The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, March 03, 1858, Image 1

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T’KRfllB OK* SUUSCJtUPTION. Dally IniolHgancar, por annum In advance, $0 tfttfoy, ‘V 44 " RATHH Otf ADVBRTIHIWO. 4m Advertising In \b« Dally Intolllgenoar will bo Innertod at tUa following rate* por iquaro of ud Itnoi. 0n« InaortloDi Two «;-■ Three, *! you r, " Fire, " One week, $6 00 10 00 12 00 IS 00 25 00 80 et«. I One month, $1 00 Two, 44 1 26 I Threo * 1 50 I Poor, 41 ' 1 75 Six, 44 2 00 IjOtie year, SpeclAfhontractu will be made tor yearly ad var j tltemonti occupying * quarter, half or whole column* /S9* Advortl«emant* from tramlont poriom must be paid In advanoa. Legal advertisements published at the usna grates. Obituary notloeioxoeedlng ten lines obarf eT'ue advertisements. Anuounolngnandidates for office, $5 00, to be paid in advance. When advertisements nre.ordered in both tbs Dally, and Weekly, 25 per cent, will be added 11 o the above rates. | The privilege of yearly advortlsers Is strictly \ limited to tholr own Immediate and regular business. Profesilonal Cards notoxceedlngsix lines, 115 j per annum; } Adve-tUeirontanotsprcified as to time will be ^published till ordered out and charged at regular f fttes. , %tt ., Advertisement* inserted on’v.wlUJ)? obarve 1 et former rates. *., s Book Store New Store, New GUrods. ANI) New Arrangements. {looks and Stationery! Til 12 undersigned' Is ‘ncrenaing his stock nf. and Stationery •by every s'eainer from tho N*rtb. anJ UaUein receipt of tho Now Publications cl the principal publishing bou*e§ as soon as as is- •ued from the press, He effers for saio at low prices— 100 reams Folio Foil, Cap,. -Letter, Noto>nd Commercial Note Paper. THE best qualities of Tissue and Drawing Paper, Mush Piper, Unitol Hoard, Bill Paper, Blotting aper, Have lope r of all fUcr and quahtja; also, ‘cheapest BV.k Borirtofal! qaallihM, together with .lithe al.ple fiimm CUllott.ry tfnottm fJBlrt In H BOOK STOKE such as counfy bou?e, 6ch« oi, Fancy and Poi-U- et Inkstands, Portfolios, Back iiarrmon ar.d Chess Bo..rdf, Chess..MjSP^Pyrtmonlos, Packet Books, Single and Double ijlate*. Porcdal- Slates, Brassing Knives, Paper Folders, i*cn Back*, Steel and Quilt Pen*. MuciUgo, a'l the bait rands of Wrlii'ig, Copying and Io«i«Ub! Inks, Visiting and Playing Curds, all waranted a< g.*od and at a* low yricaJ as c*n bo r ound IN THE CITY. itffl, mil Pi’.., rngS P.uh’-.r, India Huhbtr Rlnga, Q’llil.,Sclinq Wat, llui, UlaoK Fine) and Whit*; India Ink.’Lratrl * SlitM, Cr.jon, Crayon-Ihiidfra. Black Sand, PuTBCMI, Blil lftad Uoxtl. Calendm., »e- / ■ Ml of wb ch nltl bo .old V th» taweit price, v. Wil.K.W, Agent. Whitehall Street, dti-nln, Ojnr,ln. K. B.—I’ieiuo r.member tbe location. '•r.rrrt Eton to the g.oeial PaHcogra depot and nil lb. ft,®?. DR. NEW WORK. LIVINGSTONE’S 17 YEAR'S Explorations and Adventures Oil TTM1 WILDS of AFRICA. IlIUBTEATB'). In paper !0 wnte—o'otli 81; '0 \V\l. KAY. Aifini. Atlanta, On. Seed! Seed! Seed! Garden Seed. WR bare, *» uaotl, *">1 cut our large lAwk of (iard.n arril. and ^eik' art who hare bought of u. hero- l,.t „o, rains uc>t to their fine qualitira. .Vet- chant* Iroro the country, wo particularly to ri* ami Mpo to arcure ihc r W. snulil a'so aak a libei at .bore of patronage Irutn ourcitixans dlf 'or §a!e by Mobnivo Pavsinoh* Train.' Leave* Atlanta cally at. 10 00 A. M. Arrives ot Auguatn, at ...7 ro P.M. L*av ■ August*, dai’y at .1 30 A. M. Arrives at Allan a,’ at 11 30 A. M; Kvbnino Passknokr Tmaim. r eivej Atlanta,daily, at 12 00 P, M. Arrivoe at Auguit-i. at. .8 Ml A. M. Lttm* Augusta, daily, at. 1 00 P. M. Arrives at At anu at 1 04 A. M. 13T Thls Knpd ruiisdn conn action with th Traps of the ftouth Oarolina and the ttnviu And Augusti llsilroads ft Adgutla. Western & Atlantioii^^FSail Road. Atlanta tifChatUnooga. 