Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, December 03, 1870, Image 3

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Utnuuun 1 von mV 'R: DU. JAMES F. ALEXANDER, ron ti.uiHMEN: pint Ward—C. W. WELLS, 0. P. OA881N. Second Ward N. A. MCLENDON, uci bUkt j. lowky. * w«id pu. W. It. D. THOMPSON, -IV n. U.UUToBK. '‘HOAbLLN. Fuuith WaH-JOHN U. J. A. WIUQUT. Filth Wtird- K P RICE, A I..yn-Wt.KR ATLANTA, GEORGIA Saturday M'-rrlntr, Dec 3 1870. Thk weather contiu tea lie tulilui. Cotton is sternly at 13$ ror.ia Gold ttuyingycslenlt.y at 109, Bellini; at 111. Hhic last night's proceedings ol tliu Council. Tub price of ten pins is down. I’kasb 1ms added cklkhy to Ills already oi- tensive list ol edibles. Brassy.—Tbc gilt glotre that is to go on tb tower ol tbc Kimball House, fit 1 street lamps were washed yesterday—in Borne localities. Kcattkrhd —A drove ol hogs on Mariet a street, by a party of 6mall boys making a sud den coup,(F.main upon them. Inthukstinci —To see three young men, all I/aoty, playing u came ol billiards on One table, ver—much -so-hie—that’s the poiut. Hoosiikads.— More than sixty-three gallons could have been seen in front ol Williams Langston A Crane’s yesterday. Ki'M v 15 It—The lllth on the street imme diately m (rout ol Tubert A Brown, Marietta street. Bomb ol our candidates have given up.every thing but home, ami gone to electioneering in good earnest. Hknatb will adjourn to-day according to agreement. No other business ol Importance before them. ♦. Iti v. 1). K Hi:ti,ku, of Madison, (la., will (I) \ ) preach at the First Baptist Church, butt ■lay, the 4ih inst, at 10J A, M Do not forget Unity on Monday night, the re nowned Forrest will open bib week's engage ment here as Vtrginius. Urmk.wukii, ttinight will bo the last oppor tunity ol wilue tetjig the perlormanee ol the Florences. Go early Lit secure tour seats . -J „ ’ ' Matinrk this alternoon at the DeUi ve il pent House -"Canto," Htu popular comedy— by the popular Florences. Wtt regret the disappointment caused that y ting lady who Was to rfbig lor our special pleasure, (1. e ) it she sing. O.tr business eu* gagi mi til* previ Ini'. 1‘hopeu Flan.-To reconcile the two parties, Dem and U p, let each parly choose iU own G..V. iinir ami let liim lute, as they do over in our sister Blatc—Alabama. Nuw Trial -We wore ii, funnel by Capt. •Inekton, counsel G>r the delenso in tic Iunes case, that a motion lias been made ior a new trial. Tub QuitsTtoN.—Should a young man whose hat has been blown nil into the middle ol a very muddy street and run ovur by a wagon, soil his bout in recovering it, or leave the.hat. We saw it decided. He left the hat. manner, HDd the Chairman ol the Committee on PelitlouB reported the lollowiug petitions. From a number ol porsons, for extension oi license. Grained. Rice &. McRen, lor retail license. Laid on the tftble. 7 Rico, lor retail license. Grunted. C ,1 Proctor, for $5,000 damages for injuries sustained in consequence ol obstructions on Mitchell street. Laid on the table. I Colom.1 Hulsey, counsel for the petitioner, ■ -t the petition was presented merely '“W, stated ii. - crossing on Mari- to comply with tu .. A number ol citizens, lor a v . ettii street. Referred. 0 M. W. dohnson, for relief from double tax Referred. J. Franklin, for relief. Referred. George JohnBon, lor relief from paying tax. Represented by Colonel Hulsey in a lew brief remarks. The petition was laid.on the table Elijah Nash, lor privilege to peddle iruit on the stroel Ircc ol lie* use. Referred to Tax Com mittee. F. Perdue, for building culveit on Ilaydcn street. Referted to Committee on Streets _ L II. Davia and others, for repair ol Green': Fury Avenue Bridge Relerred to Street C m- UliDee, with powur to art. W 1. Madison, for privilege to peddle with out license. Referrt d toUeliol C H. C. Holcombe, to have tax sale set aside. Recommitted. TllitRRisii triangular house in this city at the verge of two streets, about twelve feet on each angle occupied by two stout men, doing business on a cupilal ol ah nit LOO or 200 dollars. How’h that for b /. ? Police Court.