The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, March 06, 1858, Image 1

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TKtUIS OK SUUSOICIPTION. Daily Intelligencer, por annum In .ndvutice, $0 Weekly, «' *• k $2. ilATKp OK ADVBim.SINtl. Advertising in the Daily lotelllgencor'will ho Inserted at the foliating rate*.per. square of ten lines. One insertion, 00 cts. Two « $1 00 Tbrco, V 1 26 \ Four, “ \ Five, " t t One week. $5 00 io oo 12 00 15 00 25 00 Special ^'6ntraits wl?t ho made for yearly advor [’ tiaeuioats occupying a quarter, half or whole r. column* ^ ( TAT Advertisement; from traneiont persons R most ho paid in advance. _ Legal advertboracnls ^published at the usua .* rates. ObttuarrnnUcesexoeediug ten lines chary l fed a* ad/ertlf ments. Announcingcandidatos for j office, $5 00, vo bp paid in ndvnnco. t When odvdrtitfemoutB aro ordered in both the Daily, and Weekly, 25 per cent, will be added t o tho above r&to*. The priviloge of yearly advertison is strictly limited to their own immediate and regular business. Professional Cards notcxcccdingslx linos, $15 per annum. Advo’tlsementsnotspepifled nsto titaewill ht published till ordored ou: and charged at regular ratee. Advertisements iusorted .n the Weekly paper i,* ■ only will bo chargeJ a£ forraor rat rap Boof,f,tore New Store,'i/ew Goods. V AND New Arrangements! Books, and Stationery! Till! undcrrlgned is jFfalg] ^Increasing his stock of/ ~~ L ’ ‘ I Books and Stationery'! ■by every steamer from ' tho. North, and Is also in receipt of the New Publications of the principal publishing bouses ns soon as as is- etl from tho press. IIo offen offers for wilo nt low prices— A 100 reams Folio l ost, Cap, Letter, Noto'and Commercial Note Paper. THE best qualities’of Tissue and Drawing Paper, M-usio Paper, Bristol Board, Bill Paper, Blotting piper, Envelopes of all size/ and qualities; also, tho CHEAPEST Blank Books of all qualities, together with all tho itaplo articles’of Stationery usually, found in BOOK STORE such as county houso, School, Fancy and Pock et Inkstands, Portfolios, Back Gammon and Chess Boards, .Chess -Aten, Portmonks, Pocket Books, Single and Doublo Slates, Porcelain Slates, Brassing Knives, Paper Folders, I*-*' l ■belt triinds of Wrfilws, Copying »ud InJoIlblo Ink., Visiting audiPluying Card.-, nil wiirranted ra, good .ml nt ns low prices as can bo found IN THE CITY. disc, Bill Kites, India Hnlitor, Indin Rubber Rinks, Quills, Scaling Wax, Bed, Black, fancy and Wbltej India Ink, Crawlrg Slates, Crayon, Crayon lloldere, Block Sand, Sand Boxes, Bill Head Boxos, Calenders, ic All of which mill bo sold oi tho lowest prices, by 1VM. KAY, Agent. Whitehall Street, Atlanta, lleorgin. N, B.—Please remember the location, ueorcst Store to the general Pasaongcr depot and nil the Hotels. a»n !*, 'SS.dwIf NEW- WORK. D RELIVING ST ONE’S 17 YEAR’S ; and Adventures TMi: mm of AFRICA. ILLUSTRATED. Io paper 50 cents—cloth $1; tor sale by \VM. KAY, Agont, Atlnntu, Ga, Seed! Seeil! Seed! Garden Seed. WE have, aa uaual, got out our JraLJvf largo stock of Gordin Seed, and WgMgg^theae who have bought of us hero- tiuuieVeaii attest to their fine ipialitie.. dfer* chants from Ibo country, we particularly, ni trite, and, hope to eveuro the r trade. \Ve a would a'ao aak a liberal share of patronage from our cititona Call and sen ' 8MITH&EZZAUD. January* 1C, I85B dtf DOWNING HILL. ATLANTA, GKOKG1A. mHE subaribeia offer at wholesale or retail, I t.orj ect. naive collection of fruit Tree, Gripe VlR'K'/Ae.jito. Catalogno tent by mail to all applicants, - free of charge. ’ -PETlJRs, HARDEN & CO., Atlanta, Georgia. Noretnber 0,18S7 dim SHAD! SHAD ! I SHAD!1 ! The first ShadwOVutof tha Seitons Received lu Atlanta, ..January . Bill, 1858. T)Y I'. COjfLON, and purchaacil by Thoa 11 Gannon, Proprietor of lilt) Trent House. "Mr. Cotitbn will bo teceiring Bhtd du. ring this acatwr. -from Savannah and will lw happy