Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, January 17, 1869, Image 1

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VOL. XV. ‘KKKOIl (JKAKKH TO MS DAN(JKKOUrt WHEN liKAHON 1H LK.KT FKK.K TO jfOMKAT VVr—Jtfenon. x ATLANTA. (IKURItIA, SUNDAY. JANUARY 17. I8G1L NO. 32 ithc gaily ^Intclliycnccv. ATLANTA, CEORCIA. Hut (I riln y lSvuullffl .lull. ID, •<«». lOvuiiiu^' (MtBi. Mkmoiuai, (Jonukht.—Tk-Iu-Ih lor Uii- I.nUi's’ Georgia Memorial (’fflHrt cnii V li itl ul llie lunik utort'H mnl hotels. CEiilrnni'liUcmuiit In Teinie.xee, Tli« lion. T. S. Itirlmrila inlroffleefl a bill in ifisTiojffl of'Tennessee, toAie suljmiU«>I.J<> « viitiYol tin; ptfo|»b»,—iiiitbori/.iiiff a convention ul Hu 1 uienitiers ol lliu |neso»t Legislature In con- vene on tin' vij>l ol Hftbriniry, to eulraucliise tIn: ilisIraiicUieuil people ol tliu Slate. Tlie lull nimo up on Saturilay, anil wan itnleliuilely post- poned. Alas lor Tennessee under I lie Katliral rule tlwt prevails over it I When shall it cease ? tiulvur.it>- ol fteoraU. The Athens Manner ol the 15lh instant says that "the second lorm ol the (tilth annual session ol this Institution opens today. Tint new pro- lessors, Dr. Sinead, I’rol. Morrls7'nnil Mr. Bio phens, will, we learn, enter .at ouce upon the duties of their respective chairs. We learn that the session will opeu with an increased HUtnher ol students, and under the brightest auspices." Thn Ogpuubue l»rl.oiler*. The Savannah llepublirtm ol the 1 Tth instant says Tt underslshds " Unit the examination ol twenty-live ot theso prisoners will commeiice at nine o’clock this muruing, helore a bench ol niiiglstrales — Justice P. M. Kussell, Jr., pie siding, lion. Henry II. Jackson will appear as counsel (or the prosecution, and l ion. Henry S. Pitch, United Suites District Attorney, lor this district, and A. W. Stone lor the prisoners ." Itlr, and airs, JellVrsnu Oavls. It is announced that Mr. and Mrs. Jmerson Davis arrived in Uondou on December the tilat, Irblil Leainenglou, where they had lieen staying lor several weeks. During his stay in Warwick shire, Mr. Jeltersnn I) ivis visited the laird bleu tenant (Lord Leigh aud several otlo-r nohieinen and gentlemen.) Mr. and Mrs. Davis and their lumily intend passing the winter in the south ol Prance, Mr, Davis being still in ludillercnl health. u 1:0i \ is ku isii.t t i it i I|.NATE. Satuumy, January 15. Senalo opened at 111 o'clock, pursuant to ad- .piuHrncut, with prayer by the Key. Mr. Smith, ol the ?th District. The roll being called, a quotum present, pro ceedings of yesterday were rend aud approved. Mr. Hinton moved a reconsideration ol Mr. Wooten's resolution, which was passed on yes terday, relative to the Governor's message. TSo resolution was reconsidered, wlicu Mr. Hinton ollered the lollo\yjjjg,iiim-mlmcnt: IlcAolreil, That a committee ol live he appoint ed by the President to call on the Governor lor evidence in writing, which is in his possession, that lile, liberty, anil properly in Qanrgia arc insecure. There was considerable di-cussiou by Messrs. .Merrill, Iligbeo, Hinton, Woolen, Adkins, Niiii- nnlly, Winn, anil