Newspaper Page Text
it ilWswiw. »»t>Ual (.wuWMniMK
" ••'•■ v-.;.. '. .v-x .;
g.M year ahosi •«*
soU. aad whsrere*
fcdilass*. ,
They arc not re
mended" as Unh
'.1 ReadimJ ££«*»
" &Ware,-Md,0~SJ,l8i«.
1 Pjv't. iv«. I
Dear Dir
*,00 W; i “
XoOraWs Onliil BUotaatUsa, b .Obstxe.
Ins; at tbs taddsr.atd ildosys, aad In Gemr- riot/
i'2huity,its.sfiieii iodta »»< turtle,
mriaklytsBaMa. AndUltaetsily s«*edy Octant
wiSm,maM,y«.\*«•**• i«wW«b«b. y «**«
re prodsest by JrtaUsgkad vrafilr, *bkh tsal-
t=m p.-areutire. 4
Tba dUtrcrhuj eSKtepcathasKmaeb, bowtis ‘.<,*4**,
:d tUddcr, of travalm ct raw ruUclls, u4 md[ satis
M Mr ltr*»pifkt t
U i-
13 tonics tte» the demand is a A,
ihb makes om <\000otiy ai Kick
| hero *<M during tbs P*»t >’
108 Bah. street.
• Knd h«n b .ootW ftom lW Ws***"'*'
PmI, Do Grtlh. . .,
Ples.r irnJ me I* Q»» 8nntl roe No. '. *
Orem Medium N-v. * tod * Ow Urt» *»•»
“ J drew en me fo.
Another. ’ - ....
Indlanspoli* Oct. SSth. I S '*.
Pro I D« Greth—Forward me per "tpr' 4 * 5
$300 worth your Electric Oil assorted dare,
60 ’““'“"‘“"mjBERT BR0WN.NO
In fact ths dhmtnd considering tho ti er
•inn ih- mtirfe bss bren ubeomhT. has
aAJ«rtng% rtctnt »e4 cceMdlriilj
S ^kWcir-r'ifW”
U%ofH«#atUaf ojdlmjt, [tot
CISOJ ipptiMtiaM I Ud lestW
5&a* ihu iWtMMat, b»i;inej U
iir%od»««h hq» b* »afct*d with
pjUaful I d9 sot bftllUM
p^pmtioB to la fa) mbit
Mt»bcit.ljjour.,U.h t .^ttkU).
iMNrt^ ftu iWrAlb iiflMrilVt r*0r Bretriv
1 to »ll vhomajb« touted with Rhwmil* F»Uu.
«• Weenie Uil o^n me tut Sprit.-. Uj kn«e hvl
ie» untMO for mu time, nJ 1 had »** V*»e Ule
»«|{fM Ntml euk, 'Unntecjj* e»ri
•I -- “•«- -*«r KWetrie Oil. I *u «*HW U »«tk
il l h*r« not MX any p*io All
t, giro It a fall- trlnl
tU». QBO. *. THO)U±
A'ri7rr. r lSi',0et It, IMt,
fl£otto urrifj ihuTbilW bn efflljtet »lth
;h<*utaatlc pahu In «r b*cfc and Wpa Tor too
!*h which lhaTt *utr^J «re*tly. 1 h>d not V»u
Ma tunrwh for.a^no^bnatba. 1 oomaod-**
TOur fUMirk thmo VotUo, whtHt
ntttoil r»H*rt*d cl MlitTNl am bolter »t tbU
^ tie, I Mfe
ni nfr tiJucb >ti(t ( bad «"»
^bitb' arnhc or .IHnu Mm4t ^fibouthalp, far tbit#
ah. ‘;Afur liday- *yo4t Htetrii Oil a abort tic*
i unit* lolti jm r%* aattmlf rfUarost ol aliffao*
-t .»*•. M iii : rtto mM
the -Human system, Kl
also been administereL,
with the most satisfadtorry
results to various ammajfs
subject to Worms.. 1
The Liver Piiis, for
the cure of Liver Com
plaint, all Bilious ‘De
rangements, Sick Head
ache, &e.
Purchasers will please
be particular to ask for
Dr. C. Me Lane’s Cele
brated Vermifuge antS
Liver Pills, prepared 11
tau Uoik
l iMMy euro
CrJfirUtow.ii aanBeUnt
,in.;Df«inb«r 15, ISM.
