The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, February 24, 1858, Image 1

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waMjaw ; T- BY DUNCAN & LOCURANE- VOL. 1. "ERROR. CEASES TO BE DANGEROUS WHEN REASON IS LEFT FREE TO COMBAT IT. —JEFFERSON. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 24, 1858 DAILY sTwEEKLY^ B Y DUNCAN & LOCHRANE TWUMS OP SUIJMU11IPTION. Dally lotrillgsocor, per anautn lu altaaco, Wrakly, “ iiA.'TMH OH* AUVWRTISINO. Advertising In th« Dally Intelligencer will be Iniertodafc tholfollowing ratos per nquAro of to# lines. Out inaertion, CO eti. Ono month, €6 00 Two “ tl no Two, “ 8 (IP V Thro., • 1 54 Thrco * 10 0() la Poor, " 1 40 Pour, u 12 00 Mvo, « i »4 Siv, » 15 0(1 One weak. 5 Sfl Ono yanr, 25 00 , 8pori no»inlfact« will boujiido for yearly *vlver UsomsaU occupying & ooiiur*n. quarter, half or whole r«s2T. Adr-srthamcnt? from transient poreeni must be paid in ndvaaee. Legal A»lvortlcoiflentr published at the uaua rates. Obituary notlccFOxeeeiiitig ton Uno* chary e-t i« advertiacmvnL*. AnuounringCKndldates fof offlan, tb 00, to le r&* 4 In advance. * Wbou advertisement:, are ordered In both th* Daily, md AVeeVly, 25 per rout, will bo aided t o tho abovo r.*.- j*. , it The ortvlUge of yearly advertiser* is nrloUy limited to tliolr own limnediatc and regular business. Pf ofonsionai G’Ard* ooteacecdlng *li lines, * per annum. , .... Advs-tlsomonun^UTe^b^ ft8l ° tlwiewlll b( pnblUhad till ordered out and charged at regular rate*. , ttt .. AdvertUcmenri inserted it* the Wookl) papar only will Li ohartro I nt. former rates. * Look Store New Store, TTew Goods. AND New Arrangements. Books and Slalioucdy! TUB undersigned if /fSjtljL ’ Incrtnilng Ui:» stock ^ Hcokft and station "ryttKaufa^ * t<y every s'enintr from tho N«rth and HaUo In rcct lptof tbo New Publications of the principal publishing bcUMii ** Mvjn a* n» if. sued from the pref r. lie offeri for_tulc at Ibw prices— , 100 resrrf FclI-J loft, Cap, Letter, Noto.auil Commercial Note Vapor. THE bait qiuUtim of Ti.-rtio and Hrowing P*f«t, Mu,h Paper, Drill,l Hour I, Hill l’.ipor, II lot ling apar, Kavolopel of xtl -itar nni .(j-iaUtlorj kilo, “ CHEAPEST Blank Bookt of nil qukiitlM, tcfretlier »Uball the lUr.lo article* of Stationery libiiallj fount' In a BOOK STOKE mob a. cnnnly home, Bob col, Fancy nn.l Petit, •t [nkclanri*, Pnrtfilior, Dark Uamuimi and Cb.M,, diets Mm, Parltnor.ler, Pucket Book., SIi.rIo ami Duubto Slate i, PorcolaK States, Kruilng Kslvoj, Paper Folder* Pen Ruin, Steel ID.) Quill Pons, S&cltjfcc, nil the be*t trar.dsof Writing, Cnpjlo* an l Inooltlilr Ink,, Visiting anil Playing Oardt, all warranted ai g Knl and at a, low price, a. can bo found IN THE CITY. AIM, Bl'd Filer, India ItuUer, India lloVhjr Ring,, Quill., Sealing m Hr I, Black, Fancy and Whit-; Indin Ink, Brnwlttf Siatct, Cr.yOn, Orayon KoMerr, Bpk Kami, Paml Boxes, Bill Hoad lioxoi, Calender,, *c- All of wblcb will be mid at tho Inwrrl pricer, a- WM. KAY, Ag-ot. ’ Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Unoryln. fj, B. Plea.o remember tho location, nr.r-.t Btcro to the mnernl Pniroomr depot and nil the lintel,. dan 2:!, Mo -inif grr.TUrUrro Btyntoffl Georgia XLailEoad & Banking Company ^ugUbtii to AUtiiu.. 171 Milra. .Fare $5 6u. CEQKGE YON(iD, Huporiritcudnot MtmKtNO VAsaRNon* Tbaih.* Leaves Atl*ntn «.aily at 10 00 A. M Arrives r. I Augusts, at..........7 t’0 'JVM. 1,-avi-B Aueustfl, tlai’y at 2 UO A. M. Arrives at Allan r, ot 11 .10 A. M. KvBNINO PAHgKNOkll TtiAlh- ' cavea Atlanta daily, at 12 P. M- Arrivuaat Augusts, at 8 Fjfi A. M. I.aavt's Augusta, d»;i!y, «t v ,,4.00 P. M. \rriv»*rtftt At'a»»t.i nt I 04 A. M. fy ThiiKoad tuns in conn ctinn with the Tnisvof thn 8oijth Carolina and tho ttavan n«h and Augusta Kvilromls at Augusta. Western it Atlantic (State) Rail Hoad. Mlanta t) (’hattanooga. 