lliingerlord. The proposed invesllgalion was warmly sustained by Mr. Winn. Mr lluugurliRb, with inucll animation, deleudeil the Governor's stalciuents which writ tinder discussion. Idle previous question being culled, Mr. Hig. bee introduced a suhsiiintu lor Mr. Woolen’s resolution, which was lost. Alter mill'll discussion, Mr. Wooten’s resolu tion was adopted. tjuite a diseussioii spuing up as to arranging seats in the galleries Some witicisins Horn Messrs. Lcslei, Adkins, Murrell, smith, and Speer. Senators must excuse us il we make mistakes in our reports. The courtesies ot the floor .have always been extended to Keporicrs ; lull, bring routined to the galleiier with the crowd, a novel Hong, where we c m bar, ly see or hear, oar mis take., must he pardoned. Ily -Mr. Moore—Unsolved that the Senate meet at til a. in. and adjourn at 1 p. in. Passed. I lii- rules were hcie suspended to introduce hills. Mr. I.e-lcr introduced a bill jo piovide lot ju- lhs m t'halham aud oilier emmtii.', Mr. Spn r inlroducial a hill to incorpoiate a lele lus,mini e Company in M o on, aith rirtain lights. Mr. Niiiiiisllv introduced a hill to incorporate the t'oiiiun rcial Hank ol the City ol Giillln. Mr. NimuajlJ introduced a hill to eximi|it coiliim Ene Pomp lines in Hie city of Bavuuuan trmn jury duties. Mr. Wells inlrodiieed a polllioii I'miiTO'i rlain planters n lllur In c.llain debts lb bind to Pitiancg Pommiilee. Mr. Adams inlrodm ed a lull In uni bonze lie Georgia UiillrouQ Eqinpanv In aid llie Macon A Augusta Ifatlmad Company. Upon motion ul Mr. Nunnall.C.tho Senate ad journed until Monday morning al 10 o’clock, ,. . i /. ‘ 'House met at 10, A M f and was called to m der by thn Chair. I’r.-iyei by Hie llev. Mr. wllinlcy. Minnies read and approved. Mr. KilpalrU'k noned lbut llie n.-t unsciiliiq thn colored mcmliera heii-srimUd, and that llim. lie reseated. Motion lost by a huge majority. Mr. Bent I mnvid that thn House t e lomli led to Dr. Ilranlly lor hil leenire ,,n Tuesday night .Molion i-ariiid. Mr. Ilrewsler moved that a seal Is' given I. Ministers of the Uospel, Iteisulers, and ex Judge, ot the Hiipreinn and Supem.i Points,onllffilooi ol the House. Several iiumls'isoppiiM il the molion to allow seals, urging a wniil ol room. Mr. Hryanl was in Invor ol allowing rents In lte|s,tiers, Imt llioiighl I lie galleiy the pro|s-i place. He movisl tostiikeonl Heporlers and Ministers of the Gospel, siibsliluliug the liover nor and ex-Uoveinurs, and ex Judges ol iln Supreme sud Superinr!uiiiirls. Mr. O'Neal moved that llie motion lie laid oi the table. Carried. Motions w ere here made to draw lor seats. Mr. Turnipsrtd amended by moviug llmt members retain their present teats during tie session. JMr. PrilWlord thought il dr Belly wrong lor ( meiiiliers lo ni-li on ii-ljiio) l|ov like mnl gti tin- j liesl senls, Mr. l-'ielder wauled know il Mi. Piaw-for.il ; had a Ironl -eat il Ini iippioV' diiwii':: lor seal-. 11. tlleliler I All. l.'iaw-loul thought le-W"-.! !. Mr. Harper thought Mr. I ‘raw tool -l ’.