The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, February 27, 1858, Image 1

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- ' 1 > BY' DUNGAN & LOOHRANE'. ' '• V ' ‘ i -i—— ' IBS, VOL. 1; « ERROR 'ceases TO BeTdaN’&EKOUS WHEN REiso.V U> LEFT FftEE TO COMBAT IT.' r —JEFFBKSON. JOHN H. STEELE, Editor. ==^= ATLANTA, GEORGIA. SATURDAY ]\IQRNE^^|EBRUARY 27, ip ^Jelligeijccir & Sxqininetv ' ILY & WEEKLY. , ALOCHRANE TMitmir OK SUBSCRIPT IOW. BMW IntoUfgoncor. per anaunt la advance, \J0 Wi' ■■ ? " #» , fl.Vl'UH OK AUVKHTIlINfli Advertising 1b th« Daily IntolIlKonoor will ba tainted ai llip following rates par iquare of taa ltn.._ ..V " Hues. On.ini' . Two '"Tl rc«, don/ 00 0(1. | One mtuth, • tl OU Two, lt ' *W: 1 25 Three « • 1 50 I Four, l 75 “ I | $5 00 8 00 10 00 12.00 15 00 26 00 - Six, " 0*M> ijriek, 2 00 | Onijfiar, ir iip^aial eon tracts will b© roads for yotrly advtr ocoa £J lQ tf * quarter, half or whole ^j!?Sr* AdvertiiementB fro» tramlent perioni . mail be paid in advaoco. Lepjal advertisement* published at the uina rate*. O illuary notions exceeding ten llnei char| !>^ ’*1 a* odvartinmiants. Announcinffckudidatoi for office, if* 00, to be paid In advance. When adrertUemenlv ordered in both the 1 Hnily, cud Wociriy, 25 per coat, will be added ^otho.abova rotes. Tho'privilege of yearly advertisers is strictly limitod to their orfu immediate aad regular builnees. ... • ' Prbfejlional Cords aoiexcoedlngslxlines,$16 por annum. , . AJve’tiifihuntf notspeclded a* to Unto will be published tUi ordered out and ohargod at regular Advertisements Inserted in the Weokly paper on’y, w l}l.ha ehariwid *» firmer rate*. Bookstore W%New Store, New Goods. >1' r *!»d New Arrangements. ' Books anil Stationery! m TIJK undersigned U *ncrea*ing his stock of. Hooka and Stationery^ by every a*eainer frotn the Nvrth. and Is also in receipt of the Kew Publications oi tht principal publishing houses as soon a* as Is- ■uS ! from tho pres*. lie offers for sale at low prices— * 100 reams Polio l ost, Cap, Letter, Note.and Commercial Note Paper.* THE bast qualify of Tissue aul Drawing Paper, Huai* raper.Bristol ltofd, BUI Paper, Riming tar, Bavi^opet of all lixaj and qaaliliisj aiso, b ‘ CHEAPEST Blank Books of all q'MlUies, together with ail the staple articles of Bt .uonory usually-found In a BOOK. STOKE adcVWs rohuty h»u»o, flehco), Fancy ard Pock et rubatandv, PortlAlos, llivk Gammon and 0lw*j Bo-rd*. Chtjjn Men. T r'.monles Pccket 'Single and * l * - u j/-#, Plroaeir..; Ks.i • ', -ifckv, Steel uml Q-nlt J’< K jgft ra'.dvof Wri'pfg. Copying anu ‘/Inks. Vs^tbd and Pijvi. t CuaK ell . Xlrqbellelrs g^iPeelolrq. Oewgta RailRoad & Banking Company Augu.te lo'Atl.nU..Ill Mile*. .Faic 60. OBOIIOE YONOE, SupwrlntanilaRt * Mobiiio PiasaHona Tkaim.' L«»»m Atlanta call,at I000 A.M. Atrivaa at Auguata, at 7 1'OP.M. I.-ayja Auau.ia, dai'y at. 4 30 A. M. Arrive, at Ailin'a, at.. .11 30 A.M. Evening I’asse.noer T<ain. t e«»ea Atlanta, daily, at '.U«. M. Arri.ea at Auguata, at. ; 8'0 A. M. Leivea Augusta, daily, at 4 on P. H. ArrireaatAt'anta at..... 104 A.M. tST '''bl. Itnad run. in conntcticn with tho Trai'.anf lb" South Carolina amt tbe Savan nah and Auguata Railroada at Auguata. Western & Atlantic (State) Bail Bead. Atlanta to Chattanooga, 18d Miles, Fat«$A. JOHN W. LEWid, 8upcrlnumdant. Mookino Pahsknorr Tjiatn, Leaves Atlanta, daily, at 2 10 A.M. Arrives utChattanooga at 10 07 A M. Leaves Chattanooga, daily, at.... I 30 A M Arrives at Atlanta at ....9 33 A. M Night Pafhknoer Train. Leaves Atlanta, nightly at 12 *f> P. M Arrives at Chattanooga at. 8 7f> i\ \1 Leaves Chattanooga, tiLhtiy, at..3 10 P. M Arrives at At sola at 11 22 P. M | BP* This lead connect*ca:h wsy with the tRomoBranch Railroad ot Kingston, the East; Tennessee & Georgia Pai’roa l at Dalton, and the Nashvilla 6c Chattanooga Railroad at ( L it anooga, Atlanta & Lagrange Hail Bead. Atlanta to Wcat Puiat.b7 .Miles,.Karo $3 60 GEORGE G. HULL, Superintrndent. Morning P.