134 Miles, Faroes. JOHN W. LHWI.H, Hupdrintonloot. Morning Pakskngkr Train, Leaves A Hants, daily, at. .2 10 M. ArrivesntChatlonoogn at. ...1007 A M. Leaves Chattanooga, daily. a*t.... I 30 A. M Arrives at Atlanta at 0 C3 A. M Niout Pafpknokr 'Frain. I.caves Atlanta, nightly at 12 Ift P. M Arrive* itl ChnttMOcgi ut 8 2 ft P. M I.eaves Chattanooga, ni-htly, at,.3 10 P. M Arrives at Atlanta at 11 22 P. M fy 'Phis Hoad connect*curb w»y with the tltorne Branch Hnilmad nt Kingston, the Eart Tctinctau'n ikOtorgm 'aPruad at Dalton, and tho N'a>hvilio &. Chattanooga Railroad at ( hut* unouga, jad. k. ALixAxncK. wm. a. eiiKwiT-1 |^’ LLLILEMEK li. LXAMl.'iLK JOB OFFICE! Atlanta & Lagrange Rail Read. ahtir to West Point.87 Milos,.Faro f3 Atlonlu GEORGE Cm. HULL, Superintendent. Morning Pa^knoer Train. f.eaves Atlanta dailv at 2 00 A. M. Arrives nt West Point nt 7 24 A. M Leave# West Point daily at 4 00 A. M Arrives at Atlanta at.. 0 27 M Evening Passhnurq Train. Leave# at daily *t I 00 P. M. Arrives at Wist P-int «t 6 2fi t s . ,M Leaves West Point daily at...,. . 4 30 P. M. Arrives at Atlanta at ,10L*»P M cr ti ii# Road connect# each way with lh« MontcGtne*v *fr Writ Point Railroad. MACON & WESTERN R. R. MACON. December 14th, 1«57. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and alter Friday ilia 18th the trains will be run at follows: Leave Macon U, m. srr Atlanta 8.15 a. in. Leave Macon 11 30 a m arr Atlanta 5 20 pm t cava Atlanta 12 night, a.r Macon 7.16 a. m. Leave Atlanta 12 ni. arrive at Macon 6.40 p,m The night trminiwill not be run on Hundoys. The night. t ain from Atlanta connecta with the Central Road at 0.45 a.m., and the duNth* Western at 11,30 s.m, a!so with the Al bany train, tri-weekly;-which leaves Macon 7,15 s. in, on Mondays, Wednesdays'ami Fri days. Tho noon train connects with the Central H »ad at 11.30 p. in.' and h’mith-western R. for Albany and C.lumhusat 1 30 a. m. ALFRED L. I'VLKR.Sup’t. S Drc 23. 857 dAw. ^rofessio® S®. DRS. ALEXANDER & SHELBY, OITu'o Cum ' otM.rlelU i Murki". UrneU- Jan 3.1858. dwly D rTJaM ES"M . M O RRIS, O FFICII on Marietta itlresl, op;joiile Or. J. F. Alexander',. AlUtito, (la., February 9, 1S19 'Iwtf 8TO NE&.F ITC H , Alturnuri b< l-atv, O FFICE In M»tkt«ro , < Hleek. u|> Plain, ATIJIH OE ' ‘ Ui.jUOU. January S‘J, 18W Cwly JAMES M. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW HOUSTON TEXAS, W ILL practice in the District and Inter* 1 ior (Jou'ta cf this »Vtate. (Jaruful attention paid to the inrcstiin'.ing of Lind Titles, loth* buying, selling and In citing of Land GerrificatM Prornplueai given to the collection of ali lairnr. Hi5?fRfNcrB:—lion. Wm Selden, Wash ington, D (J; A Austin Smith, Washington. D • ; lion Wm Hniith, Washington. D 0; Hon R Johnson. Baltimore, Md; Gov Wm Eaton, Warrcmnn, N L'? Rev Rd Johnson, Atlanta, On; W \V G.iiries, New < f rloan», La. T'Xas KarcRKVOSB—Hun P H Bell. &in Antonio; Judge Paschol, A’an Antonio; Jud.'e G W Paschal,Austin; Hon P WGray, Hous ton: Pi rkins A Kcecb, Houston, janiwy 7, 1868. dwly DR. T. S. POWELL, FFICE over Smith A Lizard's J*ru s Store, where hs can t e fou^d du iog tfcs day, and atnigh'y Ht b'.« residoaceoQ the corns*' ol Coiiinr and .1 Streets. Atlanta, Jan* 20, 1858 w. A. J0NS8. s. B. BOTT J O N E S?&.7H OYT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, iMBcfc in Kile's Building, Corner of Marietta and Peach-tree Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA* Jan 13 d?m ]r~ TrilXattXW,A'i;ru/(KEY AT jtx.% LAW. Htnggotd,Ucurgia,vill practice in the fril"wir»g counties: Cotooaa, Chatt»oga, Murray Gilmer, Whitfield, Gordon, Walker, Dade. Jftfcrtnce*,- Mnj. \V. Y. Hansel!, Mari* etta, lUnic’l it rtimpson. Marietta, Jumcs lb Lawhou,Esq , DahSoncgs 'tlflbcifetygtytg. 13 Butler to €o. COMSIISSrON MERCHANTS. FyH 7F.r. eracuisa and «At* or TENNESSEE PRODUCE TUB PROPUUTOnS having r«»iently ad-led to tbs JOB DBPABT/ra?T of the Esul a I/A RGB and VARIED iortmentof tko Lotert Stylt* of I N E II I PLAIN ARC FARCY ^re prepared to execute in a neat and workman, k* manner, every description of Purticularattentioe will be given to the Print log of Circular,,' Wav Bills, Blank No to,. Bill Head,, Blank Deed,, Bank Check,, Programme,, Basiaeu Cards, HANDBlf^EE, POSTERS, Ac. II*a -,j,e-*.fully .oli-lt the petr-nspo of our friend* in the city and country, and h#«ure then: that ail orders will be promptly and satisfactorily attended to. CrjTTON, GROCERIES, <fe.,‘ * A 1 if. ta a an. n Struct, (F'.tolb o! tbt ilacoo t VTutOTS bvjrct,) A tija n t a, Georgia itniii Vencf awe tV-r.»» t**rea at rar lei VrAurjt Alli^U