—His Honor ivas present and bear ! the talc ol woe ol about eight eases, all ol whom were called upon to.Buliaerihe to the amount ol $25 aud costs lor vanuuB misde meanors Loose Horse —Yesterday another horse dis turbed the monotonous routine of business down Whitehall by escaping from his rider aud Indulging in various eccentricities to tlie preju dice ol his horseship aud Consternation of pass ing ladii s and children, “The Theatre irnni the very first The lavorlte haunt n( vice." IlY special request, l)r. Brantley will dis course on Theatrical Entertainments (I) V ), in the First Baptist Church, corner of Walton and Forsyth streets, on Sunday evening, 4 h in»t., at ?$ o'clock. 'I he public are cordially invijeil Nothing gives us more pleasure than to call our readers’ attention to energetic and deserv ing young men. Such a young man can he found at the store ol Ficlshul & Bro.,on White - hall street—as courteous aud prompt in husi hops transactions a« he is graeol il snd unassum ing socially. All our citir.eiis know him II s name is ,! 0. Allen. CaTl aud see him, and you will think as we do. County Finances — While attending the present session of the Superior Court, the tlr.sn dal matters of the county have come under our notice to some extent. Wc are pleased to see that all jury certificates and county checks are promptly [laid upon presentation 10 our worthy and accommodating County Treasurer, Mr Columbus M. Payne, and we are also gratified ;o learn they arc received at par with green backs which does away with the old practice of hawking the certificate*, &c , about the slieets at considerable discount. This |e sks well fir Judge Dan. Pittman, our very elHeleut Ordi nary, in his management ol ti e ail airs of the county. The Florences. — To night will be pre sented, by special request, that great moral drama, the “Tickct-ol-Leuve-Man.'' Wo bad the pleasure ol witnessing its first performance iu this city ibis season, on Thursday evening last, aud can truthlully say a better moral les sou was never presented to an Atlanta uuditneo Sir. Florence, as Boh Briefly, is truly incompar able, and Mr F. is often callod back by long and loud applause. We would bo pleased to notice each member of that popular company, as they are conceded to bo the most accom plished that have yet performed at the De- Give this season, hut we regret the want of space this morning. We hope to see them agaiu in our city, and will always lake pleas ure iu commending them to the patronage ol our citizeus- Mr. F. and the accomplished Mrs. F. came into our midst with the most tUilcriog recommendations, aud have so well sustained themselves as to secure the esteem ol every one who have witnessed their brilliant performances. retorts. Street Committee read a report Irom Sowem praying Council to have his lot mi Marieim sin cl assessed, which was appropriated by the city Col. Cow art spoke at Some length in be hall of the petitioner. It- P- ri ot Committee on Water Works to ex amine bids, recommend that the Council give i-i the committee iaiger discretion. They further recommend that a committee, consisting of J L. Dunning, A. Murphy, J. 11. Flynn, and Wm. Rushldn, be authorized to examine the various systems o! water woiks by visiting the ddlerent i-iiua employing them, and that Iheir expenses la patij by the city. 1'bey la voted t e (ihsuahoochec as the source ol gu| ply ol w ati r 'Phe lollowiug resolution wa , oflered by Dr. O'Keelc concerning public schools : Detolml, That His Honor, the Mayor, beau tlioiized to have published in all the dat y papers, the following card Irom now until and including next Wednesday : To ike I.t'jal I Hen of Atlanta: By the action ol the City Council of Atlanta, you are requested to i xpress on your ballots, at municipal election on Widnesday m\p your appioval or disapproval ol tbc cs'ablisb' in-lit ol Public Schools in'said city II a led lot having "Schools" on it is v ( ,u-d it means the issuing ot #100,000 in city bonds lor Un building of school houses in the city of Atlanta, ami a ballot li iving “ No Sehoids" on it inruns opposition to the issuance ot sin h bond . 