Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, December 04, 1870, Image 2

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I (The Jiaity gfiiicIHgcuccr. DEMOCRATIC TICKET! FOK CONOHF8S: (?iV«HTU.COIIGI!E48IOSAL D1STB1CT) Gen. P. N\. B. YOUNG, Of tlio County of Bartow. FOU DISTItlCT W1SIS A/AOlt. COL. (iliOUOE IIILLYKIl. l'Olt niil’IlESENTATI v I-:-*. -COLONEL E.^tf. HOOK, DU. J. S. WILSON, HENII A JACKSON. KOU BIIEIUFF I J. O. II A It It IN. ron clerk surnmoH conn W. It. \ E.NAULE. ron tax receiver: A . «. GHIKlk. FOK TAX COLLECTOR -SiniEL It. HOYLE, roll COUNTY TREASURER C. iM PAYNE, ron county iimvKyon W. A. IIAUDIN. ron coroner■ WILLI ATI KILE. ATLANTA GEORGIA Sunday Wlornlna. Doc. 4 1870. ■U'tl'JJ J " i. - Governor IlnowN and iumily returned home yesterday morning from tlicir Western virit. \V< understand that liis lather and mother weiit In company with the Governor there arid hack. A New Kirin. It will be seen by reference to our advertising columns that Mr. E. K. llawson, of the firm (1 Messrs. Chamberlin, Boynton A Co, has sold his interest to liis partners and retired, and that Messrs. C. & B., have admitted and aswiated with lhctn\Jdyiry H. Johnson and !!■ i j imin W. Briscoe, under the firm name ol Messrs. Chamberlin, Boynton & Co, This is a very strong and res|«u • hit: firm. The parties- at all well known fur their business lark and man agement, and we are confident that tin h< use will be liberally patronized. Strange Bedfellows.—Some days ago, the Courier Journal, in a lengthened editorial, lit the cal onto! the wallet. When the editor savs that there is no diflerence hi tween the B’wrW, the Chicago Tribune and the Courier-Jr, and other papers, as well as with Chase, I rum hull and others, be says just what we long ago suspected. 01 course, all such Democrats as agree witli Chase, Trumbull A: Co , ought to go to them openly, and quit protesting to t, If m- oerats. Fbr it there is no diflerence between Democrats and Republicans ol this day, why keep tip the two organisations? Why not all turn Radicals at once, and admit that the whole course of the party has been wrong Irom the be ginning? II all Democratic principles are t-. he abandoned,it must he because they are wr ng. When the Gw position as is indicated in its “ no diflerence" article, it Is m u-trous throughout. Luckily, however, though potent lor miseliiel, it m m t nll-powerlul lor evil.—.lie, oM CoiuUlulivnn'M, Dec. 1, The above article Is Ir m the Augusta Corel tutionaUsl, ol December 1st, 1870, an I it is worthy ol being noted by our people. We agree with our cotemporary that i( all past issues are dead, and that there is now no dillercnce between Urn national parties, then there is no use in keeping up two organizations. We are Compelled b admit that Gov Brown never in his 111c uttered a more truthful state ment when ho said that the Democratic party Hince the war was not what it was, or used to he, and it is still too true to deny. The would- be leaders aro not Democrats nor do they under stand the first principles ot the Democratic party. To-day, many ol them are too young and inexperienced to know tin: dillercnce l« tween the Democrats and Republicans, and their had manugemt nl w ill kill any parly AYuKer Works. Tho iollowing preamble and resolutions, passed by the City Council, were handed to u« on last evening, with a request to publish them in the Intellioenckii. \ This we do with pleasure, und invite the at tention ol the citizens to the fame But, in our Judgment, the City Council ought to have pub lished the bill proposing to establish Water Works, that the citizens might read it and judge lor themselves—not only whether they favor Wa ter Works, but whether they would lavor the same under the law authorizing tho establish ment ol said works, and a popular vote ol the legal voters had on the subject before ad ver tising lor and receiving proposals, ,‘c Whether there Is any provision tu said lui made ior tho submission ct this que.linn to tin legal voters ot the city, for acceptance ot n jection, we are not advised. Water WorkB in Athiuta aro greatly needed, and it is a matter ol regret that there should be such neglect to conlorm to the provisions ol the Constitution in such ca.-"8, and to lay the whole hill before the people lor I heir informa tion and approval: Whereas, It is the dcsiro ol all this body to gel an expression ot opinion Irom tho citizens of Atlanta ou the question ol Water Works bo lore actiDg on tlio bids now pending hcloru ut> by the diflerent parties fir building War ir Works, therefore, lie it JletoIreJ, That the didercul bids lor building Water Works lor the city ol Atlanta, lean H.V points designated, (South river and Clnuulmo- chec river) he published in the city papers o| Atlanta daily, till Wednesday next. lluolved, further, That on that day the ques lion ol Water Works or no Water Works, lx- submitted to tho voters in the municipal election to bo held that day ; and that the mangers ol said election he instructed to incp a correct tally sheet ot all votes cast-with "Water Works" or “No Water Works” written or printed therou—and that said votes be returned by said mauagers to the Clerk ol this C .until, who Ehall.couut and consolidate said votib amt submit a report ol the same to Ibis body ill its nixt meeting after said election. “Stop my Advertisement."