Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, January 23, 1869, Image 1

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'kilim I- "KA-K8 T<< ‘IK haNOKKOO WHEN REASON If LEFT StEi to COMMA I if -ttfinr*,. YOU K V. \TLA VTA. nmmu V. SATURDAY, JANUARY 23 l*#. No. 19 6 he JJaily ■flUjicncg. atlawta7~ceorcia. KVlclny lOvonlntf. .Ian. 2a. livening; lAlii ion. _S lal«JCo;iuuutej±i_iI.e purl ' <« u*>et <;ia lugisjlati ise;. SENATE. ’ FhiSSy, Jnnu-rv2;. 'I'll- Senate inf t llii-i Ulurulng p ir-.n t:.t lo ad- ioiirtmiefl'fnjnid w aafopilt® with pr.i_.i r iiy us Kev Mr. Smith, ol ih<* ?t!i Till! roll being oil tali and lln-ru In lag u ipo THE (J I T \ . The loilowmg ia the report ol tin Shite Tread- tuor made In response to a call, from tl.o House "ol Representatives lor inlorin ilion rifflrding the amount fit State bonds which hail been issued since his Induction? into ottice— for whiff they had been sold,and at what rales; what amounts bail been hypothecated, &c., Ac. Tne report has been referred to the Finance Committee ol the House:— HEt’oltr. Taxm-ana', orrics, I Atlcnta. U»., January S.si, ISM. ( To the Honorable Hume of Uepreientatica of the Slate uf Georgia: In response to your resolution ol yesterday, as follows: “ IletoltxU, That N. L, Angler, Trees- surer ol this Stale, befaud he is hcteliv requested to communicate lo'fhis U nite, as early as prnu ticahlc, w hat amoui.t ol Slate bonds have Occli Issued since ho came into ofllce, and w>,ether or not the same have been told or hypothecated lor money borrowed; what amount!ol bonds have heen sold, and at what price; what nui milt (Jumpmy. Mr. Maxwell—A full regulating the receiving ol ; iry cerfflcA'cs lor die paymeul ol tunes. M;. U'N, nl—A bill lorbidding tue selling by ten ints4 agricultural product afler n.ghl. Mr O’Ncnl—A lull to submit the eligibility of iiiSer-c— to of 11 ■ to the Supreme Court. Mr. jKilliums, ot Moreau—A resolution fcp- the large number in aiteodauce.' ••Under me ; pinting a coimnlttr e to rt’duce tlie number of Gas L gut” is a tbrlihng piece The Loire in ' Tr.Mht.alO:. S 1 «i.Vha. greeted this la'.vuiie tronpfe nest '* L'ndi.r the Gas Light.” bi tut piece evinced mat t..e A eh.w ueu aafiieut e : .a.; evening to w. • The pi r ..rma ice Bit.;.a appreciate Atlanta Aclveitls nnm ... $13,000 HOLIDAY" PRESENTS Ai nu n AdvorilMmfnts. tl. . i ., ID V M E > , “nr ruhPfff eseinTtTfiTJtrr: r elil IM i r m e journal ol ytslerday. .Mr Speer moved a recon.-i duration re the House resolution adiunnng to uiemb>-r- •>i00 ; lf?8 Passed, Inn at olllct-M m tne state Peuiteoliury, and to define ! Ktvinglou street; Tuomos Po.ice Court; the j their dunes. j Piers ol theCny; Express Tiam, m short, to I mrrp T TTTTI y nirj - t Tlir fpinn* Mr. McCullough—A bill to change section ‘ the cloSleg setue, nl. were gra Wed, and the . j-JjjT jj[|£ UlJM Ll* 1 U I'll f' ii or to EL'RRINO AUA LEN.'i 1 Irwin's Oxte. troupe Irotn "Smoky” to- vReunuis” acquitted j 'Mr. Salter—A bill torbldJing lotteries in the llieuiSeivee well in meeting u.e requirements .ol • Slate. the piece. Let there he hot ooiy a lull but Burns ox tuikd itEiDiMJ. crowded house to eight s’. Miss Auce Vane’s —to stnke out iiaa insert $200. forwards reM-Indird,’ Mr. Candler-to reconsider tin: action ol yetr lerd iy authorizing the Georgia R,broad Com pany to loan and endorse lor ihe Macon & Au gusia railroad. Passed. JIKS8AOK Fll"M Tint HOU.