The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, March 04, 1858, Image 1

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If SERIES, VOL. 1. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 4, 1858. JOHN* H. STKELi:, Editor OTHER fiqillj jlnleilitieiicei* & £ii|iiiiiiet\ DAUYTwiiES: DUNCAN &. LOGHRANE VtfiUHB OK SUUSOUIPTIOfS. Drily tntrillgejicer, p« annum in rivatict, Wwkiy,, V " s # f tfATlfit* OK AOVBKT1HINO. ^ Advortlring in tha Daily Iotalllgoncar will be i Iniertod at tb# following ralaa per inuar# of ten ' lluci. Tbrea, 11 Konr, “ Fife, » Onewoek, Ono inanth, Two, «• Three 1 Four, ", Six, " One year, (5 00 ti on 10-Oft , 12 CO 15 00 25 00 ? n« Insertion, GO ct». wo “ $1 00 1 25 1-50 1 75 2 00 SpooUl contract* will be made for yearly edver tho mo oil occupying a quarter, half or whole column. pgr* Advertisement.* from transient persem omit be paid In advance. Legal advertisements published at tho uiue .-rates. Obituary notices exceeding ten line# chary 4 gtf ** advertisements. AnnouBclag.eaaiildatee for . oCloe, $5 00, to bo paid In advance, i When advertlnoihent* are ordered in noth the fc* Daily, tod Weekly, 25 per ceat. will be added ^ t o the above ratei. , . Tho privilege of yearly advertisers »* strictly limited to thetr own Immediate and regal*! ^Professional Cards nouxeeedlngslx lines,$U peraBnum. t Adwtlsementsnotfreoified as to tin* will be ^'published till ordered out and charged at regular ^Advertisement* inserted .otbe Weekly paper m*T will b- chareed at former rate*. I^beJJci’g Dil’^etoi'q. Georgia Ball Boad & Banking Company \uguata to Atlanli.. 171 MH««.‘.F*rti $4 SO. GEORGE YO.NGE, Sup.rint.nJ.ul Book Store - New Store, New Goods. AND New Arrangements. Sooks and Stationery! -mm yfirngy M OO.X1VO Pa;SS30UI Teaisc. 1 Lcevve Atlanta caiiynt 10 00 A. M. Arrives at Augusta, at 7 «0 P.M. L av e AufUifft, dai'y at........2 Ut) A. M. Arrives at Atlan o, at U J6 A. M. Krg.vj.vo Passkxokr Tsai*. • ea*es All ante daily, of. 12 M P. M. Arri*oe at Augusta, at.. 9 M. Le w s Augusta, daily, st. 4 00 P. >!. ArrlveaVt-At snta at I 04 A. M. GT This Hoad runs in connection with the Trails of tho South Carolina end the Haven* nab and August-* Railroads at Augusta. Western & Atlantic (State) Bail Bead. Atlanta t> Chattanooga; 18* Miles, Fart $5. JOHN W. LENVK HuptrintonJeat. Morning PaKSKvont Train, Liuvcs AtlntiU, daily, at 2 10 A.M. Armre at Chattanooga *t- ...1007 A M. .Lea*** Chattanooga, daily, at.... I 3<I A. M. Arrives at At'ant* at 9 33 A. M NtotiT Pa«sknokr Train, Leaves At! an ft. nightly *t .12 1ft P.M Arrives at Chattanm-gi M..... ...H 26 P. M Lf*ve«Ch*Unno*»ti. ni.fitly, si..3 10 P. M Arrives at At’snla at II 22 P. M Hr This Hoad c»nnrrt*ea!h way with the tH'iinc Hran h Railroad at Kingston, the East Tennesaee & (Isnrgia ^ai'roa 1 at Dalton, end the Nashville At Chitt&nsogs IUilroad at f Lx»t* anouga, Atlanta & Lagrange Bail Bead, Allanu to West Point.b7 M GEORGE ft. HULL, Superintendent, THE undersigned is I ncreasing his stock *>f. Keek* and Stationery! by every s'eauier from th« N't rib . .and 1* alto In receipt of the New Publfcntfotii «t the prirclpal publlst in; tallies M-soonaA-aais.. sufcd from the press, lie dDrs for m’.o at low prices— 100 reams Folia Post, Cap, Littar, Notified • Commercial Note Paperf THE bssVqualities' of Tissue and Drawing Paper. Mtitfj Paper.Drift it tivyrJ, Bill P.'pef, Blottiep apor, Eavslopci of all size/ and q i ihtks; alio, be Morning Paofkjoer Train. # 1 cavr* Atlanta dailv at 2 00 A, M Arrives nt UVst Point at 7 28 A. M Leaves' WYat Pcint daily at 4 00 A. M ‘Ar.ive> at A (ranta at.\tr*^ 9 27 A. M Evening Pasp^voes Train. Leaves at daily «t... .Y. 1 <»0 P. M. Arrives at Wist P ini at 0 r\ M. Leaves West PoipwWhJ' atrT... 3» P. M. Arrives at Atlanta at...... I. ..1“ 16 P M CT This Hoad connects each wayuiih the ' % '/»n*<romo v A' W.