13d Miles, Faro $5. JOHN W. LEVVW, BupsrintenJsnt. Morning Passbsof.r Train, Leaves Atlanti, daily, at 2 iOA.M. Arrives ntChstUnooga at 10 07 A M. Leaves Chattanooga, daily, it.... 1 30 A. M. Arrives at APantn at 0 33 A. M NiuiiT Pafsknoer Train. I,caves Atlanta, nightly tt IS Ifi P. M Arrives at Ohattanoegi ot 8 2& P. M LeevesCbftU«no>ci, ni.htiy, at..3 10 P. M Arrives a» Atlanta at 11 22 P.M nr This l^oad cunnertreath way with the llluine Branch ^oilrnad ot Ki.igvtori, the Esst Temi0«R<M) A (leorgia vai ron i at Dalton, and the Naahvills Ac ChaUaruogu Railroad at CLat- anooga, v v Atlanta* Lagrange Rail Hoad. Atlani t u, \Vc.t IVtiil.eV Mi.uj,.F»ru tpD 60 OEOROB O. ll.lJlTr,, Superintendent. Mottstxo Paoskjoer Traw. I eaves At.anta dailv at 2 00 A. M Arrive* st West Point at. 7 2* A. M Leaves Writ Point daily at, 4 <10 A. M Ar.ivos at Atlanta at 0 27 A. M Evening Parsrngei Train. 1.caves at daily ut 1 00 P. M Arrives ot Wrst «t. G 2fi t*, M. Leaves .West Pntnt tidily at.... . 4 30 P. M. Arrives at Atlanta at 10 15 P M VT This Road sunned* each way whit the DR. T. S. POWELL, f'kFFICB over Smith A Kitard's l‘ru : Store, \Jwhere b> can ts fuuid du iog tbs day, aad xt r.igb , ath's rtalioaiooa tbs corns.* ot Collitu and Jo ei St eel*. AtUr ta, Jan* 20, 1858 dw3m Vflnttrimn'v A* W^r P.unt l*r»Di MACON So WESTERN R. R. MAHON. December Will, 1867. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and titer Pi id jy the 18 th the trains will be run a ; fnlloWs: Lcavo i a. m, arr Atlanta 8.15 a. m. Leave Macon 11 30 a rn air Atlanta 6 20 jim cave Atlanta 12 night, a r Macon 7.16 a m. Leave Atlanta I v m arrive at Macon 5 10 p m The night trains will not be run on Sundays. The nigh t &in from Atlanta connects with the Ceil Ira I Road *1 3,45, and the S>>uth-Wests'll at 11,30 a m, also wLb tho A1 bAny'trjin, irUwotklv, which Icivr* Mton si6 a. w,on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri Java. The noon train connects with the Cuntnl Road at 11,30 p. in / and South western It., for Albany and C )u mhos at 1 30 a. m- ALFRED L. FVLEH Sup’L Dec 23.1857 dkw. January, 18, 1868 n downing hill sff ( © , sa.®aa«»Ws ATLANTA, UEOHGIA. mil B rulurtbcr. clfi-r .1 violc or | » ut) ratrniivr eWwclion of Fruit Tice., (JTiii. Vinf., 4c.,\c* U.i>lu«n- uni by n»U to .11 .pplicnti, bMol f 1 “{.etbj^HARDCN * CO,, tier,).. ffnT.rnl’cr 9,1*57 SHAD I SHAD I ! SHAD ! ! ! lie first Sliad^gB^cflh) Ncaons Reccirca In Atlanta, t Janunr, Sill,ISAS. TlT JS ffOfSI.ON, »nd puicb.M'l by Tho. I ! li.nnun, I’r ‘p.ietor of ih* Trunt Houw L’up lull wi'l bo i.tcivlng bh.uilu Aat tlii, rttfun Iriin b.v.umb .nil will lm f ’-kgp,,- ip acci hi*- frirnJ* in Alum., ' Uniicil.. (.•'irwi'g 1 '. K*"n.D mil U>ra«, U. AM, lb« IIuIcI. ob lb«0.7f It PI.... iu ,d5i«, F.CO.NLON, AtUnu, llv M,. ('onion, can b« found by icquir ng »t J lh« W. ll.|»>t, AU.att, fi«. [ jn.Wwi iffii ESfei W- , rtlwor.ry ot tbl. Writing Fluid n, (b« «r ch«mic»l iwWrtit, Il.sipnuM .11 clb- Ink. InnltUon (oeolur, durability «.d cwy fromMO. When loo thick, .dd. litU, ,o water. It .bould act U miiwi wllb «tb.t iktbuf^n.J.b. P"* lBt * «*•“ HISS »*•' 4 cnrM from lb. »ir "b‘i } *'■ will not wrred. tb. .'Ml,»».*4 In lu quilt, by any »k tuabVi^tur.1 bf ArasrUa. n.r.1 (wilfully .ullclwd, u w. will mnr.Ukn. low »t oir ofico, m.i pnt op In FWIadclf h' Boottn. or.« T. ■MUo oalyby Br.T Blggor. I Unlld, Ai la, BbUitrkb Ut. bmk .tom. “ U«. Fria>. N.w Pwttui jilt m»ir rad tatfor ,«J. by m PJU«0i ABSOTT. A CO FOR SALE. A LAHOB oyWUnoiit oi Virginia Loaf Tob.rcu, varying in price ond quality. .1 Mill and whnlei.le, a. chcin a. (br ehraprai. H J. SJiACKBLFi'IKD, Ag". ,\’.n- M, »8 >7 dtf \uw ltutite to ttio SotytUj>Ve,( Memphis a Lhsrl«*t »o Rail.Hoad Cuui).'