The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, February 21, 1858, Image 1

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■ * . '%■ . • •.< - - [■: ■ BY DUNCAN & LOOHRANE-, NEW MIES, VOL. 1-. "ERROR CEASES TO BE' DANGEROUS. WHEN REASON IS LEFT FREE TO COMBAT IT ."-JEFFERSON. JOHN H. STEELE, Editor. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 21, 1858; nra H iMHiMI&l” & giqminelr.. DAILY & WEEKLY. by Georgia Bail Hoad & Banking Company 171 Miti« Pftfrt iftfi BO. DUNQAN & LOCHRANE *»aop suiisoaiPTiow; Dally Intalllgoncer, par annum In advance, Weakly, » “ " HATH a OK AUVISUTISINO. Advertlilng In the Daily Intelligencer will bo Inserted at the following ratal per oquare of tea llnoi, 60 ota. One Inaortlsn, Two " Throe, “ Four, '- “ Fire, « One week, $1 00 1 30 1 00 1 70 2 00 boo month, Two, “ Three f • Four, Six, One yoar, 80 OO 8 00 io oo 12 00 10 00 '20 00 Special eoritraota will be made for yearly odver tliomont* oeeupylng a quarter, half or whole oolumn. SET Advertisement* from tranelent penon* molt be paid In a licence. Legal ndvertlaomont* pnbltuhedat the nena ratei. Obltoarynotlceeexeeedlng teq lino* cbarg ed oi advertisements. Annonnolngoandldate’e for office, 80 00, to bo paid In ndvnnco. Whon udvortlsomenta aro orderod In both the Daily, and Weekly, 20 por oeut. will bo added t o tue above ratoa, Monttwo Pkeeasoita Tails.' ’’ / Leaven AtDnta daily at 10 00 A. M. Arrive* at Augusta, at ...7 t'OP.M. I,eav;a Auouein, daily,at........2 SO A. M. Arrivca at Allan's, at. It 00 A. M. , Evenino Passkmokr Tails. ea»o« Atlanta, daily, at,....... 12 0.0 P. M. Arrivoii at Augueta, at. 8 00 A. M. Leaves Augueta, doily, at., .... ..-1 OO P. M. Airlreeat At'enta nt........... I'Od A. M. ET This lined runs in connection tvi'htbo Trains of tho South Carolina and the Savin nah and Auguste Railroads, at Augueta. Western & Atlantic (State) Bail Road. Allonto to Chattanooga, 138 Wijce, Fare$5. JOHN W. LEWIS, Superintendent. Tho privilogo of yearly adverllaeni is strictly limited | to thi jjj f ■ M|' " holr own immediate auil regular business. I Professional Garda noiexceedlngslx line*, $15 per annum. ■ Advertisement! not specified as to time will be pnbUsbod till ordered put and charged at regular AdvebtUemenU Inserted in the Weekly paper only will be charwd at formef rates. Bookstore New Store, New Goods. Morning Parrr.vorr Train, Leaves Atlanta, daily, at 2 10 A.M. Arrivea at Chattanooga at 10 (17 A M. Leaves Chattanooga, daily, at.... I 30 A. M. Arritea at Atlanta at ...9 33 A. M Niout Passenger Train; Leaves Atlenla,nightly at........12 13 P. M Arrives at Chattnifooga at .8 25 P. M Loves Chattanooga, ni.-htly, at..3 10 P. M Arrives at Atlanta al 11 22 i'.-M BP" This Rond connectsea:h way with the tRomfl Branch Railroad at Kingstof, (ho Erst Tennessee do Georgia ai’rbsd at lialion, and tile Nashville do Chattanooga Railroad a'. Chol- anooga. Atlanta & Lagrange Bail Bead. Atlanta to West Point.87 Miles,.Fare $3 50 New Arrangcmeiits. Books and Stationery! » THE undesigned is ffBjBf&L 'Increasing his stock ofj&M&fijHy I Books, mid Stationeryaww „ • by overy steamer from , toe North, and is also in receipt of the Now Publications ol the nrincipiil ptibtlsLincr bouses as foon as on Is* i tho press. Ho offers for sAle at low pricoa— 100 reams Fulid Post, Cap, Letter, Note’and Commercial Note Paper. Passenger Train. eavea Atlanta daily at *... .2 00 A. M. Arrivea at West Point at 7 23 A. M Leaves West Point daily at. 4 00 A. M Ariivos at Atlanta at.. 0 27 A. M Evening Passknobb Train. Leaves at daily at 1 00 P. M. Arrivea at Wrst P^int at. 0 28 P. M. Leaves West Point daily at 4 30 P. M. Arrives at AUbnta nt ...lOlfiP^R This Road connects each way with the Montgomery A, West Point Rsilroml. THE best qualities of Tlssuo aod Drawing Paper, Music Paper, Bristol Board, Bill Paper, Blotting aper, Envelopes of all sUej and qualities; also, he CHEAPEST -Black Book, of all qnqlllloi, together with all tho itaple nrtlolei.of Stationery naually found in a BOOK STORE Buck aa county house, School, Fanoy and Pock et Inkstand,, Portfolios, Back Oammon and Chon Boards, Ohms Mon, Portmonlos, Pocket Books, Biuglo and Doublo Slates, Porcelain Slates, Brassing Knlvos, Paper Folders, Pen Racks, Stool and Quill Pods, Mucilogo, all tho host brands of Writing, Copying and Indelible Ink,.Visiting and Playing Cards, all warranted as good and nt a s low prices as can bo found MACON & WESTERN R. R. MACON. December 14th. 1867. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and alter Fiiday (he 18tli tho trains will bo run ns fallows; ,envc Mecon 1 a. m. arr Atlanta 8.13 a. in. Leave Macon 11 3ft a m arr Atlanta 3 20 pm oavo Atlanta 12 night, n.r Mac,in 7.16 n. m. Leave Atlanta 12 m arrive at Macon 6140 p.m Tho night trains will not bo run on Sundays, Tho nigh! t nin from Atlanta connects with the Centra! Hoad at 9.45 n.m., end the S.inth.’Wentein at 11,30 n.m, also with tho Al- bany train, tri-wcckly, which leaves Macon 7,16 a. in,on Mondays, Wednesdays and l ; ri ‘•K IN THE CITY. \ Alro, Bill Flics. India Rubber, India Rubber Rings, Quills, Sealing Wax, Rod, Black, Fanoy and White; India Iok, Drawing Slates, Crayon, Crayon Udder*, Black Sand, Sand Boxes, Bill Head Boxes, Calenders, sc All of which will bo sold ut tho lowest prices, b , WM. KAY, Agent. Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia, jf, B.—Plonso remember tho location, nearest Store to tho general Passenger depot nnd all tho -Hotols. Jan 23. '33 dw.f Do you Want to Buy B00K8? Do you Want Cheap BOOKS 1 Do you Pay CASH for BOOkS? Come HEBE to get your BOOKS ? SCHOOL BOOKSl I T HE St.'USURIllER hoe on hand, (and i. daily receiving additions thereto,) one of Ufa largest and most extonsivo Mock off'chod and Miscellaneous Books in tho Stato, which ho oflsrs fei solo upon tho moat reasonable terms—Conairting in part ot Smiths, Olmatcd, Bullions, Amlrowst Anthons, /'arkers, Lom- atocks, Phelps, (Goodrich s) Angels,, Towns, Mitchells. Olnors, Series. Comprising Eng. li.h and Latin Grammars, Eag)ish readers and classics,. Geographies, Philosophies. Astronomies, Histones, Spelling Books, Dc- flnors. Analysers, Arithmetics, Uictionsries, CatechUrai, and Queation Qook«» otc» «c* Al' so s largo let of Stationery. A liberal deduction made to Touchers and M.,ch.ntymmh.nng^ .h^nUty,at the 81, ddcwti WM. KAY, Agent. . Atlanta. Ga. Mormouism I A yery Interesting work nt this timo, called TUE MORJUOW WIFE Life Scenes In Utaii. Beautifully Illustrnted. PBJOE 25 CENTS!/ For Bdsby WM. KAY, Ag.nt. tt tho Bfow Bools. Store Jan 21, dAwtf. WhIUhall fit., Atlanta. On. Seed !rS«ed! Sieed! ©ard^Jeed. WE hare, aa usunl, got out our largo stock of Garden 8ced, and x theta who have bought of ut hero- can attest to thoir lino qualities. Mer- ohsnU from tho country, wo particularly in- rlte and hopo to accuto they , trade. Wo would a'soask a. liberal aharo of patronago om our citirons Gall and aoo SMITH &EZZARD. dtf r , JanuaW 16, 1968 _ ATI.ANT/,, (IKIUIUU. HE subsribora cfLr at whi>lo<alo or retail, U V'.rj extensivo collection of Piuil T»«m, Inca, Ac.,&c. >gno sent by mad to all applicant., BTBns, HARDEN A CO, Atlanta, Georgia, dim • ^ ^tha iitate of C. D. • doeoasad, arara. ,t and thnsa 171 Miles. .Faro $6 60. GEORGE YONGE, Buporinlcndent JAMES Mv SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW 11OOS10N, TEXAS, W ILL practice in the District and Infer ior Courts '! this Stote. Careful attention paid to the investigating ul Land Titles, tu tho buying, selling aud Io- eating of Land Certificates' Promptness given to tho collection of all claims. , HnrERSSCXti:—Hon. Waif Scldon, Wash- ’ington, D C; A Austin Smith, Washington, D C; lion W m Smith, Washington. 