Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, January 20, 1869, Image 1

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ehfofoos li *'lf h* mamm — •• EHKOH CKAHK8 TO BE DANGEROUS WUBN RKABON IS LEFT FREE TO COMBAT IT " -Jeftnon. VOL. XV. ATLANTA. GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20. ML NO. 16 She gaily gntdUycnccr. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Tuesday Kvenln*. Jean. Ill, Mill. Ill veiling- Sedition. Kleetoml Vom, Tho doctoral votes of all the States lor Presi dent aoil Vlee-Presldont, except the Stale ol Ne vada, have been deposited with the President of the Senate. The Presidential OHIco. The New York Tribum deplores the shelving ot the bill by the Senate, limiting the tenure of the Presidential office to one term. The prin ciple, It thinks, is too clearly correct; and the evil results ot having our Presidents scheming through one term for election to a second, have sometimes been so glaring that the measure must certainly be some day adoptod. Southern Recuperation* The New York Times seems to be waking up to the fact that the South, notwithstanding every ellort that has been made “to oppress and grind her” is recuporatiug. Upon the fact, it thus dis courses : “Ever since the close of the war a few cants an acre were all that could be obtained lor UKORMIA LUUIMLATIIIti:. Tijkhiiay .Innuury Ill'll. SENATE. The Senate met puisimnt to itilJoi.iuimmt. Prayer by Mr. Ilinton. The roll being culled and there being n 'pin- ruiu present, the Secretary read the journal ol yesterday,-nndthc-Scnme procccacrnirmisnicw.- Mr..Sherman moved a reconsideration of the bill requiring the Secretary to procure journuls for tbe Senate. Lost. [Does not the Code set tle the law ?— IlaroiiTEK.] ItKPOHTS of STaNDI.SO r ,MVITTI-f.S. Mr. Harris, chairman ot the Finance Com mittee, ropurtid that the committee approve ol the bill extending lime to Tax Collectors to March. Pussed. UOTIONB AND llKSObtTIONS. By Mr. Burns—Resolved. That a committee ot three be appointed by the President to examine the qualifications of applicants to the Secretary lor clerkships. Withdrawn. Resolved, That a seat on the floor be tendered Hon. J. W. Groen, Judge ol the Flint Circuit, for this day. Pass' d. By Mr. Merrell—Resolved, That money be ap- propiialed lor the education ot indigent maimed soldiers. Referred to Finance Comuiiitee. Mr. Nuuiially—Resolved, That a debt con- choice tratt* in Alabama, Georgia, and adjoiri- ing States, and even at these prices buyers were far between. This condition exists no longer. A gepernl advance in valne has taken place.— Ladas' which six months ago might have been had in large quantities for a dollar an acre are now held at five, and the prospect is a steady advance toward tbe real value, which is as much beyond tbe present figures as they are beyond those of a recent period. South Carolina fully shares the benefit of the change. The rapidity and extent of It—our Charleston correspondent writes—'can only be fully appreciated by those who have had opportunities lor observing and contrasting tbe present condition of all classes of the Southern people with their condition twelve months ago.’ 1 The Hon. Hr. Menard. The Now York Courier appears, It will be seen from tho following paragraph which we clip from'Us editorial columns, to bo extremely solicitous in r^ard to the whereabouts of the negro representative to Congress Irom Louisiana. Sorry we cannot give to it any Information thst