.8Ud I Connecting Chattanooga, Toon.; Char c^ton, 8. *\i Savannah, Qa ; and all North-Eastern Cities, with Memphis, Tenn. i 2SJrTh* lut oonnecUrig Link of Bail-Roid bstwrsen Nsw t'erk and ths MlnUiippl Hivor!4H^ This Koad lr now e‘»uiplat«l,* and opened for the rngular traosportatloo oi Paerengers and freight, and will affurd more expedition andleir expense, than any otbor route between the North East and 8o.»tb.WeH. Passengers and shiopors will “uks iue notice thereof, and govern them- .-elves accordingly." Passenger Train* leave Stevenson dally at 12 o'clock,A, M., (after tbe arrival of the train from Chattanooga end Naibvlile,) and arrive at Memphis seme day at T, P. M., oonneetlng with First Class Steam Packets to New Orleans, aod all other important points upon tbe Western riv ers.e Goods consigned ro lvtlLRuad Agents st Charleston or Ssvannab, will be forwarded to Memphis and other points, by Express Freight Trains. JBtP Prelgbt In ebarge of tbe Adam’s Exprcn Cowptny, is earrW over this route dally, by the Passenger Trains t O. ARMS, General Sup’t. HnnUtille, Ala., April 1st, 1R&7. •Through Tickets to Memphis, 4c., sold at Wilmington, N.C.; Charleston, S. O; Augusts. Savannah, Macon, Atlanta and Coionibu*. Oe , Montgomery, Ala.; Chattanooga and Nuhvilie. Tcnn. ^guTo cohneet with the Western Trains on t is Hoad, passengers wili take tbe Night Trains from Wilmington, N. C.; Augusta, Chattanooga and Nashville, Term.; and the day trains from Cl*x!e*t«>fc and Kings villa, S. C.; and Atlanta, Os. April 1st. dtf* tthtsmtth: Product and f.'onmtttun Merchant, and Dealers in Family and Plantation Grocer in, Sft M.riolUMtr.ct All.m. Georgi. J . H . S Ml T H. WOl'I.f) respectfully eonoaoce t< >e eiUfvu. <f atUule ea4 ttfi.i*- country, thet b i i‘t ..citrine sn<i orentng, end vMI i •pleodid stock of FAMIL Y aflOCKHIES, DBS. ALEXAXDEE St SHELBY, Ofiioo Coiner ofMoriotta It Market utrcula Jou 3,1869. dwly DR. JAMES M. MORRIS, >TvPlfICB on M.rutlo atrwwt, oppu.ilo Ur. J. \JV, Al.xnml.r’.. Atl.oU, O*., F.brutry 9, 1818 dwtf STONE S FITCH, Att or n ey » nt, O FFICE I. Mwkhm.’. BWk. up Pi.U., /TI.ANTi UEOKUIA. J.auir/ Su, It). <twl, JAMES M. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW It UUS 't ON, T/i.YJS, YTTTf.I. puctico in tbe I)i>til.-l and Tn'or* y y I'’* 1 C«u 1. „f this AAate. Uoreful .Uenllon pwitl to tbe in.r.tir.iin, ol Land Till:., bi the buying, .oiling and bi ding of Lind Certificate. I’roioptneej gir.n to the collection of t'l It.r.nexcrt:—Il-tn. Wm- Helden, With- ingi ut, U C; A Auatin Srni h, Wutiingbin. U ■ 'i lion' (('ut Braith, We«Uingir-n. 1) lion K Johnwn, llaltimore, Md; (lot Win B.ton, Weirantnn, N.C; He. ltd Jobneon, Atlanta, (la; W \V Caine., New i'rleenu, l.e. T. x.i Kttrtatuc.e— Hon I* li Bell. Sn Antonio; Judge J'e.cb.l, 5’an Antonio; Jud.e (J W I’urb.i, Auxin; Hon P W Cray, ifoue ton; Prrkinedt Keecb,Houston, 7,18M. dwrly THE PltOPRIRTbn* baring r.cntly aided to tb. JOB OBFABTUEHT-of tbo E.Ub 1 l.btatnt a 'LAR0fried VAHIKU Kiortaeut of tbe I,attit Siylti ot PLAIN AND FAI46V a re prepared to execoto In a neataqd workman, ke manner, ekery deserlplion of Farticulsrattention will be given to tbe Print log of CLrcnkrt, Wav BU!«, Blank NoMi. Bin Heads, Blank Dceaa, Bank Checks, Programme!, Bminetj Oardi, HANDBILLS, POSTERS, Ac. reipeetfuily ,elicit tb. patron... of oar friends In tnecity aad country, and ueare them tba tall orders will he promptly and satisfactorily ur. A.JJKH. •. 8, HoTT JONES a HOYT, . ATTORNEYS AT LAW, t’fiice in Kile’. Building, Comer of Marietta end Peach-tree Btreeti, ATLANTA, GEORGIA? 1 Jjih 13 ,l?m A T. If AC IL KTT , [ I v fiR E Y At % LAW, Hingiud,Ucorgia, will practice tu the following counties: (Jomosa, Chattaoge Murrey AJi'mer, Whiificl*!, 0 «rdon, Walker, Dide. Ueftrcnctit M»j. W. Y. Henefll. Mari etta, Hangu l 6c bimpson, Mirictti, J.mce K* Lawborv, Esq, Dahloncge. ^E&*i , arlicularaUentienpaid to thecolectiog I'Usinvsa. May V8, 1857 dswly J OIIrV V. IIKARD-ATFOIfXEY AT LAW.Colquitt, MUle r, co (Jeorgia. march 0 18’7 wlv L och rank & r —A7- 1 OHtXJti.V AT LA W-Maeon Ucorgia. O A. LOCORjfVS. J. LAMAR Having aeet cieted themeslvea in bu»inew wilt <Jovote fhvffLitdves exclusive (y to the practice oi •hoi*i protection. [JaiiLtfwrly W 1LLUJ1 U. D.4 A*FORTH-— A1TOKNE.Y AT LA W—Fairborn, Georgia. July 26. 