The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, February 28, 1858, Image 1

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* BY DUNCAN & LOCHRANE’ ' l ' - “ERROR CEASES TO BE DANGEROUS WHEN REASON IS LEFT FREE TO COMBAT IT.”—JEFFERSON. JOHN II. STEELE, Editor NEW SERIES,' VOL. 1. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 28,1858. MWEB 129. r Sqily inteiUgencelr & £x|§|ineK DAILY & WEEKLY. . DUNCAN ^LOCHRANE ttan.3ia ok subscription. Dolly Intelligencer, par annum in advance, SO Weekly, << •• •' 02. RATKS OK ADVBRTIXINO. Adrertlilng In tbo Dally Intelligencer will bn lntertod at the following ratal per aquars of taa 60 eta. Ona Insertion, If® " Throe, " Poor, ” Five, “ Ona nook, $1 00 1 25 1 50 1 75 2 00 Ona mtnth, Two, « Three * Pour, Six, " One year, 85 00 .8 00 10 00 12 00 15 00 25 00 Special contracts will he made for yearly adrer tlioinonts ooonpylng a quarter, half or whole column. .j&r Advertisements from transient paraana matt be paid In advance, vliogal advertisements published at the nana |. ratal. Obituary noticoiexceedlng tan llnei chary eJ u adrortlaeinonta. Announctngcandidatei for oflee, $1' 00, to be paid in advance. Whbii advertisements are ordered In bothtbe Daily, and Woehly, 25 per cent, will be added 10 the aboro rater. The privilege of yearly advartlaeri Is strict! c limited to their own Immediate and tagular bualneai. Professional Cards notaxoaadlng ilx llnei, $16 per annum. , Adva-tlsements not specified aeto time will bo pnbllibed till ordered ont and obarged at regular r&too. AdvertUttiiontr insort«il in the Weekly pAp«r On!y Vi|J n* eh«rvi» \ *i former ■- ' ■ • " ■ Book Store New Store, New Goods. ' AND New Arrangements. Boob and Stationery! m TIIE undersigned if ' ’ncreftslng his stock of, iBooks and Stationery) •by every I’eniacr from the Nirth, •nil IV also in receipt of the New Publications of the principal publishing bouses os soon ts as is* sued from the press. lie clTers for sale at low prices— 100 reams Folio lost. Cep, L:tter, No to* and Commercial Note Paper. THE halt qnallHei of Tbuua and Drawing Paper, Musln Paper. Bristol B.srJ, Bill Paper, Blotting npor, ll.i ralopor of nil alto/ and qualities; also, k ’ CHEAPEST Blank Bocki of all qualities. together with all the . ataple ortlolea'of Stationery mually found in a !®0^SSTORE inch ns cnnnty honro, School, Pnnoy and Pork. 0t fokitandi, Purtfuli.e, Bank Gammon and CheN Bo-rils. Ohosi Men, Purtmonlne, Pocket Books, Blngtn nod Double Slater, Porcelain outer,' Era,ring Knives, Paper Fulderr, Pen ' Itaqkr, Stool end Quill Pod. MuclUgo.allthe belt' raffdiof Writing, Copying and tndellbb Inks, -Visiting and Playing Card), all warranted », goad and ’nt ae low priori ai can bo 'onnd IN THE CITY. Alao, Bill File*, India Rubber, India Jtnhher Binge, Quills. Sealing Wax, Had, Blaok,-Fancy f Md White: Indln Ink, trawl g Hlatee, Crayon. Crayon Holder,. Block Sand, Find Boxer, Bill ■ Bold Boxer. Caioodoia, so- . All of wh'.ch will be i«ld at the loweat pricer, ifefc, WM. KAY, Agent. >“■ ’ lVhltebnll Street, Atlanta, Qeorgim B.—PIC.1IC remember the location, r.arert ra to tbc genital Paeraogcr depot nnd all the ,.|s, , . •Jan 2;1| Mg divtf NEW WORK. M T P I £}frecfolrn. Georgia Rail Road & Banking Company Auguala lo Atlanta. .171 Milex. .Faro 85 50, GEOROE yONGE, Superintendent Monsivo PitsxxoKi Tail*. 1 Leaves Atlanta a ally nt 10 00 A. M. Arrive, at Augusta, at 7 00 I*. M. I,'av:a Annumo, dai’y at........2 MO A. M. Arrive, at Allan*a, at. 1! afl A. 51. - EvKNUtO P*S3S!tOEB TrfAI.H. • aivej Atlanta, daily, at 12 Oil P. M. Arrive, at Augusts. nt 8 56 A, M. I,envoi Augueta, daily, it 4 00 P. 61. Arrivea at Ai ante at I 04 A.M. Cy ThliRoad rum in connection with tho Trai-a of the South Carolina and tho Savon- nah and Augusta Railroads at Augueta. Western & Atlantic (State) Rail Road. Atlanta to Chattanooga. 138 Milca, Fate $5. JOHN W. LEWIS, Supirintonlant. MottMixo Passfnuf.r Traim, I.eavca Atlanta, daily, nt 2 iOA.M. ArrlvceatChaUnnooga «t.. ... 