The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, March 07, 1858, Image 2

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: j K fattlinrr. AiiJ, A ••' *JSgjf3 . for oooa i the U^Poi* Latest News S E E THIR D PAGE fi^We call the attention of onr reader* to tba “Gord” of Dr. C. >V. Parker, wto occupies a room just below oar cHice. The doctor’s visitors are numerous, attncied, ere presume. by his skill, both as sh Ambro- typi«t ami Dentist. His *-00111'' will be found in' onr advertising columns. Ait Arrest. We learn that an arrest was made to, terdny mornirg at the passenger depot in this ci>y, of an individual, respectably cons netted in this State, npoo suspicion of bes ing 002 of (lie parii.-s concerned in the re- WntbarahriM at Caftoan and Dalton.— Wire&aic from giving (he came at pres- enti®r: :■ to*To (‘dead i we (Kink,' lion, but just as we e political.subject', I lie;,and (bat uuj .. tmrypwottedainbnf, • diseased Imagination that [ sdportfia articles in the i “the Fedora I Union.” . written that •* of all th(tcants;in tbit ing world, tbo coat of hypocrisy may | worst, bat the cant of diitioism, is the. tormenting, 1 ’ Had be lived to this < time, and read the cant of the , the '* Federal Union,” we know not w woold have written ol that sort of \ cast. If ’tiaintrnded to prepare.1 in Georgia for a Union, inc bte judgment, is labor throws awa; funoihor ’ .'lilieiotv to hold , haring nadn as y downed tM* r .pH ckoess,’ 1 ity yeare-^ond that " tentecn years agp,^......... • have ahvaya hitaW and believed the ■HHI ' ‘''rwuwryjls i sonic to: to be, that ax tha country is opoucj, bia disease disappeared; And wo do not re* ard this a* present ns ono of tho dishatc rtheeountry. - : SevasM-The University of the South- Under the above bead in asothtr column, the reader will find gnarriclf, temperately, ref forcibly, -writtee,in reply to the position taken by the public meeting recently held at Sirirnsee, di^iahning the prevalence of the *-Mtlk STettifs;,’* in that vicinity within a_penpdpf : sa:teo ot (even teen year*. As • ■dm iocatipn-Aff this university is cf interest tothewhpteSonth.wo republish this Which ia the Montgomery? tiro 4 th instasS, trusting. - that 1 pnmf nnnoticed by I those upon i ttspdasihility devoirs of rersity. • ■ V,: ^ Andrew Johnson and John j The Memphis Avalanche, n Rights Journal of unusual rigor i ness—“lets down” on the late.J< in the foiiowieg hearty style. ‘•it will besson from n the United States Senate, Senator, Hon. Am' nude uis debut in tup | be is a distinguished far Gov. Johnson • eminently a man of stands the popular: niuccs—rrcdtha'i*'- in the great ct Born Without, thatnnpai * tocdic3—; disap * HUll * ; 5 of which e predict r. He is He under, wants of the lean upon him polity and honor, s in his month, in- the' sight of o straggles and thickly beset, the worth—disciplined t ; » arrows of cdverrity<- epoefas of his Ufo of It hns nevor been known or beKovad to joist in the neighborhood of RbweYSpriog, 1 whore the University is located. And wo tmjdMkaUj) osierf, that thero is hot a plice On the Ulobe where no would regard our selves as being safer and more clearly above Rnd beyond theretpbpfdisoitoOr fokMss of any kind, than at'Rvwo’a Sitting—'and, of that point, we should make free use 1 *' 1 ' batter and milk. - This declaration is togned hy.toiDa930.or said citizens. WehnYii'mit space to publish their names; but wo haranodouM ltiat the list contains many of the most respiotaole names in .tho county.' Wo thoreforo j,ubl sh their declararion.most WiUingiy; and ire ore heartily glad that they uro ablo tb'gire such emphatic denial totho alleffed.liability of tho locality to this strange disease, of which we have Keen sp mnch taid,’ of late, in i>ur exchanges. Si ■ As to ourselves, we bare nerer this ... ■ rtototjlocu- to command the IaTia;hih,’wTiu»tc>Basl6i, that befo is hopes to be to Portland with hie restei in the latter port of tbo month of Jaoe,’acd that.he prepares to remain there wfthher •gfwa' week'?.' whisperings of slander and the —fag praise of false friends, Gov. John- appears hi the Senate of the United Jteaj the prond Tribune of the people— die cherished idol ot tha phpnlar maates. Gor. Johnson makes hi* first appearance in the Sesate at a coroner, appointed by the people of Tennessee to hold an inquest over the body of-John Bell. The’ sketch ‘ef'thw'd-fStte whtoh we publish shows that be is holding a pari mortem examination, and that it baa beccmo necessary to dissect the body of the defunct John Hell to find theexactcatue of his death. Although Mr. Bell is juet at dead as if he bad been slain at the xisgo of Troy, yet, by the aps plication of the galvanic battery, Got. John tan has been enabled to prednee a few ipesmedfc jerks* and to aum tha embalmed mammy to rise in the Senate and utter a DistsseseCo.