewrei and for’sale by ’ttle by CLARKE A ALEC. M WALLACE ....UThL C BO BINSON Wallace & Robinson GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AlH) DEALEB6 13 TEXJfESSEE PRODUCE! Ve sir, tpwial uhestin to tte emit at Buws, Lsxd, Flour, Orais, Whiskev, Tokocm, Ac., Ac. " »3iipim«nu rerpectfull, soliosed. V- Prompt xttecuca gives to C.ii Grdcn EYE A BABLEY. TmrvceirfrliCO bethels fr**b Ccrx MmI ft Gvaa- tl fcsrtvclt F. .LU.CE NEW BACON ! A LOT of price well dried New Duos, for isle ct WALLACE dc ROBINSON'S. Jxontrj 16,1858 ■■ dtf LARD ! LARD ! X N Can. aud Dsrrela, at low down price*, by Wallace & rohl\w»n. January 16; i85S New Orleans G roceries on CONSIGNMENT The first arrival of the New Crop AT ATLANTA. Seago, Abbott & Co., a HA YE now b store a ehrie* rtoek of new crop of New Or3 Molar; er, Syrvp, Brown Sagagar, . Choice, Prime, Fully Fair, And Fair, And will bt in receive weekly, cf. further Con- iends in Just Keceived. 3 Casks raw Linseed Oil, (English 2 “ / txtiled “ “ do 2 l wi ^ r ^Irain’diCTe Oi 20 Bbls. gennke Gilfe Tennera. 10 * itosin “ « “ 10 <• assorted Vassishes. 30 “ 05perccajfc Aka!ioL 20 Burning EidA 10 “ Campheae. 10 “ Spirits Tnrpeatfna, - 20,000 lbs Wbite lead, assorted. 150 Boxes Gloss, assorted sizes.! ia-BmUi, eclcrtd Paicn, u , tB ^ Far taie ky a, a uxaxnaa The dtauorcry at this Watirg *Wd arts tka result at chemical ItaBBjS illi er iok* U relatwa to coSvr, dmraiUjSr trd can tar from tbs pea. When too tiiri, add a liula rata water. It sk»ald act U nixed with otic' lak*, kutaliraya ke pit tec cleu kettle and xept ccrkei frea tka alrwkca act ia aee. This Iik via act xmitthe tteeipea.ard re-aet ke J in tu qaalriy by acy tax nianareatareJ ' . or America. Order* are recpeetfclly scEdted, a* we will put up tka ekert lnk ea low at out .See, ax U s. cr K Y. aa Upet op ia Philadelphia, Ec.tea. c jSi-lUAt coly by Bra. Btggm h Ssild, At- ta, Ga. ScM at all the booh stares. MarekS, dtf. O. if. Ksao Forte VXTILL atteod to aay eailsis ala v V lime of bexiaesa, sack ax re*. 1 dating of aeritu, rererixg ot hare-1 ..._ ... mere, (f.lud or buSwi,) laying of caw itriagr tu the ocure, whole or aiagle, Ac. ftaririaftlca given ia every lnxtaseo er a* charge. All work warranted. Tuning by tiae Year done at Badec.4 Price*. pp-AU orders should be left at Venn. W3- Uares* Ferdtare Store, on Feeehtre. ih, Atiaa. ca. Oa. nov. 26, -66, dwlv. T o mTsTTTcTVBISs n large lot '-f Sole iAatk- er,Calf Skins, l.iainga. Sued- I ing*. Laeta, P.;s Kit, and ____ everything connected with the Boot and Sh business, which will be sold at low price* I'.ath. Ai! order* accompanied with Cash wtS bo promptly filled wah good Goods, and at low rate—at the Sign of the Big Boot, Peachtree, street, Cherokee B'kck. aptndtf DmrCK dr MIX. IbULlOT PRdSP^kvsl ry thing nseewiTj for carrying on hu candy man Mguraent* irom