to'acconiodalo Ida friends in Atlanta, Marietta, I.atirange.TN'ewnan and Hume, Ga. Also, the Hotels on the O. A. R. 1‘lea.e to 'address i‘, CONI.ON', Atlanta, (it. Mr. Oiralon, found l>y inquiring at thaiM. ifc W. Ile|iot. Atlanta, Ga. • [jairlldwt — Vbs diiearary »f this Writing Kluid was Iba limit of chemical accident. Uiurtiaaioi all otb- . t. .1»>1|)||||P nml .lit I JnU*Or CDtiHHW iVIaka In relation to color, durability and easy 3 iwfrom tha pan. When too thick, add a litUs . In water. It ihuuhl net lie mixed with other l« Wmf, mumt. saws ne ha, bultlnaya bo put Into clean holtlss and '—-“d from the air when not in usa. 1M. it corfoda th. stool pan. ami cs-notM , any Ink mnnuxtnrad snr.rtspsetfully solldtsd, m wo ardl bonbornluk at low .I our ogee, at It p In Phlladalpb'a, llcston.Tr R I. MKmkiF*. M - t&asB&BBastggf*... Pavsk.nohb Train.’ ' \ Leaves Atlanta Gaily nt ....JO 00 A/M. Arrives nt Augusta, at 7 00 P.M. 1,‘nvjs Augusta, dni’y at 2 00 A. M. Allanm, at.......... U ;I6 A. M. JCyBNi.Yu Paksknokr Train. ^ oavea Atlanta, daily, at 12 00 P. M. Arrives at Auguttu, at ...8 66 A. M. I.aavaa Augnata, daily, at A 00 P. if. Arrives at At’nnta at........... 104 A. M. I3T This Hoad runs in ronnuotioti .with tbs Trains of tho Houth (Carolina and the Uarnn* nuh and Augusta Kniiroads at Augusta. Western & Atlantio (State) Rail Road. Atlanta to Chattanooga, 138 Miles, Farc$6. JOHN W; liKSVIS; Hupcrintumlont. Passenger Train, Leaves Atlanta, daily, at 2 10 \.M. Arrives at Chattanooga at..* ...10 07 A M. Leaves Chattanooga, daily, at.... 1 30 A. M. Arrives at Atlanta nt 9 33 A. M Night Passenger Train. Leaves Atlanta, nightly at . .12 16 P. M Arrives at Chattanooga at 8 25 P. M J,caves Chaitsn6‘»gaV‘ TiichtlV, at; .3 10 P. M Arrives at Atlanta at. 11 22 P. M OT This Itodd connects ua:h way with the tRome Branch Railroad nt Kingston, tho East Tennessee «fe Georgia-^ni'road at Dalton, and the Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad at Chnt* anooga, Atlanta & Lagrange Rail Read. Atlanta to West Point.87 Miles,.Faro $3 I GEORGE G. HULL* Superintendent. Morning Pa.ssknokr Train. 1.eaves Atlanta daily at 2 00 A. M Arrives nt West Point at 7 28 A. M* Leaves Wert Point daily at A 00 A. M Ar/ivos at Atlanta at ......9 27 A. M Evening Passenger Train. Leaves at daily nt. 1 00 P.31. Arrives at West PJnt at 0 28 r\ M. Leaves West Point daily at 4 30 P. M. Arrives nt Atlanta at 10 16 P M. CjPVrhis Road connects each way with tho ^ontgomety «fc West Point Railroad. MACON 8o WESTERN R. R. MACON, December 14lh, 1867. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and alter Friday tho 18th the trains will he run av follows: Leave Ms con • n. m* arr Atlanta 8.16 a. m. f.eave Macon 11 30 a m arr Atlanta 6-20 pro envo Atlanta 12 night, n.r Macon 7.16 a. m. Leave Atlanta 12 m. arrive at Macon 5,40 p,m The night Luinawill not l>e run on Sundays, The nigh- t*nin from Atlanta connects o4tl» li ft.fVnfrut Bond at 9,45 o.m.. and the, Suulh*Westem at 11,30 a.m,a!*o with the Al bany train, tri-weckly, which leaves Macon v,t5 *• rn,on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri* days. The noorv train connects with the Central Road at 11,30 p.m.' and South-western IL for Albany and rnbus at 1,30 a. tn. ALFRED L. FVLER.Sup’L Dec 23,1857 d&w. „ FOR SALE. A LARGE assoitmont of Virginia Leaf Tobacco, varying in price and quality, at retail and wholefale, as cheap as the chcaneat. 8 J. SHAOKELFORD/Ag\ Nov 14, 1857 * dtf Now Route to the South-Wes Connecting Chattanooga, Tono.; Charleston, 8. O.l, Savannah, Oa.; and all North*Eastern Citioa, with Memphis, Tenn. 3rTbe last connecting Link of RaiLRoad between New York and the MiiiUsippi River! This Road is now completed, 1 and opened for rtAtion of Pwr tho regular transportation of PAssongers and Freight, and will afford more expedition and leu oxpenie, than nny other route between the North East aud South-West. Passengers and shippers thew- will "lake luc notice theroof, and govern Passenger Trai d t clfick,A M., (aRor the arrival from Chattanoogn and Na3hvillo,) and arrive at oga and Ni Memphis ram© day at 7, P. M*» connecting with First Closs Steam Packets to New Orleans, nnd all other important points upon tbo Western riv- ‘ ~ * to Rail-Road Agents at jpo ers.