^sbsoer Train. T.eavea Atlanta dailv at 2 00 A. M Arrives st West Point at 7 2d A. M Leaves West Point daily at 4 00 A, M Ar«ives at Atlanta at *...927 A. M Evening Pambxoeb Train. Leaves at daily at. 1 t»0 P* M. Arrives at Wrs: at 6 OR M. Leaves West Point daily at 4 3!) P. M. Arrives at Atlanta at 1016P M CJT This Road connects each way with the Montffnm**v 6r We*t*. F**int Rai‘rn«d. SIC ;l • ‘\- 5. j ah. ?.»ALVXA> ur.n. wu A SlltbllV. DBS. ALEXANDER & SHELBY, Oflica Cotm-r otMurioUn k Market ttrwu- • Jan 3. 1858. _ IVly, DR. JAMES M. MORRIS, O PP1CE on M.ri.ttA itrwt, ippr.iit. Dr. J. F. Alcxitid.r’i. Atl.ati, On.i'F.bruiry 8,’186g _ STO.Nl'iTrTOH, Attorneys at L,usv, O FFICE Ir M.iklum'. lllcek, «p, ATLANTA GEORGIA. Jw»u*ry 30,165S Cvrl/ Porcelain Folders, Pen ^ .... slisge, ail the .dvof Wri*l*fg, Copying and Iu,ioUbl.‘. - - - - — * •• anted »l as if at cs tow priers a! can bo ‘ound m TIIE CITY. Ati>. Bill File.*; lii'H i Rubier, India Rubb:r Rin;;«, Quills, Sealing Wax, Red, Black, F»nr) au l Whttc; India Ink. Lrawhg Slates. Crsyoe, Crayon Holder*. Black Fand, md Bcxti, Bill Hoad Boxes. Oalendws, ae* - All will bo Wd at tb“ lowest prices, )n WjJ. KAY, Agent. Whitehall Street, Atlanta. Georjtin. N. B.—Pleeso remeujljvr tho location, rrarest MACON & WESTERN R. R. •>!A< ON, Doc* mb Hh, lo67. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and alter Fridiy the 18th the trains will be run at follows: Lento M*c->fi * a. m. *»rr Atlanta F.16 a. m. Leave Macon It 30 a m arr AtUntt 6 20 j.m ca«o Atlintii 12 night, a.r Alteon 7.16 a ra. Leave Atlanta 12 m. arrive at Macon f> 40 p m Tho night trains wilt not ha run on Sundays. The nigh: tain from Atlanta connects with the Central Rot'! at 9 46, and the \ Uavi Sowth*WeM«»n at 11,30 son, also with the Al bany train, trLwerkly, which leaves M ic »n 7,(6 a. a,on Mondays, Wadnosdaya and Iri days. 'i’he noon train connects with the Central Road at 11,30 p tn.’ and South-wevtcrn R. for Albany and U.lunibusat l 30 a. in. ALFRED L. fVLER.HupT I)cc 23 367 dA w. JAMES M. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW JI OUST OX, TEXAS, W ILL practice :ni o District ted Infer* I«»r Cou ts . f this Siato. Careful attention paid to the inurtiyating of f.and Tjtl*a, to the buying, sel.iug audio* eating of Land Certificates Promptness given to tha collection of all claim*. RxFK»XftciB:*~H »n. Wm 8eldon, Wash* IngUiti, DC; A AusBn fimi'h, Washington. I) •Hon vv m Hm".h, Washington. D C; Hon R JuhnsMi, iialltraoro, Md; Gov ll'm Eaton, U’arrenion, N C; Rev IU Johnson, Atlanta, Ua; W \V Gaint*. New Hrlesiis, La. T xts KrrfRi.vcia-'Hon P H Bell. Pan AnHnio; Judge Pevchal, A’sn Antonio; Jud^e G W Pawhai, Austin; Hon P W Gray, Houa* ton; Perkins & Keech, H *usU>n. jafiUsrv 7. 1868 dwly DR. T. S. POWELL, O FFICE over Smith A Enard't L’ru - 8 whora ccn lo fouad du log tha day, and »!i und J Atli r .u, Jan* 20, 1853 X i'ii)iii}(j 8S^WiBt g IE* iFELLiUKNCEH & EXAMINE R JOB OFF10 B t TUB PltOPllIETOn* b.vlug r«««mly .41.3 U tb. JOB DKPABTKEHT of lb. K.uL large u>i vakied (.uarta.nlof it. LaUitSifUi of FLAIR AND FANCY MB VWI. M ro praps red to exaeata In a neat and workman, ka maentr, avtry daserlptlon of PortieularatUntlen will be given to tbs Print leg of Cironlar*. Wry Bill*. Blank Note*. BiU Hesai, Blank Deed*, Bank Check*, Programme*, Batins** Cards, BANDBILLS^POSTERS, Sc. Wa respectfully sollelt (ba patronaga of oar friend* ia the city and country, and assure tham that all orisn will ba promptly ondiatUfoetorily attended to. W. B. D. H JTT JONES So HOYT, ATTORNEY 8 AT LAW, (>IG» in Kile'. Building, Corner of Marietta and. P.aeh-trt. Btre.U, ATLANTA, GEORGIAN Jtn 13 dim ~I T7llACK"ETT, ATTililf.'KV AT XX, LAW. hmggoldiGeorgia, will practice in the following c unties: Cotuoso, Ch«*ttooga. Murray Gilmer, Whitfield, Gordon, Walker. D«de. ReferenceJit Mrj. W. Y. Hantell, Mari* etta, Han'e'l dc Simpson, Marietta, James R La whon.E.'i, Duhioncea. ^B^rpartH aiar attend i-*-. r tid the ejecting business. v ' •) d, 18,67 davvly iiigh, Batler & Co. COHH1S3IOI7 MEBCHANT8. run n* raaciain <n <il* or . TENNESSEE COTTON, OHOCERIZB, <ftu, Alnbama Street, (StLlb or tL* JUscs k eeiUrs A tlanta. Georgia New Stock Coming- In GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS. AT*. J1ERBISG * SOS-3 CfotHn, »U»; * vfaetory and Merchant TaBorirg cstahU.