-I n Ilium ill hil pli sent seal as all i ill le al lulu j Ironi tlial pilin' Previous iinvalion ealb d lor and snsbiined. Vote was taken on I he Mihslilule :.nn-l lle-n- being, a lie tin- Speaker east bis vote ii, I mir ol nieiiil«-|-s drawing bn seal- Mi-inheis then pine,e<le,l lo diaw l-u seals, many ehanges flikiug pi tee. A icsolniioli ill fegiinl lo in a,:.tini-li ,1, was real, I Alt. Phillips-A rer-olpli'iii in u-gtrd to ap priipi ialiniu lor colleges. lie spoke m lilVoi ol his res.,bilion,, hut could not la; heitnl. Allci , some tlt'lttle lie- resolution was laid on lie* j table. " _ Mr i.i-i - A ii-iolulion lo appoint a sp i ink cniiiimnei! In examine tie- quuhiii.ati >iis ol elei lis. Adopted. Air. Sliumate moved that tin.- (iovi-ruor be re qiiesb'd lo order all election ol a m-udk-i lo lake llie seal ol Mr. liutls, di eeased. A lop:. ,' Thn committee appointed l,i examine eleik were Messrs. I.ee, l-’liniruoy and aissmi. Mr. Seolt of I’loyd, moved Unit tin- gallery, ill front ol the Speakers desk, be ri'M-rveil ),a ladies. Adopli-d. .Hevcrat lulls were- here intro,hunt not lie heard in the gallery where llie rt p.-u> i - were sealerl. Mr. Price—A bill ftiitliiiii/ing tin- miming ol the journal ol each day. I arrie l. Air. McWhorli-1 -A bill lo organize a land nml Emigration Company in .this Stale. IJcsollilions in lee.'ird lo Mr. .Miller, dn-i a-e,: read and adqpli-d. House ailjbiirued. JiY TLLIXillAlMI. .vami vuhk .t.s-yor/.t rr.n nrtvsi /,/s/mvi ,i* a n o \ n i s /’.i r !■ ii i:s. Wasiiisotos-, January III — l,y in-w aib.li- nielli, Judge Wayne is allotted lo llie tiltb iiiiij sixth I irr-uils. Ju,l(.;e Way ne lor/uerly held lie filth ciicnij. San Fhanci-i-o, J-m, 1fi -Slazallan jtdtu-es represent great HiM-nuli-nt against the JiiBj / guvermuent. Open retiellion is ex|ioolcd ,®n. Don Plaeido Vego is ineiitiouoj as leader. iatsiBf, January Iti.—The allies lost «i\ tie-1 sand men in eapturiug Vilietii. The Aim i ie.in Minister, AleMahon, was in Ihe J'Uruguayan. ifiiunp during the battle. Al.umui, Januaiy Hi— D-ela ami M. ,nt j on aicD-will lie prominent rival;- lor lb throne should Curies deel-rie lor monarehy tielieral Pizuela Pologne and M nub I i elseti have lieen uiiesied lor conspirai y. I.iinoii.n, Jan. Id. -Joliu.son Slid Plaffitiini have signed the treaty lor tlie;siffljeiin ill ol Hi, Alnli/ima i-laini.s. All the great powers, except Un--la, have united in demanding (ireece to witlulraw hei olijectinns to the Conlercnce, ns iibptesent e.-n stiluled. ninrUi-1 Ill'll,>rl» liy TelegrH|>h, New YiIbk, Jmiusry 111.—Muncy ,.-.-»sy m sn.-iline lints . Hold lAm* ; Bond# of InB 113, -. Noitn L'aroltiiit eixus, ex-cou)a>n, tc-ii ; ucvv.iiS’,. Virginia vixeC, Ctptpoo, kll.h ; new, I'll 1 , , Telllii'ssCfi l-llee. ex la-uron, l.'J ; new, amt ; UiaUiami -lx---, old7t!| i-Cvcc sties, ibs s ; I.ei-co eielits. st. Flour diitl and druqBne. W lieai dull and Invora buyers, t om a •bade finm-r Perk dluiqiilig-In w. s.q. t.ard tiiavya, Js,, |.,ls-, (’niton quiel etSli.q I.IIMIJX, tblUUarV IS ,\.,oll — I'-.llouli !((. I'elldr T'.q. Sugar quifl Out ale Illy. h Liriki'onl., Jauieiry lli.— NngVl —(.’otum l'nuui Inn not higher, sales IX.irjB BaIib- ill?liovoi.. Tannary pi.- Atleruuiin.