* Goods.confignml Charleston or Savannah, will bo forwarded to Memphis and other poluts, by Express Freight Tptlns. Freight in charge of tb'e Adam*s Express Company, I* carried over this route daily, by the Passonger Trains. , F. C. ARMS, Goneral Snp’t. lltmtsvllle, Ala., April 1st, 1857. •Through .Tickets to Memphis, Ac., sold nt Wilmington* N.O.j Charleston* S. C.j Augusta, Savannah, Macon, Atlanta and Columbus, Ga., Montgomery*' Ala.; Chattanooga and Nashville: Tenn. ^juTo connoct with tho Western Trains on t D Road, parsouger* will tako tho Night Trains ‘ " 1 ‘ ., Chattanooga from Wilmington, N. C.; Augusta, and Nashville, Tono.; and the day trains ‘from Charleston and Kingsville, S. 0.; and Atlanta, Go. April lit. dtf. CAMPHENE Burning Fluid! AND % V%• FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER TERMS LOW FOR T, E. EIPLEY. P. S.—*A liberal discount by the Bbl. Dee. 9. 1857. dwtf LAND NEAR ATLANTA * ONE hundred acres of land i ■ Allan- sixty m ’' exoslloat clesrf4 Un< ol lue un«i is bottom. There art . A|*rte trees,of the Vsr\- hvst selection, betides the .v * .i .. .. i . mi i win* .. ...» i.. • timber, lortr acres of ml, about thirty a ires re live hundred choice above, thw a (roo«t s MILL 8HK %* esn bs loand CELLARS & McBRIDE, WIIOI.VSAI.K AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC (In Mnrkliam’a Iron-Front Rultilthg,) WUltoHoll »tx*oot AirStAHVA, mil, ribnwrj HU, ISJ6—dtf. JAaRD I. Whitaker. Gustavuh II- e*tx9. WHITAKER A BATES, . Attorneys at Law, Atlanta, Georgia. . ^IBce, front rooms over J. R. A G. 11. Wal- 'acc'n Store, corner Whitehall and Alabama eta. ^fob 23, 1858. - A8. I. ALEXANDER. WM. A. SHKLBY AO. i DE8. ALEXAHDEE & SHELBY, Office Corner of Mariotta k Market street** Jan 3,1858. dwly DR. JAMES M. MORRIS, ^~^FFICE ou Marietta itroet, opposite Dr. J. _ Alexander’s. Atlanta, Ga., February 0, 1858 STONE & FITCH, Attorneys at Law, / Yt/FJCK in Markham's Block, op Stairs, ATLANTA VJUKUROIA. January 30, 1&58 dwly JAMES M. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW HOUSTON, TEXAS, W ILL practice in the District and Infer* ior:Courts u'f this .Slate. Careful attention^peid to the investigating ui Land Titles, tu ih^ buying, selling and io* eating of Land Certificates, "romplnr : e«i given to the collection of all Pro) claims. . RxrKRSJtCf8:—Hon. Wm. Soldln, Wash* ington, D C; A Austin Smith, Washington. D J; Hon Wm Smith, Washington,!) C;Hon n |ffi|jj||||jgK| jjfjjj. j^aton, it Johnson, Baltimore, Md; Gov Warronton, N C; Rev Rd Johnao'n, Atlanta, Go; W W Gaines, Now Orleans, La. Texas Rkperexckb—Hon P H Bell, JSan Antonio; Judge Paschal, San Antonio; Jud^e G W Paschal, Austin; Hon P W Gray, Hous ton; Perkins 6c Kecch, Houston, january 7, 1858. dwly DR. T. S.--POWELL, O FFICE over Smith A Euard’n Drugstore, where he can le found during the day, and ut night, at his residence on the corner ot Collins and Jozes Streets. Atlanta, Jan* 20, 185S dw3m . A. JONKfl. 8. B. BOTT JONES A HOYT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, . l'ffice in Kile’. UuilJing, Corner of Marietta and Peach-tree Street., ATLANTA, GEORGIAS Jen 13 dSro A t. laepff, Atauftli’ A'r , I. AW, Ringgold, Ueorgia, will practice in the following counties: Cotooea, Chattooga, Murray. Gilmer, Whitfield, Gordon, Walker, Dado. Reference*; Maj. W. Y. Hansell, Mari* etta, Hansel! dc Simpson, Marietta, James ID Lawhon,Esq., Dahlonega. Particular attention paid to tho colccting biiiiin-ia. May 28.4857 dAurly J OIIIV V. HEARD-ATTORNEY AT LAW,—-Colquitt, Miller,co , Georgia, march 6 1857 wlv L OCHHAiNE &EAMAH-.