-h tatot, for FoliaLd Winter, oil tha Uttst stylee. One of th*be«t itocks ot Cloth*. Casrimarai ai-o Vestings in Georgia, fircta which to make t ideo- dot. Shirts, Drawers, Under Garments, Cravota, Gent's Hosiery, Gloves, Traveling Eduwls and Blanket*. Tailor'* Trimming*; Ae., for cold at the lowaat p ices, to thacosi trade, at W* HERRING A 605'8. 46 Whitehall *U, Atlanta^ Go. Also ur*nO frr Ff**rer* Ptmlnr Marhfrrs. J OII*\ V. II!•:A 1U>-ATTORNEY Ai’ LA'4 Culquiit, Miller,cj Georgia, march ti 18,7 wlv AT La ll-Macon Georgia. FOR SALE... t - A LARGE a<s»itn;rnt of Virginia Leaf Tobacco, varying in prlco and quality, at retail and whaler*!?, ss rh*-»p at the ch»upeat. ts .1. 6HACKELF RD Ag'. Noy H. ’8 '7•dtf * Now lioitte to tiie fioutU ,v Ves Mempbln H ObsrUaton KsU-Hosd OthpIMed t T i JLjWJiNir.' o i. tOCBRJlNS. !■ UJUl» ;;<cd lh.mii-’.«<■, in bmiti.B will d«,i/.o Ih'-rn.f'vc, orcluci*. ly-o tin- yr.c'icr cl iho.-i profcwBon, [./.-ul'i Iw i_r i[. D.ixroirrsi— -.T LAW—i'.iiburn, ■I »wtf UAH 1S. _ A'JToll.VLX Cipatei.. July 26, 1857. ui\Dmyvooir& A t t o r u e j a at Law, Atlanta, Georgia. O triCh on Vhltebalktmt #ver A. V7.U\U'» Jew elryBlova. VsreL 12tb,lS67l (Cljj Uoa. ’A. Uwowiwoor*.j {W»t Hmai*. LUTHER J. GLENN Attorney at 1. a w Atlanta, Georgia. Will attend the Courts i r tho Conntieiof Fub G. P: Eddy & Co., (SOCCESdOM TO C. R. HAXIXmJflt'OO.) B0U93 ND CARD PRINTING 07FICS, AND Boolx.-lBInd.ory, Comer of Vr hitehall and Alabama sis., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. O. P. EDDY ft CO., TTtving just added to thalr IJ. formeraxtansire assort* mentor BO O K end JOB TYPE, CUTS, ORNA MBNT8, he., a vary lirga variety o^ new materials, of tha lateti ityUt, togather with on* of Hoe's eolabratad Lfllndsr Preaeea, ira mora fullv prepared than herstofore, to give dispatch to all orders for work in theirllna—which they will execute in the best style of the art, at fair prices for Cub. Particular attention paid to tbe execution o* FINK WORK for Railroad and other JointStoek Companies, Transportation Agents, Banks, Col* legos and Schools, Attorneys, Public Officer Merchants, and others. Booki, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Circulars, Cards, Promissory Notes, Blank Deeds, Checks Way Bills, Programmes, Rand, and Show Bills Posters, Ac*, executed at short notice. ptl* Printing lo Gold and Bavia Baoeix c.nd Panov OoLoaio luxe, or on Vellum, Satis Muslin, so., d**ne In beautiful style. Haring like wise connected a’ Book-Bindery with their Printing establishment, they are pre* pe.*«d to execute orders for every desertpt* work In that department'—including Ru and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING—in a stylo superior to any ever before done in this see- ti* n of the State. Their Tori* being »U new and of the latest patterns, their Stock of mnteriMi t! bttt the Northern markets men t-joa) to any lu the So: of their ability to give on: consequently have no heiitaney In ■oUeiting the patronage of their friend* and the public. 