—Mr. John Barry, of Naahs viiroJ Xean^ vrva f atly wouuded by his sun. i»t week,.while fencing with foil*, _ tie ptint of the foil entering josi above the f few erode and incoherent curses. \V< are <h-' SB!S»?W»Sa«5 on fties.iijr. His aoa, qm.e a youth, «| 0 , Hereafter,” as be diedinenmity with a lacs! frantic with' grief as the occurrence. I fa Democracy, breaihmg Canes and imprt. I rations upon ice party he has so lone hated. I U» Rail xfilanM hares itun knit.. • _ i as t'ua of Uu strong ohjeo'ioes tion ol tbe University. The objections which we have urged lie as much afcaiost< mil other moautain localities equally remote .om tny well populated neighbor® J, a» against Sewaneo. We have merctr al tided to this disease os an ohjaction uigt 1 in other quarters, and with little farther :om- ment than (be expression of a fear, that the mere tumor of tho existence of tbe cauiu of such a disease, whether founded in fait or oot, would long operate against tho satecis of tho University. And this opinion, we still entertain. Tbe above declaration oujht. perhaps, to banish all fear of this diaeas* onco and forever, from the public mind,; we do not believe it will. In a matte; this kind, a mere suspicion, even if it be groundless, when it hes once seized holdlil ito public thud, is always exceedingly dill cult to be eradicated. la spite, therefore, L_ this strang declaration' cf tbo citizens bf Frtuklb oonntr, many persons, we oppri. head, wilt < stid cherish their former foair, and perhaps be nota little puzzled to recui cDO tbis declaration with Mr. Newtnan Bill in tbo late Legislature of Teonessel, especially if, as wo hare been told,' said Bl! mstb “ ‘ . If S was tbe result of a petition from citizen* el ibis same county, CV*a —A Wasiing; u ccrfeVpoB-icnt of ibe mcl of Canatrci aays; - Vfe have hr-.iri c«h aiad very vaguely, cf. the pur* pose.elf nor adjaltistrilion in regard to Cuba. It is not improHablt! tbut some r^.-otawen, tockis% to the pnrehise of Cubs, may be comairncrd. epoa ihe eccur- rvr -o ofa forerable epa»ftu'ci:j,- If tbe c V-ci be furorril r,y,idfe gorernmonts of France acd Greov Brifciia, it U not imposs viit it «,-U be aceompiistsj within lit. BuChanan’* tires.” Tie Federal Union—Gotten lee—Bank Etstnipaoa! Our coighbor, the |.Vnili^utl American,” honors us in iu but rest with twe notices; oae under the expressive bead ** 0a Uittea ice;'’ the other, oa ** Bank Resomptirn.” At tbefiJat notice we w«e not zauuj tor- prised, for it is evidint from the ‘‘Andre’ . .. .. . HB—mas, or to solemo readixg of such books as -Bax. rer'i Call,' ‘Deaths Doings,’ ‘Mmev’s Mediution*,' he weald hare been better prepared f r bVt awful doom, and might sure been enabled to die with tbe dignitr and grace of Cassr in the Roman Senate, Cato upon his sword, or Seneca at his barb. We are requested to publish tbo following this morning, and also to state that the Society win meet to'night at the Methodist Trinity Ohcrch in this place. American Tract Society. The committee appointed at onr last the disease be real^ cow known only as ono of the things that The VATUirol.V iftpbidten pah!ishes 2 ) I prepared tuw ftuu , u vuij „ vuu vi utc iuidki mat JiqwtrS aniionncirg th. death of Jas.' V.fmSjSkt. vfhy (many, no doubt, will still atk,! of &vnccU in « afiray a,is any need now felt to prow, the W Wasuiegton-rity. sue «rim. destroyer, if he had,spent the i»st taw mentbj in church-yard rr" the action or the A. T. Society, spectfully submit the following their re port: SLAVERY. As individual circumstance* biteprorent- ed enr Srciety from oa eeriior exp.-e. sion of its jentimeEta in reference to the ae*' rion of tbe A. T, Society, wc deem it ou- ceeesxary to say more', that we adopt wbitm appeared in the Ameritut, trecedini ^ ri:eady pobIWicd by other it* Smj. , ‘ fence* of dfreaitfsn.acd all atfeedauterd,, | 2SK fo (Li “Federal Orion" weighs hearjiv anat!* e!2 ‘ nat * 0 8 religion* mattere as will tL anti like a night pure breerl, walfjfe by onr beany co-cperatiou. But ntitoeroAf^Mnew j when Tram due high and holy position it •atnj aside i« the beggarly dement c! even ta -!«• vueicr uu, evi-eaee preaeQteo m to* IagnVriou* aid - of ihose who wov.d proi-.itute so nobfo an labored articles referred to, we are at a Ices j isanigtbaSS jhA t 1 —* —* —*tch th„ wreck, to aecOTtt bo!b for the Httnlt, J (*) words it embaceof' iuetuoc-, i* ascrioieg to no W jirgoo," iu oar artial i riee oity against lit Still, bad not other and mneb stronger -objections presented themselves to our mimi, ne never should haro written a single line against the location. Wu do not (relieve any of tbe localities pot in nomination at the lata conrestion'oT the Trusties, decidtd'y objccticcablo.on tbe groend of uuhealtbfd* aer from local causer. We do not think, however, that Sewaac;, even if tbare bo no “ milk-eickneis’' thero, really has any ad vantage, e»en an tbe score of health, over several id the other rira.l ,-ioints that con, fresedly possess sundry other advantages, which doe* not posse**, and, iu our judgment, necer will posses*. We were, therefore, and are still surprised, that, in tbe convention of Trustee*, the asserted health,, fuindtt of Snrenecskonld have so orereriddt its admitted objectluoable features os to sc*, rente its election as the location of the University. And this leads os to say a ward touchier, a portion of tho long letter cf Dr. Wallace Estill, which comes appended to the afore said declaration. The information publish ed in the Mail, some weeks since, that to L$33 tho cholera broke oot among the work men employ-id on tbe Montgomery Gap fonoel a-u ■v.c.