Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, January 21, 1869, Image 1

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tWMMAWU 1-ontrtl'irTnlasrifcadMdaiSi “BRKOH CKASKF TO BK DANOEHOUF WUKN RKA80K 18 LEFT PUKK Td COMBAT ITJ’ Jefferson VOL. XV. ATLANTA. GEORGIA. THURSDAY. JANUARY 21. 18H0 NO. 17 ®Ue gaily gntclUflcwccr. AT LA NT A,CEOVCIA. Wodnendny EVcnlntf, Jun. a<>. liiveuiiig Kditioa. Wb ukOLEavk to call the attention ol Bur readers, and especially those ol them who are members ol the General Assembly ol bur Stale, now iu session in this city,-to the lollowiug pe tition ol the RttVi J. H. Campbell, praying Unit provision be. made lor the education of the whito orphan, and poor children ol the Stale. Mr. Campbell has devoted Mch thought, and presents the subject with so much lorce in his pe tition to the Legislature, that we are constrained to believe it will command early and tuvorable action on tbo part ol that body. To doubt this, would be a severe reQccilou upon the patriotism and Intelligence ol the “representatives ol I he people." The memorial (Joneert To-Night. We lake great pleasure in announcing to our readers that there will be an additional attrac tion at the Concert to-night—one which all lovers ol music and ol song will appreciate. Hits. A. 0. Bacon, of Macon, the sister o( Mils. Oodbn,- arrived by this alleruoon's train from Macon, and will take part In the entertainments ol the evening. This additional attraction Iras already, In the musical circles especially oi our city, created great excitement, add all appear ances indicate that there will be such a rush lor seals as will Qll Davis’ Hall, capacious as it is, to overflowing. Surely Atlanta is higldy fa vored iu the presence of tho ladies who arc engaged in the holy work which they have un dertaken, and if her citizens do not properly appreciate and give them all the aid they ask, it will be tho first timo they have ever failed to respond liberally, and enthusiastically, to appeals raade~ib behalf of air object that commends itself to their patriotism aud the holiest euro tions of their nature. Tbe Petition Of Jett) U. Campbell, of the County of Wh'omttL to the General Assembly of the Stale of Georgia, Shoxceth: That yaur petitioner has been, for years pa«t, deeply Interested In the education of the ]wor white ehiidren of the State, especially the children and orphansoi the soldiers who served in the army ot this State, and ot the late Confederate States. He has petitioned the Legislature in their behalf trom year U> year for six years past, amt lie asks 'ully, to renew bis peliliou leave now, most reepectfu to your honorable body ; m which lie represents that, at the close ot the late war, there werobe- lieved to be at least eixty thousand of such poor children in Ibis Stale, destitute ot the means of education. The conclusion us to their probable cumber was reached by a curelu) examination nl the sail statistics, iu the report ot the Stale Com missary, and by all otner sources ol mtormalioo within bis reach. Thousands of these untorlu- nate youth hare already passed beyond the age ol pupilage, and are doomed to a life-lime of ignorance. Shall those who remain be subjected to a similar tale, because their lathers were im poverished, or lost their lives iu the service of the Stale aod ot the country ? Shall these uhile children have inferior opportunities tor edu cation to those ol the colored children of tbeir late slaves? Your petitioner makes tnis appeal especially on their bchall tor the reason, that tfie Government ot tho United States aud their Northern