— Our cars have been greeted by this unlavorable sound several times of late. It comes liom merchants dis couraged by the pressure, and anxious lor re trenchment. Say they, we never had much faith in advertising, and now we are fully snif fled it don’t pay. Mistaken mortals, >uu are like unto the man that killed the go.se that laid the golden eggs. Are tho Hints evil? if so, blow your horn the louder, in order that those who have even but little to spend may hear it and know where to rally. We will venture tho assertion, lhat any two men in the city may atari busiuesa with equal popularly and capital, and the one who keeps himself persistently and constantly before the public in advertisements will do double the business ol I the oue who truata to the favors aud partiality -^-fiiend*, and who jails to advertise. Econ- "■"“oil all right and proper it if a mistaken policy and cad on newspaper*.— Co A rubun I'airtol’i Kxperleneo. Hince the enthusiasm on tlio subject ol (iiban independence has died out, 1 propose to give, as briefly as possible, my experience as u Cuban patriot. The period of which I speak is familiar to not a lew, and I suspect that the detachment under Col. Sain'l Williams has gained no uit'e notoriety,aud the public mind fas not ! >rg :vu the honorourgallanl Colonel's comliu t tetlei . d upon himself \ Our trip was " short Tint sweet" until w >- ar rived at Bulanin, A1 Tjaiu.i. At that plan- we were kindly taken in charge by the United States authorities, aud «!4ow-. 1 tin in >r ot dreaming away a sweet night's test in tin L Inula Jail i Reveling in our kind treatment, we at ast arrived again at Macon, and were soon lodged in an i iegant dancing hall, to satisfy our I. r i•>i chorean projiensities or brooj over our in> dte.i patriotism. Next, in thf: course ol events, > one . irr ti ,!, when, through llie astuteness of tlio gilled ( 1. Ditch, we regaiued our liberty—left to tin- ad - vice ol Colouol Millclgo, th. ri Attorney Gen •-al, to leave Cuba alone. But our nips y jforCuba was greater than our appte. .nun of said advice, and so we started agnu lor the scene ol patriotic action. Experience had. taughtour w. rlliy Colonel new i h a», sed . no tion held a greater stnre in our uiotemea's than bclore. We slipped out of M icon, arid v re so. - whirling on our wuy-to Sanmu ,, p. ■ . -t , to Cedar Keys aud embark. No'.uing ot i occurred to disturb our tranquitljly until we nr ■rived at the Keys, where our troubles began with the h'-irtal Cubans. There we first saw the threatening visage, accompanied wi - h tie deep-toned Cnrrsho, and .Hit flushing dagger, heeding the call, leat> lorlb !mm tin- sca'i’.imi. only to—be put back again, without oiy hnr-i- being doneT A radian set are thosV Cub and lszy, too; lor, in loading the vi «-i *,'■ arms that had been smuggled to the Keys, w. “Americans" had to do all Hie work, ln--d trying to make them work aud keep order “ Trouble either destroyetli or is disiroy, d, however, and so, alter three days' ImJ woil. we weighed anchor and put to sea. We got lully out befitro sundown, and thoroughly did tho sight repay ut f.r our lai.oi Such a lairy like sconce 1 novel bcheel, acd while leaning over the gun wale ut ..ur u gliding bark, l was entranced, and tell-a- il 1 ha-J been waited irom “ muudain spheres to re glons far above." Hliort lived, however, w i the trunce, lor soon tho cry at tlio mast In , " sail-ho," attracted all, and held l.oiiu i our anxious minds. Nothin,; i.iil nia -o-.m.i r however, or may bo a meichantnriii, s-i hold on your course, there’s yet no danger ol Spaniard ftiic night wo were c : ised by a rev.mu cutle.. bill we soon loll her lar behiud, lor «i " I. lian" was one ol the lastest boats. Well, we come no w near unto Culm, Queen . 1 the Anlillies. Looming dimly up from the wa-t.* ot waters, the longcd-Ior - lores bring the bright flash into many a brave eye, un ' msk. o.ir hearts throb w ith a leeling not the lie riay>ca ble to the Spanish canke ! Wo sail on, li ver, as the lauding is unlavorable, yet coutldniit tin t we will aouii be enabled to measure our sir. ugt i with lyranical Spain. To what dUippondm. • t are we doomed, notwithstanding our z al ' \\ keep on sailing until at last, alter b. ;ug chase I to death by a gunboat, and having sailed .1! round the Island, we exhaust our supply It .i and are compelled to turn an I hunt a new hi n bclore proceeding any farther. Tin wise lit v , ol the boat come together, and it is unanimously agreed to put most ol us oil at Nur-e K,-y Island, w hile the boat would pro. i.rd to Na-« and re-coal We approach the aforesaid " isle ol the sea " but oh I horrorn I Our heartfrnr. withered by tlio scene of desolation, iiolhiu. h ,t one solid rock with a slight coating ol . arm here and there i But we are soothe 11>, a i-o., slderable degree with the assurance that iiur beloved Colonel is going with us, confident ot ids continued and disinterested attention 1. •• n wholely bestowed upon his faillilul lollow . : . We disembark amid Hie thundering wav. • and the boisterous bellowing of the s. I lierly. Wo are hospitably received hy a t'w du-ky Dings, sole owners ol tlds bcuutilul kden. They give us to drink and ground to sleep on, and then, leave ns to hug ,1. i-p and tigl t mosquitoes! We fund the la'tcr hu-ni■ lie a constant occupation and many were Un lives lost in their determined a.