-K. IlepJ«R] That the House concur with the Senate. Semite, and extend tin: time for collecting taxes j Bit.t.s os rntST reaDWO. until Miirclt. ! A bill giving to Henry Maithcwa an artificial ailraelion,— crowded house tonight s’. Miss A bill changing the time ol holding Superior j Leneflt, and witness the great Court in Clarke county. ! Camille and Function. Mr. McCombs amended by adding the county j ==■ ... ... i of Baldwin. Passed and transmitted to the j U«neou» Ad vertisements. CEO. 8HARP, Jr., Agent. Mr. Candler—To amend an act nulhnrzing , the Georgia Uailroad Company to loan and m- I dorse lor ihe Macon ite Augusta BallrBad, to Hint no lieu or amendment shad operate to ; the prejudice of the Stale’s endorsement o| the IxmilB of tlm Macon A; Brunswick Uailroad hat been hypotliecalcd, ami win re ; h ov much I money has Uecn borrowed bv the State ou hy- j oolticcuted bonds; now mucli money lias been 1 drawn upon ibe laillt ol tile impotliccaie I bonds | ot fids Slate, and by W'.niin; what tjBftinn ol the amount so drawn banbeJH nccivcd jnid the j Treasury 111 ibis Stale; w’lWl is the state of the ; account; at tins lime with the Statu ot Georgia, and the paityor parlies with w limn the Sate; bonds have heen hypothecated; giving a lull and cleUCStulcment o! all mutters liTflftr'nsro lulion relerred to,” 1 have the honor to report th.it on the Slat day ot September, ISOS his limb. j form ol sulclue when you h»vc A bill changing Section 3401 ol Irwin's Code. I U * uj 10 P» 1IJ u fi? L '‘ y ’ Mr. P.uffiib—A bill regulating the payment ol Oleiks and Sberills ol Courts in the county of Thomas. Mr. McCullough moved to take up the reaalu- t If * ii introduced some days since relative to the report ol the committee appointed last session to iov-rI’g-ite Hie Pioneer Cotton Card Manu- f.ct ring Company. Motion prevailed and res- ebango the time of bold superior Couris oiutiuu read. The report showed that Mr. Compton, agent lor tlm company, dc-erved great credit, and in oai cl me ja^ in: ulatm . Hesitation and delay ore co.hlng but anenner mae , mis,)' a*, ywi 1, since iu opet-lnt ; Ba Dr. M|(>RL’is fills; A.re tbe Uue ^nticn a?j ‘ t?ttr.on o\ beaRh., aeu tbe iuU>»t gill luai oueuu: givtr* lo tuv world. of ,v .'t I • <*f C'.e V. •A ?UiC* '.Cl'S » • v — r?rs*r- f^Ulrt i r*ij. a fc* JL» c* e t n j k •* T'JrStl-, f ^nfiburjri*. ^irlpe«, Chooks. nnd Yarns. w ' .' P.. •. u Factory Pr^ow. TOBACCO! TOBACCO! lilLT.I ON Til MID UKADfSO. To regelate juries in Plnyd county. BIIIM ON FIIIST keadi.no! T uf Clay couiily. REPoHTS. Ordered that 50 copies ol the report the committee recommended that he be retained ! tain head, and im.t 1 FROM MEXICO TO ALASKA The *>eople kmow thea I The People use them ! ,Pce Deople praise them • These pills grapple vvitu disease at its f-UD- «• j. FIFTY NEW AND BF.Al TIKI l SETS. as agent, and autliortfyd to sell State interest In llll.l. V1I0M HOUSE Bill to