will relieve it from its perplexity. “ What has become (it says) of the deeply, darkly, beautifully black member ol Congress from Louisiana? Where Is Menard? What have they done with him ? Does be sit on tbe floor of Congress, or does he look down with superb contempt on his fellow members trom the gallery ? It is time this thlug was Inquired into. Bvery good citizen sympathized with Menard. They felt the danger. They knew that even the sturdiest African virtue could not resist tbe evil comqiunlcations ol the House of Representatives. If, then, Providence has plucked Menard as a brand from that burning, lor heaven’s sake let us know It" Governor, J. E Brown lor carbines, Hanlord Company, be referred to a joint 'com mittee with the House. Messrs. Nuunally uud Merrell appointed committee. BII.LS ON TUIRD ItEADIVn. To incorporate tlm "Cotton States Life In-n- ranee Company of Macou. Passe.!. Just here a message was received Irom the House notifying the Senate that they hail voied to advance $3000 to the Stale Printer. Bill to consolidate the Atlanta & Gulf and ihe Savannah and Albany cud Gulf Railroads — Passed. Tbe above bill was presented by Mr. Smith, ol tbe 7ih. On this reading he delcuded and maintained the passage ot the bill at length, with much force and ability. The bill was ably discussed by Messrs. Lester, Speer, Hinton, Smith, Candler, and Winn. j adopted-yeas 1(12, nays 43. Alter passage of the bill Mr. Burns notified ! The Speaker decided that Mr. Scott’s motion tbe Senate he would move a re-consideration mi I dissolved the committee of ten, and referred the message to the committee on the State of the republic, From Washington. hers who had voted for expulsion of colored members last session. Mr, Shumate here rose to a question ol prlvl- lege, hut was ruled out,<;f order,,hy Hie.lipee.kcr.. .Mr. Bryant, after Mr. O’Neal’s speech, ex- pressed his delight that the gentleman from Lowndes had at last opened his eyes, and iruried that the eyes of the House were on the eve OTCeliigTypened.. He read an extract from the New York Tribune concerning the admis sion ol Mr. Joshua Hill, staling that by excluding Mr iiili,\he Senate shpwcd inleiuton of taking action concerning ailalrs in Georgia. He pithily observed that General Grant waa not a second Andrew Johnson, warning the South against looking tor such' an event. Hta remarks were highly complimentary to the General Mr Felder ruse to a point ot order, not thin' ing Gen. Grant's administration waa belof«''the tlOUfO. Mr. Bryant gracefully yielded to^the decision of the Chair. Mr. Bryant thought the expulsion of the ne gro members from the Georgia Legislature the "root of all evil," ami-wanted Georgians (?) to do something to alnief tor ihe crime. A revolution'was hero brought from the Sen » e exicnriifig the time lor collectlog taxes until Maich/lst. .Mr. Hryaut wanted the best men sent to •Wushlngtnnptmi-dldiiorwanrtiTbesenronless couslllered among the best. “He' relieved the Speaker Irom any seeming obligation to put him on the committee. It was here moved that Mr. O’Neal’s motion he laid on the table. .Mr. Scon moved that tbe rules be suspended and ibe motion taken up. Mr. Scott moved that the committee appoint ed to consider that i>ortion of the Governor's Message referring to reconstruction be relieved. Carried Mr. Scott ottered the substitute tbal the por tion of the Governor’s Message referring to re construction be referred to tho Commltloe on the alate of tho republic. Ttie call for tho previoua question was not sustaiued. The substitute of Mr. Scott, of Floyd, waa Monetary and Commercial Market Keport* *>r Telegraph. Niw York,'January ]&.