1857. i»wtf UiNOBUVVOOD & IIAll iTsT Attorneys at Law, Atlanta, ; Georgia. LUTHER J. GLEN N Attorney at Law, Atlanta, Georgia. Will ittond tbe Court, lo the Counti.i of Fal lon, DoKalb, Payotte, Campbell,, Coweta, Carroll, Uonry, Troop, Board, Cobb, out Spalding. DU. L,. J. KOhKKT. Medical & Surgical Practitioner, Marietta, . . ... Goorgia, Office at hisrosideoce. U. J. \\ RIGHT, Attorney at Law, Albany . Georgia. M.y 18, 1887-, Will. A. U All Ills, Attorney at Law, (tabeUa, Worth Co., Georgia. Refers to— Mej J. L. Harris, Milledgeriile ; Hon. A. II. Hansel!, ThomasviUe; Miller 4 IUU, Ogieiburpe; lion. it. H. OUrk, Macon; Col. J. \S, Duncan, Atlanta. June 2-diy. (i. P. Eddy & Co., (SCOCEdSOHd TO C. K. lUXLHTBrk CO.) EOZ, 1)3 '!ID CARD pi|8 S??i)E, AN O BooU.«!GixxdLory, Corner of If hUthall and Alat/ama tl$., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. O. P. EDDY & CO., H aving just added to their fortaer extensive aesort- mentof BOOK and JOB T Y P E, C UTS, 0KXA MENTS, Ae., a very larp variety U new materials, of fAs latest styles, together with • of Hoe’s celebrated Cylinder Presece, ire more full? prepared then heretofore, to givs •1 is patch to all ordersforwork In theiriinc—which they will execute in the beltstyU of the art, at fair prices for Cash. Particular attention paid to the execution o. FINK WORK fur Railroad and other JoiotStoek Companies, Transportation Agents, Banks, CoL ' ges and Schools, Attorneys, Public Officer erchants, and others. Books, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Circulars. Cards, Promissory Notes, Blank Deeds, Checks Way Bills, Programmes, Hand and Show Bills Posters, Ac., ero-ated at short notice. Printing In Gold end BmvtR Bvovts end Faxct Coumtu Isxv, or onVtUam, Satin Muslin, Ac., done in beautiful style. Having likewise connected « Hook-Bindery with their Printing Establishment, they are pro* pa/ed to execute orders fur ertry description of work in that department—Including RULING snd BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING—in a style ruj-crior to any ever befure done in this sec- tit n of the State. Their To >!i being ei! new and of tbs latest petternf, their Stock of materials the beet the Northern market.- afford, and their work men ii|OoJ to any in the South, they feel confident of their ability to giro entire satisfaction, and consequently have no hot it an \v in soliciting tbs patronage of their friends an J t he pnblic. Sm^Or ierr fur work, in either department of their business, from any part cf Georgis end neighboring Sutes, rill meet with prompt alias (diwly.) C0MMI8SI0H MEBCHAHT8. roa via rpacMAix ajip sal* or TENNESSEE PRODUCE, CO TTOH. alt 0CEUIE8, &e., 1 Alabama Btroot, ((■.utb ot lb. llMoa h VI,gun Vofot,) Atlanta, Georgia Gaeri Teanttf Voney takee et ear fer Prodaes, Atlanta Georgi*. J***. *Wb, IUT. New Stock Coming In ©|PT!KI0&$ GENTS PUKNiSlILN'G GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, A TW.IIERBINO drSQX'3 Clotiio, Mom * \ factory and Merchant Tailoring cwtthlLh ment, for Fa[Iatd Winter, all the latcet styJec. One of the best stocks of Cloths^ Cm*imeres or * Vestings in Georgia, from which lotaake a selte* tl«n. Bbiru, Drawers,Under Oomente,Cravats, Gent's Hosiery, Glove*, Traveling Shawls and Blankets. ;• Tailor's Trimralngi,dc., for sain at the lowest p ices, to the cask trade,et W* HERRING k BOX'S. 49 Whitehall at., Athutle, Go. *« afcwts far ?1*rer* Fcwlnr CAHKIAGE HkPUSITOHY I Adjoining the earner of Ala. A Loyd Streets, Atlsant^ G-a. IlOIiJT. He. M A T, (laving removed