provide lor time ol holding . nui Clark and Baldwin, and lor providing j :r.. the same. KES0I.L' rtoss. ol Mew York a contract to place in their posses sion one hundred and filly thousand dollars (|I50,U0U) ol thu sown per Cent, bonds ol the State, on or belure the 15th day ol November, IStliS, upon which contracts ns collateral sceuiii v said bank advanced U; one hundred thousand dollars (| 100,000) cash. On l lie tftb of Oclolmr, INdd, similar contracls lo tue umouiit id sixty thousand dollars (fOO.OOO) were executed and delivered to Hie agent ol the same batik, upon which security said liauk advanced us lofty tuousaud dollars t^IO.OuO) cash Ou the 17Lii uay ol November, IMS, there was prepared and forwarded Irom tins otllce, six hundred thousand dollars ($0d0,0l)0,) new seven per cent, bonds fit tne Slate bt iteorgia, dated November 1st, 1858, signed ltiilus B. Bui- tuck, Governor, David 0. Coiling, Secrelay ol tilamj-coupons signed by tlm i'r.iisurur, to the Fourth National Bank, lo cariy mu Hie terms of the Contracts made to them September 21st and Uctolier Utti, ls<58, and to be hypothecated lo'r lurtber sums ot money, to meet the interc-t ; Albany. outlie public debt lalkn aud billing due, and Mr. jltutou-TB autborir.e M .1 \t for oilier purposes. - Meriwether, to peddle. November Wilt, 1808, we received bv express .. ’ 1 , r I’io.OUU as an atlvatice on said tiunus, November , *'t | nua!ly— Po authorize Ordmarits 14tti, $46,000 Uy express, Noveniner 30th, $35,. several counties in this State hi lay ofl d”iv ItE.’iOLUTIO.V. iHU ciTaqiaiy It lie thought beat. Resolution ; ploying additional clerks, ho relerred lu Hie Eu- ■ rolling Comiiiittee. Passed. | Mr. Wlun—Fiffi tlie Judiciary Coimndlee 1" i report a bill regulating juries in ibis 81.1:0.— I Passed. HILLS ON THIRD REaDINO. A i.ill to repeal the sjxdi section of the char- H r of tlie Ailafitii Medical College. Passed, and triiuptieUed to ihe 8i:uule. A lii.l pruluoiliiig hunting with fire at night ! ... ns. iJ.M.asc at once. They lor'.tij tne iu ail- lortxs •>; so-oieu at and enable all to hraie '.be swamps and LfureaUi. Oae a! Dr. Maggfel'* « Pills relieves the entire system ol ,.aana aches, enlivens the tfnriis ana .cnas new mwd — ^ BOUNDING THROUGH THE VEINS. in tue county In ing Tbomas, Battdolph, Fioyd, Chattahoochee, lor and Muscogee couuti-.-s. Ibissed. A bill depriving'cou ts ol jurisdiction In cases f contracts nr renewal of contracts, made prior : Mr. Uungerlord—To see why tlie Governor’s Ju| .e 1-t, 1805, except iu suits against trustees Message aud sccoifflkiiyliig documents have not ulll l real esmle agents. been provided lor distribution. Lost. Mr. O’Neal tun le a speech ut this point. He hii.i.s on first iieahim. c..sis the Stale uol less than three hundred dub Mr. Merrill—To give Tall lords liens nit .’tops, Lira per day by speech making, and lor oilier purpose*. Call for these inestimatiie medicines at your nearest druggist's, ana it he is uni ot tucm send ! to tut proprietor's office tor Uietifl lneyate mailed sale® all over tne gmoe. ONE MINUTE TO SAVE Y0U3 LIFE ! jj Take Disease iu tune and you w. . suder '.-cst and bv saved many days oi usenit pLrery. !