-»nulto upon m.r lirBve liand. We arc left on this isle with five days' pro vision lor lour huudied und iilty m. n, the i ip- lain thinking lie could get back by that time The time has elapsed, how ever, aud no vt •> . lias malic its appearance yet. We eyi.-y day expected to see a Briton tome in sight, loi a negro, living ou an adjoiuiug nle, liad ha ' bis Watermelon patch interfered w ith by on.- ol our water excursion parties and had sailed up and reported us Our expectations ptou-l not groundless, tor just after a schooner bud come in witli provisions lor our )wnshlng hcrois British man-ol-war elided in on us and,.nil- rating the schooner, piled us all in lop ot h r and then lowed us on to Nassau to Join o.ir v'caael. Crowded until we were hardly able to breathe, we become “ kinder o' vicious, und such :, 'ng you. never saw cats parlli pal n I hrough the intirvei tlon 11 our Colonel, we were transferred from tbe Cuba • arid [.ut on the man ol war. Here we had i nice lime with the nigg..r soldiers till wt got to Nassau, where we fimnil our vessel resting .-it one euil upon tho bottom and the other l v and dry above water. Tue trntli ir.shvnat sailed into Nassau with Cuban colors t;,-|. • ,.| ine English ban taken possession ol h- r i i h i impudence—the richest cargo and " up . vc-se- that bad ever started to Cuba. I will not dwell on onr stay at Nassau, it was a pretty place, hut we were in no plight to crijoy it, but bad to live a haphszzar l Itte, m .- Jectto the Snsu.u ol nigger and “c k, ind tt,o indiflerence ot the fur while people. We left there under the forced liberality ot Cabas, at d in due time arrived at Key West. Thau-, H.rough the assistance ol .Mr. Mulreuan, the Mayor, we we started home at Cuban i :»| east The atxivc named gentleman was very kiwi t.. us, and seemed to have a in ar'y di gu.-l tor tin- Cuban part of bis consUtueuts. He said to us that all he asked iu return lor liis a.-B -lance was to publish their perfidy as soon as we irot home. Aud I say now, tliut his was a just and reasonable hatred. I artivid at home., and 1 karned one thing hy ray trip to Cubs, and that was, that they are a set peculiarly luiwo tliy tin sympathy ol anybody, and that a iwanli-too good to rule over them, unless 'tis one more se vere than has ever been heard ot. Let Hinge help them who may, but it ever you get one ol our crowd to oiler ins services again, it wtd tie lor a satisfaction not contingent upon the pr im ise of a Cuban, or an assurance doubiy sme ol tne strictest non intercourse w.th the | .-tfidior.s cowards aud sensuous scoundrels! Cun.iN Patriot. HY J. W. nil's, M. II. * WO 1,* li Y T Eli lil (x HA 1* II. PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY’S H 1* (>><• 1 anrh 1 H’vcr t UtUuhJi: 1„ ... , When vf.>r-n- n>id hill " V* !t) rlio’i tl l Wf-h io ttny * roll. Life, without hope, is hut it dream—a bubble -upou Urn ocean <d Time, which in doomed to burst when the .-urging waves ol adversity lhall beat upon it- '-ail hark. There is but a short sp ire intcrvuiing betwe> n it and the tomb, ivilh : f. -v m ittcru.g f.a ..-.anti . I momentary p eas- eaves wfiotk u < lota loievt-r departed; tlnu followed in ispid -' kc< "i u In - ado! and t.-ars the winding -ili-et and c 11.;. II.'V sad the picture I—yet, how iernuly tu.-! A 1 (' mga^roUDd US and abovt- us—the sigl g wmi.-, as they make mournful - i mt Hu. ip, IL,. p rests, sfieaks iu tikmiis- t" 1 1 .a’ z , - - ! at this cn.-iuot he loan's, *’ ; ' ;l ' t la"i". h.s perpetual home, where naught hut serow lw'elib to overshadow his immor- .tv Ion vn. JLsdii; el actual aud physiologl- ' ■•.n- been created iu the image of ^ 1 ..or, p dnt- him to another and purer - " '' 1,1 ' One ol < Id, w hile cdutem- , a' ' g up. lids rub -me subject, vtlh an 1m- pissmned <--•'• aeyud soul, exclaimed, " I would tr-l live aiwny, wluu, at Ihu same time, as it 1 v i’e • " * :mparted ir m the skies by « ,me Ol 1-: 1- me si nger, he. pierced through tlio vault al- vc,-o ! eau dit ag impseoi another aud ho it r st»’e.,| existence, where " saints in glory dw " Hest for the weary"—rest Irom toil—freedom Irom si liirig and Irom tears, is but the language ol the soul, fo tom*, the tliouglit „l d. nth is Ir..ught w di anguish and sorrow ! It is a leap Tu'ii tin v . • « to r. i.-ivisibl", Irom light into ti i' unexploretl regions ot gloom and darkness. While to other*, il D t.u< e transition Iro n gloom to glory, Ir > u the pains and agonies of file, to l'il and quiet slumbers ol tho tomb, linplured visions of our future and ami lh<: < ternai VS t.4l til,II, I'M If t r h!nto I 1 fi ar ’ - • 4 Joy, 'il.f iv« Ai.