hit CARRIAGE HEP08ITORY lo the above sllgi* ole stand opposite the Washington Hall, and enlarged bis facilities, is prepared tor fill all orders with which he may be favored, on as good terms oi eeo be obtained in Augusta or Savantsb, wllb the addition ot Freight. His stock embraces Carriages, Concord Baggies, 4 and 6 seatRockawayi, Slide Beau do., Fall Tops do., With and without Top, Pacheci, Xldlar Wagons, Cornell, Top Baggies, Top do., No Top Whips, Ac.,' of the beet manufac ture and latest style A share of natron* age D respectfully solicited. tb- Orders for Family or Plantation Wagons other vehicles filled at short notioe. - We ere also agsnt for Norwood A Robins' Patent Fan. Atlanta, Oa., Dm. 4, 1851. NEW CANDY" MANUFACTORY -AND- HBCHAKTS, <-f ell kinds iicos \m f mm ai OllOCEtiim. 40 At that 'MiU*d,oe VbJUiall lL, Att fjk-taooe. Lard sod Cara always nil atlasttoe paif te CoasfgamsaU of eestfy- sad kesoitvaaese ymmttlr made OristSi cildtad. so dearsfuily tUed—For Casa. BAULKY f J UST received, a first rata article for 8ewd. Price, $2 per bosheL Sept. 7, dt£ CLARKE A A Valuable Book, i Every Fenner ought to jBgfi here e Copy of the £&H CHINESE SUGAR CASE!Mr Wbl.key! H'bitbey! Hbitbey C L A BEK A OE’TEB Ur. Jul rt'ohoi H BbU. Mcllriis’, Bib. CofyorVaaVoiOrt iFbUk.7, ..A for Mb Amt. btni ll Wlo wanti B&vSye. Cbrkv k Crvat, has Iks hatUS 8r«, U t 7#*1 which hej will sell Iww. tept. U IU7. /roseivai and for sale by CLARKE A GRUBB. A.LFX. V WALUCt. VU.CMB&SOX mim .rmpC Ctitr.Vtovt'^lAnSkiia D,«I fspctb, L. cirti Bny.Ejq. ^rUienftimt of lut fuuotel 'UU«s, ih. Juki ut tt. larpht*. on uUf-d, Op*r*Of Frrorh Ph«ajil,u. By HEXETS. OLCOTV. Trie* ?! 85, kli P^nogo Frn. iu .ot iJ* “ WV KAF, Are>t- 1 »6ca J»M, (3r uit bj, Atkcts fi» , jin, 13, IS. Wallace & Robinson Ju8t Received. TH* y,i I. .(an, u< otSon lot J u W. f0iM. Tb. toVc^SMoriielto. 3 Caiks raw Linseed OiL (English 2 “ boiled « “ do % “ wintcrstraia'dpareHir’mOi - “ “ “ “ vrKaleOi 20 ^emine OHfof Tanners. CDMMlSSI0N E MtRCHANT3, AND DEALERS IN TENNE88EE PHODUCE! We girs special attestios te tbe sals of Rswe.. Lard, Floor, Grain, Wbiskry, lobe cot, Ac., Ac | - rompt suettj'ti gnet to Cub | 10 10 ISO 20 10 10 RYE A BARLEY. A tat of Rjt A bnriaj for s»W If J4 * “ >»uu a EcriL'Xioy CORE MULL TTTTrvowivsdlUO tasheVs frsal tors Fsal ts Oeaa J ktrucki wallaii k^ji:\is NEW BACON Ho o&orled Tfiscbaia. ‘Jo per cent ASsohaL Barring FlakL Caraphene. Spirits Turpoatice. ‘20,000 lbs White lead, assorted. A LOT of je m, ».u dmd x.w B.cst. 150 Iioxcs Glass, assorted sizes. f ■ MM ' “ " ■ " ■ u for s»te ti Wallace dt kobinron’b. Juinorj Id, 1858 dtf enAered Pofcts, and ail ; for Painter*’ use. For sale by iUeftlA, Xi/ S.JWt, a; asjxajfdcb LARD i LARD ! I N Cons rtid Rsrrels. *: down prices, bv * aLLACE 6c HORLNWLN. ' Jnnrtrj 18; 1858 dtf T HE,.b,critTI;^uuu^tt;.w M ...rA.| Thc firM * rr ‘ Tal of -^e New Crop 1 Ui>uud rkl.U, til.,ho h» ooerostlj « ) AT ATLANTA. s£sczr.:rr:iseago, ibboue c«., D. B. PLUMB & CO*, BB0AD STBJEBT. AUGUST A, OA., too LXMLX ahd sutail DiAUtna a —. — — Drags, Medieinss, and Cbecital?, j New Orleans Groceries on 0 ye wooix & dye stuffs, CONSIGNMENT, i Wiafij* Olom oal totSf, OIomo Won, Blanks’. Blanks! Blanks! Of nil Descriptions. B LA.N - MU’\LL UD.SCHII’TlONb,can be hid st ill times, at the .y Exafflicr & Inllifed Attonne., ShfrilL. C. cf Court., »n>‘, can I* fuini.biU, >t .hurt noln. an, laviritt !‘>nn of lilfBS] U'KIT. ot I’llO UKrtS which they m.y Jr*ir. ; mt-l ,11 F< lltMh 11. 1, all*- pr.t-.n4 u> furoUt ..try dneriptM if pi.ln ud or.uraul Cotm, lot w.ddinjt* tfl potUoo, .1 ibort notlM, ud » MMasuduIn, Import^ wltoi oti br.