'lie candidates for Mayor and Council are requested to have their tilIh-Ih printed to i- u- lArm to the above arrungt mi nt. • . Passed W»i EzzaRD, Mayoi, Resolution ol \V C. Andeison,requesting the managers ol tin- appro >< liiitg lueclioii to < 1- cet a,I eity tax due !oi lNliu, belori voting, and that the l lerk ol Couneil be n quested tb In:- nidi u list ot all (b laultcrs' mimes, and tliul one person he upjioiuted to attend each w nd. Passed. Re.-iihi'ion, that the place lor bolding the mu nicipsi election in tin; Third Ward In aline Fair Ground School House instead ol at the residence ol J. U. Killy. Panned. he C! airman ol the Finance Committee presented the report ol the expenditures ol the eity lor the week ending Fi nlay nigh', Dee-m her 2d, amounting to $1,490 30. Received and adopted. The Council then went into secret session, lor the purpose ol electing a policeman and to con sider the question of water works, Ac , and re porters were discharged. Ska Moss Farine.—Tnis in s new article ol food, which we take pleasure in commending to our readers. We have used it in our families and have found it to bu Ifo, most dulru laus, del iente and pa,a.able aiticle lor table use we have Huen. It is a light and agreeable furiuo, very pleas ant to the taste, easy ol digestion, and hence specially adapted to the use ol the sick, the thou sands ol dyspeptics HUl-uig us, and lor young Children , Resides, the rtca Mobs, its principal in gredient, lias many curalivo properties, and is hi lily recommended for pectoral and scrofulous ullections, and Is perfectly harmless. Here, then, we have an entirely new article of food of the most delicate and inviting char acter, adapted to the Use of the table lor Ulan?: Mange, Puddings, Charlotte de Russo, it, and almost invaluable for use by ihe invalid, li is simple, delicate, nutritious, humiless, remedial and i conomteal, as it can be furnished lor one- third to one-hall the cost ol Corn Starch, Mai zena, Farina, etc., lor all ol which it is more than a substitute. It is made up without trouble, and will al ways be good. Tty it; and our word lor it, you will continue iu its Uiv.~Jntlepcnde.iit. noldldawlw. --> Buciiti.—The.best and cheapest Buchu in the United Slates is that jirepared by Dromgoole &, Co. For all diseases of the uriimrv organs, its ae lion is quick, powerful and siitislactoiy, The Gravel, Gout, Drop-y, milky, ropy, or bloody uriue, Irtquent desire to urmalo, ditllculty and pain in urinating, burning pain aud weakness m the small ot the back, (dice's ot Imblts : I dissipation, snd all kindred complaints it nets in sucb a manner as to gain the entire confi dence ot physicians and olhers. One bottle will cure any ordinary case Price $1, ors-x for $u hold by druggists and dealeis every where. decl-dAwlm —- The Fifteenth Amendment—After ten years ol i xperienee, ami fifteen changes in the ingredients, I’halon has the pleasure ot an nouncing that Ins Yilalia, or Balvainm lor the Hair, 1s a perlect article, capable ol inla lihly rest-jimg gray hair to its primary color, and without lailurc. hold by all druggists and fancy goods dealers. uovlid-uAwlw Spotted like Dominoes.—The tietb soon become -pecklcd it every delilemcnt is not re moved font ibem every twenty lour limps To do this ell dually, there is nothing I ke he in dent. It literally lenders the enuuii! impcivi ous aud iudestruciihlc “ Spalding’s " celebrated Glue, useful and irue. novljO-diw lw. Si DDKS changes ol weather are productive i;f I'broal Diseases, Coughs, Colds. Ac’ Then is no more itleetu .l rebel In these di- -is*- to he found, than in the timely use ot "Brow - llrmi ehial rroches.” Tticv possess real merit, and have proved their ctUcacy by a lest ol malty years, having received testimonials ft in i mi- ueut men who have used them, uovlftj . aw 1 w Alaska.—Where on this glola can wc go It yond the omnipiescnl Yankee? Land ng it' hitka, we ha-1 w alked but a short, di.