-nptd ce»r the location of th» University, -?vi published bn what we deemed reliable authority; and although Dr K.’s letter point* out some slight inacoara- cirs in the statement* then made, a* to the distance of the carops from the proporrd site Of the Univereity, and the nnmbcr of deaths from this dreadrui epidemic, ho, in the main, clearly substantiates tbe facts staled. That tbe neighborhood of Sewanea* then, is a cholera region, is a settlM’poiot. We therefore see no reason wlljr we should’not ” fire ma ha, c tiit a Iiid.ui viisj~tt may no6 still say: “,Su:riy thu c .old not have been known to jf '0 ol to Z1 Lc'.'f .rx ia ibe ’ ibis monomania of oerjneigu- lor, abooi te‘ Atceriosa Union S mow be c_-ei, or ir, will .^.d taxi popes into tbesdv i -cvry of t'eubmiahn dtretriser,” eren though Us liStfe-ra are the other w ay aa wo shall charitably edmit I In all go A humor, we ciu say to ocr neighbor, that noithcx oa the one question, nor the olhsr, npan which \Le American has asiumed to loctcie as, da we c jsceal, or de sire to c-mereiodr AuafitasnU. Ws think that we write t.nd speak plainly enough epor. both. It h the “ Jtirtmean't" mfe - f'ttaae, if the mteikex that austral* it, U t» -ihttree to uriusretuni plain Eagltsh ; acd whra we doc'ioe, hi we da cow, to cnewer ire iuerregatcries, it is beciaee rre navex do acj;.i5>g ‘*b'j 'ritMpuUitm/* or simply to fr-r.ty tho ipMcn of <* - poUrical aiiverSavy. T at American would do well too to think that •*b a we writs to pleara ft, wc mist *aeri- P iutjpks which w rmrt. aou which i; Wong to the Xatfona! Be- Bitr.ij—i|»1y vast stand* by the Union to foot !- ti i rompaet under wbfer, that U. r,'. au I tored, is ioaittafecd j n fay ret i **■ h-’ier ibwfof. It, the .. .. atjr.’gv t,:- ond .viv%**t<ria party, that Lsr -•• i'ied that tttijnM| a u ; iu ^ it .- lad tbit, In one Section of toe Unix, r ivuc- ou. da.tritti, wtiaa it oppctie* in an- . r--aj*-t. , t.\at is nor national,, ran, n “'j fc?. . I law, then, can : • • iilonfoa-e cur ctfgMr 1 Indssd, L * - attfiapt the herculean t ktk ! cu--‘: puraueo , -- -1—•sniugcoinmitac. Their atr'et adherence to the conatitution, and the firm- n'aa* that they have maoifiated in refusiog to poblfeh anything contrary to the geain* of toe Socie y, etenre our unaba^J confi dence. We therefore cordially recommend the Society V: the favor and patron,ge of a:u:h era Chrjo'nipe; bet eving tiiat while they remain »t too helm of iu tffoi.-t. that tho evil* which ate so threatening w il to hap pi«y shunued. All of which is respectfully rebmitteJ. J. E. DzBOaB. j T. U. WILKES, > Committee. B.H-OVEKBr f lb? Southern Commercial Convention, Wc take from the Monrg, mery Malt, the foil'iwir.g notice cf tbe roerting of tL-.- tex ricotheru Commercial Conveutinu: Tea Fiiut Mcsdai ix Mat !-. should be lore ia mind that the Southern Cooime r- .cial i'cover,tion, as Knoxville last Summer, appointed Mc' .gonwry, Alu., u iti- pUc» srd the > ini Monday in May next, as the time, for the next fusion of the rkutfcerr. i-VamerrUI Conv-ntion. All Ire Southfrc Strer are expectevJ to b» well reprtvent'd. Sa* Paper* in the Sooth pLu« oopy.-r otherwise cJI auentiou to th- same. An Oriental Advertisement In in J . an paper of recent date, we no tice a ver, characteristic airerti^merit.— A msrm,' l who rejviees in the r-emu of Bompcbsa J DjW, airertiset for ufo a lot ot Duo a roiriin* They art incriixd us »o fi&o *hav « w ; icli piec? c*h be with ti t PmkA thro igu a wedding ring, and when jprrud on the grass in-the ea.iy nurning :ro *■ indUtin.'u'ehzbfo frer* dew that it ,i rep.rtvd that a cow eat a whole wen *h,V g- WDg without sitcoveriug it. Thi* re* i-imL «< of the Scenes* if jte paper of or.e of 8. Swan & Co.'s k.Wt&Slittery (iektu. t—It i, so fine , the prize of seventy « ••«-•.£ oriylher and n-ut exocr* th.,! tb * j itn «*°. ** »=« through tbe -- - 1 ! ’-h'.U at a ticket at s g'arm»; a half ol those u an.wsr it-s tafarrogato- j ucltcfeitb ’b"-.ngu the mail Irum Auifotti or t - t;r , uted ^ ( '•,., 35 , M ft Be Uiat the holder of it did net - k odabs’ cit.. . featimeotvr th it t i’ i: bant uoou bi-s in thii.y t/iou*. • *» permit it t _? ‘ ” J and «Uorw; while s quarter ticket w‘es ■ I’ 0 ' erpoied to the raya of the eon reflected hf-ttri thoound dolhre. »>•'**• 1 '•»;> U’jlhooi ccai;»di«i- B . t - - i:a*riga to the X'atmcai Dsmo- 1 :-<itio3, without being told of i;. 0. vufo coni ire'to be proper occa- »io-v s* th.r ...: be 5 pa ft r .( oat doty, we eh.;!, perform i. wir-m-t Rfr sba-1 preform It.a* •- r-,- cbed.vpoo'todo- ,oqw, iu cor-ect:.:* our ts-ighbtrr to an i*. portast psrfiiWto.wlt -J. i. U* . _: wbete it impndvfl'dy d-jrtt m *■ , 3 ,p^, ^ tho Truaecr who. so implicitly rc- d upon the testimony of tbe owner of ‘‘a .V3. Aa<t of laud CiTiriog pretty muc,.^ n'.iro track rfo Vue SrwaMe Itail .R-rcJ/ wuo says (tide Proceedings,” Ac.) that “ with regard to tho health of the location eooken of, there can be no sort of doubt.’' dicce tbe Doctor ro desires it, wo wish we had quoted a little more at each end of the druse, so as to have said, “one ot the three ouin'ri of a large tract of monutain land. •ering pretty much the entire track iff the cc Itai: Read, on tbe side of the moun. Serrate SB; bat, inasmuch a* what wo uid say was an a curate quotation, and the readers of the arucle were dhtjocily referred to the scutce whence the quotation was taken, we fee! sure we shall be believed, wbcu wc ae- sert.c'btt we Id'ended no misrcprcvemairon whatever. And as to the good Doctor's graft inlignadtn at what be is pleased to term ‘‘the iniinostion of the Mail that t little sordid seil-i.itcrcH