— blocks etro&g. : Money easy 7. Exchange . Ood 1 LK. Bond* of ibfiiM* North Carolina#, oitif-Cfi; new. Virginia#, ex pon,6S; new, 81X* Tcuhtfntee, ex-coopon, MX ; Flour flail and dtciiL.ng. Wheat doil and favor# buyers. Corn unchanged I*oric iieady—new me**, OS. Lard flrmei^bftrrfcli.l&X.toTai. Cotton cental Freight*du J. “ - S Lowdo*. January 19.—Nwn.—Contolt 72%. Bond* firm at 77*. - LiYbkpool. Jantuiyf 10.—Nov.—Cotton dull. Cp* landa 11X ; Crle^xill K. Suite b&lee. IIaTRI. J*pnXry 1$ —Cotton opened fctaTy—spot 1XJ: afloat LjtWpoul, Jannary Id —AKeruoon.—and fa- ida leas lavorabtt; cause:# do.u.ki* W AsnraoTON, Jan. 15,1800. SUE MUHPltY ONCE MORE. Congress was without extraordinary interest to-day. In the Senate the everlasting Sue Mur phy claim waa again discussed all day, and then recommitted to the committee, which practical ly defeats it snip 'canal, Iu tbe House the Niagara Falls Ship Canal bill consumed the day. The speeches for and against it were based principally on the ground ui freight transportation to the West, those fa voring it claiming that it would cheapen freight uud those opposing it declaring the opposite.— A motion to table waa lost by seven votes, but flnnlly through the efforts of Wasbburne.of lilt nota, the measure was committed to tbe com inittee ot tbe whole hy 81 to 80, which ia its vir tual defeat In this Congress. TUB BONDS. Tbe Finance Committee of the Senate agreed to-day to report back without any recommenda tion Garret Davis’ bill to pay the principal of tlie bonds in gold, and Edmunds’ resolution de claring that they ought to be paid in coin. The committee thought it best to submit them fur discussiou, and Tec tbe Senate vote as it thought best. stoppage op distilleries. It appears from official sources that all distil leries in New York have ceased running. There were lohy-oneln operation November 1st. This is said to be the result of tbe low tax on whisky, and for obvious reasons whisky made iu New York city costs 00 cents per ga'lon, and the tuxes, including special Ui, Is'(1:1 cents addi tional, or $1 23 per gallon. Whisky sells at a dollar iu that eily, to there is no margin for stealing. This trade belongs legitimately to tbe West, to wtiich it will be conflued hereafter. TICE, THE METKH MAN, reports that one hundred and fifty meters have been mauulactuied, and one huudred and thirty have been attached to distilleries. spans fob iiftinbus. The House Committee on Roads'and Canal, have informally discussed tbe bill. fixing the length ol spans for bridges across the Ohio river. It is likely they will agree on lour huudred feet, and ro|H>n a geueral law. . , GEN. G1LI.EM concluded bis evidence bolore the 'RfcUnstmc- tion Committee to-day in the Mississippi case. He explained (hat the rejected Constitution was stringently proscriptive ot the white race, tluii scarcely a corporal’s guard pf the native while population would support it, and that many in telligent negroea bad voted against iu For lid. reason he was emphatic in his opinion that un der all the circumstances it would bo an outrage to force that constitution on the State. EVIDENCE TO ORDER. A carpet-bagger and a negro, tho latter one ol the Radical committee sent here, wore also ex amined by tbe committee. The latter strongly favored the acceptance ol the