-lattee iulo the loan when wc reached the ttotthern depot of Dr. Ayer’s medicines iu full display among the huts, shanties and dourU ol these bores 1 Gibes. There the familiar, homelike names of lii.s Cherry Pectoral, Pills, Ac, salute us trout the exier or and interior of a store which shows more business than its neighbor, aud proves that these simple hut sure remedies are even more necessary to savage Ihe than t > ourselves where they visit every fireside.—Cor. Alexand. Journal. deel dfrwltn Avert the Evil—If mothers would give Mrs. Whitcomb’s Syrup to their children when sick, mortality would bo loss among Hum it costs only 25 cents. uovUO-dA a 1 w Bee advertisement of Dr. Butts’ Dispen sary, headed Book lor the million—Marriage Guide—in auolhcr columu. It should tie read by all. -ly Gold, buying ‘ ii! Gold, selling 1 1 ()1 Silver, buying Silver, Belling '' ummn Georgia Railroad Stock .-’V,*’ 9 , New York Exchange, buying at Jc discount. New York Exchange, selling at par. COTTON—The market today bao been dull mid declining ; middlings FP ; lw mul otug l‘Jg , good onliiury 1JJ; nrJin iry ilg- URAi'N—Wheat #' IU to $1 40. Corn $110 to $1 20. Oats 00 to t>5c. Rye $1 ~ 5> Bur.ej $1 25. MEAL—$1 20. Feed meal IH’I.K MEAT—Clear sides 14, clear rib sides 1IH ; shoulders 10*. BACON—Clear sides none : clear nb sides none; shoulders none. GaniB sHgar cured cauvassed 24; plain canvassed 20 to oi. " r MISEB—Cuba, per gallon, birds. 32; n ' , "rida 05 to 75; New Orleaus, 'W); Syrup, per gallon, Mi,. per bid. 83 , . ■mfiO; prime, MJ, choice 3.j lo . 75 to $1. TOBACCO—Low grades, unsound, 3o . Low gra . i$to 05 ; me Hum grades, Bmiii-i 05 to 7-5, Due grades, sound, 75 to $1 ; choice $1 25. APPLES—For barrel $4 50 to $5 00. $60 nc^nwentPtnrlBg easiness *t home. N» cJiiPst required. Adaruss NOVU.TT Co., B»co, Me, SALKSMEN WANTED. No competition, llbor&l pfty . W KhNNiSlJY, b S. 4th Bt., PhlU. Uue’ncBB honorablpj given novi5 lw K-’rec to 8took \Rents. \V«- ■*;.! re: -i . l * i nioiae I’roepeciae ot our Now lllc r licit I m ty Bib’s -o anv Book Acont, tree of . tmrilll. Aiidrerr, NATUHOT. ltTBLIBlIINO Co., Ch‘ S- di-l|,tl)a. Pa . Co-cnv". til . or 81. Louis. Mo. oovM-lw $10 Made from 50 Cents. Call and p«e: t eta that retail U* L. Wolcott, lal Chatham ttq., N. Y. Hoino hinK urgently need* rt i»y everyoodjr. or 1-2 eamp ea Fcrit postage paid for BOcto that retail eanliy for tlOJ 1 00.000 AGLNTS WANTED. MONEY 1IUW tf U 111 L II CAN MAKE And other beet ts>- ks in iho market. McF.imsry a MeHTts, 1508 UieeUiul Streot, Phl.a. .VlnrKcl Iteporis by Tclei(ra|ili. New York. terling f" K-ccmber 2 —Money 0 to 7. Gobi 11$ Govern meats dud hut 1 ; - t 1 heavy; sales 3,000; upland 15i ; Orleans lfij. Fl-uir firmer ttin‘ mine doing Whisky N’J t-‘ GO. Corn 1 to 2 < tuts belter. P -tk quiet. Beef steady. Laid heavy. Loupvii.i.k, Deyembor 2—Bagging firm. Iletnp 27. Flax 28/ Flour stosdy. Provisions, ae'ivn .'bs-i Pork, on spot, $10 cash. Lurd, iiirce, held ut 13 Whisky steady, b4. pi L : is, December 2.—Flour dull. Corn dull and di I'bnin--; yellow. 57 lu 53. Bagging unchanged. 15-rk #i!l to $1 .5it. London, December 2.-(5 ttsols 93J. Bonds Auivi iciitt secutiues firm Livkri’ool, December 2.—Cotton dull; uplands, 9; Orleans, 0|. sales I.UU0. Baliimire, Dicemlier 2—Flour active b it weak. Wheal dull. .Corn nominal. Pork $23 Ba on (poet. Whibk'y 3'J. Cettuu Uutl ; mid dlings 10*. Cincinnati, Deceiiibo 2—Flour dull and droo| ; lamilv, $5 do to $.5 50 Corn, lair deiimnd m .53. ilesi potk, wink ; snui 1 salts at $10 2-5. L ml. (piiet; s'l-uaj 11 J.; kettle 12 to 14. A hisky (lull ut Nil in b-l. Gai.vkst in, December rrdtliary 13$ ; m cs 1.300, Boston, December 2. -C<-U0n quiet; mid dlings, ID ; Sill* h -100. New Orleans Dicenibcr. 2.—Cotton ac tive'; mill dings 1.5g to i.5j ; sabs C,S50. N i.koll, December 2—Cotton dull; low middlings, 14$ , sales 400. .Monti,it, DiCin.ber 2.