The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, February 25, 1858, Image 1

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H BY DU'NOAN & LOOHRANE "ERROR CEASES TO BE DANGEROUS WHEN REASON IS LEFT FREE; TO COMBAT IT .'-JEFFERSON. JOHN H. STEELE, Editor. UBS, VOL. i. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 25, 185* i & £xi)li|iiier. ■flAniYTWEEKLYT - DUNCAN & LOCHRANE TK113IH OV SUBSCRIPT! Oft. Dally lotetllgoiiuer, per urir.uiu In advxnco, Weekly, . » !< UATKB '6V A D VHUTISIKM. Advert'xing In the iJ.tily [ntcttigoni-er trill be Inscrtod nt the following rales per xquaro of toe llnee. Ono inwrtlon, Two " Tbreo, “ Four, " Fire, « On* weolt, One month, T-o, 41 Throe 4 l'nur, 44 One yeur, 45 00 8 00 10 00 . 13 00 18 00 38 00 00 Otl. $1 00 1 25 1 50 1 75 2 00 Special oontrivJti! will bo mailo for yearly udvor tliowouta occupying a quarter, half or whole column. JStr Advertisement* from translout perioni must be paid In adyauee. Lejjal advertisements published at the usua l'AtoSe Obituary notlccsexevedlng ton lines chnrg •4 as advertisements. Announelngcandidatos foi office, $5 00, to be pAid in advance. When adwirtisemontfl arc ordered in both the Daily, and Weekly, 25 per oont. will be addod t 0 the above rates. Tho privilege of yearly advertisers Is strictly limited to their Swn Immediate and roK a,at business. 1 Professional Cards notcxceedlngsli lines, $15 per annum. , t r ; Advertisements not specified act-, time will be ' pabllsbed till ordered out and chained at rogular r»teB. V . ' * AdvtrtiBeiiJonts inserted .n the Weekly paper , only vrtlt be ohartre l at fortnor rates. Book Store New Store, New Goods. New AiTangements. Books anil Stationery ms/. THE undcrslgnod li '42S%M£, Increasing his stock of, , and Stationery^ . wAseidai »»by overy gieatuer from the Narlh, • A'jwd is also in receipt of the New Publications u! . the principal publishing bouses as soon as an Is. “ L *f from the press. He offers for sale at low „ * 100 reams Polio Post, Cap, Latter, Nctc^and Commercial Note Papor. TIIE bi*l: f qaalit!es of Tissue and Drawing Paper, Hush Paper, Bristol Board, Bill Paper, Blotting aper, Knvelopas of all sixes and ipialitleA; also, 1 CHEAP®,ST plunk Books of oil ntinlllltTl together with nil the . lUplo artlcluof Stationery urunlly f. un 1 lu a STORE CfitUcllrvo SBtvrctonj Georgia Rail Road & Banking Company Auguhta to Atlanta. .171 Miles. .Fare $ft fit). GEORGE YONGE, Superintendent Morniho PinaiNaitB Traix.' Leaves Atlanta t*aily at. 1. 10 00 A. M. Arrives nt Augusta, at. ...7 OOP.Mi b’sviiAugustd, dai’y at ..a no A. M. Arrives at Atlan’a, at. 11 36 A. M. Evknlno Passenger Tsaim. 1 cores Atlanta,daily, at 18.00 P. M- Arrives ul Augusta, it .8 fifl A. M. Leaves Augusta, ilaily, el 4 00 I*. M. Arrivesnt Atanta at 104 A.M. fZtF This Road ru»8 in conructicn witji tin? Trains of the South Carolina and the Savin nah and Augusta Railroads, at Augusta. Western k Atlantic (State) Rail Road. Atlanta to Chattanooga, 138 Miles, Fiio$ r t. JOHN W, LEWIS, Superintendent. Morning Passenger Train,, Leaves Atlanta, daily, at 2 10 A.M. Arrives nt Chattanooga at 10 07 A M. Leaves Chattanooga, daily, at.. r . I 30 A. M. Artivcsat Atlanta at 9 33 A. M Nioiit Passenger Train. Leaves Atlanta, nightly nt 12 1ft P. M Arrives nt Chattanoog.i nt ...,8 2ft.J\ M Leaves Cbnitonooga, nuhtly, at. .3 10 P. M A rrivew nt Atlanta at 1 i 22 P. M This Road c mncrtseaih way with the tRome Branch Uaiiroad at Kingston, the East Tennessee &. Georgia ni’road at Dalton, and the Nashville &L Chattanooga Railroad at f hat- anooga. Atlanta & Lagrange Rail Road. Atlanta to West Point.87 Mites,.Faro $3 60 GEORGE G. HULL, Superintendent. Morning Passengkr Train. I eaves Atlanta dailv at 2 00 A. M. Arrives at West Point at 7 28 A. M Leaves West Point daily at 4 00 A. M Arrives at Atlanta at. 0 27 A. M Evening Passenger Train. Leaves at daily nt 1 00 P. M. Arrives at Writ Pwint st ..0 28 P. M. Loaves West Point daily at 4 30 P. M. Arrives at Atlanta at 10 1ft P M. C3TThis Road sounects cnr.h way with the Vnnteom' ,4 y A: West Point Railroad. R. lU0h as county hou/e, School, Fancy and Pock- ePlnkitandi, Portfolios, Back Gammon nnd Chew Boards, Chess Mon, Portmonlo?, pocket Books, Singlo aud Doublo Slate?, Porcelain Slates, Braising Knives, Paper Folders, I’on Rack*, Stool and Quill Puns. Mucilage, ail tbo bait Wand* of Writing, Copying and tndellbh Inks. Vir-itlng and Playing Cards, nil wnrrantod av good and at as low prices as can be found IN THE CITY. r- AI«o, Bill Fiicv, Telia Rubber, Tn.lia KuM-tr Ring,, Qulllc, Sealing Wax'fRed, Black, Fancy and Wbitcj India Ink, Drawlcg Slate, Craynn, Crayon Holder., Blacjt Sami, Fanil iioxea, Bill Head Boxee, CBonder*, *c All of which will be eold at the lowest prices, t,, WM. KAY, Apent. Wbllcball Street, Atlanta, Ooorgin. jl, B.—Ploaroremember the location, near 1 '.* Store to tbo Seneral Po»«cnpor depot and nil tbo IIntc!■. Jan 33, MS dwf Do you Want to Buy BOOKS t Do you Wo nt Cheap BOOKS ? Do you Pay CASH for BOOkS 1 Come HERB to get your BOOKS 1 SCHOOL BOOKS I ! »T^HE kUUBURIBF.U ha. on hand, (and I daily receiving addition, thereto.) one of Un l.rgeat a id moot exten.ive .lock of School end Miecellencoua Hooke in the Stele, which he offer, foi «ale U(wn th« moet reasonable tormf—Coniittin* in part ol Smith., Olmatcd, Dullione. Andrew.: An’.hont, /’.rkore, Com- itoek«, 1’help., (Goodrich’.) Angel., Town., Mitchell.,01hev».lBfHt«. (’omorieing Bng- li.h and Latin Grammar., Engliah reader, and cleraie. generallv. Geographies, Thikwophie., Aatronomies, Hi.torie*, Spelling Hooks, De- Aners, Anslysers, Arithmetics, Dir (binaries. Catechism., anil UueTtWt Book., Ate, Ac. Al so a l.rgo lot of Stationery, A liberal dednrtion made to Teechen and Merchant. purrh.dnKby the^quantity, at Che mr BOOK STORE! Jtn 31,d&wU , WM. KAY, Agent. Atlanta, Ga. MACON A. WESTERN R MAt.1JA, Poeember l-llh, 1'07. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. tin and alter Pridiy the 18th the train, will be run at foil iwe: Leave Macon ' a. m. arr Atlanta 8.IS a. m. Leave Macon II tin a m err Atlanta .V20 pm cttvii Atlanta IS night, ir ,Macon 7.15 a. m. I,eave Atlanta 13 m arrive, n 4 . ,M aeon 6 10 p : m The night train, will not Iwrurum Sundays. 'Fhe nigh, tain from Atlanta connect, with the Central Fond nt 9.45, and (hr Hcwth AVValern a| 11,30, .l.o vrlth the A1 hany train, tri-weelilv, winch leave. Macon v,!5 a. ul, on Mondays, IVedncad.y. aud Fri ■la,.. I’he noon train connoc'a with the Centra) Road at 11,30 p.m.’ and youlh*westcrn R. for Albany and Columbus at 1 30 a. m. ALFRED L. rvr.ER Hup’t. Her 23. ’8'-7 d&iv. FOR SALE. A LARGE urfsutmcnt »f Virginia Leaf Tobacco, varying in price and quality, at retail and wholetale. n» «*henp as tbo rhoaprat. K X. S11ACKELF *RD, Ag**. Nov 14. ?877 dtf Sew Route to the Soutli-Wea omjihii a CliitiilWD Ukl!-Hti» l I Connoctiag Chattanooga, Tonn.; Charlostoo, 8, ^Hrami.ih, Oa : and all Korth'Eastero ClUos, with 51amphle, Tonn. pf The last connecting Link of Rall-Road between New York ar.d the MbsSuippV. • River! jfg£ This Road U now completed,* and opened for the regular tranfportntivn o| Passengers and Freight, and will afford more expedition and low expense, than any other rnuto betwoen tho North Last and South-West. Passengers and shippers •.♦ill “take lue notice thereof, and govern them selves accordingly/’ Passenger Trains leave Stevenson dally at *12 o’clock, A. M. f (aflor the arrival of the train lrom Chattanooga and Na«hville,) and arrive at Memphis *;imc uay at 7, P. M., conneoting with Firpt Clase Steam Packets to New Orleans, aud ^fofcssioijaii 6^c)g. Jan. r. wm. a. Hitn.uv. DBS. ALEXANDER k SHELBY, Office Corner of MuriotU i Market meets- Jnn 3.1858. dwly DR. JAMES M. MORRIS, ov™ on Marietta street, opposite Dr. J. _ Alexeuder'f. AUaaU, Ga., February 9, 1658 dwtf 'STONE k FITOTG Attorney a at Un, 0 111 a. In M.lktum 4 . ftteek, up, ATLANTA oixiuai' • - Jaousry 30,18tS dwl/ JAMES M. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW HOUSTON, TEXAS, W II.I. practice in tbo DDtrict and In'er- fur Cointa cf this State. Careful attention paid to the inveiti.ating of Land Title., tn th. buying, .elling and lo cating of Land Certificate, Prumptnru given to th, collection of all claim., IliFinxitcte:—Hon. Win Bolden, Waih- ington, U C; A Au.tin Smith, Washington. D t'; lion IVm Hmith, Wailiington, D O; Ifon It Jnhn.on, Baltimore, Mil; Guv IVm Eaton, Warren ton; N Cj Rev ftd Johnson, Atlanta, Q’ai W W Gaines, New Orle.iuj La. Tixab Itcrnueiion—Hon P H Hell, Ban Antonio; Judge Paschal, San Antonio; Judge G IV Paschal,Austin; Ifon P W Gray, Hous ton: Perkins & Kcech, Houston. January 7,1858. dwly DR. T. S. POWELL, O KFIUK over Hiuilb A Ksiard*. Dru; Store, where h> can be found du log th. day, and ut nigh', at.h's resldanceun th. corns.' ol Collin, and Jo es Street!. Atlanta, Jan' 20, 1858 dw3m w, a, roxia. , b. a. non JO.NESJfcJH'OYT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, i 'IE-e. in Kile's Building, Corner of Marietta and Peach-tree Street,, ATLANTA, GEORGIAN _ Jan 13 dim ‘~T/H A'€ K ETT7ATT uffN k y AT % LAW, Rmggnld t Gcorgia, nillpractice io the following counties: Coiooai, Chattooga, Murray Gilmer, Whitfield, Gordon, Walker, Dade, lirferenees; Mnj. W. Y. Honsell, Mari etta, Han«ell& hlimpaun, Marietts, James R* Luwhon,Esq . Uahlonega. ^aT’Pirticular attention paid tn therolrcling business. May 20, 1857 dawly J OHN V. HEARD-ATTORNEY -AT LAW,'—Colquitt; Miller,co Georgia, march C 18- 7 vrlv IN ELLIUENCEK & EXAMINER JOB OFFICE I th* PaoPRiRTon* having e.s.atly aided to th. JOB DEFAKTUKIfT of th. B.t.b ii.brn.nt a ''LARUE and VAItlKB UMortmentof (he latalSlyUt it! PLAIN AND FANCY a re prepared to txteuU in a neat and workman, k« mannar, arary dereriptlon of Particular attention will be given, to th* Print log of - ••• 1 Ciroulars, Way Bills. Blank No tot. Bill Heads, Blank Deeds, Bank Check*, Programmes, Business Card*, HANDBILLS, POSTERS, Ac. * ei P 8Cl ^ a ^J aollclt lbs patronage of our friend* in the city and country, and MAure them tbatall orders will be promptly and satisfactorily attended to. 0. P. Eddy & Co., (SCCCK330RA TO C. R. HAXI.r.TKK’t CO.) E0K| J03 M SARD PRINTlIia 0FFICB. AKD irtoolx-B lncl o ry, Corner of ft hitehaR and Alabama lie., ATLANTA, OEOROIA. 0. P. EDDY *,00., LJ.ving ju« added to their ' 3- former extenaive auort- aentof BO O K and JOB TYPE, CUTS, ORNA MENTS, Ac., e very ltrg* variety of new material., a/ th* lutitt iljfUt, together with one of Hoe', celebrated »re more folly prepared . _ ‘ to all order, for work in th.lrlin^whieh Botier 1 €41. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. rot tax rcaciti.a in ,ai.i or TENNESSEE PRODUCE, CO TTON, GROCERIES, dx„ Alabama Gtroet, (South of Ih. 11.eon 4 XmUt. 0.^4,) Atlanta, Georgia New Stock Coming mmmoria GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, In A T W. HKRP.ING & SON'S Clothlog Moon, A^Yfuct'-ry sod Merchant Tailoriog esublLb meet, for Fall end Winter, all the Utee^tiylei. One of tbs best stocks ol Cloths, CasriuxrM at o Vestingi in Georgia, from which to make a wltc- lien. Sbiru, Drawers, Under Garments, Cravats, Gent's Hosiery, OloTts, Traveling Bhairls and Blankets, Taiiorii Trimmings, Ac., for sales! tbs lowest p ices, U thecasA trade, At W- HERBINO A SON’S. 40 Whitehall st, Atlanta, Ga. ADo igents for filtgers Bewing Mtwbines. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY! Adjoining the corner of Ala. k Loyd fitrnti, Atlanta, G-a. R O B 3 T . H . MAY, flavine removed his CARRIAGE REPOSITORY to the ahor* eligi* 1 ole stand opposite the Washington dispatch IB ..,. ip they will execute In the beitstyle of the art, at fair prices for Caak. Particular attention paid to the execution o. PINE WORK for Railroad and other JointStock 1 j’I(JAT. LA W-Macon Georgia. o. A. LCCUKA.NK. i, LAMAR. Having usscciated themsclve<f in bus.inew will devote themsclvei delusively to the practice of them profeasioti, [/anlU iwly ^yiLLUM M, D.4NTFORTII— ORNBX AT LAW-Fairburn, Georgia. July 2ft, I0ft7. Uwtf UNDKRWOOD & UAU. IS, Attorneys a t L< a w, Atlanta, Georgia. Hon. tv II. UxPi*woor>.