Gee-r^s, Jua-, 9Al, 2*47. New Stock Coming In '©immm GENTS PI® SUING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS; 1L M.CLAUKZ. •t i. aHLaa ClarkeA (irubb COMMISSION merchants. Agents for collections of ail kind* And .Dealers La EiCQH LA2D, FEOBSCf 0? iLL'DKSt O HOOK KIES. icO At ih# • loeli&d,ca WtiUkaH Bt-, AttasU, Ca rvlsacot, Lari as4 Coca always as hand. Strict UtrutioB patfi U>Cot»4gsx*talso< trarj irntripUao, a»4 fc*tti:uee« prMBatJr Ortcri scseactfaHy vLeil+L ai iearstaily 111*1—if or lUss. SEED BARLEY I J U3T recrired, a first rate ankle of Barley, for Beed. I'rise, $2 per bushel. Sept. 7, i\L CLAJ1KJJ k OBUBB. lory r,.\d Mcarhast Tatiering csUVJi.-h xnciit, for Full and Winter, all Aa latett styles. OLe of theUrt itocka. ol Clctbs. Cateitiitror aj.r. , Vestings id CLtorgia, from tihicb to make a fries- j ^ ** 11 *• tStirU, Drawers, Under Oarmenw, Crarau. Oest'i Hosiery, Gloves, Iravelicg Bt^eis and Wbltkey! Whiibejr! Wbltkey C LAF.KF A beiBB bur. jut rtneirti „ BbU. MeUralc's Extra Copper DistOlad Cora IHiiiitij, and for sale eiuf . karri 21. Who wanti any Eye- Carte t C'.-uty Las IA/ li^sLeia Sy*. le-r feel.which “ * Uyt- a IW. ’I a»JoF» Trlsrmicgi, Ac., for rale at the loweit to ihtcatf* trade,at . . W. IlERBIXG iSOK'S. 45 Whitehall r*-, Atlanta, Ga. A ’so spiffs fer Sit ren Peeing Machines. fi. P. Eddy k to., (8CCOBUOR1S TO C. H. HAST RTKP.'k CO ) ECK, J )3 !iD I'.iiiiJinj 6FiiCE,. AN D IBook-^Gindory.. Corner of B hiUhall and Alabama »U., ATLANTA. GEORGIA. G. V. EDDY & CO., ►Ting jus: added to their former axteorive assort* meat of B 0 0 K and JOB TV PE, C l f T 6, ORNA MENTS, Ac., a very large variety of new materia!*, 0/ thebueit ttylet, together wilt one of IIoo’s celebrated Cylinder Presses, ire moro fully prepared than heretofore, to give dispatch to all orderzforwork in tbeirlino—which they will execute in the bolt stylo of the art, at ^a^Harticutar attention paid tn thecolecting | fak prlees for Cash, business. May 28, 1857 d*wly Particular attention paid to the execution o, 1 FINK WORK for Railroad ini other Joint; took rawtfvtd axd fer rxla by CUEUi GRUBB. March 2t. For Sale. tho Justly eolebetod BUDBKA OIL U wheleaak airttsiL Axxa rwsetVoa s ado to those virile* iatV mIs. _ g- / SH^CKeJoRD^ Just deceived. *“ °** Z> rk» 5oa»»i«)c Muck., 1 Caalta raw Li weed Oil, (English 2 . fxiiled w 41 do 2 “ winterstrain'dnBrespr’mOi 2 “ “ - “ whale Oi 20 Bblfl. genuine Oil fat Taanera. 10 • Rosin " “ 10 " assorted Tezzi&cs. 30 “ y.5 per cent. AieoboL 20 BnmngRrfi 10 " Cam phene. 10 u Spirits Tnrpcriins. ^ 20,000 lbs White lead, assorted. 150 Boxes Glass, assorted sizes. ca-Bra»h^x5t«rf Plica, n4 >U far Paintan* rue. Sot ealt by AlUaU. Kay 9. lttT. A* n«v»VTy» ILEX. k. WaUjiCB TTK. C B0 BIN SON Wallace ilobiuson commiss e ioVmerc l hant3, AND DEALERS IS TF/NNESSEE 1 PRODUCE! We give rpecixi atteaticn to the tale cf Baecz* Lard, Flour, Orris, Wbitkey, Tcbaeoo, Ac., Ac. Ccnsigaratnti rerpecifolly wbrjted. JKS'yrt-nipl attention pret U C>si Orders GARHIAGE HhPOSlTOHY! A^jcinicg the career cf AI&. & Loyd Btmif Atlanta, G*a. R OB’T. II . 31 A Y j navits removed hit CARRIAOK DEPOSITORY to the above cligi- ole stand opposite the Wi/ticgton Hall, aid enlarged his facilities, ix preparfrd tor fitl all order* with which he may be fiT&red, on e.« good terms as can he obtained in Auguita or Sa^ Aonsb, with the addition of Freight!. Hit nock embrace* L Carriage.!, Coa«-r*3 Bsggiei, 4 at:d6 ae&tKoek&wayt, Slide Seat* do., Fall Top* dv , With and without Top, i’nrb>5*, Tip Buggies, n*liar Wason*. No Top do., Whip, Ac., ol the bert nstsfae- \ tare and Ute*t *tyie- A share of patric- i ,ge is -tf f-cctfully tciicited. ■ r 2$u. Order * for P.-.mily or Plantation Wagon* J * Hot,,,..! m : J.