Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, January 09, 1869, Image 1

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4 tissss VOL. XV. “ KKUOH ATL OKAKKti TO UK IjANUBUOUH WilEM KKABON IB LEFT FREE TO COMBAT IT." —Jtfcrton. A NTyCGEORGIAr^SATUlPAV?^^AXUARYlTSir M), 7. <£Ue Jnilij ^ntdUjjftuw. PUBLlHlffl) DAILY AND WEEKLY UY JARED IRWIN WHITAKER, X’ruprlator. Subscription and Jdwrtislng Hates. TERMS OF SUUSCmi'TlON. Dally, per month... •••••# 1 00 Daily, IS month* 10 00 Weakly, 8 mouth* 2 00 WseKly, 1 jeer 8"00 Single oopte* at the counter 10 Ittgl* opt** to Mow* Boy* *ud Agent* RATES OF ADVERTISING. For coeh *i)a*r* of 10 line* or lee*, for the Snt inner ilou SI, end lor each enbxeqaent insert-on SO cent.. •.yrusiwg 8SS8S8S 0 2& •muoia g nnHSUff £ 8 S 8 8 8Tr¥ S“1 ■ moow | a* •Hiuom ( 8 8 8 8“ 8 8 8 S ~S g |S-aaa»*“8P •gomn Kl 8 3 S 8 S 8 : : : : “ s s a X U j j i '■dian o ” *• S S S R j : : : •■oranfl 8 S 8 8 8 8 = • : : w tc Ol m to «o «u ^ ^ *“• : . : : •w«n} 8 3 8 8 S 8 : : : .2 “ a a i ; : |v ■Winn 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 : : I - * * - S a : i j : 8 8 8 8 8 8 : s : r-t «0 W m t- <3» • «* • ! *. 1 •mnitl H 3 8 9 8 8 U 1 ; a-"'******- ■wisnbg !:;;•! S S D 5 spoouu .Notice., ml teuu per line Unit insertion, end 1U .one per Une lor eecn .atMoqauul uuution. . AarertiwimeuM inserted *t miervel. to he charged u new mtea insertion, Ailveruiemenu ordered to remain on any particular pare, to Ni charged a* new each insertion, rue money Air advertising coaaidered da* after Am lurerllon. . All eoatmnnieattome or letter* on tonelnee* Intended for this oiOue anoaid oe addreaaed to "Tna AtuKTi Inn ueaxoaa." PARED IRWIN Wiill'AIWh, Frojirietar. Arrival dc Departure of Tralnei Western * Allauti* Uatlread, Mieiir rti.axuaa rasae—otytWito. Loave Atlanta...... .aii P M Arneue at OnatinnoogA. 4,10 A M Dar raaaanaBU Taata—oirrwaim, Leuven Atlanta 8:11 A M Arrive* et Ghnttnnoogn u*5 F M nioar raaaaaeaa taian—wwann. Bar raaaaneaa haim—uwann. Lecrea Chattanooga 4:40 A M .Amre* *t Atiaatft. Aul f M flaeai At Weater■ KaUread, par raaaaaeaa raaiBiV Dally, except Sandsya. Litre Macon •’ 1-4S A. A Arrive at Atlanta A00 t. M njere Atlanta 7.*i A. M Arrlre at Macon 1.IWP. k near air ana. raaeanonn mia-dailt. Lear* Atlanta 0.S0 T. M Arrive Macon ..*.10 A. U Leave Macon » 4il F. M Active Atlanta 4,10 A. M Georgia Hallread. bat raaacnata main, if Dally, Snnday. Eacepted.) Lew, Atlanta f.OUA.M Arrive at Augusta 4.4* P. M Leave Angnau 7.0U A. M Arrive at Allaata *.