present constitu tion, as, according to his loyal ideas, it was best to disfranchise tbe whites, and he told the com mittee that the Freadme#’' “—'in in that Slate had bean miserably Inefficient, J his, be said, . was because GneStGiilcm was opposed to tbe negroea, and the bureau officers could not act in harmony with blm. Olllsm’s testimony made a strong impression on tbe committee. pacific railroad. The House Pacific Railroad Committee had another meeting this morning, and again with ■indefinite action In the general discussiou ol railroad matters it waa apparent the com mittee ware in lavor ol reporting a bill for the construction ot road* to tbs Pecitia by tho Northern and Southern routes, so-called, and that It will be substantially such ae referred to In • previous dispatch ol your correspondent.— It wae also itatad that’ _ Gen. Grant would Inter- poa* no objection* to this bill. Tbs committee „ „ * Iu chairman, which. Mr. O’Neal ipoke at eome length, Ing any Intention to cast blame upon tb adjourned'to the call ol Will to made next week. to-morrow. Senate concurred with resolution from House for payment ol State Printer. Mr. Adkins—Resolved, That a copy ol the yj.ite ef thanks pussed yesterday, bo seut to" City Council. BILU ON SECOND READING. Mr. Gignllliatt—Bill in regard to certain con tracts declared a misdemeanor. Mr. Hungerlord—Bill to incorporate Atlanta Agricultural Implement Mannlacturing Com pany. Mr. Adkjns—A bill for the selection of jurors In the Stale. Referred to Judiciary Committee. Mr. Anderson—A bill repealing a bill incor- porating the Fort Valley Loan aud Trust Com pany. Referred to the Committee on Batiks. Mr. Ilinton—A bill creating a new circuit lor Columbus. Referred to Judiciaty Committee. Mr. Bowers—A bill to incorporate the town of Hartwell, Mr. Merrell—A bill to change the county lines ol Campbell and Carroll counties. Mr. McCutchen—A bill to incorporate Hie "Irwin Railroad Company.” Mr." Gaudier—A bill to incorporate a Land and Immigration Bureau in and tor the State of Georgia. Mr. Smith of the 7th—A bill to crcsto tlie office of State Geologist. Ordered that Any copies of this bill be printed. On motion ot Mr. Speer the Senate adjourned. The following bill was Introduced by Mr McArthur: Believing that General Grant will be tlie Pre sident of tlie United States, and not of any par ticular party, wc, the members of tbe General Assembly of tbe Slate ol Georgia, fresh trom our constituents, and feeling that we have u right to speak for them because we know their leelings, and confident that such a course on the part of the President elect will be received throughout Georgia as the harbinger uf peace, and tbe dawning of ajbrighter day In our coun try: therefore, be it Resolved, by the Senate and House of Reyressn- tatires of the State of Georgia, in General Assem bly met. That, laying upon the altar ol our com mon country all the prejudices aud bitter icel- ings engendered by the late elections, we pledge ourselves and the people we represent to the support of General Grant in carrying out the Constitution of tbe Uulted States aud the laws enacted under It Resolved, Tbal his Excellency Governor Bul lock be and he Is hereby requested to forward a copy of these resolutions forthwith to the Presi dent elect ol the United States, and to the pre siding officers of both Houses of Congress. This resolution bciug opposed by Mr, Hunger- told, Mr, McArthur withdrew it, [Iu our report of tbe proceedings ol