-u.rr 1Y£ k 2A2LFY. "i jiihi i k Wi&ssox. scojuraitEsl~ 1 Fu. NEW BACON ! \ LOT ftf jii-a* well dried New Ij'.tC'b. i*Je tl WALLACE & ROBLNSOjCS. J& ir*. IHiA dtf lardTlard~! . LLACE A EtfRIXSOK 6, i srs dtf fkA!SX mW. The iiseoresj of (bit Writizg Flotd wu tb§ result of chemical accident. Ilgam*—« all oth- er tpkj in relation to «kr, dioahQny gad easy flow from Od p«u When toe tttdc, aid a Hxtto It ehonld not he mixed with other Ink*, Ut always he p« into deea bottles asA kept corked from the air whan not in nee* IhU Ink will net corrode the iteel pen, and earaet be sarpaxeed Is it* quality by any ink maasteetarwA ' in Europe or Axzscriee. Orders are respectfully JoHoted, u we wffi pat ep tbe-ahore Ink as lev at our 0See, as it as be pet cp is Philadelphia, Boston, *r H T. pB'iisAs only by Dru Birgtzt A Solid, AU nta, Ga. Bold at all the book * Urea. MarchS. ixL ■ ... Piuu’vofte Rep&iienuufTnnar \T FILL .tiew t. u j cilj is Us V V 12s. ii biiiMss, *_:h u r*g. B9B&H Uuioj.f utiott, ccrirtijof ku. IT # Til orUifisd,)Ikjizg .tunoirp if U> turn, wbU. or tingle, Ac. Ss:it£srtior girts in mij lastuc* or >. sLsrge. Ail work wtmntei. Tanlng by tte Veor done ot JPrscoo. At! criers sboild b» .HI ot Ktun. WO- Utai' FsrUun Sun, « PueUn. It, NEW GANDY MANUFACTORY -AND- U, Ga. hot. Jfl, *11, M,. J Oii.V V. IIKARU— AT'i'OHNE V Compulcs,TrsDivortstian Ar;ot!, B»nij, Col-j AT LAW,—Colquitl, Millsr, co brorgis. logos toil Bohooli, Auort«,i, Public Oftccr «lr Do yon Want to Buy BOOKS 1 Do you Want Cheap BOOKS 1 Do yon Bay CASH for BOOkS I Como HERE to got your BOOKS 1 SCHOOL BOOKS ! ! T HE M'.'F.t-L’ItlBKIt has on bond, (and ii Jail, receinng additions IlifTHi.) one ol (to> 1 cnl mo.i cxlcn.ivo stock "rtJchwj and Miicillcneouinodk. in ihe rttsln, which he offers foi sale upnii ih. mut rc.wnnblo lermr-Consirtlng in put ol Olmsted. Bullions. Andrews; Anihons, Fsxkers, loim- si'jeks, i'helfis, (Ooodtic'u «). Angon, 1 owns, Mitchell.. Olnors, Ncrirs. Comprising Eng- ti h and Lal'll Ortmmws. Bnggffi reader, acid classics gcncVallr. Ceographics, /*h loniphies, Astronomies. Hl.ti-rie*, Bf«ihng Bonks, l)e-, Aunljcrs, Arllhraeuc, l>irt|onan>», CsUch'.ms,nr.d l)nestisn Books, Ac, Ac. Al- so a largo lot of sniioncry. . A liberal dfdurion made l« Teachers and Merchant» pnrchislns hv lbs (junilitf, at tli. , . XK1 r BOOK STORE.t JaliSlidAwtl M‘,t. KAY, Agent. V -; Atlsuto, On. SceJT Socd! Seed! Garden Seed. WE haTt-vesHMial. gol out our l«r/l> sl'ick of Garden Seed, ami a >h.-so .rho hate bought of us here, trmiio, can attest to their fin. qualitiM. Met- chanu from ilm country, wo; in* rilo end'boro In, seturp tile r tnde. Wo wnuld s‘so isk a tltvral sharo of patronage from outritiums Call tltd M« , BMITU A EZZMID. Jannare 1*, 1U8H dlf •T DOWNING HILL C3?%M&&'Ga£3#b s ATLANTA, GKOItGlA. X HB rubsribera effer at wholcialo or rclsil, a vur> citeniW. cpllwuon of Fruit Trees, 1 ine«, &o.,Ac. . Cstslogno sent li; mail. to all tpjdicanls lieool charge PETRUS, HAUDEN A CO., ■i Atlanta, (Jeer?is. Nnrembfr tl.JFM dim not ire. FOR SALE. A LMUili iitfvutmcni o’ Virgiuin Ln«f Tobacco, varying in price an<1 qualify, at retail and wli^liuol**, as# chimp ns the cheapest. 8 J. BHACKHLP 'RD, Ar\ Nov 14, 1857 iltf New Uoufo to tiic South-‘Voa ... N"CUkrlwt\ivalUiKHoTf!i CctOfl^tM! Connsctlng Chaf&*oo<rgar'Tebn.; Char’oiWD, 8. €-a Savanuab, Ga.; and all North-East«rn Cities with Memphis, Tone. ^BSrThe l«wt connecting Link of Unll*Ro«d between New York and the Mh'*h*lppl Hi vert *&ai This Road D now conat>l*•ted, , and opened fet the regular transportation ot l , iv«.ienger? and Prsfgbr. end will afard more •.*xpeiirio/i and les* expense, thsn any other route between tho Nurth Kan and South-West. l'AS/or.ger» and shipper* wlll/'tiko lue notice thereof snd govern thi *elre»ficcc'rdin»'lv. M Pa^enger Train* IcaTe Stevotuon drily at r 12 o’clock,A. M., (ufter the arrival of tho train Irom ChstUuoogii and Nashville,) and arrive nt Memphis i»mo day at 7, P. M., eonnoctlng with P:r*t Class Steam Packet* to New Orleans, and all other important points’upon tho Western rlv- ertf.* (Ioo,i* consigned to ItriLRoad •Agonts nt Charle*ton i r Pavannnb, will bo forwarded to Memphis and other prints, by Express Freight Trains. fifr Freight In charge of the Atlam's Expreii Company, I* carried over thi* route daily, by tb* Passenger Trains. P.0. ARMS.Qeneral Sap’t. llantsvillo, Ala., April 1 at, l c &7. •Through Tloket* to Memphi*, Ac., sold at Wilmington, N.C.; Cbnrlest'-n, S. C4 Augnrtn, Savannah, Macon, Atlanta ard Columbus. Oa., MontgomoryLiAU.; Chattanooga and Nashville. Tcnn, ; SfuTo connect with tho Western Trsim on t D Uoad, passongor* will take the Night Train* from Wilmington, N. C.; Augusta, ChatUnoogs and Nashville, Tenn,; and tho, day train* from Charleston and Kingsville, 6. C,; and Atlanta'. TOHiWtES AT L.iVV-Macon Georgia, o a. wemutre. lamae I laving h»a(>cittcd themselves in butiness -will derate themselves exclusively to the practice of thrift profession, [,/*nl3Jwly \\7 1LLIAM 31. UAXFOIITII— \} ATTUIUVEX AT LAW—Fairborn, Georgia. July 25. 