tnnr msnoj in Aei ufactory be would 5 nform county dealeri that Leii ! ir g the season, which they wi2 se3 prapared to furnish candies at wholesale at 20 10 per eeatHwer than thesa ceutf per pound. Order • accompanied with the cash or good city reference promptly attended to. L. VALENTINO. Atlanta, Not. Sftib $55. d*w>j Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! Ofall Descriptions* B I.AN8SOF ALL DESCRIPTIONS,can bo I ' : had at all times, at the WM. A. IIAKUIS, Attorney at Law, Isabella, Worth Co. Georgia. Refers to—Moj. J. L. Harris, MiUeJgeville; Hon. A. U. Uaniolt, ThomasviUe; Miller A Hall, Ogletburjvo; Hon. R. H. Clark, Macon; Col; J. \V. Duncan, Atlanta. Junn2-Uly.■ • JARED IRWIN WHITAKER, Attorney at Law, Atlanta, Georgia. Office, front room* over J. R. A C. II. Wal lace's Store, corner Whitehall and Alabama sts. M ay 28, 1857. - MARK JOHiNSTON, Attorney at Law, Cartersville, .... Goorcia. r.b.26, ISM. 0*W), P. O. HARPER, Attorney at Law, Wait Point, Georgia April IS, 1866. dlwtf W. T. C. Campbell & Bi o., S URGEONJindMsohsntval Dsn- lists, are prepared t„ perform *11 operations in ill. profcs-iioD with durability and skill. SM~ Offlc. over Alexanders DrngStoro, White Ball St.. W.T.0. CAMPBELL. O. P. CAMPBELL. Atlanta, Jan, 26 dtf jQB. R, T. PULLIAM haring re- _ . turns J Irom e visit to Virginia will ■ume the practice of his profesaiou ia the city of Atlsnte end its vicioity. Can be fout d it biulfic* et all hours,except when profewiinsUy engeged. «ar Office WASHINGTON* HALL, seplfidwtf DR. . M. BABER, HOM CEO PATH 1ST. , X^FFICE end Room* in Dr. i’omroy e of, l _/fice, oppoiito Pettis Stable, N*, Attornics, Sberifls, Clerks of Courts, anJ Ordinaries, can be furnished, at short notice, any,*/dnrrife form of DEED, WRIT, or PRO CESS which they may desire; and all FORMS ot legal instrument*, commonly in use, are *!- wayaon hand, to beaoid at the lowed prices. t riant*. M w E. M. SEAGO, SCOCtSSOKTOSEACO kUWRENCF WILL COyTIXUE THE produce cor- MISSIO.V HUSIXESS, AT HIS SEW COMMODIOUS FIRE PROOF BUILDING, Front of Atlanta Botrt, and next donate Fxttoo Bov*., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. f35_Tb*a«iul rscilitissoffsrsd to Shtp|«rs. ordsn KJL Ifith. 1856. (dftirly.) J. K. WILLIAMS. BOLLINO BAKKR. WILLIAMS ft BAKER, (Surcesson to IFij/iarru, Rhea if - Co.,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Atheneum Ffgj ,Duilding, Decatur Street, At wWlu lants, Georgia. Prompt and parricultr alien, t on given to the sale of Grain, llscon. Lard. Flour, Feathers, and Tennessee Produce grn easily Jen. 27, 1868 dtf Atlanta Female College. rpH Jin Sion HE THIRD SESSION of this Institution aril com Bence on DAY’, tbs 18th Inst, We hive fitted up the basement of ths Presbyterian Church with a pew floor, and new desks, affording a much more commodi. oils and