—Collun ,pn, t I'planda, 1 !>S ; SJl„n,r, ] 11, |,;ii.l ,1,-i’linlll.-'. 73 Folk quiet bill Meiuly lUvna, ilniiuary Hi —e'er!i,*u -i arm - ,-n llie rg n hil; nil.oil, t«t 11 il II i-On 11 A <1 v«;i"ti>»«-iiM'ii l m. 'V It K GREAT SOUTHERN Itttl 1 nmtl a il vert iM'inunlNe I h (> jx. "Winti'-r j\ rninoornent. ATLANTA A\l) AITil’STA. (’iinneclinns by ihLs Line are Must Certain ami Sure at all Seasons! K.ATINtJ HOIJ&K& l «i»* liHvr* thoroughly orerhinl* ( topic time L;iv» u for Meulf, at ro^ala C O N 1> IJ C T O K H ();• tM«» l.'f.ir arc Afl'iW'e aud Courteoua to Laseeuycre. NO CHANCE OF CARS Between Won Point, 0»., end Wilmington, ».r. TO THE NORTH AND EAST, —VIA— Inttaiapofe— VIA CEORCIA RAILROAD. PassuniMs Can Purcha>c Through Tifkets, AMI HAT* THF.Itt BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH FROM iN«*»v OrlfNHA, kTfolilfo, Montgomery* Co* hi in linn, und Atlanta, T O tttclimniMl. nalllinor«*,\Vanlitiiatou, jPUll- nilrl|)lilH % ’and N«*w York, r. v FOUR DIFFERENT ROUTES Via Aiikrnntn, tjlcorgln. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS Or, nil Niclit Train- Icuvi.* At’.HDU by tbl« Knnt*. Th.>«- Slni-piiipCar- run through from AtbuU ttpf'.u.t, to lW*inchvl!lc, on Sonlb (‘orollrm Kail. Komi, without rhaupe at AnKarta. Grcal SoiUbin Pass VIA AUOItA’RA , TO (.’hilt(’olutubm, Cli^flotie. ft/ileigh, Wil- Miitu'lou, Wtlilun, RicA)inoiiti, WasbinKtoti, li iltimntr. IXtiliuI* lpiiia,uu«l N( W Y.rrk. •ffppip.M r- ctti huyp th*‘ rhtdee o* four dlflereat liottfr* v .» Au^ij-ta to \vapluiii»toii, Philadelphia, New Tori. FAKE THK SAME BY EITHER ROUTE. •» AHuu-ta. hlUL'Vilic, ami U iimiUtflob: via f’o.'tahki, t HHiiottp, unit i(ait-l£h ; via t uiuiutna. L>»uvu!n, aiaJ ItirhiiKiml: t ia Atlrtnta, AttcOfHH, rave as low by Auousta as any other Route, LOCHRANE & CLARK, Attoi'iicys at .1 ^ a w. I llAYKn-ftmtcrt with me in the practice of Uu at Atlanta, Imlip* Kit »l\KD It.« l.\ttK.wh*w n . .•naianth at our utth c, ou Broad Miict, Kr.»wn’- KiuM m ;. and demote hn* i'i‘nii'i*i to the hu-mc— "t th»- linn aud » x. Up.vcIv If* caaei* In the \ in..a* c.-u t- tu tin- city. ,, u A. l.ortiK\NK. Alton.c* at |.nu. J inti-tin (Mb eat Yan.u autl Atlaita. II.UIMOM) A; WKM.Il dlV, AttOl’lH'VM lit. .1-1 It w. W IIITKIIAI.I, STItKKP, ATLANTA, HKnItlllA. W ILL prftrtlrc in the Suidcmc t’eitrt, he’,l in Atlanta rtr*t Monda)i> in June and Oecciuhvi . in the K«d- e at ('uurt, held in Atlanta a«cond Moi.dayt* in Man i .did heptetuber; and <n the .Nupenor t’onrtp, h*-f<t in al ia tir»*t Mondays in May aud N'ovctuhci. Knt.iru Ua\ rft) dll>» before court. janl - t\ J. J. MORRISON, K,e,n 1 Jflsla to Art'll I - . -ANII AUCTION K I’, If . HIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AO EM U AVIN'tl reopened my ofltco. aOer a. teni|H*rnrv ah rwUCC. 1 lecpeclfiillV solicit llie Idnrn III.) ol. iM4irona, and a call from alt hatm:; biiptitc u m m> line City Lots, Improved and Unimproved and Plantation*. iMIt S\I,K AMI KENT. Offlco: First Door South of Rnllioad, jti.s ly Wtilleli.tl .ir.vt PRIVATE AND TRANSIENT .BOARDING, — IIY — r.. p. DAVIS, Real Rdalo nnd Insurance AjjhiI. ornce one TMnn «i.