Iriends in- conjunction, have made ample provision tor the education of the colored children ot this and older Southern States. The funds thus furnished by the Government aud their other Iriends, are tieiog used lor the construction or renting ot ample School Buildings, aud lor paying the sal aries ot teachers. White crnldreo may be ad mitted to these schools; only, however, on the condition that they shall be associated iu the same rooms and classes with the colored child ren. Tbo agents of the Government are charged to encourage suclt association, and they are usiug their influence tor this purpose. The poor white children are not furnished with any edu cational advantages, except ou the loregoing condition; yet the Gorcrmeut collect Taxes trom the people of Georgia to the swounl of utioutjiw and a half millions of dollar1 annually. The pour white bnildreo, being tti s virtually excluded Irom the provisions made for the edit- ■ cation ot the colored children, does it not be come the Imperative duty ol the General assem bly to see to it lUal their edurniioo shall be no longer neglected? Your petitioner implores you, ia the name of humanity, patriotism, aud religiou, to give early and earnest-attention to this subject, so vitally aflecting the best Interests ot the present and luture generations, and to do by llieso cbildreu as yon have done by others to your owu children or relatives, it they were in sinii’mr circumstances. It is respectlully sug gested that the passage ol an act making or re quiring an annual appropriation ol a sum sutfl- cient to pay tueir tuition, at a given rate, in any schools accessible to them, ana me appointment or election ot a School Commissioner tor me State, would perhaps be llie simplest aud most elilcicut phin lor meeting tho necessities ot the musses ot mean children. Your tax-paying constituents will sanction sucli an appropria tmn, your owu consciences will approve the deed, and a righteous God will say, “Well Done I” Your petitioner has n right to know, and does know, that there are hundreds ol ciltzeDs ol our Stale, Wei! qualified as teachers, wuo are wail ing aud anxious to gather these poor cnildreu into schools, and to teach liiem ill- the, lowest rates that can be adorned, so soon as your Hon orable Body shall make tbe necessary provis ions, which ho hopes you will do at au early day, aud he will ever pray, &a Jesse H. Oampbell, of Thomas County, Ga. Jan. lllli, 1868. UUOItftIA LliU^liiTlRi:. SENATE. Wi'.DNBsn.tv, January 20. Thu Senior] met pursuant to adjournment.— Prayer liy the Kev. -Mr. Bowers.' The roll being called, and there being' a qtfo- rum-present, the. Secrctary..rutd„!.liiL.jo!!.fualAtL yesterday.' Belote approving of the journal, a communi cation was received Irom the Superintendent ol Public Works. On motion, it was ordered that one hundred copies be printed. Mr. Burns moved a reconsideration ol the bill passed ou yesterday—being " A Init to consoli date the Atlantic A' Golf,and the Savannah, Al bany & Gull Railroads.” The Senate relused to re-coMelder—yeaS 11, uays 24. [We regret got lieing able to place before the public an able and pointed speech ol Mr. Smith, ol tho 7lh, opposing a re-consideration, as well as a strong argument ol Mr. Candler favor ing It] HOUSE BILLS. Bill to provide for holding Floyd Court, aud other pur|K)ses. Bill relative to the North Georgia Miniug Company. . Bill to authorize the Ordinary ol Stewart county to draw his warrant Irom the county treasury. UEPOUTS. Mr. Higbce, Chairman 0! the Enrolling Com mittee, made a report to advance $5,000 to the State