Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, January 22, 1869, Image 1

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iMMlIgfflS mm mt ■V?I V ‘r~»*'-«*- r ^ •■»- A\i '. “BKIiOB OEABEB TO BE DANGBftOUB WHEN REASON IB LEFT FREE TO COMBAT tT" Morton. VOL. XV. ATLANTA. GEORGIA, FRIDAY. JANUARY 22.1869/ NO. 18 She gaih; gnteMynctfr ATLANTA, CEORClA; Thuriday Evening. Jttn. ai. Kvening Edltion. Hon. -John C.'Brecklurldjtn. ted in Canada, tliujlSih itstant, and received by a gentleman,In that city from the above distin guished person, gives the certain assurance that be would leave in a few weeks for his “ former home." Not only Kentucky, but tile whole couutry will hail the return of their former Vice President with acclaim. Bold Burglary. The Rome Owner of the 21st instant says: Last Batiifday morntng, about 1 o’clock, while Mr. Green, the Express Agent, was gone to the depot, some person, or persons, broke into ilio express office, through the front window, and " took oil the messenger sate, that had that night come up from Selma. The sale contained some ■even hundred, dollars in money and droits. The safe weighs about seventy-five pounds, and two men can easily carry it by the handles. Mo clue to the theft has yet been discovered. Tlia Missouri Senatorsblp. The Washington correspondent ol the New York World says, that the Hon. Horace Hutchi son of Browovlile, Missouri, is here, and reports that the election ot Sehurz to the Senate' will result in the splitting ol the Radical party in that Stale, which the Democrats expect hercat ter to carry without much difficulty. Bcliurz has only been seventeen months in Missouri, and has tried to be Senator successively from Wisconsiu and Michigan, whereirom he carpet- bugged to Missouri. The Georgia Legislature. The Rome Commercial says : M Wo passed several days in Atlaula since the opening ot the Legislature, but up to Saturday nothing of im portance had been done. Wo are under obli gations to Senator Burns and Representatives Sdott, Ballenger, Cleghorn, and Walthall, lor courtesies during our stay. They are ail atten tive io their duties, in lavor of a short session, and a vigorous prosecution of whsl business conies belore tbglr respective bodies.” " Tbe new ca|>ltol is a splendid building, and sufficiently large to accommodate tbe Legisla ture, Supreme Court, State House officers, com mittees, etc." plemetit Manufacturing CfHrtp|tniv Passed. To iucorpalc the Fort Valley Loan and Trust Company. Passed. HILLS ON SECOND HEADING. To change the time ol holding Ihe-Gourts of Chinch, Wayne, Appling, Codec, Ware, Echols. Referred to Judiciary Committee. Senate adjourned. HOUSE The House met, pufstiant 'to adjournment; a' 10 a.m. V Prayer by Rev. Dr. Brantley. The Committee on KretrenchmenVto appro priate money to colleges, rcporletj- unlavorably to approprialions, and begged/leave to Ue re lieved Irom duty on said comipiUee. Mr. Anderson moved a reconsideration of the resolution appropriating two hundred dollars to each member. A hill was brought from tbe Senate consolida ting Savannah A Gulf and Albany Railroad stock. Mr. Shumate spoke in favor of re-considering tbe resolution and did not like the unduo^anx- county, from double taxation. Lost. A bill to authorize the