*> P. M aieuT raaaaneau nsu. tain. Arrivtat Augnam... Ayire at Atlanta,. ...1.00 A. J ..10.00 P. i ....7.40 A. 1 Atlanta At Weol-ralal UaUroad. ear vaSsitHeaa vnatn—eerwaao. Leave AtUmo 7iM 4 Arrive at West Petal lataSl u.r rsssaauan vKaia -uiwsan. Leave West t'olnt UiSO I arrive atauauta hurt f nidui' racieHT ano ranaaoaa—ostviao. Leave Atlanta fitUO f Arrive at Will Point 11:00 f NIOHT rnaieuv aan raaaanoaa—invanu. , lo'iive Weal Point &UI4 a r-'ic it Atlanta loam A Auguata AtlvortUemenfE. TIIK MISSES SEDGWICK’S Boarding tfe JDav School FOR YOUNG LADIES,! eOENP-H CP WASHINGTON AMD TKLFAfR STS. AUWUSTA, GBOUOIA,: T IUjIiOTIBI el thla InatlteUon wlU be reeamed OCTOBER lit. The Mtaaea Sedgwick will be assisted by thalr former efficient ourp. ol Teaeticra. Mo eatra charge lot Laile, French, or Herman. Vocal Music IS a dally exercise In the School. The Pupils will have Ihe advantage ol attending Ire nuent Lecture* upon Scientific Subject*, for alia purpose of explaining and llluiirallug their various atudfae. Por Olrexlara, eontalnlng additional parUoulara and >erms. aildree. tha IVInctpl' S. scpHO- BRA.NCH, SONS it CO., BUNKERS AND COTTON FACTORS A DO U MT A, itt A . ■aMPR HAVE removed to "CITY RANK," No Ml YY Hr Mil street, where we shall eootlna* the Bank Inc hitslues. In all Its hnnebra, the came «• an Ineorpor. mod Bank Haven per cent Intamst allowedon monthly balance., and deposits p*) able on demnnd. Hpectal attention given to the pnrehaa* and aeleni Oolo, stock*. Bonds, and Sacurille* ceuerally, night Draft* drawn opon the prlueiptl cute* of Scat Britain and Ik* Ountlnenl. We InvUe planters to ahlp tknr Cotton to is. We have fin* storage for same, and will maka liberal cash Mlvanr.es on consignments: or we elull he happy to f u *. ward It to our Mead* In Baltimore. Phil delnhta New York, Heston, or Liverpool, free of any commfMlnn* for advancing, and will charge only 7 per cent. Intermt on nmount edvaneed. Thankful lor the patronage w* ere receiving, we hop*, by pmmpiuec* end fidelity, to merit * oontUnaao* of **"* BRANCH, HOMS * OO., Ranker*. N. B. Parti#* auaeqoalnled »Rb a. am referred to Ranke and Hanker* generally. B„ & * CO. ADVANCES ON COTTON. T O PLANTBRB ANOOTUEIIS WISHING To HOLD COTTON IN RNQLVND, wbriw ainraaw, Ibeurence and other expvn>e. tar bolding are lee* than la the United but**, >* are prepared to ADTAVC1 TEH OSH 18 F1H F0VMD to oar Meed* la Llverpoal, tad Ob Middlings thinned to oar Meed* la U bold a* ten* *• desired, chargin' — oommatelai rate, watch at pro*. MM ANNUM. ATLANTA .III SKKSS UIKKnOBl. HEKlHtifTAIMlIt. T. (;. OHAMPK, Merchant 'I'silDr, nextduor to.jBm ofUco, Atlanta, Ua. v.u Wt-n f.r, ■ Uotiy on haud a vreij »•) etui mock of tin: very latum rLvIhi of Uoofld for (Junta* Wmmp. Trmimi.. . T«iuc,i:o inKitrii,'t vrv JORDAN, UUWaltb A 0A H At AON f¥o Use,-,, D ,'. mli.iuu Merchant., Whltclmli itrcel, Allmu, iieorgn, keep con.tanlly- on hand all grades ol Chewing sue smoking Tobacco, Ch-ars. Arc.. ., jcjAjj J B WgLJBKS .CNlk WA rctfi-ill A K At'ftx; WM. 110LLMAN, Dealer In Watenos, JjiocKs, fmi Jewelry, Cold lgj«, Hpectacles, .I*,, IVnnentii .ireot. Kepmrlnk lion* and warrantml. jui i—:ipi c KOOTK. A S U NIU) »£n. iii?*'*?'^' W\ VOkOII, Wbol«»m« Dcaiafkiii Itooi* *nu HhotHipiWhtMhttll fiirMt, ke«p on^hlftd mu uuvu'm and tWuiMtlucuu icofck fn AtUoDi, Mn-2 will aitvaiB .