'iapuOr.l»ri for work, In either department el their business, from any part of Georgia anJ neighboring States, will meat with prompt alien tlon* Atlanta Ga. Fab. 33.1I6T. (dAwly.) CARRIAGE REPOSITORY I Adjoining tho corner of Ala. t Loyd EtrootJ, Or ex. R O B J T . H . MAT, Haring removed his CARRIAGE DEPOSITORY to the above aligi- Mo stand opposite the Washington Hall, and enlarged his facilities, is prepared tor dll ail orders with vhieb be may be favored, on ti good tanas aa cun be obtained in Augusta or Savannah, with Che addition of Freight. His stock embraces Carriages, Coneord Buggies, 4 and 6 srvtRoekawajs, Slide Seota do., Pall Top« do , With and without Top, B. M.CUXwt/,.. Clarke&, COMJ5US8IO.N MERCHANTS, Agents for. collections of tU Unrf. And Dealers la im luel Wm c? llL BMi' BROOEHtES. 4G it IM VUMmlH,*!.. 1-Juu, Ov ,V*UM. L»r* ■■* Cm *J..>. rm h«»i. 1*11 tm buipiuth<J .a. SndttUM ^og,ll, au*.. »o51i»wf.llr uUt-Tt UU. A YaloaHe ^^CHINESE EUQAfftSffill Sorgboaikdlflqriiee, c rixxsb axn a sbi c axj SEED BiSLET ( UST mini, i !nt nla aMid. of Btiitf, lor trim, %1 UllnL R.-pt. 7, 4lt CLARKS k 0EU3B. IVhiiker! lVhiiUcr I Wbi.Key ,"1X.A?.EE * CE1BB hit, jn: notirti tl L/Bhit. ICeUnlD-i lktr* CcgftrDMWto, BlUh.j, u4 for rjJ. elur,. km, >1. Who wsnt* say Bye. Chtu * C.-«ib lu m l;dtu 2»;,for V.!, trtkk be/ wifi mil low. Sept. 23 1867. A THEausE CPOS mm ORIGIN, VARIETIES & CULTURE. TWr V*h# u iPmgr CnKtad the at. uUttan eft).[a, %rap,A)csU t «ian. Btrr Cv&tt, VbHX*7, aUiai *>J Dj, Ifcaflh; with > pip« by l«ctua* TKay,£c9, «r C^iam. ud • JeKriBiiMioJhbnUoBeLncai for art- uBbmf dw hie. WO* tmkii T. which mrMri.Uqiun ImmUamifrif Ta£jg Ljk * £BLo. Pika's Megsolta Whiskey, Jus wUrecviroi a»d for sale by QUAERE A GRUBB. Kerch JL aixi. ii. urakULcr... CBOBWBCW Wallace A Robinson CGMMISSID^MERCHANTS, a:;d dealees is TENNESSEE PRODUCE! W. fir. epeeixi mralicx to ti. m!« o.' Bun, I*r4, n.tir, Gnill, TThuh./, T.bwee, Ac., Ac. reif cctf.!!, roBcHcA fiST- Pronfl Utoctica (lt.o to C.ih Or im BTE A EASLEY. A lov of Er. k BuW, »»U ucb.V for .O. », Ltpiu k K/2SM*. Pcohou, gdlcr W.joni, Ccra.ii, VALUCt kEOEISW. Top . Whip,, Ae., j of the best maaufae- tare and la its*, style A short of patreu*. age Im respectfully solleltcd. *r Orders for Family or Planutlon Wagons • other vehicles filled at short notice. ! We ere also agent for Norwood A Robins' j Patent Fan. Atlanta, Qa., Dec. 4, 1S56. NEW CMDY" MAfTUFACfORY -AND- NEW BACON ! A LOT oi pria. well dried Now Btcos, jT\.for til. ti WALLACE AROBDCSOX-S. Jc-oiry IM858 dtf LARD!LARD! I S C»l« tisd Buralk low down priaci. bp Wallace &. ho ri.ns -.n. J.r.ccrr If; !8od dtf By’ . ‘ HENRY8.< Price St SS, *est Poctcge Free, to toy (A dim, for edit* WW KAT.AfW*. Athats,Gc,Juj.50,It! . w*o — i . rpHE raforrtQdkoft»rtfoi, l«* J «fon for 1 utoopricnT R.foan£ru«Ieto. 3 Caska raw Linseed Oil, (Eaglish 2 - boiled “ ’do 2 “ winter strain’d prr^spr'inOi 2 - “ “ “ wnaleO: 20 Bbls. genuine OC fe Tanner*. 10 * uosin “ ** * 10 H uaorted Ycsfahffl. 30 “ '35 per cent. AlcnhoL 20 Burning Vb&L 10 “ Campheno- s 10 " Spirits Tnrpcntka. 20,000 lbs White lad, aborted. 150 Boxes Glass, assorted rizea. tft^mhM,Ml«n«Pdat> > iri cB for Fdstcn-«m. Vvatotp AtUcvv, Key *, jig X. AUXABBBt ATLANTA, OA. T HE eubecriber woldlmma tbe eltlieni ef At lanta and vicinity that he has consuntiy on hand, at his Confectionary and Baking eetabUsh ment^ all kinds of Courecclont, Paatries,.Fruits Inc lie la also nreparod to furnish every description of plain ana ornamental Cakes, for w.eddlngi or panies, at short notice, and on aceommcdatlng terms. Imported wine* and brs"4ie* ef all descriptor! for medieal par|*oser,kep. always on band. Also, hoica | New Orleans Groceries on j CONSIGNMENT, Tbe firft arriral of tiie New Crop AT ATLANTA. r Seago. Abbott & Co., m HAVE now In store a eh aloe [•took of o«w crop cf Now oioaiet, Soppr, CMm, PrfM, roily, _ , : ■ , Ati Filr, Umrio, rmotly rcun,d from ib- Srph, ohrr. As4 , :11 ^ l3 *»i!y, tf forthw O.0- b. fold Is . «... of Fiocj Aricl.iiid «t». li tvj f „ ffi ltfL . vs Stw Oitua* dor- e chewing To* genuine Spatirh Cicars, *nd ck baecf*—together with a large assortment of Toys,, Ptncy Articles, Ac., Ac. 1 , „ , .. „ , .ii .j,. MButpuia a i.nariwaion i., r . fibro id tho gacetn! Paioocgcr uepo. ana ell the | conuoctlng Cbftttanooga, Tenn.; Cbnrleeton, S. ton, Dolvalb, Fayette, Campbell, Meriwether, .Inn ?.f, sn awi . r . Qo.