-47- TOKXI&S AT LA M'-Mtcon Georgia. O, A. LOCO RAKE. J. LAMAR. Having associated themselves in business will devote themselves exclusively to the practice of theirt profession [Jant3dwly ^ILUAMM. DMFORTH— , , ATTOKNEX AT LAW—Fairburn, Georgia. July 25, 1867. d*wtf " UNDERWOOD & HARD IS, Attorneys at Law, Atlanta, . ..... Georgia. O FFlCKou WhltshalUtreet ew A. W.Htll’n Jew elxyStore. March l2th,lS67. (diy) Hon. W. H. Unds*wood.J (Wist Ha»w«, LUTHER J. GLEN N A 11 o m e y a t L a w, Atlauta, Georgia. Willattend the Courts, in the Countioi of Ful* ton, DeK&lb, Fayette, Campbell, Meriwether, Coweta, Carroll, Henry, Troup, Heard, Cobb, and Spalding. DR. L*. J. ROBERT. Medical & Surgical Praotitioner, Marietta,' . . . . . Georgia. Office at hisreeidence. . G. J. WRIGHT. A t to rnoy at Law, Albany, Georgia. SUjr'lMSJT. WM. A. IIARRIS. Attorney a t Law, Jiabelia, Worth Co., Georgia. Kefors to—Maj. J. L. Harris, Milledgcnlle; Hum A. U. llansell, Thomasville; Miller & Hall, Oglethorpe; Hon. It. H. Clark, Macon; Col. J. \V. Duncan, Atlanta. June 2-dly. MARK JOHaVSTON, ' "A^t t o r n e y at Law, Cartorsvillo, .’ . . . Georgia, r.giit, ism. •d»*ij P. O. HAltl’ER, - Attorney at Law, W«.t Point Georgia April is,naiiS dfwti \V. T. C, Campbell A Uro.. p S URGEON andMeehamcal Den- i lists, are prepared to perform all n the profci'iion with operations In durability and .kill. am- Offlo. or.r Al.nnd.ri Drugstore, WhIU Uxll it.. W. I. C. CAMPBELL. O.P. CAMPBELL. AllauM, Jun. Ifi. dtf D R. R. T. PULLIAM haring re- lUrnoil lb Virginia will re- .umo tha practiuJMnutrofrinon in th. citr of Atlanta and itaNJcinitjr. llan b. foui d at hreSmV. at all hoi)ra,except vrhrn nr.ifr..i.mally rngagod. m* tun... ur iuUi vi’-mv WOtllro WASHINUTOX HALL. .eplhdwtf DR. . AI. BABUR, HOM CEO PATH 1ST. O FFICE and Koomi in Ur. Pomroj’. of. fie, oppoait. Fit Hi. Ktahlo. Norambdr SO, IW7 dawlj 26 Packages Qian Ware, JugReceived >V th. SubKtih.r of th. mort b i'ylre. and will lw aahl ifi per c.m ablrt.Mll 9 iX liwa than 1 hare rrrr before been UhnIi AIm, China and tjuceiw Wans Plated Ca.tora, Pitted Uandle.t|cha, Farhe, ctpoon^ Tea 8etta. Britain do, China Flotrra Va.ea, Ate., to which I would inrite the at. lention of m, former patrone and eaiieeiall, the Ladiee to rail and examine, T. K.RIPLEY.> Nor. I*. 1887 J,f Btuheli n*w con JtfaallhraaU br —itr*60: nltUH SEA80, ABBOT THE PtlOPRIETOHg having rreautlp added to th. JOB DBPAKTHZlfT of the B.Uh llehtn.nt a LAKOE and VARIED irtmaot of tha Lnitil Slykt of F-LA1.II AND FAW6Y ft re prep*red to execute in a neat and workman, ke manner, every description of Particular attention trill be giren to tha Print log of <>■ Circulars j Way Bills, Blank Notes. Bill Heads, a- Blank Deeas, Bank Cheeks, Programmes, Basinets Cards, HANDBILLS, POSTERS, Ac. We respectfully solicit the patronage of our friondein the city and country, and assure them tbatnlJ orders will be promptly andsitufaciorily G. P. Eddy A €o., (St'CCEPSORS TO C. K. nANJ.ttTKk'/fctCO.) BOK. JOB KB CiSO PRifJg 0??iCE, AND 33oolx.*Bixxdlory, Corner of 1ft hitehali and Alabama ala., ATLANTA, OEOROLL O. P. EDDY & CO., TTavlng just added to their LX former extensive assort ment of BOO K and JO B TYPE, CUTS, ORNA- MENTS, Ac., a very Urge variety of new materials, of the latitt tty It i, together with one of IIoe’i celebrated Cylluder Presses ire more fully prepared than heretofore, to | to all order* for work In theirline- dispatch to all orders for work in theirline—^wHieir they will execute in the best s tyle of the art, nt fair prices for Cash. Particular attention-paid to the execution o. FINK WORK for Railroad and other Joint Stock Companies, Transportation Agents, Banks, Col * fi; Public Officer erohants, and others. Books, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Circulars, Cards, Promissory Notes, Blank Deeds, Checks Way Bills, Programmes, Hand and Show Bills Posters, Ae., executed at short