*•;! m cminiry tuuroh«uu at Nww ioric prices, with frc.rhi m ed, rw i CONVMOTIONAIil. JACK dD UA VIA, ConX ecu ^narit. mid dealer a uj Koruiieu Frrnu, rr^auhrM*, JuUiee, Toj^iiluw Wwv, die., cor uur Al»u4»a and vVbtwktll itroeu,’ Alikata, utorn w. aihtAi—lm O. W. JACK, ConrecUonvr, Caudy, aud Crocker Man- M^grer^ NVhltiihall iirtwi KKDWUfE M FOX inep the “ Liya Drag tilore.” ly WILUJON M ORA NX, DrofjftsUDcalum in Fora Medi- ■*<* CbcmlaiW, ludvr NAllonal Uomi. tu/jS- ly LkDdJ8<rtdUJ)rnw^At-E4ti: ot the (ioldon K&gta; ^Tayvii - LiquuHN. VfholMAl* and Kucaii l>ea icrOn ttrau- liici, VVlAua, Wkiakiea, Ulna, axui C^ax*, Ho. 14 a^aImaIua ■treat, Atlauu, (ia. iuivTJ-V.*rn Ratiro<l AdYoTClat mentM. FAST EXPRESS LINE TO THE NORTH I ORE A. T Atlantic Mail Coast MU. -VfA- Angusta, KiagNTilla, Wilmington, WMto/r, rxTjuujimio, jlnd nnmnoxD,\ -to- , ; ; Wachiagf n, Baltimore ( Philadelphia A.VP MKW TOltK. NO CHANGE OF CARS BETWEEN, WBST POIXr, ATLANTA, AND WILSUXOTOX, -Ail D— Weldon and Aoquia CreeU l NEW FAST SCHEDULE! Laavs- Anaxva. Aoevsta Knasnan.*... Wtumr***n.. Wb*b*b Wasamaeran.. Leava~ Naw York Washlagtoa... Walden Wllmlagloa... Kingsville Algesia NORTH. Arrlve- Ananeva Silt) A. M Ktaaertum. ., ,.lu-i6 A. M Wn-tuBeroa..,,. 7:49 P. a Wbldo» 6-*0 A. M WaanneTotr...^ &AM.E Maw Yout MS A. M SOUTH. Arrlv«- Wathiageoa 4:10 A. M Watdou 7,11P, M Wilmington.... ..Ifiiio A. M AlngsvIUs Jijn r. hi August* in* i P. M AHaatm 7:40 A. M . 1:4* P. kt .. MfiA.M .Ifirtfi A.M . fiMOP. M . (MfiA.M .. AM P. M .. AM P. H .. TOO A. M .. fi-fifi P. M . (tfifiA.ll .. KMP. If .. 1CIC0PM Time and Fare by Coast Line Same at via > Knoxville. PULLMAN A KIMBALL'S Palaoa Sleeping Cai’sl BN THIS ROUTE BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH »r THROUGH TICK BIN good hath hr Ble nine! and Bay Lina, and with option to Passengers of stop ~'.ng at urmlanl potata-eaa b* obtained at the Oen.ral leket Ofilee In thla atW- Be sare you Means read *t* Wllmlnrton, N C , nth arwtaa ywa map amparlawet math trouble and Incon ranlene*. W. J, WALKER,. M- General Passcnvsr Arm.!. WESTEWU ITIANTIC RAILROAD. GOING NORTH. LKAVI ATLANTA. Silfi A. Si. Daiut (Hacarr Stiao.vr'.,! Exruae. Pamik.a*.-Arrive at hatunooga nib r a., connecting with trnina of Nunvnl. and Chattanooga Uallroad lor Na.hnll*. • Lmi.. nil* tad the West, and lor New York ami other IUel.ru Utile, via Loui.vllle; also wan train* op Mtniphi. and barl.stoa Uailroeu tar Memphis, New Orleans, etc. 4-1A a*. M. D.ilt (Kaoarr fiuaiur'sj Danvos AcoomonaTioa.—Arrive at Marietta it h-.x, T.u., I'art.rsslll»*u r. a., Kingston IMV r. », Dalton t»:*0 a. a. 711)0 P. Iff. Dailt UanavNonausna Mall. — Arn»« at Daltoa 140 a. n , connecting with trams lor Kaoavilla, Lyunhbarg, Washington, Halo mor*, Philadalphlaaad Saw York. Arrive ti Chattaapoga at 4, a. n.,aouni.«ttiigwlth traits of NaikvMI* and kstlanuoga Railroad !