| and all North-Eastern ; Coweta,Carroll,Heniy, Troup, Heard, Cobb, and CUtee, with Metnpbis, Tenn. ' Spalding. Tno last connecting Link of Rall*Road 1 NEW-WORK. DR.'LlFliUiSTOSE’S 17 VE*R'S Explsiations and Adventures oS'VHffl WILDS of AFRICA. ILLVSTBATE'). In paper 50 cem.—nlo'.lt 81;'or *ale by WM. KAV, As«bl, AtnaB. Qa. b.t>,..o Now York and tb. Iliniiiippl KlTWl^srf Thli Road I. now romp:- - ed, and oponed for tb. regnUr tmniporlAttun ol i'mi.ngori uni Freight, and will afford more Mp«dutor. and experno, thin any other root, between tb. North EaitandR»uth-Weit. P.iieog.ri and imr-pert will “take la. notlo. thereof, and govern them- r.lvoi accordingly." Pueenger Train, learn Stevenson daily at 15 AIMntr rlock.A. M., (after tha arrival of tb. tmin ‘ '• -■ • •• • • • MnylS. IS57. Irom Cbatunooipt and N M.mphia .am. day at 7, Firrt Olui Steam Pacltci all jitter Important point, upon thoWeitem riv- cmjilgntdto Hall-Road Agent, at Seed! SmL! Seed! Garwcm Seed. WE bwc. out out large sfr.rlt of Gordon Seed, and jth--«: who bavchvuglitof ui here* i attiwt lo their fin. qiflilir.. Afor- clur iit from the r/itjr:try. wo pa- ieolvrly in vite c:id hope to Mcurc thor tude. Wr would r.V> r.«k a Wwrol .liar, of patron.p. from our citSSni BUnilftEZZkRD. Jantn-'- II. '858 J»f DOWNING HiLL K7 •& £§&> ^ 5s3 Si, 5 ATLANTA, GEORGIA, rjpHE rubwibc. rll.r at wUoftNfal. or retail. I a tvp c*teuri»o otliw-iton of Fiuit Tree., Gripe Vine. Ac., Ac. C.t*: (i.e <' :,i by mail to all applieanU, (rcoof cbu f , t . rEB3i j 1AnDBN A COii Atlanta, Georg ia. NovemberIVJ a 57 , , ..J4m SH AD 1 SHAD I I SHAD II 1 The first SliailBqvtf&atf tin Seaons Received Im Atlaatnj January 5lli, 1868. B T I’. CO.M.ON, and porcha.ctl by Tho. tiannsn,'P» priato: Utile 'front Houm. Mi Gorildp - wid be If .firing bhid Ju rii-gl d*rceiati from Savannah and will bv , to «e...m-caU hi. friend, in At-enta. i M.riclio, l..*ira'gv, Novranar.dlt n:a, Ua AW, uu HotfU on tbe G.Jf. IL Piraee to P.CJONtON, Atlanu, lit. - vfr Canton, can bo found b, at tho *! !r. W. Depot, ttiaota. fia. [jvnttdwt IIj^. '■fj .".iroavc" ol thi« Writing Hold wa. tb. r of accident. I;» ir,«t«.ail oth- evtntJ in ttlcllan to color, durahlliqr and «i»y f. at tic ran. W b« too thick, add a little rain water. It tbooM n-,t h-e mli.d with other i'TeV, ; -.. •' r v s Irot into clean bottr., iSSartr'^rrthaii** W lUkMUsot , 4-./aip.o,and n’M -« I ntrpared lo iu goeitty hy »oy -ok caauulnra I I btForcpecr Ate.''.'— , ... f' Odin»*• *NtJ«l7 .vtWIad, »' *• 7*91 | Btit-ripdfohfcov.lok •■* !-’ w V 1 Iru. be pot up lriPbliit« ,t--. i" ' •• b. 1 tTUUt ocly by. ■■ Itlgs*. - * * At- r fla. 8e««»tltb> wot.-,jj.-r. . V iw, Friie* h«w tfuttir. Ivadaad ferule bp DU. L. J. ROBERT._ !'Ic-dical & Surgical Practitioncf, Marietta, Georgia. Office at birresidenc*. o'clock, . , and Kjuhvitle,) and arrive at y at 7. P. Mi, connecting with Pirri ClaM Steatn Packet, to Now Orlcan., nnd jpo Oood. „ . Charl.itonor Ba-r.nnab, will be forwarded t. Mempbli and other point., by Ezprea. Freight Train*. Freight In charge of tb. Adarn'i Expren Company, I. carriod over tbla rout, daily, by tb. Pauenver Train.. tv. F. C. AEMS. General Sap't. ncnt.vtlle, Ala., April lit, 19i7. •Through Tlok.u to M.mphu, Ac., rold at Wilmliicton, N.C.; Cbarle.ton, S. C.j Auguita. v.v.nnab, ilac.o, Atlanta and Columbnr, Qa., Montgomery, Ala.; Cbatunooga and NubviUe. Toon. tos-To conn.ct with tb. Tralnt on l Ir Hoad, pauenger. will take tb. Night Traltn from Wilmington, N. C.; Augnrta, Ch.tunoog. and Kuhrille, Tenn.; and tb. day train from • tharletton and Kinpvl.U, 8. and Atlanta, a.. April 1>t.dtf. J. H. SMITH, Product and Comniiricn Mtrthanl, and Iku crt in Family and Plantation Oroetrtft, Marietta ttir.wt, Ooorgia 77 H . SMITH. WOULD rs*r*«tfally audoubcb t*( L th» CJtixtos of AtUala a«1 *or- roanilnf country, that hi It! * now r*«^vii*f an*! Ofaal otrAAUL ^ It *«tt>f at pnott that will eompott with soy houu to th« city, oou.mU s sfcato of pat roMif, IU rill wivoipsoUl attootloo U thssalo ofD* ens, Urd, lioar, Orals. Tobaees, its., to. GrmaifBBvtott i*>ptetfur totleiUd. ^.prompt attootloo jlvso «a Cath Ortm. . hboro on Maristta tlrtot, In tho bolWiog /onntrt) ocooplol by C. P. Farr, iwetiabor 1*. 