notice. Aviwi«| as,, aih-utcu ih.i. far Printing jin Gow* *u»a 6Yi.V'*r Buoiiti *r»a Sin** Colored Inks, . or on Vellum, Satis Muslin, sc., done in beautiful style. Having likewise connected a . Book-Bindery with their Printing Establishment, they are pre pared to execute orders for every description of work in that department—including RULING and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING—in a style superior to any ever before done In this sec tion of the State. Tbeir Tools being aJl new and of the latest patterns, their Stock or materials the best the Northern markets afford, and their work- men equal to any In tho South, they feel confident of their ability to give entire satisfaction, and consequently hare no heaitanoy in soliciting the patronage of their friends and the public.,from ah, part of Georgia and MlghhorlngStatei,trill meet with prompiatten tlon. Atlanta Oa. Feb. 20, IS4J. (dAwlj.) Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! Ofali Descriptions. B LAN K80F Al.L DESCRIPTIONS,can be had at all time., nt the Examiner & Intelligencer □MEnjEr-:! lisw^cflterifih, C Attojniw; onoriffs, Clryks of Courts, ami Ordinaries, can be furnished,’at short notice, any favorite form of DKKI), WRIT, or PRO CESS which they may desire ; and all FORM 8 o! legal instruments, commonly in use, are al ways on hand, to be eoid at the lowest prices. Atlanta, M w E. M. BE AGO, SUCCESSORTOSKAGH kHWRENCF WILL CONTINUE THE PRODUCE COM MISSION BUSINESS, AT HIS NEW COMMODIOUS FIRE PROOF BUILDING, Front of Atlanta Hotel, and next doortoFslton Hoot, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. *VTh. ainal FxciUt<e*oflered to Shipj^r*. Order* *p*etfullri»ohcited. Oft. 16th. 1653. ' (dkwlt.) High, Bntier k € 04HMI88I0H MEBCHAHTS. - ron ran f.miaii JJ>n uu or TEUNESSEE PRODUCE, COTTON, GROCERIES, <&c., *; Alabama . Btroot, (Booth of tho Maooa k Toitoa Depot.) • “ A fc l a n t a, G-e o r g i a Or*d Tennewe* Money taken at par for Prodnes. AthfU Ceoffta, Jan*, SOth, 1UT. Neve Stock Coming In GJNTS FURNISHING GOODS, EATS AND CAPS, HERRING drSON^S^ Clothing Manu. meat lor Fall and Winter, all the laics; stylet. One iff the ben stocks oi Cloths, Cassimtre* ar-c Veitjygs in Georgia, from whieh to raska t -fleer, tien. SblrtsfDrawerf, Undtr*Garaent», Crarau, Gents Hosiery, Gloves, Traveling Shawl* and Blansets. Tflor*# Trimmings, Aa., for sale at the lowest p icq, to theeesk trade,at W. HERRING A SON'S. 40 Whitehall st., Atlanta, Ga. Asp agents for Singers Sewing Machines. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY Adj.ining the corner of Ala- fit Loyd Street*, A. tlATi ta, O-a. ROB’T. H . MAY Havng removed- his CARRIAGE RE'OSITORY to the above eligi- cleitand opposite the Washington Hal, and enlarged his facilities, is prepared tor fill ill order* with which he may be favored, cs as ;ood terms as can be obtained in August* or Savannah, with the addition of Freight. Ii* stoek embraces • Car-Uges, Concord Buggies, 4 anl 6 seatRockaways, Slide Seats do., FaliTops do., With and without Top, P antes, H^iUr Wagons, Conees, -% s t: No Top Whips, Ac., of the best manufac ture and latest style A share of patron* age is respectfully solicited. or {^Orders for Family or Plantation Wagons ether vehicles filled at short notioe. We are also agent for Norwood A Robins Pateat Fan! Atlanta, Ga., Dee. 4, 1650. iced $ f««ijstJt cad*. OriWrtt^L'tLj oliciied. an deamolly CliaA—To: Casa. for Seed. Brice, Sept. 7, dtf. A GRUBB. Whisker! Whlskeyl Wbiskey f 'USKE 4 aa«JBB h»r« Jwfltttftidiw HellTiU’i Extra DiatdMOm Ht:.Scoy. ul fer »aJ« that,. k.reh 21.1. Who waat! CWri* k. GnsVfc r b»|LWfll .Sjdt.tov- ts any Eye. DHLS. Pike's Magnolia Whiskey, jus reoccvtd and far sale by GM.RKB A GRUBB. March 21. m ki£X. %. WaLLaCT.... ..WM. C EO BISoOS Wallace & Robinson G E \ E R A L COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALER. 1 ) IN TEXKESSEE PRODUCE! We give ^iecial attention to the t*lt of Bacon, Lari, Flour, Grain, Whiskey, Tobaooo, Ac., Ac. Contignmesu rerpectfully Eolicited- ~ ,,r Pro; rroicpt attention givec t* Cash Crier* RYE 4 BARLEY. - A lot t<i Ry* k Barley mtli ntckx f**f v BT'At “ VALLlCi t ROHJNWy. CORN yy.AL tc*ii*»* (xrfh Ccr3 y.