„w ji.m' iukx, WHITEHALL STREET. Meiiieni'i.retcnTKeieTeerr, orratiti L. iroruiD'i. A. tin ii I u. Georgia, JeolS-tt '11 much T.< ket(* pnld at New Orleans, Mobile, Mon t'oiuiu),' o iiuibu-, and Atlanta, to Kichmond, Waehlbi :on, Kaittmord. Kl/iladelphra, and Sew York, by thfr ffo'lte. I'hrotiL'h Twkelr sold at Atlanta to Chrtrb jfon, rnlanj- bia. Wiliuiu^tna, Weluoii. Uichmoud, \N ai‘hiiiKlon, Pbil- adt lphia. and .V w \ erk 'Ha-eeiiL'era takitiL' tin- Konte can have their Kas^u;t CfeCked tliroiiifb Ironi MoiitL’otiHTy, A la , to VS a.-hlu^ ton, I’hlUdelphia. mnl New V ork by four dlflcrvnt route» v u Au^'Ueta. UiL’L’a.e die* krd through tri.m Atlanta U t harle-ton. (’olnnibia, Wilmington, vs “Idon, Kicbnumi , . 1 Wymuvtoti. I’biladelpliit, and Neva YdtkV •' The train leavim; Aihnta at 5:4d.p m. har attached tc it ru'linin’i* t atiice Sleepli.ir-t'arc, and makee cfoee con ncyttoii- f AiiiMi-ia with train- t«» the follnwinc pUcflr *■ t\Miiirtk. (.’I.nrle-ton. (.‘olu'mbta, i barlotte, Rattiijti, WtlininiMon. W etUon. Peter»t.un:, Kicbnumd, WaHhlUL ton, U» uimire. Kh l -d. Iphta, and New . oik I'ah-eii* er-fiem New Oiltniic, Mohlle, Montgomery ill't (VruinbUK, (<a , make rlore couhectioio. ml AUutO with trn n* lor Ancu-ta. Savannah, t'buflcaton, Lo'.uin b'a.Ctiar ottc. K ite » h, Wilm iiutou, VS eldon. Kifhtuohri, vVjo.joi jL.-ton, Pbiladctphia. Kaliino»re, and New York. |1*" !>.>-(• iu'iT* wifldi c «o k'o/^vnrtli by da will iiv » -p« ndidJine of Meson-bipf tumj » f,iri».-ioi;. -s 0., ti tkobinore, I’hOadHploa. iU.-n.n, and New Yoi k. TEE C1-IARLEST0N STEAMSHIPS *)t1cr every ir durenvent to Pafacneerf. with Tablet #nj p . it mill cu-i> tuxnr> th. North* rn at o ( tu»rlc»- f<»t» Maikttj« ran afford; ami lor rifely, rpeed and n-i„f. it, are UNIU VALUED ON TI1E C0AST 4 ! CfT Th^»n.’h T«. ki t* on -a’e nt Moiitpnmcry, SS’ett po.t.i, and Atlanta, t-. New Y. rk via < baib-aion Steoiu/ •In p>* .1 A HdttKKT. / (b n. rn- Ticket Apent. (ieorua RAiiro^d. An.Mi»t,a. qi y..- 1 > M ikmmi A iNPiupitt n. CITY BANKING COMPANY OF MACON. VV. P G00I1-11 L, 0. A. NUTTING DIRECTORS: _ \V. It JOIINSHIN, “ W. S. IUM/1 i. j. ihikshaSl J. E -I<• Nt> 4\M! I. do a pneral KAN KIVU KUSINK^S In alt it- If dnaiie. Tt.e.<forkol mir O inpatu if all owneC m Ma«* n Nbd vi- holy. Ha* me nonr. ulationii protect, it. whole tN pi Ul ir if>Uiaide*d Tor the m<Utit) of IV (>oj.ft*tra and iRiirona .- . A.o- 1 -j ' ‘••rtf -jnnitf'if - X ATI ON At. CITY BANK Roforonces: Kuitucky . l^vuiaTtlie, Ky • iiitbrie Co . . l.outaville, Kj Mi l euafiT. Ainuironr A «Y» t^uiavilte, Ky Menliant* Nation*! Hank . M. U»oir, Mo S ti >m'tU A Co M. Lon in. Mo. I K Uarkin A Co. nnrinnatl.O o-rnian National l*..mk Meniphia. Tran '»■ pJ'^- Koik ol Knoxvi'le Knosy)lie, Tenu ,'irvt National I-niik Kuoxville, Ten* He* owed. Met*lnmi .ffc Co . KnostKIe, Teon tinvh lb»uj|j»>* ,t Co NaaUville, Tenu ti* lane«r.'i DlaconnS ffid flank \ R&itengeri by U i Roath h*ve Choic* of TWEMTY-KIVK BIFFFHHNT ROUTES -TO- 1ST p AV V O H K , Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. |y" Pawsenghr* hoMlap ttrketa by vblc roote Ui New York, KtaiadeipbU, or bJUUloizre, cao wall U mskU^iloti without uZtxa thaijjo, - FABJ8 IAMK AS Tit KNOXVILLE or AUOUSTA TKA IN S LKA V K A TLA NTa Oaily ot h*i .