- ? < m What One Huudreu Letters i llenls all over the ha jitab.e /. Mr. Morrell—To set aside ctr’am property, aud lor miter purposes Mr. Welch—To amend Bio cliartcr ”1 the ci'v ...... . , I No more oonoue doece lor Uau lor tbe previous question wa» sustainw, tt one time. One oi your p i i tLi* bill was [ yoi Thanfcr, Doctor. M) Anotnef ck»x lo xeep in ti* Yay f t'.e boo ou uralt ol Governor Hillock, ^ovemtier and lor other purposes. 3Ui, $25 UUO on dra,tot Governor Buboek, De- M r Fj: d _t,. ffe?... ■inner 7ib, $3.5,000 by expri ss, Dtivmb’-r 13’It ... I . t > I ill, yvquww iJJ V UlU IIIU' I Ui II, a $35,1X10 oy expriss, and December 28 h, $25 000 l uror *' Mr. Fain—To increase the compeosawn "I by ixpu-ss, ait oi which amounts were rvciived luio mu l’l easurv, On ihe 28 i day of Doceruber, 1303, supposing 1 S4 | ary Considerable amouui of the new seven ptr ’ * s i been sold, and desiring to make Mr. Hinton—To create ihe ! Geologist, and define dutius office o: State ,1 inn.', m.'.U lUSSOUUTION. cent, bunds bad been sold, and desiring to make a repuu ol them, in m- aut.iiivi reiiort to tile «. r „ „ * ... Governor, 1 wrote to the F.iurtii National Bank, ,' lr ' f n f ° Ibe benam aujo to- ftekiug tnem to advise me wimt amount oi the aojottru until ten o chick mondny. new seven per ceut. h. n.ls hail been sold, and Pasted! at Jvlmt price, and at tbe same time ffl semfl m- a compute siilemini or account current ot the b.lls.on rtR.T REaDI. q bia.i! w on tue b.o.K. On uie ti ll instant I re- Mr. Letter—To chance the time ot holding Ctuvctl a inn st iieiiiei-t oi tue a.Oount, and a le • the Superior court ol Bryan countv. Passed, ter, in wmeh w«- stale • N’oiieoi the lie* seven p’-rcei t bonds have been sold, It ffliug considered uuu .visah’e to do so, in cousiiilaiioii between our President and Gov. B.IU..O*, it being considered by iniiuy Him Hi” Legislature SilboiWhg them was an illegal body.” iie.ides creating themselves in tr. ■ account current wild me various amounts named above, ey also took credit tor a i&rge am amt, whicu I did uot know anyiuing about, and wiisca bad I h t rs o! certain fire companies in sfflmoab never reached ihe 1 reasliry. N .1 knowing bow Yeas,-10T’, nays, SI. Mr. TumliS-A m iti'ffl that Cols. Holt and Puw.rn, President n.'i I 8 iperiuleudent ol the 8c d.bneMcrn Railroad! be allowed seats ou this ll '"r I r to-inorrow. Adopted. Air. D irucil —A resolution appointing a com- mu tee of throe to inquire the reasons why Mr. j Probe ll exercises the Unction of truperinteudeut oi Public Works. II ihs nut suspended. House adjourned. ’Ihe following is tn,- bill introduced by Mr. Smith of the 7th, w hich passed the Senate and n. w he;..re me II, ise Mr. Smith Is an ac- '. member ol tne Senate, aud be_ enjoys tbe '..’