»lt (oboadutj t ovt to
tbt inyaloablo rlrturaand
‘POoSalTO.** I wM'for
1 with tbit painful and
e#wMe« ot»
i of till cctcbucd breed
the He,, fhsbard Y»tej. I iru feduud to try It. lu
h*r£fbkm/inf ui.prlle.ti.aet/auxulri for three
dare Mrfeetcdneatfra elite..
RM-LeLlallj yoaru, 4 \ It. r. ORIDTOW. 1
The loUmtuli the relaotUT tuttnoaj of an en,
aeat phjilolati with aia||> aad aatanitTa Try ric. j
Dr.T. n.CaraLiilah—Ocar SuTniw /-» too*
• tlioa.beard rf tlui ct»a. portend bJumSfesS?,
.t.nennmuded lUe maar p»«ou B|1t. ft h-W4l;
imuar» R, IDM
Prof, Wood’s Hair Restorative.
A Danfffrons Counterfeit i» being Sold
Tbroaghont the Conutry!
Tb« rounttrt'rit (wiell ilie.l mry hi- eoiilv
•li-tihgairhrd from the genuine,from 'he fact
L'ui lu the rignette of genuini trru/ipir ihf n’t’l
I the nnu ttaudihtt.arf rf'jfi'icf/', tan iu Iir gi nfl/it riair, crut Mm bjl.-i rf the fig-
urc titliilf, trhlli on the Mumtttrd pie Ire:
cannot U< aecu at all, end di.}iuciljr col) two
Ol the (1) lege of ihe chair t end then the
counterfeit U [.tinted in light blue nk, while lu
the genuino it ie in detk blue, 01 nearly gr.en
ink- i 4 ’
Ikwer* of this counterfeit, touch it not if you
would not loco your raonoy To .>.doelcn, wr
would soy thst thould eny be offored them lew
thin our published retae, thoy mey be rare it
rij counterfeit. Ak-'«« »»T
-rnttke purporting io be «gh|i[i t^ 4 uurs, e» the
scoundrels counterfeiting he»« ddde- The on-
lytu'lihs igtnli wfl blw,ito McrWitij
E. Dupont, Timothy Wood, end A, lUtUcrJ.
Credit hone unless they h»v« eortideeth of «p-
pointment end power ol ♦ttornejf, signed by the
Ud of out I. Whod^ ■ -- >-
O. J. WOOO&fO.
Jen. 8 ' „ / 1 a^wjm
iTtrtport«U thmMlTMto mt m Mflraly
aieera, AogutMtfUUr
tar lnteoMlr with tbt ptU* 1 u«tM
in to yoa. aulnf /onrahTtet. Tttt litcn*
arPUtflalTtMytaf it ,«M|ld eon at. = 1
«tlbet wu ImcocUaU, and 1 am now wall,
toba, aaUpitir^dto ujy caat, an la Yalta.
t aida tBiyftrtftrtbaldlttat,IbtPUm,
y*»iueito4tUarthj«.f^ ^
• tlMTbox. for a*bla AtbnU, by A
tadV drao^U taA JtbiMfrt^inJiyt
r. T. U CA7.AKA00H, bob Proprietor. •
arabwirlr^ rt.LtkuU
sole proprietors, Pitts
burgh, Pa., and take n|
otlier, as there are varioij
otlier preparations, nod
before the public, put
that it contain]
Dyspepsia^: Liver Complaint,
aciduy OF- the st6mach.
Flowing of Bloiu la tho Head. Fullness o,
porting to be Vermifugf
and Liver • Pills.::; A!
6thers, iii comparisoj
With Dr. McLanb’^ Jc
Sinking or Fluttering at the Jrd
of'tho Stomach) ' i /%,
auantcD ok wfihoult BnsjtTftma
riuttrring at the Jltorl) Vutl Paint it t hr ifsae,
OMriof *r SuScaling StathHoat wAm As « fa-
inj portnn, Veld feet and ttaiii, DtprtnL
thdis Ftsbgag
.and sSstiag nwgtdau
rrtriu' W ; Ywre mu
worthless. : •• 1
The genuine ivicLaheT
Vermifuge and Live!