| LUTHER J. GLEN N Attorney at Law, Atlanta, 1 "Georgia, Will attend tho Courts in the~ Countiss of Ful ton, DeKalb, Fayette, Campbell, Meriwether, Coweta, Carroll, Henry, Troup, Heard, Cobb, and Spalding, SeedJSecd! Seed! Garden Seed. ers.* Goods consigned to Rail-Road Agents at Charleston m Savannah, will bo forwardod to Mennihis and other points, by Express Freight Trains. /ar Freight in charge of tho Adnm's Express Company, Is curried over this route daily, by the Passenger Trains. F. C, ARMS, Oencral Sup't. Huntsville, Ala-, April 1st, 1557. • Through Tickets to Memphis Ac., sold at Wilmington, N.C.; Charleston, S. C.; Augusta, Savnanah, Macon, Atlanta and Columbus, Ga., Montgomery, Ala-; Chattanooga aud NiuhwUc: lenn. ^BS«To connect with the Western Trains on t is Road, passengers will take the Night Trains from Wilmington, N. C.; Augusta, Chattanooga and Nashville, Tonn.; and the day trains from Charleston and Kingsville, 8. C.; abd Atlanta/ Ga. April 1st. P. O. HARPER, Attorney at Law, Weit Point Georgia April IS, 1355, dfwtt J. H. SMITH, WE have, a. until, got out our lu|C afock of Garden Seed, and who have bought of Ul here- tofuie, ran aUnt to their fine qualiliea. Mer chant. from the country, wo p.rtlcularly In vite «nd hope tn n-curc the r trade. We would a’» aak a liberaf ahare of patronaga from ourdtiiena Call and aee SMITH fic EZZ.VRD. Januarv 18, 1858 dtf DOWNING HILL Produet and Comntinion Merchant, and Dealert in Furuly and Plantation Groceries, Jc- Marietta Wired, Atlanta, Georgia J . H . S MIT H. WOULD respectfully anoouoe* li the citizens cf Atlanta and sor- ■tore,'a splendid stock of FAMtL . which he te effacing at prices that will oompstt with any honse in the city, ano^asks a share of pat' roasf* fmm -.-. w ATLANTA, GEORGIA. fT3HE jubwibem off-* at nholo<a|a or retail, mvr^ extendvoeoUoetton of Fruit Tree*, i ol charge PETERS, HARDP.N * OO, Atlanta, Georgia. November 0,1857 " d4m NOT IJE, . voy i ttW.[‘romtit .tt.otian jrivi *7T- oa , . uariona Indcbta 1 4 lha data of C, D. It r Lla of Jfurr.y m tty dMwad, are r«- J 4 o nakalmtnwfiti payment and tho.. -a tineas'll trillravlu them Is, ae.ordlsg ‘mo, Is Atlanta, ormryia- L J. PARrt, Bxaestor. 1117 *twif 2D Packages Glass Ware,"Just Received Y the Subicriber of lb- moat modern I'ylaa, and will bo aalil 35 per centQf than! hava ever boforc been abletoaell tut CuhIi- AIh>, China and Qm-tu Ware, I’laKd 1-a.Mr., Plait'd Candlr.lick., Fork., Sjmon., Tea Svtt«, Britain do, China Flow r. Vavet. Ac., lo which 1 would invite the at- entton ortny former pauon. and eapeciall) the Ladica 10 call and oxamine, T. R. II1PLF.Y. Nov. 18 1857 dff I SHAD ! I SHAD t t t t'Shad>s5!8S^cl tln Pcaons n Atlanta, January perchawd by Thca oftb 44 Tronl HoUM. ' ipg Shad die- " and .will he itl. Atlanta, lama. Oa lo LAND NEAR ATLANTA sr» <sm m> arAh&iaa OVH bnedred senr# *■t Lnd user AtUc t. lying b*lwr«n I’wcMrs* ana Marietta Heeds, (t .>u#r»d fur Sel*. there are ajn> acre* « f very.bntvy tlmher, fwty acres of ex*ell*et eher** ’and. *iw»4 thirty a ires .. ls h«»ttoi». ll.ere ate ffr* hat***r* l chews Apple tires,of-<ba v«ty Wat is 4 l*f*;|«-ti, h-sldct the al ote, there is a* |«od * M1IX >11* m eon be lend anywhere. A f0»4 bargalo WlWhertvea- J YARN YARNS! U8T'raaaivad,■ as I wiU. heap e-mitaally as bad a ROodJaiWCt'wast of Ttraad from lha riaaaros Kitalj, *^4«» ragntor mi. L. J. llOUKHT. Medical & Surgical Practitioner, Marietta, Georgia. ^Ofiice at hisrasidence. G. J. WRIGHT. Attorney at Law, Albany Georgia May H. 1857. WM. A. It Alt Ills, Attorney at Law, Isabella, Worth Co., Goorgia. Refers to—Maj. J. L. Harris, Miiledgenlie ; Hun. A. 11. Uansell, Thomasrillo; Miller d IUI), Ogletburp't; Hoo. R. H, Clark, Macon; Col. J. \V. Duc-Ntn, AUanSr’ June 2-diy. ’.eges and Schools, Attorneys, Public Officer Merchants, and otbey. Books, Pamphlets, Cauiogaes, Circulars, Cards, Promissory Notes, Blank Deeds, Checks Way Bills, Pregrummei, Hand and Show Bills Pesters, Ac., executed at short notice. Printing In Gold and Sitran Uaoaza and Fancy Colorsd Inks, or on Vollum, Batin Muslin, so., done in beautiful style. Having likewise connected a