the Sen ate on yesterday, wc omitted a bill introduced by Mr. Smith of the 7th, creating lltu office ot State Geologist.] HOUSE. House, mot pursuant to adjournment at 10 o’clook, a. ra. , Prayer by Rev. Dr. Brantiy. J lurnsl read and confirmed. Mr. O'Neal, of the committee appointed to consider the Governor’s Mcsssge, reported that the members of salacotumitico seemed disposed to procrastinate, and, therefore, begged to lie re lieved Irom this committed. Mr. O'Neal moved that a committee of four, be appofhted by the Speaker, to co-operate with like committee from tlie Senate, and pro ceed to Washington City tocouler with emi gres*. Mr. Scott moved that tbe motion bo referred to tbe Committee on tbo state uf tbe Republic. Mr, Harper of Terrell, wanted tbe motion re read. Mr. O'Neal moved here, to suspend the rule* that his motion might be taken up, speaking in favor ol ihe'motlon. Mr. Harper thought the remarks of Mr. O'Neal were out ol order. Sustained by Ibe Speaker. disclaim- those mem- BILLS ON THIRD READING. A bill fur the holding of Floyd Superior Court. Pa sed. A bill to incorporate the North Georgia MiuiDg Company. Passed. A bill forbidding the selllug by hired tenant* of agricultural produce alter night. Mr. Harper, of Terrell, moved that tbe bill be relerred to tbo Committee on Judiciary. Motion carried. A bill authorizing the Ordinary ot Stewart county to draw his warrant on the treasury ot Stewart. Passed. Mr. Harper, ul Terrell, moved that the Senate resolution be taken up. Taken up, and resolu tion adopted. The Semite here sent in a resolution, appoint' ing two members from tbe Senate, and thr*s Irotu the House to inquire into the claims of an agent for Sharp's Rifle Manufacturing Company, and asking the concurrence of tbe House. A bill tor tlie holding of Floyd and Polk county courts, was hero referred to tbe Senate on motion of Mr. Scott ol.Floyd. BILLS ON FIRST READING. A bit! to authorize Mrs. Eliza Carter to ped- die without license in Green county.. A bill to exempt from Jury and militia duty certain citizeu of Ainericus. A bill to authorize Notaries Public to ad 1 minister oaths. A bill to authorize the appointment of a So licitor for Justices Court in criminal cases. House adjourned until 10 o’clock, a. m., morrow. ■ BY TELEGRAPH. A-lluiitix Arlvcrtlsemvn s. 815,000 HOLIDAY PRESENTS A.11 ran tii Adverlhsementa. .V. LEYDEN, (Successor to n EJtRINQjAjLE VDEN,)| TIE LIVE JEWELBY ST08E Hullroad' Advortlirements. 1»6!¥. "Winter Arrangement. CEO. ©HARP, Jr., Agent. T HE mjpree#flente^ of •ir.ee u* o^etiint hee led me jo Wtare tb*t t^e tit- *.* r« of JLUkr.xx kaaow now to ftpprecUu * flrr.CM* ©tore. Mr *4le* n*Te beer, btzrr. txui on tbe itrecrtb of this. 1 n»re this <ujr the itnre*t w^horaetf of fine rood* Out feu ever bevjn ia tbit market, before or since tbe w*r. Bhlrtintr, BlieeLlnK*. Orlllw, Osuuburgs. Btripe#, ChookB, and. Yarn#, B7 the B4le, at ?tcU)Tj Price*. TO THE WORTH AND EAST, -VIA- TOBACCO I TOBACCO! Louisville, .