—Colton quiet and Drill; mulillit g, 14$ to 1,5 ; h„Ics 4,01-5. Augusta, D-eentb r 2 — C* t;ou dull ; mid; I lings, 14$ to 11 g ; sutds 900 Savannah December 2—Cotton middling : 14$; sale , 1,200. FARMERS’ HELPER > fioublo tho profit? of the KAKM, it ' •one ceu each inako ' /rr ‘NTH Slows hov< how farmer- ami uu, $100 PER xvxv»_ b W inter. 10,Wu Cohlos will he mailed free to *•» u>. Neirt um: ,.- aud adcicsa to ZIEULBU A MnC’l’K- DY, Philadelphia, Pa. novIS-4w -Ci ttou firm ; good active, ANNOUNCEMENTS gT'*** :Wnirr «u ,,| or‘^4l •Jwa -jrilOB. CAMN us x $ u 1 I TiiidlllulU iol forthcomli.i! i In hi U I ..li 1 ure aII111 .J.iMii.i i£. <.( LL zrd io ■ in III.’ Slutt* !.'• l.-!utii lion. I of Atu tliul in ii candidate L» ‘ of tt- ropreaen - forthcoinlnit elec • cohuly. and cBtn cinlly tho city f hln fttdlily ub one of their rrp- re-fiitutivep lu the btute L* 'ii* u ire, ^.<1 having with- »lr«wn his name from the lute Democrat*c meelln^ that u--emb! *d iu tlilfi oily to n »minute cuulidaU-, lor reu- f iuanoi necert-iry divv toBtflte, he doe* not feci hound by the act Ion f that me Mn»c und le, theroloro, an la- dependenl candiuute, and will be nupporfed by novB-td MANY K HI ENDS. > ; (** llabliiiul < on *11 patio ii—Ho tv lo Kl* fBUT A CKllTAIN ANIl l’KHM AJiKNT CM UK -SoiUU OtCU- patloua of life predispose io CoBtivencac, cipodally thoio which allow i»ut lttt’.e « xtrclf>e. .Purvoiis who contract this unfortunate habit of body, under b h h clr- cuniftauci F, n»ij;ht p- r»ib.y he .c n ved Ly ' ha.'.^ai^ their aedentar/ employment* lor othtra ut a more actlvi kind but ttiir* in by no mean* certain. Habitual con* Btlpation ia u very obstinate disorder. All the ordinary fio-culled remedies Invariab’y u r $.■ ravate It. N^dtiiiiu can be more lnlnrious than the coutii ued ubu of etronr aperients. They nt flrat Irritate, unJ finally almost paralyze the bowtla - rendering them bo torpid that euormouB Uomb of cathartic mtdiclucs have i.o illact upon them. A mild aperient, combined with a gentle stimulant, i* ib-’ (rue remedy, nod a combination In the happiest proport i u, of thesu in^n dlcnts, is found In Hostetler's Stonuch Hitter#. This famous blom nchtc invigorates the whole intestinal canal, while quietly rtrn vii ^ Irom liu convolutions all impediments to a free pasta^c through them. No mere purjjai've Uua this double operation. No ordinary stimulant eflects the desired oVj ct. C ases of Const;pition abandoned a* hope .ess by dlstinsulHhed medical men luv* b* en cured lu a few weeks by thece Hitter*. To those who have tried all ths medicines of the dispen sary in vain, we eay try this ‘"tnet bio stimulantanu Hperient There m o sufficient reason why constipa tion should be (he conseqacnco ol sedentary habits. Iloetctter’s bitter-, by supplyfntcth vi^or which would otherw a*- bo derive 4 from si’ rcii* , will in ah cares enable tho system to perform Ha excretory functions rojco arlyand boa thfu.ly. , I?I f l- > rleii(l Conyh, and thus avoid a cm by ti j lr / HJ0D6 Flower Cou/h Syru Hronchial, Throat and Lutqj Disease p cries#. and never has b eu equal ed, Sold l*y Drug 1 , l-t* i’KM BKKTON. T AY1. Proprietor* * nov/7 X I I Ili til at terrible »!{ Al'U, zd Chemists, Atlanta, <*a <J E Lfoltu .V X E D MURRAY & LANMAiYS FLORIDA WATER. The nin-t lasting, agreeable, and retreshlng ol nil pcrlutu s, lor use ott the Halt Ik. retail 1, at Ute Toilet, au«l la the Bath. For sale by all Druggists and lV rfuin*Ts. novO-eodly XJI K lilt I UAL 4 II I Tl Blvlt- »M Mss, oh UhIaT Social. Kvms am) /» which Interior* with MAKKIAGB, w th sure means of rr i f for the Krriug aud Ui fortunate, uLeased and debiliutcd. bent iu sealed ’ettor onvolopes, tree of chArge. Addrosi-, HOW Rl> 8 AN I i’AKY AID AH8001A- TlON, No. ‘2 South Ninth St., i'tllLADKLi’illA, l'a. i vftdtm p^.^nouiiiL' .Carried. -Kbsats for Younc ~&tKN, on Social Kvi!