10.'17_A M. Lon*e« Chattanooga, daily, nt I 31 A.M. Arrises at At'anta at 9 33 A. M Kiont Paprexger 1'itAUt, I,eavea Atlanta,nightly at 12 If, P. M Arrive* nt Chittanoogt nt 8 26 P. M I.cevca Chattenoogn, ni htly, at. .3 10 P. M Arrives at Atlanta at li 22 P,M 15?" Thir Road citin' itrearh way with ihn t Horne Branch Waliromi nt Kingston, the Eaat Tennereee At Georgia .’ai‘ron'1 at Dalton, nnd the Nashville do Chaiunnogs Raijraad at (. Lat in oo ga, Atlanta & Lagrange Rail Read. Atlauta to West Point.87 Milca,.Fan 83 50 GEORGE G. HULL, Superintendent. MORSIXa PAeSEXOER TrAIM. l eaves Atlanta dailv at 2 00 A. M. Arrives »t Weaf Point at 7 28 A. M Leaves West Point daily at 4 00 A, M Arrives at Arianta at...... 0 27 A. M JCvtxtso Passe.voks Train - . 1,caves at daily at. 1 Off 1\ M. Arrives at WntPrint at...... ..B 28 r*. M. Leaves West Point daily at 4 30 P. M. Arrives at. Atlanta at 1016P M. W" Tt is Road tonnccia each way with the Mon*frofnc>„ .g*. Woe' Point ItiRuond. MACON & WE8TERN R, R. MACON, December 14th, 1867. CHANGE OF 80HEDTJLE. On and alter Friday the 18th the train, will he run a- follows: * l.eavo .M«con t a. m. art Atlanta 8.15 a. m. Leave Macon 11 30 n m arr Atlanta 5 50 pm * rave Atlanta 12 night, a.r .Macon 7,15 a. m. Lenvo Allaula 12 rn errlvc at Mncon 5 Id p m The night train, will not bo run un Sutulay., Tho nigh', t ain from Atlanta connect* with the Central Road at 9,45 o.m.. end the S.iuth \VratcMi at 11,30 a in, alio with the Al oany train, tri.woekly, which lenvca Macin v,i6 a. of, on Mondays, Wednesdays and fri ll aye. Tha noon train connects with the Central Road at 11,30 p. m.’ and Houlh-wolcrn It. for Albany and C. lu mbui at 1 30 a. m. ALFRED L. l'VI.ER.8up’t. Dee 23,1887 d.Vtv. 17 YEAR’S Ixploratiaiis and Adventures D"K1 TKI!I«* ol AFRICA. J USTRATEO. In nttpar 50 tenia—cloth 81 i'or nh by IAVM. K.AY, Agent. Atlnnld. Gu. ! Sited! Seed! Garden Seed. WE have, as jjwal. got ont our large a/ock of Oaidcn Bred, ami . _ s _ WB ^th''ac who have bought of us here- ’ tnjuiu, mil attest to their fine qualities. Met- _ chants from the conn try, wo particularly in- 9r site and hope to aeeuro liter trade. ,We ’? would n’ao aak a liberal aharo of patronage 3 from our oilmens Call and eeb i SMITH A EZZARD. B January in, '858 dtf DOWNING HILL K?®*.sca ? @.aasK J w B ATLANTA, CEOBUIA. mi!BfUb«nboni oiraf it whoiiiflo or rcUllg I a ton e^touiite collection of Fruit Trc i r, (jrfpfl Vlncf, 4c., Cihlogno cent by mail to all applicants, beool ebw {. , ETE i W( j IARDEN ^ C(V Atlanta, Georgia. Nnverr.ber 9,1*57 dim 6HAD t SHAD I ! ;8HAD li i SdJODS jJannary ft, nnd pnrebMtd by Tbos ihietar of tho Tpmi Houxe. dr- Gotllon will be tecelvlng Bhtii dn- (thlaarnwm from Savannah end will be >py to icoeutudet* hie frlende In - Atlanta, la, LnGmnge, Newnan and Howe, On. , tho Ilntele on the G.J{. K. . Pleaie to J P.CONLON, Atlanta, On. .'Cenlon, can bo fobnd by inquiring »t (t \W. Depot. Atlanta, pa. [jtntldwt ISIM - . yof thta Writing Fluid we» tbr .f ebamleel aceiiant.. DwtiaSaaall oth- , |B reUUoa t» «d«r, databTOy raad easy itbepan. Wbantoo thlnr.adda little c'j.ItahoBldnot be oVxiiU* dwaystat'et into clean b id fretn Iho air wbaa nat In Me, lbb •• the ileal pan, tutd ’ e»»aM ba' lity by any Ink maaaiactnred gnlieilad, a* m will wal our ottee, Mil h'*, llMton. or^f Y. . Ulggara 8 Guild, At- bpeVabwaa. FOR SALE. A LARGE avsiitment uf V irginia Leaf Tobacco, varying in prlca and qunll'y. at rvtatl and wheletale, na cheap as the cheapest. 8 J.-SHACKELFi'RD, Ag*. Nov 14, '817*dtf Now Route to the situtu-^es Ktmpbll • Cb.rt.itoa Coopl.tad I Couuceltng Cbaiunoogn, Tennq Charleston. 8. <!.t Savannah, Ua.