*«f P.dnr I. MACON & WESTERN R. R. MAGON. December I4'h. 1K67. CHAKOE OF SCHEDULE. On and alter Ktldiy the 18th tb* trains will he'run a* follows: l.onvn M-c jo ' a. ra an Atlanta 8 1ft a. m. Leave Mac^n M '.10 n m arr Athutt 6 20 pm Atlanta U night, a r Afaeun 7 16 a. m. I.s'ave Atlanta 12 m arrive at Macon p m ■ ■ o,,rvyv,r»T, 1 The ni*ht t.-aiuuwill n .t l«run»n SunJ.y.. Rfl VSHI4. S I isisl 1 . ! Th» ri*h; from Atltnta c.nncrii w,,b lh« Cminl Rot-1 «, .. m., mil ih« ««?! »«-tour.jjf bourn, Fchcol, Foncy «rul Po. k | , B th.\Vr*toin »l 11.31) . in, *!«o wilh ih. Al ot InV.tandf, Furtf.lio., H.icl* Him iron ;i ' ’ | uiriy triin, lri-»f,ll ; r ) whict, l turn Micin “ ‘ n l " i5 t.m.on M-jnJay.1 WcJnc.Jaj.oaJ tri CHEAPEST Dla'ik Ilot/kt of all qualltler. together with ail rln j ( staple articles of biutUiuery usually fc«.n' i'i Chew Bo«r'whs** Meu, Portmonlc*, P* ck Books, Flogle and • Double B!nte«, Porciiu 3latee, Brassing Knives, Paper Folder#, Pen Hack*, Sto-I and Q r illl Tens. .Murflago, a-l the Unt randsvf'Wrltl-ig, Copying and Indeiibl. Inks, Vtettlng and Playing Cuid.«, all wor'anted . g to I and at ns low prices as cm ho ouod IN THE CITY. 1, BIlUKjW, I®? Hub' cr, IiiJin Rnl'bfr I . Q liiffl Snulittrc WfS H|id, libiok, Fanny | I. r’hlte; India Ink. Cmv.1 e Slnto., Crajm, j n 31.,, Rim:. «n-I NVhlt.j . . , , Crayon lluldtri. iil.o* Sar® u»id Boxn, C,l.mdt:>, »e- All of wb ch . I'.l be odd at tha lontrl prlctr, l,j WM. KAY, A|ttnu 'V 4 ’J'ha noon train eonneota with tho Conlral Road at 1 l,3H p m.’ and U. for Al’jinr and mh-jl a’. 1 an a. m- Al.FKEU I.. r-VLER Sup’t. Uni S3. 18'7 dgjr, FOR SALE. j^ I, MIGE a.antmunt ot Virginia !,.af ^rofessioijq) Eqlrdg, daa. f. almandiR. WM. A BlIKIoBT. DBS. ALEX AHDKB ft SHELBY, Office Corner of Marietta X Market airetta- Jan3,1858. .dwly DR. JAMES M. MORRIS, QKiriCE ou_M.ri.Ma .Irwt, oy^MiU l)r. J. _"P. Al.aander'.. AtlaaU, Ua., F.fcraary V, Hit STONE ft FITCH, Attorney* »* Laert O rncr. i. uaiktum-. met., a, jn.ii., aTurta UBOBOl- to, ItM d« 1/ JAKES M. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW HOUSTON, TEXAS, TTTTU. practice in the Uufcicl and Infer* - \\ tor Cantu f thi» Slit*. Careful attention paid to the in.Mti.alin, jl (.and Till:., ti tb. buying, Mtllng aid lo cating of Land C.nideate. I'rowpliMei gir.n to the collection of a’l claim.. Hanenote:—H>n. Wm Selden, Wa.h* tngthn, U Cj A Anatin Smi-t^ Waahingtrm. L) i ; Hon tv m rjinitb, Wa.hingtan. U Cj Hon It dohnton, Ualtimnre, Mdj Go. HVn U.ton, Warronfon, N f.'j Re. Rd Jehneon, Atlanta, (ia; W \V Galnee, New ' rt.ana, La. T. z.t Kimicicii—Hm P II Bell. Pen Antonio;Judge /'••chal, Sth Anionic, Jud.c 0 tv Pa.rbai,Au.tin; Hon P W Gray, Horn ton; Fit kina it Kc.cb, Houaton. 7, IK3H. dwly DR. T. S. POWELL, O FFICE Sue ith A Feeard’. Fru ; Stora, »her» ha can ie fun id du in, tba day, ane — „ . „ ., al nigh , al h a r.aldaaceon Ua cere* el Collin. Mile.,. F aro *3 *0, -»n d J 0 al St act*. All. u, J*n- 30, IMS d»3ra w. a. i >ari. . a >. nort J O N E S ft H O Y T , ATT0BHEY8 AT LAW, i-ffice in Kit.’. Building, Comer of Marietta ud Peteh-trre Btreeta, ATLANTA, GEORGIA-* J»n 13 dtm 4 T. UAC&ETT, at I tiRSEY AT XX, LAW. K\ng%vld,Georgia, practice m the f»ll<»»lng CuUfities: UuU um, Chstt'ioga Murray Gilmer, Whitfield, Gudon, Walker D*d*. Htftrtnttlt Msj. W, V ffunsell, Mari* etta, Han«e I A Simpson Msnetts, James K* Lswhon, Esq, Dahiunsga. particular attaotien paid to theeolfcling husintssd May 78, 1867 d*w!y IN ELLIGEM'EH & EXAMINER JOB OFFICE I TUB PKOPKIWTOtl* baring r.cafltly .Usd U tb. JOB DEPABTKEJn of tk. B.uV, Itabuent a LA ROB awl VAKIBD ntof tba Lau»t8tfl4r4( iH AfiD FANCY prepared to ir. a neat end workmen, ke manner, e.try dncriptlet of Particular.tUntlon will b.gir.n to tka Print log of Circulars, Way BiUi. Blank Hotel. Sill Head*, Blank Deeds, Bank Checks! Programme!, Bmineis Card!, HANDBILLS, POSTERS, U. We 'espaetfally islldt ths patronage of our rieodrio the city aid country, and apsors thetc ha (all orders will ba promptly aad satisfactorily (J. P. Eddy & l'o., (SUCCESSORS 10C. R. IUXl.nTKP.-JtCO ) SOI, J'JJ It'D CARD PRINTING 0?fiOS, axn Soola a Slnclat7. Corner of H hitehall and Alabama lU., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. 