iaduced me (him) to make a false suteuicm in relation to the heuldi of Hewsnse”—ea d indignation is quite unca l.d for. We had no ictention wratrver to Jis-trcdit cither the honeity of bis Opinion or the uotivet whieo prompted >tr (-xpresstr.n. H c de-i -d simply ro ex* press vurpr'ae, that *ti- Trastrics’placed so much relbiiare open a remark to general in .lielf, a ti-.t ro r*ry tmpnatie, too, *nd eemir g o • atoraily (om ooi. therefore fees iioiw.r y) f p.m a g, nrlsmsn, pixev,. •' In in the neigiifo.rboo't of Stwar.eec.uld hardly fell to influence hi* opinion of i; 9 1 eaitnfaloest. Here are sickly pl«c-ieoine- •where, wa tun;ore; but it is proverbial tbit llr no one ever live* or own lands iBSueh piscov. Rsourks, too, quite as strong a, Dr. E.’c about aewauls, were siso made, in the late Couvcutior., as to the health of sev.ral, if r.ot alt, oi the other placet in nomia-lion — But although this of Dr. E„ abooi Sewarrse, istherniy ttstimosy, of this kind, which- appeuri in the report of the c-.mmiure oh Loc.nion, we do nop suppose tout rbe wit* uu.ei who thui’ b‘*t)fled 'lo-tlw health of, this* oti or place), have ever charged said roramitlee with having doubled ii,e honraiy of 'heir opinions, or with bar ng ret aside tneir tejcrmonjav prompted by •‘•ordfoxcjf.j : inicrc.t. ’ If, therefore, in £ ;» ls ...n..tIiaU ( ™ Auron ISurr’e almost intuitive I ef men baa ofleo been remarked by «» well ns bin kindness oj : ilnatrntpd,% : h'tJhQ.fol- ;t ract; from Patton’s recently- pub lithed biography r Tiw inlerv-st which Gol. Burr took In the vdaeatlon of yontb has beoo-befbto alluded to. He alriaya had a protege in training, upon whoso oulturo bo bostowed unwearied paioa nndjnorn mqpey, than hi oould altroys afford. The riory ol Vandorlyo, that most dbtioguUhed protego ho over had, is -cne which is often related in those later years. He was riding along lb a curricle and pa.. one drvv during bis Senatorial' term, when ono of his horses lost n shoe, and he stopped at the noit blaoksinitb’a to hare it replaod. It ma a lonely:eonntiy place, not fur from Kingston, hi Ulster county, N. York- He stroUied ybput while tbo blacksmith was at work, and, rettffoing, saw upon the shlo of a stable near’bjti d ebarjeoal . drnwiug of his oi»n curricle and horses. ■ The picture,, which must have toon oxeoufed in a very few mid ater, was wonderfully ttcctirato and spirited, sod be atood admiring it for soma time — Taming round, bo noticed a bby o little way off. dfened iu coarse hoaieapnn. •Who did lhat?” inquired Bore, pointing to the picture; . ‘I did it,” said tho boy. The astonished transfer entered into con- vorsition with the lad ; found him iotclli- ;ent, though ignorant; learned that be was wrn in the Hhti,hborhood; find no instruc tion in drawing; and was ongagod to wdrk for tho blacksmith six months. Burr wrotJ a few words on a piece ot paper, and said, as he wrote: ‘My boy, you are too smart a’fellow to stay here ull your lifer If ever you should want to change yoor employment and see the world, jnst pnt a clean shirt into yonr iwck-.t. go in Now York, and go straight to that addrore,” banding tho boy the paper. He then mounted hb curricle, end wasont of sight in a mnmout. Several months parsv ed away, and the circumstance bod nearly faded from the busy Senator's recollection. von. hi tbo ciiy of AtlSn»aj1t hathg pott'of land lot number fifty oue. ln the fourteenth district of originally Jlonry bow Fulton comity, terled .on as Uie-'proporiy of James M Utelion, to satisfy u,fl lujnr tho purelmso moficyof»ild lot, issu d fretp.Fulton Su* ' nfirt iu raVororiJaydiit.Cop\Ve. aiid' JaaBeJ . ALSO, city lot. ,whereon tho defendant Joseph &1 Wilsy ,now lives, in the oijy of Atlaota, oont«lWng half acre, ti-,irc or le s' with a gbod /framed dwelling house - end .outiiyplatmidso'tprupY.- , j loh No. sAiu B cok’oncin Ihe oHy 'of Atlanh't It lfo«hg «-part of land lot No. 1 fbvonty plght ln thc-fourti euth dts- trlsl- of originally Henry uow Fulton cmn- tv,"levied ones _»Ho property of AVUlinm Kile to satisfy,* fi fo Issued from Dehnlb SuDcrlor Ci ort, in favor ot M A Boll vs. J 1, Poster -wd Wm Kllaseourity. Property minted out by M A Bell, / '■ 8. B; LOVE, Sheriff. ctyf licit, *'stVfea)i.„ T lowing property.,fowl,j A ceMwu KollinR. Mill; nesr tbei Unts together with the foundatioiT Utfreh 1, .1888, iwff other iuiproivmouts thereon, hnimdofi wivt by lvy*tf«!»,'eottth by tho residence nf V by Ivy-*.. JUBaWpi if TaliaOrrb, fifid’.north . by tho lutids ol Mra SVUw; levied oa as the -property of Joetyto M-Wifoy to eatisfy- a fi fa issued itlfnn Rnruisrlur (n fevnu f 1 former Sheriff. ALSO, lots of land, ^fos. sixty two and sixty seven in the fontteeuth district of vrieinully Henry now, Fulton county, ciieli containing two hundred two und a half eerej, moto or'* less, und' well improved-le vied on to satisfy n fi. fu is«ued from Kulreu Aa ho wus sitting at breakfast one morning, ' '’111, a servant put into his at Richmond Hi hood a smalt paper parcel, sxying that it was brought by u hoy who was waiting outside. Burr opuned the parcel, and found s coarse, country made clean thirl. Supposing it to bo a mistake, he ordered tbe boy <o be shown in. Who should enter bat tbe Genius of tht! Roudsi le, who placed in Barr's lmud the identical piece or paper be bad given him. Tho lad was warmly welcomed. Burr took