(J )t)i we jr« fill to outer th«ru tn< i uUf h tii.it h ivo lal)eu liko autaaiu till vo Ifcslj i*n.l ^rcou in nicmory. Wo l"ve to v, it the spot where steeps these Jewels el cur early years, and consecrate to their " tits lie-;, tokens o| our purest afiectiuns. I wei.ty yews have rolled away sin.-.-I eom- mit ,,, .| t > the tomb tho remains ol the id 1 ot m;. In art f nan even now see, iu my Inrigina- Lou, her angel !or:n, her dark ringlets and her *! 1 s ! ’>h. It eyes I can almost hear the - ui.d ol that infant voice as she sung, " 1 will .rin mi )• go to J *ua." She lias gone I lint whin Tne Haviour h is spoken ' ol a place." \ i- brh lit winged hosts above, who minister to 'li -i- who art- u, lie tlio lit irs ot salvation, wilt tlion nol tell in what spot in Go.l's vn*l dmunin i - oceupit; i bv tlie r* d uniM.l ? hiienco pervades ' Iy thr i,;, a id in reap onto i.-i heani ! l t d in ye burn; g ,tars ot nighfwhere is the ‘I’Ll i’.ont ! Toll o- r u huh wlilcli rolls ou ill-j 1 si f ally liken .-. I lire, whether within thy blaz eg w ill) happy spirits are dwelling ? it'll us t!i ,u moon, WiOau riys of borrow.-d ligtit in reflected upon l ie earth b low, it thou h l -tt a pi i 1 of rt -,t fir the weary? Drum the aug’-ls, tin- star-t, son nor mo tu, no response tu r e ..ii !, Inr. anr l the obscurity which •_ ti - li:• ,u Hie mil; ! ot man, a voice, suit and melting, l r aks up m hi) heart, from the lips . f lie Saviour: “ Let not yo,|,r heart bo troubled, ! - ' , i ; if .it ha I not hi i n Sti, 1 would Ii ive told you." Hope, the brightest - Ur lliat shines upon the pathway ol 1,-f.v i.-'.i’e; • piiiig-up in t t: bosom nl man, an I me tlaik cl-eids ol entili vumsli away aud " : 1 ’ and iintm itality is brought.to li|.lit," tad to h P'duls to holier, happier sceues beyond the drcui y ,'orm ol tailli. ■' Who wtt.i t tvu alWsy, a way frt NEW Vottll \HSOCTATKI) t'HB-S DISPATCHER. NOON 1 > 1 «< I*.V't'tU 11 laH. IV tsill H1TON. Washington, December .:.—Foreign advices are luueli confused. The imprest-,..a exists in diplomatic cb. ies ili it tljp F’i ccIi have in tide a hii:! uni etlort, and ,at tlie last uo liciitic advices they were pu-hinz tti* u"!V .n’age. Il Is under r/dfiie th the Freneli forces actu ally won tkfc %toiV as • limed by tie tn ne .r Orleans; hut the Fru-imiat brutally rep Led tiie French attack before I ’ur is. )'• '* noTlrtie lhat the army ,.| the I.- re have t'Jf'i ' a junction vv.tli Tift ' •!. tlioegii tin .L'rus-onu lines were repeatedly tucces»lullj' pierced during the eeg'igomenl. The bati.net charge ol the French Is described a;, e.ve icl- itigly brilliant. Nl W VOIIK. New \ oi.k, Decemtier li -The Trior- 't cor respondent at (iamlitj.!a's hea 'q oiro i-, a‘ All U.n, writes .n Thursday, that the l'.uwmns, yiBtefday afternoon, nttacktd Autun with Id cannon, lu'autry and cava'ry, and were re |.-.\!m: I witi: great loss. The I’ru-siau- s!.- I the city 'I hu Mobiles behaved wel , The Irjbuiie t. raspoadent tel-irra'ph", at d o’clock A M, Fii.lav, Ir-in Orie , that 1. ■ army t.l the Loire was at Hist nnin e.it leaving Orleans, aud ll.a; the I'.iis-iaus wereaiuei.-n - tratlng at danev If so.I I*, - lievers. . The IturW* si'.ejiil Iror Tours, dated Krl- day, ami'mm't s Ilia 1 I'toeim »nd I'alla.lines Imd I iriiit-it a Juiictitm, und the rtegc ol 1'uIib w,.s virtually tai.-i I KIC.VNSVLV tMt, I’mi.AnKt.i'iiiv, Dee min r 3.--The Ofrnr-I Iron rube Works w< ,- burnt th - m-irniilg, Los-, |t7.'),0('0 Three hundred and .-evenly- five w* ikui'-n ale thrown out td eiiq.ioymi-i.t. KOUEIGN. Hkiu.in, Dte- tn' i.' I - i'lie ’r- uty ikdmiltb.g Bivaria into North Gtrmau/ lias lit-t*:i ratllied Uy the Ft leral Co meil. The ilanriamtil will act un the lit ity ou thf 10th 0 »iunt. COMI’OU^l> ACID IOIO.SPI1 VM.'S-: FOK COMPETING WITH COTTOLI SEED. fjMifitt I oxprt -- . r )T compoetui.; with cotton hu.i1. \Yh«n to-npoHtud with i\u equilwc t :jt ot thu i ij hoj j'iji.k i*a< * i iric <; uano 1 U a l-uk lux *t ec»in<H.ilf'al aud uflocilvo f* 1 : i I 1 ho i*»w pri. uni v him m ,ie Cutlou Bucd ll lan In fcrUMr'ng r * WMD M-turn a For pru.tuU i fi r4 ii8m ^ New >V < lvcut i.> flt.lt 'llt.S. A ; ' Vu"'- "eta"" V.'o, -'u I.";!' Atutr«»ti It. Monro** h <t no- . l-rVc ?. 'r. I* m roimif-t'-d at loan d in jet couinici.d u :<• p;*0'.*-u. AIVMH & BKO iR'f. Av* ntf I’ll l ll Du n > lo , a i !!.:,• i -lY CAKD. I ll n VO. N' > fl III V fptlro ill'- p’-' 1 ll* --'lift'” b< i In, Koyt an Jt o to K J ( • • • • ' ■ • .. .'I ‘i ti y (■•!.', *s11< 1 1 bi'sj" a 1 ' 1 ' 'M • ' t l ’ •• Mi'l rotifltlfliCC Ol to. Who UJ&i W rit '. Kcnpuctlu.ly, 1* BAtV-'U.*' S O’CLOl'JK. d)|3A A VVI.KIv I .oil tu,. i.i- Mil. .a u -, In ll UpOU . . « l:.,i 0 :i. ton- i Ml ll . I,.- . N.l new rsnr^. r D.!* n, |lro lY H .!« j f t,vo no u In < solicit b>r 11** ru a^c boicloforu urn have !t. . da, adm • to a (mrln rsh . » •! \\ . ,1, r -Ili-I. • am i,l • llnml’ I n. IIEN.I W. Hu E f. CO/ da, tit ('. « H-n Mfllilt) tO \ UlffN. WatohV Grt\ i*. Wh r-ft-. U wrtn rt.M-run • i b ; : M ell the c.ty ol Atr.uu, a tii., r id « :r cthat two qab«U< ol i r«ai n-j thc ttstabllHhmoni ol l'uolic bcuoo't*. m ol Wtttor-Work» Hiould «>u •ubiuitu-.j »»ld ci y lor llu lr aclopiiou • r !