Rook-Bindery with their Printing Establishment, they j^e pro* pared to execute orders for every description of ’ “ rulin* work in that department—including RULING and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING style superior to any over before done in tbls sec tion of the State. Their Tc^lt being aJ) new and of the latest patterns, Iheir Stock of materials the 6««f tho Northern market* afford, and their work- mon tqnal to any in the South, they feel eoufident of their ability to give entire satisfaction, and consequently have no hesitancy In eliciting the Hall, and enlarged his facilities, Is prepared tor fill all orders with which be may he fArorud, on as good terms as can be obtaiaed In Acgueta or 6arannah«.wiih the addition of Freight, ftis stock embraces Carriages, Concord Baggies, 4 and 6 seatRockaways, Slide Seats do., Fall Tops do , With and without Top, Pacbeei, Top Buggies, e ^dlar Wagons, No Top do., orneis, Whips, Ac., of the best mannfatv tore and latest style A share of patron* age Is reipectfully solicited. ^r k%-0Meri for Family or-Plantation Wagons other vehicles filled at ihcrt notice. We are also agist for Norwood Patent Fuc. Atlanta, Ga.. Dec.4. JL M- CLAKKh. Clarke* timbb, For Sale. •Winnwranv 5 A CONSTANT sbudIt cf tie COMMISSION' MERCHANTS, Agfiatfl for collections of all kinds And Oaalcr, In BiCOK UBt PSODDCE 07 ILL ■ CUIOOEHIE8. <tO at IM U.tasS,oo VkltakaO St., AUuite, Ot A AlOVjnjatenirlT ot tha JaWJycaMxIaS J£ VKB ¥ A °l L - 1 SiTrltHl dm radoctiaa aaada to Oum wtakla* uwU uila. B.J.HUlCKELfonn, ggg Aim L»r i »dJ Con llvin *> L*td. ttitet of »r«7 SaMdfUoa, OtUstioS MUd to CosftfSBMdS . . ___ ( acad K*mfiUoc« promptly mode. Orders mpertfelly oUeliei; att deoreCwIly Died—For Cask. ' BKKD ItARLEYl U3T received, a first rate article of Bariev. /MfU.) - IUm H «h L.A J * tor SotJ. I'rloo, $3 per both.!. Sept. 7, dll CLARKE A CHUBB. WhULey! Whisker! Wbitkey C LARKE A ORUBB Uve Jut raraivod U BbU. M ollvus'i Extra Ctppor Blilillod Coro tehukoy, ud for .Hoop. binb 31. Whcwanti any Eye. Clerk# k Grobb hat !M bwsbel* E;>, forFwI. which Itj »HJ #tli Urn, M lur £*yL Si JUT. LJi i BBl.F, Pike's .Yagablia Whiakey, jus w#v/r©o*ived and for aaie hy OVARKB A GRUBB. March 21. ALEX. M. WaLLjICE %U.CM BIXSOX Wallace k Robinson GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT3, AND DEALERS IN TENNESSEE PRODUCE! We giT* special attention to the sal# of Bacon, Lard, Flour, Grain, Whiskey, Tobacco, Ac., Ac. Cocsigamecu respectfully solicited. -Prompt attention given to 'Cash- Orders RYE A BARLEY. l KTd. X60X. Just Received. low plow. lb. tcCow^uUtlM. Casks raw Unsoed Oil, (Engliah 2 “ boiled “ “ do 20 Bbla. genuine Ol 1 . fbr r sLrwn!\ kbsin assorted VfflnSAea. U5 per cesi. AloshoL Burning Ffdd. Carapbensr——T' Spirits Tarpcrffac. 20,000 lbs White lead, assorted. 150 Boxes Ginas, assorted sizes. ta-EnuSa/esloraJ P*2ssj, axd all f» Ptictan* esa. Par aala fcr xthau.lfart.iut. A- lUXX.yDn Tbo ihemerj of tfcla Wridsc Plaid waa tka raralt cf cbamical aeodast. Ttrarpiiaru all nrt at Irk. fa rtixttox to color, dsabtlrtr and aaay Sow from Uu on. Wiaa too tiltk, add a Haifa raiavaur. U (fwold act tw arixad Arftk OCta> Ink,, boi alwaj, La put Sato daaa boUaa tad kapt eorkod from tka air wtiao wet ta aaa. lHa Ink will act eorroda tbo ataal pan, aad aaaaat fca nn-aaud la in rjaxilt, bj aa, iak mxaxfactarad fa Eurepa or Aaxxica. Order, an raepeetlallj toBetad, u w. wffl put up tka abort Iak aa law at our oflea, u ft tab. pal up fa PhllxdolpkJ*, Boatoa, or V Y. jpW-ifxdt oaij Ij Da. Bluart A Guild, Al- I oa atom. WXLUCr. kllfJtJ.VSA-. NEW BACON I 4 LOT of prime well dried New Btooa, x-L ^for e.le at WALLACE A ROBINSON'S. ixibtrv 18, 1858 dtf LARD ! LARD ! Rob;*. 4 T 1 “'J Berrrle, at low Aom price., br jl WALLACE A R0R1NK"N. Jenuer, 16. 1858 NEW CANDY MANUFACTORY -AMD- New Orleans Groceries on Ufa, Gx. Sold aiill tka kraaFaUraa. Uxrrti, dtf. Piano] llf XLLatuad to aoj aeflllc kle " 4 1 liaaofbaaiaaaa,eaek aoraf.l olxties of aetioa, eovoriag of kxm- 1 meri,(ieUod or baled,) lxpiai ot toe itrfar, k« tbo fteUTo, irbalo ortlafU, do. BaUrfi^rtoa gjrca in oror, i-«.