*, and the propriety or Impropriety of tf”ttln$ Harried, with uanltary help for those who feel unfilled for niMirimouLl happiness Sent tree, In sealed envelopes Address, UOWAHD A8MJ- ClATION, lk»i 1\ PhlUUvlphU, l'a. scpuA) Local Agents Wanted. mm a Local Agent in e7ery Town &na i-> u * i.o Coun’ry, to canvass lor Sub . r- to tij-* WbBTKRN Would. A Mao- mi km ioUO I'bescjlm Stski. Knoiia- *•> :■* t"’m ciattB to every subscriber i £• O ' '» J'u 00can be eaBily mads In « n. A litu-ral cs»fe comm;Baton is •v. tl Send stamp for specimens and zc 1 ircu'ar Address 1.1 ‘TT, IViston Mass. LIV E AfiKN 1*S W ANTED FOR. WOMEN OF NEW YORK OR SOCIAL LIFE in the GREAT CITY. Wond* rfm «i- v«» prncnip among the *?reat aristocracy. M h' riel nn i iu*m Kxpo-'td, A.* .Ac Price *J5. 'Ihe eet t< rms 'u Agents Adiircs-, N. V. Book Co. 146 NaBsau 8t,, ov r Ktven New \urk. i D” win • lormit g od'B * Life of, Christ.” snd “Lives lists and Martyr*." Doddridge* it.ttn/v, ' "History of the Jews." ry of -t rMlig.oas Denominations." Die b . re a*inrj to events connected containtug many fine engravings, u complete Treasury of Christ .an W. PLtNT, S. SEVENTH ST . Philadelphia PATENT ORGANIC VIBRATOR. It i i to the Kht ii no* i*rc*’4»fil)le rcinovt« n In church. ruamnteed. Tn-atisr on Catarrh aa 1 bcctlun# scat fr**c. Dr T. IL otilwell, Jv-lixoadway, Nuw Yuck* GETTINtt UP CLUBS. Great Saving to Consumers. 1 answer i-, pfi'd Di •• List hint a nu » torm will accompany i: with h! dirt* ; u-- making a large saving to con- pumers and remunerative to Ciub o.gkUizera. 3 1 A 33 VF.S 1!V STIIEET, . - i . . Aojcntb Wantbd f r a m-w illustrated work bj d •; ngo shed Southern Jo ills let iesued, T l-tf« and Times t ihe lam* nted General ROBERT E. LEE 1th afnil r»*c r *i "f ih • campa’^us and heroic deeds of Arm- “.Names the world,will not T o Life of Gen Lee Is hire vciver. •est.n* v»*r before published. In one yi,*.'* * • ■" Mf»* Ilk Miocl eogravinfi*. i • d Disabled bo diers and acilve ; tins great work. tf. B. TllKAT i HroaowAN. N**w Yora novl.'tA* v\. In.; y le full *>( furtB luir.d m«* v ACENTS WANTED FOR “LADIES OF IHE' WHITE HOUSE." •' v !‘I'd on ! bio/raphloB of every mistress of tin; 1 ** dcM'B M iii** oi. from Washington lo Grant, “'i;"*'!•>' illu-tr i «’d *>r stet* For c rc.ilars and terms, tuu. -f, t).>. I’i jii.imii.su C'o , New York, rindnnatl, r_Ht. Louie, Mo :im r* iw $1,000 TO $2,000 SALARY HE Ol'ARANTEL’ To PAY B OOK AGENTHof experience; ora lar/er conmlB- - u than - o I • . • - . Pu then Atrents ar*' n aking |*." t( fanj per weak canvaBBiug tor onr n«’W I ustratrd ItookB. We guarantee Agents a -alary or a largu ronun aslon with u choice of two new ami popular beok- and exclusive territory. We offer a • are chance to energetic men «>r women tt) make mo: vy Necuru your agency dirt-cl lr *m the publishers. m-vl6-4w J. b. bUtlKX CO., Hart load (.‘onn. (•hOItt.IA, IlK.NttY OoCMT. Ubdinary’s urrics, October W, 1970. n KVBY K i N [\P uppll cb to me for L**tters of Ad- itiiD utratiiin on Uxest ute of George W. Kunkie, .*»te df ul county deceas'd * If objection- exist, ci ;hem be filed w.thlo statutory iln;o, cr *.b” tetters wi.. oe granted. Wilucss mjr official signature. GEOKGE M. NOLAN, Ordinary. ;.r nter’s fee | LxtMMitor’kf Mulo % \1TILL ‘ t su'd before the court house door in ihr if town »-f Kay. fcv.l”. i*n the firs* Tuesday in -h; a ry i. U. wuo ;. the legal hours of rale, the foi- u* in/ pn periy. to-wit; IH..iy ae . { to: of land No. 1»). being the west port.Au oi e ad lot being iu the lowers* veuth d strict of f»:a c€*u . y. Mo *! ihe property of the estate of Guy banister, do • a-ed* ior ihe benefit of the heirs and rred.lore. Terms lush. NA1 li.iMKL STINCIU’O.MB. Bxecntor. ;.u..S id ter's is* 1 16 per * juare. j^Ldiniaistrator’s Sale. ) PnUidmg County, (ra , vi.1 oe sold before the court H use door, iu the town ol Dali is, between in* usual urs of s.x.e on th flr-t Tuesday lu December next, the following lot* o land, uvsu: No. (fcy 74'J. Hi)l T H.Ttii. 7-4. 760, 7 i7, 766,746, 090 snd west naif of •v'J d acres >( lot So r.9l. all in Ihe dd dis trict of the 3d -«»lion of Paulding county, tia Sold as ihe pro,** rt> <.f Oliver Kuesurn, Lite of said county, de- ( eased. -o*d to pay the d( ids and a division auix>ng the leg&lcot, this October 1'4 1>70 Tern^t’ssh. W 11. Will rWoltTII. Adrn’r. octJVtds Printer's fe«* i***r square. G. TV, AD.kIH« Auciloueer* G U AUDI aTn • H SALE. P l'ltsUANT to an order ol the Dourt of Ordinary ol Pulton oouuty, 1 will sen before the Court House door in Atlanta, on th • Krrtt Tuesday in December next, o: e ci y lot in Atlanta **u ihe uoithweet side of Peters sire.