*> a.m. nml 0.4.5 p.m. 11 ho'iU:. n. tn nt aiaite CxO»« r Check Baggage to IaOuiiYille, tod It will he re-checked lo dnuneiios ou Trfcini of LoaitrlUe end Ttfcilxoadbefore kri.valei LohUYilie MAGNIFICENT SLEEPING CARS ON AuL MUUT TKM.V*. Ample Time for Meals at Good Hotels A>K KuK TICKET.-* VIA LO LJISV I J. CENERAL TICKET OFFICE, Atlanta !<:. I*. WM.KKIl, Mar.tttr oi Traueyroruilioi, jB0C(^md &A.h-K._ DAILY PASSENCER LINE BKTWtrrt ATLANTA and M iOE, PHIADELPIIIA, WASHINGTON. Ahn 0TU*a *' b: a h’V i; k in c- i r 1 h — VIA - tVestecn ^Yt liuit ie ,>A.UI VIRGINIA & TENNESSEE RAILWAYS. ALL KA.I L UOUTE. ——o' S'liuo Table, Nov. 17th, ) HUH -•vNuK I JJ; scare At:.*j.ta . f. V- r » Atlanht A <1 vei l Ui iuun h. / 815,000 HOLIDAY PRESENTS - AT- - THE LITE JEWELRY STORE Ailnntii Ailvcrtiapinenta. CEO. SHARP, Jr., Agent. A. iJbJYDEN, In UERFtl.Nggigfi'bES ), Hhlrt lug, T HE unurea-do.Uz'l '***8 of *y *lnte ttf opti.lnr ha? led me to VII*' e»tat*!’.ehm»-i.i 1 ■lute ftr opti.lnr hi? led roe to t*eft*r* that there | )* oa of AtaA.zU uv* Low to appreciate a S/«t cn* j htore. My aalea ha»e rx»*& he* 17. and oa •. of tfcla. 1 hare tti§ day received the tar^eat aMonmu.t I of fine (rood* tloat Ui etc; bc«u lo Uur market. Ucl^re ■ or ejoce the war. FIFTV NEW AND BEAlTIFfL SETS i iSii eel inizn. ' Drills, OvnaburgD. Ntrlpes, Cheolts, find. Yarns, Hr B*‘e, *t Factory Prtc*e. TOBACCO! TOBACCO! i-Ori i.AK EhASDS OK BMOKIM. AMI) IHEW1MJ, Ji . S I s K w J • H n OK « : 1 - 0 i r !- H < A s % • El I L lexandria . f. 4.'. r M lA-ave Vt a-hin/I.b, • . up* Arrivi'jiNt'wTwk . . t.w * a Mil l 11 : foeaTe Nt-vr Y<*rk - Pi r * Leave A.rxandria . . . . : a * uatre Lyi rnt>u».- . j u r» Leave Brubd . 1 :C a * LeaveKnmvi.r .... l ,4 r a Leave Da;tor. ? -P 1 p a Arrive at Aiunu . s AS a * Time Between A'tlahta and New York Fifiy-Seveu Hourt t*T T‘n uHK.il Sjji, >;»-«„ A:.unJaand Sett *t, /<• Sleeping Coaches 011 all Night Trains rn i*o r t; \y /f v i c u irrt* GOOD UNTIL US£D t -AN D- 8 A G G A gXcHECKED THROUGR Tu/ ai.l IVPtiKTANT KtUNTS \ii. walk i:it, / / Mi^titx ot 4 rxu?i»orut;4.n. ao^tS—dto \Y A \ H K WESTERN i ATLANTIC RAILROAD. DlAnO.M)!, • PEABLfs. HIBYS, fiAHNm, a MALACHK1T, CAKBINCLL, AMETHYST. hAFFailt E, E.HEBALU, ETKIMAN, IOHAL, Hedand Pink, PLAIN YjOLD, PKONTLD, ax* MX. II A V ED. *5 A * 2 S 5 F5 ^ t -pi 11 0 c K g X w • /. W xV T C | ES. feevaoty-flve itr# Waicbc*. tu: L^Jir* LfeDLfcaeu Ntw lufkpncc*. J E W E 1, R Y btjiaa toe Lamerju* •«- men” l. At red wed pcic**, by A. LEYDEN, '* klltbx* Alixnu, Gx. Sowing Machines! f i "" ~ ! JT'ZT itkCEl'. KD, A Li/I OP. THK .C'Hl.KBKATEO : WEED MACHI'NES To f>e roiJI it 2Jir.a?actdreM $ .rice*, hy A. LEYDEN, W ciirftxl! trtrttt, Aliui*, 04. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! clothim; for men and : boys, IbiB, CA.-y.mfKRH&i Piece, ni Gent’s Fnrnistnm Gooii, 1* Jkcr, r**j EiSTIUE STOCK or t*i S HL'.V E R«W A R E. LAT£ F fo M 0F HERRING & LEYDEN FIVE HUNDRED PRESENT? IN SIL'- HR, ail an | tircy new aty-M-a, tw arr:»e ncii .