1) C; Hon R Johnson, llaltiinoro, Md; Gov H'm Eaton, Warronton. N C; Rov Rd Johnson, Atlanta, On; W,W Gaines, New Orleans, La. Trxao Rcrcar-xcKa—Hon P II Bell, San Antonio; Judge Paschal, San Antonio; Judge G W Paschal, Austin; Hon P W Gray, Hous ton; Perkin* dr Hooch, Houston. January 7 1838. dwty GEORGE G. HULL, Superintendent. The noon train connects v.ith the Control Road at 11,30 p.m.' and South-western It, for Albany and Columbus al I 30 a. m. ALFRED L. TVLER.Sup’t. Dec 23,1837 d&w. FOR SALE. iE i A LARGE s-B.iitniont or Virginia Leaf To 1 - - ------ |J Tobacco, varying in.price and quality, at tlio clieapt-st. rytt; _ retail and whole rale, ns s-hcnji H J. 81IACKELF 'RD, Ag Nov 14, 1857 dtf hiew Kuuto to tl»e Soutli-Wos 65ms. JAS. g. AbOXANIIEtt. . DBS. ALEXANDER & SHELBY, OlUce Corner of Marietta & Market etreeta- - Jan 3, 1858. . dwly DR. JAMES M, MORRIS, QFF10E on Marietta street, opposite Dr. J. _ Alexander's Atlanta, 4ia., Febraary 9,1953 STONE & FITCH, Attorneys nt Law, Jium»ry.3Q, 1668 dwlj DR. T. S. POWELL, O FFICE over Smith A Eward’i Eru * Store, where bs can io found du ing the day, ami atnlghi, atb : H residence od the coraef oi Colliap and Jos ea Street*. Atlaata, Jan* 20,1S5S dir3n iipi jEfaidmfc; IN.ELLUtEiNCEK &EXAMUNEK JOB OFFICE I I THE PaOPRTRTOflS having roeeatlj added to the JOB DEPAHTSCEHT of the E«Uh UfhmenU LAllOE and VAKIEU t of the LaUtiStyUt of PLAIfj AND FAWpY „re preptrod to exocuto Inn neat and workman, ke manner, every dexcription of Particular attention will be given to thePrint lug of Circular!, Way Billi, Blank Not^s. Bill Heaat, Blank Deeds, Bank Checks, Programmes, Business Cards, HANDBILLS, POSTERS, &c. JVe • espectfoUy sclicit tho patronage of our friends la the city and country, and assure them tba tall orders will be promptly and satUfactorily w. a, josss. b. c. royt J O N E S’&TH O Y T , ATTOENEYS AT LAW,.. t'fflcc in Kile’s Building, Corner of Marietta and Peach-tree Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA!* J»nl3_ _ d2m A T. a ACKETT, A'lM'UHNEY AT t II,VW. KrriggoW, Georgia, w ill practice in the f.)ll iwing counties: Cotooan, Chattooga, Murray Gilmer, Whitfield, Gordon, Walker, Dade. Klftfcnta: Moj. SV. Y. HanBcll, M:.ri- otta, Hanscll A Simpson, Marietta, James IP Lawimn, Esq , Dahloncga. /aS-Parlicularattenlion paid to lhc olccting business. May 28, 1357 dawly J OHN V. HEARD—A'lTORNEY AT LAW,—Colquitt, Millo r, co Georgia. 'IVliKWS AT LA Vl-Mac in Georgia. O 4. WlCBRAN*. J. tABAR. Having associated themselves in business will dovoto themselves excluaively to tho practice ol theirt profession wfrilfldwlv W miAiH 61.11A.VFORTII— ATTOHNEX XT LAW—Fairburn, Goorgia. July 25, 1857. •I AWtf HAKi ISj liNDERWOOl) & Attorneys a l Law, Atlanta, ^ . . . . . Georgia, clryiltorc. Msrcbl2tb,lstl. (4ty) Iio.v. IV. H. l r .vi,sawo,ir».i [Wm rtsuRis. J Ubattanooga, Tcun.; Charleston, S. O.f Savannah, On.; and all Korth-Gastcrn Cities, with Memphis, Tenn. tf*Th* last connecting Link of Rail-Road botwoen New York and the .Mississippi Riverl^jtf for Freight, and will afford uoro expedition nnd less other route botwoen tho North This Road Is now oomplotod/ and openod tbo regular transportation ol Passenger* Freight, and will afford moro expedition nnd expense, than any other route betwoon tho North Gait and South-West. Passengers and shippers will “take lue notico thereof, and gororn them- Passenger Trains leave Stevenson dalljf at .12 o’clock, A” M., (after the arrival of the train from Ohattanoogu and Nuhrille,) and arrive at Memphli same day at 7, P. M., connecting with Pint Class Stenm Packets to Ni _ r ow_ Orloans, and all other important point* upon tho Western riv ers.* Goods consigned to lUll-Road Agent* ot Charleston ur Savannah, will bo forwarded to Memphis and other points; by Express Freight Trains. &T Freight in charge ol the Adam’s Express Company, Is oarriod over this route dally, by the Passenger Trains. HnntsvUlo, Ala., April 1st, 1957. Montgomery, Ala.) Chattanooga and Nashville; Tann. TEOvTo connect with tbo Western Trains on t Is Road, passengers will lake tho Night Trains from Wilmington, N. C.