*" NaahvUlt, Loulsvllla and the Wasi, and for Haw York and other Easier* oIIIm, eta Lou la- vtllea; also with trains of Mamphts and OharlMtoa Railroad for Memphis, bi. Louo and ib* WmL COMING bOUTM. ARRIVE AT ATLANTA. *•*« A. M. Dailt Oaasr fiotrraana Mata.-Lost - P. B.. connecting with id-kkaitanooga ana o katlrt<adt, a ‘ " "•••.at. >- —i~--s*Ung with Inna, or Maat Tanaaasa* and Ooorgta Railroad. 11 iG* A. m. Daily (Buarr tttnrsav s.) IIaltok AoooBBUDanoa.—Laav. Dalton nt Eli a. a. Kingston 4i* a. CartarastU* tjU *. b., Marl.lta at t;(7 a. a. Ill* P. fits Daily (Eacarv 8eaB4T**J Ixrasw raaaBBiMa.—Imava Cuttanooga ataififi *. ■ aoaaMilag w th trtias of NnahmUe and Chat. V. aad Memphis aad Charleston Kail I (it 11 r orul a rl vert I mem i-n 1st. .1- fee 8 3>V i n tor Ai'vahgRmGiitt ■ t lg A cl vorilM'-mon «. HOLIDAY PRESENTS liiiomraMDiipi juilti' to tee -.™. j LIVE JEWELRY.SIOfiE (bntr.et.br In IIEIlI(!N'i;j.;l.HTLE: -yu- Loai&Yille, CinciuuaU or IndinaapolU. Passengers by thU Route have Choice of TWENTV-FIVB U1PPBRDMT ROUTES —TO— NEW Y O K K , Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. larkPiseemror* holding tickets by this rout, to New York. Pbllrtderpnls, or ILtilvij^rc, can viMt Washington ,wir4»OBt extra rti*rifu. FAiUS 8AK£ Ati tU JCKOXVILUS or AUQD8TA TiiAINS LEAVE ATLANTA / Ottlly at «.15 a.m. and 0.4.5 p.m. After nrrlvtl of all Southern mini, and make close Wnuouuoiu to abovu immod citiea. FV Check Baggage to LouiivlUe, and It will be re-checked to de»unation on Trains of Louuvlll# and Naiimiie iiailro&d before arrival at LouiariUe MAGNIFICENT SLEEPING CARS ON AIX NIGHT TR.YLN8, Ample Time for Keah at Oood Hotel! ASK FOR TICKETS VIA LO UXK-VIX4K.* GENERAL TIOKET OFFICE, Atlanta K. H. WALKER, Matter of Traneporaaor. wirjtrod W A A. K R. DAILY PA8SENCER LINE BHTWHEa ATLANTA and NEI SfflfiK, PHIADELPHIA, WASHIHGTOH, »ro otbh EASXEHN CITIES S ' "' -V IA- Western Ac Atlantic —AND— VIRGINIA & TENNESSEE RAILWAYS. ALij HAIL HOUTiC. Time Tnblo, Nov. ITtti, NX)HTH: Leave Atlanta Lea re Daltim ijeare KuoiYiUe Leave Bn»tol Arnru »t New Yuik. Le*re New fork LeAXOtA exandrU Leave Lyncobnrg Leave Hri*u>l Leave Knoxville.. Lcavo ualton ...w.: Arrive at Atlanta .. 0:45 P H t:ki a h .11:1# a M .. 1:*j f M . OrtIO. a M .. B.ii P M . ft:*) r *e . tkWJ A H . X’40 P V . A ■ . 4:40 P ■ . 6:i7 am . 1:14 r m a JO p m . aw a ■ Time Between Atlanta and Hew York, Fifty-Seven Hour», •ty The BRBA1 if AIL AUanta ami ■Veto Yoi k u utrritd uelu*imly"tn Otis Lme. Sleeping Coaches on all Night Traiss THROUGH TICKETS GOOD UNTIL USED, —AND— BAGGAGB CHECKED THBOUOH I'D ALL IMPORTANT POfNTH. GEO. SHARP, Jr., Agent.! T HB Qopruoedented tuece«« of wj etU^- : lfSt»etl t ■trice tu opening; M* l#d m « to belter* ttat tfee rtw J — t*T,« 07 AliAiiU know bow fo epprerlite * ir»Ve*« htore. Mr palce tiro been heny. on Die of thli. J hut© this d»y fwrved tb*! lareutt a»*or m**ti of