-ilM .f ^1 d.tndptlcsi for MdlMlpurpow,Up. b.od- Alto, rioolut,o Clnn, oai tkoleo <5..In, To- fc«rct—U>f.Ui.r .1U . lwf. WMrtmurt «f fori, F.nty Artl.lM, Ac., Ao. U.rinf r.c.nlly rotonoA from tho XortL,.tun be i.ld In . in. nock of Ttoej Article,.nd ere- ry tbln, f.r .wryin, cn bi, eudy a., .fwury b. would-.fern- ennnty (.Imtb.i L.l, pr.pu.d to fnrnUb eudiM .t .bolted. »t id ,m, p.r pound. Order Keempui.d .lib tb. cut »r ,ood city refer.set, promptly .tusd.d to. L. VALINTIXO. Atl.nt., Not. Iftb 855. d*.-j TtJIUfiTUiuD! F li IIIV ITU It E!! THE ifibecrlbers bare ©ubaad Q and are now opening a large end jrtj ;orcfnlly selected block from the M* licit Northern Maaofactorlc*. oolot, trvdr.bM, Biniu, beertur n, WublUndi, Eedited, ud, tt .ny d.rtr.d pattern ud pric«. A 8m -rtment ot Centra, VFork, SolcT'o ui Toi-rtu : I af-ie*—Sugar.'., Corner ud s:da—jtof.i, I.u- ; *.T«ie,»te. HAVE no. In ror. a ebcio. a ot new crop of Ko. XotuiM, 3 £r*.n tzfzgu, Cb.tew, Prim., Polly PUr, A.4 PU*, And »m be la reotlpf. .eei!y, cf fnrthor Cpn- •icnmentj from Ueir fitand, m Xew Orftat-i dor in, it. mmoo, qhieb tbey .it! mU te e«b boy- u, .t 11 per root tb.. tbo a.m* rood* c *u U btogbtta uy o'ber Gw-rp. rrut-i Atao. u .apt. atoek of CuSoo, Balt, Tetaeco, Cudiec, Ac. BEAOO, ABBOTT A CO. Occnpy Sup end Abbott’a bautdinf, comer For- *,jtb ud MiubaU afrttu. jucr-ey 8.1858 dtf enrrent Idoney Boncht. W. wrl!l buy tba tore, of tb. Tennor.o. Bar.La, nko ( K*ntrcky and X.W Or'rar.o feE.ViO, ABBOTT A CO. XowtBtbrt 11, 1»67 dtf Bird! Ere Lime. T» ara A,anu for tba uda of Kr. B L togoCi Btrda-aya Lime, pnl cp t» 5 boabel burwU, ruled full aaanra, ud of tnperior qulUy to any oibtr 1(55 utd in tbia mark an Ordtn by tba Car lout will ba UM at kttn prirea. by S., A. £ CO, Mill Stones, Boltins Cloth*, Ac. 1. ,r. Uae ac«u fo, Maa- ara; Uorrta A Trtmbta, tbltt* aor. Md-, laapulara aad FtoocSf ud -Voorieu P« T^kt end «L»rin, Bean*, Vino Tooth ud Hair BnAet, font Bnrehea, Aarpietf aad Oailcl butnmenu, J TTtf&ota, BLPPdRTKIUJ OF ALL KINDS Bpicm,8so&, Mannfartarod T'Xorco, .Jl ah. fatort or Propnoury Medw cua <d th* Dot, Snprnei Ink^ Pro. Wiam udB maJim fo* Mod- ImI PupOM.Cxo.ote riewonny, Chioe Tod- let ud Puey AitiolM, .a t3T W. oS» good. oqoUly u low u th.y cu be oUuaW tea uy usuiu MUhikhaMai in thi. ucuotn Warranted to it Part, Fra A. and Genuine. I* Order, from th. Coon try promptly filled ud wilkfutioo (eannl *xd wits regard to prie. ud quiin, PHVMCLAXy PBMTRXmn.VB *31 reoctr. putieuUr oacabta ox aJl boon of ifc* day at o*»bi. fnao l dwtf ■ In uldlrien to tba a bora [try. atoek, .a I ,'W.Ura ta frrut »arr, C»-i AlAltK JOUASTON, At tome y at La w , Cartcrsvillo, .... Goorsi Fab.-n. lain. F. O, UAUPEit, Attorney at Law, West Point, Osorria April 18, (855. 4-,.ir iters. hleb L* Is effsriaf et ptaa* Gisl will eonp» n|tb say bo»»* ta th» city, so).asks a share of ^st- rpeige. H« wfll flvetpeelsl etteatioB ro ih*«de of Bs ooa, Urd, Mtwr, «r»ln. Tvbefen, ke , te. Coostfatarnts reif^otfav solieiUO. yj-frowbl alleatldta *1v#a t<> Cs»h Or>lfrs, Mure rn MarUt’a »tr«et, la ovet'plet I'j C. I*. I*arr, tbe buLUiag/ormsrl} iVesnbst li, 14i7 4*1 25 Paokagcs Glass ’Varo, Just Received B Y tli. Butirerilwr of th. looat m.drrnS?5 a'yl.a. and will b« ..Id 94 |“r e»M tSr Iwi than! hare frer before lawn ab!»i«acll u «:n«l>. ALa, China and Queen. Prated CitSw, Cfanulrrtrcka, Fmkr H,.onna, Te. kwtia Ilritain dn , China Plow'll Vaa.a, Ac» to which I wnulj Inwit. the at- • entinn ol my foirorr pilrnna and tb. Ladir. lo call and uaminr, T-H.Rtri.KY- Nor. I«. t«'7 d^f W, I . V, Campbell te IS t o., 'URGEOS uaMwhuTc.1 Ut; >Utn,-M.pnn'a>.il t* perform all 4(wr.tion, In to. prufc, al'-n wlib luntil.iy an 1,kill. ,mr Gibe. Of.r Alisandei, DragSton, While ..Ult*. W.T. 0. CAMPBELL. 0. P. CAMPBELL. Atlanta, Jan. It dn D lt. U. T. PULLIAM hating re lurnel a .unto Virginia wtl| to- -uuio lha practice ofhia prolMatuu in tba cite of Atlanta and iu riernity. Can be fout d at hiaolfic at all hour., when pr rftaaunally engarad. ar tfffira WASinxorOX HALL, aepthdwlf LAND NEAR ATLANTA »<eissAi m a SLtm a ONE baodrrd %fr#s * f W*4 eeer AtUe le.ljntdit IWcMrsh im Var'ctm KfrMls, T* ottered f.