Printer. m 1.1.3. Mr. Graham—A bill to change life time ul bolding the Superior Courts of certain counties. Mr. Adkius—A bill to regulate hie duties ol employers aud employees in ibis State. BILLS ON FIRST HEADING. Mr. Nnnnally—To regulate court, contracts, and for oilier purposes. Mr. Smith—To encourage the arrest of criini- nals by compensation. Mr. Jones—The appointment of commission- ers to examine public bridges. Mr. Lester—To Incorporate tbe Savannah aud Augusta Gas Light Company. Mr. Lester—To incorporate the town ol llarta- villu. Mr. llintou—To provide for the elecliim ol Justices ol the Peace in certain districts. Mr. Wellborn—To define certain acts, that are made penal, RESOLUTIONS. Mr. Merrcll—That the Judiciary Committee inquire if any legil Justices of the Pence exist in tho State. * Mr. Higbce—To inquire If any rooms had been set apart lor Committees. Mr. Speer—That the President lie authorized to make arrangements to procure the sendees ol Rev. C. W. Thomas to open tne Senate w ith prayer. Losu [It is due to say that many Senators, in cast ing their votes, very distinctly staled tli it they regarded Mr. Thomas with the highest esteem— that it was no opposition 10 him—but that they had no authority lor electing a CJiaplain.J Mr. Nunnally—That the President of the Senate call on the memoers who are ministers to officiate dally. Passed. Senate adjourned. The Comroitttg-on Printing, in their report,] ri ccminieiidcdjiie printing of each day's journal, I and there was- much discussion both lor and i against die recommendation, The report ol the CinnihiUee was read and not concurred in. A liill ty remit die taxes of Stewart county lor ISC!) for die purpose nl building a Jail. A bill 10 fix the rate’ol interest iu Georgia at r r ir r -ot r r v r . “Tub shrewder set,” according to Don Piatt, make up Grant's cabinet lima : Stanton na Sec retary ot State ; Wells, Secretary ol tbe Treas ury ; Aasbburne, Secretary ol the Interior; Schofield, Secretary ol War; Sclieuek, Secre tary ol the Navy; Greeley, Postmaster General; Edward Pierpoint, Attorney General. ' A Lxtraic paper warues its against, a certain 1 “Inir readers" 1 pomade, which it assures them is “made ul human lal Irom tho Parisian dis seeling rooms." A Briiun lintclu r lias been fined lor break' ing tbe hood ol a matrimonial broker. The bro ker bad promised to turnisli bint with an amin ble and docile wile; but the butcher found, when too late, that lie was married to a shrew. Henoe bis revenge. In the Victoria Legislature, a ntamber, whose education had been neglected, was read ing out a document to tho House, and vainly endeavoring to decipher an obscure letter, on turning to a friend, hn anxiously asked —'“IsInst a hem or a hen ?" "Oh," replied Ids Ineml, c wll jt a hen, aud niovu Unit it lay on tin- Tnu congratulation! subsequent to • wodding ceremony at Rochester the other day were in ternrpted by the entrance of a deputy sbortfl aud tbe arrest of the bridegroom for breach ol promise of marriage. HOUSE. House met pursuant to adjournment, at 10, a. m. Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Clarke, member trom DeKalb. Journal read and confirmed. Mr. O'Neal moved to re-consider the resolu tion oil trod by himself ou yesterday. Mr. Clower, new member from Monroe, was here sworn in. Message was received from the Senate con- curring in the resolution advancing five thou sand dollars to Samuel Bard, Slate Printer. Sir. O’Neal spoke in favor ol his motion to reconsider. .Mr. Tumlin wanted to know the good to bo derived from sending a oommiltee to Washing ton. Mr. O'Neal thought the committee should be sent to agree with Congress on tome plan ol action. Mr. Scott, ol Floyd, called for the previous question. Sustained. Motion of Mr. O’Neal to reconsider was lost. Mr. Turnlpsecd ottered a resolution that no member be allowed to speak more tban fifteen minutes on the same subject. Mr. Price moved to lake up the Senate rush, luiion appointing a committee to investigate the claims of the Agent lor Sharps' R.de Manufac turing Company. Mr. Harper of Terrell—lieeolced, That N. Li Angler be required to state to the House what amount of bonds have been hypothecated, and the present state ef tbe Treasury. Rules suspended and resolution adopted. • Mr. Crawlord moved that Judge Robinson be invited to a seat on the floor ol the House. Adopted. Mr. Williams, ol Dooley, moved that Report ers lor all State papers bp allowed scat* on the floor? Jlr. Bryant opposed the motion to suspend the rules, and called for tbe previous question. ■ Rules were not suspended. BILLS ON FIRST READING.! Mr. Welcher—A bill to change the lines be tween the counties ol Macon and Taylor. Jlr. Ucthune—A resolution authorizing the Solicitor Geueral to Inquire the reasons for n colored person perlortuing the duties ot clerk in Chntham coanty. Rules suspended. Mr. Crawford wished the resolution rc-rcad He Inis a back •"at. Mr; Betbune spoke in faVor of referring the resolution to ike Judiciary Commitleo.. A message from the Senate was received an nouncing that that body bad passed a bill amending a bill to incorporate tbe Colton Stales Life Insurance Company of Macon. Mr. Harper, ot Terrell, said that the remark- Mr. O'Neal bad ju|t made, opposing the motion to refer the resolution to lbs Judiciary Conftult- ree, showed plainly tbat he made objection on account of the sxpukioa of tbe negro members, and hoped tbe resolution would be referred to said committee. r Mr. Harper thought tbe Judiciary Committee the proper tribunal to decide concerning tbe eligibility of the colored Clerk. Alter much debate, Um resolution wae referred to said Com mittee. 7 percent, except by special contract, liieTatc in no instance to exceed ten per cent. A bill to prevent obstructions being placed in certain creeks in Pulaski and Wiled* coun'- 'lies. • . - v A bill allowing Mr. William Green, ol Spald ing, to peddle without license. A bill changing the lines between Oilmtr and Pickens. A bill to amend the homestead bill, so as to make it legal lor persons who have money to have il.set apart. A bill to provide lor the levying ol a tax to pay clerks and sherills in Jluscogee county. A bill lor bringing on a municipal election in Columbus. A bill for the rebel ol Win. JobDson and son, and Geo. Lewis, of Upson county. A bilLto change the lines between Taliaferro and Hancock. A bill authorizing ebortfis in Ibis State to solemnize marriage’s?' A hill to enforce the payment of Interest on j Siaafc’circS:'* contracts. A bill forbidding the selling of spirituous liquors on election days. A bill appropriating ten thousand dollars for the burial ol tbe Coutederale dead. A bill giving mechanics and laborers perfect lien. A message was received from the Governor approving tbe payment oi live thousand dollars to the State Printer. A bill establishing a Board of Commissioners in Harris county.' A bilUo-change, the lines between the coun ties of Irwin and Wilcox. A bill to establish a Board of five Commis sioners in Gwinnett. A bill to change the lines between the coun ties ol Glascock and Washington. A bill authorizing the ordinary of Fulton county to sell new bonds to tho amount of twenty-two