0. P. EDDY ft CO., former e.ten.ire meet of BO 0 K end JOB T Y P E, C V T 6. ORNA MEMTS, Ac., e .ery large variety if new materiile, o/ UetSimtlyltf)together will one of Ho.', eelebreted ire more fatly prepared than beratofort, to gl.* JOHN V. HKARD— ATTORNEY AT l.\W,_(,'olqui'.t, Mdter, CJ Georgia, inircl, t I8'«7 wlr L och 'lOtiSl&S AT LA kV-M.un Georgia. u a. Locnaaat. J uk-.i. Having aucci.ted themaelrn in bn<io.« will da.oto ilii' exclusivity to tho precticeol tnebi [rofoion. [7»nt3twty VirilXIAMM, D A H FORTH-— VY. AFFOKNBX Georgii:' ..iJnly as. 1*57. AT LA VY—Fairborn, *wtf rand Hextt, Bill WbUehxll Street, Atlanta, Oeorjln. K. 0.—Flea'se remember tho loeatLn, redfeef fl cr« the g jnatal Pssseogrr dcpi* and a»l tie y nt ^| 4 - , .hio 2:>, •is dwtf NEW WORK. DR. tifCWORE’S 17 YEAR’S Explorations arid Attate 1M THl WILDS oi AFRICA. Tobacco, .erytng in price and n'laiiiy, at tffl and whelorale. at clieiii a. the chouprat. n J. BilACKBLF.'BD Ah'. ,N«rM.'8V7 .Itf \cw Houle to tliu Dotitu*‘Ve» ILLDSTBATE’*. In nnoor fiO.conn—o'otli SI; 'or Mtc Iij W.n, KAY. Ak'ent, Allnntn, Ga. Seed! Sued! Seed! Garden Soed. m WFi bare, aa nnial, got out out large .fork of Garden K^.O. an.) _ . .. _.h ac who hi., bought If ua hrre- liij-Iol-enattwl to their fill. ijililltiM. d/.-r chant, fmm the Oiunlry, w. paiticul»r'y in »it« ami Jn-pe la enure tMr Wi would s'«o t.k k liberal from our cttiaana Call and Me SMITH AEZZVtlD. Januar. 1*. '*5* jUC DOWNING HILL ^>%r , Si&aS3Sfti c %*a ATLANTA, GKOHUtA. rpHB rubiribeit t Her at irtole**!® or retail. I a T-ry utenii.e collection of Fruit Tie,-, (irate Vine., Ac-,Ac. Catalogno aent by nttll to alt epplietnU. freaot charge PETHRS, HA RIVEN A" 00., Atlanta, Georgia. November 0. t**7 dtm 3HAD ! SHAD ! ! SHAD ! ! ! i, hn - ,s u . The first SliaQ>^&(I llu Seaons (H-m ii’HccelveU in Alluatn, »Jai«mry 'be«o ar atli, ISaH S* fntop-jY j, cONI.ON, end pnrchaavd by Thee BJiJrceaC (j, nn0 n, l’r piletor (li the Trom Houif. J" v ', w /tr Cor.lon will be toceivitg bliau du- la’-'vAtcithi.irawn fn-m Snannah end will Iw j ‘ happy to •c-cm-'dato hi. frirnJ. in At’anra. E, Jdari.i'*' 1-aGtaoge, No" nan and (ia Mempfata & Charlv'ton (t«U-Koid CnmpUtsd t Cenucctlug Chattanooga, Tenn.; Charleston, 8. 0.: Savannah, On.,* and all North>£astern Cities, with Memphis, Tenn. ^flrThe last connecting Link of Rail-Road between New York and tho Mississippi • KlrorLdii? Thlj Road is now completed,’ and opened for tho regular transportation ot Passengers and freight, and will aff-rd more expedition and lass xpeniP. than any other routo between the North !C*iSt a*).! South-Writ. Passengers and shippers them- will ^uke lae notice thereof, and govern Passenger Trains leave Btevenson dally at \ 12 “ ‘ ' ' * the train o'clock,A. M„ (aOftr the arrival of. from Cnatunooga and Nashville,) and arrive at Memphis sente day at 7, P. M., connecting with e’trst Class .*‘.earn Pockets to New Orleans, aid all other Imunriaot pvolot* upon tho Western riv* • ri.* floods consigned to Rait-Roed Agents it Charleston *»r fiaraonau, will be forwarded to Memphis and othir points, by Express Frvlgbt Trains. Freight in charge of the Adam's Express Company, is carried over this route daily, by the Passenyer Train*. P. C. ARMS, general ?Ar't nuntsrille, Ala., April 1st, 1*5T. •Through Tickets, to Memphis, Ac., sold '.riltninglon. N. C.f Charioston, S. G.; Augusta. Savannah, Macon,./ttlanta and Coiumbos, Oa., Montgomery, Ala-; Chattanooga and Nashville. Tenn* To connect with the Wertcrn Train, nc i, tto.d, p.uengcr. will take tb. Night Train. Chatuncogi free- Wilmington, N. C.