| tr.d all North-Eaitorn Cltlw, with M.mphli, Tasn. JT?"Tho last connecting Link of Ratl-Hoed batwaau Row York and tha .MisiLiIppi River! ,433,’ This Road Is new eocaploted/ and opened for tho rngular tranaparlatiun ol Posranger. iu.,,1 Freight! tnd will 'iffiinl more expedition and lev. axponioi than anv othor route batwoan the North East and 8o.,ih-W.i«t. PaiMDgori .r j .hinper. will “taka lu. colics thereof, acd gut cm thi iclyaBjentdlnwi.” Pnswngar Train, leave Stor.nion dally at : 12 o'clock,A M., (after th. arrival of the train from Chattanooga anil Kaibvllle,) and arrive at Memphi. same day at 7, P. M., conueetlng with First Class Steam Packets In Now Orleans, nnd all nlhat important points upon the Western riv- on.* Goods enntlgned to Unll-Koad Agents at Charleston **r Ssvannan, will bo rorsfsrde.f to Memphis and other points, by Express' Frmgbt Trains,. fgrFreight In charge of tbo Adam's Express Company, Is carried orar this route doily, by tha Passenger Trains. . F. 0. ARMS, General Sup’L Huntsville, Ala., April 1st, 1367. •Through Tickets to Memphis, Ac., sold al Wilmington, N. 0.; Charleston, S. 0.4 Angus:*, Savannah, Macon, Atlanta and Columbus, Ga., Montgomery, Ala.) Chattanooga and Nashville. **.To connect with tbo Wostem Trtint oh t is Hoad, passengers will take the Night Trains from Wilmington, N. C.| Augusta, Chattanooga and Nashville. Tono.t and the dey trains from Charleston and Kingsville, 8. C.; and Atlanta. Ga. April 1st. dtf. SMITPf, Prtdutfand Cemmitifon MncAant^ and iJultrt in A'ami/y and Plantation OrocrrU* % 4 f- .Mtrieltt ...........Atj*nti,Georgia J. H. SMITH. ^ WOULD mpWlfunj AtrnouM# tffiTVTTv the eitisiB« of AtUnu sod •or-Jvy'^ ngJgHrouaillM cionU/. that he lalBBEA OBHHKftew reeelrlng •i»<i ot »olpt, «nd will u. store, a splendid stock of rAMIL Y onOCBIUKS, whlcti ht la otovlsg nt |«Hoes thst wlU compete with snj house Ip the oil/, uit.iui » there ef pet* ^fofessiot)^ JAS. Al.rXA.VUER. VH. A RintlY. DR8. ALEXANDER & SHELBY, Ofiico Corner of Marietta A Market siren tit Jnn 3.1853. tlwly DR. JAME8 M. MORRIS, O FFICE on .Marietta itroot, opposite Dr. J. V. Alexander’s.-- Atlanta,.Oil) Fsbruary 9, 1358 dwtf STONE FITCH, Attorneys at Luw, »*« Block, up F’puf, ATI.AL. Jiouirr !iJ, lfcOt owl/ JAMES M. BMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW UUUSI OK, TEXAS, WJ.WtL praclicc in the District ami In'er* V V i >r Cou U . f this Carefnl attention p*i«l to thn inrestifftting •*( fsand TitDs; to ihn Uuying, iciiing and Id* eating of Land Cerdii-. ttcs Promptriesj given t-j liiv coilection of a'i elaims. RgFSBBNorB:—Hon. Wm Sol Jan, Waih* ingtnn t D C; A Auaiin c*mrb, Wusliington. 1) ; Hon '•V'tn Srailh, VVavbingtv.n D G; IJon R Johneon, Baitimore, Md; Gov H'm Warronton, N C; Ilev Rd Jonna^n, Alianta. Ua; W \V Gainc*. Wew ‘’rleond, I.a. Trxia KrFEBkxexs—H m P if Be!!. . C; an Antonio; JuJgw PaschaU fan Anu^. y, Judve 0 VV Paarhal,Austin; Hou i’ S‘ ,ii . . llous ton; Perkins Al Keech, HuLiina. jsnonry 7, IBi'id. tlwly. DR. T. S. POWELL^ O FFICE over Smith A Erxard’# Fru : Store, where bt can le fomd du ing tho day, nnd at nigh *, at h s residence os tha corse.* ol Cciiiop aad Jo ed 3t*cet«. AtU^ ta, Jan* 20, 1853 dwHm IN ELLllrENCKK & examiner JOB OFFICE! TIXE PftOPttnCWItS baring nn.tatiy a.i.|cl to tb« JOB DEPABTHEirr of the F.sUh ’.ishmont'a IsAlUJFend VARIED 4sortrnftttt of the Lattot StyUt of PLAf$ AW® FAUCY prepared to eicccta in » ne*t and workman, ke manner, every dctcriplioti.vf V ‘ PartlcnJar attention will bo given to the Prist log of Wav Bills, Bill r • Circular*, Blank Notes. Bif) Heads, Blank Deeds, Bank Checks, Programmes, Business Cards, HANPILLS, POSTERS, Ac. We Kstpectfally solicit the patronage of onr friends In to* rUv r.r.d coRotry, :icd H«.*nre them tha tail ordc'* h. ».w.hra..,si. atlomled to. Tiii be promptly and mUfactorfly W. i. JJNiS. fi. B. HOVT JO NES St, HOYT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, I ’ffiee in Kile’s Building, Corner of Marletu and Peach-trro Streets, ATLANTA, OEOROlAv l«n 23 . - dim A t. iiaCKett, a'itornhv at , L A W, Ring%Ad x (.