thousand dollars. A bill to organize a now county within the limits of Decatur county. A resolution allowing to each member and officer nl the House one daily paper;' Rules sus pended, aud resolution laid on the table. A bill to allow John Tavlorto peddle without license in the county ol Crawlord. A bill to incorporate tbe town ol Jonesboro, in Clayton county. A t ill forbidding tenants to dispose of undi vided crops without consult of landholders. A bill decjari.ng giu sparing affixture. Itesolced, by the House and Senate, that the Slate Treasurer be required to pay each mem ber tho sum of one hundred dollars. An amendment was oflered Inserting two hundred dollars. The rules were suspended, amendment agreed to, and resolution adopted. A bill lorbidding obstructions being placed in Duke Creek, Id White county, by mining com panies. A bill authorizing the Treasurer to pay to James Edwards, of Taylor county, the sum of six hundred and ninety-nine dollars. Jlr. Anderson gave notice tbat he, would recon- aider the money resolution in the morning. House adjourned. Memorial Con'ckrt.—At the -cl c wtion of a large numt-er ol persons another, concert with an entire change oi programme will be given at Dkv® Hail to hi j I.'. The object is ton well known to refer to. All are anxious that these ladies may be successful in their noble work, and no one can be lound but who desires the accomplishment ol their under- Monetary and Commercial market ltd porta tty TclctfrapU. ViRmui Advert iaaementa. Atumta Advert taking. There in another consideration. We do not know when the citizens ot AllHDta, and iu visi ters will ever have au opportunity to near aucti a troupe again. We know the Ilall will be crowded to-night, and we advise the public to &ccor'e beats this afternoon. Tickeis for reserved &eata cah be had at Phillipfe <fc Crtw’*. Saw York, January 2 Mouey at 7. bt ck* uew&x TenJortte* f}<. N*» fiew, 01 VUgioUfc, f-cw, tjix ; tec*. new. G7\'; ex cobpon, Gn. quiet fttd nncOanfced. Corn a -infSe fri.w. er—new meac | A 70 to £3». L,.:d H. l. :t~ II &1.S. Exchange It < d. Old l>Lcd« HI .Hid ou, me. Wheat .V . 1^ 12 W I) E IV , • «o ii2kkino;&;leyu£n.)) Supreme Cour of Georgia. iy>3. UTI9X Coirs*zrn&rsr-TT 1 .;~ 51X* Kotin qntei at |3 .,7a tu <• . Tu- /*.♦• . LiQVDOM, JlCUMTJ■&)-.-NoOB.-l.vLS .s . i> L'l* 7; \. CornouL roaxa 9*. to r>*. .94. LirXftrooL. Jaaaary Vo — Nuu.i — 1 < ■ • ;. f.r-;.er !/.: not higher. Tallow 47». 9i. * tV*nd* > • II’t - Of. lean* li* U> 11* bale* 10 0/j Ui Ha the. January 20.—Couon ou luc rpM, l-X mi. :m Liteetgol. January T..—Co tmn firmer. Up^r.d* ot ; tbe 11H ; afloat tbe •amo . Or ■ sl* 1: S .-i -a i e-omtted at‘l5/M Tiiwm l* l A caies oovruruffD fro* Pataala Circuit.... Sonth-We tern Circuit s * FiujrxroirT, Jinnary W — Middle Circuit 1 1 Artwief-Jannary 2 • Atlaiitu AdvcrtlHinion o. 815,000 Kaptern Ctrcutt ► ruuawic* Circuit l Soutoern i Ircuit Cherokee Circuit s. 1 Bloc hidjfc lrcult .. . . Tajfllpooftn Circuit 1 owcu circuit _ 4 Flint Circuit a Northern Circuit 1 Weptern < ircQU 2 , ; HOLIDAY PRESENTS Ocmulgee Circuit l cases docketed fob decexbe* tel*. :y>i. Patania Clrcv.t l — A7 — tsouLh*iYvfto, u Clrvuu..... ...... 7 . Eaetero i ircuit BroiifWick * .ru’.t Southern clrt.uii t herokee Circuit .. . Bittr?Hldire Circuit ... TaraiiOj-a Circuit Coweta« Ircuit Fllht circuit Northern Circuit Wet*tern Circuit . . . Cbattaaoochte Circuit.. Macon cirvj-.t UcoaUiL'ee Circuit —or/Eua— liiiilLl nfic. ej-tiuetlussp. 3>rlllF», O'-nnbui’KH. Htrlppn, Checka, • and Yarns, B/ oe sx I’ACtory Prtcea. ME LITE JEWELRY STOEE TOSACCO! TOBACCO! POPl LAJt BHaNDS 07 rOIUKINO A.NO CflEWING, ■V r'Jervi pH.