| Augu.ia, •nd N.uhrll!., Teen.; and,the day train, frba .'baric,ton and Ring,rill,, 8. C.) ud Atlanta UADEKWOOD a. HAH, lb, Attorneys at Law, Atlanta, Georgia. O YflL’l on Wbitehallstreet eter 1. W Utti'sJev idt/9lor». MarchUth, 1*67. (dly) Box. W. U. UxnxavooD.t tWui nA»is, LUTHER J. GL-E'N N Attorney at Law, Atlanta, . . ... . Georgia. WilUttud lha Court, in tha CoanUai ot Ful ton, DcKtlb, Fayatta, Campbtll, Marinathtr, Cowata, Carroll, Uaory, Troop, Hoard, Cobt, and Spalding. Dll, la. J. JIOiUlKV, Medical & Surgical Practitioner, Mariotta, Georgia. Otiic, at bltrMlduc*. G. J. WHIGH T. Attorney at Law Albany, . , , . , . Georgia. May 18, 1857. WAI. A. I1AHHIM, Attorn ey a t v L a w Iiatwlla, Worth Co., Gaotcla. Kaftr, to—Mali J- L. llarrl), Milladg.nlla ; Hod- A. II. Ilan„ll, Tbomaarllla; Millar 4 Hall; Oglathorp*! Hon. R. H. CUrk, Knocn ; Col. J. W. Duncan, AtluU. m Juna J-d'y. they will exocnte In tba bajtltyla of the art. it fair price, for Cub. Particular attantlon paid to the execution «, FINS WORK for Railroad ujiJotSer JolnlStook Compaclai, Tracporution Ajanu, Bank,, Col lage, and School,, Attorney,, Pnblic CEeor Merchant,, and other,. Book,, .Pamphlets, Citalejruei, Circular,, Ciidk, Promi,,ory Notoi, Blank Deed,, Chock, Way Bill*, Programme,, Hud and Show Bull Pollen, Ac., tir-uud at ihort notice. Printing In Gold and and Ooooaai) ixo, orosVailom, batU Kutln, ac.. done to ausits, ac.,aos. ,0 beautiful style. Having Ukawlie eouaeted • “BcoBtfUnHerr Ir Printing E»lahUvfita«pt, they i with their Printing BsUblisfiiOfpi, tk«y an prt- pftatd to oxocuto orders for ovary dcsertpUbn 61 ■aj£tt^aa|a&j&SaBS^**,ui work io that department—^Including RULING and BLANK BOOK XANUFACTDRrNd—in a stylo superior to any ever before done In this see- lien of the ifcate. Their Tests being all new tod of the latest patterns, their Stock of materials ths bft the Northern markets afford, and their work men tqoai to any in tbo South, they feel confident of their ability to give entire saturation, and acntequentlv have no bciltanoy ire soliciting tka __ tiers for work, ia either departaeat of their business, from any part of Oeorgia and neighboring States, will meet with prompt atten tlco. Atlanta Oa. Feb. 20, 1S57. fdAsrly.) eita adt)6riiwii|#8. Cutler A Co. COMWflSION XXEQHAS98. sta ns tfiiiifi in sui or TENNESSEE PRODUCE, COTTON, GHOCERIBS, dec., AljtlsBmt% ntroet, (Heath of Ua Mam k Weetan Depot,) A Slants, Georgia AtUote Georgia, Jim, SOIL, 111 New Btock Goming In ©L@T!HI8M© GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. HATS AND CAPS, I T V. UEBRtKO A SON'S Cluthiug llm A factory aad Marahaat Tailoring csUhlLh met, lot Fall ud Winter, til Ut latest style,. One of tka but stock, cl Clothe, Cusinuratar o Vcunyi in Ooorgia, from shlth.tnmake » Mi,*- lien. Shirts, Dra.ara, Undo. Qaraanta,, tient'. Hosiery, (Heree, Xitrtling 84**1, and Blank,u. TciW, Trimminge,8*. l fer rain at tba Iowa* f Lca*. te tha rack (rede, at W. IIBEBIXO * BOX’S, a Whitehall «u, AtlasU, On. A!-o af«r*a Coir f 1. re?. Pv*tnr Varbirra. UAHHfAGfi fttPUSHOHY! id) sluing tka ccnrr ,f Al*. 4 L-yd BtrnctJ, ROB'T, H. MAT, U*Tinrrem’«T.d hi, CABBIAOB -REPOSITORY to the abn.o ole sued opposite tbo Washington UnU.and aalargndhle faailitie,, 1, prepare) toi til ell order, with which ho may be favored, ox 01 good term, aa ran be obtained In August* nr Earuunh, with thn nddltiou nf Freight. HU stock cmhrncsj Carriage,, Cmnrd Buggies, 4 ud t ,a*tBock*wey«, Slide Beau do., tp Fall Topi to, With ud without Top, Whlpe.ic., --- ol tba bo,t sueofso- ture ud latut rty b A than of pnlren age i» respectfully solicited. >r Order, for Family « Psehoex, n(U*r Wageu, Carnesi, r kb. Order, for Family or Plantation Wages, other vahlelM tiled at ahon uetia*. We are elec tgent for Harwood t Re his,' Pater t Fas. Atlanta, On., Dec. 4, 1148. NEW CANDY MANUFACTORY —AND— jjjify ybeiriiggii)Cf|1g. I 6jiij ijcbdHiscnjcnts. urns uio, ouo atthot -Metaad m ihio Uriiri 4td t«eiUUCM toMDfi, •ticltfti. aa donfti); ill A Valuable Boole, tjSSh Eveiy Farmer ought to a Effij hire a Copy cf the gjgy BBT CHINESE SUGAR CA.NE.'Sw Sorgho and Imphee, IKED BtBliXYd » UBT natlreu, a tm rat* tnkd* of Bariay, far Seed. Jrice, }J per tuahaL - Kept. 7, dsl CLAhKE A OBUBB. Wbitkey.' W bilker! Hbltkey C LAKES k OBUBB bora jait neetrad U Bhla. KcUtais', Extra Ctppor Dun^ad/Jorw Whiskey, and for vale chaap. March tl. Who wonts any Eyo- dark* ft Grubb Lu Ibv btikJ ?./* torfcal. wkick k«y wUl MU low. f*yt. 22 1147. /recftivad a&f far *a!t by CM.KKK k GRUBB. Xartk TL A LEI. U. WALUCX... C BO 3M80K Wallace & Robinson GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT3, "HIXE8EA5DAFRICA5 5ECP03 THEIR lr ^’ CULTURE. P*^t7 Lamaf VTay,]!