him into his family, educated him, and pro cured him instruction in the art wh'iob na> tore indicated should be tbe occapution of bis life time. Afterward, Burr assisted him to Europe, where he spent firo years in the study of painting, aid became no artist worthy of the name. Whdo Burr himseif was wandering in Eu rope. Vttnderlyn was exhibiting pictures in the Louvre, at Par!?,land received from Na prison, u gold medal; besides eorapliments and fclieitatious fiom tbe Emperor's own lips. Vande'rlyn did all he could for his benefactor in Earls ; hut unhappily he had the suCceaHnl artist's usual fortune—pover- ty embittered by glory, no afterwards mid commissions from Congress, und painted the well known ‘Landing of Columbus, 1 ' tor a pairci iu the rotunda of the Capitol nt Wash mgton. He nlw painted the portrc: — r —— portreita of Col. llnrr nnd Theodosia, from whieh tbs engravings were taken by which their lines amenta are nSVkno /rb to tho public. ’ Van* deriyn diod only five years ago at Kingston, near th* spot whore he drew the charcoal sketch which decided his career. BaTTbo Calliope attached to a steam boat is creating a stir among the people of Aberdeen The Mayor has great aversion to organ grinders and to the Calliope, which, in Grecian mythology is describ'd ns "the music that presides over eloquence end he roic poetry.’’ I-’iudiog that ho could not calaboose the Calliope, tbe Mayor rushed lo the river, mounted a cotton-bale, and in all the vein-mence of bU n-itnrc and in tragic style tridicases the Calliope as fol lows i Infernal serereher: Wbat’n thunder d'you mean by yellink So -ill fired loud? Docs anythink hart 70U, Or have you got a collick iayour bowels, Aad can’t help it ? Say, yonEquonkinkcc?? 1 ill'll? they feed you on ntcum.and you fqaeul Because it's hot, and burns your in’ords; And roebby you ysll be cam,, yon like to, And think it sounds purtv. Ytu whidink fool Which is it? Does it lake all then! bilcra i’o turr-your crank and get so much noise out? Why don’t yon bust your bilcr, darn yon, ' fill And then shut up? yon old Fqucaking machine. You forty-horse power planner on wheele. Tvitb a steam engine piny ink onto you And making more noise than forty thousand Basted French horns with all the keys open And ’.lie mouth pieces cracked | Dry up 1 You eosa'd old musi-al hybrid -yon cross Between a down east village brass band Aid a Chinese war gong!—you outrageous Hvwlink abstract of Pandimoi, uni You won't!—Tbon keep onblowiak! wire cares? I don't if you blow your blasted brains out, Which would be exceedingly gralrfylr.k Voo're only good to scare horsa what liav’nl Go: no sense, and make folks ran to tec What’s commit. Blow away, you yclfiak cuss! Infernal screecher, adieu I [ Memphis Acalanche. Wood's H.i* StutrokiiYa—Amo&x ;.!l n-spsr tl«r.f for tb«D.ilrthAl lurt Uro tnUolucvj At in* fAlLU*, Qf*n« h'd ettr flr>»o tbn or |*fo#4 that Vtof. Wo«d‘A H*lr Hi* l>*ior»t} '.' bi* f'• **•*1 ti.® or- nb> !*a!r.>nAM« tad tb« U* ?hfj h«rt it, iirtoouacA* it . l.i«r flavi wherfth* hUr t« tb»cr.j, a (r9*h gtLWlb— thit it (lUj r»»tnrcfl ’iS sfiif Isaacs* *1. wler»r*r ^ _ ate* irtlc't. ;lii9T flad wher»th*i%irl« thicr.jd >n _ ’■ tbeT^ht»b:» p-.w»r of tlw ruv-e or ih#’ d*«oud#*i ' c*u*m th» flbifi* to »).oot forth tnfw— icir«» srd r«K<m» tlAcd-off, p»-T*nt« u ttat .rtsutt ...... • tb*« jv'-*♦ *0 ur^iail color bA4*«t» jilTy Ifti , r *fa*n hA*ml* a’Jy 9UP*rTtoed, mffo?u 'tm lolttfo** foaiu BeiU'Ht/of »t)k totofo hi^r ■£‘Sk»<p*it toxurifoiit. boUtbT AodfaUof ▼stnr— :-i. V. TrUpvjn*, s^nli «U rerp^ciftb!* I*«|rf1at4. ti MAiiRIED' In Upson county on TbuisJay, th* dll lent., ny Rev. Samual Antony, Joaxpu VVis- su>, Lsq., of Atlanta, to Alt G. e'rzr.R, of LnGraoge, Ire. Cosaxux Georgia Air Line Rill road Convention Ms ar. iafaravl that rhs Prsvldsat sod Cirec- Uit 0: .In Air I.iae Liliru-.i roapsny , ... in this city, hen opted on tbs lftb da; uf surprise at tha fnltance of tbo Trusters; Msrch *j th* da; for tbs ss-rvzd sunns) eonvsu- fta*-Trit. Diiatlestcr. Mercury of Wtdnss- tLy morning says, ',Ve no-ir d e ds'-atch from Columbia last evening, uin-,unpjcg •he of a serioui >-eeid«ot Cb the Union and Sparuabarg RuUoa!, by which several of 'he pajtseng»n were i>*d-y hurt, one of them having both arm, c-it on. Tin occidrat ccrurred to the up-train, between A'Lton (rnd Uoloovilie. Judge O’Neal wai among the poKcs^ery, up,n this ‘‘uo-ioruof doubt” .. s’laroay enns C’rnirig S-war.ei, we f—med to treat cn tbs good Dcstor'l toes, we Imre this ex- pinn-tron will nr coco reUeze the pain. If ft dees opt, we shall surely tfc.rik that wc ., hare (albeit *0 enwittr'e^i;) .rally touched l gISSSe’ a Ksdcr sp*,t. V.'e are sorry, heraever, |v<f j ^ h t<; have secured to luipu'e sord'. in-rivu '' to a gc-nUermtn entirely -rakno so to us r- jonafiy. ’ But enough for now. We tn- tion of lb* .ineklHitdsvs ol thi* eoupso;, 10 plus in lisinc.viUs, Usn count;, w 3 „.yB „ Supcrior’Court in favor of Edward N/irif- fin and John A GriPin vs Edward M Grilfi'n and Leroy'Gridin, levied on at therrnprt-ty of Leroy Gridin. Pointed out by IVni Ez- zard, I'laiolifis Attorney.’ ALSO, lotuf land, number one hundred and thirty two, in tno seven iffl diitriotof originally Honry now Fulton comity, cuu- taiuiug two hundred two and a half acres more or less, unimpr/->l, luvied on a« the pru|urtv of Hu-rhrs,Si;ton & Uo„'o-ati fy two.ti fas is-uid frvrin Fulton Superior Court in favor of Wiley Deiiks A: On., vs. tffltjiS,' Sittou k Go. odd Hughes jl iiitton. Point ed uut by Henry Irby, con'roller of tuid ii fas. ALSO, the fouth huT of lot of land, No sevcniccn in the sevintcentli distiint cf originally Henry nmv' Fubou county; levied on ru tho property of Davis Wndo tosiiisl'y a ft lit iiaund from Fulton Superior (Joint, 'founded on tbe note for tho purchaso mom y of said lot, in favor of John Y Flower.: is said Wndo. Ptopori'y’poiutcd out by p'.'l)'. ALSO, city lot, No. one Imudie.l un.j fourteen, io Block twenty, ia the city ot A'tlantn, with good improvemeetv. theret o, it being part of land lot No. fifty oncitit!>] foiirUeutb district of origioally Henry now Fulton county, levied on us tho proper ti of Wm T Bell to satisfy two Justice: Court fi fei issued from the one tIrens ind twentyr ix detrires G. II. in favor of (! Sbehari,' and Diiniok k Alix, rs said Red, and one in far :r r,f J B L"f;on vs said Bril'.’ first Tuesday ill Ayfil next, will bi sold, tieiors tha.Oourt Haora door, in the city op Ailant t, Fult-m MDaiy, within the legal hours of sals, tho (ollowln* ; roperty to-witr tlitj Lots A'uaibf .s ninoteeu and twci ty of blcick five, and one vacant Lut hear tho Steam Mill, nwnhrr not known, all being part ol Land Lot number fifty three, iu the- 1.4th district of originally Henry novv Fulton coun ty. Leri?donas th* proper.y of Meredith Brown,)? •alisty S t Justice Court fi fa* is*ued from lie Justices Court of the 830th district t). fsvor of James W. Kirkpatrick v# »aid Brovii. Alsu,one fi fa for tat for the year (S51. vs said Brown. The abovo’Justices riuurl fi fas levied and relumed to me by u Constable A ljtiO, r.ot of I,ami nnmbcr one bundled .Valxty-two, in tbe Utb district of originally Henry now Fulton rouuty leyiedlo sarisfy thro lualtcos Court fi laf irsuo-l from the Justices Conrl fir the £66lh district G. M., in .Vi-wlun (ounty, in lavor of Horavo J Ra'es o Snrab Miihcwjand Nicholas II Bacon, Indorsor — Properly pointed out by plaintill'a Attorney . I.e»ied on and returned lo me bv a Constable. 6. B. I.OVK, Bberiff. F ulton deputy sheruts sales.- Will be said on tbe first Tuesday In April uiat, between Ilia uiuol hours of tale tho fulluir ing ;>r prrry to wler ./ One city tot on Iho corner of Whitehall Street neat to the Kailroad with two, story bri,;R butld- therein, No! not known now occuplf.ljby the delcudunt ns Bar Hoorn zed b; W. B. Neal as Groetty Storo! S.ii-J lot being por.ion of land lot No. 77 iu the 14th district of eriginoll; lieu, ry uow Fulton county 1 . • Levied on m the proper- ty of John B. J/cMi-.-baol, to Sitisfy u fi. fa, Is sued from Fulton Superlot-t'oart In' favor 0: .Chit* H. Moyers A Bros,, yf. said MoMIcbneb . ALSO, a city lotof land In tho city of Atlanta with good improvement/thereto, whereon defeat dan; uow lives, it being part of No. Ibreo in block nine, it being part of'lend lot No. !* In tho lfth district of origically Houry now Fulton oonnlr. Levied |n as tbo property nf Drury II »nisfy a ti. fa, tamed from rulton SuperiorIJour iu lavpr.of Thos •!. Porkers d, vs roi l Silvov. and siindry fi fivt from Fulton Superior Court in favor of Wm Ezzard, Kx*r„, Austin 1; Stawort, A J Sturdevant, Jufopli Winsbip, Jacob Haas A* Co., and one from Fulton Inferior Conrt tn favor of C Campbell vs Wm T Bell Tbe Justices Court 'll fits | e . vied and returned to mo hr u Uunstablo- A I,SO, one nogro girl, by ,rh« nnmu of Robcucu, libout seventeen years of rgc, Id- vi.yltfn as the property of U'dlum 'ferry to satisfy sundry Justices Court fi p’fejffld from the lOJOih dist.; G; M., in favor of Nathan Turner, arim'r,/ of S M Itfmrinu'. deceased, and ono in favor Wm II Sprny- liorry ys fitophen'lyry, guartlinu of Wit-, Ijajn Terry. Fropcrty poiuled onl by plain tiffs atiornpy. Lbvy iflqSo an I returned t., me by a Constable. AL3 J, ono'housu-an] lot ia the cit/of At’a-ita, nffirjbcf not known, containing one — > containing foorm ofgn acre, moi ■ or le-s, situated ,:u tbu corner ol Wheat ih'rcel,.ar.ti a street, name not known, running tnirth Irum the Trout House, bounded south by Sobn 811- veys let, and cost by an alloy, it being par', ol land lot number Tb, ia the Utb district U. U. GltKEK, Dayuty dhcriiT. March ), ISOS DR. C. W. PARKER, Mccimnical ant! Surgeon Dentist HAVING located permim-nt- ly in tba city ol Atlanta, respect fully -olicita a share of praciico.’ Ho i: prepared also, to taka Ambroly, r* in the ntaicst style. Having had 9 yenra esper* twice, lie llHlrrs bimrelf that ha will bo able In give general eatiafaction. tfiF'Uiftco ovor Hunnicutt hi Sllvi-j's store, old poslollice, Concert Mali. 41 a.cli tb 'fig dvvlm I / If If V BC-'flEI.S tSwi-et fiffijaloas lor XVJU vesting «r planting purpo»ej, for sale by II. WILLIAMS £»mm!s«<m Merchant, Atlanta, G». Much 6, 7.8 dwlm ATLANTA, MARCH fi, IgfiS. fPllK public is hereby no ified hotta nettle I w.:h L. V’.viilBBt 01 any of tho drbti in fa vor nf I' A ha is tint authorized to moke such svtttsmefiti* dwlm b.DEAN Ji’or Sulc. rjAHE iri'.ocl: and fixtures of the Bat Itoora, known a* tbe “Shades,” with privilege ot tent to the first day of October next. Enquire on ths premise March fi dnt" originally 11 Curyoau v, l-’ulton eoajotvr levied oa astho property of Jana Combs, 'to satis fy a fi fe issued from