| Augusta, Chattanooga and NuhvtUoi Term.) and the day trains 'ram Charleston asd'Ktsgiville, 6.0.; and Atlanta, Qa. April 1st. . dtf. J. H. SMITH, Produce and Commtotion Merchant, and Dealer« in Family and Plantation Qroctriei, fc- Marietta Street,. Atlanta,Georgia LUTHER J. GLENN Attorney at Law, tUlunta Georgia. WilUttand tho Court* In the Counties cf Ful* ton, DeKalb, Faystte, Campboil, Meriwether, Coweta,Carroll, floury, Troup, Heard, Cobb, and Spalding. DR. L. f. ROBERT. G. P. Eddy & Go., (SUCCESSOR.-?''-TO C. B. HAXLHTKX**'O'j.) M, 103 ND CARO PRINTING 87F!0S # , AJtip Boo.U.**HiTi d.oi’y. Corner of Whitehall and Alabama ste., ATLANTA, GEORGIA, G. P. EDDY & CO. former oxtentlve assort* mentof BOOK ncd JOB •TY PE, C UTS, OE5A MENTS, he., a very largo variety of new materiali,. of tkeUite»t ttj/Ue, tofitihtr with one of Hoo’r celebrate^ Cylinder Presses, i ful)T prepared than heretofore, to give to allordertforworkin tbeirlino—which ire more dispatch they will execute In the beitatyle of the art, nt fair prices for Caah. Particular attention paid to the execution o> FINK WORK for Railroad and other Joint Stock Companies, Transportation Agents, Banks, Col* lesc« And Schools, Attorneys, Public Officer Merchants, and otherr C02HQSSI0X KEECHA9TS; roa rat rckcBASt jjtb balk or TENNESSEE PRODUCE, COTTON, OROCEIUEE, d-c.\ 1 Alnbnm a. Street, (Seuth cf tb. Raeva k 2>,,:erc Utyil.) A tlanta, Georgia (>+o 1TBoney uken st par f*r P?c*£ae» AUs.aU Gtvrps.Jusrf, SWitvifci;. New Stock Oosung In mcnriHhM© GE.VTS FURiYJSHIAG GOODS, HATS AND CAPS. A T W. HERRING if- SON'S nothing Moan; *>-factory and Merchant Tailoring establish ment, for Fall and Winter, all the latest stylcr. One of the be* t stocks ol Cloths,' Couimeres ana Vetting* in Georgia, from which to nuke a wdec- Uou. Shirts, Driawenr, Under Qaraeate, Cravats, Gent'i Hosiery, Glove*, Trareling Shawls and Blankets. Tailor's Trimmings, Ac., for wleatthe lowest P ice*, to thtcash trade, at W* HERRING k SON'S. 49 Whitehall »t., Atlanta, Go. Also agents fer Eioger* Sewing Machines. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY j Adjoining the comer of Ala. & Loyd Streets, iktlonta, G-a. R O B’T. II . MAY, fljiTingremored his CARRIAGE JBCBiS REPOSITORY to the above ole stand opposite the Washington Hall, and enlarged his facilities, Is prepared tor fill all orders with which ho may be favored, on os good terms as c&n be obtained In Angusia or Sarannah, with the addition of Freight. Hii stock embraces. Carriages, Concord Buggias, 4and 6 scatRoekaways, Slide Seats do., Fall Tops do., With and without Top, Pocheei, Top Buggies, wdlar Wagons, No Top do., Corneas, Whips, Ac., of the best taonttfoe- ture and latest style A share of patron* age is respectfully solicited, sr Orders for Family or Plantation Wagons other vehicles filled at short notice. We are also agent for Norwood A Robins' Patent Fan. Atlanta. Ge.. Dec.4. ISSd. St|j tdbeHisetyeijls. K. K. CUltU Ctekeilirabr COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Agents tar colleetiom- of all’kin4= And Dcmlera la BiCOH LIED, FEODUCH 07 ILL LSIa, YvROCERIES, &C Xtthri • W.U^,v»~tluhiagL,, Ga. •AJSuetr, l»t4 as4 Cora slvay. os bul. gtr.«t atroaUos rati to Coufrsxiest. of nm lescri^ica, •si KeolfUsen fvostyUr m.4., OrlsraxtssKtfs^T offritsd. as Iraraf.Uy Cli.t—Hot Cmu. lEEDBlRLEVt J l'ST rwslvod, a £m rate trrids of Bariay, for Send. Fries, |2 pot boiaeL 6ept. 7, 816 CLARKE * GRUBB. Whiilter! Whiihef! B'hlihef C LARKE A GRUBB havs Jsxt nesired it Bblx. Melivais’i Extra Copper DlstSlsd Cora K'nUkey, »sd far sale cheap. Isueb 21. Who wanti any Bye. « uheli 2ja. fvrgeel, wb&ek /received and for.aale ALEX. 1L IVAL’UCZ., ..WM. C.ROBBfSOK Wallace & Eobihson C OMM f s si on e merchants AND DEALERS IS TENNESSEE PRODUCE! We rive epeeial attestion to the .ale of Baeox, , poor, Grain, Wbiikey, Tobseeo, Aeq'Jte. Lard, Conrignment* rwpettfully rolitdied. Prcmp: attention given