1UT dwt G. J. WKllfii i. Attorney at Law, .... Georgia. WM. A. HARRIS. Attorney at Li"a w , Isibolla, Worth Co., OeoTjfU. Refers to—Maj. J. L. Harris, Millcd^or.'.it. Hon. A. 11. llaoiell, Thumaivillo; Miller A IUU, Oglethorpe; Uon. R. II. Clark, Macoi*; Col. J. W. Duucfto, Atlanta. Juno 2-rilly. Order sceem; »r.led with the cosh cr feed city . Ac *• SBAGO ABBOTT A CO. reftrccrprospily att.sdrd Jo. i o.-cnfV i^igo asd Abboii'.’tnudirg, Hn» For. .. .... ... L ' ' -'■’•b.-JiSO. | ’ryihacd Milchtll iirceda. Atl.cta, Nov. rcth 816. 4jw-y_ j y„, J, r jgy dtf ■ fuuktituhe: Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! Of nil Descriptions. E l, AN k HOP A1, r^ESC RlPTiONB, can be had st til time*, at the Examiner & Intelligencer v t R\ ITl ; itE!! I THE mbscrikiers have oc hand and are nnw opeuiift-.*. large and Me carefully r elected Block from tks M* NorcUcru Manufactories. Best Safes, Wardrobes, Bureaus, Secreur ?, . Wiuhrtanis, g-Bediteads and current .Boacy Bon;ht* We iviil luy the LO(e* of tv Tennotote Bank*, auo, Keutaeky and K«* Orieana. eEA<iO, ABBOTT & CO.* November Ii, ib57 id Bird^Eye Lime. We are Agents for the aale cf Mr. E L Roger’) Birds-eye Lise, pet up In 5 teveel baml*, war ranted full measure, and cf mpericr oeaiitv te any ether lime srdd ic :i»l* marks*. Orders by the Car load will be filled at kiln priori, by S., A. A CO. ,8hcri8k.Clfrk. of Cou:l>, .nJ ~haln of .ny dwlr.J amf price. A tv. i 3HU Stone^ Boltillg Cloth*, &C. t form cf DLLU, YVKJI .ori KU . ... R u * .mfFiV/vA ,lnvi... .«,i.!irnWUKl 1,1 '"' w ' more, Md., Harters and /erfVVJVJ/f^WS. A Homes, OrdinaritH., any favorite CK8> which they may deeire; and all FORMS { «r In addition to the above large stock, wf. ol lrg\l instruments, commonly In use, are si- j *re receiving weekly lupplies. The public are In* ways on hand, to be sold at the lowest prices, vlted to call and examioa our stork. Mlinti.M w F. Al dt J • WILLIAMS, — m Next 4o«-r U k Clark., FMeLtre* *t.. \U*au,9a MAH1C JOHNSTON, Attorney at Law, Caricrsville, . , . . . Georeia. l‘*b.«n. lfc&O. P. o. I1AUPKK, Attorn o y at Law, Wait Point, . . Georgia April \i, 1456. li t w tt E, M. SEAG0 srocnssoRTOssafio a uwRtici- WI1.L COXTIXL'S THE PRODUCE COM MISSION BUSINESS, D. B. PLUMB & CO., BE0A2 8TBBBT, AU0U8TA, GA, W-EOLXBiU AVDBSXAILinAUaa a Drugs, Mefislces, sad Chenlcals, DTE WOODS * DTE STUFFS,. Oila, Painu tad Patofoof. Artidea, TamayW Window Gita, and Petty, GU» Was, . Ftaucb, and American Pcriamcvy . Flu. Te-Xet and Sbavisg fleapa, ris* Tooth asd Hair EruAca, Pxiat Broshes, turriciI.mianUJ butrumnU, TBU88E8, BUPPORTEB8 OP ALL *nRw* ... Spicca, e£B&,Mtaufoctand Tolwece.'aS tb* Patent cr Proprietary Mediriscaa off ti. Day, Superior Ink*. Par* WiiM. and BrtadWftvlM. foal patMMC Extract for Flavsrmj, Cbie* Ta^ let and Taney Artldaa, afo. OT Wt o&r fMd. aqaaUy a. tow aa Um, can bvobtaiuwi from any (inulaiMUhiiabsMal in tbfo aoerius. WarrmleS lo hr Part, FVerA. and Oaumt. or Ord..-. from the Coenfoy noaptly filled and aaufoaetion gturant.