1867 « swtf UNDERWOOD & UAU> IS, Attorneys at Law, Atlanta Georgia. 0 ,1 Ul ■). ...r a.W.IIAI'. J.w rirySiore. M&rcUVJth,ltf6T. (dly) Koe. »V. H. UanxKV«>ui>.| tWasr BiEst*. Merchants, and others. Books, Paaphlsu, LUTHER J. GLENN Attorney at Law, Atlanta, . .. i . . Georgia Wiilattend the Court# In the Counties of Ful ton, DeKnJb, Fayette, Campbell, Merivetber, Coweta, Carroll, Henry, Troup, Heard, Cobb, and d paldlng. DU. L. J. ROUKKT. Medical & Surgical Practitioner, Mai'ictta, Georgia. ^Offlcc at hisresldoncc. Mou, x'ftnspaiois, Catalogues, Circulars,, Card*. Promissory Notes, Blank Deeds, Checks Way BUls, Programmes, Hand and Show a^Ui Posters, Ac., exe-utod at ihorinotice. pB*Priming in Gold and Siltxr Baoaix and Pawct Colored Ixks. or on Vrilum, Sarin Muslin, ae., done In beautiful stylo. Haring likewise connected a Book-Bindery with their Printing Establishment* they are pro-, pa/ed to execute orders for every description of; work in that department—including RULING and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING—it * style superior to any ertt before done in this se? tion of the State. Their Toais being all new and of tbe latest patterns, their Stock of materials tue beat the Northern market* riTnrd, and their wore* men equal to any In the Sooth, they feelcoefi^tAt of iheir ability to give enure satisfaction, and consequently have no besitsney in *riicittng the patronage of their friends and the pobBe. ^^.Ordsr# for work, in either department, of theirhtiftassc. from any pert of Georg.i and neighboring iute*, will meet with prom; *. atten \ tion, Atlanta Ga. Feb. }0, 1$57. (dAwly.) Blanks! Blanks! Blank's! Ofnll Descriptions. ATLANTA, UA. T UCsubocriUr the citizen* of At lasta und vicinity that Lt ha» <»t hand, at bu Confecrioncry and bakuig eeublixh- cncf-t, alt of Confections, Puctrit^, Fruits xc He is also prepared to furnish every dcscrij tion of plrio and ornacunial Cakes, fnr weddings or panic*, at shwr: oorice, and on arcosunoiatiag terms. Imported wire* and brandies of all dfirripriosr . j frr mediraJ pprposef.kep.-always cn hand. Alio, reuuiae Spat Iso Cirar*, *od choice chewing To* eacco—tcgf.Lsr with & large ucortment of leys, Fn:,ry Altic.lei, Ac., iff* 11 wing’recently rt;urted free the North, whore he laid in a tr.e » ■ *k of Fancy Ariiclv j-nd e^s- ry re:.- j; • s .-r *trryicg on his candy man ufactory he vc-ulu-nforra county derierstbtft neii pie; a;e.i ;ov furr.Lh candies •: wferiesiJ* a: Jv New Orleans Groceries on CONSIGNMENT, The first anrivtlof tee New Crop ATI ATLANTA. Seago, Abbott & Co., HAVE new la »lot» a ti*;*, RCTR ■k of ctw etc, cf Nov OikunM A i,L vononi InJ.kla I, .ho taUlo of C. D ii ’ *” * ’ J '■ ' J\ 1 ft t late of JforriJ mt JtJ’dooo.wl, aro fo- " rt * m.l jlnlOMa.II PV»dil ami .hot. Mr. .liuaol. «i!lrool«( lh.m la, aocenlia, ur, 'DootoN.l l»» LAD I 8HAD I'! 8HAD l I I 8tShad>rfjS2&finb Heaow Atlnaln, .Junuury , ,18.18. ao*l I’Y The, 1I.1 ul Ibo Tion’ II ' *—". E wing *'<F ‘ and »ili lw Ali.iila, Mrs, (Is April l.t. ■Hf. • J. H..SMITH, l*rodu(e and Commission Mtichnnt, and Dealers in /Vjimi* and Plantation (i roc fries, 4r. Marietta rirruot, Atlanta, Georgia 77 H . S M I T h7 WOULD reipectfutl/annouoee t'SY’TYYv the ettix’tm <>f Atlanta and »ur-JvAWj ■ roun-tlns country, that he i»K5E9B now reeeirtnr anr orentnip end wilt keep in a splendid sUxl of PAMIL Y QltOCEIlIK.'i, apt - More'Zb Marietta etreet, la the buUdmf .fora-.f rty oMople-1 by C. IK Parr. I vermber 12, MS7 2 0 PackageslQla«"W tro, Juit" Beceiveii TS V tho hah.cribot of thi' rcoat modotn] |J a'yloa, anJ will bo *al<l »S |»r com fr», than! have era Uforo licon abletoaoli mi Alt,Nil. Abo, Oliina .nil (}urrna bare, Ca.lnr*, I’ioti'il (l.iHllr.tii kr, r.nk.i, Spoor;., Tea Brlta, Britain >IJ>, China Ftovr r« Vt.ea, Ac., lo which I wouM invite tho ot- -on lion of m; former polmn. anil eof-oclallj th« Ltdieii to call anil flain nr, T. II.RIPLEY. Not. 10. 