flr»« i;o«>de that has ever been .In thxa market, Wfo:* or eince ih« war. t a |dvgrf Iwemeatjj 1 If ni iron ti A l.v-motitM, t ix L : ^ ^I-YDEN, ; GREAT SOUTHERN "PASSENGER & MAIL itODTE : =r- ' TIA ATLANTA AM) AUGUSTA* i Connections by this Line are Most Certain and Snre at all Seasons! | THE EATING HOUSES i 0b th:« Liow htr^ »j«en tbortrarhiy ov«rbanl*<4 etd radt tatd. A mpte time givtu for M6&]*, at ragnlar hour a. CONDUCTO R S - j Ob this Llae trt ASuh'o ar.d Ccmroont to Pmeft/er*. NO CHANCE OF CARS Between W«;*. P'ist, Ga,, cad Wlhnlxgtoo, N. 0. I -nrrzct— ...... I ea»Lli;tInii. . 1 Sheetlngn, "?[■ Drill*, Oannburg*. Htrlpei^ Checks, and Yarns, By the Bale, u Ketaory Prttea, FIFTY NEW AND BEAUTIFUL SETS! Vi . a 1 9 H 9 v a g a Z • K ■3 0 H ^ < 'A 2 b * 1 DIAMONDS, PKIRW, UVD YE, GAUNKTT, RiLACRETT, CAKBCfiCLII, AHeTRVtT, SAPPHIRE, EMERALD, RTUlSCAk, COHAL, Usd end Vink, PLAIN GOLD, FROSTED, asn KNT.RAVED, 1 « i>» 2 3 E 2 r i 2 s 1 ft c 1 W w a ; H Q 9 I * tt 9 • .» TOBACCO! TOBACCO! POrTLAR EKAND8 OP DUOIUNO AND UIIEWINO, Jit redar.ed pricee, by A-.LEYDES, V hlukali Sueet, atlanta, G*. 7\v A. T C XI K Stvfntj-llre flue WatchM. for L&d;ei aad Gentlemen, at New York pr.<w«. J E W E E.R Y brylee too Buxacroai to meetton. SIEVE r;w aIe. K1V* HUNDRED FRKSKNTS IN SILVER. »’! en tireiy u*rw •iyir«, i-> Arrive nrxt >atu: 3tv l bo*e w,*h to boy, wiil p«v* mon*y hr aeciaa; mj Lew k oooi De- | ft>rr purcnaplnc e‘f».wbere Thry will be eutirvlr dlflrr- *1j| irorn tnyurnia: in Al.etiU ; eua l*. price and quality, I defy cumpetUrtm. MY GUAKANTEE. All Good* bonL-h» »t TRH LIVK JBWIl.KY STultB arw warrtntvd tu be exbct.r ** reprev-Lted it u.c Qnahty and rtylc of my G'X.ifs. 1 tu.r m» :epot*Dun. GEu. bMAliP. Jb.. Ag«:.:. derlT— At Forte’* >>rc ’ re A X uuv K lr ‘^F *< Oub Sewing Machines! JTfiT BoACEITED, a LOT OP THE CELEBRATE* WEED MACHINES To be told tt mannfkotuxtrt' pricea. by L~ LEYDEN. IWL'.tthal: Street. Atluu, 0l BARGAINS! BARGAINS! CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS, atoms, CAPiUHEkBs- Piece, sif Best’s FiniiMii &doii. ZX PACT, TBlj V* EI^ITIBE STOCK •p res LATE FIRM OF HERRING & LEYDEN w ormm AT AND BELOW COST, A* UTPBIf, J , n , ~r'TUi* Parterr. QUICK TIME AND SUr.ECCKKECTIONS VIA CECfiCIA RAILROAD. Passengers Can Pareha^ Through Tickers, A.%D HAra rsnx BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH ran ttow Orie«ni« 31obt!»« Ulont^ooiery, Co« lernbue, anti Atlanta, T 0 Richmond, Baltlmortf,TVa*blnrlon, Phli* acii-iphta, and New York, FOUR DIFFERENT ROUTES Via Augu.ta, Georgia. PUllMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS Ot. LI NhAt Train* io4ni4 Atlanta by taip Route. Spier did Bl*^ct2r-C*n ret through Urom Actant Georyva. ot Socth CarciYta R.v^. Road* wutoct csit^ u An^crta. Great Eoclhcn Isieeier eii Mali Seals ru icarpTA. ro Cbhrteston, 'ft'Acmstn. Clia.