*,, cfCtjfia'vjh; of hi* ptUotnd prucexs. far till :-x£>g tb* idic* of the Isptwc. To whfc. added. Oo;' - Copses* tntebijaju of YalsdW* Fntwh-Pbemphlet.. By HF.NRTS.OI.COTT. Price $ I S5, sect PuaUge Pree. to tr.y td- dr»». for axle by.- WV KAY, Age’t- Attact-,, On, Jaa. BO, IS! . wltm «Fust S&eceived, tor p»i. The feUewlnr * ".infeed Oil, (Engli-J, do u witner Etnun ; dpareFpr'ro Oi " “ “ '* wiialcOi 3 Caik* raw' I. A5D DEALEBS ix ! 2 ^ boiled TE.HNESbEE PRODUCE! 9. We girt special axtuticn to tba rale of Baccx, [ n Lard, Flour, Qrain, WfcUkey, Tobacco, Be., , ... , m Caorigamenu ra^ertfuHy wlkitad. I 20 Bliii. geniUM Oi.- ?T? TanilCrS. jay Prompt nttratics gi,en to C*»h Crdvr, 1Q 10 30 m BT£ t D3UT. Hi oarJ (e V ill All- ft h!J W5J0X. COBB MZAL HiLUCl *A)«.VSi-. .‘10 HO Kosin Afforied YfBa&gwx. 05 per ceaL AkuhoL Burning Piiid. Camphene Spirits Tnrpatine. NEW BACON !. 20.000 lbs White lead, assorted. A LOT *f welt dned New Bxcaa, 150 Bo:CS Glasii, assorted sizes. for eje xt BK.Bruhes, colored P. o'j, nod all W allace a Robinson's. ; f« Paimara’ a**. r«by Jxrcxrr l«. dtf xtiu-a, ». UK. a aiJktKM> D. B. PLUMB & CO., LARD! LARD ! J N Can, and U*r>t!». a; i w dawn prirex. by »aI.LACE dx BO KINS’ N. Janwary 16; 1*141 dtf BSOAD S7BEST, AUGUSTA, GA., WEOLKSdLi AJDKCTAli. DEALERS rX Drags, Mriiciaes, cad Cccaitals, ATLANTA, OA last* ted riilalty thor h* it, ^ hand, at W* CcsJwtkmexyaud Bikisg meat. «U klndi of Coutocticn*, PantHe*, Frntts &c n*la ala* prepared uitowl.a o-wy. darrripbor ot plainaedorsxxcental Cifcu, fox wwddlnp oi part!*., at ahark Bailee, aad on ooeammadatlap tarmx. Imported wieel ud hnr-lta* of tH droorinflenr for modifltl ptat«r*.,k*p»*lw*y*<n baud. Also, genuine Spuiae Clnn,aed BjtmMohwwlnxTo bacco—together with a Urge ussrtmaat of Ter*, Pexcy Artialee, Ac., Am ■ Utring recently retcreidframtbnBerib,where he laid In e tee stock ef Fanny Article,tud etni ry thing cooowary fnr earryixgnn hi, randy mu claetary be wnldUfnra, ccouty dealer, that h. Ir prejared to furnish etailaa at whalasajc et Jt, text, per pound. Order awMmpuled with tha eaah *r gaed elt; nfennratpromptly attended to. L. YALIXTIXO. Atlanta, 5o». Uth Ith. dtw-y New Orleans Groceries } dfe woods t. dye stuffs, COtfSlGIkMEST, j Ptinu and ibkta' Anido.t, Varcixbaa. ’ The firtt arrival of tic New Crop AT ATLANTA. TPHBfXTUKai Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! Ofnff Descripiions, F(JRNITURE!| Se*g»,ibhojtt&Ca.,i Window <J<kM tnd Petty. Gistta Wm», Fraaci. Ln«l Arsrricac Pwfcmerv YlaO Tv^Jrt ttharjag fa* rooli. kiil Hxii Bruaheig Pa:st BntckftOp H AVK'so* la ret* » t4«cu* . f.;i» tfCAW «xp vt Sew Vfta/ca, . • CUira, Prim*, FiEjTeb, _ _ TB! |8wr^iccl ond Cmizi InstryeHsati, 1 Aid xsK Aid wBl be I* reretrt, wortly, faftitr Cow- riguinenlt free ;bdr 1’ir’di ;r. Ne- Or>*r., du- irg tka xenon, which ti.y wiilee i to out Uy- er. at I4p« castl—er ttu the ram* good, c-t Ub,u|htisaay o h.r Oe rgix ruhit Alxo. to amnia ,uck of Coffee, Stir, T- tacoo, Gaudier, At. tEiCy, ABSOtT A CO. Occipy.Saen ud Abbott’s bciidlcg, corse.- For ryth ud Mitchell raeetx. Jar.mrry Mhgj\dlf . 81! PK larrjL^ of ALL Sfio-S Sorufk, Mor^f, ured Tohaeto, *B -• feSSSSjgf&Bcnaun Modi.’em* of tb‘ Hay. Kupetw Ink*, Fore make ei-d BnsAanfb. MW- Ual Purpowa, ExxnW tot enrreut Money Bonglib ChioaTaO- tatud Fancy Antrim, ait. 17 w* eSar gaeca equally alowu tiny can be obtunwd bom any axaBu wtfabiiehawul in this ,re too. Warranted la be Pure. Freed, and Genuine, tw Order, from the Coaotry promptly SQad and utiatactSou gutrant -nd with regard > nnc* and etaliiy, PHVblf —' ciaXT PBEaciurnf»N8 win THE luhteribtr, bar* on baud ffir IWud are now opening a large ud •JUnU: jgl.AN oo iF . tartfally eeleetad Stock from the Northern MaaihetorlM. We wfl 1 uy lb* two, if Ur T.unyeer ! ree«,* rerticular aueut.s at ,Thosn<f :h« Banhi, abo, Kentucky and Nr» Orieaea. i dej or cHth'. - frw I dwtf bEAGO, ABBOTT A CO. " NerenWr 11, 1457 dti b« h«J at >11 tim«a, it tha Examiner & Intelligencer! thi Cor load till he £H*d et kiln A ., 1^ .