sale of the personal and real esMi'te of Mr. Cozart, deceased, of Ful ton county, Passed, Ur. fTNoal—A- bill to relieve W. W. Boyd of Lowndes couDiy. Read first time. . bill to incorporate the Stephens Male Col lege, In Heard county. Withdrawn. —Leave-oi-abaence granted to aeverabmambera, House adjourned. DAILY PA88ENCER LINE BY TELEGRAPH. NSW tOSK ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES NO ON DISPATCHES. ATLANTA In YORK, s' PHIADELPHIA, WASHINGTON, akkotvau eastern cities -vu- Western Ac Atlantic —AND— GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. SENATE. Thursday, January.21st, The Senate met this morning pursuant to ad journment, and was opened with prayer by the ifev. Mr. Adams. Tbe roll beina called, and there being a quo rum present, thftsicreury proceeded to read the journal ol yesterday. -Mr. Smith, ot the 8(1 ill, moved to re consider the action ot tbo Senate in regard to calling on Senators to open the Senate with prayer. Mr. Holcombe moved to lay Mr. Smith's mo tion on the table. Passed. The rales being suspended, Mr. Burns ofiered the following: Ruohxd, That seats be tendered all Judges ot Superior Courts on this door. RETORTS OF COMMITTEES. Committee on Banks report that the Fort Valley Loan and Trust Company bo incorpora ted. Message received from tbe House—Besotted, That the/State Treasurer be authorized to ad vance to each member one hundred dollars. REPORTS. Committee on' Agriculture recommend the passage ol the bill incorporating tbe Atlanta Agricultural Implement Manulactoiy ; Also, A bill to protect planters in the sale of fertili zers. BILLS ON FntST READING. Mr. Murrell—To incorporate tho Georgia Mu tual Aid Company ol La Grange. Mr. Winn—To make It penal (or not having a luwltd iencc. Air. Smith—To inquire who are liablo to road duty. Mr. McWhorter—To define tbs liabilities ot Sheriffs, and for other purposes. Mr. Cautllcr—To amend an act organizing criminal courts. Mr. Nuunally—To Incorporate the Atlanta Manufacturing Company. Mr. Brock—To incorporate the railroad Irom Kingston to Van Wert, to bo exclusive prop erly ot tbe State. Mr. Hinton—To prescribe a mode o( dissolv ing garnishments under the statutes. Mr. Hinton—To ebango certain claim laws. Mr. Hinton—To authorize either party in possessory warrant to certiorari and notice shall operate as a superudeae for ten days. Mr. Hinton—To nmund a bill to define the the qualifications of voters iu the city ol Colum bus. Mr. Hinton—To amend an act, (4010) Irwin's Code,.in regard to issuing distress warrants. Mr. Speer—To amend an act. ,1a. this State relative to Minting jurors. Mr. Speer—Au act to incorporate the Atlanta Canal Water winks.'' 1 ' ' "V . Mr., Hnngerford—To incorporate tho Atlanta Water Company. Mr. Welch—To iccures laborcti' fees, and for other purposes. Mr. Anderson—To protect planters In the sale ol fertilizers. Rules suspended to read bills second tlmo. Mr. Burns—A bill regulating juries In Floyd. RESOLUTIONS. Mr. McArthur—Committee to be appointed to lake Into consideration the State's endorse ment ol Mscon A Brunswick Railroad. BILLS OR SECOND READING. To incorporate tbs North Georgia Mining Company. To authorize the Ordluary of Stewart county tu draw bia warrant on tbe Treasurer of said county. Committed. RILL* ON