«J*c ? d (A Ml id , (llfct UMl thtsl lf.o I'. Di . I. hdbud tuniifUeutj pAp*r« uiiUl,n«ii iikt-.L day urxi City or A don’ t y « •» ucll ol A I . V i M Ni I > I till \t A Ml I N i. l O.’S, VV\ iMNfiTMN, lioccMiiM-r ;{ r, pf,,in M»*v%r, lew Orl' M'jH, t« !< ml mi hitcuipl watt 'inoh- nt JJi'.dy, *ho hKtih'd ;c pri-oii- r>> al New Or-, •,.h arc nipitlly itruv 'hut Ani in uoo.iiia >f l»lu ol Kiurj hid Uo»l, r ii-fr ii atM.d-', ’ v t ’ r ti.f »• I^.‘:t plalni Mittlly ru»y lb ’ In harmony n'rot, A Wnor.K Newspaper on One gquiHE Inch of 1'aPEH—London, Nov. L’i.—Last nulil l received Irom oue of your corraepondeuts in Palis the most estranrilinary thing in the way of a newspaper that 1 have ever seen. Your correspond nt had cut all the news columns of the Paris journals ol November, had |msi«d tlmu together, and then photographed their., reducing what filled seven columns ol pi .at 10 a space scarcely more than un tuch sui a hall square. This he forwarded hy balloon mail; and although to the unassisted eye its contents wsre undecipherable, by the aid of a very powerful magnifying glao* aud a strong light it could be read.—World. "f tti '. Ilf f| Id I’rt Ifiu y rib . ' 1 ' Tliu Water Work*. I Ilia in an ilh, r gieat movement lor the pecu liar interest ol the rich, against the welfare ol the po>. r classes of the city. Poor mechanics ire parln .larly advi-ie l to ta-e ,|,j^ ipje.tion f ily beloro acting upon it. II iw many pour til'll wilt be aide to have wa'er conveyed into their ruidcnces, tl needed? Have not all of them wells upon their lots ? Do not the poorer e lasses ol our city, constitute the majority? It so, will not the tax to sustain these Wabr \S. ik)l-e levied upon the poor as well/as the rich, iu proportion to their par value?/ Who will ds-Hite the spei ial heuell.H of these mi- I r ivemeuts? n.« lieh ol co ir-e, who aiu able to meet tne expenses, as in gas, ,fcc. I am not Buprla.d in seeing thu wealthier portion i f the .- m nunity enjoy tho necessity .1 a ! «urb modern improvements. Tne Kim- bsll House, the National Hotel, Together with b i.,r !ing hou.es and the residences ot tho j ""'thy all over the city, will derive Immense benefit Iro n wii w works; but the poor man will pay the tax to furnish tlio luxury lor oth ers, while he hlnir' t w.ll never hco a drop In Ids home, unless conveyed by a gourd. There is another demand which ought lo tie made up on the citizens, ol va,tly m re importance ttisn Free SchiMils or Wa'er Work-. [ alludu to a City H'ispitd—a place where tlie poor could tie cared tor in h itira . I aftl ction, and receive proper medical attention, and save many who are now btinir hurried to pro nature gravc-s. I lo.s is the question, tlie all aas-iroing qu* s- tlonf rtho coinioenitiou of a cbhstiau com munity—and until this is dune, the poorer cla-tos ' f Atlanta will never lavr.r any other n ive. It is a known tact, that in all great internal im. r ivt nients that there ate aUsys men associated with them who are sure to have a” 11 axe to grind" while others have to turn tic-tom ; and it-a not at all improbable that ta i. re the water ge s into At ar.ia, that a good ninny iu ,y tmve t’uirp met who have never tiii-ii known to have them before. il this grand water work scheme is likely to tie ho profltatileaa to induce Northern compani'-s lo bile wiiti tlie rapidity ot tlie mountain trout let the City Council turn over to tin ut all the “ rights, privileges, Ac, Jii ■for twenty yonrs to come that they may erect the t'cm-lum ortum and uup all Hu win. liis accruing therefrom. A 1‘oou Man. Maci a, Ga., Nov. 28,1870. Derr Sir: It L very desirable that there ehi.ul’l he more thor ugli organization on the part of the Democratic party, in view ol the apt roHching election. Clubs Hiioulu Imj lormed and an executive committee appointed in each county: aud the . flotts ..| clubs and committees st.oulu he actively ancf cocsnntly directed to bring atiout harmony and the undivided and c.iiiJial support ol the nominees ot the party; as wed as to provide agencies to prevent tranu in tho conduct ot the election, or, at all events, to detect It it perpetrated. The accomplish ment ot both these objects Is ol gnat impe.r- tance, uud I beg that yon will take immediate steps to have a club lormed and the necessa ry ci mmiltees appointed for your couuty; and tbit yeiu will request theChaiunan ol the Kx- ecuttve (k mmt'tee, or the President ot the Club, w hen lormeal, to give me all the inloruiu- tiem tie can as to eiur prosjiecls ol success in your county. iu behalf of the State Democratic Executive Committee. Clifford Anderson, Chairman. the coiiiiirindaiil 1 Governor W ..rm I to assassinate L: i leans. The mcnibcrs ol Ci mg ' ihg " Air. F. Fri' Ilia! the new Fren -ti Mini-tcr, has ri - T -.. I hi cr'- 'c i. a h. i I ., o , i.. y the l’.i-Hideii! wol take place early ne x w • k. M r .