1857 M U. J. Will GMT, Attorney at Law, Albany Georgia. Ma, Ki, 1857. WM. A. H A HU IS, Attorney at Law, (ftibrila, Worth Co., Georgia. Refer* to—Mnj. J. L. Uarris, Mlllodgmli*; Hon* A. H. tlau.ielt, Thotnasriile; Miller A llril, Oglethorpe; Hon. R. 11. Clark, Macon; Col. J., Atlanta. June 2-dly. 3IAHK JOHNSTON, Attorney at Law, Gartersvillo, .... Georgia rsh. :8, ISS6.dkwly Order \t i w;th:N? caih c-r good city ; jureraacM ptumpHy Lttcsdei tc. ' < L. VALENTINO, j Alalit. Nov. 40th diw-j j FUIINITTTRE1 ! F l ! B i HIRE!! Byropi Brows Sugftf«r, Choice. Prims, Felly Fair, And Fair, And will be ic recelrt. weekly, rf further Con- siyttaents frum their friecd* in New Orksr.s dar- i:.g tue season, which they will sel! to cub buy er* at l$f «r cent lewer than the same goods c±n U bcucht :n any o*bcr Georgia maxkct. Aleo, at ample stock cf Coffee, Salt, TcWoo, Ota dies, Ac. ‘ cF.AdO, ABBOTT A CO. Occupy Soflco and Abb ott** bcildjrg, ceraex Fcx- dtf HcM THE subscribers hAte on hand ^3 r.c art hr.w opening a Urge and Vo* art -Hy selected Sleek fr«»tp the 1 T 1 NorlUoru .Mnuufactortea. B 1.AXKKOFA Lt, i»r.sciur - noxs,e.<. iw haii ot all time, at Urn i | I Bureau/, BxainincrWlntclliffenccrl , " Attorniee, Shrrilla, (Berks of Courts, ar.>: OrJirurio*. can be turnisheO.Jst sh.tri n.niof any favorite form of DKBll, WRIT.ori lU* CESb which they may tlrtire; and alt Ft/ HM? of ift-gal instrunii nte. commcnly tn use, arc si- ways on hind, to h» arid at the lowest prices \ tUntn, M . w current 31ouey BonsUl. Wc wfii )uythf r.otcs of the T*n&*«se* BLnka, ahavKertuckv and »w Orleans. SHAGO, ABBOTT A CO. November U, 1867 dtf Birds Eye l.lme, TTe are A petti for the rale of Mr. R L IlGger’i litrd/.sre Lime, pat cp in i ba/kri barrels, war- | ranted full measure, and of scjeri&r quality tc , , any ether lime sold :a skis market. Oritn ky R iihrtands, 1 t **® Car load will be filled at kiln phots, by Bedsteads and! —— S-, A. A CO. eipatv-rc and price. A fir*/Mil! Sloneiq Holtlng CiolllL Kc, :rc, Wf,rSalo-'c and Toi.-ette j al»o age&tifor Mps- Corcc: and r>id<—Soisj, Tele- j m rrri* 'A Trij&We, £U.!ti* ,.S9*Ic additi n U the t r«-eiticp u wk!) >-p; l; ted io call mr.d '■‘aan::! ibOT large *t;-ek. 1 ,hepabhcarc 1 T»rf:~*s:: sporti ,J S. WILLIAMS, P. O. UAKPKH, Attorney at Law, WeitPofot Georgia A|>rll 13, IS4J. iliwti II. T. (I, Campbell K Uro., S URUEOX^tuil Mechanical Den- — ~ L lUlt, are|>neparod»-perform all opcrntloni tu the prefee-lloa wiffi .lurahlHt, and skill. .ea-OBce over Alexander* DrniSlor*. White n.a W. T. C. GAMl'llSLL. Q. P. OAUPOELU Atlanta', Jen. Jf dtf D R. a. T. having re lumi-l (nut a viiit to Vitgifila will re- -Line the pradicr of hi. praleeaioii in the cilj nf Mltnla and it* vicinit,. Can he fou. d al hieoiTii e at all boon,except when pnfoMhnjHy rngatieil. C#*om-e WASHl.wrOX hai.i„ •eplMwtf QPFIC LAN.D NEAR ATLANTA ISkJ^ Sa S3 . OXt hnpdrrd eewe *f Ur-d nnr AtUn l, Ijir.jj h*t**en itreehtre. au Marietta , emit., It ,.tfeml for Kale, there intior eetae It vat, heavy Iln.Wf. fnti acre, ot - unhealelnwAtan... »h»t tt trtj a>m oi u,. „■>; le hottoai. tear. >1. tin hnaCra.cW. Ar,la n«,,of th*v,rj t*,t arlra.lcn, b,,te>. tha I’ n.a, there u MAM . MII.tttrKa>oanha loud .cythere, AprMlarttaln >tn ha ctvao. dA<.C.»LAWIinXH Atlanta, Oaireta.IUa t. 1MT,'' ,llf "yARNaii VARN ( recrieed. and will heap eooitaaUjroa •I trd a soedThie^rtmant nf Tana-1 fmo Ik. HnWon Pan.of,, wnieh I will HU al th. rtgalar at I arket pel te. T- S• LOW, *p«t wtJn,o*»h<rH, IMTi dwtf nit. . m. niUKR, HOMOEOPATH 1ST, , ICE and K,t„m. in Dr. 1'omroj’« cf- lice, pppieito IVltie Stable. November SO, 1857 daw 1 y CAMPHENE Burning Fluid! AND FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER TERMS LOW FOR CASH^ - Ta K. MPLEY.y P. S.—A liberal dUcyunthy tho.lUil, Dae * Tl»». . v - '* $ S'' ‘.,.Wwtl ' WHMXKfT . . OAA Duahele «.« eont J/eat for Ml. b, SiUU SB All 0, ABB0II fit eg. m*1*M E. M, SEAuO, scccessoY rdsatco a lawrencp WILL COXTIS'VF. THE PIIOUVCE CO I! M{Ssiu.\ laws ess, AT ms NEW COMMODIOUS FIRE PROOF BUILDING-; Front of Atlnnv* Hotel. *nin*xt«lovrto Friton Hoc»o. ATLASTA, GEORGIA. tTS-Th* FkcihUf*ofl*rri tob'bipj^r* Urdsrf »l*ectfully «*4»ciUd. UCL K’ll. 