-.M, by a: LEYDEN, WLiisNs:: £ treat, Atlanta, Ga. CEO. 8HARP, Jr., Agent. FIFTY NEW AND BEAUTIFUL SETS /. s 1 v v < m x z W P I ^ DiA.no.vnx, PEARL!), Rl*B VS, CAR.VETT, MALACHETT, CAHBt.MLK, A31ETHVST, AAPPU1UE, K.'lEUALD. ETBl!SCAN, CORAL, Red ana Pink, PLAIN COLD, FROSTED, a>9 ENGRAVED. BY TELEGRAPH. W A. T C M 1l 6«Tfi.ry-ave in* Waic-Ltt, io: New York ; r.c*. X2W YORK ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES NO OX DISPATCHES. Wasbinoton, Jan. 20.—Ia the Senate, Mr, Wilson Introduced a bill reducing the army, pro viding, arming other things, the abolition of Brigadier Generals during peace. Tbe House is considering tbe franking priv ilege. The Supremo Court is hearing a case about railroad breaks. The Reconstruction Committee heard argu ments Irom Gov. Wells and Mr. Baliiscoln on Virginia issues. The House Election Committee hears tbe case of Jones vs. Jlaun, from Louisiana, to-mor row. The President's private Secretary, Mr. Warden, telegraphs to several papers which em ploy him, that negotiations are pending between our Guvernnieut aud 8patn, for the transfer ol the Island ol Cuba to die Cubed States, the only material difference to overcome being ap- ptrcmly Ibe price to be paid to the Spanish Government The information accessible to igents ol tbe Associated Press docs not enable them to verify this dispatch. Tbo Virginia Committee have presented the Judiciary Committee a memortsl," submitting amendments to the House bill providing for an election in Virginia, now under, consideration, modifying Ibe Constitution to nk extent which they believe would be accepted by the people ol Virginia, In connection, they say tbe real tceling of the Stale is expressed when they declared the belief that Irccdmen South, Iu their present uneducated condition, are not prepared lor the intelligent exercise of the elec tive Irnuchisc, aod in vicwol public opinion ex pressed in the recent elections, they belirve a majority of the people are willing to Incorporate iu tbeir lundnmcnta! law as an offering on the al tar ol peace, hoping lor restoration of the Union and harmony, on the basis of universal suffrage and universal amnesty. Considering the policy of the Government to requiro in Virginia constitu tional recognition ot civil and political equality of all men, belore (he law, they have, In amondmenta proposed, Inserted all the provisions looking to that result heretofore deemed proper hy Congress, and untouched by any provisions oi tlie Constitution on the silty ect. London, January 80. — The journals here praise Napuloon's spoceh. The Conference protocol declares tbat to en courage Insurrection within, or privateering and military expeditious against the territories ol a iriendly State, is a violation ol International law. Titusville, Pa , January 20.—The Catholic conwnf and school burned. Memphis, January SO.—Three of the negro militia were court martial»d and shot tor rape at Marlon, Ark. Ail cases Irom the first nine circuits, aiiove enumerated, have been disposed of, except four, ; 0 ol which one irom the Pataula Circuit and two j Irom the JLddle Circuit, were tran-ferred to the 1 heel ot the docket ] the jffler.'aWiriBi the Mid-/j T - ■ die Circuit, was transferred to the beginning ol of ausm* Sow sow To , store. Mr .ai« ktvr been heart, the Northern Circuit. . or this. I t»r« tti. e.r r *oe red -t Trn-DAV, January Mr. 1*». j SSgfeM*“ ev “ ^ S! The Court met, pursuant to a 'j jurhmenL Messrs. C. C. Duncan, W. L. CalboSg aud J. W. Farmer were, u;kiO application, admitted at members oi the Bar o! this Court. The following decisions were then delivered Dunn rs. McNaUght and others—Uc;u;:y, t.