*»tl in tcrwkCk* . W.ULACE AxU}«XS>- NEW BACON !l A I.OT of prim, weii dri«i New Boom, f '* L foi .tie xt WALLACE ArBOBINSOX’S. J*r ror*-1*. ISM itf LARD ! LARD ! I N Cxi). 5£d Lhm'h xi low Aim priccx, hr “ aLLACE A ROKLNSi>n\ Jxnsxrr IS; ISf^ dtf NEW CANDY MANUFACTORY -AND- ATLANTA, OA. rpHB subs criber would in jora the oftlsuns of At X TanU And violnity that ht has eewtantly os band, kt his Confectionery and Baking eetaolish- ment, all klnda'of Confections; Pastrlei, Frnlts&c n.lx-xlxo D replied to fsralxl ever, dcsdrlptlta of plxio ui ornxmeaUl Cxkst, for woddicr, er pxrtiei, at ih.rt aotlco, xnd ia WMouassMiag terms. •<r^‘;.;. rr v-~"'r:~ 'V-»v .'•••; • Imported wines xnd brx-dlo. of all d.xerlptloni for medical poiposcr.tcp; xlvrja on hand. Also, genuine Spxnixh Cigirs, and .XoieeehnsrlnrTo- baooo—together with x large auortaeat of Tot,. Fnncj Artlelex, he., ha. Baring reoently retaraed from th. North, irhert he laid in a Int etoek of Fane, Art)ties xnd ere- rJ thing ucwtr; far earrjing on his candy man ‘dlafxrmeoeaty dealer,that heir nfxetorjr he vooli HHPM prxpxred to farnlsh exadiM at wholesale at» cents per penad. Order aoeempanM with the eash or good elt j references promptly attended to. L. VALENTINO. Atlanta, Hot. I»th tii. _ daw-y JF-TTIlTNrlT'CTH.E: FVKN1TDKB!! % t n z CHINESE A HD AFBICAH m%m ekmta A TLEATISZ CPON TH2IR ORIGIN, VARIETIES & CULTURE. VeJna aa a Forage Crop; aa/F'Jbe nan cfaeture of Bugar, Syrnp, Alcohol, wioei. Beer Cifar, Vinegar, fjtarih aad Dja tscn&; with a n by Lc-.c-.trd Hray. Erq, cf Ca£rxria. and reiiptian of hie patented proceed for esya- dag the Jnse* of the Impbee. To which are added, Copiooa tranxlatinu of Valoahle French Fhansphleta.. By HEX8T 8. OLCOTT. Price $ 1 it, ant Postage Free, to any ad- dren, for axle by, WM KAY, Agent Atlanta, Ga, Jan. 20, 111 . wfioa Just Received. c* foDorfs, 3 Casia raw Linseed 2 “ boiled 2 “ winter 2 « c tlUdM. Oi], (English * do r’mOi 20 Bbld. gennine ,OG te Tanner*. 10 ‘ ttodn ’ “ “ “ OEsorted VafEMiee. 30 “ 95j>er cent. Atoohol. 20 Burning Fldd. 10 * Camphens. 10 u Spirits Turpentine. 20,000 lbs White lead, assorted. 150 Boies Glas, assorted size*. Brushes, colored Paxsu, aad all for Painters* use. For sal* by Albania. May 9,1MT. A. AIXXAXM* Ulrdt Eye Lime. W* are Apnu fer the sale of Mr. R L Rcgtr’i Blrds-eyt* L:me, put up la 5 bushel barrel*, war- ranted ful! mcarare, and of superior quality to any other lime sold in thii market. Orders by th* Car h-.a/l efll be Hied at kiln prices, by S., A. A* CO. Mill Bolting .Cloths, Ac We are sU<5 ayeat* fer Mea trt. Morris 4 Trimble BaW- acre, Ml., IaporUrt i Dorter* is Firntb Barr loro* and £*epvt MiO BcJtujf aotb*, etc- addressed to as viUb* faliy executed by them at. nauafactan* *rtc*€, e., a. t Co. September, 11,1667. James M. Carter, Forwarding K ConuniasionMer chant. SAVANNAH. GA.. 47*Is Jontt' Sew Blocs, B*r Str**v—(Utejy ceetp4*6 ' by J. ibq:) P. S. Liberal adrancci male on all eca> THE rnb.cribere hare on hand land are now opening a large and earefnlly selected Stoek from th. Best Northern Manufactories. Safes, Wardrobes, Bureau, Secretary*, Wash* lands, Bedstead* and ?halrs of any doslred pattern and price. A fine assortment of Centre, Work, Saloon and Toilette Tables— Ktagefre’s,Corner and Side-^ofas, let#- ,-Tete, etc. far In addition to the above large nock, we are receiving weekly supplies. The public are in vited to call and examine our stock. „ ^ H. A. * J. 8 WILLIAMS, K«*t door to bilbert k Clark*, I***cktr*r *t... Atlanta, Ga RITC-IE-VCl> —RsUct, k Co., Jtnx la^*r- hC. En^.. Kobt fl. YoLhf. Nnirgatu-L, Ga—N J. B*ra.