^B; it li 1 my leaves imim-dmii y lor the N'or h, an t thunce I r Europe. - - j 'New V iik December t -Tlie c.yHb Las i 'linen engage i a day In Ht-ndiug ’ accumulated i Imsirit!-- i-aa’ Wald | 11)*- Il irW'i -pi ci d L iidnn ti.-legrain, date I lour*, Hu I, H'lV- t is I 111 ally si -„.|j: c«d to I night lhat oue or two days must yet 11 qw lie- lore the Irjiits nl tjji' movemerils now ti pro- ' may b" fully ri-npi ! I ;• •.• 'lo,. I 111 ml comi in nuccess has iil'ended the ,ui'i-es | hivu itipa I'l'o'H, and every moment liiing- I nearer ea ;. either the armiC'i of the Loire) Htid j Paris. J During the lighting on the IJO'.li nit., Du rat and Ven»y captured lour lTussun gnus and ! many ; rLo rs • vi iim.tvs>. I HaLTIWofie, Deeeii'.lier It-Louis Diepel llBH been coiiimi'loil to j eil, sip jo I. to a ri q a i, ion Irom tin g .vi ram ir of I'm is a,' un !< r ■ x i »di li mi laws to.- tn- ci ii 1 ic/.z emeiit ol fl(|i ,n Hiou sand dollars in Pru-H-a I* UN N S Y I. V \ M V . Plfll.ADKl.I’illA, D.et mber — A large nosM- itig ol merchants to day, to organize a siiam- sliijfsyiiij 1 my In ii- '• b. LiV' i| oo|. KlfUKKiN. Lonh in, December .'I -Alhlrs Irom Paris to November itOih state that an oi l -r ha- In en ia- stieeil lo till- eilect that a ny ni iVenieii'H acd |rir- E.- are not lo he publlalie I, on pain ot sttppres'Ion. The military atitle rities have made public j the Iollowing det.ada ut recent evutiLs around the city: Du the 2-)-li, at -la, bre ik, a canrnnaile was opened from tlie lo-tsou the -outii ot the city. Du t o' next 111v. Geniials Yuuy, Hi iz.uncel and Desprean mm - I out of tlie tortilicalious oil a recounoisance so itt, id L’Hay and Chaisey Lo iCi»i. I liev a't ick -I tti- po itions ot t ,e Pru-Hians an I carried them Tlio PrusHians we-r- also d.sludged at GianiVit-r-. The los.-, was severe. route , Di’cemhcr 2,—The Prussians are con centrating a. Ll onpes, th.r.y miles south ol Paris, to disp lie the a lvauec of Pipelines. Lii.i.e, Decotnber 2.—Duerat’s sortie Irom Paris was suc.cessijil. He is" now scek.ug to tiled a junction with 1’aladtn‘ s. NOIt ru e YKOI.IN 1. Rai.eioii, Di ceintier ;—Auer h harmonious Hissiwii. the I'eni; "tauee State Convention „ |- joume I to meet at Franklinton in 1 m7I Alter, '- nee v-ry good. Ttieo Ramey was rhos-n I're'ideiit The I)- miK:rats ot H e General A-tse ml ly are cane u-Hing D al,Hv n tin »• l.j.ei .,t j i earning Governor II i den and i-allmg a ic- ■trii'ti d l 'on- .til ii»i '"M entiop. Hon. J ami) 'I ur .-,. nht ir ot Hie 11 dei. h S-nlinel, ami <x L ar t i - -enu or T. I, Clmgma had a pets , , t-r on the Hlrrets itiis-f ornisen < an"s werefru v u-cu and >'r t lii giaan wns VC'> lmi.lv n jtueei about thu In ad, liav.ng leiiov.-d Hirer or lour "evert blows. Mr I 'lrn. r received one ver> n vere blow The I’.dlletil y ori inated in hoiih strictures appearing lu lira Sentinel upon .V r Clingman. To du l tjjul Vo trt <■( i By tti*! ttCiiOla Ol LOU rrqjPHteil to ui.fcr-) on your b.Vlot-, nt tti. iuinu- < ,>* >:t l:. . - ii VN ccli.c-ilu • xl • < ; 1 •• •• " Mj.jHeiVK. i>t lh«- e•!*<! it. of ll. r,..n city. It ti tsti.ioL IjAvitij" *• hUiOFiii* ” oft tl c voioU il iu cm.b ihu lHeUan^ ot o:.t? t.uudrud tlMiuauiid li. dly boudti t>»r lau buildliiKot eclJO"! t ’ u.-c*f in the c ly of AUttnt*, fifi'J a bkltoi nttvlnk; "No.v li'Kjit” on it ’IlCUMI* OpLietfil kioii lo tlio ift*ii*U(;«? t'i BA id bi'lDll*. ’I Um cnfidUlfttoa for Muyot ttu ' ouocil are rvqin’»ied to have l t il Lct» i .i. Ut: u> cuuiofna l< 'tic <• I. -< ui• 91 r * mint. And tJV'On thu nubjcct of A ftler Workp, t >t ihu ptu pinto t f iniortu u/ the cit.4u » to wh.it tt;«' probpblo co»iof gruellingUt« itiim Mould bu, H had runolvud liit* ibu amount* of tboulflci ii o tin wblci. tuu be«ii out- ! ! inlUud lo ibu <;iiy (;ounoU sor ibt. oci i /it 'hi r> t fhould T7?5 j.ubiifhud lit thu diy j.a^' mtdlLulu.. vt)ipr«* tti tho muidcipnl uiu i ••n, on \Vi:du«f .ny n x 1 , j pit -tiid l»u req'O'Hled to ui ’ *• : ujz.'i '.hutr tlukoi • I, I \ 11 wtir-’iH “ Waicr Wftrk -tl. AUU> obn 1yDyJ11.IV Lo., bt«CO, ilo, MLIcSJiKN UiiNTI i). i’«? Lui.orublo, Iso couiuttmon. '..mth fMiy b. W, hb-JtN hiA , b 4<h bi , 1 Uiiu. 15 4w Cue*' to ESooli UV win r>• <1 t. I'M't ifOIUU i'fOpjM" IU9 >> our New y i l.i to e ■ Hfj.- . *u(jrt o .*atioN*I. I’t Ui viUNG Co . ; hlltt- iTTj 1 ■ 1 : • I. . U'.I I TV L'U.f. »W $iO tv:ade (rein 50 Cents. : M , hiV j.-u uo •> t • id “«»'. r U r,r„,,. .tic l-i'Shuu mill fir • t. lie .lid up 1 n for 4 1 . ll. !,. v\uj;,r,l, 1M ’ la i.-.t.. Mj., N. N l t ■ v 1 < j I vy i L0.0C0 aGLNTu Wai.NTill, i:--v. WO.illN KUNEY ivs-.k A. Al Alii IN, 1 hd* uhc.lLU. Ml' tl, t'Li ;it. l .uv'h -t Ar FARMER.‘a’ H E L P1'. R .uswr h‘*w to double- iho prom- o' ti.«* h Ali.M, aod .1) A. fesi iH.Tr. tilttl . t'lr »tii.> < t,i fit h t: j.i. $100 PER MONTH f niftiiuu tr> f lo F arm- Ziivi.l LK A .Vo K- i-ovif. 4 a- Local Ajr«Ti(> \\ unit'd. >sl bsT fit ." ill rcnl'H in iv. , f i» . i if; boon. ?N«*iid P’tuup f ii ur AddruM* h- If kl ll ' n . I hu DeGive's Opera House. W M lint.I AN"> t.e-,n», n .