-Cincinnati or- Nig and beacthcl sets | POPULAR EP.Ar.DS OF SJMOICl>r; A?S'I> CIIEWrNC, Passengers hy th s Home hive Choice of TWENTY-FIVE DIFFERENT BOCTE* —•to- ust e w YORK, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. ; " 0T Pe*aon«en ftolftlajc ticxet* oy unr route ;o New York, PbiUdelptiiA, or tt&Jtimore, r*a neil WtthliigioL without ox IT* ciurf w. BUU AJ Tl* XNUXVILLKot AUGUSTA a * w i*i w v * * W N TRAINS LEAVE ATLANTA Dally at S.15 a.m# and (3.45 p.m. | g w 5 - C ■ r ~ Cheek Baggage to Louisville, suit It will be rs-obeefced to destination on Trains of Lonlsrille ; X and HssnvUleBallroad before arrival at Lonurille i %m MAGNIFICENT SLEEPING CABS ON ALL N1GUT TKAJNS. < A s £ * b * DIAMOND*. PEARL*, BCBVS, GARNETT, JHALACHETT. CARBUNCLE, ARETHYST. SAPPHIRE, EMERALD, ETRUSCAN, CORAL, Red and Pink. PLAIN GOLD, FROSTED, aim ENGRAVED. WATCHES Ample Time for Meals at Good Hotels ASK 70R TICKETS VIA LOUISVILLE. GENERAL TICKET OFFICE, Atlanta ypfoSrod J3. WALKER, M.ut«r of TreoiorutioM, * A. R. K. t<Yec*sy*fiT» flx>« Wuchte, for Lediet ax.4 G«cUe»«&. al Hew York pnew*. E W E L R Y btytoe too numerous to metUoi*. At r^dnftrt'pHcee, by" ‘ A. LEYDEN, vrtitebaC Street, Atlanta. Oa. Sewing Machines! JCST RSCEIVED. A LOT OF. TUE1CBLEBRATKD WEED MACHINES To be ?oi<i at ntinnfiornrtn' prliss, by A. LEYDEN, WtltetaB Street, Atlanta. Oa . BARGAIN'S! BARGAINS! CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS, CLOTHS, CASSJMRRBSl Piece, tu H 5 s ffiiiiSt Mi .VAX’ YORK SSdOCllTHD PMBSS DrSPArcnSS MO 0 X DISPATCHES. Washinotonj Jan. 10.—The Virginia Com- niituv, by resnituion, postponed the Richmond Convention from the 10th February to the 17th Match. Raring that Congress would ool set in season to'allow tbe people to consider the prop- "siiioa and select delegates at early ss tbe day hcretolore designated. The Commit!' c remains in fbil session during tlte present week. ■ Yesterday’s interview with Grant leads Vir ginians to consider Gram as the most available Irienu ot the movement in Washington. Thu Mississippi- committee visited Grant, urging bis aid in immediate Admission. Grant replied that the reconstruction commit tee bad prepared a bill iu accordance with thsir views, and expressed tbe hope that the matter would be settled bit ore tho commencement ol his administration. Siinatk—Alter an adverse speech by Mr. Ter ; rv tbe amnesty bill was referred to the Judicia ry Committee. Tbe House is discussing Commissioner Well's revenue report. Kelly attacked it violently. Tin; Supreme Court is arguing • patent cote. I’.vius, Jan.' Ill—tsulton ho* instructed Am- hassador to sign the conference. It is thought that Greece will accept the terms. A sharp earthquake felt al Calcutta. Napoleon speaking irom the throne congratu lated the members on the strength and hannony ol the nation, which was now reedy to meet dfl events; the army aud navy and resources being complete. He favored the discussion, no touching the constitution, which was above de bate. He concludes: | All governments are tlabla to error. Fortune declines to smile on ell enter prise*, but the country knows that there to ae thought nor act uf mine which to net given to tlie glory ol France.” He congreiatetee the powers on the result of the confveeoe. WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAILROAD. ON xndtfter May 17th, Farmer Trvn* wi;.rut ae follows * GOING NUNTIL LEAVE ATLANTA. 0tl5 A. M. Dah.t (Kxcipt Sutoat'*.) Exrxwf Famxnhxh.—Arrive at hAtUtuxiott t coaneainK with train* of NaanvUle »:;t. Chatuuooira Railroad lor Nashvvue, Loui*- rilie and toe West, and for New York and other Ka-tcrn Cities, ru Looutiiic ; al*»L> witt train* of itcmpKis Aid L*r!vTiun ;iro 1 d lor Memphis, New Orleans, etc. 4-11 1*# HI. Dailt vBxcxn SuxuAT’a,) Daltox AcooK*ODATto>.