•*fctttrd»u Ttu»M w ti.*; U» boy. wit’ rav« u orr»n» ti. k ' U» boy. wil' rart rn-jaej be peeimr tn» tf* uood# rw- turr purcikFin^ etM**t.ere, Tti«y »t!; !•«- tLp.relj difUr- ect trum ui.muw i» Atlanta. »,.& \u f r a and it}. I’dafyncumptu; **c. MY GUAKAXn’EE. ♦ A A! Ooodr N.Oorhf at THK LlVl JEW Kl.KY STCRF an* warranted tu b* txadiT ae r.pr« ^<L;ed. ul ILe xaUiittr and ►t)i« uf in* «• -hI). 1 • mr my repotition. viEu SiiAKP. JiL, Agent, lief IT— At Pub t'r -tofr. B 11 J.Si * ,-.L. Ul® Ovtl JLaaC?. aLd.uLi cXpcJ'.LbCt it AT AND BELOW LOST, By •rtl A—• A. LEYDEN, sn'Tiring Partx.tr. ’isdLi/ IVkV- ON in t Aft* r Ma • b.iNti N«*KTJi. LEAVE ATLANTA. St 1 A % - M. !»*:: V % K- I A F.K.*- A 1 Uaim«44*4* a kai.rutd b*r Na*n>ii)a, I<oui* 1 .- fti •. ta.' VV ,» t !..,• s. N -,.rk and ■ \ .4V v> Lx tuilauooea 4:4N r iU- and B A N and PtudiC^t Ac. 1. * b »« tl vinery c 0<v>dFt.-ttr .tt t.gt i.,i- irate and poar voter tl at aha: cti. r bcttci u-dan t u =nta O rne n.^tfce c* ar.tn Utllfl iv»*li in * ..i Aim.; ; Atemi tua. Nt 1 15 V. ^4 ?)UU 1*. 11. 0.4 1 . Pi..:*.!. (Kr.*xi*T **i Pitvwv kin Arrive -t Vtvn. tta at .V&5 t.'Us' I-. r ji . s y IV r. ’-n k x- ikkatNoktucrn Man. —Arrive » «• .. 4»i tvtu.j w sh t:*iti» aiMi-g, W KPUIUKiun, lia.n iN.uk. Ar Chatuwoofr*, Teen llmrl. A«l v «•»•( <m. mcnlk, I.AMKIt HOUSE, q.tt'OV, UKOKUU. COLLI'eR tc B O v 8 a VVINO a 1*.Unit'd the tntnaretnetil-of thU Hddh rewtuvitulty milteti a «hHr« ot the vitb'te patronaf^ Frw (unutb.i* U ami I Min the |Ioum>. Attentive ppr *«♦. - a, IW15-Hm TIO^NKSSKW 1101^10, Near Railroad Dvp*'* *nd Steamboat Lauding, ROME, CCORQIA. ai^J- J. A. 6TANBBURY, Propttettr 7 - j ihUi’t* 1 til trail)* ui Naahvote anu - n iUaikm*;* iwulruad lot N .•!.( « . l-.»«tF».iit t!u SN eat, and U»r . N«v( V r k aud “th. 1 Ka-u 'r r : na l*ottU v , niih iriiiir of M npr.x rod 1 Iuuh .mii lUnroac loi MctutA.;-, Lmi* aud kUc W aaL. CMMINO SOLTH. ARRIVE AT ATLANTA. 3-45 A• yt. Diti T tlMxt s-r vinu-.v ul-Uhv 1I’hattamHi^a .*; 7*H» r * . .'om.«vr.t»f with trame ol .Vt»nv<!)«- »»»d 1 nail-mK» te a and Meuipi '.e aui CU*r m.h haitrws. atul Dal- »(!! ,*t );b r. * . 4vntu\ltK£ with tr>i»a o( Kact Ti Mt.»»a»ei at .si (tvonna tUUroad. 11:00 A. 11. l)*ai vKxitcrr >ranat>,) l>at.iH>v AvV4»M*>a>arioN.~ Leave D*:tor. at a. * . k ^'.Mii A *.. carter*rule T;li a. NIhi lelia.at '.l: •• a *. it Ml •*. U. Ibin ilbart M’Noat'sl Kxnum* Pa*i>a*»• kK.- Lease I'ltaUata^nj* al'I lM a. c«iuu*'>’liuf m lb Iri i N*-h»iUc and Thai l.-ucH^'A, atm M> niphtit and ihirleaum Rail- nuida. Pullman’s Pntont Sleeping Coaches on all Nl«-ht Trains. K B. (V.M.KRK, naaylf - Master «»l Tran*t»ortatn\«. Vo Uutlroml 1 \>nl raotorj*. Oftu'i OkOEtit.i W tMf i'.h P K Conranr, I Jat.u*ry At. ;.**» i S RAl.Kl) proposal* will be recvo>d until the ltoh »tay ot Marvh next, for the ifradaniot. and masonry of ;ha! )tortk»u of the GeorjpA Wvatcrn Kailr^ad extending from, the >%eal*ni A Allantic KaProad to Powder vprutpi -distance ihlrteeu mtle* Plan* and epi'cli- wUous ol the work «n tw» seen it the a.m*** of the com- iMUty on and alter the l»t day of March next. Ky order of Ihw Board of Directors. L. T. GRANT. JanG—6t Chief Engineer s». W. H. R. CV). K v. .him, l d.