THIRD REaDINO. To qulborize tha Georgia Railroad Company to la*ii or endorse. Jor tbo Macon and Augusta Railroad. Pasaed. HILLS ON FIRST READINO. Mr. Bowers—To change tbe manner of direct ing bench warrants, and for other purposes. To incorporate the Tryon Railway Company. flMicd. lety exhibited. He called for the previous question. Sustained and resolution taken up, one hundred dollars beiog inserted in place ot two hundred. Mr. Williams—A lesolutinn to have two hundred copies ot standing committees primed for the use of the House. Rules suspended, resolution taken up and adopted, Mr. Brewster—A resolution tendering seats to Mr. Davis and Mr. Parrot. Adopted. Mr. Laue—A resolution selling apart a cer tain day for tho consideration ol resolutions. Mr. Hudson thought it unnecessary to set apart any time. The rales were not suspended. —' Mr. Maxwell—A resolution entitling Judges of Bupcri ir Courts in Georgia to seals on the floor of the House. The resolution was adopted. Mr. Darnell—A resolution requiring the Gov ernor to fhrnish a copy 61 all the proceedings of the Supreme Court to the Clerk of the Superior Court ot Pickens coumy. Mr. Scott opposed tbe resolution, speaking ol It as a “monstrous proposition.” The resolution was lost. Mf. Fitzpatrick—A resolution entitling uc- groes to scats on Juries. Rtdes were nut sus pended. BILLS ON FIRST READINO. M. Crawlord—A bill for tbe election of mem-1 details inaccessible, bers of Congress. Mr. Hlllyer—A bill for tbe establishment of a commission to prevent cruelties to immi grants. Mr. Ellis here aroso and objected to being mentioned In the Era as the introducer of a bill authorizing marriage between whites and ne groes. He seemed really distressed. . Mr. Sparks—A bill for tho manner of draw ing and organizing juries in Courts ol this Btute. Mr. Sparks—A bill to amend tbe charter ol Macon & Western Railroad Company, increas ing the capital stock. Mr. Burton—A bill to authorize a collection ol taxes in Burke to pay clerks in insolvent criminal cases. ^ Mr. Harper ot Terrel—A. bill to encourage agriculture In this State by giving credit to planters and Hens on their crops to merchants. Mr. Paulk—A bill changing ike lines betwecu the counties ot Irwin and Berrien. Mr. Tuinlin— A bill incorporating the Ameri cas. Manufacturing Company. BILLS ON THIRD READINO. A bill for the election of Justices of the Peace and Constables throughout the State. Mr. Price amended, that Justices of tbe Peace and Constables, already elected, be allowed to continue in office. Bill re-commltted to Judi ciary Committee. A bill allerlug Section ITS of tbe Coda ol Georgia. Mr. Williams ol Dooley, spoke against allow ing members of tbo Legislature nine dollars per day. Sir. Barnum asked Mr. Williams if ho really desire the reduction ol pay to members. Mr. Williams answered emphatically lhaLhe did. Air. Bryant also wished a reduction in the pay of members, and thought that tbe way to commence retrenchment. He thought seven dollars per day a sufficiency. (Which wuy would he vote it there was a lief) Mr. O’Neal—A substitute allowing such per diem to members ns they might think fit to re ceive, such pet diem not to oxceed nine dol lars. Air. Tumlirs hoped tbe substitute would be adopted. Mr. Lane