Fulton Snimrior Court in favor.of James A Collins vs .Mary Combs and Jane Comb?. ALSO, a city lot in the cily cf Atlanta, No. one hundred ana sixty eovcp, it being' part of land lot No. sever,ly li fot iu liio fourteenth district of originally Henry low Fu'ton county, except ono fourth of un aero ofl tbe South eas: end of said lot, said lot boamled north by Simpson street, east bv Hull street, ami south west by a nt,, running north west, nnme not knstvn; leriod on ns the property of Hiram It Delay ta satisfy fourteen fi Ids issued from tho Justices Hour" for tho 1020th dist, G. M„ in ftv George J Booth vs Uirum K Delay j pal und Wm Thurmond endorser; property pointed out by tho indorsor. Levy madeffifl returned to mo by Cor,stable. ALJ-O, city lot of laud in thu city of Ats lama, 'nith gqffc[ framed dwelling hou.-e and orhr-r good iinprovcmq.-.ts thereon, eutugin. mg on', fourth‘of ntt aero, more or loss, front iog on tho south ride of Garnett sircoi. crar vvhsro the same, intctieols with l'etors street, bounded cast by lot owned by do feodant, D IV Peacock, west by city lot owned by Neva-.:, . Luthropp k fa'tcb’uTns, said lot levied on ns the property of Daoie W Peacock to satisfy two ii fas issued from Fulton Superior Court, ,ono in fevof bf Lemuel Gammon v» J3‘ire 1,1) Crewell and Daoit-I \V Peacock, niid one io favor of A W Hammond vs D W Peacock, ALSO, ono pellet's wagon with Eliptic Nprinrs, levied on n< the prorortv of W H Craft, to satisfy a fi la isiusd from Fulton Inferior Court, in favor tf 11 N Leonard k Ca , v9 Wm 11 Craft, 'hr, same being .told a> the risk of a m'mir purelihier. ALSO, tf city lets in liie oi'y nf Atlanta, No. one hundred ani tifev, and one hundred and fifty two. lYiag parts cflnnd lot numker fifty two in th<- fourteenth dis trict of originally Henry now l’ulton conn- ty. lying 0 ti ll-jtler and Gilrasr' street:, fronting on Giltrer street ono hundred ono fifty two feet, and on Bulleroue hundred and fifty feet, levied on as lbs property of Bar ney Dngan to sntitfy u .fns ret four, fi fo iseued from tha J if ice Court IQ'Jfiill hist. G. M„ in favor of Carhart, fir 1 A- Co., v»! said Dn«an. Levy madennd returned to m by Constable. AL*rG, ten nerts r,f land whereon tits da- fondan* now lives, with good dwriiiug and out buildings therion, ncur the citv ,..f At* ianto, It being part of land lor No. forty sovsn in the four'.oemh district vforiginally Henry now Fulton county; levied on us the S. Atheneum. FOR ONE WEEK ONLV,- COMMENCING ".h ara&m maliB Profts.# K. Sill TIL'S Grand of Kmlifotma, property of James Rlackman to ea'tSfv sun dry Jtllp, ~ res Court fi fa? t-ffid f'om rho Justices Court ot tho lOJOth di«t„ G M., in favor 01 A Blaokman r.nd John Bnmlt v>, said Ratterec. Levy made aud rcturntd to me by a Ccostablo, ALSO, a city lot in the city orAt’anta. fronting on Grant etraet one hundred feet rnmtlrg buck east three hundred and M :e rRL ndj.n&ljijrIntrvf Pctem n H-tr,i-n *-Co.. and II Johnson, !«ri<d r-n ns the- propertv - Thomas S Denny to satisfy son' 1 - i*jo«d fturn tlte Justices Ciiuv ' : dist., 0, M„ in favor of ‘ , ... said D/r.nv. are . ... r. n ,j Sir®, fild He- :» wu . ifalond cnly OIL PAItiTINO <f •p:n.i Kith tba vis* uf- 0P1I10 snntv, AU», all l|to buttling* ,bclng wbirb imt said-uill is orectei! nn tb* Land on . „ _ located) also, all tbo timber .ami hfliiber of eve ry drwrripllun on said pmslws; also, tho tool*/! nnd fixturen on said premia**, consisting effiv# nets ofuttlllrs, thru* uvpstamis, ropoafbrtvbrk* ng thu nnuiK, one lot uf azoa, crowbars nnd , , _ pikes, ,,ne lot,of etmitn’n tools; alw, a IdteTfo/M iron In said Shop; nlso, office furniture con-f ' * d sufTiig nf three tables, one- desk; biiok-’ease, j wash slnnd,lounge, on* letter press, oils safe, one piano f »le, three beds;j,eud bedding, one | il-u. u chairs, ons bureau, three bedsteads, 1 three carpets, ono cooking stove, onyiot V crockery ware, two Fairbauk’s Railroad ~ one pair of wire bouse Hca<ct,ouo nnj/artpor. slile Kcules—all Levied on to lally it mortg age II fa from Fultou fnferlrr Courgrin fever, Jautea M t,'* for the uns'of H. W- Hof. 1 land C. H. Wallsca and Kdwtud Priest v* Luke A, Dnuglois. Property pointed out In raid O ft, / 1 Joi.btl, HSH 9/B. I.<'VE, Bhertfl. E III,TON MORTGAGE BALE—On the firstTuesday in April next, will be sold ro tin- Court, House, iu the city of Atlanta between the legal hours of sale, the following property Imp Ono ui'gro 'Woiireti, by the natno of Mary, thirty fivu j’rejre oM; one negro Girl,’:named Wiruji-y. ti-N years old ;one riegru pit], aimed Miry l.ury, eight yenra old, one negro Mas, • nam-jdftjinucl, tony livu yenra old—all lovied on Wsntfjy a inorigane fi fa, in favor of Alfred At|stoll vs Willtnm M t Butt, issued . fr»im tbs far' Property fith-iiur t ,'qurt t f Campbell county pointed oot in said fi fa. 8. U. LOVE, Sberifl. to.'' Feb :f, Iti.ifi (■EORGU, I’uiloii Caiinty. \Af HERBA8, E.’. N. Calhoun appliea for. 7 T le.tfers of I i, mission from the odminbi.' 