-.jm Bartow.—Judgment affirmed. Jliiicr r«. Mitchell, Reed & Co— Ca-c from Fulton.—Judgment reversal on the ground that the Court.erred in grautiric s new trial upon the record belore it. The Stater* Dickson.—Judgment revetted w ** on the ground that the W. -t A. Rtilro&d is the ** " property of the Slate and us incomes are part ^ ol the State's revenue, aud are to tie paid betore tg •* any other “debt, lien or claim wnate'er,’’except « tuneral expenses, etc., as specified by tne Code, 1 „ ? Blalock A llewell w. Puillips—CaSc Irom Fay. "! w •lie, judgment reversed, on tne ground that me ^ f Court erred in retustDg to gram a new -,r;a! on ^ accoimt 61 the misconduct ot the jurors while' charged with the consideration ol the case, Odell c.«. Wooten—Motion to di.-cnarge secu rity on appeal from Fulton—Judgment affirmed. Murphy ri Crews A slbley—Motion from Richmond—Judgment reversed, on the grouud that E. M. Bruce & Co., by d;stniss.a; tneir at tachment, lost their priority, and white they might, with the consent o: Crcw 5 , rtiusLate urM case on tbe docket, it must.be done wilnout pri- jndice to the rights acquired by Murphy ia the meantime. Long rs. The State —Murder troai Bartow Judgment affirmed. Ktlgo m. Castleberry—Evu-ty from Lumpkin Judgment affirmed. Watkins H Pope—Attacfimect trom I'u’.t.iu. . Judgment reversed, on the ground that hi Court erred ia holding that under tne i«cu -.: this case, as disclosed by the rebord, the plaintiff below was entitled to a verdict aua.ast -ue gar- ni'ibee. Clavtoa rs. Akin—Equity from Bartow—J meut revrrsed,-.a the ground. th»t the C.-ur: erred in its uirectioa to me jury as to the legacy ol the executor—that legicy being, ia tne - ion ol this Court, a general one—and a'..~ a.- t. the extent oi the legacy ol the widow in lieu ol dower, this Coun holding that ah tue bequests to her were in l.cu ot dower. Dutcher w. Inlerior Court ot Fulton County. 1 1 eomprfinou Judgment reversed,on the ground that tue Court erred in its rciusal to a low the plaintiff m.ieagt tnim and to his home in Missouri. Barren t* Jackson A Xickiesoa—Certutran\ Irom Gordon.—Judgment ri versed on tne ground that the court below etTeJ ,n deeidmg ihat the Inlerior Court of Gordon county had jurisdic tion to hear and determine tne quesli in of the abatement ol a nuisance under tue 4(j20ih sc- lion ot tbe Code, at tbe time the trial was ha i it being the judgment ot tnis Court that the jurisdiction ot the Interior Court b:,d neon taken away and vested in the Couutv Court at the time ot trial. Iluie r*. Loud—Equity, from C.»\ ion.—Judg ment revers'd on the grouud mat me court erred in directing a perpetual 'injunction against the Judgment creditors of Maugham it' la-mg the judgment ol this Cqqrj, up m' tiie itiRS o; facts presented by the record, lii it the court be low should have ordered and directed a sale ol the property, and out of the proceeds ol such talc Mrs. Loud be first paid the amount of the original purchase money to which Waldrup would hare been entitled, under his contract, with Intereit thereon up io tbe lime ot sale; and that the balance of tbe proceeds of i ..c sale ol the land be paid to tho judgment creditors ol Maugham, according to their legal priority in ooous nlred to iheTrstw exisicuce pnor to Mrs. Loud’s purchase ol the a® 1 ** tk4 ' lands Holt ts. The Statu.—Riol from Gilmer —Judg ment G versed on tbe ground that the Court be- l„w er.ed In sustaining the demurrer to the de-, ^ offN tendant's plea ot auterfou acquit. Davenixirt w. The Stale—Riot trom Union , Judgment affirmed. T- omas OS Georgia Railroad and Banking j Company—Case from DtKalo.