>r »Lle, Vhrr* ar» *|Jt* ocre* c f toty lo»ry tlmWv, fortv s-rra ui ; eueeUeet «Ie*r»4'ee4 eba»i| IHttgeivre t* No-tom. 11 ore a»* five lma«lr. 4 etwee* Aeeb «be trtr »ret eslp« , l«’B. b»»W • ta* etwtve. there te e« pw>l e^illl.L pjrr. e« caete tee>4 aev»>b*re. A Wrgati* will W *lv*e ' jsuciiavflUTfi Ult. ■ M. Uittltlt, HOMCEOPATHIST. O KFICB and H in Ur. Pumro) 1 , cf. fire, rppwrtn P.ntia h'uhle. Notemher 80, IM7 ‘ dawly CAMPIIENE Huirnluffi Fluid! AND FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER TERMS LOW FOR CASH* 1 m IUPLEY. P. S.—A liberal dreebunt By thc Bbl. W » taat, Soil nl l.gii natrumenra, ccmm.-rrl) rn ok, are al- • araucairing wwakly cnppBw. Tb. p'obtie ara U-, roooo, urn rt.xw, 1 weyn ufi hmil, to be add al the lowest prices riled to sell aad examine our »L>ck. j B©iutg aetfesT kt. OrWr* • *e*tp*M*£ te %s will a* faith- lolly axecsUe by Uess al sauafaevaree yricea IL, AeftOO. E, lYlt SEAKO, StfCCtftSOR Tit AFano a WW*»tT WILL CUSTISrL TIM rMNitCJl CO}! MISSION IILSIXESS, oti-Uot at., tttaau, 6a Burial Case*. '' t te. pryparM to fomiab Flak 1 , M.tatUc Bar. ! rb.-rt noite*. Wa ban awcorwd tba ires of a competent person te attend te this de* AT illS XEW COMMODIOUS FIRE; ^Zt fm yT!8$Ba£$% PROOF HUII, 1)1 SG, ; >-.r il/tS-dwly Pavbm ,rtn Front of Atlxata Hotsl.aode«it 4«pom»F ittos Hoose. JTUtfTAtGROJiOlA. f3h.Th* u**al FoellHleealetvd to btupjtersa ord*n ; . is;t* UM. fdAwly.) j. r.. viixiam*. b luxo bxkku. WILLIAMS a BAKER, {Silcccufin to mihemt, fflta /(• Co,,) (1K.NHRM. COMMIT->.V MKKCIL 2 XT.S, Athvnrum lui dtOg, I)«»5 *tur R rp-t, M lent i, tirorsi*. J’r. » sod psrir'iUr *tl, n toil girrn l *’hr ps!o U Gmn. He r *»n, lard Piour, Feethsre, «t<d Teunr* ee IVaIuc* g. n ere Iy Jsn. 77. IRM dtf ■fflta Male College. npHE THIRD 8K8dinx of this I Im> iiniivn w»II ema revet on vu.V DAY, to* 18ih irni have ^»t«i up irs bortosM etf ih* IfillllflHs® i t riwb)U*rian Church with anew fix r, end r e w dv»k». a (Tiding * much ro *ie c»min f di* u« and nm.f olib c rvP.m ihsn the one i «cu* jurd lest year. We nitl tc u|7 ibis umporvd) tj 1 •rrangroriii*'c»n i>* ct rop-cteJ ior *•»crime permanent College IU:j*d nr«. Term* th^samsee ts-rtikw p Mi»*t*l. Jan 13 dAw34» J. I. RiXsCU^ Pn*. FOR SAUE. I " Ti ss&sss. && ilbitar) HUII ** -WUlfiXSTI WHISKEY!! DJ}fVnlP* «**?■ twanna Una a'aukay, I *•« III aura, aa. tm aaU on naaaUa urwa. lUflt* WaUAi'C A R.ttlN'wlM on A B*»M* iww Cora Atoo} f«r ask by CUvJ SBAtiOa A8SSZX te to- mMUI Wrappiug Paper. V t.AKph l -t.J l-t wceitad a! ad ailfaand q nl tic and lor a Vie 1 WM K \Y. A*»nt Joseph Winship, COMM 1 Sat ON M KliCllA.NT 1 PUR THE PliK* il*t>E, r\\N\' |'-a • and Murage cf Prcdoc. UB , lop port. th. M ciura teAUaiv^™" c Kaa-ruad Urpot- NnrftahSui, 1*57, daartf B CUK WHEAT FLOUR, O.-sUajrge, Yarns, fcheetings, bLirtiuga, Float the M'rotoov Cotton Mdu; hugar anu Coffre. Hour sw.i Kite; Moloaece d* by rt j* 100 Kegs NalU; A .lamtidfiwe (“andlea. Ail Ur ^aJw bt JOSEPH WIN’S HIP, j«p<nnry Si. BUTTER AND CHEESE. 4 LAKfrE *cp;»!y on hand of euperxr /V quality, and lot eale Ly N.t* 1167 JOSEPH WIXSIUP. »U»ti Iron! Iron! i LARGE iHi-ck af r.iowah Manqatac A tnring and Mintag Ceaapuy’a Iron, eaa ,unlit 04 ha.^.at btuoraciuui. pn ., by JUoEfH W;S8iitp Nneemhef tt, t*4a dv»* Jfaauilia Paper. A VEI-Y fine x»ottn»rnt ftf the above, jfj«t u» han-l on r>; «4tuner. 1. Price Lw at thr NVwH<Mk 8 orr. by J n 13 dwtf WM.KAY. AtmL A'if FEATHERS. BACON S LARD. A NEW SOPHgY, BY JOSEPH VYINSUir. ..... wm. - lUstlj si bsss st Nov Yott ineaky 8., A . ft Co. EFAGO, ABBOTT A CO. September. II, 1»7. . James M. Carter, Forvrardins te Commission ?