-vi, hor^e,, Ga.. V. B. iflirtt. Fj-^.. Acerv cut G* . mar 10 'ST-iAwly NEW AUCTjON HOUSE THOS. F. LOWE, Whitehall near Mitehell St-, Atlanta Ga T V. L, In additiOD ti»vbeab<t«, *i'- r- T ^ parti*• • alaratienticc to the parrhaa* arc aat* o. U kind* ©t Prefect. Oroewf** St:cht-uits*. asi X«- fro**, let Viastatioc or uh- t>rcFj> re*,equally poficsted an: prexsj-t^- aa-J f < Itk J. K. WILLIAMS. BOLLING BARKR. WILLIAMS & BAKER, (Successors to inlltams, Rhea tic Co.,) GENERAL COMMISSION MEKOHANTS, ■pMuBuildingi Decatur Street, At lanta, Georgia. Prcropl and particular atten- t on gifrn to the .ale of Grain, Bacon, Lanl. Flour, Feather.,and Tenncarcc Produce g.n .rally J.n. 27, IfSA dtf Atlanta Female College. rpHF. THIRD SESSION of this I I nst it mbit w ; 11 com nonce on MONDAY, * — ' the 18th Inst ha*c fitted up the ba*emepi of the Presbyterian Church with a new flxxr, and new dwk*, affording a much more cotnroodi' ou* and cOmforubV room than the one occu pied last jear. NVe will occupy this room temporarily lilt arrangments can he completed fororecting permanent (College Buildings. Term* the same as heretofore puMUhed. Jan,13 d&w3m J. 1*. ROUKRS, Pru*. Burial CaseB. V e a** prepared to furnish Fisk’s Metallic Bari si Cases, at short notice. We have secured th« service* of a competent person to attend to thi$ de partment. F.A. A J. S. WILLIAMS, Nov 15,’56-dwly Peachtree ireet. Joseph Wiitskip, C O MM1 SSI O N M ERC H A NT FOR THE PURCHASE, |^a*? and 8l»ir*ge of ^ucc.|g|| op potto the Wratrtn X-Ailan- uc Kaiiroad Depot. , Novcmbet 11. 1857 dkwf/ B l ■ t UBK WHEAT FLOUR, - Osnaburgs, Varna, h heeling*, Shirting*, From the Montour Cotton MdL; * Kngar ana Coffee. Flour and L',cc; MoUsm** A - s > 100 Keg* Nails; A-tamanune Candle*. All for >ah* by JOSEPH WINS HIP. iaimarv IS5* 8 «l»f ally THE BEST SELECTED ASB ASSORTED STOCK OF Family Groceries IS THE cm OP A2LANTA, It to be fousd at the “ Atlanta Family Store,” D. B. PLUMB & CO., BE0AD STEBBT, AUGUSTA, GA., 7BOLK&ILZ ASDBBTAILDKALKBS IS DrugS; Medieiass, acd Chemicals, DTE WOODS a DTE STUFFS,. Oilt, Faicte and Ptfclet-’ AittdM, Vataabak Wiadow Glare and Putty, dare Ware, French, and American Perfuse*, r tao Scan, rat To-let and Aha nag mt rooth asd Hair Paiat Bruxho*, Srsrgial cad Denial Instrument,, TBUaSSS, f M 8UPPOBTEE8 OF ALL KINDS 8p9eea,8BuflLK<uuiaauicd TAaea, *fl th. Parent ox Ptaptomr Madjataaa. cf th. Dxy, Sapcrior Isii, Peru Wium and Boadirefigir Had* ical PcrpoK., Extract foe Flamtmg, Chiaa TnL let and Fancy Artidaa, He. CF Wa offer good* njually aa ton ax they can be obuinod from any tisulat cflaHiahscut ic thia tnctron. H'arraafef fo be Pare, Fruk, and Gestuine. ’ Order, from the Country crcmptly uactJod with regard filled and attraction guarantred to price and cnality. PHVS1CLAN8* PRE6CRIPTIGN8 will rccci-c particular attention at all boareof tho day or n*bt- fn>— I dwtf Oir.BARTOL Piaao Forte Ecpairer and Tnnor \l r ILL XItend to any eallaia hit ^nare-. > \ line of baaiso11, rath xi rog. J alxtitf of xecot, eertrirg of ham-11 r I II rccrt.ifri-.od orhaffad,) laying of cow.trtng. V, th. court, whole or tingle, ic Satafacticr girtn in arary innanea at a* charge v All work warranted. Toning hydk. [Udno.d Pxtcca. JW All ctderx ahonld be MVS at Moure. WU- lixrnf' Furniture Store, oa Fanehtreo IL, Atlas. ia, <5a sot. -I, *51, dwly. TO MANUFACTURERS \Tr E are now ncemng a » lar large lot of Sol* Lcath- Xaif Skint, Lining*, Bind- I inga, Lana, Pag*. Kit, and irrmhing connected with th « Boot and £h buainre., which wrili b. .cid at law pricre Oath- All order, accent pent*! with Cath will b* prompiiy filled with goad Goada, and at law rate*—xt th. Sign of th. Big Boot, Peachtree, rtrcct. Choreic Blocje!-^ aptrtdn DIM1CK A MIX. U'hHt-Itn.11 Street. EORGKU. DANIEL. j j Atlanta. May 0,'fte- Idaey ; Blackoniittiingi llliick*iutihing ; .traces, xnd Cugglre.Iren- : ri'BF cd. I res Axir tree* put IA . 