—Judgment re versed, on the ground taut the Court below erred in dismisain: the plaintiff's action tor want of jurisdiction ot tbe Court to try the same. The ease of W. J- Russel!, plaintiff in error, M. Busebeus Slaton, Equity from Favctte, was argued by Col. Tidwell aud K. J. Hammond Sewing Machines! : r:*7 i-.ii'.ErvED, a lot of. tek'celzbrated WEED MACHINES A. LEYDEN, w'if.«rjL: itrMt, Atiicu. Go. BARGAIN’S: BARGAINS! * (LOTOUNG FOR MF.N' AND BOYS, ri CLOTHS. CASSLkERESf 0* ' ^ Piece. Ltd Gem's Firililig Goods. m “ a* tact Tkjq *6 KaiTIRK »TOCK ** .of :*» I LATE FIRM OF HERRING & LEYOEN * it orvxoan X ’ AX A.ND BELOW COST. Py A LEYDEN, net:*— farr.Ttsg Pirt3«r. J 1Z W E L H Y SILVER WARE. FIVS HUNDKSD T RESENT - .N >-E v ■:>. ^ - v» w> °°j* ^ -lJ.- - ]*- •/ ior# i>ura»M:og **ktwou-*. The) ft.: in Ausu . ■ •. iLc VIY GEARANTKli Ail Good* k. THE LIVE JR*A l. \ ikfr w»rrkuird to W • v r;ed cozlitv »c.i ft.'i* of ay G * 1 ?’’■< :o ' •« r "• GEO. «*»w. Ai dofl?— A: r. • ; ■ »• 1 It * W OwTomm ■ .1Y. !>•••.»•/. t of Caufi pCa*- chkFCr. »r.(S tOiij rxirtir.vuct* of CHARLES BOHNEFELD, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. UNDERTAKER, Mannfacturer ot Coffins, A.\? CtxtrB IS Metaiic Burial Cases, Caskets, &c. MANUFACTURER Ayz> i xalcx ot ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. f ACTuHY : Lsc*:c W«ju>a Spr*njj. THIS WAY FOR CHRISTMASl •T. M. HOLBROOK ! H a- ‘1st wivp* »rotbcT «>f FL*K>. Sc . :c: li .;aay u.fit, of— | DAb.t ^!b. illSK Seu, '*/*•/•'/*•/ YeWt -**• ••. Sqff'rre! Nai*i r:^«c Mt:#krat i'.’uLL c’octv ^el», Gxu: s > u: u;.., Foot Mof», » . ..wbd' r Otv:* ^Ek •AtpiM lU'.t, * U* u.’;i: Trunk*; ‘ V* >«. ind Travflicg Macou Advi'ninemeniK. CITY SAttKlItG-GOMPANY OF MACON. | and otic* Finding*. Esq., for plaintiff, and by Col. Calbouu tor de fendant. Pending tbe argument in the case of Wallace vs. Cannon, the Own adjourned till 8 a. it, to morrow. B VC r«ceinx A * W»LtP C N, K l& thi* ba 1 beln»: . Cf, I earn. S j W. P GOODALL. Cashier. C. A. NUTTUTG President the trtaliL \rd ct*r- | DIRECTORS: i iV R JOHNSTON, W. 8. HOLT j.r. J v GRESHAM, J. E. JONES. W IM •> * r-nerwi BANKING BUSINESS Io *11 tt« dc.a: -. 7 r.e Stock of tin* Cooponv i* *11 otroed r. Xtavu *>*d TUiut r. Having no cucu.*tion to protect, ■ -h»* whole Ctpiul \t gnamctewl for th* toctirity of Do- j , ,tui patron*. i .Vrtr ) “t hmjOfMbol-NATIONAL CITY BANK. Roferonoest j ? H*ok of Kcutccky Loul*vtU#, Kj. i tUtuk ol Kuntuc&y. NOTING ** 1 do froa m*ojr ycATt’ •xpericooe in tbi* baMr.c**. in Georgia, thi want* of her prop)*, and being dctirtnined to \z quantity, variety, and price, I can. axd wtll hrte at t McYeonn, Arm«tr\>rc ,t C Merchant*' Nation*. IUna A O S:n-*t * l*o . J. Y. L-!A ' « . Vra-nr-... >A:roca; Par k l*tv:>.c'v lUnk u.* Kuuxv. Kir*t Na!;"Ua. < Met *.wen, McC ,v lo. Hugh ik^., XW aV c . .Lou'.iriRe, Ey. LoaUville, Ky. ... Looi.nin,Kr. .. si. loal,, *o . - - t boats. Mo linctacstt, O. M me phi, Terns Knoxville, Tens. Knoxville, Teoa . .Knoxville, Teen kv,, .« ■» v NuhvUle, Tens 'h*itsi'(M»_-n lo^oant and Pv|*oe!t Beck . .ws. ■cheueonoirs, Tenn. CSTAIN the beet Shoe sad Lesibor Itosee la the booth. Remember the place sadslga, atvU—c I. T. BANKS, Ramon's Baildiaj Comer White hall sad Hunter eueo Ftirnismud llouso to Rent A NEW LY-FCU.msUED house, conulatag *tx room,, tritbla fifty of the Cepltot, to rest upon reatoDtb.e term*. Apply et the Office ot llertreU & Jsckton, Attoroeye at Law, oo Whiiehall street. JeolO-dt