~f tr aa afcxrca. All work -xrrealod. Tuuluj hr tka Tear dona at Bod aaa 4 pa-Ulorimn ekeald ba left xt Heart. WB- Uaai' Psrafara Store, as Peachtree at- Atlaa- u, Oa. aor. 20, ‘58, iwly. ATLANTA, GA. i CO.\SKi\MEXT, T helubseriberwouidinif-rm therttitensaf At The fir.-t arrival of Uie New Crop ion ta and vicinity that ha hM/i.jn»tAetjy t-s ! at ATI i\TA band, at bis Confectionary and Baking acUfciUh- . r , _ _ * Sea^o, Abbott & Co.. Coiifcctlom, Piutrlet, rruifh Alc He i« also prepared lo fcmLh CTery ! cf plain and ornamental Cakes, for wcdiinai or' parlies, at short notice, and on accommodati&f t terms. Imported wines and bra* dies of ali deicriptbns | for medic*! purposes,kep. always on hand. Also, peisalne Spanish Cigar*, and choice chewing To bacco—together with a large assortment of Toys, Fancy Articles, Ac., Ac. Having recently returned from the North,whert; HAVE now it itcre a thrice ,ock of new crop cf New Or! MoWm, 9,re L«E 3w r. Csoice, Prima. Felly Fair, And Fair, And will be is rerelft, weekly, of further Co®- T O MANUFACTURERS \\ J E art new racafring a T T large tot of Sole Leath er,CalfSkinx, Linioga, Bind- < iege, Laela, Page, Kit, mad ' rverrlhiog eoasteted urijh tbo Boot aad 8b j Imeraeaa, abicb will bo cold at lone price. \ Cx»h. All order, accompacsed wiib Caab wil be ; prompt!/ filled with good Goode; tad st low 1 nun—et tbe Sign of the Big Boat!, Paachuac j etreet, Cbeewkaa Block. ap30dtf BEXLLIAHT PBOSPECCTJi I TOCXTB TEx* or TBI Cosmopolitin Art is TH* futon, patronage of their friends and the public. i9A«Orderi for work, in either department oJ their business, from ar.y part of Georgia and neighboring States, will meet with promptatun Uon* Atlanta Ga. Feb. 2fl, IS57. (dAwly.) be laid in a fine stock of Fancy Article.and ere-' AM wu * t ”, 10 wee / , ^w. CI l? t a ^ fAMOC * W ry ihlag nercmr, for rarryiag oa b.. read, oxa ”»»?*.*"•: Duweldorf Galcry orPaintlnga! tiictorjhc eoulo'xf'.rn. county dtxxri :hi' reii ltf •" !• Purchased at a Cut ef 9190,00V. -rat .rail fA f nmiaVi oaei lixi wk,l..ik . ( 0f vr f fit 1* ItMme WwOrAd CIS rr> wrw. WA* r n la ■■■ r — , - — . F t It i\ I TU it fi!! Blanks! Blanks! Blwb!'i»ju2scs,“sss!a ^g% ai wv . ■^■Uearefully selected Stock from the prepared to furnish eandies at whit«a>j at 20 "*. ayw iou-.t per pound. I l< w »**“ 10 riT? Drier xeooiEper.ied with th. ex.k or good oil,! “ ^ ^ referanea,promptly eu.udri »■ SLag. erd A.l,D,x,Kov.»0-.b 655 L ' VALEI ’ m0 - ! PuniaiTimEi »rth and Mitchell streets. - T ant:ary 2.15i»S rurrcnl .floncy Bought. We will l uy the teles of the Tennesesw ; Banka, oi*o, Kentucky and New Orieaoe. SEAGO, ABBOTT <k CO. November II, lift# dtf Ofall Descriptions. > ucu B LAN 880F ALLDESCRIPTIONS,etn j , , be bed xt >11 timer, at the '"buSIm, Examiner & Intelligencer | "’’Vfiu.a. O Beasteidi and • Chairs of any dertred patters and price. A fine Mill Stonca, Bolting Clotha 5 &c, Attornire, Sherifli,Gierke of CourU, and ! »' 4, -tm«at ul Centre, Work. £alc->s end lobett. ; w..„ ^. r ^.t.ror ait. Ordinaries, can be furnished,’at short notice, j * T JJ “Etagere s,Corner and bide—fcofaij Tete- . u| Uorrt# k Trtebl#, Boiu- y$J? ( VK ( 'r 1 U F F ‘ U ' W x I T,'rE R a?o I 'W In«■ the ab.T, l.rg. lloek. ^ f l uw J—. -~.i-II K*f .UMw. t- v . .^'.en it Tfrotb Btrr, Oe-I Birdi Eye Lime. We are A rent# fer the sale cf Mr. R L Roger's Birds-eve Lime, put up in 5 buabei barrels, war ranted full tr.oscrvand fop**^ aeality tc any other limeV-.ld it this aorkeL Orders by the Cor load wiU be filled at kiln j rice#, by 5., A. <£■ CO. xxd rovrt sc* world Mxatow,jr*D mm o» „ THE GREEK SLAVE!! Re-purcLiM far nx tbooaaad dollars, with e»- Ters.* hundred ether works U art, ir Paktings, Sc tares aad Brontes, coanpric*, the Premises to be awarded by the nb^ribert cf the Cbcaepo* * sdbteribe bdort the MARK JOHi\STOi\\ Attorney at Law, Cartersvillo, .... Georgia. Ksb.’iS, 1S64. dAwFy ". T. C. Campbell & Ilro., S UKQEON^andMtcbaoiul Den- — —, areprecaredto perform all operation, in the profee non with durability and ikilL .ffiS'Otfico over Alexander, DrogStora, Whit, Ball it.. W.T.O. CAMPBELL. 