1 ir«c u.vxxx &.xtj,< __ _ dec near xco c.!i| eacou,. war »'X.W I to aims M*r c*J |.uau xad the reWegXMaxUy, ratted. Herve^hg> the best «,!©. AU ] g««f/ gMSfii ^ Improved Colton Gins and Threshing Machines. . 5 • 4. -xcrerv ax. -i.v ! ^ Ihrmbtr* <ro Umr &kqa1 *sl*um ki&u* o. .i.ajlng tmp^mcwu, togtihtx w,ib t ^v #>T Gfa, Ar* Lac^* ax>4 ui«r;*aUy»> waguc*. buggies •* . 1 tu oraer, with <iu j r nrr^i :8 <^orpa, N ivb Cansiiaa, ui Aktes-rt* *" * K«rtk Carokaa. T>*y patch, by effiriett werixyou. Wagow on hand s T*xm, > c>f ail Ktlw for sale. Sh.-p adjrtziug Dr. J. F. | *&*d# of th* very h#*t o*t< Alexauder’* Office, Marietta «tn*t. • « *p*r+l to *ako .ttafimnw Ti: V| uAnnew : :a Waal ti h pcvviOoUM trl* or IOMI or- . .... *vRRia- ^ tT1xa tn wiU**a AI Vr» a* a*t «4fc*r Man- ..Kruary VI. »>”• ***** j ur*r* cf ha i rrprUo*. wtu £*Lr*r tiers at NEW CROCKERY STORED ntn 1 : 1 , . , , .7., «Uh oy uavrttac er local AfMts or ky 4u*et ordm I Remuted lo Frank/orj'i QJJ S'and, 1V r hiit Hall Sireil. G: Wrapping Paper. LARGE l»>t,just seceivfil of.aU sixooand L qual.ti(«a and fur sal© low. by Jan 23, dwtf WM. KAY, Agent Mannilla Paper. A VERY fin. aeertment of th. above. juat to hand on conaignmcut. Price low at the Now Book Store, by J.n 23. dtrif t'M. KAY, 'TMPORT.1NT INFO/f.V ATP IN, by mm * ' X^hicb much suflVring infamilivomay I be aroidisl, ►•< v nl to msrrivd mon and th<wc B contemplating marriage. Addros* en* ueN^fffoor *tam(«, Dr ti. W AlU'lSCOktllE lirouklyn. N. Y, Nov. 18, 1857 d<kw8 A Uouvgoods^wHIbosold at low priest hr rceuBlijr Product. 8 »*' ^ ao # iBBOTT. A CO. 800,111 m BUTTER AND CHEESE. A LARGE supply on band oi Fuja'roM quality, and J.n *a!e by JOSEPH WIN SHIP. dAWti WHERE ni l be found* a largr^^ ' and handsome aswrtuiiMjt of i’rui-k Kff , Ctvna, and Glass Wat*, which will bt' said remarkably chfap Peisuns wishing f purchaW'w d: 4* well lo rasko an early cah Tho ot Atlanta and the neigh- taring n»wn# and vtihgus arc mTilrd u call an'd axanrt* the eKvk.- Feb 26. *58 dtf Iron! Iron! LAKUB block Of Mowah Mtnnalai Mioinfi Com|iiny*s lr*vn, con tantiv oaha*id>at Manufacturers pn *, by ’ WlSsHlP Nurombcr 11, 185* FEATHERS. NOTICE. ▼*a%T*AA afcafeUac*C< c+crtU*U* a* Xo Ik* rood IfJomaw rt*ar Gia* wi Ta/^SHr*, moo of vhUk rut to >o*» *» E tc A foot*. SS» C««» warraatwi u» j-wrorm wnU. Bopatt* in* u short -cue* sui ai ta ** tbtxar. JOSEPH wixhip 4 oo. NKtiRO SHOES! CHEAP! CHEAP! I . TO THOSE WANTING A PRIMH^ f Ji article ef double sole or waited brogue,prti 1 ISIwe will! say that wo now kart in 6toc«* M s heavy Stoek, and all ol our own Maiifactnriag which we will sell at tea cents a pair lover than any house in this city will i«U as good as article r> the wise is fuffifitBL* - 0. H.■ STRONG. Atlauta, Ga. FoxSlg 1S6S ■ dtf Spring, 1858. BACON A LARD. A NEW SUPPLY, BY JOSEPH WINSIUP. RANK AGENCY. Mo. Agent f.r lie BallJLo/ Caeufxn S Caretim OHre at Waltere A Roblnaou M'anhcsM- coruar of Hunter and Pryor atnria, Atlauta, Ox. will gl.a preutptatreuBoil U «»tl—tiea, manly. Cam Fresh Fatthotlbr aab by BIAS*, ABBOT *00. IWWMW 4t \\ T K || bl’RINti GOODS, recratly ordonrel from marktt A beauutul lot of Light PrinU, Lawn., UiitUxiiU, Ac., tn atorr. To which th. attention of Cxxh purcha^re i, invited, BEACH A ROOT. March 2,18SS _ d*w Hardware Paper. SUPERIOR article of Hardware pop* for eel. at low rare* by - WUiXAT, RtCrtl ankltaahutvtt ores ofored io thu market or Sut*. All kit it of Boots c*> Bhoom prcpomonably cheap and warranted. Allfoodipurcharedofampairedfre.# -bargo Attheaiguof BIO BOOT, Preohtr— Vtreel DIMICK, JOTCI, A CO SLLLS'li LXN1IR, • bAUyBOtt LXKlfTI T.A-MA R XFOTTS33 (rowtou v .DUAL- >■ HOCBM RSOXVU UK, XNNNRSSJOL M LAKII~.,l*t«af th* U. erwr II:'tire, Macon, 0. aadSxnpioa Lire oIk, law nf Tuiktgre, Ail xa, will b* happy w meet tli triaudf-aud eo .Bin a2 tho Ltiatr Ucut, where thoj hare ample areomaodadM for two hasdrod aad fifty pinout. & A B.1ANHB. Proprietor*. HAYl! HAY I J DBTreotitod.a lot of TouooreM Cfore