*t, fronting ou -aid street 90 feet aud running hack 9U0 but across an alley. Will be sold in three or more io's.m per plat lo be sex u day of sale, bold for ti e benefit *•’ Thorn is Jcflerson, and Joseph K. Atkins, minors ’terms; hall Cosh, b.iauee three months w-tb legal ii teruei. bAitAH K AT KI Nb, Guardian. ocf.’T d printer’s lee $6 per square. REDWINE & 3JOX, DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN Window Class, Polished and R^ugh Plate Class, Colored and Ornamental Class, STRICTLY PURE WHITE LEAD, I*aint Colors, OILS, and Varnishes, All Classes of BRUSHES, PERFU1IERIE3, AND TOILET GOODS, '"*Bd, DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, PATENT MEDllu. - ~'(ioa of poYckaHrs It Miloa to om And everyXklnx nsaull/ kept in a FIU8T-CLA88 1)1109 IIOU3S. The ai LARGE AND WELL-SELECTED STOCK. CORNER WHITEHALL AND AL A BA M A S T R E E TS, ATLANTA, GEORGIA OCt-lO— NORFOLK, VIRGINIA AND BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, “ A No. 1 ” Fresh Oysters. 1 HENRY F. EMERY,!}! RECEIVED D»IU .BY EXPRESS IN Cans, Half UEOUUlii Kilion County. GudinAur's Orvics, November 5.1870. M ANY b. BAKUBii f widow ol Krodedck C. Barber, late of Kichmond c»*'nty, deccas'*d. f as applied to* exempt uu of per- »LAity aud eetiiug apart aud valuotioi of omcBlead, outoi ihe r ali% and personaity iu the hi ds t the hxccuior, m the county of Kich> tu. ud, a. ii i w. 1 p.aBe up.m the eagi'*’ at 10 o'clock, A. M., on h ) k'Ai uay ol Novern >er, INTO, at my office. DANIEL PITTM aN. Ordinary, novd dawlt printer’s lev $*. Cans, Kegs, or Ily the C.allon, Warranted Fresh and Good Wliolcsale and Retail* A UKNKKAI. A880RTJLKNT OF Salt Water Fish from the ;Coast of South Carolina 1 Georgia & Florida. n. ~ - kept i ry ice. ORDERS from the Country Solicited ; PACKED IN I0EIAND 8HIPPED TO ANY POINT. Transactions Cash ! Cull or lend jour OKDSK3 to Ku- ATLANTA ICE HOUSE, WEST SIDE WHITEHALL BTREKT FHONTOA railroad. octl9-*m »T UL Jb; GREAT SOUTHERN & ATLANTA AND AUGUSTA, -TO- Chailoeton, Oolnmbt., Ch»rtoUe, Raleigh, WUalattom. Weldon, Ktchm.. .d, WMhlngtca,BAltl2*Or*- FhUadeiphU, and New York. CONNECTIONS by thU Line art Moat Certain and 8tire at all Beaauue I THE EATINO HOUSES on this Line haye been tbor* onKhly overhanii-il and refitted. Ample tine glyeo for Mu&li.at regniar .tcura. CONDUCTOB8 Ontk’.i Line are Affable and Coorteom to PiMMgeri, NO CHANCE OF CARS Between Weit Point, Oh., tad Wlbalngtoa, 1.0. 901CK TIME ABD SORE COHHEGTIOIS VIA CEORCIA RAILROAD. P A38BNOBK8 ear. parchue Through Tickets ead buvu tbelr 11AUGA8I checked through Iron New Orlcana, lYIobile, JHoDlgoaaery, Cw- luoikus, and illaita, to Ulebnaond, Hal t Into re, Wuhligtoa, Man, adelphla, and New T.rk, ■ T FOUR DIFFERENT ROUTES Via Auguita, Ooorgla. Via Kingsrllle and Wilmington; rla Columbia, Char lotto and It&lelgh; rla Colombia, Danrllle and Hlch- moud, via Atlanta, Angnala, Wilmington, and Bay Fare as ’ow liy Ancnsta as am omer Some, I'ULLMAN’8 PALACE SLEEPING naira 0 . »n Night Trains leaving Atlanta oy thlalioale. PASpSNUE. 3 wishing to go North Sy Bea will fihda Splendid Linn of steamahlpa from Charlaeton, tt. c. to lialtimore, Philadelphia, Boston, and New York. ’ THE CHARLESTON STEAMSHIPS Offer ever*- l.'^ icmnen to Paasengerv, with Tablvu sum- pllod with every luxury thr Northern And Chur let- ton JUrkotB can Afford; And for safety, speed snd comfort, are UNRIVALLED ON TEN COAST ! Point, and A ship. Through Tickets on sale at Montgomery, Weet line la, to Nuw York rla Charles ton Hteam- 1 A HOBEHT, General Ticket Agent, Georgia apt —Am AGENTS WANTED In all par' i of tho United Btstcs, to sell L. V. DEFORE8T & CO.’S Aluminum Cold Jewelry. A OF.NT8 are making f200to_|300 per week eelllav the Alummutn Jewelry, The best lmlUlloa^ gold ever introduced. It ha« tho exact color, which it always retail s, and sUuds the test of the stromreet acid«. No one can tell it from gold only from weight— the Aluminum Gold jm;pe about 1-10 dffhtvr. L. V. DKroaxBT & Co., are selling their goods for M0 the price gold Jewelry is s.