to C ait Orion RYZ * BARLEY. A to*, of Ey. fc Barfcy wa3 raoheO for ,i> I- — ' VxUaCI f. EOfflSSOS. WiLLlCL 4JV0ELSSN. NEW BACON ! A LOT of prime well dried New Becca, r ■ L.foi tale it WALLACE A EOBL\SO!r& Jennery IB, 19 58 dtf LARD!LARD! I N Cew tnd Benela et low down prioe-s. by w.llace <t robinson-. Jennery 16; 1IA8 dtf NEW GANDY MANUFACTORY —AND— ATLANTA, GA. , L. r . __anUyoo Card*, Promissory Hotel, BlaakDeeds, Cheeks hand, »i his Confectionery and Biking eetablal- Way Bill!, Programmes, Hoad and Shovr Bills “® st » o{ Posters, Ac., executed at.shortcotict. jS^T* Printing in Goan and Silteu Baoifxa and Fahct CoieC-BKD I5K8, eronVelinra, 5aUo Muslin, &c., done In beautiful stylo. usiiu, ao., uvus tu uwniuiui » Having likewise connected a Booli-Bindery with their Printing K3tabii*hment, they are pre pared to execute orders for every description of ING—in a style euperior to any ever before done in this sec tion of :bc State, Their Tonis being all new and of tbo latest patterns, their .Stock of material* the leit the Northern markets afford, and their work men equal to any in the South, they feel confident of their ability to give entire eatufaetion, and consequently bavo no hesitancy in soliciting the Medical & Surgical Practitioner, Marietta, . . . . . Georgia. ^Office at hlsresidonce. G. J. MIGHT. Attorney at Law, Albany, • Georgia. May 16, 1957. WM. A. HARRIS. Attorney at Daw, Isabollo, Worth Co., Georgia. P,efors to—Moj. J. L. Harris, MillodgeviU*; Hon. A. 11. Hansell, Thomasville; Miller A Hall, Oglethorpe} Hon. R. H. Clark, Macon; Col. J. W. Duncan, Atlanta. JAUED III WIN WIIITAKEU, Attorney at Law, Atlanta, Ooorsia. Offiis, front room* over J. 11. A 0.11. Wal- laeo’i Store, corner Whitehall and Alabama it*. May 26, 1857 MARK JOHNSTON, Attorney at L aw, Cartcrsville, . . . Georgia. Feb. 29, lii*. dSwly J. H. SMITH. WOULD respectfully aanouMe t<< the aPtens of Atlanta and rounding country, that * • tag and oi ■ HI... J l'.jluira..i Bmmm nod receiving and opening, and will wp in store, a splendid stock or FAMILY GROCERIES, which hs li effsrlng at pricss that will compete ' \V. T. C. Cniniibell In, Rro,, S UlltlEONJand Den- ti*t», arcpretiared t« perform all A ‘iniin the p with My hbui In the city, ana.eiki a .hero of pat- «■««»' He’ wtll give *{Mil.l attention to tb. nle of Ba. ■,Mour,Orali eon. Uni, tabMOo, Ao., Ac. . Grain, Tabi , . it. reifvatfiiy aoUeltMl. ant nltnntlon pv«ntoCn.bOr4nn. — A'i Ret. on luriettn ttiMS in thr bnlUing [farmniy 20 FaokagwOlass Ware, Jut Received »Y the Subicribcr of the moet modern! T\ n'yleo, end will be nld *6 pry cent ira. then I hn« ever before been ebletosell tor If then I have ever before been Cash. Abo, Chine end Qurone Were, Plated Caatore, Plated Candlcillcke, Foike, Spoon., Tea Setle, Britain do, China Flown Veaee, &c M Io which I would invite the at tention of my former patrons and especially the Ledjea to call and examine, T. H .RIPLEY. Not, 16. 1857 dlf LAND NEAR ATLANTA a uttaBa aio land mar Allan , are fft. it arbetton, UriJn th. ' * J3T*_»a ean b. tnaal according YARN YARNS; P. O. HARPER, Attorney at Law, West Point, Georgia April 19,1355, dfwyl opanlidn* in th. profox-ilan with dursMUty and .kill. yar- Office over Al.xand.ri DrngStere, Whit. Unll it*. W. T. O. CAMPBELL. O.P. CAMPBELL. Allsnta, Jan. If dtf JQB. U. T. PULLIAU having n . __ turne.l from a vUit to Virginia will •ume the practice of hi. profession in the city of Atlanta and it* vicinity. Can be (out d at hinlKce at all boure,except when pmfe.»nnally engaged. BT Office WASHINGTON’ HALL, •eplbdwtf 1 DR. . 61. n.lUKR, HOMCEOPATHIST. FF1CE and Koum. in Dr. Pomroy > of- flee, oppoatte Pettis 8uble> otember 20, 1837 dawly CAMPHENE Itnrnipg Fluid! AND ***WSi« FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER TERMS LOW FOR T, R RIPLEY. 1 p, S.—A liberal disoounthy iho Bbl, Dtfc».wr. dim rdor* for work, in sither deportmenUot their buiincss,from any part of Georgia and neighboring State!, will meet with prompt attea tion. Atlanta Ga. Feb. 20,1SS7. (dAwIy.) Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! Of all Descriptions* B LAN 8 SOF ALL DESCRIPTIONS,can be k i had at all times, at the Examiner & Intelligencer moms Attornies, Sheriffs, Clerks of Courts, and Onlinarics, can be fumished^at short notice, any. favorite form of DEED, WRIT, or PRO- C'ESSwhich they may desire; and all FORMS ot legal instruments, commonly in use, are al ways on hand, to bo sold at the lowest prices. Attentn. M w Confection*, PattrtCB, Fruits Auc Us l* also prepared to fcrnl*b avery description of plain and ornamental Cakee, for weddings or parties, at short notice, and on accommodating terms. •Xmported wine* and bruHtes of all deseriptlon* Fancy Articles, Ac., Ac. Haritg recently returned from the 2?orth, whew be laid in a fine stock of Fancy Artlclesand eve ry thing necessary for carrying on his candy man aftetory he would^vnfonn cocnty dealers that he is prepared to furnish candies at wholesale at 20 cents per pound. Order accompanied with the cash or good city references promptly attended to. L. VALENTINO Atlanta. Nov. 10th 854, dsw-y •aBnbngLaffaOTTORMr^ Fl R\HI RE!! Best Safes, THE inhjcribers have on hand i land are now opening a large and carefully selected Stock from the Northern Manufactories. noshstandf, Bedsteads and t Thalrs of any desired pattern and price. A fine assortment of Centre, Work, Saloon and Touette Table#—Etagere'c,Corner and Side—Sofas, Teur a-Tete, etc. In addition to the above large stOek, vrt are receiving weekly supplies, Th* public are in vited to call and examine ocr stock. F. A. A J. S WILLIAMS, K«xt door to Gilbert k Clarke, Peaebtrte rt-, VUoata. Ga E, W. SEAG0. BCCCE9SOR TO SEAGO A LAWRENCE WILL COXTISUE TBE PRODUCE COM MISSION B USIN ESS, AT HIS NEW COMMODIOUS FIRE PROOF BUILDING, Front otAtlnnu Hot.t.sndnext door Io F niton Hour., ATLAKTA, GEORGIA. ww.Tho usual Facilities ottered to Shippers, ttrdsrs »pect fully ffolidted. Oct. l«th. ISM. (dkwly.) • j. k. wnScaxs. dolling baker. WILLIAMS 4. BAKER, (Suectisori to UlUianu, Rhea <(• Co.,) . GENERAL COMMISSION y-Jiri MERCHANTS, niBAUuUiling, Docntnr Street, At Unit, Grontin. Prompt nnd p&nicultr niter tkm given to the *t!c of Grain, llnco 0 , Lnrj, Flour, Fe.lhen,md Tennenree Produce gen rrally Jan. 27, 1958 dtf mu ±1' MON Female College, HE THIRD SESSION of thi. Incitntion trll com nonce on i.N DAY, the 18th in*t We bnve fitted up the buemeni of the Prc.byteri.n Church with a new fl-xr, and new drtki, affording a much more commodi. cu. end comfortab'e room than the one occu pied last year, We will occupy thin room temporarily till arrangment* can ba r mpietod for erecting permanent College Buildinqa. Term, th*eamoat heretofore publish'I. Jen 13 d&w3m J. L. ROGERS, Pna. Wrapping Paper. A LARGE lot,ju*t received of all sites and q»j IT" ‘ i qual tica, and for tale low. by ’ Jan 23, dwtf \VM. KAY, Agent. Mannilla Paper. A VERY fine -toortment Of the above. ju.t to hand on consignment. Pries low, st the New Book Store, by Un 13. dwtf • WM. KAY. Agent. ! Burial Cane*. —e era prepared to fnrai*h FUk’* Metafile Bnri al, at short notice. W. have eecnred the rerrice* of a competent penon to attend to this do- rerricu of a competent penon to attend to thU partmect. F. A. A .T. S. WILLIAMS, Nor tt/bfi-dwiv ‘ Peachtree sreet. Joseph Winshlp, COMMISSION MERCHANT FOR THE Pl'KCHASE, ESSffSax and Stbrage cf Pradncr,NMH SmOsop pone the Wewtttn A Atlan tic Railroad Depot. November 11, 1857 dawtf B l yllBK WHEAT FLOUB, Osntburgs, Yarns, bhffiing*, Shining*, From the M.murar Gotten Mills; Sugar and Coff*-*, Flour ai>d Mcdaasa* dt tiynjp 100 Keg* Nails; Adamantine Candles, All far Sale by JOSEPH WIN8HIP. January ft, 1W* dtf JS T ew Orleans Groceries on COXSlGiVMEXT, The first arrival of tie New Crop AT ATLANTA. Seago, Abbott & Co., 6jflj EdbeHtgejff>e«>4g. supply of th« Joetly celebttad E UREKA O/A at wheteeakar-dnitaU. Arm — —OIL at wheteeak ardniteU. Arm mdwtlao mad* to tbo** wtefaisjr Main. . 