| w„„, ,. r JOoKIM Mu ,KUL Uu,ne ii. Maiei-er Xllfcd GREAT EVENT. MR. EDWIN FORREST, SOFis.nwt l.T V|U El .I.1K Mr ev II\l(lti.k,ai.J w il. UOLLaNH'S Dramatic Cumpoliy, fo i five niuhtih—comm sncin'o MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1870 Monday r,fh V'RNINtrb 'Iuf»d4y ntc*ml)*rfl'.n HI* isKl .nV V'.dM* d-v l». '.mil’ i 7 h ... .I'M,!-. Tb:ir*d*v i» f.inb"?8ih . KING 1 Friday, U« uc»ubtr V u.... . Ij.\ >k;> a..i» i'11 ii]b 8ATUH! \Y ‘vT KNOJN un ! KVKMVO DtTein bur 10, Ilu k.:in fcUr, .m| br KFFiK .luKNS w,|i B|i uur. ' Ailmi elon $1 UO. Itc-i rveii an. <1 Si) Gal orv &J CetiH. seme at iralatwl!! be ron hi teemmodatv .,cr«in« hi ad tlaii'e. and .o-in c.n t, r .■, u n. ,,| „ »« Mjl'Mp* *•••'“ •'» ««* ran i n„.,s store, commet.c ii Monday. 10, A. .M , N->v<*ui-.i t uuv'.*-<lXw K 0 W3 I.-, Ag«t t UKOKGIA, Kut.AA T It ' OUftf r. F apvllca'M.11 wil'Te im-Loua .o Urd’nT :i». MciT d^c', :&**»• 10 s? ^— ... . ELijAil C. MoaFKK. Admin',t.aior octlWa pr.uiur'a tec 43. B e.f Fit oULl o» tbs ' l '! kyin v ty i.it roit W jIYIEN Uf fstW YohK OR I"L LIFE iu the GREAT C'TY. 'the biels tor brlii*iU)( ihu vvuiir lr«»i;j !-outii l.ivt-: w. ru kb follow- : 3»4n: ,'ioe <44 ...4y>, | r and 4 hi..I I* ii'ii 'In v\.» i r (rum t). • h.»' ahu-.v • , vvou ■ a .. duAl iixtru. To lh* • ud, tberoloro. hut th# cilizoiti t*houid bt ful'V lfifonuod upou !*#id yt> i aiu re q i< r.ud t<. the i"i >1. "'.1 aa req • I d tut id up< at.d iliu f ill£Cli 11 *ru 001*1 rc*pw< Uu iy u >1 omi.irliv retjauBlrd lo jii.ik*) t-ttnl pi tl . -a«• xn«• 14? M 11 (han thu.: tii'K-'t- WtB LI AM E//A.UD, Mayor. dw4 :n G. W. ADAIITtS SALE. at ion v v r r 1: ^ a 1. 1:, m-ud, At !•'».« ' • T N. But Nol.-ONKNo 1 HTOKK » ■ .dOI.t W 'l rthuw a!i >h' * • "ud <1 . r-* Uo r ji'.ucu- «jf ; r< p r to airy oliu who yv ill cto ui mj oth * (i W I) Git, d* • t dlt v,- 1 k- ii .. \ — - NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. nub, 1610. j In ^ hmn if moy f'e/tpvm ; By '»fi Acl i»’ Ih'’ 'b tturil b!v of ♦ h«* Sla'c . 1 tk. Hpp-ovud Octohur '41, V).'oj lulrity It* u'v» t • tin? '.. v.-ruor 0 lets** thu Wtwlur a ; Mt'. i. ' ’itlMYfl'1. lh- i rntivr’v »»■ th Hui". »<u(ffh- with ai 'frt h«>nf'B. Vforkrtlmprt, (|«t|*,»tf«, r*n| 1 s' rt • • ,«• - I, | 1 •MjfLiioup «»f fV'Tv chtirunr, lor 1. lonu 01 iw.1,1 v«nr-. itp'Ht '.urivu lurun*. nod rtubjuck 16 curtail iei*f rloiioQH Uic f e?n i.#niu«l, ’•» w, 1 - 1 thoilrtii-'l dollar* (|2MtM) pftyttblu 111'*' JUV '''hu 1. rt nhnlJ K'V»? ii bond for uiu rturn <•' flight iniiiioii (0 d • nr* (fM.'tUO.i/K); lo cut iirtiiK th prtou; ! pnyi*«- 1 ,,j , I ihu ros*' uud l« iipj*urfefiHii'up nl UtruipirH •- <.1 ' Iuuho or on thu tonjui.ft'Ion or ioi'uiluru fhu >i In h* tM>(m 1 CDiidUlon n-* n* lh'- tlmu u> '*■*?* • . , • y. m ’ 11 e t ,«)on,U rt') ol whit It otir'v *-hr» f bo w 1 !.■,)- f,. '"tiU: mi'l t u halmico, l( uui cm fit*; Mn'u. ^/mll b. u t , . runl upti • or rttilroad j»'0l*''r;y 'I'h* t<> !»• • or' it ovur ■» ud fib v*? 'hu'r 1 • *1 • 1 cdi.i -, •• lf >? f,,. b'.' 'idrud tbonftimd dollarH m>i) This Lc^lslfi tiro rps-rvi'f tc» tf-uii Uiur'chl, Irom imp ta» i|m«, 10 uumliiu mu) Ihu nil' frt ci i ,1,. *c> ••uquirti 1 hut Ihu inr util ol t*c< ur:f y tt'-t.van i..■,; ., hu mnii.utnfd uuimb"iru«l. Thu h rtrtum ahull not ■.»» >##<• Umrt i!>uvmii )d numb r uciiorMy of wfit*ut rtlmli ' *»v ♦ 1 l. 1 we . *-. , ., lid* rurthlcnti »»l ihlrt >iuu?. .1 I -hr> ..r« -. , j ruv of the wh f *lo n »Mu • < N ^ 1 . or ••iprcrti* ot»r*ipuny, • r hi y cwiiu 1 u>»c j.»n «.r t n> m k |,,, in hiiv • voui, huc*»m wo •-f 1.n 1 .nit,',, rtiiretiu# on Die bond- ol 'hui**-“u< Ti..- fio' c .nr^o a bojiiur ■ u • orlou *r• 1 .... r -1, • 1' Hit Ul« ilVuraif** r#'u a ’nr, 1 h- 11,. -x • \ fLftd |4«mU1 »• v r Lomjisiu lh > *D.ir U o . .1 hud |, ;l iiK ’ 1 j » oenpauy. atut the vn n jiiii Witi. u, p Coiitprtii) . lor Uko ! •< m I < - «»v* ' rtn.ii 1 , tir. t 1 1 ’ • -kill !iB"f -h. 1 have tif !* o 1 l»riv''uirurt, lra tin nl tiuH u i >,! FATtNr ORGANIC Vinr’/r’ ’ It. iniY- I » 1 'iiiu • humm .-h LU« timi BiT* 1 to lldir diAfli.rlly Hi 1 hurt' « ur. ,tr,c ' .1 ’iVi-Nt i.n < V*rrh • 1 JJiuwiva tdUUl fr* i i »r I 1L M tin I W« AyiUeViUuy, i\ WAV GKITING IT (U i; . Great Saving to Cc: rimers. I'-!t . rt C I tjiilru ht»iA I b* 'll' id.-MPt I •r'll'T I'ptr Lint con t rm*. ’ :su vc iMonijccit yv 'b luli «i'r• < dji tu - log: ) > k' »*•« • lo col uuurn uitd rouiunurul.vc to t uib «■ ^ u.t tn. \m\ ipriM Tr, flqvn P 3 1 A 33 V MSI- \ s | n I |, | , . <> \ i;; s , \\ \ - - v, r- t • ' U IMe v\ a N T KI • I r IX I* W |:|. ,*•?.'• VC fe I 1 ■' ' rh* *1 Hi-mhurr. J**urn•* 1 *.J irti 1 r-ua. ., ■lo und Tim* "*'»! In lain iu« ti i <cih r.»i ux- mu' ioii« '■»»ut*r He Ulejut I 1 () lh. rti tblirtblDt III >»f buik* aid rtamu liuUililii rt, (iirt#l»iiitifi* am! pub.i '» ru ?»• r tad i ompaniurt ihh? meniioiajci. Th.- j., ti* ,,f - , . •- itu p "'ik’- to ■ D. ■« : uc.pp-HI r OU ru-tuikf ori ihu S'n tc li . d.a-thu i.Ui-• % ‘1 " 4 »VU 'hi it J» LB lial ..ll rt:- :i e,, -; Ull , u , lt |) ,, , f and coupons. i if urt-«*c-rt aro l»y this a 1 c,r mituH*d a b ><i\ r<*rpo- r *. t hi *1 po 111' C or lh«‘ l* rill I >• iw r , V ar-. UlJtl vf-v*,. ’ Him) »"'l o' l»t*- NN • -luiii iij * t, t lie ||, qq, Cou.pany h*vii> * rt-icn p.,Yvr-* d o, "„,,,j .