0. P. CAMPBELL. Atlanta, Jan. 30 dtf ])«• rvmm baring ra- turned from a wioit to Virginia will ■ume the practice ofhi. profataioit in the city of Atlanta anil ita vicinity. Can be foul tl at hiaoflice at all bonra, except when profeaaionally engaged. ST Office WASHINGTON HALL. Kplfbiwtf DR. . M. BAUKR, Q HOMEOPATHIST, , FFICE ami Koome in Dr. 1‘omroj a of. lice, eppvatte Petti, Fubla. November 30, 1857 dxwly CAMPHENE Burning Fluid! AND FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER TERMS LOW FOR CASH, T, R RIPLEY.! P.S—xV liberal discount by tho Uhl. Pee ». i»<T. WB18I3EY.I WHIiXXtir durtniML 1 x J'*v**“ fcn * •• III Stan, aad far fatenaMrabtefame. 8*et ta ■wtuxrx a K-mivxix noo^sMosssstS! CB8.S which they may deeire; ami all FORM of legal instruments, commonly in use, are al ways on band, to be said at the lowest prices. Atlanta. M w £. M. SEAGO, 8CCCES«)R TO«KjIGO k iJLWRKSCE WILL COSTISUK TUF. PRODUCT COit• JUSSI OX B US IX ESS, are re^cinog weekly supf lies. The public are in vited to call andYxomiea our stack. j *&*»•, »*4 tsapne Hill Ftbo#*. 1 V. A. &. J S WILLIAMS, BCtsftf ‘OeUs, At Orirr* K«xt 4&cr to Uilstn K Clark*, Psoettr** \ilasu, da '.Burial Cates. s are prepared to loninh Fifin’t Metallic Bari al Cases, at short notice. V,'e haVe secured the wvicfti of a competent person to attend to this de- DICBtaUW flit** AT HIS NEW COMMODIOUS FIRE! ^ov 25, ’fift-dwly Peachtree #reet. PROOF BUILDING, Front of Atlanta 'Bote!, and next doeMeFalton Boss*. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Joseph Winsliip. ^.Tb.u,u»ir»tillll„o»,r»dtotUilpr.r, Drier. COMMISSION Ml'.KCHANT • fretfully Oct. 14th. J. F.. WILLIAMS- flOLLLVO BAKER WILLIAMS & BAKER, [Successors to Williams, Rhea <{• Co.,) GENERAL COMMISSION. ^±8 MEKCHANTri, Atheucum ■HmBuilding, Decatur Street, At MMIm latita, Georgia. Prompt and particular atten- ton given to the sale of Grain, Bacon, Lard. Flour, Feathers, and Tennessee Pi ode re gen orally Jao. 27, l#58 dtf Atlanta Female College. T he third session of this . Institution wrtl coin nence on MONDAY, the lBth inst. We have fitted up the basement of the Prrebytrrun Church with a new (Sxr, and new desks, affording a much more coumodi* bu* and comfortab e room than the one occu pied li«t year. We will ocrupy this temporarily till artangmenU can be completed for ejecting permanent College Building*. Terms the sataeaa beretolore pub!.shed. Jan 13 dA»3m J. L. ROGERS, Prta, Vr:)|>ping Paper. A LARGE JA auel tire. Jen 33, dwt t.ARGB b-t, juit ranivej af all aiaat an anJ lor aal» I nw. by dirtf WM KAY, Agent. Mannilhi Paper. A VERY fine assortment of the above, just to hand on coosignaenL Pnce low at the New Book 8<ore, by J«o 13 dwtf WM. KAY. -4*ent FOR THE PURCHASE, and Storage of Produce-^ >p p<*it9 the WWtrn 4k Atisn- Lc HaLtond DrpiL^’ NovemU-r 11, TSft? daw ’J riUBK WHEAT FLOUR, [3 Osnaburga. Yarns, bhee^inga, bhirtmga. From the M-mtoor Cotton M til*; Sugar and f.’off Flour a 1 j I 1 .* i New ttrt f rices t SEAGO, ABBOTT kCO. September, 11, 1W7. lilac Art Aaaociatsoo, wbe 28^i ol Jaxeary 1SSS, at which tfau lbs awards wilt tak.eplaea. Ttzus cr Sraacwirtiew—Ertry ssbeeriUr cf three drilars is entitled te a copy of tbe Urge and spieo4*4 SteriXcgraviaggSacued “Maaifesx Dwttizfyd'iUeto a copy cf tbe Coemepolitaa An Jturnoi one year, also to a certificate is tbe award cf f.rtcunmt, also to a free admission te tbe Deo- sriicrf aid Cormiy/dtac Gaibrriea. Tbui i: ii seen that for rrery three dollars paM, tbe tnbseriher not only. receives a tpksdsd three dollar engraving, bot alec, tbe beaaufaily iUae* rated TWO DOLLAR ARTJOURC NAL. coeyear. Each fubeeriberiaalecmecsW •d with aewrtieate in the awards cf Pr»anwtia,f which a week cf Art, b Paintingcr Sndptara cay be reorivdinadditlco,tbssagirtrs tr an Muiralcnt te tbe vaiae t rerr nWaiUr firedcaarv. and • certificate greria. Acy cue of the loading 13 Jffagasroes ij fare, isbed, instead of Engraving and Art Joareai, desired. No person Is restricted te a abgU share*- Those taking fir* mesrtwrthiys, remtorng^lU areeciitled to an extra Engraring aad i Fon'partjeaJafS */ the Aseeciaiion are giraol a th* An Joaraal, which contains aver sixty spies. James 3L Carter Forwoi dlne h, Commiation >* er- ebaot. savannah, ga.. Sf-U ;co*» New K*rvt. Haj —[tatelj tj l racertoll, ) P. S. Liberal adoanoct tnode on all ccn- simments. j 5'yecicas copies will be sent to all peraeni wke ! desire to rebacribe, on receipt of fiT* footage ■ »umps U cents. Address ! C.L.DKKBY, Actnory C. A R ! 