moved to lay the motion and sub stitute on tbo table. „ ( Mr. Flournoy here made a few remarks, which were unfortunately lost. An amendment was ofiered by Mr. Hudson, allowing ten dollars per diem to tho Speaker, seven dollars to the members, and losr .dollars for every twenty mile*. Mr. Price spoke strongly in favor of a reduc tion, Stating tbat the pay of members ot the Georgia Legislature exceeded that given in any other Slate jq this country. sir. Rawls thought there was much buncombe in the remarks of many advocating a reduction of pay, and movtd to postpone tbo whole mat ter indefinitely. He called the previous ques tion. Mr. Williams, of Dooly, rose to a question ol privilege. The previous question was called for and sus tained, and the whole matter indefinitely pos:- poaed—yeas TO,* naya 78; Speaker voting to postpone. A resolution waa received from the Senate- appointing a committee of three from the Sen ate and five from tbe House, to take into con tidention ibe State’s endorsement ol the Macon A Brunswick railroad bond*. A report from Mt. Angler,' State Treasurer, was read. flr. Audamon moved that two hundred copies of Mr. Angler's report be printed for the House. Motion carried. Mr. Scott, ol IJM^ttRCQdtd by moving that tbe report ba referred tetba Committee on Fi nance. Amendment accepted. Ur. 8cott—A bill eBerepfa* Atom taxation all money InvHtcd In- the maanfctnr* of Woolen and tot too goods, and.lrop.aad agricultural fan- Wabhinoton, January 21.—Tha Senate is considering the bill forbidding States to tax rail road passengers. The House is considering a bill to allow mem bers at the present session to fill West Point vacancies from the South. The Election Committee beard Judge Pas chal, ol Texas, In favor of Simon Junes op Col. Mann, from Louisiana; Hines, Col. Hunt, and the negro Menard, to-morrow, In opposition to Joiiet' right to a scat. Tbe Reconstruction Committee heard Gov. Weiie, ol Virginia, In antagonism to tbe propo sition of the Committee of-Nine. ' The Fost Office Committee heard General Orton in opposition to the government telegraph. Indianapolis, Jan. 21.—Yesterday's Sena torial bollotings were unsuccessful. A compro mise, resulting in Hendricks' re-election, is pos sible. •'— Pants, Jan. 20-Tbe French Dluebook says, France is faithful to the foreign policy and to her Irienpship hr Spain preserves strict neu trality and sincerely wLhes her well through the crisis. Havana, Jan. 21.—A Florida reconstruction Judge enjoined the Cuban telegraph through that tit ite for two days, as it was causing seri ous inconvenience in commercial and shipping circles. The Banco del Cummcrcio has not resumed. Notes ol tho Spanish Bank five and a half disCoUUL The financial aspect is inauspicious. Boy auto has been burned. The conflagration bc-ted throe days. The inhabitants fled to the woous. The iusurgents have burned TatiL Authentic VIRGINIA & TENNESSEE RAILWAYS. ALL RAIL ROUTE. Time Table, Nov. NORTH: Leave Atlanta Leave Dalton Leave Knoxville Leave Bristol _ Leave Lynchburg 17tH, 1808 . ten . *9u a ■ . 11:1® a ■ .. 1:te r x . »:urj . u Atiitniii Advertiaementp. 