\torgia, will practice in the fillowing Ctsuuiiea: Ucuom, ChAtloogn. Murray Giliner, Whi’fioM, G *rdon. Walker Dide. Htfcrtncex; Maj. VV. Y. Han*< I*. Mari- «tra, Hanse l Al dimpson, Marietta, Julmcs U- Latvhon. , Dahlonoga. ’ ‘jS^-particular attontion paid b» the colecting I business. May V8, l8f<7 dswly | J OUTi V. IIKAUO — ATTORXEV jVT LAW,—Col(juiit; 4 sMillor,cJ Georgia, rairch 6 18A7 tvlv L OCliUAMC & UAIHAH—*^7- 7 Oili\JF.S AT LA lV-Ma:on Geurgirv. U A. LOCUIUS!• 3 LAUiR Having aweeiited iheraaelvpM in buiinviaynil devote* ihemsejvea ozclusivtiy to the practice of tlioin professions [7anl.'l.<wiy \\TIS.LIAM M. DA.VFORTU- YV AXTUKiNEX AT LAW—Pmrburn, Georgia. July Ifi. 1 )?. Uwtf UNDERWOOD Ai UA1U IS, Attorneys at Law, Atlanta, Georgia. Id na VfblUbalUtreet aver .1. TT. H »U*a Jew riry Store. March l*J Eos. tl. UrmiawooD.i LUTHER J, OLE N N Attorney at Law, Atlanta, ...... Georgia. Will attend the Court, in the Counties ef Ful ton, DeKalh, Fayette, Campbell, Meriwether, Coweta, Oarroll, ilenry, Troup, Heard, Cobb, and Spalding, l>K. I.. J. HOHKUT. Medical & Surgical Practitiom r. Marie®, Georgia. OCccr.t hi«teiidence. G. J. WHIDHT. Attorney at La w, Albany, Georgia. May lit, 1.357. M ill. a. IIAHUIS, Attorney at Ua w , IfabeSU, Worth Co Georgia. Kfatcii to—MaJ. J. L. Harris, MillodgevtlU; lieu. A. U. ILuiJcil. Thou, tiville; Millar X 11*11. Ogiethurpo; lion. R. II. CUrk, Macon; Col. J. \V. Dun<*an, AtlaaU. ,lune 2-dty. occupied by O. P. Parr. TVcenber 12,1857 Tobacco, Ac., ke. ...Al solicited. atUuticm given to Ca«h Onlers. iriotta street, In the bulWing jformfTij Dls'Paokages Gian Ware, Jtut Received B Y the Snbseribar of the moat modern lift e'ylra. tad will b« e,ld 25 per >enlf J Una then l have over before beon ableioaelt to: ClONh- Alro, China and Queens Ware. Plated (flaton. Plated Candlestick!, Fmke. Hjioons, Tea Bette, Britain do, China Flown Vnsca, Ac. to which l would invite the at tention »f my fmmet pattona and especially tho Ladies to call tnd examine, T.'R. Rli’LRY. Nna. I*. 1857 .Iff LAND NEAR ATLANTA & BA SEfl as ahon-tbaca apyisbata. Attmw,' itawriaillaa'lMi kuu m. MARK JOHASTOA, Attorney at Law, Cartersvillc, . . . . Gcoru'ia ol.2*. isae. -la.i. P. O. UAKP13U, Attorney at Law, We«t Point Georgia April lh, 1365. ii°wt; \V, T. C. Cii.u;>:i II A Hjo. uprcparauti. perform all operations in tho profos lists, arc ‘ ' sion with durability and skill ^JffOOoa over Alexanders Drugstore, White Hall lb. W. T. C. CAMPBELL. G.F. CAMPBELL. Atlanta, Jan. 25 dtf D R.-54. T. Pl-LLIAH aScit u- turned (niui a vi.ti to V, will ro- .umu the practic-a ofhtt prof... city of Atlanta and it. vicu.,f- Can be Tout d al hisofiU'n at all hoar*, except when prolhsaitnally eniagod. tsT Offiro WASHINGTON HALL, aep I Sdw'lf DU. . M. BABKR, HOMOEOPATH 1ST. O FFICE and Room, in Dr. Fomroj*. of flee, . ppoaito Pettis Suble. November 20, 1837 dawty CAMPHENE Burning fluid! AND FOB SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER TERMS LOW FOR CASH, T, R. RIPLEY. P, S.—A liberal di«joutitby tho Bol , Dee- * 1«»T. wui'ujtTi WHimtn VbhU (UM TamraM. Cora Wht.bey. pi /Hare, aad for mWon taawMMemmw. w.LLAcic a anatavai.v 41.1’. Eddy & to., (dtCCHSOR-i TO C. R. l!AN'I.Kn f R * CO.) Es.jjj i| cisteiiKimm AHV HooIc.-.Hin.clory, Corner of If hUthall arid Alabama tit., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. G. P. EDDY & CO., , _ TTa'ipg jcn eddod :o tbtir JY. forreer extensive Msort* meotof BOOK and JOB TYPE, CUTS. 0RNA MENTS, Ac., a Tory largo variety of ne^ tratcrials, of t&Wotjeuf «fyfce,tO£eiber witl uf Iloe'icalebnvtod Jyllnder Presses, . ire more fully prepred tbRn heretofore,, to f?.?t •lispatcb Wvll order*formerk in tbeirlino—which they trill cteccte la tho beiiityle of the art, nt fair prices for Cwh. Psrticalsr atveolion pfcll to the exesutba Os FINE WORK for Rnilroad and other JcinlEtocV Coropaaies, Transportation Agents, Banks, Col* legos sad School?, Attorneys, Public Ofioer Merchiat*, and others. B^oki, rtffiphlots, Catalogues, Circuiar», Cards, Prominory Kotsc, Blank Deeds, Checks Way Bills, Programmes, Hand and Show Bills Pcstors, Ac., executed at short notice.'' jear Printing ia Oolu nnd