.I '.eUCe oi U.s i I'listivututs ; 1 - A Bii.n lo be entitled An Act to amend an Act FOR ALL D10EASE8 OF THE KIDNEYS, to ituinpnre the coosoroittiun oi the Stock ot ■ ucTEUTifiu nc iibinc Hie S.iVanmili, Albany aud Gull Railroad fit I Cn I 1UN Ur UalBt, otJi tkimpany, and the Atlantic and Gulf ltaiiroad , Maggtels Pu Oitnipany, aud U>t other purp *es. SECTION 1 Be i; euaciej by lhe*Gen«rul As- ... . . i _ M'ttC'.yoi t:.e Sb.ie c Georgia, Tuat jo snare; rJn rChlsLt uiotnotb, o: Hie SIOCK ol tne Adantic and Gulf Railroau j .Ysrtvn.'; TnttruUuo, oeruraiLatftPjdt ,, „ _ . : _ Company which eliab not have been iraoeicr- ’ jiid uvivt or Ap/xiue-, Mr. Merrell—To change lines ol Carroll and red t - the iionhr iHereof according to the rales i Campbell. Passed. . "I said Company, ninety days previous to IDe j Mr. Lister—To regulateMio serving ol sub- J l . v ol eiecimn, shall be entitled to euflrag# in I’(Boas in certain cou.ts ,n Bavannab, 1WJ. ST.inut »«•' MAG KIEL’S PILLS AND SALVE -Iiy aioresaid, that all laws and pills OI laws j Alc llalu g u -. Tc;> ,.. :a ;Ue , r e fleCU. j »CG * cure ’fib Dtr *: BILLS OK TnLRD HEaDIKO. r eiifltrriue tu:;n , -pisla cufi-u iui , «t.a i UiVy : 4V :c. ilv ^.... Otu ilotsun irc^Unj tut fur Cl:ul. imli Ibe.. cn.\cd IV, mill al Uel ta.d 1 LL--.'a i F..;» c^rec 1 umd no ; Mst&ei t I\.J 4^% iv i one. Your P. * ire row •uiae. ! I scad For »Lom*r ik^x.. *.;d kc-p tten: ! Dr. NUss'Kiei uw cur«o tc.xc&cau —> I nsiL! u. one oi j-iur . 1 lo .l;. : Mur u». '1 bo dear >ouug M.7 01 & murL.nj .1 r. * cu.:^ OuX Oi NUsarft;/* curwc &»e uf l. 3. i ruotxrd K>u;e S*ure umc.i,a m : ear cn, two i>oxw<; 1 war: one i.-- n - 1 find<iie t oo.lw ; yo.if pric* :» ;-r*.lt; £*t tbe mea.cini lo me ia *.0r.z * do..4; ^uo tne fivr t> Xes ol jour ;i. e I Let me Lu.ec oox«* 01 >oui t^.Tc kzd ] : rare tmtu. ixxflor, mj bura Lii been ne*.e<i z* vwur ^ Will fe/iUM ilaggiel’s Mile wnl L*tr lound an KrUicON . DIA.YiOKDS, PEARLS RrBYS, OAUNETr, MALACHET7 CARBlNTLi:, A.nhTUYVI . 9APPHIHF . EHtUALJi, ETUI H AN, COHAL, hrJ mi PLAIN GOLD. PKONTED, *; n EN'C*IIA \ El). A\ A. T C 11 K J E W E L. li V toe unae:; r »? ic Ap i-Pj.M)? O? NI> CHEWING, i. LEY'DEN, . - • Abaci*. G* ■:.. -i Machines ! : ihsiceijkbhated v ; ["0 MACHINES .<■ : LYDEN. : ..... Atlsra. Ol J. » ’AcTri.::: ’ BARGAINS! CjgOTniNH 1 OR mf;n and doys, RriiiLh; Gels. TIBC eTOCH SILVER V ARE. .ATE F-PM H £ R ft! h 3 & LEYDEN FIVE ST>*DRED PRH^Ev cr» y sew •:v r$, ; ir*.r r to any. w. . nr« m. -y • *_t 4om : I aay cvmpruuot*. BILLS ON TUIUD BEADING. Mr. Lvsut—To ext*mpUfi»m Jary uuilef mem- Mis. tiiis Act Do and Tne saino arc MY GIARA X TEE. with t.,e amendment that they t>e active firemen Passed. Mr. Hlnion—To establish a circuit create.! aud known as tne Columuus Circuit. Senate adjourned. I’counl lor jnese credits, I iiiiim-u a’ely st irt- id, on tne five 01 the 10th ins’., lor New’ Yoik. to eet a l id exnl ,n ill,in of them. Hating ..rrived iu New York, proceeded lo the Fourth -Vi Mi;ii BiUk, and found In,, Got B.illoi'k . i,ad drawn drags lo ihe Wiount oi thirty-fire < ihomnnd Minri ($35,000 ) (Copy of the ura;ts ; —— i nit,: heloiv) which ainoiiut never has been HOUSE, paid in nor repotted to the I'reasury by Govtrn- ! Tho House met, pursuaut to adjournment, at or Bo.iiick. 10 x. m. Prayer by Hev. Dr. Branlly. copy of riRST_DiiAFT. , Mr. Barnett moved that Dr. 11. 11 Tucker, No Nuw Yoke, Oct. 29,1883. President oi Jltrcer Cuiveisuy, be iuutid to e ebv fejleah BY TELEGRAPH. t^rv ritUi .issoa.trx.'i r/tsjs duparcazs Fotinb Rational Btnk ot tits city ol New Yoik, pay to the oruer ol seven teen thousand dollar*. (S.