115,000 . LEYDEN HOLIDAY PRESENTS ihnccesaor to B£IUUNQ;A;LETDENJ. LIVE GEO. SHARP, Jr., Agent. T HE unprecedented tneceet ol cy establishment since Its opening baa lea me uj belli lev* that tbe dv ls-us of Atlanta know no* to appreciate i t n-eax Store. Mr tales have been bean, and on tbe etrenr’.L or tbla, I have thl« day received the largest assortment of One goodi that hai ever been In tbla market, before Shirting, Sheetings. Drills, Oanaburga. Stripes, Cheeks, and Yarns, bj the Bait at Factory Prices. ot else* the war. Monetary ar»d[Commercial Market Muporla by Telegraph. aiylS—ASm Matter of Traniponation, W At A. RTk. WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAILROAB. ON and after May ltth, 1868, Passenger Trains will run as follows • GOING NORTH. LEAVE ATLANTA. S11S A. SI. Hater (Excxrv SrsnaTr.) Exrnxee New Yus*. Jammy n— Stocks ready, bat dul!.- Muuvy 1. Exchange 8*. Gold S3X. Honda of 1608 Id. North Carolina#, old, 64M; hew. Si. Tennaetece, uxconpon.M; new, t.7,M. Virginias, ex-coupon, MM; new, Si. Flour dull and drooping. Wheat modetstety active, but ucCUauged. Cora nnenanged. Pork steady— new mess fit 76. Lard dull at 18* to 18M. Cotton firmer at 88M, Turpentine Arm at 66. Rosin quiet at fi 06. Freights Arm. Luxpon, January VI.—Noon.—Consols fiM. Bonds US. Tebow 17s 6<L LivkHFooh, January St.—N’oon.i-Colton active. Up lands Ills'. Onean. Its. bai.a IS,(Ml bat as. Bread- dullt firmer. Havas, January it.—Cotton opened active-on spot, 1W*; afloat, IDS. Litskpool, January ft.—Afternoon.—Cotton active. Upiauda 11 if. Orient 11V- It Is thongut sales will reach lS.oU.i bales. a., connecting Chattanooga 1 vlli* and. the TOBACCO! TOBACCO I popular-brands of Leave Waehingtou 6:60 r a Arrive at NewYurk K.vX) aa 60LTH: Leave New York .... 3:40 r x Leave A exapdria ":Ht a a Leave Lyncnburg 4:40 r a FIFTY NEW AND BEAUTIFUL SETS : Leare KnuxTiDe 1:14 r m Losts DsltOQ 8:40 P * Arrive at Atlanta S:!5 a a Time Between Atlanta *nd New York rv Ei . a x 9 K 9 U -* rt DUSOMM. ■ > T PEA BLN, ' _ — n ft BCBTS, gx U RBI ' {3f* Tbe ORBA7 NAIL between Atlanta and New York it carried aclueitely by tbit Line. Sleepin&Coaches on all Nigtit Trains XHRODGH TICKETS GOOD UNTIL USED, -AND- BAOQAGE CHECKED THROUGH 1 a 1 m * K • K « Q OABNETT, * W f > XALACHETT, • CABBCNCLE, ^ a# A-TIfTU Vsr, •AFPUIHE, C r i * H % < 'A EMEBALD, t* £ ETBOCAN, ^ » COBiL, Hednid I’liih. “ ” PLAIN GOLD, (* m. •* a- TG ALL DtPOBTANT POINTS. a je; iSMOKINC, A>D chewing, ai re<isic.wi price*. b'7 , A. LEYDEN, * hue ball Street, Atlanta, Ot. Sewing Machines! JUST BkOErVEft * LOT OF Til EX CELEB HATED WEED MACHINES To *>« tx mxsaffsturor*’ prto«, by A LEYDEN, A m-.chal! Street, Atlanta, Gt. EbOBAVED. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS! WATCHES CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS, bcvecty-fiYe fl.L« Wiicbr*. for Ladle* ae<3 GectKaen. tt Sew Tork price*. CLOTHS, CASS1NBBES, FAST EXPRESS LINE TO THE NORTH I GREAT Mail Coast tfi. Augusta, Kingsville, Wilmington, WELDON. PETERSBURG, AND RWHHOND, -TO- Washingt’n, Baltimore, Philadelphia and new tome. NO (U4!VUE OF CARS BETWEEN, WEST POINT, ATLANTA, AND WILMINGTON, —AND— Weldon and Aoqula Orooli^! NEW FAST SCHEDULE! NORTH. Leavs- ! Arrlv*- Avnaiva. V 6;«0P. M Aoeoeva... &OOA.M A-1UA.M Kutoevihhl .HUS A. M WiLmaoToa 8:S0 P. M waumiv.. Wa.aiauTON Kuaavthu IttOS A. M WtuunoToa 7:Uf.M Wsuwa A-KA.M WaenuieTOM...