-i. tie. Rali-ich. ml- niiRgv->n, Wt' .or,, K'c!.o-"..a. V. k-llc^oo, Bkltiawrc, > !pb a. am: y,-w York. i Paaattsrerv eee Wvr- tbv < | na AttatMA to Vi'kit.z c > ■*>" r ‘\ fe sr d^ivrvsi Rnctee jl. Pt.-a.t ^tiA. Ntrw Vcr*. i PAJUS THE &AEL2 BT EITHER ROUTE. i >1* anrs.ta. K nrreie. sed V. tDltglen • v, CWtSit. Ua'ous- srd hi Hft.- r,« . o nmr a. iannJk 1 ana naaua.,tal. v-a : irAcas-:*, W il a i>4k7 i^ttk Fare as low by imasia as any oloar Bents. a. *. ADAia RB het«At c; j>tih |»ur- cha*e«, and loti*, uxi-.ricac* \t fbe pur eh ah ot atm Be 15, WAI.KEU, 14a*tLT of Tranrporunoa, a- .* a. R 'r >1 Imo. i luneouH a «i vi rt lsunton t... Pullman's Patent aisapln* Osaahe* an alt Nl»ht Train*. B, U. WALKtR ■uylt- lUtur of Ttapinoruttnit., lnporUnt to Cootractors. I yiCL LET TO TME LOWarr BIDDER, at 1 hof*. Claytoh eofihly. aeyiK.oh Eatnifiar i . ia, Eti wf A*n**iy, Ififi* Uj eaniewet toe the handing of Jail St Mid ebwety. Tha ytaa aad a^ctfiroitau. ft eaMMIdt*( may be me at my »S at u nay Ur** befta i. R. MOEEOW, Ordtasey, Mm may be taedav. detfil-ailphW UNIVBKNITY HIUU IOIt«OL> PKKPAKATOKV DKPAKTTNBXT OP TMI UNIVERSITY OP GEORGIA. ArBUiVS, QXOJIG1A. ^ORGANIZATION: A. A. LIPSCOMB, D D., ----- Chaneellor, Faculty: BBNJ. T. HU.VTKR, A.k . rroeideut-M.itiematlee end Th.vvlrtl xtriirea T. K HuYALL iCutTmltr of Va.>—LaJln aud Greek. W. W. LLMI'KIN, A M.. Ki.^hah ! it era tor*, F. A. Ul*|IOu .HH l A.B., h rpru h eud (.itrniiui. V HU.VfK SCHOOL er* brn'in# member* of lfc» Pri'rlitcnt'r fHm ly. i'oijrvet*f luHrucrjqR ;bpn»rfich -ml liracurei. Konr>4-hotir»hipM, u h;ch tecure F«8R TL’HPfON in ibc iidler i>i*p»r(mejit« ot the l uiwrEity. ■rv ui tin* ihfpL'Nfi‘ ot •«Jv' 1‘nCH.w of the Hirk'Ochooi. •int will be a Mtnjrd P» the b»wt fct.oi-.r8 «»n ihe romitie- llntvof the Tllifn v cUiu). Ci ur*e uf etody. Orcniar* »<-ui oa applicaiKir. i.i_v»iIjrvfidcnt. -Sueii (K'Ta. r^fcoroa, LtalLer and Hhiw-F'.itd iv* Am . ntj every week ADAIR & BRO„ (ereeoaeoEe to olitt-i a m.rvi Commission Yeroliants, TY.r. r th T to A it Ne w Or^isr. Nor .vo C -c* «•£.*• at;* u. I .c r. c • ’ d. Wo’T hair.oic^w. «lu Nt* Y- , v _ v , Kf, Borne. - • - Tkn*tirt T. • J bia. * ':ia*.t.vT ae«:y!:^, me Nr* Y *. Krsvrrrr* uxrcp tfe-E hot:t «**.i tfce*v B«nw ! Mir-e^.r-. A-%. IV.ACv: r .f*. il i S> * Y • ,’h ft f d.r.Txtl rr ri* Aa*-UFU 1* rCtviv cr* ns *i;niEto z. (.*• r . *•' . . c’ —L. P. ctcuBi. N' **k;npYoc • - -\S» - ' The- 3 gear- r Y ? r *- tt It.tajta’i 'i *•" ■ ~ . , %-. »•? T4 .r.k./v'° PfifiCtK't# *i Aarkr » « tt Irs .*> r. \ « ce rko ^iratM*. L- 4'v-T..r v. .. • a, : • rh u«. V W'jBiLt'Kie. *fi t dr.r. }\‘t't arv. K:<rt.*rd. Whj.fr*- i wsourranx DXiLnu rx L A R h B ra:!*:r o ! rhsntf Go., u Mjutd la' the «■•• !