-tnd) Here. U. Bcxlock, $17,iKid Governor oi Georgia Col’T OF stCoXIJ Dlt.lKr. No. Nitw York, Dec 8, 1808. f'ffliHi National Bmk, ol the city ol New York, pay lo me order ol R B. Bullock, eight tIt.nisaud'dollata. Cliaree account State. (>ign.Hi Rcfcs B. Bl'i.luci, ‘$'.hOH Governor ol Georgia. ci’pr of third draft, (EitilieseH on back U I. Sjiui’aH & Co.1 December 12. 1S8S seat on the floor. Adopted. Mr. Lane oflered the retolution that a part til * each Tuesday be set apart lor the consideration ot resolutions. Rules were suspended, and resolution lost. Mr. Bryant moved lo nler the report ol the Committee on Retrenchment to the Cummithe on Printing, with instructions to have two It mi ll n d copies printed. Mr. Barnum, ol Stewart—A resolution that the Legislature adjourn ou the 14 h o! February. Rules not suspended. Btl.LS OS FIRST RF.ADISO. Mr. Vinson—A bill to change the lines be yo oy d j spa rc&Es. Washington, Jan. 23.—Col. Baldwin ad- i dressed tne Itcconr.rucifia Committee hero to-' The Louisiana Contested election was parti. , ally kcat.l lo-diy, Wl.l have another hearing I to-in,,;row General Beauregard’s Memphis property has he, n restored. His private papers in the War Deparmtent widsooti u« testorvd. In the Sonate, the Pacific Railroad Commutes unauimnusly reporied against further suhsldtes iu botidH to railroads. The House is engaged on private bills. The House Banking Committee have agreed to report a bill forbidding tbe loaning of money ou gtecubacks as collateral. .EACH BOX i n.STAIM li DOSfiti On, fill 1- a U.i-e. "COTNTEKFElTs ! But'g, il»Ou:EL’s i’.l.L or SAhVr. w Hu a li.'oc pa....poicl u.s.ue tne o i lAey are Tne genu.ne U\t ._e :.A.;,e . : J. HaVdock on b«}x with u.,mc <>: J ii'hduutfi JLi.) 1'Lie f l,tittle hate .ut I ..i ;,.r:oCU..e,:. w.ui vrniit |«,w,iir’' ALL QuDtMo t n A t u A t .17, «b> a i A. ao 3PCS. :U AlUth e.-SAh 1 o H K II 13 U tg X Ac CO., 471a Broadway, Srv loit DR. if AT .5 3VX5 bltl.O.W COAT. Yv A. LEYDEN, . --v.rvrri OH A R L £S BOH NEF ELD, A 1'Iu C -e r v, GEORGIA. E X’ E E E TAKER. Mant;f;. "inrcr ot Coffin*, CtirC*. 1* ’.'BS » A *• Pay I,- 1,1.1 Older of II. 1. Kimball J6 Co., t, n ! 0*“ l ‘ >C C0UDtiW °* Crft I ,0r<1 * nd Monetary and Commercial .vtarkri He ports by TeUsrtpS. MAOGIEl’S pills or salve ARE 25 CENTS PER BOX. ' Or, J. S. WILLS ON, Sole Agt., Atlanta 1 » © » . Winter Arrangement, Xtv Tnim. Jsuasrr ?!. —Money «-,y st T. Exeninff big. Ho dS>V Binds ot ISOS IS Norm Carotins,, „IU,S4s t nsw.itiq. Vtrg.etss, vx-coupon, X-1, ■ v,rw, <•*V- TeeurMef,. sx lOopag, ns.ts ; Lctr, {;s. Jf.our unctiar.geU Warsgl to i cents lotfsr. Coru n ichsiiged I’, IX qnloi—nttv n.esi $>i Lsrd. bsrrs s, ljffi to twk. Coitou Arm st (SM. l.osws, January ts -Noon.-trs.-siHIcs UDCfiinged LiviHrooi, January M —Neon.—Cotton irmsr, but tiii’inber, and amending by iusi mug two Uuu-[not higher; Upissil,ilM; Orwu i IIS. •tleslS.’i’O dred instead ol one btludred. ; bales. Bates fui the wees 57,00.) hale,; exports IS.AC. Mr H,ir|tcr, of Terrell, tfflvrd Htal ihe Sen- bto-k «L',t'C, American S4.it) — , . , .LorsSeW. isms and is bites st Manchester cniel. ate message be at once Jjtken up. AjBtptcd, ; L . , S1H , N . j,„ nwj m.