comfortsb'eroom than the one occu pied last year. We will occupy this room temporarily till anangmtnta can b« completed for erecting permanent College Buildtnga. . Terms the seme ae heretofore published. Jan 13 ddtw3m J. L. ROGERS, Free. S'ovember 30, 1B57 dawly CAMPHENE Rorning Fluid! AND Atlanta, Georgiail>!n 2, ISST, W dtf JPBt .reftlved, and will;. bada’; rlnceton I jcow&iHj WT« bOR SALE BV THE SUBSCRIBER TERMS LOW FOR a SY.3 ho Bbl, Vs... . • it* Wrapping Paper. ^ LARGE lot. just received of all sixee and i qua! ties, end for tale low, by ■jan*3, dwtf WM KAY, Agent. FORNirtRfi!! rigument* from their fri*ndi its New Orkaai dar- 10 e»fh buy- ram* good* eas bt bt ugbt in acy o*her Gnirp* mirkst. Al to, so ample nook of Coffee, Sal:, Tt bvce, Gaudier, Ac. SEAGO, ABBOTT A CO. Occupy St*go ltd Abbott'* building, corner Far- rytb und Mitchell aTaounty 2, ISLS dtf y- THE subscriber* hare on hand Q2Qu4 ora now opening a Urge and carefully »ei*cted Stock from the M* Northern Manufactories Heat Safes, Wardrobes, Bureau, Secretary*, Woehstands, Bedstead* and 7hairi of acy desired patters and price. A fin* aoortment of Centre, Work, Saloon and Tobetu Table*—Etagere’*,Corner asd Side—Sofa*, Tele- a-Tete, ete. /Jjr* In addition to the above large itock, we are receiving weekly ^applies. The public are in vited to call and examine our »toek. F. A. A J 8. WILLIAM8, Kext door to Gilbert ft Clarke, PeacLtm rt., Allas ta, Ga* ZBurial Caaea. r> • prepared to furciab Fiik’i Metallic Bun al Case*, at abort notice. We bare eecured the tervices of a oompeteut person to attend to thii de- partxqect. F. A. A J. S. WILLIAMS, Not 25,'58-dwT v Teach tree treet. Joseph Minsliip, COMMISSION MERCHANT @ FOK THE ri RCHASE, 8ei*» and Storage of lVouuce.y|yj| oppoite the We*tera dc Atlan tic Roilmad Depot. November 11, 1857 dftwtf li B kTvh e a TTEQCb! Osnaburge, Yarn*, bbeeting*, Sbirtinge, B [ From the M.intoor Cotton Mil!*; Sugar and Coffee, Flour and Kiev; Moiaaor* A Sjrcp 100 Kegs Nails; Adamantine Candle*, All for Sale by JOSEPH WIX6H1P, iamianr A. 1*'# dtf • current 31 oncy Bought. We wfl! Icy tbp notes of Tennessee Banks, ai»o, Kentucky ’and New Orleans. SE.VtO, ABBOTT fit CO. November li, 1857 dtf racKTH rEae ottha C«smopo!itsn Art AssociaUaa. -—~ ' • .. . IEE. JtJALOCS „... DnuddorfGalrry or Paintings! Purchased ai c Casl 80.030! A30> pf:trana’s trosu> kE_vt.tryeo aratc* Of THE GREEK SLAVE!! Re-purcAacod fur six uxwsaed ovllao, *ui re- vend beodred other work* of art, la Pointings, Sca'ptnre* oad Brontes, ctmp-i*e the Preaiam* u. swarded by the oabasriber* of the CWoopo* litas Art Aaroczatkr, who rcbscrib* bt’wi the t f Jacuwy 1£55, a; which time the award* will taksplace. .Itax* or Srasaumaw—Every sobeeriber of three doH*r* i* eeuried to a copy of the large Birds Eye Ume. We are.Agent* for th* sale of Mr. R L