^ AAl I. M N»w Yobs S:68 A. M «M A.M 8; 40 P. M SOUTH. ■1 Arrlve- 8;4« P. M 1 Washington S:10 A. M Tax) A.M'Weldon 7,0) P. M Weldoil';..'.: 8.30 P. H, Wilmington Mt A M Wilmington 6:30AM! Singer ille, XfU P. M Kingsville 3:00 P, M; Augusta... P. M Augusta 10:00 PM j Atlanta 7140 A, M Leave- New York..,.. WnehlMiftOD Time and Fare by Coait LiaelSune u via Knoxville.) PULLMAN A KIMBALL'S Palace Sleeping Cars ON THIS ROUTE BAGGAOX CHECKED THB0UG1 __ Un^ *1 ^ .... . . at terminal lwieta-oaa bn oMnlmdTt Urn Iclcrt Odtce in wit dtp. Be tor* your ticket* rend tin Wilmington, N.O, Mb vrwHe you may axperleK* much trouble and locos misses.-' „ W.J. WALKER, dec*- General rsrnngetAgust- with tratns allroad lor Nashville, Lonls- .Veal, and (or New York and other Saltern Cltlce, rid Lonierilia; also with trains of bit my Mi and harloion Railroad tor Memphis, New Orleans, etc. Daily (Bxcxrr StrxDaT'a,) patvox AcoouooaTioa.—Arrive at Marieua at Ubi T. a., CaruinvlU«b:16 T. a., Kingeton 8:18 T. a , Dalton ifcSOa. a. 'TiOO P. M. Dattv Gaaat NOBTHanx Man. — Arr.vr at Dalton 1a. a., amnecting with trains 4-15 F. A. ai Dalton a., amnecting with traini lor Knoxville, Lynchburg. W aehington, Bain more, Philadelphia and Nrw York. Amreat Chattanooga at 4, a. a., connecting with trains Naehvule and hautnoogi Railroad * Louis COMING oOLTH. ARRIVE AT ATLANTA. S*45 A. X. DaILT GaaaT SoCTKxaa Main.-Leav. mgOhattanooga at 7:1V r. a.,connecting wtib trains of Nssnnbe and Chattanooga and Memphis and Charleston Railroads, snd Dai. Ion at 8:43 r. a., connecting with trains 61 Bast TenneeMe and Georxu Railroad. lliOO A. 31. Dailt (Bxcxrr buxdaT'a,) Daltox Aoooaaooauoa.—Lean Da. ton at *16 a. a.. Kingston NIO a. a., Cartersrille 7:16 a. a.. yarletu at 8:87 a. a. 1-.I0 P. 31. Dailt lElcarr Boxnav'e.) Bxraxse raaasaaxa.—Leave Cnattaaocga at 4:6U a. a., connecting with tralne of Nashville and Chat tanooga, and Memphis and Charleston Rail roads. Pullman’s Patent Slssplng Coaches on all Nl»ht Traina. £. B. WALKER, muyll— Muttr of TtAnpporuUon. 1 & 6S. Winter Arrangement, IWisleriiFflssenprBoDti TO THK NORTH AND CAST, —VTA— LoulsTille. CinciMatl or In&impolU. Passsngsrs by tbla Bouts hava Oh ole* oi TWENTY-FIVE DIFFERENT ROrYEt -TO- NE W YORK Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. |W Paaecrunrt kokUag tickets by this rout* to New York, PhUsdflphla. or BaJUmora, can Tint! Washington without extra charge. FAKE (AMR AS via KNOXVILLE or AUGUSTA TRAINS LEAVE ATLANTA , , Dally at M.1B A.m. and 0.15 p.m, After arrival of all Southern trains, snd make dote connections to above named cities. far Check Baggage ts Louisville, and It will be MAGNIFICENT SLEEPING CHS ON ALL MOST TRAINS. Ample Tima- tot Meals at Good Hotels ASK FOR TICKETS VIA LOUISVILLE. OCMKRAk TIOKITOFPICK, Atlanta XL ll.-WALKEB, Mtswref TreaeportaUce, W.AA.R.R HIMMOND & WELLBORN, Attorneys at Law, WBTTRBALL STRUT, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. ft? WdS|e Is tha eapratie CV.art.hfM |u Atlanta ye la Jasa and DecnaWr; tm tka Frd- i tteosd Mondays la March I Sapaiioc Courtajicld In At* and Novtisber, Return dsy court. ianl-iy Piecg. til Goil’s FiriisSiBi Goods. J E W E L K Y Stales too namervu to nautton. SILVER WARE. FIVE HUNDRED PRESENTS IN SILVER, si! tiraly new styles, to arrive next ssurosy. Those wish ing to buy, will save money bv^.sev.ug tr.j new ..'O'* r—* tore purchasing eli .... , . elsewhere, they will t-< entirely d-.fisr- «it from anything In Auanu: and ix pnea sue quajty. 