Brevet and Fancy CoLonau Inks, or on Vellum, Sub Muillu, a?.; done to beautiful style; HsvicgUker,ise connected a HooL-Bindery with tbeir Printing EitablUbmoct, they are pre* pa.:ed to execute orders for every description of work in that department—including RULING and BLANK BOOK. MANUFACTURING—in a rtylo superior to any ever before done in this see. titti of tneSute. Their Toris being ill new and of the latest patterns, their Stock of material* the 6e«t the Northern markets Ldord.and their work* men equal to any in the South, they feel confident of their ability to gire entire ratirfactior,, and consequently hare no hesitancy In soliciting tbt patronage of their friend* and the public. kgfc»Order* for work, in either department oi thoir business, from J*ay part of Gecrgia and neighboringStaies/will meet with promptatten tion* r.Uai»ta Ga. Fob. 20,1S57. (dAwly.) 6itij ikdbe^fLsetoerjts. High, iliitler &> €©. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. rs.r. rax pcitcjus* san asur of TENNESSEE PRODUCE, COTTON, GROCERIES, <tc., Alabama Street, <3rsth al tt. X.C3S t W.itw. Ctyot,) A tlanta, Georgia 0"«! Teatj»«9r lirvtj n et ear f*r P/odase A'.kr.U Jt.cF. Vftta. 1WT. New Stock Coming In GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS. A .TV, II EBBING rfr SON’S Ciothing Mann Vkfactory Acd Merchant TiiUnr.g etubli b meot, for Fail and Winter, aii the Uie«t ety;e». One cf the best stocks oi Cloths. Catrimeretu a Yerring :ti Georgia, from which tomuke « »iiv> ti«n. Shirts, Drawers,Under Oarmefcis, Cravau, Gent's Hosiery, Gloves, Traveling Shawls aid Blankets. TnilorMriirmioEf ,£?*., for sale at the lowest p lets, to tbtcath trade, at W* UEP.RINO A 60N'fi. O Fhitehall *L, Atlaata, Ga. fry - ff ra V»*bt7‘CV. City 'tiCberii§eti)Cf|ts. r.K.’clakkL..;. '7.Z f r cw Clarke A (irubb COMMISSION MEIUrilANTS, Agents for collections of nil kiuda ▲ad Dealers In SM, LitD, mm G? ill 1D3. OtKOCEHies. &c li lh*i - ICffUsd.oa Whitehall fit., AUurta, Gc . t3»Pacrm. \xtl utd Cora alwiru r* ktci.Strirt aMfttios paU It LtitfuawiiU os errrj Sy-ij-'-pSk-t. tS-J KruhLUXitAt • TWJ2j*tfy V^tAe. Oriert ».l 'ievrefw5)» fcL.e'l—Vcr CaSZ. 6jii| ti c b c rri6 eli) Ig. .4 Valuable Book, /HB) Every Parmer ought to /Sgh S&f j have a Copy of tha f$sj *BMt CHINESE SUGAR CANE!*®’ Sorgho and Imphee, TUB CHINESE AND APRICAH SEED OAKLEYt | UST rcf-dvoC, a tret rmut artirie of Barley, j J for Beird, trite, ti per boti**! Ftpt.7, dtf. CLAftKK 4 GBU2B. tAlll. A TEBAiraS UFOS TBEIB Wtalikry! >Ybl>-bwy! Hbitkff / aLAKKS i OR’JBB i-»v. >on r*«srH Jt V^’llai*. Extra Ccjqwr Li.TilJwlCf.rt Wcisker, aad t'<r f*J r -b«ap. txarob 71. ! ORIGIN, VARIETIES & CULTURE. ■Whowaiits any Eye. CTjltk» & GrsUi'bi ItJ t'jmh.e.t i'.jr, ('?**< wbSti h*/wtil *tU k.». 25 5vS? and for saie by CU4KKB A OBUEB. iff Cim ami tbt man p,Alcohol, winra, Bt*r CAHfilABt HhPOSITOHY! Adjoining tb* eoracr of Ala. * Loyd Stmts, - JLll-ansn. Gt-su RCIPT. H , MAY, Havir.v removed bis CAKPJAOE » 'Sft t7 ’IEP051I0KY totba above eiixi■’i&kShBt ole stand opporlto tbs Wasblngtoa Laid, Flour, Orals, Whua.r. Totnoob, Ac., Ac. Hcli.ral .ulargedhl. prepared tor, Ccsil^nKnu rciptrJnllj scHdtxd. fill all orders with wliicb he ma, ho favored, on i at good terms as can bo obtained ia Augusta or Tbrir Vtloa as a Parage t ofxctaro of Sugar, Sirup, A 1 Cider. Vinegar, r'^rch tnd Dje 8ta ft; orb ha P*Pn t' Le li.:.' An., E«j. ofCadmix sod a dooenp iin of bm Mlcotrl proecaa foe crys- ull'iirig thr iuieo of the Imphc*. Ta which are added. Cop/oi tnasUtstoi of Valuable Frrwh Phconhltu. D, HENRY S OLCOTT. Tr eo $i 25, sect Postage Fro*, to an, ed- dreo, oris bj, WF K.