Roger** B;ni*-eye Lime, put up in 5 bushel barrel*, war- ranted full measure, end of twpericr quality te any other lime told in thi* market. Order* ky the Car load will be filled at kiln prices, by — SL, A. A CO. Mill Stones, Bolting Cloths, fisc. Wear# aboajrvaUtar Vra- *r». Morris ft Triable, Balti. more, kid., Ispotier* and rValFri ia Frvaeb Barr, Co* logs* sad Ekpop Mill 5t*nwJ Boltiaj aotn*, ke. Order* •^•tr^ised ie u* v-Hlbe faitb- fuUj exeeated by theca at vauafactuTM price*. x. ft Co. Hertag** P»teat Ftr* & Barfler proof Safes, roa- *taaUy oa band at New York price* by B., A. ft Co. SKAG0, ABBOTT ft CO. September, 11,1S57. James ft. Carter, Forwarding & Conimi»sion A’er- chant. SAVANNAH. GA.. •*■!» Inn’ siv Block, Bay Strett—{Utriy aecaj^i by J. lugenoll, Ihq.) P. S. Liberal advancct made on all can* ttmmenle. RCTRCVCSi —Tama Bmtuix,k(fe., J.ta t*tM- VoUTIaq.. Robt B. Yosef. E*q. 6avi aaoah, Ga—N J. Bayard, Eoq. v Borne, Go-;P.’B* Oliver, Eeq., Arnett ea* Ga s tear 10 ’JtT-4ftwly NEW AUCTION HOUSE .BY THOS. F. LOWE, Whitehall near Mitchell St-, Atlanta Ga T F, L,Io edditloa to the above, wjU give partie • oWat'eotkw to the porcha*e aod n « of all kind* o: rrodace, tlrxenw Mertbaadtao, asd Xe- tww, -cr naetaUoa er YWclly n*a. imWi rwpeetmUy aolie-ted aod prsapUy aod t• itb felly aneoded to fdoe 14 de tT BUTTER AND CHEESE. THE A LARGE supply on hsed of superior 1®' .quality, and (or nW by JOSEPH WINSHIP. Nov 24, 1857 dxwu SALT. X A A 8»cka in attw'irJ for tale by 0UU ' JOSEPH WINSHIP. Nor *4. 1867 d*wU Iron! Ison! Hannllla Paper. A VERY flne xnortmtnt of th* »bov*, juat to hgnd on consignment. Pric* low s New Book Store, bv Jan 23. dertf . KAY, Agent. I MPORTANT INFOK.VVTION, by f 1 f JL« bich much suffering in femtlie* mey I be evoided, tent to married men end those B eontempleting marriage. Addreea cr. Udo*gfaur etxmp*. Dr O. VV AODlSCOk Brook'jn, N. Y, No*. 18, 1867 dAw8m out goods will be sold et low prices ft, *"-WWSxera.M, » LARGE Stock of tioereh Metmtu* A-turing end Mi _ . . stently ou Mumfeclutcn luring end Xliriing Company** Iron, ccnj ett price, by JOSEPH WINSHIP, November II, 186s FEATHERS. A 1AEU3E ia,ply of ckato* mv Futbtn, for *%l e A by Jossra uissbip. BACON ft LARD. A NEW SUPPLY, BY JOSEPH WINSHIP. BANK AGENCY. Alex is Walla'S® 9 BEST SELECTED AND ASSORTED STOCK OP Family Groceries IN THE CITY OF AlLANTJi, Is to be feund it the u Atlanta Family Store,” BIO. 13 Whitehall Street. GORGE H. DANIEL AtUntAUnyAML Idowy; xnd spleuded Steel Bagrarieg, eeritiei DtJUry/'alpoto a erpy cf the C<4m+pelHmx Art J *uro*J one year, alvo w a certificate ia the award efprtc.icn*.aIpotoa fnpea4aia>;: 2 't4 the I>aj. eeld-rf and Cosmcpolitan G oikriee. Thu* it u seen that f»r every three dtUarv p*M, the Fob>cril<r -ot fuly receive* a »pkc-iiff ihxte dollar ec»raving, but *ii«,'thi» beautifully