-Ahcre,,on.-Stocks stesdr - ..-I' tv',',,,,,i ... ... sn, , , - Br. Barclay amended by moving that the Keioeit petroleum l». Llue«4 cshti It; pounds S r*lll; BtMJ.UUU WiTC 80llJ Ut oBrO ; JlUlUfirV Ill'll, I , . . Ill 1 Im q .a til $71,01JU at SWc.; tusking toufumot,mol motuy I ,I " n,u * l, ' ke " m lwo »»‘>nelrcil, aud mstri opo , T..low«s W. luali'AcJ trout sale ol sewn per cent, mortgage hundred aud fifty. limns,inn uoll.ira un.l marge o.nne to ltn aeeouut ■ i t Hie Stats of Georgia. (-igned) Urrt’s B. Bci.lock, Goveruor. To Hie Fourth National Bank,New Yolk. Uy the Governor • ('’ignoil) Ecuenb Davis, Si c’y ExeeuliVu De(iartnient. Decembi r_14th, 18dS, tliVrc was sold nt the 7 per cent, mitrtgage l.ou.ls $40,U0U at S’3}p.; D. imnner 10th, $ll),0tH) at same price; Dec,mlnr 17lh, tUl.tlOO at M2J.; Dicetulltr tilth, $4.0U(l; .1 inn ,r.t Odt, $’Jl,UUU were sold at U.’JC.; Sami- »ry 11 Hi, $20,(100 were sold at 00$; January Mr. Scott, of Floyd—A bill to extend Stale' aid lo, and to amend the charier of the Mem- j jilt is Railroad Company ; also, a b. 1 providing lor Uie loreclosure of mortgages. A message was ricilved limn the 8, naie, si’diug their concurrence’ In Die House retolu-1 lion s[i|iro|iriaiing one hundred dollars lo ea,;li.| li inns two hmulied and nxtevu thousand eight hundred and eighty il.'UgH and sixty nine cents, ($218,880 80) out ol which Ibe Fourth National B-nk has paid coupo•>« t" Hi- anioimt id about one hundred and thirty lhpus il.il dollar.- ($130, 000) 1 ,ie letter accompanying the account current, reporis lwo notes In nilddiou to colitracla men- iiiuied before, given by Goveriior Bullock, both amounting to five hundred and scvei l.v thousand ($370,000) dollars',' supposed to he given as lectl- i uy lor motley advanced, and lo Im ndvaiiced, t, mec-t the interest ou the public debt. Respect tully subinillcd, N. L. Anuiich, Treasurer. D»n Piatt says Carl BjIiuix Is ugly cuough to scare hones, s< li-opiai umied and egoilsilenl, mid with no more In art than n hollow turnip. CouMtatioNF.H Hoi.i.ins has prepared an iime'iidmeiil to the tax law exempting newspa per publishers from tlie tax now im|x>'Cil upon tbem ns niannucRtrers The ameudmeut will Iki siilimitteel lo tho Committee on Ways aud Means, Mr. Hudson ra.wtd to amend the amendment | YpUmfs UN . t'r.esn, it', id, the Benate by inserting one humlri’d. Mr Barclay withdrew his amemlinebt. Mr. Hudson’s amendment was concurred in Mr. Uullalt—A hill revising tho charter ol the city ol Atlanta, regulating tie registration ol voters. Mr. Parks, of Gwinnett—A bill altering Sec tion 1045 of Irwin's Coele. Mr. Phillips—A bill ameuding the Homestead lull. Mr. Erwin—A bill changing the lines between the connties of White and Habersham! Mr Lane— A resolution establishing au Addi tional standing Committee, to lie styled "State Stock in the Atlantic A Gull Railroi.l." Mr. Hudson—A bill for Ihe rtliel of S. K. O'Neal and others. Mr. Duncan—A bill to compensate J. E. Ma guire for injuries received while iu the service of tit* Slat*. I.iTxarooi. Jin-.