> from .'nant vrar* expertecre in this t-.Mbr**. u. i*e*»ritia, the wantF4»fbsr i<a>plc. smt beinv m-utuP ^naiduy,variety. an%t price. I can. aud wt dnt*l to owJ. U and Leather Honse f* 'the *4Ailth, Rememb«r U« place and sir* i ntain tie heot Shoe I. T. BANKS, • ^ Ka»»c t » liuUdtnc aivlA -e corner dTi'.te :bsl s*4t Houter vt/iv llli I VKHIITY MICH M'HOOI, PHKPARATvIKY DF.PAKTMRN l of TH* UNIVERSITY OF CEORCIA, , a ruirxs, titmto.'A. OmiAMZATlliNr A. A. LIPSCOMB, D.D„ C»4»f«llw PACl LTJ BKSJ. T. Hl'XTKR, A.M , IW.i llmbimkilix . i, .- |-hr»ii-»t StHbcm. T. K. RX'YAU* (l'mlTff4ltr ot V. V-LlSn , n j „r«l XV. vr. LUMPKIN. A M.. CorU-b l H«r4l7,-f K. A. UPSCOMH, AJL, tViKk *i u ..r-w.ii A I I 41* 41 th* dl4^M*l ilMx F4i*nitv ,’f thb nteh hx-bool. xml will be iwwrOeA lo Ib4 beM Khol.i, ou the couple Hon of the Rif* School coace ol .;u.lj. l in-sltn teal on 4pplic*tio4 lo the Pwtldebt. dn-S-SU»J1_ ABKIIHSTHATOR'S SALK. W ILL be *oki, oa lilt 6r»t da, ot FcbraaiT next, he- Ioit Um ooan boaM door Ip lb* tuj ot Ai'xuix 41 paMIe outer,, oat *bxi» Ro*well Pxrtoiy .lock, xpc opr-lbird of xa ocit, non or Imx, oa Falioa tlxeet, la ,-lading wall 1 A. ATWOOD. Adm'r exute o< Meat, Atwood. d«lS-<ds Priaiei'4 Ice Si. CHARLES BOHNEFELD, ATI.4NTA, CEOKGU, UNDERTAKER, Vlanulhcliirer ol Coffin,, ASP UXaLXA IN Metalic Burial. Cases, Caskets, &c. ALSJ. MANUFACTUREB iXD PVALtB PC ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. PA(T\«RV Lnctoe Street, N«wr Wixtoa THIS WAY FOIR CHRISTMAS 1 .1. >1, HOLBROOK U 4- ju.t ef.lt at r«swtii arotfcor l*rt;e lot of FlUS, l-‘ . a«t>!« tor H »!idaj itifL*. cocstpttn^ of - J**v r Stts. M.tk >evs F t.’b S *.«, > tartan Sajuirre? Set?. Gvtt J »ru Nstarml smt Krxran Mu*ktat ^vt# Un.*u Freovn I’onrj s*ei». i bt’drrtx'r Sets, ..Aurt:»t< , Ki>ot Muds, Krc-ada x\ >t»‘e Drvs* SI'.* Hat*. A pin* Hats, :* s-'-.e U\»:fcer Trunk*. Yaltae*. and Traveling t'o»p*ik.4>u». Lid Nar»*» »ra Trunk*. Ha'iwst &>' deoM - ' ^ «. a main ADAIR. & BRO., (ICOCXtfORX TO ClJTTOX * XPilSJ Commission Alcrchants, AMD WpOLKluLl DKiLXAS t» GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, >Vhltt» it all Hr., Atlanta, Oa., K KEF r. n*'»ct!v on hand UAtXfN. FLOUR, SUH^R FKK. UoU\s>h5. S.U.T, LkLYtTlRK, BAG t»l.NT*. IMF*. Jtc. ITvslaee and f^oYlston# nf every kind, whivh will be •*» d tw Ur trade at km d*rari-». »Vr arv a’-4» acent* for me sxle of Soluble Pacific On tiro, Mape's lt>«4»phate, Aun-riran Seale (Vmitany’s ’v ile*, \\ ikler** Iron Itvof Saits, and UalUrtt’* !>le«] Hro»h t vlt4*n Gin •ujwii *r t«» auv other Gin in use. M 4* sr4* tt»o aj:et)tA tor i'^hen’* F .»or Mills, and vari- tas othrrv v uiton (rood*. Vnrjks, iff 0*n«ixttu»euu rr-jK, t(tu!y >*>l.cited, and aU orders prompt.» *ltended ?*>. Xn> _ A DA IK A BKO. John il waixst a. *o*u «. rowuxH. WALLACE & FOWLER, Real Estate aini General 1’ollpctiBg Ageflls, W ILL sell Real K»Ute or Personal Property at pri vate or psMic s*>e: will rveeivs Notes and Ac counts for Collection, ana attend to tbs Keoling or Lets- xua of City Property. eovIJ—dSm WALLACE A FOWLER.