^d vrita .regard to trice end oulitr. raV«CUXr PRE8CRIPTION8 wfll rtcein porucalox ettrotion ti iBhoonef tbe day or n»*bt, fo** l dwtf tsfc* Celt*, fce, Ordertv Aire seed to'ce wUl k. ^ (uiiy exerstid \r tins it manufactures jrie** A, A. k Ce. Burial Cnara. W. i-v rrrp.rM 10 fnrniih Fuk*. yeta'.IlcBnri t B.r-.rt*# Pmiwi Fftv a Bavtl.r ] al Cum,.!ihcrt ai-tica. We bar. ic-orcd tb. j *>• h “ >4 »* AT HIS SEW COMMODIOUS FIRE ™ 7 * /PROOF BUILD’NG, .Vviviwu * rroatofAtlinta Hatei.andcettdoortoFaUOBBMM, j ATLAXTA. GEORGIA . u lCa BEAGO, ABb. 21 A CO, Bepttmbnr, 11, IBS*. Peachtree irect. usu-'. FiciliiiesoStred to Snippers. Ordtri •pectfulIvsoUeltvd. OeLUtb. ISM. (dJkely.) \\. T, C. Caiupbell n. Bio., CCBOEON andM.cb-nical Ecu- Ousts, are prepared tw perform all uperatioo* in the profe* ilou with lurabiiity and skill. £&• Office over Alexander* Drugstore, White Hall tt.. W. T. C CAMPBELL. Q. P. CAMPBELL. Atlanta, Jan. 2? dtf 20 Packages Glass Ware, Just Received B Y the riuluciiber of th. mint mad.rctejj i'ylfi and will be .aid IS pt caning Ir.i thanl have ever t-afore been .bl.tuwll lu Aba, China rnd Qui»n. War. Plated Caalordl Plai.d C.i dle.lick., Ferb*- Bpoon., Tea 8*tl», Britain Jo, China Fluwt, Va»e«,/ke., to f inch I would invit. th. at- -t niton of my former patron, and upecially tb. L.diri to call and tiaovar, T. II. RIPI.F-Y. Nor. 1*. 1R-S7 ’ dff fc*ND NEAR ATLANTA O} iiElfc. & -JMu Ku. 50 a Mff**f»WVl«SV) ... «StriWat«W'r*i:»n4 aU.w| thirty a ' *“*•— Tfctf* kin ft«e buedr»«t Ohms* o> »w« wioa. Tfctr* t*n B«e r-u»t:r*« ebw appv v*»,oC the vny .Uoi Spl'e t D b»etLs tv above there te *e food a V li.L UtM a* eaa l« loam ..ywfom, tiUnti.tiMrii.n.». ft'T. etf. d*nt,lU« S8AU0, ABfiOTT, * CO FOR 8ALE. llb<«ux UtUH the* tbe ir D B ' ... ti. T. PULLIAM having m- turned Irom • *ieit W Vitflnla will re- um. the practice of hi. protoniunin the city Ati.r.ta and ifo vicinity. Can be foui J at birollic at all hour., except when prif.»«i’Billy »nga,ed. or Offi e WAbHINUrOJf HALL. ..ptMwlf Dll. . M. BAUKR, HOMOEOPATHIST. O FFICE and Houm. in Ur. Pomroy’. cf- 6c,-pp-.-te Petti. Puble. (Vuvember XU, 1857 d*wl J CAMPHENE Burnlug Fluid! AND FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER TERMS LOW FOR OA^H, T, 1 Kli'LEY. l>. S.—A liberal dia-ount bj U;e l>bl J. X. WlLLIAkl. HOLLt.Va BAUr*. WILLIAMS A BAKER, (Succetsori to \Txlliamt, Khn <£• Co.,) @ GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Atheneom llui'ding. Decatar 8«n At ItnU. Gu rtla. Pn mpt and pawteulir att.B ton gitin t’th. m!« ofOtain. Bacon, Lard. Floor, Putb.n, and Tennf.r*. Prodace giu eratly ian. *7, 1856 dtf Atlanta Fcnials College. r*t HE THIRD CESSION of thin I In. it-tti’B wdl coin nance on MON Dak", the 18th inat- have fittad up th. of th. Pre.biterian Church with a n.w floar. and n.w, afTording a much mon eommodi. •u, and eomfortab'eroom than the on. occu pied je.r. We will occupy thi. room tamp-’raril, ti l ari.ngm.nti c.n b. cnmpl.ted for eucting perm.n.ut Cclleg. Building.. Term* th...meat fcet.tofore pnhliahed. Jan IS d&tv3m J. L ROGERS, Pn«. Wrapping Paper. A l AEGK kt.ju.t received of ell aiioe and qutl lice, and lor ail. low. by Jan X3, Jwtf WM. KAT. Agent. „ WHXSMSYi WrsISKKt'.: 2300 t *" 1 ’ v»'i Mr lnitX*, •64**v-*4»:#ra Butbei. ».w **€* df«at fee ,*.e b> !wUU SIAU0, ABBOTT « CO- s*a»H Slanullla Paper. A VERY fine aMaitm-nt of lb* ebave, ;o«t to band on cni.rignm.nt. Pnee tow it tb. Few Dock Store, by J-n 13 -.'.rtf WM. KAT. Agent. f rMPORTelXT lXFORM\Tl)S, hy TM X^hichmuctt auffernc infaniil #• may b«avoiUaJ,a«ntm manted iorn *aj ths'vv , conlamplalioc aarriaia. A J tiros en*> St^axfdu? atam;a, Dr G. W ,4l)DlSCOMHR Urowlyn, N. Y. Nov. 11, 1167 d&ivfiw 9 Joseph Winsiiip, COMMISSION MERCHANT FOK THE PrHCH.SE, and cf Prcduce.|£g|f op pott. ti-. \X r.nrn A. Atlan tic liai.roaj Dtp-. Nevembff II. 1--57 deietf B uuk whea t flour, O.naburgv, Y'arna. bawling., bbtitiugr, Frem the M -ntcnr Cotton M:!)« Sug.t ar.J Coffee, Flour and Mice; Mciam* Syrup ICO Rep N.r»; A'tamanuue Candice, All for Sale bl JOSEPH WIX8HIF, i.nn.rv *. i a *a dtf BUTTER AND CHEESE. A LARGE lupply on hand ef .aperiot quality, and lor aaV hv JOSEPH WIXSHIP. N«v U. 1857 da "it James M. Carter, Fotmrdlni k Commialon 3‘*p- ebant. SAVANNAH. GA.. etrl* Jtme.' SriBrO. S.y wnyM by . r Ingonon. to? •) p. s* Liberal advances mads on all eon* ^SrJSxcrs —fatua, Rattoo, h Co., Jchatarar fo-R, Kec , Rntt II \‘r»5Bg. Ev*. Baraoaab, Go> ; BavarJ, Kk-. Bmm. Ga : f. a. Ciirvr. t»q , Xaori ret Ga eu * c *i*-Skwlf o*a Piano Fort* £ spaim oad Tuur n • ILL attend t- . ■^-dn.Ubfo ^MBe.a..., YY liae of burit-t.