• of foe trade, ai \ %&*}■ • O one \a Tht eotttry •hall offer better IndPCuniMute C OlJL IaB A COV-T (NT re: p’.j or n:p, inr "('o*i Creek" Coal, the bed I'.iel br.'Ugh: u> thle niars.t. l*r ce cy ton (SM.urheD at u Fnr-e hr ear load •*,■■■■ t. V h*M 1 Alloidire imanptlr filled. II. P. EMKtU Office »ud Vatd at the Atlanta Ice t(e aw , J, " eel >:de WniMkai. elreea. Fitsgerold'fi Fresh Norfolk Oyatert. AVK ARliANYiKD foil CHK1STM.N hC"PLT U tirnew in wood and I n iac.ee*-sa’lon. half rd "b. andnu.ile.l 1 he Iraie Mpglied a 40 per gallon, bhi; tied in any twaii, iwcluai in ic-i. n P. KMKBT, dec*—Ira Ar -nta li-r flon.f Consult th* WlEho* of the Ladl*« aan in 810 IS K'8 PERFECT CLOTHES FRAME I Patented Pebruory 11,1808. T URRK win he an more Improxemeut- In ci.oTIIKt FKAMBS, lor the-urainlt uf riclleic* hat been •itailMd In thi*. It I*, wlihnut exception, Ihe beet arti cle nl It* kind «eer offeret to me pti" ic. When tu ue* Itoccuoi.* no more room than * couple Ol chair*. It stand, finu, and contain, nhoU' tony leet of bar*. When not In *e* It t. doted np. Aecnpjlug no more epeoe than a broom. The undvralgsed baa eecnrod the right of the State of tkorgta, end wlU dlepoeeof territory to the edeautag* of punkawra. Tho tSothea fkuma* are ot enhIMtton and fbr mle el Behola, Unrfonl A NccratVa. Whitehall ttreat, At laut*. Georgia. Frlea; TWO IX)LLAMA. "to- «• W% KTOCEIX, NOWING do from ! CPTADC ike beti Skot ■lid LfiMTk.er ILyiM !o Tkr r*catlx, KemomL-r tk« *md M*rn, I. T. BANKS. KiWAutr-a Pui’flTIlB ^ Oeira** Wb»u tL \n<! Hui»»*r#tree THIS WAY FOR CHRISTMAS! II • T. at! HOLDUOOH Ab 11*1 rceelr-d *-m>ier large lot of fTKA. At :xib!r for U Ucaj Ulfta, oouetettug of— fi«l,. a.ie. Rink 4.1* fiion del. n v::au S,nlrrel *et», Katnr.i and orewn Muekrat bet*, nrowu Fn-eeb coney bet., _ , children'.».«, Geni i Fnr Coihtra, « nt'e Fai tituetlett. ttant'e fur Cute, Foot Math. iuoauw.r 8-yi. Ore* SUE Bata, Alpine Hate, ««!'• bale Loatker Truuke, Vallee., and Trarallag Cumpatlour. L-a beraav* Iran*., Hanwn II ye Ac. -. dertt - CHRISTMAS NOTICE. M R4 A, HR VUVt'LL.UH w rhe, t.-* tuf-um ihe pab- lie ik a.he ha* ouh«nd#-»t c!»** PI amis of the h.*; Nyw Yorhioteufactorle*, which w:ll oeeo .1 at New Tnrh pekoe Pectin* who wleh -o ln.lnljce in Xu*!c cn be accommodated by call-, c at the Mn.le aud Variety Hloc of Mr*. B.. Whitehall *treet. where Ibey wi'1 find Plano* to rent; a)eo, eecoml hand Piano, for eel*. alto. * Ml! aeeortment or Smell Mnelca! IneDnateata, and host ,aaltty of st-inx., coaeiantiy on hand, i.d many other Pan t Kotlone tsluhie a* Chri-tuas Pm *«ht»; boride* her tall a»*ortmrut of Trimming*, Oalr Jewelry, and Fancy Good*. , FWom call udjadge fbr yoanelf. deOfi-lm A. ERACMULLBM. GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, Whitehall fe»u, AtlmitH, Gb.« R 1BP «*»«tABt]y «b .kssd BA(. ON, n.OrR. SUGAR OOfflR. koLASsIh?, SALT, i-RATHKH, BAu GINfl. ROriL At. FttvAmw sad ProTiWoc* ot ertrr kTtd, whlfik will fcr •oM u> ta» tr*6« ■( 'ot flr«m Yfc arc A mi ic»r tkr w'o o! So'rbic Pnesflc Gw abo. fScaphatcv .‘tr..r..A= >-*;r C-tjuri'* StrAret, w <Ur*# Ijvt. prr*t Sa'O. :rc IH fti'* ZU+ . Br"*k CoMob to n.y ..?»srr (»t*, ia a—. Wr Art aIa# A^f* x* R>r » T.; r alc ran mil i tarn. t>o.