—Arrive at Marietta i\ r. m., C^ien»iUe ?:ic r. Kini^ton ktlV r. Dalton ixiau a. x. T*00 P* It* Dailt GnxATNoRTHaKx Mail—Arrive »i Dalton m., eoiuiocU&ir w-ith train* lor Kuoxvtiae. L>-nchburc. \\ aphiu^toc. l^a : more, Philadelphia and .New York. Arrive a* Chattanooga at a, a. m .. condoling with train* of Nashville aud nalunov>£* Haliroad lor Nashville, Louisville and the Wat, and for Now York and other Sa*t«rn cine# ru Loci*- viliee; ai-o with tnun? ol Memphis ard Charleaton Hailrohd for Memphip, m. Lou> and tbe Wwt COMING SOUTH. ARRIVE AT ATLANTA. t*4i Ae 71, Daily GiutAT SortBSKX Mail.— Loav- lUdCbatunoogaat 7:lUr B..conr<voting mtfc tnunr of Na*?ivt!le and i'h«tunoo;» auc .Memphis and Charleston Kauri*ada, ana Da ton at ¥:4S r. m., counecturr with train* o: Kasl Tennes«ee and Georgia KaLroad. 11*00 A* Xlo Daily ^Kxcxrr r*rN0Ai>, Dalto> Accommodation—Leave Da-ton at t\i a x Kingston fl:*) a. m., Oaii«r»uU« :.;b a m . Mariett*at vr«? a. x. ltlO P. 71. Daily \Kxceit m-xtiai •. Rama^ PiMKNBBE.—Leave CnattaiAH.^l m 4 *» * x , ccxuectlng w.ih tram* wf N«*fivi.ie ana t iu.t- tAhooga, and Mcmphi* %ud Cnar>*ion i*js’ roads. Pullman’* Patent Sleeping Coaches on all Nio'ht Trains. E. K. walrrr, nay It— Ma»»»r of T^T*iort*vor.. I S.ItLiV E r;w are. FIYB HUNDRED PRESENTS IN SILVER, a!! en- urtiy new siylaa, to arrive next Satarday. 7hos«wi*h- Mcieg my new good* 1 be ectlrtJy diflcr- I pnee and i tug to hay, will save money by teeing my lore porcuaainr •Inewflare. They will tw **r.t from anyitucr tn Auanta ; ana in pn< I defy competition EWTIRE STOCK LATE FIRM OF HERRING & LEYDEN A.T A.ND HELOW COtST. jL By A. LEYDEN, >ci!(i— Sarrtrto* Pmn,t. M^T GUARANTEE. CHARLES BOHNEFELD, All Goods boarbt at THE LIVE JEWELRY STORE err warranted to be txactJ/ at represented, tt« Qtuiitr and title of my inoos, 1 s aeic bit rtpciaucu. 4 7 GLo. bOARP. Agent, d«vl7— At Force*# »bot rP»ra. ajt no* r.nnr to an ■ RE betefli of Caat par- chases, and'.onr acpcr.cnce ia tho pcrctasei of JOHN X. WALLACS. boai n. rovua. 4 FOWLER, WALLACE Real Esttte and General CoUeedig Ageits, \ITtLL sail I 11 vsts of pssue ssis: coants tor OoIIscUm, Sa4 i and hto* Faidiuge. Am LAKGI variety c these Goods an*tcd lo ih. watt* o; ihe trade, and Kxta^ ante* that To Rn-lirottii Ooutnietori*. Orricx Qxoaou \Yx«iik^ H K I'oxrAXT, > '.Ui.atry *d. » ALF.D proposals wt , be nvi.v.ti un;:* ut ;ith da> kj o: March next, fur ihe cntdiutioc a::C mas'cry i that portion of tbe Gesrru western lL»1lr -«d extenaiu^ from the Western 4 Atlantic Rai rovd to t owdar | hprmgs—dlttaaee thmeeu miles. Duns and specifl- cations of the wtvrk can b»- *«*eti at the odScc of tie tv'm- pan> on *na alter tne i»t d*j *»i M^rc.i mat. order of,the Doaru ot A*ireciors. L. r. GRANT. likfl-dl Ghiet Er.na-er ■. W. It. K Co. j shall offer herter indafeictcta- 'H«if ol ^V«iv** r11in on r#». L. A N I E K house, - . .GEORGIA. COLLIER .yBOVS i •i-.am.W th. m»o cttuUj MUai s ahua H CVINtt „,amc4 th. oaaano.u ot (hi* n.'SM n.p«:UliUx much s star, of th. , ft** waatkas M sad non ikt Uoow. th. pab.tc p.woa'V*' Attanilre far ooS—tm XEWIIV KctWldK HOUSE, Real Haltresd Dcyot and M-nN’j.1 Lut:^, ROME, CKORCIA. n**>- 3 A aTXSSHfHT. Prm-rlHw OU ot Vitrol. T ax rnixstx crkwical worsa, nkwtork. nsDs^cisn sad off. r lor u',< tit. of V uol la k>:> to nil parehtssrs, st the Inwsw market price, and would nil th* atwatlos of Manslai-lnivn ol- F,rtitttera to the MB*. Also SALT Ktirt MTKK OAKS tSulpiMtc ol So- daj lor boo am. A-idm. >«»*—Sol aklULEY * CtiFFlN. A«rnM. 1* wiiHaia sfnwkVrw York. MANURE! MAJil'ME!! 6 AAA LOADS or BUST SI ABM MANCRK ,VUv (o, u], at th. C,rt rr Camp. Term* re* ssosM*. Call or apply to Commanding