-' -- f 1 mrvg- a'.atScr «f aetiea, ecr.»fbam-It V I II ECV,(failed or buffed,, foytaf ef rwwetrlag. by tbe, whole er riagie, fie. uatufacti.B gtvta in avtry UMnee er le charge. All work werwnted. Ttmlag try trio Tear done u BeCaei. cy Adi order* .loeld be left at Hetrra. WO- Uaat' Furniture Stem, ea Peachtree at* Atlan ta, Ga. ear. it, .'56, dwly. T oil A SC F A CTPBEBI W E are now reteiviag a. lergv lot ofttofo leath er. Calf Seine, Lining* Bind- I toga, Latin. Peg*, Kit, ard everything connected with the Boot end 8k bntncea, whith will be cold el tow price. Ctlke A2 otciv. arcompen v 1 with Caab wd be ncoaptiv fil'd with good Good*, end at tow ratee—ei tbe Sign of tha Big Boat, Pcacbtrae- ctret, Cbernkea Eock. aptndtf D1WCK A MIX. NEW AUCTION HOUSE THOS. F. LOWE, Wkitekkil noar Mitchell St, Atlintfi G« rvt r l-,la adCidoatitBaaWAg^igtT. part" 1 . z'toxxi FCUCC t«xb*parcfc»»« and u » of a3 htrd* at prt»4cco, Grocotfm. M*rcbaail»a, aa4 >‘o- rrc*o. .<t Txtioiioo or FwrUy »»a. ^ < 5t ^ re«f«c t?alhr foclidtai aoi proapCf oui f*VL% fullj at octf»A»a. . f^— 14 4wif , iron! Iron! A LARGE Stock of r.toweb M.-vulu- turing and JA'-alng Company'. Iron, con) .t.nllt onha,d,ct Manuiactuien pn e. by JOSEPH WINSHIP. Novembar II. 16fe d.w FEATHERS. » M* . . . . . . JlttBPH *I>aHir. BACON a LARD. A NEW SUPPLY, BY josbph wixsmp. THE BEST SELECTED 1KD ASSORTED STOCK OP Family Groceries IN TBE CITT OF JLlLAhTJ, It te be found al the “Atlanta Family Store," 2ST0.13 Whltcball Street, BORGK5I. DANIEL, l rcprietcr. dtie eta. lfay 8. lid ldawy tiaaredtemaketkeMeeavealiatuifidaJ—M areta vaat cf a gxdCctan Staer »>■ .a. for from aa. aad we wfflaril M lew aa aur ettw Mae- rigargetMtaaipMtaa^jOeetoyiMylfowed. W.kaveaaritu6aM*ef eanttMria a. foOemd ~~ _ _ 1fo.dU*>a. lUUrik gwfonaroC. SryaH tr;at lint-.uuaciUUMiiuir^^ J joora wutHtFa es.1 a LL oar gx'di will be .old et lew price! for ^•'•^^.iMonfica K? BASt'K AGENCY. AH<5s Mo W&Mau®, Acvuf for ti* Ban* o/ Ooufon S C<trr>ina. Office at Wallace fi Rebfotoce Warebeiwe— enreer ef Banter ead Pryor riraaia, Atlanta, tla. «r*R flvo aitdo^Kr.* to AfoiWvteMaa p*F»r%tL QfYfY Cut frith Poa^M for ui* by oUU HUGO, ABl'OX fi CO. JenuryAUU 41 BiacUdmlUHDg*. BlacktmKtiing to O dw n.w and cU wugooa, war ranted. Bene-eboefog In tbe beet ityle. fill kind, ol farming implement., together with aarcM.borr'M cade *0 order, withdfo. patch, by ifiriect warkaen. Wagon, on band ef all etylei for tale. 8b’p aty iaing Dr. J. P. Offi *. Uarieua »tmt. JAB. M. MORRIS. F.broa-v tV U«C d»'f improved Cotlon Glut oad Threriilng Bacblnn. rpHX ufoigwl katiM raw wot iforMwa ■1 trrw fcrgaa Ctscty, Ol,, u llfosta, teg ri-vo a urcra UWU e« pattern asd foe peMe (Molly. ttatiMy will eoatane tbe Mauaforiutaitet Omen Gut and Vteat tbrirtw. ee forir umI MVaeWu Hal. MrCOtannlimmui triimfo., •rond ia GMfie. »Mfo Carollua. eed Akkame-afo ia parte efteM, KiwkripyA Gharifom. Tkay at. made *t foe vwy fori meforiefo « m— Ifftptn. Mwukatbew Mteefoet and forekl. ttree NEGRO 8HOE8I CHEAP 1 CHEAP I! ^ TO TB08B WhBTXSG A PB /9lartfole ef donblarofo er welfodto* ' Kw. wfflleay tbetwenewkavnln I a beery Clock, and aB et enewsHu vkick we will mB at tea Mt> e pair l YonUea Made, 6eor*U Made, HoaiMMde, ■ .rany ctbetmake,andwemrtutthem aegeodt artfofoMkaemrke«o£krn41* tkl* mart** a Buie. _AEklad. ef JPwSS lign el l/CIO Atlanta Q-n.tx, J0T0Bt * eo EXUSG LAWS3, *A»»* bAbWr: T.AttffAR gO« mmimi Tr awR<" ESOXYULf INS! |y£B. 8 r EBLIh* LdNU**-, Hardware Paper. A SUPERIOR article of Haiuwarl P*f* -T^ia“S-“""»Viuv,io«. ifor. late affTnfo^ee,AB to meet n'l fnead,*** W ilsa, i at tbe Lamer HAY I HAY ! _ Ttn*T reorl- *d, a lot ol T.cmm. Clow J*-*r5;iffignSSiS«)«