•,, 1 rt U (I U - U 11 W r at iU»;i<l i , JiHule H, ftl.'l D | | (l colt (let with ihu * otirttHwion und l.itw«in ' >., • i Tl MH tM, oro( leu >t*lu Ctl ' I ; lull .my w: e ulioweti to jQ.-t-u or'•• riirt tuy tl * -un i «• ..n In f.ive.r o: or akrali'rti sny other roa l -r nur-on- liuvb c? f*u-»r ■ • tiuclioiia wuu lieu ruia W'teit ru ai d AUuoi it l.u:|- roHd For Lbs pu* »o?a* ol cnrryiUL’ • »•)t ' . * t<r. ,ri»;w)p tt |e» w bv p cu'vtd ”’.nl • i. , m ti » / i •. ,i,,,,, I»« c« mbo* •••ii hii•! »*• u•*i bo ad* r* ** h ii itj,, ; , , OVo; , (hu wruiipur ** i*roj»* nuia t»r the to.trtt- o' • h «< Hi.it A*I- t'” H . r "t I a -r«t» ■ wu• , it '| r TUd'iorohCf di, 1H7-I »' I • c |»r*'pi.rtu - imirt in ul ti •? itumurt anti r « , 11 ru.ru 'art Hi pro,.. rtl’HO,, l ti. * t» eruin Mrttnud ar dub'rt mid I tbaiiii'rt, lo ul • r vuiu a i t o-c ipin'iim f Hi chrtrn* er •( tno rucunij wuici wi I in. uni t wu lo Couip e’ttll'** b u t * hu (»’■ i»«ny lo he lea*< d - a -:i . lo iriu k m ; ,, tl j «" u hundn-d -no Hiir»• ol«bi uiim- i vji;! luP a' o < omn «mu • tj I'l inui,: ol A. ..p- ..up'‘t, ti - KM. < ilk 1" a, i «r•. • t . . "i opt iHt?**n between Hu* ct|«-H ol A' ui.ih vox. a.i.l • f.uMitoo^H. lit 'lennuhrt u ai * t,»* ,j„' " o it* tn tftrect rouiDJUiiir nMoi. vvll" if,u .| |,. P M , ' luri-Hon, NttahVlhe at d Ol uiUuoo a. • i ar«’.New • riwturt, Knat 3 ennuirtuu nn«i co t ,ri, A l haiotnooirn and '.Uici. nutl, (now in pr. rroe <u t4 ,ji ririic lot j rniiroud , and a' Aim is w ih inu At , tli i . MonUroinury, Atlanta und i hu' e-o-n ai -nia a «| >i\u Hfli rtliu two A UtiliMc «!. "ill' llltcrt of lotd n.-n j- Hiu o’ iy railroad coin -- on hc;’w**n it.,- - v r. ni ol ' y* o#uk ring it us - ‘opit-rt t>f "AD Act- tu a itnr z n,v ,r, ,*.» ,t Wvaieru and Alisulic Kailru*. , nmi m oihrr piiroo-. . 1 tier'-iii inuii'loiiud," approve <| (irpn» r ILn, c.uu uo Lai' u^un application al ihu jixccut vc* oiti* v. IkUFLo u. iilLLuc K. By iho l»nY*»rnor: ttoBEHT 11 . ATK INrt’iN, Kxoeutive ^Yucr«•tttrT. , IBspers in the Mato w:. t not copy * he above no'lc ; ox-.by tllrsce order Dura llmaiauim- oc.air.uicn | **. Uo • d« i 4« it'.OlC (■ J A « iitNur C’OI'NTI. Okdlni.rt'i Orruifc., Uctotier 2h, ik?o [FNKY KlTNKLtt applies to oo tor Lutitirt of Ad bi-aur.rt arid Imr- 'ml .• d- of ih a r.til r. cord of Ho- - • OMI'c.NI -• • n Aum ’’»«; v "• die " Tne Info of Hun i «•* i"» li M , ..j ii ol I'u. ii< of H'Ujrurti it'-vwr h"ior*» pulni-hud In one •>l . bi' pi and • <> 'if-* IImu rou.-l enKoiviinrt. ••mu and 1 llu.r* ‘1 I>1hkbioit ?yo di. tll’- e**'*i v ' * IV B V' I. \T l *<ro* ( | v i., N. * t f-H f:"l I V ACENTS WANTkD FCJR HJi un tit HUiida’d hml cv^cla' h'oprsphin* o' , vu*y u\ f ’ 1 ' ' * ' 1 • • ' 'rt ,V IP loll I ro.'U W l—l,' -li l r H,' ' i on \ k ' SI,000 10 $2,030 SALARY WE GUARANTEE TO PAY H •K A ' • K,“. f T8 of ollur •<1 b> Vi-ents ar* .i hK111 - lo (I >i ,, •»r our ■ uv- l'ia«b-Hfu.t *< .okrt vV - *u *h" rv r h arcu * oinm rtfio vvut; u mo i'i»l popm r t* ok- a ud » Ax ; a- y.: tu, r (. rare ••hmici* money •'ucaro your nev d -uct Ir . u«.vl5-4w j. it. uUitKJfc C Bail.. ’oiumtrt. ikilrtSlIlK "• l U p 1 " f II' “rr 11 Ul" iu; l,t I It | rt Ol AJ miiiialratton OQ tuenei *ie Ol Ktor^'u VV. hunk! — il rt-ld (Ounty drcusi* d *' " 'J«clmn ua.it, iui rami hr ll oil v» tlnu iu,r u .„ r v 111! r, or iUr lultui* wiU br^rm.l«a. n uuras iu> ..m, , elkiuluie. OKOHUK M. Ntll.AN.tIr Ii '■ va-wSM ,.r i in' i ■ , iLxx^outor’rt Mule, ILL sold t.rtbire 'ho ourl bou4e do*»r in thi lown of Fi*)iIvuViIIc, on n,« tlr*>« Tueidsy I. Jn mry null, w urn (hu lu^al hour# of buI tnu lo! toiit^ properly, lo-wi* 'I Lire, anna < t lot of lauil No j:*i ,| l0 w ,.,. po.eioutii aairt lot bring In .hr lowera. vo. ii, d rim-' ,,l ■ aul oiuuly. So ltx tile oro,rTtj of lUr triser O' l,U) Ha ut,Irr, do -n«od. ior tko bcutui of ibo Ut;r» .uu creditors. Terra, cash. NAlUaNiKL HT INC Ill'll Yttl, Rxrentsr. u»*is td gr'.utv-r', l,o (0 iwr ,.,.iaro. w OliicM.-iil A elveri isotm -n t > lvXKI'1 T'VEC DKFAIITM NT, -r ATj.a.sTa, November .v.u, l>7er i WllgRBAS, A vacaucj l.ao u cuned ai d l.uw i.ual- Intbeolboeof ou, ol the Truaue, ol I he Hematic ,> turn, ciun-iI hyihe deatu of llou. U. u dcUratlonrlod uow, ther»-fo.--, i i, t> II UKl( Itu, That lion. BPQHA1M TWIvltDV, i ii oeounty... Klcnm tid, - - ai . bo u u,-, ; I'toue oi the Trnutseiol lot Lumu:. A,)lom, lo d the vacancy aforesaid. UliFlJh 11. UL'I.LOCK. Hy the Governor; it. ii. Atm a,on. Hecreiar, Ki.HinUvo Department. deo'J-dStwlt G i T Y li jU±E\V iiiK \ r , COH.Mill C01.UN8 AND UAItUtS hTJHi, Tti D. FECHTER, - - - Proprietor. lllltco lu old I’oeicmtco Hu ld.tug, noil Uaio C1ly lia,. ATLANTA GLOIMilA. W Hlghoot market ,r! ,• mrlUtrley. nmsg-lm IV UXIOE, '|H'K flops?lujET-hlp hrrbto ore uxl-"r*r u d*’r »h*» 1- ilnu iinuiuol B. I A ^audml. ' B Hu# nay dl-rti.h -d uiuinal con *h» t. H • adds'.l S. Lo , wiulcuI* *i lUOtucouiiUi ol Ihu isle uiiu. H. (J BULL. “ 0V L U. C. WauDACL,