1 rat ion o the estate of B. A. Vincent, deo’d; Th'/e are. therefore, to cite and admoni-h all , who are eoncerneil, to ho and appear at the I Conrl uf Oritioary lor said county, and make, their ohjec-t. its, il any they have, on pr a fore the tir.t M u.dsy to. May next, otherwise slid letirr, viil Of granted. Given under my hand ufiicjtllv, atuflice, tlii’fitli day of November J. H. MEAD. Ordinary, lfi w6m N, Ad 1111 uisl rnior’s Sule, A GKE{-.a BI*Y Io an onlur of ti-? OrUtoanr of Fulton G-jimtv. will b*! «ul*i buloifftlie C«urt Ilovae door in AtUuU.lfuUfen county b»Ucen tbe f«yal.ho*r* of pu!e, onyjIr.M Tuffnlay fn April n-<t, the fojbju^C ng sliu.i/l^.1 pfrofo of laud, to*wIt: IS %ntti t f Idi k No Uth dUlrlct*of oiJglnblly Utnry apwrty of Rbodft Carter Id, Term* nudw known on the of aal«* A. U. AI.WO.VD, Adm’r, tVb 1st, ySS. vlth thw will »on*i*d. /"M rsOHtfilA, FULTON, OOUN CY VPTWilliam L. High of noid cohn« ly'apu^its i\* icttiini of ntlminstrotion on Vao ‘ Htilato uf Thoniaa Wright late of tVobraakr ; I’y* dcc^napd, (which in aituated. in thi, cumvy and Stall;,) ; . These are Ihoreforo, lo cite and admonish Jl huiI singular, th*’ kimhed und creditors of said ilcct-a t«d .to he and appear at tny otfica within tho time pn*Kcrrt*il by law and *how causa, if any they have, why said iettcra should not ha grantml the applicant. Given under my hand, Hiicially, at office, this the Jfth day of fonvary J0«. H. MBAJD, Ordir »ry. 1868. Atfniinistrutoi’a Sale. A ORlCrUBLB t«» an orJor of the Hon tho Court of Ordinarj ot Futtoo County, will Iw fold on tho • Ur»t Tutoviby in April »»*xt f b^/orf tho Court Honao' door in th? Town of iHilton, WbltiWi couiiiy. within th* Ir'iftvi 'if ail-, U10 foUou-ln* lota of iJinds ho ?cl, in Idth ii.atriot and 3d wtloa: Lot No ‘il« la 12U> dj»trict and 3d section. ‘■'O. on tlm aamo «.'»>*, will he pojd befomthe Court . . 3r , n »f^ 10 fown l'l»ca, Murray co., j.ut of lAin-l, No. 07 In fith dk-Jrlct and 3<1 aentlon— .tv No. »i VO diatrictandifad AOctimie Foldaa tha : property of Allen K. John>on, lata of Fultoo Courify »M, for tho lout tit nf heir* ar,<l MioAHaiTr' " te:cv*od. jnHW it. JnifNtfON,) » . , j. It. fffa/ W. II, FER01/80N, , |Ad«»»r« G hUBOlA.l i tto.v Cocm-Whwrfi.Hiebard B. Jett .ttpphfl'* to, rae for letters of .-ulmiaMraUoD, on tuo tf*UtAoi t’«rdi|ua<t Jolt. Ute pf «*id conr.ty dec. ii,-,.. aro theiofore to ci»e r * ' * - * ed adraoniHt all ami Mn^uinr tbe kindred and creditorii of «4d dete»ji-d. Itoi't 1 .. nc .': ncc * ro ' ! ' 1 AD(J *Pf**r at ray offlea v.tLm tlie time pyoMribed by lav, and ahow uurafif th 7 ****,) vby «ld latter* ahull not be granted bpppHcanf. Liven under ray hand offidaUy St offi^ thi* l»t day of March ISf S ray handciflielatlyatoffice JtM if.llKAli, Ordy, (-(EUltii! A, FI/'LiM COUNTY.—it'turreos, “I’l' 11 :?. torao for loners of administration, with tho will nnneicd, do bonla noo, or tbo or to to of Andro.v Nceao,. late, of said contsty, deceased. Ticjo ore clfo and admonish al! I ond singular tbu kindred and ,-reditora o‘f snid dcfuakcd to be and appear at my otucc cu or be* .ora tho l.,i Monday in AyrrU next, find'show GOLDEN GATE San Francisco Kay, and ends in tbo Valley of Containing some CO different SCENES, nnd cover: aver 4,000 FEET OF CANVAS T)oorj? open nt 7, tho lecture to coouaancont 8 •rVJr. ’k precisely. Card** cl wlmUs-lon 50 coots, t<> bo bed at tbo lour, i.'nit.frcn accompanied with eeri'notd, half ‘•‘‘f?’ to colored gallnry 35 conti. ALSO, Exhibitions oa WEDNESDAY AND SATUR DAY AFTERN00N8 for fntnllier nnd Scboo!i. Door? open at 3 P. M* L'c’dsgo at 3 o'clock. (l. j. cU::..f.) (t, j/, coopxr.) GLENN &, CO OPE a; ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Atlanta...,.,, .Georgia. O re^ E Tr: ’ Ia Omni nnd Bill an), Bl ira, -ver tho of Merirr. Oink A Lcwlr. *■ - - - march fi, IdSg—dawty AS.’SXxAkA.Kt'Vjti. EMPORIUM ! CUTTING, WHITE 4 CO.; No. 69, White ETaty Street. ATLANTA• GEORGIA, We nro now reeslvlttg rill SPRING STOCK OF, if any > hey have, why said letters ihould nu be gran* id tho applicant. G iven under my hand officially at uffiec, this ’ 2-ih .fay of Kohrurtty, ‘.fid. v I 6 . 1 - JOflEPH If -hlEAD, Ord'y, G fEOHGIA Fuztox ’Cmj.vtt-—Whereas, (John H. Newton applies for letters uf Ad- mtniatriui.m on tire o.tato t,f Andrew Howard ffi” M “ri.raunty decenned. These are. Inr. the kindred ami creditors of said decenned. I to be and appear at my office within the timo prescribed by few, nnd show cause, if any the; Lave, why said lat.-rs should not bn grantod tho applicant, tiivea undor my hand, otli- ctully at otlico, tlna 27th day ofJanuary, 1858. JOS - H. MEAD, Ordinary. SUGAR, SYRUP & MOLAS SES/ A Large lor juet received direct from Now Or* leans, and for sale by BKAOO ABBOTT h CO. lil i?t'. ,, , 4 . C ?“ mUsIoa M *S|»nt*, Atlanta, Oa. inii lor of SUGARS, 8YRUP, MOLAS SES, COFFEE &.O., — wai bought wife cash and at lew price*, and w. are determined.),, offer ru-b Inducements* to c.fe buy,,, a* will suable us to doss them out at om, SEAGO ABBOTT A CO, ". SO,000 lbs. Bacon In Strife’.. J fo arrlva. 1,(100 barbels com In, A', n t 0 n fra^fircund meal. w* -n , “P'rouutry potatoes* -ito 0 & as c“!s% : ^ h ' u ^ •»“ “«• boxer Te b .ee 0) br.Wet vr-faun other m-u !i i“t »i*‘. 111 ' »«<*. ^^slttmlusd'A. :o soil cheap fU - | ABBOTT ^ , I haro this day B8go,< _eist*-J wph ore in lire OatcbekL—- py,i.t»r- in Ul»!U»,Rielwnl Pttrjs.>ns7uU iwndi I'nrkei. W# «i!l bo knatvn an ie sTTtn»ilf®{43&&S3i';) we jvi’i ce pleased:to«« parfricnflgtkiidTaln, - itiet lo lhejr wtmCr', ~ 1 * A- CA r Pro'. 0. L Fn-’ or two, five n summary r r cd-lucc-l In lavur of Sew regret this discas*! verslty oortai • to UMi (0 S n x mi riz&mm 190*2* ti'- 'iHtk ' ' ■) l - . ■ ■' '