\T, Avert. I ■ , | « | «■■■■ 1 « ■ AUset■, fit, Jar.. IMI, I8i . wAa ALE. It, VAU.» - T . vrx. C IW >|||BOX j s Wallace & Robinson Ju8t deceived. ontRiL : r r " ** COMMISSION MERCHANTS, L \ Calks raw Linseed Oil, (EhgHsh AND DEALERS IS 2 boiled ‘ “ HO TENNESSEE FRO DUCK: ?. “ winter atrein'd pure Fpr’mOi Vfti five ryi^iiu utentics tc lb« sal* of Lucca, s O ^ r M W r>*tlAnr • Prompt attention givtt to C**k Order? wunleOi 20 81/li. genuine Git a 7? Tanners. Sarnnnah, with the addition of Freight. His stock embraces Carriages, Ccnwrd Buggies, 4 and 6 scatRcckawiys, Slldfc Seats do., With and vi*J)oct Top, Top BuggUs, No Top Jo., Whip*, Ac. BT£ t BABLEY A let of P t* X 1U: >) • saci !t: ,♦ ! * £.pt:4 .‘/li A. frjuiyiO C0B5""l£EAL fcukis!* fr*:*i ferr Y*t\ iz Oka* waixlue NEW BACON Ucsin asorted 95 per cecf. AleohoL Rnming fftr 'A i Ctunpfcens Spirits Tcrpaotine. 10 10 go 29 10 10 j 20,000 lbs White Irad,.assorted. turr tnd latest rty!«.‘ A share cf patron*' •ge u respectfully icllclted. j >t S^u'Orders for Family or PUTta'Jon Wagocr; cf’thabeataattsfae- \ L0T rf ps : “« *«D dnvd New Bicct, 160 BoZCS'Giu*. OSEOrtCdakes. .t,i.: A\J Jis sale hi WALLACE \ ROBINSON’S. 1853 dtf other veblclas 5Uad at rhur! not!' IVe are alec agent for Norw.coJ Patent Fan. Atlanta, 'da., Dee.4, 1655. LARD ! LARD ! Robins' fN '.if i. Farrels, at J.-ur down prirra. bt i 11 al.LAGE L ROBINS’-N. * ; rr : 6; t f-W d:f I T on NEW CANDY MANUFACTORY fg orioaiTcYirarics “•’•“.•a’**'*'- j CONS1GNMEXT, TfaEsabieribcrwonldiniOT-lidiiMMifAt! The fir-”, arrival of the New Crop J. lantaandrielnltjr that he bu rsn.Asnt!; r; ; AT ATLANTA, band, at bis Confectionary and Baking eaublitb- c-i ill .xx A n neat, ail kindi of $CB|0, Abb©tt CO., ! Confection*, Paatries, Fruit* He is also preparod to furnish ever) dwcriptier, of plain and cirnamenUi Cakes, for veddicgi ct ! parlies, at short uotloa, and cn «oooa.inr>Jit'in/ terrai. Imported wine* and bra* He* of all description* HAVl now in ttore * cbelee ; rtock ff ntw enp of h*tw Orkanikjfflm jlo.&Mtti.. ™. ~ fT lsnn Sugsgtt, ! Choice, Prime, Fully Fair, \ And Fair, j An I will be in recelrt, weekly, of farther Con* j , sicrxactsj from their friends in Xew Orleans dcr* i ry tnmg necrssuy for oarrying on bis candy man icg the leawt, which they will seU u cuh buy- j u.sctory he would•aform ecunty daalars tha: It if; ws ui 10 per ctnt lower than the tupe guods can 1 propped to funriih cuaisas at wholesaJt at 26 t bt txught ia any c*fcer Geirtia narket. AU*, Far cy Articles, Ac., Ae. Having recently ratwrnod freashe Iforth, where L« laid In a fine stock of Fancy Artides and evo* Blank's! Blanks! Blanks!! rants par pound. Ords: a»r.apaaiad with tha rub or good city rtieronraipromptty attended to. L. VALENTINO. ^Atlanta, Hov. ICth 166. dstr-j ^rxtTajsrtrr&eLxu FURNlTURfi!! cxoghtiascy o«ber Georgia in ample ilvck cf Coffee, Balt, Tctacoc, Candies, Ac. SHAGO, ABBOTT A CO. Ot.'cupy Stage and Abb:-u'» building, comer Fcr- syth and .Mitchell streeu- Jarunry 2 Hi4 v dtf »w >r THE nbaeriberi have on hand are now op*alD£ i largw and % Of a II Descriptions. UwxaUeortfull, »alcc'raa dtoek from tha T ) LAN sof all UKsCRip nu.VtCcin Beit- Northern Mauufactoriti. > bo had at all times, at the . . * 1 Watdrobaa, Bcraaus, Saeratxrra, Examiner & Intelligencer JSCT* 35^ sr « Attoruicfc, Sheriffi, Cb’/k* of Courts, end Or Jitiari# 1 *, can be furnished,.at short notic**, any famrite form of DHHL), WRIT,or.itO (' i'>6 which they may de*i*o ; arid all FORMS of la gfftl -nstTumcnt:, commonly in use. are il- wawon hand, to ocajij at the lowest pricer. ' 'iwr l*t. M w L. m, SEAGO, SrCCFSfQR TflSEAtib c tAtnxxtv WILL OO.VTIXOS TUX PKODUCE COS!- J/ISSIOX ttUSISSSS, ,VT HIS NEW COMMODIOUS FIRE PROOF EWLF-NG, Front of AtUr.t* }».V*1 »n0er\» Jour tsi K jltoo Hon**, ATmiV.-l, >SQU. fcjJTh* aAjnl ;o Stippars. Ordsri li kctfallj .nlicitfal: Oet. i«u< WM. (dhwly.) J. r.. WILLIAMS. U; LLI.VO iUKKJl. WILLIAMS SL BAKER, (Suc.-tsnrtH’i.’.'iorits, Col,) —OENKRA1, COMMISSION,,~ MIMOH. NTS, Atbrc.cuni ViidA* luBuing; l)««tur Sweat, At v Aim!, (iraraia. 