54S Broadway, New York, or WJf, H. BARNES, Hso’y See*/ ‘ Dee 25—dtf Atlaa to. Gwerrio. t-tx* ij ktn.’s NEW AUCTION HOUSE THOS. F. LOWE, Whitehall near Mitchell St-. Atlanta Oa ry r I ..'ta od4JUoat*tk* abore, will fire pm ltn proved Cotton Giua mad Tbrcabing Sachlnei. T EX taSortin*! Lana* word tbsir buteM frets )£cr<oa Cewsiy, da, ta Alloa to, bog leave v lafara Uaj Oi fatreaa aad the pafcfe* ytassafly,* tb*t they wiU sMbsw the Msaafastariag of OtU« (r»r#4 ta 8»ct|a, e tp*rt»aTaias, Mtebwpri, North Cuktm. they re casde of lbs very heel material* » nmn i scared te make them »o«v«aieat aad daraOla Ifjem S frit as, oaf W* w{B sril as tow as aay Otai bias terns of o’! oat rrpaUoa, aad wlSdriber theme* ciar sfemltoa t Un) Kegs Nails; A Jamanuxs* Candica. ’.Ml far riair bv JO.-r.PH WINSHIP. januarv d. IFLS^ dtf o ibv p^rrba** aad sal* ot aU •rsnoa bf.'ebasdlse. asd Ke rr r«ttj rw»rw'tcLf KCtteiaai prompUr a»4f*ith iij att#»sr-.: {doc tadvir TUB BUTTER AND CHEESE. A LARGE supply on band of superior quality, and lor *tl* by JOSEPH WINSHIP. Nov %4„ 1857 dswti BEST SELECTED XM> ASSORTED STCX'K OF Family Groceries 500 SALT. riseks in store ard foe aai* by JOSEPH WLNhHIP. dswti Don! Iron! LARGE Block of Man-ulav taring *nJ Mining Ctvrpvnv'i Iron, conj •txntly osbx.-'.al MenaJeclu'm pri e. by JOSEPH WINSHIP. Novcrohw 11. I85e Je*^" FEATHERS. Iie’oegfaur «Urar», Brooklyn, N. Y. Nuv.18, 1857 * LL oar grade will 8a eoU at lo» prieae fee ^Xtvkcr toaatry PrMaaa. * v ' 40, xBBOIT A CO. n? JOrSPU KlSrinr, BACON 4 LARD. A NEW SUPPLY, BY JOSEPU WINSHIP. IN THE CITY OF A1LAA TJ, li te ba ftiil xt tka w Atlanta Family Store, ” Whitehall Street. EORGEU. DAMKL- Propriatar. Atlanta, Hey », »*«. lix-J BlackamltbtnBl Blftcbimlttalng O Wxguti anJ Baggier Iren- <J. Iroa Axle tree* yat aa-«st--_LA dor nsw and rid wscoot, war BANK AliKNCY. M« WsiMnaa, Agatifar tit Bank of Crmdrn S OarJiim- OCea M ITallaaa A BaMaaau Warakeaaa— at Haatar aaJ Pryor eiaau, AOxeU, Ox. SttOnitMWlMWrtWWnUnStMWi^ 4 HYguni an J BaggUe Irta- ct. Iron Axle tram fat ua -far aev end old vagoat, war ranted. Bene ibodag la tie bn 4 , rtyle. AU kiade ol farming iayleaenu, t-getker *Ub, baggier e c., made >o order, -Ui die ■ fxteb, by tfiefant wtrkae-e. Wxgva, oa band »f all nvlae for rale. 6b-f adjvuing Dr. J. T. el all nvlae for mm. ea-f aoynai Al««deP. OfiM. gjuus. Pekrawy II. 1M*. Uaidivarc Paper. SUPERIOR artida rf Hanlarara paper KAY,A«tsV A SUPERK aefiTMt R- H. i»p*A fret Coitxhcu ut eeanha •iti oar traratiag et locel Xgaste, ae by diraet crien tj. XUB.xt exmaled to yeefermaea tag u ebart-etle-x^ 1. ttgrttaat. jastra vtsBfpeoo. NEGRO SHOES! OEBAFI CHEAP!! ^ TO THOSB WANTINQ A PBIUB^m, F.7IavJ:!e xf doable rale or welted tsOEtss^lV ’ Oiwa wia; cay that we bow barn la Stare' K 1 teevy Stock, aad all el oar awn Hanxfactariag Turk we will eall at tan oaaU a pair lower than any heue in .tbix city w&l Mil a< good aa artioia —oornpetition wa defy either la Yankee Hade, Georgia Blade, Home-made, er aay -char nuke, and warrant tbao opedu xrt&MUbxe ever bean cSeredta tUi oarfcat <* State. Ailkind, of pnpecO^SycbSp and warraBtS°" __ MtCiBp^BJOdoST^Litraa Suaat AUxaUtlatxia. , . _ DUIICK, JOT Cl, A 00 gkliNG LXXID. ■w. ra ntd JlOi Trowrw ’ '■-'LWf ! *T KXOXYH LE. TSHII vr B . STEBLDtO LiOT-., tara| th. Ua IVl afar Uaaaa, Reran. QK and Samoan Lx- xier,txtacf Tacaegaa, Ala- ha, will u seat xQ friaada and an anara at the Laser Iioxea, wbore they kan an fie for two hudndand tftr f-ranaa 8. A B.LA.MEB, HAY I HAY I TI7ST raert od,a U'«r To Jt—»55fflSrsj iilSB **a