'k l, k -> (terawi,./ j >klpr» ;c Firnth Bcrr. Ca I kzi’E*S'pa* kill ftAWi j bv.Uof te. 0.-1 nn { *^ .r» *.*>i to t» wiU tw iksl'a- | 'iJi •xrcutwd by thssB St j tkiJulurH yrie**. .Puriitt V»m-s. s*-fi f rff.ireu t.i farawb Fuk's Mttrilit Bari; nC'.Tt r.'-iicc. We fcsrc the | *'*nnUy *rj of a comi'Cte?.! p<*tac n attend tr- tau us* t nett. Y. A. i J. aS.WJLtIA.VuS . 2k,'SA-4»lv ?e8..'htrw irtet. ] TOMA SCFACTIBERI W E ate near receiving a !tr,e lot of ftoia Loath- or. Calf If kina, T-minga, Bad- I ir.fa, Laata, Paja, Kit, and rverjihinf connected wish the Boot "and Mi bsi 'mcao, which will be told at low pricee (lath. AH ordtre accompanied with Cash w3 he promptly £Eed with $ood Goode, and tt low rale—at the f: ifr of the Big Dxt, Pexcitce* etreet, CherokM Block. DMTCgdk Vtr. Joseph Winship, J. r. WILLIAMS. n i.LlN'G BAKRR. WILLIAMS to BAKER, (Successors to iWtiams, Rhea tl* tV» M ) GENERAL COMMISSION^— Li-Lm) ^KRi‘HANTS t Athracum iHialflUMuiLimg, Decatur Street, Al IImBm lanta, Gporgia. Prmj>i and jwitul*? »ttvn t on given t»»the »«!»• of Gram, Bacon, l.nrJ Flour, Fettfcvrs, aui T« ancf»pe Proalor* grn frally J«n.27, 18.S8 dtf AtHa Female College. T HE THIRD SESSION of this Ins'Uotiin w ; H coin ncnco on MON DAY, tbo I8ih in*L Wc b«*e fitted up the bxroni^nt of (he PreAbyti"riin Church vri(h a new doer, at,3 new Jr»k«, atKmltng a much m«r« commodi ous and com^wUb^*ro»»m than tbc ou^ cccu* pled last yen. We will occupy >’iia room (pmivirarily till arrangmenfs cau be cvtnpleted for fleeting permanent (.'ol!*gt» Building*. Term* the’came as tiuetoforf pNMLhM. Jan 13 UiVwSm J. L. ROGERS, Pna, | COMMISSION MEUC1IANT (ok*jr.> j r yfv-, F»*K 'J’HL Pl'»i( H -cU. !T\7v7N gr of Frodccc Wrapping Paper. A l.ARGK U4.ju*t received of all site* and jf\qtul lira, and for sale lour, by Jan 23, dwtf WM KAY, Agent Maimilla Paper. A VEHY^fine draortment of thr above. just to hand on consignment. Frier Kjw at the New Book 8*orv, by J.n 23.dwtf \VM. KAY. Jsent the W* Kai.road l> f-ou LkTvmb r I!. 1^.7 >i’uk u lear.flock, l-he«-t‘oga ( l\MU*n ? bugi» 1 k.. k tb. bast al S*t V.irL price*Ny A. k Co. SEAGG, ABBOTT A CO. September, li, 1357. James H,~ Carter, Vorwardinn A CommDdonVtP rliaut. SAVANNAH. GAr, Jr*or» N>» B»y Srit*t—itsttlj ctozpisi by J. logeneU, tr^.) P. S. Lit-crai adtvncts modi on all con* sifttmcnU. kFTERiSC- **»3, E*?., Kcbt B Y,^cc{. 2 iiyrxTi, L*e , Rees, Ga.;l\ a. Ohm. E*^-, Arsen MiCi » -»Ar 10 *h?*4Jtwly BRUIT A ITT PROSPECTUS 1 ncxra txxi or r.« Cosmopolitan Art Asiriatka. Tat raxors Dusscldorf Galcrr ofPaintlat,! Punh&tei al a Cert e/8190,0001 ksn roircx's tre-su xororao tuni or „ THE GREEK SLAVE!! K*-pc.-c!uMd for lix tacaaand dcSan, with m- Terri hauirei ether werks of art, taPrintlagx, Scriptures aci Bronte*, oeapriae the Frcniaae to be Awarded by the sobeenWra of the Cos*ope* bua Art Aieociarios, who cebecribe before the JSrhtf Jas*BA*7 1SA5, at whioh time the awards wiii txkepLara. Iiui cur Scaerasraoe—Every rahecriber cf tiree d&Uaxa is ra Li tied to a eep j cf the large nod kpk-adtd Steel Eagraring, er.dried ^Hasifess Dtstty,” rieoso a copy cf the C^raopolitas An J t-arrri cue year, also w a ccrtifirate ia the award of preahams, also to a free adedsuoa u the Da*- eeldorf and CosascpeUtaa Grileries. Th ai It is sees ttet far every three dollars prid, the rcb?rr.tercet osly receives a ipkadid three doUxr eagrarieg, bat riK>, the Wsufrily Qlae* TWO DOLLAR ART JOURS N AL, see year. Kria’ ratveriber is also Mteeaw ed wiih acertieate la the awards cf Prwmas,* which ATA-cabie work ed Art, in Prixtrirgcr Scripture caay be rvrixed in aiiitioa, thee firirg to evary eubember as equivalent ,to the rale* l f t« dollar/, and a eenificate gratis. Ary one of the bating $3 Jfagasi&ee Is farm. isbed, instead of Enrravicr and Art Journal, desired. * No perevn h rotr&ed to a single share*' Thoae taking fire mesfcenhips, reoittiag %lb art vrtiriwd tr ax extra Eegntug and rixtickets Fci> parrirriArs U the Aseocdarioa are givezU a the Art J«rul, which contains over sixty ffieo* •Id Ergrariags, price fifty cents per comber*— .'j-ccixaen copies will be seat, to all persons who doeire to rsbscribe, cc receipt cf five postage kuape 15 cents. Jdistu C. L. DERBY, Actuary C, A. R MS Broadway, Now WJf, IL BARNES, He®*y See*y Dec ?'