Pills can now hfe; ha:t\a L
all respectable ■
60 Wood Si., PirrsBCRan.-F,*]
J Sole Proprlofotu
Id by Hwlth .b Fu\nl, AtUaU. u*. ■ T^ 1
l» An AbttftdRt, ' V»<« ’ « - <
1. F. iVtKsdbgry. • •* (
w-o.Bool. Mariatt, •» .
* K- U. Klhnjetoo'b Son. JcaMtuMtr, ' ^1 .■/
" W. tC. B«nn#tt,Tihy*tUrUb “ f "■
“ J. KofMt»tir,.De<»tur, - ' V**
" a Jl. Itrlffio, 1‘almetlo.. ) ' ,
*, W. B. Swan, Camptlifod * - L •<
*. R. N. RosiUl, ViU* Rlu, . • ' . jh i.
\X. Esir eutliu*, end such, oifei attention to
Sus-p*rwmeee0ay.bedied in-ail fashionable
baikcr’a seluon*, ran bn accommodated it ell
£oibt:f>ir gtriug the iundereingad • cell, el
i their setoou io tho-Trout Hwuw.
tieC*^ A: ° tU fuini-h. at short .no-
, . ^ ^^rAnCedgerilW Oe.
i. ; .. JOHN WJlLTON, LA. -
? .} tale. of. AugusterOe
r July 18, 1857 d«f
nnr moj fnwus sbd
osdetug. eecawtou. to
; *,^>AdOtn ^BBAJID •
• This Italy gicst meriieioe can be bsd |
Ain Allants. Oa . at S. J- Shackcllord’. A
B stoic, and at Duct, J. F. Houdbsny’aB
Drug store, end et our Office near the l 1 a.-
O/Bse. Many hundreds hl»o been uiKcpeci-
cd!y relieved ofstvere eJDicfioo hy the liinclv
tuebf Emolte Oil: Mother..having ptmful
breasts from eny cause, will find instant relief
in Eureka Oil Head in ciicultrs the high
eomrevndat |on. from those who hsvo seen amt
felt its barefclvl elfecls. h’sch peckaga pm-
perlv directed in lit use. This ,4 ll ia now im
lag sold extensively oyer tho southern Stater,
giving perfect satis"artioli W ail.
G. W. OttOFT A. '10.,
in. - Alianti. U».
WU. HOOT, Agent Mailelta, Os.
AfLixre.G* ,Ocu3.'I857.
0. W. CHOPT dt Oat—Oentieme-—In
Virginiae-nio IVmonths aiitce, utv wi'e w»s
nt‘ackc-1 a|th sore lireast.eiid owosuna ly it
would t renh and run raa.tcr. 1 tried a nuir.ic-r
of the beet’pSysicl'inii ih that counuy, but ail
(•died to cure. After tooring to .Atlanta, the
,wu auecked again with tho win utbcrehle
'ditease. Having heard ut'-yqur Burcka Oil—
after haring tried Ibt BlCfRlo.Qil and it railed
—I. concluded to I,lid eft!- and r.fti r
using about one boit’c snd a JtliIf, 1 am m.i-i
heppy-toetats a permanent nowbceh cf.
•fHwdraniiUO moat heaitiryiecomuiead it to
ian vshdmey.b'oaff ctcd in TOBgnyvgy, Try
ill it is a cheap Physician, sud will cure when
t liidb^O. W. Cs'hxrA Co;, AntnTi,' 8k.
■ Hear Sir I—Last Sep-1 (nb:i my Wifttwasa'-
Dieted in tbe lcft btciuft wlth wlut appcaiyd U
DMW riain'gTumo», o» tlaibimele, ! #h bhltmC
ysijr painful. By youfsequest, EufrkaOll.wac
ajip.led rtgubf.y fot orte Wrsk.sndinton^dajs.
m entire core wee eflliaeU, >we notiwog.