8.J< SHACKELFORD, - Atmi r^mOi leOi Tenmne OQ fop Tannera. Just Memived. T5? snd.retjaedta.fai .tare, and ettkn itar Th. toOwta«artieJ«a. o Cask* raw Linseed Oil, (English f “ * soiled “ “ d 0 A “ wiaD 2 “ 20 Bbla. | 10 * 10 “ assorted YaraSehea. 30 “ 95 per ceafe AleohoL 20 Burning JffcifL 10 ‘‘ CampheAO.' 10 “ Spirits TnrpeBtinc. 20,000 lbs White lead, assorted. 150 Boiea^JIas, assorted sizea. Whnnbeq echnd Paints, and all fer Painttcx* bs*. Far aria bv attou. w«y », IX*;. s. izixxsaa. The discovery of this Writing Held v-ss th. remit of.chemical adcideat. TT-rTnm.iT fill tr tail in relation to enter, daxnhaav aad tany fio* from the pen. Whna toe tUdn aAl ^iittU ram rater. IttaoaUuot ho mixod with otAe. Inks, bat always he put into cfcan hotriM crKt kept rericed frim the air when not in an.! IhW Ink —hi cot eerrede thermal pen, and cemutho saTpatsed in. its quality by any Ink Earape or America. Order* are respectfnily adieited, as w. wm Fct up the abOT.Ink as low st wr eEca, ns II an b. pat ip in Philadelphia, Boitet. erffY. au, Ga. Enid MarchS, dtf. only by lira Bicgare A Guild, At- at nil tho hook stores. Pisn?f VX7TLL attend to any call* in his , v I line cf basiseai, such sa reg- 1 xlaringof action, cnvtring of k mere,(felted or bufed,) laying of can strings ky ths octave, whole nr singia, At. Sidsfacrion given in every instance or n* charge. All work wnxtMtod, Tanlng by ths Tm don. at fUdacd Price. Furniture Store, on Prachtre. nt_ Atisa- to, Go.. nov. 24, ’59, dvly. T O S1ASUFACTCRBRS TTTE are nsw receiving t D I< HAVE now in ttc-rt a ebetre cf new crop cf K.w 6yrtJ>, Iire Irawi Sngagtr, Chcica, Prime, ^Fullj Fair,' j And Fair, And will be in rereipt, veekiy, cf fsnb« Ccn- stgnmenu fren their friisds in Sew Orleans oar- ing the season, which they wlil teil to cash buy er. at 14 per cent l.wer than the same good* can be bengbt in any other Georgia market. Alas, an ample stock of Coffey Salt, Tobacco, Gandies, A.-. SEAGO. ABBOTT A CO. Orenpy Seago and Abbctfi bnilding, ceranr For- jyth and Mitchell ttreeu. January 2,1555 dtf enrreut Honey Bought. We wtil buj the ccsei of the Tenneree* Banks, alao, Kentucky and New Orleans. SEAGO, ABBOTT A CO. November II, 1567 dtf Birds Eye Lime. We are Agents for the sal. of Mr. BL Soger’s c Lima, put up in 5 basic! Birds-eye 1 ranted full measure, and of superior 1 barrels, war- dor .quality to et. 'Ordar* by any other lime told in this market, the Cu load will be filled at kiln prices, by S., A, & CO. AUU Stones, Bolting Clothe, Ac. Ws ar. also agents for kre in. Morris A Trimble, Balti more, Md-, Importer, and Dealer. In Vreaeh Burr, Co-j edatereed to n> will b* faith* felly sxocnfed bj them at aanafnetaree prices. £., JL t Co. Bering', Fire k Barrier proof Safes, to lls.'-.- on hand at SVw York priore by A. t Co SEAGO, ABBOTT A CO. September, II, 1SS7. James M. Carter, large 1st of Sole Leath er, Caif Sirica, Linings, Bind- I togs. Lasts, Pegs, Kit) and _ _ everything connected with (he Boot and L_ business, which wilt be aoid at low prices Cash. All orders accost parried with Cash w3 be promptly filled with good Goods, and at brer rates—at th* Sign of the Big Bom, Teachware street, Cherokee Block. aySOdtf DHOCy A. MIX. BKUXIAKT PROSPECTUS I FOVMTH TTAJt C-F TH2 Cosmopolitan Art Associatian. THI FAMOCS Dasseldorf Galen or Pa in ting* 1 Purthatei et a Cut of 8150,0001 axd rowin'* world kExomrcD srarrx c* B THE GREEK SLAVE!! Be-purohased fer rix thousand doBan, with w- vera! hchdred other works of art, to FMatir-gl, Sculptures aci Brontes, ccntprise tha Pramiaxa to be awarded by the subscribers cf th*. fbsusopo- lltan Art Auooaticu, who subscribe before tb* SSthof Jtsamry 1559, at which ths* th* award* will tahepUce. Thai of Snicamtov—Brexy rebneribs oi three declare is entitled to * copy of the Ur ra entitled “Maoifret end rpleaded