•—itf Atlasta, Geentia- ICO ICfjri Nsi A lamai; me'lra. Ail !-‘I aSAlo bt Jt»EFH WINSHIF, BUTTER AND CHEESE. 4 l.dKGE, eup/Jf orl hand ol »uper»or j ^tquriiu, AhJ L r **1' by L quau N..t 24. 1867 JObEFU WINSHIF. dswt! 500 SALT. Sitka in .tor# arj f« Ml, hj . JOSEi’ll wi.vttmp. Sv. 1857 .Lwtl j NEW AUCTJCN HOUSE THOS. F. LOWE, Whi tehsll near Mitchell St, Atlanta Ga i * p F L. «a ndl.Uo*. tribe will giro jarrie 1 . alar hi‘eatn« wi khe parri!>Ae« trd **'e o? aQ . . vd* r: i, V roccne*. u«rcka>ri*e. and Ne- : tnvw. or f'-arterio* cr F**Uy <-*. <viw* NwrerifuUy wdlcited pcvapUy an4 i* ;th , j fully areefrou. Idee lldwiT iTH B B EST SELECTED ISO ( ASSORTED STOCK I OF Family Groceries LN TUB CITY Or A1LA&TA, It to k. foani at th. u Atlanld Family Store," Improved Cotton OiM and Thredtlni Bucblnn, T W laSmspel haviag reoeved their Intem iron He*x*e Coeety. «Ja., u AtianU, beg Irave v> UJ.-rvi Umt oil yatrwcA end the MbSe feJeeaUy. vi *t they «ili toeUM the biksbmriu ot (buce utM end Wheat Iwreehere «o tfcdr eeari ntnan •dale YtioiT Gins are well taewa a»4 anmreaDya? TTf« in veorsia, Soath Carthae. and X.Uba»a*’ris lAr^cfTim, ttwu«-;>s North Carwhea. They re aude of Ibe very Lmi uutrii a enenee sneke the* coemueet end darable. (fywe are ia west *t a feodOMtea Oia or wheat thraeber. er* t*x frvwa ba, aad we will eell uhnru ear oOMt MS- riaeuaren of eqaa! reyatk^t and wtU dearer tbeesat ite par chaser a ruid*>M exaeareet tltOml (bee of charse for tr*a»>»ierioa. CoaUectnnay becade wivfc oar Uavwhnf or leeri A*eeto. erhydlmt ertee We have ittalaecKf eertlleates es le the goad pefoRsaaee ef ear Gts* ewd Thieahere, eeae ef wbUb nay be eeea-« ap|4>«ahoa to Afeate. tA. AU Gva* varraoeed lo yacfenawetti lax a* abort „ettce and tavheeehUex. JQSST8 VtXBZPhOO. iron! Iron! 4 LARtlU f'tivk o( r.tosvah Maitalav- /\ turics ar.ii Minin, Caminnj’. Iron, coal .until on ha. ',at Mar.ufaeintfr. pri v. hf JOfEt'H wi.Nstmv No.vmVt It. 1M« J«"" S’ T M POliT.t \ T IN i t) AMI Tl >N, I Jf I J_ T •><*•> rouf.’i ouffrrlnt mfttn.l I hcav.iiJ<sl.Kuti<> martini men ir.J tlu« I oonlamplatine raartiax, Aii iivw fic’oagf-'ur ttam),., Ur (1. \V SllDlsCOMUE Utookljn, N. V^Nov. 1*. 1*57 dinSm A LL Mr (Me trill U mM at :«* prtrw fit, rktk.r mbhuj Mm <jQ,i»norr* co. «aa«» m A^V FEATHERS. LARas •di'T'ly ri cheio* »>\tn*rv fAr «vle Jv^KFU WLVSIlUr- bacon a lard. A NEW SUPPLY, BY JOSEPH VYINSlllP. WMIeball Street. KORGEU. DANIEL, Pnprittw. Atlanta, May e, nM. Man, BANKAURNCY. Mo WriMm AtMifer Hr fttnfc nf Camdt* S CarrHna. I OtSc. at B’allam A V.obiaKU W.rvfctM®— comer of llunur ami Prjror rUMta, Atlanta, (ha. ett (lurftwiivMaiioaM wllKti«U|w«alr- BlncbsmUhlnn! BUckinilthlnt O ' Wagon, and Bujj 1 .** lr»a- ri. Iron Axla tma pal tin der nan and old naficnt, var ranted. BetM-ekoriag n the hot itjile. AU kisde ol fxraix, itnpleiaeou, tojetlnr with vafiina, kuKcie, 4 c., mado te order, nilh dU- patch, hr rflilett vu-hnw. ffifiei on hud ofalleylw for tele. SVp adj.-ixinj Dr. J. t. AWxudK’a OBm, Manptmj Fehrearrll. 1S»». JAS. U. MORRIS. d.tea Hardware Paper. [ORartltla of ‘ i low ratrab, I - VV» NEGRO SHOES! CHE API, O HEAP ! I . TOIBOSEVTANTISQ A PBIMB^ F u iartld« ardenhle, elect nclleilr.-A^xr.f HI 1 Kne nilUaaj that we non h«n In store 1 ftl a travj Stoek, and aUet onr ana Manafinwrin nhlchn. nUlaall attan aantaa palr lone, thu ax? to-o In thirdly will rail u f«d an artkle —eenap, dttonnedtJj .itherla Yankee Made, Georgia Made. Home-made, > a,an,alhwtnaka,aadvarruttnaaa aifwltl artielaaakarav«h*enoS»redln thli cj State. AUkiada of Booia «t> Dlnooo oaerOoatHjr cheep ud namated. AUcoodtptuehaMdofceeepoirel tree .ftharp At the sipt at BIO BOOT, Peachtree Street AtlaaU <lo.»t*U. DtMICK> JOTO g. # c0 SEUXO LAMES, 4AWB9» IXkS XaAJXlJj Sat SCOWOB 4 SUPERIOR article of UarJnira paper J\jni «a!e at ' Jan S3, dwtf WM. KAY, A| ml, KSOXVXILS, TSl. M r. srERLQie law*'-. aler Bosh, Marcs, Or a* 2 Swnpeuo fo oler, late ef Ttltrjn, All M, »dl be happj to meet eU btmdi and cf ^aer. at Uenait nhea thay lure kaple — 1 kt tof Vadmd* u lX££ fn ,ri«cn. * hayThaTI TUST «<«• ef,4 W £ T,an rT