^ud. 91AKK JOHNSTON, Attorney at Law, Cartcrsvillo, .... Georgia rab.ilelRW. 4ft* Ir April If to «W. rrETswific i*rod*<e arul Camnitrion Mttrkant, and Dialtrt / tjmi/jr end Want alia* Grvcirut, ftc Miritiu Hifjst Atiania. Georgia P. O. ltAHI’EH, Attorney at Law, Weit Point, . Qeorgit Ayrli 18,1455. 4ftwtl W. T. C. Campbell & Hro., URGBON and Mechanical Dan* :i#u, araprapftrad to parform all la tna profn iUb with .•.peratioo lurability and iklU' J. H. SMITH. . W OULD tMpeelfulIj «ano*o*« tba *f AlUnta and aor-j^-^a rnao llax enuotry, that b • I •EfisSsS now rveelrinf and n^tnlrt. and will ft#at» o itora, • it*I«nJid •*«'* o( rAMtloY G/iOCHRIKS, wblcb kt ii t(f*rtng al pUto* that trill oompa’v «Uh any botut la tb« eUy, aai.aaka a ibui of yoi rroata. !(* will fiva fparial at*aolto» to lha ula of B» eon, Urd. M<mr, Oraio, T*’bafoo, fto., fts. OmhlgamanUratpaoiffty «olleiU4 M^Prompi altoBtloa rvaa to Cs*h Ordna. h»or« no MarMia »tr#*t, la tho ballduif .fomavi) neevto'ol l»y Ue l\ l*»rr. IWe#mbo> 12,147 dwt xiao. lha Ho toi* ol iho Q»H. U t •diia^ RCONIUN, JtiinUiUi. Mr. Crm’on. ctn la found by iiqnirnig al tha M. /*. W. D r |Ht*p A||aMft. G<»t 1 |v * tlwl w .1,1. Wrlilu. Fluid we. Ihi . reneult of ch.tolcal aeddenj. l(eurp*i,e«tl|otli Vfoke In relation to color, durability »ud tea, a fl ,w from the pen. When too thick,add a lull, hrelu water. It should not h* mixed wlthotho. Hoke, but always b* pul Into dean hottlex en -’ *W corked Iron the »‘i e heo not In u»*. 1M. ‘t win uat norrode the »te.el pin, and M *»»t h* • 7 , Ii.t vi’d 1.1 Paw J liruaieed lu lu quality by boy Ink i Europe Europe or America. I OrJare are rwMithiUy »olicll*d, ht lip the abo.eTnk a, ' *e we'will ’low at our oOc«i 25 Packages Qlais Ware, Jut Eeoei ved B Y tb* Hulxciib*- nf tho n ret modern' • ri«: _ I. and wiillw a*W eh jht ra).i 1,, j I,".: than I hav* crt-i Ufi>r. lu-cn eWr'oeelGi.' cnib- A 1 ' 0 ' 'SSS ’ltd Qurena-^l'aie I* tt.d ( attore, 1* .led Cerdlctj^xi, Fork* 8>nonx.Tu 8vtt». Britain do, CVina Flown Ac.. to which I trould tbe at- icotion of mj (orm.r pxtrotj, an i eefecitllj tho Ladie* t i Call and aitmine, T. H.KIPI.V.Y. Nn.. I*. 18'7 d/f LAND NEAR ATLANTA ft & DXKbn&1ml aorr# * f Wed mm Allan a.ljinc b»tw%** iwetitr*' a«« Martotti Mi, l< n«a«s \« utoraft f,ir kato. tb*»a .... •err* • f »*'j 1 **vjr tlmtwr, tor|v **wi «• >X4»toai cl*ar”4 ao4. «K»w| tbtriiairv* ..hSTTia bottom. Daraaiofito buatr-4tbai** Afpto ‘row,of ibv icty taal avWcilra. baaUl ho put up In Pbtlodelpb’-. Boston. < ITXad-culyhy Dr«. Uiggwi, A tli i,0*. lold atolHb* book ttora,. , aa it Arete’rew.ot tb-lmi ecUcitpe. bratu • la. v , A to ra. iR.r* t» a. red a til l.: lu e- ra, ’ o toea* 7 ’ ,<f*a v.-ra A reul barrel- »t‘, •» rtre*. . ■ HarcbS. dtf. t; kUtetiTSl yUM.'I’ritxa New Feather, ju,t rtceic /red aw* for tale by toll, Hi | HUbiV.AJlSQU.ACQ FOR SALE. \ sitnent fa » l UiSS ■! eh a > t *• «, aK-VBhi I t'eh<«uj li,)>41 4« zif OQce orar Alexander, Drug Star*. Wbl-.t OAMPBELL. Atlanta, Jen. if W. T. 0. O.F. CAMFRELL. dil D ll. £t. T. PULLIAM haring turn* If fmm a ristl in Vi giuit wtU r*. urne the practice ofhie proleuiua (a tha city of Atlanta and it* ricinity. Can be fom d el hiwitfico at all boan,*tMpt when pr.i’etitioally engaged. G5T t'ffice WABHlNUFON HALL. tap l Sd mf DB. . Al. BAHLR, HOMCEOPATHI8T. Q FFICE end K -ome in Ur. 1'omroy’eof. fie*, cppieitc Pci til Stable, orau’ " ovtmbcr SO, 1847 dawly CAMPHENE Ruroiug Fluid! AND FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER TERMS LOW FOR CASH, T, R. RIPJjEY. P. S.—A liberal discount b> the llbl, Dm e ie*}. A«it WriiaKKk! Wi iohJi. ;l .)Q(Uh»bU grew Tenet.,t-- Cm* Wblsb.y, |* itlWU (lara, aad far Ml* a* narereb'e i.r*M ra r i 14 waujtcx « k-ihivmi), libit Sale,, Wardrebwl, Bureau, Perreorra, waihituSi, KBXi'K I 'XeC:E* , Beistaad, and. c» oncli lloltlnc ClathhEC. Atlormes, HhcnlL, Cl-.