1‘: mpt and par iculsr .tt.n ton gl'rn t.uhh ra!o tfSk, Bacon, Laid, F.our, FcHhait/atul Tfnrie«e®roduca gen fra If Jar.. JJ. 1858 dtf varreut Jloucy Bouglu. We wlU lu, the lo:m of tb« Tenn»*aae Bauks, aUo, K-b> and New Orleans. feEA’.O, ABBOTT* CO. November 11, HAT dtf Bird! Eye l.lue. We are Agents for the sale of iir. B L Rbgar't Btrds-eve Lime, put up is 6 bubal barrels, war- rar.ted full measure, and ef superior ccxlltj u an, other Ume sold in this market. Orders tj the Car load sill be tiled at kiln prices, b» 5., A. & CO. Mill Stonei, Bolting Cloths, Sue. w . % ra stio sguti toe M«*. sri. konis ft Triatbla, Bat'd, oore, £l~, lapo: t.ri sac eolereri Paiits, acd eH for Fsiatera' tee- For sftla bv stioatx tt«T», nt.:,x, stnsypia i). B. PLUMB & CO., EROA&SrRRBI, ADOUSTA, GA.’ WHOLE3AL* AND HETAIL DSALEE3 IS Drags', Medietoas, and Chemicals, DYE 5VOODS & DYE STDFF8, Oiie, P»itu end Pahaer*’Axtide*, Vunkhaa. Window Gltr, asd Pott,, Ginns Were, Franch, end American Perfumer,. Fua Tblet end Shaving Scope, Fine Tooth end Heir Brashes, Faint Bruah *, Gorriml end DaUa! InstrtSsoeala, TRfbsKS, St;PPOETF.kS OF ALL KINDS . 8; loen, Ssnfia, Msnsfixtorad Tobacco, tB ■h. Psiec: or Propatuay M•d'euoaa of tha Da,. Superior lake, Pta» Wine, and Br£bdis*ft» M»4- icxl Purpose*. Extract** Flfteomcg, Chics T«a> bt uut Pane, Articles, ♦ue. . WWi offer goods e^tuB, as low aathv, can be obtained from an, tixajis? antahfjabi nut in tnia aecdoa. Harmnfed la hr Pure, Avis, med Genusoe. ur Orders from ths Country promptly filled and ssturactcoc gntrantrpd with regard > prie* tnd quality. PHYSICIANS’ F PRESCRIPTIONS will receive pan-culer seen lion at all hour* of ths day or c-toi. (&,»» i dwtf Wftshitssids, bsdsteadi ssi ’bain of any desired pattern and [ rice. A fine Uic.vtmt.0t of Cectrs, Work, Stlo^a tad Toi.etn. liKs,—Ltigere’i,Corns: and Side—Softs, lets- s-Iett.ttr. fi£~ in addition to tbs above large nock, wi | osier, it fraesb Bcrr, C»- sre receiving ereakly rupphea. Toe publ:t are in-. s»pa. MiL fto«. vlmd to call aad examict oar ruvk. f bciut/ Clou.*, to Ori*r» F. A, & J I WILLIAMS, i wiQU fUtb. Kstt 4o«r W Gkibort a l**t*cM>* *t., j felly ie u«t ot Ataau.Oi : ciS-LKcli.-w >ncVi S., A. ACa Burial Cnaea. „ , _ _ — 11 e s-e prcf-tr.-: u, farni.h ip's Metallic Bnri 1 f r»f ■ICw«,.ld.v not,co. V, ntr. racumd lb. ,utUj “^c-J.riSTBBOTT A •ervtcae of a competent ptertaa to sttasa tc thu da* > Se f t-tnber 11 com[-c!rr.t [tert pirtmect. F. A. A J. S. WILLIAMS, K'.c'Si.'itl-JwlT Pvtcntreo iroet. Joseph Winship, COMMISalO N MERGH A XT sj33-\ i’HE FUKv.IUse, ' tftortge. tf po:tA the Wt'kimi \Uou* tie Vti.hid DvpvL 11. I^*>7 limwtf tirn i Kil O. JtT. BAHTS PiaiO Forte Espaircr and Timer \T T n.Lattend to tayetUsinhit. — ♦ » lice cf badness, inch as rag* I eating cf action, ecrering af ham. 1 j mtra, (fatted or buffed,;-laying of uw strings by the oetsea, whole or tingle, Ac. Satltftctian given in every Insures or nc aharga. All week warranted. Toning by Use Tear dona nt Reduced Prices. AU ordert ehculd be left tt Heetn. VRU llama' -Furaitcre St-.-e, on Pcaaitrea eL, Atiaat. ta, Da. tot. 25, ‘16, dwly. T O M.isrIFaCTtREBS -\YT E are tnee receiving a 1 f -urge lot of Idole lxa'.h- rr.Call ethina, 1 tninge, P-rad- ioga. Latte, Page, Kii. and .everything c rr trrrd w,H the Boot and Sla battntu, wxc wd.' be told tl low prices I'.sib Allorcere s-oompanK-d etilh Cash will be promptly filled with govsl GixaAs, aad at low rales—at the riignd the Btg Boat, Peachtrew sL-eet. flherokeo Block. apttdtf DIM1CK * Mil. liu pro vrtl r»ii«n a in, rr Tlirrsltfug .Wurliluef. . , , ■ . . • ’pSK aabr»T ,i raotg rwaravd Hair HaiaeeS *! J Ht*S*L "f) 1 !nm K.-rgaa U-astyvanavtaJUacta. beg lean P. S, 1/tVeoi oocjnceir toajs OX ou non* u :s( — u.e! oU pauses .ad tbe pabbe gecerahy, ■ that taer till eoutiaae tbe Xaaaf. sturiaa of Cocua j ^ (ri>u oa tbslr metal ( ' Janies M. Carter, Forwarding Jo Commla6ioni >< er j chant. SAVANNAH. OA„ ftyria-Jocn- -Vsv lhoet, tur i'.-eei—«et(i*!) iltRtVCK —R C« , Jofct Imp«t 1 uWrt Allaula Female College. miYC THIRD SESSION of this Invitutim wr ; li c»*in nonce on Mu.\ DAY* tne li?th in*t. W* hftvc filial uj» tbe biremnUt ofthw. lV««bytcri*n Church with anew lUr. »nd j r ew de*k«, *lT.»rJih(5 r tnoch m.