UIux- rated TWO DOLLAR ARTJOUR3 A AL, woe y ear. L*ch tsbscriocr u at** preaest* *d withaeertieate iutheawerdx cf Premtum^p which avauahk work cf Art, ia Paistssgcr Sculpture may be received ia adduce, lhas giving to every n*b*eriber sa eqdraleai to th® raise f five d c4ar/, tad a cect-ficate grad*. Aty act of the leadiag $3 Jfo^atises b fura. ivbed, bt toad of Eagrariag o&d Art JoarraJ, desired. No person tt mtricted to a siagle *harr- Thoee taking fire memberships, recicirg fly are eedded to oa extra Eagraviag asd Rxtdtry. Fell particular* of the Aatoriatioa are givesi i th* Art Journal, which ccutai&e ever sixty vpiea- did Ragravihg*, price fifty vest* per eunber.» Sperimeu copies w iff be sect to ail perron* who desire to rahroribe, ea receipt of fire pottage tump* 15 ctcl*. Addreea C.L. DERBY, Actuary C. A R 54S Broadway, Now York, or WM, IL EAEKES, Hou> S«‘y Pro 26—dtf Ml* me. OrercU. Id prated Cuilou Gnu and Ttirdhlus Hacbiucs. T BK *1Atrafaei kitire ream! buoMi boa Mama Count,. &*., te iCuu, Wy Mere t. tsfoTD tbwr old p*trc°* *ad th. r 11 hS [ 1—11,1'j. U»t th.r irtU ooauae* to. UuiUwIwtnr at CMlii Sis* *ai UW* TbrMhw <a uaal ntrerire re*!. Ttwirdtu ir. ndtans eat utreneCr*, porri U CMrgia, SocthChreba., uri khheauT^ iafertxof Tore. UlreM^d, Sdcth Chrebae. Ih^ uic*hi(ui*«FkW wewrist. * (mw u *rerod to ask. tb«xr oca rosiest *sd derecte Itjan with our trereUag or tree! M*xt* :rky direct erdtre |«teaeae.*r*cT6t9t *edTSrrehwj! ■ any he ree*-e e^diret*.* u lgMte Q. AH G>*| nrruwi to reriona wall Beret*. -TV-h. • a :-*«■ e- " tsges ihcrt.our.*sdtsthi.*hus»r. XXUS'C Ulm57 W6B*B STISHTPhOn. ffi 3 O O a STALL FED BEEVES. ,B Subscriber it in went cf a large qua , fix' which __ til, Of No. t,F*t Breve*, ft* whici he •ill p-.y th* highest Merk-t price, delirered in thia City in toy number from this ritr. until Id of July next. EDWARD PARSONS. Jen. II, 1868. d*"tf S'Nua. ■Raiiuroc > Werehcrre-1 KSOXVULS, ISSNESSEE. ATlt- srEaLDtG LANIR-% taht ef th* Ut it A ntex House, lfiaacQ* 9e end Seapees is- ciar,Ut*«f Tuaktfte,AJ( xa, will U h.ppy te meat *11 friends end cv *mtn it Uw User Hew*, what* they have ample twaraodnion for ore hundred end fifty peracaa. 8. h 6. LANIER. Prwisltn, whukey: waisiSTTr O Qnn ku * |wt Trenre—. Cbr* WUtk.y, ta NOT DE. A ul cereou iudebani 11 tho citato cf C. D. I n t Ut* of Many >: l sty deceased, ore re quired tn make immedlati payment gad thre* htvtag dunenda will realst thee in, recording to law", ‘.tm^ In Atlanta, BrefBS L. J, PASS, D'taAn 1867 Sxweutar, IIOOO Rewi SDPEBIOR aitcta af for eeieet i«w r*tas' aWsiwe hsef Htldtstn PShti 1 DNSTHOobAHD 18th last- ephSIiEer Ql, was eoiered* reTtexi) k> thaamcantef Bli.WJ ead 4.6H tdrevOlc, Qv,?«Sdca abigeearertmen* eWaar- araukadt. IwiJpeytbeekwawwnlef ItHOOSAITD WO&B pc iwevw, aleMprapecty.aadta X/S/W ./\ ( \. / . • •,