-k, of Court*, and' ^“'rtmtM'ol'cec^e^Work'sfiooVuj Ttberl i "• »»• -Xx ^ret. f« lire Ordinaries, can be fumiebi-d; *t effirt notire ^blex-EUgare^.Ccrau'Md Side-Bofu, Tern-1 ”»• ^ u ' en./ffpiMfonn of UEraD WIUT.ot.BRO j . T ... ... ’ =or«, vc . lmpon.r. etc CESS which they mey dreir. ; end ell Ft)H.M t* ! i ggr UeddiUonto the abare Urge etoek, Wt. Sreln, (a Treaeb Bcrr.C. . ot Irgil ’nelrunirn:,, commonly in u»e, art »l- | are receiving weekly aeppliet. Tbepablienre It-i Wwua enC F.«r«. 8m*M, weyt on hind, to b< a-dJ it the lowcat price., i filed to cell and examine onr etoek. j (Sue. dam., kt Oman' Vilinta. M w P. A, O J I. V,TLLU.’II, —a——————-momcn> X ext Amt to WOberi A Clarxa, raoehuw II. O. F, BARI’g Piaeo Forte Aepurer aad Tcaer * Birds Ere Lime. &BBBk Blrds tr* Uae, pat op to 5 bastel tm*, w»j. ct Uyiai af tow itrtori V- .•®2j£S^a^*S®- 0, h^ k> Striritcttcx give* in ar aa E. M, SEAGO, etloata, de Bnrtal Caeca, Vi # ira priporod to faralift FUk'i Metallic Bari 1 Cfters, at ibon aotira. Wa hart eoearod ih* texrittt of a evmpoteBtforfoa toattoctf tc this c F.A.i J.S.WaUAMS, fiCCCfSfOH TO SEA GO ft LAVRKNCP WILL OUSTjyUB Tim PHUDUCE COM Mission RISKS ESS, AT IUS NEW COMMODIOUS FIRE. 'ZSZZ PROOF BUILDING, | F .s«.j»,’4«-d»iy v-chtre. m*. front efAVtnf* DJlvl aodoast dour to f aJjoo Boom ATLAXTA, GEORGIA. Fteihtit»o2>rod toSBtppart. Ordar* •t ecifully utlieUad. Oet. jotb 1153 dftwly.) T.t WILLIAM*. U l.i.tSO H1KKS. WILLIAMS ft BAKER, [Siecenor, to If'iifiomi, llbea A- Co„) GENERAL COMMISSION MEKCHANTd, '.luiding, Urc.lur S teel, At lent., Grr-nie. 1‘r. tnj.l and par iculi, turn ton gi’rn t'nhe ia!c of Grain. II,con, I.,id Fiour, Fratbrrti.nd Trr.n.r r. I'rnducx r.n erwily'-rf Jan. *7. ’844 dtf Atlantia Female College. T KE THIRD SESSION of tVa -4$*^ Invu iii'ii irill c-Tin rente on vuJ-N DAY, tha 18;h ftwt W h«»# fiiiad up tl # bidemeM of Preabytorian Church with a now *«>d raw do*k«. »tT>r«)ing * much ny>te " comf »rt»b e room lhan tho one oceu* peJ lari yur. We will ic upy «bio woo trmporaitlj li 1 trangmentociii t>* vomp!etad lor fleeting permanent College Uui'il.rg*. Term* tfij wmf •» boietofore pnMtthvL Jon i3 dbVwam J. 1». ROtiER^, Pne* Wrapping Paper. I ARC3 lot ja«t rec.i.-d nf all ,i>C4*BJ (.q tal Ilf. and lot #«(<• low. b. .u .3 dwtf WM K \Y. Agent iVaunilla Paper. Jesepii Winship, COMMISSION MERCHANT FGK THE PUttCHAfeE. fYv\\- |s* > a- d twragf ef Produce ip p-vtc tbr Wootatn A Allan, be Kai r->*.l Dspa. Noramb,. It'; 1857 dawtf LUK WHEA1FLUCF, Osnxburg., Yarn*. bhwatlRn, ■mnwlre. From tha M.mtcar Otun M .'.Is ' Sugar too Coffra, Mcur and K ;c; Mai tare. A Syrup 100 Keg, Nail.; A lamanuna Candle*, Ad fur Dale by JOSEPH WINSHIP. i-nirara A I*’-® BUTTER AND CHEESE. A 1..4KOE aupyly on hand al auparim quality, and l«r aa’w by H JOSEPH WIN8HIP. N >. »». 1857 dawu iron! lroe A LARGE block at Mowth Mtnuabc turfng and Mining Cwtnpany’a lr.w>. eon .tenth on ha. *i,at Manu.tctunre pn a, by JOSEPH WINSHIP. Nnrambre 11. 184# daw' FEATHERS. 4 VERY fina araortmrnt of the above, jf\ j let u ban I on c >..atgutnrnt. Price irw jggsra »KSJUP. at th» Nrw tb-’k 8 ore. by J,n tasiwf . WM. KAV ,<»»»'. JAA Buihrii o»w own dftol fbr Ml* by *UU iiuao L AUbn->GO: BACON ft LARD. A NEW SUPrLY, BY JOSEPH WINSHIP. BANK AGENCY. M. W*uUlii9S # Agentforlie HanXnf Garniee N Cantina .Oorarari re aa. wall te foltt. OaUy a areata, fj naitfaqurre irtaaa. ■g., a. too. ! Taala, by tka fiar 4»t Rtdacac Prtc..- J0t*A!l erdtr, ,breld U loft at Veten- Wi>. ‘ tiara,' Furniture Bun, cw Faoahtm «•«. AUoa. . t*. <H. no». 55. 'It, dwfy. i TOMASCFACTCRERS \\T E are nrer reermng a 7 , mrg. la „f Sole l.raib ' re,Call Skint. ! iAingi, Bind- j ir-gu, l-ast* Pago, Kit, and Bert*,'.Pattsi Fire k Barflar ;nalWw. re. |,thing ccimrelrd with the Brot and fb ifaatl.eakaad a,*’.* Vara pure, ey l.i tCr . iwuMb wuch willM ku u be pure, SKAQO, ABBOTT A CO. 1 ‘ BepUmbwr. 