-ioc GomiA. Tarar. J a. l>r.fiiCTtr«!H fciipccif’-ny k>..uu<L. ab4 All order* fromruy »needed tu. or *44_-4fe • •*_ * ivy&ASSSL. SEWING MACHINES. jr^T KICIlMIL-A#vCi<f *.cvi of tkuio CA*tbut«4 SKOTBR Ac DARCU’S FAMILY SSWIKO MACHISES, Fr* KtubrAidtry trd a]* k*.u.t* o* Sr*ieh'w;; for Har- ck> Vakera. for Oatvia** Trmr.er*‘• > >h »< Malrr* ; r Grain and Fleur Smv NUt>» .V for mi *t ihe I.B. PA VIS, \ftou CHARLES BOHNEFELD, ATLANTA, GEOUOU, UNDEKTAlvER, Nlannfhcturor o( Colllna, AMD PtilIX IV MiCfpnr.evj. t* a: Auarta i tr. - U»c. Ba umore. I tuCi ; tu ate > u pA>*e» er» »r. tc NcW'»r«3t«, V.t ► AZh3 t'o.cmtSK. tH . CLAte C.v-K U'ttec Will ITA ttt It r AC. (. hi bi*. CthArotle. Ka e-i t W':,rr. r. t* r \vrrn* h'cr^cmd yA»Ma^to«u i^huAdf ;L ». M :c.t ra, u« Nta Ycri i 0T i a*fi»rrA'»rp * *» • *•* ^v y v ^ w.:i flj.o j » fpirtCid ,u:a ui MrjvCafr.., • true. ^ . a.- .'«t c c ito | BajUbutty, x Lact., tu. r»r*i*’t. slu N. * York | THE CEAELESTOX STEAMSHIPS 03w erzrv ltd»o«r.r /. tc P«.**tT;c'r*, w.it TaLlt^ j EiUi tifM i«xt tv ’LNurfce-rt. i barn*** ■| ' jh£u cvtJvn, ex* UKMVMillD ON THE COAST ! i ^i** TkrvBf v Tiekv* rt *a> at Mostitomenr, Weil ; P. it*L AAd Ai.Atu. :o Ntw York v*a ^inxa- - J A HuHRKT. iat-.rx T-*'v ft Ap-tL Gm:.4 Ejt'-rw* #sr^a’A. Sew tic '> Mhooii AdvertiNrmonfSa CITY BANKING COMPANY OKMAGON. W. P OOODAU. CatIiier. C. A. XDTTlXCr, Presidect, DIRECTORSi OU.NbU-.N. W. S. KOLT W. B. J. J. I’.KE-'UAM, J . E,,J0.VES. Metalie Burial Cases, Caskets, ic. ALSO, MANUFAjCTUR ER A*T* PUL MB IM ILL KINDS OF FURNITURE. FACTORY: Lafkl# Stmc. Xckt Walton Spring. WARS ROOMS Tmchtxtx Oppoviu W**’*y CSurr’ JPK* A- VAU4CI- *0*1 r. pqvlss.* WALLACE A FOWLER, Rr*l Estatr and i«> oentl Collecting Agnus, W ILL aril Real Batata or Perennal Property *' pri sale or pahtlc •* *: xrlli racrirr Motrt and Ac mi* fbr CXiIlection.nd stteod u> the KwUngor Leas- tagof^n^Vrofmty. WALUOI * POW«». W ILL do k prtttn' R.\VK! v (i r'VS’NB^S a! deist-* l:.i»u*uko "im . :.un:f j-.iY m JUcox* srlnrift Hifr. ' itr i •: oi u j . Tb* whoi# C |. t* * irv&rac it-.-i r -.ft- *tc. -.u'- pot!((»r> js’rv'if AVv lu-'-t ierr,NAT I^NaL CITY l’A' References! Pror le’i Ra»V of Ki !Umk of KrcTacAT iftitferr A « •• NcPfusn. An«*ift *• Mrrcha. t- Na A i» s - ta *t c J Y U.-ta-c .« o ‘ ,V V •’* W*rk of knu**: a** Ki- F*r>« >at*. ns » *-x Kr. Nc ‘I'wvn. ¥rt' , Wi l \ Co. Knc Hunk Jua«ru»a 4 v'-» Na* Cbs::x’*i<Ok*» UlvTOBUl snd Deposit Fx»''N r.'T^O ds«kk*' i '.i4Ub| Loalrv Kr. ..Lou **• .v, hv. I U- ?v - jvs n >'*-i Afiy. i'tii4i iiit iiii w.:sj.k it noL si;, SAfOX, GIOUGIA, H COLLIER iz BOYS WING i th* irar**fi , m*nt of ik** f?oQ*« r*»u*>cuu;.> fitak.jn; s * - >n • : ihe public perr«»".»v. rcmlb .* »«» su-*.r*r: ihr lloocc. n* l or- «ici.wm3 1'K'iiNF.SsiKK HOL'HL, hear Rnilrond Depot tnd ticsmtost Landing, ROME, CEORGIA. kgSfi- J. A. 8TAS8BVHY, Proprietat