tiffleer, at the Camp,JaclN-un BOARD. IB* OLD MASONIC HALL BtTLDVNO, next th* — is*" Lot,Is opened h>t boardsts hy Ml*. It tovaaTsoleat to tb* Funutr Shed L *srty *pp«t.iioa wi'i tecnr* pi***- 'Ms room*. Dar Boarder* can *1*0 b* jiaP-lw B recemi A watt* N icta K i this t* betns », ttol s ATLANTA, GEORGIA, UNDERTAKER. ytaniilhclnrer ol Coffins, and riALra rx Metalic Burial Cases, Caskets, 4c. ALSO, MANUFACTURER ALL asrc soot-u a KINDS OF FURNITURE. FACT0ftY: Lock:* Streei. Sear WaltonSpnoj. WARS ROOMS reacatree Strwrt, tippotile Wreee —- -— 0 or.c In th* ceneiry i Knowing a* i do trom rnanr ecar*' axperteare In this bounce*, it GeoreU. the wan:* ol her pcoph. tad betns detwalnod to aetH In i qnanut*. eaei#;, and prloe, 1 can. and wifi L STAIN the best Shoe and Lmthee Bona ia the noath. Kemeenber the place and era. aaetv—c I. T. BANKS, Kano*'* Bnlldins Corner While hai: and nnateretne (MIIVBRIITT RICH 1CHOOL rRKFAlUTORY DETASTMENT o» re* UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA, ATBMS3, aSOKSli. ORGANIZATION: A. A. LIT ICO Ml, PJ^ - - - - - Chancellor FACULTY: BENJ. T. trCNTie, AM.. Preeldent—Mathematic* *sd liiwknl ikiwaa T. B. BOYALU tUnlvaeelrv of V».v—LaSa and Greek. W. W. LUMPKIN, A c M.,Bn*U.h l weertere. F. A. LIPSCOMB, AJL, French and German. A BOM* SCHOOL—*oerdert become member* ot the £K Prssldsel** MmUy. CUnree of In*traction thotoosb •nd prsctlcsL Fonr 9eho!ar»b'p», »hlch *eenr*. FHKX TCITIOX Is the Htshsr Deparnnent* of th* Unlvtnlty. are st tbs dtspsssl «tho Ftcolt. ofth* Hteb Vchoot, and will be awarded to U« beet scholtra oa the comple tion of the Rlfh Reboot court e ot ttndy. Ctreelar* sent on application to th* President. decd-Suwtf AraiSHTIATORM BALM. W ILL be told, on tbe Aral day of February nest, be fore the coart hon*e door In th# city ol Atlanta. 01 pabttc outcry, one ahsrt RoewsU Factory itock. and *aeso. Bore or lean, on Fulton street, tn oaeehud of an ■ dsdisf w*U. ). A. ATWOOD. Ada’r sstat* of Henry Atwood. Ttintor's foe |l THIS WAY FOR^ CHRISTMAS I •T. 3tl. HOLBROOK i^othw !ot of FURS, . AC1J Gifts, CCDSlftiCg Of— Sible Kicx Som F.tcb Sr;*, iy. vvnas t<;c(rTTl ?e*s. Natural aec orown Mosarat Pots. Brews coney CkLflTC&'s fri-tf. G«et*s Fervours. Gvtt’s Fur Oajc:!et», Gcti't > ur Cap*. Foot Mufli. Urw*cwfo\ a?v < Orw* Silk Hsta« Aipit* Hats, Macou AdvertUcmeuu. CIT1 BANKING COMPANi OF MACON. W. P OOODilL. Cashier. C. A. NUTTING President DIRECtORSi \Y. B. JOHNSTON, W. 6. HOLT 4. J. GRESHAM, J. E. JONES. W ILL do a genera: RANKING BUSINESS In aU it* details. Tt.e Mock ot Una Company t* *11 owxefl .0 Maces a&d vicinity- Haring no arcn^atioe to protect, tbe whole Capital ia gnarastswl for tk« seenrtty of ponton asd Miron*. Nto I<*t tWrwfAmdi^U-NATIONWL CITY DkXS. R eforonoei,!, LonUrtJls, My. Losisrnls, Ky. ... ioQisrUlt, Ky. Los^rtUth gy. . ... t»uLotts,Mo. . m. loaia. Mo. ... Cincinnati,O . .Memphis Teen . Knoxville, Tenn. . .Knoxville, Teoo ... .Knoxville,Ton NasbriHe, Teas Cbatunoo-ja D'pcoast and Deposit lWtok norto • >1a w?i^Chatt*s/w»art. TeCn. ttauV of Kentucky Gtuhne a Co McFeoan, Arms true? A Co Mctcbacl*' National Eatk. A O Smith 4 Co J. Y. Uru.n 4 Co. German Nation*! H*lX x Peo|4«> Hank of KtJX'i’* First National Han* McCowen. McClnua 4 Co., Uugfc Doogiass X Co Fumiahml lluiiuo to Bent A NKWLT-FUiTNISUBD U0U8E, containing *ls room*, within dfiy yard, ol the Capitol, to. real spos reeaonshl* term*. Apply st the oace ol GsttreU A Jickioc, Attorney* st Lsw, oa Whitehall street. j*tlb-«t