'Wjti'THtoM A8j j .F,
; oor absU « i
Utl tut ear p«
ty.Perfunrj a
tftj, and quallt
home eon
ATkeare, May »»n, tsas
Mban- SpPh A Board—X do crrlily that 1
have been for ztiaay years sflUtsd/wllh Dyspep
its, sad iu its wonllorms to llro/ohd bsvs tried
from to timo, oil sueb remsditsSe^aVc l«cs re-
eetamaoded, cot mly patent aodiducTTbut Such
as wara reootnumdad bjr skUlfal Pbysleiana, and
bare found nous to gireraUtf forbut'a'sheritime,
nod was Seeking to procure somelblua for relief.
•ydjka^t HAVING received *och liberal
j^^p.Uolit|iiHllm ny friends .in At
cermsnenUy in Ihw city. My oljecl is to
build up-sueh . School In tlie CHiy 'Mtf)l*
wants at ihe community require, a praonca!
and soli'! ‘education, is what our children need.
Tint rwfrbtsare « every pupil entrusted kq
tsy control. In addition to this, every,attdo.
lion wiU;b* given to the manuare and Bonn
of the children. A rigid,bub parental L disefp-
wredMihg it .fd be ifao
Canp AOimtbti, Kali
Ktliliwvll tVRrowa,-VC
J. U.^AC^..y.tdcyJ
where they fnvUe lhe rUeutlooof OA8H
New aal Important DlHcoYwy
; in tlio-Soienoo of filediclrie.
r>.\T^i/T OFFICE 8BALiffiG.“EriTj
Jt Urrii/n, BipiomqDc PhartnaeliRbsrur.^
cicn dc Pifrls 4 , and Imperial .QMjPrM
riae. Viu,.\i. 8t.!d "holcaiiq, juuUjetltrh,’
Dr. If. A. n.\B«t>W, nem^JliSIntoAM
(iodego of. Vienna, and fi.>yal- <kd!pg»'cf®S|
been more 4 than a year, and I bars duriug tit:
euro for that dbciiio, .
JOSKWill? ftfBAD.
Irtixoa, DocemberlCi 1858.
; E::arri:—'Io Ultse wbolrai
tm«, tb.tdurlDftJy past rai
It had broken rqcioln It-—II i
ellfud vr as oneU. rSuisd.T
Irfl stick Of goeda vrhichis
I^ffgetand more V
than any 4 they bm before presented.
over THiirry
MJsiuess. sud can
e. the advantage
•dcasb payments,
;that no housedn
faci'Uies for gir-
a lor sbsouee, except for po-
•Slj pahous. . ;
vScesiOB of 30 Wetbs,
leading, •-—YluOO
id ‘cks weat’df'Birarlrfs^, N.
tilt * u. nil endfroiii'l iii, 4 8 ,
copied,, unlwr by, oppclntmci
Iv a reshe ly for R'elaxaliem Sr
all the 'diiitrewiilghednMHiii
early «hus«iimii:;fimlngti>rS
steatch fi
Ibis Urns I heard sf ls;
irt I triad It, and recelv
food digested well and
ooee. I cinhutthink
f« tSabrilfleuUr T?
■ognpby aaJGrtunmu, iV 00
hemutry. Algebra,
uefc ste,' 18 00
apses per quartet $8
i payable quarterly,
ered fo aavtnce beys aad young
f. .. :*-v .
isndvaeil norio taught gratu-
■UCbaghto in mosie to all pu-
WiSgmmT'bx Utl. c. a.
residence in hi
|lf sud sexual
who aro.oow.l
the ttancUous ef
be thocautoor.)
tHispawhatevre mky
for marriago,
they big sfifectuall
'ofrav, Gleatsi «r
if| 4 ;
.MAJ’.Ul >.
•certain curi'WBcaiVy,
sioeouc Btu j 4 fions, rent
fc eoupoisll Jhpuriticj
to ss allbgethejto eradicate thc!ylrUBOf dlrcsco
•ud ns pel it p insensible pcrtpirelWthreugh
the mtdlumV of tho pores of the «bin 'and
urine. -V
H is a nr vflir- -• • -t.
Slsonlersv A
MStbtfrs' S
Dank- J
rill' \
A S £ S,
'wsglts si;**'.
. as •
I o»w shoy, sas nsut pwpaWHa,
Iss—fi# tUmcfi befsathss.daqre
1/Mmbtr k#frf cs
*|f^y tiixuRtissA; tkf MiiasCmIs
4 .fT;w‘
jt^sm^stejinw j
gggMfM.nw -aiSfct