>ui ior, and on most liberal terms to agent*-M ca-h. balance in B0, 00 and 90 days. We send \ ermn- w’phiug to act as agents, a full and com plete apsortment of goods, couaistingoi Beals, Brsco* letB, Lockets, Ls<lies and Gji t's Chains. Pins, Hinge, Meeve Huilons, Studs. Ac., lor $100—gU to be paid when the goods are received, the other $75 in 30, 60 sad 9) duyt. Parties wishing to order goods and act aa agertB will address. STEAM PUMPS HAND PCMpS, POWER ru n p i VUB BAILBOADS, KILL., RIKU, Breweries. Dlstlllerlet, WELLS Jt CISTERNS, Hydraulic Presses, &c., SAD * DOG IKONS, McCOWAN BROS.. r. a a. oo. SEND FOB Cl BCD L A R. M A Ml Elm ilroet, octlfi. Cincinnati. O. S3 "Watch.! S3 Watch’! TM1 IE1AT NUBOriAM Eureka Aluminum Gold Watch Co. BALL, BLACK A CO., 565 and 567, Broadway, N. Y., In Closing Out their Department of GAS FIXTURES, Offer their immense and eutlro stock of real aud hnlta* tion broLxe Chandeliers, Brackets, Hall Lights Portable Stands. Sec., AT LESS THAN THE ACTUAL COST OF MANU- 1 PACTUHE. Thla 1. an opportunity icldom ofinrel to thOM about famishing HOUSES, STOBES, CHURCHES, Ac., for urocnrlng tn. finest work anil new.it patterns at mod* rite prices. A Urge .luck of pattern moulds to bo sold cheap to thetrad# after Maich 1,1H71. Tt.- mile will c-uilnuo ior about three months, novlfi R. A~TOON & CO., HAM ITVACTraiNJ ov Brooms, and Dealers in Produce H4. llllOAD HTHKET, NASHVILLE, TENN. Will fl all orders promptly at ths lowest rate*. novo-dm ■an an-onTiD L V. DEFOREST, Jeweler*, 40 and 43 Broaiwmf, New York, Sole Affonta for ttao XJ. N. A NDhsTo antborlied them to sell thstr greet Iniu ALi-niNra Gold Warcass for Tania Doll.rj. and to warrant to eseb ud every one to keep correct lime tor one year. Tola Watch wa gnaranlee to be the best and cbeapeet time-keeper that te now In nse In any part ot tbeglobe. Ike workearete do bln ca.ea, La dle.' and Genl'i alas, and are beaattfhllr rhated. Tbe cases are made ot ths mstai now so widely known la Europe ns Aluminum Gold. It has ths exact color of Gold, which It always rotates; It will stand ths test of ths strongest adds; no one can tell It from gold only by weight, tbs Aluminum Gold being M0 fighter. The werka are made by machinery, same aa tbe well known American Watch. Tns Alumina® In n cheap metal, hence we can afford to sell the Watch for 9* and make a small profit. Ws pack the Watch safely tn a small box U. 8. on receipt and sand li by mall to any part of ths oi f8 an; fifty cents for packing and postage. Address all orders to L. V. DXFURItr * CO., 40 * 44 Broadway, N. Y. nsyt-ta . fuou PilB MONTH T O THE right kind of yang men. Kadoee stamp for particiilare. MOOSE * CO., octD-lawdw Markham. Virginia. foitDoned Adminiitrator'i Sale. B Y vlrtne of an order of the Oeort of Ordinary ef Henry coun'y. will be sold before the Coart Boue door In Jackson, Batts county, Gn., on the First Tnen> day tu December next, 1W acres of land, more or less, lying about three miles Irom Jackson and known as the Prances Bnrfo-d lot, number aot recollected. Sold ae the property of Beniamin Lewis, deceased, late of said Henry county. Gn.,for ths benefit of Ute heus tad creditors of deemed. Terms cash. J. THOMAS ElMUELL. Administrator. 00*18 *0d printer's foe >8 per sqnnre. j^dxninistrator's Sale. B Y slrtae oi an order trom ths Oosrt of Ordinary ef Finding County. Ga , will be sold before the soar* house door, in ths town of Dallas, between the naan] hours ol sale, on ths first Tuesday la D seem bar aaxL ths follow ng halt interest In lots of laad No. fit*, die. 077,078. AM, and fonr acres of of M la the Sd district, ol the 3d section of Paoldlag eeoaty, Oa Sold »■* the property of L. A. Ceraith, late or said county, deceased. Sold Tor a dltitloa, and te pay tha debts. Terms Cash This October U, 187a. U1KAM M. WHITWORTH, Adm’r. ectlt—tds Printer's foe $i per sqnare.