SteelEngrariagst Deitisy,” also to a copy of the Cosmopolitan An J curatl one ywu, also so a cerrifioate in thoewntd ofpr«nucai,*lMto*&«*ndmiarioa t* the Du*, stldorf and Cotmapoliras GaUcriaa. Thu* it u tees that for evt^thnn doUan^ paid, Forwarding j* Commitsion’Mer chant. SAVANNAH. GA.. gf-la Jean' Kri Btoct, Bsy Street—(lately eaenfUS by J. lagan oil, £» 5 ) P. S. Liberal advancer wiade on eS ecu- n ju-FI*EO:ES —Fattra, Bnl th. subscriber not eelj rocelres a rpUndid l doBsr engraving, bat also,.tha beautifully Out- TWO DOLLAR ARTJOURC A AL, cue year. Each subscriber is also prerent- ed with a cert irate is the awards cf Preanumi,' whieh arahtabl* work of Art,‘in PsintingOf Sculpture may be received in additwa, than giving to every tabscritcr sa equivalent to th* vaha I Ira dollar*, nod a tsrtifieat* gratis. Any on* of the U string tt ifigeriaa* is turn, ished, instead of Engraving and Art Journal, desired. Se parson is rentrirCed to a sing'.* share*- Those taking five membanhips, remitting $13 an autttltd than extra Erigrericg aud sixtTckot* Fall particular* of tha Assoriatioo ire givaai a tha Art Jourxal, which contain* ever sixty splen did Engravings, price fifty rents per combe?.— Specimen copies will be sent te all penon* win desire to subscribe, <a receipt cf fivo postage jumps 15 cents. Address C.L.DERBY, Actuary C. AR MS Broadway, New York,or WJf, H. BARNES, Hon’y Sac'y Dec 25—dtf Atlanta, Geergia. Im pro red Cotton Gins and Th resiling ISachtnes. T WR tsteiip8d UWm mmi lb«ir t froa Msypa Ofttty, w^t^Atkaiti to isfbro \ r ol4 pauoaa a *CVl, Jebolofor- _ . hmxm ^ " '* Ro»*r Ga.;P. H. OSm. ite, teat* NEW AUCTION HOUSE THOS. F. LOWE, Whitehall near Mitchell St, Atlanta Ga Wb«*t Thmh*n oatbvix ? Ibolt Gtou on vcQloAva ami maJmtallya* xromA in Caorroq SoaU Oanttaa, a»4 Uparts of Texas, Hlssimifpt, Scrth Carxrius- Th.y ore of la# t#cj Wot satariola a mum i» t*4Thi te =a3m thea eear»*a5e=t $dI Csabk <ter from u*, a ... . J |p ofaetsrm cf«qaal reyaoca* aod wJX &«2im %k*m*X tka parchawr’a midcoea e cMNii R- R* D#y& St— e! chaijt fer trawpertatioa. QtafractesajnimI# BUTTER AND CHEESE. A LARGE supply on hand of euperiot ' L quality, and lor sale by JOSEPH WINSHIF. Nov. fit, 1857 dawt* SALT. X A A 8*ck» in store and for aal* by 01JU JOSEPH WlNfcHIP. No. ta, 18*7 A —" Iron! Iran! A LARGE Stock aftrawah Msuuaftj- turing and Mining Company's Iron, eon} * tan tip on hsit’., st Manufacturers price, by JOSEPH WIN8HIP. November ti. l*5o daw*' MPORTANT INKOK.W(iTI'TN, by which much suffering in families rosy be avoided,Vmnt to married men and thoM | contemplating marriage. Address’ en>. itdosgfout stamp*, Dr U. W AUDlsCOh .... . ntamn*. Dr U. W AUDlaCOMBB Brooklyn. X. Y, Nov. 18, 1867 d&wtm A LL our goodr wilt be sold at low price* for or country Praduoa, •“"GO,ABBOTS* CO. n«OsMa n? FEATHERS. A L«tOB «PPV| *5- rewrimibara^u BACON & LARD. A NEW SUPPLY, BY JOSEPH WIN8HIP. B ANK. AGENCY. ,M®x M* tome of Hiat* tlorafrattec to lb» p*retia« and ni« of all kind* et rtt-i-zrn. Croo*rW. HarchaadiM, aad >'#- Itam. rr riaruitea or Fottlfr tuo. Ordm r»*F#cUTiUy aoii^tadaad aad f * ith ftt’.Iy hliftodeixo. fdaelldvlT with oar Craiagfic erioenl Areata, Qrtfratte; otaerby- iirectcrirre THE BEST SELECTED SAD ASSORTED STOCK * OF Family Groceries IN THE cm op jlslantjl, la to b* found ot tho 3Atlanta Family Store," pafeemauta of oar Gin* and thmkwa, may b* sat* re opnSasMoa t* Agwta ty. All Gut* wamatadto partamweB. Exyab tag at share -etirs and lath rtrbritrc. JOctXFB WIXB3F h OO. :LM m 13 Whitehall Street vEpRGEHvD AthwdT Msy 5, *65. ldawy s o o I STALL FED BEEVES. HE Suboctibcr is in arant of a Urt tityofNo. l.Fat Beevra, fb* ar! ill pa, th* highest Market price, dalirvredln thi* City in ' ' ’’ ” ” any number Bom this tuna until lit of Jut, next. EDWARD PARBON8. Jan-11,1058, dhwtf 2300 Jvel^Tren^S^SJ Whiskey, Sara, sad fhr sals oo rensanable wrms. ».7t i/vr a Miathtu VAILACS k SOMySOS* h ii ^“ri5Sff - ju«arSS