11.1447. James I. darter, ForwartUnR ft Coiarai»»ton cr chant. SAVANNAH. C.A.. link. AU Ofdre. t'COn(uni«d with Ctah wi2 b* ;wwm(0'y filirei W.ia .cod 0>ule, .nd et low rare.—a: lire Sign ot tbe Big Bowl, Peachtree- ,ute(. Cnerjto* Dock. eptbdtf DIVICK A MIN. Improved Coltnu Gltu nn Thrcahlnx Sfacliinew. aria J<iat.'K.w JOret. 8«; iu-eet—i'aul. ereuflaf , rpn auCanCrred taV-r, remcrac Ureu hraw *- ’ ’ " ’ I Irewfkraira Creuylft. Vy J. lorre»«J^ k*q ) P. S. Liberal odea non made en oil eon- xcer —Tattra, BtUwu. A Oe . Jett lej-r aeS. Ire.. Ion & Treat, b, bnaut, 0»—> I. Ik rare, toq., Ioom, tea: F. B. vtiror&elmrn ni a* » w *• NEW AUCTION HOUSE THOS. F. LOWE, Whitehall near Mitchell St, Atliate Oe r aAJxUa»ikaarere,-tlpra rero. 1 . itoru fBiieo «etb*^o?th«o* wi u # ef »V itod« f» ^TCAlcto. CrXOrtoft Lftntftftiibft. U Xft- ftrm, n Pfteu«i»» or F«*Qy *»• < Ti*f* rawEumiiy toUKtoe! ft»i pro«toly *b« f • n> fhlly it oiM\f. fioo tod»if . r h b BEST SELECTED axo ASSORTED STOCK OF Family Groceries in inE cm or AILANTA, te te be f»u»d at tha u Atlanta Family Store,” w _ ... D ALftxtA. inra to likra ibm.r oil p+tnAA ui LV# pstftt ftatthllj. vb«r will ent»M tV* %! tV’.sj ■Jtsitod Vhwl ettofti u«l atleagin BOkJt TWrGiM ir» w3 tow* 4t< ttlrriuD* ip prerod to t#orp*, tex tft Cajc-tsft, ftirJ iitkoh-' g'j t jftru at Tcxu. IttooWappL Xortft CftKdiaft. T**j aro ftftU of tot rory hm nmton*l» a apetN ftspfttmd ustoft*tft«*0MvcoUcl«td4crftMto. if kf to »«v of % roodOotto* G(a «r vfccat tbratbor. cr- W frvdft It, u£ wt wOl Mluhru i»r et&tr lUs- t!4<Uf»n c-'o^sftlpvpftttoB. ftftf dti.r#c Otftaftj tit terafcutr'• rttiiMM or softrott V R. Uopftt frto tb, ■ nrtrftttT ■ FNuM < f cbftrgt for UftMpacttitoft. CaiUttfi nap "tt tltfcftvr traooSftrftrV *• — . tocftl oifftreto. ot <j dtroe*. Wthftvtftp ftiftfttoce*ri otottfttoto* u tetoam4 fft'tratftM tfnrRMUii mmm tf tilth ■My to wmn ^ »yp2tofttftic to lg*at» my- AS nrruW to ptrfore vtQ. tftgfti ftftm MftCcft %»d to ti tttfttoor. ynefSPH *txhtp ft cr NEURO SHOES! OHBAP! OHBAPII TO THOSE TTaSTINO A FB111E FSkonlcit ef drubkoal* or writ** bragux, WJ • Kwi willl toy that wt new bate ii Stan' K willl toy that we now hare ie ! a k-ary Stock, ted all ol cur owe llui&mltf .kick w« will e*U at tow real* a pair Irwt. tha; uy house ia this city will k!1 t* good aa oruera —oocr-titiOB wt defy either it Yankee F m 0.13 Whitehall Street. GORGE II. DA.MF.L. Prcynotor. Mlrlta. Mey 4, *48. U.wy UiucU*u>tu>iu(! UiackwmliUiui a rogoae aid Boggire Irea- rd. Ires AtM trset; ot ut far c.w oxd *14 -ar-ol. war ^-mr ^^1X ear gooda wili Ire told et lu* prime Tor OSc* tt WtUaM A Bublaeoew Vtrebww, mw of Hauler aad Ply re ewsaw, AtUat*. (. wilt win T—uarl at»aa««wta Mllaool.wa,. IPagoaa axd Baggie. Ircs- -d. Ires A*l« irroi i*t uu « . . der Mw acd oil warr-s*. war raslad. H n r»*vho^ieg lathe bea; rtylo. At', aixda ol g ist'eswu. Mgoibor wtU wagcao, kwwglca - c , made ** e dre, with dir iatrb, by lO.rett ward ■ re. Wtgoaa os tear jf ril orj'm f. r eolo- Sb ? a-j f,log Dr-J-F liaxuar’i Oft *, hlona.u i rrat. JA& M. MORRIS. Fobrtory H 14JI. d.lot Mode, Georgia Hade, Home-made, i ir or. other moko, tad warren tb.a Mgtodte ; artiriata baa er«r boo* offered is tiia market a ; Slaw. All Uada of _ Boete rib Bboea Mwpwrataahiy r:af ia> wa.-rsaiad. Ail goodiForaiaawdofamnaireo free tfakarg* At ut alga o: BIO BOOT, Paaebtret Sure, Atlost* Qa-.U. D1MICK, JOTCr a CO Lomu, era. >-■' T. A TWT A R HTOtTHa iFUkKIRl -er juxry or-. VAYVII r C Eton •-£. XS8"?f&£ -^R- SFERLINe LAWS', tal« of lb* Ira. her ccsttry Prsjaco. - 'uO.aMOXT* ‘ 0. Bt*J,«14 M • >UU . 6EAQ0, ABBOT t 00. JteetijMMt HuMlYvarc i*aper. a StM*EKI*)R Abt m'o *« h* Jmtoatot _ tier 11 ,-re. if area, 0. aad baxporn La- lire, late oMsf-.tut, Ait § AO, wttl U lappy to woet all inocsi tad cr dan 01 Ike Lamar, whore iboy kt.a ample aewamamitioo ... two Isalredted Ifty pneax A A 8. 1AXIRR. T AXKR. Prerrimare. riCPERl’ll article of Htxwwttt pep "““lA M.JUT, Apt HAY I HAV i rUYT ir*ri ad, a ha .fT*»en»"tbi I Tjully fccy.ea C raff monk, by ’ 7 >iuAbfit| rntm 4 i