-'rc f in anJ comfr»rtib «* rOk>m ihstri «h<* ona occu* pic*! last ysy. \\> will » 4 -crii|»y »i;i* loom (cRiporftriiv li ! ftrtaUfTOftntfc c*n h-s romplvtfd for erecting {Humanent Collie UuiMrng*. Tunn th t f.^ru# »# hructuforo pr.Wi*h«? J. J%n 13 *!Aw3m J. 1. HOLERS, B UliK WHEAT FLUUP. OAiiftburg*, Yftrcfte bbmiufs From lip M.mtscr Cvtton sVnis. tnu CV»W, Fiour h *cv; • MX* feynsj t 100 Kf|r» Nail<5 A i*m*ounc C«niUw, Ait Or bftlr hv JObEPH WIXEHIP, jinnvi A. .hi Cl. . »»>• U. Yra«. E»s SWraa-xc. Oa-V ! ^ ct ° 4 Sr.:r '-.--.7- i *r* KiO« e? If »<•! ^ waa^ruu % npeaeo NEW AUCTION HOUSE • “ '-fm?*™ 1 ** 1 ^ If z** b\ THOS. F. LOWE, WTutAhal i near Mitchell St, Atlanta Ga a? r j... 1 . sV« Wrapping Paper. V LARGK I t.J i‘ 1 receive.! of all sues and quit lies, slid sale I ou. by dsu 23. Jot: V. M k.W. Agent MaiiniHii Paper. A VEHY fine assotlmer.t cf ibe sbnve. j-jit to hand cn coo untnent. Price lew at the .New U.wk 8,«rt>. hv Jin |3 .lvr’f \vM. K AY. .Igent. BUTTER AND CHEESE'. A l.AKIill ntpydy on band of superkr quantv, and lot sale by JOSEPH WINSHIP. N'V Si. 1857 dawtl ! lrou! V LARGE Stack hf ritowah ktimilsi. luting and Mining Company’s Iron, con) aiantlv on baiC.ftt Manufactuim pri e. by JOSEPH WINSHIP. November U. 1*5» W FEATHERS. A I.tROk sopply o: tftolesissu V.atntra for sale ‘At,; JCSSPH SINSHir- BACON ft LARD. A NEW SUPPLY, UY JOSEPH WINSUIP. ’.-ree." 1 .* VercbacCi it ,-r Fan:! scl.c-te-i tad premftlr stSILA, ffee'JS eitf THE BEST SELECTED *X1> ASSORTED STOCK OF Family Groceries IN TFIE CITY Or AILANTA, tc to be found el th, “Atlanta Family Store,” 11>( i*jwl ri^L’ ,.' '4 wlU d*h«<M :t* , rnlifJM ^ :u;#4» A. R. Wpal fm > '. rhm'nrs suf b*svi« . .ri;b <.*ux tr*r«^xftft or k*c*l of >j linu•cri*r% ; Wiamw istutijoSiTw ef *.cC±a*T«« u t»lWn*4 I p*f<rot&M OftTT Cia* ui Tl.YUnri, MCI of I awy Hmw 'i *pfL»bi>t to Afiat*. ttv G>ns w*rrvit*bl to fftifers »•£! l&x u skort -ci»c* ton! tc xh jo&cra wismr * co. ititfitft. May b, tie’oagfjat elaiu), Droatiyn. N. Y. ,N, v. 18, 1857 SQGggteSiiSSSK?. A LL cor goods will he> eeld at low prteto for each or ocuatry Pnducc. -V'^ iBBOnU CO. mi|M n? BANK AOENCY. Ma Waiill^Sg Aprnlfor tit Bmd- of Ctmda, S CerrSina- 03ca at TVallftaa A RcUnseca Wanhevaa— career cf Kan Ur and Pryor straata, Atlanta, Oa. will el»a pfempAftttesstlew a. eaMw^osio «—raly. QAA Cuss FrahF«chc>&r sale by iS&w mw,A *k 01 * 00 - UIucLsmUtilnpi niackstultUiug r a iragens and Buggies Iren- ■( el. Iron. Axlo trees put uu- t dor new and old wagc-cs, irai ranted. Horse shoeing is the beat styla. All kinds of (armief implecnenu, togethor with ■ragout,buggies to., made to order, with 4b- pateh, by aQckst warheieta Magent na hand of all alylos for aala. 6h'p adjelning Pr. J. F. A Iskander's Ofltc, Manma street. JAS. hi. MORRIS. February 11.1555. . 4*>® Hardware Paper. A SUPERIOR article cf Hard orar* pap* for sale at l«W nlaahf mmm wiuur, NEGRO SHOESl CHEAP! CHEAP!! - TO tHOSB WANTING ■>. PRIME ^v, Wsartlcleef d cable tela cr wvLad hrcjuns.D.ll 1 Ktt will! say that -va now hert in Stcra' fti a heavy Stock, and all el oar own Manufactureg whi-h we wCl sail at taa eesU a pair lower than any house ia this city will sal] as good a* aniala —eompattlitft tea defy either in Yankee Made, Georgia Made, Home-made, er any ether make, and warrant thorn as goad a* articletshatsrerbesa offarad ia thu markat or Stats. All kinde ef pr'pjas^JTp^wSSSS 0 * AU goods parwhaaad cf uswoftlnd fraa af aharp At tha up of 310 BOOT, Paaehtrse Straat Atlanta Oat. 1ft- DIMICK. J0TC*. A CO IUih'0 LAhTEB. mmkOi LAhsT*. r. avwa iq TyOTTBU rrokVTRi v • yy-'tr ?* rioew.* K^OXVlf U£, TF-SNfiSBftft: M R irraU.NO LANIR".fat*«f tha Las cur House, Macon, 9* end Bompaoc La nier, hue of Taekegne, AI* an, wO ha happy t* mart all triasda and c H' far i maatftU irieods aad c* *ora at tha Lamar emMWsra thay han aapia aaccamodaffoa x tw* hnadiad and fifty psneu. 8- A A LA5IIR. Propriesora TU8T t)lb> HAY J HAY! iroet-ad, a kH ofTs 'Sfiz^rwaSeox