• tr chant. SAVANNAH.'OA |rl> looo* flow Bieea, »■>—(leuty eeaifUC v, j. n, ) P. s. biUrvd Adcincci toad* ft* all eon• eifamanU, CJ. 2P. BARTS ?iiso Forte Xesnim tad Timer rWILLaund u aaycalliiaU. . “ YY list of bnztsxxf, nek ot tog- ( alafiny cf action, carving ef haa- I awT,,'fatudsrbtJM,iUyiag cf tr* atrbgi tp th. Kim, »hc!» cr atngt., At. fiaritfartics girts is nreny iontorc ot u iharge. All werh vanutad, TonlDS *y tb. Year Boo* at Sadaaad ^ P* All orders ibaaM b* kfl at Hetrrt. WB- tiasaa* Parsitan Bun, on Pra.blrs. an, Adas. la, Ga. asr. », It. duly. r 051 A A r F A C T l K E r.s W E art soar ircfhitg a targe let cf So', cr.Catf ftkina 1 inifigt. Bind- I ingi. Lavta, Peg., Kit, and arer,thing wnaffted tailh th. Beet and th boiisna, which will ba aoU at lest price, llub. A0 orflrn treompuled with Ctah aii b. pernspt'y filled with go>i (lo!., and at law raws—at tba Myn of tha Bi; Brat, Peschm*. auses, Cherokee Block. apSAdif DUUCK* MIX. ^roaroft, Go—N NEW AUCTION HOU8E THOS. F, LOWE, WLiUltsi. sou Hitchc!i c -S Atlanta Qa I* r L. til iji lisfi Ut)» a* H, Vil fiw jwllr' 1 . fc'-oraveBtkwVttbkfka.tfcsa* sad ea e of al stede «i rrtet^en. r.r»*r+* v»-.aeedte>, aa4 be- {Too*, rr rjk*u.ao8 rr Fterrtlya**. « r**r» re-i«eVmtJy»oij8ae4a»4pee»?4Jya»4f«i.b fnllj at *04^^:Urn Udetr THC BEST SELECTED A.XT ASSORTED STOCK or Family Groceries IN TUK CITT OF XILilt TA, ta ta ko (mi tt.lli u Atlanta Family Store, ” Whttektell Street. EORGRU. DANIEL- PWfflCtlTa AtlaSta, May *, *14. liar, Bro.>ki)n. X. V. No*. I*. I*A7 dAwGw 0- a I.L urgoad, vllihttuUl ai Ic prtia* lot XJv.<taker aoutry rrvdara. -•"GO,4BB0TS4 CO. BMJkHS l» BANK AGENCY. A tax Mo Wadla?®, Agent fur lie Bant tf Camdrn S Carolina Ofic. at FaQac* A Rektnaosl Wvriktew eueaer of BskUf sad Peyoe atnoto, Attaou. Ot. «atctrs»e»a>pta»u»tl—UwJ! •DAfk «**• rmk rtadmte nk OUU UAM, ABBOT *00. ioM*ji,m « tiluctenniitUlasi II lac Lam It lit ng a lFagons and Baggies Iron- ed. Iren Asia tre*<; nt an ior non ud rid nma, sar ranted. Herv»-»h*ciag U th. brat rtyk. At! alnda of farielef lapkoau, togetnet sic 1 sagos*. bsggAta vc, aad* ’o order, with die patch, by efimst svrkwss. VTagoni os band of all atykt fee nl*. Sk p adj.utng Dr. J. T AUia*4«'e OS.*, Manuu eussi. JAS. M. MORRIS. Psbessry 11, ltkt. dsla Imptotvd A ct loti Giui Thisaltlag machine. Vftaat tbmftan. a*t,lftcfaru •obIc TWr Qas am wo3 twn us* cajMCwcpyaa tretsi la Georgia, Scctk ^wTil.cni IlnVsmq - bfartsef TcaaOf ■ WaaUt| ‘ “ | B on mafic ftttfes vary \tf* i ** “nc|%a.»cl» Ucm eras ^ BdcfcrniCMta flew cMaitoukr, w 4cifraae*,a*4wtwa}ctUask*was»ajr«tfc9rXU»> tefoctsmccfc^oa! rcpaticas ca4 wUl iccwtr tftcact •*~a * cicftaim*i iwbmc b am real R. R# uapas fraa - olujga fartraaspartteuoo. Caatmu may fta mafia attftaaMrava^Kar txalXgarts,arCy itrattao5srt f« bmsa liaUaaa ef sinilosai u latW|w4 af so Gist cal T&ra*W% Kd et vftlaft 3*J t# *H» W SftbssUn N ijwu. ldfi.onG*«a ntmM ta ftrftm watt Rrpair- iag as abaft «atka aafi m tft #• abtaoe. avsth anvinwi»rw. NEGRO 6UOEbt OEHAP! OHS AP t! - TO THOSE WAXTIhia A PRIMB^_ aidci* .f deobkaoU or wsBsdhrogsaa FS| • 01*. still lay that *• an bass is Sttex* N a kaory Stork, ud all el me osn Maauter cefag •kick wa stfi mU at tu essu a pair lows, than vaykosn U ikia nty sill Mil u good u trtkk —competition ss d«fy rither is Yankee Made, Georgia Hade, Home-made, «r uy rtkee soak*, ud * arrant Utftts upadai artki.*>hw<earbu*ofh(*dla this natltt cy Slau. All kinda of Bootdi cdO 8324000 pieportioaubt) ahny us sanuM. AUgood.psKkoaodefsM.wltM rtstsfftkaeg* At tb.iign ol.BlQ BOOT, Pcacktm Stmt Atlanta Go*,!*. DOUCE, JOYCE, A CO SKUN6 LVMtk, raa.-o . l-kt-SZ ZiAMA 2R B-OT/SB- tronnau KNOXVI' Lfi. YNJiNrS.'-SB. M B. STKHUNQ LASIB"., UUof lk« Ut ckr Uoum, Maras, Or and Sawpton U- akr, Uu of Ts.lrgn, Ate «S «B1 te Uppy w BMt all iriend* ud m AMIS At. ths Laaac H, m, -bar. they hast *■§)• tteftaaaodatlw ortsskudrsdaaAlte unm. B. A lUStn, PrspHriftre. Hardware Paper, i haythay; A 8UPERII7R anick ot Uanlsax* p*H j T Wtttrf,» U of Tur-ran H»»m kfw ■