1 defy competition. MY GUARANTEE. All Goods bonghl at THE LIVE JEWELRY STORE art warranted to be exactly as leprestilcd. On. let quality and style of my Gnoaa^ 1 _ytag c mr reputation. crte'i shoe More At uovcgir.tg to all Cash ■ HE benefit of Caah pur- chases andiouf erperlencrfu the purchase of OOT>. (Shew. Leather and Shoe Fta ding*. Am receiving ever, week LARGE vxtlery c these Goods sailed to ths wants of the trade, and gust' aniee-that ahall offer better Inducements. B recaini A WlLtf N estm. K Ithistx being *,1can Oemr lu tie country NOWINilus Ido bom many years' experience Is this bt tineas, Ur Georgia, tbr wests of bar people, and being dctrmir.rd to ocell li quuntlty, variety, anc price, I can. and will _ USTAD* lit beat Shoe and Leather House In the South, Remember lie place aad sign. I. T. BANKS, Hotel AdwertlsomentH. LANIER HOUSE, COLLIER & BOVS E3W! eel of Ull8 H< tk« pobiic {MtrOBtCV TEKNE88EE HOUSE, Nam Railroad Depot and Straoboat Landing, KOMI. CEORCIA. J. A. STANS BUST. Pioprleter ADWIN1STRATOWS RALE. Wiriu.be anld. os thatnt day of February next, he- VT tor, Ihe court boeua door iu the dty of .VUnis, at pubftc Ostap. «»• •U" RneweU Fvetoay slock, sud esodhud of as sere, store or Mss. on Fniioa stiaat. la eluding writ J. A. ATWOOD, AdmT rstate of Hrury Atwood. declS-tda irriaiat’u fro EiNXIHE bTOCK LATE FIRM OF HERRING & LEYDEN AT A.IVD uelow cost, Pr A. LEYDEN, Ss-riring Partner. CHARLES BOHNEFELD, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, UNDERTAKER. Manufacturer of Coffin*, ASD DIAL CM nr Metalic Burial Cases, Caskets, &c. AUO, MANUFACTURER AXP PXxlXS IX ALL KIN08 OF FURNITURE. FACTOSY : Lcckit Sln-wL, 5e*r W*lu>c Spring. THIS WAY FOR^CHRISTMAS! .T. M. HOLBROOK ututblt for HvUdij Gift*, confuting of— Stbb Pet*. Vick ?«!*, Fitcb Vt*. Slberiin Stl». NttnnU *2<1 orovia Matkrst 8«t5, Kro» a Frrcch Con** hefi, Ckilirtt’t Ssi*. GrU't T^i CM:*r*. . Gvfct'* Tzx tifartlct*. G*cV* F :r i »;*, Foot Mnff*, Bro*cw%v n;T_e Drct* SUt H*t*. Alplneast*, Gtnt’» Sole le*ath^r Tran**, V*li*e*. *cd Tr»v«linj{ CorajwLL'.cc*. Lie e** S*r**oc» Trsns*. ■ h*..<r*\ H g Ac. tUrtt - Macon,. Atlvertlsomenta. CITY BANKING COMPANY OF MACON. w. P GOODAU. Caihier. C. A. NT7TTIKG PrMident. DIRIOTORSt SY. B. JOHNSTON, V. 6. HOLT, f. J. GREfrUAM, J. B. JOSES. »>3*itor* *a<i tvcroc* .Vrv ierl 16rr»rya>a4riU—NATIONAL CITY BAMS. Rofersnoosi Krulucky. Guthrie A Co McFmau. Annsirour t Cj Merchant,' National lianh. A. O Smith Xi’v •f. F- Larkin a Co. .. .... German Nailotial Bark People’s Kink of Kpoxvflr First Nations! tank .. McCOwtn.McCinne Jt to. Hugh DougUss ,v Co louisrllle, jjy. . ..I.OttliTt!!#, 1 . 8k Ionia, Mo. . M. I gnis. Mo ... Cincinnati,O. Xetnphls Tens. Knoxville, Teen. .Knoxville, Taos. ....vKsaxvilla,Tmm. Nashville, TeSS. Cbauanoocu Wsoo'.nt and Deposit Bank norm- *aw*~ Ohattennnga. Tens. rurulslioa IXoumo to Hunt a NEWLY-FURNISHED HOl’SB, couiitntcg six A ■ room*, within Afiy jnuJ* o; me Cfpiiol, to rent ii*on r*ATOn«bJ« twrin*. .vrp’.y st tbe uffir* ot Otrtroll * Jicktoc* Attoro^js *t lav. ou Whlutill fuoei.