«:j ?!. Aheruooo.—Cotlon setivs; ll»vms, J-r.Btry *1 —Cot mo opened scuvs on spot «ml sit,>41—'aiisr 117*. NORTH AMO EAST, — VIA— | LoQisYiila, GiLcmnati o, r Isuidspclis. I ?iti(0|C«ri bjUi Bccit Cacic* ?! ; twbktv-fivk dikFkrknt worm - X K NY V O H K , Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington fir Pa»»fiv£«r« hoWUuf ttcifu by tin* rk' itt lo N«*n* York. Ptul stlvlpkiA, s'r ILLLimorc, c«i. vj#:t V witboQi fktn cJunre 7A&B bAEK AM ?U I3» OXTIU^ or AU OUST A TTUUNS LKAY5 ATUVTY Dftlly ikt V.U a.m. anc\ tY.-i.'N p.ra. Metalic Burial Cases, Caskets, 4c. M A > f'F ACTUK K K UL KINDS CF FURNITURE, fsCTOKX l . -A f >’><<, Nr^ •Viftv; Pftcr rtMT brrwri. t W<#\y ' MTl THIS WAY FOR CHRISTMAS! .T. M. HOLBROOK £Jt‘ — ;-e- - •rrR>, ic N Consult tho Wishes of tho (.ndlss. am> art STONE’# PERFECT CLOTHES FRAME! Patented February II, 1868. T URKS will b« no mors Improvement, ta CLOTHS# FltAMKS, tor the -ummit Of ueellence has bom vtainnt in ltr.». ll t^ vrllhoal exroMloa, tbs Wet atlt- clr nl lu kind ever offered to ike pobilc. Whe.i ia dm It ocvoplee no more room than a coopt* ot rhair*. 11 elande Arm. and roatalue atwnt fort, feet of lwr>. When aoi to aae it u doeed op, oocapytor no more ,p,re l.’i.ti a hniom. The undermined m, ereared the rtght of the 8UI* ot Georgia, and will dla;aiM at tmlvory to the advantage ofjwivJurere. Tee Cloihea Framee are on oxklhltioa and for tale at Bchohs Langford .» MeCreih’a. TtUtetiaU elreel, At lama. Georgia, l’rtcu: TWO DuLLaKS. oell- U, W. STOCK IN. riperteerr \t: •! • : • $r,N’i: i; «’i>. klJ ?r;.xs l cv... S, in badKIhG compaht of ^acon. 7>. V GOOD.ML. Cashier > A. XCITING President. IVirser vp.a* t,;' T. BANKS, huX iv dtn, [ rctTtT *t.*^ hA.5 I. AN I K 1C ntrox, rVtlVOl-t is»«* lilt-Ilf 11 o xz, t.Htmm OT Oheek Baggage to LoalsvtUs, and it will he re-efieoxed to deetlnation on Train, of Loutivill, and It a, hvllle Railroad hafore artltalat Lemrvl.le COLLIER & BOV MAGNIFICENT SLEEPING CARS OH ALL NIGHT TRAIN# Ample Time for Meals at Good Hotels Al>S FOH TtCSBTe VIA LOUISVILLE. OCNIRAL TIOKKT OFFICE, Atlanta E. 1J. WALKKR, of TTAi)*port*tioaA vof^Snid W. A A. R. R. . raF^ctDxiiy •©ttdi a »h\rt rrMoomlbcj to anti trvm tbe I> A* TENNESSEE HOL’sE, Near KaUrotd Pr-po: and hvmntost Lardlrg. ROME. CEORCIA. .-•a- A STANM-rHY Fw—ve-.-r ADXIIMIMTK STOH** SAUL TTV-IU. tw vo’d. on rh ■ {r,: dnr o' Frhnirv rriL XF tore the conn boo-e d,v,r'ir. the , ” ,,r A tr», a| public onicry, one ahareKorw, : F*,'to,v-t.wk ■ | »re-ib;rd of an acru, mere or le»*. • r. Ku ”n etrrvL le eluding well. J A ATtViiG ’. DIRECfCRSl >V P JCHN8TON. W 3. HOLT ' t ? . E. JONK5. \Y : - ! * l>ri»lNES« tp AlMt# it • t ' ’.’..t L v, .r;«t!i 1? OWt«d i’ . ->>TV. >AL HI Y 1U>*K. Rflforonccsi I ouiiTiHc, Ky. r' l..-j evt >. Ky . Ucnisvt::*, Ky. » ! « *rl !•, Ky i , M. Lotts, Mo I oats. Mo i ,ec!oo«ti t O KooitI!! . KiiOSTi’.l*, T*ct Kroik! e, Ttcti Ns»livt.M«*, Tstfl .-i Uc t >it 1-. k v r’- t ^cs. dcciMti Adro'r estate o' A two •Urtuttr's Ue f-\ ruruishfft Housr io Heut 1 \•* : V- :.X’’ »* f'erain^r six al * V. . , Jalv.'* v! M* Cs^itol, .0 reel A i-y »: t!.t ■ - - oi > f.rtre . & Jcckioo, Afto’reyt s*. Uw, oa NN :..'.Ck.s.,